Contains original mss. of poems, many unpublished, non-fiction, fiction, short stories, essays, plays, jazz critiques, reviews,
movies, translations and prose, as well as his notes. Also includes personal papers containing correspondence from Amiri Baraka,
Stokely Carmichael, Diane di Prima, Bob Kaufmann, and Ishmael Reed, professional papers containing invitations to read, resumes,
tributes, reviews and clippings.
African American poet, jazz musician, and surrealist artist, Ted Joans, whose original name was Theodore Jones, was born July
4, 1928, in Cairo, Illinois. His father, a riverboat entertainer, gave him a trumpet and put him off a boat in Memphis at
the age of twelve. Joans received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Indiana University in 1951.
26 boxes, 6 cartons, 4 oversize boxes, 14 oversize folders (19.5 linear feet)
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