Inventory of the African pictorial collection

Finding aid prepared by Hoover Institution Library and Archives Staff
Hoover Institution Library and Archives
© 2008
434 Galvez Mall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6003

Title: African pictorial collection
Date (inclusive): 1889-1994
Collection Number: XX040
Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives
Language of Material: English
Physical Description: 95 envelopes, 2 manuscript boxes, 1 album box, 6 slide boxes, 1 oversize folder (11.4 Linear Feet)
Abstract: Photographs, postcards, and slides, depicting scenes of daily life, cultural and historical sites, prominent personalities, and works of art in various countries of Africa.
Physical Location: Hoover Institution Library & Archives


The collection is open for research; materials must be requested in advance via our reservation system. If there are audiovisual or digital media material in the collection, they must be reformatted before providing access.


For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives

Acquisition Information

Materials were acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. An increment was added in 2011.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], African pictorial collection, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives

Scope and Content of Collection

Photographs, postcards, and slides, depicting scenes of daily life, cultural and historical sites, prominent personalities, and works of art in various countries of Africa.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Slides (Photography)
Art -- Africa
Africa -- Pictorial works

envelope mA

3 prints of Nigeria; 14 prints of Uganda; 1 print and 1 negative of the White Nile in southern Sudan

envelope B

3 prints of Zaire; 1 print of Madagascar; 1 print of Rhodesia; 1 unidentified print

envelope C

49 prints of Zaire

envelope D

10 prints of Rhodesia

envelope E

1 print of Tanzania; 7 prints of Zaire; 1 print of South Africa (Cape Province); 1 print of Zambia (Barotseland); 7 prints of Madagascar; 1 print and 1 negative of Southern Rhodesia; 1 print of Northern Rhodesia; 1 print of Nigeria; 1 print of Lord Delamere, Kenya; 1 print of President Philibert Tsiranana, Malagasy; 1 print of Ghana; 3 prints of the Seychelles; 1 print of Ndebele women

envelope F

27 prints of Gabon; 1 print of Zaire; 1 print of the Ivory Coast

envelope G

32 prints of the Ivory Coast

envelope H

85 prints of Rhodesia

envelope I

57 prints of Angola; 58 prints Sao Tome

envelope J

1 print of Zairel 1 print of Lake Tanganyika; 1 print of Rhodesia; 37 prints of drawings depicting the colonization of Africa by the Portuguese; 1 unidentified print

envelope K

51 prints of Mozambique, 2 postcards of Mozambique, 1 print of Guinea; 40 prints of Portuguese officials. 1 print of Angolan officials; 1 print of Guinean official

envelope L

1 print of meroe; 2 prints of Zambia; 2 prints of drawings of the Ashanti wars; 1 print of Ethiopia; 1 print of the Ivory Coast; 2 prints of Angola

envelope M

58 prints of Rhodesia

envelope N

13 prints of Mozambique; 36 prints of Angola; 1 print of the Benguela Railroad; 3 unidentified prints

envelope O

1 map of the Nile River; 51 prints of Rhodesia; 1 print of the Grand Vizier of Bauchi, Nigeria; 2 prints of cartoons of Cecil Rhodes; 1 print of Cecil Rhodes; 1 print of Francois Guillard (?); 2 prints of Sir Harry H. Johnston

envelope P

1 print of Holman Bentley, Zaire; 6 prints of Zaire; 2 prints of Rhodesia

envelope Q

2 prints of paintings, South Africa; 8 filmstrips

envelope R

61 negatives of scenes, people, and art work of Africa

envelope S

Negatives of scenes, people, and art work of Africa (continued)

envelope T

Negatives of scenes, people, and art work of Africa (continued)

envelope U

Negatives of scenes, people, and art work of Africa (continued)

envelope V

Negatives of scenes, people, and art work of Africa (continued)

envelope W

Negatives of scenes, people, and art work of Africa (continued)

envelope X

22 negatives of African scenes, people, painting

envelope Y

44 negatives of African scenes, people, painting

envelope Z

Negatives of African scenes, people, painting (continued)

envelope AA

Negatives of African scenes, people, painting (continued)

envelope BB

Negatives of African scenes, people, painting (continued)

envelope CC

68 prints of Rhodesia 1971

envelope DD

24 prints of Angola; 14 prints of Portuguese and African officials; 6 prints of Zaire

envelope EE

9 prints of Historical Africa

Scope and Contents note

(5 prints of Zimbabwe; 2 prints of Naletale; 1 map of Ghana, Mali and Songhai Empires; 1 miscellaneous print).
envelope FF

7 prints of Historical Africa

Scope and Contents note

(3 prints of Meroe; 1 print of Faras West; 1 print of Debeira West; 1 print of Serra; 1 print of Kilwa)
envelope GG

14 prints of Historical Africa

Scope and Contents note

(1 print of Timbuktu; 2 prints of Lalibela; 4 prints of Axum; 2 prints of Debeira West; 1 print of Portuguese fortifications; 3 unidentified prints; 1 map of Southeast Africa).
envelope HH

6 prints of The Land

Scope and Contents note

(1 print of West Africa; 1 print of Kenya; 1 print of Chad; 3 prints of North Africa.
envelope II

9 prints of the Land

Scope and Contents note

(3 prints of Kenya; 1 print of Lake Chad; 1 print of Uganda; 1 print of Ruanda-Urundi; 1 print of Tanzania; 1 print of Kegera National Park; 1 unidentified print).
envelope JJ

10 prints of The Land

Scope and Contents note

(2 prints of South Africa; 2 prints of Victoria Falls; 1 print of Zambia; 1 print of Timbuktu; 4 unidentified print).
envelope KK

10 prints of African Art and Design

envelope LL

9 prints of African Art and Design

envelope MM

11 prints of African Art and Design

envelope NN

6 prints of the people of Africa

envelope OO

7 prints of the People of Africa

envelope PP

9 prints of the Lives and Livelihoods of Africa

envelope QQ

10 prints of the lives and Livelihoods of Africa

envelope RR

9 prints of the lives and Livelihoods of Africa

envelope SS

12 prints of the lives and Livelihoods of Africa

envelope TT

4 prints of African wood carvings from Zaire

envelope UU

21 prints of historical Africa

Scope and Contents note

(primarily scenes in Rhodesia, South Africa, and the Congo. Also prints of Portuguese explorers)
envelope VV

9 prints of the people of Africa

envelope WW

34 prints of African Art and Design

envelope XX

20 prints of African Art and Design

envelope YY

9 prints of the land

envelope ZZ

21 prints depicting forces of the Revolutionary Government of Angola, aiding villagers and on military maneuvers

envelope AAA

101 prints depicting daily life, public buildings, cultural and scenic sites in French Africa, including Niger, Mauritania, Ivory Coast, mali Senegal, Central African Republic, Togo, Chad, Congo, Cameroun and Malagasy Republic

envelope BBB

88 prints of Mozambique

envelope CCC

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

envelope DDD

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

envelope EEE

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

envelope FFF

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

envelope GGG

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

envelope HHH

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

envelope III

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

envelope JJJ

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

envelope KKK

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

envelope LLL

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

envelope MMM

Prints of Mozambique (continued)

album fNNN

80 prints of South Africa, Rhodesia and Namibia, entitled "Southern Africa, the Imprisoned Society," depicting people and events. Compiled and published by the International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa London

envelope OOO

12 prints depicting living conditions in Soweto, the area reserved for Black South Africans outside of Johannesburg, October 1982

envelope PPP

12 color slides depicting various places of interest in Angola, 1975, set in a descriptive catalog

envelope QQQ

100 color slides depicting works of African art, based on an exhibition held in the Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley 1967 April 6 – October 22

Scope and Contents note

Captions Available.
envelope RRR

Color slides depicting works of African art, based on an exhibition held in the Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (continued) 1967 April 6 – October 22

envelope SSS

Color slides depicting works of African art, based on an exhibition held in the Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (continued) 1967 April 6 – October 22

envelope TTT

Color slides depicting works of African art, based on an exhibition held in the Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (continued) 1967 April 6 – October 22

envelope UUU

Color slides depicting works of African art, based on an exhibition held in the Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (continued) 1967 April 6 – October 22

envelope VVV

Color slides depicting works of African art, based on an exhibition held in the Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (continued) 1967 April 6 – October 22

envelope WWW

8 prints of posters, newspapers, and books, used for the African Collection brochure 1984

envelope XXX

3 prints (postcards) relating to the Frente Popular para la Liberacion de Sajuia el Hamra y Rio de Oro (POLISARIO) circa 1981

Scope and Contents note

W. Sahara.
envelope mYYY

9 prints relating to the POLISARIO movement circa 1977

Scope and Contents note

Western Sahara.
envelope mZZZ

7 prints relating to the POLISARIO movement circa 1977

Scope and Contents note

Western Sahard.
envelope AAAA

3 prints depicting the Bechuanaland Trading Association store, Livingstone, c. 1905; the L.F. Moore Chemist shop, Livingstone; and palaver between Lewanika and F. E. Lochner on behalf of the British South Africa Co., 1890

envelope m*BBBB

1 mounted print depicting Vice President George Bush at a State dinner for President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia

envelope CCCC

3 prints depicting missionaries preaching in Africa at the turn of the century

envelope DDDD

2 prints of the University of Witwatersrand; 1 off-campus anti-apartheid sign. 2 postal cards of Amilcar Cabral. 3 prints of Kaiser engineers construction projects in Africa: 1 in Ghana on the Volta River, 1 in Guinea relating to exploration for iron ore, 1 in the Ivory Coast's hydroelectric projects

envelope EEEE

6 postcards, undated: 2 depicting Mukaru Ng'Ang'A and Wanyiri Kihoro, political prisoners in Kenya; 2 depicting views of Sierra Leone; 1 depicting villagers assembled for work duty in Zaire during Belgian rule; and 1 advertizing the book Das alte Sudwestafriikaby H. Vedder, a history of Namibia until 1890

envelope FFFF

11 greeting cards, 1987, and 17 postcards, undated, issued by the African national Congress and other anti-apartheid organizations, depicting Nelson and Winnie Mandela and other South African militants; and 1 postcard, undated, depicting the Palace of justice in Pretoria, South Africa

envelope GGGG

1 greeting card, undated, depicting a mural by Malangatana Ngwenya entitled "The People's Struggle in the Context of Nature"; and 5 postcards, 1979, celebrating the 4th anniversary of Mozambique's independence

envelope HHHH

1 print, 1969, depicting Wakamba dancers at the Kenya Safari Club in Nairobi

envelope IIII

2 prints, 1989 depicting President Sam Nujoma's first address in 30 years to the South West Africa People's Organization within the borders of Namibia

envelope JJJJ

15 prints, 1964-1968, depicting the Peoples Republic of China's influence in Tanzania and Ethiopia and the 1964 Zanzibar coup

Scope and Contents note

Includes 1 print of Chou En Lai and 2 prints of President Julius Nyerere.
envelope KKKK

23 postcards depicting southern African culture and politics undated

envelope LLLL

39 prints depicting the drought in northern Africa

envelope MMMM

36 prints depicting society in rural Ghana

envelope NNNN

1 print depicting Cyril Ramaphosa, Secretary-General of the African National Congress

envelope OOOO

3 prints depicting Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELMO) soldiers 1972

envelope PPPP

3 prints of President Issaya Afeworki of Eritrea and other Eritrean officials, 1993; and 5 postcards of scenes in Eritrea

envelope QQQQ

2 prints of election posters in Walvis Bay, Namibia 1992

envelope RRRR

11 postcards of buildings in Guinea-Bissau undated

envelope SSSS

9 postcards of scenes from the colonial period in the Ivory Coast undated

envelope TTTT

8 postcards depicting scenes related to the struggle for independence in Eritrea undated

envelope UUUU

21 postcards depicting leaders and posters of the African National Congress 1987-1990

envelope VVVV

32 postcards depicting miscellaneous African scenes, many of them from the colonial period

envelope WWWW

56 color photographs of election posters and election scenes in South Africa 1994

envelope XXXX

7 postcards depicting the people and culture of Botswana undated

envelope YYYY

1 postcard of the mosque of Djenne, Mali 1989

box 1

7 folders of soldiers, weapons, victims, and damage in the Angolan civil war, undated Postcard of Jomo Kenyatta, undated 8 prints of demonstrations in Uganda against United Nations Intervention in the Congo (Leopoldville) 1965


Incremental Materials

box 2

11 photographs from the Director of Information, Government of Rhodesia