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Collection Details
Table of contents What's This?
  • Conditions Governing Access
  • Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use
  • UCLA Catalog Record ID
  • Preferred Citation
  • Processing Information
  • Scope and Content
  • Online Items Available

  • Contributing Institution: UCLA Library Special Collections
    Title: Photograph Album collection next hit
    Identifier/Call Number: LSC.0094
    Physical Description: 301 oversize boxes
    Date (inclusive): circa 1860
    Abstract: This collection, like Picture Collection 99  , contains photographs etc. of both persons and places and is intended as a supplement to other collections in Library Special Collections. It contains both bound and boxed sets of photographs which are too bulky to be located with Picture Collection 99  .
    Physical Location: Stored off-site. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
    Language of Material: Materials are in English.

    Conditions Governing Access

    Open for research. All requests to access special collections materials must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.

    Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use

    Property rights to the physical objects belong to UCLA Library Special Collections. All other rights, including copyright, are retained by the creators and their heirs. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine who holds the copyright and pursue the copyright owner or his or her heir for permission to publish where The UC Regents do not hold the copyright.

    UCLA Catalog Record ID

    UCLA Catalog Record ID: 9942335823606533 

    Preferred Citation

    [Identification of item], previous hit Photograph Album collection next hit (Collection Number 94). UCLA Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles.

    Processing Information

    Processed by UCLA Library Special Collections staff.
    Collections are processed to a variety of levels depending on the work necessary to make them usable, their perceived user interest and research value, availability of staff and resources, and competing priorities. Library Special Collections provides a standard level of preservation and access for all collections and, when time and resources permit, conducts more intensive processing. These materials have been arranged and described according to national and local standards and best practices.
    We are committed to providing ethical, inclusive, and anti-racist description of the materials we steward, and to remediating existing description of our materials that contains language that may be offensive or cause harm. We invite you to submit feedback about how our collections are described, and how they could be described more accurately, by filling out the form located on our website: Report Potentially Offensive Description in Library Special Collections.  

    Scope and Content

    previous hit Collection consists of thousands of photographs, some with descriptions and titled albums next hit . California, Latin America, and the Middle East are well represented. Other subjects include railroad locomotives, photographs of British soldiers in the 1860s, South Africa, French actress Constant Coquelin, Australia, Egypt, Italy, Queen Victoria's 1897 Diamond Jubilee, the Canadian Rockies, Texas oil fields, Mexican Revolution, Mathew Brady photographs of soldiers and civilians, Abraham Lincoln, China, France, photographs of architectural drawings, New Zealand, Fiji, Persia, Scotland, Burma, Athens, Philippines, St. Petersburg, Japan, Hawaii, Sakhalin snow crystals, Dutch East Indies, Hopi Indians, West Indies, Turkey, Vatican sculptures, World War I photographs from France and Belgium, U.S. Navy midshipmen in the 1860s, pictures of people involved in the French Commune of 1871, and photographs of London.

    Online Items Available

    Portions of this collection have been digitized and are available online: previous hit Photograph album collection next hit (13 items)  .

    Subjects and Indexing Terms

    Photograph albums.