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Volkhovskii (Felix Vladimirovich) papers
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Correspondence 1875-1914

Scope and Contents note

Includes some other materials
box 1, folder 1

Aitov, D. 1910

box 1, folder 2

Alisov, P. 1894

box 1, folder 3

Amfiteatrov, A. 1910-1912

box 1, folder 4

Argunov, A. 1914

box 1, folder 5

Balamez, G. 1894

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1 note.
box 1, folder 6

Bakh, A. 1905-1910

box 1, folder 7

Belogolovyi, Mr. 1894

box 1, folder 8

Bervi-Flerovskii, V. 1894

box 1, folder 9

Breshko-Breshkovskaia, Ekaterina Konstantinovna 1904-1905

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1 clipping from American press and letter from Helma S. Dudley to Breshkovskaya.

Burtsev, Vladimir 1894-1904

box 1, folder 10


box 1, folder 11

Notes on Bakunin; various notes 1895

box 1, folder 12

Letters 1894-1904

box 1, folder 13

Various letters and telegrams relating to Burtsev's arrest in England 1897-1898

box 1, folder 14

Letter, articles and court papers relating to Burtsev's arrest in England 1897-1898, undated

box 1, folder 15

Varshavskii, A. 1896

box 1, folder 16

Vodovozov, V. 1912

box 1, folder 17

Voinich, V. 1892-1894

box 1, folder 18

Volkhovsky, F. 1890-1893

Scope and Contents note

Includes 2 notes.
box 1, folder 19

Volkov, E. 1912-1914

box 1, folder 20

Goldenberg, L. 1891-1895

box 1, folder 21

Goncharenki, Agapii 1890

box 1, folder 22

Gorki, M. and Pechkova, E. n.d.

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscript.
box 1, folder 23

Gots, M. 1904

box 1, folder 24

Grozovskii, L. 1894

box 1, folder 25

Gronkovskii, K., ; Beitner, L., ; Kuznetsoff, A. 1894-1899

box 1, folder 26

Gurvich, I. 1893-1894

box 1, folder 27

Debagorii-Mokrievich, V. 1894-1895

box 1, folder 28

Dobrodjanu, K. 1894

box 1, folder 29-30

Dragomanov, M., ; Pavlik, Mikhailo 1894-1903

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes by E. Lazarev and S. Krasnopol'skii about Dragomanov's brochure, Nevolia Very.
box 1, folder 31

Evalenko, A. M. 1894-1895

box 1, folder 32

Zhitlovskii, Kh. 1894-1897

box 1, folder 33

Zhuk-Baturinskii, Vasilii 1894-1904

box 2, folder 1

Zasulich, V. I. 1894

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to her sister, I. I. Uspenskii, and letters from unknown persons about creating a common organ, with Plekanov, etc.
box 2, folder 2

Kashintsev, I. 1893-1903

box 2, folder 3

Klementz, D. 1875-1876

box 2, folder 4

Kolosov, E. 1908

box 2, folder 5

Kornilov, S. 1908

box 2, folder 6

Korolenko, V. 1893

Scope and Contents note

Includes English translation of the manuscript "The Forest Blusters."
box 2, folder 7

Kotziubinskii, M. 1912

box 2, folder 8

Kochenkova, A. 1894-1895


Kropotkin, P., 1893-1913

box 2, folder 9

Letters 1880-1913

box 2, folder 10

Newspaper clippings 1893

box 2, folder 11

Kurnatovskii, V. 1895


Lazarev, E. 1890-1913

box 2, folder 12-13

Various letters 1890-1914

Scope and Contents note

Includes 2 to Plekhanov, Georgii Valentinovich, 1896.
box 2, folder 14

Archive of his American period 1890-1894


Lavrov, P. L. 1896

box 2, folder 15

Letters, 1896

Scope and Contents note

Includes copy of his letter to Tverkoi, May 14, 1896.
box 2, folder 16

Manuscript of his article, "Istoriia I Russkie Revoliutsionery"

box 2, folder 17

Lebedev, V. 1907-1914

Scope and Contents note

Includes many letters concerning the publication of Za Narod.
box 2, folder 18

Lopatin, German, ; Lopatin, Vsevolod, ; Lopatin, N., ; Bart, Bruno (son of G. Lopatin) 1893-1914

box 2, folder 19

Lukashewicz, A. 1913

box 2, folder 20

Luxemburg, R. 1893-1895

box 2, folder 21

Liadov, I. 1894

box 2, folder 22

Martov, L. 1913

box 2, folder 23

Minor, O. 1904

box 2, folder 24

Miroliubov, V. 1912

box 2, folder 25

Moinsenko, B. 1914

box 2, folder 26

Nogorskii, V. 1895-1896

box 2, folder 27

Natanson, M. 1913-1914

box 2, folder 28

Osinov, V. 1892-1894

box 2, folder 29

Perekrestov, N. 1891-1894

box 2, folder 30

Polivanov, P. (letter about his suicide) 1903

box 3, folder 1

Preluker, Y. n.d.

box 3, folder 2

Prisbylev, A. 1908

box 3, folder 3

Rakitnikov, N. 1911-1912

box 3, folder 4

Ralli-Arbore, Z. 1902

Scope and Contents note

Includes 5 letters about Potyomkintsy in Romania.
box 3, folder 5

Rappoport, Ch. 1892-1897

box 3, folder 6

Rubanovich, I. 1904-1914

box 3, folder 7

Russel'-Sudzilovskii, N. 1891-1903

box 3, folder 8

Sabsovich, G. K. 1890-1891

box 3, folder 9

Savinkov, V. 1912

box 3, folder 10

Semenov, E. P. 1903-1904

box 3, folder 11

Sinegub, L. 1904-1909

box 3, folder 12

Smirnov, V. N. 1893

box 3, folder 13

Soskis, David 1895-1911, undated


Stepniak-Kravchinskii, S. 1894-1896

box 3, folder 14

Letters 1894

box 3, folder 15

Various letters and telegrams relating to his death in 1895

box 3, folder 16

Various letters and newspaper articles relating to his death in 1985

box 3, folder 17

Correspondence between Kropotkin and Volkhovsky re S-K 1896

Scope and Contents note

Includes letters from Kravchinskii, Fanni; Chaikovskii, N. V.; Krigorino, P.; Krapotkin I, P.; Volkhovsky, F., books and copies; Shishko, L.; Teplov, A. L.
box 3, folder 18

Stone, N. 1893-1894

box 3, folder 19

Sun Yat-Sen 1897

box 3, folder 20

Tan-Bogoraz, V. 1907

box 3, folder 21

Tverskoi-Dementev (Demens) 1895-1896

box 3, folder 22

Tolstoy, L. 1895

Scope and Contents note

Includes copy of a letter to Lazarev, copies of 3 letters by Lazarev to Tolstoy, and 1 letter by a Tolstovets (follower), undated.
box 3, folder 23

Figner, Vera 1908-1914

box 3, folder 24

Frederickson, N. C. 1903-1904

box 3, folder 25

Khristoforov, A. X. 1897-1898

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscript obituary written by Volkhovsky.
box 3, folder 26

Tsebrikova, M. 1888-1889

box 3, folder 27

Chaikovskii, Nikolai 1893-1910

Scope and Contents note

Includes pamphlet on his arrest in Russia, 1908.
box 3, folder 28

Chertkov, V. 1895

box 3, folder 29

Chudnovskii, S. L. 1912


Shishko, Leonid E. 1893-1910

box 3, folder 30

Letters 1893-1910

box 3, folder 31

Drafts on "Fund of Free Russian Press," 1894

box 3, folder 32

Biographical data on Shishko

box 3, folder 33

Elpidin, M. 1894-1896

box 3, folder 34

Yakubovich, P. 1908


Finland 1902-1908

box 3, folder 35

Aminov, P. 1903

box 3, folder 36

Zilliacus, Konni 1902-1904

box 3, folder 37

Neoviduz, A. n.d.

box 3, folder 38

Various letters 1905-1908


Ukraine 1890-1912

box 3, folder 39

Kassacz, Larissa (Lesa Ukrainka) 1902-1903

box 3, folder 40

Various letters 1890-1910

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1 leaflet.
box 4, folder 1

The Ruthenian Question 1912


Poland 1892-1895

box 4, folder 2

Bohdanowicz, Floryan 1893-1894

box 4, folder 3

Czarlinski, V. 1892

box 4, folder 4

Grigorjev, Mr. 1894

box 4, folder 5

Jodko, V. 1895

box 4, folder 6

Lutoslawskii, Wincety 1895

box 4, folder 7

Dombrowskii, P., manuscript of his biography

box 4, folder 8

Kaniowsky, J., acknowledgement of a contribution for the benefit of striking workers


Military School for Russian Socialists 1913

box 4, folder 9

Ovich, S. 1913

box 4, folder 10

Letters of Vigen (Armenian Socialist), ; Pilsudskii, I., ; Filipowicz, T., ; visiting card of Wronski, A. (Jodko) 1913


Russian Volunteers in Balkan War 1912-1914

box 4, folder 11

Astafev, A. 1913

box 4, folder 12

Ykatev (?) 1912

box 4, folder 13

Libert, A. 1912-1913

box 4, folder 14

Petrov, A. 1912-1913

box 4, folder 15

Tarasenka, N. 1913

box 4, folder 16

Vultur, leaflet-poem

box 4, folder 17

Project Platform Voennago Soiuza 1910

Scope and Contents note

box 4, folder 18

Disputes between S-R and S.D. 1902-1904

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscript by Chaikovskii, N.
box 4, folder 19

S-R documents 1903-1910

Scope and Contents note

Includes document on Vladivostok Uprising, 1907.
box 4, folder 20

Preparation for Uprising 1905

Scope and Contents note

box 4, folder 21

Izvestiia Oblastnogo Komiteta Zagranichnykh Organizatsii Sotsialistov Revolutsionerov, Paris, Nos. 2 and 6 1908

box 4, folder 22

Kornev, A., editor of Golos Truda, Kiev 1913

box 4, folder 23

S-R party. Various materials

box 4, folder 24

International Socialist Congress, Copenhagen 1910

Scope and Contents note

Includes manuscript "Doklad Sotsialistov Revolutsionerov" and resolutions.
box 4, folder 25

Manuscript on the history of the S-R party

box 4, folder 26

Various letters 1900-1913

box 4, folder 27

Various letters and documents 1890-1914

box 4, folder 28

Transfer of illegal literature, relating to financing the escape of political prisoners circa 1900

box 4, folder 29

Hard labor camps and exiles 1888-1908

Scope and Contents note

Letters and manuscripts.
box 5, folder 1

Irkutsk massacre 1889

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript and documents.
box 5, folder 2

Case of Paris bombists 1892-1893

box 5, folder 3

Student movements 1890

Scope and Contents note

Various letters and documents.
box 5, folder 4

Dukhobory 1895

Scope and Contents note

box 5, folder 5

Potemkintsy undated

Scope and Contents note

Various letters.

Union of Black Sea Fleet, Seamen 1911-1913

box 5, folder 6

Adamovich, M. D. (Karl) 1911-1913

Scope and Contents note

Various letters and documents. Includes letters from Anichkin, 1912.
box 5, folder 7

Arrest of Adamovich, M. D. 1913

Scope and Contents note

Letters and clippings.
box 5, folder 8

Manuscript about the union 1912

box 5, folder 9

Famine in Russia n.d.

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript and document.

Society of Friends of Russian Freedom 1890-1913

box 5, folder 10

Baker, John 1893

box 5, folder 11

Barrows, J. C. 1905

box 5, folder 12

Beard, Mary S. 1894

box 5, folder 13

Blackwell, Alice Stone 1903

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1 clipping.
box 5, folder 14

Braitsford, H. N. 1905

box 5, folder 15

Ferreri, G. 1894

box 5, folder 16

Fraser, Scott 1894

box 5, folder 17

Frost, George 1890

box 5, folder 18

Galsworthy, J. n.d.

box 5, folder 19

Galvani, William 1890

box 5, folder 20

Green, J. P. 1905

box 5, folder 21

Heater, M. R. 1893-1894

box 5, folder 22

Hyndman, M. 1908

box 5, folder 23

Kennan, George 1891-1911

Scope and Contents note

Includes portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Kennan and photograph of their cottage.
box 5, folder 24

King, J. 1908

box 5, folder 25

King, Mackenzi 1911

box 5, folder 26

Macdonald, Mr. (Presbyterian Minister) 1896

box 5, folder 27

Macdonald, James Ramsay 1905

box 5, folder 28

Mallet, Gertrude 1893-1902

box 5, folder 29

Perris, H. 1892-1908

box 5, folder 30

Perris, G. H. n.d.

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript about Tolstoy in England.
box 5, folder 31

Peters, M. R. 1904

box 5, folder 32

Prescott, Constance 1903

box 5, folder 33

Roper, Reginald E. 1894

box 6, folder 1

Scott-Saxton, Mrs. 1890-1894

box 6, folder 2

Spence-Watson, R. 1892-1909

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1 photograph.
box 6, folder 3

Sidgewick, Charlotte 1890-1900

box 6, folder 4

Thomas, Elizabeth 1894-1896

box 6, folder 5

Thompson, Herbert 1894

box 6, folder 6

Travers, Rosalind 1913

box 6, folder 7

Wells, H. G. 1908

box 6, folder 8-12

Various letters (in English) 1891-1913

box 6, folder 13

Banquet to Liebknecht, London 1899

box 6, folder 14

Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund, Zurich 1894

box 6, folder 15

Various letters and documents n.d.

box 6, folder 16

Manuscript of a history of the Society of Friends of Russian Freedom in London, and other notes


Editorial office of Za Narod 1912-1914

box 6, folder 17

Efimov, N. n.d.

box 6, folder 18

Mandel'berg, V. 1914

box 6, folder 19

Rubakin, A. N. n.d.

box 6, folder 20

Rubanovich, I. 1913

box 6, folder 21

Rodshtein, L. 1913-1914

box 6, folder 22

Serzhant 1912

box 6, folder 23

Shtakhel'berg, S. 1914

box 6, folder 24

Dal'nii, A. n.d.

Scope and Contents note

box 6, folder 25

Zatermtogo, A. (?) (Novikov-Priboi)

Scope and Contents note

Two manuscripts.
box 6, folder 26

Manuscripts and archival material

box 7, folder 1-7

Manuscripts and archival material (continued)

box 7, folder 8-11


box 8, folder 1-4

Manuscripts (continued)


Fund of Free Russian Press 1892-1903

box 8, folder 5

Material on the history of the Fund

Scope and Contents note

Includes report.
box 8, folder 6

Freies Russland (German edition of Free Russia) 1893-1894

Scope and Contents note

Includes letters and documents.
box 8, folder 7

Society of Popular Lectures in Eastland, London 1903

box 8, folder 8

Case of Mendelson-Kasprzak, St. 1892-1895

box 8, folder 9-12


box 9, folder 1-3

Manuscripts (continued)



box 9, folder 4-6

Narodnyi Universitet v g. Tomsk

box 9, folder 4-6

Kapital Sel'skikh Bezplatnyk Bibliotek v Sibiri

box 9, folder 4-6

Gordovita Para opovidannia Petra Zabotsnia

box 9, folder 4-6

S. M. Stepniak-Krawtschinski

box 9, folder 4-6

Volkhovsky, F., At the Mercy of Every Official

box 9, folder 4-6

Volkhovskoi, Skazka pro Tsaria Semena

box 9, folder 4-6

Shishko, Chego khochet dobit'sia pravitel'stvo zakonom 9 noiabria

box 9, folder 4-6

Gonenia na Dukhobortsev s zakliucheniem grafa L. Tolstogo

box 9, folder 4-6

Koe-chto o Nashikh zadachakh, Po Voennym Voprosam

box 9, folder 4-6

Dragomanov, M., Povisti Osipa Fed'kovicha

box 9, folder 4-6

Pis'ma T. G. Shevchenka k B. Zaleskomu M. T. Simonov (Nomis) Rasskasy

box 9, folder 4-6

Narodovolets: Numbers 1 -3 (2 copies of issue no. 3)

box 9, folder 7-11

Various periodicals

Scope and Contents note

Includes other material.
drawer  L09

Various periodicals (continued)


Correspondence on transportation of illegal literature to Russia 1893-1897

box 9, folder 12

Stepanov, P. (Pernskoy)

box 9, folder 13

Various correspondence with the Fund of Free Russian Press circa 1890-1900

box 10, folder 1-3

Various correspondence with the Fund of Free Russian Press (continued) circa 1890-1900

box 10, folder 4-11

Various letters circa 1890-1900


Biographical file 1896-1938

box 11, folder 1-8


box 12, folder 1-11

Manuscripts (continued)

box 13, folder 1-9

Manuscripts (continued)

box 14, folder 1

Letters to Volkhovsky from his daughter Vera 1893-1913

box 14, folder 2-3

Letters from F. Volkhovsky to his daughter Vera

box 14, folder 4-6

Various letters to Vera

box 15, folder 1-7

Various photographs of revolutionaries

box 16, folder 1-2

Various photographs of revolutionaries (continued)

box 16, folder 3

Postcards and prints undated

box 16, folder 4-6

Newspaper clippings 1900-1905

box 17, folder 1

Newspaper clippings (continued) 1900-1905

box 17, folder 2

Admissions card to Basel Socialist Congress, two telegrams regretting F. F. Volkhovsky's being unable to attend Breshkovskaia's 70th birthday in Paris, January 1914 (in French and Russian) 1912 November 24-26

box 17, folder 3

Biographical sketches

Scope and Contents note

Includes "Sketches," 9 pages in English; 4 pages in English and Russian; 2 1/2 pages in Russian; pamphlet At the Mercy of Every Official. Friends of Russian Freedom, London, 1890.
box 17, folder 4

Correspondence between F. F. Volkhovsky and W. G. Fitzgerald, editor of Strand Magazine 1898 February 19 - May 20

box 17, folder 5

Proofs of "How a Russian Escaped from Siberia" with correspondence dated November 189(?)

box 17, folder 6-7

Correspondence between Volkhovsky and Mr. and Mrs. Mallet, and between F. V. and John R. Åström 1895 February 4 1895 February 10 1896 October 6-7

box 17, folder 8

Correspondence from Michel Michailovsky (Moscow and Bedford Park) undated

box 17, folder 9

Letters and cards from Russia

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter addressed to "Mr. G. George" (i.e., Egor Lazarev), dated October 21, 1895; letter addressed to "Rev. John R. Fleming" (i.e., Mrs. E. L. Voynich), dated October 12, 1894.
box 17, folder 10

Manuscript drafts of tribute to Nikolai Konstantin Michailovsky (Populist Narodnic Patriarch), and Chaikovsky or Goldenberg on his "Jubilee," 1900 November 28

box 17, folder 11

Documents and letters

Scope and Contents note

Includes U.S. passport of Ida Rauh (dated Vienna, August 30, 1906) left to be used by any suitable revolutionary or connection so long as it should not be for terrorist purposes, used by Vera Volkhovsky in 1906; certificate of recommendation, by a solicitor, November 26, 1902; city of Glasgow permit for travel to Russia, June 21, 1893; legal opinion about "false pretences in obtaining a passport" dated May 31, 1895 (includes Foreign Office memorandum, 1901, and legal opinion about marriage of foreigners in U.K.); letter from J. Spiridion of Cardiff relating to false passport application, dated February 8, 1895; letter from T. H. Sanderson of Foreign Office relating to imprisoned British subject Harry Williams of Central News Telgraphic Agency, dated May 29, 1895.
box 23

Personal souvenirs


Box 23 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.

Scope and Contents

Includes a lock of hair of F. Volkhovsky's hair; F. Volkhovsky's wife's wedding ring (made from iron of political prisoner's leg iron); F. Volkhovsky's key chain; "Sergias" (Stepniak-Kravchinsky's watchguard); piece of a calendar page, October 27; a Soviet commemorative stamp, 1917-1923; and two post office seals.
box 17, folder 12

Exercise books containing penciled writings by Vera Volkhovsky, with some addition by Felix Volkhovsky ("of one man's life") in Russian

box 17, folder 13-15

Pocket diaries (in English, with some Russian entries) 1894-1898

box 18, folder 1-2

Pocket diaries (in English, with some Russian entries) (continued) 1894-1898

box 18, folder 3

Miscellaneous receipts, bills, notes and correspondence (sometimes addressed to Volkhovsky's pseudonyms)

box 18, folder 4

Correspondence from two firms of solicitors (Radford and Frankland, and Rowe and May), relating to alleged slander by Inspector Melville 1898 January 11 - February 5

box 18, folder 5-6

Various letters and correspondence

box 19, folder 1-7

Newspaper clippings 1935-1938

box 20, folder 6-8

Newspaper clippings (continued) 1935-1938

box 19, folder 8

Pontings department store wrapping paper

box 20, folder 1

Album dedicated to George Kennan

Scope and Contents note

Inscribed "From a socialist to an American free-thinker and golden-hearted man, as a slight token of esteem. Do not forget us, George Kennan." 16 large pages comprised of autographed copy of F. Volkhovsky's poem "Our Oppressors", Peter and Paul Fortress, 1869; 6 1/2 full pages of print, extracted from the Siberian Gazette; a long manuscript tale (1883); and two poems, "Gold" of 1872 and "Patience" published anonymously 1871 (two pages missing). Apparently not presented to Kennan.
box 20, folder 2


box 22, folder 3-6

Photographs (continued)

box 20, folder 3-5


box 22, folder 7

Magazines (continued)

box 20, folder 9-11

Photographs and illustrations

box 20, folder 12

3 University certificates for Vera Volkhovsky 1899

box 21, folder 1-8

Periodicals 1886-1890

box 22, folder 1-2

Periodicals (continued)