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Chron files, Schonfeld Series 1. 1984-1999

box 1

Chron files 1984 January-1985 July

box 2

Chron files 1985 August-1987 November

box 3

Chron files 1987 December-1989 November

box 4

Chron files 1989 December-1992 January

box 5

Chron files 1992 February-1994 July

box 6

Chron files 1994 August-1998 October

box 7

Chron files 1998 March-1999 March

box 8

Chron files 1998 November-1999 September


Department Files Series 2 1973-2003

Series Scope and Content Summary

The Department Files series contains information on the academic departments within the School of Social Sciences. Materials include information on academic planning, faculty, and department activities.
box 12, folder 10

Academic Planning 1988-1989

box 33, folder 30-31

Ad Hoc Panel 1982-1984

box 12, folder 13

Anthropology 1975-1990

box 9, folder 9-10

Anthropology 1986-1992

box 12, folder 12

Anthropology -- Archeology 1980-1992

box 12, folder 9

Background Information / Miscellaneous 1975-1986

box 10, folder 12-13

Center for the Study of Democracy Fundraising 1998-2000

box 12, folder 2

Center for the Study of Democracy: Political Science 1999

box 12, folder 17

Cognitive Sciences 1975-1977

box 12, folder 14

Cognitive Sciences 1977-1991

box 8, folder 13-15

Cognitive Science 1982-1997

box 33, folder 16-22

Comparative Culture 1977-1987

box 34, folder 10-22

Comparative Culture 1976-1996

box 33, folder 28-29

Comparative Culture 1978-1992

box 33, folder 26

Comparative Culture Internal Audit Report 1983

box 33, folder 24

Comparative Culture Merger 1975-1976

box 10, folder 15-19

Council of Chairs 1986-2003

box 11, folder 1-8

Council of Chairs 1994-2001

box 33, folder 27

Cuban Drummer File 1983

box 10, folder 11

Day Care Center 1983

box 33, folder 10-15

Department of Education 1977-2001

box 33, folder 5-8

Department of Education 1999-2001

box 33, folder 9

Draft Proposal: Cal State University/UCI Collaboration in Ed.D. Preparation of Urban Educ. 1999

box 9, folder 4-8

Economics 1985-1996

box 12, folder 18

Economics 1996

box 9, folder 1-3

Economics and Public Policy 1977-1984

box 10, folder 9-10

Farm School 1973-1997

box 34, folder 1-9

Foreign Language Task Force 1992-1996

box 10, folder 14

Fund-Raising Planning and Feasibility Study for the Center for the Study of Democracy/GPACS 1998

box 9, folder 11-14

GPACS (Global Peace and Conflict Studies) 1985-2000

box 12, folder 19

GPACS (Global Peace and Conflict Studies) Review 1995

box 10, folder 1-8

Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences 1982-2000

box 9, folder 16-17

Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences 1982-1989

box 9, folder 15

Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation 1985-1997

box 11, Folder 16

International Committee for the Study of the Development of Politics and Society 1987

box 11, Folder 9-11

Kosovo Panel 1999

box 12, folder 3-6

Linguistics 1984-1991

box 12, folder 20

Linguistics 1985-1997

box 12, folder 21

Linguistics Committee Asian Language 1985

box 12, folder 11

Mexico / Chicano Area Studies Program 1982-1990

box 13, folder 2

Political Science 1975-1990

box 12, folder 1

Political Science 1999

box 11, Folder 12-14

Political Science 2000-2001

box 11, Folder 15

Politics, Society, and Societal Issues 1975-1980

box 13, Folder 1

Politics and Society 1982-1985

box 12, folder 24-26

Politics and Society 1985-1988

box 11, Folder 17-21

Politics and Society 1988-1998

box 12, folder 15

Proposal for an Institute for Theoretical Study in Cognitive Sciences 1980

box 8, folder 12

Report of the Task Force on Clinical Psychology 1991

box 33, folder 23

Senate Investigation 1984

box 12, folder 16

Social Experimental Psychology 1981-1982

box 8, folder 16-18

Sociology 1986-1997

box 33, folder 25

Space 1982-1984

box 12, folder 22

Unification of Linguistics UCI 1988


Campus Units Series 3 1975-2002

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series contains information related to campus units and committees outside the School of Social Sciences. It documents joint activities, projects, and working documents between various campus units and the School of Social Sciences.
box 15, folder 13

$100K Committee 1992-1993

box 13, folder 6-12

Academic Affairs - Academic Personnel 1982-1996

box 13, folder 19

Academic Affairs - Academic Schedule 1978-1988

box 13, folder 24

Academic Affairs - Classification Advisory Comm. 1985

box 13, folder 23

Academic Affairs - Support Units 1982-1983

box 14, folder 1

Academic Council 2001

box 18, folder 10-11

Academic Council 2001-2002

box 13, folder 3-4

Academic Planning 1975

box 13, folder 13-17

Academic Planning Council 1977-1996

box 14, folder 18

Academic Programs 1994

box 15, folder 4

Academic Senate 2001

box 14, folder 11-14

Academic Senate Minutes 1984-2002

box 13, folder 18

Academic Unit File 1983-1984

box 13, folder 25

Ad Hoc Committee on Commencements 1986-1987

box 14, folder 19

American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Western Regional Headquarters) 1984-1998

box 17, folder 25

Amitai Etzioni 1989

box 15, folder 11

Assembly Higher Education Committee 1990-1993

box 14, folder 2-4

Associate Executive Vice Chancellor 2000-2001

box 15, folder 20

B-0550 Executive Program Policy Manual UC Executive Program 1986

box 15, folder 21

B-0540 Washington Center UCDC Internship Program 1986-1990

box 17, folder 21-22

Biological Sciences 1999-2000

box 14, folder 20

Budget Advisory Committee 1986-1992

box 19, folder 12

Bureaucracy 1982-1992

box 17, folder 7-8

Campus Academic Planning Task Force 1991-1994

box 18, folder 15-16

Campus Cabinet 1994-1995

box 18, folder 17

Campus Cabinet - SSS Presentation 1994-1995

box 18, folder 12-14

Chancellor's Advisory Council 1994-2002

box 14, folder 25

Chancellor's Club 1982-1988

box 14, folder 26-27

Chancellor's Distinguished Lecture Program 1991-1994

box 14, folder 21-22

Chancellor's Office 1984-2000

box 14, folder 24

Chancellor Search 1981-1983

box 14, folder 23

Chancellor Search 1992-1993

box 12, folder 8

Chief Executive Roundtable 1986

box 16, folder 24

Committee on Higher Education- Responding to Master Plan Report 1993

box 13, folder 20

Committees--Exec. Council 1982-1985

box 15, folder 1-2

Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) 1995-1996

box 19, folder 1-10

Council of Deans 1976-1991

box 18, folder 19-25

Council of Deans 1988-1997

box 15, folder 3

Counsel to the Chancellor 2001

box 17, folder 10

Courses 1993

box 17, folder 30

Critical Theory 1986

box 15, folder 5-6

Dean and Provosts 1988-1997

box 17, folder 18-19

Dean of Engineering 1987-2002

box 15, folder 7

Decentralization Pilot Program 1993-1994

box 13, folder 5

Degrees 1990

box 17, folder 6

Educational Technology Task Force 1995

box 15, folder 8

Executive Compensation 1992-1996

box 14, folder 5-9

Executive Vice Chancellor 1998-2002

box 16, folder 3

Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost 1998

box 15, folder 9

Faculty Career Development Program 1991-1992

box 18, folder 18

Faculty Retreat 1987-1995

box 16, folder 12-13

FRP Pacific Rim 1987-1991

box 19, folder 11

Gardner Controversy 1983-1994

box 18, folder 9

Georgi Arbatov Luncheon 1999-2000

box 17, folder 11

Graduate Admission (Final Task Force Report) 1977-1978

box 17, folder 23-24

Graduate School of Management 1984-1997

box 17, folder 20

Graduate School of Management 1984-2002

box 16, folder 20

Grant Proposals 1999

box 17, folder 31

History 1992

box 17, folder 27

History Department 1986-2002

box 16, folder 6

Human Subjects Review Committee 1981-1999

box 17, folder 28-29

Humanities 1987-2002

box 17, folder 32

Humanities - Department of Philosophy 2000-2001

box 17, folder 33

Humanities Proposal for a New Major in Global Cultures 2000-2001

box 17, folder 34

Humanities - Proposal to Form Department of Women's Studies 2000

box 17, folder 35

Information and Computer Science 1986-2000

box 15, folder 16

Interdisciplinary Program 1992-1993

box 19, folder 13

International Village 2001-2002

box 16, folder 17-18

Irvine Research Unit 1991

box 16, folder 15-16

Irvine Research Unit- Machine Vision 1989-1990

box 19, folder 14

Library 2000-2002

box 15, folder 23

Main Campus and Inclusion Areas' Land Use 1990

box 15, folder 12

Management Compensation Advisory Group 1995

box 17, folder 17

Medical School 1999-2001

box 17, folder 1-5

Non-Academic Task Force 1993-1994

box 19, folder 15-19

Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD) 1989-2002

box 19, folder 27

Pacific Rim Research Program 1991-1994

box 15, folder 15

Presidential Faculty Fellows Program 1988-1992

box 13, folder 22

President's Report to the Regents 1983-1988

box 15, folder 14

President's Role "Sustaining Excellence" 1992-1993

box 16, folder 9

Proposal for Informal Center for Latinos in a Global Society 1997-1998

box 16, folder 8

Proposal for IRU in Virtual Reality 2000

box 15, folder 17

Proposal for Romance Philology Convocation 1990

box 16, folder 14

Proposal Irvine Research Unit 1991

box 16, folder 7

Proposal to Extend FRP in Labor Studies for Additional 2 Year Term 2000-2001

box 16, folder 11

Proposed FRPs 1986

box 15, folder 18

Regents Committee on Audit 1995-1996

box 13, folder 21

Regent's Meeting 1982-1991

box 15, folder 24

Research Administration Office 1999-2002

box 15, folder 25

Research Administration: Contracts and Grants 2000

box 16, folder 10

Research Unit in Advanced Computing 1993

box 17, folder 13

Review- Academic Programs 1997

box 15, folder 26

RGS - Graduate Council 2000-2002

box 12, folder 23

Russel Group 1975-1984

box 17, folder 16

School of Biological Sciences 2000-2001

box 17, folder 36

School of Physical Sciences 1993-2002

box 17, folder 14

School of the Arts 1997-2001

box 17, folder 15

School of the Arts: Gaming Studies 2000-2001

box 15, folder 19

Senate Committee for Community Education 1985

box 18, folder 1-4

Social Ecology 1982-2002

box 18, folder 6-8

Social Ecology 1990-2002

box 16, folder 19

Southern California Labor Studies 1997-1998

box 17, folder 26

Spence Olin 1986-1988

box 17, folder 12

Task Force Administrative Compensation 1994

box 17, folder 9

Task Force on Writing Excellence 1991

box 15, folder 10

Teaching Credential for Graduate Students (Proposal) 2000-2002

box 16, folder 25-26

Ten Year Outlook 1986

box 16, folder 21-23

Ten Year Plan 1989

box 19, folder 21

Undergraduate Education 1999-2001

box 18, folder 5

Undergraduate Psychology 1983-1985

box 15, folder 22

UC Enrollment Plan 1997

box 19, folder 20

UCI Foundation 1999-2001

box 18, folder 26

UCI Mission Statement Dean's Council 1994

box 19, folder 22-25

University Extension 1983-2002

box 19, folder 26

University/Industry Research and Technology 1998-1999

box 14, folder 17

USIA Exchange Program 1995

box 14, folder 10

Vice Chancellor - Academic Programs 1991-1997

box 16, folder 1-2

Vice Chancellor for Graduate Studies and Research 1998

box 16, folder 4-5

Vice Chancellor Graduate Studies and Research 1990-1998

box 15, folder 27-40

VC Graduate Studies and Research 1999-2002

box 14, folder 15-16

WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) 1990


Administrative Files Series 4 1972-2002

Series Scope and Content Summary

The administrative files series contains information on several programs and activities within the School and Dean's office. Notably there is documentation on academic planning, teaching workloads, program reviews, committees, budget, faculty, space issues, technology, departments, and the graduate and undergraduate programs. The graduate review files contain information on all graduate programs, including faculty CVs, brochures, and degree data.
box 20, folder 8-9

5 Year Review 1989-1994

box 31, folder 16

Academic Enrichment Program 1986-1988

box 32, folder 28

Academic Fliers - Undergrad 1995

box 23, folder 34

Academic Planning Task Force Report 1994

box 25, folder 17

Ad Hoc Committee - Teaching Workload 1992

box 31, folder 25

Admissions 1995-1996

box 28, folder 45-47

Affirmative Action 1983-1992

box 29, folder 1-6

Affirmative Action 1978-1995

box 30, folder 18

Alice Macy Papers 1993-1995

box 28, folder 41

Alumni Career Night 1992

box 32, folder 55

Ambassadors Council 2002

box 30, folder 22

Annual Fulbright Competition 1993-1999

box 25, folder 15

AST Computer Grant 1990-1991

box 28, folder 43

ASUCI 2000

box 31, folder 2

Bing Yuan Wang 1985

box 31, folder 23

Breadth Requirements 1987-1993

box 23, folder 35

Breneman Report 1995

box 23, folder 14

Brownstone - Ways to Spend Money 1987

box 22, folder 28-29

Budget 1984-1985

box 24, folder 9-29

Budget 1983-1996

box 29, folder 19

Calls 1993-2000

box 30, folder 32

Campuswide Honors Course 1998-2002

box 28, folder 39

Celebrate UCI 1996-2000

box 29, folder 11

Celebration of Teaching 1996

box 31, folder 24

CEP Review/Social and Behavioral Science Breadth Category 1993

box 29, folder 18

Chairs - Memos To: 1986-1991

box 32, folder 42

Chancellor's Fellowship 1988

box 30, folder 11

Chancellor's Irvine Fellowship 1986-1988

box 23, folder 36

Chancellor's Report 1994

box 30, folder 31

China - Informal Exchange 1983-1994

box 31, folder 28

Class Scheduling 1983-1996

box 27, folder 15-25

Cognitive Sciences 1989-2000

box 29, folder 20-21

Colloquia 1983-1985

box 29, folder 24

Colloquium - Information/Requests 1982-1983

box 31, folder 27

Commencement 1984-2001

box 32, folder 1-2

Commencement 1988-2001

box 42, folder 1-4

Commencement/Order of Merit 2008-2010

box 31, folder 32

Committee Report on Undergrad Studies and Services 1995

box 23, folder 32

"The Complete Ranking" 1993

box 23, folder 11-12

Computer 1978-1991

box 23, folder 5

Computer - CATA 1977-1979

box 23, folder 6-10

Computer Assisted Textual Analysis Program 1975-1979

box 23, folder 13

Computer Lab - Graduate Students 1988-1989

box 23, folder 18-22

Computers - Personal Computers 1983-1987

box 23, folder 23-25

Computers - Word Processing Center 1977-1987

box 23, folder 3

Computing Facility 1979-1988

box 22, folder 12

Converse, Philip 1984

box 32, folder 5

Convocation, New Student 1999-2001

box 30, folder 23

Cost of Education Funds (GSR) 1984-1986

box 27, folder 74-75

Course Evaluations 1991

box 28, folder 1-33

Course Evaluations 1991-2002

box 32, folder 8

Curriculum, General 1992-1993

box 32, folder 44

Dan and Jean Aldrich Scholarship 1983-1995

box 25, folder 18

Data-Workload and Headcount, Willie's Tables 1984

box 30, folder 7

Degrees 1981-1996

box 23, folder 30

Departmentalization - Notes on Faculty Views 1987

box 30, folder 53

Dissertation Fellowship 1985-2001

box 29, folder 31

Distinguished Professorship 1987-1990

box 32, folder 45

Distinguished Student Scholars Program 1982-1984

box 29, folder 7

Diversity Self-Analysis 1991

box 23, folder 38

Economic Impact Report 1996

box 27, folder 26-35

Economics 1989-2000

box 32, folder 16

Education Abroad Program 1985-1999

box 32, folder 18-20

Enrollment 1984-1996

box 20, folder 13

Establishment of Departments 1988

box 23, folder 37

EVC Report on Resource Management 1997

box 32, folder 27

Explore UCI Day 1986

box 20, folder 10-12

External Review 1994-2002

box 29, folder 12

Faculty - Distinguished Lecture 1972-1994

box 29, folder 13

Faculty - Honors 1987

box 29, folder 30

Faculty - Presidential Chair 1982

box 29, folder 17

Faculty - Summer Salary 1989

box 25, folder 22

Faculty Instruction Workload 1993

box 29, folder 15

Faculty Statistics 1988-1993

box 26, folder 1

Faculty Teaching Loads 1995-1996

box 26, folder 6

Faculty Teaching Loads 1996-1997

box 26, folder 8

Faculty Teaching Workloads 1997-1998

box 26, folder 10-22

Faculty Teaching Workloads 1998-2001

box 25, folder 24-25

Faculty Workload 1992-1993

box 26, folder 3

Faculty Workload 1997

box 29, folder 34

Fellowship: Spencer Foundation - Scholars 2000

box 29, folder 25

Fellowships: Scholars 2000-2002

box 29, folder 32

Field Trips Ethnography 1984-1986

box 22, folder 13

Focused Research Program in Image Engineering 1986

box 32, folder 46

Ford Foundation Predoct. Fellowship 1989

box 23, folder 15

Fortran Class for Graduate Students 1986

box 29, folder 27

Francois Bourricaud Visiting Dist. Professor 1985

box 33, folder 3

Freshman Year Experience Conference 1986-1987

box 27, folder 57

Geography 1996

box 30, folder 21

GPOP - Fellowships 1984-1987

box 30, folder 36

Grad - Doctoral Language Requirement 1983-1994

box 30, folder 42

Grad - MD/PhD - College of Medicine 1986

box 30, folder 8

Grad - New Degree Programs 1988

box 30, folder 33

Grad - Orientation 1983-1990

box 30, folder 35

Grad - Progress Normative Time 1985-1994

box 30, folder 47

Grad - Quality Program 1983-1985

box 30, folder 49

Grad Concentration in Political Psychology undated

box 30, folder 9

Grad Course Approvals 1983-1987

box 30, folder 17

Grad Funds - Library Funds 1983-1986

box 30, folder 10

Grad Program Committee 1982-1985

box 30, folder 39

Grad Student Placement 1988-1996

box 30, folder 25

Grad Student Research and Travel 1988-1994

box 31, folder 6

Grad Student Statistics 1982-1990

box 30, folder 24

Grad Student Tuition Waivers 1983-1992

box 30, folder 34

Grad Students 1996

box 31, folder 14

Grad Teaching Assistant Awards 1981-2001

box 30, folder 38

Grad Training - Anthropology and Sociology 1986-1993

box 30, folder 2

Graduate - Committees 1983-1985

box 30, folder 1

Graduate - Party Funds 1982-1988

box 30, folder 52

Graduate - Politics and Society 1983-1993

box 30, folder 5

Graduate -Admissions 1983-1993

box 30, folder 41

Graduate Clinical Psychology 1975-1989

box 30, folder 14

Graduate Development Plan 1983-1987

box 30, folder 15

Graduate Enrollment Plan 1982-1983

box 30, folder 30

Graduate Grants' Facilitator 1993-1994

box 30, folder 3-4

Graduate Program 1979-1985

box 30, folder 44-45

Graduate Program Economics 1981-1993

box 30, folder 40

Graduate Psychology 1983-1993

box 31, folder 4-5

Graduate Recruitment 1983-1987

box 30, folder 43

Graduate Social Networks (MSS) 1984-1994

box 30, folder 48

Graduate Sociology 1985-1988

box 31, folder 1

Graduate Student Protest 1983

box 30, folder 6

Graduate Students - Enrollment Plan 1982-1986

box 30, folder 12

Graduate Students - Social Sciences 2001

box 31, folder 9

Graduate Students Teaching Association 1974-1988

box 30, folder 13

Graduate Students Awards 1986-2001

box 32, folder 17

Grants (Undergraduates) 2000

box 29, folder 26

GSR - General 1983-1996

box 22, folder 25

Harvey Sach's Papers 1987

box 30, folder 29

Honors 1979-2001

box 22, folder 23

Honors and Outreach Pegasus Program 1985

box 32, folder 29-30

Honors Convocation 1987-2002

box 30, folder 37

Honors Course Inquiry: Self Study 1999

box 32, folder 32

Humanities Core Course 1985

box 30, folder 20

Humanities Research Grants 1993

box 23, folder 39

Informatics Task Force Report 1997

box 32, folder 34

Instructional Development Services 1984-1987

box 30, folder 19

Intercampus Travel 1991-1993

box 32, folder 10

Interschool Curriculum Committee 1985-1989

box 32, folder 25

Inter-Study Programmes 1985-1986

box 25, folder 3

Irvine Capital Planning 1989-1990

box 29, folder 28

J. Roberts - Anthro/Dist. Visiting Professor 1986-1988

box 28, folder 38

J.G. March 1991

box 32, folder 47

Jesse Unruh Fellowship 1998

box 29, folder 29

John and Beatrice Whiting 1983-1985

box 29, folder 22

John Merck Scholars Program 2000-2001

box 32, folder 24

Latin American Courses 1985-1989

box 22, folder 40-41

Library 1977-1997

box 27, folder 36-46

Linguistics 1991-2000

box 22, folder 18

Long Range Development Plan 1988

box 31, folder 26

Loretta Sanchez: Commencement Speaker 2001

box 29, folder 35

MacArthur Fellowship Program 2000

box 30, folder 50

Mathematical Behavioral Sciences 1989

box 32, folder 26

Mexico/Chicano Area Studies Program 1983

box 22, folder 14

Minor Capital Improvement Program 1986-1990

box 28, folder 34

Miscellaneous Data 1991

box 22, folder 15

Monarch Beach Institute 1986

box 25, folder 7-13

New Building (Social Sciences Unit 2) 1990-1996

box 28, folder 40

News Clippings 1998-1990

box 22, folder 16

Nixon Library 1983

box 33, folder 2

Nominations for Review Committees Grad and Undergrad 1987

box 25, folder 16

NSF Survey of Academic Research Facilities 1989

box 22, folder 21-22

Office of Relations with Schools 1973-1989

box 32, folder 39

Outreach Program 1980-1996

box 30, folder 16

Patent Funds 1983-1986

box 32, folder 4

Peer Academic Advisor 1985-1995

box 23, folder 2

Personnel Computers 1983-1984

box 30, folder 54

Peterson's Guide 1993

box 32, folder 56

Phi Betta Kappa 2001

box 28, folder 36

Physical Planning 1982-1992

box 22, folder 17

Pi Sigma Alpha 1985-1987

box 30, folder 51

Pol. Sci. Graduate Student Advisor 1984

box 27, folder 51-56

Political Sciences Ranking 1993-2000

box 27, folder 47-50

Politics and Society Teaching Statistics 1989-1992

box 32, folder 37

Pre-Doctoral Fellowship - Getty Center 1986

box 30, folder 28

Pregraduate Mentorship Program 1991

box 32, folder 48

President's Undergraduate Fellowship 1983-1988

box 29, folder 14

Professor of the Year 1990

box 32, folder 38

Project Quizz, Undergrad Grant 1986

box 32, folder 52

Protest 1995

box 20, folder 1-2

Public Policy Research Organization Reviews 1982-1991

box 22, folder 19-20

Publicity- School of Social Science 1984-1990

box 27, folder 4-14

Rankings: Anthropology 1989-2000

box 32, folder 49

Regents Scholarship 1988

box 29, folder 16

Regular Ranks Faculty Teaching Workloads 1996-1997

box 24, folder 1

Report of Task Force on Foreign Languages in the Curriculum 1996

box 23, folder 4

Report on Academic Computing 1986

box 33, folder 4

Report Undergrad Education 1986

box 31, folder 3

Research Assistant - Grad Research Appt. 1986-1988

box 31, folder 21-22

Review of Breadth III 1991-1994

box 23, folder 26-28

Rosovsky Committee 1985-1989

box 23, folder 29

Rosovsky Report 1986

box 20, folder 14-17

Rosovsky 1984-1990

box 21, folder 1-3

Rosovsky 1983-1986

box 21, folder 5-32

Rosovsky- Graduate Program Review 1976-1997

box 22, folder 1-5

Rosovsky- Graduate Program Review 1987-1988

box 21, folder 4

Rosovsky Group - 5 year plans 1985

box 24, folder 2

Rosovsky Report on School of Social Sciences undated

box 32, folder 40

San Francisco Semester 1987

box 32, folder 50

Scholarship Contribution undated

box 31, folder 30

School - General Catalogue/Zot 1986-1999

box 22, folder 26

School Conferences 1984

box 27, folder 58-64

School of Social Science Rankings 1995-2000

box 28, folder 44

School of Social Sciences - Gen 1990-1996

box 22, folder 27

Security 1989

box 32, folder 35

Semiotics - Minor 1989

box 24, folder 5-8

Senior Advisory Committee 1982-1984

box 29, folder 10

Sexual Harassment Policy 1984-1996

box 24, folder 3-4

Smelser Report Task Force on Lower Division Education 1986-1988

box 32, folder 9

Social Psychology of the Black Family 1987-1990

box 32, folder 6

Social Science Clinic 1992

box 23, folder 17

Social Science Computers 1980-1986

box 22, folder 42

Social Science Data Library 1978

box 25, folder 6

Social Science Facilities 1990

box 25, folder 14

Social Science Quad Plan 1991

box 29, folder 23

Social Science Symposium Series 1983-1984

box 25, folder 1-2

Social Science Unit 2 1986-1990

box 28, folder 42

Social Sciences Graduate Student Association 1992

box 27, folder 65-73

Sociology 1989-2000

box 22, folder 30

Space 1978-1983

box 28, folder 35

Space Allocation 1985-1990

box 22, folder 24

SPOP 1984-1990

box 32, folder 65

SS Undergrad Majors 1987-1996

box 31, folder 31

SSS Courses - Catalogue 1985-1995

box 32, folder 7

SSS Resources 1992

box 22, folder 31-33

Staff Development Plan 1978-1982

box 23, folder 31

Standish Report (Psychology/Social Ecology) 1989-1990

box 32, folder 53-54

Student Affairs 1979-1996

box 29, folder 8-9

Student Affirmative Action 1983-1991

box 32, folder 43

Student Groups 1998-2002

box 27, folder 3

Summary File - Teaching Statistics 1996

box 32, folder 61

Summer Enrichment Program 1992

box 30, folder 26

Summer Research Fellowship 1986-1988

box 32, folder 57-60

Summer Session 1982-1992

box 31, folder 7

Support 1984-1996

box 30, folder 27

Support to Attend Professional Meeting 1986-1996

box 31, folder 18

Teaching Assistant Training 1984-1992

box 31, folder 8

Teaching Assistants 1993-2000

box 31, folder 10-13

Teaching Assistants 1976-1991

box 22, folder 34

Teaching Data 1985-1986

box 27, folder 2

Teaching Evaluations 1992-1996

box 25, folder 23

Teaching Load Report 1993

box 25, folder 26

Teaching Load Report 1994-1995

box 26, folder 4-5

Teaching Load Report 1996-1997

box 26, folder 9

Teaching Load Report 1997-1998

box 27, folder 1

Teaching Loads 1988-1989

box 26, folder 23

Teaching Point System 1992

box 25, folder 21

Teaching Workload - Graphs, Etc. 1983-1984

box 25, folder 19

Teaching Workload Data 1990-2000

box 26, folder 7

Teaching Workload Data 1996-1997

box 25, folder 20

Teaching Workload Policy 1987-1993

box 26, folder 2

Teaching Workloads 1995-1996

box 22, folder 35

Telephone 1979-1986

box 30, folder 46

Transportation Science - PhD 1991-1992

box 32, folder 63

Tutorial Assistance 1983-1989

box 22, folder 38

U.S. Aid Program 1983-1992

box 22, folder 6-11

UCDC 1985-1988

box 28, folder 37

UCI 25th Birthday Symposia 1990

box 25, folder 4-5

UCI Meetings 1990-1991

box 23, folder 16

UCSD - Super Computer 1985-1986

box 32, folder 11-12

Undergrad - Anthropology 1982-1986

box 31, folder 29

Undergrad - CEP Committee on Educational Policy 1973-1993

box 32, folder 33

Undergrad - CID (Committee for Instruct. Development) 1981-1991

box 32, folder 14

Undergrad - Geography Curriculum 1983-1984

box 32, folder 36

Undergrad - New Course Approval 1983-1997

box 32, folder 21

Undergrad - Overenrollment 1981-1989

box 32, folder 66

Undergrad - Pass 1982-1984

box 32, folder 15

Undergrad - Psychology Curriculum 1989-1990

box 32, folder 51

Undergrad - Research Funds 1982-1989

box 32, folder 41

Undergrad - Scholarships 1984-2001

box 32, folder 31

Undergrad - Social Thought (Honors Concentration) 1982-1996

box 32, folder 13

Undergrad - Sociology Curriculum 1975-1985

box 32, folder 64

Undergrad - UCI Writing Board 1983-1995

box 31, folder 15

Undergrads 1980-2002

box 32, folder 22-23

Undergraduate - Ethnic Studies 1975-1989

box 31, folder 20

Undergraduate Awards 1978-2001

box 32, folder 3

Undergraduate Counseling 1982-2000

box 31, folder 19

Undergraduate Education 1991-1996

box 31, folder 17

Undergraduate Information and etc. 1976-1981

box 20, folder 3-7

Undergraduate Reviews 1981-1995

box 22, folder 37

University Consortium 1983

box 23, folder 1

Upgrading Lab Computer 1982-1984

box 33, folder 1

Upper Division Writing 1992-1995

box 32, folder 62

UROP Grants/Fellowships 1999

box 22, folder 36

Venture Research Unit 1986

box 29, folder 33

W. T. Grant Scholars Program 2002

box 23, folder 33

WASC - 5th Year Report 1986

box 22, folder 39

Water Resource Center 1984

box 26, folder 24

Workload Statistics 1978-1995


Photographs Series 5 undated and 2000

Series Scope and Content Summary

Contains photographs from the School of Social Sciences. It includes photos of faculty, events, and architecture.
box 35, folder 3

Construction of Social Science Plaza undated

box 35, folder 2

Dean Schonfeld and Faculty undated

box 35, folder 1

School of Social Sciences Commencement July 2000


Addition 2019 Series 6. 1978-2012

Series Scope and Content Summary

This addition consists of material from the dean's office including chronological files, 1983, 1998-2012; department, program, and center files kept by dean Schonfeld which includes correspondence and informational materials; and dean Dosher's alphabetical files which includes documentation about departments and administrative files.

Series Arrangement

The series is arranged in its original order.
box 36, folder 1-2

William Schonfeld chron directory 1998-2002

box 36, folder 3-4

William Schonfeld chron files 1983

box 36, folder 5-19

William Schonfeld chron files 1999 October-2000 October

box 37, folder 1-15

William Schonfeld chron files 2000 November-2002 February

box 38, folder 1-5

William Schonfeld chron files 2002 March-July

box 38, folder 6

Barbara Dosher chron directory 2002-2003

box 38, folder 7-16

Barbara Dosher chron files 2002 August-2003 September

box 39, folder 1-16

Barbara Dosher chron files 2003 October-2006 March

box 40, folder 1-19

Barbara Dosher chron files 2006 April-2012 December

box 40, folder 20

Strategic plan 2006

box 41, folder 1-4

Annual reports 1982-1986

box 41, folder 5-9

Annual reports 1989-1996

box 41, folder 10

Annual report 2002

box 41, folder 11

Academic Advisors Conference 2007

box 41, folder 12

Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) 2006

box 41, folder 13

Academic Planning Group (APG) undated

box 41, folder 14-16

Academic Council 2009-2011

box 41, folder 17

Academic Council report: Current Budget Trends & the Future of the UC 2007

box 41, folder 18

AC Letters of Science 2007

box 41, folder 19

Academic Senate 2010

box 41, folder 20

Academic Unit Production Report 2009

box 41, folder 21

Admissions/yields 2010

box 41, folder 22

Advance Program/After Tenure, May 11, 2009 2009

box 41, folder 23

Advancement fundraising 2009

box 41, folder 24

Animal housing and research space 2008

box 41, folder 25

Annual Giving Campaign eGiving 2009

box 41, folder 26

Anthropology faculty histories undated

box 41, folder 27

American Psychological Association books 2011

box 41, folder 28

APM - 240 (Deans) 2009

box 41, folder 29

Assessment resources 2010

box 41, folder 30

Assistant professors 2008

box 41, folder 31

Campus Complaint Panel 2008

box 41, folder 32

Campuswide honors 2007-2008

box 41, folder 33

Campuswide Honors Program external review 2006

box 41, folder 34

Capital Campaign working file 2007

box 41, folder 35

Career Partners Programs curtailment 2008

box 41, folder 36

Center for Asian Studies 2008-2009

box 41, folder 37-38

Center for Asian Studies budget allocation 2007-2008, 2010-2011

box 41, folder 39

Center for Citizen Peacebuilding 2008-2011

box 41, folder 40

Center for Cognitive/Neurosciences 2008

box 41, folder 41

Center for Demography and Population Health 2008

box 41, folder 42-43

Center for Ethnography 2005-2010

box 41, folder 44

Celebration of Teaching 2008

box 41, folder 45

Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies 2009-2010

box 41, folder 46

Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies budget allocation 2010-2011

box 41, folder 47

Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies IDP budget reduction 2009-2010

box 41, folder 48

Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies report and budget request 2008-2009

box 41, folder 49

Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies peace gift 2008-2010

box 41, folder 50

Center in Language Sciences 2010-2011

box 41, folder 51

Center in Law, Society and Culture 2009

box 41, folder 52

Center in Law, Society & Culture director's report 2008-2009

box 41, folder 53

Center for Organizational Research (COR) annual reports 2006-2008

box 41, folder 54

Center for Research on Immigration, Population and Public Policy 2007

box 41, folder 55-56

Center for Research on International & Global Studies (RIGS) annual report 2008-2010

box 41, folder 57

Center for Study of Ethics and Morality 2010

box 41, folder 58

Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) 2007

box 41, folder 59

Council on Education Policy plan for General Education 2007

box 41, folder 60

Retreat - Barbara Dosher 2010

box 41, folder 61

Chancellor's Advisory Council (CAC) 2007-2011

box 41, folder 62

Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Research 2008

box 41, folder 63-65

Chancellor/Executive Vice Chancellor faculty visit 2008-2011

box 41, folder 66

Chancellor's Professorship 2011

box 41, folder 67

Changes to incomplete grade awarding & GPA calculation 2010

box 41, folder 68

Cognitive Neuroscience Ph.D. 2006

box 41, folder 69

Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) budget allocation working file 2008

box 41, folder 70-71

Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) grad. quarterly 2007-2009

box 42, folder 5

Town Hall meeting commission on future 2010

box 42, folder 6

Committee on Courses 2009

box 42, folder 7-8

Communications 2008-2010

box 42, folder 9

Compensation for Summer Salary 2009

box 42, folder 10

Conference Support Program Awards 2009

box 42, folder 11

Center for Research on Immigration, Population and Public Policy (CRIPPP) 2009-2010

box 42, folder 12-21

Council of Chairs 2010-2011

box 42, folder 22

Council of Education Policy 2011

box 42, folder 23

California Universities Building Amistad (UC-CUBA) 2007-2008

box 42, folder 24

Dalton/Grofman memo 2010

box 42, folder 25

Dean's Council 2008-2009

box 42, folder 26

Dean's Leadership Council 2008

box 42, folder 27

Energy Innovation Center 2009

box 42, folder 28

Enrollment notes 2009

box 42, folder 29-31

Executive Committee 2008-2010

box 42, folder 32

Executive Committee/Council on Academic Personnel/Faculty Meeting 2009

box 42, folder 33-35

Executive Committee meetings 2007-2009

box 42, folder 36

Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost Gottfredson 2010-2011

box 42, folder 37-38

Faculty Awards/Accomplishments 2008-2009

box 42, folder 39

Faculty Desktop Computing Initiative allocation 2009-2011

box 42, folder 40

Faculty Incentives for Extramural Funding 2010

box 42, folder 41

Faculty Retirements & the 25% Rule 2009

box 42, folder 42

FTE by Department 2007-2008

box 42, folder 43

Barbara Dosher FTE requests 2007

box 42, folder 44

FTE - Programs of Excellence 2007-2008

box 42, folder 45

Fulbright Proposal 2008

box 42, folder 46

Fundraising activities auctions 2010

box 42, folder 47

Fundraising campaigns to Regents 2008

box 42, folder 48-49

General Catalogue coordinators 2008-2012

box 42, folder 50

School of Global Health 2007

box 42, folder 51-52

Global Connect 2006-2011

box 42, folder 53

Graduate Program Graduate Division Diversity circa 2011

box 42, folder 54

Grant policies 2008

box 42, folder 55

HABLA - review and evaluation 2008

box 42, folder 56

Handbook on the UCI policy on Academic Honesty for Faculty & Associate Deans undated

box 42, folder 57

Heintz Chair working file 2008-2009

box 42, folder 58

Helping distressed students 2009-2010

box 42, folder 59

Hiring freeze status report 2008-2009

box 42, folder 60-62

Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia (IBAD) 2007

box 42, folder 63

Indow Distinguished Fellowships in Cognitive Science and Mathematical Behavioral Sciences 2009

box 42, folder 64

Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences (IMBS) review 2007-2008

box 42, folder 65

Institute for Money & Finance 2008-2009

box 42, folder 66

Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion's Conference 2009

box 42, folder 67

Restructured International Studies Major working file 2008

box 42, folder 68

Latin American Studies minor 2009

box 42, folder 69

previous hit Latino next hit research/fifteen year review circa 2006

box 42, folder 70

Lave, Charles 2008

box 42, folder 71

Law Forum notes 2008

box 42, folder 72

Law School Dean - Erwin Chemerinsky 2007

box 42, folder 73

Layoff procedures 2008

box 42, folder 74-75

Leading Through Diversity retreat 2008-2009

box 42, folder 76

Leading Through Diversity 2009

box 43, folder 1

Lecturer Professional Development Award 2008

box 43, folder 2

Library Task Force report 2010

box 43, folder 3

Liyan, Xie 2008

box 43, folder 4

Long Range Enrollment Planning 2007-2008

box 43, folder 5

Margolis Lecture 2009

box 43, folder 6

Various calls for papers 2006-2008

box 43, folder 7

Mentorship Program 2009-2010

box 43, folder 8-9

Merits and promotions log 2005-2009

box 43, folder 10-11

Major in Middle East and African Studies (Minor) 2007-2008

box 43, folder 12

Mirage School Building working file 2009

box 43, folder 13

MPH 2007-2008

box 43, folder 14

Model United Nations (MUN) 2008

box 43, folder 15

New Allocation of Mortgage Origination Program Funds (MOP) 2008

box 43, folder 16-18

New faculty 2008-2010

box 43, folder 19

New hires by department, gender and race/ethnicity 2007-2008

box 43, folder 20

New student convocation 2010

box 43, folder 21

National Institute of Health (NIH) peer reviews 2007

box 43, folder 22

NRC final report 2008

box 43, folder 23

Organized Research Units (ORUs) 2007-2008

box 43, folder 24

Outcomes Assessment Workshop 2009

box 43, folder 25

Pacific Rim Research Program 2007-2008

box 43, folder 26

Peltason Chair Event 2007-2008

box 43, folder 27

Philosophy of Science Association Governing Board / Allocation Jeff Barrett 2008

box 43, folder 28

PI policy changes 2008

box 43, folder 29

Policy on Temporary Enrollment Restrictions 2010

box 43, folder 30

Political Science FTE Return 2007-2008

box 43, folder 31

Political Science Update PS/Online undated

box 43, folder 32

POP Center 2008

box 43, folder 33-35

President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2008-2011

box 43, folder 36

Professional Master's Degree Programs Initiative 2009

box 43, folder 37

Public Health undated

box 43, folder 38

Real Estate - Lease of Off-Campus Space 2009

box 43, folder 39

Recruiting 2008

box 43, folder 40

Research Office 2010

box 43, folder 41

Results of Faculty Climate Survey 2009

box 43, folder 42

Kathy Rim, UCI Fletcher Jones Foundation Fellow 2009

box 43, folder 43

Russell Sage Foundation 2008-2009

box 43, folder 44

Summer Academic Enrichment Program (SAEP) 2008

box 43, folder 45

Robin Scarcella working file undated

box 43, folder 46

Schonfeld Scholarship 2008

box 43, folder 47

Schonfeld title 2010

box 43, folder 48

Barbara Dosher Search Committee Materials 2007

box 43, folder 49

Senate Reviews of Various UCI Schools 2008

box 43, folder 50

Shibata Paintings 2009

box 43, folder 51

Small Capital Investment Program 2009

box 43, folder 52

Small Capital Improvement Program 2007-2008

box 43, folder 53-54

Social & Behavioral Sciences Gateway Building Initiative 2009, undated

box 43, folder 55

Social Sciences Academic Resource Center (SSARC) 2009

box 43, folder 56

Advertising undated

box 43, folder 57

Course rankings, Winter 2010

box 43, folder 58

Sociology Salaries 2007-2008

box 43, folder 59-61

Annual Welcome Reception 2007-2009

box 43, folder 62-63

Course rankings, Fall 2008-2009

box 43, folder 64

Social & Behavioral Sciences Building - 5th Floor build-out working copy 2008

box 43, folder 65

Social & Behavioral Sciences Building surplus funds 2009

box 43, folder 66

Social & Behavioral Sciences Building opening 2010

box 43, folder 67

Schlosser, Ellen award 2010

box 43, folder 68

Department ratings 2007

box 43, folder 69

Departmental brochures 2008

box 43, folder 70

Operating budget 2007-2008

box 43, folder 71

Sociology faculty salary study 2008

box 43, folder 72

Speaker Series 2010

box 43, folder 73

Social Sciences Academic Resource Center (SSARC) news 2007

box 43, folder 74

Statewide events, Ambassador Oren 2010

box 43, folder 75

Report of the Steering Committee for Prime-LC 2006

box 43, folder 76

Summer Sessions Distributions 2009

box 43, folder 77

Survey of labor market for new Ph.D. hires in Economics 2006-2007

box 43, folder 78

Staff files, Commencement 2008

box 43, folder 79

Stern, Ken 2006

box 43, folder 80

Moore, Amanda - Student Recommended Faculty Program (SRFP) 2008

box 43, folder 81

Study of Democracy 5 Year Review 2006-2007

box 43, folder 82

Student/Faculty Ratios 2006

box 43, folder 83

Student Mental Health Issues in Teaching Assistant Training 2007

box 43, folder 84

Summer Salary 2006-2007

box 43, folder 85-86

Summer Session Planning 2007-2009

box 43, folder 87

Summer Session Distribution 2008

box 43, folder 88-89

Annual Graduate Sunset Course Review 2008-2010

box 43, folder 90

Support of Emeriti 2008

box 43, folder 91

Servicing Wild Flowers (SWF) International undated

box 43, folder 92-99, box 44, folder 1-20

Council of Chairs 2007-2009

box 44, folder 21

African Studies / MRG 2008

box 44, folder 22

Building Advisory Committee 2006-2007

box 44, folder 23

Building file 2007

box 44, folder 24

Leadership Academy Program Evaluation 2006-2007

box 44, folder 25

Lecturer Professional Development Award 2007

box 44, folder 26

Center for Asian Studies (CAS) Director working file 2006

box 44, folder 27

Center for Asian Studies (CAS) private file 2006

box 44, folder 28-29

Center for Asian Studies (CAS) 2007

box 44, folder 30

Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies 2002-2006

box 44, folder 31

Chicano/ previous hit Latino next hit Studies Program (CLSP) 2006-2008

box 44, folder 32

Chicano/ previous hit Latino next hit Studies Prime-LC (FTE) 2007

box 44, folder 33

Chicano/ previous hit Latino next hit Studies recruitment 2006-2007

box 44, folder 34

Proposed Minor in Civic & Community Engagement Social Sciences 2009

box 44, folder 35

Leonard, Karen 2008

box 44, folder 36

Anthropology Chair 2003

box 44, folder 37-40

Anthropology 2003-2006

box 44, folder 41

Anthropology/Sociology Human Relations Committee 1996

box 44, folder 42

Anthropology faculty recruitment 2004-2005

box 44, folder 43

Draft of Proposal for Inter-Disciplinary Program in Anthropological Sciences 2003

box 44, folder 44

Department of Chicano/ previous hit Latino next hit Studies 2006

box 44, folder 45-54

Cognitive Sciences 1998-2006

box 44, folder 55

Cognitive Sciences: Imaging 2005

box 44, folder 56

Cognitive Sciences: recruitment 1989-2005

box 44, folder 57-61

Cognitive Sciences Chair 1991-2005

box 44, folder 62

Games and Decisions in the Departments of Economics and Political Science 2006

box 44, folder 63-71

Economics 1998-2006

box 44, folder 72-75

Economics Chair 1989-2005

box 44, folder 76

Chinese European Economic History 1994

box 44, folder 77

Faculty Biographics: Economics circa 1989-1990

box 45, folder 1

Linguistics Search 2006

box 45, folder 2

Linguistics 2005-2006

box 45, folder 3

Linguistics Consortium (Linguistics Working Group) 2004-2005

box 45, folder 4

Linguistics Review Committee 2003

box 45, folder 5

Linguistics - hold file 1989

box 45, folder 6

Linguistics working file 2002-2003

box 45, folder 7-12

Linguistics 1999-2005

box 45, folder 13-17

Linguistics Chair 1990-2000

box 45, folder 18

International Association of Chinese Linguistics Conference 2001

box 45, folder 19

Recruitment: Linguistics 1999

box 45, folder 20

Membership Requests - Linguistics 1990

box 45, folder 21-22

Logic and Philosophy of Science 2004-2006

box 45, folder 23

Logic and Philosophy of Science agreement between University of Florence and UCI 2006

box 45, folder 24

Logic and Philosophy of Science Chair Review (Jeffrey Barrett) 2005

box 45, folder 25

Logic and Philosophy of Science Faculty Recruitment 2006

box 45, folder 26-33

Logic and Philosophy of Science 1998-2005

box 45, folder 34-35

Logic and Philosophy of Science Chair 1998-2001

box 45, folder 36

Proposal: Social Sciences Ph.D. Concentration in Logic and Philosophy of Science 1999-2000

box 45, folder 37

Proposal of Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science 1999-2000

box 45, folder 38

Proposal: Joint Ph.D. in Philosophy - Department of Philosophy, Humanities/Logic and Philosophy of Science 2000

box 45, folder 39

Logic and Philosophy of Science - Recruitment 1999-2001

box 45, folder 40

Department of Political Science 1988

box 45, folder 41

Political Science Academic Program Review 2002-2003

box 45, folder 42

Alison Brysk - Supplemental Conference Funds 2005

box 45, folder 43

Law Forum undated

box 45, folder 44-45

Political Science Chair 2002-2004

box 45, folder 46-47

Politics and Society Chair 1988-1997

box 45, folder 48

Peltason Lecture/Reception/Dinner 2005

box 45, folder 49-52

Political Science 2002-2005

box 45, folder 53

Politics & Society Faculty 1987-2000

box 45, folder 54

Politics & Society Ph.D. Program 1998

box 45, folder 55

Political Science: Proposed Name Change 1998

box 45, folder 56

Political Science - Vote/Equity Issue 2003

box 45, folder 57

President Meri-Estonia: Politics & Society 1996

box 45, folder 58-61

Sociology Chair 1993-2002

box 45, folder 62-65, box 46, folder 1-4

Sociology 1998-2005

box 46, folder 5

Sociology Faculty Salaries 2001-2002

box 46, folder 6

Rankings - Sociology 2000

box 46, folder 7

Sociology Ph.D proposal 2000-2001

box 46, folder 8

Guidelines for School Centers 2003

box 46, folder 9

Center for Asian Studies renewal 2006

box 46, folder 10

Asian Studies' Director Search 2004

box 46, folder 11-15

Center for Asian Studies 2000-2005

box 46, folder 16

Informal Center for Asian Studies 1999

box 46, folder 17

Asian Studies Minor - Proposal 1999

box 46, folder 18

Schools of Social Ecology & Social Sciences - Est. Center for Demographic Research 1998

box 46, folder 19

Asian Studies IDP Proposal 1998-2001

box 46, folder 20

Center for Decision Analysis (Proposal) 2001-2003

box 46, folder 21

Immigration Studies 2000-2005

box 46, folder 22

Center for Immigrants: Directorship 2001

box 46, folder 23-24

Center of Immigration Studies Proposal 1999-2001

box 46, folder 25

Proposal for Informal Center for Latinos in a Global Society 1999-2004

box 46, folder 26-34, box 47, folder 1-3

Center for the Study of Democracy 2000-2007

box 47, folder 4

Center for the Study of Democracy Chair 2001-2004

box 47, folder 5

Proposal for California Research Initiative 2001

box 47, folder 6

Proposal for ORU on Democracy 2000-2001

box 47, folder 7

Center for the Study of Democracy: Politics & Society 1996-1999

box 47, folder 8

Willy Brandt Chair in Peace & Democracy 1999

box 47, folder 9

Center for the Study of Democracy recruitment 2001-2003

box 47, folder 10

Proposal for the Center for the Study of Morality 2001-2003

box 47, folder 11

Center for Citizen Peacebuilding 2006

box 47, folder 12

Center for Citizen Peacebuilding - Proposal 2002-2005

box 47, folder 13

Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Proposal 2005

box 47, folder 14

Center for Cognitive Neuroscience 2006

box 47, folder 15

Center for Ethnography 2006

box 47, folder 16

Proposal - Campus Center "Community Outreach" 2006

box 47, folder 17

International Studies 2005-2006

box 47, folder 18

Center for Global and International Studies - Proposal 2005-2006

box 47, folder 19

Center for Global and International Studies 2005

box 47, folder 20

Proposal "Center for Hearing Research" 2005

box 47, folder 21

Proposal for Center for Research on Immigration, Population & Public Policy 2007

box 47, folder 22-25

Global Peace and Conflict Studies (GPACS) 1999-2002

box 47, folder 26

Julius Margolis Lecture - Congressman Cox and Wei Jingsheng 2002

box 47, folder 27

Global Peace and Conflict Studies (GPACS) Proposal 1989-2000

box 47, folder 28

Center in Law, Society & Culture - Proposal 2005

box 47, folder 29-30

Proposal for "Center for Logic & Applications" 2003

box 47, folder 31

Center for Logic, Language and Symbolic Systems Proposal 2000

box 47, folder 32-33

Center for Organizational Research 2005-2006

box 47, folder 34

Center for Organizational Research Proposal 2005

box 47, folder 35

Center for the Study of Children's Literacy, Cognitive Dev. Technology - Proposal 2000

box 47, folder 36

Center for the Study of Collections Proposal 2004

box 47, folder 37-38

Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics & Morality 2003-2005

box 47, folder 39

Center for the Study of Social Movements and Social Change Proposal 2000

box 47, folder 40

Center for Vital Reality 1997-2001

box 48, folder 1-2

Interdisciplinary Programs 1991-1999

box 48, folder 3

Proposal for Interdisciplinary Program in Anthropological Sciences 2003-2007

box 48, folder 4-5

Interdisciplinary Program - Chicano/ previous hit Latino next hit 1987-2006

box 48, folder 6-7

Women's Studies Concentration 1989-2003

box 48, folder 8

International Political Economy of Gender (Women's Studies/Social Sciences) 1978-1999

box 48, folder 9

Asian American Studies 1996-2000

box 48, folder 10

Demographic and Social Analysis M.A. Program 2002

box 48, folder 11

East Asian Cultures 1995-1996

box 48, folder 12

Ethnic Studies 1992-1993

box 48, folder 13

Interdisciplinary Minor - Global Sustainability 1995

box 48, folder 14

Bioethics 1998-1999

box 48, folder 15

Interdisciplinary Program - History & Philosophy of Science 1991-1998

box 48, folder 16-23

Dean's Council 1998-2007

box 48, folder 24

Capital Campaign 1985-1998

box 48, folder 25

TOP Campaign 1999

box 48, folder 26

Capital gifts circa 1986

box 48, folder 27

Special Scholarship/Fellowship Awards 1998

box 48, folder 28

Special Scholarship/Fellowship Award process 1998

box 48, folder 29

Student organizations - financial support 1998-1999

box 48, folder 30

Student TB case 2004

box 48, folder 31

Student strike 1998-2003

box 48, folder 32

Students Workers Union 1998-2002

box 49, folder 1

Chicano/ previous hit Latino next hit Studies proposal 2005

box 49, folder 2

Major in Chicano/ previous hit Latino next hit Studies 2000-2001

box 49, folder 3

Chicano/ previous hit Latino next hit Studies Graduate Emphasis 2006

box 49, folder 4-5

Proposal to Departmentalize Chicano- previous hit Latino next hit Studies 2005-2006

box 49, folder 6

Chicano/ previous hit Latino Studies Program - Agreement 2000-2001

box 49, folder 7

Global Peace & Conflict Studies (GPACS) - Dean's personal notes 2004

box 49, folder 8

Global Peace & Conflict Studies (GPACS) Board Notes 2006

box 49, folder 9

Global Peace & Conflict Studies (GPACS) Report and Budget Request 2004-2006

box 49, folder 10-14

Global Peace & Conflict Studies (GPACS) 2003-2006

box 50, folder 1

Global Peace & Conflict Studies (GPACS) - Director 1995-2003

box 50, folder 2

Global Peace & Conflict Studies (GPACS) - Peace Gift 2003-2004

box 50, folder 3

Global Peace & Conflict Studies (GPACS) - Minor transfer in conflict resolution to international studies 2001

box 50, folder 4

Global Peace & Conflict Studies (GPACS) Interdisciplinary Program Review Report 1998

box 50, folder 5

Global Peace & Conflict Studies (GPACS): Terrorism Lectures 2001

box 50, folder 6

Heinz/Tierney Chairs - Global Peace & Conflict Studies (GPACS) 1991-2004

box 50, folder 7

Tierney Chair (GPACS) 1987-2004

box 50, folder 8

Warmington Chair - GPACS 1994

box 50, folder 9

Social Network Program (Grad Project) 1997-2002

box 50, folder 10

Anthropology/Semiotics 1986

box 50, folder 11

Social Relations 1982-1987

box 50, folder 12

Interdisciplinary Program - Transportation Sciences 1997-2006