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Eric Dibner Papers
BANC MSS 99/186 c  
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Carton 1, Carton 2 folders 1-21, Oversize folder 1B

Series 1: Architectural and Transportation Barriers, 1973-1991, undated

Scope and Content Note


Arranged hierarchically and chronologically.
This series chronicles Eric Dibner's work on architectural and transportation barriers through notes, flyers, meeting minutes, correspondence, architectural sketches and blueprints, publications, and photographs. The materials cover a broad range of activism from general information to specific cases.
The series is divided into geographical sub-series: General, National, State of California, and San Francisco Bay Area. General includes Dibner's accessibility presentations, as well as general accessability clippings. National contains records on organizations such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. State of California consists of information on building standards, the Office of the State Architect, and the California Association of the Physically Handicapped (CAPH).
San Francisco Bay Area information is further divided into Bay Area subjects and cities. BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) includes an access study as well as an accessibility lawsuit. Market Barriers contains documentation on the campaign and lawsuit against grocery store cart barrier gates. Berkeley materials include work with Grey Panthers housing committees, the Berkeley Housing Coalition, and the California School for the Blind and Deaf. University of California, Berkeley contains materials on campus access, the Coordinating Committee on the Removal of Architectural Barriers, and accessible housing. Oakland materials include complaints of accessability in Oakland restaurants, and files concerning the Oakland Housing Authority. San Francisco records consist of information on the protests against inaccessible screenings of Coming Home, a film about a disabled veteran, at the Regency Theaters, and also include a public buildings accessibility survey.

Subseries 1.1:  General, 1978-1991, undated

carton Carton 1, folder 1

Presentations and Programs 1978-1991, undated

carton Carton 1, folder 2

Disability Awareness flyers and clippings 1981, 1988-1989


Subseries 1.2:  National, 1978-1986

carton Carton 1, folder 3-4

US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1980 1978-1983

oversize Oversize 1B

HUD Field Office jurisdictions 1979

carton Carton 1, folder 5-6

Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (ATBCB) 1980-1986

carton Carton 1, folder 7

National Center for a Barrier Free Environment 1980-1984


Subseries 1.3:  State of California, 1979-1985, undated

carton Carton 1, folder 8-9

California Association of the Physically Handicapped (CAPH) meeting materials 1982-1985

carton Carton 1, folder 10

Building Standards Commission 1979-1985

carton Carton 1, folder 11

Office of the State Architect 1980-1984

carton Carton 1, folder 12

Title 24 Revision of the Uniform Building Code 1983-1985

carton Carton 1, folder 13

Coalition for Strong Access Regulations 1983-1985

carton Carton 1, folder 14

California Access organizations brochures undated


Subseries 1.4:  San Francisco Bay Area, 1973-1985, undated


BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), 1983-1985, undated

carton Carton 1, folder 15

Ridership survey questionnaires undated

carton Carton 1, folder 16

Kathi Pugh, Steve Herber, and Katherine Corbett v. San Francisco Rapid Transit District 1983-1985

oversize Oversize 1B

Architectural modification drawing 1984


Market Barriers, 1976-1985, undated

carton Carton 1, folder 17-20

General 1976-1985

carton Carton 1, folder 21

Consumers Cooperative of Berkeley: Market Gates 1977

carton Carton 1, folder 22-23

Lawsuit Materials: City of Oakland v. Safeway Stores, Inc., Promarket Inc., P-X Market, Emby Foods, Inc., and Food Farm 1977-1985

oversize Oversize 1B

"Corral Those Carts!" [Lucky Store's Poster] undated

oversize Oversize 1B

Safeway Store's Gate drawing undated


Berkeley, 1973-1985

carton Carton 1, folder 24

Herrick Hospital expansion 1973-1975

carton Carton 1, folder 25

Gray Panthers Nursing Home Committee 1977-1979

carton Carton 2, folder 1-2

Gray Panthers Housing Committee 1978-1983

carton Carton 2, folder 3-4

Berkeley Housing Coalition 1979-1980

carton Carton 2, folder 5-7

California School for Deaf and Blind site 1979-1985

oversize Oversize 1B

California School for the Blind, Fremont 1981

carton Carton 2, folder 8

California School for Deaf/Blind site: Dwight/Derby section 8 housing study 1984

carton Carton 2, folder 9

University Avenue housing cooperative 1981


University of California, Berkeley, 1975-1985

carton Carton 2, folder 10

Architecture 202-135 course material 1975

carton Carton 2, folder 11

Physically Disabled Students Residence - Program brochures circa 1975-1980

carton Carton 2, folder 12-13

Coordinating Committee for the Removal of Architectural Barriers (CCRAB) 1977-1985

carton Carton 2, folder 14

Campus Access by Keith Wilson 1979

carton Carton 2, folder 15

University Student Co-op Association: Rochdale II 1979-1980


Oakland, 1975-1983


Accessibility complaints

carton Carton 2, folder 16

Jack London Village 1975-1982

carton Carton 2, folder 17

Keith Kellum correspondence 1976-1983

carton Carton 2, folder 18

Oakland Housing Authority (OHA) 1978-1979


San Francisco, 1978-1982

carton Carton 2, folder 19

Regency Theaters Protest 1978

carton Carton 2, folder 20-21

Public buildings access 1978-1982

oversize Oversize 1B

Ghirardelli Square Tour Guide Map marked with access barriers 1982

Carton 2, folders 22-24, Carton 3

Series 2: Center for Independent Living (CIL), 1973-1982, undated

Scope and Content Note


Arranged hierarchically and chronologically.
This series is divided into two sub-series: Administrative Records, and Reports and Publications. Administrative Records consist of general files, committee notes, grant funding information, and staff meeting minutes. The records also include papers and photographs that chronicle the CIL workers' strike in 1981-1982. Reports and Publications contain brochures and reports on the demand for rehabilitation services, as well as the 1975 State of the Art Conference. They also include a list of publications from 1980.

Subseries 2.1:  Administrative Records, 1973-1982, undated

carton Carton 2, folder 22

Housing 1973-1974

carton Carton 2, folder 23-24

General 1975-1977

carton Carton 3, folder 1-7

General 1978-1982, undated

carton Carton 3, folder 8

Staff meetings 1975-1976

carton Carton 3, folder 9-10

Organization files 1975-1982

carton Carton 3, folder 11-13

Community Development block grant 1976-1980

carton Carton 3, folder 14

Coordinating Committee 1976-1977

carton Carton 3, folder 15

Workers' Council 1979-1980

carton Carton 3, folder 16-17

Strike 1980-1982

carton Carton 3, folder 18

Disability Support Service Workers Union 1981-1982


Subseries 2.2:  Reports and Publications, 1973-1980, undated

carton Carton 3, folder 19

Brochures circa 1975-1985

carton Carton 3, folder 20

Estimating Demand for a Rehabilitation Services Facility 1973

carton Carton 3, folder 21

State of the Art Conference Papers and Report 1975-1976

carton Carton 3, folder 22

CIL Project Reports 1978, undated

carton Carton 3, folder 23

CIL List of Publications 1979-1980

carton Carton 3, folder 24-25

Alameda County Lawyers Committee for Disability Rights Training Manual, by CIL's Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund 1981

Carton 4, Oversize folders 1-2B

Series 3: City of Berkeley, 1976-1986, undated

Scope and Content Note


Arranged chronologically.
This series contains correspondence, notes, photographs, and printed materials about the City of Berkeley, including access violations, accessibility lawsuit materials, records from the Mayor's Task Force on the Disabled, architectural records denoting access renovations, and records of community committees. It also contains planning materials for People's Park and the Berkeley waterfront.
carton Carton 4, folder 1

Public works and codes inspection 1976-1981

carton Carton 4, folder 2

Daniel Drake v. City of Berkeley, George Pope, et al. 1977-1982

carton Carton 4, folder 3

Berkeley Unified School District 1978-1982

carton Carton 4, folder 4-5

City of Berkeley disability awareness 1978-1981

carton Carton 4, folder 6-7

Violations 1979-1985

carton Carton 4, folder 8

Waterfront planning 1977-1985

carton Carton 4, folder 9-13

People's Park 1979-1986

carton Carton 4, folder 14

Surveys of Berkeley public buildings 1980

carton Carton 4, folder 15-16

Mayor's Task Force on the Disabled report 1980-1983

carton Carton 4, folder 17

Post office 1980-1984

oversize Oversize 2B

Post office architectural drawing drafts 1977

carton Carton 4, folder 18

Berkeley YMCA: Advisory Health Committee 1982-1983

carton Carton 4, folder 19

Coalition to Stop Electroshock Treatment 1982-1984

carton Carton 4, folder 20

Committee for the Removal of Architectural Barriers (CRAB) 1984-1985

carton Carton 4, folder 21

Disability Awareness training course 1984

carton Carton 4, folder 22-24

Human Relations and Welfare Commission Subcommittee on the Disabled 1984-1985

oversize Oversize 1B

Architectural modifications plan of the Church of the Divinity School of the Pacific undated