1.1 Fundamental
AE 229 Notes
Aerod. Research - Universities
Aerod. Smoothness – Lockheed
Aerodynamic Heating
Alternating Flow
AWT Biplane Incidence (Revision)
Biplane Lift - Tahi and Ground Effect
Boundary Layer - Burghers
Calculation of Flow Air and Diatomic Gasses
Circ. Cyl. -Asym. Flow (GJH)
Coandra Effect (References)
Comp Flow About Bodies of Revolution (Sears), Misc. Papers on
Dissipative Mechanism - Liber
Douglas - Theoretical Aerod. Reports list
Electrolytic Tank - TMB
Expansions - Navier Stokes Equations
Fluid Mechanisms in Aero. Development - Patterson
Glauert - Notes
Induced Drag of Any Biplane (ACIC)
Integrals (Green)
Karman, Comp. Flow - Notes
Katzmayr, Effect
Lifting...Theory - Sears (Integral Equations Solutions Eigenvalues)
Magnethydrodynamics (PAI)
Magnus Effect - Note Latch
Multiplane Computations
No Down Draft Ventilator
Nozzle Flow - London
Oscillating Airfoil (Misc. Notes)
Potential Flow Analogs (Electrolytic Tank, etc.)
Prandtl - Contributions to Wing Theory
Reactions - Choked Flow
Rotating Cylinders and Flap Papers: 1. Regenscheit; 2. Favre
Rotating Cylinders
Schoenherr - Turb S.F.
Separated Flow - H.S. Tan
Smoke Flow - Lippisch
Sonic Boom
Spheres (Rate of Fall in Water)
Stack Model (Stiffness and Damping)
Stack Vibration
Tacoma Bridge
Wood ID (T. Aer., 2nd) Answers
Thermal Properties of Gasses
Total Head Evaluation
Total Pressure Evaluation (In Non-Uniform Stream)
Vortex Theory
Wall Effect on Tailsetting
1.21 Wing Sections
Airfoil Ordinates (Joukowski and Bipolar)
Flap Data
Joukowski Airfoils
The Theory of Lift of Airfoils
Profile Drag (R&M 1838) (Squier and Young)
1.22 Complete wings
CL Max - Swept Wings
Dihedral - A.G. Shift, etc.
Extensible Ailerone (AMC...etc.)
Hsiao - Thesis
Oscillating Airfoil...Cicola
Oscillating Airfoil-M.I.T.
Oscillating Airfoil - Preliminary Calculations
P.D.- NACA 81-J
1.3 Bodies
Fuselage Drag
Supersonic Induction System
1.4 Internal Aerodynamics
Diffusers - Notes and Suggestions
H.S. Diffusers - Naumann - Trs. W.F. Davis
1.5 Propellers
Analysis of Profile Effects
Blade Form Curves and Summary 1929 Results
Calculations - High Pitch Blades for Tandem Props
Continental Sky Power
Counter Rotating Propellers - McCoy
FS Prop. Selection Data from TR 351
HS 23D40 Hub. Dim. and CG
Jacuzzi Windmills
NACA Models A-G and Blade Drawings
Olmstead Prop. Data
Shank Cuffs (Wood) Pat.
Smith Lycoming V. P. Propeller
Synchrophasing (Lockheed)
Tandem Air Propellers II Original Tests, Fig EPL
Wing Lift in Slipstream-Rethorst
1.6 Rotors
Hiller (Stuart) Rotor
Kirkwood - Helio
1.7.1 Airplanes
Airplanes Perf. Des. Charts - Brunk
BAC Take-Off Test Data 247 D and DC-3A
Boening 727
Convair 340
Convair 340
DC-3, -4
DC-6, Data
Enemy Aircraft Catalog
General Electric - P59 Flight Tests
Heinemann - High Speed Aircraft Develop.
Martin (Seaplane Pursuit) Reports
Norair - X21
P-80 Data
Rate of Climb Charts
Warner - Notes and Corrections
Lateral Control (Extensible) [Disclosure]
Report on Flight in the Stratosphere
"Everyman's Airplane" - Weick
Hemke - Airplane Drag
Stratosphere Flight - Woodyatt (empty)
Landing Speed Reduction (Review by D. Kaplan)
Log. Perf. Prediction - Carlo Alippi - Guidonia Airplane Performance
Ground Run - Garbell
Mollinger on F86D Speed Trials
Alloc. of Fuel and Cargo for Max. Ton-Miles - Petroff
L.P.C. Method - Curtiss
Schairer - Airplane Slide Rule
Maximum Speed Analysis
Landing Speed Analysis
1.7.2 Missiles
Missile Perf. Estimation - K.D. Wood
1.7.5 Airships
RS-1 Tests (ACIC)
1.8 Stability Control and Flying Quality
Aerod. Boosted Controls (Dunn-Douglas)
Dynamic Stability Notes
Dyn. Long. Stability (Warner)
Stability Questionnaire
Stall Warning
A. F. Reports on Stab. and Cont.
Gr. Effect on Downwash
Uncontrolled spins - Korvin-Kroukovsky
Aileron Effect - Weiselsberger
Aileron Analysis
1.9 Aerodynamic Loading
Gust and Vv Effects
1.10 Vibration and Flutter
Wing Flutter (Brady model)
Parachutes - Heinrich
3.1.1 Recriprocal Engines
Wasp S1H1 - G Drawing and data
Wasp Jr. - SB. Drawing and power data
3.1.3 Turbo-Jets
JT3E Performance Curves
T-J Performance - London ('60)
3.1.7 Ram Jet
Propulsion spectrum
3.1.8 Rocket
Rockets (Krzywoblocki)
3.6 Compressors
Slotted blade ax. blower
Compressor - Rotating Stall (W.R.Sears)
Supercharger (Szydlowski - Planiol)
3.7 Turbines
Gas Turb. and Jet Propulsion, Westinghouse
4. Structures
Annular diaphragms
5. Materials
6. Meteorology
Jet stream
Marianas Std. Day
Mountain wave zones, United States
Mountain wave
Std. atmosphere - British (1942)
Data - std. atmos. - 1959
Lightning and aircraft
7. Operating Problems
Celestial navigation
Misc. operating hazards
8. Instruments
Fluid controls
T.H. tube shielded - Boeing
Orifices (AAF TR 4552)
Autopilot Devel. - Lear
Doppler Navig. Instr.
Velocity meas. - by tracer
Inertial guidance
Sperry "vibragyro"
MIT airfoil oscillator
Angle-of-attack and angle-of-yaw indicator..., Navy report by Robert B. Ormsby, Jr.
Altimeter errors
Attenuation of oscill. press in tubes
A.S. capsule
Analog computers
Total head tubes
Wind vane - geology dept.
Cylindrical yaw head
S & W airspeed head
9. Research Equipment and Technique
Georgia Tech
Discussion UC low density tunnel
Boeing - Allen Mem. Lab.
C.I.T. Co-Op Tunnel
C.I.T. Tunnel
Wattendorf - Tsing Hue Tunnel and efficiency of return flow tunnels
Wind tunnel drives (Westinghouse and GE)
Cornell Aero Lab
NACA - Moffett (12' press)
Marquardt Supersonic
Static press. grad.
Stanford Research Institute
Aerolab (Merrill) tunnel
10. Nomenclature
Wartime reports list
12. Technical Summaries
SRI reprints
Colloidal state (Bender)
Minimum drag - warped SS wings (Anliker)
Contrails (Cornell)
Nuclear physics (clippings)
Radioactivity in stratosphere
Analysis - 100 mt burst
Fine particles - Turkevich
Klemperer - Advent of astronautics
Satellite orbits
Air properties at high temp.
Inertial navigation
Alphabetical Files
AE 229 notes
AIAA - correspondence, 1966
Air Research and Development Command - Office of Sci. Res., 1952
Allen, E.T. (Boeing) - correspondence, 1928-1965
American men of science - data
Armed Services Technical Information Agency
Armed Services Technical Information Agency; Field of Int. Reg. Code No.
Attinello, J.S. - Fairchild
Babberger, C. (Hughes) - correspondence, 1953-1965
Barricklow, John - correspondence, 1957
Bechtel Corporation (W.L. Dickey) - correspondence, 1952-1954
Bechtel requisitions
Besseling, Johannes
Boushey, Col. Homer A. - correspondence, 1946-1961
Boushey, Col. Homer A. - correspondence and notes, 1944-1946
Brentnall, S.R. - correspondence, 1939-1964
Carter, John H. - letter of recommendation
Cessna Aircraft Co. - correspondence, 1957
Chadwick, Joe - correspondence, 1957
Civil Engineering (Thesis Publ.) '55
Congress - correspondence with members, 1944-1946
Cons. exp. work - 1949-54
Convair - correspondence and notes, 1967
Convair - contracts, 1967
Convair - correspondence and notes, 1961
Daniel, John, Jr. Gift Fund
Diffuser test correspondence, 1954
Douglas sky rule instructions
Durand, William F. - biographical
Engineers Joint Council
Faculty rating survey
Finch, Volney Cecil - memorial
Fogel, Karen Sydnie Trust
Gough, Mel - correspondence, 1953
Griswold II, Roger - correspondence, 1963
Ground cooling tests, 2nd series
Heppe, R.R. - correspondence, 1966
HIASD - correspondence, 1963
Hoberg and Finger, Propeller Blade Analysis - consulting report, 1955-1956
Hughes - log, 1953-54
Hughes Tool Company, Aircraft Division - report and correspondence, 1966
Income tax duplicates
Income tax 1945 (Est. 1946)
Inoculation records
Insurance (faculty life insurance)
Jacobsen, L.S. - reprint
Johnson, Clarence - Lockheed - correspondence, 1936-1946
Johnston, Paul
Kahle, Keith [Meteor Design] - correspondence, 1940
von Karman, Th. - correspondence, 1932-1956
Kelly, Howard R. - NOTS
Lab serial number
Ladden, I.M. - correspondence, 1960-1966
Ladder problem
Lesley memorial resolution
Lion hunting ["A contribution to the mathematical theory of big game hunting," by H. Petard]
Lockheed Missiles and Space Company
Los Alamos requisitions
Los Alamos invoices, bills, receipts, misc. records
Los Alamos - Cost estimate
McGraw-Hill - royalty statements and contract
McGraw-Hill - AWT copyright
McGraw-Hill 1957-1958 - correspondence
Map - Edwards AFB
Medical care plans
Univ. of Michigan Eng. Deg. - correspondence, 1937-1938
Mosler safe instructions
S.C. Mossop - correspondence, 1962
NACA Aircraft engineering research conference, 1936 - typescript notes
NACA - M.E. dept proposals - 1953
NACA 1950-55 - correspondence
NACA 1956-60 - correspondence
NACA errata
NASA 1961-65 - correspondence
NASA Misc. Doc. Req. 1962
NASA Langley inspection 1964 [metal disk]
National Research Council - correspondence, 1964-1965
National Science Foundation - correspondence, 1956
Niles letter 1959 [Reid to Alfred Niles]
Northrop Ventura consulting agreement, 1965
Northrop Ventura correspondence 1965
Northrop - calc. and misc.
Packing of spheres - notes
Parcel post guide
Patent agreement, 1963 (Reid with Stanford University)
Post war program 1944 [correspondence concerning]
Price, Peter - "Suppression of the fluid-induced vibration of circular cylinders," typescript and two reprints, 1956
Price, Peter and Robert Thompson [correspondence re joint thesis]
Projectile motion - typescript paper
Publications - E.G. Reid
Publishers - directory
"Research Contract Procedure," by Moses Terman
Royal Aeronautical Society
Schick, H.M. - correspondence, 1966
Secrecy agreements, 1944-1951
Slide projector
Social security [Stanford payroll info]
Stanford Building Products Co. - correspondence, 1956
Stanford broadcast [on streamlining of automobiles, 1935] - text and correspondence
Stanford, pre-appointment correspondence, 1925, 1927
Stanford Research Institute - Lloyd I. Krause
Streamlined bodies - lecture
Swanson, W.M. - Case Institute of Technology - correspondence, 1957
Tunnel specifications
Tracerlab Materials
Bills and travel vouchers, 1949-1950
Log 1950
Log, bills, etc., 1951
Log and bills, 1952
Log, 1953
Bills and travel vouchers, 1953
Log, bills, and miscellaneous consulting, 1954
Miscellaneous Papers
Report on an Aerodynamic Investigation of a...Motorcar, 1936
Roberts, Howard E., thesis photos (not used) for "The effect of propeller-shank cuffs upon cooling flow and propeller performance," by Howard Emery Roberts and Richard deHart Williams, circa 1940
Miscellaneous photos of equipment and a graph
Reid, "A Brief Outline of the History of Aeronautics Prepared Especially for Students," 37 pages, undated