A. C. Gollan & Son (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
A. Carlyle & Co. (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
A. Martin & Cie. (Paris, France), n.d.
Archie J. Little, Typographer (Seattle, WA), n.d.
Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ), n.d.
Artype, Incorporated (Chicago, IL), 1955
Bauer Type Foundry, Inc. (New York, NY), n.d.
Bauersche Giesserei (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), c.1930
Bertrand Frères & Cie. (Paris, France), 1929
Bigelow, Brown & Co. (New York, NY), n.d.
Borden Printing Co. (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
California Electrotype & Stereotype Co. (Los Angeles, CA), n.d.
California Electrotyping Co. (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
Castle Press (Pasadena, CA), n.d.
Charles H. Falk Typography (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
Chas. D. O'Brien, Inc. (New York, NY), n.d.
Cheney Press (Los Angeles, CA), 1950-1954
Clichés Union (Paris, France), n.d.
Continental Typefounders Association (New York, NY), 1936
Dahl & Curry (Minneapolis, MN), n.d.
Davis, Delaney & Harris, Inc. (New York, NY), n.d.
Deberny & Cie. (Paris, France), 1901
Deberny & Piegnot (Paris, France), c.1923-1931
De Montfort Press (Leicester, England), 1891
Dickinson Electrotype Foundery (Boston, MA), 1895
Ducros & Colas (Paris, France), 1926
E. Desfossés (Paris, France), n.d.
E. J. Brill (Leiden, Netherlands), 1865
Eastern Corporation (Bangor, ME), 1949
Edwards Brothers, Inc. (Ann Arbor, MI), n.d.
Elmwood Press (Berkeley, CA), n.d.
Établissements Plantin S.A. (Brussels, Belgium), n.d.
Evans-Winter-Hebb, Inc. (Detroit, MI), 1938
Filmotype Corporation (Skokie, IL), n.d.
Frederic W. Goudy (Marlborough-on-Hudson, NY), 1929
Fonderie de Caractères Haas S.A. (Munchenstein, Switzerland), n.d.
Fonderie G. Renault (Paris, France), n.d.
Fonderie Typographique Française (Paris, France), n.d.
Garity Burnett Steele Co. (Duluth, MN), n.d.
George Bruce & Co. (New York, NY), 1848 [reprinted 1962]
George Bruce's Son & Co. (New York, NY), 1893 [reprinted 1977]
Girard & Cie. (Paris, France), 1923
Günther Wagner (Hanover, Germany), 1925
Gravure & Fonderie (Paris, France), 1881
H. Berthold (Berlin, Germany), 1960
Hamilton Mfg. Co. (Two Rivers, WI), n.d.
Harry Klink Lettering Design (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
Hayes-Lochner, Inc. (Chicago, IL), 1930
Hawthorn House (Cambridge, MA), 1940
Hazeltine Typesetting Co. (Oakland, CA), n.d.
Henri de Haas (Amsterdam, Netherlands), c.1971
Hippogryph Press (Williamstown, MA), 1960
Ifjúsági Nyomda (Budapest, Hungary), 1974
Imprimerie Coulouma (Argenteuil, France), n.d.
Imprimerie de Montligeon (La Chapelle-Montligeon, France), n.d.
Imprimerie Dromadaire (Toronto, Canada), 1984
Imprimerie Durand (Chartres, France), n.d.
Imprimerie J. Melzer (n.p.), n.d.
Inland Printer (Chicago, IL), 1921
Internationalen Typographischen Vereinigung (n.p.), n.d.
J. M. Bergling (Chicago, IL), 1920
Jack Roy, Inc. (New Haven, CT), n.d.
Julius Klinkhardt (Leipzig, Germany), 1881-1883
Kennedy-ten Bosch Co. (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
Kilgore Linotyping Co. (n.p.), n.d.
Knight-Counihan Co. (San Francisco, CA), 1931
Kurt H. Volk, Typographers (New York, NY), n.d.
Lakeside Press (Chicago, IL), 1951
Lanston Monotype Machine Co. (Philadelphia, PA), 1924
Lettergieterij Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands), n.d.
Linotype & Machinery, Ltd. (London, England), n.d.
Los Angeles Examiner (Los Angeles, CA), n.d.
Ludlow Typograph Co. (Chicago, IL), 1936
M & L Typesetting & Electrotyping Co. (Chicago, IL), n.d.
M. J. Wolf (Paris, France), n.d.
Manuel Guedes (Lisbon, Portugal), 1938
Margaret Briant Evans (New York, NY), n.d.
Mark Loftus, Typographer (Los Angeles, CA), n.d.
Mergenthaler Linotype Co. (Brooklyn, NY), n.d.
Meriden Gravure Company (Meriden, CT), 1968
Monotype Corporation (London, England), 1957-1968
Montague Press (Montague, MA), 1913
Nebiolo & Comp. (Turin, Italy), 1920
Olive & Cie. (Paris, France), n.d.
Olivetti (Ivrea, Italy), 1959
Philadelphia Graphic Arts Forum (Philadelphia, PA), 1951
Progresso Grafico (Turin, Italy), 1957
Reardon & Krebs (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
Renault Fils (Paris, France), 1893
San Francisco Call-Bulletin (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco, CA), 1949
San Francisco News (San Francisco, CA), 1958
San Francisco News-Call Bulletin (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
Schelter & Giesecke (Leipzig, Germany), n.d.
Schriftgiesserei D. Stempel, A.G. (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), n.d.
Schriftguss A.-G. (Dresden, Germany), 1926
Shanly Typographers (San Francisco, CA), n.d.
Société Garamont (Saint-Ouen, France), n.d.
Soldans Limited (London, England), n.d.
Southern New England Typographic Service (Hamden, CT), n.d.
Southworth Press (Portland, ME), 1928
Spamersche Buchdruckerei (Leipzig, Germany), 1914
Spartan Typographers (Oakland, CA), n.d.
Stephenson Blake & Co. (Sheffield, England), n.d.
Sterlip Press (New York, NY), n.d.
Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA), 1967
Thacher Nelson (Boston, MA), n.d.
Thomas Gilbert, Printer (Columbus, GA), n.d.
Three Kings Press (Mindelheim, Germany), n.d.
Triangle Monotype Composition Co. (New York, NY), 1954
Trinity Press (Worcester, England), 1934
Type Directors Club (New York, NY), 1958
Type House + Duragraph (Minneapolis, MN), 1984
Typefoundry Joh. Enschedé en Zonen (Haarlem, Netherlands), 1917
University of California Press (Berkeley, CA), 1943
University of Missouri (Columbia, MO), 1951
Walter Whittum, Inc. (Springfield, MA), n.d.
Warnery & Cie. (Paris, France), n.d.
Wilhelm Woellmer's Schriftgiesserei (Berlin, Germany), n.d.
Miscellaneous and unidentified
F. A. Bassette Company (Springfield, MA), 1952
Typographic Service Company (Los Angeles, CA), n.d.
Joseph Fry and Sons (London, England), 1785
New York Public Library (New York, NY), n.d.
William Caslon, Letter-Founder (London, England), n.d.