Computer produced print-outs of gifts to the University of California. Not included are gifts in kind for which no monetary
value was determined or recorded. Some years include all gifts by donor name, plus summary by donor; some years include listing
by department or program benefited by the gift.
The University of California has received donations since its very inception in 1868; annual reports of gifts appeared in
the reports of the president and for a period in specially produced publications. These volumes, entitled "Record of Donation,"
were first assembled in 1940 by the Office of the Controller. In 1959 the Gifts and Endowments Office in the University's
systemwide assumed responsibility for compiling these reports.
24 vol. (15 linear ft.)
Copyright has not been assigned to The Bancroft Library. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts
must be submitted in writing to the Head of Public Services. Permission for publication is given on behalf of The Bancroft
Library as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which
must also be obtained by the reader.
Collection is open for research.