Joseph Brodsky File 1956-2000
Bibliographies of Joseph Brodsky holdings
General 1992-1998
Holtzman Collection
General 1993
Bookseller's catalogs 1978-1992
Bookseller's catalogs 1978-1992
Correspondence of Irwin T. Holtzman
General 1987-1998
Bigelow, Thomas 1992-1994
Biographical file 1956-1996
English language press 1972-1996
Russian language press
General 1992
Vechernii Leningrad 1964 January 8
Memorial service programs 1996
Obituaries 1996
Conference file 1995-1997
Commemorative Conference to Honor Joseph Brodsky, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1996
Binder of material related to the conference
Correspondence 1972-1990
Gowar, Michael 1981
Holtzman, I. T. 1986-1990
Zweig, Paul 1974-1977
Exhibit file 1996-1997
Poetry readings. Miscellany, including programs and reviews 1972-1996
Joseph Brodsky: Selected Poems, George L. Kline, trans. 1973
Printed wrappers stamped "Hand folded from Bloomsburg Craftsmen." Signed by author and translator
Page proofs with handwritten corrections by George Kline. Signed by author and translator
A Part of Speech 1980
Galley proof
Page proof signed by author
Paperback with inscription by author
Revised proof
Sample page
Mramor 1982
Uncorrected proof of translation with Alan Myers 1989
Writings by others 1970-1996
Photographs 1968-1996
8 prints, including 1 print depicting the memorial plaque on his residence in St. Petersburg 1964-1995
44 prints depicting the exhibit at the University of Michigan, Special Collections Library 1996
6 prints depicting Brodsky in Mramor
2 prints of Brodsky in Leningrad and San Francisco by Mikhail Lemkin 1968-1988
1 oversize portrait print
Audio-visual file 1986 and undated
Phonotape cassettes undated
Unknown author, "Fear and the Muse: The Story of Anna Akhmatova"
Brodsky, Joseph
"Joseph Brodsky"
"Joseph Brodsky Reads His Poetry"
"A Maddening Space"
Kotliar, Boris, "Vorotishsia na rodinu: Stikhi Iosifa Brodskogo"
Leonard, John, review of Watermark
Brodsky, Joseph, "A Maddening Space" undated
Pawlikowski, Paul, "Moscow-Pietushki" undated
Rif, Vladimir, "When I Think of Russia" 1986
Oversize file 1964-1996
Phonorecord cover, "Iosif Brodskii: Ostanovka v pustyne," read by Mikhail Kozakov 1988
"Poetry in Motion," published by the Metropolitan Transit Authority, Boston, in cooperation with The Poetry Society of America undated
Announcement for poetry reading, University of Michigan 1975
Announcement for memorial benefit concert in honor of Brodsky, St. Petersburg 1996 February
Dissertations on Brodsky submitted for Doctor of Philosophy degrees 1978-1996
Popular magazines with articles by or about Brodsky 1968-1997
Brodskij, Jossif, Reflexionen eines Ausgewiesenen. Paperback offprint undated
Brodskii, Iosif, Stikhotvoreniia i poemy 1965
TriQuarterly 1965
Vozdushnye puti: Al'manakh, R. N. Greenberg, ed. 1965
Brodski, Iossip, Collines et autres poèmes 1966
Brodskij, Jossif, Ausgewählte Gedichte 1966
The New Russian Poets 1953 to 1966: An Anthology, George Reavey, ed. 1966
Brodsky, Joseph, Elegy to John Donne and Other Poems 1967
Vozdushnye puti: Al'manakh, R. N. Greenberg, ed. 1967
Brodskij, Iosif, Velka Elegie, Edice Svedectvi, trans. 1968
Carlyle, Olga, Poets on Street Corners 1968
Ostrov zari bagrianoi, S. Feikho, ed. 1968
Reavy, George, The Russian Poets 1953-1968 1968
Brown, Edward, Russian Literature Since the Revolution 1969
Brodskii, Iosif, Ostanovka v pustyne 1970
Brumberg, Abraham, In Quest of Justice 1970
The Literatures of the Soviet Peoples, Harri Junger, ed. 1970
Novyi Zhurnal, R. Gul', ed., nos. 95, 97, 98 1969-1970
TriQuartely 1970
Brodski, Josif, Stanica u pustinji 1971
Carlyle, Olga and Rose Styron, Modern Russian Poetry 1971
Field, Andrew, The Complection of Russian Literature 1971
Russian Literature Triquarterly 1971
Antaeus 1972
Index on Censorship 1972
Massie, Suzanne, The Living Mirror 1972
New American and Canadian Poetry 1972
The American Poetry Review, vol. 2, vos. 1-2 1973
Brodsky, Joseph, Selected Poems, George Kline, trans., Harper and Row 1973
Partisan Review, vol. XL, no. 2 1973
Poetry from the Russian Underground, Langland et al., ed. 1973
Ensemble 5: Internationales Jahrbuch für Literatur 1974
Index on Censorship 1974
Modern Russian Poets on Poetry 1974
Postwar Russian Poetry, Daniel Weissbort, ed. 1974
The Ghent Quarterly: A Review of the Arts, no. 1 1975
Three Slavic Poets, John Rezek, ed. 1975
W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender, ed. 1975
Russian Literature Triquarterly, Carl R. Proffer, ed. Winter 1975
Cohen, Arthur, A Hero in His Time 1976
Kontinent 1976
Kontinent 1 1976
Brodskii, Iosif 1977
Chast' Rechi
Konets Prekrasnoi Epokhi
Brodskij, Jossif, Einem alten Architekten in Rom 1977
Glagol 1977
Osip Mandelstam, Bernard Meares, trans. 1977
Partisan Review 4 1977
10 Bibliographies of 20th Century Russian Literature, Fred Moody, ed. 1977
Wechsberg, Joseph, In Leningrad 1977
Modern Poetry in Translation Summer 1977
Brodsky, Joseph, Poems and Translations 1978
Brown, Deming, Soviet Russian Literature Since Stalin 1978
Etkind, Efim, Notes of a Non-Conspirator 1978
Kontinent 3 1978
Platonov, Andrei, Collected Works 1978
La Délirante: Revue de poésie 1979
Tsvetaeva, Marina, Stikhotvoreniia i Poemy, vols. 1-5 1979
Brodsky, Joseph 1980
Chast' Rechi
A Part of Speech
Kiš, Danilo, A Tomb for Boris Davidivich 1980
Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry and Prose Spring/Summer 1980
Pond, Elizabeth, From the Yaroslavsky Station 1981
Iowa Review Fall 1981
Russica 1981 1982
Brodski, Josif, Spiew Wahadla 1982
Brodskii, Iosif, Rimskie Elegii 1982
The Paris Review 1982
Akhmatova, Anna, Poems, Lyn Coffin, trans. 1983
Brodskii, Iosif, Novye stansy k Avguste 1983
Modern Poetry in Translation: 1983, Daniel Weissbrot, ed. 1983
Walcott, Derek, Poems of the Caribbean 1983
Brodskii, Iosif, Mramor 1984
Kreps, Mikhail, O poezii Iosifa Brodskogo 1984
Ripp, Victor, Moscow to Main St.: Among the Russian Emigres 1984
Salisbury, Harrison, The Book Enchained 1984
Williams College: One Hundred and Ninety-Fifth Commencement Addresses 1984
Terras, Victor, Handbook of Russian Literature 1985
The Ontario Review Fall-Winter 1985-1986
Aleshkovsky, Yuz, Kangaroo 1986
Brodsky, Joseph, Less than One 1986
The Best American Essays 1986, Elizabeth Hardwick, ed. 1986
The Blue Lagoon: Anthology of Modern Russian Poetry, K. K. Kuzminsky and G. Kovalev, eds. 1986
Partisan Review 3 1986
Poetika Brodskogo, L. V. Losev, ed. 1986
Ratushinskaya, Irina, No I'm not Afraid 1986
Azbel, Mark, Ya Refusenik 1987
Brodskii, Iosif, Uraniia 1987
Brodsky, Joseph, Less than One 1987
Novyi Mir, no. 12 1987
An Age Ago: A Selection of Nineteenth-CeBoxntury Russian Poetry, Alan Myers, trans. 1988
Brodskij, Iosif, Dall'esilio 1988
Separated at Birth? A Spy Book 1988
Poets and Writers March/April 1988
Akhmatovskii Sbornik, S. Dediulin and G. Superfin, eds. 1989
Brodskij, Iosif, Fondamenta degli incurabili 1989
Brodsky, Joseph, Marbles 1989
Nayman, Anatoly, Remembering Anna Akhmatova 1989
Polukhina, Valentina, Joseph Brodsky: A Poet for Our Time 1989
Aleshkovsky, Yuz, The Hand 1990
Brodskii, Iosif 1990
Chast' rechi: Izbrannye stikhi
Osennii krik iastreba
Primechaniia paporotnika
Razmerom podlinnika
Brodsky's Poetics and Aesthetics, Lev Loseff and Valentina Polukhina, eds. 1990
Eisen, Jonathan, The Glasnost' Reader 1990
Granta, no. 30 1990
Iakimchuk, Nikolai, Delo Io. Brodskogo 1990
Slovo-Word, no. 9 1990
Stikhotvoreniia Iosifa BrodBoxle, G. F. Komarov, ed. 1990
Volkova, Marina and Solomon Volkov, Iosif Brodskii v N'iu Iiorke 1990
Anisimov, Evgenii Peterburgskii mirazh 1991
Brodskii, Iosif 1991
Ballada o malen'kom buksire
Pis'ma rimskomu drugu
Davidson, Michael et al., Leningrad: American Writers in the Soviet Union 1991
Kushner, Aleksandr, Apollo in the Snow 1991
Montenegro, David, Points of Departure 1991
Poliakov, Lev, Russia: A Portrait 1991
Rein, Evgenii, Protiv chasovoi strelki 1991
Akhmatova, Anna, My Half Century, Ronald Meyer, ed. 1992
Brodskii, Iosif 1992
Bog sokhraniaet vse
Forma vremeni, vols. I and II
Naberezhnaia neiztselimykh
Rozhdestvenskie stikhi 1992
Brodsky, Joseph 1992
Flight From Byzantium. In Hebrew
Sochineniia Iosifa Brodskogo, vols. I-IV
Watermark. Hardback, paperback
Fragment 10 1992
Iliukovich, A., Soglasno Zaveshchaniiu 1992
Partisan Review/4 1992
Polukhina, Valentina 1992
Brodskii glazami sovremennikov
Brodsky Through the Eyes of His Contemporaries
Rein, Evgenii, Izbrannoe 1992
Volkov, S., Brodskii ob Akhmatovoi 1992
Volkova, M. and Dovlatov, S. 1992
Ne tol'ko Brodskii
Not Just Brodsky
PMLA March 1992
Brodskii, Iosif 1993
Kappadokiia: Stikhi
Conversations in Exile: Russian Writers Abroad, John Glad, ed. 1993
Efimov, Igor', Bremia dobra 1993
First Anthology: 30 Years of the New York Review of Books, Barbara Epstein and Robert Silvers, eds. 1993
Russkaia Literatura XX veka: Issledovaniia amerikanskikh uchenykh, B. Averin, ed. 1993
Altogether Elsewhere: Writers on Exile, Marc Robinson, ed. 1994
Bethea, David, Joseph Brodsky and the Creation of Exile 1994
Brodski, Josif, Zamiec w Massachusetts 1994
Brodskii, Iosif 1994
Isaak i Avraam. Illustrated by Mikhail Karacik. Limited edition
Izbrannye stikhotvoreniia, 1957-1992 1994
Persian Arrow. Illustrated with etchings by Edik Steinberg
Vertumn. Poetry of Joseph Brodsky, illustrated by Vadim Kulakov
Liberman, Alexander, Campidoglio: Michelangelo's Roman Capitol 1994
Miloslavsky, Yury, Urban Romances 1994
Octavio Paz: A Celebration 1994
Polivanov, Konstantin, Anna Akhmatova and Her Circle 1994
The Wilson Quarterly Autumn 1994
Brodskii, Iosif 1995
Peresechennaia mestnost'
V okrestnostiakh Atlantidy
Brodskij, Iosif, Marmi 1995
Lemkhin, Mikhail, Missing Frames 1995
Polukhina, Valentina, Slovar' tropov Brodskogo 1995
Samoilov, D., Pamiatnye zapiski 1995
Semicerchio, no. XII 1995
Sny: Poeticheskaia metafizika Peterburga 1995
Viereck, Peter, Tide and Continuities 1995
Volkov, Solomon, St. Petersburg: A Cultural History 1995
YevtushenkoBox Don't Die Before You're Dead 1995
The Georgia Review Winter and Spring 1995
The Harriman Review July 1995
Partisan Review Summer 1995
Agni 1996
Brodsky, Joseph 1996
On Grief and Reason
So Forth
Brodsky, Joseph et al., Homage to Robert Frost 1996
Evrei v russkoi kul'ture za rubezhom, Vol. 5 1996
Fast, Piotr, Spotkania z Brodskim 1996
Hecht, Helen, Cuisine For All Seasons 1996
Kobak, A., Dom Muruzy 1996
Literaturnoe Obozrenie, no. 3 1996
Mitin Zhurnal, Dmitrii Volchek, ed. 1996
Poetry in Motion 1996
Portfel': Literaturnyi sbornik, Aleksandr Sumerkin, ed. 1996
This Prison Where I Live, Siobhan Dowd, ed. 1996
Remnick, David, The Devil Problem and Other True Stories 1996
Zvezda, 1, 3, 5 1996
Poets and Writers May/June 1996
Modern Poetry in Translation Winter 1996
Batkin, Leonid, Tridtsat' tret'ia bukva 1997
Brodskii, Iosif 1997
Brodskii o Tsvetaevoi
Iosif Brodskii
Sochineniia Iosifa Brodskogo, t. I
Brodsky, Joseph 1997
First and Last Poems, A. Dickman, trans. In Hebrew
On Grief and Reason
Chukovskaia, Lidiia, Zapiski ob Anne Akhmatovoi 1997
The Pheonix Book Shop: A Nest of Memories, Bob Wilson et al., eds. 1997
Poets: A Book of Postcards 1997
Rein, Evgenii, Mne skuchno bez Dovlatova 1997
Strizhevskaia, Natalia, Pismena perspektivy 1997
Venclova, Tomas, Winter Dialogue 1997
Zvezda, nos. 1 and 4 1997
Brodskii, Iosif 1998
Pis'mo Goratsiiu
Trudy i dni
Evtushenko, Evgenii, Ne umirai prezhde smerti 1998
Lemkhin, Mikhail, Joseph Brodsky: Leningrad Fragments 1998
Lincoln, W. Bruce, Between Heaven and Hell 1998
Volkov, Solomon 1998
Conversations With Joseph Brodsky
Dialogi s Iosifom Brodskom
Mac Fadeyn, David, Joseph Brodsky and the Baroque 1998
Volkov, Marina et al., Portrait of the Poet Joseph Brodsky 1998
Brodskii, Predstavlenie 1999
Brodsky, Joseph, Discovery 1999
Losev, Lev and Valentina Polukhina, Joseph Brodsky: The Art of a Poem 1999
Rigsbee, David, The Styles of Ruin: Joseph Brodsky and the Postmodernist Elegy 1999
Selected Poems, George L. Kline, trans., Middlesex 1973
Less than One: Selected Essays, Middlesex 1986
The Nobel Lecture and Acceptance , Milan 1997
Heaney, Seamus, Audenesque, Paris 1998
Bol'shaia kniga interv'iu, Moscow 2000
Bol'shaia kniga interv'iu, revised edition, Moscow 2000
Gorbin, Iakov, ed., Iosif Brodskii i mir, Moscow 2000
Chast' rechi, New York 2000
Konets prekrasnoi epokhi, New York 2000
Novye stansy k avguste, New York 2000
Ostanovka v pustyne, New York 2000
Poklonit'sia teni, Saint Petersburg 2000
Sochineniia Iosifa Brodskogo, Saint Petersburg 2000
Uraniia, New York 2000
V ozhidanii barbarov, Saint Petersburg 2000
Shtern, Liudmila, Brodskii: Osia, Iosif, Joseph, Moscow 2001
Peremena Imperii, Moscow 2001
MacKinnon, Lachlan, "A Break from Dullness," Times Literary Supplement 2001 June 22
Iosif Brodskii razmerom podlinnika, Talinn 1990
Korobova, Era, "Tozhdestvo drukh variantov: O grafike Iosifa Brodskogo," Russkaia mysl' 1991 December 6
Azadovskii, K. M. (ed.), Iosif Brodskii, St. Petersburg 1997
Stizhevskaia, Natal'ia, Pis'mena perspektivy, Moscow 1997
Billington, James H., The Face of Russia 1998
Etkind, Efim, Zapiski nezagovorshchika. Barselonskaia proza, Saint Petersburg 2001
Nativity Poems 2001
Galley proofs
Paperback edition
Hardback edition
Pis'ma rimskomu drugu 2001
Shtern, Liudmila, Brodskii: Osia, Iosif, Joseph, Moscow 2001
Birkerts, Sven, My Sky Blue Trades, New York 2002
Madra-Shallcross, Božena, Through the Poet's Eye: The Travels of Zagajewski, Herbert, and Brodsky, Evanston, Illinois 2002
Verkheil, Keis, Tanets vokrug mira: Vstrechi s Iosifom Brodskim, Saint Petersburg 2002
George, Arthur L. with Elena George, St. Petersburg: Russia's Window to the Future—the First Three Centuries, New York 2003
Boris Pasternak File 1910-1998
Catalog cards and packing lists for the Holtzman Collection 1998
Correspondence related to material in the Holtzman Collection
General 1961
Holtzman, Irwin 1992-1997
List of printed matter donated to the Pasternak museum at Peredelkino 1990
Biographical file 1958 November 12
Clippings 1988-1997
Conference file 1990-1997
Akademiia Nauk, "Pasternak Centenary" 1990
Stanford University
Correspondence of I. T. Holtzman 1990
Programs and schedules
Goyke (?) 1959 April 18
Iliew, Ilko 1959 November 11
Livanov Boris and Evgeniia, 1940 November 11, 1957 July 25, 1959 March 30, and undated note
Mathot, H. J. 1958 August 5 and December 23
Sullivan, Ada Fleming 1959 August 10
Exhibit file 1984-1998
Muzei A. A. Akhmatovoi, M. I. Tsvetaevoi, B. L. Pasternaka, Novosibirsk. Program and invitations for exhibit and benefit reading 1989
Stanford University
Unidentified note undated
Writings by others 1984-1990
Fleishman, Lazar
Correspondence with Elena and Evgenii Pasternak 1985
Navrozov, Andrei
Restricted materials 1914-1960
Untitled group of poems, including "Belaia noch'," "Leto v gorode," "Avgust," "Kolybel'nye pesni," "Bessonnitsa," "Khmel'," "Pod otkrytym nebom" undated
32 prints depicting Boris Pasternak 1910(?)-1960
5 prints depicting Boris Pasternak at Peredelkino 1957
5 prints depicting Boris Pasternak's funeral 1960
18 prints depicting Boris Pasternak from the album Boris Pasternak: 1890-1960, 1990, and 5 postcards depicting Boris Pasternak undated
Proof sheet with 4 prints depicting Boris Pasternak in the 1920's
56 prints related to Irwin T. Holtzman's visits to the Soviet Union 1984-1990
11 prints related to the exhibits at the University of Michigan 1989-1990
5 prints related to the exhibit at Stanford University 1990
7 prints and 6 slides from the brochure Doctor Zhivago: Thirtieth Anniversary 1996
1 print depicting Marina Tsvetaeva undated
20 negatives depicting Boris Pasternak 1910(?)-1960
Compact disks
"Poets and Painters as Composers," FSM 1980
"Polnoe sobranie zvukozapisei avtorskogo chteniia," Dom-Muzei Borisa Pasternaka 1996
Phonotape cassettes
Pasternak, Boris, "Chitaet avtor" undated
Pasternak, E. B., "J. P. Obituary" 1993
Scofield, Paul, "Paul Scofield Reads Doctor Zhivago" 1979
"Doctor Zhivago" 1965
Interview with J. Pasternak 1986
"Pasternak Gala: Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow" 1990
Oversize file
"Golosa zazvuchali vnov'" undated
"Pasternak Speaks" undated
"Pasternak: Spoken Arts," Spoken Arts Inc. undated
"Doctor Zhivago: The Original Sound Track Album" 1965
"William Shakespeare: Chitaiut avtory perevodov" 1976
"Stranitsy russkoi poezii," Melodia 1982
"Taina remesla," Melodia 1983
"Boris Pasternak: Chitaet avtor," Firma Melodia 1989
"Doctor Zhivago," motion picture advertisements 1965
"Vek Pasternaka," Voznesenskii, A. 1990
Press release from producers of the motion picture "Doctor Zhivago" 1965
Memorabilia undated
Bottle, "Zhivago Vodka"
Bust of Boris Pasternak, signed C. R. C.
Bliznets v tuchakh, Lirika, Moscow 1914
Rukonog, Tsentrifuga, Moscow 1914
Vesennee kontragentstvo muz, D. Burliuk and S. Vermel', eds. 1915
Poverkh bar'erov, Tsentrifuga, Moscow 1917
Iav': Stikhi 1919
Liren', Liren' 1920
My, Knigoizdatel'stvo Pri Vserossiiskom Soiuze Poetov Chihi-Pikhi, Moscow 1920
Ehrenburg, Il'ia, Portrety russkikh poetov, Berlin 1922
Sestra moia zhizn', Izdatel'stvo Z. I. Grzhebina, Moscow. Two copies 1922 and 1923
LEF: Zhurnal levogo fronta No. 1, V. V. Maiakovskii, ed., Moscow-Petrograd 1923
Rasskazy, Krug, Moscow-Leningrad 1925
Izbrannye stikhi, Izdatel'stvo Uzel, Moscow 1926
Karusel', Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo, Leningrad 1926
Deviat'sot piatyii god, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo, Moscow-Leningrad 1927
Izbrannye stikhi, Biblioteka Ogonek 1929
Zverinets, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo, Moscow 1929
Deviat'sot piatyi god, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo 1930
This Quarter 1930 July-August
Poverkh bar'erov: Stikhi raznykh let, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo, Khudozhestvennoi Literatury 1931
Spektorskii, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Khudozhestvennoi Literatury, Moscow-Leningrad 1931
The New Review Winter 1931-1932
Deviat'sot piatyi god, Izdatel'stvo Pisatelei Leningrada 1932
Vtoroe rozhdenie, Federatsiia 1932
Poemy, Sovetskaia Literatura 1933
Slonim, Mark, Portrety sovetskikh pisatelei, Parabola, Paris 1933
Stikhotvoreniia v odnom tome, Izdatel'stvo Pisatelei v Leningrade 1933
Literaturnaia Entsiklopediia, vol. 8, Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia, Moscow 1934
Soviet Literature, George Reavey and Mark Slonim, eds. 1934
Soviet Literature: An Anthology, George Reavey and Mark Slonim, eds. 1934
Vtoroe rozhdenie, Sovetskii Pisatel' 1934
Gruzinskie liriki, Sovetskii Pisatel' 1935
Stikhotvoreniia v odnom tome, Khudozhestvennaia Literatura 1935 and 1936
1905: Leitenant Shmidt, Khudozhestvennaia Literatura, Moscow 1937
Gruzinskie liriki, SP 1937
Jewish Short Stories of Today, Morris Kreitman, ed. 1937
Left Review 1937 November
Jewish Short Stories of To-Day, Morris Kreitman, ed. 1938
Bol'shaia Sovetskaia Entsyklopediia, vol. 43, Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia 1939
Aseev, N., Maiakovskii nachinaetsia, Sovetskiii Pisatel' 1940
Izbrannye perevody, Sovetskiii Pisatel' 1940
Gamlet: Prints datskii, translation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet, Goslitizdat 1941
Modern Poems from Russia, Gerard Shelley, trans., George Allen and Unwin 1942
A Book of Russian Verse, C. M. Bowra, ed. 1943
Kaun, Alexander, Soviet Poets and Poetry, University of California Press 1943
Romeo i Dzhulietta, translation of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, OGIZ 1944
Boris Pasternak: The Collected Prose Works, Stefan Schimanski, ed., Lindsay Drummond, Ltd., London 1945
Izbrannye stikhi i poemy, OGIZ 1945
Otello venetsianskii mavrtranslation of William Shakespeare's Othello, OGIZ 1945
Arkhangel'skii, A., Izbrannoe, OGIZ 1946
Baratashvili, Nikolai, Stikhotvoreniia v perevode Borisa Pasternaka, Biblioteka Ogonek No. 9 1946
Boris Pasternak: Selected Poems, Stefan Schimanski, ed., Lindsay Drummond, Ltd., London 1946
Gruzinskie poety, Sovetskii Pisatel' 1946
New Directions 9 1946
Accent Autumn 1946
Gamlet, translation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet, DETGIZ 1947
Gruzinskie poety: Izbrannye perevody, Zaria Vostoka, Tblisi 1947
Arena 1948
Bowra, C. M., The Creative Experiment, Grove Press Inc. 1948
Izbrannoe, Sovetskii Pisatel' 1948
A Second Book of Russian Verse, C. M. Bowra, ed., Macmillan and Co. Ltd. 1948
Selected Writings, New Directions 1949
New Russian Stories, Bernard Guerney, ed. 1953
Gamlet, translation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet, DETGIZ 1956
"Izbrannye stikhi." Proof for collection of poems that was not published 1957
Sashin, Ian, Literaturnyi kompleks, Sovetskii Pisatel' 1957
Shelli: Lirika, Moscow 1957
L'An 1905, B. Goriély, trans., Debresse-Poésie 1958
Berger, Yves, Boris Pasternak 1958
Delo Pasternaka, Ts.OPE 1958
Essai d'autobiographie, Gallimard 1958
Récit, B. Goriély and M. Aucouturier, trans., Emmanuel Vitte 1958
Selected Poems, J. M. Cohen, trans., Ernest Benn Limited 1958
Safe Conduct, An Autobiography and Other Writings, New Directions Paperback 1958
Stikhi o Gruzii: Gruzinskie poety, Zaria Vostoka, Tbilisi 1958
Partisan Review Fall 1958
Encounter 1958 November
Bitter Harvest, Edmund Stillman, ed. 1959
Columbia Review 1959
Crankshaw, Edward, Khrushchev's Russia 1959
Fourteen Short Stories by Soviet Authors, George Reavey, ed. 1959
I Remember: Sketch for an Autobiography, Manya Harari, trans., Pantheon 1959
Pasternak: Prose & Poems, Stefan Schimanski ed., Ernest Benn Limited 1959
Poems by Boris Pasternak, Eugene Kayden, trans., University of Michigan Press 1959
Quarterly Review, vol. 1, no. 2 1959
Ruge, Gerd, Pasternak: A Pictorial Biography 1959
Safe Conduct, Signet Books 1959
Literary Review Spring 1959
Encounter 1959 June
Books Abroad Winter 1959
Faust, translation of Goethe's Faust, Moscow 1960
I Remember: Sketch for an Autobiography, Meridian Books Inc. 1960
The Last Summer, Penguin Books 1960
Poems 1955-1959, Michael Harari, trans., Collins and Harvill Press 1960
Portfolio and Art News Annual, no. 4 1960
Encounter 1960 August
The Paris Review Summer-Fall 1960
X: A Quarterly Review, vol. 1 1960-1961
The Adolescence of Zhenya Luvers. Hardback by Philosophical Library, paperback by Citadel Press 1961
Muchnic, Helen, From Gorky to Pasternak 1961
Partisan Review, nos. 3-4 1961
Pipes, Richard, ed., The Russian Intelligentsia 1961
Reavey, George, Modern Soviet Short Stories 1961
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy, Moscow 1961
The Paris Review Summer-Fall 1961
Encounter September 1961
The Transatlantic Review Winter 1961
Conquest, Robert, Courage of Genius 1961-1962
Carlyle, Olga, Voices in the Snow 1962
Ehrenburg, Ilya, People and Life 1962
Fischer, M., Reunion in Moscow 1962
Sbornik statei posviashchennykh tvorchestvu B. L. Pasternaka, Munich 1962
Aucouturier, Michel, Pasternak par lui-même 1963
Brown, Edward, Russian Literature Since the Revolution 1963
Ehrenburg, Ilya, Eve of War 1933-41 1963
Mallac, Guy de, Pasternak 1963
Winter Festivities, Centaur Press 1963
Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews 1963
Commentary February 1963
Dissonant Voices in Soviet Literature, Max Hayward and Patricia Blake, eds. 1964
Ehrlich, Victor, The Double Image: Concepts of the Poet in Slavic Literatures 1964
Poems by Boris Pasternak, Eugene Kayden trans., The Antioch Press 1964
Proyart, Jacqueline de, Pasternak, La Bibliothèque Idéale 1964
Partisan Review Summer 1964
Bolt, Robert, Doctor Zhivago: The Screenplay 1965
Gedichte von Jurij Schiwago, Possev-Verlag 1965
Hayward, Max and Edward Crowley, eds., Soviet Literature in the Sixties 1965
Karácsonyi Csillag: Kései Versek (1945-1960), Occidental Press 1965
Novyi Mir 1965
Reavey, George
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy, with an introduction by Andrei Siniavskii, Sovetskii Pisatel' 1965
Vozdushnye puti: Al'manakh IV 1965
Great Stories by Nobel Prize Winners, L. Hamalian and E. Volpe, eds. 1966
Modern European Poetry, Willis Barnstone, ed. 1966
Muchnic, Helen, From Gorky to Pasternak 1966
Pire, Dominique, Building Peace 1966
Plank, Dale, Pasternak's Lyric: A Study of Sound and Imagery 1966
Stikhi, Khudozhestvennaia Literatura, Moscow 1966 and 1967
Tarasenkov, A., Russkie poety XX veka 1900-1955, Sovetskii Pisatel' 1966
Zvezdnoe nebo: Stikhi zarubezhnykh poetov v perevode Borisa Pasternaka, Progress, Moscow 1966
Bowra, C. M., Memories 1967
Svetlana Allilueva B. L. Pasternaku 1967
New American Review 1967
Novyi Mir 1967
Rossiia rodina moia, Khudozhestvennaia Literatura, Moscow 1967
Rowland, Mary F. and Paul, Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago 1967
Letters to Georgian Friends, David Magarshack, trans. 1967-1968
The Columbia University Forum Anthology, P. Spackman and L. Ambrose, eds. 1968
Marko, Vladimir, Russian Futurism: A History 1968
Mihajlov, Mihajlo, Russian Themes 1968
The Blind Beauty, Manya Harari and Max Hayward, trans. 1969
Carlyle, Olga, Poets on Street Corners 1969
Fifty Soviet Poets, V. Ognev, ed. 1969
For Freedom: Theirs and Ours, R. G. Davis-Pointer, ed. 1969
Kataev, Valentin, The Grass of Oblivion 1969
Miller, A. and I. Morath, In Russia 1969
Russia's Underground Poets, Keith Bosley et al., trans. 1969
Slepaia krasavitsa, photocopy of typescript for Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. and Harvill Press 1969
Troitskii, N., Boris Leonidovich Pasternak: Bibliografiia, Committee on Soviet Studies, Cornell University 1969
Yarmolinsky, Avram, The Russian Literary Imagination 1969
Novyi Mir 1969 April
Davie, Donald and Angela Livingstone, Pasternak 1969-1970
Poems by Boris Pasternak, Eugene Kayden, trans., The Kent State University Press 1970
Salmagundi Fall 1970
Fifty Years of Russian Prose, K. Pomorska, ed. 1971
Vukanovich, E., Zvukovaia faktura stikhotvorenii sbornika "Sestra moia zhizn'" – B. L. Pasternaka, Russian Language Journal 1971
Russian Literature Triquarterly Fall 1971
Pasternak-Slater, Lydia, Before Sunrise, 1971-1973 and Vspyshki magniia 1974-1975
Dyck, J. W., Boris Pasternak 1972
Illness, Lydia Pasternak Slater, trans., Keepsake Press 1972
Novy Mir: A Selection 1925-1967, Michael Glenny, ed. 1972
Sestra moia zhizn', Ardis facsimile of 1923 Grzhebin edition 1972
Russian Literature Triquarterly Fall 1972, Spring 1973, and Spring 1974
Gladkov, Aleksandr, Vstrechi s Pasternakom 1973
Stone, Naomi Burton, Pasternak/Merton: Six Letters, 1958-1960 1973
The Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin December 1973
Russian Literature Triquarterly 1973-1975
Hughes, Olga, The Poetic World of Boris Pasternak 1974
Post-War Russian Poetry, Daniel Weissbort ed. 1974
Mathewson, Rufus, The Positive Hero in Russian Literature 1975
Pomorska, Krystyna, Themes and Variations in Pasternak's Poetics 1975
Barnes, Christopher, ed., Studies in Twentieth Century Russian Literature 1976
Birnbaum, Henrik, Doktor Faustus und Doktor Schiwago 1976
Bodin, Per Arne, Nine Poems from Doktor Zivago, Stockholm Studies in Russian Literature 1976
Freeborn, Richard et al., eds., Russian Literary Attitudes from Pushkin to Solzhenitsyn 1976
Lazarev, L., Let the Living Remember 1976
Nilsson, Nils Ake, ed., Boris Pasternak Essays 1976
Vozdushnye puti, Ardis facsimile of 1933 edition 1976
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy, Biblioteka Poeta 1976-1977
Gifford, Henry, Pasternak: A Critical Study 1977
Poemy, Sovremennik 1977
Slavica Hierosolymitana 1977-1978
France, Anna Kay, Boris Pasternak's Translations of Shakespeare 1978
Grashi, Ashot, Rodnik Zhuravlei 1978
RLT Index 1971-76 1978
Russian Poetry: The Modern Period, John Glad and Daniel Weissbort, eds. 1978
1900-1930 Moscou Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou 1979
Boris Pasternak 1890-1960: Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle, Institut d'Études Slaves 1979
Lvov-Rogachevskii, A History of Russian Jewish Literature, Arthur Levin, ed. 1979
Sonata dlia fortepiano, Sovetskii kompozitor, Moscow 1979
Hosking, Geoffrey, Beyond Socialist Realism 1980
Krotkov, Yuri, The Nobel Prize 1980
Fleishman, Lazar, Boris Pasternak v dvatsatye gody 1981
Hingley, Ronald, Nightingale Fever: Russian Poets in Revolution 1981
Mallac, Guy de, Boris Pasternak: His Life and Work 1981
Pasternak, Josephine, Pamiati Pedro 1981
Perepiska s Ol'goi Freidenberg, Elliott Mossman, ed. 1981
Slepaia krasavitsa, Izdatel'stvo Alagata, Paris 1981
The Correspondence of Boris Pasternak and Olga Freidenberg 1910-1954, Elliott Mossman, ed. 1982
France, Peter, Poets of Modern Russia 1982
Stikhotvoreniia, Detskaia Literatura 1982
Grand Street, vol. 1, no. 4 Summer 1982
Boris Livanov, Vserossiiskoe teatral'noe obshchestvo 1983
Hayward, Max, Writers in Russia 1917-1978 1983
I Remember: Sketch for an Autobiography, David Magarshack, trans. 1983
Ozerov, Lev, Neobkhodimost' prekrasnogo, Sovetskii Pisatel' 1983
Pasternak, Aleksandr, Vospominaniia 1983
Hingley, Ronald, Pasternak: A Biography 1983-1985
Brostrom, Kenneth, ed., Russian Literature and American Critics 1984
Gass, Boris, Zadui vo mne svechu 1984
Kreps, Mikhail, Bukgakov i Pasternak kak romanisty 1984
Nappelbaum, Moses, Our Age, Ardis 1984
Selected Poems, Jon Stallworthy and Peter France, trans. 1984
Pasternak, Alexander, A Vanished Present, Ann Pasternak-Slater, trans. 1984-1985
Izbrannoe v dvukh tomakh, Khudozhesvennaia Literatura 1985
Letters Summer 1926, E. Pasternak et al., eds. 1985
Livingstone, Angela, Pasternak on Art and Creativity 1985
Triquartely Magazine 1985
Edel'shtein, Iurii, Pesnopevtsy i proroki 1986
The Faber Book of Political Verse, Tom Paulen, ed. 1986
Marsh, Rosalind, Soviet Fiction since Stalin: Science, Politics and Literature 1986
RLT 1986
Sestra moia zhizn', Alma Ata 1986
Svecha gorela: Stikhotvoreniia ne voshedshie v osnovnoe sobranie, Orfei 1986
Bassow, Whitman, The Moscow Correspondents 1987
Proffer, Carl, The Widows of Russia 1987
Raine, Craig, The Electrification of the Soviet Union 1987
Storia di una controttava, Edizioni Studio Tesi 1987
Voznesenskii, Andrei, An Arrow in the Wall, W. Smith and F. Reeve, eds. 1987
The Zhivago Poems, B. Everest, trans. 1987
V mire knig May-June 1987
Feinstein, Elaine, Correspondence Between Pasternak, Tsvetaeva, Rilke: Letters Summer 1926 1988
Gimpilevich-Shvartsman, Zina, Intelligent v romanakh Doktor Zhivago i Master i Margarita, Antiquary 1988
Kasack, Wolfgang, Dictionary of Russian Literature Since 1917 1988
Novyi Mir, vols. 1 and 6 1988
O'Connor, Katherine Tiernan, Boris Pasternak's My Sister Life: The Illusion of Narrative 1988
Stikhotvoreniia. Miniature pocket edition 1988
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy, Khudozhesvennaia Literatura 1988
Durnye dni, Gefsimanskii sad, 12 stikhotvorenii, avtolitografiia M. Karasika, Leningrad 1988-1989
Barnes, Christopher, Boris Pasternak: A Literary Biography 1989
Hvezdny dest', Ceskoslovensky spisovatel 1989
Kaverin, V., Epilog 1989
Livingstone, Angela, Pasternak: Doctor Zhivago 1989
Mir Pasternaka, Sovetskii Khudozhnik 1989
Okhrannaia gramota: Chopin, Sovremennik, Moscow 1989
Pamiatnye knizhnye daty, Kniga 1989
Pasternak, Evgenii, Materialy dlia biografii 1989
Pasternak, Nadezhda, Padcheritsa Boga 1989
Poesie d'amore, Grandi Tascabili Economici 1989
RLT 1989
Soviet Critics on Soviet Literature: The 1980's an Overview, Raduga Publishers 1989
Vil'mont, N., O Borise Pasternake 1989
Al'fonsov, V., Poeziia Borisa Pasternaka 1990
Autobiografia, Feltrinelli 1990
Bakhnov, L., Doktor Zhivago Borisa Pasternaka 1990
Boris Pasternak ob iskusstve, E. B. and E. V. Pasternak, eds. 1990
Druzhba narodov: Organ Soiuza pisatelei SSSR 1990
Fleishman, Lazar, The Poet and His Politics 1990
Gaynor, Elizabeth and Kari Haavisto, Russian Houses 1990
Iz poezii Borisa Pasternaka, Sovetskii Kompozitor 1990
Laqueur, Walter, The Long Road to Freedom: Russia and Glasnost' 1990
Levi, Peter, Boris Pasternak 1990
Maslenikova, Zoia, Portret Borisa Pasternaka 1990
Moi vzgliad na iskusstvo 1990
Muravina, Nina, Vstrechi s Pasternakom 1990
Navrozov, Andrei, Second Nature 1990
Novo-Basmannaia, 19: 1990, N. Bogomolova, ed. 1990
Ozerov, Lev, O Borise Pasternake 1990
Pasternak, E. V. and E. B., Perepiska Borisa Pasternaka 1990
Pasternak, E. V. and E. K. Nesterova, Zarubezhnaia poeziia v perevodakh B. L. Pasternaka 1990
People and Propositions, Chrispher Barnes et al., trans. 1990
Poems, E. Pasternak, ed. 1990
Poems and an Essay in Autobiography, Manya Harari, trans. 1990
Rudiak, Ilya, Twenty Thousand Faces of Pasternak 1990
Russkie Pisateli: Bibliograficheskii slovar', vols. 1-2 1990
Selected Writings and Letters, Progress Publishers 1990
Sommer 1912: Briefe aus Marburg, Marburg 1990
Soviet Literature, no. 10 1990
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy, Iu. Andreev et al. eds. 1990
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy: Perevody, L. Ozerov, ed. 1990
Pasternak, E., The Tragic Years 1930-60 1990-1991
A Centennial Symposium Dedicated to Boris Pasternak, The Russian School of Norwich University 1991
Detstvo Liuvers, Detskaia Literatura 1991
Gaynor, Elizabeth and Kari Haavisto, Russian Houses 1991
Izbrannye proizvedeniia, Panorama 1991
Muzyka v tvorchestve, sud'be i v dome Borisa Pasternaka, B. A. Kats 1991
Ne ia pishu stikhi..., E. S. Levitin, ed. 1991
Russkie pisateli-laureaty Nobelevskoi Premii: Boris Pasternak, Moscow 1991
Sobranie sochinenii, vol. 4, Khudozhestvennaia Literatura, Moscow 1991
Wolfe, Kurt, A Portrait in Essays and Letters 1991
Boris Pasternak und Deutschland, Brüder Grimm-Museum Kassel 1992
"Byt' znamenitym nekrasivo...,"Pasternakovskie Chteniia, vypusk 1, Moscow 1992
Ivinskaia, Olga, Gody s Borisom Pasternakom, Moscow 1992
My Sister Life, Mark Rudman and Bohdan Boychuk, trans. 1992
Trudnye povesti: 30-e gody, A. Vaniukov, ed. 1992
Boris Pasternak: Peredelkino 1993
Boris Pasternak: Sochineniia v dvukh tomakh, A. Filippov, ed. 1993
Boris Pasternak: Vtoroe Rozhdenie: Pis'ma k Z. N. Pasternak. Z. N. Pasternak: Vospominaniia, N. Pasternak and M. Feinberg, eds. 1993
Carlyle, Olga, Under a New Sky 1993
Fleishman, Lazar, Boris Pasternak, il Mulino 1993
Gordeev, V., B. Pasternak: So mnoi... 1993
Iakubovich, V., Darstvennye nadpisi na knigakh iz chastnykh sobranii 1993
Litsa: Biograficheskii al'manakh, Atheneum-Feniks, Moscow-St. Petersburg 1993
Pis'ma B. L. Pasternaka k zhene Z. N. Neigauz, K. M. Polivanov 1993
Schweitzer, Viktoria, Tsvetaeva 1993
Turning the Page, Christopher MacLehose, ed. 1993
Val's s chertovshchinoi, A. M. Galkina, ed. 1993
Vospominaniia o Borise Pasternake, E. V. Pasternak and M. I. Feinberg, eds. 1993
Moskva October-November 1993
Minuvshee: Istoricheskii al'manakh, Atheneum-Feniks, Moscow-St. Petersburg 1993-1994
Boris Pasternak, Vsemirnaia Biblioteka Poezii 1994
Burton, Humphrey, Leonard Bernstein 1994
Kozovoi, Vadim, Poet v katastrofe, Izdatel'stvo "Gnosis" 1994
A Literary Book of Days, Crown Publishers 1994
Markov, Vladimir, Svoboda v Poezii, Izdatel'stvo Chernysheva, St. Petersburg 1994
Minuvshee: Istoricheskii al'manakh, Atheneum-Feniks, Moscow-St. Petersburg 1994
Pasternak, Anna, Princess in Love 1994
Reeder, Roberta, Anna Akhmatova 1994
Rudova, Larissa, Pasternak's Short Fiction and the Cultural Vanguard, Peter Lang 1994
Themes and Variations in Honor of Lazar Fleishman, Polivanov et al., eds., Stanford Slavic Studies 1994
Wurzburger, Walter, Ethics of Responsibility, The Jewish Publication Society 1994
Boris Pasternaks Lehrjahre, vol. II, Lazar Fleishman et al., Stanford Slavic Studies 1995
Clowes, Edith, Doctor Zhivago: A Critical Companion 1995
Ensign, Georgianne, Great Endings 1995
Etkind, Tam, vnutri: O russkoi poezii XX veka 1995
Festschrift für Hans-Bernd Harder, München 1995
Legendarnaia Ordynka, Mikhail Ardov et al. 1995
Maslenikova, Zoia, Portret Borisa Pasternaka 1995
Russkie pisateli poety: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel', no. 18 1995
Sicher, Efraim, Jews in Russian Literature After the October Revolution 1995
Uslyshat' budushchego zov, Shkola-Press, Moscow 1995
The Writer's Drawing Book: The Russians, Redstone Editions 1995
Zholkovskii, Aleksandr, Inventsii 1995
Rashkovskaia, M. A., Boris Pasternak i Sergei Bobrov: Pis'ma chetyrekh desiatiletii, Stanford Slavic Studies, vol. 10, Stanford Slavic Studies 1995-1996
Boris Pasternaks Lehrjahre, vol. II, Lazar Fleishman et al., Stanford Slavic Studies 1996
Danin, Daniil, Bremia styda 1996
Gifford, Henry, Pasternak 1996
Nagibin, Iurii, Dnevnik 1996
Ozerov, Lev, Dver' v masterskuiu 1996
Sinyavsky, Andrei, Russian Intelligentsiia, Literaturnoe obozrenie, no. 4 1996-1997
Pis'ma k roditeliam i sestram, vol. 1, E. B. and E. V. Pasternak, eds., Stanford Slavic Studies 1998
Voprosy istorii 1998 July
Fleishman, Lazar, Poetry and Revolution: Boris Pasternak's My Sister Life, Stanford Slavic Studies 1999
Mandel'shtam, Nadezhda, Hope Against Hope, Modern Library 1999
Il Dottore Zivago, Feltrinelli Editore, Milan
Hardback 1957, 1958
Paperback 1978
Le Docteur Jivago, Librairie Gallimard 1958
Doctor Zhivago, Max Hayward and Manya Harari, translators 1958
Dokter Zjivago, A. W. Bruna & Zoon, Utrecht 1958
Doktor Zhivago, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press 1958
Doktor Zhivago, Feltrinelli Editore 1959?
Doctor Zhivago, Max Hayward and Manya Harari, translators 1959
Pantheon. Hardback
Dokter Zjivago, A. W. Bruna & Zoon, Utrecht 1959
Doktor Zhivago, vols. 1-2, Société d'Édition d'Impression Mondiale 1959
Doktor Zivago, Institut Literacki, Paryz 1959
Doctor Zhivago, Max Hayward and Manya Harari, trans., Fontana Monarchs, 1961, and Signet Book, New American Library
Doktor Zhivago, Zemlia i Fabrika 1964
Il Dottore Zivago, Einaudi Editore 1964
Il Dottore Zivago, Feltrinelli Editore, Milan 1965
Doktor Zhivago, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press 1967
Doktor Zhivago, Feltrinelli Editore 1978
Doktor Zhivago, The Franklin Library 1978
Doktor Zhivago, Ballantine Books 1981 and 1986
Il dottor Zivago, Romanzo Feltrinelli 1982
Doktor Zhivago, Easton Press 1986
Il Dottor Zivago, Feltrinelli 1987
Doctor Zhivago, Max Hayward and Manya Harari trans. 1988
Doktor Zhivago, vols. 1-2, Vil'nius VAGA 1988
Zsivago Doktor, Europa Konyvkiado, Budapest 1988
Doktor Zhivago
Knizhnaia Palata 1989-1990
Sovetskii Pisatel' 1989
Doctor Zhivago, The World's Best Reading, The Reader's Digest Association Inc. 1990
Doktor Zivago, Lidove Nakladatelstvi Edice Proudy, Prague 1990
Doktor Zivago, Prague 1990
Doktor Zywago, Panstwowy Institut Wydawniczy, Warsaw 1990
Doctor Zhivago, Max Hayward and Manya Harari, trans., Pantheon Books, Everyman's Library, and The Harvill Press London 1991
Doktor Zhivago, Tsenturion 1991
Doktor Zhivago, Izdatel'stvo Troika, Moscow 1994
Il Dottor Zivago, Universale Economica Feltrinelli 1994
Doctor Zhivago, Max Hayward and Manya Harari, trans.
Miscellaneous printed matter related to Russia and the Soviet Union
Popular journals
Newspaper clippings
Doctor Zhivago, abridged and simplified, London 1978
Gass, Boris, Zadui vo Mne Svechu, London 1984
Kazin, Alfred, A Lifetime Burning in Every Moment, New York 1996
Barnes, Christopher, Boris Pasternak: A Literary Biography, volume two, London 1998
Boris Pasternak 2004 Increment File 1923-2003
Livanov collection
Books written or translated by Pasternak and inscribed to Boris and Evgeniia Livanov 1923-1949
Sestra moia zhizn'Berlin/Petersburg/Moscow 1923
Gamlet, Moscow 1941
Antonii i Kleopatra, Moscow 1944
Romeo i Dzhul'etta, Moscow 1944
Izbrannye stikhi i poemy, Moscow 1945
Zemnoi prostor, Moscow 1945
Vil'iam Shekspir v perevode Borisa Pasternaka, vol. 2, Moscow/Leningrad 1949
Letters from Pasternak to Boris and Evgeniia Livanov
Letter to Boris Livanov 1944 March 8
Other printed matter 2002-2003
Livanov, Vasilii, Nevydumannyi Boris Pasternak, Moscow 2002
Drawings by Boris Livanov 1944-1956
Two encapsulated sketches depicting Boris Pasternak undated
One encapsulated sketch depicting Zinaida Pasternak undated
One framed sketch depicting Boris Pasternak undated
One framed sketch depicting Boris Pasternak 1944
One framed sketch depicting Boris Pasternak 1956
Russkaia lirika, Paris 1924
Vozdushnye puti, Moscow 1933
"Zametki perevodchika," Znamia, nos. 1-2 1944
"The Death of Mayakovsky," Accent 1946 Autumn
Vil'iam Shekspir v perevode Borisa Pasternaka, volume 2, Moscow/Leningrad 1949
"Translating Shakespeare," The Twentieth Century 1958 September
Lowell, Robert, Imitations, New York 1961
Bolt, Robert, shooting script for the movie "Doctor Zhivago" 1964
Troitsky, N. A., Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, 1890-1960: Bibliografiia proizvedenii B. Pasternaka i literatury o nem na russkom iazyke, Ithaca, New York 1969
Durant, Will and Ariel, Interpretations of Life: A Survey of Contemporary Literature, New York 1970
Program for a performance by Robert Bolt 1972 June 18
Krotkov, Yuri, The Nobel Prize, London 1980
Efron, Ariadna and Boris Pasternak, Pis'ma iz ssylki, Paris 1982
"2-aia kartina. Peterburg," Novyi Mir, no. 5 1990
Stikhotvoreniia I poemy. Perevody, Moscow 1990
Doctor Zhivago, London 1991
Lieutenant Schmidt, London 1992
Danin, Daniil, Bremia styda, Moscow 1996
The Life of Boris Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago: The First 50 Years, exhibit program, Moscow 1998 December 7-8
Doctor Zhivago, London 2002
Second printing
Third printing
Feltrinelli, Carlo, Feltrinelli 2002
Livanov, Vasilii, Nevydumannyi Boris Pasternak, Moscow 2002
Biondi, Lee, "Boris Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago," Firsts 2003 June
Sound recordings 1994-1998
Art work undated
Framed caricature of Pasternak by David Levine undated
Leonid Pasternak File 1915-1988
Brochures from exhibits of Leonid Pasternak's work 1988
Den' pechati "Klich": Sbornik na pomoshch zhertvam voiny, Moscow 1915
Unidentified book in Hebrew, Jibneh-Jerusalem Kunst und Buchverlag 1920's
Zapisi raznykh let, Sovetskii khudozhnik 1975
The Memoirs of Leonid Pasternak, Jennifer Bradshaw, trans. 1982
A Russian Impressionist: Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1890-1945, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service 1987
Oversize file
Shtruk, German, Akademik L. O. Pasternak: Al'bom Portretov, Jibneh-Verlag, Jerusalem-Berlin 1923
Isaac Babel File 1913-2002
Collection catalog undated
Sovetskii Ekran, no. 7. 1926 February 16
"Maria," Tri-Quarterly, no. 5 1966
OdesaNovi Sad, (I.76B). Serbian translation of Odesskie rasskazy
O vremenu i sebi, (I.76C). Serbian translation of selected correspondence
Detstvo i drugie rasskazy, Jerusalem
Rasskazy, Letchworth
Sochineniia, Moscow 1990
Izbrannoe, Frunze (I.127, I.128)
Sochineniia v dvukh tomakh, Moscow 1996
Sobranie sochineniia v dvukh tomakh, Moscow 2002
"In the Basement," in George Reavey, ed., 14 Great Short Stories by Soviet Authors, New York 1959