Series 1: Theater
General Physical Description note: 34 boxes, 5 oversize boxes, 4 map folders.
Scope and Contents note
This series consists of production files and business files, original set design illustrations, posters, press clippings,
ephemera, and scripts for musicals and plays produced by Stanley Chase. Arranged in subseries A-E as follows:
The Threepenny Opera, 1952-1961.
Free and Easy, 1956-1960.
- Bijou Theatre files, 1946-1961.
- Miscellaneous, 1953-1989.
- Playbills and programs, ca. 1950-1960.
Subseries 1A:
The Threepenny Opera,
General Physical Description note: 13 boxes, 2 oversize boxes, 1 map folder.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of production files and business files, original set design illustrations, posters, press clippings,
ephemera, and scripts from Stanley Chase and Carmen Capalbo's off-Broadway hit, Kurt Weill and Bert Brecht's musical
The Threepenny Opera. The show ran a record-breaking six and a half years at the Theatre de Lys, and generated a forty-fold return on the initial
investment. It won a Tony Award in 1956 as a distinguished Off-Broadway production. The original order and content of the
files was maintained at the time of processing. For audio recordings of the cast production, see Series 4. Audio and visual
box 1, folder 1
Operating bills--Week 1.
1954 March 14.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for first week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 2
Operating bills--Week 2.
1954 March 21.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for second week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 3
Operating bills--Week 3.
1954 March 28.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for third week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 4
Operating bills--Week 4.
1954 April 4.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for fourth week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 5
Operating bills--Week 5.
1954 April 11.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for fifth week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 6
Operating bills--Week 6.
1954 April 18.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for sixth week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 7
Operating bills--Week 7.
1954 April 25.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for seventh week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 8
Operating bills--Week 8.
1954 May 2.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for eigth week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 9
Operating bills--Week 9.
1954 May 9.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for ninth week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 10
Operating bills--Week 10.
1954 May 16.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for tenth week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 11
Operating bills--Week 11.
1954 May 23.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for eleventh week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 12
Operating bills--Week 12.
1954 May 30.
Scope and Contents note
Operating bills for twelfth week of production. Includes box-office, payroll and general expenses.
box 1, folder 13
Closing expenses.
1954 June 6.
Scope and Contents note
General closing expenses.
box 1, folder 14
Actors' contracts.
Scope and Contents note
Contracts and communications from first cast regarding employment.
box 1, folder 15
Advertisement bills and contracts.
box 1, folder 16
Threepenny Opera Touring Company--Offering circular.
1960 July 27.
Scope and Contents note
Statement of initial offering of limited partnership.
box 2, folder 1
Audit portfolios (folder 1 of 2).
Scope and Contents note
Portfolios cover the first and second run of the production.
box 2, folder 2
Audit portfolios (folder 2 of 2).
Scope and Contents note
Audit portfolios for limited dates in April, May and June (first run).
box 2, folder 3
1955, 1960.
Scope and Contents note
Marketing materials from the Los Angeles and New York productions.
box 2, folder 4
Central Bureau for Registered Addresses.
Scope and Contents note
Materials relating to change of address and name of production company managing New York production.
box 2, folder 5
1957, 1960.
Scope and Contents note
Playbills from the New York, Los Angeles and New Jersey productions.
box 2, folder 6
Financial summaries.
Scope and Contents note
Financial summaries of production prepared by CPA firm, Seidman and Seidman.
box 2, folder 7
Trade magazines.
Scope and Contents note
Trade magazines and clippings.
box 2, folder 8
Magazines, playbills, theater guides.
1955-1956, 1960.
Scope and Contents note
Contents related to the production of
The Threepenny Opera in Los Angeles and New York.
box 2, folder 9
Scope and Contents note
Documentation relating to budgeting projection and planning.
box 3, folder 1
Box office.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and box office statements related to ticket sales.
box 3, folder 2
Business Certificate, bank, tax and Workers' Compensation.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted business papers.
box 3, folder 3
Investor agreements.
Scope and Contents note
Contracts and correspondences between Christopher Productions and investors.
box 3, folder 4
Legal correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence from attorneys Fitelson and Mayers related to lease issues.
box 3, folder 5
Employment correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence regarding employment and casting related to the first run production.
box 3, folder 6
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documentation related to liability insurance and workers' compensation coverage.
box 3, folder 7
Music licensing.
Scope and Contents note
Documentation related to the licensing of Weill's orchestration.
box 3, folder 8
Clippings and marketing correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Clippings and correspondence related to advance advertising.
box 3, folder 9
Blitzstein, Marc.
Scope and Contents note
Memo from Carmen Capalbo and unsigned, type-written letter.
box 3, folder 10
Scope and Contents note
Handwritten note to Doubleday.
box 3, folder 11
Billing stubs and correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Contents related to New York Telephone Company and Barnes Printing Company billing.
box 3, folder 12
Dept. of Labor rating charges.
Scope and Contents note
Notification of 'Experience Rating Charges' from the State of New York, Department of Labor.
box 3, folder 13
Cast biographies.
Scope and Contents note
Type-written biographies of cast, some with photographs. Includes biographical materials on Brecht and Weill.
box 3, folder 14
Payroll taxes and W-4s.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, Department of Labor documentation, W-4s, personnel contact info and payroll audit sheets.
box 3, folder 15
Press lists.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documentation related to press invitations to performances.
box 3, folder 16
Preview orders.
1954 March 8.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to preview show.
box 4, folder 1
Theater parties.
Scope and Contents note
Internal documentation, party contracts, seating charts and correspondence from the Theatre Party Bureau.
box 4, folder 2
Union and crew.
Scope and Contents note
Contracts, bond receipts and correspondence related to Union employees and management staff.
box 4, folder 3
Theatre de Lys.
Scope and Contents note
Contracts, rental billing and correspondence from management company, Senior Estates Ltd.
box 4, folder 4
Advertising agency.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, internal memoranda ad rates and ad schedules.
box 4, folder 5
Clippings, articles and advertisements.
box 4, folder 6
Opening night and preview lists.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and seating lists related to the opening night and preview shows. Includes letter from Richard Avedon.
box 4, folder 7
Scope and Contents note
Payroll covers first run performance and rehearsals during week of 14 February through 6 June.
box 4, folder 8
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to props.
box 4, folder 9
Ad comps and marketing.
Scope and Contents note
Comps, printing examples and materials related to print advertisements.
box 4, folder 10
Printing plates.
ca. 1954.
Scope and Contents note
Original printing plates and print copy.
box 4, folder 11
Blatas, Arbit.
Scope and Contents note
Invitations, correspondence, press release and programs related to Arbit Blatas Threepenny painting exhibit.
box 4, folder 12
Correspondence re: audience fundraising.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence from members of audience and organizations interested in fundraising opportunities.
box 5, folder 1
Scope and Contents note
Budgeting projection and planning.
box 5, folder 2
Correspondence re: employment.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence relating to employment as crew and cast.
box 5, folder 3
Flame-proofing affidavits.
box 5, folder 4
Outdoor marketing.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, contracts and ad rate and placement portfolio.
box 5, folder 5
Theatrical management.
Scope and Contents note
Union contracts, correspondence and official documentation.
box 5, folder 6
Associated Music Publishing.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and billing statements related to licensing of Weill's score.
box 5, folder 7
Box office taxes.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and official documentation related to Federal and New York State taxes.
box 5, folder 8
Electrical bills.
Scope and Contents note
Billing statements and correspondence.
box 5, folder 9
Correspondence re: Fitelson and Mayers.
Scope and Contents note
Legal correspondence related to numerous legal issues, including film versions of
The Threepenny Opera.
box 5, folder 10
Globe Ticket Company.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, order statements and invoices.
box 5, folder 11
Touring production.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and transcript of wire regarding plans to tour production.
box 5, folder 12
Cast changes.
Scope and Contents note
Lists of changes to cast.
box 5, folder 13
Department of Licenses.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence regarding licensing of ticket sales.
box 5, folder 14
Liability claims.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to liability grievances claimed by members of the audience.
box 5, folder 15
Scope and Contents note
Magazines with articles related to the production.
box 5, folder 16
Unemployment insurance.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, forms and handbook.
box 5, folder 17
Management and employee issues.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence regarding various employees issues and general management of production.
box 5, folder 18
De Lys rental.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence regarding license renewal of theater.
box 5, folder 19
Album sales and requests.
Scope and Contents note
Sales statements, advertisement, Royalty earnings documentation and correspondence.
box 5, folder 20
Dramatists Guild.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts.
box 5, folder 21
Theatre De Lys building repairs.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and billing statements.
box 5, folder 22
Copyright proceedings.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and copies of exhibit evidence from case, plaintiffs Edmond Pauker and John Krimsky.
box 5, folder 23
Playbills and mail order forms.
Scope and Contents note
Material related to the Marines' Theatre production.
box 5, folder 24
Scope and Contents note
Related to opening of Marines' Theatre run; included messages from Barry Levinson and Samuel Friedman.
box 5, folder 25
Insurance and Workman's Compensation.
Scope and Contents note
Insurance documentation, unemployment benefits claims, worker's compensation claims and policies, numerous forms and applications
and injury reports and correspondence related to above materials.
box 6, folder 1
Insurance and bond policies.
Scope and Contents note
Insurance and bond policies and adjustment documentation.
box 6, folder 2
Investors--Correspondence and financial distribution lists.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and charts of investments and profit distributions regarding Threepenny Productions and Fortune Theater Company.
box 6, folder 3
New Investors Agreement.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, contracts, and drafts of correspondence related to the second run production.
box 6, folder 4
Second run investors' contracts.
Scope and Contents note
Drafts and contracts, some signed by investors, related to investors funding.
box 6, folder 5-6
Mail orders.
Scope and Contents note
Daily total logs, some with receipts.
box 7, folder 1-2
Mail orders.
Scope and Contents note
Daily total logs, some with receipts.
box 7, folder 3
Mail Orders--Accounting.
Scope and Contents note
Accounting tablature, notes and documentation related to totals of mail orders.
box 7, folder 4
Invitations--New Music Box.
Scope and Contents note
Invitations and mailing envelopes relating to the Hollywood premiere.
box 7, folder 5
William Morris Agency, Inc.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to payment of weekly royalties.
box 7, folder 6
Lotta Lenya and George Davis.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and telegrams related to Ms. Lenya's role in the production.
box 7, folder 7
League of New York Theatres.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, membership application and article of by-laws.
box 7, folder 8
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, contracts and payment scales.
box 7, folder 9
Matlowsky, Samuel (Musical Director).
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts.
box 7, folder 10, box 8
Manufacturers Trust Bank.
General Physical Description note: [3 folders].
Scope and Contents note
First two folders contain customer deposit receipts and the third folder contains contracts and correspondence related to
business accounts held at bank.
box 8, folder 3
Opening night comp tickets.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and lists related to tickets given away for opening night production.
box 8, folder 4
Fuel oil bills.
Scope and Contents note
Billing statements and correspondence.
box 8, folder 5
Operation and business plan.
Scope and Contents note
Outline of theater and business operations drafted by Zelda Dorfman, the production manager.
box 8, folder 6-7
Production bills.
Scope and Contents note
Billing statements and correspondence.
box 8, folder 8
Scope and Contents note
Bio drafts, drafts, correspondence, two photosgraphs, and playbills.
box 8, folder 9
Payroll taxes.
Scope and Contents note
Forms, quarterly payroll analysis documentation and official Dept. of Labor documentation.
box 8, folder 10-11
Press lists.
Scope and Contents note
Press lists and correspondence related to the Bill Doll and Company, press agency for the production.
box 9, folder 1
Barnes printing bills.
Scope and Contents note
Billing statements, correspondence, and proofs.
box 9, folder 2
Props and furniture.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to props and furniture.
box 9, folder 3
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence relating to employment as crew and cast, salary lists, personnel lists.
box 9, folder 4
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and memos to cast related to publicity functions.
box 9, folder 5
Rehearsal and audition schedules.
box 9, folder 6
Production bills--Rentals.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and billing statements related to the rental of costumes, props and other related production equipment.
box 9, folder 7
Dept. of Labor rating charges.
Scope and Contents note
Notification of 'Experience Rating Charges' from the State of New York, Department of Labor and other documents from the Labor
box 9, folder 8
Federal tax receipts.
Scope and Contents note
Receipts indicating payment of Federal Tax from Manufacturers Trust Company.
box 9, folder 9
Production bills--Telephone service.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and billing statements related to telephone service.
box 9, folder 10
Television production.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts related to attempted mounting of a television version of the off-Broadway production.
box 9, folder 11
Union correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and billing statements related to Union employees.
box 9, folder 12
Theater parties.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, contracts and lists related to theater parties.
box 9, folder 13
Brandeis festival revivial.
Scope and Contents note
Clippings and ephemera related to the Leonard Bernstein revival at Brandeis, for which Marc Blitzstein fashioned an English
box 9, folder 14
Lucille Lortel publicity.
Scope and Contents note
Documents and drafts related to the second run production and new owners of the Theatre de Lys.
box 9, folder 15
Chase, Stanley--Correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to tax notice and advertising.
box 10, folder 1
Threepenny Productions correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted legal and business-related correspondence.
box 10, folder 2
Scene and costume designer contracts.
box 10, folder 3
Theatre de Lys contracts.
box 10, folder 4
Script--English adaptation by Marc Blitzstein.
ca. 1955.
Scope and Contents note
box 10, folder 5
Script--English adaptation by Alan Howard.
ca. 1955.
box 10, folder 6
Script--English adaptation by David Vando.
ca. 1955.
box 10, folder 7
Beggar's Opera lyrics and score.
Scope and Contents note
Music and lyrics by Weill and Brecht, in German. Published.
box 10, folder 8
Scope and Contents note
Assorted clippings from a news service.
box 71, folder 1
Oversize photographs.
ca. 1955-1960.
Scope and Contents note
Oversize black and white photographs of the cast on the set.
box 71, folder 2
MGM LP cover.
Scope and Contents note
Duplicate copies of the record cover featuring a color image of the cast from the Theatre De Lys production.
box 71, folder 3
Set design illustration.
1953 March 9.
Scope and Contents note
Original watercolor drawing by William Pitkin.
box 71, folder 4
Original watercolor character sketch.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Original drawing for
The Threepenny Opera, which appeared in the
New York Times to celebrate the 2000th performance at the Theatre de Lys.
box 71, folder 5
Character rendering and posters.
ca. 1955.
Scope and Contents note
Black line sketch of
Mack the Knife and Jenny, used for advertisements (included).
box 71, folder 6
Norkin character illustration.
ca. 1955.
box 65
Scope and Contents note
Two scrapbooks of the
The Threepenny Opera advertising campaigns.
box 95
Advertising posters.
ca. 1955-1960.
Scope and Contents note
Oversize advertisements for
The Threepenny Opera mounted on board.
box 11, folder 1-6
ca. 1955-1960.
box 12, folder 1
Programs and publicity.
box 12, folder 2-3
Threepenny Productions financial summaries.
box 12, folder 4
Advertising and publicity sketches.
ca. 1954-1960.
Scope and Contents note
box 12, folder 5
Opening night telegrams.
box 12, folder 6
Original program layouts.
ca. 1954.
box 12, folder 8
Theatre de Lys liscencing.
box 13, folder 1-7
ca. 1954-1961.
Subseries 1B:
Free and Easy,
General Physical Description note: 6 boxes, 1 oversize box, 1 map folder.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of production and business files, posters, press clippings, and scripts for the European tour of
Free and Easy, produced by Stanley Chase. Clippings are in German and French. The production was a Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer jazz
musical featuring Quincy Jones. For audio recordings of the cast production, see Series 4. Audio and visual materials.
box 14, folder 1
Notes and correspondence.
ca. 1959.
Scope and Contents note
Handwritten notes and some correspondence related to various issues with the production.
box 14, folder 2
Contracts, correspondence, and legal documents.
box 14, folder 3
Actors' Equity Association and cast.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to cast.
box 14, folder 4
Scope and Contents note
Pre-production budget projections, broken down by touring location (U.S. and Europe) and by week.
box 14, folder 5
Ardstone, Inc.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts related to an investment made in the production.
box 14, folder 6
Berman, Abraham.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to Mr. Arlen and Mr. Mercer's interest in the production. Mr. Berman was the attorney for Arlen and
box 14, folder 7
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts related to Arna Bontemps and the estate of Countee Cullen.
box 14, folder 8
Breens, Robert--Contracts.
Scope and Contents note
Draft versions and contracts related to Breens' participation in the production including business certificate and contract.
box 14, folder 9
Breens, Robert--Correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the Breens' activities with the production.
box 14, folder 10
Breens, Robert--Termination.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence from cast regarding Breens' removal from the production.
box 14, folder 11
Scope and Contents note
Oversize French and German playbills.
box 14, folder 12
Legal documents and correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Copy of Chase's testimony in Crown Holding Company v. Stanley Chase and related papers regarding
Free and Easy financing and contracts.
box 15, folder 1-4
Scope and Contents note
Scrapbook of press clippings from international sources.
box 15, folder 5-6
Scope and Contents note
Clipped newspaper articles from international and domestic sources.
box 15, folder 7
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and press releases related to publicity for the production.
box 15, folder 8
Scope and Contents note
Whole copies of papers and magazines with articles on
Free and Easy.
box 16, folder 2
Costume and scenery notes.
box 16, folder 3
Expenditures and contracts.
box 16, folder 4
Miscellanous correspondence and contracts.
Scope and Contents note
Removed from a folder labeled "C. Stevens: Private and personal, current." Letters and papers relate to
Free and Easy production.
box 16, folder 6
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to musicians.
box 16, folder 7
Musicians' contracts.
Scope and Contents note
Signed contracts and draft of contracts regarding employment of musicians.
box 16, folder 8
Office memoranda.
Scope and Contents note
Memos and messages from production staff and management.
box 16, folder 9
Music index.
Scope and Contents note
Draft index of musical numbers.
box 16, folder 10
Theater and bookings.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to venue use and preview bookings.
box 16, folder 11
Advertisement requests.
Scope and Contents note
Requests from organizations regarding advertisement sales.
box 16, folder 12
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
Scope and Contents note
Documents, correspondence and contracts.
box 16, folder 13
Ashley-Steiner Corporation.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts related to representation by the Ashley-Steiner corporation of the exploitation of
Free and Easy.
box 16, folder 14
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence regarding employment and casting.
box 16, folder 15
Crane, Earl.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to an investment in the production.
box 16, folder 16
Harrison, Kay.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the planning of the film production version of "Free and Easy" in Europe.
box 17, folder 1
Arlen, Harold.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the production.
box 17, folder 2
1956, 1959.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to non-European bookings of the production.
box 17, folder 3
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and materials related to casting.
box 17, folder 4
Costumes and fabrics.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documentation related to the acquisition of costumes and fabric for the production.
box 17, folder 5
Production staff.
Scope and Contents note
Contracts and correspondence related to production crew.
box 17, folder 6
Investor log.
ca. 1959.
Scope and Contents note
Log book with the names and investments of limited partners.
box 17, folder 7
Legal correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documents related to legal, financial and contractual issues.
box 17, folder 8
Financial records and contracts.
box 17, folder 9
ca. 1959.
Scope and Contents note
Draft versions of the production credits.
box 17, folder 10
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to limited partnership investments in the production.
box 17, folder 11
Cast contracts.
ca. 1959.
Scope and Contents note
Documentation and contract rider related to cast contracts.
box 17, folder 12
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the acquisition of stage props for the production.
box 17, folder 13
Poster art.
ca. 1959.
Scope and Contents note
Small-format original painted mock-ups for promotional posters.
box 17, folder 14
Scope and Contents note
Scrapbook of news clippings about
Free and Easy.
box 18, folder 1-2
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to limited partnership investments in the production.
box 18, folder 3
Limited partnership agreement.
Scope and Contents note
Unsigned contracts used for investors.
box 18, folder 4
Salisbury, Leah.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence with the representative of the authors' estates.
box 18, folder 5
Stillman, David.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence regarding capitalization of the production.
box 18, folder 6
Kaufman, Joe.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to investment in the production.
box 18, folder 7
Lucius Smith III Associates.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts related to Mr. Smith's activities as an investment and government relations consultant to the
box 18, folder 8
Mercury Record deal.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts related to the recording of the original cast album.
box 18, folder 9
Manufacturers' Trust Company.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts related to accounts held by the production with the Trust Company.
box 18, folder 10
Williams, Irene.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts.
box 18, folder 11
Set memos.
Scope and Contents note
Memos related to production.
box 18, folder 12
Press and invitation lists.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documentation related to invitations to various performances.
box 18, folder 13
Travel documents.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documents related to travel arrangements for production.
box 18, folder 14
Press correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to press and press coverage of the production.
box 18, folder 15
Press releases and statements.
ca. 1959-1960.
box 18, folder 16
Feather, Leonard.
ca. 1959.
Scope and Contents note
Manuscripts and typewritten copies of "The Blues"; miscellaneous character lists and press statements.
box 18, folder 17
Synopsis and clippings.
ca. 1959.
box 19, folder 1
Audition notes.
ca. 1959.
box 19, folder 2
Publicity draft.
ca. 1959.
Scope and Contents note
Draft pages from a document describing the production's relevance to American culture.
box 19, folder 3
Letter from Bobby [?].
1959 March 16.
Scope and Contents note
Letter from a colleague signed Bobby, regarding his opinions on contemporary theater, and congratulating Chase on the development
Free and Easy. Includes duscussion of title change.
box 19, folder 4-6
Scope and Contents note
Black and white photographs of the cast and set, including production and head shots. For one additional oversize photograph,
see box 62.
box 62, folder 1-2
French and German newspapers.
ca. 1959-1960.
box 62, folder 3
French publicity posters.
ca. 1959.
Scope and Contents note
Alhambra Theatre productions publicity.
box 62, folder 4
Set design illustrations.
Scope and Contents note
Original watercolor drawings.
box 72
Free and Easy French publicity posters.
Scope and Contents note
Alhambra Theatre productions publicity for
Free and Easy and "Opéra de Pékin."
Subseries 1C: Bijou Theatre files,
General Physical Description note: 6.5 boxes, 2 oversize boxes, 2 map folders.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of production files and business files, original set design illustrations, posters, press clippings,
ephemera, and scripts for three Broadway plays produced by Stanley Chase at the Bijou Theatre: Eugene O'Neill's
A Moon for the Misbegotten, Graham Greene's
The Potting Shed, and William Saroyan's
The Cave Dwellers. The subseries also includes miscellaneous files for other plays under consideration at the Bijou during this period. The
original order of the files was maintained at the time of processing.
box 74
The Potting Shed--Stage and set design plans.
Scope and Contents note
Includes light plot, elevations and stage designs, and an original watercolor on paper by William Pitkin.
box 20, folder 1
The Potting Shed--Playbills.
Scope and Contents note
Programs from the production at the Bijou Theatre and the John Golden Theater.
box 20, folder 2
The Potting Shed--Cast photographs.
Scope and Contents note
Photographs and some biographical statements of the cast.
box 20, folder 3
The Potting Shed--Proof sheets of set and cast.
Scope and Contents note
Photographs of the set with and without the cast. See box 61 for an oversize portfolio of stills from the production.
box 20, folder 4
The Potting Shed--Negatives.
Scope and Contents note
Negatives of the set, possibly for lighting design.
box 20, folder 5
The Potting Shed--Contracts, permits and correspondence related to cast and crew.
1956, 1957.
Scope and Contents note
Contracts and permits with crew, cast, and Graham Greene and related correspondence.
box 20, folder 6
The Potting Shed--Summary of operations.
1957, 1958.
Scope and Contents note
Operations summaries by CPA firm, weekly statements and correspondence and statements of operations.
box 20, folder 7
The Potting Shed--Correspondence and contracts for the Actors' Equity Association.
box 21, folder 1-4
The Potting Shed--Clippings.
box 21, folder 5-6
The Potting Shed--Box office statements.
box 21, folder 7
The Potting Shed--Script.
no date.
box 23, folder 1
The Potting Shed--Casting and rehearsals.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and miscellaneous documents related to casting and rehearsals.
box 23, folder 2
The Potting Shed--Correspondence related to cast and crew.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to contracts, travel, immigration and other employment issues.
box 23, folder 3
The Potting Shed--Props and costumes.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contractual agreements related to the acquisition of props and costumes and other theatrical equipment.
box 23, folder 4
The Potting Shed--Van Loewen, Jan.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence from and related to Dr. Jan Van Loewen regarding copyright issues.
box 23, folder 5
The Potting Shed--Royalties and Salary Statements.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondences related to payments to Mr. Greene and some cast members.
box 23, folder 6
The Potting Shed--Rights Inquiries.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to requests to produce play outside of New York.
box 23, folder 7
The Potting Shed--Tickets requests and invitation lists.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and lists related to ticket sales and comp tickets for press and other guests.
box 23, folder 8
The Potting Shed--Publicity materials.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and memos to cast related to publicity functions.
box 23, folder 9
The Potting Shed--Marketing and Marquee materials.
Scope and Contents note
Comps for print ads and materials related to credits and publicity in theater and on marquee. See box 75 for publicity posters
and the original poster artwork.
box 23, folder 10
The Potting Shed--Script and corrections.
Scope and Contents note
A copy of Eugene O'Neill's script, and corrections submitted by Graham Greene to Mr. Capalbo.
box 23, folder 11
The Potting Shed--Production book.
Scope and Contents note
Script with notes on staging, light plots, etc.
box 23, folder 12
The Potting Shed--Correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and telegrams related to a number of issues.
box 23, folder 13
A Moon for the Misbegotten--Miscellaneous.
Scope and Contents note
Newspaper and print clippings, correspondence, contracts, playbills and auditing statements related to production. See box
66 for oversize photographic stills of the set.
box 23, folder 14
A Moon for the Misbegotten--Clippings.
box 61, folder 1
A Moon for the Misbegotten--Scrapbook.
box 80
A Moon for the Misbegotten--Oversize.
Scope and Contents note
Draft of publicity poster, matted; original watercolor set design illustration by by William Pitkin.
box 74
The Cave Dwellers--Set design illustration.
Scope and Contents note
Original watercolor on paper by William Pitkin.
box 22, folder 1
The Cave Dwellers--Miscellaneous.
Scope and Contents note
Documents include financial summaries, playbills, correspondence, notes and newspaper clippings related to the production.
See box 66 for oversize photographic stills of the cast and set.
box 22, folder 2
The Cave Dwellers--Contact sheets.
ca. 1957.
Scope and Contents note
Contact sheets of portraits of cast and producers.
box 22, folder 3-4
The Cave Dwellers--Clippings.
box 22, folder 5
The Cave Dwellers--Bear costume.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the rental of a bear costume for the production.
box 22, folder 6
Authors' contracts and Dramatist Guild.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts related to
A Moon for the Misbegotten,
Purple Dust and William Saroyan (
A Moon for the Misbegotten). File also includes numerous documents from the Dramatists' Guild.
box 22, folder 7
Advertiser Inquiries.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence from organizations inquiring about advertising sales.
box 22, folder 8
Rhoade, Max.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documents related to information on venue leasing.
box 22, folder 9
Subscription plan.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documents related to the Bijou Theatre series ticket subscription plan.
box 22, folder 10
Theatre parties.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, contracts and documents related to theatre party sales.
box 22, folder 11
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documents related to union represented employees.
box 22, folder 12
Billing statements.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, contracts and billing statements related to the rental of lighting equipment and the purchasing of frames.
box 22, folder 13
Actors' Equity.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and governance rules.
box 22, folder 14
Advertising copy.
Scope and Contents note
Drafts of ad copy, including an original rendering of the program for
Moon for the Misbegotton, and advertisements from other theater series and productions.
box 22, folder 15
Capalbo-Chase partnership dissolution.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the end of the business relationship between Chase and Capalbo.
box 22, folder 16
Handwritten notes.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted notes by Chase on Bijou productions.
box 24, folder 1
Jellico, Jimmy.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the recording of "Jimmy Jellico," a musical composition inspired by the play
The Cave Dwellers.
box 24, folder 2
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the organization contracted to handle financing negotiations for Chase and Capalbo.
box 24, folder 3
Blackburn, Audrey.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to numerous issues and productions.
box 24, folder 4
City Investment Company.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the rental of the Bijou. City Investment was the management company responsible for the theatre's
box 24, folder 5
"How Mr. Hogan Robbed a Bank."
ca. 1956.
Scope and Contents note
Script for John Steinbeck's one-act.
box 24, folder 6
Summary of Operations.
Scope and Contents note
Audit statements for
The Threepenny Opera and
The Potting Shed from Benjamin Friedman, CPA.
box 24, folder 7
Trade periodicals.
1951, 1957.
Scope and Contents note
Two trade magazines; one with interior dimensions and charts for the Bijou Theatre, and the other with an article on the Bijou
series produced by Chase and Capalbo.
box 24, folder 8
ca. 1956.
Scope and Contents note
Numerous handwritten notes.
box 24, folder 9
Miscellanous publicity.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted playbills and clippings related to Bijou productions.
box 24, folder 10
Essay by William Saroyan.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Typewritten essay on playwrights.
box 24, folder 11
Photographs of Stanley Chase.
ca. 1954-1961.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted contact sheets and 8" x 10" black and white portraits of Stanley Chase, on and off the sets of his productions. One
signed artistic rendering of Chase's profile. For oversize photos of Chase from approximately this period, see box 66.
box 24, folder 12-13
Personal correspondence.
General Physical Description note: [2 folders].
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to Chase's personal and professional life, including letters from Dorothy Rice, his wife, friends,
and colleagues from the theater world.
box 25, folder 1
Advance ticket sale.
Scope and Contents note
Handwritten documents with financial data.
box 25, folder 2
Art movie project.
Scope and Contents note
Type-written document with a list of films.
box 25, folder 3
Investors' correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts related to limited partnership investments.
box 25, folder 4
Job applications.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to employment.
box 25, folder 5
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documents related the budgeting of the Bijou Theatre series.
box 25, folder 6
Scope and Contents note
Investment portfolio and documents related to The Ensemble Company, a New York limited partnership company organized to produce
plays in repertory.
box 25, folder 7
Script coverage.
Scope and Contents note
Coverage related to projects submitted or pursued by Chase.
box 25, folder 8
Fitelson and Mayers.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to legal issues and billing.
box 25, folder 9
Manufacturers Trust Company.
Scope and Contents note
Endorsed checks and a bank statement, and credit advice statements.
box 25, folder 10
New York Department of Labor.
Scope and Contents note
Documents related to workmen's compensation claims.
box 25, folder 11
Scope and Contents note
Documents related to insurance coverage.
box 25, folder 12
Investment agreements.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, contacts and documents related to limited investment agreements.
box 25, folder 13
Investors' correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to limited partnership investments.
box 25, folder 14
Copeland, Lammot Du P.
1954 April 14.
Scope and Contents note
Letter regarding a production of
L'Etat de Siege.
box 26, folder 1
League of New York Theatres.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and contracts related to general theatre operations and unions.
box 26, folder 2
New scripts.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to scripts submitted for perusal and potential exploitation or pursued as such by Chase and Capalbo.
box 26, folder 3
London trip.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, billing statements and documents related to a business trip taken by Mr. Capalbo.
box 26, folder 4
Capstan Company Limited Partnership.
Scope and Contents note
Contracts and correspondence related to the formation of Capstan Company.
box 26, folder 5
Mother Courage.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the attempted acquisition of rights to Brecht's play.
box 26, folder 6
Personnel and production staff.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to production staff.
box 26, folder 7
ANTA Correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence regarding a request for potential financial assistance from ANTA for the Bijou series.
box 26, folder 8
Bijou series proposal.
1954 September 10.
Scope and Contents note
Origional proposal for Bijou productions, by Capalbo and Chase.
box 75
Bijou Theatre productions posters.
ca. 1955-1958.
Scope and Contents note
Posters for
The Potting Shed,
Moon for the Misbegotton, and
The Cave Dwellers.
Subseries 1D: Miscellaneous,
General Physical Description note: 3.5 boxes.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries contains correspondence and production files for miscellaneous plays (most never produced), and assorted theatrical
box 26, folder 9
All Women Are One.
Scope and Contents note
Contracts, correspondence and related materials for the attempted production of Ben Kerner's play.
box 26, folder 10
"Heartbreak House."
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, clippings and contracts related to the optioning of this performance piece, casting, budget and costumes.
box 26, folder 11
Miscellaneous production budgets.
ca. 1953-1954.
Scope and Contents note
Estimated production budgets and budget documentation related to productions not produced by Chase. Some of these documents
are not dated.
box 27, folder 1
Plays submitted.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to scripts submitted for perusal and potential exploitation or pursued as such by Chase and Capalbo.
box 27, folder 2
Waiting for Godot--Correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to the production of
Waiting for Godot. Includes a signed, typewritten letter to Chase from Samuel Beckett regarding American production rights.
box 27, folder 3
Miscellaneous photographs and negatives.
ca. 1950s.
Scope and Contents note
Photographs and negatives of unidentified people.
box 27, folder 4
Job applications.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence related to employment.
box 27, folder 5
Fire to the Sea--Miscellaneous.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, budgets and notes related to the attempted production of Gore Vidal's play,
Fire to the Sea.
box 27, folder 6
Fire to the Sea--Preliminary expenses.
box 27, folder 7
Fire to the Sea--Clippings.
box 27, folder 8
Saroyan, William--Clippings.
box 27, folder 9
Capalbo, Carmen--Clippings.
box 27, folder 10
Production investments and projects in development.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence and documentation related to projects in development and investments in other productions.
box 28, folder 1
Happy End.
Scope and Contents note
Script. Melodrama with songs. Lyrics by Bertolt Brecht, music by Kurt Weill, original German play by Dorothy Lane, American
adaptation and lyrics by Michael Feingold.
box 28, folder 2
Carlton, Bob.
Return to the Forbidden Planet.
Scope and Contents note
box 28, folder 3
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Script. A musical based on the motion picture and the book by Julius Epstein. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 28, folder 4
"An Untitled Musical Based on the Motion Picture Casablanca."
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Script. Music bu Author Schwartz, lyrics by Leo Robin. Based on the book by Julius Epstein.
box 28, folder 5
Hart, Moss and Cole Porter.
Scope and Contents note
Script. Includes a letter from Florence Leeds of the Cole Porter Musical and Literary Property Trust.
box 28, folder 6
Elstein, Julius J.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Script. International Creative Management.
box 28, folder 7
Brecht, Bertolt and Kurt Weill.
Mahagonny Songplay.
Scope and Contents note
Script. Authorized translation by Michael Feingold. Copyright by Stefan S. Brecht.
box 28, folder 8
Coxe, Daniel M. and Alexander Dubin.
An Amazing Woman: A Play in Three Acts.
1974 October 25.
Scope and Contents note
Script for a musical play. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 28, folder 9
Leokum, Arkady.
Friends and Enemies.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Script. Mel Bloom and Associates.
box 29, folder 1
Hailey, Oliver.
Who's Happy Now?
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Script. Comedy in three acts. Lyrics by Dion McGregor, music by Michael Barr.
box 29, folder 2
Minoff, Lee.
Scope and Contents note
box 29, folder 3
Ferguson, Clifford Wesley.
The Saga of Big Boy.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 29, folder 4
Lyndon, Barre.
The Big Tickle.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 29, folder 5
Gethers, Steven.
Cracker Money.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 29, folder 6
Kopit, Arthur.
Scope and Contents note
Script. A play in two acts.
box 29, folder 7
Vidal, Gore.
Fire to the Sea.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Script. A play in three acts.
box 29, folder 8
Anouilh, Jean.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Script. Translated by Lucienne Hill.
Subseries 1E: Playbills and programs,
ca. 1950-1960.
General Physical Description note: 5 boxes.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted playbills and programs; playbills are arranged by theater.
box 30, folder 3
American Shakespeare Festival.
box 31, folder 4
Circle in the Square Theatre.
box 31, folder 7
Douglas Fairbanks Theater.
box 31, folder 11
Forty-Sixth Street Theatre.
box 32, folder 13
Metropolitan Opera House.
box 33, folder 3
New York City Center of Music and Drama.
Series 2: Film
General Physical Description note: 38 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 18 map folders.
Scope and Contents note
This series consists of production files and business files, original production design drawings, posters, publicity materials,
press clippings, ephemera, and various scripts. Arranged in subseries A-F as follows:
The Hell With Heroes, 1967-1968.
Colossus: The Forbin Project, 1965-1970.
High Ballin', 1976-1986.
Mack the Knife, 1955-1990.
- Miscellaneous productions, ca. 1973-1981.
- Scripts, 1956-2001.
Subseries 2A:
The Hell With Heroes,
General Physical Description note: 1.5 boxes, 1.5 oversize box, 5 map folders.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of production files, original production design drawings, posters, photographs, publicity materials,
and scripts.
The Hell With Heroes was released in the United States on August 28, 1968 under Universal Pictures, and produced by Stanley Chase. The film starred
Rod Taylor and Claudia Cardinale, and was directed by Joseph Sargent. Screenplay by Harold Livingston and Halsted Welles.
box 49, folder 1
Miscellaneous (folder 1 of 2).
Scope and Contents note
Cast and crew lists, set memoranda, snapshots, and shooting schedules.
box 49, folder 2
Miscellaneous (folder 2 of 2).
Scope and Contents note
Inter-office communications, interview schedules, party invitation lists, and script corrections.
box 49, folder 4-6
Production cost reports.
box 49, folder 7
Scope and Contents note
Articles and photographs.
box 49, folder 8
Stock shot and credits material.
box 49, folder 9
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Musical score and notes.
box 49, folder 10
Second draft screenplay.
box 49, folder 11
Revised final screenplay.
box 49, folder 12
Notes and memoranda.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted handwritten and typewritten notes about the productions, including screenplay edits, memoranda and cast lists.
box 50, folder 1
Scope and Contents note
Assorted studio and Motion Picture Association of American memoranda and correspondence. Contract memos.
box 50, folder 2-3
Scope and Contents note
Black and white photographs of cast, crew and set. See box 66 for oversized photos of Chase with cast and crew. Includes stills
from production.
box 50, folder 4
Production budget.
1967 July.
box 50, folder 5
Promotional brochures.
ca. 1967.
box 50, folder 6
Production design drawings by G. Meyer. Desert encampments.
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; each piece measures approx. 10" x 6." Signed by the artist.
box 64, folder 1
Production design drawing by G. Meyer. North African Air Freight (ground view).
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 12" x 36." Signed by the artist.
box 64, folder 2
Production design drawing by G. Meyer. North African Air Freight (birds eye view).
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 18" x 27." Signed by the artist.
box 64, folder 3
Production design drawing by John Solie. Beach encampment.
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 12" x 36." Signed by the artist.
box 64, folder 4
Production design storyboard by G. Meyer. Jeep escape.
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic; 5 3" x 8" panels, mounted on board. Unsigned.
box 64, folder 5
Production design drawing by John Solie. Airport and jets.
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
Graphite and watercolor on tracing paper; approx. 9" x 22." Signed by the artist.
box 68, box 69
Italian publicity posters.
General Physical Description note: [2 boxes].
box 70
American publicity posters.
box 87, folder 1
Costume designs for Claudia Cardinale.
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
14 original wardrobe fashion sketches for Cardinale, some with fabric swatches. The costume designer for the production was
Jean Louis; the drawings are unsigned.
box 96
Production design drawing by G. Meyer. Nighttime city harbor scene.
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; approx. 40" x 20." Signed by the artist.
box 97
Production design drawing by G. Meyer. Restaurant scene.
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; approx. 40" x 20." Signed by the artist.
Subseries 2B:
Colossus: The Forbin Project,
General Physical Description note: 5.5 boxes, 2.25 oversized boxes, 12 map folders.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of production files, original production design drawings, posters, photographs, publicity materials,
and scripts.
Colossus: The Forbin Project was widely released in the United States on April 8, 1970 under Universal Pictures, and produced by Stanley Chase. The film
starred Eric Braeden and Susan Clark, and was directed by Joseph Sargent. The screenplay was adapted by James Bridges from
the D.F Jones novel
box 50, folder 7
Colossus logo design.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Preliminary design of a sample
Colossus logo.
box 50, folder 8
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Small format posters.
box 50, folder 9
Step outlines.
1967 April 21.
Scope and Contents note
Original outlines; include notes from meetings.
box 51, folder 1
Screenplay--First draft manuscript.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Author's typed manuscript, and unrevised draft with notes.
box 51, folder 2
Screenplay--Revised final.
1967 June 16.
box 51, folder 3
Screenplay--First draft.
1967 July 20.
box 51, folder 4
Screenplay--Revised first draft.
1967 August 8.
box 51, folder 5
Screenplay--Second draft.
1967 September 11.
box 51, folder 6
Screenplay--Revised second draft (folder 1 of 2).
1967 October 23.
box 52, folder 1
Screenplay--Revised second draft (folder 2 of 2).
1967 December 2.
box 52, folder 2
Screenplay--Third draft.
1967 December 13.
box 52, folder 3
Screenplay--Revised third draft.
1968 January 30.
box 52, folder 4
1968 September 24.
box 52, folder 5
Screenplay--Revised final with production notes.
1968 October 9.
box 52, folder 6
Screenplay--Second revised final.
1968 October 31.
Scope and Contents note
box 53, folder 1-5
Photographic materials.
Scope and Contents note
Five folders of prints and negatives from production, stills, and photographs of production design drawings.
box 54, folder 1-2
Photographic materials.
ca. 1970.
Scope and Contents note
Five folders of prints and negatives from production, stills, and photographs of production design drawings.
box 54, folder 3
ca. 1970.
Scope and Contents note
Original clippings and magazine articles about
box 54, folder 4
Miscellaneous promotional material.
Scope and Contents note
Small format posters and promotional items, including one 7" vinyl LP and D.F. Jones' novel.
box 54, folder 5
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Interviews and bios of Chase, data and credits about production and release, contracts, synopsis, and pitch for sequel.
box 55, folder 1
Cast and crew.
Scope and Contents note
Contract memos, cast lists, and call sheets.
box 55, folder 2
Contracts and agreements.
box 55, folder 6
Daily production reports.
box 67
American publicity posters.
ca. 1970.
box 76, folder 1
Production design drawing by G. Meyer. Man at computer.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper; measures approx. 12" x 28." Signed by the artist.
box 76, folder 2
Production design drawing by G. Meyer.
Colossus complex corridor.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper; measures approx. 10" x 26." Signed by the artist.
box 76, folder 3
Production design drawing by G. Meyer. Desert camp tent interior.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper; measures approx. 13" x 27." Signed by the artist.
box 76, folder 4
Production design drawing by G. Meyer. Desert camp at sunset.
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 12" x 25." Signed by the artist.
box 76, folder 5
Production design drawing. Desert camp and jeep.
ca. 1967.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 20" x 30." Unsigned.
box 76, folder 6
Production design drawings by G. Meyer. City scenes.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 10" x 28." Signed by the artist. One 12" x 17" section of an oversize illustration of a
similar scene, featuring a futuristic railway. The second section of this unsigned design is in box 93.
box 76, folder 7
Production design drawing by Gene Johnson.
Colossus complex exit bridge (side view).
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 15" x 27." Signed by the artist.
box 76, folder 8
Production design drawing by Gene Johnson.
Colossus complex exit bridge (lower view).
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 15" x 27." Signed by the artist.
box 76, folder 9
Preliminary production design sketches or storyboard.
Colossus complex corridor.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Four copied charcoal renderings, mounted on board; each image measures approx. 6: x 13." Unsigned.
box 76, folder 10
Preliminary production design sketches.
Colossus monitor and printer interface (2 items).
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Three renderings in ink and acrylic on board; each sketch measures approx. 8" x 7." Unsigned.
box 76, folder 11
Preliminary production design sketches. Video phones.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Three renderings in acrylic on board; each sketch measures approx. 8" x 12." Unsigned.
box 77
French and German publicity posters.
ca. 1970.
box 78
Production design drawing.
Colossus mountain complex (cut-away view).
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper; measures approx. 24" x 31." Unsigned.
box 79
Production design drawing.
Colossus complex corridor.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper; measures approx. 24" x 38." Unsigned.
box 81
Production design drawing. Radiation belt gate with view of
Colossus complex entrance.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 20" x 33." Unsigned.
box 82
Production design drawings. Figures in red corridor.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper and board; measures approx. 19" x 36" and 10 x 40." Unsigned.
box 83
Production design drawing by G. Meyer.
Colossus complex corridor.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic and composite on paper, mounted and matted; measures approx. 14" x 36." Signed by the artist.
box 84
Production design drawing by G. Meyer.
Colossus complex exit bridge (bird's-eye view).
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper; measures approx. 15" x 34." Signed by the artist.
box 85
Production design drawing. C.P.O. watch room interior.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper; measures approx. 19" x 36." Unsigned.
box 86
Production design drawing. Conference/map center.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 15" x 34." Unsigned.
box 87, folder 2
Production design sample. Circuit board.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Composite, matted. Measures approx. 10" x 16." Matted.
box 88
Art direction blueprints.
Scope and Contents note
Set construction plans for the Forbin quarters and conference room.
box 89, folder 1
Production design drawing by G. Meyer. Missile silo interior.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper; measures approx. 10" x 20." Signed by the artist.
box 89, folder 2-3
Production design drawing by Gene Johnson. Radiation belt gate.
ca. 1968.
General Physical Description note: [2 folders].
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 8" x 19." Signed by the artist.
box 89, folder 4
Production design drawings.
Colossus View Hotel and mountain vista.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board and plastic (multiple layers for changing view); measures approx. 15" x 20" and 12" x 24." Unsigned.
box 89, folder 5
Colossus logo design.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Composite, matted. Measures approx. 9" x 12." Unsigned.
box 89, folder 6
Production design drawings by G. Meyer. Conference center interior.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper; each illustration measures approx. 10" x 24." Signed by the artist.
box 89, folder 7
Preliminary production design sketches. Camera and transmitters.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board; measures approx. 30" x 24." Unsigned.
box 98
Production design drawing by Gene Johnson. Crowd gathering at
Colossus complex entrance.
ca. 1968.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on board and plastic (multiple layers for changing view); measures approx. 15" x 14." Signed by the artist.
Subseries 2C:
High Ballin',
General Physical Description note: 3 boxes.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of production files and business files, photographs, and publicity materials.
High Ballin' was widely released in the United States May 26, 1978 under Stanley Chase Productions. The film starred Peter Fonda, Jerry
Reed, and Helen Shaver, and was directed by Peter Carter. The screenplay was written by Paul Edwards, Richard Robinson, and
Stephen Schneck.
box 56, folder 1-5
Contracts, correspondence, and agreements.
box 57, folder 1-6
Contracts, agreements and financial records.
box 57, folder 7
Scope and Contents note
Press kits, clippings, and assorted publicity materials.
box 58, folder 3-4
Legal and financial documents.
box 58, folder 5
Production binder.
Scope and Contents note
Contents of a binder with production memos, cast and crew lists, schedules, call sheets, production reports, and a script.
Subseries 2D:
Mack the Knife,
General Physical Description note: 8 boxes.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of production files and business files, legal documents, photographs, publicity materials, press clippings,
and scripts.
Mack the Knife was a theatrical motion picture adaptation of Kurt Weill and Bert Brecht's musical
The Threepenny Opera, and was widely released in the United States February 2, 1990 under Stanley Chase Productions. The film starred Raul Julia,
and was directed by Menahem Golan. Screenplay by Menahem Golan. For audio recordings of the cast production, see Series 4.
Audio and visual materials.
box 99, box 100, box 101, box 102
Contracts, correspondence, and agreements pertaining to film rights for
The Threepenny Opera.
box 103, folder 1
Contracts, correspondence, and agreements pertaining to film rights for
The Threepenny Opera.
box 103, folder 3
Chase v. Sossi.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, legal documents and other records pertaining to the Chase v. Sossi case.
box 103, folder 4
Financial records and agreements.
box 103, folder 5
Correspondence and pitches.
box 104, folder 1
Publicity and reviews.
box 104, folder 2-4
Scope and Contents note
Clippings, reviews, treatments, correspondence and other miscellaneous papers related to
Mack the Knife and
The Threepenny Opera.
box 105, folder 1-3
Press and publicity.
Scope and Contents note
Clippings, advertisements, and reviews.
box 105, folder 4
Contracts, correspondence, and documents.
Scope and Contents note
Pertaining to legalities of
Mack the Knife.
box 105, folder 5
1973, 1980.
Scope and Contents note
Picture budget details, and some budgets pertaining to a ca. 1973 production of
The Threepenny Opera.
box 105, folder 6
The Threepenny Opera adaptation by Robert David MacDonald.
1985, 1989.
box 105, folder 7
The Threepenny Opera adaptation by Marc Blitzstein.
1987 June 6.
Scope and Contents note
Screenplay by Joseph Goldman.
box 106, folder 1-3
Screenplay--Adaptation by Alan Howard.
General Physical Description note: [3 folders].
Scope and Contents note
First folder contains a tentative draft with a letter from Howard. The other two folders contain Alan Howard's screenplay,
adapted from the screenplay by Ron Sossi and Chase.
box 106, folder 4
Screenplay--Early draft.
1981 September 12.
box 106, folder 5-6
Screenplay--Adaptation by Sossi and Chase.
ca. 1981.
General Physical Description note: [2 folders].
Scope and Contents note
Heavily annotated.
box 106, folder 7
Sossi film treatment of
The Threepenny Opera.
ca. 1981.
box 106, folder 8
1987 September 9.
Scope and Contents note
Twelfth script, edited with significant annotations.
Subseries 2E: Miscellaneous productions,
ca. 1973-1981.
General Physical Description note: 1 box, .25 oversize box, 1 map folder.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of production files and business files, legal documents, photographs, publicity materials, original
production design drawings, and posters. Major productions include:
Welcome to Blood City (Stanley Chase Productions, 1977) and
Fish Hawk (Stanley Chase Productions, 1979). Other items include posters from the films
Flash Gordon,
American Graffiti, and
Blazing Saddles (signed by Mel Brooks).
box 107, folder 1-2
Welcome to Blood City--Photographs.
box 107, folder 3-4
Fish Hawk--Contracts, agreements and financial Records.
Scope and Contents note
Includes production cost reports.
box 107, folder 5-6
Fish Hawk--Publicity.
Scope and Contents note
Clippings, advertisements, reviews, press kits, and photographs. See box 90 for
Fish Hawk posters.
box 107, folder 7
Scope and Contents note
Contracts and agreements.
box 89, folder 8
Unidentified preliminary production design drawings by G. Meyer. Nude man and woman.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Preliminary storyboard illustrations, presumably for a film project, of a couple undressing. Acrylic on board; each illustration
measures 3" x 8." Signed by the artist.
box 91
Miscellaneous posters.
ca. 1973-1974.
Scope and Contents note
Posters for
Flash Gordon,
American Graffiti, and
Blazing Saddles (signed by Mel Brooks).
Subseries 2F: Scripts,
General Physical Description note: 19 Boxes.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of assorted scripts and screenplays. Highlights include those produced or written by Chase, and scripts
which later turned into successful productions.
box 108, folder 1
Matheson, Richard.
The Gunfighter (His Rise and Fall).
no date.
box 108, folder 2
Hunter, Evan.
Spring on the Right Bank.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Screen treatment.
box 108, folder 3
Bradbury, Ray.
And the Rock Cried Out.
no date.
box 108, folder 4
Wohl, Burton.
Rio Lobo.
1968 May.
box 108, folder 5
Poe, James.
The Gambler.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Marvin Birdt Associates, Ltd.
box 108, folder 6
Matheson, Richard.
Hell House.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Chase-Matheson Productions.
box 108, folder 7
Ashley, Wilson.
The Nightclerk.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Outline and screenplay based on the novel by Stephen Schneck. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 109, folder 1
Smith, William Dale.
Man on Fire.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by A.J. Quinnell. Aldrich Company Paul Heller Production.
box 109, folder 2
Attanasio, Paul.
Donnie Brasco.
box 109, folder 3
Dozier, Bob and Frank Conroy.
When the Legends Die.
1968 August 7.
Scope and Contents note
No. 26556. Based on the book by Hal Borland. Universal City Studios.
box 109, folder 4
Knop, Patricia Louisianna.
Silence of the Night.
1978 February 5.
box 109, folder 5
Minghella, Anthony.
The English Patient.
no date.
box 109, folder 6
Thompson, Emma.
Sense and Sensibility.
1995 April 17.
Scope and Contents note
Adaptation of the novel by Jane Austen. Columbia Pictures.
box 110, folder 1
Foote, Horton.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Del Rio Films.
box 110, folder 2
Odell, David.
Chicago, Chicago.
1974 September 30.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the book by Elmore Leonard. Tomorrow Entertainment, INC.
box 110, folder 3
Underhill, Frederic.
Black Sun.
1976 April.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by Edward Abbey. WGA West.
box 110, folder 4
Kyle: A 21st Century Detective Story.
1970 September 14.
Scope and Contents note
Apjac Productions, INC.
box 110, folder 5
Cunningham, E.V.
The Case of the Russian Diplomat: a Masao Masuto Detective Story.
no date.
box 110, folder 6
Roth, Eric.
The Danger.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Vista Films.
box 110, folder 7
Gallico, Paul.
Love, Let me not Hunger.
Scope and Contents note
Foote, Comb and Belding Productions.
box 111, folder 1
Stefano, Joseph.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Alan Landsburg Productions.
box 111, folder 2
Richardson, Jack.
Underworld: A Musical.
Scope and Contents note
Adapted from John Gay's
The Beggar's Opera; based on an idea by Elliot Silverstein. Underworld Productions.
box 111, folder 3
Petersen, Wolfgang.
The Plastic Nightmare.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on a novel by Richard Neely. Edgar J. Scherick Associates, INC.
box 111, folder 4
Bridges, James.
Chocolate Milk.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
First draft treatment for a movie musical.
box 111, folder 5
Howard, Alan.
Out of the Blue.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 111, folder 6
Pittman, Mark.
Under the Gun.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 111, folder 7
Axelrod, Jonathan and Stanley Chase.
Jackson's Company.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 111, folder 8
Chase, Stanley and Bill Svanoe.
The Killing of Jack the Ripper.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Treatment by Bill Svanoe. Alan Landsburg Productions.
box 111, folder 9
The Trial at Wounded Knee.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Alan Landsburg Productions.
box 112, folder 1
McGrath, Earl.
The Free Way.
1968 March 5.
box 112, folder 2
Kleiner, Harry.
An Agent in Place.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 112, folder 3
Starr, Ben.
The April Fools.
Scope and Contents note
Second draft screenplay and notes.
box 112, folder 4
Serling, Rod.
The Devil in Paradise.
1968 January 20.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by Max Evans.
box 112, folder 5
Matheson, Richard.
no date.
box 112, folder 6
O'Hanlon, George.
Two's a Crowd.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
A comedy in two acts.
box 112, folder 7
Karpf, Stephen and Elinor.
1968 January 15.
box 112, folder 8
Sobelman, Boris and Jack Robinson.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 112, folder 9
Armitage, George.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 113, folder 1
Cornyn, Stan.
The Night Action.
1966 May 11.
box 113, folder 2
Dalrymple, Andrew.
God Bless Us, Every One!
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Sequel to
A Christmas Carol. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 113, folder 3
Chase, Stanley. "I Am Somebody."
no date.
Scope and Contents note
One-page synopsis.
box 113, folder 4
Traverse, Claude.
Midnight Call.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
CBS Friday Night Movie, Stanley Chase, producer. Based on
The Crack Up by Stanley Chase and David Z. Goodman. Screen gems.
box 113, folder 5
Chase, Stanley.
The Yablonski Case.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 113, folder 6
Bartel, Paul.
Mixed Nuts.
no date.
box 113, folder 7
Jarrico, Paul.
The Man in the Iron Mask.
1972 August 26.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.
box 113, folder 8
Ling, Wang Hui, et. al.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by Wang Du Lu.
box 113, folder 9
Festinger, Rob and Todd Field.
In the Bedroom.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the short story "Killings" by Andre Dubus.
box 114, folder 1
Whedon, Joss, et. al.
Toy Story.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 114, folder 2
Harrison, William and Bob Rafelson.
Mountains of the Moon.
1988 August.
Scope and Contents note
Shooting script. William Morris Agency.
box 114, folder 3
Tarantino, Quentin.
Reservoir Dogs.
1990 October 22.
box 114, folder 4
Roth, Eric and Michael Mann.
The Insider.
no date.
box 114, folder 5
Leigh, Mike.
no date.
box 114, folder 6
Kaufman, Charlie.
Being John Malkovich.
Scope and Contents note
Propaganda Films.
box 114, folder 7
Condon, Bill.
Gods and Monsters.
1997 May 30.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel
Father of Frankenstein by Christopher Bram.
box 114, folder 8
Darabont, Frank.
The Green Mile.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the serial novel by Stephen King. Castle Rock Entertainment.
box 115, folder 1
Leonard, Elmore.
The Hunted.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 115, folder 2
Howard, Alan.
Sweet Deception.
1980 October 6.
Scope and Contents note
Synopsis of a screenplay. Warner Bros.
box 115, folder 3
Howard, Alan.
California Natural.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 115, folder 4
Boorman, John.
Beyond Rangoon.
1993 November 5.
box 115, folder 5
Sharp, Alan.
Billy Two Hats.
Scope and Contents note
First draft screenplay. Laup Productions.
box 115, folder 6
Burns, Allan.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Part One.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Prequel. Pantheon Pictures.
box 115, folder 7
Pavigano, Anna, et. al.
The Postman /
Il Postino.
no date.
box 115, folder 8
Helgeland, Brian and Hanson, Curtis.
L.A. Confidential.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by James Ellroy. New Regency Productions.
box 116, folder 1
Frank, Scott.
Out of Sight.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by Elmore Leonard. Universal Pictures.
box 116, folder 2
Niccol, Andrew.
The Truman Show.
Scope and Contents note
Paramount Pictures.
box 116, folder 3
Irving, John.
The Cider House Rules.
no date.
box 116, folder 4
Payne, Alexander and Jim Taylor.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by Tom Perrotta. MTV and Paramount pictures.
box 116, folder 5
Elliott, Ted, et. al.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the book by William Steig. DreamWorks Pictures.
box 116, folder 6
Fellowes, Julian.
Gosford Park.
Scope and Contents note
Based upon an idea by Robert Altman and Bob Balaban.
box 116, folder 7
Walsh, Fran, et. al.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the book by J.R.R. Tolkien. New Line Cinema.
box 116, folder 8
Addica, Milo and Will Rokos.
Monster's Ball.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Lion's Gate Films.
box 116, folder 9
Affleck, Ben and Matt Damon.
Good Will Hunting.
no date.
box 117, folder 1
Shyamalan, M. Night.
The Sixth Sense.
no date.
box 117, folder 2
Minghella, Anthony.
The Talented Mr. Ripley.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith. Paramount Pictures and Miramax Film Corp.
box 117, folder 3
Crowe, Cameron.
Almost Famous.
Scope and Contents note
Columbia Pictures and DreamWorks.
box 117, folder 4
Cerami, Vincenzo and Roberto Benigni.
Life is Beautiful.
no date.
box 117, folder 5
Smith, Scott B.
A Simple Plan.
Scope and Contents note
Paramount Pictures.
box 117, folder 6
Franzoni, David, et. al.
Scope and Contents note
Universal and DreamWorks pictures.
box 117, folder 7
Gaghan, Stephen.
no date.
box 117, folder 8
Kanin, Michael.
Horse Opera.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the original version of
The Beggar's Opera.
box 117, folder 9
Garfield, Brian.
The Guns that Made the West Wild: A True Account.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Synopsis. Stanley Chase, producer.
box 117, folder 10
Bridges, James.
The Moving Finger.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Treatment for a movie musical. Stanley Chase, producer.
box 118, folder 1
Foster, Alan Dean.
You Won't Die, My Love.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on a short story by Robert Bloch. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 118, folder 2
Chase, David.
Love Her to Death.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 118, folder 3
Ferber, Edna.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted treatments and summaries.
box 118, folder 4
Irish, William.
no date.
box 118, folder 5
Kleiner, Harry and Stanley Chase.
The Last Resort.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 118, folder 6
Kaufman, Bob.
The Girl with ESP.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Created by Stanley Chase and Bob Kaufman.
box 118, folder 7
Winder, Michael and Jan Hartman.
Blood City.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Rearguard Productions, INC.
box 118, folder 8
Hanalis, Blanche.
Old Fish Hawk (folder 1 of 2).
Scope and Contents note
Screenplay, Old Fish Hawk Company.
box 118, folder 9
Hanalis, Blanche.
Old Fish Hawk (folder 2 of 2).
Scope and Contents note
Screenplay and Chase's executive producer binder.
box 119, folder 1
Matheson, Richard.
The Smell of Fear.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 119, folder 2
O'Hanlon, George and Vernon Scott.
Operation Piggie.
1967 July 13.
box 119, folder 3
Ludwig, Jerry.
Fade In.
1968 April 3.
Scope and Contents note
Includes letter from Steve Kibler at the William Morris Agency.
box 119, folder 4
La Porte du Large.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Jerome Siegel Associates.
box 119, folder 5
Sheers, J.C.
Fire in His Hand.
Scope and Contents note
Universal City Studios.
box 119, folder 6
Rudelson, Robert.
no date.
box 119, folder 7
Kaufman, Philip.
no date.
box 120, folder 1
Agee, James and Halsted Welles.
The Blue Hotel.
1968 February 16.
Scope and Contents note
Second revised screenplay.
box 120, folder 2
Ellis, David.
Trial by Terror.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted screenplays with annotations.
box 120, folder 3
Henerson, James.
The Bystander.
no date.
box 120, folder 4
Kingsley-Smith, Terence.
no date.
box 120, folder 5
Manaster, Benjamin.
box 120, folder 6
Change of Habit.
1968 June 12.
Scope and Contents note
First draft screenplay. Universal City Studios.
box 121, folder 1
Stevens, Leslie.
The Golden Flash.
1968 March 21.
Scope and Contents note
Universal City Studios.
box 121, folder 2
Crean, Robert.
The Great American Hang-Up.
1968 March.
Scope and Contents note
Ashley Famous Agency.
box 121, folder 3
Gardner, Gerald and Dee Caruso.
How to Break up a Happy Marriage.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the short story "Mortmain" by Graham Greene. CBS Films.
box 121, folder 4
Livingston, Harold.
Run for Your Life (Rendevous in Tokyo).
1966 October 17.
Scope and Contents note
Roncom Films and Universal City Studios.
box 121, folder 5
Rose, Reginald.
The Hunt.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 121, folder 6
Fenton, Frank and Resner, Lawrence.
How Many Graves to Los Perdidos?
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 121, folder 7
Manaster, Benjamin.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Film treatment.
box 121, folder 8
Peatman, Jim.
He Who Rides the Whirlwind.
no date.
box 121, folder 9
Husky, Rick.
The Devil's Stronghold.
no date.
box 122, folder 1
Dolan, Harry.
No Strings.
1968 January 10.
Scope and Contents note
Step outline.
box 122, folder 2
Heller, Joseph and George Mandel.
Is Washington Square?
no date.
box 122, folder 3
Towne, Robert.
The Long Ride Home.
1965 June 4.
box 122, folder 4
Smith, Charles B.
A Killing on Thursday.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 122, folder 5
Dratler, Jay.
The Judas Kiss.
no date.
box 122, folder 6
Peters, Don.
no date.
box 122, folder 7
Ulius, Betty.
The Journey Back.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Story by Victor Stoloff and Betty Ulius.
box 122, folder 8
Borisoff, Norman.
Scope and Contents note
Motion picture story.
box 123, folder 1
Kaye, John.
Marcus Stone Begins.
box 123, folder 2
Goodman, Don.
Never Take a Mistress.
no date.
box 123, folder 3
Joyce, Adrien.
Scope and Contents note
Screen treatment.
box 123, folder 4
Becker, Robert.
Incident at Up the Creek.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Western satire.
box 123, folder 5
Turner, Frederic.
Win Me Soon To Hell.
no date.
box 123, folder 6
Giler, David.
no date.
box 123, folder 7
Yafa, Stephen.
Paxton Quigley's Had the Course.
box 124, folder 1
Rosen, Milt.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
box 124, folder 2
Collins, Robert.
Say, What Ever Happened to Harry Harrington?
no date.
box 124, folder 3
Cole, Tom and Joyce Chopra.
box 124, folder 4
Ravetch, Irving and Harriet Frank, Jr.
The Piano Sport.
Scope and Contents note
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer INC. Produced by Katzka-Berne and Harold Loeb.
box 124, folder 5
Greenberg, Stanley R.
The Pedestal.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by George Lanning. Red Mark Productions, INC.
box 124, folder 6
Goff, Ivan and Ben Roberts.
The Other Man.
1967 August 8.
Scope and Contents note
Universal City Studios.
box 124, folder 7
Felton, Earl.
The Odyssey of Justice Lee.
1967 April 4.
box 124, folder 8
Mankiewicz, Tom.
The Sweet Ride.
1967 July 19.
box 125, folder 1
Bridges, James.
The Story of Frankenstein.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Screen treatment based on the work of Mary Shelley.
box 125, folder 2
Driskill, William.
The Suspect in the Twelfth House.
no date.
box 125, folder 3
Sherman, Robert.
no date.
box 125, folder 4
Hammett, Dashiell.
This King Business.
no date.
box 125, folder 5
Alpert, Hollis.
Doctor Monaco.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Screen treatment based on a short story by Thomas C. Turner.
box 125, folder 6
Friedman, Bruce Jay.
The Operator.
box 125, folder 7
Farrell, Henry.
The Box Step.
1967 December 1.
box 125, folder 8
Matheson, Richard and William Nolan.
Double, Double.
no date.
box 125, folder 9
Karmel, Alex W. and Marjorie Low.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by I.A. Goncharov.
box 126, folder 1
Mittleman, Rick.
Tower of Fear.
no date.
box 126, folder 2
Antonioni, Michelangelo.
Zabriskie Point.
Scope and Contents note
Carlo Ponti, producer. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer INC.
box 126, folder 3
Maddow, Ben.
The Wind Machine.
no date.
box 126, folder 4
Matheson, Richard.
Progeny of the Adder.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Story outline based on the novel by Leslie H. Whitten.
box 126, folder 5
Bridges, James.
Choice Cuts.
1965 November 22.
Scope and Contents note
Apjac Productions, INC.
box 126, folder 6
Goodman, David Zelag.
The Crack Up.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Original story by Stanley Chase and David Zelag Goodman.
box 126, folder 7
Poe, James.
The Sergeant.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by Dennis Murphy.
box 126, folder 8
Evans, Max.
Shadow of Thunder.
1967 November 16.
box 126, folder 9
Maddow, Ben.
The Counterfeit Man.
no date.
Series 3: Television
General Physical Description note: 32 boxes, 1 oversize box, 1 map folder.
Scope and Contents note
This series consists of production files and business files, publicity materials, ephemera, and scripts. Arranged in subseries
A-D as follows:
An American Christmas Carol, 1979-1994.
The Courage of Kavik, the Wolf Dog, 1977-1983.
- Miscellaneous productions, 1925-1994.
- Scripts, 1960-1984.
Subseries 3A:
An American Christmas Carol,
General Physical Description note: 2 boxes.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of business files and production files, photographs, publicity materials, and scripts. Co-produced
by Stanley Chase Productions,
An American Christmas Carol was a movie of the week for ABC. The screenplay was adapted from Charles Dickens'
A Christmas Carol. It aired on December 16, 1979, was directed by Eric Till, and starred Henry Winkler.
box 127, folder 1-6
Financial records and agreements.
Scope and Contents note
Includes legal documents.
box 128, folder 1
Financial records and agreements.
box 128, folder 2
Photographic materials.
Scope and Contents note
Negatives, slides, portraits of the cast, and production stills.
box 128, folder 5
Press materials.
Scope and Contents note
Reviews, publicity packets, and market ratings
box 128, folder 6
Scope and Contents note
Assorted notes, letters, reviews, financial documents and records.
Subseries 3B:
The Courage of Kavik, the Wolf Dog,
General Physical Description note: 1.5 boxes.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of business files and production files, photographs, publicity materials, and scripts. Produced by
Stanley Chase Productions,
The Courage of Kavik, the Wolf Dog was a two-hour television movie pilot for NBC. The screenplay was adapted from Walt Morey's novel,
Kävik the Wolf Dog. It aired in the United States on January 20, 1980, and was directed by Peter Carter.
box 129, folder 1
Shooting schedules, notes, and correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Shooting schedules, notes, and correspondence.
box 129, folder 2
Budgets, correspondence, and agreements.
Scope and Contents note
Budgets, correspondence, and agreements.
box 129, folder 3-5
Contracts, agreements, correspondence.
box 129, folder 6
Press materials.
Scope and Contents note
Press kits and photographs.
box 130, folder 1
Photographic materials.
Scope and Contents note
Production stills and casting head shots.
box 130, folder 2
1978 February 27.
Subseries 3C: Miscellaneous productions,
General Physical Description note: 13.5 boxes, 1 oversize box, 1 map folder.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of miscellaneous business files and production files, photographs, publicity materials, and scripts.
Made for television movies include:
Fear on Trial (Stanley Chase Productions and Alan Landsburg Productions, 1975);
The Guardian (Stanley Chase Productions and HBO, 1984); and
Grace Kelly (Stanley Chase Productions for Embassy / Kota, 1983). Universal Studios pilots include:
Inside Danny Baker (created and developed for ABC with Mel Brooks, 1962); and
Jigsaw (created and produced as a two-hour movie pilot for NBC, 1964). This subseries also includes assorted files from Chase's
work at Metro-Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), Metromedia Producers Corporation, ABC, United Artists, and Columbia Pictures. The original
contents of each file were maintained during processing.
box 130, folder 4-6
The Guardian--Contracts, agreements, financial documents.
Scope and Contents note
Includes budgets.
box 131, folder 1
The Guardian--Miscellaneous.
Scope and Contents note
Photographs, call sheets, scripts, and production reports.
box 131, folder 2
The Guardian--Script.
box 131, folder 3
Fear on Trial--Miscellaneous.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, budgets, photographs, casting, and credits.
box 131, folder 4
Fear on Trial--Contracts and agreements.
box 131, folder 5-6
Fear on Trial--Photographs.
Scope and Contents note
Prints of Chase on set. Contact sheets of production stills and 1/4" x 5" reel-to-reel video tape of location scouting.
box 131, folder 7
Fear on Trial--Script.
Scope and Contents note
Final draft. Rintels, David.
box 132, folder 1
Grace Kelly--Call sheets and schedules.
box 132, folder 2
Grace Kelly--Production binder (folder 1 of 3).
Scope and Contents note
Casting, credits, call sheets, etc.
box 132, folder 3
Grace Kelly--Production binder (folder 2 of 3).
Scope and Contents note
Shooting schedules, location scouting, production costs and reports, and European shoot.
box 132, folder 4
Grace Kelly--Production binder (folder 3 of 3).
Scope and Contents note
Post-production looping and script.
box 132, folder 5-7
Agreements, contracts, correspondence, and records for Stanley Chase Productions (folders 1-3 of 8).
Scope and Contents note
Includes documents relating to
An American Christmas Carol,
The Courage of Kavik, the Wolf Dog and
Fish Hawk, and others.
box 133, folder 1-5
Agreements, contracts, correspondence, and records for Stanley Chase Productions (folders 4- 8 of 8).
Scope and Contents note
Includes documents relating to
An American Christmas Carol,
The Courage of Kavik, the Wolf Dog and
Fish Hawk, and others.
box 134, folder 1
October Outcasts.
Scope and Contents note
Miscellaneous documents.
box 134, folder 2-3
Miscellaneous Stanley Chase productions.
Scope and Contents note
Includes documents relating to
Flint's Island and
Red River.
box 134, folder 4
Dorston Music.
Scope and Contents note
Contracts and papers related to Stanley Chase's establishment of Dorston Music and a motion-picture production company. Includes
production materials.
box 134, folder 5
Wounded Knee research.
no date.
box 135, folder 1
Synopsis and correspondence.
Scope and Contents note
Pertaining to
Back to the Wall and MGM pitches, and Alan Landsburg Productions.
box 135, folder 2
MGM pitches and reader's reports.
Scope and Contents note
Jack London stories.
box 135, folder 3
Miscellaneous Stanley Chase productions synopsis and treatments (folder 1 of 3).
Scope and Contents note
Includes documents related to
box 135, folder 4
Miscellaneous Stanley Chase productions synopsis and treatments (folder 2 of 3).
Scope and Contents note
Assorted scripts, memoranda, and synopsis.
box 135, folder 5
Miscellaneous Stanley Chase productions synopsis and treatments (folder 3 of 3).
Scope and Contents note
Includes correspondence and research materials for various productions.
box 136, folder 1
Jigsaw photographs.
Scope and Contents note
Two-hour movie pilot produced and created by Chase for NBC, starring Jack Lord.
box 136, folder 2-3
Jigsaw--Contracts, legal documents, and correspondence.
box 136, folder 4
box 136, folder 5
Bubbly--Synopsis and production credits.
box 136, folder 6-8
Sweet Dreams--Contracts, legal documents, and correspondence.
box 137, folder 1-2
Dream Wife--Contracts, legal documents, and correspondence.
box 137, folder 3
Dream Wife and
Inside Danny Baker.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted printed materials.
box 137, folder 4-5
Inside Danny Baker and
Dreams of Glory.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted printed materials.
box 137, folder 6
Inside Danny Baker.
Scope and Contents note
Correspondence, synopsis, photos, casting, and credits.
box 137, folder 7
Robert Kaufman and Stanley Chase vs. Screen Gems.
Scope and Contents note
Legal documents.
box 63
Inside Danny Baker and
A Time to Love.
Scope and Contents note
Preliminary production design drawings for
Inside Danny Baker and two poster proofs for
A Time to Love.
box 138, folder 1
Lifeline pilots.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted print materials, including budgets.
box 138, folder 2
Blood on the Sun.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted print materials.
box 138, folder 3-4
Landsburg Productions.
box 138, folder 5
Press materials.
Scope and Contents note
Includes video cassette covers for
Kavik and
Fish Hawk.
box 138, folder 6
Instant Justice.
Scope and Contents note
Contracts and correspondence.
box 139, folder 1-2
B.O.S.S. Headquarters--Production research.
General Physical Description note: [2 folders].
box 139, folder 3
B.O.S.S. Headquarters--Script.
box 139, folder 4
Screen Gems files.
Scope and Contents note
Notes from a board room meeting (January, 1964) and various pilot ideas.
box 139, folder 5
TV development journals (folder 1 of 2).
Scope and Contents note
Includes: Program Plans of the Independents, ABC Development 1961-1962, and Business Affairs.
box 139, folder 6
TV development journals (folder 2 of 2).
Scope and Contents note
Includes: Program Plans of the Independents, and other development folder.
box 140, folder 1
Columbia Pictures and Screen Gems program reports.
box 140, folder 2
Screen Gems Project status reports.
box 140, folder 3
Screen Gems rejection letters.
Scope and Contents note
Letters from Chase rejecting show and script ideas.
box 140, folder 4-5
Screen Gems correspondence.
box 140, folder 6
ABC development materials.
Scope and Contents note
Credits, clippings, financial documents.
box 140, folder 7
Feature film reports.
Scope and Contents note
From ABC, Universal, Paramount, Columbia studios.
box 140, folder 8, box 141
Assorted contracts and correspondence.
General Physical Description note: [2 folders].
Scope and Contents note
From ABC.
box 141, folder 2-4, box 142
Screen Gems memoranda.
General Physical Description note: [4 folders].
box 141, folder 5-6
Writer credits.
box 141, folder 7
Producers and directors.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted print material.
box 141, folder 8-9
Casting file--Screen Gems.
box 142, folder 1
box 142, folder 2-3
Miscellaneous productions.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted print materials, primarily related to Universal City Studios and the Chrysler Theatre.
box 142, folder 4-5
Universal correspondence.
box 143, folder 1
Miscellaneous productions.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted print materials, primarily related to Universal City Studios and the Chrysler Theatre.
box 143, folder 2
Various shooting schedules and credits.
Scope and Contents note
Assorted print materials, primarily related to Universal City Studios and the Chrysler Theatre.
box 143, folder 3-6
Universal City Studios miscellaneous files.
box 93
Time of Flight preliminary production design drawing. Artist unknown. 2 images of nude man and transport chamber.
Scope and Contents note
Acrylic on paper, mounted on board. Measures approx. 19'' x 30.5.'' Chrysler Theatre production.
Subseries 3D: Scripts,
General Physical Description note: 19 boxes.
Scope and Contents note
This subseries consists of assorted scripts and story pitches.
box 35, folder 1
Chrysler Theatre story submissions--36, 92, and 96.
box 35, folder 2
Chrysler Theatre story submissions--100-119.
box 35, folder 3
Chrysler Theatre story submissions--120-129.
box 35, folder 4
Chrysler Theatre story submissions--130-139.
box 35, folder 5
Chrysler Theatre story submissions--140-169.
box 36, folder 1
Tokatyan, Leon.
The Posse.
1966 March.
box 36, folder 2
Wood, William.
A Song Called Revenge.
1966 June- August.
box 36, folder 3
McBain, Ed and Stanford Whitmore.
1967 March.
box 36, folder 4
Sitowitz, Hal.
The Day of the Gun.
1966 April 26.
box 36, folder 5
Pogostin, S. Lee.
Crazier Than Cotton.
1966 February - March.
box 36, folder 6
Zweiback, A. Martin.
All the Money in the World-- Who Needs It?!
no date.
box 36, folder 7
Matheson, Richard.
Time of Flight.
1966 June- July.
box 36, folder 8
Michaels, Sidney.
Live, Love, Laugh, and Be Happy.
1966 August.
box 36, folder 9
Ellis, David.
Verdict for Terror.
1967 January.
box 36, folder 10
Welles, Halsted.
The Lady is My Wife.
1966 September - Decemeber.
box 37, folder 1
Brooks, Mel.
The Zero Mostel Show.
1963 October 20.
Scope and Contents note
Pilot. Screen Gems, INC.
box 37, folder 2
Playdon, Paul.
War of the Worlds.
1973 November 7.
Scope and Contents note
Writer's work draft for pre-production. Paramount Television.
box 37, folder 3
Matheson, Richard.
Race Against Time.
Scope and Contents note
Pilot no. 81084 for Stanley Chase, producer, and Universal Television. Presentation piece included.
box 37, folder 4
MacDonald, John and Richary Murphy.
Venture Bay.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Concept and pilot treatment for series television. George Litto / Stanley Chase Productions.
box 37, folder 5
Twain, Norman.
Two by Willingham.
no date.
box 37, folder 6
Gay, John.
Wyatt Smith.
1982 March 10.
Scope and Contents note
Twentieth Century Fox Television.
box 37, folder 7
Brody, Larry.
Kyrell B.R.T.
Scope and Contents note
Script and pilot presentation.
box 37, folder 8
The Knights of the Circus.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Columbia Pictures Television synopsis.
box 37, folder 9
Pettus, Ken.
Dateline: Paradise.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 37, folder 10
Gillis, Jackson.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
"Friday Night Football" episode. Television series. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 37, folder 11
Mandelberg, Cynthia.
The Grace Kelly Story.
Scope and Contents note
Embassy Television.
box 38, folder 1
Chase, Stanley and S.S. Schweitzer.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 38, folder 2
Chase, Stanley and Bob Kaufman.
Happily Ever After.
1964 December 28.
Scope and Contents note
Half-hour comedy series with Chase as executive producer. Stanley Chase Productions and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer INC.
box 38, folder 3
Malko, George.
Kavik the Wolf Dog.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Based on the novel by Walt Morey. Pantheon Television.
box 38, folder 4
Chase, Stanley and Mark Fink.
Marriage for a Living.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Comedy series. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 38, folder 5
Chase, Stanley and William O. Turner.
Five Days to Salt Lake.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series based on the novel by William O. Turner. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 38, folder 6
Matheson, Richard.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 38, folder 7
Chase, Stanley and Gary Belkin.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase Productions.
box 38, folder 8
Chase, Stanley.
Johnny Hunter.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Synopsis for a Western series.
box 38, folder 9
Knopf, Christopher.
Red River.
1976 January 19.
Scope and Contents note
Pilot for television series. Chase/Rearguard Productions.
box 38, folder 10
Capp, Al.
Fearless Fosdick.
1984 December 4.
Scope and Contents note
"The Little Shrinker" teleplay.
box 38, folder 11
Kleiner, Harry.
1965 October 23.
Scope and Contents note
Pilot Script no. 83301-1. Universal City Studios and Stanley Chase Productions.
box 38, folder 12
Pettus, Ken and Tim Maschler.
Donovan's Choice.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series synopsis. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 38, folder 13
Schweitzer, S.S.
Norton's Rounds.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series synopsis. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 38, folder 14
Slade, Bernard.
The Girl with Something Extra.
Scope and Contents note
Comedy series for television, pilot episode no. 183049, "Sally on my Mind."
box 39, folder 1
Chase, Stanley and Bob Kaufman.
Dream Wife.
Scope and Contents note
Comedy series for television. Stanley Chase, executive producer. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, INC.
box 39, folder 2
Chase, Stanley and Brad Schreiber.
Make a Wish.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series synopsis. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 39, folder 3
Huver, Scott and Stanley Chase.
The Golden Triangle of Beverly Hills.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series synopsis. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 39, folder 4
Huver, Scott and Stanley Chase.
The Dream Factory.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series synopsis. Stanley Chase Productions.
box 39, folder 5
Dresner, Hall and Joe Goldberg.
The Silver Platter.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television play outline.
box 39, folder 6
Fisher, Bob and Arthur Alsberg.
September Jones.
Scope and Contents note
Pilot script. Selmur Productions, INC.
box 39, folder 7
Chase, Stanley and Terry Ryan.
Stop, You're Killing Me!
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television comedy.
box 39, folder 8
Michaels, Sidney.
The Affair.
1966 December.
Scope and Contents note
Includes synopsis for TV adaptation and a laudatory letter to Chase from Michaels.
box 39, folder 9
Russell, A.J.
1966 August 8.
Scope and Contents note
No. 81079. Pilot episode, "Murder in a Leaning Skyscraper," and "Death Comes for the Triptych." Universal City Studios.
box 39, folder 10
Barkan, Mark and Ellen M. Gameral.
Why Not?
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Presentation synopsis of a television comedy series.
box 39, folder 11
Sabaroff, Robert.
The Virginian.
Scope and Contents note
"One Spring Like Long Ago" episode.
box 39, folder 12
Gethers, Steven.
That's Where the Money Is.
Scope and Contents note
Stanley Chase, producer. Universal Television.
box 39, folder 13
Arnold, Danny.
Scope and Contents note
Prospectus and episodes no. 3915, "Mother Meet's What's-His-Name!!" and no. 3905, "It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog" (written
by Jerry Davis).
box 39, folder 14
Sowards, Jack.
Scope and Contents note
Produced by Ron Roth. Universal City Studios.
box 40, folder 1
Sanford, Donald.
Catch a Nightmare by the Tail.
1965 November.
Scope and Contents note
Universal Studios.
box 40, folder 2
Petrakis, Henry Mark and Sam Peckinpah.
The Dick Powell Show.
1962 July 31.
Scope and Contents note
Episode no. 5137, "Pericles on 31st Street." Produced by Sam Peckinpah. Four Star Television.
box 40, folder 3
Perl, Arnold.
The Hard Edge.
1965 September 2.
Scope and Contents note
Pilot script. Universal City Studios.
box 40, folder 4
Sabaroff, Robert.
The Invaders.
1967 July 3.
Scope and Contents note
First draft of "Valley of the Shadow" episode. QM Productions.
box 40, folder 5
Ellis, David.
Trials of O'Brien.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
"No Justice for the Judge" episode, production no. 11.
box 40, folder 6
Chase, Stanley and Richard Matheson.
Nightmare Alley.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series synopsis. Includes contract agreements.
box 40, folder 7
Chase, Stanley and Ben Maddow.
Mr. X.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series synopsis.
box 40, folder 8
Brooks, Mel.
Inside Danny Baker.
Scope and Contents note
Pilot and revision. United Artist's Television.
box 40, folder 9
Box, Edgar.
The Perfect Crime.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Pilot script.
box 40, folder 10
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Proposal for a five-episode television series. Screen Gems and Corday Productions, INC.
box 40, folder 11
Auster, Islin.
Gideon Knight.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Proposal based on
The Count of Monte Cristo.
box 41, folder 1
Kaminsky, Howard and Charles Sopkin.
Cheers for Lacy.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Comedy television series proposal and script.
box 41, folder 2
Peyton Place.
1963 June 4.
Scope and Contents note
Scripts for episodes 1-6. Paul Monash, executive producer.
box 41, folder 3
Carothers, A.J.
The Card and the Badge.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Pilot script for episode one, "Murder, London -- New York." Based on the novel by John Creasey. Screen Gems.
box 41, folder 4
Knopf, Christopher.
1964 September 1.
Scope and Contents note
Screen Gems, INC.
box 41, folder 5
Kleiner, Harry.
The Three.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Treatment for a television series.
box 41, folder 6
Friedberg, Billy.
Old Man Webster.
no date.
box 41, folder 7
Naked City.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Screen Gems, INC. story lines for 66 half-hour shows.
box 41, folder 8
Allen, Woody.
The Laughmakers.
Scope and Contents note
Edgewater Production in association with the American Broadcasting Company; created and produced by Robert Alan Aurthur.
box 41, folder 9
Simms, Jay.
The Conover Cons.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series idea.
box 41, folder 10
Arnold, Jay.
Hi Neighbor.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television series synopsis.
box 42, folder 1
Kaufman, Bob and Peter Barry.
The Great Chase.
1964 July 7.
Scope and Contents note
Screen Gems, INC.
box 42, folder 2
Webster, Tony.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Pilot draft for United Artists TV.
box 42, folder 3
Chase, Stanley and Terry Ryan.
Coffin's Museum.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Comedy-terror series for television.
box 42, folder 4
Kohner, Frederick.
box 42, folder 5
Sneider, Vern.
Northwest Command,
The Tactician, and
Frenchtown Midnight.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Typed manuscript television series proposals.
box 42, folder 6
Morning Star.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Television serial proposal. Corday Productions, INC.
box 42, folder 7
Chase, Stanley.
The Russian.
no date.
box 42, folder 8
Phillips, Irna, et. al.
Days of our Lives.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Proposal. Corday Productions, INC.
box 42, folder 9
Brooks, Mel and Buck Henry.
Get Smart!
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Talent Associates-Paramount Limited.
box 42, folder 10
Bezzerides, A.I.
The Big Valley.
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Prospectus for a television series.
box 43, box 44, box 45, box 46, box 47, box 48, box 49, box 50
Universal City Studios.
Scope and Contents note
Story department submissions
Series 4: Audiovisual materials
General Physical Description note: 1 box, 2 oversize boxes.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: This collection contains both processed and unprocessed audiovisual materials. For information
about the access status of the material that you are looking for, refer to the Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
note at the file levels. All requests to access processed audiovisual materials must be made in advance using the request
button located on this page.
Scope and Contents note
This series consists of sound recordings and two videos. The bulk of the recordings are from
Free and Easy, a Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer jazz musical featuring Quincy Jones. Other materials include
The Threepenny Opera cast production recordings and
Mack the Knife soundtracks on compact disc, audiocassette, and vinyl LP. (Note: Film materials were transferred to the UCLA Film and Television
Archive in September 2005; see Special Collections reference desk for more information.)
box 60, folder 1
Mack the Knife
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS UNPROCESSED AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are not currently available for access and will require
further processing and assessment. If you have questions about this material please email
Scope and Contents note
Two sealed vinyl LPs, two compact discs, and two audiocassettes of the original soundtrack.
box 60, folder 2
Free and Easy yrlsc_1090_60_02_001
1959 November 12
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:23:39)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Stanley Chase Productions #134162 11/12/59" Content note: non-musical sound score
box 60, folder 2
Free and Easy Tape 2 yrlsc_1090_60_02_002
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:05:32)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Content note: non-musical sound score
box 60, folder 2
Free and Easy Tape 3 yrlsc_1090_60_02_003
1959 November 11
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:24:17)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Stanley Chase Productions #134162 11/11/59" Content note: non-musical sound score
box 144, folder 1
Free and Easy Paris Performance- 1A yrlsc_1090_144_01_01
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:32:22)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Free and Easy Paris Performance Quincy Jones Jazz band and cast. 1A"
box 144, folder 1
Free and Easy Paris Performance- 1B yrlsc_1090_144_01_02
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:23:00)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "1B"
box 144, folder 1
Free and Easy Paris Performance- 2A yrlsc_1090_144_01_03
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:21:24)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "2A"
box 144, folder 1
Free and Easy Paris Performance- 2B yrlsc_1090_144_01_04
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:14:47)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "2B"
box 144, folder 2
Free and Easy Paris Performance- 2C yrlsc_1090_144_02_01
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:03:37)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container exterior: "2C?" Transcribed from container interior: "?A Free and Easy?"
box 144, folder 2
Free and Easy Paris Perfromance- 3B yrlsc_1090_144_02_02
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:27:15)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 144, folder 3
ThreePenny Opera Part I yrlsc_1090_144_03_01a
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:26:45)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Content Note: Recording is from "Three Penny Opera", but container describes materials as "Free and Easy Effect Tracks."
box 144, folder 3
ThreePenny Opera Part II yrlsc_1090_144_03_01b
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:26:10)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Content Note: Recording is from "Three Penny Opera", but container describes materials as "Free and Easy Effect Tracks."
box 144, folder 3
ThreePenny Opera Part I yrlsc_1090_144_03_02a
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:27:03)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Content Note: Recording is from "Three Penny Opera", but container describes materials as "Free and Easy Effect Tracks."
box 144, folder 3
ThreePenny Opera Part II yrlsc_1090_144_03_02b
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:26:21)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Content Note: Recording is from "Three Penny Opera", but container describes materials as "Free and Easy Effect Tracks."
box 144, folder 3
Free and Easy--Effect Tracks yrlsc_1090_144_03_03
1959 November 12
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:20:10)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: " #134162 Sec Copy Effects Free and Easy"
box 144, folder 3
Free and Easy--Effect Tracks yrlsc_1090_144_03_04
1959 November 12
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:11:40)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: " #134162 Sec Copy Effects Free and Easy"
box 144, folder 4
Free and Easy-- Harold Arlen Performances 1 yrlsc_1090_144_04_01
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:30:55)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Tape 1- Side 1 'Free and Easy'; Harold Arlen (+ others) playing at piano and singing his own
material for the show"
box 144, folder 4
Free and Easy-- Harold Arlen Performances 2 yrlsc_1090_144_04_02
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:31:14)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Tape 2- Side 2 'Free and Easy'; Harold Arlen (continued) (+ others) playing at piano and singing
his own material for the show"
box 144, folder 4
Free and Easy-- Harold Arlen Performances 3 yrlsc_1090_144_04_03
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:32:33)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "End of 2 and 3 'Free and Easy'; Harold Arlen (continued) (+ others) playing at piano and singing
his own material for the show"
box 144, folder 5
Free and Easy--Miscellaneous Recordings yrlsc_1090_144_05_01a
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:32:33)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Free and Easy Straight Dub; Prop. Stan Chase"
box 144, folder 5
Free and Easy--Miscellaneous Recordings yrlsc_1090_144_05_01b
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:48:03)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Free and Easy Straight Dub; Prop. Stan Chase"
box 144, folder 5
Free and Easy--Miscellaneous Recordings yrlsc_1090_144_05_02a
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:47:28)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Free and Easy Straight Dub (No EQ). Prop. Stan Chase"
box 144, folder 5
Free and Easy--Miscellaneous Recordings yrlsc_1090_144_05_02b
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:45:22)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Free and Easy Straight Dub (No EQ). Prop. Stan Chase"
box 144, folder 5
Free and Easy--Miscellaneous Recordings yrlsc_1090_144_05_03
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:08:45)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from reel: "Free and Easy Tape 3"
box 144, folder 5
Free and Easy--Miscellaneous Recordings yrlsc_1090_144_05_04
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:02:15)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from reel: "Free and Easy Tape 1" Transcribed from container: "Porgy and Bess"
box 144, folder 6
Free and Easy--Miscellaneous Recordings yrlsc_1090_144_06_01
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:03:27)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Free and Easy; Prop. Stan Chase"
box 144, folder 7
Free and Easy- Harold Arlen Performance Part 1 yrlsc_1090_144_07_01a
1960 July 2
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:55:00)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Free and Easy. Orchestra- Harold Arlen. First Part and End. Alhambra. Sunday Matineé."
box 144, folder 7
Free and Easy- Harold Arlen Performance Part 1 yrlsc_1090_144_07_01a
1960 July 2
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:55:10)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Free and Easy. Orchestra- Harold Arlen. First Part and End. Alhambra. Sunday Matineé."
box 144, folder 7
Free and Easy- Harold Arlen Performance Part 2 yrlsc_1090_144_07_02a
1960 July 2
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:37:58)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Free and Easy. Ochestra- Harold Arlen. Second Part. Alhambra. Sunday Matineé"
box 144, folder 7
Free and Easy- Harold Arlen Performance Part 2 yrlsc_1090_144_07_02b
1960 July 2
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:35:55)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Free and Easy. Ochestra- Harold Arlen. Second Part. Alhambra. Sunday Matineé"
box 145, folder 1
circa 1970-1974
Scope and Contents note
Video includes a piece by John Henry Faulk, writer and inspiration for
Fear on Trial, and an interview with Stanley Chase on Fuji Beta L-125 from the Dr. Morton Cooper television show.
box 145, folder 1
Stanley Chase Interviewed on "Change Your Voice Change Your Life" with Dr. Morton Cooper yrlsc_1090_145_01_01
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: communiCom
Physical Description: 1 video recordings(1 Betamax; Duration: 0:29:55)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 145, folder 2
Happy End Audio Reel #1 yrlsc_1090_145_02_01
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:18:46)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Property of Stanley Chase Productions; Brecht-Weill Happy End Side 1 Reel #1; Lotte Lenya"
box 145, folder 2
Happy End Audio Reel #1 yrlsc_1090_145_02_02
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:18:49)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Property of Stanley Chase Productions; Brecht-Weill Happy End Side 1 Reel #1; Lotte Lenya"
box 145, folder 2
Happy End Audio Reel #2 yrlsc_1090_145_02_03
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:20:06)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Property of Stanley Chase Productions; Brecht-Weill Happy End Side 2 Reel #2; Lotte Lenya"
box 145, folder 2
Happy End Audio Reel #2 yrlsc_1090_145_02_04
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:20:02)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Property of Stanley Chase Productions; Brecht-Weill Happy End Side 2 Reel #2; Lotte Lenya"
box 145, folder 3
Dreams of Alvin audio reel yrlsc_1090_145_03_01
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:16:33)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Dreams of Alvin TV Series; Mel Brooks and Stanley Chase" Content Note: Mel Brooks and Stanley
Chase explain their idea for a new tv series
box 145, folder 4
Stanley Chase on Dame Sybil Thorndike, CBC Radio yrlsc_1090_145_04_01
Creator: communiCom
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:12:22)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Scope and Contents
Transcribed from container: "Stanly Chase re Dame Sybil Thorndike CBC Radio Laurier Lapierre
box 145, folder 5
The Three Penny Opera yrlsc_1090_145_05_01a
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:27:03)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 145, folder 5
The Three Penny Opera yrlsc_1090_145_05_01b
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:26:10)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 145, folder 5
The Three Penny Opera yrlsc_1090_145_05_02a
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:27:16)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 145, folder 5
The Three Penny Opera yrlsc_1090_145_05_02b
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 1/4 inch audiotape; Duration: 0:26:22)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 145, folder 5
The Three Penny Opera yrlsc_1090_145_05_03a
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 audiocassette; Duration: 0:27:22)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 145, folder 5
The Three Penny Opera yrlsc_1090_145_05_03b
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Creator: Chase, Stanley, 1927-2014
Physical Description: 1 sound recordings(1 audiocassette; Duration: 0:26:39)
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials are available for access. All requests to access digital materials must
be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
Series 5: Miscellaneous
General Physical Description note: 1 folder, 1 map folder.
Scope and Contents note
This collection consists of Stanley Chase's high school year book from 1944, and a Jacques Eitel watercolor entitled "Avec
mon bon souvenir," signed in pencil by the artist.
box 35, folder 6
New Utrecht High School yearbook.
Scope and Contents note
New Utrecht High's "The Comet," New York. Chase was then known as Stanley Cohen.
box 92
Jacques Eitel watercolor. "Avec mon bon souvenir."
no date.
Scope and Contents note
Limited series (9/50), signed in pencil.