Finding Aid to the Spring Valley Water Company Records, 1856-1952

Finding Aid written by Mary L. Morganti
Funding for processing this collection was provided by George A. Miller
The Bancroft Library
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California, 94720-6000
Phone: (510) 642-6481
Fax: (510) 642-7589
© 2007
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Finding Aid to the Spring Valley Water Company Records, 1856-1952

Collection Number: BANC MSS C-G 189

The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, California Funding for processing this collection was provided by George A. Miller
Finding Aid Written By:
Mary L. Morganti
Date Completed:
October 2013
© 2013 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Collection Summary

Collection Title: Spring Valley Water Company records
Date (inclusive): 1856-1952
Collection Number: BANC MSS C-G 189
Creators : Spring Valley Water Company
Extent: Number of containers: 17 boxes, 56 cartons, 152 volumes, 5 oversize boxes and 162 oversize folders Linear feet: circa 150
Repository: The Bancroft Library
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California, 94720-6000
Phone: (510) 642-6481
Fax: (510) 642-7589
Abstract: The Spring Valley Water Company records, 1856-1952, consist of minutes, organizational papers, and correspondence from the presidencies of William B. Bourn and Samuel P. Eastman, along with property, stock, and financial records for the "S.V.W.Co." and its predecessors, Spring Valley Water Works and San Francisco City Water Works. The bulk of the collection contains correspondence, legal documents, reports, maps, plans, and financial records, chiefly concerning the acquisition, ownership and management of real property, rights of way, and riparian rights in connection with establishing a reliable water supply for the City of San Francisco. Also includes materials pertaining to the pension fund for Spring Valley Water Company employees, and subsidiary companies, including The Suburban Company, Amador Valley Mutual Water Company, Eureka Lake and Yuba Canal Co. Consolidated, as well as Empire Mines, The Empire Mines and Investment Company, The River Mines and the Fioli organizations.
Languages Represented: Collection materials are in English
Physical Location: Many of the Bancroft Library collections are stored offsite and advance notice may be required for use. For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog.

Information for Researchers


Collection is open for research.

Publication Rights

Materials in this collection may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). In addition, the reproduction of some materials may be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, donor restrictions, privacy and publicity rights, licensing and trademarks. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
All requests to reproduce, publish, quote from, or otherwise use collection materials must be submitted in writing to the Head of Public Services, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley 94720-6000. See: .

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Spring Valley Water Company Records, BANC MSS C-G 189, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

Alternate Forms Available

Selected items also available on microfilm.
Additional Notes on Collection:
Many of the oversize folders associated with individual files contain maps which may duplicate or represent a slight variation of the maps that had been previously removed from the collection and cataloged separately. These may be found by a search under the uniform title: "Spring Valley Water Company Map Collection."

Related Collections

Spring Valley Water Company Map Collection [call number varies]

Separated Material

Some printed materials have been transferred to the book collection of The Bancroft Library. Photographs have been transferred to the Pictorial Collections of The Bancroft Library. Maps have been transferred to the Map Collection of The Bancroft Library. Some maps have been transferred to the Earth Sciences and Maps Library.

Indexing Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the library's online public access catalog.
Water rights--California
San Francisco (Calif.)--Water-supply
Account books.
Bourn, William, 1857-1936
Eastman, Samuel P.
California Agricultural and Improvement Association
San Francisco Water Works
Spring Valley Water Company
Eureka Lake and Yuba Canal Company Consolidated
Contention Mines

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information

The Spring Valley Water Company Records were given to The Bancroft Library by the Spring Valley Water Company, via Mr. William A. B. Hayne and other Directors, in 1955.


No additions are expected.

System of Arrangement

Arranged to the folder level.

Processing Information

Mary Morganti, with assistance from George A. Miller, in 1998-1999.

Corporate History

Spring Valley Water Company and its predecessor companies, San Francisco City Water Works and Spring Valley Water Works, were organized in California for the purpose of supplying water to San Francisco. They actively acquired properties and riparian rights throughout the counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Alameda, and since 1858 supplied nearly all the water used in San Francisco.
Around 1903, Spring Valley Water Company acquired Spring Valley Water Works (which had previously consolidated with San Francisco City Water Works) and all its properties, rights and improvements. Discussions concerning possible sale of the company to the City of San Francisco began in 1875, and the purchase was finally realized in 1930. During that time, the activities of the company focused on the continued acquisition and management of its real property and rights.


1857 Aug. 6 San Francisco City Water Works organized.
1858 June 19 Spring Valley Water Works founded.
1861 May 18 Spring Valley Water Works capital increases from $60,000 to $3 million.
1864 May 27 Spring Valley Water Works initiates study of consolidation with San Francisco City Water Works.
1865 Jan. 1 San Francisco City Water Works unites with Spring Valley Water Works.
1866 June 6 San Francisco City Water Works closes and settles affairs.
1868 Sept. 1 Spring Valley Water Works negotiates to buy Clear Lake Water Company and Lake Merced Water Company for $150,000.
1875 Aug. 2 Board discusses possible sale of Spring Valley Water Works to City of San Francisco.
1877 March 14 Board ratifies offer to sell property to City of San Francisco for $10 million.
1877 June 20 Shareholders authorize introduction of water meters to do away with "arbitrary rates."
1877 Dec. 1 Board authorizes president to sell all property of company previously offered to San Francisco for $12.5 million.
1883 Oct. 3 Board authorizes purchase of San Mateo Water Works for $395,000.
1892 April 7 Board agrees that "the Company would not engage in the business of furnishing water to citizens outside of the City and County of San Francisco."
1898 Dec. 29 Board instructs Chief Engineer to investigate advisability of building a tunnel across the Bay from Dumbarton Point to Ravenswood.
1900 May 24 Board responds to resolution of San Francisco Board of Supervisors requiring Company to submit offer for sale of its works to the City, concluding that the solicitation and consideration of offer is premature and unauthorized.
1901 Nov. 18 Board agrees "we are ready and willing to submit an offer for the sale of our works."
1902 Jan. 8 Shareholders authorize Board to offer to sell to the City the entire plant of the corporation at a price set by the Board.
1903 Jan. 14 Board proposes recapitalization of company at annual shareholders and proposes to sell all property to the new company, Spring Valley Water Company, with capital stock of $28 million.
1903 April 28 Board of Directors of Spring Valley Water Company holds its first meeting.
1903 June 15 Spring Valley Water Company offers to purchase Spring Valley Water Works for $11.48 million. Offer is withdrawn four days later.
1903 July 13 Spring Valley Water Company makes new offer to purchase Spring Valley Water Works for $12.6 million. [It appears that this offer was accepted, but the minutes do not indicate when.]
1906 April 18-19 San Francisco is struck by a strong earthquake in the early morning hours. Board cancels their regular meeting on the 19th because of dangerous fires burning throughout the City.
1907 Nov. 7 Spring Valley Water Company Board elects William Bowers Bourn as Director.
1908 Jan. 8 Announcement is made at annual shareholders meeting that San Francisco is planning an independent water supply from the Sierras.
1908 June Spring Valley Water Works ceases its corporate existence.
1908 July 31 W. B. Bourn elected to succeed A. H. Payson as President of Spring Valley Water Company.
1908 Sept. 11 San Francisco Board of Supervisors passes resolution #505 soliciting offer to buy any existing public utility. City indicates that Hetch Hetchy would be a desirable water source.
1909 Nov. 12 Spring Valley Water Company offers sale of all distribution systems within the City plus 500 acres of Merced Ranch for $19.42 million. Also indicates willingness to sell entire company at a price to be set by a panel of 11 Board members.
1909 Nov. 29 At a special meeting with Mayor Taylor and the Board, Bourn indicates he estimates value of the Company is in excess of $45 million. Bourn is willing to sell Company for $35 million, or for $31.5 million - excluding property not needed for City water supply.
1910 April 13 San Francisco voters fail to give 2/3 majority approval to purchase company.
1910 Oct. 17 Board discusses San Francisco Board of Supervisors' Resolution #6577 requesting Spring Valley Water Company to meet with the Public Utilities Commission to negotiate sale of all or part of the Company to San Francisco.
1911 March 15 Board authorizes appraisal of Company for possible sale.
1911 April 12 Plan to proceed with construction of Calaveras Dam is announced at annual shareholders meeting.
1912 March 15 Board authorizes auditor to credit "stock assessment account" for $611,000, actual cost of rehabilitation of work from 1906 earthquake and fire.
1912 Aug. 15 City of San Francisco offers $35 million for Company.
1912 Sept. 11 Board declines City's bid, but offers to sell for $38.5 million if the Company can keep 2300 acres at Lake Merced.
1913 Jan. 24 Engineering Report submitted to the Board states properties of Company are worth $65 million.
1913 May 23 Board authorizes Executive Committee to approve plans and direct construction of Calaveras Dam, and hire William Mulholland as a consultant.
1914 July 30 Board votes to accept City's offer of $34.5 million which excludes certain real estate.
1916 May 15 Board decides Company will proceed with metering flat rate customers.
1918 May 15 Board reviews reports on collapse of Calaveras Dam, and two months later authorizes partial reconstruction of Calaveras Dam.
1920 Sept. 15 Board reviews letter from M. M. O'Shaughnessy urging immediate resumption of construction at Calaveras.
1920 Dec. 8 California Railroad Commission estimates $37 million as a fair price for the Company.
1920 Dec. 20 Board calls special meeting of shareholders to approve sale of Company for $37 million.
1921 Jan. 10 Shareholders approve sale of Company and authorize Board to proceed.
1921 Aug. 18 Board reviews Railroad Commission decision granting 20% rate increase. Commission urges Company to sell all property not included in sale to City.
1923 Jan. 26 Bylaws amended to create position of Chairman. W. B. Bourn is elected Chairman and Samuel P. Eastman is elected President.
1924 Feb. 15 Board sets aside $5000 as a fire insurance fund, and $25,000 to establish nucleus of employees' pension fund.
1925 Sept. 15 Board pays tribute to Willis Polk for design of the water temple.
1927 April 8 Board authorizes offer to sell plant and property to City of San Francisco for $39,667,617.
1929 April 10 San Francisco voters approve purchase of Company by 4 to 1.
1930 Feb. 17 Board approves deeding property to City of San Francisco. Par value of stock is reduced from $28 million to $5.6 million. Company applies to Compensation Commission to pay $77 dividend.
1930 March 3 Sale of Spring Valley Water Company to City of San Francisco is completed.
1930 April 9 Sale of property to City, special dividend, and value of remaining properties is discussed at annual shareholders meeting. Company changes its name to Spring Valley Company, Ltd., and elects seven directors, not including Bourn.
1932 Jan. 15 Company converts from a liquidating business to an investment company.

Scope and Content of Collection

The Spring Valley Water Company records, 1856-1952, consist of the Board of Directors', President's and Corporate Secretary's files, along with property, stock, and financial records of the "S.V.W.Co.", its predecessors, Spring Valley Water Works and San Francisco City Water Works, and subsidiary companies. The collection chiefly documents the establishment of a reliable water supply for the City of San Francisco, rather than the day-to-day operations of the water company.
Spring Valley Water Company Board of Directors' files, 1903-1940, contain the official minutes of Board and Executive Committee meetings, as well as certificates of incorporation and bylaws, amended through 1935. There are also 8 volumes of minutes from its predecessor, Spring Valley Water Works (1858-1908), and 1 volume from San Francisco City Water Works (1857-1867). Of particular note are the "original papers" from the years 1906 to 1930. These consist of working notes and drafts of minutes of Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and shareholders meetings, and may contain details not found in the final versions.
Spring Valley Water Company President's files contain correspondence and a small amount of personal and financial papers from the presidencies of William B. Bourn and Samuel P. Eastman. In contrast to Eastman's letters, which relate mostly to routine business matters, Bourn's correspondence not only gives instruction concerning operation of the company but generally reflects his strong opinions. Bourn was active in San Francisco business circles, civic organizations, politics, and society. Of particular interest is correspondence with architect Willis Polk concerning the construction of Filoli, Bourn's home near San Mateo, as well as his "cottage" at the Empire Mines in Grass Valley.
The Corporate Secretary's files form the bulk of the collection and document all activities of the company. These contain correspondence, legal documents, reports, maps, plans, and financial records, chiefly concerning the acquisition, ownership and management of real property, rights of way, and riparian rights in connection with establishment of a reliable water supply for the City of San Francisco. Files also relate to water supply and rate issues, legal and financial matters, and the eventual sale of Spring Valley Water Company to the City of San Francisco.
Spring Valley Water Company stock records include information about individual ownership in the company, while property records contain details about specific properties through its files of agreements, deeds and abstracts, and leases. Company financial records are incomplete, but include journals and cash books, a few miscellaneous ledgers and tax records, as well as materials pertaining to the pension fund for employees. Only a small amount of operational records are found in the collection; these include a record of meter deposits, daily records of reservoir levels and water consumption from the 1880s, and files relating to salaries and labor for a few years, including April 1906.
The collection concludes with files relating to several Spring Valley Water Company subsidiaries, which include Suburban Company, Amador Valley Mutual Water Company, City and Suburban Realty Company, Empire Mines and Investment Company, Empire Mines, The River Mines Company, Eureka Lake and Yuba Canal Co., and Contention Mines, as well as The Filoli Estate and Filoli Incorporated. Materials include articles of incorporation and bylaws, minutes of board of directors and stockholder meetings, and stock, property, and financial records, although the relationship of each company to Spring Valley Water Company is not entirely clear.


Series 1 Board of Directors Records 1857-1940

Physical Description: v. 1-31; Cartons 1-4


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Divided into two sub-series: Minutes of Meetings, and Original Papers.

Subseries 1.1 Minutes of Meetings 1857-1940

Physical Description: v. 1-31


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Official minute books of the meetings of the Board of Directors of Spring Valley Water Company and its predecessor companies: Spring Valley Water Works and San Francisco City Water Works. Volumes also contain certificates of incorporation and bylaws, as well as minutes of executive committee meetings.

1.1.1 Spring Valley Water Works 1858-1908

Physical Description: v. 1-8


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

A complete set of minutes for S.V.W.W., with one exception: there is no volume for the years covering May 1905 through April 1906. It was probably destroyed in the fire following the earthquake of April 18, 1906. The board resumed meeting on May 17, 1906, just one month after the disaster.
Volume 1

Index and Minute book "A" June 19, 1858 - June 14, 1861. 1858-1861

Scope and Content Note

Includes certificates of incorporation and bylaws
Volume 2

Minute book, "B" June 15, 1861 - April 1, 1875 1861-1875

Volume 3

Minute book, "C" April 15, 1875 - July 21, 1886 1875-1886

Volume 4

Minute book, "D" Aug. 2, 1886 - Feb. 3, 1893 1886-1893

Volume 5

Minute book, "E" March 2, 1893 - July 27, 1899 1893-1899

Volume 6-7

Minute book, "F" Aug. 3, 1899 - Sept. 17, 1903, and Minute book, "G" [bound together] Sept. 23, 1903 - May 11, 1905 1899-1905

Volume 8

Record book May 17, 1906 - June 15, 1909 1906-1908


1.1.2 San Francisco City Water Works 1857-1867

Physical Description: v. 9

Scope and Content Note

Just one volume from this predecessor company was found in the collection.
Volume 9

Index and Minute book Aug. 6, 1857 - Oct. 8, 1867 1857-1867


1.1.3 Spring Valley Water Company 1903-1940

Physical Description: v. 10-31


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Minute books of board of directors meetings precede two volumes of meetings of the Executive Committee. Includes bylaws, amended through 1935, and minutes of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
Volume 10

Bylaws(April 28, 1903, amended through Oct. 24, 1935) 1903-1935

Volume 11

Minute book, "A" April 28, 1903 - Dec. 14, 1903 1903

Volume 12

Minute book, "B" Dec. 17, 1903 - May 9, 1907 1903-1907

Volume 13

Minute book, "C" May 16, 1907 - Feb. 15, 1910 1907-1910

Volume 14

Minute book, "D" March 16, 1910 - Oct. 16, 1911 1910-1911

Volume 15

Minute book, "E" Nov. 15, 1911 - June 16, 1913 1911-1913

Volume 16

Minute book, "F" July 10, 1913 - July 30, 1914 1913-1914

Volume 17

Minute book, "G" Aug. 17, 1914 - Sept. 16, 1915 1914-1915

Volume 18

Minute book, "H" Sept. 21, 1915 - Sept. 15, 1916 1915-1916

Volume 19

Minute book, "F" Oct. 14, 1916 - March 15, 1918 1916-1918

Volume 20

Minute book, "J" April 10, 1918 - March 17, 1919 1918-1919

Volume 21

Minute book, "K" April 9, 1919 - Aug. 16, 1920 1919-1920

Volume 22

Minute book, "L" Sept. 15, 1920 - Jan. 23, 1922 1920-1922

Volume 23

Minute book, "M" Feb. 15, 1922 - Jan. 26, 1923 1922-1923

Volume 24

Minute book, "N" Feb. 15, 1923 - April 9, 1924 1923-1924

Volume 25

Minute book, "O" April 16, 1924 - July 15, 1925 1924-1925

Volume 26

Minute book, "P" Aug. 17, 1925 - Jan. 17, 1927 1925-1927

Volume 27

Minute book, "Q" Jan. 25, 1927 - April 16, 1928 1927-1928

Volume 28

Minute book, "R" May 15, 1928 - March 17, 1930 1928-1930

Volume 29

Minute book, "S" April 9, 1930 - Dec. 24, 1940 1930-1940

Volume 30

Executive Committee 1909-1919

Volume 31

Executive Committee 1919-1927


Subseries 1.2 "Original Papers" 1906-1930

Physical Description: Cartons 1-4


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Divided into two sub-subseries: Spring Valley Water Company, and Spring Valley Water Company, Ltd. Includes drafts of minutes and working notes from meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and shareholders. Files are organized as received, and most likely as kept by the Corporate Secretary.

1.2.1 Spring Valley Water Company 1906-1928

Physical Description: Carton 1-Carton 4, folders 1-16


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of drafts and notes used to prepare the official minutes, and may contain details not found in the final versions.
Carton 1, Folder 1-28

Directors, Shareholders, and Executive Committee meetings Draft minutes and working notes 1906-1914

Carton 2, Folder 1-18

Directors, Shareholders, and Executive Committee meetings Draft minutes and working notes 1915-1919

Carton 3, Folder 1-18

Directors, Shareholders, and Executive Committee meetings Draft minutes and working notes 1920-1924

Carton 4, Folder 1-16

Directors, Shareholders, and Executive Committee meetings Draft minutes and working notes 1925-1928


1.2.2 Spring Valley Water Company, Ltd. 1929-1935

Physical Description: Carton 4, folders 17-18


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains drafts and notes used to prepare the official minutes, and may contain details not found in the final versions.
Carton 4, Folder 17-18

Directors, Shareholders, and Executive Committee meetings Draft minutes and working notes 1929-1930, 1935


Series 2 President's Files 1905-1952

Physical Description: Cartons 5-11; Boxes 1-2; Oversize Folders 150-151


Arranged alphabetically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Divided into two sub-series: W.B. Bourn, and S.P. Eastman. Chiefly consists of correspondence, with some personal papers and financial records.
Arranged alphabetically, and then chronologically.

Subseries 2.1 W. B. Bourn 1906-1935

Physical Description: Cartons 5-8; Oversize Folder 150


Arranged alphabetically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Bourn's files have been further divided into Correspondence, and Personal and Financial Papers.

2.1.1 Correspondence 1907-1925

Physical Description: Cartons 5-6; Carton 7, folders 1-75 Oversize folder 150


Arranged alphabetically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Correspondence with S. P. Eastman precede general correspondence, and generally give instructions concerning operation of the company, particularly after Bourn was elected Chairman in 1923 and spent less time in his San Francisco office. Bourn was active in San Francisco business circles, civic organizations, politics, and society, and often expressed strong opinions in his letters. Of particular interest is Bourn's correspondence with architect Willis Polk which provides information about the construction of his cottage at the Empire Mines in Grass Valley and Filoli, his home near San Mateo.
Carton 5, Folder 1

Eastman, Samuel P. 1908-1919, undated

Carton 5, Folder 2-10

Eastman, Samuel P. 1923 Dec.-1924

Carton 5, Folder 11-12

Eastman, Samuel P. 1925 Jan.- April

Carton 5, Folder 13-17

Eastman, Samuel P. 1925 July-Dec.

Carton 5, Folder 18-32

Miscellaneous, A-Z 1908-1921

Carton 5, Folder 33

American National Red Cross, S. F. Chapter 1917-1919

Carton 5, Folder 34

The Argonaut Publishing Company 1916-1921

Carton 5, Folder 35

Bacigalupi, Peter 1911-1919

Carton 5, Folder 36

Baldwin, A. S. 1914-1920

Carton 5, Folder 37-43

Bank of California 1908-1921

Scope and Content Note

Anderson, Frank Barstow, b. 1863-1935
Carton 5, Folder 44

Bashford, Ettie 1916-1919, undated

Carton 5, Folder 45

Bay Farm Inc. 1918-1921

Carton 5, Folder 46

Bellinger, John B. 1912-1921

Carton 5, Folder 47

Bennett, E. H. 1911-1912

Carton 6, Folder 1

Bentley, C. H. 1919

Carton 6, Folder 2

Berry Bros. and Co. 1918-1919

Carton 6, Folder 3

Berry, T. Brien 1910-1912

Carton 6, Folder 4

Blair-Murdock Company 1914-1915

Carton 6, Folder 5

Blood, George 1908-1920

Carton 6, Folder 6

Bohemian Club (San Francisco, Calif.) 1917-1919

Carton 6, Folder 7

Bourn, Ida 1909-1921

Carton 6, Folder 8

Bradley, F. W. 1911-1919

Carton 6, Folder 9

Britton, John A. (John Alexander), 1855-1923 1918

Carton 6, Folder 10

Brookman, Thirmuthis 1917

Carton 6, Folder 11

Browne, Ross E. (Ross Egerton), b. 1849 1918-1919, undated

Carton 6, Folder 12

Buckbee Thorne and Co. 1921

Carton 6, Folder 13

Butler, Samuel 1910-1912

Carton 6, Folder 14

California Academy of Sciences 1910-1914

Carton 6, Folder 15

California State Irrigation Association 1920

Carton 6, Folder 16

California Title Insurance and Trust Company 1911-1912

Carton 6, Folder 17

Cambridge, Walter C. 1913, 1917-1918

Carton 6, Folder 18

Campbell, William Wallace, 1862- 1916-1918

Carton 6, Folder 19

Clinch, Charles E. 1908-1921

Carton 6, Folder 20

Clinch, J. R. (Raymond) 1909, 1917

Carton 6, Folder 21

Columbia Park Boys' Club of San Francisco 1910-1913, 1918

Carton 6, Folder 22

Comédie Française 1915

Scope and Content Note

  • Crocker, W. H.,
  • Sproule, William,
  • Herrin, W. H.,
  • Monteagle
  • Louis
Carton 6, Folder 23

Commonwealth Club of California 1919-1920

Carton 6, Folder 24

Cormac, T. E. K. 1915-1918

Carton 6, Folder 25

Corning, Fred G. 1915-1920, undated

Carton 6, Folder 26

Craig, Hugh 1910-1918

Carton 6, Folder 27

Crocker, William H. 1908-1920

Carton 6, Folder 28

Dam, Cleveland L. 1910

Carton 6, Folder 29

Deering, F. P. (Frank P.) 1919-1921

Carton 6, Folder 30

Denman, William, 1872-1959 1908-1913

Carton 6, Folder 31

de Wolfe, Elsie 1910-1915

Carton 6, Folder 32

Drum, F. G. 1912-1921

Carton 6, Folder 33

Duke, J. M. 1908

Carton 6, Folder 34

Edmunds, T. M. 1921

Carton 6, Folder 35

E. H. Rollins and Sons 1911-1921

Scope and Content Note

(Dibblee, Benjamin)
Carton 6, Folder 36

Elliott, G. A. 1914-1921

Carton 6, Folder 37

Eyre, E. L. 1908-1921

Carton 6, Folder 38

Eyre, Perry 1911-1919

Carton 6, Folder 39

Fairmont Hotel (San Francisco, Calif.) 1918

Carton 6, Folder 40

Fancher, Charles 1918-1922

Carton 6, Folder 41

Fay, Charles W. 1917-1920

Carton 6, Folder 42

F. B. Vandegrift and Co. 1920-1921, undated

Scope and Content Note

Relating to plants for Filoli
Carton 6, Folder 43

Fireman's Fund Insurance Company 1918-1920

Scope and Content Note

Levison, J. B.
Carton 6, Folder 44

Gilder, Jeanette 1909-1915

Carton 6, Folder 45

Gillett, James N. 1910-1911

Carton 6, Folder 46

Gladding, McBean and Company 1915

Carton 6, Folder 47

Greaney, Thomas 1918-1920

Carton 6, Folder 48

Griffith, Charles L. 1908-1919

Carton 6, Folder 49

Grunsky, C. E., 1855-1934 1907-1909

Carton 6, Folder 50

Hanna, Edward J., 1860-1944 1914-1920

Carton 6, Folder 51

Hayne, Francis Bourn 1918

Carton 6, Folder 52

Hazen, Allen, 1869-1930 1914-1919

Carton 6, Folder 53

Heller, Powers and Ehrman 1908-1921, undated

Scope and Content Note

  • Heller, E. S.
  • Heller, Ehrman, White and McAuliffe
Carton 6, Folder 54

Herrmann, F. H. 1911-1914, undated

Carton 6, Folder 55

Hooker, Osgood G. 1916-1920

Carton 6, Folder 56

Hooker, Robert G. 1909-1919

Carton 6, Folder 57

Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 1916-1921

Carton 6, Folder 58

Hopkins, Timothy 1912-1921

Carton 6, Folder 59

Hull, Frank 1909-1912

Carton 6, Folder 60

Hutchinson, Arthur 1916-1921, undated

Carton 6, Folder 61

J. G. White and Co. 1911-1912

Carton 6, Folder 62

Johnson, Margaret K. 1918, undated

Carton 6, Folder 63

Jones, William 1918

Carton 6, Folder 64

Killinger, Emily C. 1918-1919, undated

Carton 6, Folder 65

King, Homer S. 1908-1916

Carton 6, Folder 66-67

Laidlaw and Co. 1908-1923

Carton 6, Folder 68

Lawrence, W. B. 1909-1921

Carton 6, Folder 69

Ledwich, T. J. 1916-1917

Carton 6, Folder 70

Liberty Bond Drive 1918, undated

Carton 6, Folder 71

Long, Fred 1910-1921

Carton 6, Folder 72

Loring Club 1916, 1918

Carton 6, Folder 73

Lyman, William Whittingham, b. 1885 1909-1914

Carton 6, Folder 74

Macfayden, Rev. Dugald 1917-1919, undated

Carton 6, Folder 75

Mason-McDuffie Co. 1914-1919

Carton 6, Folder 76

Mayor (San Francisco) 1909-1918, undated

Carton 6, Folder 77

McCann, W. B. 1915

Carton 6, Folder 78-84

McCutchen, E. J. 1908-1923

Carton 7, Folder 1

McKay, David 1917

Carton 7, Folder 2

McLaren, Norman 1911-1918

Carton 7, Folder 3

McLeran, Ralph 1910-1918

Carton 7, Folder 4

Metcalf, Leonard 1914-1917, undated

Carton 7, Folder 5

Monteagle, Louis F. 1911-1917, undated

Carton 7, Folder 6

Moody, F. S. 1917-1921

Carton 7, Folder 7

Moore, A. A., b. 1842 1908-1910

Carton 7, Folder 8

Moore, Charles C., 1868-1932 1918-1921

Carton 7, Folder 9

Moore, I. M. 1917

Carton 7, Folder 10

Moriarty, Kate 1910-1921

Carton 7, Folder 11

Moulton, Irving 1916-1919

Carton 7, Folder 12

Mullally, Thornwell 1910-1917

Carton 7, Folder 13-16

"Municipal Matters" 1908-1921, undated

Scope and Content Note

Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda
Carton 7, Folder 17

Murdock, Charles A. (Charles Albert), 1841-1928 1908-1916

Carton 7, Folder 18

Murphy, Daniel C. 1915

Carton 7, Folder 19

Musical Association of San Francisco 1917-1919

Carton 7, Folder 20

Nobs, F. W. 1916-1921

Carton 7, Folder 21

N. W. Halsey and Co. 1911-1915

Carton 7, Folder 22

O'Day, E. F. (Edward F.), 1910- 1918, 1921

Carton 7, Folder 23

Olney, Warren, 1841-1921 1919, 1921

Carton 7, Folder 24

Olympic Club (San Francisco, Calif.) 1916

Carton 7, Folder 25

Opera House 1912-1914, undated

Carton 7, Folder 26

Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1908-1918

Carton 7, Folder 27

Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 1909-1918, undated

Carton 7, Folder 28

Pacific-Union Club 1908-1918, undated

Carton 7, Folder 29

Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company 1911-1916

Carton 7, Folder 30

Parkside Realty Co. 1908-1910

Carton 7, Folder 31

Payson, A. H. 1908-1921

Carton 7, Folder 32

Pollok, Allan 1909-1917

Carton 7, Folder 33

Pomeroy, Mrs. Carter 1909, undated

Carton 7, Folder 34

Pope Estate Company 1908-1921

Carton 7, Folder 35

Porter, Bruce, 1865-1934 1915-1919

Carton 7, Folder 36

Putnam, Osgood 1917-1918

Carton 7, Folder 37

Quay, James 1908

Carton 7, Folder 38

The Review 1919

Carton 7, Folder 39

Rolph, James 1909-1910

Carton 7, Folder 40

Sacramento Union 1919-1925, undated

Carton 7, Folder 41

Saint Luke's Hospital 1910-1911, 1915

Carton 7, Folder 42-44

San Francisco Golf and Country Club 1910-1916, undated

Carton 7, Folder 45

San Mateo Polo Club 1917

Carton 7, Folder 46

Smith, E.Chapman 1917-1919, undated

Carton 7, Folder 47

Southern Pacific Company 1908-1919

Scope and Content Note

Herrin, William F. (William Franklin), b. 1854
Carton 7, Folder 48-55

Stanford University. Board of Trustees. 1916-1921

Carton 7, Folder 56

Starr, George W. 1920-1923

Scope and Content Note

Relating to Empire Mines
Carton 7, Folder 57

Thorns, Frank W. 1918-1920

Carton 7, Folder 58

Tobin, Richard M. 1909, 1915

Carton 7, Folder 59

Tucker, Maye 1914-1920, undated

Carton 7, Folder 60

United Railroads of San Francisco 1913-1915

Carton 7, Folder 61

United States. Senate. 1909, 1913

Scope and Content Note

  • Newlands, Francis G. (Francis Griffith), 1848-1917
  • Perkins, George C. (George Clement), 1839-1923
Carton 7, Folder 62

Van Antwerp, William Clarkson, 1867-1938 1918-1919

Carton 7, Folder 63

Vincent, Arthur 1913-1918

Carton 7, Folder 64

Von Schmidt, Allexey Waldemar, b. 1823? 1909-1921

Carton 7, Folder 65

Waggoner, Waldo Wade 1909-1915

Carton 7, Folder 66

Ward, J. Walter 1918-1919

Carton 7, Folder 67

Western Union Telegraph Company 1913-1917

Carton 7, Folder 68

Wheeler, Benjamin Ide, 1854-1927 1908-1920

Carton 7, Folder 69

Wheeler, Robert S. 1910-1915

Carton 7, Folder 70

Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 1875-1949 1917-1918

Carton 7, Folder 71

Willis Polk and Co. 1911-1921

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 150

House at Grass Valley, design plans undated

Carton 7, Folder 72

Woods, S. G. 1918-1919

Carton 7, Folder 73

Worn, Bella 1909-1921

Carton 7, Folder 74

Wright, Elizabeth S. 1917-1918

Carton 7, Folder 75

Yale, Charles G. (Charles Gregory) 1915-1919


2.1.2 Personal and Financial Papers 1905-1935

Physical Description: Boxes 15-17; Carton 7, folders 76-77


Arranged by format, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of financial ledgers and income tax records, including one file for his mother, Agnes Bourn.
Box 15, Folder 1

Cash & journal #1 1906-1909

Scope and Content Note

Including "Books, vouchers, etc. burnt up in San Francisco office, April 18th, 19th, & 20th, 1906"
Box 15, Folder 2

Cash & journal #2 1909-1913

Box 15, Folder 3

Cash & journal #3 1913-1917

Box 15, Folder 4

Cash & journal #4 1917-1924

Box 16, Folder 1

Cash & journal #5 1924-1935

Box 16, Folder 2

Journal #1 1917-1935

Box 16, Folder 3

Ledger #1 1906-1917

Box 16, Folder 4

Ledger #2 1918-1935

Scope and Content Note

Includes capital account balance at end of years 1906 through 1931, and Filoli, Inc., 1918 through 1935
Box 17, Folder 1

Check book, Laidlaw & Company 1908-1928

Scope and Content Note

Stubs #401-438, and blank checks to #490
Box 17, Folder 2

Check book, Bank of California 1926-1927

Scope and Content Note

Stubs #2401-2800
Box 17, Folder 3

Empire Mines and Investment Company [1917-1919?]

Scope and Content Note

Listing of investments and other Bourn dealings
Carton 7, Folder 76

Income Taxes 1913-1920

Carton 7, Folder 77

Income Taxes, Agnes Bourn 1917-1920


Subseries 2.2 S. P. Eastman 1905-1952

Physical Description: Cartons 8-11; Boxes 1-2; Oversize Folder 151


Arranged alphabetically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Eastman's files have been further divided into Office Files, and Personal and Financial Papers.

2.2.1 Office Files 1905-1929

Physical Description: Cartons 8-9


Arranged alphabetically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Correspondence with W.B. Bourn precedes general correspondence, and chiefly concerns business matters. In contrast to Bourn, there is little of a personal nature found in Eastman's letters.
Carton 8, Folder 1-17

Bourn, William Bowers, 1857-1936 1909-1918

Carton 8, Folder 18-20

Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco 1924-1929, undated

Carton 8, Folder 21

Dalton, Henry P. 1911-1915

Carton 8, Folder 22

Edmunds, T. M. 1920

Carton 8, Folder 23-24

"Empire Matters" /"Not Spring Valley" 1923, undated

Scope and Content Note

Bourn, William Bowers, 1857-1936
Carton 8, Folder 25

Feddersen, E. A. 1916

Carton 8, Folder 26

Head, Bradway B., Purchasing Agent 1917

Carton 8, Folder 27

Lakeside Golf Club 1916-1919

Carton 8, Folder 28-30

McCutchen, E. J. 1908-1912

Scope and Content Note

  • Page, McCutchen and Knight
  • Page, McCutchen, Knight and Olney
Carton 9, Folder 1

McCutchen, E. J. 1912 Nov.

Scope and Content Note

Hearing before Secretary of the Interior: Future S.F. water supply (Hetch Hetchy)
Carton 9, Folder 2-7

McCutchen, E. J. 1913-1920, undated

Scope and Content Note

  • McCutchen, Olney and Willard
  • McCutchen, Willard, Mannon and Greene
Carton 9, Folder 8

Metcalf, Leonard 1914-1921

Carton 9, Folder 9

Muhlner, F. P. (Auditor) 1909-1918

Carton 9, Folder 10

Mulholland, William 1913-1918

Carton 9, Folder 11

Municipal Data 1909, 1912, undated

Carton 9, Folder 12

Natomas Company of California 1916-1917

Carton 9, Folder 13

Newell-Murdoch Company 1913-1914

Carton 9, Folder 14

"N" and "O" miscellaneous 1909-1920

Carton 9, Folder 15-16

Ocean Shore Railroad Company 1905-1916

Carton 9, Folder 17

Olmsted Brothers 1913-1914

Carton 9, Folder 18-19

O'Shaugnessy, M. M. 1912-1920

Carton 9, Folder 20

People's Water Company 1910

Carton 9, Folder 21

Pipe undated

Carton 9, Folder 22-23

Publicity Campaign 1918-1921, undated

Scope and Content Note

O'Day, E. F. (Edward F.), 1910-
Carton 9, Folder 24

San Francisco Foundation 1926

Carton 9, Folder 25-27

San Francisco Golf and Country Club 1914-1921

Carton 9, Folder 28

Telephone System 1914-1918

Carton 9, Folder 29-30

Twin Peaks Tunnel 1913-1917

Carton 9, Folder 31

Vaults, 425 Mason Street--Combination undated

Carton 9, Folder 32-34

Water Districts--Pleasanton, Niles, Alameda 1912-1919, undated

Scope and Content Note

Miscellaneous memoranda
Carton 9, Folder 35

Water Sales Matter 1917-1918, undated


2.2.2 Personal and Financial Papers 1908-1952

Physical Description: Cartons 10-11; Boxes 1-2; Oversize Folder 151


Arranged hierarchically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes correspondence and financial records.
Carton 10, Folder 1-22

Correspondence 1908-1924

Carton 11, Folder 1-11

Correspondence 1925-1929

Carton 11, Folder 12-13

Eastman, Lillian J. (Estate of) 1910-1927, undated

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 151

Eastman property 1927

Scope and Content Note

Plans for pump pit
Carton 11, Folder 14

Paid Bills 1927-1928

Carton 11, Folder 15

Paid Bills, Eastman House 1927-1928

Carton 11, Folder 16-17

Receipted Accounts 1914-1918

Carton 11, Folder 18-20

Taxes 1911-1926

Box 1, Folder 1-7

Personal check registers 1923-1952

Box 2, Folder 1-3

Statements, Crocker Bank and Wells Fargo Bank 1927-1928


Series 3 Corporate Secretary's files 1871-1952

Physical Description: Cartons 12-33; Boxes 3-5; v. 119-120; v. 151-152; Oversize Box 1; Oversize Folders 1-55 and 152-161


Arranged alphabetically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Divided into two sub-series: Spring Valley Water Company, and Spring Valley Company, Ltd.

Subseries 3.1 Spring Valley Water Company 1871-1942

Physical Description: Cartons 12-28; Boxes 3-5; v. 119-120; v. 151-152; Oversize Box 1, folders 1-3; Oversize Folders 1-31, 152-157, 160, 162


Arranged alphabetically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains subject files documenting all activities of the company. These chiefly concern the acquisition, ownership and management of real property, rights of way, and riparian rights. Also contains files relating to water supply and rate issues, legal and financial matters, and the eventual sale of S.V.W.Co. to the City of San Francisco. Includes correspondence, legal documents, reports, maps, plans, and financial records.
Carton 12, Folder 1-4

Accidents 1912-1915, 1926-1928

Carton 12, Folder 5-6

Alameda County Water District 1907-1925

Box 3, Folder 1

Alameda County Water District 1912

Box 12, Folder 7

Alien Property Custodian 1924-1925

Carton 12, Folder 8

Alviso Right of Way 1917-1921

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 1

Alviso Right of Way 1915

Carton 12, Folder 9

Amador Valley Union High School 1923

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 2

Amador Valley Union High School 1910-1914

Carton 12, Folder 10-11

Appleton, William 1918-1922

Scope and Content Note

Correspondence and compensation relating to death, Feb. 23, 1918
Carton 12, Folder 12

Arroyo Valle 1929-1930

Scope and Content Note

Burrowes Report on Value of Sand and Gravel
Carton 12, Folder 13

Articles of Incorporation, Spring Valley Water Company 1907

Carton 12, Folder 14-19

Assessments and Taxes 1911-1927

Carton 12, Folder 20

Automobiles 1927

Carton 12, Folder 21

Baden Colma Right of Way 1907

Scope and Content Note

Schussler Report
Carton 12, Folder 22

Bassetti Purchase 1911-1913

Carton 12, Folder 23-24

Beard Tract-Centerville 1914-1919

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 3

Beard Tract-Centerville 1914-1919

Carton 12, Folder 25

Bear Gulch Water Co. 1916-1927

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 4

Bear Gulch Water Co. 1916-1927

Carton 12, Folder 26

Bernal, Mrs. S.F. Neal 1912-1913

Carton 12, Folder 27

Black Point Pumps Removal 1912

Carton 12, Folder 28

Blake, Abbie M. 1911

Scope and Content Note

Mortgage release
Box 3, Folder 2

[Bonds, 1st mortgage] certificate 1903

Carton 12, Folder 29

Bonds, 2nd mortgage Indenture (Spring Valley Water Works) 1907

Carton 12, Folder 30

Bonds, 3rd mortgage 1917

Scope and Content Note

Issued Sept. 1, 1898
Carton 12, Folder 31-32

Bonds / Bond Indebtedness 1913-1928

Carton 13, Folder 1

Bond (New) Issue 1922-1923

Carton 13, Folder 2-15

Bonds, 1923 Issue 1909-1929

Scope and Content Note

  • Papers from File of Comptroller (F. P. Muhlner)
  • Listing on NYSE
  • Prospects
  • Railroad Commission
  • Refinancing
  • Engraving (Certificate)
  • Bids for Printing
Carton 13, Folder 16

Bonds, 1927 Issue 1927-1930

Carton 13, Folder 17-18

Bonds, 1929 Issue 1927-1929

Carton 13, Folder 19-28

Bonds, Union Trust Company 1906-1920

Scope and Content Note

  • Bond Redemption
  • California Safe Deposit and Trust
    • Resignation as Trustee
  • Trustee Nomination and Appointment
  • Certification and Redelivery
    • Financial Records
    • Recertification
  • Incineration of $375,000
    • 20 Yr. Cancelled 7% Bonds, Spring Valley Water Works
Carton 13, Folder 29

Bonds, Coupon Data, Spring Valley Water Works 1907-1908

Carton 13, Folder 30

Bonds, Coupons Lost on Submarine "Bremen" 1924-1926

Carton 13, Folder 31-33

Bonds, Coupon Reports 1930-1933

Carton 13, Folder 34

Bonds, Coupon Statements 1930-1931

Carton 14, Folder 1

Bone, Alfred 1914

Scope and Content Note

Accident Report
Carton 14, Folder 2

Bonestell, Emma and Robert 1906

Scope and Content Note

First Mortgage Bond Certificate
Carton 14, Folder 3

Braham vs. Braham, Spring Valley Water Company, et al 1924

Carton 14, Folder 4-5

Building Locations, Building Construction, Market and Sutter Sts. Elevations 1922


Empire Building, Market and Front Sts.

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 152

Plans and sketches [includes unidentified "Drawing for Tunnel"] undated


Bakewell and Brown,

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 153

Original plans, "Scheme A" 1926

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 154

Original plans, "Scheme B" 1926

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 157

Spring Valley Land Co., 320 Market St. undated

Scope and Content Note

Plans for fireproof basement vault.
Carton 14, Folder 6

Bylaws, Spring Valley Water Company 1923

Carton 14, Folder 7-13

Calaveras Dam Plans 1908-1912

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 5

Calaveras Dam Plans 1908-1912

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 162

Calaveras Dam Plans 1915-1916, 1921-1922

Carton 14, Folder 14

Calaveras Right of Way 1918-1919

Scope and Content Note

Hansen Property
Carton 14, Folder 15

Calaveras Road 1920-1922


California Agricultural Improvement Association

Carton 14, Folder 16

Stock receipts 1876

Box 3, Folder 3

Stock certificates 1882

Carton 14, Folder 17

California Golf Club petition 1924

Carton 14, Folder 18-19

California Highway Commission 1926; 1916

Carton 14, Folder 20

California Walnut Growers Association 1925

Carton 14, Folder 21

Camp Fremont Water Supply 1919

Carton 14, Folder 22-33

Capital Expenditures (Statement of) Resolution 1911-1922

Carton 14, Folder 34

Cattle 1923

Scope and Content Note

Registration of Brand
Carton 14, Folder 35

Cherin, Harry 1927

Scope and Content Note

Carton 14, Folder 36

Clancy, D. J. Auto Accident, Oct. 3, 1919 1919-1920

Scope and Content Note

Auto Accident, Oct. 3, 1919
Carton 14, Folder 37

Clarendon Heights Water System 1913

Carton 14, Folder 38-40

Clough-Ford Compromise and Settlement 1910-1920

Carton 14, Folder 41

C. M. Wooster Company 1913

Carton 14, Folder 42-43

Colma (Town of) 1920

Carton 14, Folder 44

Colma Sanitary District No. 1 1915


Continental Salt and Chemical Company Sale

Carton 15, Folder 1-4

Sale 1915-1923

Carton 15, Folder 5

Eastman, S. P. 1921-1923

Carton 15, Folder 6-8

Title Matters 1918-1922

Carton 15, Folder 9

Present Plant Appraisal 1920

Carton 15, Folder 10

Right of Way, Legal Opinions 1908-1910, 1922

Carton 15, Folder 11

Rights, Closing Legal Opinions 1920-1925

Carton 15, Folder 12

Contracts 1922-1925

Carton 15, Folder 13

Maps, Correspondence and Certificate of Title 1922-1924, undated

Oversize Drawer A , Folder 6

Maps, Correspondence and Certificate of Title 1922-1924, undated

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 7-8

Maps, Correspondence and Certificate of Title 1922-1924, undated

Carton 15, Folder 14

Salt Production Data 1920-1924

Carton 15, Folder 15

O. E. Clemens Salt Co. Work 1922-1929

Carton 15, Folder 16

Bypass Canal, Legal Rights 1923-1924

Carton 15, Folder 17

Sewers 1924-1925

Carton 15, Folder 18

Tide Overflow 1924-1925

Carton 15, Folder 19

Boundary Disputes 1925

Carton 15, Folder 20

Contributions 1925-1928

Carton 15, Folder 21

Cooper vs. S.V.W.C. 1918

Carton 15, Folder 22

Corporation License Tax Law (State) 1915

Carton 15, Folder 23

Country Club of Washington Township 1912-1913

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 155

Coyote River, Profile of Discharge 1903

Carton 15, Folder 24-30

Coyote River Lands 1914-1920, undated

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 9

Map 1910-1914

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 10

Abstract Survey-Herrmann Property 1914-1920

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 11

Coyote Reservoir 1914-1917


Coyote Sale Miscellanous

Carton 15, Folder 31-37

Tenants 1915-1927

Scope and Content Note

  • Allemand, Isidor and Lillie
  • Dexter, Albert L.
  • Milias, George
  • Murdock, R.F.
  • Ramelli, Mary E.
  • Wolden, Russell and Fisher, John A., et al.
  • Wolden, R.L. / Lion Ranch
Carton 15, Folder 38

Crocker Estate Company 1918

Carton 15, Folder 39

Crystal Springs Pump 1912

Carton 16, Folder 1-2

Dalton Case 1911-1912

Carton 16, Folder 3

Darini, Sebastian 1918-1920

Scope and Content Note

Affidavit and Claim of Loss
Carton 16, Folder 4

Davis, T. E. Suit 1915

Carton 16, Folder 5

Deacon, Fred 1916

Scope and Content Note

Relating to drowning at Calaveras, Jan. 17, 1916
Box 3, Folder 4-5

Deed and Documents 1903-1910

Carton 16, Folder 6

Dempsey's Offer to Purchase Land, 45th Ave. and Sloat Blvd. 1914

Carton 16, Folder 7

Dimond Tract 1910-1911

Carton 16, Folder 8-10

Directors 1909-1928

Carton 16, Folder 11

Dividend Checks (unclaimed) 1910

Carton 16, Folder 12

Dividend Notice #14 1910

Scope and Content Note

Affidavit of Recorder
Carton 16, Folder 13

Donahue Fountain 1913

Carton 16, Folder 14

Donahue Tract Near Verona 1910-1911

Carton 16, Folder 15

Donks Tract 1912-1913

Scope and Content Note

School House Homestead Association, Colma
Carton 16, Folder 16

Dumbarton Bridge Co. 1926

Carton 16, Folder 17

Earthquake and Fire 1906

Scope and Content Note

Authorization to Settle Damage Claims
Carton 16, Folder 18

East Bay Water Company 1919-1922, 1941-1942

Carton 16, Folder 19-28

Eastman, S. P. 1913-1928

Carton 16, Folder 29

Easton, Ansel and Ogden Mills Property, Crystal Springs 1915-1922

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 12

Easton, Ansel and Ogden Property, Crystal Springs 1915-1922

Carton 16, Folder 30

Ebright, Wallace 1919-1921

Carton 16, Folder 31

Eden Townships Co. Water District 1922

Carton 16, Folder 32-33

Election Matters, Municipal Campaign 1915

Carton 16, Folder 34

Election 1928

Carton 16, Folder 35

Ellsworth, Edward 1888, 1910-1912

Scope and Content Note

Use of waste waters
Carton 16, Folder 36

Employees 1920

Carton 16, Folder 37

Estes, H. M. 1922 Jan.-Feb.

Carton 16, Folder 38

Etienne Co. 1920

Carton 16, Folder 39

Eureka Valley and Mission Terrace 1921-1922

Carton 16, Folder 40

Eyre, Edward L. 1919-1922, 1941-1942

Carton 16, Folder 41

Federal Government Condemnation of California Land (Quinlan Report) 1916

Carton 16, Folder 42

Fence 1910

Scope and Content Note

Specifications for Standard
Carton 16, Folder 43-44

Filoli Estate 1917-1920

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 156

Plans, additions to septic tank 1927

Carton 16, Folder 45

Flood, James L. 1913-1916

Scope and Content Note

Quitclaim Deed
Carton 16, Folder 46

Foster and Kleiser Co. 1919

Scope and Content Note

Signs on Sloat Boulevard and Great Highway
Carton 16, Folder 47

Forms 1910

Carton 16, Folder 48

Francisco Street Lots 1916

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 13

Francisco Street Lots 1916

Carton 16, Folder 49

Freeman's Certificate 1911

Carton 16, Folder 50-51

Giannini, Dr. A. H. 1919

Carton 16, Folder 52

Golf Clubs, So. California 1921

Carton 16, Folder 53-60

Gold Note Issue 1913-1916

Carton 17, Folder 1

Great Highway Development Company 1910-1911

Carton 17, Folder 2

Guttmann, J. 1916

Scope and Content Note

Report on Patterson Methods of Diverting Water
Carton 17, Folder 3

Hammond Building Plans, Post and Stockton Streets, San Francisco, Willis Polk and Co. 1916

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 14

Hammond Building Plans, Post and Stockton Streets, San Francisco , Willis Polk and Co. 1916

Carton 17, Folder 4-5

Hansen, Chris vs. Market So. Railway Co. and S.V.W.C. 1922-1923

Carton 17, Folder 6

Hearst Sale 1915

Carton 17, Folder 7

Henshaw Right of Way to Ocean 1918

Carton 17, Folder 8-11

Hetch Hetchy 1912, 1923

Scope and Content Note

J. J. Sharon Review of Freeman Report
Carton 17, Folder 12

Hibernia Savings and Loan Society 1922

Carton 17, Folder 13

Hillsborough Consumers 1911

Carton 17, Folder 14

Hind Estate Co. 1926-1927

Scope and Content Note

Replacement of Lost Coupons
Carton 17, Folder 15

History of Spring Valley Water Works 1903-1910

Carton 17, Folder 16

H. K. McCann Company 1920

Carton 17, Folder 17

Holstein-Friesian Association of America 1926-1928

Carton 17, Folder 18

Holy Cross Cemetery 1918

Scope and Content Note

Pipe Line Matter
Carton 17, Folder 19

Hooper Lands 1912

Carton 17, Folder 20-21

India Basin 1919

Carton 17, Folder 22

Industrial Association of San Francisco 1924

Carton 17, Folder 23

Industrial School Tract 1921

Carton 17, Folder 24-25

Ingleside Spur Track Extension 1912-1915

Carton 17, Folder 26

Investor's Special Report Bureau 1927

Carton 17, Folder 27

Isabel Creek Rediversion Notices 1910, 1917

Carton 17, Folder 28

Isthmian Canal Commission-Reports 1911

Carton 17, Folder 29

Jersey Farm Company 1913

Carton 17, Folder 30

Johnson Slide, Cole Street 1916-1918

Carton 17, Folder 31

Joseph, Frank Jr. 1925

Carton 17, Folder 32

Josselyn, G. M. and Co. Mortgage Coupons (burned fragments) 1906

Carton 17, Folder 33-34

Junipero Serra Boulevard 1909-1914

Carton 17, Folder 35

Koopman, Wells 1914

Carton 17, Folder 36

Labor Building Trades Councils Digest of meetings 1910

Carton 17, Folder 37

Laidlaw and Co., New York 1915


Lake Merced

Carton 17, Folder 38-41

Rancho, Sewer Right of Way 1912

Carton 17, Folder 42-48

Lands- Bissell Operation 1913-1925

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 15

Fencing of Gov't. Reservation Properties Reports (Permit to War Department to Install Tracks)

Carton 17, Folder 49

Subdivision-Punnett and Parez Plans 1927-1928

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 16

Subdivision-Punnett and Parez Plans 1927-1928

Carton 17, Folder 50

Lake Merced Aviation Field 1919

Carton 17, Folder 51

Lakeside Golf Club 1916

Carton 17, Folder 52

Lawrence, W. B. 1922

Box 3, Folder 6

Lead joints (for cast iron pipe), San Francisco 1914 May

Scope and Content Note

Report by H. Schussler
Carton 17, Folder 53-57

Liberty Loan Bonds 1918-1923

Scope and Content Note

Loss of in Omaha Mail Robbery

Lobos Creek 1909-1926

Carton 18, Folder 1-9

Bauchou and Mazzitelli 1909-1926

Oversize Drawer B, Folders 17


Oversize Drawer C, Folders 18


Box 3, Folder 7

Lobos Creek and Mountain Lake 1915 April

Scope and Content Note

Report by H. Schussler
Carton 18, Folder 24-27

Lukrawka vs. Spring Valley Water Company 1912-1918

Scope and Content Note

Judge Munroe
Carton 18, Folder 28

Lyon and Hoag Water Service 1918

Carton 19, Folder 1-3

Market Street Reservoir Property 1913-1914

Scope and Content Note

Adverse no. Claims; J. J. Dowling, etc.
Carton 19, Folder 4

Mayfield Storm Water Sewer 1918-1919

Carton 19, Folder 5-8

McCutchen, E. J. 1911-1926

Scope and Content Note

  • Page, McCutchen, Knight and Olney
  • McCutchen, Olney and Willard
  • McCutchen, Willard, Mannon and Greene
  • McCutchen, Olney, Mannon and Greene
Carton 19, Folder 9

McFarlane, J. J., Complaint 1921-1922

Scope and Content Note

Broken Mains, Market and Straight Sts.
Carton 19, Folder 10

McLellan vs. S.V.W.C., San Mateo Co. 1913

Carton 19, Folder 11

Melander, Mildred 1925

Scope and Content Note

Accident Claim against S.V.W.C.
Carton 19, Folder 12

Memorial Park (City of) 1924

Carton 19, Folder 13

Meter Order 1920

Carton 19, Folder 14

Millbrae School District 1922

Carton 19, Folder 15

Miller, E. Ford Car Purchase 1920

Carton 19, Folder 16

Modesto Contract 1926

Carton 19, Folder 17

Mohr Wells 1913

Carton 19, Folder 18

Monterey Blvd. 1929

Scope and Content Note

Claim Settlement for Land Sites
Carton 19, Folder 19

Mooney, Thomas J., Case 1919

Carton 19, Folder 20-23

Morgan Oyster Company 1910-1920

Scope and Content Note

Overlap near Ravenswood
Carton 19, Folder 24

Mount Olivet Cemetery Association 1911-1912

Carton 19, Folder 25-27

Moving Pictures 1914-1916

Scope and Content Note

  • Alex Beyfuss (California Motion Pictures)
  • Pleasanton Times
Carton 19, Folder 28

Native Sons of the Golden West 1917

Carton 19, Folder 29

Nevada Irrigation District 1924

Carton 19, Folder 30-32

Newark Water Matters 1911-1918

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 19


Carton 19, Folder 33

Newcomb Avenue Water Service 1917

Carton 19, Folder 34-36

Niles Canyon Road 1910-1913

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 20

Niles Canyon Road Map 1910-1913

Carton 19, Folder 37

Niles Cone Report 1912, undated

Carton 19, Folder 38

Crocker Winship McLaughlin Properties 1912

Carton 19, Folder 39

Tilden Property 1913

Carton 19, Folder 40-41

John Walpert Claim 1910, 1912

Carton 19, Folder 42

State Water Commission Investigation 1916-1917

Carton 19, Folder 43

Niles Pipe-Line Crossing (1") 1921

Carton 20, Folder 1-5

Note Issue 1917-1923

Carton 20, Folder 6-10

Bank Notes 1911-1926

Scope and Content Note

  • Bank of California National Association
  • Crocker National Bank
  • Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank
Carton 20, Folder 11

Notes, Laidlaw and Co. 1923

Carton 20, Folder 12

Notes, Interim Investments of Funds 1923

Carton 20, Folder 13

Notes, Interest Adjustments 1923

Scope and Content Note

Union Trust Company of San Francisco
Carton 20, Folder 14-15

Notes 1912-1926

Carton 20, Folder 16-17

Notes, Coupon Reports 1929

Carton 20, Folder 18-19

Ocean Avenue 1913, 1917

Carton 20, Folder 20

Ocean House Flume, Mason-McDuffie Co. 1912

Carton 20, Folder 21-25

Ocean Shore Railway Co. 1907-1930

Carton 20, Folder 26-28

Olympic Club 1918-1922; 1926

Carton 21, Folder 1-8

Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1914-1923

Scope and Content Note

  • Rights of Ways Miscellaneous
  • Lakeside Golf Club
  • Pole Line Right of Way (Niles)
  • Peabody Street
  • San Francisco Golf and Country Club
  • Permit for Pole Line, San Mateo County
  • Pole Line in Santa Rita Road
  • Pole Line from Whipple Road
Carton 21, Folder 9

Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum undated

Carton 21, Folder 10-14

Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 1916-1930

Scope and Content Note

  • Lake Merced Ranch
  • Service to Lakeside and S.F. Golf Clubs
  • Permit to Erect Poles
Carton 21, Folder 15

Palmer and McBryde 1924-1925

Carton 21, Folder 16

Panama-Pacific International Exposition 1912-1920

Carton 21, Folder 17-18

Parkside Realty Co. 1910-1911, 1926

Carton 21, Folder 19

Parrott, Abbie M. 1919

Carton 21, Folder 20

Partridge vs. Partridge Realty Co. 1910-1912

Carton 21, Folder 21

Patterson, Shinn, et al, Notice served 1913

Carton 21, Folder 22

Patton, Charles L., Mortgage 1907-1910

Carton 21, Folder 23

Peninsula Lands, Trespassing 1921

Carton 21, Folder 24

Peninsula System 1926-1928

Carton 21, Folder 25-26

Peninsula Water Company 1906, 1927

Scope and Content Note

Letter from M. B. Kellogg
Carton 21, Folder 27

Permits for Openings in Streets 1915

Carton 21, Folder 28

Phillips, Emily 1910-1915

Carton 21, Folder 29

Pilarcitas Pipe Line Dismissal of Hennessey Suit 1929

Carton 21, Folder 30

Pleasanton Fire- Correspondence 1919-1920

Carton 21, Folder 31-39

Pleasanton 1911-1924

Scope and Content Note

  • Pleasanton, Chadwick and Sykes, Gavel Deposits
  • Purchases
  • Reservoir Bids
  • Pleasanton Township County Water District
  • Pleasanton and Washington Road Districts, Petition
  • Water Rights Reservations
  • Wells
Carton 21, Folder 40

Polhemus Tract, Proposed sale 1912-1913

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 21

Polk, Willis & Co. Sketch [of entry columns, Filoli?] 1914

Carton 21, Folder 41

Poorman Tract 1914-1915

Carton 21, Folder 42-43

Port San Jose Committee 1912-1913

Carton 21, Folder 44

Portola Property Description 1912

Carton 21, Folder 45-46

Portola Woods 1919-1920

Scope and Content Note

  • Appraisement
  • Bear Gulch Water Co.
Carton 21, Folder 47

Pracy, George W. 1918-1924

Carton 21, Folder 48

Properties List, San Mateo, Alameda, and S.F. counties 1907

Volume 119

Properties of the S.V.W.C., City and County of S.F. 1908-1912

Volume 120

S.V.W.C. Atlas, San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, and Santa Clara counties [1914]

Volume 151

[Course tables and pipeline rights of way] 1914

Box 3, Folder 8

Summary of appraisement of properties owned by S.V.W.C. in San Francisco and San Mateo counties, by A. S. Baldwin 1914

Volume 152

Non-option property appraised by Paschel and Boeckmann 1928

Carton 21, Folder 49

Property Easements and Right of Way 1926

Scope and Content Note

Letter from Wells Fargo Bank and Union Trust Company of San Francisco as trustee under indenture of May 1, 1923
Carton 21, Folder 50

Property Keys 1918

Carton 21, Folder 51-52

Protection of Property 1917


Railroad Commission

Carton 22, Folder 1-4

Spring Valley Water Company Annual Report 1913-1921

Carton 22, Folder 5-7

Promissory Notes, Application before Railroad Commission

Carton 22, Folder 8-9

Application to Borrow $500,000 1913-1917

Carton 22, Folder 10-11

Bond Issue of September 1, 1917 1917

Carton 22, Folder 12-14

Rules and Regulations

Carton 22, Folder 15

Schedule of Rates

Carton 22, Folder 16

General Order #34

Carton 22, Folder 17

General Order #78 1927

Carton 22, Folder 18-19

4th Supplemental Order

Carton 22, Folder 20

Decision #18819

Carton 22, Folder 21-22

Decision #5730 1918-1926

Carton 22, Folder 23-26

Rate Case


Railroad Commission complaints

Carton 23, Folder 1

J. W. Bloom Case 1914-1919

Carton 23, Folder 2-3

Suit-Case #842, City and County of San Francisco vs. S.V.W.C.

Carton 23, Folder 4-5

Brunswick-Balke vs. S.V.W.C.

Carton 23, Folder 6-8

Spur Track (Ravenswood) 1909-1913

Carton 23, Folder 9

Suit-Case #842, City and County of San Francisco vs. S.V.W.C.- correspondence 1925-1929

Carton 23, Folder 10

Dams 1927

Carton 23, Folder 11

Panama Realty Co.

Carton 23, Folder 12

Monahan vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 1914-1919

Carton 23, Folder 13




Box 4, Folder 1

Report on the Availability of the Holdings of S.V.W.C. for Railway Purposes by H. T. Cory 1912 Jan.

Carton 23, Folder 14

Ravenswood Investment Company Partial Release of Mortgage 1914

Carton 23, Folder 15

Ravenswood Road (a.k.a. Marsh Road or Bay Road) 1914

Carton 23, Folder 16

Ravenswood / Belmont Right-of-Way 1924

Carton 23, Folder 17

Real Estate Appraisals 1912-1915

Carton 23, Folder 18-19

Real Estate Department Correspondence of L. W. Thayer 1916-1917

Box 4, Folder 2

Real Estate record book 1928-1946

Scope and Content Note

Payments for property sold

Real Estate Sales

Carton 23, Folder 20

Summary 1919-1925

Carton 23, Folder 21

Alameda County

Carton 23, Folder 22

Bothwell, S. and Wife: Livermore Orchard Tracts 1915-1924

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 22

Bothwell, S. and Wife: Livermore Orchard Tracts

Carton 23, Folder 23

Caeton, Manuel: Beard Tract Subdivision

Carton 23, Folder 24

Carl, J.H. and Ross, F.H.: Coyote Lands

Carton 23, Folder 25

Ferreira, Antone and Wife: Beard Tract Subdivision

Carton 23, Folder 26

Hirsch, H.L.: Portola Woods

Carton 23, Folder 27

Laumeister, Gustav: Lands East of Palo Alto Marsh Lands

Carton 23, Folder 28

Mello, Manuel: Beard Tract Subdivision

Carton 23, Folder 29

Remensperger, W.A.: Portola Woods Tract

Carton 23, Folder 30

Smith, Jessie K.: Portola Woods Tract, Lot 20

Carton 23, Folder 31

Smith, Norwood B.: Portola Woods Tract

Carton 23, Folder 32

Soares, Jose S.: Overacker Tract

Carton 23, Folder 33

Washington High School District of Alameda County: Overacker Tract

Carton 23, Folder 34

Western Pacific Railroad Company: Overacker Tract

Carton 23, Folder 35-36

Woods, F.N., Jr. 1920-1927

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 23

Woods, F.N., Jr.

Carton 23, Folder 37

Miscellaneous Sales 1923-1924

Carton 23, Folder 38

Reardon, C. W. vs. S.V.W.C. 1923-1924

Carton 23, Folder 39

Redwood Forest-Ridge Road, San Mateo 1910; 1913

Carton 23, Folder 40-41

Regan-Eyre Lease, Lake Merced 1920-1922

Carton 23, Folder 42-47

Report Distribution 1912-1913

Carton 23, Folder 48

Residential Development Co. 1916

Carton 23, Folder 49

Resolutions 1919-1920

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 24

Rice Mill Property Map undated

Carton 24, Folder 1

Rights of Way 1913, 1919

Carton 24, Folder 2

Riparian Rights 1922

Carton 24, Folder 3-10

Roeding, F. W. (Agricultural Dept.) Tenants 1914-1929

Carton 24, Folder 11

Rogan Ranch 1913

Carton 24, Folder 12

Ronan Title 1913

Carton 24, Folder 13

Rose Bros. Claim 1915

Carton 24, Folder 14-15

Rules and Regulations of Spring Valley Water Company 1919-1925

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 25

Rules and Regulations of Spring Valley Water Company 1904

Carton 24, Folder 16

San Andreas Pipe Line, Right of Way 1909-1910, 1922

Carton 24, Folder 17

San Antonio Road Relocation 1915

Carton 24, Folder 18

San Bruno, Incorporation 1914

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 26

San Bruno, Incorporation 1914

Carton 24, Folder 19

San Carlos, Incorporation 1925

Carton 24, Folder 20

San Carlos Park Syndicate 1912-1922

Carton 24, Folder 21

San Carlos Water Service, Josephine Phelps Estate 1922

Carton 24, Folders 22-34

Sale of Spring Valley Water Company to City of S.F. 1908-1918

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 27

Sale of Spring Valley Water Company to City of San Francisco

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 28

Sale of Spring Valley Water Company to City of San Francisco

Carton 25, Folder 1-29

Sale of Spring Valley Water Company to City of San Francisco 1909-1930

Box 4, Folder 3-4

Drafts of application, summaries of assets, and related documentation 1928

Carton 26, Folder 1

San Francisco and Los Angeles Realty Co. 1915-1919

Carton 26, Folder 2-6

San Francisco Chronicle 1909-1920

Scope and Content Note

  • Statements of J. S. Wallace and A. S. Crawford, Lawsuit
  • Missing books and records
Carton 26, Folder 7-8

San Francisco Golf and Country Club 1917-1918

Carton 26, Folder 9

San Francisco Traffic Bureau 1928

Carton 26, Folder 10

San Gregorio Ranch 1920

Carton 26, Folder 11

San Jose Terminal Railway 1912

Carton 26, Folder 12

San Martin Ranch Road 1911

Carton 26, Folder 13-15

San Mateo County 1914-1921, 1926

Carton 26, Folder 16

San Mateo Union High School District 1919-1923

Carton 26, Folder 17

Sanitary Districts 1914

Carton 26, Folder 18-19

Santa Clara County 1917

Scope and Content Note

  • Storm Water District
  • Petition to widen channel of Stevens Creek
Carton 26, Folder 20

Santa Clara Sewer 1923

Carton 26, Folder 21

Santa Rita Stock Farm 1920

Carton 26, Folder 22

Sausalito Lots 1914-1917

Carton 26, Folder 23

Schaertzer, J. A. 1915

Scope and Content Note

Special Master's Allowance
Carton 26, Folder 24

School House Homestead Association 1912-1913

Carton 26, Folder 25

Scientific Appraisal Co. 1920

Carton 26, Folder 26-28

Scrivner, J. J. 1912-1913


Pleasanton Wells 1920

Carton 26, Folder 29

Seale and Laumeister Boundary Line Adjustment 1917-1919

Carton 26, Folder 30

Searsville Appraisals, etc. 1919-1920

Carton 26, Folder 31

Searsville Tunnel Tract 1916-1917

Carton 26, Folder 32

Secretary of the Interior Spring Valley Water Company Reports 1913

Carton 26, Folder 33

Sharon, J. J. 1927

Carton 26, Folder 34

Sherman Clay Property, Arroyo Valle, Alameda Co. 1910-1911

Carton 26, Folder 35

Sloat Boulevard, Offer of Land to City of San Francisco 1916

Box 5, Folder 1

Solano Irrigated Farms, Inc. Project, Solano Co., Report by Symmes, Means & Chandler, Agricultural Engineers 1913 July

Carton 26, Folder 36

South San Francisco Land Improvement Co. 1924-1925

Carton 26, Folder 37

South Santa Clara Irrigation District 1914

Carton 26, Folder 38-45

Southern Pacific Co. 1910-1928

Carton 26, Folder 46

Spreckels Sugar Co. 1919

Box 5, Folder 2

Spring Valley Water Co. vs. City and County of San Francisco, Testimonies 1905 Jan.-April

Carton 26, Folder 47

Sprinklers 1924-1925

Carton 26, Folder 48-50

State Board of Equalization 1911-1926

Carton 27, Folder 1

State Superintendent of Banks 1915-1920

Carton 27, Folder 2-3

Stauffer-Spur Track, Redwood City 1910-1911



Carton 27, Folder 4

Assessment #1-Affadavits of Notice 1906

Carton 27, Folder 5

Assessments 1915

Carton 27, Folder 6-7

Balances 1925-1928

Oversize Box 1, Folder 1-2

Certificates (New) Correspondence and statements 1927-1928

Carton 27, Folder 8

Certificates (New) Correspondence and statements 1927-1928

Carton 27, Folder 9

Pledged 1924-1928

Carton 27, Folder 10

Transfers 1925


Stockholders Meeting

Carton 27, Folder 11-15

Special meetings, correspondence, and notes 1918-1928

Carton 27, Folder 16

Subsidiary Corporations and Affiliates Officers and Directors 1910

Carton 27, Folder 17

Suburban Co. Articles of Incorporation 1899

Carton 27, Folder 18

Summonses Posted 1928

Carton 27, Folder 19

Sunol Gravel Project 1917

Carton 27, Folder 20-23

Sunol School District 1921-1927

Carton 27, Folder 24

Swabey, S. W. / Charles Moore Litigation 1923

Carton 27, Folder 25

Sweeny Ranch (Mrs. Pescia) 1916-1919

Carton 27, Folder 26

Taxes, Alleged Excessive Profits, 1917 1919-1921

Carton 27, Folder 27-28

Teeter, John Relating to drowning, April 9, 1917 1917-1919


Tributes and Memorials

Carton 27, Folder 29

Behan, John E. 1924

Carton 27, Folder 30

Heller, Emanuel S. 1926

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 29

Heller, Emanuel S. 1926

Carton 27, Folder 31

Hellman, I. W., Jr. 1920

Carton 27, Folder 32

Hooker, C. Osgood 1925

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 29

King, Homer S. 1919

Carton 27, Folder 33

Lawrence, W. B. 1925

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 29

Lawrence, W.B. 1925

Carton 27, Folder 34

Meyer, J. Henry 1921

Carton 27, Folder 35

Monteagle, Lydia P. 1929

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 29

Monteagle, Lydia P. 1929

Carton 27, Folder 36

Tuchey, J. P. Claim, Disclaimer of Damages 1918


Twin Peaks Tunnel

Carton 27, Folder 37

Assessments 1913-1915

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 30

Assessments 1913-1915

Oversize Box 1, Folder 3

Assessments 1913-1915

Carton 27, Folder 38

Clippings 1912-1915

Carton 27, Folder 39-40

Correspondence 1912-1917

Carton 27, Folder 41

Ordinance ca. 1912

Carton 27, Folder 42

Union Park Tract, Subdivision 1908-1913

Carton 27, Folder 43

University Mound Pipe Line 1922

Carton 27, Folder 44

University of California-Regents Right of Way, San Mateo County 1910-1911

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 160

Upper Crystal Springs Dam- sketch showing damage by 1906 earthquake 1924

Carton 27, Folder 45

Upper Market and Castro Merchants Association Permission to Erect Sign 1927-1928

Carton 28, Folder 1

Valuation of Property, Authorized by Board of Directors 1907

Carton 28, Folder 2

Valuation of Properties, Structures and Business

Box 5, Folder 3

"The Present Works of the Spring Valley Water Co., with proposed Future Extensions," Report by H. Schussler 1912 May 1

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 31

"The Present Works of the Spring Valley Water Co., with proposed Future Extensions," Report by H. Schussler 1912 May 1

Carton 28, Folder 3

Valuations, Non-Option Lands 1913-1928

Carton 28, Folder 4

Visitacion (City of) 1923

Carton 28, Folder 5-6

Washington and Murray Township Water Co. Correspondence, notes, and legal documents 1871-1923

Carton 28, Folder 7

Water Main Extension 1926

Carton 28, Folder 8-17

Water Rates: Statement, exhibits, orders, correspondence, reports and clippings 1913-1918

Carton 28, Folder 18

Water Rates (Fixing) 1908

Carton 28, Folder 19-20

Impounded Monies 1912-1916

Carton 28, Folder 21-25

Rate Cases 1914-1916, 1926

Scope and Content Note

  • Legal Documents
  • Judge Rudkin's Report
  • Application for Temporary Restraining Order of Injunction Suite
  • Indianapolis
Carton 28, Folder 26

Water Sales Department 1920

Carton 28, Folder 27

Water Situation 1920-1924

Carton 28, Folder 28

Water Worker's Union 1910

Carton 28, Folder 29

West Coast Water Company Articles of Incorporation 1899

Carton 28, Folder 30

West Union School District 1920

Carton 28, Folder 31

Western Pacific R.R. Co. 1921-1922

Box 5, Folder 4

Western Power Co. Report by John R. Freeman 1906 Feb.

Carton 28, Folder 32

Wilson Bros. Co. Claim Against S.V. W. C. 1922

Carton 28, Folder 33

Woodside Subdivision 1913-1917

Carton 28, Folder 34

Worchester Avenue and Randolph Street Extension to Junipero Serra 1915-1916

Carton 28, Folder 35-37

Workmen's Compensation 1913-1916

Carton 28, Folder 38

Young, Harry S. (Lea and Dunlap) 1908-1915

Carton 28, Folder 39

Unidentified appointment diary 1911

Scope and Content Note

Concerning stock subscriptions, leases, statements, contracts, and taxes, etc.

Subseries 3.2 Spring Valley Company, Ltd. 1903-1952

Physical Description: Cartons 29-33; Oversize Box 1, folder 4; Oversize Folders 32-55 and 158-159, 161


Arranged alphabetically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of subject files retained as necessary for overseeing the pension plans of employees of S.V.W.Co. following its sale to the City of San Francisco, and eventually distributing its assets.
Carton 29, Folder 1-14

Miscellaneous Correspondence, A-Z 1928-1952

Carton 29, Folder 15

Accident Reports 1931-1941

Carton 29, Folder 16

Alviso Property Descriptions 1948

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 32

Alviso Property Descriptions 1948

Carton 29, Folder 17

Amador Valley Mutual Water Co. Working Papers, Payroll 1938

Oversize Box 1, Folder 4

Analysis of Expenses 1932-1937

Carton 29, Folder 18-19

Annual meeting 1932-1952

Carton 29, Folder 20

Articles of Incorporation, Amendment Distribution Dividend 1932

Carton 29, Folder 21

Banks, miscellaneous correspondence 1927-1952

Carton 29, Folder 22

Bourn Block, Rent increase notices 1945

Carton 29, Folder 23

Broderick, William, Correspondence 1932-1952

Carton 29, Folder 24

Certificates of Distribution 1940-1946

Carton 29, Folder 25

Civil Aeronautics Authority 1940

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 33

Civil Aeronautics Authority 1940

Carton 29, Folder 26

Clark, Celia Tobin, Disclaimer 1930

Carton 29, Folder 27

Colma Creek Soil Erosion District 1939-1942

Carton 29, Folder 28

Common Stock 1944

Scope and Content Note

Appointment of Bank of California as Transfer Agent and Wells Fargo Bank as Registrar
Carton 29, Folder 29

Contracts, Sale of Farm Products 1935

Scope and Content Note

  • Allied Dairy
  • Jos. Pearce Canning Company
Carton 29, Folder 30-31

Crops 1940-1941

Carton 29, Folder 32

Directors' Meetings 1932-1952

Carton 29, Folder 33

Distribution of Reduction Surplus 1935-1938

Carton 29, Folder 34

Distribution of Reduction Surplus 1948

Scope and Content Note

Certificate of President and Treasurer
Carton 29, Folder 35

Dividends 1903-1952

Carton 29, Folder 36-37

Dividend accounts, statements 1944, 1950-1951

Carton 29, Folder 38-39

Fernando Nelson and Sons 1931-1937

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 34

Fernando Nelson and Sons 1931-1937

Carton 29, Folder 40

Filoli Purchase of Fleishacker Agreement 1935

Carton 29, Folder 41-42

Finance Statements, Audits 1937-1951

Carton 29, Folder 43-44

Financial Statements 1930-1933 June

Carton 30, Folder 1-5

Fleishacker Playground 1922-1937, undated

Oversize Drawer A , Folders 35

Fleishhacker Playground 1922-1937, undated

Oversize Drawer C, Folders 36

Fleishhacker Playground 1922-1937, undated

Carton 30, Folder 6

Flynn, Martin J., San Mateo Co. Assessor Power of attorney 1944

Carton 30, Folder 7

Gellert, Carl - Advances and Releases 1940-1942

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 37

Gellert, Carl - Advances and Releases 1940-1942

Carton 30, Folder 8

Gold Bonds (5% ) Redemption of Destruction 1930-1933

Carton 30, Folder 9

Grimm, H. W., Correspondence 1942-1944

Carton 30, Folder 10

Guarantee Deposits Refunds 1930-1931

Carton 30, Folder 11

Hansen and Orloff 1925-1938

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 38

Hansen and Orloff 1914, 1928

Carton 30, Folder 12

Insurance 1930-1941

Carton 30, Folder 13-15

Insurance, Automobile 1935-1951

Carton 30, Folder 16

Insurance (Public Liability Policy) 1934-1936

Carton 30, Folder 17

Insurance, Workman's Compensation Policy and Reports 1932-1951

Carton 30, Folder 18

Internal Revenue, Commissioner 1930-1932

Carton 30, Folder 19

Investments correspondence, including W. B. Bourn 1930-1939

Carton 30, Folder 20

Journal Entries 1930-1933

Carton 30, Folder 21

Junipero Serra Blvd., Right of Way 1948

Carton 30, Folder 22

Lake Merced Boulevard Locations 1936

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 39

Lake Merced Boulevard Locations 1936

Carton 30, Folder 23

Lake Merced Properties, Report on Proposed Subdivision 1937

Carton 30, Folder 24

Lake Merced and Alemany Blvd. Property Exchange 1939-1943

Carton 30, Folder 25-28

Lake Merced Sewer Project 1943-1952

Carton 30, Folder 29

Lake Merced Ranch All Persons Suit 1944

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 158

Lakeshore Park, Subdivision no. 3 Plans, Sewage pumping station 1946

Carton 30, Folder 30-31

Lang Realty Corp. 1937-1941

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 40

Maps 1937-1938

Carton 30, Folder 32-33

Second Sale 1938-1941, undated

Carton 30, Folder 34

Lobos Creek 1948-1949

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 41

Lobos Creek 1948-1949

Carton 30, Folder 35

Maps, List (in Spring Valley Ltd. Files) undated

Carton 31, Folder 1

McCutchen, Olney, Mannon and Greene 1928-1940

Carton 31, Folder 2

Medeiros, John, Mortgage 1925-1927

Carton 31, Folder 3

Merchants Exchange 1914-1947

Carton 31, Folder 4

Mutual Water Company, Organization 1936

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 42

Mutual Water Company, Organization 1936

Carton 31, Folder 5

Nussbaum Tract 1917-1939

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 43

Nussbaum Tract 1917-1939

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 159

Plans for brick gates undated

Carton 31, Folder 6

Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Pumps Test Report 1937

Carton 31, Folder 7

Paschel, Philip (Baldwin and Howell), Commission 1944

Carton 31, Folder 8

Pescadero Creek Water Rights 1922, 1933

Carton 31, Folder 9

Permits 1933-1936

Carton 31, Folder 10-11

Pleasanton Canals Dredging, E.T. Haas Co. 1942-1943

Carton 31, Folder 12

Pleasanton, Dairy Building/Land Appraisement 1939

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 44

Pleasanton, Dairy Building/Land Appraisement 1939

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 161

Pleasanton, Dairy Building/Land Appraisement 1923, 1925, 1929

Carton 31, Folder 13

Pleasanton Township County Water District 1916-1936

Carton 31, Folder 14

Pleasanton Well Logs 1931-1942

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 45

Pleasanton Well Logs 1931-1942

Carton 31, Folder 15

Pleasanton-Whiting and Stone Sale 1911, 1936-1943

Carton 31, Folder 16

Polhemus-Murray Road Easement 1924-1945

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 46

Polhemus-Murray Road Easement 1924-1945

Carton 31, Folder 17

Punnett, Parez and Hutchison 1937

Carton 31, Folder 18

Recapitalization 1930

Scope and Content Note

  • Amended Articles of Incorporation
  • Reduction on Stated Capital
  • Capital Distribution
Carton 31, Folder 19

Reduction of Stated Capital 1938

Scope and Content Note

Written Consent of Shareholders
Carton 31, Folder 20

Reduction of Stated Capital 1944

Carton 31, Folder 21

Refunds for Water Main Construction 1938-1942

Carton 31, Folder 22

Release and Reconveyance (from Union Trust Co. to S.V.W.C.) 1919

Carton 31, Folder 23-24

Rezoning Sloat and Junipero Serra Blvds. 1928-1939, undated

Carton 31, Folder 25

San Francisco Stock Exchange 1932-1933

Carton 31, Folder 26-28

Securities and Exchange Commission Reports (3) 1936-1942

Carton 31, Folder 29

Shields, P.G. 1948-1952

Scope and Content Note

Purchase of interest in "streetcar" right of way
Carton 32, Folder 1-24

Stockholders correspondence, A-Z 1930-1952

Carton 32, Folder 25

Stockholders meeting- Proxies and Working Papers 1952 April 19

Carton 32, Folder 26

Stockholders meeting- Notice to Creditors and Claimants 1952 Oct. 14, 20


Stoneson Brothers

Carton 33, Folder 1

Lakeside #2 Releases, Distribution, Principal and Advances 1934-1938

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 47

Lakeside #2 Releases, Distribution, Principal and Advances 1934-1938

Carton 33, Folder 2-3

"New Deal Oil Station" 1936-1940

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 48

"New Deal Oil Station" 1936-1940

Carton 33, Folder 4-9

Unit #1 1931-1940, undated

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 49

Unit #1 1931-1940, undated

Carton 33, Folder 10

Advances, Unit #2 1937-1938

Carton 33, Folder 11

Agreement 1952

Carton 33, Folder 12-13

Receipts and Correspondence 1936-1937

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 50

Receipts and Correspondence 1936-1937

Carton 33, Folder 14

Taxes (Depository Receipts Withholding) 1944-1949

Carton 33, Folder 15

Tenants Miscellaneous Correspondence 1930-1939

Carton 33, Folder 16-17

Tidelands 1914-1944, undated

Scope and Content Note

Correspondence regarding possible sales.
Oversize Drawer B Oversize Drawer C, Folder 51 52

Tidelands 1914-1944, undated

Scope and Content Note

Correspondence regarding possible sales
Carton 33, Folder 18

Twin Peaks Property, Building Plans 1935

Carton 33, Folder 19

U.S. Government, Sewer Easement 1944-1945

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 53

U.S. Government, Sewer Easement 1944-1945

Carton 33, Folder 20

Valuation Report 1932-1934

Scope and Content Note

S.V. Lands, as of March 1, 1913, Wohlenberg
Oversize Drawer C, Folder 54

Valuation Report 1932-1934

Scope and Content Note

S.V. Lands, as of March 1, 1913, Wohlenberg
Carton 33, Folder 21

Vincent, Arthur R. Membership in Burlingame Country Club 1934

Carton 33, Folder 22

Wells-Eckhart, Nelson A. 1930-1937

Carton 33, Folder 23

West Union Tract 1916-1940

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 55

West Union Tract 1916-1940

Carton 33, Folder 24

White, S.J. Contract to Drill Wells at Pleasanton 1936


Series 4 Stock Records 1903-1952

Physical Description: v. 32-69, v. 121-127; Cartons 34-39; Oversize Box 2-5


Divided into four sub-series: Dividends and Stock Balances; Stock Ledgers; Stock Transfer Instruments; and Stock Certificates.

Subseries 4.1 Dividends and Stock Balances 1906-1928

Physical Description: v. 32-64


Arranged in numerical order or chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains records of regular dividends paid to stockholders.
Volume 32

Dividend Nos. 8 and 9

Volume 33-34

Dividend No. 9, manuscript and typescript

Volume 35-36

Dividend No. 10, manuscript and typescript

Volume 37

Stock balances [only]

Volume 38

Stock balances [only]

Volume 39

Dividend Nos. 11 and 12

Volume 40

Dividend Nos. 13 and 14

Volume 41

Dividend Nos. 15 and 16

Volume 42

Dividend Nos. 17 and 18


[Dividend Nos. 19-22 missing]

Volume 43

Dividend Nos. 23 and 24

Volume 44

Dividend Nos. 25 and 26

Volume 45

Dividend Nos. 27 and 28

Volume 46

Dividend Nos. 29 and 30


[Dividend Nos. 31 and 32 missing]

Volume 47

Dividend Nos. 33 and 34

Volume 48

Dividend Nos. 35 and 36

Volume 49

Dividend Nos. 37 and 38

Volume 50

Dividend Nos. 39-40


[Dividend Nos. 41-42 missing]

Volume 51

Dividend Nos. 43 and 44

Volume 52

Dividend Nos. 45 and 46

Volume 53

Dividend Nos. 47 and 48

Volume 54

Dividend Nos. 49 and 50

Volume 55

Dividend Nos. 51 and 52

Volume 56

Dividend Nos. 53 and 54

Volume 57

Dividend Nos. 55 and 56

Volume 58

Dividend Nos. 57 and 58

Volume 59

Dividend Nos. 59 and 60


[Dividend Nos. 61 and 62 missing]

Volume 60

Dividend Nos. 63 and 64

Volume 61

Dividend Nos. 69, 70, 71 and 72

Volume 62

Dividend Nos. 74, 75, 76 and 77

Volume 63

Dividend Nos. 78, 79, 80 and 81


[Dividend Nos. 82-85 missing]

Volume 64

Dividend Nos. 86, 87, 88 and 89


Subseries 4.2 Stock Ledgers 1903-1952, undated

Physical Description: v. 65-69; Carton 34, folders 1-3; Oversize Boxes 2-5


Arranged in numerical order, alphabetically or hierarchically, as appropriate.

Scope and Content Note

Contains ledgers and lists of stockholders.
Volume 65-66

A-L, #1 and #2

Volume 67-68

M-Z, #1 and #2

Volume 69

Transfer Journal, #15, Spring Valley Water Company, Ltd.

Carton 34, Folder 1-2

Index to Stock Registers, v. 1-2 undated

Carton 34, Folder 3

Stocks formerly held in trust by Wells Fargo Bank 1934 Dec. 7

Oversize Box 2, Folder 1

Outstanding capital stock, Spring Valley Water Co., Summary of Dec. 31, 1927 1927


Stockholder's meetings

Oversize Box 2, Folder 2-9

Proxy lists 1920-[30]

Oversize Box 2, Folder 10

Vote totals [1952 ?]

Carton 34

Shareholders mailing list, with updates (in three card file boxes) 1909-1944


Spring Valley Co., Ltd.

Oversize Box 3

Record of shareholders 1946

Oversize Box 4

Record of shareholders 1948

Oversize Box 5

Record of shareholders 1952


Subseries 4.3 Stock Transfer Instruments 1902-1944

Physical Description: Cartons 35-39


Arranged in numerical order.

Scope and Content Note

Stock instruments were consecutively numbered, the first 134 of which were in alphabetical order. These chiefly record transfers of stock from the estates of individuals, but also include some stock transactions to replace lost certificates or transfer stock to other individuals. Files include the transaction number, name of principle individual or estate, and date span. Those with few pages per transaction have been clustered in a single folder, while individuals with a significant amount of paperwork have been given their own folder.
Carton 35, Folder 1-46

#1-215 Various individuals 1902-1944

Carton 36, Folder 1-45

#216-299 Various individuals 1918-1936

Carton 37, Folder 1-33

#300-402 Various individuals 1914-1943

Carton 38, Folder 1-34

#403-539 Various individuals 1915-1943

Carton 39, Folder 1-29

#540-759 Various individuals 1924-1944


Subseries 4.4 Stock Certificates 1926-1936

Physical Description: v. 121-127


Arranged chronologically, by date of issue.

Scope and Content Note

Includes sample stock certificates from 5 series of stock offerings.

Spring Valley Water Company

Volume 121

Green, #31901-32150 1926 Nov. 11-1927 Jan. 27

Volume 122

Blue (100 shares), #A1-A500 [lacking #A250] 1928 Jan. 10

Volume 123

Blue (100 shares), #A501-A750 1929 Sept. 5

Volume 124

Blue (100 shares), #A751-A1000 1929 Dec. 12

Volume 125

Green (Odd lots), #1751-2000 1929 Nov. 20


Spring Valley Co., Ltd.

Volume 126

Brown, #1001-1250 1933 Aug. 15

Volume 127

Orange, #1001-1250 [lacking one certificate] 1934 June 22-1936 June 11


Series 5 Property Records 1856-1950

Physical Description: Cartons 40-53; Oversize Folders 56-146


Arranged numerically, with unnumbered files at the beginning of each sub-series.

Scope and Content Note

Divided into three sub-series: Agreements; Deeds and Abstracts; and Leases. Many of the oversize folders associated with individual files contain maps which may be a duplicate or slight variation of the maps that had been previously removed from the collection and cataloged separately; these may be found by a search under the uniform title: "Spring Valley Water Company Map Collection."

Subseries 5.1 Agreements 1887-1944

Physical Description: Cartons 40-41; Oversize Folders 56-64


Arranged in numerical order, with unnumbered files first.

Scope and Content Note

Contains legal documents, correspondence and a few maps relating to property agreements held by S.V.W.Co.
Carton 40, Folder 1

[No #] Schussler, Hermann 1913

Carton 40, Folder 2

#109 Cardoza, M. F. 1907

Carton 40, Folder 3

#114 Fairview Realty Company 1908

Carton 40, Folder 4

#115 Fulton Iron Works 1907

Carton 40, Folder 5

#123 O'Brien, T. 1908

Carton 40, Folder 6

#126 Parkside Realty Company 1905-1913, 1926

Carton 40, Folder 7

#136 Union Square Improvement Company 1908

Carton 40, Folder 8

#139 United Railways Investment Company of San Francisco 1908-1915

Carton 40, Folder 9

#140 Union Square Improvement Company 1908

Carton 40, Folder 10

#141 Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1908

Carton 40, Folder 11

#145 Union Square Improvement Company, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1908

Carton 40, Folder 12

#150 Howard, Charles Webb 1906

Carton 40, Folder 13

#314 Southern Pacific Company 1909

Carton 40, Folder 14

#316 Stanford, Leland and Jane Lathrop, Manzanita Water Company 1887

Carton 40, Folder 15

#317 City and County of San Francisco, Automobile Blvd., Lake Merced Rancho 1904-1905

Carton 40, Folder 16

#319 Newell and Bro. 1909

Carton 40, Folder 17

#338 Parker, T. J. 1910

Carton 40, Folder 18

#413 Prisbrey, H. R. P. 1913

Carton 40, Folder 19

#415 U.S. Government, Lobos Creek land and water 1913

Carton 40, Folder 20

#420 William Mulholland 1913

Carton 40, Folder 21

#440 Daniels, Osmont and Wilhelm, Inc. 1914

Carton 40, Folder 22

#440 Daniels, Osmont and Wilheim, Inc. 1914

Carton 40, Folder 23

#454 Herrman, F. C. 1914-1915

Carton 40, Folder 24

#462 Joseph, Frank, Jr. 1914

Carton 40, Folder 25

#464 Raisch Improvement Company 1915

Carton 40, Folder 26

#478 Union Lithograph Company 1915

Carton 40, Folder 27

#481 O'Shea, J. 1915

Carton 40, Folder 28

#486 Sutherland, J. M. and Thomas, T. D. 1916

Carton 40, Folder 29

#489 Spreckels Sugar Company 1916

Carton 40, Folder 30

#490 H. Arendt and Company 1916

Carton 40, Folder 31

#491 McGill, R. C. 1916

Carton 40, Folder 32

#493 Bernard, R. B. 1916

Carton 40, Folder 33

#500 Gartland, P. J. 1916-1917

Carton 40, Folder 34

#510 Tulloch, G. S. 1916

Carton 40, Folder 35

#512 San Jose Abstract Company 1916

Carton 40, Folder 36

#513 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1916

Carton 40, Folder 37

#517 City and County of San Francisco 1911

Carton 40, Folder 38

#523 Southern Pacific Company 1916

Carton 40, Folder 39

#526A City and County of San Francisco 1917

Carton 40, Folder 40

#529 Gibbs, Frank 1917

Carton 40, Folder 41

#530 California Pacific Title Insurance Company 1917

Carton 40, Folder 42

#538 Gibbs, Frank 1917

Carton 40, Folder 43

#544 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1917

Carton 40, Folder 44

#549 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1917

Carton 40, Folder 45

#553 Tulloch, G. S. 1917

Carton 40, Folder 46

#554 Tulloch, G. S., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1917

Carton 40, Folder 47

#565 Videll, Manuel J. 1918

Carton 40, Folder 48

#586 The H. K. McCann Company, Advertising 1919

Carton 40, Folder 49

#587 Klink, Bean and Company, Price Waterhouse and Company, Correspondence 1919

Carton 40, Folder 50

#598 Jones and Ellsworth 1919-1921

Carton 40, Folder 51

#601 Videll, Manuel 1919

Carton 40, Folder 52

#605 Tulloch, G. S. 1920

Carton 40, Folder 53

#607 Board of Trustees, Washington Union High School District 1920

Carton 40, Folder 54

#608 A. L. Hayden, U.S. Railroad Administration 1920

Carton 40, Folder 55

#616 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, Leland and Jane Stanford, Manzanita Water Company 1914-1921

Carton 40, Folder 56

#617 San Francisco Golf and Country Club 1920

Carton 40, Folder 57

#624 City and County of San Francisco 1920-1928

Carton 40, Folder 58

#633 Price, Waterhouse and Company 1921-1927

Carton 40, Folder 59

#637 California Pacific Title Insurance Company 1921

Carton 40, Folder 60

#639 Tulloch, G. S. 1921

Carton 40, Folder 61

#663 Continental Salt and Chemical Company 1922

Carton 40, Folder 62

#668 Hoare, P. H. and Hord, C. A. 1922

Carton 40, Folder 63

#669 Hoare, P. H. 1922

Carton 40, Folder 64

#674 Polk, Willis 1922

Carton 40, Folder 65

#675 City and County of San Francisco 1921-1923

Carton 40, Folder 66-67

#676 Fleishhacker Playground undated

Carton 40, Folder 68

#677 Chadbourne, Susan 1925

Carton 40, Folder 69

#695 Allen, Harry B. 1925

Carton 40, Folder 70

#699 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 1924

Carton 40, Folder 71

#756 Hansen, Orloff and Rickenbach 1926-1944

Carton 41, Folder 1

#774 Woodside Country Club, Inc. 1926-1929

Carton 41, Folder 2

#776 Moore, T. V., M.D. 1926

Carton 41, Folder 3

#780 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1926

Carton 41, Folder 4

#783 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1927

Carton 41, Folder 5

#792 Skinner and Hammond 1927-1928

Carton 41, Folder 6

#796 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. 1927

Carton 41, Folder 7

#802 Central Shuey Creamery Company 1928

Carton 41, Folder 8

#813 Fairchild Aerial Surveys, Inc. 1928

Carton 41, Folder 9

#820 Cooke, G. K. 1929

Carton 41, Folder 10

#825 Ingleside Public Golf Club 1929

Carton 41, Folder 11

#826 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1929

Carton 41, Folder 12

#828 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1929

Carton 41, Folder 13

#833 Clark, Celia 1929

Carton 41, Folder 14

#839 Tevis, William S., Jr. 1929-1930

Carton 41, Folder 15

#840 California State Chamber of Commerce, Skyline Boulevard 1929

Carton 41, Folder 16

#841 City and County of San Francisco 1929-1930

Carton 41, Folder 17

#842 Standard Oil Company, PacificTelegraph and Telephone Co., Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1931

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 56

#842 Standard Oil Company, PacificTelegraph and Telephone Co., Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1931

Carton 41, Folder 18

#844 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1930

Scope and Content Note

License Agreement
Carton 41, Folder 19

#846 Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company, Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1930

Carton 41, Folder 20

#847 Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company 1931

Carton 41, Folder 21

#848 Sale, Spring Valley Company 1930

Carton 41, Folder 22

#849 Shumate, Mrs. Ruby 1931

Carton 41, Folder 23

#850 California Construction Company 1931

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 57

#850 California Construction Company 1931

Carton 41, Folder 24

#851 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1931-1932

Carton 41, Folder 25

#852 H. P. Allingham v. S. V. W. Co. 1929-1930

Carton 41, Folder 26

#853 City and County of San Francisco 1931

Carton 41, Folder 27

#854 City and County of San Francisco 1931

Carton 41, Folder 28

#855 Piombo Brothers and Company 1931-1932

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 58

#855 Piombo Brothers and Company 1931-1932

Carton 41, Folder 29

#856 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1931

Carton 41, Folder 30

#858 R. S. Wilson Dairy, Pleasanton 1931-1932

Carton 41, Folder 31

#859 City and County of San Francisco- taking gravel from Arroyo Del Valle 1931

Carton 41, Folder 32

#861 Zurkirchen, Ed 1932

Carton 41, Folder 33

#863 City and County of San Francisco, Tool House, Junipero Serra 1933

Carton 41, Folder 34

#865 Permit to City and County of San Francisco Bunk House, Lake Merced 1933

Carton 41, Folder 35

#866 City and County of San Francisco, Construct Temporary Pipe Line 1933

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 59

#866 City and County of San Francisco, Construct Temporary Pipe Line 1933

Carton 41, Folder 36

#867 U.S. Pipe and Foundary Company 1934

Carton 41, Folder 37

#868 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1934

Carton 41, Folder 38

#869 Valuation Report, Spring Valley Lands 1913

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 60

#869 Valuation Report, Spring Valley Lands 1913

Carton 41, Folder 39

#870 City and County of San Francisco, Sewer Extension Harding Park across Land east of Fleishhacher Park Grounds 1934

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 61

#870 City and County of San Francisco, Sewer Extension Harding Park across Land east of Fleishhacher Park Grounds 1934

Carton 41, Folder 40

#871 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Agreements, pole contracts, Pleasanton 1935

Carton 41, Folder 41

#872 License, pole line, Castagnetto lease 1935

Carton 41, Folder 42

#874 Public Utilities Commission Well, land, equipment, Pleasanton 1935-1938

Carton 41, Folder 43

#876 Patterson, W. B. and Henry 1927-1943

Carton 41, Folder 44

#881 Bonde, Duke, 6.61 acres 1936

Carton 41, Folder 45

#882 County of San Mateo, 26.214 acres 1936

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 62

#882 County of San Mateo, 26.214 acres 1936

Carton 41, Folder 46

#884 Martin, Manuel, 16.44 acres 1939-1941

Carton 41, Folder 47

#885 Kune, W .E., Pleasanton, 20 acres 1938

Carton 41, Folder 48

#886 Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company 1939

Scope and Content Note

Two Cable Permit, Alviso
Carton 41, Folder 49

#888 J. Nevis, 40 acres 1939-1942

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 63

#888 J. Nevis, 40 acres 1939-1942

Carton 41, Folder 50

#889 Boy Scouts, Lake Merced 1940

Carton 41, Folder 51

#890 Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company 1940

Carton 41, Folder 52

#891 Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company Revocable permit 1940

Carton 41, Folder 53

#892 Nielsen, Edward and Elsa 1940

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton Lands, 3 acres
Carton 41, Folder 54

#893 Will, Karl 1940

Carton 41, Folder 55

#894 Gieger, William 1941

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 64

#894 Gieger, William 1941

Carton 41, Folder 56

#895 Schaufels, Charles A. (Jr. and Sr.) 1941

Carton 41, Folder 57

#896 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1941

Carton 41, Folder 58

#897 County of San Mateo, Vista Grande Outfall Sewer 1938-1941

Carton 41, Folder 59

#898 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Extension De Mattei Ranch 1941

Carton 41, Folder 60

#899 Civilian Defense, San Mateo County 1942

Carton 41, Folder 61

#900 Aug. J. Lang, Jr., 9.30 acres 1941

Carton 41, Folder 62

#901 Lakeside Property Owners Association 1942-1943

Carton 41, Folder 63

#902 Hansen, H. N., 93 acres 1943-1944


Subseries 5.2 Deeds and Abstracts 1856-1950

Physical Description: Cartons 42-50; Carton 51, folders 1-43; Oversize Folders 65-142


Arranged in numerical order, with unnumbered files first.

Scope and Content Note

Contains legal documents, abstracts of title, correspondence, and maps relating to property owned by S.V.W. Co.
Carton 42, Folder 1

[No #] Alviso, 1/2 interest 1910-1945

Carton 42, Folder 2

[No #] Clear Lake Water Works, The Suburban Company, California Agr. and Impr. Assn. 1903

Carton 42, Folder 3

[No #] Davilla, Anthony Joseph and Frank Thomas 1944-1945

Carton 42, Folder 4

[No #] Doelger, Henry 1944-1949

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 65

[No #] Doelger, Henry 1944-1949

Carton 42, Folder 5

[No #] Fisher, Dr. Arthur L. 1925-1933

Carton 42, Folder 6-7

[No #] Junipero Serra Boulevard, San Mateo County 1929

Carton 42, Folder 8

#2 Ames, Pelham W. and Augusta 1906

Carton 42, Folder 9

#3 Abbott, W. H. and Carrie 1906

Carton 42, Folder 10

#15 Brooks, William and Alice Foster 1907

Carton 42, Folder 11

#16 Bishop, Charles R. 1908

Carton 42, Folder 12

#17 Bowman, George F. (deceased) 1907

Carton 42, Folder 13

#18 Borel, Antoine and Gracie 1908

Carton 42, Folder 14

#21 Baldwin, A. S. and Emma 1906

Carton 42, Folder 15

#23 Barbour, Thomas J. 1906

Carton 42, Folder 16

#24 Baldwin, A. S. and Emma 1906, 1910

Carton 42, Folder 17

#25 Beakbane, Thomas W. and Margaret 1906

Carton 42, Folder 18

#26 Brooks, William and Alice 1906, 1908

Carton 42, Folder 19

#27 Bowman, Mary C. 1908

Carton 42, Folder 20

#32 County of Santa Cruz, Calif. 1914

Carton 42, Folder 21

#52a Hibernia Savings and Loan Society 1923

Carton 42, Folder 22

#54 Chas. Webb Howard 1906

Carton 42, Folder 23

#59 Portion of Western Addition Block 1907

Carton 42, Folder 24

#64 Portion of Mission Block 1907

Carton 42, Folder 25

#65 Portion of Western Addition Block 1907

Carton 42, Folder 26

#65 Overacker, R., Alameda Creek 1916-1917

Carton 42, Folder 27-28

#71 Hillegass, William F. and Dingee, William J. 1906-1909

Carton 42, Folder 29

#72 Cevasco, G. B. 1909

Carton 42, Folder 30

#72 Rixford, E. H. and Kate, County of S.F. 1906

Carton 42, Folder 31

#81 O'Connor, Marie E., Husing Tract 1909

Carton 42, Folder 32-33

#83 Nusbaumer, Florence A. 1886, 1915

Carton 42, Folder 34

#94 Estate of Dooley, John S. 1911

Carton 42, Folder 35

#96 Cevasco, C. B.; Whittell,George; and Borel, Antoine 1909-1911

Carton 42, Folder 36

#97 Hillegass, William F., County and City of San Francisco 1909

Carton 42, Folder 37

#98 Frapolli and Martinson Estates 1910

Carton 42, Folder 38

#130 Bassetti, A. 1911

Carton 42, Folder 39

#131 Davis, Rose R. 1915

Carton 42, Folder 40

#132 Wm. H. Donahue property 1915

Carton 43, Folder 1-2

#133 de Freitas, J. M. 1912

Carton 43, Folder 3

#134 Hewlett, Mary E., et al. 1915

Carton 43, Folder 4

#135 Knopf, G. T. 1911

Carton 43, Folder 5

#138 Scalmanini, Caterina 1911

Carton 43, Folder 6-9

#139 Schween and Company 1915

Carton 43, Folder 10

#145 Kleine, Annie and husband undated

Carton 43, Folder 11

#149 Alviso Salt Sale 1921

Carton 43, Folder 12-13

#150 Chabot-Bothin property 1887, 1913

Carton 43, Folder 14

#152 Swamp / Overflowed Land, Surveys #104-111 1856-1910

Carton 43, Folder 15-16

#160 Donahue, W. H. property 1888

Carton 43, Folder 17

#163 Green or Goulash property undated

Carton 43, Folder 18

#167 Swamp Land Survey #72 1909

Carton 43, Folder 19

#168 Swamp/Overflowed Lands Survey 1909

Carton 43, Folder 20

#172 Morrison, A. F. and May property 1906

Carton 43, Folder 21

#176 Poorman Tract 1914

Carton 43, Folder 22-23

#177 Embarcadero Rancho, Gallagher, G. F. 1906, 1915

Carton 43, Folder 24

#178 Scarsville Lands, Chains of Titles 1916-1919

Carton 43, Folder 25

#179 Marsh Lands of Santa Clara County 1916

Carton 44, Folder 1-2

#181 Overacker Tract 1916-1920

Carton 44, Folder 3

#186 Water Rights: Arroyo Valle River, San Felipe Creek, Llagas Creek, Uvas Creek, Smith Creek, Isabel Creek, Bonita Creek 1910

Carton 44, Folder 4

#330 Hillegass, W. F. to Suburban Company 1903

Carton 44, Folder 5

#331 Barbour, Thomas J. 1901, 1906

Carton 44, Folder 6

#357 Payson, A. H., et al. 1910

Carton 44, Folder 7

#380 Borel, Antoine and Gracie, et. al. 1910-1911

Carton 44, Folder 8

#385 Johnson, Marion C. and Oliver, David R. 1903, 1911

Carton 44, Folder 9

#390 Forbes, Neame, Wilins, Bosman 1911

Carton 44, Folder 10

#391 Ocean Shore Railway Company 1908

Carton 44, Folder 11

#392 Standard Electric Company 1908, 1933

Carton 44, Folder 12

#398 Miller, Henry 1906

Carton 44, Folder 13

#399 Miller, Henry to Baldwin, A. S. 1906

Carton 44, Folder 14

#408 City and County of San Francisco 1911

Carton 44, Folder 15

#409 Morrison, Alexander and May 1911-1912

Carton 44, Folder 16

#411 Suburban Company 1911

Carton 44, Folder 17

#413 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1910

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 66

#413 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1910

Carton 44, Folder 18

#415 Howell, Josiah R. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 19

#416 Howell, Josiah R. 1911-1912

Carton 44, Folder 20

#417 Howell, Josiah R. and Gertrude D. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 21

#419 Smith, E. B. and Anselmo, August Vierra 1911

Carton 44, Folder 22

#420 Smith, E. B. and Blacow, R. F. to Silva, F. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 23

#421 Smith, E. B. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 24

#422 Smith, E. B. and Callan, Patrick 1911

Carton 44, Folder 25

#423 Smith, E. B.; Caton, Anna Luis; and Lewis, A. S. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 26

#424 Clark, M. and Bothin, Ellen Chabot and H. E. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 27

#425 Davis, Rose R. and Harry; Hall A.I.; and Smith, E. B. 1911-1915

Carton 44, Folder 28

#426 Donahue, W. H. and Annie; Smith, E. B.; and Hall, A. I. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 29

#427 de Freitas, J. M.; Henriques, Joseph; Smith, E. B.; and Hall, A. I. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 30

#428 Green, E.F. and Ellen; Bangs, Benjamin; and Roberts, Elizabeth 1911

Carton 44, Folder 31

#429 Kleine, Annie and J. H. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 32

#430 Smith, E. B., and Kruse, George and Metta 1911

Carton 44, Folder 33

#431 Oxsen, H. B. and Christina, and Smith, E. B. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 34

#432 Peach, R. C. and Ada, and Smith, E. B. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 35

#433 Rose, Manuel and Minnie G. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 36

#434 Smith, E. B., Ernest Schween Company 1911-1915

Carton 44, Folder 37

#435 Wenig, Maria, and Smith E. B. 1911

Carton 44, Folder 38

#438 Ronan, Thomas, and Smith, E. B. 1911-1914

Carton 44, Folder 39

#440 Alameda Sugar Company 1911-1914

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 67

#440 Alameda Sugar Company 1911-1914

Carton 44, Folder 40

#441 Vilas, Jane J. and Helen, and Seymour, Mary B. 1911-1912

Carton 44, Folder 41

#443 Hewlett, Mary E.; Jamieson, George and Carrie Hewlett; Levi, Percy M. and Nettie A. Hewlett; Hewlett, Archibald and Irene; and Head, C. B. 1912

Carton 44, Folder 42

#447 Eickhoff, Henry 1912

Carton 44, Folder 43

#448 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1912

Carton 44, Folder 44

#449 Sierra and San Francisco Power Company 1912

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 68

#449 Sierra and San Francisco Power Company 1912

Carton 44, Folder 45

#481 Joseph, Frank Jr. and Rose 1912

Carton 44, Folder 46

#482 Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1912

Carton 44, Folder 47

#483 John Brickell Company 1901, 1912

Carton 44, Folder 48

#484 Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1912

Carton 44, Folder 49

#485 John Brickell Company 1912

Carton 44, Folder 50

#487 MacDonough, William O'B. 1910-1923

Carton 44, Folder 51

#491 John Brickell Company 1913

Carton 44, Folder 52

#492 Alviso School District, Alameda County 1912-1914

Carton 44, Folder 53

#494 Curtis, Charlotte A. 1912-1913

Carton 44, Folder 54

#495 The Harrison Corporation 1911-1913

Carton 45, Folder 1

#510 Parkside Realty Company 1913

Carton 45, Folder 2

#511 County of San Mateo 1909-1926

Carton 45, Folder 3

#517 Dexter, A. L. 1917-1919, 1927

Carton 45, Folder 4

#521 U.S. vs. S.V.W.Co. 1901

Scope and Content Note

Condemn. Lake Merced Rancho
Carton 45, Folder 5

#522 Eyre, Edward L., Lake Merced Drainage Tunnel, Right of Way 1895-1914

Carton 45, Folder 6

#524 Union Trust Company Reconveyance 1871-1914

Carton 45, Folder 7

#525 Fannin, James H. and Lillian Templeton 1912-1925

Carton 45, Folder 8

#527a City and County of San Francisco 1913-1914

Carton 45, Folder 9

#528 Diaz, Francisco Joao 1913-1914

Carton 45, Folder 10

#529 Rodrigues, Jose Dutra 1913, 1927

Carton 45, Folder 11

#533 Union Trust Company of San Francisco and Marten, Chace, Marten 1914-1920

Carton 45, Folder 12

#534 Cook, Milton H. 1913-1914

Carton 45, Folder 13

#535 Matthew Brady vs. S.V.W.Co. 1909-1914

Carton 45, Folder 14

#536 Field Development Company, Lobos Creek Lands 1910-1920

Carton 45, Folder 15

#538 Carrou, Leon 1914

Carton 45, Folder 16

#539 Murphy, James D. and Elizabeth S. 1914-1917

Carton 45, Folder 17

#542 Amara, Joaquin Rodrigues 1914-1915

Carton 45, Folder 18

#543 Union Trust Company 1915

Carton 45, Folder 19

#546 City and County of San Francisco, Lobos Creek Property 1915-1919

Carton 45, Folder 20

#547 Ross, Geo. C. 1915

Carton 45, Folder 21

#549 Dimond, E. R. 1915

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 69

#549 Dimond, E. R. 1915

Carton 45, Folder 22

#550 Bank of California, N.A., Sale of Lobos Creek lands 1915-1917, 1921-1922

Carton 45, Folder 23

#555 Hayward, Barzillai, Purchase, riparian rights 1914-1918

Carton 45, Folder 24

#556 California Salt Company 1914-1918

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 70

#556 California Salt Company 1914-1918

Carton 45, Folder 25

#557 Ramos, M. F. and F. P. 1914-1916, 1923

Carton 45, Folder 26

#579 San Francisco Golf and Country Club 1916-1917

Carton 45, Folder 27

#580 U.S. Telelphone Conduit, Lobos Creek 1908

Carton 45, Folder 28

#581 McKeown, James, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1915-1916

Carton 45, Folder 29

#582 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, Gallagher, George, et al. 1915-1917

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 71

#582 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, Gallagher, George, et al. 1915-1917

Carton 45, Folder 30

#583 Fisher, Daniel G., et al., San Jose Water Company, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1915-1917

Carton 45, Folder 31

#584 Mello, Joe; and Pacheco, Frank and Manuel 1914-1916

Carton 45, Folder 32

#585 Harrison Corporation 1916

Carton 45, Folder 33

#586 County of Alameda 1916

Carton 45, Folder 34

#593 Martin, Manuel and Antone Jr., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1916

Carton 46, Folder 1

#594 Cooper, David Willis; Union Trust Company of San Francisco; and Randell, Gertrude Kellogg 1916-1917

Carton 46, Folder 2

#595 Labom, Manuel A., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1914, 1916

Carton 46, Folder 3

#596 Lakeside Golf Club, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1916, 1931

Carton 46, Folder 4

#597 McCann, William D., Union Securities Corp., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1916-1920

Carton 46, Folder 5

#598 City and County of San Francisco 1904

Carton 46, Folder 6

#600 Union Trust Company of San Francisco; Millias, George and Minnie; and Union Securities Corp. 1917-1918

Carton 46, Folder 7

#601 Schilling, Rudolph, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1917

Carton 46, Folder 8

#602 San Francisco Electric Railways 1917

Carton 46, Folder 9

#604 City and County of San Francisco 1917

Carton 46, Folder 10

#605 Allemand, Lillie and Isidore, Union Trust Company of San Francisco, Union Securities Corp. 1917-1919

Carton 46, Folder 11

#606 Eastman, S. P.; U.S. government, and Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1908-1919, 1913

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 72

#606 Eastman, S. P.; U.S. government, and Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1908-1919, 1913

Carton 46, Folder 12

#607 Orestimba Rancho, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1917

Carton 46, Folder 13

#610 United States of America, de Laveaga, E. I., and Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1915-1918

Carton 46, Folder 14

#611 The Harrison Corporation, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1918-1919

Carton 46, Folder 15

#612 Bean, George L., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1918

Carton 46, Folder 16

#613 Meyer, George H. C., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1918

Carton 46, Folder 17

#614 Walter, N. L., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1918

Carton 46, Folder 18

#615 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, de Laveaga, E. I. 1918

Carton 46, Folder 19

#621 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, Gurries, John and Mary 1920

Carton 46, Folder 20

#622 Ramelli, Mary E., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1918-1921

Carton 46, Folder 21

#623 Ross, Frank H.; Carl, J. H.; Union Trust Company of San Francisco, and Union Securities Corp. 1919-1921

Carton 46, Folder 22

#625 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, Trustees of Leland Stanford, Jr. University 1919-1921

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 73

#625 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, Trustees of Leland Stanford, Jr. University 1919-1921

Carton 46, Folder 23

#628 Bear Gulch Water Company 1901

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 74

#628 Bear Gulch Water Company 1901

Carton 46, Folder 24

#630 Harrison Corporation, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1918-1919

Carton 46, Folder 25

#631 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, S.A. Born Building Company 1918-1919

Carton 46, Folder 26

#632 Dimond, E. R., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1919

Carton 46, Folder 27

#634 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, Hirsch, L. H. 1919-1920

Carton 46, Folder 28

#635 Remensperger, William A. and Dora, Release and Reconveyance, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1919

Carton 46, Folder 29

#636 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, Lewis, A. D., Jr. 1920

Carton 46, Folder 30

#637 Lewis, Joseph D., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1920

Carton 46, Folder 31

#638 Rathjen, Henry and Frieda, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1920

Carton 46, Folder 32

#639 Jones, F. V., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1920

Carton 47, Folder 1

#640 Sproul, Robert G.; Layne, Louis W.; Sharp, Leslie T., and Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1916-1920

Carton 47, Folder 2

#642 Smith, Jessie K., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1920

Carton 47, Folder 3

#643 Taylor, Ray W., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1919-1920

Carton 47, Folder 4

#644 Houser, Caroline Elizabeth, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1920

Carton 47, Folder 5

#645 Union Trust Company of San Francisco, Smith, Norwood B. 1920

Carton 47, Folder 6

#646 Town of Alviso, Santa Clara Co., Graves, Mary Catherine 1917, 1920, 1922

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 75

#646 Town of Alviso, Santa Clara Co., Graves, Mary Catherine 1917, 1920, 1922

Carton 47, Folder 7

#647 Laumeister, Gustav and Mabel S. 1920-1921

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 76

#647 Laumeister, Gustav and Mabel S. 1920-1921

Carton 47, Folder 8

#648 Ferreira, Antone and Rose, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1921

Carton 47, Folder 9

#649 Washington Union High School District of Alameda County, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1920-1921, 1924

Carton 47, Folder 10

#650 Woods, F. N. Jr., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1921

Carton 47, Folder 11

#651 Bear Gulch Water Company 1919-1925

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 77

#651 Bear Gulch Water Company 1919-1925

Carton 47, Folder 12

#652 Federal Telegraph Company; Clayton, Frances E., et al.; Union Trust Company of San Francisco; Jose Realty Company 1920-1922

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 78

#652 Federal Telegraph Company; Clayton, Frances E., et al.; Union Trust Company of San Francisco; Jose Realty Company 1920-1922

Carton 47, Folder 13-18

#654 San Francisco Golf and Country Club [1858], 1920-1928

Carton 47, Folder 19

#655 Chambers, T. J. A. [1862], 1921

Carton 47, Folder 20

#656 Jose Realty Company 1921

Carton 47, Folder 21

#657 Wilson, Edgar M. and Alice Maude, California Pacific Title Insurance Company 1921

Carton 47, Folder 22

#658 Piedra Rock Company; Houston Pacific Company; F. N. Woods, Jr. 1921-1928

Carton 47, Folder 23

#659 Seale, Alfred and Grace R., and Laumeister, Mabel and Gustav 1921

Carton 47, Folder 24

#661 Caeton, Manuel, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1918, 1921

Carton 47, Folder 25

#662 Eyre, Edward L., The Olympic Club 1921

Carton 47, Folder 26

#663 Mello, Manuel P., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1919, 1921

Carton 47, Folder 27

#664 Bothwell, S. and Agnes 1921-1923

Carton 47, Folder 28

#666 Soares, Jose S., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1922

Carton 47, Folder 29-30

#667 South Shore Port Company; Union Trust Company of San Francisco; Stowell, C. L. and Minnie; and King, Charles and Clara 1921-1929

Carton 47, Folder 31

#669 Leland, Jessie, Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1918-1922

Carton 47, Folder 32

#670 Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1921-1922

Carton 47, Folder 33

#672 Eyre, Edward L. 1921

Carton 47, Folder 34

#673 Fahey, J. H. and Elizabeth 1922

Carton 47, Folder 35

#674 Clayton, Frances E., et al. 1921-1922

Carton 47, Folder 36-37

#676 Woods, F. N., Jr., Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1922-1931

Carton 48, Folder 1

#678 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Right of Way 1922

Carton 48, Folder 2

#679 Brown, Holton, Watkins; Field Dev. Company 1920-1922

Carton 48, Folder 3

#680 Young, H. S. 1922, 1925

Carton 48, Folder 4

#681 Skyline Blvd., San Francisco 1921-1924

Carton 48, Folder 5

#683 Weber, Suzette B. 1922

Carton 48, Folder 6

#684 Swanberg, Chas. O. 1892

Carton 48, Folder 7

#685 Soito, Frank 1923

Carton 48, Folder 8

#690 Richard, H. J. 1923

Carton 48, Folder 9

#691 Casso, Carmelo 1923

Carton 48, Folder 10

#692 Schilling, Rudolph 1923

Carton 48, Folder 11

#693 Eyre, Edward L. and Florence A. 1923

Carton 48, Folder 12

#694 Fay, Kate Oliver 1922-1923

Carton 48, Folder 13

#698 Koehorst, Peter 1923

Carton 48, Folder 14

#699 Greeley, Edward H. 1923

Carton 48, Folder 15

#700 Amador Valley, J.U.H.S. District, Alameda County 1923

Carton 48, Folder 16

#701 City and County of San Francisco 1923

Carton 48, Folder 17

#703 Mello, Frank P. 1923

Carton 48, Folder 18

#708 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1923

Carton 48, Folder 19

#710 Vergano, Pietro 1923

Carton 48, Folder 20

#711 Caeton, Alfred 1923

Carton 48, Folder 21

#713 Perry, Joe F. 1923

Carton 48, Folder 22-24

#714 Olympic Club, Sale of Lake Merced property 1923

Carton 48, Folder 25

#715 Cahill, John R. and Grace Anne 1923-1924

Carton 48, Folder 26

#721 Blacow, R. F. and Hattie 1924

Carton 48, Folder 27

#724 Wing, Elizabeth P. 1924

Carton 48, Folder 28

#725 Collier, John B. and Mira E. 1924

Carton 48, Folder 29

#730 Babcock, Elizabeth W. 1924

Carton 48, Folder 30

#731 Sproul, Robert G. 1919-1924

Carton 48, Folder 31

#732 Regalia, A. 1924

Carton 48, Folder 32

#736 Ghiotto, Luigi 1924

Carton 48, Folder 33

#737 Sproul, Robert G., and Layne, Louis W. 1919-1924

Carton 48, Folder 34

#742 Peterson, Anton 1924

Carton 48, Folder 35

#746 Olympic Club 1923-1924

Carton 48, Folder 36

#747 Chadbourne, Susan 1923, 1925

Carton 48, Folder 37

#749 Cavestri, Carlo 1925

Carton 48, Folder 38

#750 Silver, T. H. 1925

Carton 48, Folder 39

#753 City of San Jose, Santa Clara County 1925

Carton 48, Folder 40

#754 Town of Pleasanton, Alameda County 1925

Carton 48, Folder 41

#755 Blanchard Company 1925-1928

Carton 48, Folder 42

#756 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1925

Carton 48, Folder 43

#757 Crocker, C. H. and Carlotta 1925-1934

Carton 48, Folder 44

#758 Standish, A. M. 1924-1926

Carton 48, Folder 45

#761 John Rosenfeld's Sons 1925

Carton 48, Folder 46

#765 Cooke, F. O. 1926-1928

Carton 48, Folder 47

#768 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1910-1932

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 79

#768 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1910-1932

Carton 48, Folder 48

#769 Sproul, Robert G. 1924, 1926

Carton 48, Folder 49

#770 Jolliffe, Harriet 19

Carton 48, Folder 50

#771 Allen, Harry B. 1926

Carton 48, Folder 51

#772 Continental Salt and Chemical Company, Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1926

Carton 48, Folder 52

#773 McLeod, Duncan A. 1922-1926

Carton 48, Folder 53

#775 Laumeister, Gustav 1926

Carton 48, Folder 54

#779 Fagan, James J. 1926

Carton 48, Folder 55

#781 Allen, Harry B. 1926

Carton 48, Folder 56

#785 Allen, Harry B. 1923, 1926

Carton 48, Folder 57

#789 Hathaway, Caro and W. L.; Schilling, Rudolph and Alexandra 1922-1930

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 80

#789 Hathaway, Caro and W. L.; Schilling, Rudolph and Alexandra 1922-1930

Carton 48, Folder 58

#790 Ramelli, Maria; Campodonico, John B.; White, Edward H.; Sawyer, W. H.; Seven Springs Ranch, Los Animas Farm 1917-1927

Carton 48, Folder 59

#791 Roeding, H. U. 1922-1923, 1927

Carton 49, Folder 1

#792 American Trust Company 1927

Carton 49, Folder 2

#795 McGill, R. C. 1925, 1927

Carton 49, Folder 3

#796 Rulfs, Theodore E. 1927

Carton 49, Folder 4

#797 Johansson, Hjalmar 1927-1928

Carton 49, Folder 5

#800 Empire Mines and Investment Company 1920

Carton 49, Folder 6

#801 Wells Fargo Bank, Union Trust Company, Dumbarton Bridge Company 1925-1927

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 81

#801 Wells Fargo Bank, Union Trust Company, Dumbarton Bridge Company 1925-1927

Carton 49, Folder 7

#804 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1927

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 82

#804 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1927

Carton 49, Folder 8

#805 Alviso Salt Company (formerly, Continental Salt and Chemical Company); Union Securities Corp.; Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1921-1931

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 83

#805 Alviso Salt Company (formerly, Continental Salt and Chemical Company); Union Securities Corp.; Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1921-1931

Carton 49, Folder 9

#806 Eastman, S. P. [and #867] 1926-1927

Carton 49, Folder 10

#807 Jeffreys, E. C. 1926-1927

Carton 49, Folder 11

#811 City and County of San Francisco 1926, 1931

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 84

#811 City and County of San Francisco 1926, 1931

Carton 49, Folder 12

#813 Winter, M. J. 1923-1928

Carton 49, Folder 13

#814 Cutler, Leland W. 1926-1928

Carton 49, Folder 14

#815 Melvin, Bradford M. and Esther L.; Curtis, Lebbeus and Ethel 1926-1928

Carton 49, Folder 15

#816 Union Trust Company of San Francisco 1923-1924

Carton 49, Folder 16

#818 Tashjian, O.; Nalpantian, O. S.; and Demartini, William 1928

Carton 49, Folder 17

#819 Curtis, Lebbeus and Ethel; Melvin, Bradford M. and Esther L. 1926-1928

Carton 49, Folder 18

#820 Standish, A. M. 1924, 1927-1928

Carton 49, Folder 19

#822 W. R. Voorhies, Inc., Union Securities Corporation 1928-1930

Carton 49, Folder 20

#830 Weber, Christian H. and Marie 1927-1928

Carton 49, Folder 21

#834 Walsh, Harry E. and Alice; Kingston, John J. and Mary; and O'Donnell, John J. and Anne 1925-1928

Carton 49, Folder 22

#837 McDonald, Mary J. L., Toner, J. M.; and Weiss, Ruth S. 1925-1928

Carton 49, Folder 23

#840 Fisher, Eugenia S. 1925, 1929

Carton 49, Folder 24

#841 Delucchi, Paul 1929

Carton 49, Folder 25

#845 The Olympic Club 1926-1929

Carton 49, Folder 26

#847 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1929

Carton 49, Folder 27

#848 Allen, Helen Lowden and Dean 1929

Carton 49, Folder 28

#851 City and County of San Francisco 1929

Carton 49, Folder 29

#853 Lawson, Frank E. and Mary Florence 1924-1929

Carton 49, Folder 30-31

#854 Lake Merced Golf and Country Club 1922-1929

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 85

#854 Lake Merced Golf and Country Club 1922-1929

Carton 49, Folder 32

#856 Golden Gate Syndicate 1929

Carton 49, Folder 33

#856a Board of Trustees, Stanford University 1926-1930

Carton 49, Folder 34

#857 San Francisco and Fresno Land Company 1929

Carton 49, Folder 35

#858 Filoli Estate 1929

Carton 49, Folder 36

#864 Joint Highway District No. 10 1929

Carton 49, Folder 37

#868 Nevin, Cornelius and Elisabeth 1919-1930

Carton 49, Folder 38

#869 City of Palo Alto 1926, 1930

Carton 49, Folder 39

#870 Busch, Helena C., et al. 1930

Carton 49, Folder 40

#871 Fernando Nelson and Sons 1931

Carton 49, Folder 41

#872 City and County of San Francisco, Sunset Blvd. extension 1931

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 86

#872 City and County of San Francisco, Sunset Blvd. extension 1931

Carton 49, Folder 42

#873 Great Western Electro. Chem. 1931

Carton 49, Folder 43

#874 Fernando Nelson and Sons 1931

Carton 49, Folder 44

#875 Nelson, Fernando 1931

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 87

#875 Nelson, Fernando 1931

Carton 49, Folder 45

#876 City and County of San Francisco 1931

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 88

#876 City and County of San Francisco 1931

Carton 49, Folder 46

#877 City and County of San Francisco 1932, 1940

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 89

#877 City and County of San Francisco 1932, 1940

Carton 49, Folder 47

#878 State of California, Quitclaim, Federal Telegraph easement 1932

Carton 49, Folder 48

#879 City of San Francisco 1931

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 90

#879 City of San Francisco 1931

Carton 49, Folder 49

#880 Foley, William R., Redwood City 1932

Carton 49, Folder 50

#881 Polhemus-Howard Road Reservations, West Union tracts 1933

Carton 49, Folder 51

#882 City and County of San Mateo, Grant of sewer easement 1933

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 91

#882 City and County of San Mateo, Grant of sewer easement 1933

Carton 49, Folder 52-53

#883 City and County of San Francisco, Lake Blvd. 1933

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 92

#883 City and County of San Francisco, Lake Blvd. 1933

Carton 49, Folder 54

#884 Pacific Coast Aggregates, Inc. 1933

Carton 49, Folder 55

#885 State of California, Highway-Lake Merced undated

Carton 49, Folder 56

#886 Standard Stations Inc. 1934

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 93

#886 Standard Stations Inc. 1934

Carton 49, Folder 57

#887 City and County of San Francisco undated

Scope and Content Note

Old Fleishhacker agreement, 10.624 acres
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 94

#887 City and County of San Francisco undated

Carton 49, Folder 58

#888 Mohr, Henry P. 1930-1935

Carton 49, Folder 59

#889 City and County of San Francisco 1934

Scope and Content Note

Lake Merced-Blvd. Sloat to Skyline
Carton 49, Folder 60

#890 Santa Clara Valley Water 1934

Scope and Content Note

Conservation District
Carton 49, Folder 61

#891 San Francisco Golf Club 1929-1939

Carton 49, Folder 62

#892 City and County of San Francisco 1935

Scope and Content Note

Easement for pipe line-Allemany Blvd.
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 95

#892 City and County of San Francisco 1935

Scope and Content Note

Easement for pipe line-Allemany Blvd.
Carton 49, Folder 63

#893 Ley, George N. 1935-1941

Carton 50, Folder 1

#894 State of California 1935

Scope and Content Note

Allemany Blvd.
Oversize Drawer C, Folder 96

#894 State of California 1935

Scope and Content Note

Allemany Blvd.
Carton 50, Folder 2

#895 City and County of San Francisco 1935

Scope and Content Note

Sewer-Eucalyptus Dr. to Sloat Blvd.
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 97

#895 City and County of San Francisco 1935

Scope and Content Note

Sewer-Eucalyptus Dr. to Sloat Blvd.
Carton 50, Folder 3

#896 City and County of San Francisco, Permit, Right of Way west of Settling Pond 1934-1935

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 98

#896 City and County of San Francisco, Permit, Right of Way west of Settling Pond 1934-1935

Carton 50, Folder 4

#897 Quitclaim Deed-City of San Francisco 1935

Carton 50, Folder 5

#898 Kaiser Paving Company, 131.08 acres 1935

Carton 50, Folder 6

#900 City and County of San Francisco 1935

Scope and Content Note

Lake Merced force/suction mains
Oversize Drawer A, Folder 99

#900 City and County of San Francisco 1935

Scope and Content Note

Lake Merced force/suction mains
Carton 50, Folder 7

#901 City and County of San Francisco 1935

Scope and Content Note

Baden Merced pipe line
Carton 50, Folder 8

#902 Busch, Helena C., et al. 1936

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton-133.097 acres
Carton 50, Folder 9

#903 Joseph, Frank Jr. and wife 1936

Scope and Content Note

Beard Tract-6.64 acres
Carton 50, Folder 10

#904 Dana, Robert H. and Sara 1936

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton-49.07 acres
Carton 50, Folder 11

#905 Briggs, May Elizabeth 1936

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton-140.16 acres
Oversize Drawer A, Folder 100

#905 Briggs, May Elizabeth 1936

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton-140.16 acres
Carton 50, Folder 12

#906 Henry J. Kaiser Company 1936

Scope and Content Note

123.07 acres- $32,404.50
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 101

#906 Henry J. Kaiser Company 1936

Scope and Content Note

123.07 acres- $32,404.50
Carton 50, Folder 13

#907 Christenson, Sven and Minnie 1924-1937

Carton 50, Folder 14

#908 Rabello, Harry 1936

Carton 50, Folder 15

#909 City and County of San Francisco, Easement, 487 acres, Crystal Spring Pipeline No. 2 1936

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 102

#909 City and County of San Francisco, Easement, 487 acres, Crystal Spring Pipeline No. 2 1936

Carton 50, Folder 16

#910 Stoneson Bros. 1936

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 103

#910 Stoneson Bros. 1936

Carton 50, Folder 17

#911 Muniz, M. 1936

Carton 50, Folder 18

#912 Casterson, A.B. 1936

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton lands
Oversize Drawer A, Folder 104

#912 Casterson, A.B. 1936

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton lands
Carton 50, Folder 19

#913 Groth, Mads T. 1937

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 105

#913 Groth, Mads T. 1937

Carton 50, Folder 20

#914 Holly Sugar Company 1937

Carton 50, Folder 21

#915 Gantner, Felder and Kenny 1937

Carton 50, Folder 22

#916 Rose, Joe M. and Wm. E., Pleasanton lands 1936

Carton 50, Folder 23

#917 Stoneson Bros. 1937

Scope and Content Note

Commercial Area
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 106

#917 Stoneson Bros. 1937

Scope and Content Note

Commercial Area
Carton 50, Folder 24

#918 City and County of San Francisco 1935

Scope and Content Note

Alignment of Sloat Blvd., 25,380 sq. ft.
Oversize Drawer A, Folder 107

#918 City and County of San Francisco 1935

Scope and Content Note

Alignment of Sloat Blvd., 25,380 sq. ft.
Carton 50, Folder 25

#919 Rose, Joe M. and Wm. E., 121.11 acres 1937

Carton 50, Folder 26

#920 Right of Way, Pacific Gas and Electric 1937

Scope and Content Note

Company, Stoneson Commercial area, South side, Ocean Ave., 77 acres
Carton 50, Folder 27

#921 Amador Valley Mutual Water Company 1937-1939

Carton 50, Folder 28

#922 Stoneson, Henry and Ellis L., 27.931 acres-Lakeside Unit #2 1937-1939

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 108

#922 Stoneson, Henry and Ellis L., 27.931 acres-Lakeside Unit #2 1937-1939

Carton 50, Folder 29

#923 Delucchi, Joseph B., Pleasanton, Alameda Co., 43.57 acres 1937-1938

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 109

#923 Delucchi, Joseph B., Pleasanton, Alameda Co., 43.57 acres 1937-1938

Carton 50, Folder 30

#924 Lemos, Jim C. 1936-1938

Scope and Content Note

51.89 acres near Pleasanton
Carton 50, Folder 31

#925 Galstaun, Samuel M. 1938

Carton 50, Folder 32

#926 Stoneson Bros. 1938-1943

Scope and Content Note

Triangular parcel
Oversize Drawer C, Folder 110

#926 Stoneson Bros. 1938-1943

Scope and Content Note

Triangular parcel
Carton 50, Folder 33

#927 Nichols, J. E. 1939

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 111

#927 Nichols, J. E. 1939

Carton 50, Folder 34

#928 Pacific Agricult. Foundations, Ltd. 19..

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 112

#928 Pacific Agricult. Foundations, Ltd. 19..

Carton 50, Folder 35

#929 Dowling, John F. 1938-1939

Carton 50, Folder 36

#930 City and County of San Francisco, inside street across gulch, Junipero Serra Blvd. 1939

Carton 50, Folder 37

#931 Clemens, Arthur N. 1936

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton lands
Oversize Drawer A, Folder 113

#931 Clemens, Arthur N. 1936

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton lands
Carton 50, Folder 38

#932 Heath, F.E. 1939

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton lands-50 acres
Oversize Drawer A, Folder 114

#932 Heath, F.E. 1939

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton lands-50 acres
Carton 50, Folder 39

#933 Lewis, Lannis 1939-1944

Scope and Content Note

Merced-3.122 acres
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 115

#933 Lewis, Lannis 1939-1944

Scope and Content Note

Merced-3.122 acres
Carton 50, Folder 40

#934 City and County of San Francisco, sewer replacement Lake Merced, south, Lakeside #2 1939

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 116

#934 City and County of San Francisco, sewer replacement Lake Merced, south, Lakeside #2 1939

Carton 50, Folder 41

#935 U.S. government, Pleasanton lands, 60 acres undated

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 117

#935 U.S. government, Pleasanton lands, 60 acres undated

Carton 50, Folder 42

#935a Stoneson Bros. 1940

Scope and Content Note

36.609 acres
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 118

#935a Stoneson Bros. 1940

Scope and Content Note

36.609 acres
Carton 51, Folder 1

#936 State of California, State Teachers College 1939

Scope and Content Note

[San Francisco State University]
Oversize Drawer C, Folder 119

#936 State of California, State Teachers College 1939

Scope and Content Note

[San Francisco State University]
Carton 51, Folder 2

#937 Gellert, Carl 1940

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 120

#937 Gellert, Carl 1940

Carton 51, Folder 3

#938 City and County of San Francisco 1938-1939

Scope and Content Note

Lake Merced, school lot
Oversize Drawer A, Folder 121

#938 City and County of San Francisco 1938-1939

Scope and Content Note

Lake Merced, school lot
Carton 51, Folder 4

#939 Ning Yung Cemetery Assn. 1940

Carton 51, Folder 5

#940 Tyler, E. F. 1940

Carton 51, Folder 6

#941 City and County of San Francisco, Ingleside Outlet sewer easement 1940

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 122

#941 City and County of San Francisco, Ingleside Outlet sewer easement 1940

Carton 51, Folder 7

#942 Wilkom, Maxwell, Pleasanton lands 1936, 1938, 1940

Carton 51, Folder 8

#943 Roman Catholic Archbishop 1940

Scope and Content Note

1.7 acres
Oversize Drawer C, Folder 123

#943 Roman Catholic Archbishop 1940

Scope and Content Note

1.7 acres
Carton 51, Folder 9

#944 Chinese Christian Cemetery Assn. 1939-1940

Carton 51, Folder 10

#945 Exchange Deeds, Stoneson Bros. 1940

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 124

#945 Exchange Deeds, Stoneson Bros. 1940

Carton 51, Folder 11

#946 Stoneson Bros. 1940

Scope and Content Note

NE corner 19th and Ocean Aves.
Oversize Drawer A, Folder 125

#946 Stoneson Bros. 1940

Scope and Content Note

NE corner 19th and Ocean Aves.
Carton 51, Folder 12

#947 Towne, E. B. and wife 1941

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 126

#947 Towne, E. B. and wife 1941

Carton 51, Folder 13

#948 Gellert, Carl 1940-1941

Scope and Content Note

21.845 acres
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 127

#948 Gellert, Carl 1940-1941

Scope and Content Note

21.845 acres
Carton 51, Folder 14

#949 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 1941

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 128

#949 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 1941

Carton 51, Folder 15

#950 Canoga Investment Company 1941

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 129

#950 Canoga Investment Company 1941

Carton 51, Folder 16

#951 Knapp, J.S. and wife, 17.82 acres 1941

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 130

#951 Knapp, J.S. and wife, 17.82 acres 1941

Carton 51, Folder 17

#952 Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company 1941

Scope and Content Note

503 acres
Oversize Drawer C, Folder 131

#952 Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company 1941

Scope and Content Note

503 acres
Carton 51, Folder 18

#953 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company easement 1941

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 132

#953 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company easement 1941

Carton 51, Folder 19

#954 Heath, F. E., 94.10 acres 1941

Carton 51, Folder 20

#955 State of California 1942

Scope and Content Note

Quitclaim, Tunitas Creek
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 133

#955 State of California 1942

Scope and Content Note

Quitclaim, Tunitas Creek
Carton 51, Folder 21

#956 Korinthias, Helen 1943

Carton 51, Folder 22

#957 Stone, Elmer B., et al. 1943

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton, 197.14 acres
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 134

#957 Stone, Elmer B., et al. 1943

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton, 197.14 acres
Carton 51, Folder 23

#958 County of Alameda 1943

Scope and Content Note

Valley Avenue
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 135

#958 County of Alameda 1943

Scope and Content Note

Valley Avenue
Carton 51, Folder 24

#959 Stone, Elmer, et al., Pleasanton, 43 acres 1943

Carton 51, Folder 25

#960 Kent, Janet N. 1944-1946

Carton 51, Folder 26

#961 Stoneson Bros. 1944

Scope and Content Note

Lot, Junipero Serra and Ocean Ave.
Carton 51, Folder 27

#962 Pacific Coast Construction Company 1944-1950

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 136

#962 Pacific Coast Construction Company 1944-1950

Carton 51, Folder 28

#963 Islam Redwoods Shrine 1944

Carton 51, Folder 29

#964 Stoneson Bros., 52.0892 acres 1944

Carton 51, Folder 30

#965 Stoneson Bros. 1938-1948

Scope and Content Note

5 acres, Canyon
Oversize Drawer C, Folder 137

#965 Stoneson Bros. 1938-1948

Scope and Content Note

5 acres, Canyon
Carton 51, Folder 31

#966 Krickberg, A. L., Alviso, 40 acres 1944

Carton 51, Folder 32

#967 Patterson, William D. Jr. 1944

Scope and Content Note

12.89 acres
Oversize Drawer B, Folder 138

#967 Patterson, William D. Jr. 1944

Scope and Content Note

12.89 acres
Carton 51, Folder 33

#968 Collier, R. L., Alviso land-24.33 acres 1945

Carton 51, Folder 34

#969 Crystal Springs Development Company, Polhemus Tract 1946

Carton 51, Folder 35

#970 U.S. government 1935-1943

Scope and Content Note

Lake Merced, 47 acres
Carton 51, Folder 36

#971 U.S. government 1944

Scope and Content Note

Well area
Oversize Drawer A, Folder 139

#971 U.S. government 1944

Scope and Content Note

Well area
Carton 51, Folder 37

#971a Pacific Coast Construction Company 1945-1946

Scope and Content Note

Sloat Blvd., 5.0596 acres
Oversize Drawer A, Folder 140

#971a Pacific Coast Construction Company 1945-1946

Scope and Content Note

Sloat Blvd., 5.0596 acres
Carton 51, Folder 38-39

#972 Hanrahan Company, et al 1945

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 141

#972 Hanrahan Company, et al 1945

Carton 51, Folder 40

#973 Howard Tract, California Pacific 1946-1947

Carton 51, Folder 41

#974 City and County of San Francisco 1947

Carton 51, Folder 42

#975 Phleger, Herman, West Union tract 1947

Carton 51, Folder 43

#976 U.S. government undated

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton lands
Oversize Drawer C, Folder 142

#976 U.S. government undated

Scope and Content Note

Pleasanton lands

Subseries 5.3 Leases 1895-1946

Physical Description: Carton 51, folders 44-49; Cartons 52-53; Oversize Folders 143-146


Arranged in numerical order, with unnumbered files first.

Scope and Content Note

Contains legal documents, correspondence, and a few maps relating to leases of property belonging to S.V.W.Co., mostly in Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties.
Carton 51, Folder 44

[no #] San Francisco Water Dept. 1930-1933

Carton 51, Folder 45

[no #] San Francisco Water Dept. 1933-1935

Carton 51, Folder 46

[no #] Lake Merced Ranch, Polhemus Tract 1943-1946

Carton 51, Folder 47

[no #] Counties of San Francisco and San Mateo, cancelled leases 1930-1931

Carton 51, Folder 48-49

[no #] Pleasanton 1937-1944

Carton 52, Folder 1

#189 Driscoll, Thomas A. 1908-1923

Carton 52, Folder 2

#278 Southern Pacific Railroad Company 1895, 1908-1913

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 143

#278 Southern Pacific Railroad Company 1895, 1908-1913

Carton 52, Folder 3

#358 Broderick, Patrick, and Barrett, John J. 1910-1923

Carton 52, Folder 4

#862 Andrada Dairy, Pleasanton 1934

Carton 52, Folder 5

#938 Nevin, Con. 1912

Carton 52, Folder 6

#1097 Heath, F. E. 1913-1917

Carton 52, Folder 7

#1124 Persson, N. 1917

Carton 52, Folder 8

#1229 Best, Robert 1917

Carton 52, Folder 9

#1321 Shearer, P. M. 1915-1918

Carton 52, Folder 10

#1429 Maloney, P. F. 1918

Carton 52, Folder 10

#1443 Fuchs, X. 1915

Carton 52, Folder 10

#1447 Kruse, J. 1915

Carton 52, Folder 10

#1458 Davilla, M. F. 1915

Carton 52, Folder 10

#1487 Teeter, E. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 10

#1498 McCarthy, Mary 1922, 1925

Carton 52, Folder 11-12

#1454 Woods, R. J., San Francisco Golf and Country Club 1915-1917

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 144

#1454 Woods, R. J., San Francisco Golf and Country Club 1915-1917

Carton 52, Folder 13-14

#1490 Eyre, Edward L. 1916-1920

Oversize Drawer C, Folder 145

#1490 Eyre, Edward L. 1916-1920

Carton 52, Folder 15

#1519 Low, J. C. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 15

#1579 Boerner, Richard 1918

Carton 52, Folder 15

#1634 Scatena, D. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 15

#1705 Giorni and Company 1917

Carton 52, Folder 15

#1711 Andrade, M. S. 1917

Carton 52, Folder 15

#1720 Torre Bros. 1917

Carton 52, Folder 15

#1732 Joseph, Frank Jr. 1917

Carton 52, Folder 15

#1745 Delpiano, Peter 1917

Carton 52, Folder 15

#1763 Koopman Dairy Co. 1918

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 146

#1763 Koopman Dairy Co. 1918

Carton 52, Folder 15

#1765 Stadler and Infeld 1917

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1767 Moore, A. A. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1781 Gainer, William 1918

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1807 Debenedetti, W. J. 1917

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1811 Mendoza, Frank 1920

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1842 Andrews, John 1921

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1844 Day, Arthur C. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1860 Bork, F. J. 1918

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1879 Scatena, D. 1918

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1889 Adams, B. J. 1918

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1919 Jos. Leal 1918

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1923 Hearst, P. A. 1918

Carton 52, Folder 16

#1924 Rose, Thos.T. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 17

#1946 Wobber, P. W. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 17

#1977 Luis, J. C. 1977

Carton 52, Folder 17

#1993 Gallagher, Alfred 1921

Carton 52, Folder 18

#2017 Liebrendt, C. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 18

#2028 Albrecht, Hermann 1918

Carton 52, Folder 18

#2029 Coleton, Michael 1918

Carton 52, Folder 18

#2031 Sealy, Walter 1918

Carton 52, Folder 19

#2033 Jaregui, Matt, Etchebarren, John 1919-1922

Carton 52, Folder 20

#2041 Murphy, Edward 1919

Carton 52, Folder 20

#2048 Zaro, J. A. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 20

#2049 Conci, Peter 1919

Carton 52, Folder 20

#2050 Callori, V. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 20

#2055 Mosegaard, Peter 1919, 1922

Carton 52, Folder 20

#2056 Wasson, W. D. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 21

#2059 Foster and Kleiser Company, San Francisco 1919-1922

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2063 Hansen, James 1919

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2064 Van Bergen and Sherman 1921

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2065 Alberigi, P. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2066 Py, A. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2069 Hull, Asa E. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2072 Geary, John 1921

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2075 Apperson, E. C. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2086 Perry, M. V. and T. V. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2087 Masuda, T. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2090 Cozzi, Renaldo 1922

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2093 King, Antone 1919

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2094 Noya, F. M. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2095 Nevin, Con 1919

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2096 Soares, J. S. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 22

#2099 Bertolozzi, A. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2104 Gomez, M. S. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2105 Lemos, J. S. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2106 Lanfri, B. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2109 Nunes, Jos. S. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2110 Rodrigues, M. M. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2112 Smith, Jane 1922

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2120 Figone, A. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2121 Ferro, Peter 1920

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2126 Berni and Company 1920

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2127 Avila and Pereira 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2128 Avila, M. F. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2129 Andrade, A. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2130 Amaral Bros. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2133 Cardoza, M. F. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2141 Medeiros, John 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2143 Mello, F. C. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2144 Muniz, M. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2145 Nielsen, P. N. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2146 Peters, J. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2147 Paulo, M., Jr. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 23

#2148 Rabello, A. V. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2150 Rose, J. M., Sr. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2151 Rose, J. M., Jr. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2153 Rodrigues, M. M. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2155 Schroeder, H. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2160 Massolo, A. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2166 Koopman Dairy Company 1919

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2168 Toscano, F. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2178 Frager Bros. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2187 Yin, Lum 1920

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2192 Ford, Wm. H. 1919

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2193 Bode, E. H. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2198 Armenio, Frank 1920

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2202 Eaton and Smith 1920

Carton 52, Folder 24

#2203 G. Mortara and Company 1920

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2207 Cal. Golf Club of San Francisco 1921

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2212 Market Box Factory, Cal. Veg. Union 1920

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2215 Cardenti, G. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2217 Buttner, Geo. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2221 Frager Bros. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2223 Hord, W. H. and Son 1920

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2229 Mendoza, Anton 1919

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2230 Frager Bros. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2231 Fuchs, X. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2232 Rose, F. G. and W. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2238 Rodrigues, M. M. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2240 Mello, Manuel 1921

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2243 Delucchi, Paul 1921

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2244 Andrade, A. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2243 Antonini, A. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2246 Ragghianti, L. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2247 Camilli, A. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2248 Parks, S. D. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2252 Murphy, P. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 25

#2253 Santos, Peter 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

#2259 R. C. Storrie and Company 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

#2667 Eva, W. J. 1921, 1925

Carton 52, Folder 26

#2268 Sproul, Robert G. 1920

Carton 52, Folder 26

#2269 Vargas, J. P. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

#2272 Freitas, F. S. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

#2275 Pinheiro, Frank 1921-1922

Carton 52, Folder 26

#2276 Goulart, A. D. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

#2278 Terra, M. F. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

#2280 Cal. Golf Club of San Francisco 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

#2282 Garibaldi, D. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

M. Dondero and Company 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

Hon, Lai Yoke 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

Pisinti, Jas. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

Koopman Dairy Company 1921

Carton 52, Folder 26

Sweet, G. B. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 27

#2290 Morgan Oyster Company 1901, 1911, 1925

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2295 Louis Maffei and Company 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2296 Peters, Joe 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2297 Frager, Frank 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2298 Thomson, James 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2299 Thomas, Antone 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2300 Thomas, Antone 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2301 Wauhab, William 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2302 Franzola, J. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2303 Champion, W. H. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2304 Mourra, F. J. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2305 Mendoza, John 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2306 Casterson Bros. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2307 Kruse, F. M. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2308 Kruse Bros. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2309 Madera, M. L. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2310 Mendoza, Manuel 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2311 Williams, M. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2312 Mendoza, Frank 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2313 Allemand, Henry 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2314 Crossato, D. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2315 Santos, A. J. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 28

#2316 Parks, W. W. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2317 Sullivan, D. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2318 Costigan, J. H. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2320 Mourgos, C. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2321 Fallon, D. H. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2322 Shinn, J. C. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2324 Cresta Blanca Wine Company 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2325 Costa, M. S. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2326 Asaro, G. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2327 Bertocchi, F. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2328 Andrade, M. S. 1921-1924

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2329 Perry, T. V. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2330 Doherty, Chas. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2331 Jas. Varni and Company 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2333 Bico, M. P. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2334 M. V. Perry and Son 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2335 Vieux, O. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2336 Hansen, Orloff and Rickenbach 1921-1922

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2338 Higuera, Alex 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2339 Christenson, Sven 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2342 Amaro, M. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2343 Bianchi, A. 1921-1924

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2344 Goulart, Anton 1921-1922

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2345 Henrigues, Joseph 1921-1924

Carton 52, Folder 29

#2346 Brown, Mrs. J. L. 1921-1924

Carton 52, Folder 29

2347 Cacquero, John 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2351 Rovai and Di Giulio 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2352 Rabello, A. V. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2353 Rose, J. M., Jr. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2354 Avila, Frank 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2355 Mello, C. F. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2356 Pierags, A. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2357 Thomas, Antone 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2358 Scatena, D. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2359 Frager Bros. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2360 Silva, A. M. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2361 Silva, Frank 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2362 Delgado, Joe 1922

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2365 Hansen, Orloff and Rickenbach 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2366 Mendoza, Manuel 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2367 Silveria, F. M. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2368 Silva, J. G. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2369 Swanson, Chas. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2370 Trimingham, John 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2371 Avila, J. F. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2372 Di Giulio, S. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2373 Rose, F. G. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2374 Trimingham, J. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2375 Mendoza, Manuel 1922

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2376 Rego, A. J. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2377 Thomas, Mrs. Antone 1922

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2378 Costa, Anton 1922

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2379 Silveria, M. J. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2380 Walsh, Mrs. A. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 30

#2381 George, Manuel 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2382 Wool, E. O. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2383 Wool, E. O. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2384 Hansen, Orloff and Rickenbach 1921-1922

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2385 George, Manuel 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2386 Fradella, J. and Sunseri, S. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2387 Mello, C. F. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2388 Rose, J. M, Jr. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2389 Fuccinelli and Delfino 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2390 Rinaldi, Nicolo 1922

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2391 Verzello, A. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2392 Blacow, R. F. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2393 Kee, Chang 1922

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2394 Byrne, Wm. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2396 Gainer, Wm. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2397 Giannini, G. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2398 Gonzalves, Joe 1922

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2399 Nunes, J. P. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 31

#2400 Standish, Miles 1921

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2401 Sunseri, Salvatore 1921

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2402 Parks, W. W. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2403 Trade, Chas. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2404 Bachelder, Edgar B. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2405 Hyne, August 1922

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2406 Kretzer, John 1922

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2407 Marceau, Franklin C. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2408 Motta, J. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2409 Yount, William F. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2412 Alezzi, Charles 1922

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2413 Delucchi, J. 1921

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2414 Mello, Frank Jr. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2415 Toscano, Frank 1921

Carton 52, Folder 32

#2417 A. Azevedo and Company 1921

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2418 San Francisco Service Recreation League 1922-1923

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2419 Bode, E. H. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2420 Salsburg, Oscar 1922

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2421 Windsor Terrace Building Company 1922

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2423 Mesquita, A. L. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2434 John Ghozzi and Company 1922

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2425 MacRorie-McLaren Company 1922

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2426 Rinaldi, Nicolo 1922

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2427 Weaver, W. T. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2428 Peters, Joe 1922

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2429 Lagomarsino next hit , Geo. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 33

#2430 Lieberandt, C. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2431 Muniz, Manuel 1921

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2433 E. Saliou and Company 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2434 Garibaldi, D. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2435 Callori, V. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2437 G. A. Degliantoni and Company 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2439 Persson, N. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2440 L. Ghio and Company 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2441 Poledner, Karl 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2443 Mitchell, W. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2444 Hull, Asa E. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2445 Zaro, J. A. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2446 Frager, Frank 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2447 Egan, James 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2448 Geary, John 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2449 Mendoza, Anton 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2450 Mendoza, Manuel 1922

Carton 52, Folder 34

#2451 Roney, W. J. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2452 Gainer, William 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2453 Fradella, J. and Sunseri, A. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2454 Sunseri, Salvatore 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2455 Mosegaard, Peter 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2456 Costa, M. S. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2457 Louis Maffei and Company 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2458 Asaro, G. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2459 Rose, T. T. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2460 Franzoia, Mrs. J. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2461 Pous, Baptiste 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2463 Mourgos, C. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2464 Fradella, J. and Sunseri, A. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2465 George, Manuel 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2466 Allemand, Henry 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2467 Rego, A. J. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2468 Verzello, A. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2469 Bico, M. P., Jr. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2470 Rovai and Di Giulio 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2471 Luis, J. C. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 35

#2472 Nunes, Jos. S. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2473 Gomez, M. S. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2474 Doherty, Chas. F. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2475 Figone, Angelo 1922-1925

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2476 Ragghianti, L. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2477 Parks, W. W. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2478 Andrade, M. S. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2479 Mello, F. C. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2480 Amaro, M. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2481 Delpiano, Peter 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2482 Andrade, M. S. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2483 Hansen, Orloff and Rickenbach 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2484 Nevin, Con 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2485 Lemos, J. S. 1922-1923

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2486 Pinheiro, Frank 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2487 Peters, Jos. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2488 Pierags, A. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2489 Amaral, Joe 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2490 Nielsen, P. N. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2491 Freitas, Joaquin 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2492 Swanson, Chas. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2493 Terra, M. F. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2494 Vargas, J. P. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 36

#2495 Vargas, J. P. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2496 Silva, J. G. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2497 Goulart, A. D. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2498 Muniz, M. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2499 Avila, M. F. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2500 Madera, M. L. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2501 Freitas, F. S. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2502 Carstensen Bros. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2503 Medeiros, John 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2504 Andrade, A. 1922-1923

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2505 Rodrigues, M. M. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2506 Cardoza, M. F. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2507 Rose, J. M., Jr. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2508 Soares, J. S. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2509 Shinn, J. C. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2510 Trimingham, John 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2511 Byrne, Wm. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2512 Higuera, Alex 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2513 Vieux, O. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2514 King, Antone 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2515 Luis, J. C. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2516 Paulo, M., Jr. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2517 Stadtler and Infeld 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2518 Toscano, Frank 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2519 Champion, Mrs. W. H. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 37

#2520 Moura, F. J. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2521 Blacow, R. F. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2522 Noya, F. M. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2523 Frager, Frank 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2524 Freitas, Joaquin 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2525 Joseph, Frank Jr. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2526 Merced Hillside Farms Company 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2527 Muniz, Manuel 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2528 Rabello, A. V. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2529 Thomas, Antone 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2530 Schroeder, H. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2531 Thomas, Mrs. Antone 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2532 Debenedetti, W. J. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2533 Standish, A. M. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2534 Apperson, E. C. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2535 Frager Bros. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2536 Giannini, G. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2537 Eva, W. J. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2539 Perry, Louis 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2540 Costa, Anton 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2541 Bertolozzi, A. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2452 Avila, J. F. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2543 Cavestri, Carlo 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2544 Mendoza, Manuel 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2545 Smith, Jane 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2546 Delgado, Joe 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2547 Gonzalves, Joe 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2548 Lanfri, B. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 38

#2549 Murphy, P. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2550 Delucchi, Paul 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2551 Beer, Fred and Wisnom, Sam 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2552 Cortes, Joe 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2553 Hord, C. H. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2554 Frager Bros. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2555 Nunes, J. P. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2556 M. V. Perry and Son 1922

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2557 Best, Robert 1922

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2558 Di Giulio, S. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2559 Negherborn, R. G. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2561 Gainer, Wm. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2562 Berni and Company 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2563 Massolo, A. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2564 R. C. Storrie and Company 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2565 Moore, William 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2566 Santos, John J. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 39

#2567 Fong, Wm. C. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2568 MacRorie-McLaren Company 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2569 Yin,Lum 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2570 American Box and Drum Company 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2572 Christenson, Sven 1922

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2573 Torre Bros. 1922

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2574 Yin, Lum 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2575 Bode, E. H. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2576 Portello, R. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2577 Bonturt, Lawrence 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2578 Molinari, John 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2579 Peters, Joe 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2582 Garibaldi, D. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2583 Armenio, Frank 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2584 Avila, M. F., and Mello, F. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2585 Phelps, Josephine A. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2589 American Box and Drum Company 1923

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2592 Eaton and Smith 1923-1924

Carton 52, Folder 40

#2595 Arata, D. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2596 Frager, Frank 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2597 Farendo, Vincent 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2599 Freitas, F. S. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2600 Hanson, Orloff and Rickenbach 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2601 Hanson, Orloff and Rickenbach 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2602 Hanson, Orloff and Rickenbach 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2603 Kamp, Andrew 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2604 Madera, M. L. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2605 Mello, F. C. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2606 Mendoza, Frank 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2607 Mendoza, Joe 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2608 Muniz, Manuel 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2609 Nevin, Con 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2610 Paulo, M. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2611 Pous, Baptiste 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2612 Ragghianti, L. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2613 Rodrigues, M. M. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2614 Roney, W. J. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2615 Scatena, D. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2616 Silva, J. G. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2617 Swanson, Chas. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2618 Teeter, E. N. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2619 Thomas, Antone 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2620 Amaral, Joe 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2621 Amaro, M. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2622 Andrade, A. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2623 Andrade, M. S. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2624 Antonini, A. 1923-1915

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2625 Avila, M. F. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2626 Christenson, Sven 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2628 Rose,T. T. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2629 Ferro, Peter 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2631 Bico, M. P., Jr. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2632 Campagna, S. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2633 Mourgos, C. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2634 Rego, A. J. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2635 Carstensen Bros. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 41

#2636 Gainer, Wm. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2637 George, Manuel 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2638 Hord, C. H. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2639 Terra, M. F. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2640 Gomes, M. S. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2641 Giannini, G. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2642 Franzola, Mrs. J. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2643 Pinheiro, Frank 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2644 Rovai and Digiulio 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2645 Trimingham, John 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2646 Freitas, Joaquin 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2647 Vergano, John 1923-1925

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2648 Mourra, F. J. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2649 Zaro, J. A. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2650 Verzello, A. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2652 Shinn, J. C. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2653 Nunes, Jos. S. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2654 Mitchell, Wm. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2655 Geary, John 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2656 Allemand, Henry 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2657 Peters, Joe 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2658 Merced Hillside Farm Company 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2659 Hearst, W. R. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2660 Imfeld and Stadler 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2661 Moore, A. A. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2662 Hull, Asa E. 1923-1924

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2663 Sealy, Walter 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2664 Marceau, F. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2665 Colleton, Michael 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2666 Bee, P. 1923

Carton 52, Folder 42

#2667 Bottimore, E. 1934

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2668 Boerner, Richard 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2669 Adams, B. J. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2670 Albrecht, Herman 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2671 Noya, F. M. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2672 Soares, J. S. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2673 Nunes, J. P. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2674 Lemos, J. S. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2675 Vargas, J. P. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2676 Frager Bros. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2677 Rose, J. M., Jr. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2678 Cavestri, Carlo 1924

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2679 Avila, J. F. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2680 Lanfri, B. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2681 Fong, Wm. C. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2683 Leonis, Manuel 1924

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2684 Gonzalves, Joe 1924

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2685 Delgado, Joe 1924

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2686 Cortes, Joe 1924

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2687 Bertolozzi, A. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2689 Higuera, Alex 1923

Carton 53, Folder 1

#2690 Luis, J. C. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2691 Perry, Louis 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2692 Smith, Jane 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2693 Tuano, A. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2694 Blacow, R. F. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2695 Standish, A. M. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2697 Parks, S. D. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2698 Parks, W. W. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2699 Goulart, A. D. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2700 Santos, John J. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2701 R.C. Storrie and Company 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2702 Byrne, Wm. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2703 Peters, Joe 1923

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2704 Murphy, P. J. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2706 Thomas, Antone 1924-1926

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2707 Camilli, A. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2709 Niles Investment Company 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2710 Sproul, R. G. 1923

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2711 Bode, E. H. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2714 Borein, C. A. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2715 Habenicht, Ellen1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2716 Mosegaard, Peter 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2718 Molinari, John 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2720 Niles Investment Company 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2721 Niles Investment Company 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2723 Moore, Wm. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2724 Murphy, Edward 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2726 Garibaldi, D. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2729 Andrews, John 1924

Carton 53, Folder 2

#2730 Day, A. C. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2732 Medeiros, John 1924-1928

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2734 Cozzolino, Salvatore 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2735 Fuentes, Chas. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2736 McCarthy, Wm., and Stathis, Chris E. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2739 Poledner, Karl 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2740 Schuckl Company Inc. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2741 Borge, George 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2742 Farendo, Vincent 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2743 Koopman, Herman 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2744 Roney, W. J. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2745 Arata, D. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2746 Frager, Frank 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2747 Wauhab, William 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2748 Casanova, P. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2749 Mumford, L. M. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2750 Thomas, Antone 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2751 Thomas, Antone 1924

Carton 53, Folder 3

#2752 Jauregui and Etchebarren 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2754 Hon, Lai Hoke 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2755 Geary, John 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2756 Hull, Asa E. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2757 Mitchell, Wm. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2758 Wool, E. O. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2759 Byrne, W. J. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2760 Hanson, Orloff and Rickenbach 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2761 Hord, C. H. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2762 Mendoza, Manuel 1924-1927

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2763 Rinaldi, N. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2764 George, Manuel 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2765 Zaro, J. A. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2766 Perry and Son 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2767 Perry and Son 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2768 Campagna, S. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2769 Perry, T. V. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2770 Gomes, Alfred 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2771 Rego, A. J. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2772 Rose, J. M., Jr. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2773 Toscano, Frank 1924

Carton 53, Folder 4

#2774 Sorenson, J. P. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2775 Trimingham, John 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2776 Gomes, M. S. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2777 Nunes, M. J. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2778 Santos, A. J. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2779 Santos, J. J. 1924-1925

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2780 Shinn, J. C. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2781 Toscano, Frank 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2782 Trimingham, John 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2783 Henrigues, Jos. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2784 Stagnaro, Frank 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2785 Soares, J. S. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2786 Fradella and Sunseri 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2787 Peters, Joe 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2788 Silva, J. G. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2789 Merced Hillside Farm Company 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2790 Nevin, Con 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2791 King, Antone 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2792 Hanson, Orloff and Rickenbach 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2793 Hanson, Orloff and Rickenbach 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2794 Hanson, Orloff and Rickenbach 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2795 Rose, T. T. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2796 Johnson, L. B. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2797 Kruse Bros. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2798 Medonca, Joe 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2799 Ragghianti, L. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 5

#2800 Verzello, A. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2801 Amaral, Joe 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2802 Mourgos, C. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2803 Mendoza, Manuel 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2804 Paulo, M. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2805 Rose, F. G. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2806 Imfeld and Stadler 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2807 Avila, John 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2808 L. Battaini and Company 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2809 Gainer, Wm. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2810 Garibaldi, D. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2811 V. Lusardi and Company 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2812 Moura, F. J. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2813 Noya, F. M. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2814 Carstensen Bros. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2815 Thomsen, James 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2816 Terra, M. F. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2817 Nunes, Jos. S. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 6

#2818 Muniz, M. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2819 Mello, Joe 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2820 Mello, F. C. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2821 Madera, M. L. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2822 Mendoza, Anton 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2823 Mendoza, Frank 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2824 Pinheiro, Anton 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2825 Luis, J. C. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2826 Christenson, Sven 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2827 Bianchi, A. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2828 Sullivan, D. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2829 Vargas, J. P. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2830 Swanson, Chas. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2831 Silva, A. M. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2832 Silva, Frank 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2833 F. Petronave and Company 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2834 Jas. Varni and Company 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2835 Franzola, Mrs. J. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2836 Parks and Hartman 1924-1926

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2837 Gallagher, Alred 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2838 Bico, Frank P. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2839 Vieux, Alred 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2840 Williams, M. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2841 Andrade, M. S. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2842 Blacow, R. F. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2843 Freitas, Joaquin 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2844 Lemos, J. S. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2845 Amaro, M. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2846 Andrade, A. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2847 Avila, Frank 1924

Carton 53, Folder 7

#2848 Avila, M. F. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2849 Freitas, F. S. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2850 Goulaer, A. D. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2851 Joseph, Joe 1924

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2852 Kruse, F. M. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2853 Gianni, G. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2854 Allemand, Henry 1924

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2857 Cresta, Frank A. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2858 McWhirter, R. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2859 Leonis, Manuel 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2860 Tuano, A. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2861 August, James 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2862 Luca, Antonio 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2863 Murphy, P. J. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2864 Cavestri, Carlo 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2865 Delucchi, Paul 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2866 McCarthy, Mrs. Mary 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2867 Avila, J. F. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2868 Bertolozzi, A. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2869 Cortes, Joe 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2870 Delgado, Joe 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2871 Gonzalves, Joe 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2872 Lanfri, B. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2873 Smith, Jane 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2874 Motta, Jasper 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2875 Callaghan, D. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2876 Moss Beach Products Company 1924

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2877 Fong, Wm. C. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2878 Fradella and Sunseri 1925

Carton 53, Folder 8

#2879 Borein, C. A. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2880 Standish, A. M. 1924

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2881 John Ghiozzi and Company 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2882 Moore, Wm. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2883 Mosegaard, Peter 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2884 California Golf Club of San Francisco 1925-1926

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2885 Bode, E. H. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2886 Hildreth, Merle 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2887 Bertucci, G. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2888 previous hit Lagomarsino next hit , Geo. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2889 Eubanks, J. R. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2890 Rinaldi, Nicolo 1925-1926

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2891 Sternberg, Frank 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2892 Ringen, W. M. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2893 Biggins, A. E. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2894 Coats, Wilson 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2895 Sales, Nicolas 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2896 Armenio, Frank 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2897 Molinari, John 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2898 Garibaldi, D. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2899 Torres, Joe 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2900 G. Sivori and Company 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2901 J. Stagnaro and Company 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2902 Federal Paving Company 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2903 Pond, E. K., and Hall, T. G. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2904 Callori, V. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2905 Parks and Hartman 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2906 Schuckl and Company Inc. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2907 Conci, P. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2908 Puccini, Joe 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2909 Marin, L. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2910 G. A. Degilantoni and Company 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2912 Gelsi, E. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2913 Poledner, Karl 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2914 Vera, Frank 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2915 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2916 Allen, Bearsby and Blois 1925, 1928

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2919 Allemand, H. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 9

#2920 Foster and Kleiser Company 1925, 1928

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2922 Farendo, Vincent 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2923 Campagna, S. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2924 Hull, Asa 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2925 Frager, Frank 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2926 Bico, Frank P. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2927 Casanova, P. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2928 J. Giorni and Company 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2929 Frager Bros. 1925-1927

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2930 F. Pietronave & Company 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2931 Garibaldi, D. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2932 Santos, J. J. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2933 Gainer, Wm. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2934 Joseph, Frank Jr. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2935 L. Battaini & Company 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2936 Franzoia, Mrs. J. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2937 J. B. Vallerga & Company 1925-1926

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2938 Jas. Varni & Company 1925-1926

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2939 Arata, D. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2940 Castagnetto, John 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2941 Geary, John 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2942 Roney, W. J. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2943 Mitchell, Wm. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2944 Byrne, Wm. J. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2945 Goulart, A. D. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2946 Mendoza, Manuel 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2947 Terra, M. F. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2948 Christenson, S. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2949 Egan, Jas. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 10

#2950 Vargas, J. P. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2952 Thomsen, Jas. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2953 Sorenson, J. P. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2954 Silva, J. G. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2955 Schroeder, H. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2956 Rabello, A. V. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2957 Andrade, A. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2958 Nielsen, P. N. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2959 Hord, C. H. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2960 Carstensen Bros. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2961 Avila, Frank 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2962 Amaral, Joe 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2963 Amaro, M. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2964 Andrade, M. S. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2965 Avila, M. F. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2966 Blacow, R. F. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2967 Cardoza, M. F. 1925-1927

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2968 Freitas, F. S. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2969 Swanson, Chas. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2970 Trimingham, John 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2971 Pinheiro, Anton 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2972 Peters, Joe 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2973 Paulo, M. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2974 Nunes, M. J. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2975 Nunes, Jos. S. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2976 Noya, F. M. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2976 Noya, F. M. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2977 Nevin, Con 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2978 Muniz, Manuel 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2979 Mourra, F. J. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2980 Mendoza, Anton 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2981 Madera, M. L. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2982 Lemos, J. S. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2983 Kruse, F. M. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2984 King, Antone 1925

Carton 53, Folder 11

#2985 Imfeld & Stadler 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2986 Henrigues, J. G. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2987 Gomes, M. S. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2988 Freitas, Joaquin 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2989 Soares, J. S. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2990 Geary, John 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2991 Rose, T. T. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2992 Figone, Angelo 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2993 Castagnetto, John 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2994 Giannini, G. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2995 McWhirter, R. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2997 Masolo, A. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2998 Berni & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#2999 Stagnaro, Frank 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3000 August, Jas. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3001 Avila, J. F. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3002 Cortes, Joe 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3003 Delgado, Joe 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3004 Gonzalves, Joe 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3005 Lanfri, B. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3006 George, Manuel 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3007 Thomas, Antone 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3008 Vargas, J. & T. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3009 Coelho, Manuel 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3010 Rose, J. M., Jr. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3011 Mello, F. C. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3012 Scatena, D. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3013 Bertolozzi, A. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3014 Luca, Antonio 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3015 Marin, L. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3016 Sales, Nicolas 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3017 Frager, Frank 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3018 Hanson, Orloff & Rickenbach 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3019 Kruse Bros. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3020 Menodonca, Joe E. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3021 Mosegaard, Peter 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3022 Shinn, J. C. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3023 Lial, J. S. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3024 Tuano, A. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3025 Smith, Jane 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3026 Perez, Dionacio 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3027 Murphy, P. J. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3028 Delucchi, Paul 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3029 Fong, W. C. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3030 American Box & Drum Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3031 Hanson, Orloff & Rickenbach 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3032 Eaton & Smith 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3033 Mosegaard, Peter 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3034 Parks, W. W. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3035 Thomas, Antone 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3036 Abel, O. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3037 Mendoza, Geo. 1925

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3038 Borein, C. A. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3039 Yin, Lum 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3040 Hartmann, G. Bourdette 1926-1929

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3041 John Ghiozzi & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3042 Cresta, F. A. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3043 John Ghiozzi & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3044 Biggins, A. E. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3045 Farrington, E. J. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 12

#3046 Diaz, P. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3047 Bode, E. H. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3049 Trustees Sunol Glen School District 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3050 Sternberg, Frank 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3051 Clark & Goesman 1926, 1928

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3052 Merced Hillside Farm Company 1925-1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3053 Eubanks, J. R. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3054 Ingleside Public Golf Course Inc. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3055 Hildreth, Merle 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3056 L. Battaini & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3057 Standish, A. M. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3058 A. Stagnaro & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3059 Garibaldi, D. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3060 Armenio, Frank 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3061 Hartmann, G. B. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3062 Rinaldi, Nicolo 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3063 Alameda Council of the Boy Scouts of America 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3064 previous hit Lagomarsino next hit , Geo. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3065 G. Sivori & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3066 Hanrahan Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3067 Schuckl & Company Inc. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3068 American Box & Drum Company 1926, 1928

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3069 G. A. Degliantoni & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3070 J.Bacigalupi & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3071 Castagnetto, John 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3072 Geisi, E. 1926, 1927

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3073 Puccini, Joe 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3075 Poledner, Karl 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3076 Vera, Frank 1926-1927

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3077 Flaig, Phil 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3078 Flaig, Phil 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3079 De Martini Bros. 1926-1927

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3080 Sproul, R. G. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3082 Rose, T. T. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3083 J. B. Vallerga & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3084 Geary, John 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3085 Jas. Varni & Sons 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3086 Massolo, G. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3087 Garibaldi, D. 1926-1927

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3088 F. Pietronave & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3089 Franzoia, Mrs. J. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3090 Casanova, P. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3091 Ferrendo, V. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3092 Fillippi, Q. 1926-1927

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3093 Roney, W. J. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3094 Gainer, Wm. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 13

#3095 Frager, Frank 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3097 Trimingham, J. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3099 Ferro, Peter 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3100 Hull, Asa 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3101 Cardenti, G. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3102 J.Giorni & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3103 Christenson, S. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3104 Biggins, A. E. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3105 Mourra, F. J. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3106 Noya, F. M. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3107 Soares, J. S. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3108 Imfeld & Stadler 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3109 Stagnaro, Frank1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3110 Santos, J. J. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3111 Luis, J. C. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3112 Blacow, R. F. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3113 Amaral, J. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3114 Avila, M. F. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3115 Amaro, M. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3116 Goularte, A. D. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3117 Henrigues, J. C. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3118 Freitas, Joaquin 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3119 Lemos, J. S. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3120 Yin, Lum 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3121 Coelho, Manuel 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3122 Figone, Angelo 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3123 Muniz, M. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3124 Rinaldi, N. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3125 Hanson, Orloff & Rickenbach 1926-1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3126 John Ghiozzi & Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3127 Lial, J. S. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3129 Delucchi, Paul 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3130 Kruse, F. M. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3131 Mendoza, Frank 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3132 Standish, A. M. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3133 Swanson, Chas. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3134 Thomas, A. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3135 Avila, J. F. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3137 Bertolozzi, A. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3138 Cortes, Joe 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3139 Diaz, P. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3140 Gonzalves, Joe 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3141 Fong, W. C. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3144 Lanfri, B. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3145 Luca, Antonia 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3146 Marin, L. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3147 Martinez, Benigo 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3148 Merced Hillside Farm Company 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3149 Peters, Joe 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3150 Rabello, A. V. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3151 Scatena, D. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3152 Silva, J. G. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3153 Terra, M. F. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3154 Thomsen, Jas. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3155 Vargas, J. P. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3156 Coulart, M. S. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3157 Nevin, Con 1926

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3158 Salas, N. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3159 August, Jas. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 14

#3160 Gomes, M. S. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 15

#3188 Fleishhacker Playground, San Francisco 1926-1933

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3161 Nielsen, P. N. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3162 Paulo, M., Jr. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3163 Duarte, T. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3164 Mello, F. C. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3165 Mendonca, Joe E. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3166 Murphy, P. J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3167 Nunes, Jos. S. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3168 Perez, D. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3169 Pinheiro, Anton 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3170 Smith, Jane 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3171 Toscano, Frank 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3172 Tuano, A. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3173 Giannini, G. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3174 Haas, Chas. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3175 Campbell, Dave 1927-1930

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3176 R. J. Cresta & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3177 Hock, Billy Chan 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3178 McCarthy, Dan 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3180 Camilli, A. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3181 Horn, Mrs. Millis 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3182 Kruse Bros. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3183 Rose, F. G. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3184 Mendoza, Geo. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3185 Shinn, J. C. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3186 Bico, Frank P. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3187 Castagnetto, John 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3189 McWhirter, R. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3190 Borein, C. A. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3191 Gianopoulos, A. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3192 George, M. F. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3193 Avila, John 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3194 Carstensen, L. H. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3195 Hord, C. H. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3196 King, Antone 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3197 Martinez, M. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3198 Silva, A. M. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3199 Farrington, E. J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3200 Garin, H. P. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3201 Foster and Kleiser Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3202 Moore, A. A. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3203 Bode, E. H. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3204 Rose, J. M., Jr. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3205 Serratto, A. 1927-1928

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3206 Frager Bros. 1926

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3207 Flaig, Phil 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3208 Eubanks, J. R. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3209 Rosewarne, Jas. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3210 Mosegaard, P. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3211 Rose, T. T. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3213 Moore, Wm. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3214 previous hit Lagomarsino next hit , Geo. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 16

#3215 Hildreth, Merle 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3217 Vernazza, D. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3218 Armenio, Frank 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3219 A. Stagnaro & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3220 Salas, P. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3222 Garibaldi, G. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3223 G. Sivori & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3224 Ingleside Public Golf Course Inc. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3225 Hanrahan Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3226 Horn, Mrs. Millis 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3227 Eaton & Smith 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3228 Watson, Reginald 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3229 Ball, N. M. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3230 Schuckl Company, Inc. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3231 Puccini, J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3234 Castagnetto, J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3236 G. A. Degliantoni & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3237 Gelsi, E. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3238 J. Bacigalupi & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3240 De Martini Bros. 1927-1928

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3241 Poledner, Karl 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3242 Hon, Lai Yoke 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3243 Geary, John 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3245 Silva, John 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3246 Ferrando, V. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3249 Angelo Ferro & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3250 Vera, Frank 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3251 Delfino, G. B. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3252 Vernazza, D. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3253 Cardenti, G. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3254 Tashjan, O. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3256 Franzoia, Mrs. E. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3257 Gainer, Wm. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3259 Hull, Asa 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3260 Gallagher, Alfred 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3261 Bico, Frank B., Jr. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3265 J. Varni & Sons 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3266 Amaral, J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3267 Amaro, M. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3269 Andrade, A. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3270 Avila, John 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3271 Avila, M. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3272 Blacow, R. F. 1927-1928

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3274 Borge, Joe 1927

Carton 53, Folder 17

#3275 Carstensen, L. H. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3277 Coelho, Manuel 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3278 Cardoza, M. F. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3280 Frager, Frank 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3281 Frager Bros. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3282 Freitas, Joaquin 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3283 Gomes, M. S. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3284 George, J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3285 Garibaldi, D. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3287 Goulart, A. D. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3288 Goulart, Manuel 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3289 Hord, C. H. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3290 Imfeld & Stadler 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3291 Johnson, L. B. 1927-1931

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3292 Kruse, F. M. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3293 Kavanagh, Dennis J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3294 Kruse Bros. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3295 Lemos, J. S. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3296 Luis, J. C. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3297 Mendoza, Anton 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3298 Mendonca, J. E. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3300 Mendoza, Frank 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3302 Mourra, F. J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3303 Muniz, M. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3304 Nielsen, N. P. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3305 Noya, F. M. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3306 Nunes, Jos. S. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3307 F. Pietronave & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3308 Rabello, A. V. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3309 Roney, W. J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3310 Rose, F. G. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3312 Silva, J. G. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3313 Swanson, Chas. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3314 Stagnaro, Frank 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3315 Soares, J. S. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3316 Scatena, D. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3317 Thomsen, Jas. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3318 Thomas, Antone 1927-1928

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3319 V. Taddei & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3320 Terra, M. F. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3321 Vargas, J. P. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3323 J. B. Vallerga & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3324 Henrigues, J. C. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3325 Avila, Frank 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3326 Peters, J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3327 Figone, Angelo 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3328 Mendoza, Frank 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3330 Perry & Son 1927, 1929

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3331 Rose, J. M., Jr. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3332 Trimingham, John 1927-1928

Carton 53, Folder 18

#3333 Mendoza, Manuel 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3334 Hanson, Orloff & Rickenbach 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3335 Rose, T. T. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3337 Negherborn, R. G. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3338 Catelani, C. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3339 Nevin, Con 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3340 Shinn, J. C. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3341 Santos, J. J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3342 Merced Hillside Farm Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3343 Paulo, M. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3344 Marin, L. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3345 Tuano, A. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3346 Lanfri, B. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3347 Luca, A. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3348 Martinez, B. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3349 Murphy, P. J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3350 Salas, N. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3351 Salas, P. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3352 Smith, Jane 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3353 August, Jas. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3354 Avila, J. F. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3355 Bertolozzi, A. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3356 Cortes, Joe 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3357 Gonzalves, Joe 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3358 Delucchi, P. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3359 Perez, D. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3362 R. C. Storrie & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3363 V. Taddei & Company 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3364 McWhirter, R. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3365 Thomas, Mrs. A. 1928-1930

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3366 Fong, W. C. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3367 Garin, H. P. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3368 George, M. F. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3369 Giannini, G. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3370 Castagnetto, J. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3371 Camilli, A. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3372 Diaz, P. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3373 Rinaldi, N. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3374 Martinez, M. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3376 V. Taddei & Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3377 Borein, C. A. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 19

#3380 Flaig, Phil 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3381 Briggs, W. M. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3382 Christenson, S. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3383 Standish, A. M. 1927

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3384 Farrington, E. J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3385 Mosegaard, P. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3386 Moore, Wm. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3387 Garibaldi, D. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3388 A.Stagnaro & Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3389 Vernazza, D. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3390 Ringen, W. M. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3391 Eubanks, J. R. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3392 previous hit Lagomarsino next hit , Geo. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3393 Hanrahan Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3394 Armenio, Frank 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3395 G. Sivori & Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3396 Associated Oil Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3397 Callori, V. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3399 Horn, Mrs. Millis 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3400 Schuckl & Company, Inc. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3400 P. Conci & Sons 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3403 Puccini, J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3405 Rosewarne, Jas. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3406 G.A. Degliantoni & Company 1928-1929

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3407 Poledener, Karl 1928-1929

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3409 De Martini Bros. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3418 Silva, John 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3419 Rose, T. T. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3420 Delfino, G. B. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3421 Castagnetto, J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3422 Castagnetto, J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3423 Vera, Frank 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3424 Agnesse, Delfino & Company 1928-1929

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3425 Borge, Jos. F. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3426 Mendoza, A. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3427 Mendoza, A. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3428 Mendoza, Manuel 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3429 Mendoza, Manuel 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3430 F. Pietronave & Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3431 Roney, W. J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3432 J. B. Vallerga & Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3433 J. B. Vallerga & Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3435 Cardenti, G. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3438 Santos, J. J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3441 Geary, John 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3442 Franzola, Mrs. E. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3443 Jas. Varni & Sons 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3444 Frager Bros. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3445 Kirschner, A. F. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3446 Hull, Asa 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3447 Gainer, Wm. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 20

#3448 Stagnaro, Frank 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3449 Garibaldi, D. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3450 Bico, Manuel Pimentel 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3451 Egan, Jas. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3453 Amaral, J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3454 Avilla, Joe F. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3455 Avila, John 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3456 Briggs, W. M. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3457 Carstensen, L. H. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3458 Delucchi, J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3459 George, J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3460 Goulart, A. D. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3462 Peters, J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3461 Hord, C. H. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3463 Rose, Joe 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3464 Swanson, Chas. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3465 Terra, M. F. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3466 Thomas, Antone 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3467 Thomsen, Jas. 1928-1929

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3468 Thomsen, Louis 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3469 Castagnetto,V. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3470 L. Figone & Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3471 Mourra, F. J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3472 Rabello, A. V. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3473 Shinn, J. C. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3472 Soares, J. S. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3475 Amaro, M. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3476 Avila, Frank 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3477 Blacow, R. F. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3478 Cardoza, M. F. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3479 Christenson, S. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3480 Coelho, Manuel 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3481 Frager, Frank 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3482 Frager, Joaquin 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3484 Hanson, Orloff & Rickenbach 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3485 Henrigues, J. C. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3486 Nielsen, N. P. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 21

#3487 Paulo, M. R., Jr. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3489 Lemos, J. S. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3490 Luis, J. C. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3492 Rose, J. M., Jr. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3493 Imfeld & Stadler 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3494 Murphy, P. J. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3496 Avila, J. F. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3497 Smith, Jane 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3498 Tuano, A. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3499 Berni & Company 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3500 Duarte, M. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3501 Giannini, G. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3502 Luca, A. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3503 Cortes, Joe 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3504 August, Jas. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3505 Bertolozzi, A. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3506 Carstensen, H. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3507 Fong, W. C. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3508 Garibaldi, D. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3509 Gonzalves, Joe 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3510 Kavanagh, Dennis J. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3511 Kruse, F. M. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3512 Kruse Bros. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3513 Lanfri, B. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3514 Mendoza, Frank 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3515 Mendoza, Frank 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3517 Muniz, M. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3516 Morales, A., Cardenas, J. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3518 Perez, D. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3519 Salas, P. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3520 Silva, J. G. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3521 Vargas, J. P. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3522 Gomez, M. S. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3523 Salas, N. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3524 Noya, F. M. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3525 Nunes, Jos. S. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3526 Massolo, A. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3527 Camilli, A. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3528 Mendonca, J. E. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3529 McWhirter, R. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3530 Marin, L. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3531 Martinez, M. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3533 L. Ratto & Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3534 Goularte, M. S. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3535 Standish, A. M. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3539 previous hit Lagomarsino , Geo. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3551 Eubanks, J. R. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3553 Rinaldi, N. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3554 A. Stagnaro & Company 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3555 L. Figone & Company 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3556 E. Puccinelli & Company 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3557 E. Puccinelli & Company 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3558 Vernazza, D. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 22

#3560 Mills Estate Incorporated 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3561 Merced Hillside Farm Company 1928

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3562 Mendoza, A. 1928

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3566 Rose, T. T. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3269 Castagnetto, J. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3570 Cardenti,G. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3573 G. A. Degliantoni & Company 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3574 Poledner, Karl 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3575 Dodge & Sankey 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3578 Sivori, G. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3579 Sivori, G. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3580 Puccini, J. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3582 Garibaldi, D. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3585 J. B. Vallerga & Company, and Greppi, A. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3589 Silva, John P. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3590 Armenio, Frank 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3595 Amaro, M. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3596 Amaral, J. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3599 Briggs, W. M. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3605 Carstensen, L. H. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3607 Christenson, S. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3608 Cardoza, M. F. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3612 Delucchi, J. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3618 Garibaldi, D. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3620 Goulart, A. D. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3621 George, J. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3623 Hansen, Orloff & Rickenbach 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3624 Henrigues, J. C. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3625 Hord, C. H. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3626 Imfeld & Stadler 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 23

#3627 Kruse, F. M. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3630 Kruse, J. C. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3635 Lemos, J. S. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3641 Merced Hillside Farm Company 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3650 Nielsen, N. P. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3654 Peters, J. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3655 Paulo, M. R. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3556 Paulo, M. R., Jr. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3658 Pietronave, F. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3662 Silva, J. G. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3671 Terra, M. F. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3672 Thomsen, Louis 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3673 Thomsen, Jas. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3659 Rabello, A. V. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3675 Vargas, J. P. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3676 J.Varni & Sons 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3680 Corriea, Joaquin 1929--30

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3684 Vallerga, J. B. 1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3685 Standish, A. M. 1929

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3687 Sunseri Bros. 1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3688 Rose, J. M., Jr. 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3689 L. Ratto & Company 1929-1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#3702 Agnese & Firpo 1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#[?] Lopez, M. M. 1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#[?] Hansen, Orloff & Company 1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#[?] Fuchs, Mrs. X. 1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#[?] Lawrence, H. M. 1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#[?] Avila Bros. 1930

Carton 53, Folder 24

#[?] Hansen, Orloff & Rickenbach 1930


Series 6 Financial and Operations Records 1878-1952

Physical Description: v. 70-118; Box 6; Cartons 54-56; Oversize Folders 147, 160


Arranged in numerical order, chronologically, or hierarchically, as appropriate.

Scope and Content Note

Divided into six sub-series: Journals; Cash Books; Miscellaneous Accounting and Financial Records; Taxes; Pension Funds; and Miscellaneous Operational Records.

Subseries 6.1 Journals 1903-1930

Physical Description: v. 70 - v. 80


Arranged in numerical order or chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Journals record accounting entries with brief description of nature or cause of allocation to detailed expense or asset categories, including month end closing of accounts to Profit and Loss. Of note is the closing of accounts on April 17, 1906, the day prior to the San Francisco earthquake and fire.
Volume 70

Journal #1 1903-1906

Scope and Content Note

Sept. 15, 1903 - Dec. 31, 1906
Volume 71

Journal #2 1907-1909

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 1, 1907 - Dec. 31, 1909
Volume 72

Journal #3 [cont. of #2] 1909-1911

Scope and Content Note

Dec. 31, 1909 - Dec. 31, 1911
Volume 73

Journal #4 1912-1914

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 31, 1912 - Dec. 31, 1914
Volume 74

Journal #5 [cont. of #4] 1914-1917

Scope and Content Note

Dec. 31, 1914 - Dec. 31, 1917
Volume 75

Journal #6 1918-1920

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 31, 1918 - Aug. 31, 1920
Volume 76

Journal #7 1920-1923

Scope and Content Note

Sept. 30, 1920 - April 30, 1923
Volume 77

Journal #8 1923-1925

Scope and Content Note

May 1, 1923 - July 31, 19
Volume 78

Journal #9 1925-1929

Scope and Content Note

Aug. 31, 1925 - July 31, 1927
Volume 79

Journal #10 1927-1929

Scope and Content Note

Aug. 30, 1927 - June 30, 1929
Carton 80

Journal #11 1929-1930

Scope and Content Note

July 31, 1929 - March 10, 1930

Subseries 6.2 Cash Books 1905-1928

Physical Description: v. 81-v. 98

Scope and Content Note

Cash books record daily receipts and disbursements, and include some description of the nature or purpose of the transaction, with a reconciliation of bank accounts at the end of each month. The first volume is unnumbered, and ends with the entry for April 18, 1906, the day of the earthquake and fire. Presumably transactions for the next several months were kept separately and have not survived, as the next cash book in the collection begins on August 12, 1907. Volumes 2-4, 7, and 16-17, covering parts of 1906-1907, 1910-1911, and 1920-1921, are all lacking.
Volume 81

Cash [no #] 1905-1906

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 3, 1905 - April 18, 1906
Volume 82

Cash #5 1907-1908

Scope and Content Note

Aug. 12, 1907 - Dec. 31, 1908
Volume 83

Cash #6 1909

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 2, 1909 - Dec. 31, 1909

[Cash #7 missing]

Volume 84

Cash #8 1912

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 1, 1912 - Dec. 31, 1912
Volume 85

Cash #9 1913

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 2, 1913 - Dec. 31, 19
Volume 86

Cash #10 1914

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 2, 1914 - Dec. 31, 1914
Volume 87

Cash #11 1915

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 2, 1915 - Dec. 31, 1915
Volume 88

Cash #12 01916

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 1, 1916 - Dec. 31, 1916
Volume 89

Cash #13 1917

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 2, 1917 - Dec. 31, 1917
Volume 90

Cash #14 1918

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 2, 1918 - Dec. 31, 1918
Volume 91

Cash #15 1919

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 2, 1919 - Dec. 31, 1919

[Cash #16 and #17 missing]

Volume 92

Cash #18 1922

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 3, 1922 - Dec. 30, 1922
Volume 93

Cash #19 1923

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 1, 1923 - Dec. 31, 1923
Volume 94

Cash #20 1924

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 1, 1924 - Dec. 31, 1924
Volume 95

Cash #21 1925

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 1, 1925 - Dec. 31, 1925
Volume 96

Cash #22 1926

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 1, 1926 - Dec. 31, 1926
Volume 97

Cash #23 1927

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 1, 1927 - Dec. 31, 1927
Volume 98

Cash #24 1928

Scope and Content Note

Jan. 1, 1928 - Dec. 31, 1928

Subseries 6.3 Miscellaneous Accounting and Financial Records 1900-1952

Physical Description: v. 99-115, oversize folder 160


Arranged hierarchically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Further divided into: Spring Valley Water Works; Spring Valley Water Company; and Spring Valley Company, Ltd.

6.3.1 Spring Valley Water Works 1900-1905

Physical Description: v. 99-101


Arranged chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of 3 cash books from this predecessor company.
Volume 99

Cash 1900-1902

Volume 100

Cash 1902-1903

Volume 101

Cash 1903-1905


6.3.2 Spring Valley Water Company 1908-1921

Physical Description: v. 102-110, oversize folder 160


Arranged hierarchically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains miscellaneous registers, ledgers and statements.
Volume 102-104

Bill registers #3-5

Volume 105

Bills #11

Volume 128

Ledger 1908-1911

Scope and Content Note

Includes dividends, coupons, labor, meter deposits, and accounts
Volume 106

Ledger 1913-1917

Volume 107

Financial statements 1908-1909

Volume 108

Financial statements 1908-1913

Volume 109

Coupon register, bond interest payments 1910-1912

Volume 110

Coupon register, bond interest payments 1919-1921

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 160

Operating Expenses 1900-1913

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 160

Estimated Development of Revenue and Expenses- showing profit under Municipal Ownership October 1914

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 160

Unidentified map undated

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 160

12 tables detailing operations circa 1904


6.3.3 Spring Valley Company, Ltd. 1930-1952

Physical Description: v. 111-115


Arranged hierarchically

Scope and Content Note

Contains a cash book, ledger, receipts, trial balances, and a dividend list.
Volume 111

Cash #11 1930-1933

Volume 112

Ledger #1 1930-1937

Volume 113

Cash receipts, journal, and check records 1943-1947

Volume 114

Trial balances 1933-1952

Volume 115

Dividend list and check register 1930-1944

Scope and Content Note

Spring Valley Water Co. to Spring Valley Co., Ltd.

Subseries 6.4 Taxes 1910-1945

Physical Description: Cartons 54-55; Oversize Folder 147


Arranged hierarchically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes records of taxes on capital stock, income, and property.
Carton 54, Folder 1-3

Capital stock 1916-1925

Carton 54, Folder 4-5

Income and Federal taxes, Spring Valley Water Co. and affiliates 1910-1928

Carton 54, Folder 6-24

Income taxes 1913-1934

Carton 55, Folder 1-31

Property taxes, county 1929-1949

Scope and Content Note

Tax bills and working papers
Oversize Drawer C, Folder 147



Subseries 6.5 Pension Funds 1926-1952

Physical Description: Carton 56


Arranged hierarchically, and then chronologically.

Scope and Content Note

Contains minutes of trustee meetings, employee service and pension records, correspondence, and miscellaneous financial materials.
Carton 56, Folder 1

Trustee meeting minutes 1931-1941

Carton 56, Folder 2

Employee service records and salaries 1921 March 1

Carton 56, Folder 3-4

Pension roll 1930-1950



Carton 56, Folder 5

San Francisco Water Dept. 1930-1950

Carton 56, Folder 6-7

Miscellaneous 1926-1942

Carton 56, Folder 8

Foley, Patrick (estate) 1939

Carton 56, Folder 9

Fong, Gee 1934-1935

Carton 56, Folder 10

Statements 1928-1941

Carton 56, Folder 11

Bank reconciliation 1931-1950

Carton 56, Folder 12

Miscellaneous securities 1927-1940

Carton 56, Folder 13

Miscellaneous working papers undated

Carton 56, Folder 14

Notices of credits to Wells Fargo account 1931-1952

Carton 56, Folder 15-16

Checks 1937, 1951

Carton 56, Folder 17

Check Stubs 1934, 1950-1951

Carton 56, Folder 18

Miscellaneous printed material 1937-1938


Subseries 6.6 Miscellaneous Operational Records 1878-1913

Physical Description: v. 116-118, Box 6


Further divided into: Spring Valley Water Works, and Spring Valley Water Company.

6.6.1 Spring Valley Water Works 1878-1880

Physical Description: v. 116

Scope and Content Note

There is only one service book for S.V.W.W.
Volume 116

Service Book 1878-1880


6.6.2 Spring Valley Water Company 1884-1913

Physical Description: v. 117-118

Scope and Content Note

Consists of a record book of meter deposits; a warehouse journal; daily records of reservoir levels, water consumption and rainfall for 1884-1885; and files relating to salaries and labor for April 1906 and 1911 to 1913.
Volume 117

Deposits on meters 1906-1909

Volume 118

Warehouse journal #1 1907-1908

Box 6, Folder 1-2

Daily records of reservoir levels, water consumption and rain 1884-1885

Box 6, Folder 3

Salaries and labor 1906 April

Box 6, Folder 4-5

Labor #2 and #3 1911-1913


Series 7 Subsidiaries 1899-1941

Physical Description: Boxes 7-14; v. 129-150; Oversize Folders 148-149


Arranged chronologically, by date of founding.

Scope and Content Note

Divided into ten sub-series: Suburban Company; Amador Valley Mutual Water Company; City and Suburban Realty Company; Empire Mines and Investment Company; Empire Mines; The River Mines Company; Eureka Lake and Yuba Canal Company; Contention Mines; The Filoli Estate; and, Filoli, Incorporated.

Subseries 7.1 Suburban Company 1899-1911

Physical Description: Box 7, folders 1-4


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes bylaws, board of directors meeting minutes, corporate secretary materials, and stock certificates. Suburban Company was incorporated in 1899, with 99% of shares owned by Spring Valley Water Company. In 1911 all remaining real estate in Santa Clara and Alameda counties was transferred to S.V.W.Co.
Box 7, Folder 1

By-laws 1899 Jan. 23

Box 7, Folder 2

Board of Directors 1907-1911

Scope and Content Note

Meeting minutes, March 28, 1907-Sept. 21, 1911
Box 7, Folder 3

Corporate Secretary matters 1908-1911

Scope and Content Note

Sept. 10, 1908-Sept. 22, 1911
Box 7, Folder 4

Stock certificates 1899-1908

Scope and Content Note

#1-13, 15-16, 19 and blanks

Subseries 7.2 Amador Valley Mutual Water Company 1937-1941

Physical Description: Box 7, folders 5-8; v. 129


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes articles of incorporation, board of directors meeting minutes, bylaws, and stock records. Amador Valley Mutual Water Company was incorporated in 1937 to provide water to owners of its shares, at cost, for irrigation purposes. The Company never engaged in this business and its assets were subsequently acquired by Spring Valley Water Company in April 1941.
Box 7, Folder 5

Articles of incorporation, 1937 April 22

Box 7

Board of Directors 1937-1941

Scope and Content Note

Meeting minutes, May 11, 1937-April 2, 1941
Box 7, Folder 6

By-laws 1937

Scope and Content Note

May 11, 1917; Amended, Aug. 17, 1937
Box 7, Folder 7

Stock journal 1937-1941

Box 7, Folder 8

Stock ledger 1937-1941

Volume 129

Stock certificates 1937-1940

Scope and Content Note

#1-10 and blanks

Subseries 7.3 [City and Suburban Realty Company] 1910-1911

Physical Description: Box 7, folder 9

Scope and Content Note

Consists of one stock ledger. The connection of City and Suburban Realty Company to S.V.W.Co. is not clear, but may be related to Suburban Company.
Box 7, Folder 9

Stock ledger 1910-1911


Subseries 7.4 Empire Mines and Investment Company 1910-1911

Physical Description: Box 8, folders 1-13; v. 130-139; v. 148-150;Oversize Folder 148


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes bylaws, board of directors meeting minutes, and stock, property, and financial records. In 1927, Empire Mines and Investment Company formed River Mines, which merged with Filoli Estate in 1930 to become Filoli, Inc.
Box 8, Folder 1

By-laws 1916-1922

Scope and Content Note

Nov. 27, 1916; Amended June 23, 1

Board of Directors

Volume 130

Meeting minutes, June 7, 1906-June 2, 1924 1906-1924

Volume 131

Meeting minutes, Sept. 15, 1924-May 7, 1930 1924-1930

Box 8, Folder 2

Stock journal 1906-1923

Box 8, Folder 3-5

Stock ledgers 1900-1931

Volume 132

Stock certificates 1900-1923

Scope and Content Note

Issued 1900-1921, cancelled 1923
Volume 133

Stock certificates (new series) 1923 June 1

Scope and Content Note

#1-165 and blanks

Hammon Engineering

Box 8, Folder 6

Agreement 1916-1917

Box 8, Folder 7

Sale of stock and property, 1916 Oct. 28

Box 8, Folder 8

Leases 1917 Jan. 12

Volume 148

Journal 1906-1927

Volume 134

Journal "B" 1927-1930

Volume 149

Cash 1906-1911

Volume 135

Cash "B" 1911-1916

Volume 136

Cash "C" 1916-1922

Volume 137

Cash "D" 1922-1929

Volume 138

Journal [cash] "E" 1929-1930

Volume 150

Ledger 1906-1917

Volume 139

Ledger #2 1917-1930

Box 8, Folder 13

Loose items from ledger, including memo to auditors concerning reserves and Filoli accounts

Box 8, Folder 9

Check register 1906-1925

Box 8, Folder 10-12

Taxes 1917-1928

Oversize Drawer B, Folder 148

Taxes 1917-1928


Subseries 7.5 Empire Mines 1927-1931

Physical Description: Box 9, folders 1-5; Box 10, folder 1; v. 140


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes bylaws, and stock and financial records. Empire Mines was formed to take over all mining interests of Empire Mines and Investment Company, and also purchased all capital stock of The River Mines.
Box 9, Folder 1

By-laws 1928 Nov. 30

Box 9, Folder 2

Stock journal 1928-1931

Box 9, Folder 3

Stock ledger 1928-1930

Volume 140

Stock certificates 1928-1931

Scope and Content Note

#1-70 and blanks
Box 9, Folder 4

Journal #1 1929-1931

Box 9, Folder 5

Cash #1 1929-1931

Box 10, Folder 1

Ledger #1 1927-1929


Subseries 7.6 the River Mines Company 1906-1927

Physical Description: Box 10, folders 2-9; Box 11, folders 1-3


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes bylaws, record of incorporation, board of directors and stockholders meeting minutes, correspondence, and stock and financial records. The River Mines Company was a subsidiary of Empire Mines and Investment Company, and was sold to Empire Mines in 1928.
Box 10, Folder 2

By-laws 1906 June 23

Box 10, Folder 3

Record of incorporation, and Board of Directors meeting minutes, June 23, 1906-Nov. 10, 1927 1906-1927

Box 10, Folder 4

Resignations 1907 Feb. 26

Box 10, Folder 5

Stockholders and Directors Special meeting--notice, waivers, and minutes 1929 Aug. 29

Box 10, Folder 6

Correspondence of W. B. Bourn and T. T. C. Gregory regarding the umpsted Plan to develop power rom Sierra Water in Nevada County 1921 Feb.-March

Box 10, Folder 7

Stock journal 1906-1926

Box 10, Folder 8

Stock ledger 1906-1926

Box 10, Folder 9

Stock certificates 1906-1907

Scope and Content Note

#1-23 and blanks
Box 11, Folder 1

Indenture (bank form) 1929

Box 11, Folder 2

Journal 1907-1928

Box 11, Folder 3

Ledger 1907-1928


Subseries 7.7 Eureka Lake and Yuba Canal Company 1906-1927

Physical Description: Box 11, folders 4-5

Scope and Content Note

Includes only a financial journal and a ledger. Eureka Lake and Yuba Canal Company was a subsidiary of Empire Mines and Investment Company, and was purchased by River Mines in 1927.
Box 11, Folder 4

Journal 1906-1927

Box 11, Folder 5

Ledger 1906-1927


Subseries 7.8 Contention Mines 1917

Physical Description: Box 11, folder 6

Scope and Content Note

Includes only bylaws of Contention Mines; the connection to S.V.W.Co. is not clear.
Box 11, Folder 6

By-laws 1917 June 14


Subseries 7.9 The Filoli Estate 1917-1930

Physical Description: Box 12, folders 1-5; v. 141-146; Oversize Folder 149


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes bylaws, articles of incorporation, board of directors and shareholders meeting minutes, and stock and financial records. Filoli Estate was merged with Empire Mines and Investment Company to form Filoli, Inc.
Box 12, Folder 1

By-laws 1917 June 7

Box 12, Folder 2

Articles of incorporation 1917 May 8

Box 12

Board of Directors and Shareholders 1917-1930

Scope and Content Note

Meeting Minutes, June 7, 1917-Sept. 12, 1930
Box 12, Folder 3

Stock Journal 1917-1929

Box 12, Folder 4

Stock ledger 1917-1929

Volume 141

Stock certificates 1917

Scope and Content Note

#1-13 and blacks; cancelled Dec. 22 1927
Volume 142

Stock certificates (new) 1917

Scope and Content Note

#6-24 and blanks
Volume 143

Journal #1 1917-1930

Volume 144

Cash #1 1917-1927

Volume 145

Cash #2 1927-1930

Volume 146

Ledger #1 1917-1930

Box 12, Folder 5

Miscellaneous tax and financial data 1917-1925

Oversize Drawer A, Folder 149

Miscellaneous tax and financial data 1917-1925


Subseries 7.10 Filoli Incorporated 1930-1938

Physical Description: Box 12, folders 6-8; Boxes 13-14; v. 147


Arranged hierarchically.

Scope and Content Note

Includes bylaws, impressions of the corporate seal, board of directors and shareholders meeting minutes, and stock and financial records.
Box 12, Folder 6

By-laws 1930 May 7

Scope and Content Note

Amended 1936 Sept. 1
Box 12, Folder 7

Corporate Seal (impressions) 1930 May 1

Box 12, Folder 8

Board of Directors and Shareholders 1930-1936

Scope and Content Note

Meeting minutes, May 7, 1930-Nov. 2, 1936
Box 13, Folder 1

Meeting minutes, Nov. 9, 1936-Nov. 3, 1938 1936-1938

Box 13, Folder 2

Stock journal and ledger 1930-1938

Volume 147

Stock certificates 1930 June 16-Nov. 19

Scope and Content Note

#1-17 and blank
Box 13, Folder 3

Journal #1 1930-1938

Box 13, Folder 4

Cash #1 1930-1933

Box 14, Folder 1

Cash #2 1933-1936

Box 14, Folder 2

Cash #3 1936-1938

Box 14, Folder 3

Ledger #1 1930-1938