Guide to the Norman O. Brown Papers, 1938-2002 MS.035
Scope and Content of Collection
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Childhood Essay n.d.
School Reports 1923-1924
Clifton College Educational Forms 1924-1932
Certificates 1929-1932
Immigration Materials 1937-1940
Marriage License Receipt and Hotel Confirmation 1938
Horoscope Charts 1942
"Maids Call It Love-In-Idleness" [diary fragment] [ca. 1950s]
Wesleyan University Commencements
Documents & Letters concerning appointment to UCSC [Cowell College Personnel File] 1966-1968
Lecture Programs 1966-1992 n.d.
UCSC Distinguished Achievement Award 1984
Vitae and Clippings 1957-2002
Annotated Excerpts re Brown from Personal History by Katherine Graham and Ask Me No More: An Autobiography by Jenifer Hart 1997-1998
Note ["Abuelona"] n.d.
Essays In Memoriam 2002
Address and Trip Books n.d.
Information on Family History n.d. 1988
Correspondence Series II. 1923-2002
Family Correspondence Subseries I. 1888-1998
Baird, Ilse S. de Schwendt 1961 1997
Boles, Mamie (Mrs. Herbert) 1965-1998
Brown, Alex F. ca. 1976-1978, n.d.
Brown Elizabeth Potter ca. 1921-1925 1964-1966 n.d.
Brown, Herbert 1977
Brown, Lily 1969-1978
Brown, Margarita Maria 1938-1980
Brown, Norman Charles 1927-1963
Brown, Rebecca Marguerite 1960-1978
Brown, Stephen Ralph 1958-1978
Brown, Susan Elizabeth 1961-1978
Brown, Thomas Norman 1964-1966
Browne, Edith 1941-1954
Browne, Herbert W. 1940-1944
Browne, Sally n.d.
Coloma, Petra de Schwendt y 1946-1960
Geyer, Carlos 1947-1991
Gill, Lillian Brown 1944-1945
Gill, Mima and Herbert N. 1965-1986
Gilligan [?], Nita ca. 1953
Gussin, Sara 1999 n.d.
Lang, Ann Philipp 1957-1998
Philipp, Eileen Brown 1944-1983 n.d.
Philipp, Elizabeth Crockett 1960-1992 n.d.
Philipp, Ernest n.d.
Philipp, Robin 1952-1986
Potter, Eleanor n.d.
Potter, Mary R. 1909-1955
Potter, Harriett Gertrude Norton 1966 n.d.
Potter, Ralph Farrington 1888-1944
Schwendt, Axel P. de 1961
Schwendt, Elena Tovar de 1960
Schwendt, Pedro Pablo de 1961-1991
Scott-Brown, Meika n.d.
Smith, Lancelot 1989
Swanton, Olive 1995-1998
Personal Correspondence Subseries II. 1936-2001
[unknown], Eleanor 1953
Abbott, Eve Laraine 1968
Acker, Jerry 1971
Adler, Julian 2001
Agard, Walter R. "Ray" 1945-1947
Altizer,Thomas J. J. 1982-1997
Alva, Jorge Klor de n.d.
Anderson, Robert 1987
Angel, George ca. 1989-1991
Angelou, Thomas Andrew 1980
Antin, David 1971
Arvidson, Ted 1991-1992
Bachard, Therese 1997-1998
Bacon, Helen 1987
Balbus, Isaac 1982
Balibar, Etienne 1989
Barfield, Owen 1966-1976
Bayat, Mangol 1983-1985
Bassi, Karen 1981-1991
Beaver, Charles 1968-1983
Becker, Howard 1946
Beecher, Jonathan 1987
Bell, Charles Greenleaf 1973-1986
Bencivenga, James J. 1970
Berlin, Isaiah 1983-1991
Biglieri, Michael 1984
Billings, F. Tremaine "Josh", Jr. 1998-1999
Bischoff, Larry 1970
Blaser, Robin 1994
Blevins, Beth 1985
Blotter, Nancy 1979
Bobbitt, Nathaniel 1975
Bollard, Margaret Glynne 1972
Bosnak, Deanne & Robert 1983
Brahm, Gabriel 1992
Briston, Mark Alan 1969
Brooke, John L. 1995
Brose, Margaret 1982-1999
Brown, Wendy 1991-1993 n.d.
Brutto, Elizabeth 1970
Buch, Joseph 1987
Buckley, John 1975-1984
Buehler, David A. 1970
Garcia, Enrique 1986
Burkhart, Ron-Karl 1997
Burke, Terry 1991
Burks, David Clarke 1993
Burnette, C. 1970
Burnside, Madelaine 1973-1992
Burrow, Barron 1996-1999
Butterfield, Victor L. 1956-1972
Cage, John 1961-1992
Canfield, Craig 1973-1977
Cantor, Alfred Jay 1977-1996 n.d.
Carpenter, Edward "Ted" n.d.
Carpenter, Ken 1969-1970
Carvalho, John 1993-2000
Casale, Giac 1983-1998
Chamberlain, Lori 1986
Channell, Ian 1970
Chapkis, Wendy ca. 1990
Cheadle, Mary Patterson 1986
Chodorow, Nancy J. 1982
Clifford, Jim n.d.
Coates, Trevor 1990
Coelho, Robert 1988
Cogan, Daniel 1996
Cohen, Alan 1987-1992
Cohen, Robert S. 1959-1997
Colangelo, Joy 1976
Connery, Chris 1994
Cooper, Blair 1980
Corsi, Carlo A. 1990
Cotton, Paul 1978-1992
Crawley, G. R. "Richard" 1986
Creeley, Bobbie n.d.
Cullum, J. W. 1983
Cunningham, Merce 1979
Currents, Julianna de la 1989
Dale, Emeline Chambers 1973-2000
D'Arthenay, Barbara Coburn 1973
Davis, Richard Joel 1983
Deemer, Bill 1967-1973 n.d.
DeFord, R. D. 1983-1989
Detro, Gene 1972
Dietrich, Jeff n.d.
Dinnerstein, Dorothy 1976
Dionysus, Serena 1999
Donnell, Rahda 1970
Dooley, Ann 1986
Dorfner, Paul 1976-1982
Dotson, John 1997
Driscoll, Marc 1991
Dryden, Julie 1993-1994
Duden, Barbara 1986
Dunnell, Jeff 1983
Durling, Robert M. 1993-1995
Eagle, Tom-Flash ca. 1974
Echols, Caren 1973-1974
Eckartsberg, Ariadne von 1970-1972
Edelberg, Cynthia Dubin 1986
Edson, Charles Farwell 1942-1946
Eglin, Trent 1993-1994
Einhorn, Ira 1971
Einzig, Barbara 1970
Elkins, Jeremy 1997
Ellul, Jacques n.d.
Erdman, Virginia 1987
Eschenbach, Willis ca. 1973
Euben, J. Peter 1990
Ezra, Elizabeth 1986-1987
Fairhall, James ca. 1993
Fairhead, Peter J. 1999
Faith, Karlene 1995
Felstiner, John 1973
Fernald, Peter J. 1998
Fitch, Violet 1997
Fitzmaurice, Tim 1997
Fitzpatrick, Mary K. 1980
Foldes, Ken 1991
Formoso, Barry J. 1980
Fowler, Elisabeth 1979
Franck, Louis Rosenstock 1948
[Freeman], Barbara n.d.
Fromm, Rich n.d.
Fuller, R. Buckminster 1967
Gaight, David F. 1976
Gant, Michael S. 1970
Geiger, Philip 1991
Gentle, Penny 1970
Gevirtz, Susan 1993 n.d.
Giegerich, Wolfgang 1984
Giraud, Daniel 1972
Goldmann, Maurice 1964-1966
Gollin, Lisa 1987
Gomez-Ibanez, L. 1981
Goodemough, Erwin Ramsdell 1965
Gould, Peter 1969-1970
Gratwick, H. 1970
Graves, Morris 1971-1984
Greene, John 1990
Grenvicz, Eugene 1980
Griffiths, Vivian n.d.
Gronemeyer, Gisela 1991
Gross, David 1983
Grossinger, Richard n.d.
Hall, Eleanor "Nor" 1970-1999
Hallie, Philip Paul 1955-1988
Haliwell, Steve 1967
Hambling, Hilda N. 1965
Hampshire, Stuart 1973-1998
Haraway, Donna 1988-1994
[Harrison], Joann 1965-1966
[Harrison], Leopold 1966
Harrison, Lou ca. 1969
Hawkins, Anne 1980
Herzig, Rebecca 1993-1998 n.d.
Hewitt, Robin 1985-1990, n.d.
Hill, [John Edward] Christopher 1948-1994
Hill, Henry B. 1945-1946
Hill, Michael Ortiz 1994
Hillman, James 1982-1984
Hofstadter, Albert 1974-1976
Holbrook, Bruce 1986
Holmes, Mary 1994
Holt, Hamilton 1939
Homans, Peter n.d.
Hopkins, Jeanette 1982
Horan, Elizabeth 1987-1995
Horn, Stuart 1976
Howe, Susan 1985-1996
1985-1988 n.d.
Hummingfish, Max 1993
Illich, Ivan 1971
Jaffers, Frances ca. 1977
Jager, Bernd 1972
Jameson, Fred 1986
Jarnot, Lisa 1998-1999
Johnson, Mary A. 1971
Johnson, Philip A. 1980
Johnson, Phil, Jr. 1978
Johnson, Sylvia 1983
Jones, Caroline 1993
Johnston, Richard W. 1982-1988
Jones, Evan 1956-1958
Juda, Farlimas ca. 1970
Jungmann, Margaret M. 1982
Kaplan, Alice Y. 1991
Kapp, [Lore] & Ted 1974-1976
Kates, Jim 1968
Katz, Barry 1985-1998
Kaufman, Jim 1973
Kaufman, R. J. "Lex" 1964-1965
Keener, Diana 1982-1998
Keil, Charlie 1976
Kennedy, Thomas 1986 1990
Klezealeo, Herme T. 1972
Kline, Fred 1969 1977
Koch, Margaret 1970
Kolbinger, Ernst 1987
Koenigsberg, Richard 1964
Kramer, Janice Aurah ca. 1980
Kroker, Arthur 1993
Kronberg, Carole Ann 1980
Kroth, Jerome A. 1973-1979, n.d.
Kugelman, Jay D. 1964-1979
Lasch, Christopher 1985
Lawrence, Candida 1994
Lawson, Todd 1992
[Lease], Gary 1992
Leiss, William 1977
Lenik, David 1999
Levertov, Denise 1983-1984, n.d.
Lieberman, Joan 1991
Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop 1939
Lingenfelter, Oudi 1980
Littell, Whittemore 1936-1939
Long, Janice 1967
Lorenzen, David N. 1985
Luria-Sukenick, Lynn 1993-1995
Lykee, John 1971
Mackey, Nathaniel 1993 1996 n.d.
Mallac, Guy de 1972
Mamdani, Mahmood [1994]
Mander, Yari n.d.
Marcuse, Herbert 1973-1977
Marcuse, Peter 1993
Marian, Paul [1969]
Marrero, Frank 1994-1995
Marshall, Jack 1981
Marshall, Tom n.d.
Mayer, Arno J. 1989
McAllester, David 1991-1994
McClain, Nancy Clair 1969
McClelland, David 1975 1980
McClure, Michael 1971-1972
McClurg, John W. 1973
McNaughton, William 1973
Meister, Robert 1981
Mesiano, Francesco 1971
Metzger, Deena n.d.
Meyer, Ron J. 1987-1988
Miles, Barbara 1972
Miller, Alvin W. 1971-1983
Miller, Dean A. 1998
Millet, R. 1956
Millett, Fred B. 1962-1973
Mines, Julie 1981
Moglen, Helene 1979-1985
[Monas], Carol 1973
Monas, Sidney 1970-1998
Mongeon, Barbara 1971
Monk, Leland 1994-1997
Morley, Hilda 1978-1986
Morris, Ted & Fran 1955-1956
Murry, Edward John 1976
Muses, Charles 1972
Myers, Charlee 1977
Nelson, Jim 1972
Neu, Jerome 1992, n.d.
Neumann, Franz 1948
Noard, Susan 1986
Ocskay, Christy 1969-1971
Orlans, Andrew Brookes 1986-1997
Paglia, Camille 1990-1991
Palmier, J. M. 1969
Paolinelli, Robert 1983 2000
Parkinson, Ariel 1991-1999
Parkinson, Thomas 1958
Paterson, Mary 1981-1982
Patterson, Tom n.d.
Paz, Octavio 1971
Pendell, Dale 1993-1999
Pietz, William 1979-1996
Pirnazar, Maryam (Miriam) 1987-1998
Pitkin, Hanna Fenichel 1985
Pomeroy, Gil 1970
Postel, Danny 1990
Potter, Vincent G. 1992
Potts, David B. 1994
Powell, Joy H. ca. 1980
Powers, Jonathan 1997
Prince, Steven Tom 1971
Quin, Anne Jessup 1987-1997
Radcliff, L. Dewey 1976 1981
Raginhart, L. 1972 1998
Rague, Maria-Jose 1970
Rardin, Mame 1972
Rardin, Mary Sterling 1971
Rayor, Diane 1986-1993
Revill, David 1990 1992
Richards, Mary Caroline 1960-1962 n.d.
Richardson, Larry 1970
Risso, Michele 1970
Robinson, Janice S. 1982
Robinson, Walter ca. 1982
Rosenberg, Paul 1973
Ross, David S. ca. 1969
Rosse, William L. 1992
Rueckert, William H. 1965
Saliba, Therese 1983-1997
Scarry, Elaine 1992
Schaar, John H. 1975-1985
Schelling, Andrew 1986
Schmidt, Joachim K. H. W. 1974
Schneider, [Kirk J.] n.d.
Scholl, Steven 1995
Schorske, Carl E. 1954-1999
,,, n.d. 1954 1959 1971-1989
Schorske, Elizabeth 1975 2000
Schorske, Richard 1986
Schorske, Steve 1995 1997
Schorske, Ted 1992
Seeley, Alan 1970
Sees, Hannah 1969
Sells, Michael 1991
Serlin, Ilene 1991
Shane, Ron 1991-1997
Shapiro, Gary 1993 1999
Shisler, Susan 1993
Shultis, Christopher Lynwood 1995
Simpson, Mathew E. 1997
Siska, Bill 1969
Skakel, Nancy ca. 1976
Slatkin, Laura M. 1978 1987
Smith, Page ca. 1972 1991 1995
Smith, Stacey 1979
Sofelco, Henry 1996-1999
Sofoulis, Zoe 1987-1988
Soliah, Jon n.d.
Sparks, Jack N. 1993
Spaulding, Ida 1965-1976
Spooner, David 1980-1996
Staley, Jon ca. 1960
Starboy, Joel David 1981
Stauffacher, Jack Werner 1972-1973
Stavropoulos, Stavros Georgiou 1973-1975
Stevens, Gary 1978
Stout, Carol 1997
Streiff, Tom 1968
Strickland, Bruce 1977-1980
Strong, Tracy B. ca. 1995
Stusser, Michael 1972
Sullivan, Dennis 1983
Tiura, Susan 1992
Tagliacozzo, Giorgio 1972
Tauber, Alfred I. 1992-1995
Tausiig, Michael [1991]
Tellman, Barry L. 1981
Thomas, Judith n.d. 1996
Tibbetts, Peter 1982
Tiffany, Daniel Newton 1995-1997
Toynbee, Philip [1958 ?]
Treble, Joyce 1970
Tussman, Joseph 1989
Tuttle, Rick n.d.
Underwood, Richard A. 1976-1984
Veysey, Laurence 1986
Victor, Joel [ca. 1976]
Vinaver, Michel 1947-1998
Vinaver, Naoli 1985-1992
Vlastos, Gregory 1987
Vogelsang, Roger 1982
Walzer, Michael 1982
Weinberg, Kurt & Flo n.d. 1977 1994
White, Hayden n.d. 1970-1982
White, John 1970-1976
White, Michael 1998
Wilbur, Richard n.d. 1970-1971
Wilmer, Bruce B. 1991
Wilson, Carter 1989
Winslow, Richard K. 1975-1999
n.d. 1975-1989
Wolf, Daniel 1982-1994
Wolf, Gary n.d. 1993-1994
Wolfe, Robert 1985
Wolin, Sheldon, S. 1975-1981
Woodward, Stanley W. R. 1963
Wooten, Betsy 1999
Wren-Lewis, John 1971
Xenos, Nicholas 1991
Yamamoto, Douglas 1972
Yegge, Jonathan n.d.
Young, Neil 1981
Zech, Robert n.d. 1982-1983
Zerzan, John 1991
Zetzel, James 1991
Unidentified writers 1947-1991
Outgoing to unidentified recipients. 1980-1996
Business Correspondence Subseries III. 1938-2000 n.d.
Copyright Notices 1947 1966
Publishing Contracts 1965-1966
Writings Series III. ca. 1942-1996
"Decentralized Despotism" by Mahmood Mamdani, review by Brown 1994
"Love Hath Reason, Reason None", drafts 1993
"Imprints" Interview 1993
"Dionysus 1993", drafts 1993
"Dionysus in 1992" 1992
"Dionysus in 1992" -- draft and discards, Working Papers [1992]
"Dionysus in 1992" -- Work Drafts 1991-1992
"Dionysus in 1991" -- drafts [Lecture, January 28, 1992] 1991-1992
"Dionysus in 1991", draft [1991]
"Dionysus in 1991", discards [1991]
"Dionysus in 1990", [Annotated Lecture] [1990]
"NOB Public Speeches to Dec. 1993" 1990-1993
"Memorandum to Carl Schorske" 1990
Memo to Carl Schorske, [Draft of] [1990]
"Actaeon 1989" [Metamorphoses II: Actaeon] [1989]
"Revisioning Historical Identities" - Revised 1989
"Revisioning Historical Identities" [with critique by J. Cantor] 1989
"Divine Narcissus" 1989
"Metamorphoses III: Narcissus", drafts 1989
"Narcissus: Sources" [ca. 1989 ]
"Narcissus: Drafts" [ca. 1989 ]
"Narcissus: Ideas" [ca. 1989 ]
"Actaeon III" [re: "Metamorphoses II: Actaeon"] [ca. 1972-1989]
"Actaeon III Addenda and Refs" [re: "Metamorphoses II: Actaeon"] [ca. 1972-1989]
"John Cage: A Lecture" 1988
"John Cage" German Translation by Christina Scheneman [ca. 1988]
"The Reopening of the American Mind" and "Second and Third Thoughts on Allan Bloom, Two Weeks Later" 1987
Contribution for the Kresge Summer Reading Brochure 1986
"Philosophy and Prophecy: Spinoza's Hermeneutics," off print 1986
"Homage to Robert Duncan", drafts and typescripts 1986
"Political Theology: The Case of Sheldon Wolin" 1985
"Notes by NOB on 'Shiism in Modern Human Politics' by Mangol Bayat" 1985
"Philosophy and Prophecy: Spinoza's Hermeneutics", typescript, tearsheets 1985
Hanna Pitkin's "Fortune Is A Woman", typescript review [1985]
"Homage to Propertius: Supplement" [The Triumph of the Imagination] 1984
Kresge Commencement, notes and typescript 1984
"Shi'ite Islam: The Politics of Gnosticism," Lecture for the American Academy of Religion, typescripts 1983
Programs and Notes from the Conference "Facing Apocalypse," with Reading Copy of "The Apocalypse of Islam" 1983
"Shi'ite Islam as World Historical Phenomenon" [Early Draft of "Shi'ite Islam: The Politics of Gnosticism"] [ca. 1983]
"Addenda to John H. Schaar, 'Jacques Ellul: Between Babylon and the New Jerusalem'", draft and typescript 1982
"The Prophetic Tradition", notes and typescript [1982]
Notes Pertaining to Kresge Commencement [?] [ca. 1981]
"What is Psychoanalytical Awareness?", draft and mimeograph 1980
"Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Intent", draft, typescript and photocopy [ca. 1980-1981]
"The Apocalypse of Islam," typescripts and annotated photocopies [1980's]
"Tropics of Discourse", by Hayden White, review, manuscript and typescript 1978
French Translation of Psychology Today Interview: "Conversation entre Norman O. Brown et Warren Bennis" 1977
"God as Form" by Curtis Bennett, review, manuscript and typescript, with correspondence 1977
"Founders of the Modern State" by N. Jacobson, review, photocopied manuscript with notes 1976
"Commencement" Address, notes, draft, and photocopied manuscript [1975]
Cowell Annual Faculty Lecture "But That's Not It", draft 1974
"We Must Write a Letter to Robert Duncan" [Published poem], photocopies 1963-1974
"Rome -- A Psychoanalytical Study", offprint 1974
"On Interpretation", notes, drafts, and typescript 1973
"Lupercalia", notes, drafts, typescript and offprint 1972-1973
Closing Time, typescript [ca. 1972]
Closing Time, draft ("F. W. Draft") [ca. 1972]
"To Greet the Return of the Gods" - notes [ca. 1972]
"To Greet the Return of the Gods: A Guide for Teachers" rough draft transcripts, Tapes 1-6 [1971-1972]
"My Georgics", notes, drafts, and typescript 1971
Free Spaghetti Dinner Interview, photocopy 1970
"Rome -- A Psychoanalytic Study", typescript [ca. 1970]
"A Homage to Propertius", photocopy [1970]
"Homage to Propertius", notes and drafts [ca. 1969]
"Notes and Discards -- Augury -- Sources" [ca. 1969]
"Augury -- Preliminary Drafts" [ca. 1969]
"Daphne or Metamorphosis", drafts and typescripts [ca. 1969]
R.A.I. Interview "My Politics, My News", notes and photocopy 1968
"From Politics to Metapolitics", drafts 1967
"From Politics to Metapolitics" & "A Reply to Herbert Marcuse", photocopies 1967
"Apocalypse", notes, clipping and photocopy 1961
"E. Q. V. Address", notes 1959
"Souvenir" and drafts of other short compositions ca. 1958
"In The Beginning", 48 page typescript [ca. 1950s]
"In The Beginning" [Version 2], 122 page typescript [ca. 1950s]
"In The Beginning" [Version 3], 122 page typescript [ca. 1950s]
"Errors of Leo Strauss" [Review of Persecution and the Art of Writing], 2 copies of typescript [ca. 1952]
"The Birth of Athena", offprint 1952
"Pindar, Sophocles, and the Thirty Years' Peace", offprint 1951
"La Solidarite de la Famille dans le Droit Criminel en Grece" by Gustave Glotz, synopsis 1940-1942
"Recherches sur le Developpement de la Pensee Juridique et Morale en Grece" by Louis Gernet, synopsis ca. 1941
"Dionysus", notes, drafts, and typescript 1940
2 Short Book Reviews [1940's]
Incomplete Typescript from Folder "Genos, Phratrey, etc." [1940s]
Photocopied Manuscript, Beginning w/ "It Is Important, if You Continue to Live in America" n.d.
Photocopied Manuscript of a Review of Mamdani, "Decentralized Despotism" n.d.
"The Homeric Hymn to Hermes", translated by Brown, 2 typescripts and 1 earlier mimeograph n.d.
The Lecture "Bodies", draft n.d.
Draft of a Talk on Reviews of Love's Body n.d.
"Identity and Community: Love's Body Lecture", notes n.d
"J. J. Bachofen: Motherright: An Analytic Summary", typescript n.d
An Analysis of Robert Briffault's The Mothers: A Study of the Origins of Sentiments and Institutions n.d.
"Cage" [Draft of Wesleyan speech] n.d.
"Service", draft [aka "From Slavery to Service"] n.d.
The Symposium Paper "Love", 2 drafts n.d.
"Anthropology Address", drafts n.d.
"A Psychoanalysis of the Origins of Psychoanalysis", notes n.d.
"Inauguration" -- Final [Draft manuscripts] n.d.
King of the Wood [Draft manuscript] n.d.
Flora Whore [Draft manuscript] n.d.
Gemini [Draft manuscript & notes] n.d.
Feed My Sheep [Draft manuscript] n.d.
"Divine Narcissus" -- Sources 1985-1989
"Divine Narcissus" -- Discards n.d.
"[The] Prophetic Tradition" -- [Draft manuscript & Typescript] 1981-1982
[Draft re Spinoza] n.d.
"The Turn to Spinoza" (Original) [Draft manuscript & Typescript] 1986-1989
"The Turn to Spinoza" [Draft manuscript] n.d.
"Revisioning Historical Identities" -- Drafts [& Transcription] 1980's
"Dionysus in 1990" -- [Draft manuscript] 1980's
Working files Series IV. 1940-1999
[Notes on Various Authors] 1994-1997
Notes on Books Read - 1996 1996
Discards [on W. Brown, States of Injury] 1996
[On States of Injury by Wendy Brown] 1995-1996
Nietzsche -- T. Strong 1995
[From Tom Marshall] [ca. 1995]
["Reflections on Agamben"] 1995
[Miscellaneous Notes] [ca. 1994]
[At Carl Schorske's Festscrift, Stanford] 1994
Derrida: On Bataille, On Chances [ca. 1994]
[Miscellaneous Notes] [1993-1994]
[Notes on Michel Serres] 1993-1995
[Re: John Cage] 1993
Gilder: Wealth - Poverty 1993
Discards: Cochrane, Kroker, Shapiro, Krell on Nietzsche, Tauber 1992-1993
Pierce Notes ca. 1992
["A.C. a difficult person"] 1992
[Dionysus in 1992: Notes] 1992
Later Notes on Pierce 1992
Connery Class 1992
Paglia 1991
[Gilder, Bataille, Goux] ca. 1991
[Notes on Life Against Death] 1991
Notes for D[ionysus] in 1990 1990
["Towards a 'Multi-Cultural' Pedagogy, Center for Cultural Studies Position Paper] 1990
Kristeva 1990-1992
Unger [, Roberto] [1989-1990]
Comments on M. Bernal, Black Athena 1989
[Notes for Hofstadter Memorial] [1989]
Danaids [#1] [1988]
Danaids [#2] [ca. 1988]
Danaids [#3] [1988-1990]
John Cage at Wesleyan 1988
Xerox to go with Revisioning Lecture [ca. 1988]
[Notes on Bataille] 1987-1990
Introduction to Koran Lecture 1986
Homage to Propertius Add. 1984 1984
[On] Ibn Arabi [1984]
[Said Arjomand on Islam] 1983-1984
[Conference Program for "Facing Apocalypse"] 1983
[Material on Shi'ite Islam] [ca. 1983]
Varia Islamica [1983]
[Santa Cruz Express Article "John Cage's Revolution"] 1982
Ernesto Cardenal [Poetry Reading] 1982
Goethe Faust [ca. 1981]
[Material for "The Prophetic Tradition: The Challenge of Islam"] 1981
"Universal History" 1981
"Ebionism" 1981
"Docetism" 1981
"The Book" 1981
"Sunni-Shia" 1981
"Revolutionary Islam" 1981
[Notes on Milton and the English Revolution, by Christopher Hill] 1981
[Finnegans Wake] Xeroxed Suppl. Material [ca. 1981]
Finnegans Wake [ca. 1981]
[Notes on] Ibn Rushd [ca. 1980]
Enc[yclopedia of] Islam [pt. 1] [ca. 1980]
Enc[yclopedia of] Islam [pt. 2] [ca. 1980]
Enc[yclopedia of] Islam [pt. 3] [ca. 1980]
Ebionites [ca. 1980]
Gnosticism [ca. 1980]
Other Islamic Philosophy [ca. 1980]
[Articles on Islam] [ca. 1980]
[Women and Islam] [1980]
[2 Articles on] Marxism [1980]
A Tribute to C. L. (Joe) Barber 1980
A Wake for Finnegans Wake 1979
Roman Vergil [ca. 1978]
Art of Love 1978
[Session on Wallace Stevens at Tilly Shaw's House] 1978
[Bicentennial Cowell Debate] [1976]
Lucretius Lecture for Humanities 1974-1975
Comedy [ca. 1975]
ROMA-AMOR [ca. 1974]
W. C. Williams [ca. 1974]
Lecture [Notes] on Finnegans Wake and Ulysses 1974
Ezra Pound Cantos (NOB) [ca. 1973]
Illich, Freire, Ellul [1971-1973]
Ezra Pound Cantos (Sources) [ca. 1971-1972
Re "Groundwork" 1971
Re: "A Bibliography of Works About Norman O. Brown, 1959-1974" 1970-1974
Etymology, Language, Writing [ca. 1970]
Education [ca. 1970]
Condere, Mundus, Center [ca. 1970]
Mallarme & Duchamp ca. 1970
Drafts of Farce & Closing Time [1970]
[Notes for a Course on?] Love's Body [ca. 1970]
Notes on Glotz, Gustave, The Aegean Civilization [ca. 1968?]
[Notes for a Course on] Mystical Tradition [ca. 1967]
H.D. [ca. 1967]
Rome -- Varia, Bibliographies [ca. 1967]
Trinity and Quarternity [1963]
Heichelheim [Fritz M.] [ca. 1962]
[Notes on] Bachofen, Briffault [ca. 1960]
Lectures 1959
[Notes on] Childe, V. Gordon, Man Makes Himself [ca. 1956]
Spinoza [ca. 1950s]
Greeks & Barbarians -- Athens & America [ca. 1950s]
Hebraism & Hellenism -- Lecture for Hum. [ca. 1950s]
Christianity [ca. 1950s]
Greek Science & Greek Society [ca. 1950s]
Lucretius & Vergil -- Two Pagan Gospels [ca. 1950s]
Later Pagan Thought & Augustine [ca. 1950s]
Fraternity; Parties; Elections [ca. 1950s]
Homer in Translation [ca. 1940s]
"An Open Letter to the Faculty" - Tokyo Rose n.d.
Athens - Omena n.d.
Bible n.d.
Black Power n.d.
[Deus est Agape] n.d.
Duncan Materials n.d.
Euripides Ion n.d.
[Notes on] Flora, Whore, Maternal n.d.
[Notes on] Freedom n.d.
Helen Materials n.d.
3 short pieces on Hermes [by "Bill" and unknown authors] circa 1947 [?]
Herodotus n.d.
[Notes on] Hillman Tape n.d.
Horace, Catullus n.d.
[Notes on] Husserl n.d.
Juno, Magna Mater n.d.
King of the Wood n.d.
[Ann] Lasko Drawings n.d.
L. Org. [?] n.d.
Lectures on Background of Plato's Republic n.d.
[Notes on] Man-Root Poetry Journal n.d.
[Notes on] Monotheism & Polytheism n.d.
Myth Historica n.d.
[Notes on Neo-Marxism] n.d.
[Notes on] Oedipus n.d.
One Body Notes n.d.
Ovid Draft n.d.
Ovid Materials n.d.
Pastoral n.d.
Revolution - Change n.d.
Romulus n.d.
[Notes on] Rousseau n.d.
Sappho n.d.
[Schorske; On Freud] n.d.
Servus Servorum Dei n.d.
[Notes and Short Manuscript on] Swedenborg n.d.
Tanaquil, Fortuna n.d.
Upon This Rock n.d.
Vico n.d.
[Notes on] the West n.d.
Asad, Talal 1990
Bersani, Leo 1988
Blanchot, Maurice 1959
Cage, John 1982 1991
Carrion, Jorge 1971
Cesaire, Aime 1979
Carne-Ross, D. S. n.d.
Char, Rene [1973]
"The Classical Review" - Articles 1903-1922
Cochrane, Charles N. 1993
Davidson, Michael 1991
Dembo, L.S. 1969
Derrida, Jacques 1978
Ess, Josef van 1988
Freud, Sigmund n.d.
Gizzi, Peter 1998
Heidegger, Martin 1976
Hillman, James 1990
Hofstadter, Albert 1974
Jarnot, Lisa 1999
Knight, Richard Payne 1974
Kristeva, Julia 1987
Latour, Bruno [1979]
Lewis, Bernard 1985
Livi, Grazia 1963
Mackey, Nathaniel n.d.
Marrero, Frank 1994
Meister, Robert 1994-1998
"Meliboeus, Tityrus" - Bob n.d.
Monas, Sidney 1985
Nagy, Gregory 1973
Ostriker, Alicia 1983
Pendell, Dale 1998
Pound, Ezra 1973
Serres, Michel 1982
Sieburth, Richard n.d.
Spicer, Jack 1970
Sprague, William B. 1835
Taruskin, Richard 1993
Uranga, Emilio 1952
Vernant, Jean-Pierre n.d.
Wurzer, Wilhelm S. n.d.
Enclosures Series V. 1938-1996
Abraham, Ralph et al, Trialogues at the Edge of the West 1992
Aeschylus, Greek Tragedies, v.2 [1960]
al-Khalil, Samir, The Republic of Fear: The Inside Story of Saddam's Iraq 1989
Bacon, Frances, Selected Writings 1955
Bakhtin, M. M., The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays 1981
Barfield, Owen, Saving My Appearances [1965?]
Bataille, Georges, Accursed Share, v.1 1988
Bataille, Georges, Guilty 1988
Bataille, Georges, Inner Experience 1988
Bataille, Georges, On Nietzsche 1992
Bataille, Georges, Yale French Studies "On Bataille" 1990
Batchelor, Stephen, Alone With Others 1983
Bateson, Gregory, Steps to an Ecology of Mind [1972]
Baudrillard, Jean, The Mirror of Production 1975
Bedau, Hugo Adam, Civil Disobedience: Theory and Practice [1969]
Benjamin, Jessica, Bonds of Love 1988
Bennett, Curtis, God as Form 1976
Blofeld, John, Tantric Mysticism of Tibet 1970
Bloom, Harold, The American Religion 1992
Bloom, Harold, Wallace Stevens: The Poems of Our Climate 1977
Bowra, C.M., Greek Lyric Poetry from Alcman to Simonedes 1961
Brent, Joseph, Charles Sanders Pierce: A Life 1993
Brooke, John L., Refiner's Fire 1994
Brown, Wendy, States of Injury 1995
Buber, Martin, Moses:The Revelation and the Covenant 1958
Buber, Martin, Prophetic Faith 1960
Burckhardt, Jacob, Kulturgeschichte Griechenlands [1934]
Burke, Edmund, Reflections on the Revolution in France [1955]
Butler, Judith, Gender Trouble 1990
Cassirer, Ernst, An Essay on Man: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Culture 1944
Cavell, Stanley, The Senses of Walden [1972]
Cavell, Stanley, Claim of Reason 1979
Colletti, Lucio, Marxism and Hegel [1973]
Corbin, Henry, Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi [1969]
Corbin, Henry, Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth 1977
Cowan, Lyn, Masochism: A Jungian View 1982
Cross, Whitney, Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York 1982
Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, v. 1: Inferno 1996
Dawkins, Richard, The Blind Watchmaker 1987
Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Anti-Oedipus 1977
Eliade, Mircea, The Sacred and the Profane 1959
Dennett, Daniel C., Darwin's Dangerous Idea 1995
Descartes, Rene, Discourse on Method 1950
Ellul, Jacques, The Presence of the Kingdom 1967
Ellul, Jacques, The Technological Society 1964
Empson, William, Some Versions of Pastoral [1950]
Eshleman, Clayton, Hotel Cro-Magnon [1989]
Euripides, Four Plays About Women 1973
Euripides, Fabulae II 1902
Ferenczi, Sander, Thalassa: A Theory of Genitality [1938]
Fixler, Michael, Milton and the Kingdoms of God 1964
Fleming, Richard and William Duckwork, John Cage at Seventy-Five 1989
Foerster, Richard, Der Raub und die Rueckkehr der Persephone 1874
Fornari, Franco, Psicanalisi della Guerra Atomica [1964]
Foucault, Michel, Madness and Civilization 1967
Freud, Sigmund, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego 1949
Freud, Sigmund, Moses and Monotheism 1951
Frye, Northrop, Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake 1947
Galinsky, G. Karl, Ovid's Metamorphoses 1975
Gibb, Hamilton A. R., Studies on the Civilization of Islam [1962]
Girard, Rene, Violence and the Sacred 1979
Goethe, J. W. von, Faust 1976
Gossman, Lionel, Between History and Literature 1990
Hall, Nor and Norman O. Brown, Book of Hours 1971
Hampshire, Stuart, Spinoza [1951]
Hegel, G. W. F., Selections 1929
Hegel, G. W. F., Hegel's Philosophy of Right 1973
Heidegger, Martin, Introduction to Metaphysics 1961
Hillman, James, Re-visioning Psychology [1975?]
Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan 1950
Hogenson, George B., Jung's Struggle with Freud 1983
Hoelderlin, Friedrich, Poems and Fragments n.d.
Homer, Homeri Opera... [1916-1919]
Howe, Susan, Pythagorean Silence 1982
Idel, Moshe, Kabbalah: New Perspectives 1988
Illich, Ivan, Deschooling Society [1971]
Illich, Ivan, Tools for Conviviality [1973]
Jones, John, On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy 1962
Kant, Immanuel, Prolegomena 1951
Keynes, Geoffrey, ed., The Complete Writings of William Blake 1957
Koran, The Meaning of the Glorious Koran [1953]
Kroker, Arthur & David Cook, The Postmodern Scene 1986
LaBarre, Weston, The Human Animal 1955
Lacan, Jacques, Ecrits 1966
Lem, Stanislaw, Imaginary Magnitude 1991
Levertov, Denise, The Poet In the World 1973
Lynch, John Patrick, Aristotle's School 1972
Machiavelli, Niccolo, The Prince and The Discourses 1940
Mahdi, Muhsin, Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History [1964]
Marcus Aurelius, Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus [1951]
Marcuse, Herbert, Aesthetic Dimension: Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics 1978
Marcuse, Herbert, Eros and Civilization [1955]
Marcuse, Herbert, Negations 1969
Marcuse, Herbert, One Dimensional Man [1964]
Marx, Karl, Early Writings 1975
McLuhan, Marshall, Gutenberg Galaxy [1962]
Meister, Robert, Political Identity 1991
Mendelsohn, I., Religions of the Ancient Near East 1955
Nietzsche, Friedrich, The Portable Nietzsche 1954
Nietzsche, Friedrich, The Philosophy of Nietzsche 1927
Olson, Charles, Maximus Poems IV, V, VI 1968
Paglia, Camille, Sexual Personae 1990
Paine, Thomas, Common Sense and the other Political Writings [1953]
Paul, Sherman, Music of Survival 1968
Paz, Octavio, The Labyrinth of Solitude: Life and Thought in Mexico 1961
Plato, The Republic [1945]
Pound, Ezra, Guide to Kulchur [1968]
Rahman, Fazlur, Islam 1979
Rank, Otto, Myth of the Birth of the Hero 1952
Reik, Theodore, The Compulsion to Confess [1961]
Reik, Theodore, Ritual: Psychoanalytic Studies 1946
Rodinson, Maxime, Islam and Capitalism 1978
Rosen, Stanley, Hermeneutics as Politics 1987
Rosenstock-Huessy, Eugen, ed., Judaism Despite Christianity [1969]
Rosenstock-Huessy, Eugen, The Christian Future: Or, The Modern Mind Outrun 1966
Rosenzweig, Franz, Star of Redemption [1971]
Rougemont, Denis de, Love in the Western World [1956]
Sachedina, Abdulaziz A., Islamic Messianism 1981
Said, Edward, Beginnings: Intention and Method 1975
Sandys, John Edwin, ed., A Companion to Latin Studies 1925
Santayana, George, Three Philosophical Poets: Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe 1947
Schiller, Friedrich, On the Aesthetic Education of Man 1954
Schneidau, Herbert N., Sacred Discontent: The Bible and Western Tradition 1977
Schopenhauer, Arthur, The Philosophy of Schopenhauer [1956]
Scruton, Roger, Sexual Desire: A Moral Philosophy of the Erotic 1986
Serres, Michel, Eclaircissements: Cinq Entretiens avec Bruno Latour 1992
Shapiro, Gary, Alcyone: Nietzsche on Gifts, Noise, and Women 1991
Shariati, Ali, On the Sociology of Islam 1979
Smith, Page, Rediscovering Christianity 1994
Sophocles, Sophocles [1954-1957]
Tabatabai, Muhammad Husayn, Shi'ite Islam 1977
Tauber, Alfred, Organism and the Origins of Self 1991
Thucydides, The Complete Writings of Thucydides [1934]
Thurman, Robert A. F., Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti 1991
Turnbull, Colin M., Forest People [1962]
Unger, Robert Mangabeira,The Critical Legal Studies Movement 1986
Unger, Robert Mangabeira, Knowledge and Politics [1975]
Vico, Giambattista, The New Science of Giambattista Vico 1968
Walzer, Michael, Exodus and Revolution 1985
Wheelwright, Philip, The Presocratics 1966
Whitehead, Alfred North, Science and the Modern World 1927
Williams, Charles, The Figure of Beatrice 1983
Williams, William Carlos, Paterson [1951]
Yuanwu, Zen Letters: Teachings of Yuanwu 1994
Card Files Series VI. 1933-1993
J. Edwards 1948
Blake 1962
Psychoanalysts, not Freud 1955
Hobbes n.d.
Neo-Freudians & Marxist psychologists 1954
Fenishel n.d.
Fromm [ca. 1955]
Jung [ca. 1957]
Reich [1946]
Roheim 1955
Bettelheim 1954
Wittgenstein, Wisdom, Philosophy n.d.
Daniélou [1950]
Bergson [1935]
Sorel n.d.
Sartre [1962]
Nietzsche, Geb[urt der] Trag[oedie] n.d.
Langer [Susanne K.] n.d.
Marx 1966
Marxists n.d.
Caudwell [Christopher] 1937
Kojeve & Hegel n.d.
Radin [Paul] [1937]
Huizinga n.d.
Griewank [Karl?] [1969?]
Mauss 1950
Simmel: Geld n.d.
Herskovitz & Polanyi n.d.
Veblen n.d.
Needham 1951
Nygren, D'Arcy n.d.
Frazer [1947]
Eliade n.d.
Barfield [1965?]
Malinowski n.d.
Cornford n.d.
Harrison n.d.
[G.] Rachel Levy [1953]
Burckhardt n.d.
Arendt n.d.
Dodd - Irrational n.d.
Crawley, [A. E.] 1927
Gernet - Boulanger [1932]
Bachofen n.d.
Gierke n.d.
Granet, [Marcel] [1957]
Levi-Strauss 1955
Durkheim, L[evy]-B[ruhl] n.d.
Bachelard 1949
Strindberg 1964
Goethe n.d.
Mystic, Symbolic Consciousness n.d.
History & Ritual n.d.
History - Time n.d.
History & Rhetoric n.d.
Ps[ycho]a[nalysis] & History n.d.
Myth History n.d.
Hero Lecture n.d.
Knowledge, Consciousness, Reason n.d.
Science, Technology, Machine n.d.
Philosophy n.d.
Kant 1953
Descartes n.d.
Swan Maiden n.d.
Art 1933-1953
Secret - Mysteries n.d.
Truth n.d.
Sex n.d.
Mystic Judaism - Leary n.d.
Puns - NOB n.d.
Freud's Philosophy n.d.
Freud & Marx Notes [1960's]
Language Lecture n.d.
Commitment n.d.
Morality 1963 1963
A letter to RD n.d.
The Rose [1950's]
Poliphilo 1953
Christmas n.d.
Body Mysticism 1964
Violence as War [ca. 1953]
Warriors & War n.d.
2nd mill[enium] B.C. Axis 1949
Judaism - Christianity 1955
English History n.d.
Primitive - Civilized 1955
Power Leader 1938
Rebel 1954
Matrist Patrist History n.d.
Mother & Father Religion n.d.
Mother - [unknown] men n.d.
Virgo 1936
Mother Rule - Phallic Mother n.d.
Mothers - Symbolism n.d.
Mother C[on]s[ciousness - Schizophr[enia] 1933
Mother Earth - Nature n.d.
Kali 1955
Vagina Dentata n.d.
Perpetuum Carmen 1973
Elegy n.d.
Love 1958
O Fasti n.d.
Ovid Bibliography n.d.
Latin Verse 1978
Later Influence of Ovid 1966
O[vid]'s Banishment & Life 1958-1964
Various Modern Writers on O[vid's] Met[amorphoses] 1933-1964
O[vid's] Style 1935-1964
Rhetoric n.d.
Play, Poet n.d.
Met[amorphoses] as a Whole: Thematic Patterns n.d.
O[vid] & Myth General n.d.
Metamorphoses n.d.
O[vid] as Baroque & Mannerist 1967
Augustan, Anti 1972
Sociology Politics General Analyses n.d.
Kingship - Analyses [1957]
Analyses - Fratriarchat [1930s]
Analyses Mother [1940's]
Analyses - Law n.d.
Analyses - Property n.d.
Analyses - Family [1940's]
Mysticism - Analyses [1952]
Mysticism Bibliog[raphy] [1950's-1963]
Symbolism Bibliogr[aphy] 1947-1965
Myth Bibliogr[aphy] 1952
Politics - Sociology - General - Bibliogr[aphy] 1938
Property - Bibliogr[aphy] 1949
Sociology - Classical - Bibliogr[aphy] 1945-1956
Family - Mothers etc. - Classical - Bibliogr[aphy] 1955
Family - Mothers etc. Bibliography 1955
Totemism - Bibliogr[aphy] n.d.
King - Bibliography 1956
Polybius 1940
Roman Historians 1953
Livy 1959
Annals Fasti Lays n.d.
Fabius Pictor n.d.
Sallust n.d.
Suetonius n.d.
Tacitus n.d.
Roman History - Introductions & Surveys n.d.
Roman Constitution 1957
Translatio: Greece - Troy - Rome 1957
Rome Greece Repetition n.d.
Rome Carthage n.d.
Aeneas Wandering n.d.
Venus n.d.
City Foundation n.d.
Romulus 1962
Romulus - Remus 1963
Curiae Quirites War n.d.
Luperci n.d.
Romulus Numa n.d.
Horatii Curiatii n.d.
Dual Org[anization] in Rome n.d.
Hercules n.d.
Tarquin[ius] n.d.
Tarquin II n.d.
Brutus 1978
Coriolanus n.d.
Camillus n.d.
Conquet of Italy; Citizenship n.d.
Provinces; Conquest of Mediterranean n.d.
Army n.d.
Collapse of Republic n.d.
Gracchi n.d.
Marius n.d.
Drusus n.d.
Sulla n.d.
Pompey n.d.
Cicero n.d.
Cato n.d.
Caesar n.d.
Principate [1953]
Augustus n.d.
Augustus - Res Gestae n.d.
Tiberius n.d.
Claudius n.d.
Nero n.d.
Rostovtzeff; S[ocial and] E[conomic] H[istory of the R[oman] E[mpire] [1963-1966]
Sibyl 1951
Dumezil n.d.
Agri[culture] - Culture n.d.
Arcana imperii n.d.
Sacred City n.d.
Capitol n.d.
Pastoral, or silvan king 1963
Lucus n.d.
Arcadia n.d.
Tree - Stone 1968
Tomb n.d.
Body Politic n.d.
Roma Quadrata n.d.
City Asylum n.d.
Citizenship: Assimilation n.d.
City Woman n.d.
Mundus, Tholes [?] 1950
Ara n.d.
Penates n.d.
Janus n.d.
Social Contract 1961
Liberty n.d.
Republic, Monarchy, Recurrence n.d.
Regifugium Poplifugia 1946
Property, Contract, Boundary n.d.
Jus Fides n.d.
Ampheon n.d.
Rome Crime Punishment n.d.
Imperium n.d.
Magistrate, Majestas 1963
Triumph n.d.
Magistrates n.d.
Augury Auspices n.d.
Patria Potestas n.d.
Auctoritas n.d.
Gens n.d.
Slavery n.d.
Patricians Plebeians n.d.
Equites n.d.
Sabines n.d.
Tarpeia n.d.
Acca Larentia n.d.
Bachofen n.d.
Tanaquil n.d.
Fortuna n.d.
Servius Tellius 1963
Tullia n.d.
Etruscans n.d.
Women in Rome 1963
Hegel n.d.
Vico General n.d.
Vico Varia n.d.
Brelich, [Die] geheime [Schutzgottheit von Rom] [1949]
Vesta, Brelich etc. 1966
Hubeaux n.d.
Rome 1966
Analyses Classical 1948
Aeschylus n.d.
Herodotus - Active 1976
Herodotus - Schmid Stahlin n.d.
Herodotus & Athens 1941
Herodotus, Notes & Bibliogr[aphy] 1956
Thuc[ydides] - Secondary n.d.
Thucydides - 1955- 1955
Thucydides n.d.
Aristophanes n.d.
Grk. Philosophy - Before Plato n.d.
Sophocles n.d.
Plato n.d.
Plato Rep. n.d.
Plato Rep. Various Authors n.d.
Plato Timaeus n.d.
Caird, [G.B.] Ev[angelical] Theol[ogy] n.d.
Aristotle 1967
Plutarch n.d.
Seneca 1939
Menander n.d.
Aurelius n.d.
Augustine 1963
History 11 n.d.
Class. Civ. 30 n.d.
Class. Civ. 9. n.d.
Homeric Age & Poetry n.d.
Heroic Age n.d.
Homeric Sociology n.d.
Homeric Theology n.d.
Homeric Man n.d.
Odyssey n.d.
Iliad [1976]
Homeric Problem - Mycenae etc. 1955
Matriarchy n.d.
Homosexuality n.d.
Greek Agon Fraternity 1961
Genus Phratry Phyle 1955
Demiurges 1957
Greek Psychology n.d.
Solen 1961
Theseus 1940
Athens 1946
Ostracism n.d.
Sparta 1955
Introductory Material n.d.
The Augustan Proem n.d.
Creation & Fall 1958-1959
Flodd n.d.
Giants n.d.
Lycaon n.d.
Deucalion 1943
I. Daphne 1962
II. Phaethon 1970
II. Europa 1960
II. Battus 1957
I-II. Syrinx to Callisto to Aglauros n.d.
Met II. Varia n.d.
III. Semele n.d.
III. Teiresias 1946
III. Cadmus n.d.
III. Actaeon n.d.
III. Narcissus 1951
III. Varia n.d.
Cadmus & Harmonia 1963
IV. Hermaphroditus 1958
IV. Varia n.d.
IV-V. Perseus n.d.
V. Ceres & Proserpena n.d.
Arethusa n.d.
VI. Procne - Philomela n.d.
VI. Varia n.d.
VII. Medea n.d.
VII. Cephalus & Procnis n.d.
VII. Varia n.d.
VIII. Daedalus n.d.
Baucis & Philemon 1967
IX. Byblis & Caunus n.d.
IX. Iphis & Ianthe n.d.
IX. Hercules 1947
IX. Vana n.d.
X. Orpheus 1966
X. Pygmalion 1964
XI. Ceyx & Alcyone 1964
XII. 1957
XIV. O[vid]'s Aeneid n.d.
XV. Pythagoras & ending 1959
Apollo 1957
Dionysus n.d.
Dionysian 1969
Eur. Bacchae n.d.
Heracles n.d.
Hera n.d.
Greek Religion & Myth n.d.
Homere Theology n.d.
Titans n.d.
Genealogy n.d.
Theogony 1965
Prometheus n.d.
Hermes 1945
Hephaestus n.d.
Demeter 1952
Athena 1950
Athena: Sex, Work & Power 1963
Gorgon 1954
Danaids 1949
Aphrodite 1974
Adonis n.d.
Helen n.d.
Thetis n.d.
Amazons 1957
Centaur Cheron 1951
Weaving 1963
Knots 1948
House, Door, Bridge 1963
Water Symbol n.d.
Gold n.d.
Tree n.d.
Numbers 1965
Language 1968
Words 1965
Writing 1967
Book n.d.
Labyrinth 1937
Atlantis n.d.
Horse 1955
Comedy n.d.
Hero 1956
Shaman 1957
Themis Nomos Dike 1956
Crime n.d.
Dual org. & Agon n.d.
Agora 1958
Democracy 1957
Freedom n.d.
Equality 1959
Friendship n.d.
Classes n.d.
Republic n.d.
Everyman a King 1948
Forms Symbols Royalty Power n.d.
Monotheism n.d.
King & God n.d.
King Mother n.d.
Incarnate Son n.d.
King Father n.d.
King Dead n.d.
Killing the King n.d.
King Judge n.d.
Herr - Genossen n.d.
Sacrifice n.d.
Dead n.d.
Resentment n.d.
Tariffs n.d.
Oath 1955
Lottery, Election 1954
Property - Dead & Living 1949
Property: Fathers Sons Brothers n.d.
Family n.d.
Family & State n.d.
Fathers 1955
Fathers Sons 1948
Marriage 1956
Nudity n.d.
Transvestite n.d.
Eros Homosexual 1959
81 Myth. Intro. Writing 1983
81 Myth. Mythos Logos Intro. n.d.
Persephone -- "Metro" n.d.
Ovid 1984
Varia Ovidiana 1983+ 1983
Ovid Met. 1990
Daphne n.d.
Actaeon 1984
Narcissus n.d.
Metamorphosis 1981
Demeter/Persephone n.d.
Theogony Theomachy n.d.
Titans n.d.
Keats Hyperion n.d.
Milton 1981
Prometheus n.d.
Spenser n.d.
Olson n.d.
Lecture on Gr[ee]k Tragedy F80 1980
Goethe 1982-1990
Faust 1982
Faust Lecture 1982
Archaic Greek C[onsciousnes]s 1982
Wilson Harris n.d.
Supplementa Varia 1981 1981
Spinoza Drafts 1986
Abbreviated Lecture Feb 81 1981
Determinism in History, Teleology n.d.
Intro: U H C I [Universal History with Cosmopolitan Intent] [1981]
Islam & [Chris]tianity [1980]
Islam & Christian Heresies [1980]
Christ in the Quran [1980]
Ebionism [1980]
Docetism [1980]
The Book n.d.
Book Discard n.d.
Idzaz [I'djaz] n.d.
Succession revised 81 1981
Succession - Hadith n.d.
Succession - Abu Bakr & Ali [ca. 1980]
Succession - Ijma n.d.
Succession - Shia n.d.
Succession - The Failure n.d.
Kharidjis n.d.
Shia - Documents n.d.
Shia - Notes n.d.
Ismailis n.d.
Revolutionary Islam [1980-1981]]
Mystic Islam Lecture [1980-1981]
Phen. Shiite n.d.
Q[uran] XVIII n.d.
Sura 18 Discards n.d.
[The] Aoc[alypse [of] Islam [ca. 1986]
[The] Apoc[alypse [of] Islam, Discards [ca. 1986]
Sublimity n.d.
"Eschatology" n.d.
Isl[am and] Art n.d.
Isl[amic] Prophecy n.d.
Creative Imagination n.d.
Women: Courtly Love n.d.
Prophetic Tradition in [the] Q[uran] n.d.
Prophetism: Probl[emata] Theo[logico]-Pol[itica] n.d.
Assassins n.d.
Ikhwan al-Safa n.d.
Karmatians n.d.
Soothsaying Dreams Spirits n.d.
Ibn-Khaldun n.d.
Dante n.d.
Satan - Iblis n.d.
Sacrifice n.d.
Muslim Brotherhood n.d.
Marcuse 79 [1979]
Politics 79 [1979]
Theology 79 1979
Fackenheim [Emil L.] n.d.
Lowith Hegel Nietzsche n.d.
Miskotte [Kornelis H.] n.d.
Seve n.d.
Lukacs n.d.
Goldmann n.d.
Marxism n.d.
Varia n.d.
Myth n.d.
Messiah Sources n.d.
King n.d.
Hope n.d.
Voegelin [Eric] [ca. 1974]
Berdyaev [Berdiaev, Nikolai] n.d.
Nygren [Anders] n.d.
Greek History n.d.
Prophecy n.d.
Father & Mother n.d.
Eschatology n.d.
Bible Books n.d.
Time n.d.
Hodgson n.d.
Corbin n.d.
The Book 1973
Theocracy n.d.
Prophecy in Islam n.d.
Succession n.d.
Falsafa n.d.
Varia 1980
Islam - Comparative Religion n.d.
Sense of History - Islam n.d.
Islam & Xtianity [Christianity] n.d.
Ebionites n.d.
Docetism [1976]
Jihad 1977
Mahdi n.d.
Islamic Definitions n.d.
Islamic Persons n.d.
Islamic Sects [ca. 1978]
Q[u]ran n.d.
[Ibn] Ishaq [Muhammad] 1981
Spinoza n.d.
Mormons 1982
Reflections - July 28, 92 1992
Reflections n.d.
Pierce 1993
Pierce 8/12/92 1992
Canguilhem 1993
Monod 1992
Courage 1992
Chance [No contents: Index Card Only] n.d.
Cruelty [No contents: Index Card Only] n.d.
Scitovsky [Tibor] [1992]
Bataille Gilder Goux 1991
Gambling Chance 1992
Bataille, Nietzsche n.d.
Derrida on Bataille Discards 1991
Jouissance Discards n.d.
Farce Discards [1991]
Dionysus/Christ Discards n.d.
Individuation Discards 1991
Coincidentia - Mysticism Discards 1991
Communication - Masses - Discards 1991
Sacrifice Discards 1991
Amor Discards [1991]
Excess - Discards (3) 1991
Dionysus in 1991 (Discards) 1991
Thematics 1990-1991
Rhetoric 1991
Rosen n.d.
Gilder Goux Discards 10/26/91 1991
Paglia 1991
Kristeva 1991
Hogenson [George B.] 1991
Hillman n.d.
Becker 1991
Macy [Joanna] 1991
Psychotherapy n.d.
Gilder 1993
Biological Theory 1993
Cage n.d.
Christianity v. Dionysus (Cochrane mostly - some Kroker) 1993
Amor & Justitia [No Contents: Index Card Only] n.d.
Love [No Contents: Index Card Only] n.d.
Newness [No Contents: Index Card Only] n.d.
Teleology n.d.
Biology & History [No Contents] n.d.
Chance [No Contents: Index Card Only] n.d.
Death [No Contents: Index Card Only] n.d.
Excess 1993
Tragedy n.d.
Time n.d.
Negation n.d.
Extra n.d.
Discards [No Contents: Index Card Only] n.d.
Drafts 11/6/93 [No Contents: Index Card Only] n.d.
Reconsiderations - 9/28/93 - 1993
Diary 9/19/93 1993
Revisioning 7/28/93 1993
Aphoristic July 93 - 1993
Diary 6/21/93 - 1993
Kroker [No Contents: Index Card Only] n.d.
Nietzsche (Shapiro Krell Reinhardt) 1993
Hacking 1993
Tauber 1993
Notebooks Series VII. 1966-1991
"Fragmentary Jottings" 1966-1973
"Fragments from 68-72" 1968-1972
[No Title] [1978]
"79 Marx Heidegger Hommes Lowith Hegel Wahl" 1979
[No Title] 1979-1981
"De Lubac, Corbin" et al. 1980
"Varia Generalia 1981-" 1981-1982
"Islam Addenda 1981" 1981
"Islam Addenda 1982" 1982
"Goethe 1982" 1982
"Shiism" [1983]
"Islam Addenda 1984" 1984
"Nov 1984. Prophecy & Philosophy in Islam" 1984
"Pound - 1985" 1985
"Varia Generalia, 1985-1987" 1985-1987
"Islam Addenda, 1985-1987" 1985-1987
["Note-Perfect Steno Book"] [1990]
[No Title] "Note-P[erfect St]eno Book" [1990-1991]
[Addenda etc.] [1990-1991]
[Nietzsche, Dionysus '91, Varia] [1991]
["Classic Journal"] [1991]
[Brown marbled paper pattern composition book] [1991-1993]
["Next Wave Filler Paper in a Pad"] [1993-1995]
["CompBook"] [1995-1996]
[No Title; On Heidegger, Nietzsche, and others] n.d.
[No Title; Corbin, Spiritual Body...] n.d.
[Plain faded green spiral] n.d.
"Hommes Heidegger Lowith Wahl" n.d.
[Blue plain comp. book] n.d.
"Barfield Rieker Benoit Dasgupta David-Neel Steiner Goethe Weil Pesanteur Viatte Carrouges" n.d.
"Deleuze" n.d.
"Jones on Aristotle Tragedy, Redfield on Homer, Longinus Pocock Philippson Genealogie, Lebeck Oresteia n.d.
["Note-Perfect Steno Book"] [1986-1987]
"Lectures" n.d.
Teaching Related Materials Series VIII. 1949-1990
Classical Civilization 29-30 1949-1960
Classical Civilization Comprehensive 1951-1952
Educational Policy Committee ca. 1956-1958
History 12 1958
"Mimeo Materials" ca. 1959-1961
"Lanford's Notes on NOB's Lectures" 1960
Archetypes - Western Civilization 1962-1966
"Eliade, Rahner, Bachelard" 1967
Psychoanalysis and History Seminar 1968
Bibliography - Psychoanalysis and History 1968
Myth and History 1968
History of Consciousness 265 Fall 1968
History of Consciousness 299 Fall 1968
History 105A Fall 1968
Myth and History 105A Fall 1969
Classes Winter 1969
History of Consciousness 265B Winter 1969
History of Consciousness 275 Spring 1970
Courses Spring 1970
Independent Studies Spring 1970
Literature 101A Fall 1970
Western Civilization Fall 1970
Independent Studies Fall 1970
History of Consciousness Seminar Fall 1970
Literature 101A: Documents 1970-1971
Independent Studies Spring 1971
English Literature 172B Spring 1971
Independent Studies Fall 1971
History of Consciousness 201 Fall 1971
Literature 101 Fall 1971
Independent Studies Winter 1971
History of Consciousness 265B Winter 1971
Latin Literature Winter 1971
History of Consciousness 201 Winter 1972
Cowell 4B sec. C Winter 1972
Independent Studies Winter 1972
Latin Literature 103B Winter 1972
Cowell 4C Spring 1972
Independent Studies 1972 1972
Independent Studies Fall 1972
Greek Literature 103B Fall 1972
Cowell 8 Fall 1972
Latin Literature 103B Winter 1973
Independent Studies Winter 1973
Greek Literature 103B Fall 1973
Independent Studies Fall 1973
English Literature 175C Fall 1973
Latin Literature 103C Winter 1974
English Literature 175D Winter 1974
Independent Studies Spring 1974
Cowell 9C Spring 1974
History of Consciousness 203A Fall 1974
Cowell 18 Fall 1974
Latin Literature 103A Winter 1975
English Literature 175C Winter 1975
Greek Literature 104 Spring 1975
Independent Studies Spring 1975
Poetry Class: Writing Yoga ca. 1975
History of Consciousness 203B Winter 1976
Independent Study Spring 1976
Greek Literature 104 Spring 1976
Cowell Core Course Fall 1976
Independent Studies Winter 1977
Latin Literature 103B Winter 1977
Latin Literature 103A Winter 1977
Independent Studies Spring 1977
Greek Literature 103A Spring 1977
Cowell 190A Spring 1977
Cowell 141A Fall 1977
Independent Studies Fall 1977
Cowell 1 Fall 1977
Independent Studies Winter 1978
Latin Literature 103B Winter 1978
Cowell 3 Winter 1978
Literature 102 Spring 1978
Greek Literature 103C Spring 1978
Independent Studies Spring 1978
Latin Literature 103A Fall 1978
Cowell 1 Fall 1978
Independent Studies Fall 1978
Greek Literature 103B Winter 1979
History of Consciousness 210 (Awake for Finnegans Wake) Winter 1979
Independent Studies Winter 1979
Independent Studies (Fall) Fall 1979
Latin Literature 102A Fall 1979
Humanities 10A Winter 1980
Greek Literature 104A Winter 1980
Independent Studies Winter 1980
Humanities 10A Fall 1980
Greek Literature 104 Fall 1980
Independent Studies (Fall) Fall 1980
Independent Studies Winter 1981
Latin Literature Winter 1981
History of Consciousness 219A Winter 1981
Independent Studies Spring 1981
Literature 15A Winter 1982
Literature 15A: Reader Winter 1982
History of Consciousness 221 (Goethe's Faust) Fall 1982
Faculty Seminar (Goethe's Faust) [aka HistCon 221] 1982
Faust, Diez Translation, Part I (photocopy) Fall 1982
Faust, Diez Translation, Part II (photocopy) Fall 1982
Classical Mythology and World Poetry Winter 1982
Humanities 50B Winter 1983
Humanities 50B: Reader Winter 1983
Latin Literature 102A Spring 1983
Latin Literature 102B Winter 1984
Humanities 50B Spring 1984
Humanities 50B: Reader Spring 1984
Humanities 50B: "Some Accidents Don't 'Just Happen'" Spring 1984
Letter to Cowell Students by Provost Page Smith May 1966
Letters Concerning NOB's Appointment to UCSC 1966-1967
Academic Correspondence 1967-1969
History of Consciousness Program 1969-1972
Academic Correspondence 1970-1973
Graduate Advisees 1971-1975
Academic Correspondence 1974-1979
Prophecy and History Lecture 1977
"Classics" 1979
Academic Correspondence 1980-1991
"Classical Mythology: A 'Methodological Bibliography" 1981
Kresge Office File 1988-1989
Academic Correspondence n.d.
Kerouac n.d.
Writing Hypotheses - NOB n.d.
World Literature 1C (Gillman/Ross) Spring 1990
Writings by Others Series IX. 1956-1996
Reviews of Brown's Work 1957-1977
Reviews of Life Against Death 1959-1966
Reviews of Love's Body 1966-1968
"Bibliography of Works About Norman O. Brown, 1959-1970" 1969-1970
Reviews of Closing Time 1973-1974
"Der Midaskomplex: Tribut an Norman O. Brown" 1986
Writings on Brown's Work ca. 1964-1992
Letters Reviewing "Dionysus in 1992" 1992
Reviews of Apocalypse And/Or Metamorphosis 1991-1996
Reviews of "Love Hath Reason, Reason None" ca. 1994
"Lanford on the Hero" ca. 1960
"Renew Jerusalem" by George Dowden 1966
"The Great Betrayl, pt. 4" by J. M. Wyllie 1968
"Some East African Firmans of H. H. Aga Khan III" by Abdul Adatia & N. Q. King 1969
"Holocene Gazette & Country Traveler" 1970
"New Poem" by John Logan, plus Interview ca. 1971
"Weak Signals from an Alienated God" by Stanley Marmorek 1971
"Clio Descending: Norman O. Brown as American Modernist" ca. 1975
[By Walter Robinson] 1983
"Foreign Intelligence" by Barry Katz 1985
[Working Outline of Book by Charles "Ed" Tandy] 1986
"The Night When Language Toppled" by Joseph Dowell 1987
[Essays by B. Todd Lawson] ca. 1991
[2 essays by William Pietz] 1992
On Nietzsche: Advance Uncorrected Proof, by Georges Bataille 1992
"Biography as Semeiotic" by Joseph Brent ca. 1993
"Reflections on C Company" draft by Page Smith 1994
[Various manuscripts by Nor Hall] 1972-1994
"The Royal Games" by Frank Marerro 1994
"Decentralized Despotism" by Mahmood Mamdani 1994
"Shipwreck" by Glenn A. Kurtz 1994
Pharmako/Poeia and other manuscripts by Dale Pendell ca. 1994
[Manuscripts and reprints by Thomas J. J. Altizer] 1970-1995
[Draft of Lingua Franca Piece and an Untitled Essay by Gary Wolf] ca. 1993-1995
Draft of Chapter 7 "The Welfare State" [anon.] 1995
"The Writings of John Cage up to the Late 1980s" by Jackson Mac Low 1995
"Wittig's Life in Silesia, Vermont, and Elsewhere" by Raymond Huessy 1995
The Consolation of Theology by Said Amir Arjomand 1995
[Typescripts by Susan Howe] 1995 n.d.
"Constitution and Law in a Regime of Popular Sovereignty" by Jeremy Elkins 1996
"J. Neu's MS. 1996" 1996
"Pride and Identity" & "Mill's Pig" & "Jealous Afterthoughts" by Jerome Neu 1996
"Justice is Conflict: The Soul and the City" by Stuart Hampshire 1996
[Essays by E. W. "Gene" Holland] ca. 1996
"Naked Awareness" by Michael White 1998
"Unearthing the 'Deep'" & Ph.D. Thesis Excerpts by Rebecca Herzig 1992 1998
[Digest and Draft of Works by David Shohl] 1997-1998
[Address and Book Excerpt by David Spooner] 1998
"From Patriotism to Nationalism (And Maybe Back Again) by John H. Schaar n.d.
"The Homeric Hymn to Demeter" by Robert David Wolfe n.d.
"Horses with Wings" by Denise Levertov n.d.
"The Immediate Institution of the Kingdom of God on Earth" by Kenneth Holly n.d.
"To the Egyptian Dig: Freud's Exploration in Western Cultures" by Carl E. Schorske n.d.
"Amnistie des Yeux Crves: Nous Sommes En Marche" n.d.
"The Energy of Slaves" by Jay Cantor n.d.
"Debts Due and Overdue" by Gary Shapiro n.d.
"The First Hour of the Night" by Bill [unknown] n.d.
Althusser, Louis, "Freud and Lacan" 1969
Arendt, Hannah, "What Was Authority?" n.d.
Barber, C. L., Shakespeare Survey Reprint n.d.
Barber, C. L., "The Form of Faustus' Fortunes Good or Bad" 1971
Barnard, C. J., "Parasitic Relationships" 1990
Bataille, Georges, "Hegel, Death and Sacrifice" & Writings on Laughter, Sacrifice, Nietzsche, Un-Knowing 1986 1990
Bates, Robin, "The Corrections" 1997
Baudrillard, Jean, "Forgetting Foucault" 1980
Blinkenberg, Christian, The Thunderweapon in Religion and Folklore 1911
Boedeker, Deborah Dickmann, "Aphrodite's Entry Into Greek Epic" 1974
Cantor, Jay, "On Stanley Cavell" 1981
Critchley, Simon, "Angel in Disguise" 1996
Colletti, Lucio, "Marxism and the Dialectic" 1975
Corbin, Henry, Articles by and on him. 1957-1983
Deemer, Bill, various writings 1970's
[The Diggers], "For Norman -- Welcome Home" [Packet] n.d.
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau, "Family, Sexes, Psyche" ca. 1980
Durling, Robert M., "'Io Son Venuto': Seneca, Plato, and the Microcosm" n.d.
Erdman, David V., "Browning's Industrial Nightmare" 1957
"Etymology" [Articles by various authors.] ca. 1958
Haraway, Donna, "The Biopolitics of Postmodern Bodies" 1996
Hart, Ray L., "To Be And Not To Be" 1984
Hodgart, M. Song in the Works of James JoyceJ. C., Excerpts from 1959
Hodgson, G. S., Articles by and on him. 1955-1979
Hofstadter, Albert, "Truth of Being" & "Art: Death and Transfiguration" 1965 1970
Jameson, Fredric, "Imaginary and Symbolic in Lacan" n.d.
Jeanmaire, H., "La Naissance d'Athena et la Royaute Magique de Zeus" 1956
Lauretis, Teresa de, "Semiotic Models, Invisible Cities" 1978
Levertov, Denise, 1968
Lawson, B. Todd, [Articles on Islam] 1991 1993
Mahaffey, Vicki, "'Minxing Marriage and Making Loof': Anti-Oedipal Reading" 1993
Most, Glenn W., "Alcman's 'Cosmogonic' Fragment" 1987
Nodelman, Sheldon, "Sixties Art: Some Philosophical Perspectives" n.d.
Olson, Charles, "Human Universe" 1958
Paglia, Camille, "Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders" 1991
Panikkar, Raimundo, "Sunahsepa: A Myth of the Human Condition" 1979
Parkinson, Thomas, "Letter to a Young Lady" 1945
Philipp, Eileen, "Rakiura" & "A Mexican Story" & "Significance of Bears" 1985 n.d.
Pirnazar, Maryam, [Poems sent by her] n.d.
Reinhardt, Karl, "Nietzsches Klage der Ariadne" 1993
Roheim, Geza, various articles 1939-1949
Schorske, Carl E., various articles 1981-1993
Sells, Michael, "Sound, Spirit, and Gender in Surat al-Qadr" n.d.
Silverman, Joseph, Book Review 1987
Slatkin, Laura, [2 articles] ca. 1986
Smith, Pierre and Dan Sperber, "Mythologiques de Georges Dumezil" 1971
Spooner, David, "Four Idiosyncratics on Revolution" 1987
Toft, Catherine A., et al, Parasite-Host Associations [excerpt] 1991
"The University of California as Nine Unnatural Acts: Act Nine, The Politics of Hibernation" n.d.
Various Authors, re: Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz ca. 1986 1995
Vlastos, Gregory, "Socratic Irony" 1987
Witte, Sarah E., "H.D.'s Recension of The Egyptian Book of the Dead in Palimpsest 1989
Young, Al, editor, "The Very First Love Letter" 1966
Scrapbook 1989-1995
Event & Lecture Posters 1979-1990
Misc. Written Posters n.d.
Stamp Collection ca. 1930s-1990s
Postcard Collection n.d.
Family photographs ca. 1914-1988
7" tape reel collection ca. 1960-1972