Guide to the Chinese in California Virtual Collection

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The Chinese next hit in California Virtual Archive

The Bancroft Library


The Ethnic Studies Library

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, California California Historical Society

North Baker Research Library

San Francisco, California
Processed by:
Bancroft Library Staff
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Descriptive Summary

Title: The previous hit Chinese next hit in California
Date: 1850-1925
Collection number: various
Size: 2710 digital library objects (5349 items)
Repository: The Bancroft Library.
Berkeley, California 94720-6000
Repository: The Ethnic Studies Library
Berkeley, California 94720-6000
Repository: California Historical Society, North Baker Research Library
San Francisco, California 94105-4014
Abstract: The previous hit Chinese next hit in California, 1850-1925 illustrates nineteenth and early twentieth century previous hit Chinese next hit immigration to California through about 8,000 images and pages of primary source materials. Included are photographs, original art, cartoons and other illustrations; letters, excerpts from diaries, business records, and legal documents; as well as pamphlets, broadsides, speeches, sheet music, and other printed matter. These documents describe the experiences of previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants in California, including the nature of inter-ethnic tensions. They also document the specific contributions of previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants to commerce and business, architecture and art, agriculture and other industries, and cultural and social life in California. Chinatown in San Francisco receives special treatment as the oldest and largest community of previous hit Chinese next hit in the United States. Also included is documentation of smaller previous hit Chinese next hit communities throughout California, as well as material reflecting on the experiences of individuals. Although necessarily selective, such a large body of materials presents a full spectrum of representation and opinion. The materials in this online compilation are drawn from collections at The Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley; The Ethnic Studies Library, University of California Berkeley; and The California Historical Society, San Francisco.
Language: English.

Administrative Information


Restricted originals. Viewing prints available for most items. Access procedures and restrictions vary by repository. In most cases advance notice or an appointment is required for use. For more information contact the institution directly.

Publication Rights

The Bancroft Library, The Ethnic Studies Library, and The California Historical Society are not aware of any U.S. copyright or any other restrictions on the original materials digitized for this online collection, The previous hit Chinese next hit in California, 1850-1925. However, some of the content may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (title 17, USC) and/or by the copyright or neighboring rights laws of other nations. Additionally, the reproduction of some materials may be restricted by privacy or publicity rights. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to reproduce or use the item.
The owning institutions encourage use of these materials under the fair use clause of the 1976 copyright act. For the purposes of research, teaching, and private study, you may reproduce (print, make photocopies, or download) materials from this collection without prior permission of the owning institution, on the condition that proper attribution of the source is provided in all copies.
Sample credit lines:

The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. [call number, e.g. BANC PIC 1996.001--ALB]

The Ethnic Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley. [call number, e.g. AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 16: book 1]

California Historical Society, San Francisco. [call number, e.g. CO-Placer: Auburn: FN-34385]

For other uses of materials from the The previous hit Chinese next hit in California, 1850-1925 collection, (e.g., commercial products, publication, broadcast, and other reproductions not considered "fair use"), requests for permission must be submitted in writing. Permission for publication or other use is given on behalf of each institution as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained. Contact the owning institution, identified in the "Repository" field of the description of the item, at the address provided below:
For permission to use materials from The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
  • Head of Access Services
  • The Bancroft Library
  • University of California
  • Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
  • For permission to use materials from The Ethnic Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley
  • Asian American Collections Librarian
  • The Ethnic Studies Library
  • University of California
  • Berkeley, CA 94720
  • (510) 643-1234
  • For permission to use materials from the California Historical Society, San Francisco

Scope and Content

The previous hit Chinese next hit in California 1850-1925 is a compilation of selected holdings from collections housed in the archives and special collections of The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley; The Ethnic Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley; and the California Historical Society, San Francisco. Presenting approximately 8000 images, this virtual archive makes accessible material related to the history of the previous hit Chinese next hit people in California between 1850 and 1925. The materials were selected to illustrate broad topical themes:
  • previous hit Chinese next hit and Westward Expansion
  • San Francisco's Chinatown
  • Architectural Space
  • Business and Politics
  • Community
  • Outsiders Looking In
  • previous hit Chinese next hit / previous hit Chinese next hit -American Communities
  • Agriculture, Fishing, and Related Industries
  • Anti- previous hit Chinese next hit Movement and previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion
  • Sentiment Concerning the previous hit Chinese next hit : Illustrations from Periodicals
The materials selected are drawn from a variety of archival collections, compiled by institutions and libraries with varying missions. Many of the collections have distinctive histories of their own. In some cases entire collections have been included; more often a selection of materials relating to the previous hit Chinese next hit in California has been selected from a collection with broader scope. It is our hope that The previous hit Chinese next hit in California presents a balanced perspective on a tumultuous and changing history of this community in California. Major issues explored in these records include the previous hit Chinese next hit contribution to California and the American West in the 19th and early 20th centuries; the rampant anti- previous hit Chinese next hit sentiment encountered by these immigrants, eventually leading to the federal previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion Act of 1892 (repealed in 1943); and settlement and development in various communities, including San Francisco's Chinatown, which remains the largest Chinatown in the United States.
The materials presented in The previous hit Chinese next hit in California are only a small part of the wealth of historical and archival materials documenting this topic at participating institutions. Users should note the source of the materials found on this site and contact the holding libraries or archives for further information.

Repository Information

The Bancroft Library, The University of California, Berkeley

The Bancroft Library is the primary special collections library at the University of California, Berkeley. One of the largest and most heavily used libraries of manuscripts, rare books, and unique materials in the United States, Bancroft supports major research and instructional activities and plays a leading role in the development of the University's research collections. The Bancroft Library's holdings include more than 500,000 volumes, 50,000,000 manuscript items (some 35,000 linear feet), 2,800,000 photographs and other pictorial materials, 43, 000 microforms, and 23,000 maps.
The Bancroft Collection, the Library's largest resource, documents the history of North America from western plains states to the Pacific Coast and from Panama to Alaska from the late eighteenth century onward. The collection was initially assembled by Hubert Howe Bancroft, who settled in San Francisco during the gold rush era, becoming a bookstore owner and publisher. Beginning in the 1860s he gathered materials for his vast publication project of a series of histories of western North American, in the end numbering 39 volumes. Within a decade he had amassed 16,000 volumes. Purchased by The University of California, Berkeley in 1905, the collection documents, through primary and secondary resources, the economic, political, social, and cultural history of this vast region. The greatest emphasis in the collection is on California and Mexico, with the history of most other Western American states collected up to 1900, except such broad, overlapping issues as water and the environment, which are collected without regard to date. Also represented are early Pacific voyages of exploration and discovery; continental expansion west of the Mississippi, including the Louisiana Purchase, fur trade, overland journeys to the West; Hawaii and the Philippines, British Columbia and the Yukon.
Some of the topical strengths include materials relating to Spanish/ Mexican California, the California Gold Rush and the settlement that followed, urban and rural development, particularly in northern California, the environmental movement in the American West, and local, state, and national political figures. The Bancroft Collection richly documents nineteenth and early twentieth century previous hit Chinese next hit immigration to California and the West. Included in the collection is much that reflects the social life, culture, and commerce of these immigrants as well as the varying responses of other communities and individuals to the previous hit Chinese next hit . The primary source materials include photographs, original art, cartoons and other illustrations; letters, diaries, business records, and legal documents; as well as pamphlets, broadsides, speeches, sheet music, and other printed matter.

The Ethnic Studies Library, The University of California, Berkeley

The Ethnic Studies Library contains one of the most comprehensive and unique Asian American Studies Collections in the United States, including materials on the cultural, political, and socio-economic life of Asian Americans and previous hit Chinese next hit Overseas. Aside from developing a core collection on the identified Asian American groups--Asian Indian, previous hit Chinese next hit , Filipino, Japanese, Korean and Southeast Asian American (Cambodian, Lao, Lao Hmong, Lao Mien, Thai and Vietnamese Americans), the Asian American Collections also contain the largest previous hit Chinese next hit American archival collection in the world.
previous hit Chinese next hit American Archives contains manuscripts, diaries, correspondence, newsletters and other primary source materials, including the largest collection of biographies on prominent people in different fields and active community members. This is the most extensive collection of its kind. The collection also contains newspapers collections in previous hit Chinese next hit and English dating from 1880 to the present; an extensive slide collection on previous hit Chinese next hit American history; hundreds of photographs on historic events; and a numerous historical posters by Asian American artists announcing community events. There are over hundred unique archival collections including the collection of Dr. Margaret Chung, the first previous hit Chinese next hit American Woman Physician (1916) and the documents of the previous hit Chinese next hit Empire Reform Association (it also called Baohuang Hui) on the political activities of previous hit Chinese next hit Overseas, pa house. Also included are The previous hit Chinese next hit Historical Society of America Collections, The Ray Jones Collection (Jones was a fervent previous hit Chinese next hit anarchist in the United States), and University of California at Berkeley Alumni Collection, including collections from Mr. Yuk Ow, Mr. Him Mark Lai, and Professor Judy Yung.

California Historical Society, San Francisco

The California Historical Society (CHS) was founded in 1871, and designated by the state legislature in 1973 as the official historical society of California. Its mission is to engage the public's interest and participation in collecting, preserving, and presenting art, artifacts, and written materials relevant to the history of California and to support historical research, publication, and educational activities. The Society's holdings include research collections of library, archival and photography materials, as well as a fine arts collection with more than 5000 works of art that document the history of California in both the 19th and 20th centuries. Plans for the library were developed after the Society reorganized in 1922, and C. Templeton Crocker (1884-1948), eager to find a permanent home for his sizable collection of Californiana, placed it on permanent loan to the Society in 1923. Now owned by CHS, the library's collections today are built upon the strengths of Crocker's collection.
Housed in the North Baker Research Library at the Society's headquarters in San Francisco, the Society's research collections of primary and secondary resources include over 35,000 volumes of books and pamphlets, more than 4,000 manuscript collections, and some 500,000 photographs documenting California's social, cultural, economic, and political history and development, along with a large collection of maps, ephemera, posters, broadsides, periodicals, and newspapers relating to the history of California and the West from the early explorations to the present time.
The library's collection of rare books is notable for its 17th, 18th, and 19th century volumes on early explorations of the West and the Pacific, and many early books relating to the Mission period and the Gold Rush in California. Its manuscript collections include diaries of overland travelers as well as trips to California around the Horn and over the Isthmus of Panama. Its photography collections represent unique holding of many of California's most prestigious photographers, including Carleton Watkins, Eadweard Muybridge and Arnold Genthe. Of particular note among the many images that document the social, political, and cultural evolution of California are Genthe's street scenes of the San Francisco previous hit Chinese next hit community in the late 1800s. The Library is also home to the Kemble Collections on Western Printing and Publishing, one of the most complete collections of materials documenting printing and publishing in the western United States, consisting of more than 4,000 books, extensive pamphlet and ephemeral materials, photographs, periodicals and manuscript material. The research collections at CHS include many sources reflecting the social life, culture, and commerce of previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants as well as the varying responses of other communities and individuals to the previous hit Chinese next hit .


previous hit Chinese next hit and Westward Expansion

Scope and Content Note

While the west coast of North America was known to the previous hit Chinese next hit , in particular those working as sailors, before the Gold Rush, our story begins in 1850, as the documentation from the Gold Rush provides the starting point with which to build a more substantial narrative. Most previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants entered California through the port of San Francisco. From San Francisco and other ports, many sought their fortunes in other parts of California. The previous hit Chinese next hit formed part of the diverse gathering of peoples from throughout the world who contributed to the economic and population explosion that characterized the early history of the state of California. The previous hit Chinese next hit who emigrated to the United States at this time were part of a larger exodus from southeast China searching for better economic opportunities and fleeing a situation of political corruption and decline. Most immigrants came from the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong (Canton) Province.
previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants proved to be productive and resourceful contributors to a multitude of industries and businesses. The initial group of previous hit Chinese next hit argonauts sought their livelihood in the gold mines, calling California Gam Saan or Gold Mountain. For the mining industry, they built many of the flumes and roads, allowing for easier access and processing of the minerals being extracted. previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants faced discrimination immediately upon arrival in California. In mining, they were forced to work older claims, or to work for others. In the 1850s, the United States Constitution reserved the right of naturalization for white immigrants to this country. Thus, previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants lived at the whim of local governments with some allowed to become naturalized citizens, but most not. Without this right, it was difficult to pursue livelihoods. For example, previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants were unable to own land or file mining claims. Also in the 1850s, the California legislature passed a law taxing all foreign miners. Although stated in general terms, it was enforced chiefly against the Mexicans and the previous hit Chinese next hit through 1870. This discrimination occurred in spite of the fact that the previous hit Chinese next hit often contributed the crucial labor necessary to the mining enterprise.
Discriminatory legislation forced many previous hit Chinese next hit out of the gold fields and into low-paying, menial, and often arduous jobs. In many cases, they took on the most dangerous and least desirable components of work available. They worked on reclaiming marshes in the Central Valley so that the land could become agriculturally productive. They built the stone bridges and fences, constructed roads, and excavated storage areas for the wine industry in Napa and Sonoma counties. The most impressive construction feat of previous hit Chinese next hit Americans was their work on the western section of the transcontinental railroad. previous hit Chinese next hit - American workers laid much of the tracks for the Central Pacific Railroad through the foothills and over the high Sierra Nevada, much of which involved hazardous work with explosives to tunnel through the hills. Their speed, dexterity, and outright perseverance, often in brutally cold temperatures and heavy snow through two record breaking winters, is a testimony to their outstanding achievements and contributions to opening up the West.
Materials in this section are drawn from the collections of The Bancroft Library and the California Historical Society.

The Bancroft Library


BANC PIC 1905.17144--PIC Photographs from the Burckhalter Family collection [graphic] ca. 1896-ca. 1939

Scope and Content Note

Photographs of a ferry in the San Francisco Bay (showing previous hit Chinese next hit passengers)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Ferries -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.17144:15--A [ previous hit Chinese next hit passengers on ferry]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17144:16--A [ previous hit Chinese next hit passengers on ferry]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1963.002:0001-1886 Robert B. Honeyman, Jr. Collection of Early Californian and Western American Pictorial Material


BANC PIC 1963.002:0504--C Across the continent: the Frank Leslie transcontinental excursion... [1878]

Creator/Collector: Baker, Horace (1833-1918), American, engraver Leslie, Frank (1821-1880), publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (LC): Across the continent, the Frank Leslie transcontinental excursion, the excursion train rounding Cape Horn at the head of the great American canyon, with a view of the South Fork of the American River, where gold was first discovered in 1848. Printed (UR): [page] 128, April 27, 1878; (UC): Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper; (UR): April 27, 1878, [page] 129; (LL, within image): H. Baker, sc.; (LC, below title): From sketches by our special artists, see page 125. print on paper: engraving, hand colored 39.6 x 56.2 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Railroad with train rounding bend as previous hit Chinese next hit workers look on; deep ravine with river and site of Sutter's Mill, Coloma, California at right.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Engravings, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:0481--C Monterey [California] and the Hotel Del Monte 1887

Creator/Collector: Graham, Charles (1852-1911), American, artist Harper's Weekly (active ca. 1881), American, publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LR, within image): C. Graham; (UL): [page] 276; (UC): Harper's Weekly (UR): [page] 277; (LC, after title): Drawn by Charles Graham, see page 275; (on verso): April 16, 1887. print on paper: engraving, hand colored 41.9 x 56.4 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image comprised of nine views of Monterey area including: front view of Hotel Del Monte; Mission Carmel; previous hit Chinese next hit fishing village; old custom house; and scenery.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Monterey Bay Region (Calif.)
Engravings, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:0862--D Grass Valley, Nevada County, California 1852

Creator/Collector: Ogilby, Robert E. (Ogibly) (active ca. 1852-ca. 1868), artist Le Count, J. J. (active ca. 1852), lithographer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): R.E. Ogilby, Aug[us]t 6th, 1852; (LR): Lith. of J.J. LeCount, San Francisco. 50.5 x 68.7 cm. print on paper: lithograph, hand colored
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Town in Sierra Nevada foothills with US flag in center; log cabins and domestic scene to right; people working fields by creek in middleground; animals including cows, horses, dogs, and pigs in fields. Various groups including previous hit Chinese next hit peddlers, Indian family, miners, and laborers in foreground. Small lumber mill in right foreground.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:0280--FR [Street corner in Chinatown, San Francisco, California] [ca. 1890]

Creator/Collector: Blum, Robert F. (1857-1903), American, artist
Physical Description: Supplied title. Signature (LR): R. Blum. painting on paper mounted on board: watercolor and gouache 47.3 x 24.5 cm., visible image
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Busy street corner lined with three story buildings with elaborately carved cornices and balconies; facades decorated with paper lanterns and flowers. Open markets on street level; figures wearing traditional dress crowd streets.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Manners & customs
San Francisco (Calif.)

BANC PIC 1963.002:0586--E View of San Francisco [California]: taken from the western hill at the foot of Telegraph Hill, looking toward Rincon Point and Mission Valley c1851

Creator/Collector: Bainbridge, Henry (active ca. 1851), artist Casilear, George W. (active ca. 1860), American, artist and publisher Sarony & Major (active ca.1846-ca. 1857), American, lithographer Atwill & Company (active ca. 1853), publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): Drawn from nature by Henry Bainbridge & Geo[rge] W. Casilear; (LC, below title): Published by Geo[rge] W. Casilear, New York City, and by Atwill, San Francisco, California; (LR): Lith. of Sarony & Major, 117 Fulton St[reet], New York. Printed legend. print on paper: lithograph, hand colored 64.2 x 93.9 cm., dome top
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

View looking south from Telegraph Hill. Yerba Buena cove, island, and harbor at left; wharves and city at right. Large, diverse group of men and women; including previous hit Chinese next hit , Spaniards, miners, settlers and others; camp in tents, cook, carry bundles, tend livestock, walk, and drive in wagons in foreground.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
Frontier & pioneer life
San Francisco (Calif.)
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:1496--C San Francisco [California] c1851

Creator/Collector: Marryat, Francis Samuel (1826-1855), British, artist M. & N. Hanhart (active ca. 1851-ca. 1857), lithographer Henry Squire & Company (active ca. 1851), British?, publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): S[an] F[rancisco], Marryat delt.; (LC, below title): London published 1st July 1851 by Henry Squire & Comp[an]y, late Colnaught & Fuckle, 23 Cockspur Strebt [sic]; (LR): M.& N. Hanhart Chromo Lith. Impt. London. Reproduction print. print on paper: lithograph, color 43.6 x 57.4 cm., dome top
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

View at sunrise looking east from above Montgomery Street toward bay; sailing ships in harbor, buildings and houses in middleground; Yerba Buena Island in distance. Men, women, and children in streets include previous hit Chinese next hit , Spaniards and others.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Manners & customs
San Francisco (Calif.)
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:1496--FR San Francisco [California] [1851]

Creator/Collector: Marryat, Francis Samuel (1826-1855), British, artist M. & N. Hanhart (active ca. 1851-ca. 1857), lithographer Henry Squire & Company (active ca. 1851), British?, publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): S[an] F[rancisco] Marryat delt.; (LR): M.& N. Hanhart Chromo. Lith. Impt., London. Date and publisher based on comparison to 1963.002:1496--C. print on paper: lithograph, color 47.8 x 65.8 cm., visible image, dome top
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

View at sunrise looking east from above Montgomery Street toward bay; sailing ships in harbor, buildings and houses in middleground; Yerba Buena Island in distance. Men, women, and children in streets include previous hit Chinese next hit , Spaniards and others.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Manners & customs
San Francisco (Calif.)
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:0535--C The Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Cal[ifornia] [1875]

Creator/Collector: Bradley & Rulofson, artist Berghaus & Schimpp (active ca. 1875), undetermined
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LC): Photographed from the architect's drawing, by Bradley & Rulofson, San Francisco- see page 75; (LR, within image): Berghaus & Schimpp. Handwritten date (LR): 1875. 37.8 x 54.4 cm. print on paper: engraving
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Corner view of seven story hotel building; street crowded with pedestrians and vendors (many previous hit Chinese next hit ), horses, carriages, and streetcars.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
San Francisco (Calif.)

BANC PIC 1963.002:0563--B Pavilion for the First Industrial Exhibition of Mechanics Institute of the city of San Francisco, Cal[ifornia], commencing on September 7th, 1857 c1857

Creator/Collector: Kuchel & Dresel (active ca. 1853-ca. 1865), lithographer and publisher Britton & Rey (active 1851-1902), printer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): Lith. by Kuchel & Dresel; (LC, above title): Entered... 1857 by Clark & Kenitzer... Northern District of California. Clark & Kenitzer Arch.; (LC, below title): Published by Kuchel & Dresel, 176 Clay St[reet]; (LR): Print. by Britton & Rey. For variant see 1963.002:0108--A. 28.1 x 35.5 cm. print on paper: lithograph, color
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Pavilion with large dome in center; pedestrians, including women, children, and previous hit Chinese next hit couple, and horse-drawn carriages on plaza in foreground.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
San Francisco (Calif.)
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:0470--C "The Coming Man": scene in The Principal previous hit Chinese next hit Theatre, San Francisco, California, during the performance of a great historical play [18--]

Creator/Collector: Becker, Joseph (1841-1910), American, artist Davis & Speer (active ca. 1860), engraver Leslie, Frank (1821-1880), publisher
Physical Description: Printed tiltle (LC). Printed (LR, within image): J.P. Davis, sc. Printed (LL): Supplement gratis with no. 762 of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper; (LR): From a sketch by Joseph Becker. print on paper: engraving 45.2 x 59.7 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Scene in theater with play in progress on stage in distance; diverse audience, including women in fancy dress, previous hit Chinese next hit men and women (one holding infant), vendor holding tray, and others watch play.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Clothing & dress
Manners & customs
San Francisco (Calif.)

BANC PIC 1963.002:0533--C Scenes in and around San Francisco, California [18--]

Creator/Collector: [Unknown]
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LC image): [Blanpine?]; (LR image): B. Printed captions. print on paper: engraving 35.4 x 53.2 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Includes views of hunters setting trap for panther; scene in laundry; street scene in Chinatown; clearing (burning) of forest; stock market indicator in underground drinking cellar; previous hit Chinese next hit lottery (gambling) room; bridge in redwoods; transport of redwood logs by wagon; drying shrimp for China; and previous hit Chinese next hit fishing village.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Business enterprises
California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Lumber industry
Manners & customs
San Francisco Bay Area (Calif.)

BANC PIC 1963.002:1330--FR [Otto Bessler's house, Alameda County, California] 1871

Creator/Collector: Hofmann, O. (active ca. 1871), artist
Physical Description: Supplied title. Signature and date (LR): O. Hofmann, 1871. 22.2 x 31.2 cm., visible image painting on paper: watercolor
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Two-story, wooden house surrounded by fence and trees. Pedestrians, previous hit Chinese next hit peddler, and locomotive (railroad) in foreground.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
San Francisco Bay Area (Calif.)

BANC PIC 1963.002:1364--FR [Irrigating at strawberry farm, Santa Clara?, California] [1888]

Creator/Collector: Hill, Thomas (1829-1908), British, artist
Physical Description: Title and date based on labels (on verso). Signature (LR): T. Hill. Note from inventory sheet: made for Picturesque California, p. 292. Known to be Northern California; is area near Santa Clara? 30.7 x 47.2 cm., visible image painting on board: oil?
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Several workers, including two previous hit Chinese next hit laborers, tend field in foreground; irrigation spouts gush water into field and lake in middleground. Park-like setting with lake, boat, and pavilion; Mediterranean-style building surrounded by trees in background; low mountain ranges in far distance.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Oil paintings

BANC PIC 1963.002:1549--FR Stockton, [San Joaquin County] Cal[ifornia] 1858

Creator/Collector: Camerer, Eugene (1830-1898), German, artist Kuchel & Dresel (active ca. 1853-ca. 1865), lithographer Britton & Rey (active 1851-1902), printer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed date (UC):1858. Printed (LL): Drawn from nature by E. Camerer; (LC): Lith. by Kuchel & Dresel, 176 Clay St[reet], San Francisco, Cal[ifornia]; (LR): Printed by Britton & Rey. 49 x 68 cm., visible image print on paper: lithograph
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

General view of city with river in center; sailing boats and sidewheel steamships anchored along shore. Marginal images include view of Insane Asylum, court house, private residences, and street views; pedestrians (including previous hit Chinese next hit man with hair pulled by dog) and various vehicles, including carriages and wagons, are part of scenes.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern

BANC PIC 1963.002:0665--C The vintage in California, at work at the wine presses [18--]

Creator/Collector: Frenzeny, Paul (1840-1902), French, artist
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL, within image): P. Frenzeny; (LC, after title): drawn by P[aul] Frenzeny, see page 790. From "Harper's Weekly" (?). 37.7 x 56.6 cm. print on paper: engraving, hand colored
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Scene of grape harvest at winery. previous hit Chinese next hit laborers and other workers hauling baskets, crushing grapes with their feet, and pressing with large wine press; vintners at right with pump and tasting glass. Warehouses above at right; wagons loaded with baskets.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Engravings, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:1335--A Sterling Station, Union Pacific Railway [Colorado?] 1884

Creator/Collector: Chancellor, H. (active ca. 1884), artist
Physical Description: Handwritten title (LR). Signature and date (LR): H. Chancellor, 9 May [18]84. drawing on paper: ink and watercolor 12.5 x 17.7 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Depot with train pulling into station; previous hit Chinese next hit laborers with shovels and picks stand on platform; passengers stand near station building to left.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit

BANC PIC 1963.002:0808--C Across the continent, the snow sheds on the Central Pacific Railroad, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains [18--]

Creator/Collector: Becker, Joseph (1841-1910), American, artist B. & H., undetermined
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LR, within image): B. & H.; (LR): From a sketch by Joseph Becker. 43.2 x 56.4 cm. print on paper: engraving
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Winter scene with train and cars (C.P.R.R.) emerging from snowsheds as previous hit Chinese next hit workers come down to greet train; snow-covered hills and mountains in distance.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.)

BANC PIC 1963.002:0814--D Pacific coast scenes: supplement to the Christmas Wasp, 1884 1884

Creator/Collector: Jorgensen, Christian (1860-1935), American, artist Wasp (active 1868-1928), publisher Bosqui Eng. & Ptg. Co. (active ca. 1863-ca. 1906), printer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): Bosqui Eng. & Print. Co., S[an] F[rancisco]; (LR): C. Jorgensen. Each item captioned. 58.5 x 77 cm. print on paper mounted on board: lithograph, color
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Collage-type image including views of: San Francisco (Chinatown, Market Street, Union Square, Ocean Beach, and Golden Gate Park); Mount Tamalpais and Point Tiburon; Hetch-Hetchy Valley; previous hit Chinese next hit fishing village, Monterey; Lake Merritt, Oakland; Lake Lagunitas; San Lorenzo Canyon; Lakeport; Mission Santa Barbara; logging near Guerneville; and others.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
California, Southern
previous hit Chinese next hit
San Francisco (Calif.)
San Francisco Bay Area (Calif.)
West (U.S.)
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:0293--B [Gambling scene] [ca. 1850]

Creator/Collector: [Unknown]
Physical Description: Supplied title. Blind stamp (UR). Note from Inventory Sheets: This was reproduced as Book Club of California Keepsake: Pictorial Humor of the Gold Rush, No. 7; see also 1963.002:0294. Related item, former Rosecrans Collection. The group of drawings 1963.002:0283 - 1963.002:0301 appear to be related. Some share stylistic, physical, and topical characteristics and may have came from the same source. For more information see Inventory Sheets. 20.9 x 26.5 cm. drawing on tinted paper: pen and ink
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Gold Rush gambling scene; bearded gambler, wearing top hat, deals cards at table surrounded by diverse crowd of men including previous hit Chinese next hit , Mexican, and Spaniard types, miners and others. Drunken man with gun dangling from left hand leans against wall at right; bar at rear.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Clothing & dress
Frontier & pioneer life
Gold rushes
Manners & customs

BANC PIC 1963.002:0499--A previous hit Chinese next hit , gold mining in California [18--]

Creator/Collector: [Unknown]
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). print on paper: engraving 11.7 x 12.3 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit miners work along stream with cradles, water buckets, and picks.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Gold rushes

BANC PIC 1963.002:1399--B Mongolian miners washing [gold] [185-?]

Creator/Collector: Stocqueler, [B?] (active 1850s), artist
Physical Description: Handwritten title (LC). Signature (LL): [B?] Stocqueler. drawing on paper: pen and ink 22.6 x 31.2 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit ? men gold mining with cradles/rockers, carrying pails of water, and digging; camp in distance.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Gold rushes

BANC PIC 1963.002:0311--D California and Oregon Stage Company [18--]

Creator/Collector: Stein, A. (b. 1835), artist Britton & Rey (active 1851-1902), lithographer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC): California and Oregon Stage Company. Printed (LC, below title): carries Wells Fargo and Co. Express and the US Mail/View of Mt. Shasta 14,442 f[ee]t above the sea on C[alifornia] & O[regon] Stage Route; (LR, within image): A. Stein; (LR): Lith. Britton & Rey, S[an] F[rancisco]. 54.6 x 68.4 cm. print on paper: lithograph, hand colored
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Stagecoach loaded with passengers, including women and previous hit Chinese next hit , pulled by six horses through mountain trail; valley and Mount Shasta in distance.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
Overland journeys to the Pacific
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:0316--D Overland Mail Company, Bradley Barlow and J. L. Sanderson, proprietors [18--]

Creator/Collector: Woodward, Tiernan & Hale, printer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC): Overland Mail Company/Bradley Barlow and J.L. Sanderson, Proprietors. Printed (LC, below title): View of Uncompahgre Mountain 14,400 f[ee]t above the sea on overland stage route; (LL): [ ... ] Woodward, Tierman & Hale, St. Louis. 50.8 x 68.5 cm. print on paper: lithograph, color
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Stagecoach of Overland Mail Company pulled by six horses through wooded landscape; numerous men and women in and several men on top of coach including two previous hit Chinese next hit at rear; three trunks in rack read 'Kit Carson', 'S.B. Maxwell', and 'Col. Bent'. Tall, snow-capped Uncompahgre Mountain, Colorado, in distance.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Overland journeys to the Pacific
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:1401--FR Overland Mail Company: Barlow, Sanderson & Co. [18--]

Creator/Collector: Britton, Rey & Co. (active ca. 1867-ca. 1880), lithographer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): Lith. Britton, Rey & Co., San Fran[cis]co, chromolithograph. 46.9 x 60.4 cm., visible image print on paper: lithograph, color
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Horsedrawn stagecoach filled with men and women passengers; previous hit Chinese next hit men seated at top rear; valley and tall, snow-capped mountain (Mount Shasta, California?) in distance.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:1404--D Overland Mail Company: Bradley, Barlow & J.L. Sanderson, proprietors [18--]

Creator/Collector: Holderting, [G.?], artist Woodward, Tiernan & Hale, undetermined
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Signature (LR): [G?] Holderting. Printed (LL): Woodward, Tiernan & Hale, S[ain]t Louis [Missouri]/This is the only stage line running to all points in New Mexico and the San Juan Mining District in Sounthern Colorado, in the connection with the Denver & Rio Grande R'y; (LC, below title): Bradley, Barlow & J.L. Sanderson, proprietors/view of Uncompahgre Mountain, 14,400 f[ee]t above the sea, on overland stage route. print on paper: lithograph, hand colored 49.2 x 66.7 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Stagecoach of Overland Mail Company pulled by six horses through wooded landscape; numerous men and women in and several men on top of coach including two previous hit Chinese next hit at rear; three trunks in rack read 'Kit Carson', 'S.B. Maxwell', and 'Col. Bent'. Tall, snow-capped Uncompahgre Mountain, Colorado, in distance.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Overland journeys to the Pacific
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:0953--E Pacific Mail Steam Ship Company's steamer Great Republic 1867

Creator/Collector: Parsons, Charles R. (1821-1910), American, artist Endicott & Co. (active ca. 1854), lithographer Menger, L. R. (active ca. 1867), publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LR, within image): Parsons, [18]67; (LL): Endicott & Co. Lith., 59 Beekman St[reet], N[ew] Y[ork]; (LC, above title): Built by Henry Stone; (LR): Published by L.R. Menger, 22 Dey Street, N[ew] Y[ork]. Printed legend. 64.6 x 98.2 cm. print on paper mounted on board: lithograph, color
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Portside view of three-masted sidewheel steamship with single smokestack; US flag at stern. Rowboat with previous hit Chinese next hit men in fancy dress in foreground.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Lithographs, color
Marines (Visual works)

BANC PIC 1963.002:0459--B [Actualities, San Francisco, California in 1855] [ca. 1855]

Creator/Collector: Charpin (active ca. 1855), French, artist
Physical Description: Printed title (UC): Croquis comiques pour les gents sérieux; (LC): Actualités, San Francisco en 1855. Printed (LL, within image): Charpin. Printed dialog caption (LC) stating that "Actualitiés" form a collection commenting on absurdities commited by legislature or by interpretations of law. Inscriptions in French. 25.4 x 35.5 cm. print on paper mounted on paper: lithograph
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Satirical scene in front of police station showing two policemen grabbing three women (including previous hit Chinese next hit ) by their hair or coats and dragging them along. Several other scenes take place around, including duel scene, man conversing with semi-nude(?) woman, etc. Various signs on building in background.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Frontier & pioneer life
Manners & customs
San Francisco (Calif.)
Cartoons (Commentary)

BANC PIC 1963.002:0465--B The tables turned: you sabe him? Kealney [sic] must go! [18--]

Creator/Collector: Choynski, I. N., publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): Copyright secured; (LR): Publ[ished] by I.N. Choynski, Antiquarian. print on paper: lithograph, color 27.6 x 35.5 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Denis Kearney in jail ("House of Correction, 181" sign above prison cell door); group of previous hit Chinese next hit men mock prisoner and hold various objects including fish labeled "Black Friday," torn socks, cigars, etc.; baskets filled with fish on floor.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Clothing & dress
Manners & customs
Cartoons (Commentary)
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:1477--C [ previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants coming to San Francisco, California] [18--]

Creator/Collector: C M (M C?) [monogram], undetermined
Physical Description: Supplied title. Printed (LL, withing image): CM (or MC) (monogram). print on paper: lithograph 34.1 x 50.6 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Contrived view of Chinatown showing streets crowded with men and lined with businesses; at left and right streams of immigrants make their way from Pacific Mail Steamship Company and Canadian Pacific Steamship Company. Ships stretch into distance toward rising sun. Names printed on flags include Harrison, Morton, W.H. Dimond, and Levi P. Morton.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Business enterprises
California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
San Francisco (Calif.)
Voyages to the Pacific
Cartoons (Commentary)

BANC PIC 1963.002:1829--A [Advertisement for shipping freight by Central Pacific Railroad directed towards previous hit Chinese next hit ] [1870]

Creator/Collector: Britton & Rey (active 1851-1902), lithographer
Physical Description: Supplied title. Handwritten (UC): Jan[uar]y 3, 1870, Received by mail from A. R.; LC): This advertisement tells Chinamen to ship freight by C.P.R.R. and how much per ton they charge, $2, how and when to ship it, A.R. Printed (LR): Lith. Britton & Rey, S[an] F[rancisco]. Inscriptions in previous hit Chinese next hit and English. print on paper: pen lithograph 35.5 x 22.4 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Includes image of man weighing crate on scale; horse and cart at left.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit

BANC PIC 1963.002:0943--E Beyond the Mississippi [1869]

Creator/Collector: Hogan, Thomas (active ca. 1860), artist Beard, James Carter (1837-1913), artist Warren, A. Coolidge (1819-1904), artist Richardson, J. H., engraver Fay & Cox (active ca. 1869), engraver Hayes, G. H. (active ca. 1869), engraver Davis & Speer (active ca. 1860), engraver H. W. H. (Herrick, Henry W.?) (1824, active starting 1848), engraver Langridge, James L. (active 186-), engraver Karst, John (active ca. 1869), undetermined
Physical Description: Printed title (UC). Printed (clockwise, within images): Beard, del.; [J.H.] Rich[ardson], A.C. Warren, del.; Fay Cox, sc.; John Karst; G.H. Hayes, sc.; A.C. Warren; Langridge, sc.; H.W.H. [monogram]; Tho[ma]s Hogan; J.P. Davis & Speer; and J.C. Beard. Printed (MC): American Publishing Co., 148 Asylu[... ] St[reet], Hartford, Conn[ecticut]. Date based on copyright date of book "Beyond the Mississippi". Printed captions. 95 x 65.1 cm. print on paper: engraving
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Advertisement for book "Beyond the Mississippi" by Albert D. Richardson. Includes book illustrations depicting the west with views of mining, railroads, buffalo, Indians, previous hit Chinese next hit , emigrants, and satirical scenes.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Frontier & pioneer life
Indians of North America
Manners & customs
West (U.S.)

BANC PIC 1963.002:1047--ALB View of Mokelumne Hill [California] [ca. 1854]

Creator/Collector: Parish, C. L. (Charles Louis) (d.1902), artist
Physical Description: Handwritten title (LC). Signature (LR): C.L. Parish. Handwritten (LL): New Haven. drawing on paper mounted on paper: pencil 19 x 33.5 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Distant view from above of town with numerous buildings and residences; figures on horseback, Indians with spears and papoose, and previous hit Chinese next hit carrying water in foreground; hydraulic mining operation at right.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern

BANC PIC 1963.002:0994:01--A Port of San Francisco [California] c1852

Creator/Collector: Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist Casilear, George W. (active ca. 1860), American, artist Cameron, John (active ca. 1852-ca. 1862), American, lithographer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): G.V. Cooper, del.; (LC, above title): On stone by J. Cameron; (LC, below title): From a sketch by G.W. Casilear. print on paper: lithograph, hand colored 14 x 22 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

General view of city with harbor to left; groups of men and women (including previous hit Chinese next hit , Spaniards, and others), horses, and tents in foreground.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
Manners & customs
San Francisco (Calif.)
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:0009--B [Celebration of the Fourth of July in San Francisco, California] 1852

Creator/Collector: Cooke & Le Count (active ca. 1852), lithographer
Physical Description: Printed title (UC): Celebration of the 4th July; (LC): in San Francisco, Cal[ifornia]. Printed (LC, below title): the 5th July, 1852, Lith. of Cooke & Le Count. print on tinted paper: lithograph 43.4 x 29.2 cm., sheet
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Sinuous parade procession including men on horseback, groups carrying flags and banners, numerous previous hit Chinese next hit paraders and large crowds of onlookers.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
San Francisco (Calif.)
Pictorial lettersheets

BANC PIC 1963.002:0011--A Celestial empire in California: Miners/Gamblers [18--]

Creator/Collector: Britton & Rey (active 1851-1902), lithographer and publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (UC). Printed (LL): Lith. & published by Britton & Rey; (LR): Corn[e]r Mont[gomer]y & Cal[iforni]a St[reet]s, San Francisco. Printed captions. 27.2 x 21.4 cm., sheet print on paper: lithograph
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Upper image: mining camp scene with previous hit Chinese next hit men eating, shaving and braiding hair, and working with picks, etc. Lower image: interior of gambling house with several tables surrounded by previous hit Chinese next hit men; games in progress.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Gold rushes
Manners & customs
Pictorial lettersheets

BANC PIC 1963.002:0012--A previous hit Chinese next hit life: Dupont Street [San Francisco?, California] [18--]

Creator/Collector: Butler (active ca. 1850), artist Fishbourne & Company (active ca. 1850), lithographer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Stamped (UC): Noisy Carriers, San Francisco. Printed (LL): Beutler, delt.; (LC, below title): San Francisco, Cal[ifornia]; (LR); Fishbourne & Co., Lithog[raphe]rs, S[an] F[rancisco]. print on paper mounted on paper: pen lithograph 20.7 x 27.5 cm., sheet
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Interior with large group of previous hit Chinese next hit men surrounding gambling table, drinking, smoking, and gaming. Two women in doorway at right.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Manners & customs
Pictorial lettersheets

BANC PIC 1963.002:0054--A Hutchings' California scenes, methods of mining c1855

Creator/Collector: Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist Boyd, T. C. (active ca. 1870), engraver Hutchings, J. M. (James Mason) (1820-1902), publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (UC). Printed (within images): T.C. Boyd, sc.; C. Nahl, del.; (LC): Entered... 1855 by Jas. M. Hutchings... California; (LR): Published by J.M. Hutchings, San Francisco. Each image captioned. Printed legend. print on tinted paper: engraving 27.5 x 21.4 cm., sheet
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Includes views of hydraulic washing, sluicing, panning, tunneling, building flumes, using long toms, and previous hit Chinese next hit miner using cradle.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Gold rushes
Pictorial lettersheets

BANC PIC 1963.002:0108--A Pavilion for the First Industrial Exhibition of the Mechanics Institute of the City of San Francisco, Cal[ifornia], commencing on September 7th, 1857 c1857

Creator/Collector: Kuchel & Dresel (active ca. 1853-ca. 1865), lithographer Britton & Rey (active 1851-1902), printer
Physical Description: print on paper: lithograph Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): Lith. by Kuchel & Dresel; (LR): Print. by Britton & Rey; (LC, above title): Entered... 1857 by Clark & Kenitzer... California. For variant see 1963.002:0563--B. 20.2 x 25.2 cm., sheet
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Pavilion with large dome in center; fancifully dressed pedestrians including women, children, previous hit Chinese next hit couple, and horse-drawn carriages on plaza in foreground.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
San Francisco (Calif.)
Pictorial lettersheets

BANC PIC 1963.002:0117--B A road scene in California [1856]

Creator/Collector: Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist Anthony & Baker (active 1850s), engraver Wide West Office (active ca. 1852-ca. 1856), publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LC, above title): Published at the Wide West office, San Francisco; (LL, within image): Anthony & Baker, sc.; (LR, within image): C. Nahl, del. Handwritten letter dated 1856 on recto and verso. For variant see 1963.002:0118--B. print on paper: engraving 12.2 x 20.2 cm., image on sheet 26.8 x 41.5 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Includes image of road with group of Indian men, women, and children; previous hit Chinese next hit laborers; prospectors/miners; and pioneers with covered wagon.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Indians of North America
Westward movement
Pictorial lettersheets

BANC PIC 1963.002:0118--B A road scene in California [1856]

Creator/Collector: Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist Anthony & Baker (active 1850s), engraver Wide West Office (active ca. 1852-ca. 1856), publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LC, above title): Published at the Wide West office, San Francisco; (LL, within image): Anthony & Baker, sc.; (LR, within image): C. Nahl, del. Handwritten letter dated 1856 on recto. For variant see 1963.002:0117--B. print on paper: engraving 12 x 20.6 cm., image on sheet 26.8 x 41.2 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Includes image of road with group of Indian men, women, and children; previous hit Chinese next hit laborers; prospectors/miners; and pioneers with covered wagon.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Indians of North America
Westward movement
Pictorial lettersheets

BANC PIC 1963.002:0179--A Way-side scenes in California [not before 1854]

Creator/Collector: Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist Anthony & Baker (active 1850s), engraver Hutchings, J. M. (James Mason) (1820-1902), publisher
Physical Description: Printed title (MC). Date 1854 within image. Printed (each image): Anthony & Baker, sc.; (upper image): C. Nahl, del.; (LL): J.M. Hutchings, San Francisco. 26.5 x 20.8 cm. print on paper mounted on paper: wood engraving
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Includes four images showing travelers on road (Indians, miners, previous hit Chinese next hit , Mexicans, and settlers); previous hit Chinese next hit battle between ethnic factions fought at "Five Cent Gulch" in Weaverville; Indians smoking out bees of locusts; and Indian women crushing acorns(?).

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Frontier & pioneer life
Gold rushes
Indians of North America
Westward movement
Pictorial lettersheets

BANC PIC 1963.002:0802:07--ALB Sacramento Street in May 1854 (San Francisco, California) May 1854

Creator/Collector: Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist (attributed to)
Physical Description: Handwritten title (UL). Handwritten signage (within image): Restaurant, St. Francis Market, coffins, wood & coal yard; and Naft L. (others in previous hit Chinese next hit ). drawing on paper: pen and wash 26.6 x 44.5 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

View looking west up Sacramento Street (Chinatown, Calif.) lined with shops and restaurants, several figures (in Asian dress?), horse and wagon, parcels, and barrels in street. Wood plank board street is divided into two levels with earth and rubble in gap. Signage for previous hit Chinese next hit restaurant and shops, St. Francis Market, coffin maker, and wood & coal yard are visible.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Business enterprises
California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Sacramento (Calif.)
San Francisco (Calif.)

BANC PIC 1963.002:1440:2 (enclosure)--A High and dry [1855]

Creator/Collector: Marryat, Francis Samuel (1826-1855), British, artist Brandard, J., lithographer M. & N. Hanhart (active ca. 1851-ca. 1857), printer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): F. Marryat, delt.; (LC, below title): M. & N. Hanhart, impt.; (LR): J. Brandard, lith. From "Mountains and molehills, or Recollections of a burnt journal" by Frank Marryat (London, 1855). print on paper mounted on board: lithograph, color 13.6 x 19 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Street in San Francisco showing deserted ships transformed into stores and buildings alongside other buildings (Snooks; Eagle Saloon; Bubb, Grub & Co.; Niantic Hotel; Boggs; and Lithography and Printing); figures in street include previous hit Chinese next hit , Spaniards, and others.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Business enterprises
California, Northern
San Francisco (Calif.)
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:1440:4--A The winter of 1849 [1855]

Creator/Collector: Marryat, Francis Samuel (1826-1855), British, artist Brandard, J., lithographer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): F. Marryat, delt.; (LC, below title): M. & N. Hanhart, impt.; (LR): J. Brandard, lith. From "Mountains and molehills, or Recollections of a burnt journal" by Frank Marryat (London, 1855). print on paper mounted on board: lithograph, color 13.5 x 18.5 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Humorous view of flooded street scene in San Francisco showing pedestrians trying to avoid water; woman crossing over boxes; men crowding street. Buildings line street (sign painting, rooming, Dr. Jones, Astor House, previous hit Chinese next hit Warehouse, etc.).

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Business enterprises
California, Northern
Clothing & dress
Frontier & pioneer life
Manners & customs
San Francisco (Calif.)
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:1440:5--A The bar of a gambling saloon [1855]

Creator/Collector: Marryat, Francis Samuel (1826-1855), British, artist Brandard, J., lithographer
Physical Description: Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): F. Marryat, delt.; (LC, below title): M. & N. Hanhart, impt.; (LR): J. Brandard, lith. From "Mountains and molehills, or Recollections of a burnt journal" by Frank Marryat (London, 1855). print on paper mounted on board: lithograph, color 13.5 x 18.5 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Elaborate saloon interior showing men from various walks of life (Spaniards, previous hit Chinese next hit , frontiermen, and other) at bar; drunkard to right; dogs; and playing cards and bottles strewn on floor.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Frontier & pioneer life
Manners & customs
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:1440:6--A Horse market, Sonora [California] [1855]

Creator/Collector: Marryat, Francis Samuel (1826-1855), British, artist Brandard, J., lithographer
Physical Description: 13.5 x 18.5 cm. print on paper mounted on board: lithograph, color Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): F. Marryat; (LC, below title): M. & N. Hanhart, impt.; (LR): J. Brandard. From "Mountains and molehills, or Recollections of a burnt journal" by Frank Marryat (London, 1855).
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Man taking bids while on horseback from crowd of men from various walks of life including Spaniards, previous hit Chinese next hit , businessmen, pioneers, and African Americans.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Northern
previous hit Chinese next hit
Clothing & dress
Frontier & pioneer life
Manners & customs
Lithographs, color

BANC PIC 1963.002:1305:002--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit characters] [185-]

Creator/Collector: Rupalley, Jules (active ca. 1849-ca. 1859), French, artist
Physical Description: 12.8 x 6.2 cm. drawing on tinted paper: black ink Supplied title. Handwritten: Enseigne chinoise peinte en grand par moi pour horloger bijoutier ou plutot marchand de régulateur/du temps et travailleur de métaux précieux (prix 8 piastres]/Haut/Bas. Inscriptions in French.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Group of previous hit Chinese next hit characters.

Subjects and Indexing Terms


BANC PIC 1963.002:1732--AX California or the feast of gold [Henry Valentine, Messrs. Carrol, Warde, Martin, Mills] [18--]

Creator/Collector: E. V. C., engraver MacDonald, R., British, publisher
Physical Description: print on paper: engraving, color 35 x 25.2 cm. Printed title. Printed (LR, within image): E.V.C. [monogram]; (LC): London/R. MacDonald, 30 Great Sutton Street, Clerkenwell. Handwritten (UR): W.H. Warner.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Large group of miners crowding along stream digging for gold. Includes African Americans, Indians, previous hit Chinese next hit , Scottish, and various other nationalities.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit
Gold rushes
Indians of North America
Engravings, color
Sheet music covers

BANC PIC 1996.001--ALB Views of the American West [graphic]

Scope and Content Note

Images taken from album with photographs by various photographers, some unidentified.

BANC PIC 1996.001:34--ALB Instantaneous [ previous hit Chinese next hit men at the Oakland, Alameda, & Berkeley Ferry]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Oakland (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1996.001:88--ALB Cradle [ previous hit Chinese next hit man mining along river]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Mines and mineral resources -- California -- Photographs.

BANC MSS C-B 858 Letters to Benson J. Lossing 1869-1872

Creator/Collector: Cleveland, Daniel, 1838-

Scope and Content Note

Letters from Daniel Cleveland written from San Francisco and San Diego informing his friend about California and of his writings, particularly about the previous hit Chinese next hit in California, a work he expects to be published by H.H. Bancroft.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Bancroft, Hubert Howe, -- 1832-1918.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

BANC MSS C-B 858 letter 1 -- February 10, 1869, San Francisco 10 Feb. 1869

Physical Description: 8 p. ; 25 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-B 858: letter 2 October 4, 1872, San Diego 4 Oct. 1872

Physical Description: 4 p. ; 25 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-D 321 Lorenzo Sawyer dictations, biographical sketches: and related material [ca. 1886-1890]

Creator/Collector: Sawyer, Lorenzo, 1820-1891
Physical Description: 4 pages and transcription.

Scope and Content Note

Lorenzo Sawyer came to California during the gold rush, pursued a law career, and became a state Supreme Court Justice (1863) and U.S. Circuit Court Judge (1870-1871).

Scope and Content Note

Dictation relating to the Lick Trust which also incorporates his views on previous hit Chinese next hit in California.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government.
Central Pacific Railroad Company.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
James Lick Trust.
Judges -- California.
Lawyers -- California.

BANC MSS C-D 321: fol. 1 Dictation concerning the Lick Trust. Preceded by biographical sketch of Sawyer.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-D 321 transcription

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 89/13 c Ezra Gregg letters May 9, 1863

Creator/Collector: Gregg, Ezra
Physical Description: 4 pages and transcription.

Scope and Content Note

Selection from letters written from Indian Hill (near Camptonville) and Downieville. Ezra Gregg letter of May 9, 1863 makes reference to previous hit Chinese next hit residents of Downieville.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Downieville (Calif.)

BANC MSS 89/13 c: fol. 2 [Letter to his brothers and sisters] 9 May 1863

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Miscellaneous Selections : previous hit Chinese next hit and Westward Expansion


BANC PIC 1968.017--B previous hit Chinese next hit , Tolumne [sic] County, Southern Mines, California [graphic]

Creator/Collector: Kuchel & Dresel
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

A birds-eye view of the mining town of previous hit Chinese next hit Camp, California, surrounded by 12 small views of local businesses and mining scenes.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Camp (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Mines and mineral resources -- California -- Tuolumne County -- Pictorial works.
Mining districts -- California -- Tuolumne County -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1995.012--STER John Chinaman on the rail road [graphic] : Union Pacific Rail Road [1867?]

Creator/Collector: E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm)
Physical Description: 1 photographic print : stereograph, albumen ; 9 x 17 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Several previous hit Chinese next hit workers on a railroad hand car in an arid landscape.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- West (U.S.) -- Photographs
Union Pacific Railroad Company -- Pictorial works.
Railroad construction workers -- West (U.S.) -- Photographs.

BANC MSS C-B 547: 133 Robert W. Pitkin letter to his parents: Jones' Bar, California 16 Aug. 1852

Creator/Collector: Pitkin, Robert W.
Physical Description: [3] p. ; 25 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Regarding mining experiences, and previous hit Chinese next hit miners.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Gold mines and mining -- California.

BANC MSS C-D 5179 El Campo de los Sonoraenses or: Three years residence in California 1849-1852

Creator/Collector: Perkins, William, 1827-1893
Physical Description: 3 p. and transcription.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Two page excerpt from an account of journey from New Orleans via Mexico to California. Includes descriptions of the previous hit Chinese next hit in California.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Crime -- California.
Fires -- California -- San Francisco.
Gambling -- California.
Gold mines and mining -- California.
Overland journeys to the Pacific.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.
Sonora (Calif.)
Vigilance committees -- California.

BANC MSS C-F 81 Timothy Coffin Osborn journal 14 June 1850-1 Jan. 1885

Creator/Collector: Osborn, Timothy Coffin, 1827-1864
Physical Description: 1 p. and transcription.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Entry, Dec. 26, 1850, comments on previous hit Chinese next hit miners, and pasted on the page, is a specimen of previous hit Chinese next hit writing from one of the miners.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Description and travel.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Gold mines and mining -- California.
Merced River (Calif.)
Stockton (Calif.) -- Commerce.
Stockton (Calif.) -- Description and travel.

BANC MSS C-Y 62 Letter to D.W. McLeord 27 Dec. 1872

Creator/Collector: Wong, Chick Sing
Physical Description: 2 p.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Concerns proselytizing among the previous hit Chinese next hit with Cang Cong.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- North San Juan.
Cong, Cang.
Proselytizing -- California -- North San Juan.

BANC MSS C-Y 209 Telegram to a previous hit Chinese next hit in Sierra City, Calif. 7 Oct. 1874

Physical Description: 1 leaf. ; 15 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Western Union Telegraph Company blank filled out in English.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Sierra City.

BANC MSS C-Y 229 Letter to H.D. Bacon: Day's Landing 29 June 1873

Creator/Collector: Day, S.
Physical Description: 1 page, recto and verso.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Damaged by fire.

Scope and Content Note

Concerns reporting that Al Sing has completed boundary work and Day will measure it in the days to come.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Day's Landing.
Sing, Al.

BANC MSS C-Y 261 Letter to Samuel Goodwin 8 April 1873

Creator/Collector: Wright, V. K.
Physical Description: 1 p. with envelope and transcription.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Regarding furnishing previous hit Chinese next hit to dig ditches.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Plumas County.
Plumas County (Calif.)

BANC MSS 71/206 c The Chinaman as he is [not before 1868]

Creator/Collector: Morris, George B.
Physical Description: 136 p. ; 30 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Subtitle: A vivid sketch of previous hit Chinese next hit character, customs, habits, and peculiararities [sic] as demonstrated by life on the Pacific Coast: What they do, where they live, how they live, their tricks, manners, and morals.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

BANC MSS 73/122 c: 131 Captain Stephen Splivalo: typescript [undated]

Creator/Collector: Splivalo, Joseph
Physical Description: 9 leaves ; 28 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Biographical sketch prepared by the captain's grand-nephew. Account of the captain's early life in Dalmatia, his experiences sailing in the Orient, and settling in Callao; voyage to San Francisco on the California in 1849 after the news of discovery of gold; his contract to bring previous hit Chinese next hit to California; operation of a general store in the gold country; land transactions and grape growing in San Jose.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California (Steamship)
Gold mines and mining -- California.
San Jose (Calif.)
Splivalo, Stephen.
Voyages and travels.

xffF870.M9.C6 no.59 The heathen chinee : words by Bret Harte ; music by F.B Boston : O.Ditson & Co., c1870

Creator/Collector: Harte, Bret, 1836-1902
Physical Description: 5 p. : ill., music ; 36 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Sheet music.

Scope and Content Note

The poem offers an account of a poker game involving Truthful James, the narrator, Bill Nye, a California miner, and Ah Sin, a "heathen Chinee."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Popular music -- 19th century -- Scores.

f M1619.H4 1871 The heathen Chinee musical album New York : Robert M. De Witt, 1871.

Creator/Collector: Harte, Bret, 1836-1902 Tucker, Henry, 1826?-1882
Physical Description: 1 score ; 29 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

The poem offers a humorous account of a poker game involving Truthful James, the narrator, Bill Nye, a California miner, and Ah Sin, a "heathen Chinee."

Scope and Content Note

Words to "The heathen Chinee" by Bret Harte. Henry Tucker, composer and arranger.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Popular music -- 19th century -- Scores.
Gambling -- California.
Miners -- California.
Songs with piano.

California Historical Society


CO-El Dorado Photos: Counties--El Dorado


CO-El Dorado-Coloma Coloma

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34380 " previous hit Chinese next hit Shack, Coloma"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.
Coloma (Calif.)
Coloma (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32815 " previous hit Chinese next hit Banks of '49 at Coloma, Calif" ca. 1926

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.
Coloma (Calif.)
Coloma (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

Photos: General Subjects--Mining


GS--Mining--Methods Methods

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-13905 [postcard showing previous hit Chinese next hit miner with sluice box]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Miners -- California -- Photographs.

GS--Mining--Gold Rush--Methods Gold Rush--Methods

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-00421 "The Old Fashioned Rocker, Mongolian Flat, Calif., 1849" 1849

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Miners -- California -- Photographs.

GS--Mining--Gold Rush--Miscellaneous Gold Rush--Miscellaneous

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-02184 "Hutchings' California Scenes -- Methods of Mining"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[ previous hit Chinese next hit in lower right hand corner using cradle]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Miners -- California -- Pictorial works.
Miners -- California.

MS 10 (OV) Jacob P. Leese Papers 1836-1863

Creator/Collector: Leese, Jacob Primer, 1809-1892

Scope and Content Note

Collection consists of personal and business correspondence of Leese and his partner Thomas Oliver Larkin regarding their ownership of the U.S.S. Eveline; Leese's personal and legal correspondence, including his naturalization papers; indentures for three previous hit Chinese next hit workers; and documents pertaining to Leese's role in Monterey as City Treasurer and stockholder in the Monterey Wharf Company.

Scope and Content Note

Born in St. Clairsville, Ohio in 1809, Leese came to California in 1833, eventually settling in Los Angeles in 1834. Relocating to Monterey in 1836, Leese entered into a partnership in the mercantile business with Nathan Spear and William Sturgis Hinckley in Yerba Buena; the partnership dissolved in 1838. In 1837 he was naturalized and married Maria Paula Rosalia Vallejo, the sister of General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo. In 1841, Leese sold his Yerba Buena holdings in the Hudson's Bay Company and moved to his land grant in Sonoma where he served as alcalde. In 1846, Leese was one of the prisoners taken during the Bear Flag Revolt. Around 1849, he entered into a business partnership with Thomas Oliver Larkin in San Francisco. Leese died in San Francisco February 1, 1892.

Scope and Content Note

[1 folio]

MS 10 (OV): fol. 11 Indentures

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Indentures for three previous hit Chinese next hit workers.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
California -- Emigration and immigration.
Alien labor, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.

OV MS 10: fol. 11: Atu Indenture of Atu, Chinaman 28 July 1849

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[Atu is hired as a cook]

OV MS 10: fol. 11: Awye Indenture of Awye, Chinaman [28 July 1849]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[Awye is hired as a tailor]

OV MS 10: fol. 11: Ahine Indenture of Ahine, Chinaman 3 Aug. 1849

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[Ahine is hired as a "coolie"]

MS 32 (Vault) H.L. Hurlbut Family Correspondence: ALS and typed transcription 24 Feb. 1852-21 Sept. 1865

Creator/Collector: Hurlbut, Hiram L.

Scope and Content Note

Hiram L. Hurlbut left his home in Grand Isle, Lake Champlain, Vermont, with his eldest son Duane in Feb. 1852 for the California gold fields. They travelled by various ships, including the Georgia, the Ohio, and the Old Isthmus, via Panama, arriving in San Francisco on Apr. 15, 1852. They travelled on to Placerville, El Dorado County. They lived in Coloma, where they bought shares in several gold mines. In Dec. 1852, Hiram's brother, Ruben, and his wife, joined them in California.

Scope and Content Note

[2 folders]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Description and travel.

MS 32 (Vault): letter 12 Letter No. 12: H.L. Hurlbut letter to his wife Feb. 10, 1853

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Letter from Hulbert to his wife, Emmaline, in which he describes working with previous hit Chinese next hit in the gold fields.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.
Gold mines and mining -- California.
Miners -- California.
Coloma (Calif.)

MS 39 (Vault) J[ames?] Lamson diary: ms, 1852 Jan.-1861 Oct.

Creator/Collector: Lamson, Joseph or James

Scope and Content Note

Lamson was a widower who moved to California from Sebec, Maine, leaving behind a daughter, mother, and sister. His diary contains reflections and observations chiefly pertaining to California, including law and government, and geography.

MS 39 (Vault) Thursday 17. March [Diary entry]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Diarist discusses crime and moral conditions in Sacramento and comments on the presence of previous hit Chinese next hit brothels. Diarist also describes the occupations, amusements, clothing, and customs of the previous hit Chinese next hit population in Sacramento.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Sacramento (Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Sacramento.
Crime -- California -- Sacramento.

MS 128 (Vault) Elizabeth Fitzgerald B. Knowlton Memoirs and Diary: ms 1857-1907

Creator/Collector: Knowlton, Elizabeth Fitzgerald Brittain

Scope and Content Note

Describes the author's 1858-1859 overland journey from Tuscumba, Missouri via the Kansas plains, across the Missouri River, along the Platt River to the Utah Territory, across the desert to Carson Valley, Nevada, and across the Sierras to Sacramento, Calif. Also discusses events of subsequent years, which included raising four daughters, caring for a sick husband, and making a living after his death.

Scope and Content Note

[2 vols.]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Description and travel.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

MS 128 (Vault): Vol. 1 Volume 1

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Knowlton describes relations between the previous hit Chinese next hit man her husband hired as a cook and various members of the household.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- Nevada.
Cooks -- Nevada.

MS 128 (Vault): Vol. 2 Volume 2

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Knowlton describes her encounters with previous hit Chinese next hit in her travels through California.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Description and travel.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

MS 262 Jane C. Burnett Papers 1855-1921

Creator/Collector: Burnett, Jane Cromwell Cleveland

Scope and Content Note

Includes portraits of Burnett's husband, Wellington Cleveland Burnett, herself, and a typed copy of her address to the Sequoia Chapter of the DAR from Apr. 9. 1923, entitled, "My Memories of Early California Days," in which she reminisces about her voyage from New York to San Francisco via Panama from Dec. 7 1855-Jan. 1, 1856, and her experiences in California.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Description and travel.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

MS 262: vol. My Memories of Early California Days 1923

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Pages 9-11 describe a previous hit Chinese next hit settlement in Long Bar (Yuba County), CA, which was located on an island. Burnett recalls the events of an 1861 storm and flood.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Yuba County.
Miners -- California.

MS 1955 John S. Sherburne Letters: Calif. and Nev., to family in Boston : ALS, 1859-1870 1859-1870

Creator/Collector: Sherburne, John S.

Scope and Content Note

Consists of letters, chiefly from Sherburne, written in San Francisco and other parts of Calif. and Nevada to his mother and his sister, Marion, in Boston. The letters discuss family concerns, Sherburne's attempts to establish himself financially in San Francisco, effects of the 1868 San Francisco earthquake, business conditions, boardinghouse life, mining regions and conditions, and municipal and state elections.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.

MS 1955 Letter to "Sister Marion": ALS, 14 Feb. 1869

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Letter includes description of previous hit Chinese next hit New Year beginning on page 3.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

Miscellaneous Selections : previous hit Chinese next hit and Westward Expansion


FA A-422 B-217 "A Road Scene in California"

Creator/Collector: Nahl, Charles Christian, 1818-1878
Physical Description:
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Image shows European/American miners on horseback and manuevering wagon while a group of Native Americans take a road out of the mining area and a group of previous hit Chinese next hit use another road to head into the region.

Scope and Content Note

[CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

917.94.B31 Incidents on Land and Water, or, Four Years on the Pacific Coast 1860

Creator/Collector: Bates, Mrs. D.B.
Physical Description: p. 7-10, 263-71 ; 20 cm
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

9th edition.

Scope and Content Note

Subtitle: "Being a narrative of burning of the ships Nonantum, Humayoon and Fanchon, together with many adventures on sea and land."

Scope and Content Note

(Boston: Published for the Author)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Description and travel.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

917.8.B68 Across the Continent: A Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific States 1866

Creator/Collector: Bowles, Samuel
Physical Description: p. iii-xx, 238-254. ; 20 cm
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Springfield, Mass.: Samuel Bowles & Company; New York: Hurd & Houghton.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Description and travel.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

San Francisco's Chinatown - Architectural Space

Scope and Content Note

San Francisco's Chinatown grew organically around Portsmouth Plaza, the city's first public square and civic center. With the wealthy residential neighborhood of Nob Hill to the south and the financial district to the north and east, Chinatown was centrally located on valuable real estate, a fact that contributed to many efforts to relocate the community or eradicate it all together. However, the community remained at its original site, continuing to expand its borders in all directions.
"Old" Chinatown, the enclave before 1906, was the subject of extensive political debate for city politicians and officials who often deemed the area an eyesore and a health hazard. True, its wooden buildings and tenement houses were far from aesthetically pleasing - as photographs and artwork from the period attest - but they were ironically a reflection of the rapid growth San Francisco underwent during and shortly after the Gold Rush of 1849-50. Structures were built at an astonishing rate, the buildings of Chinatown among them. And as was the case with explosive urban development, many ethnic denizens were left with the out-of-date residential and business areas that more privileged residents left behind.
After the fire that followed the 1906 earthquake reduced Chinatown to smoldering ashes, there was a movement by the Reconstruction Committee to move the previous hit Chinese next hit to the outer reaches of the Richmond District, far away from its prime location at the heart of the city. In a concerted effort to save their community from being uprooted, previous hit Chinese next hit leaders convinced municipal leaders and the neighborhood's white landlords that the "New" Chinatown should be rebuilt in a distinctive oriental style that would attract more tourism and business, thereby boosting San Francisco's economy as whole. The results were the familiar curved eaves, colorful street lanterns, recessed balconies, and gilded facades that are instantly associated with Chinatown. Most importantly, the enclave was rebuilt at its original locale.
Materials in this section are drawn from the collections of The Bancroft Library, the Ethnic Studies Library, and the California Historical Society.

The Bancroft Library


BANC PIC 1905.11312-.11354--PIC Views and street scenes of San Francisco, Calif. [graphic] ca. 1910?

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1905.11321--PIC "Dupon Gai" Dupont Street now Grant Ave, S.F.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1983.115--B San Francisco photographs [graphic] ca. 1872-ca. 1879

Creator/Collector: Watkins, Carleton E., 1829-1916

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1983.115:05--B [Chinatown] 1879

Creator/Collector: Watkins, Carleton E., 1829-1916
Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Miscellaneous Selections : San Francisco's Chinatown - Architectural Space


BANC PIC 1982.104--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit bagnio, Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif. [graphic] [189-]

Creator/Collector: Marceau, Theodore C., b. 1868
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Exterior view of building, with previous hit Chinese next hit woman in doorway.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.

G4364.S5:2C45 1885.S2 Official map of "Chinatown" in San Francisco San Francisco: The Committee, c1885

Creator/Collector: San Francisco (Calif.). Board of Supervisors. Special Committee on Chinatown
Physical Description: Scale [1:480]. 40 ft. to 1 in.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Covers area bounded by California, Stockton, Broadway, and Kearney Streets. Color coded to show general previous hit Chinese next hit occupancy, previous hit Chinese next hit gambling houses, previous hit Chinese next hit prostitution, previous hit Chinese next hit opium resorts, previous hit Chinese next hit joss houses, and White prostitution. "The map and colors show only the first, or street floor of Chinatown and the occupancy of same." Oriented with north to right.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Maps.
Crime -- California -- San Francisco -- Maps.

G4364.S5:2C45 1885.S2 no.1 copy 2 [no.1]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

G4364.S5:2C45 1885.S2 no.2 copy 2 [no.2]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

G4364.S5:2C45 1901.C4 Chin Shan Ta Fu Hua jen fu ti tu [S.l. : s.n., 1901?]

Physical Description: Scale [ca. 1:1,900] 1 map : photo reprod. ; on sheet 26 x 35 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

In previous hit Chinese next hit . Shows general location of public and commercial buildings, cable car lines, etc. Includes sample questions and answers for immigrants. Covers area bounded by Pacific, Kearney, Sacramento and Stockton Streets.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Maps.

California Historical Society


Miscellaneous Selections : San Francisco's Chinatown - Architectural Space


FA 69-209-1-2 "Chinatown Storefront"

Creator/Collector: Levy, Nat
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Scope and Content Note

Nat Levy [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FA 69-76-1-2 "View of San Francisco, formerly Yerba Buena, in 1846-47"

Creator/Collector: Swasey, Wm. F.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Scope and Content Note

Future site of Chinatown.

Scope and Content Note

Wm. F. Swasey [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

TN 4490 [Acc# 2002-9-5] Chinatown Alley 1896

Creator/Collector: Nelson, C. P.
Physical Description:
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

View of alley with buildings and individuals walking.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

TN 4480 [Acc# 2002-9-4] Street in San Francisco's Chinatown 1894

Creator/Collector: "B. S. L."
Physical Description:
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

View from above of street in Chinatown, San Francisco.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

SF--Streets Photos: San Francisco--Streets


SF--Streets--Brenham Place Brenham Place

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-32832 [small photo, back view of 2 men (1 previous hit Chinese next hit ) in front of Robert Louis Stevenson monument in Portsmouth Square]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Small photo, back view of 2 men (1 previous hit Chinese next hit ) in front of Robert Louis Stevenson monument in Portsmouth Square.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--Clay I Clay -- Sansome to Montgomery (500 block)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-18788 "San Francisco, 1849"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[colored lithograph with text]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

SF--Streets--Clay ii Clay -- Kearny to Grant (700 block)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-08616 "Near Portsmouth Square in Chinatown" ca. 1888

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[albumen print]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

SF--Streets--Grant I Grant -- Pine to California

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-15826 [Sing Fat Co. and Sing Chong Co.]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-32838 [Sing Chong Co. at night] ca. 1913

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-31754 "San Francisco's Famous Chinatown, the largest outside of China itself"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-18106 "Grant Avenue. Chinatown - San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32837 [street scene looking west towards SF Bay]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32839 "Grant Ave. + Calif. St. Feb. 1910" Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[Sing Fat Co., Sing Chong Co., St. Mary's Church]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32840 "Chinatown San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[postcard of Sing Fat Co. and Sing Chong Co.]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32841 [reconstruction scene looking west towards SF Bay]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32842 "Grant Avenue, Chinatown, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32843 "Sing Fat Co. Leading Oriental Bazaar"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[business card/postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32844 "Scene in Chinatown, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

SF--Streets--Grant ii Grant -- California to Sacramento (600 block)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-32845 "Sing Chong Company's New Building, California and Dupont Street, San Francisco, California."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32846 "Grant Ave, SF -- ca. 1910" ca. 1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[Sing Chong Co.]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.

FN-32847 "St. Mary's N.E. cor. Dupont & California Sts." 1865

Creator/Collector: Hecht, T. E. (True E.)
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Church buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32848 "Chinatown" 1908

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[Dupont St.]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08549 "Governor Stanford" 4 July 1863

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[rooftop photo of Stanford delivering a speech to crowd]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32849 [Sing Chong building]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34416 [Sing Chong Co. juxtaposed with St. Mary's]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34415 [Dupont & Sacramento Sts.]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34414 [street scene with horses and buggies]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34413 "North-west Cor. Sacramento & Dupont"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[Nanking Fook Woh & Co.]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-21309 "Dupont Street, bet. Cal. + Sacramento"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[Canton Bazaar storefront]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34412 "Grant Avenue looking north"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[street scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--Grant iii Grant -- Sacramento to Clay (700 block)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34411 [horse and wagon in front of Bun Sun & Co., Hardware, 749 Dupont St.]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34410 " previous hit Chinese next hit Restaurant, San Francisco, Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34409 " previous hit Chinese next hit restaurant, Dupont S.F." ca. 1888

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[ previous hit Chinese next hit men lined up on sidewalk]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34408 [Nanking Fook Who & Co.]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34407 "Nanking Fook Woh Co. Inc." Dec. 1923

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--Grant iv Grant -- Clay to Washington (800 block)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34406 [street scene, looking south]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34405 [horse and wagon outside W. Sang Lung & Co.]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34404 "Dupont St. 1870" 1870

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[rooftop perspective of street, people below]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Church buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34403 "Dupont & Clay Sts., San Francisco, Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[postcard of balconied buildings]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

SF--Streets--Grant v Grant -- Broadway to end (1200 block)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34402 "Street in Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--California I California -- Montgomery to Kearny

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-00307 "N.W. Cor Calif. St. 1887" 1887

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[group of men standing in front of Equitable Life Building & cable car -- previous hit Chinese next hit man to the right]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--California ii California -- Kearny to Grant

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34401 "New Chinatown, California St., SF" [post 1906]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[sepia postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

SF--Streets--California iii California -- Montgomery to Stockton

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34400 [Sing Chong Co. & St. Mary's Church"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Church buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34399 "Sing Chong Company, Inc., Leading previous hit Chinese next hit Bazaar"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34398 "California Street. San Francisco, Calif."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[postcard: street scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34397 [earthquake rubble?]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Earthquakes -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Earthquakes -- California -- San Francisco.
Church buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-27499 "Calif. St. East of Dupont, 1880"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Church buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--Jackson I Jackson -- Embarcadero to Kearny

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-32833 [Wo Kee Co., 445 Jackson St.]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Business.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--Jackson ii Jackson -- Grant to Powell

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-32834 [Chinatown, Jackson St.]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Small photograph of balconied buildings.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--Kearny I Kearny -- Bush to Pine (300 block)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Parades -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34396 [parade]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

SF--Streets--Kearny ii Kearny -- Clay to Merchant to Washington (700 block)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-18509 [children on sidewalk]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--Montgomery I Montgomery -- Not on Fiche

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-19321 [black and white cartoon: Montgomery St., 1860s, previous hit Chinese next hit in foreground] ca. 1860s

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Black and white cartoon: Montgomery St., 1860s, previous hit Chinese next hit in foreground.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

SF--Streets--Montgomery ii Montgomery -- California to Sacramento (400 block)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-08906 "Cor. of Sacramento & Montgomery Sts., SF, by B.F. Butler"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[lithograph; Armory Building. previous hit Chinese next hit man in front of horse]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

SF--Streets--Sacramento I Sacramento -- Kearny to Grant (700 block)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-12453 [Sam Kee Co.] ca. 1857

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-25412 "China-town, Sac. St., 1865" 1865

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Produce stands.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-26788 [Hop Yik & Co.]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--Sacramento ii Sacramento -- Grant to Stockton

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34395 Nanking Fook Who Co. Inc"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

SF--Streets--Washington Washington -- Grant to Stockton

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-26921 " previous hit Chinese next hit Mission House of the M.E. Church" ca. 1880

Creator/Collector: Hecht, T. E. (True E.)
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

916 Washington Street

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Missions -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Streets--Waverly Place Waverly Place

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-32835 [street scene at corner of Waverly Place and Clay St.]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34394 "Belle Cora residence on Waverly Place (formerly Pike St.)"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[balconied previous hit Chinese next hit building]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.

San Francisco's Chinatown - Community

Scope and Content Note

Chinatown was a tight-knit community whose residents were familiar with one another. Parents allowed their children, who were highly cherished (especially since there were so few of them due to the early lack of women and families), to roam the streets without supervision during the day. The sense that all of Chinatown was a children's playground was deftly captured by the photographer Arnold Genthe, who considered previous hit Chinese next hit children some of his favorite subjects.
However, the day was not filled only by play. previous hit Chinese next hit culture considers education one of life's most important assets and Chinatown's children were schooled in a wide array of subjects. Their textbooks cover not only the traditional areas of mathematics, grammar, and social studies, but Russian literature and Confucian philosophy, among other topics. Instructors included previous hit Chinese next hit scholars and teachers as well as Protestant missionaries who sought to convert the previous hit Chinese next hit to Christianity through educational assimilation.
Being segregated from the rest of San Francisco did not mean that Chinatown was isolated from the rest of the world. There was a constant stream of communication with mainland China and other parts of the United States. Separated families and friends wrote to each other on a consistent basis, and their letters relate the difficulty of loved ones spending a great deal of time apart. previous hit Chinese next hit -language newspapers provided another means of communication, keeping people informed of happenings in California and around the globe. A number of dailies competed for the previous hit Chinese next hit reading public, but the Chung Sai Yat Po was the oldest and most prominent. One of its editors, Ng Poon Chew, who ran the paper during the early 1900s, was known as "The previous hit Chinese next hit Mark Twain." Ng was a celebrated orator, and spoke on the famed Chatauqua, New York, public speaking circuit.
The use of print media was not restricted to newspapers. Theaters printed daily programs of their nightly offerings, with photographs accompanying descriptions of plays and actors. The previous hit Chinese next hit of San Francisco had a passion for the theater. Local players as well as stars from China performed for packed houses with audiences consisting of both previous hit Chinese next hit and adventurous outsiders. Other cultural activities included literary societies, poetry clubs, and art collectives, many of which published or exhibited their collective works.
Materials in this section are drawn from the collections of The Bancroft Library, the Ethnic Studies Library, and the California Historical Society.

The Bancroft Library


BANC PIC 19xx.092--ALB San Francisco schools : an album of photographs [graphic] ca. 1911

Scope and Content Note

Views of San Francisco school buildings. Includes photos of classes, class groups, a sports team, and images of previous hit Chinese next hit students.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
Education -- California -- San Francisco -- History -- Photographs.
Schools -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.092:33--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit students]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 19xx.092:35--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit students]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 19xx.092:41--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit girls]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 19xx.111--PIC San Francisco scenes [graphic] : photographs from Waters' Nickel series ca. 189-

Scope and Content Note

Postcards (mainly relating to San Francisco's Chinatown, many previous hit Chinese next hit children, temple, street scenes, etc.)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:02--PIC Banquet Room, previous hit Chinese next hit Restaurant

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:03--PIC Dining Room, previous hit Chinese next hit Restaurant

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 19xx.111:04--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit Bakery

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:05--PIC Interior previous hit Chinese next hit Lodging House

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Opium habit -- California -- Photographs.
Opium habit--California--San Francisco.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:06--PIC Club Room previous hit Chinese next hit Merchant

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:07--PIC Alley - Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:08--PIC In his best clothes

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:09--PIC Joss - Private House

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:10--PIC Fortune Teller

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:11--PIC Stage - previous hit Chinese next hit Theater

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Theaters -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:12--PIC Shrine - Joss House

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:13--PIC Symbolic Carving - Joss House

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 19xx.111:14--PIC Funeral Feast

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Funeral customs and rites -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 19xx.258--PIC Santa Barbara Mission and San Francisco's Chinatown [graphic] 1889

Scope and Content Note

Views of buildings, farmland, and friars at Mission Santa Barbara, one view of nuns seated at a meal, and street scenes, shops, and people in San Francisco's Chinatown.

BANC PIC 19xx.258--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit men eating]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.

BANC PIC 19xx.258--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit child]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.258--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit child standing by fountain]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.258--PIC [Building in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.258--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit market]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

BANC PIC 19xx.258--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit women]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.258--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit man with musical instrument]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.
Musicians -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 19xx.258--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit children]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 19xx.258--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit men writing]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.04663-05242 Alice Iola Hare Photograph Collection

Scope and Content Note

Includes images of San Francisco's Chinatown. Other subjects depicted include agricultural activities, immigrant laborers of various ethnic groups, and the previous hit Chinese next hit fishing village in Monterey

:04680 [Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit woman, Chinatown, San Francisco, California]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04681 [Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit woman, Chinatown, San Francisco, California]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04682 previous hit Chinese next hit boys, Chinatown, San Francisco [No. illegible]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04683 View of previous hit Chinese next hit , Chinatown, San Francisco, California. No. 59

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04684 Street scene ...[illegible]. No. 190 (Verso: Chinatown 1900)

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04685 [Two unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit men]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04686 [Store interior, Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04687 [Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit woman and boy]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04688 [Woman's forearm with bracelets and rings]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04689 [ previous hit Chinese next hit jewelry item]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04690 [ previous hit Chinese next hit incense, statuette, and unidentified object]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04691 [ previous hit Chinese next hit garment accessories]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04692 [ previous hit Chinese next hit newspaper, dishware, basket and other unidentified items]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04693 Photos made for Jessie Juliet Knox, a writer of previous hit Chinese next hit customs etc.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04694 Made for Jessie Juliet Knox, a writer of previous hit Chinese next hit customs etc.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.06484-.06485--PIC Views from a trip to California [graphic] 1887-1889


BANC PIC 1905.06485:039--PIC "The Entry" - previous hit Chinese next hit Theatre, San Francisco

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Theaters -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.06485:040--PIC Balcony of the previous hit Chinese next hit Restaurant, Dupont Street, San Francisco

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.06485:041--PIC Chinatown, S. F. Cal. The Joss Temple

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 1905.06485:043--PIC Chinatown, S. F. Cal. The incense table in the Joss Temple of Lung Gong

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 1905.06485:044--PIC Dupont Street, Chinatown, San Francisco

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1905.06485:045--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit butcher and Grocery Shop, Chinatown, S. F.

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

BANC PIC 1905.06485:046--PIC Grand Dining Room of the previous hit Chinese next hit Restaurant, Dupont Street, San Francisco

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.06484:108a--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit child]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.06999-.07772--PIC Early San Francisco views [graphic] / copy photographs by T.E. Hecht. ca. 1845-ca. 1910

Creator/Collector: Hecht, T. E. (True E.)

Scope and Content Note

San Francisco views from its earliest years through the earthquake and fire of 1906. Images selected are of Chinatown.

BANC PIC 1905.06999-.07772: 7128--PIC Rag Picker - Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1905.06999-.07772: 7129--PIC Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1905.06999. 07772: 737 .07772: 7437--PIC Shop in Chinatown, S. F., Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

BANC PIC 1905.06999-.07772: 7439--PIC Store Window in Chinatown, S. F., Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1905.06999-.07772: 7442--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit men]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.06999-.07772: 7478--PIC Fire in Chinatown, S. F., Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Fires -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.06999-.07772: 7507--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit Theatre

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Theaters -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.06999-.07772: 7570--PIC Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.06999-.07772: 7573--PIC View in Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1905.06999-.07772: 7582--PIC [Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB Roy D. Graves pictorial collection

Creator/Collector: Graves, Roy D. (Roy Daniel), 1889-1971
Physical Description: ca. 25,000 items

Scope and Content Note

Volume 29 features scenes of Chinatown and the previous hit Chinese next hit community of San Francisco. Subjects include street scenes (many of old Dupont Street, now Grant Avenue); market scenes; alleyways; Portsmouth Plaza; store and temple interiors; children; previous hit Chinese next hit in traditional attire; as well as a previous hit Chinese next hit fishing village in Monterey. Among the photographers featured in the subseries are L.J. Stellman, Isaiah W. Taber, Louis S. Slevin, and Carleton E. Watkins. Other artists featured include William Adam and John Meigs. Included in other volumes are scenes from San Francisco and throughout the state that include images related to the previous hit Chinese next hit in California.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Church buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Maps.

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v.02 Pioneer San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 02:61 Sansome Street, San Francisco, 1850

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v.03 Pioneer San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 03:01 [map]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v.07 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, 1906

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 07:74 Graves of thirty-eight unidentified dead in a city square. Portsmouth Plaza, Clay and Kearny Streets

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v.14 San Francisco Views prior to 1906

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 14:82 S.E. Cor[ner] Clay and Dupont Streets

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 14:83 previous hit Chinese next hit grocery store 1898

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 14:84 previous hit Chinese next hit primary school, 916 Clay Street, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 14:85 Underground Opium Den

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v.18 San Francisco Views post 1906

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 18:93 previous hit Chinese next hit cemetery, Colma. Sept. 1937

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v.21 San Francisco Early Views

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:97 [Chinatown street scene]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:98 previous hit Chinese next hit pharmacy

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:99 [Chinatown street scene]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:100 [Chinatown street scene. Dupont Street?]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:101 Presbyterian previous hit Chinese next hit church and mission. West side of Stockton St. bet[ween] Clay and Washington

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:102 Alley in Chinatown, San Francisco, California

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:103 Sacramento and Dupont Streets, ca. 1970s

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:104 Stockton and Jackson Streets. previous hit Chinese next hit procession, 1890

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:105 [Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit man with fan]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:106 Underground opium den

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 21:107 Opium Den underground by Flash-light. The face of one smoker was caught in the flash, the others concealed themselves.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v.23 San Francisco Early Views

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 23:10 San Francisco, 1849

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v.27 Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 27:113 [detail of image of De Young Museum, Golden Gate Park]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v.29 previous hit Chinese next hit and Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:1--ALB Musician

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:2--ALB Bartlett Alley. previous hit Chinese next hit Quarter, S.F. 3752

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:3--ALB California Street, west of Grant Ave., 1907.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:4--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit on street.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:5--ALB Dupont & Clay Streets, 1900.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:6--ALB South Side of Sacramento St., west of Kearney St., 1860s.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:7--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit child. Photograph by L.J. Stellman.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:8--ALB Sacramento Street. Bet. Dupont & Stockton Sts., 1860s.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:9--ALB Salvation Army Rescue Corp. 1900.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:10--ALB Grant Avenue & Calfiornia Street. 1945. Paul Henchey. Photo.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:11--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Store. ca. 1904. SCP.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:12--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit man walking along street]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:13--ALB Chinatown Alley. off of Washington St. 1870s.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:14--ALB Fish Alley.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:15--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Josh House, S. F., Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:16--ALB Brenham Place, west Side of Portsmouith Plaza. Monumental Engine Co. ca. 1880

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:17--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit children.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:18--ALB Clay St. east from Waverly Place. 1905.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:19--ALB Clay street & Grant Ave., 1920.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:20--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit man with children.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:21--ALB Dupont Street. ca. 1890s

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:22--ALB Grant Avenue & California Street. 1915.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:23--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit women on balcony.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:24--ALB Washington Street. East of Dupont St. 1898.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:25--ALB A Market Place. 1900s.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:26--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit child.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:27--ALB Spofford Alley. Decorated for Moon Festival, 1908

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:28--AX [Street scene with previous hit Chinese next hit men and children]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:29--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit men in street.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:30--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit girls.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:31--ALB A Back Yard. 188- 297

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:32--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit man with child.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:33--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit butcher and Grocery Shop. Chinatown, S. F. Taber Photo, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:34--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit children.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:35--ALB San Francisco Police Department. Raiding Squad. ca. 1890s.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:36--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit market scene.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:37--ALB Dupont Street. (Grant Ave.)

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:38--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit women in street.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:39--AX [Street scene with previous hit Chinese next hit men and children]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:40--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit market scene.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:41--ALB Clay Street, bet. Dupont & Stockton Streets. 1895. 535

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:42--ALB Clay Street, bet. Dupont & Stockton Streets. 1895.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:43--ALB Provision Market in Alley in Chinatown, San Francisco. Taber Photo, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:44--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Telephone Exchange. previous hit Chinese next hit Museum. Mr. Choy.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:45--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Telephone Exchange. Washington Street. bet. Brenham Pl. & Grant Ave.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:46--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Newspapers.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:47--ALB Pine St. 1881 or '82.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:48--ALB [View of street in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:49--ALB [Pedestrians on street corner in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:50--ALB [Buildings on street in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:51--ALB Vegetable Peddler. A Once Familiar Sight in San Francisco. in 1890s.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:52--ALB [Seated woman outside building in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:53--AX [Chinatown street scene with balloon vendor and pedestrians]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:54--ALB Sacramento St. east of Dupont St. 1885

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:55--ALB [Wooden frame buildings in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:56--ALB Sacramento Street east of Dupont St. 1895.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:57--ALB Dupont Street.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:58--ALB Portsmouth Plaza.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:59--ALB Grant Ave. & Pine St. 1935

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:60--ALB Golden Gate Park. 1890s

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:61--ALB [Building in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:62--ALB A Barter.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:63--ALB [Street scene with view of row of buildings, Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:64--ALB Dupont & Jackson Sts. 1880s

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:65--ALB 2460 Sacramento Street by L. S. Slevin

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:65--ALB [Interior with previous hit Chinese next hit man playing musical instrument]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:67--ALB [Two previous hit Chinese next hit girls]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:68--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit child]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:69--ALB [Street scene with pedestrians in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:70--ALB [Children with toy vendor]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:71--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit women and children]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:72--ALB [Street corner with pedestrians in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:73--ALB [Interior with previous hit Chinese next hit girl with young child on back]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:74--ALB [Alleyway in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:75--ALB [Interior view, Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:76--ALB [Interior view]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:77--ALB [Interior with previous hit Chinese next hit artifacts]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:78--ALB [Interior with altar(?) and large bell]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:79--ALB [Interior with altar(?)

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:80--ALB [Interior view]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:81--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit child]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:82--ALB [Street scene with buildings, Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:83--ALB [Street scene with buildings, Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:84--ALB [Street scene with pedestrians]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:85--ALB [Interior shot with previous hit Chinese next hit man]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:86--ALB [Street scene in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:87--ALB [Street scene in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:88--ALB [Two previous hit Chinese next hit men outside buildings, Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:89--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit man outside residence]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:90--ALB In Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:91--ALB Dupont Street (Grant Ave.) & California Street. 1910

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:92--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Quarter, S. F. Cal. Dupont Street. 1870s

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:93--ALB Spofford Alley. L. J. Stellman

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:94--ALB [Street scene in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:95--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Quarter, Dupont and Sacramento Sts., S. F. Watkins New Series, Yosemite and Pacific Coast, 427 Montgomery St., S. F.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:96--ALB [Two previous hit Chinese next hit men]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:97--ALB Chinatown, S. F. Cal. The Five Idols in the Holy of Holies in the Joss Temple of Lung Gong. Copyright 1887 by I. W. Taber, Pho. San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:98--ALB Second Street, bet. "A" & "B" San Rafael, Cal. 1964

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:99--ALB [Festival in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:100--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Parade on Van Ness Avenue. 1912

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:101--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Women with Dwarfed Feet. copyright L. J. Stellman

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:102--ALB A Busy Corner at New Year's

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:103--ALB Underground Opium Den

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:104--ALB Officers of the Chinse Six Companies

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:105--ALB A Marriage Ceremony. Pupils of Donaldina Cameron. [left to right] Best Man. Groom. Servant. Bride. Brother. Two Sisters. Parents. Child Servant.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:106--ALB Sacramento and Dupont Streets. Lk. West

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:107--ALB Joe's House. Pt. Joe, Monterey Peninsula. 1890s. L. S. Slevin.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:108--ALB Monterey

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:109--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Fish Village. Monterey. Water Color by Wm. Adam. 1890s

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:110--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Village. Monterey. Cal. L. S. Slevin photo.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:111--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Fishing Village, Monterey

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:112--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Village, Pebble Beach

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:113--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Fish Village. Monterey, Cal. in 90's

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:114--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Fishing Village -- Monterey, Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:115--ALB Gathering Kelp. Monterey, Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:116--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Village, Monterey

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:117--ALB Monterey

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:118--ALB [Street scene, Chinatown, Monterey (?)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:119--ALB 7360 previous hit Chinese next hit Public School Children, San Francisco, Cal. Taber Photo, San Francisco, Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:120--ALB A Street Corner Merchant. San Francisco. [copyrith] L. J. Stellman

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:121--ALB Store Window in Chinatown, S. F., Cal. Taber Photo, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:122--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit children]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:123--ALB [Street vendor]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:124--ALB Man Fung Wo & Co. Butchers & Grocers. 921 Dupont Street. 1908

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:125--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Tenament House

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:126--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit children often take care of brothers, sisters or charges almost as big as themselves and are very conscientious, capable and responsible nurses.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:127--ALB Shrimp Fisherman

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:128--ALB Shrimp Fisherman

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:129--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit , Gold Mining in California [illustratrion]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:130--ALB "Heading (top cut) of East Portal, Tunnel No. 8."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit man working on construction of the Central Pacific Railroad in the Sierra Nevada mountains, near Donner Lake. [Copy photograph of Alfred A. Hart's C.P.R.R. stereograph no. 204.]

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:131--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit agricultural workers]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:132--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit funeral]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:133--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit man at gravesite]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500 v.29:134--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit men at gravesite]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v.46 Alameda and Contra Costa Counties

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1905.17500--ALB v. 46:206h previous hit Chinese next hit shrimp camp, Richmond, Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005--ALB Views of the San Francisco earthquake and fire and previous hit Chinese next hit in San Francisco [graphic] ca. 1906

Physical Description: 1 album (51 photographic prints) : b&w ; 15 x 23 cm

Scope and Content Note

Primarily views of the aftermath of the San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906 and of previous hit Chinese next hit residents involved in social and cultural activities in Chinatown.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Earthquakes -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Fires -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1970.005:01--ALB [Festival in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:02-03--ALB left [Earthquake ruins]; right [Festival in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:02--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:03--ALB [Festival in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:04--ALB [Eathquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:05--ALB [Festival in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:06--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:07--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit musician/performer]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:08--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:09--ALB [Men assembling for procession in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:10--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:11--ALB [Street scene in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:12--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:13--ALB [[Festival in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:14--ALB [Festival in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:15--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:16--ALB [Festival in Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:17--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:18--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit mother with two children]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:19--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:20--ALB [Two previous hit Chinese next hit men, interior view]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:21--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit mother with child]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:22--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:23--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:24--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit mother and child]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:25--ALB [Two previous hit Chinese next hit children]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:26--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:27--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:28--ALB [view of unidentifed building]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:29--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:30--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:31--ALB [View of river]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:32--ALB [View of building]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:33--ALB [Landscape]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:34--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:35--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:36--ALB [Landscape]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:37--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:38--ALB [Landscape]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:39--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:40--ALB [Landscape]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:41--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:42--ALB [Landscape]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:43--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:44--ALB [Landscape]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:45--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:46--ALB [Landscape with building]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:47--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:48--ALB [Landscape with building]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:49--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:50--ALB [Landscape with building]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1970.005:51--ALB [Earthquake ruins]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1979.032--PIC Photographs of Asians collected by H.H. North [graphic] ca. 1920

Creator/Collector: Roy

Scope and Content Note

Collection includes many immigration related photos, collected during North's tenure with the U.S. Immigration Service in San Francisco. Most are studio portraits of previous hit Chinese next hit , Japanese, and Korean subjects.

BANC PIC 1979.032:01--PIC Wong Laing. Doric. #9

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.

BANC PIC 1979.032:02--PIC Lin Pan. Doric. #40

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.

BANC PIC 1979.032:19--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit coat of mail used by previous hit Chinese next hit highbinders in S. F.

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Clothing and dress.

BANC PIC 1979.032:20--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit Highbinder weapons collected by H. H. North, U. S. Commission of Immigration, forwarded to Bureau of Immigration, Washington D. C., about 1900.

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms


BANC PIC 1984.055--PIC Pictorial material from the Grunsky family papers [graphic] ca. 1850-1931

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit children in San Francisco (photos by McKinne).

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1984.055:33--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit boy]

Creator/Collector: McKinne, Andrew Barnaby
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1984.055:34--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit children]

Creator/Collector: McKinne, Andrew Barnaby
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1984.055:35--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit child]

Creator/Collector: McKinne, Andrew Barnaby
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084--ALB Album of San Francisco views [graphic] ca. 1865-1906

Scope and Content Note

Photographs in downtown areas of San Francisco including Chinatown.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1985.084:102--ALB Chinatown. Fish Alley

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:103--ALB Chinatown. Dupont St. at previous hit Chinese next hit New Year's.

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:104--ALB Street scene in Chinatown

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:105--ALB [Corner Scene with Buildings and People]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:106--ALB [Alley with Littered Street and Horses]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:107--ALB [Interior of Decorated Dining Hall]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:108--ALB [Large Crowd Gathered in Street]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:110--ALB [Crowded Street with Many Buildings]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:111--ALB [Street Scene Showing Many Buildings and People]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:112--ALB [Crowded Street with Vendors and Shoppers]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:113--ALB [Street and Alley with People Walking]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:114--ALB [Street and Alley with People Walking]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:115--ALB [Two Men Carrying Loads of Wood on Street]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:116--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit Consulate, on Stockton Street

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:117--ALB [Exterior of Building in Chinatown]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:118--ALB [White Women Walking Through Chinatown]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:119--ALB [Three Women Walking with Backs to Camera]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:120--ALB [Street Scene with Vendors and Shoppers]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:121--ALB [Men Working at Fish Market]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:122--ALB [Man Sitting at Table Outside, Looking at Camera]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:123--ALB [Street Scene with Man Sitting and People Walking]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:124--ALB [Three Men at Fish Market]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:125--ALB [Street Scene with Vendor Looking at Camera]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1985.084:134--ALB [Three Men Standing on Street]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1986.015--PIC Miscellaneous California views from the collection of Joseph A. Baird [graphic] ca. 1880-ca. 1959

Scope and Content Note

Postcards (mainly relating to Chinatown, many previous hit Chinese next hit children, temple, street scenes, etc.)

BANC PIC 1986.015:65--PIC Bulletin board, Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

BANC PIC 1986.015:66--PIC A group of previous hit Chinese next hit children

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.

BANC PIC 1986.015:67--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit aristocrat

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.

BANC PIC 1986.015:68--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit children, Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.

BANC PIC 1986.015:69--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit Sunday school children

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.

BANC PIC 1986.015:70--PIC Group of previous hit Chinese next hit children

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.

BANC PIC 1986.015:71--PIC Dance of the magnificent lion, Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit New Year.
Festivals -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 1986.015:72--PIC Interior, Tin How Temple (Joss House), Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 1986.015:73--PIC Bulletin of latest news, Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1986.015:74--PIC Chinatown, San Francisco, California

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1986.015:75--PIC Grant Ave, Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

BANC PIC 1986.015:76--PIC Old St. Mary's Church, San Francisco, California

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Church buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1986.015:77--PIC Street scenes in Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC Karl Kasten photograph collection [scrapbook]

Creator/Collector: Kasten, Karl

Scope and Content Note

Scrapbook of stamps, includes images of Chinatown and previous hit Chinese next hit appear on pages with other images.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [Chinatown stamp]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [Quaker Oats stamp]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [Misc., stamps including Chi-Namel]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC Karl Kasten photograph collection [album]

Creator/Collector: Kasten, Karl
Physical Description: ca. 215 items some color; various sizes

Scope and Content Note

Photographic scrapbook of views showing scenes of California, San Francisco street views including Chinatown and previous hit Chinese next hit .

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC Edge of Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [View of Sing Fat Company in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [View taken from San Francisco Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [View of Mandarin Café in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [View of Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [View of street corner in Chinatown, San Francisco, Sing Fat Company to the right]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [View of cable car in Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [Page spread from photograph album with images of Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [Page spread from photograph album with images of Chinatown, San Francisco]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit woman]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit woman]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC A previous hit Chinese next hit Professor

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC Bulletin Board, Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC [Four previous hit Chinese next hit women and one girl in traditional Dress]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit Sunday School Children

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.

BANC PIC 1988.015--PIC Chu Chin Chou

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.

BANC PIC 1988.076--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit in San Francisco, Oakland views, and Calaveras Big Trees [graphic]

Scope and Content Note

Muybridge half-stereo views showing previous hit Chinese next hit in San Francisco.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1988.076:1--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit in San Francisco]

Creator/Collector: Muybridge, Eadweard, 1830-1904
Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1988.076:2--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit in San Francisco]

Creator/Collector: Muybridge, Eadweard, 1830-1904
Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1990.025--B Scenes from Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif. [graphic] 1918-1920

Creator/Collector: Winkler, John William, 1894-1979

Scope and Content Note

Contains a view of a crowded marketplace (possibly San Francisco Chinatown) and an interior of a shop in Chinatown. Also included is a printed leaflet about Winkler by the Chicago Society of Etchers.

BANC PIC 1990.025--B [printed leaflet about Winkler by the Chicago Society of Etchers]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Description and travel.

BANC PIC 1990.025--B "Shop in Chinatown" (San Francisco) ca. 1920

Physical Description: etching signed in pencil lower right thin japon
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

BANC PIC 1990.025--B Freight from the Orient

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

BANC PIC 1993.033 -- ALB San Francisco previous hit Chinese next hit Community and Earthquake Damage ca. 1906


:1 [ previous hit Chinese next hit in Portsmouth Plaza.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:2 [Earthquake damage, near Portsmouth Plaza.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:3 Girls in previous hit Chinese next hit M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Mission. [Standing, left to right] Ah Gum, Miss Lake, Ah Yeet, Yok Ying. [Seated, left to right] Won Cum, Ah So, Ah So.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:4 Girls in previous hit Chinese next hit M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Mission. [Left to right] Siu, Sau, Oi, Ho.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:5 [Unidentified street, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:6 [Cumberland Presbyterian previous hit Chinese next hit Mission, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:7 Sai So

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:8 Sai So

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:9 [Portsmouth Plaza.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:10 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:11 [Back row, left to right] Sui So, Won Cum, Ah Yeet, Yok Ying. [Middle row, left to right] Ah Oi, Toi Sing, [unidentified], Ah So. [Front row, left to right] Toi Ye, Ah Siu, Ah Sau, [unidentified, unidentified].

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:12 [Back row, left to right] Sui So, Chau So, Ah Gum, Yoh Ying. [Front row, left to right] Wong Siu, Chan Sau, Tong Oi, Tong Ho, [unidentified].

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:13 [Unidentified children on bicycle.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:14 Chau So

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:15 Chau So

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:16 Girls previous hit Chinese next hit School.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:17 Flora Landen.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:18 Ah Chau.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:19 [Globe Hotel, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:20 [Street scene, Chinatown. Grand previous hit Chinese next hit Theatre.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:21 Lin Kim.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:22 Boys waiting to be landed [?].

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:23 [Alley scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:24 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:25 Alleys in Chinatown. [Quong Lee Company and Sing Kee Company buildings.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:27 House where Chau So was born.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:28 Chau So's mother.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:29 [Children with adults, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:30 [Children with adults, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:31 M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Chapel.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:32 613 1/2 Jackson St. [Actually 624 Jackson. Cf. 33.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:33 624 Jackson St. [Actually 613 1/2 Jackson. Cf. 32.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:34 Views from sitting room window: M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Mission.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:35 Views from sitting room window: M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Mission.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:36 [Earthquake damage. Site of previous hit Chinese next hit Methodist Episcopal Girls' Home and Church.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:37 [Earthquake damage. Site of previous hit Chinese next hit Methodist Episcopal Girls' Home and Church.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:38 Parlor of Home, decorated for wedding.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:39 previous hit Chinese next hit M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Buildings. Girls Home & Church.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:40 Pupils of M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Mission Home. [Clipped from unidentified print source.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:41 Uong Kam Toe. Helen.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:42 [Standing, left to right] Chan Yiu Wah, Tong Oi, [illegible]. [Seated, left to right] Chan Sau, Maud Mai Chun, Gene.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:43 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:44 [Unidentified man with opium pipe.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:45 Maud Ma Chun.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:46 [Unidentified,] Marie, Maud, Gene, Margaret, [unidentified].

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:47 [Interior, unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit restaurant.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:48 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:49 [Back row, left to right] Ah Lau, Ah Chun, Susie. [Front row, left to right] Ah Oi, Grace, Ah Chai, Alice.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:50 [Back row, left to right] Ethel, Josephine, Margaret. [Front row, left to right] Maude, Siu, Helen, Gene, Marie.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:51 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:52 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:53 Ah Chai.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:54 Tom Yut Soon [?], Tom Chai Ping.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:55 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:56 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:57 Lau Ting Kam.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:58 Wong Sui.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:59 [Unidentified woman and child on steps.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:60 [Alice, Mrs. Samuel Yong Young. Cf. 62 & 63.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:61 [Unidentified woman and child in street.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:62 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Yong Young.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:63 Alice.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:64 Grace & Fannie.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:65 Grace Wong

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:66 Grace Wong

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:67 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:68 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:69 Chan Foong Chun

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:70 Chan Foong Chun

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:71 [Unidentified woman with children.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:72 [Unidentified children.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:73 "Fear and distrust remove."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:74 "Oh! Bear me safe above a ransomed soul."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:75 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:76 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:77 Ah Chün. [With unidentified woman.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:78 Ah Chün.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:79 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown. Sign reads: "These premises are private. No white person with or without guides allowed to enter here."]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:80 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown. Quong Lee Company Building.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:81 Interior, previous hit Chinese next hit M.E. [Methodist Episcopal] Church. Easter Sunday.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:82 [Unidentified man. Interior, previous hit Chinese next hit church or temple?]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:83 [Ruins of Occidental Board Presbyterian ...[illegible]... House, mission for girls. After earthquake and fire of 1906. Cf. 85.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:84 Congregationalist Headquarters.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:85 Presbyterian Mission for girls.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:86 [ previous hit Chinese next hit Baptist Church. Waverly Place.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:87 [ previous hit Chinese next hit Baptist Church. Waverly Place.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:88 previous hit Chinese next hit Baptist Church. Waverly Place.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:89 previous hit Chinese next hit Baptist Church. Waverly Place. [Following earthquake and fire of 1906.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:90 [Man with wood bundles, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:91 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:92 [Ruins of previous hit Chinese next hit Baptist Church. Waverly Place. Following earthquake and fire of 1906.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:93 [ previous hit Chinese next hit Baptist Church. Waverly Place.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:94 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:95 [Street scene, Chinatown. Fung Hai & Company storefront.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:96 [Alley scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:97 [Alley scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:98 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:99 610 & 612 Jackson St.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:100 Tea Houses

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:101 Tea Houses

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:102 [Street scene, Chinatown. Studio of W.F. Song Photographer.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:103 [Street scene, Chinatown. Cf. 102.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:104 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:105 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:106 In the Park. [Street scene. Unidentified family.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:107 In the Park. [Child on horse, with mother. Golden Gate Park.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:108 Street scenes

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:109 Street scenes

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:110 In the Park. [Golden Gate Park.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:111 In the Park. [Golden Gate Park.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:112 [Street scene. previous hit Chinese next hit man carrying canisters.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:113 [Street scene, Chinatown. Grand previous hit Chinese next hit Theatre.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:114 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:115 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:116 [ previous hit Chinese next hit men in front of Boston Store.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:117 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:119 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:120 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:121 [Crowd in street, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:122 [Street scene near previous hit Chinese next hit Baptist Church, upper left.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:123 [Street scene. previous hit Chinese next hit Baptist Church. Waverly Place.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:124 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:125 [Children in street, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:126 [Alley scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:127 [Alley scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:128 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:129 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:130 [Unidentified children, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:131 [Unidentified children, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:132 Yo.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:133 [Unidentified children, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:134 [Unidentified child, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:135 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:136 [Unidentified children, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:137 [Unidentified woman shielding face from camera. Portsmouth Plaza?]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:138 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:139 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:140 previous hit Chinese next hit Priests

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:141 previous hit Chinese next hit Priests

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:142 [Street scene, Chinatown. Grand previous hit Chinese next hit Theatre.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:143 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:144 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:145 [Street scene with previous hit Chinese next hit priests.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:146 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:147 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:148 [ previous hit Chinese next hit men on sidewalk. Before Pacific Coast Faucet Co.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:149 [Street scene with previous hit Chinese next hit priests.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:150 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:152 [Alley scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:153 [Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit family, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:154 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:155 [Street scene, Chinatown. Before Grand previous hit Chinese next hit Theatre.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:156 [Unidentified family, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:158 [ previous hit Chinese next hit children walking in street, Chinatown. Duplicate of 118.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:159 [Telephone switchboard operators, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:160 previous hit Chinese next hit funeral. Mourning with white round their heads.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:161 previous hit Chinese next hit funeral.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:162 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:163 [Alley scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:164 [Unidentified children, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:165 previous hit Chinese next hit Cemetery.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:166 [Unidentified family, Chinatown. Duplicate of 157.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:167 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:168 [Unidentified child, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:169 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:170 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:171 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:172 [Street scene. Presbyterian Mission for girls, left distance.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:173 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:174 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:175 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:176 [Street scene with previous hit Chinese next hit .]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:177 [Street scene. previous hit Chinese next hit man carrying wood.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:178 [Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit children.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:179 [Group portrait, unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit children. Photograph by Goldsmith Bros. No. Z10.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:180 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:181 [Alley scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:182 [Street scene. Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit children.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:183 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:184 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:185 [Unidentified child and parent, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:186 [Street scene. Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit children and man.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:187 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:188 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:189 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:190 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:191 Fortune teller.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:192 [Unidentified alley, Chinatown. Duplicate of 26.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:193 [Ruins of Hall of Justice. Kearny Street. After earthquake and fire of 1906.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:194 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:195 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:196 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:197 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:198 [Chinatown after earthquake and fire of 1906.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:199 [Damage after earthquake and fire of 1906. Unidentified location.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:200 [Man in street, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:201 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:202 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:203 [Street scene. previous hit Chinese next hit man carrying large containers.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:204 [Damage after earthquake and fire of 1906. Unidentified location.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:205 [Damage after earthquake and fire of 1906. Unidentified location.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:206 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:207 [Unidentified children, Chinatown. Before businesses of N.S. Lento and Hing Kee & Co.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:208 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:209 [Alley scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:210 [Damage after earthquake and fire of 1906. Unidentified location.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:211 [Damage after earthquake and fire of 1906. Unidentified location.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:212 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:213 [Damage after earthquake and fire of 1906. Unidentified location.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:214 [Damage after earthquake and fire of 1906. St. Mary's Church in distance, corner of California Street and Grant Avenue.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:215 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:216 New Year's Shoppers, Chinatown, San Francisco. Copyright 1904 by Hugo B. Goldsmith.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:217 The Lily Seller. Copyright 1904 by Hugo B. Goldsmith.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:218 [Unidentified children in street, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:219 [Street scene, Chinatown.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:220 [Street scene, Chinatown. Unidentified children.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:221 [Street scene, Chinatown. Unidentified men.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:222 [Street scene, Chinatown. Sing Fat & Co. previous hit Chinese next hit and Japanese Bazaar. 614 Grove Avenue.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:223 [Unidentified interior scene. Altar arrange ment?]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1996.003--fALB Jesse Brown Cook Scrapbooks Documenting San Francisco History and Law Enforcement ca. 1895-1936


:149a Photos of previous hit Chinese next hit opium smokers in there [sic] dens in China Town in 1889 [A]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:149b Photos of previous hit Chinese next hit opium smokers in there [sic] dens in China Town in 1889 [B]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:149c Photos of previous hit Chinese next hit opium smokers in there [sic] dens in China Town in 1889 [C]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:149d Photos of previous hit Chinese next hit opium smokers in there [sic] dens in China Town in 1889 [D]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:149f Photos of previous hit Chinese next hit opium smokers in there [sic] dens in China Town in 1889 [F]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:149g Photos of previous hit Chinese next hit opium smokers in there [sic] dens in China Town in 1889 [G]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:149h Photos of previous hit Chinese next hit opium smokers in there [sic] dens in China Town in 1889 [H]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:149i Photos of previous hit Chinese next hit opium smokers in there [sic] dens in China Town in 1889 [I]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:149k Photos of previous hit Chinese next hit opium smokers in there [sic] dens in China Town in 1889 [K]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:149l Photos of previous hit Chinese next hit opium smokers in there [sic] dens in China Town in 1889 [L]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:150a Views in China Town in 1889 [A]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:150b Views in China Town in 1889 [B]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:150c Views in China Town in 1889 [C]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:150d Views in China Town in 1889 [D]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:150g Views in China Town in 1889 [G]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:150h Opium smoking. [Views in China Town in 1889]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:150i Views in China Town in 1889 [I]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:150j Views in China Town in 1889 [J]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151a Views in China Town in 1889 [A]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151b Views in China Town in 1889 [B]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151c Views in China Town in 1889 [C]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151d Views in China Town in 1889 [D]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151e Views in China Town in 1889 [E]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151f Views in China Town in 1889 [F]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151g Views in China Town in 1889 [G]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151h Views in China Town in 1889 [H]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151i Views in China Town in 1889 [I]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:151j A previous hit Chinese next hit restaurant in 1889.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:92a Oriental School. Clay St. bet. Powell & [Juice?] St. 1914.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:92b Oriental School on Powell bet. Sacramento & Caly [Clay] Sts. 1912.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:138b A previous hit Chinese next hit girl of today. Mar. 1922.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:33 2700 previous hit Chinese next hit boy babies of San Francisco China Town in 1889.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:3b The Dead Walls of China Town at the N.W. cor. Washington & Dupont St. in 1900 - see the ques [sic] on the men. China Town - San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1999.055--fALB Album of views of California and the West, Canada, and China [graphic] ca. 1885-ca. 1895

Scope and Content Note

Commercially produced photographs of subjects in San Francisco, other California locales and China. San Francisco subjects include: Chinatown streets and restaurants, "white women" smoking in an opium den, the Golden Gate Park conservatory, and the courtyard of the Palace Hotel. Three views of previous hit Chinese next hit executions issued by I.W. Taber in San Francisco are also present.

BANC PIC 1999.055:01--fALB Chinatown, S. F. Cal. The Five Idols in the Holy of Holies in the Joss Temple of Lung Gong

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1999.055:02--fALB In Chinatown, S. F., Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1999.055:03--fALB Balcony of the previous hit Chinese next hit Restaurant, Dupont Street, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1999.055:04--fALB Grand Dining Room of the previous hit Chinese next hit Restaurant, Washington Street, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1999.055:05--fALB White Women in Opium Den, Chinatown, S. F.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

fxF850.I42 Illustrated San Francisco News 1869

Physical Description: 4 prints.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Description and travel.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)

fxF850.I42 v. 2:1, 21 previous hit Chinese next hit Cigar Manufactory on Merchant Street, San Francisco, Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

fxF850.I42 v. 2:1, 21 previous hit Chinese next hit Restaurant on Dupont Street, San Francisco, Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

fxF850.I42 v. 3:1, 37 Interior of a previous hit Chinese next hit Temple, Broadway, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

fxF850.I42 v. 3:1, 40 previous hit Chinese next hit Temple, Broadway, San Francisco, Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Miscellaneous Selections : San Francisco's Chinatown - Community


BANC PIC 1994.030--A Interior of previous hit Chinese next hit theatre, Jackson Street, San Francisco, Cal. [between 1880 and 1890]

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Physical Description: 1 mounted photographic print ; albumen? ; mount 21 x 25 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Interior of previous hit Chinese next hit theater, Jackson Street, San Francisco.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco. -- lctgm
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Theaters -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1977.109--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit parade, San Francisco, Calif.] [graphic] [June, 188-]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Parade at Dupont and Washington Streets, Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif. including a dragon. Captioned "Gim Lung"

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Parades -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC MSS C-G 52 Appeal for funds for restoration of the temple: 60 Spofford Alley 1886 Aug. 29

Creator/Collector: Quon Yum Mew (Buddist Temple)
Physical Description: 1 p., recto and verso ; 25 x 30 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Partially in manuscript. In previous hit Chinese next hit , with name and address in English on cover.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.

Ethnic Studies Library


AAS ARC 2000/6 Gold Mountain ballads collection

Scope and Content Note

Contains texts of folk ballads, songs, and poetry, written by literary men in San Francisco's Chinatown, and relating to various aspects of life in the U.S., including exclusion and detention on Angel Island. In previous hit Chinese next hit and English.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Folks songs, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit poetry -- California -- San Francisco.
Poetry -- Social aspects -- California -- San Francisco.
Folk poetry, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
Emigration and immigration in literature.
Chinatown (San Franicisco, Calif.) -- Poetry.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Social conditions.
Angel Island Immigration Station -- Poetry.

AAS ARC 2000/6: fol. 1 Golden Gate Poetry Club Collection of Poetry 1924

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/6: fol. 2 Ballads of Gold Mountain, Vol. 1 1911

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/6: fol. 3 Ballads of Gold Mountain, Vol. 2 1915

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/7 previous hit Chinese next hit theatre programs 1926-1927

Creator/Collector: Great China Theatre & Mandarin Theatre

Scope and Content Note

Description of performances, with images of actors often included.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.

AAS ARC 2000/7: Great China Great China Theatre programs Aug-Sept. 1926

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/7: Mandarin ii Mandarin Theatre programs Dec. 1926-Feb. 1927

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/43 previous hit Chinese next hit League of Justice of America miscellany 1909-1910

Creator/Collector: Worley, Franklin B.

Scope and Content Note

Contains typescript reports of July 26 and Oct. 8, 1909 made by the League's attorney, Franklin B. Worley, regarding his activities in response to negative publicity against the previous hit Chinese next hit , particularly concerning the previous hit Chinese next hit mission schools and the reported murder of Elsie Siegel by Leon Ling. Includes Bulletin No. 1, issued by the League on Sept. 1, 1909, devoted to a discussion of statements made by Sir Robert Hart, for many years an official in China, concerning previous hit Chinese next hit converting to Christianity. Also includes a letter, dated Aug. 20, 1910, from Charles S. Whitman, District Attorney for New York county, enclosing a copy of a report from the Police Commissioner in response to complaints against the showing of the picture, "The Chinatown Trunk Mystery," based on the Elsie Siegel murder.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Missions -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Social conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- New York (State) -- New York.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
Discrimination in criminal justice administration.
Hart, Robert, -- Sir, -- 1835-1911.
Siegel, Elsie.

AAS ARC 2000/43: 26 July "Report of Progress Made So Far" 26 July 1909

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/43: bulletin Bulletin No. 1 of the previous hit Chinese next hit League of Justice of America 1 Sept. 1909

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/43: 8 Oct. "Report of What Has Been Done" 8 Oct. 1909

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/43: 20 Aug. Letter to Franklin B. Worley from Charles S. Whitman 20 Aug. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

California Historical Society


GS--Photographers Photos: General Subjects--Photographers--San Francisco


GS--Photographers--San Francisco--Armer, Laura Adams Laura Adams Armer

Creator/Collector: Armer, Laura Adams, 1874-1963
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34340 [sidewalk scene]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34339 "Chinatown Archway"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-32804 "Spofford Alley"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34338 [man standing in front of Joss house entryway, idol]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.

FN-32805 [children sitting on grass in Portsmouth Square]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-34337 [Chinatown: two men and girl at fountain] ca. 1908

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-29379 [California St. -- Grant Ave. to Stockton St.] ca. 1908

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Church buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-29393 [Chinatown: two men] ca. 1908

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34334 "The Old Regime" ca. 1908

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[sidewalk scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32806 [pharmacy interior] ca. 1908

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-29395 [ previous hit Chinese next hit child playing on sidewalk]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-26823 [Chinatown: horse; man reading bulletins] ca. 1908

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32807 [Chinatown: sidewalk scene; 3 men in foreground] ca. 1908

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-29394 "Chinatown Scholar"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34332 [in front of Joss House]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.

SF--Chinatown (ii) Photos: San Francisco--Chinatown (ante-1910) ante-1910


SF Chinatown (ii): Blumann Sigismund Blumann Photographs ante-1910

Creator/Collector: Blumann, Sigismund
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34376 [vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34375 [shoe mender]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34374 [shoe mender]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32735 [three men reading newspapers]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34373 [children and servants]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34372 [two women and toddler]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34371 [street scene: back view of men and boys]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-34370 [two brothers on sidewalk]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-34369 [family crossing street]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34368 [groups of girls with toys]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-34367 [father and son in doorway]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34366 [lily vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34365 [three girls]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32218 [two girls in doorway]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

SF Chinatown (ii): children Children ante-1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-23272 [school room scene]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Religion.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California.
Public schools -- California -- Photographs.
Schools, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-29441 "Miss Cable's class of previous hit Chinese next hit girls"

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California.
Public schools -- California -- Photographs.
Schools -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Schools, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-21006 [three children with parasol]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-25413 [two boys with older girl in doorway]

Creator/Collector: Shulze, Hortense
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-08621 [two children with basket]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-27332 [mother and daughter portrait]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-28418 [large group of previous hit Chinese next hit boys and girls]

Creator/Collector: Green, Carol Wilson
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-08044 [Caucasian man holding previous hit Chinese next hit baby]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-08040 [backview of boys' queues]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-34363 [child with balloon]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-08045 [family with vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34362 [young woman in park]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02893 [sitting girl in checked dress]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-08370 [two tots and parasol]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-08369 [toddler girl with doll]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-26086 [four children on sidewalk]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-09891 [children and adults -- sidewalk scene]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-13288 [mother piggy-backing baby -- rear view]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-25409 [three children with parasol]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-34361 [three children on staircase]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-01171 [girl in white with short hair]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

SF Chinatown (ii): buildings Buildings ante-1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-23305 "A Short Street, Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.
Historic buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.

FN-18129 "Chinatown"

Creator/Collector: Hecht, T. E. (True E.)
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.
Historic buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08618 [balconied building]

Creator/Collector: Fay, Luke
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.
Historic buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-12603 "New Years in Chinatown before the 1906 Fire"

Creator/Collector: Worden, Willard E.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34360 "Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[back staircase]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

SF Chinatown (ii): families Families ante-1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-13289 [mother and two children] ca. 1890

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08033 [mother walking with two children -- sidewalk scene]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34359 [two men and child sitting on fountain]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

SF Chinatown (ii): portraits I Formal Portraits I ante -1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-32739 "Low Yick and brother Low Wy"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[portrait of two men]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32740 [portrait of man with fan]

Creator/Collector: Hamilton's Gallery
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32741 "Chay Yune" 31 July 1866

Creator/Collector: Shew's Pioneer Gallery
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[portrait of man, seated]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32742 "Chau Lai" 5 Sept. 1866

Creator/Collector: Shew's Pioneer Gallery
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[portrait of man with chair]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32743 [portrait of man, seated, with hat]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32744 "Ah Soy" 1865

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[portrait of man, seated]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF Chinatown (ii): portraits ii Formal Portraits ii ante-1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-13245 [merchant in fancy dress, seated]

Creator/Collector: Shew's Pioneer Gallery
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-24453 [scholar, seated]

Creator/Collector: Shew's Pioneer Gallery
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-23116 [young acrobat]

Creator/Collector: St. Louis Art Studio
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32026 [two young performers in costume] 1872

Creator/Collector: Lai Yong
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32027 [young woman with fan, seated]

Creator/Collector: Shew's Pioneer Gallery
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34358 [girl in fancy dress, seated]

Creator/Collector: Shew's Pioneer Gallery
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-25314 "His Excellency Chun Lan Pin"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.

FN-34357 [Theater performer in costume]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Theaters -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34356 [woman with vase of roses, seated]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32023 [woman with flowers, standing] 1883

Creator/Collector: Shew's Pioneer Gallery
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32025 [subject: Fung Tang] ca. 1870

Creator/Collector: Kai Suck Photographic Gallery
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32024 [man, standing]

Creator/Collector: Wise & Prindle Photographers
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34355 [man with abacus]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Merchants -- California.

FN-34354 [man, seated]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-01214 [portrait of man, seated]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

SF Chinatown (ii): streets-large General Street Scenes--Large Photos ante-1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-04164 "San Franicsco Chinatown -- 1882"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-26635 [dragon parade]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Parades -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-23777 "View in Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-12604 "S.F. Chinatown 1894" 1894

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.
Historic buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-04171 [street scene] ca. 1882

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-00330A [street scene -- rear view of foot traffic]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-22987 "China Town SF, Dupont St."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-21561 " previous hit Chinese next hit Quarter, S.F. Cal."

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Historic buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-29190 [balconied building]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-23076 [men on sidewalk under awning] ca. 1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-29187 "Chinatown, S.F. Dupont St. 1899" 1899

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[street scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32747 [view from upper balcony]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32745 "Chinatown, San Francisco, 1894"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[man walking before storefront]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF Chinatown (ii): streets--small General Street Scenes--Small Photos ante-1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-08039 [parade with horses]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Parades -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-00675 "Street in Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34353 [street scene looking north towards SF Bay]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-31254 " previous hit Chinese next hit Quarter"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-23304 [ previous hit Chinese next hit and Caucasian men]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32752 [corner of small side street; white photographer on sidewalk]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-18865 [corner of Waverly Place and Clay Street]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-34351 "Chinatown"

Creator/Collector: Shaw & Shaw
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[corner of Clay St. and Waverly Place]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34329 "Dupont Street"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[probably Waverly Place]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34350 [storefront]

Creator/Collector: Stein, Louis L., 1902-1996
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32748 "China Town, S.F."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[circle view of street scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32749 [view down alleyway]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32751 "China Town, S.F."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[street scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32754 [street scene]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32755 [back view of man with hat and queue]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32756 [street view]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32757 [crowded street scene]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32758 [women and children at the beach]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32759 "In Chinatown, Out for a Walk, San Francisco, Calif."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

July 18--

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32760 " previous hit Chinese next hit Alley. Clay Street Hill"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32761 [view of balconied building]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-32762 "Pageant in China Town"

Creator/Collector: Goldsmith Bros.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

FN-32763 "Bartlett Alley"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[horses and cart in alleyway]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF Chinatown (ii): postcards Postcards ante-1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-18243 "Five idols in the Holy of Holies. Joss Temple"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Social conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religion.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-19221 (recto) "A previous hit Chinese next hit aristocrat in California" (recto)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-19221 (verso) "A previous hit Chinese next hit aristocrat in California" (verso)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.

FN-26525 "Bulletin Board, Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Employment -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-18128 " previous hit Chinese next hit Joss House, San Francisco, Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religion.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-03987 "Chinatown in the early days -- San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Employment -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-27264 " previous hit Chinese next hit Shoe Maker. San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-26571 (recto) "A View in Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal." (recto)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.

FN-26571 (verso) "A View in Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal." (verso)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.

FN-26572 "Grant Ave. near California St. San Francisco Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-34349 " previous hit Chinese next hit Telephone Exchange, Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-19221 " previous hit Chinese next hit Belle and Child, Chinatown, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-27263 "Telephone Station in Chinatown, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-23007 ' previous hit Chinese next hit Refugees"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
Earthquakes -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-19414 "San Francisco, California. previous hit Chinese next hit Fortune Teller. Business ruined by earthquake and fire Apr. 18. 1906."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.
Earthquakes -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-22981 (recto) "San Francisco -- Dec. 1910" (recto)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[three previous hit Chinese next hit men posing in scenery]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-22981 (verso) "San Francisco -- Dec. 1910" (verso)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-00960 "San Francisco, California. Underground Opium Den. Wiped out by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Earthquakes -- California -- San Francisco.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-23273 (recto) "Group of previous hit Chinese next hit Children" (recto)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

FN-23273 (verso) "Group of previous hit Chinese next hit Children" (verso)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel -- Pictorial works.

SF Chinatown (ii): underworld Underworld ante-1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-08554 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Bagnio, San Francisco, Cal"

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-15982 [opium smoker with cat]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Opium habit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-24743 "Chinatown Detail -- Mug Book -- 1910" 1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Societies, etc.

FN-00612 "'On the Lookout.' (Where the Deadly Highbinder Holds Forth)" ca. 1896

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

SF Chinatown (ii): merchants Merchants & Markets ante-1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-08026 [fishmonger]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08031 [crab seller]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08048 [bookstand]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08051 [lily vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08029 [butcher]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08022 [sidewalk vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-03428 [vegetable vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-31515 [produce store]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-08622 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Flirtation"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[young woman buying vegetables]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-04899 "Sam Hop Co., 815 Clay St, S.F., Feb. 5 1908" 5 Feb. 1908

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08058 [sidewalk butcher]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08047 [fish seller]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08043 [man outside grocery store]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-09818 [men lifting sacks of rice, 921 Grant Ave.]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08034 [clam vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08042 [sidewalk scene]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08038 [grocery store]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08032 [man and dog outside butcher store]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08030 [butcher]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08046 [vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08027 [flower vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-19346 "A Basket-Mender" ca. 1889

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34348 [repairman]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34347 [repairman] 1889

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34346 [lily vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34345 [sidewalk vendors] ca. 1895

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-16513 [shoe mender] ca. 1900

Creator/Collector: Weidner, Charles
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-18239 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Pharmacy"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-27266 [lily vendor] Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF Chinatown (ii): people People on the Streets ante 1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-27690 [pipe mender and customer]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34344 [men reading bulletins]

Creator/Collector: Armer, Laura Adams
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34343 "Shop Scene"

Creator/Collector: Goldsmith Bros.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-03430 [shoe mender and customer]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-00970 " previous hit Chinese next hit Quarter, San Francisco, Cal." ca. 1891

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[street scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-24740 " A Corner in Chinatown, San Francisco, California"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[storefront of Tie Yick Lung Kee & Co. (general store)]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-21559 "Street Scene in Chinatown'

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[people of sidewalk]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-16514 "'Hitting the Pipe' in Chinatown" 1900

Creator/Collector: Weidner, Charles
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[man smoking opium in doorway]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Opium habit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-34342 [man sitting on stoop]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08036 [men with queues reading bulletins]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08056 [man with queue reading bulletin]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08025 [man napping on stoop]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08049 [man sitting on stoop]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08028 [man sitting on stoop]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-23386 [man reading bulletins]

Creator/Collector: Armer, Laura Adams
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08023 [elderly man with queue]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08024 [vendor sitting on in doorway]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-08041 [man sitting with sacks]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08055 [man reading bulletins]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08054 [man on sidewalk]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08052 [woman in doorway]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-03478 [vendor]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-03429 [men reading bulletins]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34341 [man in alley reading bulletins] [1889?]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-08050 [calligrapher]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-24683 "Clay Street Hill, Chinatown, San Francisco."

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[sidewalk scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-10744 [children crossing street]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

SF--Chinatown (iii) Photos: San Francisco--Chinatown (post-1910) post 1910


SF--Chinatown (iii)--Buildings Buildings

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-32746 [building lit at night]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32765 [building fronts]

Creator/Collector: Green, Carol Wilson
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32766 [lamp post]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

SF--Chinatown (iii)--Children Children

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-22982 "Architects of the Orient"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Caption: "A real sand man left this pile of sand in San Francisco's picturesque Chinatown, never dreaming that it would be used by previous hit Chinese next hit kiddies to re-create the temples of their celestial ancestors."

Scope and Content Note

[boys playing in sandlot]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-19823 " previous hit Chinese next hit Baby Welfare, San Francisco, 1928"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Group photo of previous hit Chinese next hit mothers and children on front stairs of unidentified building.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34331 [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit boy and girl]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32767 "'Not t-ell' in previous hit Chinese next hit , Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[three children sitting in doorway]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32768 [girl in white standing in Portsmouth Plaza?]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32769 "Same Chinatown and kids"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[group of children and adults]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32770 " previous hit Chinese next hit kids in park."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32771 "Wot-t-ell you doing. (Cost 7 pennies for models)."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[three boys in front of China Trading Co.]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

SF--Chinatown (iii)--Families Families

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-03459 [mother and children]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32772 "Velly Glood Babby- Yes"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[older woman and infant]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32773 [large sidewalk view of families in front of bulletins]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

SF--Chinatown (iii)--General Street Scenes General Street Scenes

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-00330-B [men and boys, in both traditional and Western dress]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-04428 [ previous hit Chinese next hit New Year: dragon dance stops at Citizens Federal Savings]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Banks and banking -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-22912 "Bulletins About the Homeland, San Francisco Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[men reading bulletins outside of The previous hit Chinese next hit World newspaper offices]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-26661 [funeral? Both previous hit Chinese next hit and Caucasians in crowd]

Creator/Collector: Collins, Isabel Porter
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-31285 "Chinatown, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[mother and children crossing street]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-01008b [ previous hit Chinese next hit New Year: dragon dance, children watching]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-26482 [ previous hit Chinese next hit New Year: dragon dance, children and adults watching]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-14338 [ previous hit Chinese next hit New Year: dragon parade]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Parades -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-01008c [ previous hit Chinese next hit New Year: dragon parade, sidewalk perspective]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-01008d [ previous hit Chinese next hit New Year: Dragon dance, children watching] 1912

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-01008a [sidewalk scene]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-00330e [parade with American and previous hit Chinese next hit flags]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Parades -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-00330c [parade with previous hit Chinese next hit and American flags]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Parades -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-13926 [detail of building]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-32774 [crowds at a procession]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Parades -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32775 [balloon man on sidewalk]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32776 "Same Chinatown. Hall of Justice in distance."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[sidewalk view]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32777 "Peanut wagon -- Chinatown, 12/9/23" 9 Dec. 1923

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32734 "Street scene in Chinatown. Clay St. -- Grant Ave. to Stockton" Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF--Chinatown (iii)--Merchants and Markets Merchants and Markets

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-14220 "Wing Lung & Co."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-03325 " previous hit Chinese next hit Newsstand"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Plumas County -- Photographs.

SF--Chinatown (iii)--Postcards Postcards

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-32779 "Dance of the Magnificent Lion, Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Caption on verso: "The Dance of the Magnificent Lion takes place once a year, on China's New Year. It is a dance of good luck and happiness to the previous hit Chinese next hit people. The dancers go from store to store, greeting the previous hit Chinese next hit and wishing them good luck and happiness, followed by musicians playing previous hit Chinese next hit dance music, and at each store they shoot fire crackers."

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard: dragon dancers]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

FN-32780 "Sing Fat Co., Leading Oriental Bazaar"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32781 " previous hit Chinese next hit Telephone Exchange, San Francisco, California"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Caption on verso: "The Exchange is unique both as to its architecture and personnel. The operators are all previous hit Chinese next hit women, and altho each telephone has a number, most of the customers make their calls by merely naming the person they wish to call. Peak hours for calling are fom midnight until two o'clock in the morning."

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard'

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32782 "Sing Fat Co., Inc."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32783 "Reading the Bulletin Boards, Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Caption on verso: "The Latest News -- Chinatown's Bulletin Boards are always a source of interest to San Francisco visitors. The latest news is posted on the walls of buildings, and the previous hit Chinese next hit gather about to learn of world events."

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

FN-32784 " previous hit Chinese next hit Telephone Exchange, Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-23698 "Native previous hit Chinese next hit School, Chinatown, San Francisco, California"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Caption on verso: " previous hit Chinese next hit Night School. previous hit Chinese next hit children go to American schools during the day and to the previous hit Chinese next hit Night School at night, where their native tongue is taught."

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California.

FN-32785 " previous hit Chinese next hit Children, Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Caption on verso: "The narrow streets of San Francisco's Chinatown continually echo to the shrill cries of native children, many of whom are gaily costumed. Street games, some previous hit Chinese next hit and some American, are played by these youngsters."

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32786 "A Business District, Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Caption on verso: " previous hit Chinese next hit Bazaars and Shops, Chinatown San Francisco -- The picturesque style of pagoda architecture prevailing in San Francisco's Chinatown is all the more appreciated when the color effects are studied. Housed in these quaint and attractive structures one finds block after block of shops and large bazaars showing colorful, alluring, exquisite, imported Oriental merchandise different than you see elsewhere. Wise travelers save their money for San Francisco's Chinatown."

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32787 "Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Caption on verso: "Unusual activity prevails in this Oriental City within a City in San Francisco's Chinatown where more than 10,000 previous hit Chinese next hit live, conducting a thriving business in both Oriental and American custom. The visitor is immediately appreciative of the quaintness of this bit of China transplanted here."

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32788 " previous hit Chinese next hit Joss House, Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco.

SF--Chinatown (iii)--Restaurants Restaurants

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-31753 "Tiffin Room, 623 Sutter St., San Francisco"

Creator/Collector: Aladin Studio
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[postcard of restaurant interior]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-34330 "Mandarin Café, 400 Grant Ave., San Francisco, California"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[postcard of restaurant interior]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

SF--Chinatown (iii)--Silberstein (Mervyn) Photos Silberstein (Mervyn) Photos post 1910

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-27692 [father and child]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-23024 [man holding baby]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-23250 "Chinee-Graphs!"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[advertisement for Silberstein's photo studios]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Photographers -- California, Northern -- Photographs.

FN-32789 [ previous hit Chinese next hit toddler sitting in doorway]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32790 [two young girls with bows in their hair]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32791 [street vendor]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32792 [infant sitting]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32793 [man reading bulletins]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

FN-32794 [woman playing flute by reflecting pool]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32795 [woman with lantern]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32796 [woman and baby]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32797 "'No Sabe!'"

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[child in formal dress]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32798 [girl blowing up a balloon]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32799 [two children playing on stoop]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32800 [sidewalk vendor]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32801 [girl in front of sign]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32802 [grandfather and infant]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-32803 [girl on sidewalk]

Creator/Collector: Silberstein, Mervyn
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

SF--Social Groups Photos: San Francisco--Social Groups-- previous hit Chinese next hit


SF--Social Groups--Ante 1930 Ante 1930 ante 1930

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-27265 "A Servant of the William Keith Family, Berkeley, CA, 1905"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.

FN-28029 [studio portrait of young man]

Creator/Collector: Cramer Studios
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-13970 [portrait of man wearing hat]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-08614 [disinterred coffin at gravesite] ca. 1904

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

FN-21487 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Battle in California"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[depiction of rival tongs of previous hit Chinese next hit miners at Weaverville in June 1854]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Miners -- California -- Pictorial works.

FN-08620 " previous hit Chinese next hit Vegetable Peddler in San Francisco, Cal."

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-13291 [two men conversing on sidewalk]

Creator/Collector: Goldsmith Bros.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32836 " previous hit Chinese next hit Boy in Holiday Attire, Chinatown"

Creator/Collector: Britton & Rey, Lithographers
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

FN-19253 [studio portrait of woman in holiday dress]

Creator/Collector: Song, W.F.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-23306 " previous hit Chinese next hit Public School Children -- About 1890." c. 1890

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
Public schools -- California -- Photographs.

FN-19651 "California -- The previous hit Chinese next hit Agitation in San Francisco -- A Meeting of the Workingmen's Party on the Sand Lots."

Creator/Collector: Rodgers, H.A.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[line drawing]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Labor -- California -- San Francisco.
Labor movement -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Labor movement -- California.

SF--Social Groups--Postcards Postcards

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-18328 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Fortune Teller"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-09897 "A Baby from China-Town."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32816 [postcard: theater actor/actress in costume]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Photo of actor.actress probably from the Jackson Street Theater; made by the May Photographic Studios, S.F. Chinatown, 1920-1930s.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-32817 "'The Honeymoon of the previous hit Chinese next hit and the Coon': Highbinders headquarters, Chinatown, San Francisco."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Shows African American woman, previous hit Chinese next hit man, and previous hit Chinese next hit boy standing in front of a shack.

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

FN-32818 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Girl"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32819 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Family"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-23272 " previous hit Chinese next hit Primary Public School, 920 Clay St., Chinatown, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco.
Schools -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

MS 197 Eustan M. Boyle Ephemera [ca. 1892]-1895

Creator/Collector: Boyle, Eustan M.

Scope and Content Note

Boyle was a clerk for the Haslett and Bailey warehouses in San Francisco, and a bicyclist.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Cycling -- California.

MS 197: prog Official Programme -- The Velodrome: The World's Greatest Bicycle and Athletic Amphitheatre Dec. 1896

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Programme of events for Christmas Day, 1896. The Sixth Event is "The previous hit Chinese next hit Handicap," a one-mile race with 5 previous hit Chinese next hit contestants.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Recreation -- California -- San Francisco.
Bicycle racing -- California -- San Francisco.

MS 231 Henry Box Brown Letters : to Susannah Calhoun, West Cambridge, Mass. : ALS, 1851-1855

Creator/Collector: Brown, Henry Box, 1831-1915

Scope and Content Note

Brown was an artist commissioned by John Russell Bartlett (U.S. Commissioner charting the U.S.-Mexico border) to travel to Northern California to sketch landscapes and Indian life.

MS 231: Letter 3 [Letter from Brown to his mother] 1 July 1851

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Brown comments on the large number of previous hit Chinese next hit in San Francisco.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.
Miners -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.

Posters Poster Collection


Poster 384 Boycott! The National Bakers Union, No. 45 of Los Angeles, does herewith inform all Workingmen and the Public that The Original Coffee House at No. 11 First St., Feldshaw & Hagar, proprietors, is boycotted by us for patronizing Brown's Scab Bakery and Restaurant ... ca. 1889

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Brown's Bakery & Restaurant is an establishment accused of hiring previous hit Chinese next hit employees.

Scope and Content Note

[Broadside advocating boycott of two Los Angeles businesses]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Labor movement -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.

Poster 34 Chinatown Grand Pageant and Carnival, Aug. 21-29, 1915 Aug. 1915

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Recreation -- California -- San Francisco.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Societies, etc.

Miscellaneous Selections : San Francisco's Chinatown - Community


FA 78-6-26 " previous hit Chinese next hit School House"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Wood engraving.

Scope and Content Note

From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper.

Scope and Content Note

Anonymous [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California -- Fresno.

FA 98-14 " previous hit Chinese next hit Temple Scene, San Francisco"

Creator/Collector: Hunt, Esther Anna
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Oil on canvas.

Scope and Content Note

Esther Anna Hunt [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.

PAM 9740 Chinatown 1915

Creator/Collector: Wong, Mrs. Clemens
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

"Compiled and Edited by Mrs. Clemens Wong, Copyright 1915."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Description and travel.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Missions -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Missions -- California -- San Francisco.
Earthquakes -- California -- San Francisco.

PAM 14473 "The previous hit Chinese next hit Theater" 1885

Creator/Collector: McDowell, Henry Burden
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Reprinted from The Century Illustrated Magazine, Nov. 1884 to April 1885, Vol. XXIX, New Series Vol. VII (New York: De Vinne & Co., 1885).

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Recreation -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Drama
Theater -- California -- San Francisco

TN 4470 [Acc# 2002-9-3] Kung He Fa Choy n.d.

Creator/Collector: Dixon, L. L.
Physical Description:
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Two previous hit Chinese next hit men in Chinatown.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

San Francisco's Chinatown - Business and Politics

Scope and Content Note

During the late nineteenth century, previous hit Chinese next hit San Francisco was an entire world contained within a dozen or so square blocks. An 1886 "Official Map of Chinatown" commissioned by the City Board of Supervisors shows a community with all the amenities of a small city. The map designates hundreds of dry goods' merchants, factories, groceries, restaurants, schools, temples, and entertainment establishments - and these are only those located on the ground floor. This large proliferation of mercantile businesses was an indication of the previous hit Chinese next hit merchants' strength and heavy presence within their community, with specialties ranging from perfume to pharmaceuticals, souvenirs to groceries. Their buying and selling formed the backbone of early Chinatown's economy and their stores served as early meeting places and sites where new immigrants could seek help; much of this aid came in the form of money lending or employment. Merchants naturally evolved as political leaders and dominated the benevolent associations that commanded Chinatown's political sphere.
A self-sufficient and insulated community, with its own unique government and politics, early Chinatown was almost a separate city within greater San Francisco. previous hit Chinese next hit who came from the same regions in China formed district benevolent associations upon their arrival in the United States. These associations served as social and welfare institutions where immigrants could locate people from their native districts, socialize, receive monetary aid, and raise voices in community affairs. There were also family benevolent associations for people with the same surnames. A resident of Chinatown often belonged to both types of benevolent associations: one for his district, the other for his extended family.
The previous hit Chinese next hit Consolidated Benevolent Association, more commonly known as the previous hit Chinese next hit Six Companies, dominated the political landscape. This association was originally formed during the 1850s by the Ning Yuen, Hop Wo, Kong Chow, Yeung Wo, Sam Yup, and Yan Wo district associations. The Sue Hing Association was added at the turn of the century. The Six Companies was the most powerful organization in Chinatown, authorized to speak on behalf of previous hit Chinese next hit not only in San Francisco, but everywhere in the United States. Its board of directors and board of presidents consisted overwhelmingly of wealthy merchants who translated their economic good fortune into political power. The Six Companies dealt with city, state, and national governments regarding issues of immigration and persecution, always retaining a white attorney to be its spokesman and correspondent with the world at large.
Materials in this section are drawn from the collections of The Bancroft Library, the Ethnic Studies Library, and the California Historical Society.

The Bancroft Library


BANC PIC 1976.082--PIC President Harrison's visit to Los Angeles, and other views [graphic] ca. 1880-ca. 1899

Scope and Content Note

A photograph by I.W. Taber of a painting by Henry Alexander depicting previous hit Chinese next hit in 1885.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1976.082:01--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit Grand Restaurant, S. F., Cal.

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1996.003--fALB Jesse Brown Cook Scrapbooks Documenting San Francisco History and Law Enforcement ca. 1895-1936


:78b The previous hit Chinese next hit 6 Companies at 843 Stockton St. Known by the previous hit Chinese next hit as the Chung Wa Woey Koon.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:110a Peace meeting in Chinatown San Francisco, Feb. 1921, bet. the Hip Sings and Ping Koongs.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:8a A Banquet in San Francisco China Town at about 1910 - 1- Superior Judge Carroll Cook - 2- Mrs. Carroll Cook - 3- Mar [?] Tan, Pres. of the Sim [? Tong - 4- Police Judge Weller - 5- Mrs. Weller - 6- Police Judge Oppenheim - 7- Mrs. Oppenheim - 8- Dept. District Attorney Becesey.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:12a previous hit Chinese next hit Fish-man and his aquarium. S.E. cor. Jackson & Grant Ave. Feb. 1922 [A]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:12b previous hit Chinese next hit Fish-man and his aquarium. S.E. cor. Jackson & Grant Ave. Feb. 1922 [B]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:132a North on Stockton St. from above Clay St. May 1925. The building on the left is the previous hit Chinese next hit Six Company's home.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:258 Head quarters of the six previous hit Chinese next hit companies of San Francisco. 1929.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:259 Head quarters of the Suey Sing Tong of San Francisco China Town. 1929.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:266 Head quarters on the Hop Sing Tond [Tong] of San Francisco China Town. Sept. 1929.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

ffF870.C5.5.C5 Chung sai yat po : [annual edition] San Francisco, Calif.: Ghung Sai Yat Po, 1908-1939

Creator/Collector: Chung Sai Yat Po
Physical Description: broadsides ; 64 x 49 cm.

Scope and Content Note

Includes calendar and list of previous hit Chinese next hit commercial establishments in San Francisco, arranged by street location. In previous hit Chinese next hit , with some English text.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American newspapers -- California -- San Francisco.
Minority business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco.

ffF870.C5.5.C5:1908 1908

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

ffF870.C5.5.C5:1918 1918

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

ffF870.C5.5.C5:1919 1919

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

ffF870.C5.5.C5:1931 1931

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

ffF870.C5.5.C5:1932 1932

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

ffF870.C5.5.C5:1933 1933

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

ffF870.C5.5.C5:1937 1937

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

ffF870.C5.5.C5:1939 1939

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Miscellaneous Selections : San Francisco's Chinatown - Business and Politics


BANC PIC 1988.059--PIC Dining room of previous hit Chinese next hit restaurant [graphic] 188-?

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Physical Description: 1 photographic print : albumen ; 20 x 25 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Ornate interior of a previous hit Chinese next hit restaurant on Washington Street, San Francisco.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

BANC MSS 87/84 c Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation record of accounts. 1906- 1934

Creator/Collector: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.
Physical Description: 1 v.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Signature book recording amount on fixed deposit, with photographs of savers.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Banks and banking -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.

Ethnic Studies Library


AAS ARC 2000/12 previous hit Chinese next hit American business miscellany, [ca. 1920s-1930s] ca. 1920s-1930s

Scope and Content Note

Printed business ephemera, mostly from San Francisco Chinatown, including printers, stationers, bookstores, restaurants, drugstore, grocery. Materials include catalogues, advertisements, receipts, posters, brochures, etc.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.

AAS ARC 2000/12: box box 1

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/12: box: fol. 3: cover Fat Ming Co. catalog n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/12: box: fol. 4 Grand View Garden Restaurant menu n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/12: box: fol. 6 The Moon Café menu n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/12: box: fol. 9 Young China advertisement 8 Sept. 1929

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/12: oversize oversize

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/12: oversize: republic Republic Drug Co. adverstisements n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/12: oversize: wai sang hong Wai San Hong & Co. poster n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/12: oversize: grand view Grand View Hotel adverstisement n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/12: oversize: groceries Advertisement for previous hit Chinese next hit groceries n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/12: oversize: chew Chew Chong Tai & Co. advertisement n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16 Tin Heong Chemical Company miscellany 1912-1929

Creator/Collector: Tin Heong Chemical Company

Scope and Content Note

Contains an illustrated prospectus for investors, advertisements and price lists for their perfume, "Cantonfleur," mail order requests, an invoice for supplies; and, solicitations from various manufacturers and suppliers. With these are a few personal letters, some written on company stationery, from various members of the firm to family in China. Letters include info on sending money back to China, "paper sons" industry/illegal immigration, misc. family issues.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Export trading companies -- China.
Perfumes industry -- United States.

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 1 Prospectus for investors 1921

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 1: leaflet Prospectus -- leaflet 1921

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 1: booklet Prospectus -- booklet 1921

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 2 Advertisements and price list for "Cantonfleur" n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 2: price list Cantonfleur price list n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 2: ad Advertisment for Cantonfleur 1922

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 2: letter Letter/advertisement for Cantonfleur n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 6 Letters from Zhou Dao-zhen to his son Linwei and his brother Weupei 1923-1927

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 6: A [Letter to son in America] 2 Feb. 1922

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 6: B [Letter to son] 1923

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 6: C [Letter to brother] [1927]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 7 Letters from Zhou Fu-zhi to his uncle 1921

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 7: A [Letter A] [n.d.]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 7: B [Letter B] n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 7: C [Letter C] 1923

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 7: D [Letter D] n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 7: E [Letter E] 9 Oct. 1923

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/16: fol. 8 Letters to Zhou Wei-pei 1912-1929

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17 Jeng family correspondence 1888-1927

Creator/Collector: Jeng family

Scope and Content Note

Consists of correspondence among the Jeng family and business associates in China and Hong Kong. The Jeng family owns the San Yi Co., a shop selling cigars, confectionary, and soft drinks in San Francisco, Calif. Includes information on business practices (i.e. advice from one relative to another), money practices, private family troubles.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Yi Co.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 2 Letter from Jeng Bai-zhi to Jen Ze-jian and Jeng Ze-Gai 20 Oct. 1901

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 3 Letter from Jeng Cai-xuan to Jeng Ze-Jian 25 Sept. 1911

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 5 Letter from Jen Mao-chao to his nephews (members of the San Yi Co.) [1907?]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 6 Letter from Jen Mao-pei of Cuang He Chang, HK to Jeng Ze-jian (uncle to nephew) 14 Dec. 1897

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 7 Letters from Jeng Mao-qi to his eldest son Jeng Ze-jian 1899-1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 7: ltr. 1 [marriage announcement] 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 7: ltr. 2 [warning] 1901

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 7: ltr. 3 [report from home] 1901

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 7: ltr. 4 [leaking rook] 1899.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 7: ltr. 5 [request]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 9 Letter from Jeng Xie-kun to his fatherJeng Ze-jian 19 Feb. 1900

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 14 Letter from Jeng Ze-liang to Jeng Ze-Gai [1899?]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/17: fol. 17 Letter from Jeng Ze-qin to Jeng Ze-jian 1900.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23 Mow Lee & Co. records 1906-1931

Creator/Collector: Mow Lee & Co.

Scope and Content Note

Contains a small amount of business and personal correspondence from family members and relatives concerning business and household matters during 1906 and from 1917-1920. The bulk of the collection consists of records of consignments from various groceries and suppliers in Canton and Hong Kong from 1927 to 1931. Mow Lee & Co. was a previous hit Chinese next hit grocery store located at 730 Grant Ave. in San Francisco, Calif. previous hit Chinese next hit .

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
Export trading companies -- China -- Hong Kong.
Export trading companies -- China.
Merchants -- California -- San Francisco.

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 1 Correspondence 1917-1920

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 1: A [Letter A] [ca. 1917?]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 1: B [Letter B] 1917

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 1: C [Letter C] 1919

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 1: D [Letter D] 1919

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 1: E [Letter E] 1919

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 1: F [Letter F] 1920

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 2 Letter from Ma Zung-run to Zun Guang-yong 1906

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 2: 1 page 1

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 2: envelope (recto) envelope (recto)

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/23: fol. 2: envelope (verso) envelope (verso)

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37 previous hit Chinese next hit -American business miscellany, [1900s]- 1952 [1900s]-1952

Scope and Content Note

Consists of a variety of miscellaneous records and printed ephemera relating to businesses in San Francisco and China. Contains a sampling of shareholders certificates and handbooks, bylaws, regulations, and annual reports; records of rents and wages; account books from groceries and restaurants; and business directories for San Francisco and Oakland from 1945 and 1949. Also includes a catalog for the Peking Bazaar, as well as printed stationery or ephemera for various Chinatown businesses or restaurants, including business cards, menus, advertisements, and picture postcards. In previous hit Chinese next hit and English.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Description and travel.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Export trading companies -- China -- Hong Kong.
Genthe, Arnold, -- 1869-1942 -- Exhibitions.
Merchants -- California -- San Francisco.

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 10 Tai Chong & Co. business card n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 11 Sing Chong Co. business card n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 12 Contract form (blank) for work in salmon cannery [1900s]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 13 Duke's Cameo Cigarettes card n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 17 Shee Chong Hat Works advertisement n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 20 The China Restaurant menu n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 21 previous hit Chinese next hit Tea Garden, Grand View Hotel menu n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 25 Picture postcards 1900s

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 25: women " previous hit Chinese next hit Women and Children"

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 25: actor " previous hit Chinese next hit Actor. . . "

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 25: children [Two children; one in costume]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 25: child [ previous hit Chinese next hit child in costume]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 25: festival "A previous hit Chinese next hit Festival"

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 25: group "Group of previous hit Chinese next hit children"

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 26 Paul Lau Company, Inc. business card n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 29 Business cards [various] n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 29: jews Jew's Criterion Restaurant card

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 29: yung Yung Chu Hung & Co. card

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 29: heng Heng Tai card

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 29: chen Dr. P.Y. Chen card

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 31 Sing Fat Co., Inc. [misc.] 192--

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/37: fol. 33 Miscellaneous advertisement 1920

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

California Historical Society


Bus. Misc. Business Miscellaneous

Scope and Content Note

Ephemera related to businesses in California, including various businesses in Chinatown, San Francisco and Chinatown, Sacramento.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California.
California -- Commerce.

Bus. Misc.: Sing Fat Co., Inc. [Sing Fat Co., Inc. receipt for M. Schussler & Co.] n.d.

Creator/Collector: Sing Fat Co., Inc.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

Bus. Misc.: Fook Woh & Co. [Fook Woh & Co. advertisement] n.d.

Creator/Collector: Fook Woh & Co.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Fook Woh & Co. specializes in previous hit Chinese next hit and Japanese curios, fabrics, teas, and fireworks. Located at 707 Dupont Street, San Francisco.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

Bus. Misc.: Chinese Cultural Theatre Group The previous hit Chinese next hit Cultural Theatre Group Presents "An Evening in Cathay" n.d.

Creator/Collector: previous hit Chinese next hit Cultural Theatre Group
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[theater program]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco

Bus. Misc.: Chinese Herb Co. [Business envelope for previous hit Chinese next hit Herb Co., 121 Second Street, San Francisco, Cal.] n.d.

Creator/Collector: previous hit Chinese next hit Herb Co.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Business.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

Bus. Misc.: Oriental Grill [Menu for the Oriental Grill, 714 K Street, Sacramento, California] 1916

Creator/Collector: The Oriental Grill
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Sacramento.

Bus. Misc.: Oriental Grill: cover Cover

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Bus. Misc.: Oriental Grill: 1-2 American Bill of Fare -- previous hit Chinese next hit Bill of Fare

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Bus. Misc.: Oriental Grill: 3 List of Wines, Liqueurs and Cordials

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Bus. Misc.: Chow Don Gee Ton & Co. [Seal of Chow Don Gee Ton & Co.] n.d.

Creator/Collector: Chow Don Gee Ton & Co.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Business.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

MS 3129 previous hit Chinese next hit and Japanese in California Miscellany 1888-1920

Scope and Content Note

Legal documents, typewritten or printed with some handwritten notations, for several previous hit Chinese next hit men, include: writs of habeas corpus, statements, affidavits, a passport, and other items. Some documents include identification photographs.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
California -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco.

MS 3129 [Statement of residence by Tom Back, merchant] 17 Sept. 1897

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

September 17, 1897. A statement by Tom Back, with his photograph attached, was sworn before Harry L. Horn, Notary Public, who signs at the bottom, along with Tom Back himself. In it, Tom Back states that he has been a resident of San Francisco for 38 years, and for two years a merchant with Quong Wing Tai & Co., dealers in previous hit Chinese next hit and Japanese goods, located at 320 Kearny Street. He goes on to list the members of the firm and their places of residence (and in some cases, their places of birth), as well as their stock holdings in the firm, whose capital stock totals $25,000. Tom Back, a resident of San Francisco, is the principal stockholder with $4,000. Tom Loo of China and Ho Soon of San Francisco each own $2,000. The remainder of the shareholders own $1,000 each: Tom Sin Wah of San Francisco, born in California; Tom Bing Nam of San Francisco, born in California; Tom Bing Young of San Francisco, born in California; Ho Chong of San Francisco; Tom Fook of San Francisco; Tom Chong Yue of San Francisco; Quan Queck You of China, Tom Fong of China; Tom Sing of San Francisco; Tom Yun of San Francisco, Tom Sin of San Francisco; Tom Key, currently in China; Tom Some of San Francisco, born in California; Chin Wing Art of San Francisco; Tom Wo, currently in China; Quan Hop You of San Francisco; and Tom Loung Art of San Francisco.

Scope and Content Note

Includes photograph.

MS 3129 [Statement by Tom Pak, merchant] 30 Aug. 1902

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Affidavit of Tom Pak regarding his son, Tom Sam.

MS 3129: Tom Pak: 1 [Statement signed by Tom Pak]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

August 30, 1902. This statement by Tom Pak was sworn before Thomas S. Burnes, Notary Public, to the effect that his son, Tom Sam (whose photograph is affixed to the document), was born in San Francisco at 720 Dupont Street, upstairs, on March 18, 1882. Tom Pak goes on to say he himself is a member of the firm of Quong Wing Tai & Co. His son, Tom Sam, now age 20, left for China on the steamship Arabec [sic] on September 25, 1884, and has resided in China ever since, engaged currently in business in Hong Kong. Now he wishes to return to the U.S. to do business in San Francisco.

MS 3129: Tom Pak: 2 [Statement signed by Tom Pak's business associates]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

August 30, 1902. On a separate page, seven business associates of Tom Pak's (whose photo is attached) attest to his honesty, to his association with the firm of Quong Wing Tai & Co. for more than a year, and to the fact that he has done no manual labor except as necessary for his business. (Note: the photograph of Tom Pak affixed to this document is identical to the one attached to the September 17, 1897 document described elsewhere, relating to Tom Back.) The seven signers of this document list their names, addresses in San Francisco, and the number of years each has known Tom Pak, as follows (business associations come from the 1902 Crocker-Langley San Francisco Directory): F.F.G. Harper ( of Fred F.G. Harper, ship and custom house brokers and forwarding agents), 407 Washington St., over 15 years Morris Marcus (secretary and treasurer of S. Foster & Co.), 26 California St. (business address), 7 years J. J. Tobin (collector, The Call newspaper), San Francisco Call office (business address), 7 years W. H. Haines (agent for Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation), 401 Montgomery St. (business address), over 10 years Edward J. Bowes (with Shainwald, Buckbee & Co., real estate agents, house brokers, and auctioneers), 218-220 Montgomery St. (business address), over 6 years John A. Sampson (examiner of merchandise, U. S. Customs), Room 31, ns appr' [sic] Building, 10 years Samuel E. Loc [?], 118 Grand Avenue, 15 years

MS 3129: Tom Pak: 3 [casing: "Affidavit of Tom Pak. Merchant, regarding his son, Tom Sam."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MS 3129 [Statement by Tom Bing] 8 Aug. 1905

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

August 8, 1905. A statement by Tom Bing, whose photograph, once evidently attached, no longer exists, was sworn before Thomas S. Burnes, Notary Public, who signs at the bottom, along with Tom Bing himself. In it, Tom Bing states that he has been a resident of San Francisco for 28 years, and for more than 7 years a merchant with Quong Wing Tai & Co., dealers in previous hit Chinese next hit and Japanese goods, located at 320 Kearny Street. He goes on to list the members of the firm and their places of residence, as well as their stock holdings in the firm, whose capital stock totals $25,000. Tom Pack, a resident of San Francisco, is the principal stockholder with $4,000. Tom Loo of China and Tom Ying of San Francisco each own $2,000. The remainder of the shareholders own $1,000 each: Tom Bing of San Francisco, Tom Sin Wah of San Francisco, Tom Bing Young of China, Tom Bing Nam of San Francisco, Tom Some of San Francisco, Ching Dung of San Francisco, Tom Fook of San Francisco, Tom Chong Yue of China, Quan Quock You of San Francisco, Tom Fong of San Francisco, Tom Yun of San Francisco, Tom Sin of San Francisco, Tom Key of China, Chin Gim Sen of San Francisco, Tom Wo of China, Quan Hop You of San Francisco, and Tom Loung Art of San Francisco.

MS 3129 In Re. Hum Ne Hong, Native Born Citizen of the United States June 1907

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MS 3129 In Re. Ham Toon Fong, Native Born Citizens of the United States Dec. 1907

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Dec. 1907: A one-page typewritten legal document, headed "In Re Ham Toon Fong, Native Born Citizen of the United States," states that Ham Toon Fong was born in the U.S., a matter judged by proceeding no. 6835 in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California. Ham's photograph is said to be attached; it is not. The affidavit continues by saying that Ham returned to the U.S. in 1903 from China and was officially readmitted to the U.S. by the Commissioner of Immigration on September 10, 1903. Ham Toon Fong is about to make a visit to China and this affidavit is undertaken to facilitate his return to the U.S.. Ham Toon Fong's photograph, the notary public's official red seal, and a blue stamp indicating that Ham left San Francisco on the steamship Korea on December 10, 1907. The affidavit is signed by Ham Toon Fong and by Thomas S. Baines, Notary Public, as well as by Henry C. Kennah, Inspector for the U.S. Commission of Immigration.

MS 3129 In Re. Tom Soon, minor son of Tom Yum, a citizen of the United States 26 Aug. 1908

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

August 26, 1908. A two-page typewritten affidavit, entitled "In Re Tom Soon, Minor Son of Tom Yum, a citizen of the United States," states that Tom Yum was judged by the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, to be a U.S. citizen in proceeding no. 11, 109. Photographs of both Tom Soon and Tom Yum are attached at the top of the documents. Tom Yum further states that Tom Soon is his minor son and that he, too, is a U. S. citizen by virtue of his father's citizenship. Tom Soon is presently in China, but about to come to the U. S. to reside. The document is signed by Tom Yum and by Thomas S. Baines, Notary Public, whose seal is impressed. Notations in red ink on and near the photographs at the top are made by Rickards & Wrenelock [?], attorneys for the applicant. They indicate that Tom Yum arrived on the steamship Korea on May 27, 1910 (#5964) and was allowed to land on June 8, 1910. Tom Soon arrived also on the Korea on May 27, 1910 (#5970) and landed on June 9, 1910. The second page is a document sworn under oath by Quan Quock Yow whose photograph is attached at the top and whose signature (in previous hit Chinese next hit characters) appears at the bottom, along with that of Thomas S. Baines, Notary Public. Quan states that he knows Tom Yum as a native-born U. S. citizen and that Tom Soon, his son, also is a U. S. citizen by virtue of his father's birth.

MS 3129 In Re. Hom Shung, son of a merchant. 9 June 1915

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

June 9, 1915. This three-page typewritten document is entitled "In Re Hom Shung, Son of a Merchant". In it, Hom Sin Wah states that he is a merchant and member of Tai Quong Co. at 910 Grant Avenue in San Francisco and that his son, Hom Shung, now living in China, wishes to come to the U.S. The purpose of the affidavit is to facilitate Hon Shung's landing in the U.S. The document is signed in both previous hit Chinese next hit and English by Hom Sin Wah and by R.H. Jones, Notary Public, whose seal is impressed. Also, R.H.J. has initialed the change made in ink of Hom Sin Wah's name to Tom Sin Wah within the document. Photographs of both father and son appear at the top of the page. The second page of the document contains the signatures of two people -- John J. Milsner of 729 Mission Street and Hyman Sultan, c/o Moore Watson Dry Goods Co. at Front and Market Streets -- who swear under oath that they know Hom Sin Wah as a member of the Tai Quong Co. R.H. Jones, Notary Public, also signs and stamps his seal on this page. The third page of the document contains a photograph of Hom Yum who swears that he knows Hom Sin Wah as a San Francisco merchant, and his son, Hom Yum, now living in China but about to come to the U.S. The affidavit is signed by Tom Yum, but the space for the Notary Public's signature is blank, as is the date.

MS 657 Henry H. Ellis Miscellany 1870-1877

Creator/Collector: Ellis, Henry Hiram Ellis, 1829-1909

Scope and Content Note

Ellis joined the San Francisco Police Department in 1855 and served as Chief of Police from 1875 to 1877.

Scope and Content Note

Collection consists of letters, telegrams, and notes pertaining to Ellis's activities with the San Francisco police department. Includes letters dealing with the 1877 Committee of Safety, which was organized to suppress gang violence.

Scope and Content Note

[1 folder]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

MS 657: letter Letter From previous hit Chinese next hit Merchants to H.H. Ellis 30 June 1876

Creator/Collector: " previous hit Chinese next hit Merchants"
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Letter to HHE from previous hit Chinese next hit Merchants requesting that Ellis require all previous hit Chinese next hit speaking people living and working in San Francisco to observe the Fourth of July.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

Miscellaneous Selections : San Francisco's Chinatown - Business and Politics


FA X57-43-1-2 "Interior of Tobin and Duncan's previous hit Chinese next hit Sales Room"

Creator/Collector: Pierce, Joshua H.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Scope and Content Note

Joshua H. Pierce [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FA 69-206-2-2 "Opium Pipe Mender"

Creator/Collector: Partington, Richard Langtry
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Scope and Content Note

Richard Langtry Partington [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
Opium habit -- California -- Pictorial works.

Vault 372 Remarks of the previous hit Chinese next hit Merchants of San Francisco upon Governor Bigler's Message, and Some Common Objections 1855

Creator/Collector: " previous hit Chinese next hit Merchants"
Physical Description: 16 p.; 23 cm
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

"Written in previous hit Chinese next hit by Lai Chun-chuen and translated into English."

Scope and Content Note

"Prepared in behalf of the subscribers to Hak-sheung Ui-kun, or ' previous hit Chinese next hit Merchants Exchange.'"

Scope and Content Note

San Francisco: Printed at the office of the "Oriental," by Whitton, Towne & Co.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
California -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Social conditions.
Alien labor, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California.

325.251.Si9 Memorial of the Six previous hit Chinese next hit Companies 8 Dec. 1877

Creator/Collector: previous hit Chinese next hit Consolidated Benevolent Association (California)
Physical Description: 53 p. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Full subtitle: "An Address to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. Testimony of California's Leading Citizens Before the Joint Special Congressional Committee. Read Us and Judge Us."

Scope and Content Note

San Francisco: Alta Print

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
Immigrants -- California.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit Consolidated Benevolent Association (California)

San Francisco's Chinatown - Outsiders Looking In

Scope and Content Note

The exotic sights, smells, and customs of San Francisco's Chinatown drew visitors to its streets and establishments even before its reconstruction after the 1906 earthquake and fire. Personal accounts, published pamphlets, and thousands of photographs and pictorial ephemera reveal an extensive fascination with the neighborhood and its people.
Among the greatest attractions to visitors to Chinatown was its "underworld," consisting of highbinders ( previous hit Chinese next hit gang members), opium dens, and prostitution. Tourists, their interest piqued by salacious political rhetoric, warnings from the pulpit, or sensationalized newspaper stories, clamored for guided tours of the narrow alleys and mysterious lairs of previous hit Chinese next hit miscreants. Enterprising guides, both white and previous hit Chinese next hit , readily catered to the impulse of pleasured fear, oftentimes staging the arrest of a so-called highbinder conveniently in front of a group of sightseers or leading their charges through alleyways replete with employees trained to vanish mysteriously when tourists neared. More straightforward documentation of this underworld can be seen in the paperwork produced by law enforcement personnel whose beat included Chinatown or whose job it was to prosecute alleged offenders.
Chinatown's restaurants and merchant establishments offered visitors more conventional destinations. Surveying the surviving menus of early Chinatown, one gets a sense of an amalgamation of thoroughly mainstream tastes with those of the previous hit Chinese next hit : almost every restaurant appealing to tourists offers Coca- Cola along with traditional and Americanized Cantonese dishes. Businesses stocked with imported wares beckoned spenders through elaborate window displays. Perhaps the two most well known merchant firms were the Sing Chong Co. & previous hit Chinese next hit Bazaar and the Sing Fat Co., located next to each other at the intersection of California Street and Grant Avenue. Meanwhile, those who wanted to experience previous hit Chinese next hit culture and religious practices firsthand headed for the theaters and the joss houses.
Tourism had always been an important element of Chinatown's economy, but after the rebuilding of the community during the early 1900s, even more sightseers flooded into the area. Its new architectural aesthetic made "Cathay by the Bay" seems a world apart from the rest of San Francisco, even though it was located just blocks away from Nob Hill's austere mansions and the early skyscrapers of the financial district. This perception of Chinatown as a foreign colony within an American city echoes even into the twenty-first century.
No visit to San Francisco was complete without a pictorial souvenir of Chinatown. Prominent cameramen Carleton Watkins, I. W. Taber, and Arnold Genthe were just three of the many outside photographers who catered to the public's desire to view the previous hit Chinese next hit community. Other visitors, however, had ulterior motives for exploring Chinatown. City leaders, union organizers, journalists, and authors used "first- hand" descriptions of the enclave for their own purposes, whether to drum up political support or sell copy. Most of the time, achieving those goals involved portraying the previous hit Chinese next hit quarter in an unflattering, often extremely derogatory light. This negative attitude extended from sources as diverse as the San Francisco Board of Health to independent sensationalist writers. Municipal reports, political pamphlets, and other printed ephemeral literature reflect the widespread negativity regarding Chinatown that proved so useful in garnering votes or capturing the American urban imagination.
Materials in this section are drawn from the collections of The Bancroft Library and the California Historical Society.

The Bancroft Library


BANC PIC 1975.011--AX Photographs of San Francisco's Chinatown and miscellaneous portraits

Creator/Collector: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942.
Physical Description: 14 photographic prints : b&w ; 28 x 36 cm. or smaller

Scope and Content Note

Photos of San Francisco's Chinatown including views of children, local vendors, the previous hit Chinese next hit Salvation Army, and streets and alleys. Also includes a photograph of Gente with camera in Chinatown also included.

BANC PIC 1975.011:01--AX [illegible] in the days before candid cameras -- (about 1904) in old China town. San Francisco, Calif. [portrait of Arnold Genthe]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
Genthe, Arnold, -- 1869-1942 -- Portraits.

BANC PIC 1975.011:05--AX previous hit Chinese next hit Salvation Army, San Francisco, 1905.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Charities -- California.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1975.011:06--AX Old San Francisco, China town, about 1904

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California.

BANC PIC 1975.011:07--AX [Child and man, balloon vendors]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
Peddlers and peddling -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1975.011:08--AX [Children in traditional dress]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1975.011:09--AX [Old man and young boys]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1975.011:10--AX Old China town, 1904, San Franc.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1975.011:11--AX Modern China town

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1975.011:12--AX [Flower vendors]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Flower vending -- California -- Photographs
Peddlers and peddling -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1975.011:13--AX [Young man and girl]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
Children -- California -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1975.011:14--AX South side of China town

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1979.123--B Artwork of Louis LaCour [graphic] ca. 1855-ca. 1860

Creator/Collector: Lacour, Louis, 1832-1891

Scope and Content Note

Includes a view of San Francisco Chinatown.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1979.123:6--B Scene on Dupont St.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.029--B Ernest Clifford Peixotto pictorial collection [graphic] ca. 1890-ca. 1920?

Scope and Content Note

Illustrations of San Francisco Chinatown.

BANC PIC 1980.029:09--B [ previous hit Chinese next hit children]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1980.029:10--B [ previous hit Chinese next hit man carrying child, previous hit Chinese next hit woman]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California.

BANC PIC 1982.089--A Drawings of Chinatown, San Francisco, Calif. [graphic] 1893-1931

Creator/Collector: Babcock, Will J.
Physical Description: 4 drawings : b&w ; various sizes

Scope and Content Note

Drawings by Will J. Babcock, three used as illustrations in his article "Sketching in Chinatown" in The Aegis, v. 10, no. 9

Scope and Content Note

Drawings show scenes from Chinatown, previous hit Chinese next hit mourners, musicians, a water pipe, a teabucket, cups and a portrait.

BANC PIC 1982.089:01--A Fook Yoo [portrait]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.

BANC PIC 1982.089:02--A [scene from Chinatown]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1982.089:03--A [punk, water pipe, tea bucket, cups]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1982.089:04--A [chief mourner, musician, priest, paid mourners, eldest son]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Funeral customs and rites -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 1984.057--fALB Western travel views [graphic] ca. 1885-ca. 1900

Scope and Content Note

Views of Chinatown (including an opium den), etc.

BANC PIC 1984.057:34--fALB Opium Den underground, by Flash-light. Smoker caught lighting his pipe. The keeper in the door had extinguished the lights.

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Opium habit -- California -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1984.057:35--fALB Chinatown, S. F. Cal. The Five Idols in the Holy of Holies in the Joss Temple of Lung Gong.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 1984.057:37--fALB Spofford Alley, Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1996.003--fALB Jesse Brown Cook Scrapbooks Documenting San Francisco History and Law Enforcement ca. 1895-1936


:36b Looking S.W. from Stockton and Clay, April 18-06.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:38b Hall of Justice, April 18-06. Opposite Portsmouth Square.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:44b Looking S.E. from Stockton and Sacramento, April 18-06. An old previous hit Chinese next hit Temple the square bldg. in the center.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:45a China Town, looking South from Dupont and Pacific, April 18-06.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:45b China Town, looking North from Calif. and Dupont, April 18-06.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:74a Interior on the old Hall of Records after the fire of April 18th, 1906. The white on floor are burnt records.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:127b North on Grant Ave. from Clay St. in the previous hit Chinese next hit Quarters, 1888. Taber photo

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:138a North-West cor. Calif. & Montgomery Sts. Wells Fargo and Co. were in this Building in 1876. The San Francisco Savings Union Bank was also here in 1907 after the fire. This Building was built by previous hit Chinese next hit and the stores came from China about 1852.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:13b North East from Grant Ave. & Clay St. (China Town), Oct. 1922. Mercantile Trust Co. Office will be here on Nov. 1/22

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:14 Drying fish on the roof of Building at the South East cor. Clay & Grant Ave. Oct. 9/22. See the upper story windows and roof of the Hall of Justice.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:15a South on Grant Ave. from Clay St. Oct. 9/22

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:3a North on Grant Ave. from Pine St. in 1929. China Town - San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1996.003--fALB Jesse Brown Cook Scrapbooks Documenting San Francisco History and Law Enforcement ca. 1895-1936


:ii The Chinatown squad in 1905 under Sergt. Jesse B. Cook.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:81b U.S. Government Burning Opium in China Town, 1914.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:150e Jesse B. Cook in China Town in 1889.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:102a Det. Sergt. Walsh and his China Town Squad, January 1921.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:51a China Town Squad in 1898. L. to R. Standing - Phil Herrin - D. Campbell - D. Lyons - A. Say - M. Griffin. The Chinaman is Dong Gong or Dong Tying the Interperter [sic], and Sergt. Jas. Donovan - with Opium Pipe and Layout on the floor.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:19 Officers McDowell & Mahoney of the China Town detail. 1922.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:26a Wong Fook one of the Big Eight of China Town in 1898 -- Left L-Right Mary Lee -- Wong Fook and Susie Wong. The Big Eight previous hit Chinese next hit Gamblers of 1896. Chang Chung, Buck Guy, Jim Wong, Wong You, Wong Fook, Chin Chow, Chin Kim You, Quong Bing alias Chop Wollar. Wong Wo King who attended to all cases in court and was finally deported to China by the U.S. Gov. In 1895 there was [sic] in S.F. China Town about sixty thousand previous hit Chinese next hit . Left - Right: Mary Lee, Wong Fook and Ossie Wong.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:28a Burning opium and opium pipes on Dupont St., bet. Clay and Washington Sts. By U. S. Government Officers about 1917.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:15 Det. Sergt. John J. Manion's, China Town Squad, March 1924. L. to R.: Sitting - John Connolly, Geo. W. O'Leary, Detective Sergt. J.J. Manion, Thos. F. Cronin, J.P. O'Connor. Next Row: J.J. O'Donnell, Carl R. Mareus, Horace M. McGowan, L.P. Delmas, David

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:35 China Town Squad, San Francisco from July to Dec. 1905. Back Row, left to right: 1. T. O'Connell, Police Officer, 2. Fred. Krack, Police Officer, 3. H. Bolton, Police Officer, 4. Ed. Casey, Police Officer. 2nd Row, left to right: 1. Collins, now a Lieut. of Police, 2. Ed. Foley, Police Officer, 3. O. Burg, Police Officer, 4. R. Curtin, Police Officer, 5. T. Hanley, Police Officer. 3rd Row, left to right: 1., 2. T. Curtis, Police Officer, 3. T. Conley, Police Officer, 4. Cliff Fields, now a Lieut. of Police, 5. Dan Cronin, now a Lieut. of Police. 6. Front row, left to right: Sergt. Wm Ross, Corpl. Wm Ferguson. From Jesse B. Cook

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:140a Ah You photographed in 1861. [Adjacent caption reads: "This is a photographic copy of the record and photo of the first previous hit Chinese next hit arrested in San Francisco in 1861 for Petite Larceny. He was photoed [sic] the first day the Police Gallery opened in the old City Hall S.E. cor. Washington and Kearny Sts. In 1861.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:161a May Kirby: One of the old China Town pickpockets; she worked in that section of San Francisco. She has not been seen since the fire of April 18/06.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:11b The old picture is Chew Gum and [sic] old character who roamed around Chinatown for years and spent most of his time in jail for Vagrancy.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:172a Lieut. Dan Sylvester's China Town Police Squad in 1911 - L. to R.: Chas. E. Munn, Lieut. H. Sylvester, Arthur McPhee, J.J. Cummings, Ed Plume, and L.P.H. Meyer

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:83 Sergt. Jesse B. Cook's China town squad in 1904. Back row L. to R. Gibbons, Biermann, Badenhauer, R. Curtin, Kavenaugh, Lyon. Next row Johnstone, Ed. Mills, Sequine Harry, Jack Anear, Wright, Molke, Oslowd, Copeland, Riley, Currie, Rodecker, Hobe, Hoghtower, Rudder, McKevett, Fredericks. Front row L to R. Corpl Wm. Ross, Jesse B. Cook Sergt. in charge, G.McMahon Det. Sergt.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:8c Ah You photographed in 1861. Ah You, Born in China, Age 23 years, weight 136, Height, 5 ft. 3 inches, complexion, copper coloured, Hair & eyes black, nose flat at the bridge, face full, number of small moles on right cheek, one mole on left side of neck, sent to Co. Jail, Nov. 22.61. for 90 days on charge of petit Larceny, arrested by Citizen John Nichols. [?] taken Nov. 22 [?]. This Chinaman was the first previous hit Chinese next hit to be photographed in the Police Gallery when it was first opened in 1861 at San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:26b The old picture is Chew Gum, an old character who roamed around Chinatown for years and spent most of his time in jail for vagrancy.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:54c Leong Fook. San Quentin. 45282. Executed. April 5.1929. Age - 54. From Tulare Co., knocked previous hit Chinese next hit woman in the head, poured gasoline upon her, setting fire to body which he had also stabbed - expected his wife to arrive from China.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:62a Lou Fook, previous hit Chinese next hit house boy, charged with the murder of Mrs. Rosetta Baker at 814-California St. on Dec. 8/30

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Miscellaneous Selections : San Francisco's Chinatown - Outsiders Looking In


BANC PIC 19xx.211--A previous hit Chinese next hit musicians [graphic] : [a photograph of a painting by Theodore Wores] ca. 1887

Creator/Collector: Houseworth, Thomas, 1829-1915
Physical Description: 1 mounted photographic print : albumen ; image 18 x 22 cm., mount 20 x 25 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

A photograph of a painting byTheodore Wores.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Musicians -- Pictorial works.

xfF869.S3B659 Lights and shadows of Chinatown San Francisco, Press of H.S. Crocker Company c1896

Creator/Collector: Bode, William
Physical Description: [23] p., [32] leaves of plates. illus. 30 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

fxF869.S3.F6 Ten Drawings in Chinatown by Ernest C. Peixotto with certain observations by Robert Howe Fletcher San Francisco : A.M. Robertson, [c1898]

Creator/Collector: Fletcher, Robert Howe, 1850-1936
Physical Description: 18 leaves 10 ill. on 9 mounted plates ; 32 x 39 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Robert Howe Fletcher provides the text and Ernest C.Peixotto the drawings for this romanticized and somewhat condescending view of the previous hit Chinese next hit and Chinatown in San Francisco. Their insider guide through Chinatown is Wong Sue.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.

pfF869.S3.9.S718 Souvenir of California : photographic views San Francisco, Cal. : Taber Photo., [ca.1882]

Creator/Collector: Taber, I. W. (Isaiah West), 1830-1912
Physical Description: [7] leaves ; 26 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Contains six original mounted albumen photographs of San Francisco's Chinatown, the first after a painting by by T. Wores.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

pfF869.S3.9.S718 [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

pfF869.S3.9.S718 title page

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

pfF869.S3.9.S718 [1]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

pfF869.S3.9.S718 [2] B1. Alley in Chinatown, S. F., Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

pfF869.S3.9.S718 [3] B5. previous hit Chinese next hit restaurant, S. F., Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

pfF869.S3.9.S718 [4] B529. previous hit Chinese next hit Josh-House, S. F., Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

pfF869.S3.9.S718 [5] B3. previous hit Chinese next hit Restaurant, S. F., Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

pfF869.S3.9.S718 [6] B58. previous hit Chinese next hit Quarter, S. F., Cal.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

F869.S3.9.T2 La ville chinoise de San Francisco. [n.p., 190-?]

Creator/Collector: Talloires.
Physical Description: p. [136]-144. Illus. 25 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Notes: Caption title. Signed: Talloires. Extract.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.

xF870.C5.C51 v.2:6 The previous hit Chinese next hit in California San Francisco, Pettit & Russ, c1880

Creator/Collector: Densmore, G. B.
Physical Description: 122 p. ill., plates. 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Caption: Description of previous hit Chinese next hit Life in San Francisco. Their Habits, Morals, and Manners.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

F870.C5.D41 The previous hit Chinese next hit in California. Description of previous hit Chinese next hit life in San Francisco, their habits, morals and .. San Francisco, Pettit & Russ, c 1880

Creator/Collector: Densmore, G. B.
Physical Description: 122 p. ill., plates. 23 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco.

F870.C5.S2 Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco. . . [San Francisco, CA] : 1885

Creator/Collector: San Francisco (Calif.). Board of Supervisors. Special Committee on Chinatown
Physical Description: 95 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill., 1 folded col. map ; 22 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Variant issue published by A.L. Bancroft & Co, 1885.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)

F870.C5.Y9 1912 $20.00 reward :Wong Yuk ( previous hit Chinese next hit ) ; ... this man was ordered deported and placed on board steamship Chiyo Maru for that purpose. San Francisco: Office of the Chief of Police,c1912

Creator/Collector: San Francisco (Calif.). Police Dept.
Physical Description: 1 broadside ; 22 x 14 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

"Wanted" poster.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
Yuk, Wong.

xffF870.M9.C6 no.62 Ching chong Chicago : Lee S. Roberts, c1917

Creator/Collector: Roberts, Lee S., 1884-1949
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.); 35 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Words by J. Will Callahan ; music by Lee S. Roberts.

Scope and Content Note

Collection of California sheet music ; no. 62.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Songs and music.

California Historical Society


SF--Chinatown Photos: San Francisco--Chinatown (1895-1906) 1895-1906

Creator/Collector: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942.

SF Chinatown: Genthe No. 1 Arnold Genthe -- Photos No. 1 (Camera Shy previous hit Chinese next hit )

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-02328 "Their First Photograph."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02270 "Fleeing From the Camera."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02315 "No Lickee."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02319 "An Unsuspecting Victim."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

SF Chinatown: Genthe No. 2 Arnold Genthe -- Photos No. 2 (Children, Grouped)

Creator/Collector: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34393 "Day of Good Lady Festival."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-10831 "Four Pigtail Kids."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

FN-02293 "At the corner of Dupont and Jackson Sts."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02301 "A Holiday (some children -- another rose)."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02283 "Boys Playing Shuttlecock."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02313 "Five Walking Profile Girls."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02359 [brother and sister]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02290 "Two Little Maids From School."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-27612 [two laughing girls]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-26825 "A Stroll in the Plaza."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02340 "Dressed For a Formal Visit."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02337 "Two Sheenies."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02327 "Tiny Yellow Flowers of the World."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02255 "Cute Kid Turning."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02259 "Cellar Door."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02267 "Young Aristocrats."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02268 "Little Princess."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-15569 "In Holiday Dress."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Re-print from "Old Chinatown."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02303 [two boys on sidewalk]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

SF Chinatown: Genthe No. 3 Arnold Genthe -- Photos No. 3 (Children, Individual)

Creator/Collector: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-02332 "Basket Kid."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02307 "Signboard Boy."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02282 "Forsaken Kid."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02302 "Laughing White Cap Boy."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02338 "Backview Boy."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02342 "Child Sitting on Door-Step."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02251A "Little Ah Wu."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02339 "A Native Son."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02347 "Girl in Park (?) Box."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02298 "Small Cap Boy."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02314 "Hairy Kid."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02284 [boy in doorway]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

SF Chinatown: Genthe No. 4 Arnold Genthe -- Photos No. 4 (Children with Parents/Guardians)

Creator/Collector: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-02357 "Children of High Class."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02344 "Crossing Father with Two Kids."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02329 "A Holiday Visit."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02312 "A Picnic on Portsmouth Square."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02335 "Carrying New Year's Presents."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02296 "Waiting for the Car."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02261 "Paying New Year's Calls."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02353 "The Alley."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02354 "Returning Home."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02264 "A Corner on the Hillside"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02254 "A Family from the Consulate"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02288 "New Year's Day in Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02304 "Two Backs -- Father and Girl"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02305 "Father with Two Kids"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02266 "Crossing Mother with Child"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02294 "New Year's Day Before the Theater"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-34392 "Father and Two Children Walking"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02292 "Dressed for a Formal Visit"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02286 "Smiling Father with White Kid"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02285 "Smiling Walking Woman"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02318 "A Proud Father"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02317 "He Belong Me"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02308 [merchant with son]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02341 "Wriggling Kid -- Father"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02273 "Two Girls with Chaperone"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02271 "Story Group (?)"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02269 "An Afternoon Airing"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02263 "Street Crowd"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02262 "Little Mandarin"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02256 [child with ball]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02253 "The Children's Hour"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02343 [man with three children]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02297 "The Smoking Father"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02336 "Father and Child"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02295 [girl and servant chaperone]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

SF Chinatown: Genthe No. 5 Arnold Genthe -- Photos No. 5 (Street Scenes & Misc.)

Creator/Collector: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-02350 "Loafers"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02265 " previous hit Chinese next hit Ming Lion"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

FN-02279 "Entrance to Old Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-02300 "The Street of the Painted Balconies"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02277 "Doorways in Dim Shadows"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02331 "Passers-by"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-15634 "Sign of the Pawn Shop"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-28943 [two women in doorway]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02316 " previous hit Chinese next hit Salvation Army"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Societies, etc.

FN-15570 "In Front of the Joss House"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

SF Chinatown: Genthe No. 6 Arnold Genthe -- Photos No. 6 (Tradesmen)

Creator/Collector: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-02258 "The Fish Peddler"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02251b "Marketing"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02355 "The Shoemaker"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02251 "The Lily Vendor"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-20051 "Sword Dancer"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02348 "The Toy Peddler"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

aka "The Toy Vendor"

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02278 "Balloon Man"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02274 "The Tinkers"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02330 "Fish Alley"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02324 "Fish Market Scales"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02280 "Vegetable Shop"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-02291 "The New Toy"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02351 " previous hit Chinese next hit Cook Grinning from Doorway"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02275 "On Dupont Street"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02252 "The Wild Cat"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02276 "The Morning Market"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02289 "The Balloon Man"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-02287 "Toy Stand"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02321 "The Grocery Store"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02320 "The Jewelry Shop"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02326 "The Fortune Teller"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02323 "Pipe-Bowl Mender"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02349 "A Merchant"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02345 "The Butcher"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02306 "Fish Alley, Woman, Back Man"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

FN-02346 "The Vegetable Peddler"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans in business -- California -- San Francisco.

SF Chinatown: Genthe No. 7 Arnold Genthe -- Photos No. 7 (Underworld)

Creator/Collector: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-02309 "The Street of the Slave Girls"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02334 "The Opium Fiend"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Opium habit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-02325 "Chinatown Gamblers (By Night)"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Gambling -- California -- Pictorial works.

FN-02333 "A Slave Girl in Holiday Attire"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02310 "The Devil's Kitchen (By Night)"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-02281 "Little Plum Blossom"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-23280 "A.G. and Tea Rose"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
Genthe, Arnold, -- 1869-1942 -- Portraits.

FN-02352a "Mandarin with Body Guard"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

MS 2355 Documents pertaining to Ah Seung Sept. 1886

Creator/Collector: Ah Seung

Scope and Content Note

Contains five handwritten and printed legal documents pertaining to Ah Seung, who was charged with grand larceny in San Francisco, including orders to appear in court, a bail bond, and an order of discharge.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
Crime -- California.
Crime and race -- United States.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Legal status, laws, etc.

MS 2355: Crowley (I) Command to P. Crowley, San Francisco Chief of Police Sept. 1886

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

A command addressed to P. Crowley, Chief of Police of San Francisco (or to his deputy in charge of the City Prison) orders that Ah Seung, who has been detained in custody, be presented before Superior Court Judge D. J. Tooley in his courtroom, Dept. 11, in Old City Hall. It is handwritten on lined legal paper, unsigned, and dated September 1886.

MS 2355: Crowley (ii) Command to P. Crowley, San Francisco Chief of Police, from James J. Flynn 25 Sept. 1886

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Command handwritten on lined legal paper, dated September 25, 1886 and signed by James J. Flynn, Clerk, and Thomas Caplan, Deputy Clerk.

MS 2355: Flynn Statement by James J. Flynn [Sept. 1886]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

A handwritten legal sheet from the Superior Court, Dept. 11, in San Francisco, states that Ah Seung was discharged from custody on September 27, 1886 on a writ of habeas corpus, and that the cause of his custody had been a complaint of grand larceny, sworn in Police Judges Court no. 1 on September 27, 1886. The page is signed by James J. Flynn, Clerk, and A. C. Berthier, Deputy Clerk.

MS 2355: bail (recto) Bail Bond for Ah Seung 27 Sept. 1886

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

This printed "Bail Bond" legal sheet from the Police Judge's Court in San Francisco is dated September 27, 1886. It states that Hale Rix, Judge of the Police Judge's Court has ordered Ah Seung held on $2,000 bail for grand larceny. It goes on to say that Jue Yoke and Jue Jung, both residents of San Francisco, have undertaken to pay the $2,000 bail if Ah Seung fails to appear to answer the charge against him. The form is signed by Jue Yoke and Jue Jung, both of whom give 771 Clayton as their address, and dated September 28, 1886. On the back of this sheet, Jue Yoke and Jue Jung each swear that he is a resident of San Francisco, a free holder of California, and is worth $2,000. Each of the two separate statements is signed by Jue Yoke and Jue Jung and dated September 28, 1886.

MS 2355: bail (verso) Bail Bond for Ah Seung 27 Sept. 1886

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MS 2355: discharge Order of Discharge -- Bail Given 28 Sept. 1886

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Printed, half-sized legal sheet entitled "Order of Discharge -- Bail Given," dated September 28, 1886. It comes from the Police Judge's Court in San Francisco and is addressed to the Prison-keeper of the City Prison, directing him to discharge Ah Seung from custody because a bail bond had been deposited to assure his appearance to answer the grand larceny charge against him.

MSP 1816 John A. Robinson Papers pertaining to the U.S. Immigration Service, San Francisco 1906-1936

Creator/Collector: Robinson, John A.

MSP 1816: photos John A. Robinson Photographs

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Portraits of immigrants collected by Robinson, an Inspector for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, San Francisco, Calif. His early career was devoted to the arrest and deportation of prostitutes in San Francisco and other surrounding areas; he was also responsible for the transport of aliens to deportation sites. Special assignments directed from Washington D.C. included an investigation of the white slave market on the West Coast. Robinson was also a member of the Board of Special Inquiry in the 1930s.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.
Immigrants -- United States -- Portraits.
China -- Emigration and immigration.

MSP 1816: photos: 1 So Hung

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MSP 1816: photos: 2 Lau San

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MSP 1816: photos: 3 Saiga Seigoro

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MSP 1816: photos: 4 Ching Wun Quong

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MSP 1816: photos: 5 Lee Fong

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MSP 1816: photos: 6 Chuck Poy Yuen

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MSP 1816: photos: 7 [mug shot of previous hit Chinese next hit man]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

MSP 1816: photos: 8 Jun Toy

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MSP 1816: photos: 9 Leung Yuk

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MSP 1816: photos: 10 [head shot of balding previous hit Chinese next hit man]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

MSP 1816: photos: 11 Cha Foi

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MSP 1816: photos: 12 Eng Jeik at San Quentin Prison; "Louie Toy"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MSP 1816: photos: 13 Lum Choy

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Miscellaneous Selections : San Francisco's Chinatown - Outsiders Looking In


FA 57-27-22-2 "A Scene in Chinatown"

Creator/Collector: Dahlgren, Carl Christian
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

From The Wasp.

Scope and Content Note


Scope and Content Note

Carl Christian Dahlgren [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

FA 67-5-1-2 "San Francisco Chinatown"

Creator/Collector: Narjot, Ernest
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Oil on canvas.

Scope and Content Note

Ernest Narjot [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

FA 75-13-2-2 "Chinatown Scene with Figures"

Creator/Collector: Hyde, Helen
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Block print and wash on paper.

Scope and Content Note

Helen Hyde [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

FA 78-6-24 " previous hit Chinese next hit Settlement in the Suburbs of San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Wood engraving.

Scope and Content Note

Anonymous [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

FA 78-6-24: recto " previous hit Chinese next hit Settlement in the Suburbs of San Francisco" (recto)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Anonymous [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

FA 78-6-24: verso " previous hit Chinese next hit Settlement in the Suburbs of San Francisco" (verso)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FA 78-6-25 "Street Scene in the previous hit Chinese next hit Quarter"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Wood engraving.

Scope and Content Note

From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper.

Scope and Content Note

Anonymous [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

FA 78-6-4 "Scene in a previous hit Chinese next hit Opium Palace"

Creator/Collector: Frenzeny, Paul
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Wood engraving.

Scope and Content Note

Paul Frenzeny [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Opium habit -- California -- Pictorial works.

FA 78-6-23 "Underground Opium Den in San Francisco"

Creator/Collector: Farny, Henri
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Wood engraving.

Scope and Content Note

Henri Farny [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Opium habit -- California -- Pictorial works.

TN 4460 [Acc# 2002-9-2] San Francisco previous hit Chinese next hit Maiden [19--?]

Creator/Collector: Wores, Theodore
Physical Description:
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Image of previous hit Chinese next hit girl in traditional dress holding flowers standing on street corner in Chinatown.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

previous hit Chinese next hit / previous hit Chinese next hit American Communities

Scope and Content Note

The previous hit Chinese next hit brought with them to the United States traditions and practices that were integral to their daily lives, including specific religious beliefs and rituals. The previous hit Chinese next hit communities had temple for worship for Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. The community gathered together to celebrate traditional previous hit Chinese next hit festivals. The previous hit Chinese next hit in California continued to observe the Lunar New Year in the traditional manner. This important festival was celebrated with elaborate display and plenty of exuberance. Songs, music, and theater were regular leisure activities in the community. previous hit Chinese next hit theater performances were important cultural events. In 1852, the first performance of Cantonese opera was held in the American Theatre on Sansome Street, and several months later, the first previous hit Chinese next hit theater building was completed. Family relationships were integral to their society and by extension, things associated with family and family members such as food, education, marriage, and funeral customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans resisted and took action against the overt discrimination enacted against them. They brought legal cases to the courts--municipal, state, and federal--to combat discriminatory legislation and treatment. Many previous hit Chinese next hit also worked with other governmental institutions to protect their rights. They also took their cases to the press. Ho Yow, previous hit Chinese next hit Consul General in San Francisco published articles in magazines such as the Overland Monthly, responding publicly as a concerned individual to discrimination.
previous hit Chinese next hit medicine fulfilled an important need in the nineteenth century for previous hit Chinese next hit and non- previous hit Chinese next hit alike. Western medicine had not yet developed the extensive drugs, anesthetics, vaccinations, or sophisticated surgical techniques to which we have become accustomed. Thus, the previous hit Chinese next hit understanding of plants used for medicinal purposes was an important component of how injury and disease were handled in the nineteenth-century American West.
Materials in this section are drawn from the collections of The Bancroft Library, the Ethnic Studies Library, and the California Historical Society.

The Bancroft Library


BANC PIC 1905.12780-.12821--PIC Miscellaneous California views [graphic] 189-?


BANC PIC 1905.12798--PIC Drying Grapes - Fresno, Calif. [Raisin industry, Fresno]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Agricultural laborers -- California -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.12811--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit Shell Peddlers, Monterey, Calif.

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.12821--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit Restaurant, San Francisco, Calif.

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1905.13389-.13402--PIC Views of Shasta and Weaverville cities, California [graphic] ca. 1860-ca. 1959

Scope and Content Note

The previous hit Chinese next hit Joss House, a temple of worship.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Weaverville (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 1905.13389-.13402: 13391--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit Joss House at Weaverville, Calif.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098--PIC Photographs from the Hart Hyatt North papers ca. 1890- ca. 1943

Creator/Collector: North, Hart Hyatt, 1871-

Scope and Content Note

Various photographers, including Bruguiere and Eisen, Fong Get Photo Studio, Shang Hai Bazaar, and Bushnell (all San Francisco); Phoenix Art Co. (Berkeley); Shaw & Shaw (Oakland); [R.P.?] Whigham Photo, C.P. Magagnos, and others.

Scope and Content Note

Photographs show Alaska, Angel Island, and previous hit Chinese next hit in the San Francisco Bay Area. Angel Island views relate to North's career as a commander of the immigration station and show interior and exterior views of the station: dormitories, dining room, wash room, hospital, and previous hit Chinese next hit cooks. Photos relating to previous hit Chinese next hit in the Bay Area include many studio portraits by previous hit Chinese next hit photographers of previous hit Chinese next hit . Many of these bear inscriptions to H.H. North (often from previous hit Chinese next hit consular officials), and show subjects in traditional dress.

BANC PIC 1980.098:31-44--PIC Angel Island

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Angel Island Immigration Station -- Photographs.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1980.098:31--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. View showing main buildings and hospital on left.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:32--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. View showing wharf and main buildings.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:33--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Approach from wharf to main building.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:34--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Upper buildiing in which are dormitories.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:35--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Porch of rear of upper building.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:36--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Veranda of main building.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:37--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Examination room -- main building

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:38--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Dining room

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:39--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Kitchen

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:40--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Bath room and lavatory

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:41--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Interiors of one of the wards in the hospital

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:42--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Dormitory

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:43--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. One of the dormitories

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:44--PIC U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Commissioner's private office

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:69-74--PIC [Portraits, Primarily previous hit Chinese next hit , Folder 1]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1980.098:70--PIC 1459 [ previous hit Chinese next hit man pulling rickshaw]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:71--PIC Compliments from yours truly, Hsn Ping Chen

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:72--PIC Hsu Ping Chen, Consul General of China, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:73--PIC Hsu Ping Chen and family

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:74--PIC With kind respects to Mr. H. H. North

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:75-80--PIC [Portraits, Primarily previous hit Chinese next hit , Folder 2]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1980.098:75--PIC Fong Wing

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:76--PIC Fong Wing

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:77--PIC Mrs. Fong Soon, wife of Fong Wing

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:78--PIC Loui Sing & his sons

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:79--PIC To Hon. H. H. North, with best wishes from Yong, April 18, 1920

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1980.098:80--PIC To Hon. H. H. North, with best wishes from Yong, April 18, 1920

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1984.111--AX Portraits of a previous hit Chinese next hit man and woman [graphic] 187-

Scope and Content Note

Portraits show a previous hit Chinese next hit man and woman in traditional dress. Location unidentified.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1984.111:01--AX previous hit Chinese next hit woman

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1984.111:02--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit man in traditional dress]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1986.002--PIC California scenery, Indians, missions, and other views from the collection of Henry R. Phelan 1889-1893

Scope and Content Note

Collection contains a portrait of a previous hit Chinese next hit couple.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1986.002--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit pair]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1989.031--AX Stockton and other California photographs [graphic] ca. 1860-1910

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit children at Lincoln School, Oakland.

Scope and Content Note

Photographed in part by Elite (Jones & Lotz) [Photographic Studio] of San Francisco, Hugo Weitz, and Ormsby (of Oakland). Collected and captioned by Helen Giorgi.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California.

BANC PIC 1989.031--AX Lincoln School, Oakland, Ca Chinatown, 1910

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1989.063--STER California scenes of mining, previous hit Chinese next hit , and others [graphic] ca. 1870-ca. 1889

Scope and Content Note

Photographs show various views of previous hit Chinese next hit people and of Chinatown in Monterey and San Francisco,

BANC PIC 1989.063:03--STER previous hit Chinese next hit Woman and Child, San Francisco, Cal.

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : stereograph ; 10 x 18 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.

BANC PIC 1989.063:04--STER Chinawoman

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : stereograph ; 10 x 18 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.

BANC PIC 1989.063:05--STER Chinatown and Fisheries, with inhabitants and boats. Monterey, Monterey County, California 1882

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : stereograph ; 10 x 18 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Fishers -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
Fishing boats.

BANC PIC 1989.063:06--STER A street scene in Chinatown

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : stereograph ; 10 x 18 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
Peddlers and peddling -- California -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1992.028--PIC Photographs of Coloma and Kelsey, California [graphic] ca. 1910?

Scope and Content Note

Views of historic buildings of the 1849 gold rush era including previous hit Chinese next hit banks.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Coloma (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California.

BANC PIC 1992.028--PIC Coloma previous hit Chinese next hit Bank - 1849 (on the highway) still standing

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w ; 9 x 14 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1992.028--PIC Coloma previous hit Chinese next hit Bank - 1849 (on the highway) still standing

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w ; 9 x 14 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1996.003--fALB Jesse Brown Cook Scrapbooks Documenting San Francisco History and Law Enforcement ca. 1895-1936


:162a previous hit Chinese next hit Bldg. P.P.I. Ex. [Panama-Pacific International Exposition] - 1915.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1997.028--STER Miscellaneous views of California [graphic] ca. 1870-ca. 1890

Scope and Content Note

Great previous hit Chinese next hit dragon parade in Los Angeles Chinatown (by [Charles B.] Waite), showing previous hit Chinese next hit men in traditional dress, dirt streets, and wood frame buildings.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Los Angeles, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Los Angeles -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit New Year.

BANC PIC 1997.028:01--PIC Great previous hit Chinese next hit Dragon in Parade through Chinatown, Los Angeles, Cal.

Creator/Collector: Waite, C. B. (Charles B.)
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1997.033--STER California stereoviews : early San Francisco, Chinatown, Sacramento and Mission San Carlos. 186- -1901

Scope and Content Note

Stereoviews include views of a previous hit Chinese next hit Joss House, San Francisco; three previous hit Chinese next hit laborers in Santa Barbara; a street scene showing traditionally dressed previous hit Chinese next hit men gathered at a storefront, San Francisco (c1901) ; a street scene in Chinatown San Francisco) with a dragon's head and crowd of spectators.

BANC PIC 1997.033:08--STER No.130 previous hit Chinese next hit Joss House, San Francisco, Cal.

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : stereograph
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

BANC PIC 1997.033:09--STER [Three previous hit Chinese next hit laborers] Santa Barbara, Cal.

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : stereograph
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Santa Barbara (Calif.) -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1997.033:10--STER 5513 In Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal. Copyright 1901 by C. H. Graves

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : stereograph
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1997.033:11--STER A Street Scene in Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal.

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : stereograph
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Festivals -- California.

BANC PIC 1999.073--PIC Portraits of previous hit Chinese next hit people in California [graphic] ca. 1886

Scope and Content Note

1: boudoir card studio portrait of fourteen children in traditional previous hit Chinese next hit dress (two of whom may be young adults or older children) -- 2: cabinet card studio portrait (by C. Sutterley) of a young man seated holding a book.

BANC PIC 1999.073:01--PIC [fourteen children in traditional previous hit Chinese next hit dress]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1999.073:02--PIC [young man seated holding a book]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.

BANC PIC 2000.003--NEG Marysville photographs ca. 1895-ca. 1911

Creator/Collector: Smith, Clara Sheldon

Scope and Content Note

Taken by Mrs. C.S. Smith: 190 negatives and 82 photographic prints : glass, b&w; 8 x 10 in. or smaller. + 1 sheet of printed stationery.

Scope and Content Note

Includes numerous portraits and group portraits, chiefly of unidentified sitters; local business exteriors and interiors; tradesmen, laborers, firefighters, and others; home exteriors; mines and dredges; agricultural equipment; and parades. Portraits include numerous studio portraits of previous hit Chinese next hit men, women, and children.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Marysville (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Marysville -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 2000.003:047--NEG [copy of portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit woman (taken outside)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:048--NEG [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man (2 images)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:049--NEG Chin So [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man (2 images)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:050--NEG [Chun Wing? (2 images)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:051--NEG [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man in western dress (2 images)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:052--NEG [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit boy; portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit baby (2 images)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:053--NEG [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man in western dress (2 images)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:054--NEG [copy of portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man in western dress]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:055--NEG [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit child (2 images)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:056--NEG [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit child]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:058--NEG Wing Yun [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man (2 images)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:059--NEG Wong [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man (2 images)]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:060--NEG [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:061--NEG [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit girl w/birdcage]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:062--NEG [portrait of sitting previous hit Chinese next hit girl]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:063--NEG [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit children]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:064--NEG [portrait of sitting previous hit Chinese next hit mother and child]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:065--NEG [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:066--NEG [copy of portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:067--NEG [copy of portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit mother and children]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:068--NEG [group portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit persons in western dress in train yard]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:069--NEG [group portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit persons in western dress at Marysville train depot]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 2000.003:163--NEG July 4th, 1901. Marysville, Cal. [parade float, labled " previous hit Chinese next hit Temple"]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46 File of records for various gambling houses and for lotteries: A few lottery tickets are included. [ca. 1885?]

Physical Description: 40 items.

Scope and Content Note

Part of a collection of previous hit Chinese next hit business records from Nevada County, Calif. In previous hit Chinese next hit .

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Nevada County
Gambling -- California -- Nevada County

BANC MSS C-G 46: A Folder A

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: B Folder B

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: C Folder C

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: D Folder D

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: E Folder E

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: F Folder F

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: G Folder G

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: H Folder H

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: I Folder I

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: J Folder J

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: K Folder K

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: L Folder L

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: M Folder M

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: N Folder N

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: O Folder O

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: P Folder P

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: Q Folder Q

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: R Folder R

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: S Folder S

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: T Folder T

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: U Folder U

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: V Folder V

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: W Folder W

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: X Folder X

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: Y Folder Y

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: Z Folder Z

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: A2 Folder A2

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: B2 Folder B2

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-G 46: C2 Folder C2

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-R 153 Papers relating to previous hit Chinese next hit in California 1894-1926

Physical Description: 1 portfolio.

Scope and Content Note

Personal papers related to various previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

BANC MSS C-R 153: fol. 1 Certificate of residence for Hang Jung 27 March 1894

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-R 153: fol. 2 Papers in re. Cheung Hung Fon 1908-1909

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-R 153: fol. 3 Papers re. Jung Fun Aug.-Sept. 1911

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-R 153: fol. 4 Marriage certificate & court summons 1919-1920

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-R 153: fol. 5 [certificate] 1 March 1926

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 98/168 c Francis M. Thompson miscellany ; and a speech on previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants in California. ca. 1880-1916

Creator/Collector: Thompson, Francis McGee, 1833-1916

Scope and Content Note

Included in the Francis Thompson miscellany is a speech by an unknown author read before the Professional Club [location unknown] ca. 1880, regarding previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants in California. This speech asserts that most are from Canton, and gives census and other figures relating to previous hit Chinese next hit in Calif.: land ownership, taxes, etc. The main focus of the speech is previous hit Chinese next hit in California organizing themselves into democratic social service "clubs" (i.e. Tongs) which provide room, board, mediation, care of the sick, etc. Specific clubs listed: Yeung-Wo Co., Canton Co., Yan-Wo Co., Sze-Yap Co. and Ning Yeung Co. Pages from an unidentified work listing rules of the Yeung-Wo Co. are attached. The author mentions that most previous hit Chinese next hit are not slaves. The speech ends with a summary of newspaper accounts of crimes by whites against previous hit Chinese next hit , and compares abuses of the previous hit Chinese next hit in California to abuses of Africans in the south.

Scope and Content Note

Francis M. Thompson, of Greenfield, Mass., was a Montana pioneer and later a judge for Franklin County (Mass.).

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Crime -- California.
Tongs (Secret societies) -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.

BANC MSS 98/168 c: fol. 1 Folder 1: Speech read before the Professional Club.

Physical Description: 9 pages mss. text, 6 pages printed text.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

With the Francis Thompson miscellany is a speech by an unknown author read before the Professional Club [location unknown] ca. 1880, regarding previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants in California. This speech asserts that most are from Canton, and gives census and other figures relating to previous hit Chinese next hit in Calif.: land ownership, taxes, etc. The main focus of the speech is previous hit Chinese next hit in California organizing themselves into democratic social service "clubs" (i.e. Tongs) which provide room, board, mediation, care of the sick, etc. Specific clubs listed: Yeung-Wo Co., Canton Co., Yan-Wo Co., Sze-Yap Co. and Ning Yeung Co. Pages from an unidentified work listing rules of the Yeung-Wo Co. are attached. The author mentions that most previous hit Chinese next hit are not slaves. The speech ends with a summary of newspaper accounts of crimes by whites against previous hit Chinese next hit , and compares abuses of the previous hit Chinese next hit in California to abuses of Africans in the south.

Scope and Content Note

Hand written text has inserted between pages 6 and 7, pages of printed text concerning the previous hit Chinese next hit in California (paginated as 153-158).

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Tongs (Secret societies) -- California.

Miscellaneous Selections : previous hit Chinese next hit / previous hit Chinese next hit American Communities


BANC PIC 1986.039--AX [ previous hit Chinese next hit funeral, Colma, Calif.] [graphic] c.1903

Creator/Collector: Worden, Willard E.
Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w ; 13 x 18 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Photograph shows food offerings, previous hit Chinese next hit men in traditional dress, and the cemetery in Colma where the funeral took place.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Colma -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Funeral customs and rites -- California -- Colma -- Photographs.

BANC MSS C-H 8 previous hit Chinese next hit poems [ca. 1880]

Physical Description: 12 p.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Popular poems for school children, copied from many sources, ca. 1880. In previous hit Chinese next hit .

Scope and Content Note

Identified through the courtesy of Mr. Yuk Ow, Oct. 1950.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit poetry.

BANC MSS P-N 2 The previous hit Chinese next hit in America 1883

Creator/Collector: Kwang Ki-Chaou, 1836-
Physical Description: 6 leaves ; 32 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

An interview at the Bancroft Library January 9, 1883, by H.H. Bancroft. Account of his early life in China; to the U.S. in 1874 as guardian for previous hit Chinese next hit students; secretary and translator of the previous hit Chinese next hit Dictionary Commission. Comments on his publications; English schools in China; previous hit Chinese next hit consuls and legations in the United States and elsewhere; previous hit Chinese next hit emigration to the U.S.

Scope and Content Note

Incorrectly transcribed by H.H. Bancroft's stenographer as Kwong Ki-Chui, and on title-page further corrupted to Kwong Ki Chin.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.

xfF870.C5C15 To the honorable the Senate and the Assembly of the State of California [n.p., c187-?]

Creator/Collector: California. previous hit Chinese next hit Population
Physical Description: 1 broadside ; 29 x 22 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Petition for the establishment of separate schools for previous hit Chinese next hit children, and for universal education.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
Public schools -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.1:5 An answer to the common objections to previous hit Chinese next hit testimony: and an earnest appeal to the Legislature of California, for their protection by our law San Francisco, The previous hit Chinese next hit Mission House, c 1857

Creator/Collector: Speer, William, 1822-1904
Physical Description: 16 p. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.1:8 Facts upon the other side of the previous hit Chinese next hit question [San Francisco?], c 1876

Creator/Collector: Layres, Augustus
Physical Description: 31 p. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.3:2 The story of Lee, Wong and Ah Jing Berkeley, Calif., Chung Mei Home for previous hit Chinese next hit Boys 1933?

Creator/Collector: Shepherd, Charles R., b. 1885
Physical Description: 12 p. illus. (ports.) 22 cm. in cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chung Mei Home, Berkeley, Calif.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.3:4 [Invitation to opening exercises of the new Chung Mei Home for previous hit Chinese next hit boys]. Berkeley, Calif., c19--?

Creator/Collector: Chung Mei Home, Berkeley, Calif.
Physical Description: [3] p. ; 14 cm. in cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Chung Mei Home, Berkeley, Calif.

xF870.C5.C51 v.3:5 Chung Mei, where drifting previous hit Chinese next hit boys find anchorage. New York City, Published for the American Baptist Home Mission Society by the Board of Missionary Cooperation of the Northern Baptist Convention, c1931

Creator/Collector: Shepherd, Charles R., b. 1885
Physical Description: 14 p., 1 l. illus. (incl. ports.) ; 20 cm. in cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chung Mei Home, Berkeley, Calif.

xF870.C5.C51 v.3:6 Among the previous hit Chinese next hit Cincinnati, Ohio, The Woman's Home Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal Church, c1930?

Creator/Collector: Colegrove, C. P., Mrs.
Physical Description: 14 p., 1 l. illus. 16 cm. In cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.3:7 A new life for Ling Wang Cincinnati, Ohio, The Woman's Home Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal Church n.d.

Creator/Collector: Stephenson, Bertha M.
Physical Description: 7, [1] p. 16 cm. in cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.3:8 The previous hit Chinese next hit Recorder. Shanghai, American Presbyterian Mission Press [etc.]

Creator/Collector: Baldwin, Rev. S.L., Editor
Physical Description: v. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Periodicals.
Missions -- California -- San Francisco.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A -- Missions.

xF870.C5.C51 v.3:9 The previous hit Chinese next hit Recorder. Shanghai, American Presbyterian Mission Press [etc.]

Creator/Collector: Baldwin, Rev. S.L., Editor
Physical Description: v. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Periodicals.
Missions -- China -- Periodicals.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. -- Missions -- Periodicals.

xF870.C5.C51 v.3:12 Annual report San Francisco 1881

Creator/Collector: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Mission to the previous hit Chinese next hit in California
Physical Description: v. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.3:13 Annual report San Francisco, G. Spaulding & Co., Printers, 1881

Creator/Collector: Woman's Union Mission to previous hit Chinese next hit Women and Children, San Francisco
Physical Description: v. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
Missions -- California -- San Francisco.

xF870.C5.C51 v.3:14 Annual report San Francisco, c1879-[1896?]

Creator/Collector: California previous hit Chinese next hit Mission
Physical Description: v. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Missions -- California -- San Francisco.

AAS ARC 2000/45 [Portrait of a previous hit Chinese next hit man and woman, seated] [ca. 186-?]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

A letter from the donor of the photo notes that it was received with artifacts from a well-to-do American family in business in Sacramento, Calif. in the 1860s, a manufacturer of brooms, mops, and other cleaning equipment. It was assumed that the previous hit Chinese next hit couple may have been good customers.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Sacramento -- Portraits.

Ethnic Studies Library


AAS ARC 2000/13 previous hit Chinese next hit American community miscellany, [19--] [19--]

Scope and Content Note

Contains a variety of manuscript items and printed ephemera, including a fortune telling guide and information about the lottery, with several lottery tickets in previous hit Chinese next hit and English for various businesses and games; tables for comparing Western and lunar calendars; directions for overseas previous hit Chinese next hit not needing assistance to write letters, and instructions for sending telegrams; record of donations for jailing Yi Chen; and, a letter from Li Ou village officials, with a report from the Li Ou Relief Association. In previous hit Chinese next hit and English.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

AAS ARC 2000/13: box: fol. 2 Essentials of the Lottery n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/13: box: fol. 3 Lottery tickets -- in previous hit Chinese next hit n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/13: box: fol. 4 Lottery tickets -- non- previous hit Chinese next hit n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/13: box: fol. 5 Tables for comparing Western and Lunar calendars n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/13: box: fol. 7 Instructions on how to use a telegram n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/13: oversize Fortune-telling Guide n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/15 Collection of textbooks 1913-1933

Scope and Content Note

Contains a selection of text books for general use, chiefly in grades 1-4, covering previous hit Chinese next hit grammar and language, civic and social studies, and history, as well as children's readers. Only one preschool text on previous hit Chinese next hit language is stamped as belonging to the Fresno previous hit Chinese next hit School. In previous hit Chinese next hit .

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Schools, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Schools, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Fresno.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California -- Fresno.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California.

AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 7 previous hit Chinese next hit language textbook for preschoolers n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 8 Books of Common Knowledge

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 8: book 1 Book of common knowledge 1919-1930

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 8: book 2 Book of common knowledge 1929-1930

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 8: book 3 Book of common knowledge 1929-1930

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 11 Children's reader 1930

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 15 Book on Three People's Principles 1929

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 16 Social Studies textbooks 1929

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 16: book 1 Social Studies Textbook 1929

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/15: fol. 16: book 2 Social Studies Textbook 1929

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19 Edwar Lee papers 1871-1971

Creator/Collector: Lee, Edwar

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit missionary/pastor. Selections include programs for anniversary programs, booklets on "The previous hit Chinese next hit Question."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Methodist Church -- California -- Clergy.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Religion.
Clergy -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
Religious institutions -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Missions -- California -- San Francisco.
Religious institutions -- New York (State) -- New York.

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 11 Programs and articles: previous hit Chinese next hit Mission School 1871-1884

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 11: Mission Mission to the previous hit Chinese next hit : Circular [mission statement of school] n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 11: 21 Dec. 1871 Programme: First Annual Examination 21 Dec. 1871

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 11: 23 Jan. 1873 Programme: Second Anniversary 23 Jan. 1873

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 11: 12 Feb. 1874 Programme: Third Anniversary 12 Feb. 1874

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 11: 1 June 1877 Programme: Seventh Anniversary 1 June 1877

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 11: 31 May 1879 Programme: Ninth Anniversary 31 May 1879

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 11: 29 May 1880 Programme: Tenth Anniversary 29 May 1880

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 11: 29 May 1884 Programme: Fourteenth Anniversary 29 May 1884

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 11: 27 April 1877 Programme: Third Anniversary 27 April 1877

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 15 Booklets [on the " previous hit Chinese next hit Question"] 1874, 1876

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 15: 1874 "The previous hit Chinese next hit Question from a previous hit Chinese next hit Standpoint" 1874

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 15: 1876 "The Other Side of the previous hit Chinese next hit Question in California" 1876

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 16 Booklets [Miscellaneous] 1873, 1955

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/19: fol. 16: gibson "Chinaman or White Man, Which?: Reply to Father Buchard" 14 March 1873

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21 Documents relating to previous hit Chinese next hit in Contra Costa County, Calif. 1873-1923

Creator/Collector: Stein, Louis L., 1902-1996

Scope and Content Note

Contains receipts from employment companies in San Francisco, Calif., for house and farm labor in Danville, San Francisco, and San Ramon, 1873-1897. Also includes legal documents, chiefly relating to the estates of previous hit Chinese next hit persons, with some adoption and guardianship cases in Contra Costa County. Some claims represent debts to previous hit Chinese next hit person or businesses by other members of the community. In English and previous hit Chinese next hit .

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Contra Costa County.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Employment -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.
Contra Costa County (Calif.) -- Social life and customs.

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 1 Receipts from employment companies 1873-1897

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 2 Receipt for work, cooking in harvest 16 Sept. 1878

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 4 Documents pertaining to estate of Wong Bak Sin, a.k.a. Ah Sin 1885

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 8 Petition for Letters of Administration 17 Aug. 1885

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10 Documents pertaining to estate of Lum Gee 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: Hurley: 1 M.H. Hurley petition for letters of administration :1 23 March 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: Hurley: 2 M.H. Hurley petition for letters of administration : 2

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: Hurley: file info file information

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: admin letter: recto Letters of admin. issued to M.H Hurley; recto 23 March 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: admin letter: verso Letters of admin. issued to M.H Hurley; verso

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: fixing: recto Order fixing day of hearing returning. . .; recto 23 March 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: fixing: verso Order fixing day of hearing returning. . .; verso

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: sale: 1 Report of sales of personal property; sale 1 1 April 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: sale: 2 Report of sales of personal property; sale 2

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: sale: file info Report of sales of personal property; file information

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: affadavit: recto Affadavit of posting notice of day fixed . . .; recto 17 April 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: affadavit: verso Affadavit of posting notice of day fixed . . .; verso

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: order: 1 Order approving sales of personal property: 1 17 April 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: order: file info Order approving sales of personal property : file information

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: final: recto Decree of final account; recto 15 May 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: final: verso Decree of final account; verso

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: account: 1 Final account of estate of Lum Gee: account 1 4 May 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: account: 2 Final account of estate of Lum Gee: account 2

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: account: 3 Final account of estate of Lum Gee: account 3

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: account: file info Final account of estate of Lum Gee: file information

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: order: recto Order appointing day for settlement of account; recto 4 May 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: order: verso Order appointing day for settlement of account; verso

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: posting: recto Affadavit of posting notice; recto 15 May 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: posting: verso Affadavit of posting notice; verso

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 10: certificate Certificate of destruction of vouchers 15 May 1905

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11 Documents pertaining to adoption of Maria Escalante by Ju Chuck Hing and Lum Shee 1906-1913

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: relinquishment: recto Relinquishment of Maria Escalante; recto 9 Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: relinquishment: verso Relinquishment of Maria Escalante; verso

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: petition: 1 Petition for adoption: 1 12 Nov. 1912

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: petition: 2 Petition for adoption: 2

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: petition: file info Petition for adoption: file information

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: agreement: 1 Agreement by petitioners to adopt minor child: 1 25 Nov. 1912

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: agreement: file ino Agreement by petitioners to adopt minor child: file information

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: consent: 1 Consent of manager of Children's Home Society of CA: 1 25 Nov. 1912

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: consent: file info Consent of manager of Children's Home Society of CA: file information

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: decree: 1 Decree of adoption: 1 10 Feb. 1913

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: decree: 2 Decree of adoption: 2

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 11: decree: file info Decree of adoption: file informatiion

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 13 Documents pertaining to claims of Ju Chuck Hing and Ju Hai to estate of E.A. Gowe 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 16 Documents pertaining to claim of H. Wong Him, M.D. to estate of John P. Rose 1919

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/21: fol. 17 Documents pertaining to appointment of Adalyne Dungan as guardian of George Guen Ong 1923

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/26 previous hit Chinese next hit World records ca. 1908-1969

Creator/Collector: previous hit Chinese next hit World (Publisher : San Francisco, Calif.)

Scope and Content Note

One item: English- previous hit Chinese next hit communication book. Phrases in English and previous hit Chinese next hit ; presumably to help immigrants learn English.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco.

AAS ARC 2000/26: fol. 7 previous hit Chinese next hit -English Communication Book 1896

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/31 Affadavits to establish nativity and identity 1904-1916

Creator/Collector: Pon family

Scope and Content Note

Includes proof of nativity, dated Jan. 1904, for Pon Hong Ban (Bing), who returned to San Francisco on the SS America Maru on Oct. 31, 1903, and for Pon Yun Cheong, minor son of Pon Kee, who landed on the SS Siberia on Dec. 16, 1907. Also, certificates of identity dated Aug. 14, 1908, for Pon Get to facilitate re-entry to the U.S., and March 14, 1916, for Pon Doo Chew, minor son of Pon Hing, a previous hit Chinese next hit resident in the U.S., who landed on the SS Manchuria on July 20, 1915. Portraits attached to each document. Pon family members who were members of the firm, Mow Lee & Co., import and export merchants, in operation at 720 DuPont Street (later Grant Avenue), San Francisco.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

America Maru (Steamship)
California -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Employment.
Immigrants -- California -- San Francisco.
Manchuria (Steamship)
Mow Lee & Co.
Siberia (Steamship)

AAS ARC 2000/31: fol. 1 Pon Hong Ban (Bing): Affadavit to establish nativity Jan. 1904

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/31: fol. 2 Pon Yun Cheong: Affadavit for immigration. . . 16 Dec. 1907

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/31: fol. 3 Pon Get: Affadavit to establish identity for re-entry into U.S. 14 Aug. 1908

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/31: fol. 4 Pon Doo Chew: Affadavit as previous hit Chinese next hit resident in U.S. . . . 14 March 1926

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/32 Certificates of nativity and identity 1897-1912

Creator/Collector: Yip, See

Scope and Content Note

Certificate of nativity for Yip See, dated Oct. 2, 1897, includes portrait. Affidavits, with portraits, for identity and nativity for Chuey Hamilton, a son, to faci litate his re-entry into the U.S. following a trip to China, signed by R.L. Carter, A.C. Meckel, Mary O'Neil, and other Weaverville residents on April 5, 1912. Yip See was born in San Francisco in 1865, and married ca. 1880 in Weaverville to Che Sing, commonly known as Jo Hamilton, a merchant, until his death on May 28, 1897. Mother of Gim Sun, Sooey Hang, Jung Hoe, Sooey Yee, Sooey Gung, and Sooey Len. Departed from San Francisco on the steamer, China, Oct. 21, 1897.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China (Steamship)
China -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Weaverville.
Immigrants -- California -- Weaverville.

AAS ARC 2000/32: fol. 1 Yip See: Documents pertaining to nativity Oct. 1897

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/32: fol. 2 Chuey Hamilton: Affadavits to establish identity and nativity in Weaverville, CA. 5 April 1912

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38 previous hit Chinese next hit -American community miscellany, [ca. 1899] - 1978 [ca. 1899]-1978

Scope and Content Note

Consists of a variety of miscellaneous materials and printed ephemera relating to community life, chiefly in San Francisco and other areas of northern Calif. San Francisco materials include items from benevolent and family associations, inluding bylaws, special publications, minutes of conventions, financial reports, and membership cards; an historical sketch of the previous hit Chinese next hit YMCA; a 50th anniversary history (1914-1964) for Troop #3, Boy Scouts of America; a genealogy of the Lu family; minutes of committee meetings from 1966 concerning the Chinatown Memorial Archway; and, printed ephemera from events held by the American Legion, Cathay Post #384, and various other clubs. Of particular interest is a copy of the Jan. 1, 1910 agreement between previous hit Chinese next hit Six Companies and a private patrol force for Chinatown. Permits for the burial or removal of remains [of previous hit Chinese next hit ] in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara counties, dated 1909 and 1913; a donation book for the Hanford previous hit Chinese next hit Temple; a note, with photograph, concerning a $500 reward for Wah Ah Toon, arrested for murder in San Jose in Aug. 1874; a variety of lottery tickets; a scrapbook containing fortune telling cards.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Societies, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 1 box 1: previous hit Chinese next hit -American community miscellany

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 1: fol. 6 Agreement between previous hit Chinese next hit Six Companies and private patrol force for Chinatown 1 Jan. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 1: fol. 7 Membership card of Poon Yin Kin n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 1: fol. 8 Leung, Tom: Correspondence w/ Wm. H. Taft 11 Oct. 1909

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 1: fol. 10 American previous hit Chinese next hit Association, Hygience Committee Bylaws 1921

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 1: fol. 20 Record of fundraising drive to establish a school 1899

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2 box 2: previous hit Chinese next hit -American community Miscellany

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 2 The Y-World 1929-1930

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 9 Film adverstisement: "Sessue Hayakawa in 'The Call of the East'" [n.d.]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 17 Notice for $500 reward for capture of Wah Ah Toon n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 18 Permits for burial and removal of remains 1899 & 1913

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 21 Yoke Choy track meet photographs 1927-1928

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 21: 1 (recto) no. 1 (recto)

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 21: 1 (verso) no. 1 (verso)

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 21: 2 no. 2

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 22 Photograph & note [1900?] & 1986

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 22: photo [ previous hit Chinese next hit children and balloon salesman] [1900?]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/38: box 2: fol. 22: note Acquistion letter from Steve Kessell to Mr. Lai [Him Mark?] 4 Jan. 1986

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41 Immigration documents miscellany 1886-1962

Scope and Content Note

Consists of an assortment of legal documents relating to various previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants in Los Angeles, Oakland, Redlands, Riverside, and San Bernardino, Calif., including certificates of identity, with photoprints attached. Also includes certificates of entry, residency, and departure, coaching papers, other travel documents, affidavits, and letters.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration.
China -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
Immigrants -- California.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 1 Wong Bak Yuen: certificate of identity 13 Sept. 1909

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 2 Wong Bing Lem: certificate of identity 24 May 1913

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 3 Wong Shung: certificate of residence 9 March 1894

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 4 Wong Hand: certificate of residence & travel documents 6 April 1894; 1914

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 5 Leong Yin: certificate of residence 14 April 1894

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 6 Wong Sen: certificate of residence 14 April 1894

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 7 Wong Soon Chi: certificate of residence 7 April 1894

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 9 Chan Kwan On: certificate to enter U.S. 1897-1898

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 10 Chun Hem: certificate of residence 24 Feb. 1894

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 11 Wong Fey: certificate of residence 19 April 1894

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 12 Wong Fee: affadavit and certificate of identification 31 Jan. 1898

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 13 Miscellaneous customs documents May 1900

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 14 Wong Hang John: certificate of identity 20 Aug. 1912

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 15 Wong See Si: affadavits of identification 17 March 1896

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 16 Wong Turn: certificates of residence & departure 6 March 1894; 10 May 1900

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 16: certificate Wong Turn: Certificate of residence 6 March 1894

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 16: dep Wong Turn: certificate of departure 10 May 1900

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 18 Ng Wing Moon: statement [for] identification & residence 11 Jan. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 19 Wong Fung Jung: decision on writ of habeus corpus 1888-1889

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 20 Wong Mon Doo: travel documents July 1920

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 20: declaration Wong Mon Doo: Declaration of previous hit Chinese next hit Alien 12 July 1920

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 20: inspection card Wong Mon Doo: inspection card 22 July 1920

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 20: travel card Wong Mon Doo: [travel card] 2 Sept. 1920

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 27 Unidentified photographs n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 27: laundry [Man seated inside laundry] n.d.

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/41: fol. 27: couple [ previous hit Chinese next hit couple, seated] [1891?]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42 Carroll Cook correspondence relating to cases of previous hit Chinese next hit in the U.S. 1908-1920

Creator/Collector: Cook, Carroll

Scope and Content Note

Chiefly typed copies of legal correspondence sent to or from SanFrancisco attorney, Carroll Cook. Letters pertain mostly to previous hit Chinese next hit murder trials or complaints of discrimination in Calif., Arizona, Georgia, Texas, and West Virginia, and include some related notes and clippings. Carroll Cook served as attorney to the previous hit Chinese next hit Consolidated Benevolent Association, from which all previous hit Chinese next hit in the U.S. may request assistance.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.
previous hit Chinese next hit Consolidated Benevolent Association (California)
Crime and race -- United States.
Discrimination in criminal justice administration.
Legal services -- California.

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 1 Chen Se: Typed translation of suicide note Dec. 1908

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 2 Correspondence with officials on behalf of Chinatown merchants and immigrants Jan.-Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 2: 29 Jan. Letter from Hsu Ping Chen to Police Chief John Martin 29 Jan. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 2: 22 March Letter from Carroll Cook to H.H. North 22 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 2: 23 March Letter from H.H. North to Carroll Cook 23 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 2: 6 May Letter from Carroll Cook to E.C. Laffingwell 6 May 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 2: 4 Nov. Letter from Carroll Cook to Commissioner of Immigration, Angel Island 4 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 2: 9 Nov. Letter from Luther C. Steward to Carroll Cook 9 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 2: 15 Nov. Letter from Carroll Cook to Charles Nagle 15 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 2: Nov. 25 Letter from Charles Nagle to Carroll Cook 25 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 3 Asiatic Club vs. W.J. Biggy, et al. Jan. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 3: complaint Complaint of Asiatic Club vs. W.J. Biggy, et al. [Jan. 1910?]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 3: appeal Appeal of Asiatic Club vs. W.J. Biggy, et al. [1910]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 4 Correspondence re. murder of Sing Lee (aka Deong Ki) in Terrell, TX Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 4: 10 Feb. Letter to Cook from Joe H. Keller 10 Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 4: 10 Feb. (ii) Letter to Cook from S.J. Osborne 10 Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 4: 11 Feb. Letter to Cook from J.W. Ryan 11 Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 4: 16 Feb. (i) Letter to Messrs. Lively, Nelms, and Adams from Cook 16 Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 4: 16 Feb. (ii) Letter to Joe H. Keller from Cook 16 Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 4: 16 Feb. (iii) Letter to S.J. Osborne from Cook 16 Feb. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 4: excerpt "Excerpt from Texas newspaper attached to foregoing letter" [Feb. 1910]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 5 Correspondence re. death of Wong Gon Kim, Los Angeles March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 5: 15 March Letter to Capt. J.D. Fredericks from S.L. Browne 15 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 5: 16 March Letter to Cook from J.D. Fredericks 16 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 6 Correspondence re. death of "Gee", Oakland 16 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 6: 16 March (i) Letter to Oakland Traction Company from Cook: 16 March [i] 16 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 6: 16 March (ii) Letter to Alameda County Coroner from Cook: 16 March [ii] 16 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 7 Correspondence re. unlawful treatment of previous hit Chinese next hit in San Jose, CA 22 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 7: 22 March (i) Letter to Li Yung Yew from Cook: 22 March [i] 22 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 7: 22 March (ii) Letter to Mayor of San Jose from Cook [ii] 22 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 7: 22 March (iii) Letter to James N. Gillett from Cook [iii] 22 March 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 8 Correspondence re. Murder of Lem King, Clifton, AZ April 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 8: 18 April Letter to Cook from Lew Beck Cheng: 18 April 18 April 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 8: 19 April Letter to Cook from previous hit Chinese next hit citizens of Clifton, AZ: 19 April 19 April 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 8: 25 April Letter from Cook to Lew Beck Chen: 25 April 25 April 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 9 Correspondence re. death of Yee Quong, Oakland 29 Sept. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 10 Correspondence re. murder of Yee Guey Jung in Follansbee, W. VA 30 Sept. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 11 Correspondence re. murder of Wong Gee King, Douglas Co., AZ 30 Sept. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 12 Correspondence re. case of Yueng How 7 Oct. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 13 Correspondence re. death of Sam Kee Yon, Atlanta, GA 13 Oct. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 14 Correspondence w/ previous hit Chinese next hit Consolidated Benevolent Association Oct. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 14: 15 Oct. Letter to previous hit Chinese next hit Consolidated Benevolent Association from Cook: 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 14: 24 Oct. (i) Letter to previous hit Chinese next hit Residents of the U.S. from Cook 24 Oct. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 14: 24 Oct. (ii) Letter to previous hit Chinese next hit Consolidated Benevolent Association from Cook 24 Oct. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 15 Correspondence re. complaints against authorities in Tucson, AZ Oct.-Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 15: 15 Oct. Letter to William H. Taft from Cook 15 Oct. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 15: 25 Oct. Letter to Charles Norton from Cook 25 Oct. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 15: 26 Oct. Letter to Cook from Charles Norton 26 Oct. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 15: 4 Nov. Letter to Supervisor Inspector from Charles T. Cornell 4 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 15: 7 Nov. Letter to Commissioner General of Immigration from F.W. Berkshire 7 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 15: 14 Nov. Letter to Li Yung Yew from Cook 14 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 15: 16 Nov. Letter to Charles Norton from Charles Nazel 16 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 15: 17 Nov. Letter to Cook from Charles Norton 17 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 16 Correspondence re. arrest of George Fung for attempted murder of Prince Zai Xun 2 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 17 Correspondence re. Detainement of Lim Shea, Angel Island, CA Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 17: 22 Nov. Letter to Li Yung Yew from F.E. Tutter 22 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 17: 27 Nov. Telegram to Chang Yin Tang from Li Yung Yew 27 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 17: 29 Nov. Telegram to Surgeon General Syman from Dr. G.H. Richardson 29 Nov. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 17: n.d. Copy of letter to Li Yung Yew from Luther C. Steward [1910]

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/42: fol. 18 Correspondence re. permission for secretaries of CCBA to board . . . 3 Dec. 1910

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/74 Collection of previous hit Chinese next hit textbooks 1900s-1920s

Creator/Collector: Tong, Terry

Scope and Content Note

Collection of textbooks. Selections include: book of poetry, study on Tolstoy, pamphlet on harsh immigration laws, book on how to cure typhoid.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Study and teaching.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Political parties -- China.

AAS ARC 2000/74: fol. 27 [Pamphlet on Harsh Immigration Laws] 1912

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/74: fol. 30 [Bai, Ju-Yi's Poems] Sept. 1928

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/74: fol. 30: cover [Bai, Ju-Yi's Poems]: cover Sept. 1928

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/74: fol. 37 [A Study on Tolstoy] 1930

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/74: fol. 37: cover [A Study on Tolstoy]: cover 1930

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/74: fol. 39 [A Guide on How to Cure Typhoid and Various Diseases] 1928

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

AAS ARC 2000/74: fol. 39: cover [A Guide on How to Cure Typhoid and Various Diseases]: cover 1928

Contributing Institution: Ethnic Studies Library

California Historical Society


CO--Alameda Photos: Counties--Alameda


CO--Alameda--Alvarado Alvarado

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-04461 "Capitol Salt Works, Alvarado, 1885" 1885

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Alameda County (Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.

CO--Alameda--Oakland--Chinese Oakland-- previous hit Chinese next hit

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-32814 [street scene, 3 men on sidewalk]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Oakland, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-32813 " previous hit Chinese next hit gambling houses, Oakland"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[men on sidewalk under awning]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Oakland, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Gambling -- California -- Pictorial works.
Gambling -- California.

FN-32812 "China Town, Oakland, Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[sepia postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Oakland, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-19010 "China Town, Oakland, Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[sepia postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Oakland, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

CO-Mariposa Photos: Counties--Mariposa


CO-Mariposa-Coulterville Coulterville

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34389 "China Store, Coulterville"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[Sun Sun Wo Co. General Merchandise]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Coulterville.
Coulterville (Calif.) -- Commerce.

CO-Mariposa-Hornitos Hornitos

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34388 "Chinatown Hornitos (Mariposa)"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Hornitos, Calif.) -- Photographs.

CO-Nevada Photos: Counties--Nevada


CO-Nevada-Nevada City Nevada City

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34387 "Nevada City Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Nevada City, Calif.) -- Photographs.

FN-34386 "Chinatown Nevada City"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Nevada City, Calif.) -- Photographs.

CO--Sacramento Photos: Counties--Sacramento


CO-Sacramento-Sacramento-Chinatown Sacramento (City)--Chinatown

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34382 "Sacramento Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[building façade/street scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Sacramento, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-34381 "Sacramento Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[building front, east side of 3rd Street north of J Street]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Sacramento, Calif.) -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Architecture.

FN-27730 "Chinatown Sacramento"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[row of storefronts]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Sacramento, Calif.) -- Photographs.

CO--Yuba Photos: Counties--Yuba


CO--Yuba--Marysville Marysville

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34379 "Marysville Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[brick building façade]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Marysville (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-34378 "Marysville Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[sidewalk in Chinatown]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Marysville (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-34377 "Marysville Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[sidewalk in Chinatown]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Marysville (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

CO-Placer Photos: Counties--Placer


CO-Placer-Auburn Auburn

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34385 "Auburn Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[wooden building façade]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Auburn, Calif.) -- Photographs.

FN-34384 "Auburn Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[Kee Laundry building]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Auburn, Calif.) -- Photographs.

FN-27826 "Auburn Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[deserted sidewalk scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Auburn, Calif.) -- Photographs.

FN-34383 "Auburn Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[sidewalk in front of the Auburn Cork Club]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (Auburn, Calif.) -- Photographs.

CO--Tuolumne Photos: Counties--Tuolumne


CO--Tuolumne--Chinese Camp previous hit Chinese next hit Camp

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-24203 "Dick -- The Mayor of previous hit Chinese next hit Camp" 1914

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Camp (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32808 " previous hit Chinese next hit Camp, 1870 -- Tuolumne County, Cal." 1870

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Tuolumne County (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Camp (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32809 " previous hit Chinese next hit Camp"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[two men pointing to sign that reads, "Me Go Chinee Camp 3 Mile One Hap"]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Camp (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Tuolumne County (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

GS--Social Groups Photos: General Subjects--Social Groups


GS--Social Groups--Chinese I previous hit Chinese next hit (large photographs)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-21425 "North Pacific R.R., Corte Madera, Calif. 1898"

Creator/Collector: Graves, Roy D. (Roy Daniel), 1889-1971
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[ previous hit Chinese next hit rail workers]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
Railroad construction workers -- West (U.S.) -- Photographs.
Railroads -- California -- Photographs.

FN-25345 "North Pacific Coast R.R. at Corte Madera, Cal. 1898" 1898

Creator/Collector: Graves, Roy D. (Roy Daniel), 1889-1971
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Railroads -- California -- Photographs.
Railroads -- California.
Railroad construction workers -- West (U.S.) -- Photographs.

FN-21136 " previous hit Chinese next hit Section Hands. North Pacific Coast R.R. Corte Madera, CA, 1898" 1898

Creator/Collector: Graves, Roy D. (Roy Daniel), 1889-1971
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Railroads -- California -- Photographs.
Railroads -- California.
Railroad construction workers -- West (U.S.) -- Photographs.

FN-24945 "Hercules -- Contra Costa"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[group of previous hit Chinese next hit laborers; white foreman in front row, left]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Contra Costa County.

FN-04470 "The Heathen Chinee Prospecting"

Creator/Collector: Muybridge, Eadweard, 1830-1904
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Probably near Jacksonville, Tuloumne Co. or Mongolian Flat on the American River.

Scope and Content Note

[probably near Jacksonville, Tuolumne Co. or Mongolian Flat on the American River]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Miners -- California -- Photographs.
Mining districts -- California -- Tuolumne County -- Pictorial works.
Tuolumne County (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-24943 [ previous hit Chinese next hit laborers with white foreman, near railroad tracks]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-04902 "La Fiesta de Los Angeles"

Creator/Collector: Waite, C. B. (Charles B.)
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[ previous hit Chinese next hit parade float]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Los Angeles -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Los Angeles (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-24944 " previous hit Chinese next hit Dragon. La Fiesta Parade, Los Angeles, Cal., May 2, 1902" 2 May 1902

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Los Angeles -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

FN-05483 " previous hit Chinese next hit Actor"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Portrait; subject sitting, with fan, in full costume.

Scope and Content Note

[portrait; subject sitting, with fan, in full costume]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-26239 " previous hit Chinese next hit Family, Monterey, California"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[man and four children in doorway]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California.

FN-22970 "Low Tin"

Creator/Collector: Fong Get Photo Studioi
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit manservant]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-19309 [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man, taken in Santa Barbara]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit man, taken in Santa Barbara.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-04118 "Celestial Empire in California. Miners. Gamblers."

Creator/Collector: Britton & Rey, Lithographers
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[lithograph; 2 panels]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Gambling -- California -- Pictorial works.
Miners -- California -- Pictorial works.

FN-31566 " previous hit Chinese next hit Camp in the Mines"

Creator/Collector: Borthwick, J.D.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Miners -- California -- Pictorial works.

FN-32820 "Building the Loma Prieta R.R. -- 1882 -- Santa Cruz Co., California" ca. 1882

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Railroads -- California -- Photographs.
Railroads -- Photographs.

GS--Social Groups--Chinese ii previous hit Chinese next hit (small photographs)

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-24235 [ previous hit Chinese next hit man and boy on dirt pathway]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit boy and man on dirt pathway.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-19250 [formal portrait of young woman with fan]

Creator/Collector: Shew's Pioneer Gallery
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.

FN-10637 [photograph of a sketch of previous hit Chinese next hit fishermen and boat]

Creator/Collector: Eastman, Harrison
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Sketch of previous hit Chinese next hit fishermen and boat.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Fishing boats.

FN-04169 [funeral at grave site]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

FN-19298 "Ceremony in a California Cemetery"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

FN-22919 [portrait of woman posing with hat]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-18778 [father with three children]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California.

FN-24234 [broom maker]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.

FN-22920 [portrait of white young man posing with seated previous hit Chinese next hit man]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-23616 "Los Angeles. previous hit Chinese next hit family out to see La Fiesta Parade"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Los Angeles -- Photographs.

FN-23696 [ previous hit Chinese next hit man in front of carriage; pail of vegetables in hand]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-13889 [portrait of previous hit Chinese next hit woman standing]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-28150 "Across the Continent: The snow sheds on the Central Pacific Railroad, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains."

Creator/Collector: Becker, Joseph
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[ previous hit Chinese next hit railworkers shown]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Central Pacific Railroad Company -- Pictorial works.
Central Pacific Railroad Company.
Railroads -- California -- Pictorial works.
Railroads -- California.

FN-05396 " previous hit Chinese next hit -- Male and Female"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[from Hutchings' California Magazine, March 1857, p. 385]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

FN-32821 [man, seated, with fan and book]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-32822 "Lee Kin Tok"

Creator/Collector: Tresslar Photographic Art Studio
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[man, seated, with fan; tunic colored aqua]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-32823 [man with baskets] 1800

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-32824 [ previous hit Chinese next hit tot in formal dress]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32825 "Yung"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[portrait of young boy with hat, in Western dress]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32826 [potrait of man standing]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-32827 [colored portrait of woman in formal dress with vase]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-32828 [portrait of man with beard]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-32829 [four boys in park]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- Photographs.

FN-32830 [three previous hit Chinese next hit male servants, in uniforms]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.

FN-32831 "A Newly Made Graduate Adoring the Ancestral Tablet on His Promotion"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[photograph of drawing of of Joss priests]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

MS 1065 Land of gold: an ill-fated journey to California via Nicaragua made by Eri B. Hulbert and William W. Walker in 1852 : n.p.: typescript, 1955. 1955

Creator/Collector: Hulbert, Eri Baker

Scope and Content Note

1955 typescript of Land of Gold: An Ill-fated Journey to California via Nicaragua made by Eri B. Hulbert and William W. Walker in 1852, prepared by Hulbert's great-granddaughter, Elizabeth Wyant Martin, and Louise Hulbert Prescott. Typescript is from a typed transcription, originally compiled in 1933, of 12 letters by Hulbert, his nephew William W. Walker, and his wife Louisa, detailing Hulbert and Walker's plans, preparations for, and experiences on their sea voyage to California.

MS 1065 Folder 1

Creator/Collector: Hulbert, Eri Baker
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Letter from William W. Walker to his grandparents relates encounters with previous hit Chinese next hit in Sacramento.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Sacramento.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.

MS 1065: folder 1: letter Letter from William W. Walker to his Grandparents, 13 March 1853 13 March 1853

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Miscellaneous Selections : previous hit Chinese next hit / previous hit Chinese next hit American Communities


Newspapers: Golden Hills News The Golden Hills News

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Newspaper Collection, Box 2 The Golden Hills News 27 May 1854

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Publisher's welcome note in English: "Merchants, Manufacturers, Miners, and Agriculturists, come forward as friends, not scorners of the previous hit Chinese next hit , so that they may mingle in the march of the world, and help to open America an endless vista of future commerce."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -American newspapers -- California -- San Francisco.

MS 23 Ah Sam and Yo Sup Marriage Certificate 1860 Jan. 27

Creator/Collector: Ah, Sam
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Verifies marriage of Ah Sam and Yo Sup of previous hit Chinese next hit Camp by J. Collingwidge, Justice of the Peace, Tuolumne County, Calif., which was entered in the Record of marriages, Feb. 7, 1860.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- Tuolumne County
Marriage -- California -- Tuolumne County

325.251.D37 Letters of Kwang Chang Ling: the previous hit Chinese next hit Side of the previous hit Chinese next hit Question 1878

Creator/Collector: Kwang Chang Ling Del Mar, Alexander, 1836-1926
Physical Description: 16 p. ; 23 cm
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Caption: By a previous hit Chinese next hit Literate of the First Class, Communicated to the San Francisco Argonaut, of the Dates of August 7th, 10th, 17th and September 7th, 1878.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Legal status, laws, etc.
China -- Emigration and immigration.
China -- Foreign relations -- To 1912.
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
China -- Politics and government.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1861-1865.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

Agriculture, Fishing, and Related Industries

Scope and Content Note

Despite hostility and discrimination, previous hit Chinese next hit continued to immigrate to California to avail themselves of whatever opportunities awaited them. When they were prevented from mining gold in the mining districts, they became merchants or laborers, or sought employment elsewhere. previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants often found work within the agricultural and fishing industries. Since most of the early previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants were from farming areas in China, it was natural for them to become involved in agriculture. Few of them were able to become independent farmers because most were not citizens and thus were prevented by local laws from owning land. However, their contributions were extensive. They reclaimed swampland in the Sacramento Delta. Many raised vegetables and fruit that they sold door-to-door. Others were sharecroppers or tenant farmers, who leased land and paid the landlord part of their crop. Most were migrant farm laborers. previous hit Chinese next hit -American farm labor was essential to the development of various crops that required special skill and care, such as harvesting and processing olives. previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants also provided essential labor for development of the wine industry in California.
In coastal communities, for example in Monterey, San Diego, and San Luis Obispo counties, previous hit Chinese next hit inhabitants helped develop the industry for squid, abalone, shrimp, sturgeon, and various other kinds of fish. They also processed kelp and a variety of other marine products. By the late 1880s, there were more than two thousand previous hit Chinese next hit in fishing camps throughout the San Francisco Bay, Monterey and San Diego areas. previous hit Chinese next hit fishermen ran into antagonism from white fishermen who pressured the California legislature to pass restrictions on previous hit Chinese next hit fishing activities. This caused hardship for the communities and eventually the decline of previous hit Chinese next hit fishing operations. The previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion Act in 1882 also adversely affected the population of these communities.
The previous hit Chinese next hit also provided services as laundrymen, cooks, servants, and gardeners. As early as the 1850s, the first previous hit Chinese next hit laundries appeared in San Francisco, and by 1870, these immigrants ran the majority of the laundries. previous hit Chinese next hit restaurants also became quite common, serving first the previous hit Chinese next hit community, and later other clients as cooks learned to prepare Western fare. previous hit Chinese next hit also worked in textile mills manufacturing and in shoe and cigar factories.
Materials in this section are drawn from the collections of The Bancroft Library, the Ethnic Studies Library, and the California Historical Society.

The Bancroft Library


BANC PIC 1905.04663-05242 Alice Iola Hare Photograph Collection


:04953 Olive king on the Quito Ranch. No. 445

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04957 Cutting lettuce

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04958 A small army of Chinamen in a lettuce field

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04959 Workman cutting and standing lettuce seed on drying sheet No. 738

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04960 [Workers gathering lettuce seed]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04961 [Threshing lettuce seed]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04962 [Threshing lettuce seed]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04963 [Workers gathering lettuce seed]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04965 [Workers in field]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04967 [Workers in field]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04968 Scene at drying ground on W.J. Fosgate's seed ranch, near Santa Clara, California

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04969 View of drying ground on W.J. Fosgate's seed ranch, Santa Clara, California. No. 747

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04970 View on W.J. Fosgate's seed ranch, spreading the onion seed to dry, Santa Clara, California. No. 744

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04980 Washing onion seed on seed ranch of W.J. Fosgate near Santa Clara. No. 751

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:04981 Fanning onion on seed ranch of W.J. Fosgate near Santa Clara, California. No. 752

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:05125 previous hit Chinese next hit fishing village, Monterey Bay, California. No. 839

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:05126 View of previous hit Chinese next hit fishing village near Monterey, California. No. 837

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:05127 previous hit Chinese next hit carrying fish, Chinatown, Monterey, California. No. 770

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:05128 previous hit Chinese next hit putting on bait for fishing, previous hit Chinese next hit village, near Monterey. No. 840

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:05129 Getting fish ready for market, previous hit Chinese next hit village, near Monterey. No. 838

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:05130 [Unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit fisherman]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:05131 [ previous hit Chinese next hit fishing village, Monterey]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:05132 previous hit Chinese next hit fisherman camp, Monterey

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:05147 Surf on Chinatown Point. No. 1174

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1966.051--PIC Photographs from the LeConte family papers [graphic] ca. 1850-ca. 1900

Scope and Content Note

Portraits of the Le Conte Family servants.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1966.051:10--PIC previous hit Chinese next hit cook "Jim"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1966.051:11--PIC Lum Ting about 1898

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1979.034--ALB Scenes from various San Francisco Bay Area locations ca. 189-


BANC PIC 1979.034:02--ALB previous hit Chinese next hit vegetable vendor

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1979.051--ALB Miscellaneous views from the San Francisco Bay and Monterey areas, California ca. 1888

Creator/Collector: Reed, George

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Photographs.
Fishers -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
Monterey Peninsula (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1979.051:09b--ALB [ previous hit Chinese next hit fishermen]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1990.031--AX Bishop collection of California missions and historic views [graphic] ca. 1870-ca. 1917

Creator/Collector: Bishop, Josephine Hall, 1841-1917

Scope and Content Note

Mainly views of California's Spanish missions; also contains San Francisco views, Golden Gate Park, Monterey and vicinity (including the previous hit Chinese next hit fishing village),coastal views near San Francisco, Santa Cruz County, and photos of sailboats.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Photographs.
Fishers -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
Fishing -- California -- Photographs.
Monterey Bay Region (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1990.031--AX Chinatown Monterey

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1990.031--AX previous hit Chinese next hit Fishing Camp Monterey

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1990.031--AX previous hit Chinese next hit Fishing Camp Monterey

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1990.031--AX Chinatown Monterey

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC PIC 1996.003--fALB Jesse Brown Cook Scrapbooks Documenting San Francisco History and Law Enforcement ca. 1895-1936


:121 previous hit Chinese next hit Junk "Amoy" in Richardson Bay - Sausalito

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 80/84 c Hugh S. Jewett reminiscences 1977

Creator/Collector: Jewett, Hugh S., 1882-1979
Physical Description: 3 p.

Scope and Content Note

Portfolio with typescripts of recollections of childhood and youth in Bakersfield. Selection here includes information on previous hit Chinese next hit labor.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Bakersfield (Calif.) -- Description and travel.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

BANC MSS 80/84 c: fol. 6 "Ah Sam" (or "Yellow Sam") 17 June 1977

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Miscellaneous Selections : Agriculture, Fishing, and Related Industries


BANC PIC 1941.005--ALB Views in Yosemite Valley June 1888

Creator/Collector: Young, John F.
Physical Description: 1 album (32 photographic prints) : albumen ; 26 x 32 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Camping and picnic scenes, including a photograph of a previous hit Chinese next hit cook who accompanied the group.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Yosemite National Park (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.

BANC PIC 1979.102--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit couple, Monterey, Calif.] [ca. 1910?]

Physical Description: 1 photographic print : b&w ; 4 x 5 in
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit couple standing in the doorway of a wooden building in Monterey. Nets, baskets, bales and boxes are visible near the door.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
Monterey (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1994.028--PIC [ previous hit Chinese next hit shrimpers in California] [graphic] ca. 1900?

Physical Description: 1 photographic print ; b&w ; 21 x 19 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Photograph of previous hit Chinese next hit shrimpers.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Fishers -- California -- Photographs.
Shrimp industry -- California -- Photographs.

BANC MSS 82/143 c: 59 Letter to P.J. Healey: Newcastle, Calif. 26 April 1886

Creator/Collector: Kellogg, George D.
Physical Description: [1] leaf ; 25 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Regarding use of previous hit Chinese next hit labor in his orchard.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Placer County.
Fruit-culture -- California -- Placer County.
Healey, P. J. -- crp

California Historical Society


MS 3126 Jacob Davis Babcock Stillman Papers 1849-1898

Creator/Collector: Stillman, Jacob Davis Babcock

Scope and Content Note

Stillman was a physician who came to Calif. from New York in 1849. He practiced medicine in Sacramento and then San Francisco, where he was involved in various aspects of public life. He also served as Leland Stanford's personal physician. Stillman conducted research for Eadweard Muybridge's animal locomotion studies, which were commissioned by Stanford. Stillman authored the resulting book, The Horse in Motion (1882), and assisted with its publication.

MS 3126: Folder 3 Folder 3

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Letters from Stillman to his son, John Maxson, in which he discusses the hiring of previous hit Chinese next hit laborers, their diligent work habits, and the movement against employers of the previous hit Chinese next hit .

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Agricultural laborers -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.
Alien labor, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

MS 3126: Folder 3: A [Letter from Jacob Stillman to his son] 14 Feb. 1886

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MS 3126: Folder 3: B [Letter from Jacob Stillman to his son] 12 May 1886

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Miscellaneous Selections : Agriculture, Fishing, and Related Industries


FA X57-529-1 " previous hit Chinese next hit Fishing Village at South Foot"

Creator/Collector: Mott, Matilda F.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Oil on canvas.

Scope and Content Note

Matilda F. Mott [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Fishing boats.

FA X57-557-1-2 " previous hit Chinese next hit Fishing Village"

Creator/Collector: Butnam, Frederick A.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Oil on canvas.

Scope and Content Note

Frederick A. Butnam [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

MS 1933 Dennis Searles Diary: Borax Lake, Calif. 21 May 1890 - 4 July 1890

Creator/Collector: Searles, Dennis
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Diary of a 16 year old boy documenting his travels from San Francisco to Borax Lake, Calif., and his experiences working in his family's borax works during summer vacation.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Borax mines and mining -- California.
California -- Description and travel.

MS 1933 Photograph and Title Page

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Photograph of the diarist on a porch with an unidentified previous hit Chinese next hit man, probably a cook. Photograph caption reads: "Dennis Searles - "Searles Marsh [?]" - San Bernadino Borax Co. - 1890"

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
Cooks -- California -- Photographs.

CO-San Joaquin Photos: Counties--San Joaquin


CO-San Joaquin-Stockton Stockton

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-23496 [ previous hit Chinese next hit cook in kitchen with three white men]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

GS--Industry Photos: General Subjects--Industry


GS--Industry--Fishing Fishing

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-26108 "Cleaning tuna fish for canning (Los Angeles, Cal.)"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Los Angeles -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Fisheries -- California.
Fishing -- California -- Photographs.

FN-24916 "Sardines, Los Angeles, Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Los Angeles -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Fisheries -- California.
Fishers -- California -- Photographs.
Fishing -- California -- Photographs.
Fishing boats.

FN-28105 "In a fish cannery, Los Angeles, Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Canned sardines.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Fisheries -- California.

GS--Industry--Textile Textile

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-34391 "Cutting Mulberry Leaves for Silkworm Culture, Los Angeles, California" 1907

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[copyright to Curtis Silk Farms]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Los Angeles -- Photographs.
Silk industry -- California -- Photographs.
Silk industry -- California.
Silkworms -- Feeding and feeds -- Photographs.

FN-34390 "Feeding Silkworms, Los Angeles, California"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Los Angeles -- Photographs.
Silk industry -- California -- Photographs.
Silk industry -- California.
Silkworms -- Feeding and feeds -- Photographs.

CO-Monterey Photos: Counties--Monterey


CO--Monterey--Monterey--Chinese Fishing Village Monterey (City)-- previous hit Chinese next hit Fishing Village

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-32810 " previous hit Chinese next hit Fishing Village, New Monterey, Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Pictorial works.
Monterey Bay Region (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Monterey Peninsula (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-32811 " previous hit Chinese next hit Fishing Village, Monterey, Calif."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[color postcard]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Pictorial works.
Fishing boats.
Monterey (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Monterey Bay Region (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Monterey Peninsula (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-13815 [beach scene: previous hit Chinese next hit fisherman landing boat]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Photographs.
Fishing -- California -- Photographs.
Fishing boats.

FN-22407 " previous hit Chinese next hit Fishermen, Monterey, California. 1875" 1875

Creator/Collector: Dressler, Albert
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Photographs.
Fishers -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
Fishers -- California -- Photographs.
Fishing -- California -- Photographs.
Fishing boats.

FN-24179 "China Town" 1900

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Photographs.
Monterey (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Monterey Bay Region (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Monterey Peninsula (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

FN-24187 [Monterey fishing village]

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Pictorial works.
Fishing boats.

FN-24186 "Chinatown near Monterey Cal."

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[street scene]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Monterey Bay Region -- Photographs.

GS-Agriculture Photos: General Subjects--Agriculture


GS--Agriculture--Crops--Grapes Crops--Grapes

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-23451 "J. de Barth Shorb Vineyards, San Marino"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

[ previous hit Chinese next hit grape picker in foreground]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Agricultural laborers -- California -- Photographs.
Agriculture -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Grapes -- California -- Harvesting -- Photographs.

GS--Agriculture--Crops--Lemons Crops--Lemons

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-13942 "Packing and Picking Lemons, CA"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Agriculture -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Orchards -- California -- Photographs.

GS--Agriculture--Crops--Oranges Crops--Oranges

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-04207 "Picking Oranges at Santa Ana"

Creator/Collector: Blanchard Studios (Los Angeles)
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Agricultural laborers -- California -- Photographs.
Orange industry -- California -- Photographs.
Orange industry -- California, Southern -- Photographs.
Orange industry -- California, Southern.
Orchards -- California -- Photographs.

FN-13948 "Orange Picking & Packing."

Creator/Collector: Jarvis Studios (Pasadena, CA)
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Agricultural laborers -- California -- Photographs.
Agriculture -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Orange industry -- California -- Photographs.
Orange industry -- California, Southern -- Photographs.
Orange industry -- California, Southern.
Orchards -- California -- Photographs.

GS--Agriculture--Crops--Sugar Beets Crops--Sugar Beets

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

FN-23999 "Traction engine hauling sugar beets 20 miles to Factory"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Agricultural laborers -- California -- Photographs.
Agricultural machinery -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Sugar beet -- California.
Sugar beet industry -- California.

GS--Agriculture--Labor Labor

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Agriculture -- California -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Employment -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Los Angeles -- Photographs.
Silk industry -- California -- Photographs.
Silk industry -- California.

FN-24209 "Gathering Mulberry Leaves for Silkworm Culture, Los Angeles, California" 1907

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

copyright to Curtis Silk Farms

Anti- previous hit Chinese next hit Movement & previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion

Scope and Content Note

From the time of their arrival during the Gold Rush, the previous hit Chinese next hit experienced discrimination and often overt racism, and finally, exclusion from further immigration. Legislation was used against previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants as early as the1850 Foreign Miners' License Tax. In 1854, the California State Supreme Court categorized previous hit Chinese next hit with blacks and Indians, denying them there right to testify against white men in courts of law. During the 1870s, an economic downturn resulted in serious unemployment, and led to heightened outcries against Asian immigrants. The previous hit Chinese next hit often became the scapegoats for business owners who paid them low wages. This willingness to work for lower wages along with the productivity of the previous hit Chinese next hit workers ignited the ire of white labor in California. Racist labor union leaders directed their actions and the anger of unemployed workers at the previous hit Chinese next hit , blaming them for depressed wages and lack of jobs, and accusing them of being morally corrupt. Denis Kearney, head of the Workingmen's Party of California, led this inflammatory battle against the previous hit Chinese next hit . As a consequence of this hostility, local and statewide restrictions continued to be enforced against the previous hit Chinese next hit . Eventually, the United States government passed the previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion Act of 1882, barring previous hit Chinese next hit laborers from immigrating for ten years. Only officials, teachers, students, merchants, and travelers were allowed to enter the United States. The previous hit Chinese next hit currently in the United States were barred from naturalization. China, as the home country for these immigrants, was unable to exert any influence on American policy. This law stood until it was repealed in 1943.
In 1905, construction of an immigration station on Angel Island began in the area known as China Cove. Surrounded by public controversy from its inception, the station began operation in 1910. Anticipated as the "Ellis Island of the West," it was designed to handle European immigrants who were anticipated to arrive in California once the Panama Canal was opened. Instead, the majority of immigrants to America via the West Coast were from Asia. Like their European counterparts entering at New York City, they hoped to escape the economic or political hardships of their homelands. On Ellis Island, immigrants were processed within hours or days. On Angel Island, immigrants spent weeks or months - this facility functioned primarily as a detention center. Beginning with the previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion Act of 1882, a series of restrictive laws prohibited the immigration of certain nationalities and social classes of Asians. Although all Asians were affected, the greatest impact was on the previous hit Chinese next hit . In fact, more than 70 percent of the immigrants detained on Angel Island were previous hit Chinese next hit .
Materials in this section are drawn from the collections of The Bancroft Library and the California Historical Society.

The Bancroft Library


BANC MSS C-D 755 William Tell Coleman statements: and other material 1870-1893

Creator/Collector: Coleman, William Tell, 1824-1893
Physical Description: 4 p. and transcription.

Scope and Content Note

William Tell Coleman became a leader of the Vigilance Committee of 1851, and a member of the second Vigilance Committee of 1856. After several years in New York, he returned and organized the Committee of Public Safety (1877), which worked against the activities of Dennis Kearney and his followers to quash anti- previous hit Chinese next hit riots. This four page excerpt from his statements relays such an incident.

Scope and Content Note

Assembled in preparing biography for H.H. Bancroft's Chronicles of the Builders of the Commonwealth.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Kearney, Dennis, -- 1847-1907.
Labor -- California -- San Francisco.
California -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Labor -- California -- San Francisco.
Overland journeys to the Pacific.
People's California Steamship Company.
Robinson, Edward Mott, -- 1800-1865.
Sacramento (Calif.) -- Business.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Business.
San Francisco Committee of Safety, 1877.
San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851.
San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1856.
Working class -- California -- San Francisco.

BANC MSS C-D 755: fol. 1 Biographical sketch of William Tell Coleman.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-D 755 transcriptions 1-2

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS C-D 775 Life of Milton A. Wheaton: and related material [ca. 1888]

Creator/Collector: Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 1832-1918
Physical Description: 3 p.

Scope and Content Note

Prepared for Chronicles of the Builders of the Commonwealth

Scope and Content Note

This three page excerpt discusses the author's advocacy of previous hit Chinese next hit exclusion.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Lawyers -- California.

BANC MSS C-D 775: fol. 2 Dictation

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 89/151 c Scrapbooks on previous hit Chinese next hit immigration, 1877-1893. 1877-1893

Creator/Collector: Davis, Horace, 1831-1916
Physical Description: 8 v. ; 32 cm. or smaller

Scope and Content Note

Vols. 1-5: clippings covering the period 1877-1893; most clilppings are not dated. Vols. 6-8: extracts from published sources and misc. handwritten notes on previous hit Chinese next hit immigration.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .

BANC MSS 89/151 c v. 1 pages 1-100

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 89/151 c v. 2 pages 1-100

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 89/151 c v. 3 pages 1-104

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 89/151 c v. 4 pages 1-100

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 89/151 c v. 5 pages 1-38

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 89/151 c v. 6 pages [A]-61

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 89/151 c v. 7 pages 79-133

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

BANC MSS 89/151 c v. 8 pages [A]-167

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Miscellaneous Selections : Anti- previous hit Chinese next hit Movement & previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion


BANC PIC 1953.013--B The reconstruction policy of Congress, as illustrated in California [graphic] [1867?]

Physical Description: 1 print ; 40 x 28 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Caricature of gubernatorial candidate George C. Gorham bearing a Black, a previous hit Chinese next hit , and an Indian man on his back. Uncle Sam is at left, and another figure with a monkey stands at right. Each figure makes a statement relating to issues of racial equality, citizenship, suffrage, and Gorham's views.

Scope and Content Note

George C. Gorham, Union Party candidate for governor of California in 1867, was "...the only one that had the honesty and at the same time the imprudence to express himself opposed to the anti- previous hit Chinese next hit movement, and had in consequence lost many votes and impaired his future political prospects...." [cf Hittell, Theodore H. History of California. 1897. v.4, p.405.]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

African Americans -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Indians of North America -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Political campaigns -- California -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1993.020--AX The tables turned :you sabe him? Kealney [i.e. Kearney] must go!

Physical Description: 1 print : lithograph ; image 25 x 33 cm. on sheet 28 x 36 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Workingmen's Party of California leader Dennis Kearney behind bars in prison uniform to right; at left group of previous hit Chinese next hit heckle him. Caption is reference to Kearney's slogan: The previous hit Chinese next hit must go!.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Kearney, Dennis, -- 1847-1907 -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Labor movement -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Workingmen's Party of California -- Pictorial works.

BANC MSS C-Y 105 Letter to President Cleveland 19 Sept. 1888

Creator/Collector: Pitkin, Horace W.
Physical Description: 4 p. ; 21 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Concerning previous hit Chinese next hit exclusion and urging the President to come to the aid of the previous hit Chinese next hit in California.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- History -- Sources

BANC MSS 82/143 c:108 J.A. Wantor letter to father and mother 20 March 1879

Creator/Collector: Wantor, J. A.
Physical Description: [4] p. ; 21 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Concerning a rush for new gold diggings political feeling aroused by new state constitution and by the President's veto of a bill to limit immigration of previous hit Chinese next hit and his anti- previous hit Chinese next hit sentiments.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Gold discoveries.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

F870.C5.C505 For the re-enactment of the previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion Law : San Francisco : Star Press, c [1901]

Creator/Collector: previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion Convention, (1901 : San Francisco, Calif.).
Physical Description: 11 p. ; 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.

xF870.C5.C51 v.1:1 Some reasons for previous hit Chinese next hit exclusion Washington, American Federation of Labor c[1901]

Creator/Collector: American Federation of Labor
Physical Description: 38 p., plate ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
Labor movement -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.1:2 Race prejudice [and] Citizenship. Berkeley, Calif., c1913

Creator/Collector: Guy, Harvey Hugo.
Physical Description: 4 p. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Japanese -- California

xF870.C5.C51 v.1:3 Address by the Committee of Fifty to the people [San Francisco, CA] San Francisco, The Committee, c1882?

Creator/Collector: Democratic Party (Calif.). Committee of Fifty.
Physical Description: [4] p. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Political parties -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

xF870.C5.C51 v.1:6 Communication from the Mechanics' State Council of California in relation to immigration. Sacramento, D.W. Gelwicks, State Printer, c1868

Creator/Collector: Mechanics' State Council, San Francisco.
Physical Description: 4 p. ; 22 cm. in cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and Immigration -- Government Policy.
Labor movement -- California.
Labor policy -- California.
Labor unions -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.1:7 The previous hit Chinese next hit evil -- Contracts for Servile Labor -- previous hit Chinese next hit Immigration the Great Danger [Washington, 1870]

Creator/Collector: Casserly, Eugene, 1823-1883
Physical Description: 8 p. ; 21 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.1:10 previous hit Chinese next hit immigration: The social, moral and political effect of previous hit Chinese next hit immigration Sacramento, State Printing Office, c 1877

Creator/Collector: California Legislature. Senate. Special Committee on previous hit Chinese next hit immigration
Physical Description: 49 p. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.1:12 Remarks on previous hit Chinese next hit immigration San Francisco, C.H. Street, c1877

Creator/Collector: Kinley, Joseph M.
Physical Description: 13 p. ; 21 cm. in cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and Immigration -- Government Policy.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights -- California -- San Francisco.
Labor -- California -- San Francisco.

xF870.C5.C51 v.1:14 Select list of references on previous hit Chinese next hit immigration Washington : Govt. Print. Office, c1904

Creator/Collector: Griffin, Appleton P. C. (Appleton Prentiss Clark), 1852-1926
Physical Description: 31 p. ; 25 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Bibliography.

xF870.C5.C51 v.2:1 Truth versus fiction; justice versus prejudice: meat for all, not for a few Washington D.C., c 1902

Physical Description: 81 p. illus. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Race discrimination -- United States.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.

xF870.C5.C51 v.2:2 Text of the treaty between China & the United States San Francisco, Calif., c1879

Physical Description: 2 v. in 1. ; 20 cm. in cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

xF870.C5 C51 v.2:3 "The previous hit Chinese next hit must go." A farce in four acts San Francisco, A.L. Bancroft & Co., Printers, c1879.

Creator/Collector: Grimm, Henry
Physical Description: 21 p. ; 17 cm. in cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.

xF870.C5.C51 v.2:4 The Labor agitators, or, The battle for bread San Francisco: Geo. W. Greene, [1879?]

Creator/Collector: Workingman's Party
Physical Description: 31 p. ; 20 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Kearney, Dennis, -- 1847-1907.
Workingmen's Party of California.

xF870.C5.C51 v.2:5 previous hit Chinese next hit immigration. Maintain the national faith. New York? C1879

Creator/Collector: Cowdin, Elliot C., 1819-1880
Physical Description: 6 p. ; 22 cm. In cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.

xF870.C5.C51 v.2:7 Annual report. San Francisco

Creator/Collector: Immigration Association of California.
Physical Description: v. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration.

xF870.C5.C51 v.2:8 previous hit Chinese next hit immigration. Speech of Hon. John P. Jones, of Nevada, in the Senate of the United States ... March 9, 1882. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] c1882.

Creator/Collector: Jones, John P. (John Percival), 1829-1912
Physical Description: 19 p. ; 21 cm. in cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration.

xF870.C5.C51 v.2:9 California 1882

Creator/Collector: Immigration Association of California.
Physical Description: 15 p., [1] folded leaf of plates : 1 folded map. ; 22 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Description and travel.

xF870.C5.C51 v.2:12 How the previous hit Chinese next hit exclusion acts are evaded Washington, c1910

Creator/Collector: Hayes, E. A. (Everis Anson), 1855-1942
Physical Description: 32 p. ; 23 cm. in cover 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.

F870.C5.D2 previous hit Chinese next hit immigration. Speech of Hon. Horace Davis, of California, in the House of Representatives. Washington, 1878

Creator/Collector: Davis, Horace, 1831-1916
Physical Description: 15 p. ; 22 cm
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
California -- Emigration and immigration.

F870.C5.F32 The evils of Mongolian immigration : the previous hit Chinese next hit question [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1892]

Creator/Collector: Felton, Charles N., 1832-1914.
Physical Description: 13 p. ; 22 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Note: Cover title. "Thursday, April 21, 1892."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
California -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.

F870.C5.G25 Oriental immigration on the Pacific Coast [San Francisco, 1909?]

Creator/Collector: Gates, W. Almont.
Physical Description: 12 p. ; 22 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Pacific Coast -- Emigration and immigration.
California -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Japanese -- California

xF870.C5 G43 "Chinaman or white man, which?" Reply to Father Buchard. San Francisco, Published at the request of the "San Francisco Methodist Preachers' Meeting, c1873 (San Francisco : Alta Printing House)

Creator/Collector: Gibson, O. (Otis).
Physical Description: 30 p. ; 22 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Rev. O. Gibson was requested to prepare an answer to the lecture delivered by Father Buchard, a Jesuit Priest, on "Chinamen or White man, which?" This text is the published version.

Scope and Content Note

From Explanatory Note: A. Yup and Hop Kee & Co. responded as follows: The leading previous hit Chinese next hit gentlemen of this city, have just learned of your able defense of the treaty rights of the previous hit Chinese next hit in this country."

Scope and Content Note

Delivered in Platt's Hall, San Francisco ... Mar. 14, 1873.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- California.

xF870.C5.K4 The previous hit Chinese next hit question analyzed. 1877.

Creator/Collector: Kerr, J. G. (John G.).
Physical Description: 24 p. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.

F870.C5.P4 previous hit Chinese next hit exclusion. Washington, 1893.

Creator/Collector: Perkins, George C. (George Clement), 1839-1923.
Physical Description: 16 p. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights -- California.
Racism -- California.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.

F870.C5.P7 Samuel W. Backus, as Commissioner of Immigration at the Port of San Francisco. . . [San Francisco] Shannon-County, [1916?]

Creator/Collector: Preston, John W.
Physical Description: 18 p. ; 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Note: Cover title. At head of title: No. 2702. In the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.

xF870.C5.S28 previous hit Chinese next hit immigration. Washington, 1878.

Creator/Collector: Sargent, A. A. (Aaron Augustus), 1827-1887.
Physical Description: 31 p. ; 21 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.

xF870.C5.S29 Immigration of previous hit Chinese next hit . [Washington, Govt. Print. Office., 1876]

Creator/Collector: Sargent, A. A. (Aaron Augustus), 1827-1887.
Physical Description: 16 p. ; 24 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Note: Caption title.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.

xF870.C5.U48 In re Tiburcio Parrott, on habeas corpus. Rights of previous hit Chinese next hit . [San Francisco, c 1880]

Creator/Collector: United States. Circuit Court (9th Circuit). Sawyer, Lorenzo, 1820-1891 Hoffman, Ogden, 1822-1891
Physical Description: 40 p. ; 23 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Note: Cover title.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- California.

F870.C5.U58.1907 Treaty, laws, and regulations governing the admission of previous hit Chinese next hit . Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1907.

Creator/Collector: United States.
Physical Description: 64 p. ; 25 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

At head of title: Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Emigration and immigration law -- United States.

xF870.C5.W68 Valedictory address of Gen. A.M. Winn, president,. . . [San Francisco] Printed by the San Francisco Co-operative Printing Company, c1871

Creator/Collector: Winn, Albert Maver, 1810-1883.
Physical Description: 20 p. ; 21 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Note: cover-title

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
Eight-hour movement.
Labor movement -- California.
Labor unions -- California.

pf PS3500 A6 N4 1907 The Brady's and the previous hit Chinese next hit dwarf, or, The "que hunter" of the Barbary Coast New York : F. Towsey, c1907

Creator/Collector: "A New York detective" (Anon.)
Physical Description: 28 p ; 29 cm.
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Caption on cover: "The previous hit Chinese next hit Dwarf seemed to be having everything his own way. The wood was rapidly piled around Old King Brady and Harry. The other Chinamen watched all these preparations with stolid indifference. There seemed no hope of escape."

Scope and Content Note

Secret service old and young King Brady, detectives ; no. 441

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Fiction.

California Historical Society


Certificates Certificates Collection


Certificates Collection: Cigar Makers' Intl Union Protect Home Industry. Cigar Makers' International Union of San Francisco 1887

Creator/Collector: Cigar Makers' Union of San Francisco
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Certificate issued by the Cigar Makers' International Union No. 228, San Francisco, showing "that the holder has pledged himself to neither buy nor sell previous hit Chinese next hit made cigars." Signed by F. Van Stavern and C.J. Boyle, president and secretary of the Union and by Herman Gutstadt and Hamilton H. Dobbin, president and secretary of the Trades Union Mutual Alliance.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.
Labor -- California -- San Francisco.
Labor movement -- California.

MS 265 W.C. Burnett Miscellany 1844-1924

Creator/Collector: Burnett, Wellington Cleveland, ca. 1830-1907

Scope and Content Note

Burnett was a prominent attorney. He served four terms as Attorney and Counsellor for the City and County of San Francisco, 1870-1880. Previously, he had been California State Senator from Yuba and Sutter Counties, 1856-1857. He lived and worked in New York City, ca. 1895-1897.

MS 265: Folder 1 Folder 1

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MS 265: Folder 1 Letter from John Tuttle, Sr. to W.C. Burnett 23 April 1878

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Letter regarding ban of previous hit Chinese next hit labor and previous hit Chinese next hit -made products in building of San Francisco City Hall.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.
Labor movement -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
Labor -- California -- San Francisco.

MS 265: Folder 1 Transcription

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

MS 3039 Helena Adrianna Knitscheer Daniels Papers 1893

Creator/Collector: Daniels, Helena A.K.

Scope and Content Note

Letters written by Daniels to her family in the Netherlands, which were published in the Amsterdam newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad, written in Dutch from San Jose and San Francisco, July 4, 1892-Mar.11, 1898. The letters describe life in California, particularly in San Jose and San Francisco, as well as the Gold Rush in Alaska and the Klondike. Typed English translations of the letters by Jack Boas.

MS 3039: 16 Mar. 1893 "Something About America and San Francisco" 16 March 1893

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Daniels comments on holiday celebrations, foodstuffs, business enterprises, and clothing and appearance of previous hit Chinese next hit in Chinatown, San Francisco.

Scope and Content Note

[16 March 1893 entry]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Description and travel.

MS 3039: 26 May 1893 "From California" 26 May 1893

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Daniels writes about the previous hit Chinese next hit situation, in particular the Geary Law which was enacted about a year earlier. This law required every previous hit Chinese next hit to register his name and place of residence by May 5, 1893 and prohibited the entrance of any more previous hit Chinese next hit into the country. previous hit Chinese next hit who did not register would be sent back to China at United States government expense, except for merchants and those born in the United States.

Scope and Content Note

[26 May 1893 entry]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.

Miscellaneous Selections : Anti- previous hit Chinese next hit Movement & previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion


FA 67-23-1-2 "You Know How It Is Yourself"

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Monogrammed "S.R."

Scope and Content Note

Caption: "Can any white laborer afford to for Ah-Sing Booth Gorham & Co. at the coming Elections Not for Joseph?"

Scope and Content Note

"S.R." [CHS Fine Arts Collection]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

Vault 224 Shall Negroes and Chinamen Vote in California? 1869

Creator/Collector: Democratic State Central Committee
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Reprinted from the San Francisco Daily Examiner, August 1869.

Scope and Content Note

Leaflet authored by Joseph P. Hoge, Thomas N. Cazneau, and Franklin Lawton of the Democratic State Central Committee opposing voting rights conferred by the 15th Amendment.

Scope and Content Note

Subtitle: "Read! An Address by the Democratic State Central Committee to the Voters of California."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government.
Political parties -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Race discrimination -- United States

PAM 13842 Immigration Bill. Debate on Oriental Immigration. 1916

Creator/Collector: Phelan, James D.
Physical Description: 29 p. ; 22 cm
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Speeches of Hon. James D. Phelan of California in the Senate of the United States: December 12, 13, and 14, 1916

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
Immigrants -- California.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.

PAM 8690 High Lights on previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion and Expulsion. The Immigration Law of 1924 As It Affects Persons of previous hit Chinese next hit Descent in the United States, Their Business Interests, Their Rights and Their Privileges [1924]

Creator/Collector: Stidger, Oliver P.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Stidger was the attorney for the previous hit Chinese next hit Chamber of Commerce. This pamphlet discusses the 1924 Immigration Law only as it applies to merchants.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights -- California -- San Francisco.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
Immigrants -- California -- San Francisco.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.

PAM 12925 Evidence of Public Opinion on the Pacific Coast In Favor of previous hit Chinese next hit Immigration. 1879

Creator/Collector: Layres, Augustus
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Layres was the editor of the previous hit Chinese next hit Record and author of the pamphlets, "The Other Side" and "Both Sides of the previous hit Chinese next hit Question."

Scope and Content Note

"Compiled from the Report of the Joint Congressional Commission and other sources" (San Francisco: The Friends of Truth, Right and Justice, 1879).

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration.
China -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
Immigrants -- California.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Legal status, laws, etc.

PAM 5786 The Treatment of the Exempt Classes of previous hit Chinese next hit in the United States. A Statement from the previous hit Chinese next hit in America 1908

Creator/Collector: Chew, Ng Poon
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Regarding immigration and treatment of previous hit Chinese next hit merchants and scholars.

Scope and Content Note

Chew was the editor of the previous hit Chinese next hit language newspaper Chung Sai Yat Po.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Legal status, laws, etc.

PAM 1277 Angel Island: the Ellis Island of the West. 1917

Creator/Collector: Bamford, Mary
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Chicago: The Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Society.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
Immigrants -- California -- San Francisco.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.

PAM 13659 In the Supreme Court of the United States: Chae Chan Ping vs. the United States 1888

Creator/Collector: Swift, John F. White, Stephen M.
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Argument of John F. Swift and Stephen M. White, Of Counsel for Respondent (Washington, D.C.)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
China -- Emigration and immigration.

MS 2939 When We and California Were Young: typescript and holograph ms 1954

Creator/Collector: Dundas, Harriet Thompson Palmer
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Dundas' recollections of growing up in northern and central Calif. from 1875 to 1892, as the family moved where work or land were available. Notes violence against previous hit Chinese next hit among schoolchildren in Oroville.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Violence against -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Oroville.

MS 2939 Page 46

Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

325.251.Sa5a An Address From the Workingmen of San Francisco to Their Brothers Throughout the Pacific Coast [1888]

Creator/Collector: Workingman's Party
Physical Description: 24 p. ; 22 cm
Contributing Institution: California Historical Society

Scope and Content Note

Address and resolutions adopted at mass-meeting held in Metropolitan Hall, August 16, 1888.

Scope and Content Note

(San Francisco: Workingmen's Party of California)

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
California -- Emigration and immigration.
California -- Politics and government.
Workingmen's Party of California.
Labor -- California -- San Francisco.
Labor movement -- California.

Sentiment concerning the previous hit Chinese next hit : Illustrations from Periodicals

Scope and Content Note

Information on the previous hit Chinese next hit communities in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries comes to us through books, periodicals, newspapers, and other written records as well as original source documentation such as manuscripts, photographs, drawings, and other pictorial materials. The materials are often filled with caricatures and derogatory designations. Yet these sources are still used because of the scarcity of written documentation on certain aspects of previous hit Chinese next hit -American history. One of the richest sources of documentation can be found in the periodical literature of the time. Magazines, such as San Francisco's The Wasp and The Wave and New York's Harper's Weekly and Harper's Monthly flourished in the late 1800s and early 1900s, providing commentary on political, economic, and social events. Although often overtly distorted or opinionated, these documents illustrate what immigrants faced coming to the American West and the inter-ethnic tensions that were present. They also serve to record the specific contributions of the previous hit Chinese next hit to commerce, architecture, and cultural and social life. By documenting specific locations, such as San Francisco's Chinatown, these publications show the historic significance of places and buildings and provide valuable information about patterns of early previous hit Chinese next hit -American life. These illustrations document how key the previous hit Chinese next hit communities in California were in building the industries that enabled the development of the West. They are depicted as picturesque contributors or more often problematic, misunderstood workers in a variety of scenes, reflecting their prominent roles in the building of the transcontinental railroad, the mining industry, agriculture and fishing, and a variety of important manufacturing areas. Often what is depicted in the periodicals reflects a complicated history of relations and reactions that the previous hit Chinese next hit experienced in coming to the American West.
Materials in this section are drawn from the collections of The Bancroft Library.

The Bancroft Library


BANC PIC 1974.018--C Views of previous hit Chinese next hit published in The graphic and Harper's weekly [graphic] ca. 1869-ca. 1889

Scope and Content Note

Views captioned: Searching previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants for opium, at San Francisco... -- The anti- previous hit Chinese next hit riot at Seattle, Washington Territory ... -- A haunt of the highbinders in Chinatown (including portraits and "Highbinder's favorite weapons", San Francisco) -- previous hit Chinese next hit life in San Francisco (including "Interior of a theatre" and "Cleaning the bones of the dead") -- A previous hit Chinese next hit reception in San Francisco -- Completion of the Pacific Railroad ... The great link connecting Europe with Asia across the American continent -- previous hit Chinese next hit emigration to America, sketch on board the steamship Alaska bound for San Francisco.

BANC PIC 1974.018:1--C Searching previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants for opium, at San Francisco.--From a sketch by W. W. Bode -- [See page 11] Jan. 23, 1875

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Detectives -- California -- San Francisco.
Opium trade -- United States.
Port of San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Smuggling -- California.

BANC PIC 1974.018:4--C previous hit Chinese next hit Life in San Francisco Jan. 4, 1879

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Funeral customs and rites -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
Performing arts -- California -- San Francisco.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1974.018:5--C A previous hit Chinese next hit reception in San Francisco.--Drawn by Paul Frenzeny.--[See page 446.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1974.018:6--C Completion of the Pacific Railroad, May 10, 1869 -- The great link connecting Europe with Asia across the American continent.--[See page 341.]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Central Pacific Railroad Company -- Pictorial works.
Union Pacific Railroad Company -- Pictorial works.
Railroad construction workers -- West (U.S.) -- Pictorial works.

BANC PIC 1974.018:7--C previous hit Chinese next hit emigration to America: sketch on board the steam-ship Alaska, bound for San Francisco April 29, 1876

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Immigrants -- California.

fAP2.B33 Gleason's pictorial drawing-room companion Boston, F. Gleason [etc]

Physical Description: Wood engraving

Scope and Content Note

Alternative title: Ballou's pictorial drawing-room companion.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

fAP2.B33: vol.2 no.18 May 1852 Saturday, May 1, 1852

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

fAP2.B33: vol.2 no.18: 277 [ previous hit Chinese next hit subjects]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

F850 .W18 The Wasp 1876-1928

Creator/Collector: Wasp Publishing Company
Physical Description: Lithographs.

Scope and Content Note

"The Wasp was an illustrated weekly magazine devoted to social and political satire which was published in San Francisco from 1876 until well ater the turn of the century." Kenneth M. Johnson, "The Sting of the Wasp," The Book Club of San Francisco, 1967.

Scope and Content Note

Typical of the sentiments of the time, The Wasp often reflected in its political cartoons as well as in its editorials and other writings opposition to the previous hit Chinese next hit . It also ridiculed the tactics and actions of the leaders of the Anti- previous hit Chinese next hit movement in California.

F850 .W18 v. 2, Aug. 1877- July 1878

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

No. 60:144 "A Morning Scene in the Streets of S.F."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image in lower left hand corner illustrates two previous hit Chinese next hit men with poles and baskets on sidewalk -- gentleman in top hat look on disapprovingly.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social conditions -- 19th century.

No. 62 "A Hint - On the previous hit Chinese next hit Question"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Remarks on the hypocrisy of Col. Hinton, editor of the Post, who advocates the non-hiring of previous hit Chinese next hit while employing them within his own home, buying food from them, etc.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Labor -- California -- San Francisco.

No. 63:176 "The March of the Mongolian: Ousting the bulls and bears from corner Hallek and Leisendorff Streets, S.F."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Refers to the takeover by the previous hit Chinese next hit of where the Pacific Exchange/stock market used to be housed.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social conditions -- 19th century.

No. 63:196 "Wars and the Rumors of Wars"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Comprised of eight drawings and eight stanzas of poem -- "War on the Heathen Chinee" depicting previous hit Chinese next hit being ousted from manufacturing labor.

Scope and Content Note

Relevant poem stanza: "And the war on the Heathen Chinee / Is as hot now, as hot well can be; / They say that they'll send him / To China, or end him; / These are very brave words -- but we'll see."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Politics and government.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

No. 65:200 "Local Chips"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit at waterfront and at Kearny Street interesection are depicted along with a " previous hit Chinese next hit cemetary."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
Immigrants -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Waterfront.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.

No. 65:201 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Barber Shop, Dupont St."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Interior of barber shop; one man's head being shaven.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

No. 69:267 "Celestial Cubans"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

A two-part cartoon and poem; indicting hypocrisy of label of "White Labor Cigars."

Scope and Content Note

The poem reads: "To nake seed Havans / By covert addition/ Of dray Cabbage leaves / Is the Coolie's ambition. / And these are the weeds / That our exquisities smoke / "White Labor Cigar" -- / 'Tis a very good joke."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Labor -- California.

No. 71 "The First Blow at the previous hit Chinese next hit Question" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

White member of Workingmen's Party shown punching previous hit Chinese next hit man; more previous hit Chinese next hit shown in doorway of Gibson, Loomis, & Co. in Chinatown.

Scope and Content Note

Workingman's placard reads: "Working Men's Procession. Nov. 29th. 10,000 strong."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Labor -- California.
Workingmen's Party of California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.

No. 72 "Nursing a Viper" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

The first panel shows California, in form of female Eureka, nursing previous hit Chinese next hit labor; the second panel shows full grown previous hit Chinese next hit labor refusing to leave.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 77:388 "The History of an Interloper"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Implies previous hit Chinese next hit ingratitude toward the industries that hired them.

Scope and Content Note

A six part cartoon and poem regarding shoe industry and takeover by the previous hit Chinese next hit ]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Labor -- California.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.

No. 77:408-409 "The Modern 'Old Man of the Sea'"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

With excerpt from "Sinbad the Sailor" -- anecdote about the man who tricked Sinbad into carrying him across the brook by pretending he was weak. previous hit Chinese next hit depicted as analogous to this duplicitous character: "California, having once relieved the Chinaman, is now compelled to carry him around indefinitely."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.

No. 81:464 "Satan's Occupation Gone!!"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Occupants of Hell -- including previous hit Chinese next hit -- being let into Heaven.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.

No. 83 "Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire". [cover] "Out of the Frying Pan Into the Fire." [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Regarding the Cubic Air Law. Depicts white official sending occupants of crowded previous hit Chinese next hit bunk houses into even more crowded County Jail.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

No. 84:512 "The Guardian of the Peace"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Mocking legal enforcement of various city ordinances, including Cubic Air Law.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Crime -- California.

No. 85:516 "Popular Songs Illustrated"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Text of caption: "There once was heathern and his name was Ah Yung Bull, / And he lives up to this date, / He had capillaries on the top of his skull, / Just where they ought to vegetate."

Scope and Content Note

Six-panel cartoon, including "Uncle Ned" -- previous hit Chinese next hit man displaying his queue.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
California -- Social life and customs.

No. 86:544 "What is it?"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit shown attacking state through various deviant activities: opium smoking, eating rats, stealing poultry from a hen house, prostitution, etc

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Crime -- California.

No. 87 "The Future of Co. 'F' R.N.G.C. Col. Smedberg Commanding"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Smedberg hobbles by the 14th Amendment, commanding regiment of fops with previous hit Chinese next hit waiting in wings.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 92:628 "Various Drinkers"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit man drinks tea. Other subjects drinking water, milk, wine, gin, soda water, hot punch, medicine, beer, coffee.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
California -- Social life and customs.

No. 92:640 "California Productions to be sent to the French Exposition: Gold medals expected for each one."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Derogatory cartoon on the state of the State of California in general. In a mock exhibition, on California productions includes "White-made cigars" produced by previous hit Chinese next hit labor.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Crime -- California.
Labor -- California.

No. 93:644 "Various Smokers"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit smoking opium. Other subjects: cigarettes, clay pipe, the stump, Cuban cigar, German pipe, and "One Who Likes to Smoke" (a criminal behind bars).

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Social life and customs.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Opium habit -- California -- Pictorial works.

no. 55 page 35 Local Chips

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Text describing illustrations of San Francisco streetlife, including comments on previous hit Chinese next hit labor. Also an article, "An Apprentice Law Needed" addressing previous hit Chinese next hit labor.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Labor -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Description and travel.

no.55 pages 40-41 Local Chips. [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Along top of image: Singeli Sing ( previous hit Chinese next hit business) shown before and after the Riot. Also images with captions, "Who hired Them? Who supports the previous hit Chinese next hit ?" suggest white use of previous hit Chinese next hit labor.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Social life and customs.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.

no.67 pages 232-233 Impossible Occurences. [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Vignette about previous hit Chinese next hit : Very Unlikely that a Chinaman Will Tell the Truth Under Oath.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Race discrimination -- United States.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.

no.69 page 258 Uncle Sam's Thanksgiving Dinner.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Describes the various guests depicted in the illustration in the Wasp by the same name, including the previous hit Chinese next hit guest who is eating a rat.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

no.69 pages 264-265 Uncle Sam's Thanksgiving Dinner. [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Uncle Sam at head of table; to his right is a previous hit Chinese next hit man eating a rat.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

no.80 page 434 That Balky Team of Ours.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Describes illustration in the Wasp regarding the previous hit Chinese next hit question.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.
Workingmen's Party of California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.

no.80 pages 44-441 The Balky Team. Uncle Sam, "Say, Mr. Wasp, You'll Never Get That Wagon Out of the Mud Unless Your Team Pulls Together. Can't You See Those Rocks?"[spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit are bound together in back of wagon being driven by Mr. Wasp, with restraints labeled, "For Export." The team of horses includes the California Press, the Eastern Press, Missionaries, Workingmen, Capital, and Common Sense.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.
Workingmen's Party of California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.

no.81 page 450 The previous hit Chinese next hit Situation Pictorially.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Describes the illustration in this issue of the Wasp, "That Balky Team of Ours."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.
Workingmen's Party of California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.

no.81 page 451 St. Valentine

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Describes the illustration, St. Valentine, in this issue of the Wasp, where missives, many related to the previous hit Chinese next hit are sent to various individuals.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

no.81 pages 456-457 St. Valentine [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Pointed missives sent by St. Valentine to various individuals. Many include images of previous hit Chinese next hit , regarding labor, politics, etc.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Labor -- California.
California -- Social life and customs.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

no.83 page 482 "Masquerading," "Out of the Frying Pan," and "Prohibiting Servile Contracts"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Articles describing illustrations in this issue of the Wasp.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government.
China -- Emigration and immigration.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.
Labor -- California.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
United States -- Politics and government.

no.83 pages 488-489 Masquerading [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Uncle Sam hosts a Masquerade, illustrating various national and political issues, including the previous hit Chinese next hit question.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Politics and government.

no.84 page 498 Uncle Sam's Farm in Danger.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Discusses the illustration by the same name in this issue of The Wasp. Relates to famine in China and increase of immigrants from that country.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

no.84 [pages 504-505] Uncle Sam's Farm in Danger. [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Caption: Seventy Millions of People Are Starving in the Northern Provinces of China. All Who Can Do So are Making Preparations to Come to the United States. Look Out for the Grasshoppers, Uncle Sam!

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit people are depicted as locusts.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

no.86 page 530 Our Illustrations

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Describes the illustration depicting the race between the Workingman's Party, the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party, with reference to the previous hit Chinese next hit question.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
Labor -- California.
Workingmen's Party of California.

no.86 pages 536-537 Distanced! [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Depicts the Republican and Democratic parties stumbling in a race against the Workingman's Party. The Workingman's Party horse knocks down a previous hit Chinese next hit man in his race toward the finish line.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Labor -- California.
Workingmen's Party of California -- Pictorial works.

no.93 page 642 "The previous hit Chinese next hit Must Go."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Describes illustration in this issue of the Wasp by the same name. Discusses how with such high unemployment rates, that the previous hit Chinese next hit must go.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
Immigrants -- California.
Labor -- California.

no.93 pages 648-649 The previous hit Chinese next hit Must Go! But, Who Keeps Them? [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Illustrates how previous hit Chinese next hit labor is supported by business and individuals at expense of White laborers.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
Immigrants -- California.
Labor -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

no.98 page 723 Reception of Emigrants.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Disscusses U. S. handling of emigrants, including those from Asia. Complements illustration in the same issue of the Wasp related to previous hit Chinese next hit immigration.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

no.98 pages 728-729 Reception of Asian Emigrants in the Present Time. [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Illustrated the past and present immigration. The suggestion is that recent emigration of dominated by Asians.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

no.99 page 739 Around the World

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Commentary on illustration by same name in this issue of The Wasp. Includes a discussion of international affairs, including the famine in China.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Politics and government.

no.99 pages 744-745 The Wasp Around the World. [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Images cover international scene, and include a vignette entitled, "The Famine in China."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Description and travel.
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.

F850 .W18 v. 3, Aug.1878- July 1879

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

No. 105:8-9 [What goeth on : The Wasp's 3rd Birthday]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Includes vignette "Representations of the Flowery Kingdom" which shows menacing train of previous hit Chinese next hit men emigrating to California.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
Caricature and cartoons.

No. 106 "A Hard Job" [cover].

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Overpopulation, gambling, opium houses, disease, filth, immorality depicted as Chinatown's vices. Suggests transplantation to south S. F., being drawn by weak mules of Board of Supervisors and Board of Health.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

No. 108:56-57 "13th Industrial Exhibition"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

New, idyllic exhibition of California labor -- the old version (an oil painting showing Board of Supervisors excursion to Chinatown) being carted away.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

No. 109:68 "Articles of Interest in the Mechanics Pavillion"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Articles of trade to be featured that will replace problems, i.e. sewing machines & previous hit Chinese next hit manufacture.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Labor -- California.

No. 112:120-121 "A Suggestion of a New Constitutional Dress for California, by the Workingmens Party, Sept. 29th, 1878"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Workingmen's Party depicted as seamstress making a new dress for Eureka, including one panel that shows previous hit Chinese next hit being denied business and work.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.
Workingmen's Party of California -- Pictorial works.

No. 115 "Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Chinatown depicted as frog thrown into county jail by man labeled "cubic air law."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.

No. 115:168-169 "Feeding Time in the California Aquarium"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Bear and Bull (stock market) feed convicts, poverty, farmers, lawyers, barbers, laborers, etc. Includes "Mongolians" as a feeding fish.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social conditions -- 19th century.

No. 118:216-217 "The Constitutional Pump"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Cannon of Constitutional Convention firing upon previous hit Chinese next hit being shielded by Burlingame Treaty and backed by Rev. Gibson.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.

No. 119 "Col. B's Hobby Horse" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Colonel Bee shown riding away from opponents on a horse with a previous hit Chinese next hit head.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.

No. 120:256 "Noon Time"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit shown pouring out of factory on Sacramento Street. Other subjects: factory girls, schoolchildren, laborers, dirty politicians, the dead.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 121:272 "After the Battle; I Want to Go Home"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

California as bonneted woman surveying desolate landscape; previous hit Chinese next hit figure on left hand side.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

No. 122:280-281 "Uncle Sam's Thanks-Giving Dinner Progression"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Uncle Sam driving float filled with all races of people; previous hit Chinese next hit in center.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

No. 126:344-345 Untitled.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Christmas edition -- Santa Claus handing out gifts to various parties, previous hit Chinese next hit man carrying a pig, while poor white family stands by wayside with nothing.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

No. 128:384 "Questions of Time"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Regarding immigration, Uncle Sam asking previous hit Chinese next hit , "How many more of you are coming?" Other subjects: medicine, finanical corruption, farmers, upcoming presidential election.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.

No. 130 "Who Will Make the previous hit Chinese next hit Go?" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Empty scarecrow with previous hit Chinese next hit crows flocking around it; Uncle Sam with gun of Congress standing idly by.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.

No. 132:441 "Cartoons on Current Topics"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

4-panel. "Uncle Sam's Troublesome Bedfellows" ( previous hit Chinese next hit being kicked out of bed); "A Dangerous Hole in the Door" ( previous hit Chinese next hit immigrating through British Columbia).

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 133:456-457 "St. Valentine"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

One card depicts westernized previous hit Chinese next hit man on card to "Chinaman Reformer" Gibbson.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.

No. 133:457 St. Valentine [card to Chinaman Reformer Gibson]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

No. 134:467 [Article on previous hit Chinese next hit cigar making ]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Labor -- California.

No. 134:472 "Cigar Making in Chinatown, S. F."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Shows interior of cigar factory. Interesting contrast to cartoon on next page: "Cigarmaking in Tenement Houses, New York", in which cigars made by children and poor women.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Labor -- California.

No. 137 "The Golden Calf Retained"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit man as golden calf being worshipped by Col. B. and Rev. O. Gibson. among unidentified others. Relates to defeat of anti- previous hit Chinese next hit legislation.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
Caricature and cartoons.

No. 137:520-521 "Reason Why the Anti-Coolie Bill Had No Effect"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Hayes being prevented from saving Western States from alligator of Coolie Immigration by Burlingame Treay, Spain, H.W.B., Talmrge, and Puritan Demoges.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Politics and government.
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, -- 1822-1893.

No. 139:584-585 "Talking to 'Workingmen' to Death."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Workingman being pressed upon by various parties (strikers, politicians, capitalistists); hands over ears.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Workingmen's Party of California -- Pictorial works.

No. 143:616-617 "Won't They Remain Here In Spite of the New Constitution?"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Demonized figure of political corruption protecting previous hit Chinese next hit cheap labor, dirty politicians, capital, financiers, etc.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricature and cartoons.

No. 143:624 "Would it not be splendid if we could use the previous hit Chinese next hit as 'Voting Cattle' as we do the niggers in the Southern states?"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Democrat speaking to Republican overseeing ballot box, surveying previous hit Chinese next hit hordes. Illustrates Wasp's bi-partisan dislike of political parties.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Political parties -- United States.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 148:? "The "Blug-hat" Brigade Parade on Saturday Evening Last"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Parade of figures hiding under giant hats.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- California.

No. 156:838 " previous hit Chinese next hit Must Go"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Figure on top of "Sand Lot Platform" gesticulating toward masses of previous hit Chinese next hit coming in; contrasted by only one previous hit Chinese next hit going back to China.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

F850 .W18 v. 4, Aug.1879- July 1880

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

No. 158:24-25 "'Box and Cox' or San Francisco under the Holy Regime."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Wasp's endorsement for Rev. Henry Cox for San Francisco Mayor's race.

Scope and Content Note

Relevant portion shows men putting up as poster that reads, " previous hit Chinese next hit Must Go! Jews Must Go!"

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

No. 158:32 "Judge Righteous Judgement"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Sign in background reads, "Judge Field's Barber Shop." Judge Fields shown cutting off queue of previous hit Chinese next hit man with opium pipe.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.

No. 160 "Any Port in a Storm" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit depicted as a camel, overladen with stones labeled cheap labor, constitution, etc.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 160:72-73 "U.S. A Plague Upon All Your Goes"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Various labor issues: Uncle Sam covering his ears, trying to block out cries of groups demanding expulsion of previous hit Chinese next hit , Jews, poor, foreigners, Indians, etc.] previous hit Chinese next hit in foreground, shown being castigated by the figure of a white workingman.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 161:88-89 "Machinery Monopolizes Labor"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Shows giant machine labeled "Progress" as beating everything in its path, leaving the laborer jobless and destitute.

Scope and Content Note

Subtitled: "The Real Chinaman Who is at the Root of All Evil" -- meaning that machinization is the primary cause of labor woes.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 164:136-137 "The Modern Colossus From Castle Garden to the Golden Gate by way of the Globe"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Figure of President Grant straddling entire globe, with people of all races at his feet and in the background.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Grant, Ulysses S. -- (Ulysses Simpson), -- 1822-1885.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 167:184-185 "How the Chinaman Goes It in San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Collage showing previous hit Chinese next hit at various occupations: laundry, grocery, domestic service, diplomacy, crime.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

No. 169:216-217 "Inventive Genius Suggesting Amusements for the Congregations of Indulgent Pastors"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Jab at Protestant reformers/missionaries. previous hit Chinese next hit at upper right.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Social life and customs.
Caricature and cartoons.

No. 178 "A Merry Christmas from the San Francisco Illustrated Wasp" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Gifts for various San Francsico figures. Denis Kearney's stocking has a previous hit Chinese next hit man in it.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.
Kearney, Dennis, -- 1847-1907 -- Caricatures and cartoons.

No. 180 "Feeble Banks to Carry Merced's Water" [cover].

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

White man dressed as previous hit Chinese next hit carrying water one side of pole, bank safe on the other.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Economic conditions.
California -- Politics and government.
Caricature and cartoons.

No. 186 "The Mill Among the Mill-Hands" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit textile workers being scattered by steam engine labeled "The New Constitution"

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
Labor -- California.

No. 186:488-489 "Scrubbing the City of Scrubbs: Kalloch Method"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Quote in upper right hand corner attributed to Mayor Kalloch: "If a dead horse lies in the Street, he is carted away and thrown into the water." Shows dead previous hit Chinese next hit in form of horses being carted away and thrown in the Bay.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.

No. 187:504-505 "The Hydra-headed Vampire-Contending Contentments"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Female figure of Workingmen's Party on white horse, staving off hydra of convict labor, previous hit Chinese next hit Curse, Eastern competition, political thieves.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Labor -- California.
Workingmen's Party of California -- Pictorial works.

No. 192:592 "New York Chiffoniers Gleaning What San Francisco Dumps Way as Rubbish"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Wagonload and baskets of previous hit Chinese next hit being carried off by figures symbolizing New York. previous hit Chinese next hit hordes labeled "Filth," intermixed with skulls, bones.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Caricatures and cartoons.

No. 195 "Peace in Modern War-Saw -- The Felicitous Feeling of San Francisco" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

One vignette depicts a previous hit Chinese next hit man playing game with Admiral figure.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

No. 199:696-697 "Dreams are the off-shoot of Idle Fancies -- a Night Ma(yo)re"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit drowning in blood, upper left; previous hit Chinese next hit trampled by carriage wheels, lower right.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social conditions -- 19th century.

No. 200:720 "A Politico-Ecclesiastico Double Ender"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Figure half jester, half minister surveying two version of Chinatown: one side immersed in carnage and destruction, the other populated by angels.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.

No. 204:784 "Coming Races"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

At top, shows horses of Republican and Democratic parties racing to the White House. Family of Irishman, previous hit Chinese next hit woman, and miscegenated children at center.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Social life and customs.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.

No. 205:792-793 "A Tribute to the 104th Anniversary of America"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Uncle Sam accepting tribute from figures representing various nations; previous hit Chinese next hit man holding vase.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 206 "Why our Farmers Employ Chinamen" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Farmer in unreaped field; inset of lazy urban white laborers.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Labor -- California.
Agricultural laborers--California.
Caricature and cartoons.

F850 .W18 v. 5, Aug. - Dec. 1880

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.

No. 211:24-25 "Our Turn Now, Gentleman!"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Before & after cartoon: Eureka first being hounded by previous hit Chinese next hit and politicians while holding Anti- previous hit Chinese next hit Petition, then subduing them with votes in hand. Implies that the people of California want anti- previous hit Chinese next hit legislation and will popularly vote for it.

No. 211:31 "Better Remove the Carcass"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Chinatown as a dead elephant on top of city, being washed by Board of Health.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

No. 213:56-57 "The Wasp's Fair"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Mock exhibition of San Francisco's deplorable state of affairs, including previous hit Chinese next hit -made cigars, previous hit Chinese next hit prostitutes, Chinatown filth.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Labor movement -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

No. 214:72-73 "San Francisco A.D. 1900"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit overrunning and dominating the city.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

No. 217:120-121 "Going to the Devil "

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Seesaw of vice -- including previous hit Chinese next hit smoking opium -- and virtue. former totally outweighing the latter.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social conditions -- 19th century.

No. 218:136-137 "Devastation"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Wild boars with queues tumbling out of previous hit Chinese next hit gate labled "Burlingame Treaty" destroying farmyard of various industries, Uncle Sam and Eureka looking on in dismay.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights -- California.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.
Labor -- California.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

No. 222 "Goodbye, John!" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Rutherford B. Hayes (feminized man) departing with his masculine wife, hugging previous hit Chinese next hit man.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, -- 1822-1893.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 227:280-281 "And Still They Come!"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Thousands of previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants arriving by boat, entering through gate of "The New previous hit Chinese next hit Treaty."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

F850 .W18 v. 6, Jan. - June 1881

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.

No. 231:6 "The Dens of Chinatown"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Text and illustrations regarding opium dens in Chinatown.

No. 236:96 "Making Their Mark"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Various figures at the International Shooting Gallery; Uncle Sam taking aim at previous hit Chinese next hit head with gun marked " previous hit Chinese next hit Treaty."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 239:144 "The New Treaty and the New Politicians"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit in Western dress reading text of New previous hit Chinese next hit Treaty that allows previous hit Chinese next hit to become U.S. citizens.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 243:208 "The Epizooty"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Epidemic afflicting horses. Dearth of equine transportation puts previous hit Chinese next hit in yokes, drawing a wagon to market.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 249 "Hard Pushing" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

General Miller trying to close door on "Coolie Immigration", with politicians Conkling and Gorham trying to keep it open.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.
California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.

No. 250 "Gen. Miller's Reward" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

General Miller blocking previous hit Chinese next hit immigration with new treaty that allows only 15 entrants at one time; Eureka waving her thanks.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 250:312-313 "Uncle Sam's Boat in Danger"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Uncle Sam as skipper of American lifeboat, in danger of being overloaded by previous hit Chinese next hit and hitting rocks of European socialism.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.

No. 251:328-329 "When Will this Ass Kick: A Case for the Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Donkey of the Pacific States overburned by previous hit Chinese next hit , landgrabbers, railroad barons and yoked by monopolies.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Economic conditions.
California -- Emigration and immigration.
California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
West (U.S.) -- Pictorial works.

No. 251 "The Coming Man: Allee sammee 'Melican Man Monopoleeee."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Giant figure of previous hit Chinese next hit man spreading hand of monopoly over various industries.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

F850 .W18 v. 7, July - Dec. 1881

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

No. 260 "A Lilliput Kingdom for Sale Cheap"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Hawaiin Islands for sale on auction block; potential bidders include a previous hit Chinese next hit man.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 265:136-137 "Immigration East and West"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Caption: "Westward, the course of empire takes its way. Eastward, the march of national decay."

Scope and Content Note

Figure of New York asking Eureka to take her immigrants, dragon of previous hit Chinese next hit immigration threatening from behind.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.
United States -- Social conditions -- 1865-1918.

No. 275:296-297 "Harrison's Conversion Mill"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit appear to right in image.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 276 "A Statue for Our Harbor"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit statue resembling Statue of Liberty, haloed by Ruin to White Labor, Diseases, Immorality, Filth.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 281 "The Three Troublesome Children " [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Columbia trying to juggle the previous hit Chinese next hit , Mormon, and Indian questions; male figure of Law in the corner reading a newspaper labeled Politics.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 281 "The previous hit Chinese next hit Question: The Remedy Too Late"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Senator Miller as bricklayer trying to wall in U.S. Farm already filled with previous hit Chinese next hit swine.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 282:418-419 "Uncle Sam's Christmas Dinner"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Various immigrant groups represented as seated around Uncle Sam's table.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Politics and government.

F850 .W18 v. 8, Jan. - June 1882

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

No. 285:24-25 "Siesta"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 289:88-89 "St. Valentine"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- California.

No. 289 "Rip Van Winkle Resuscitated"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
Kearney, Dennis, -- 1847-1907 -- Caricatures and cartoons.

No. 291 "Pickering N's Artesian Pets Under the Microscope" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

No. 291:120-121 "A Fresh Eruption of the Pacific Coast Vesuvius"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
Labor -- California.

No. 292:136-137 "What Shall We Do With Our Boys?"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 293:152-153 "Will It Come to This?"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 293 "The Mountain in Labor (Aesop's Fables)."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Labor -- California.

No. 295 "An Outsider of the Law" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 295 "Uncle Sam's Nightmare"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 296 "Capital Stocks"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
United States -- Politics and government.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

No. 297 "A Monument for the Sand Lot"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 298 "His Hands Tied -- Who Governs Freemen Should Himself Be Free" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 299 "The Last Hope" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 299:248-249 "Another Natural History Collection. For Sale Cheap"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.

No. 299 "The New previous hit Chinese next hit Joss"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Arthur, Chester Alan, -- 1829-1886.
Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 300:265-266 "Our New Cabinet at Washington"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Arthur, Chester Alan, -- 1829-1886.
Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 301 "A. Jackson's Spirit Among the Old Democratic War Horses"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

No. 302:296-297 "Who Is to Blame for Losing the Game?"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 303 "Amusing the Child"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
United States -- Politics and government.
Arthur, Chester Alan, -- 1829-1886.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.

No. 304 "San Francisco's Three Graces" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

No. 305:344-345 "The Rescue"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

No. 309:408-409 "A Serenade to Columbia's Birthday. 1882."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

F850 .W18 v. 9, July - Dec. 1882

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

No. 311:440-441 "The Servant Question"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Relates to previous hit Chinese next hit domestic service.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 311 "When Mrs. Stow is Governor: The Stow Social Science Sisterhood"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image shows the cuckholding of Stow by his wife; previous hit Chinese next hit , liquor, and tobacco as being sent to Hell.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
Caricature and cartoons.

No. 312 "The Two Captain Merrimacs -- From the Opera of 'Olivette'" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Illlustration shows the meeting of figures of Russia/East and Asia/West, dressed as pirates.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.

No. 315 "The Last Load" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Shows previous hit Chinese next hit immigration from British Hong Kong; sign on foreground, "No More Dumping Allowed."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.

No. 315:500 [text: Saturday August 12, 1882. One of the indirect dangers of the presence of the previous hit Chinese next hit in this State. . . ]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- California.

No. 316 "The previous hit Chinese next hit Want to Go"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit shown fleeing League of Deliverance and local laws; Orientalized Judge Field & Col. Bee weeping.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- California.

No. 318:552-553 "At the Fair"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Eexhibition representing state of San Francisco, including previous hit Chinese next hit doing laundry by spitting on clothes, then ironing.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 318:556 [text: on previous hit Chinese next hit Christians . . . ]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

No. 318 "The Vampires, or The Landlords of San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Swine figure of landlord with previous hit Chinese next hit house servant.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social conditions -- 19th century.

No. 321 "Royal Recollections of San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Col. Bee's Pets include previous hit Chinese next hit in slumlike environment; other subjects include Presidio Army, Central Pacific Railroad, hoodlums, police.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social conditions -- 19th century.

No. 328:712-713 "The Sanitary Situation"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

San Francisco being attacked by pneumoia, diptheria, fever; Chinatown, North Beach, Butchertown as emitting deadly fumes.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social conditions -- 19th century.

No. 328 "Under previous hit Chinese next hit Immigration. Under previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Two part image: Under immigration, monopolists reigned; under Exclusion, previous hit Chinese next hit merchants do.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

No. 331 "A Sleepy Business"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Driver of wagon labeled "Dull Times for the Press" asleep at the reigns; previous hit Chinese next hit Question, among others, being settled.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
California -- Politics and government.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Civil rights.

F850 .W18 v. 10, Jan. - June 1883

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

No.336:11 The Hawaiian Treaty and the "Chronicle" [text article]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

No.338:8-9 "Look on this Picture...Then on This"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Illustrates debate between butter, a "pure" dairy product, and oleo margarine, a product made from animal remains.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Economic conditions.
Labor -- California.

No.344:11 "Short Suggestive Sermon" [text article]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.

F850 .W18 v. 11, July - Dec. 1883

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

11/3/83 "The Gates Ajar " [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image depicts previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants armed with British citizenship immigrating to the United States via Canada.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.

11/10/83:8-9 "Our Foreign Relations"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Illustration depicts San Francisco (female figure) being attacked by a figure representing previous hit Chinese next hit leprosy and haunted by previous hit Chinese next hit opium and smallpox.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.

F850 .W18 v. 12, Jan. - June 1884

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

1/26/84 " previous hit Chinese next hit New Year: French versus American Hog." [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Illustration shows a previous hit Chinese next hit man roasting a pig which is meant to represent France while a pig dressed as Uncle Sam dances.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

1/26/84 "The Feather in Rosecrans' Cap" [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Shows General William S. Rosecrans with giant hat plume, within which uncaged previous hit Chinese next hit are shown with certificates given them by Judge Hoffman and the United States Law.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- California.

2/9/84:8-9 "Games and Gamesters"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Note panel on bottom left titled "Imported Vice."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

3/8/84:8-9 "Offerings for Our World's Fair"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image shows the figure of San Francisco repelled by undesirables' offerings; previous hit Chinese next hit shown with figure of Leprosy.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

4/19/84:8-9 "Sharonia"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Shows the world of William Sharon. The caption under the previous hit Chinese next hit figure at the lower right of the illustration reads "Love messenger -- Ki"]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Sharon, William, 1821-1885

5/17/84 "Anno Domini 1910 -- and Still on Trial" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Cover illustration comments on the lengthy trial of William Sharon and Sarah Althea Hill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Sharon, William, 1821-1885

5/24/84:8-9 "Our Messenger Boys"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Illustration shows the irresponsibility and criminality of messenger boys. Note the messenger boy attacking a previous hit Chinese next hit man with rocks.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social conditions -- 19th century.

F850 .W18 v. 13, July - Dec. 1884

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .

12/20/84 "Christmas Follies"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Cover depicts Santa Claus carrying various political Christmas cards. Note card that reads "Snowballing in S.F." and shows a figure throwing mud balls at a previous hit Chinese next hit man.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Social life and customs.
Caricature and cartoons.

F850 .W18 v. 14, Jan. - June 1885

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

1/17/85:12 [Japanese and previous hit Chinese next hit curiosities, 19th century advertisement]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

3/7/85 On His High Horse [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

O'Donnell astride a previous hit Chinese next hit man.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.

F850 .W18 v. 15, July - Dec. 1885

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

7/4/85:8-9 "The Fourth of the Future"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image depicts the Fourth of July in San Francisco as completely previous hit Chinese next hit in aesthetics and ceremony with caucasians orientalized.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Palace Hotel (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.

7/11/85::8-9 "Ki-Yi! Ki-Yi! "

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image shows previous hit Chinese next hit men and others chasing donkey figure of DeYoung.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

De Young, M. H. -- (Michael Harry), -- 1849-1925.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.

7/25/85 "Our previous hit Chinese next hit Minister" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Portrait of Colonel Charles Denby.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Denby, Charles, 1830-1904.

8/15/85:8-9 "The Restriction Act Knocked Out"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

A baseball scene with previous hit Chinese next hit figure hitting a home run with bat labeled "Perjury." Other figures in the image include Judge Sawyer, Sears, Colonel Bee, Miller, Morton.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

8/22/85:8-9 "The Two Encampments"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Shows militarized figure of Dr. O. Donnell entrenched with previous hit Chinese next hit leper while figures of other San Francisco officials watch from above.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.

8/29/85 "Uncle Sam's Indian Policy" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Cover comments on the United States ineffectual policy on Native Americans.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Politics and government.

9/19/85:8-9 "The Last Obstacle -- Will It Stop Him?"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

In this circus scene a previous hit Chinese next hit acrobat attempts to jump through a hoop of the United States Supreme Court.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

11/7/85:3 "Our Pictures"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Text article regarding previous hit Chinese next hit labor.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Alien labor, previous hit Chinese next hit --California.
Labor -- California.
Workingmen's Party of California.

11/7/85:8-9 "In the Clutches of the previous hit Chinese next hit Tiger"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image shows a kitten marked " previous hit Chinese next hit cheap labor" growing up to be a tiger that kills everybody in its path.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Alien labor, previous hit Chinese next hit --California.
Labor -- California.
Workingmen's Party of California -- Pictorial works.

11/14/85: "The previous hit Chinese next hit : Many Handed But Soulless" [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image depicts previous hit Chinese next hit as an idol with many hands, offering various vices to Caucasians.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.

11/14/85:6 "Our Pictures"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Article regarding previous hit Chinese next hit labor.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Alien labor, previous hit Chinese next hit --California.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.

11/21/85:3 [article text re. ineffectiveness of anti- previous hit Chinese next hit sentiment]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Article regarding the ineffectiveness of the anti- previous hit Chinese next hit sentiment.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Alien labor, previous hit Chinese next hit --California.
California -- Politics and government.

11/21/85:4 [article text re. ineffectiveness of anti- previous hit Chinese next hit sentiment]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Alien labor, previous hit Chinese next hit --California.
California -- Politics and government.
Labor -- California.

11/21/85 "Is It Right for a Chinaman to Jeopard a White Man's Dinner?" [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Shows a previous hit Chinese next hit man trying to steal dinner offered by Eureka to a working class family.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Alien labor, previous hit Chinese next hit --California.
California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
Labor -- California.

F850 .W18 v. 18, Jan. - June 1887

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

3/5/87 Another Bar Down [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Refers to General Garland's decision that previous hit Chinese next hit nurses and servants may accompany other previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants approved for admission, regardless of the Restriction Act.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.
Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

6/25/87 Raising the Wind [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

One of the figures is a previous hit Chinese next hit man with laundry being blown in the wind.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
Caricature and cartoons.

F850 .W18 v. 19, July - Dec. 1887

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

12/17/87:2 The previous hit Chinese next hit Mode of Punishment [image and description]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image and article relate to punishment of previous hit Chinese next hit convicted of crimes.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Politics and government.
China -- Social life and customs.

12/24/87 A Tan Game -- The Heathen's Christmas [ previous hit Chinese next hit gambling] [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Depicts previous hit Chinese next hit gambling.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.
Gambling -- California -- Pictorial works.

F850 .W18 v. 20, Jan. - June 1888

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

2/4/88:8-9 A 'Round Up' That Would Satisfy Justice

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

A 'round up' of criminals is suggested by the artist versus the following lengthy legal procedures. Among those depicted is previous hit Chinese next hit man, Lee Chuck.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

2/18/88:8-9 Strains at a Gnat and Swallows a Camel

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Satirizes Custom-house officers, who a busy searching an lady's belongings, while "John Chinaman" smuggles opium off the ship.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Opium trade -- United States.

3/31/88 Destroying the Democratic Idol [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Cover illustration references Senator Ingalls's speech in which he arraigned President Cleveland for his free trade policy.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Cleveland, Grover, -- 1837-1908.
United States -- Politics and government.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.

3/31/88:8-9 How They Will Evade the previous hit Chinese next hit Treaty

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

On page 3, "The two provisions that justify a Chinaman in coming to this country and securing a landing therein are the possession here of $1000 worth of property or the fact that he as a family already here."

Scope and Content Note

Reference to new previous hit Chinese next hit treaty.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.
United States -- Politics and government.

6/9/88 Hoodwinked [Depicts Chang Yen Moon, diplomacy, Uncle Sam, Grover Cleveland, previous hit Chinese next hit Treaty of Bayard [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

On page 3, "Our cartoon represents the idea where Chang Yen Hoon, the present Consul at San Francisco, has Uncle Sam blindfolded, and holding him by the nape of the neck while Cleveland and Bayard with obsequious genuflection complacently do obeisance to the wily diplomat."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
Cleveland, Grover, -- 1837-1908.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

F850 .W18 v. 21, July - Dec. 1888

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

7/7/88:8-9 Fourth of July Frolics -- Then and Now

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Includes vignette, "The Heathen's tribute to the 4th."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Politics and government.

7/7/88 Many Meats but Only One Gravy [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Shows O'Donnell stepping over previous hit Chinese next hit man as he puts on a jacket labeled "For Mayor." Laying on previous hit Chinese next hit man is dagger with the words, "The previous hit Chinese next hit must go!"

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
O'Donnell, Charles C.
California -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

7/21/88 There's Millions in It [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Judge Sawyer of the U.S. Circuit court empties a barrell of previous hit Chinese next hit men at the feet of California.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

8/4/88 What We Would Like to See [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Man with "Morrow's Anti- previous hit Chinese next hit Bill" and other anti- previous hit Chinese next hit papers in his pockets holds previous hit Chinese next hit man with paper labeled "Coolie contracts" in one hand and another man with with papers labeled "Contract cheap labor" in the other hand.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .

9/15/88:3 Our Pictures

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.
Cleveland, Grover, -- 1837-1908.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

9/15/88:8-9 A Terrific Feat

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Deals with President Cleveland and the Anti- previous hit Chinese next hit bill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Cleveland, Grover, -- 1837-1908.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

9/22/88:3 Our Pictures

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
Cleveland, Grover, -- 1837-1908.
Caricature and cartoons.

9/22/88:8-9 Only Campaign Capital

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Cleveland addresses previous hit Chinese next hit Minister Chang Yen Moon who holds American- previous hit Chinese next hit treaty in his hand. Uncle Sam looks on .

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
Cleveland, Grover, -- 1837-1908.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

9/29/88:3 Our Pictures

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

9/29/88 No More Treaties [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Uncle Sam kicks previous hit Chinese next hit dragon out of the port.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
Caricature and cartoons.

10/27/88 Now Shut the Back Gate [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Uncle Sam wielding "frontier vigilance" against the previous hit Chinese next hit snake entering from British Columbia.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Caricature and cartoons.

10/27/88:3 Our Pictures

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
China -- Emigration and immigration.

10/27/88:8-9 The Chasm of Defeat Awaits His Uncertain Tread

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Concerns Cleveland and the previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion Bill.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Cleveland, Grover, -- 1837-1908.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.

11/3/88:13 [Advertisement for Dr. C. C. O'Donnell ticket]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

"The the previous hit Chinese next hit Must Go!" -- A vote for O'Donnell is a vote against the bosses and the previous hit Chinese next hit curse."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
O'Donnell, Charles C.

11/10/88:8-9 After the Battle

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Columbia supports President Harrison's victory. Among the spoils of the election battle is a box with the words, "The previous hit Chinese next hit Must Go."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
Harrison, Benjamin, -- 1833-1901 -- Pictorial works.

12/22/88:19 John's Victory

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Rhyme with six vignettes related to previous hit Chinese next hit labor.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Caricature and cartoons.
Labor -- California.

F850 .W18 v. 22, Jan. - June 1889

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

1/26/89 The White Joss [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Asianized Demorcatic Boss Buckley is worshipped by personifications of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, and the California Assembly, Senate, and Board of Education

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Cartoons (Commentary)
United States -- Politics and government.

3/16/89:8-9 A Gallant Entrance: The stranger Knight from the West creates a stir in the arena of nations.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

President Harrison confronts the foreign embassy. Among those depicted is China.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Harrison, Benjamin, -- 1833-1901 -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
United States -- Politics and government.

4/13/89 The Lottery Craze [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Nnumber three shows a previous hit Chinese next hit man being arrested for peddling by policemen.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California.
Peddlers and peddling -- California -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Social conditions -- 1865-1918.

5/4/89:8-9 The Devil Fish of California Politics

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Among those depicted is a "highbinder" caught in tentacles of Buckley octopus]

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Crime -- California.
Public schools -- California.
United States -- Politics and government.

5/18/89 Together at Last: Senator Hoar Meets John on His Adopted Heath [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Senator Hoar being embrassed by previous hit Chinese next hit man.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Politics and government.

5/18/89:4 [Senator Hoar article]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

F850 .W18 v. 23, July - Dec. 1889

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

7/13/89 The Angelic Heathen. Look on this picture and then on what. [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Two depictions of previous hit Chinese next hit man, one agitated and wielding a knife and ax; the other standing still, with hands covered over by clothes.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .

8/3/89: 7-8 The Administration and previous hit Chinese next hit in transit. [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Caption: California: "President Harrison, this won't do! Your Attorney-General, with his ' previous hit Chinese next hit in Transit,' is repealing the Exclusion Act. It is contrary to law, platform, policy and your own promises! Look to it!"

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- California.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
Harrison, Benjamin, -- 1833-1901 -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Politics and government.

8/10/89 Easy Work. The way to repeal an act of Congress. [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Attorney General Miller stabs previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion Act (held by two previous hit Chinese next hit men) with quill as Consul Bee applauds the act.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
United States -- Politics and government.

8/24/89 The Joker Makes His Appearance Once More [ back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Commentary on the previous hit Chinese next hit Exclusion Act, shows previous hit Chinese next hit breaking through the barriers of the act.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

9/21/89 And Now They Come as Spaniards [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

previous hit Chinese next hit immigrants enter the United States dressed as Spaniards.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

9/28/89: 8-9 A Dangerous Machine to Fool With. [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Consul Bee tours previous hit Chinese next hit representative through factory of workingmen who are sawing pieces of wood with comments about previous hit Chinese next hit exclusion.

Scope and Content Note

Caption: Columbia: "Be careful how you nadle this machine, boys; it may cut your fingers off."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
Harrison, Benjamin, -- 1833-1901 -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

10/5/89: 5 Little Edna : Say, mamma, will it ring if I pull on this?

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Girl in shop, looking at previous hit Chinese next hit man's queue.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.

10/5/89: 8-9 Come Home to Them at Last. [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Caption: N.Y. Press: "Landlord, why do you look so disgusted?" N.Y. Landlord: "If you gentlemen of the Press would only keep your eyes open you would see that the coolies are undermining our property interests."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- New York (State)
United States -- Politics and government.
United States -- Social conditions -- 1865-1918.

10/12/89 The Back Door. The wily previous hit Chinese next hit sneaking over the Northern frontier. [cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Shows previous hit Chinese next hit crossing over border of Canada into the U.S. Lady Canada receives payment as next previous hit Chinese next hit man attempts to pass.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

10/19/89 China Retaliates. Uncle Sam: Your retaliation injures yourself more than it does me![cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Chong Chin Tung shown sweeping goods into the ocean. Feather in his hat reads " previous hit Chinese next hit Vice" and in his pocket is opium.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

11/16/89 The previous hit Chinese next hit Question Again. [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Uncle Sam tries to keep closed door labeled "Scott's Exclusion Act" but previous hit Chinese next hit are able to penetrate it on many fronts.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
Caricature and cartoons.

12/21/89 The previous hit Chinese next hit New-Found Friends Will Knock in Vain. [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

New York Chamber of Commerce is knocking at door of U.S. Congress.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.
Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.

F850 .W18 v. 24, Jan. - June 1890

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

2/15/1890: pages 10-11 Juvenile Journalism [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

In one vignette, previous hit Chinese next hit man shown speaking to man at Examiner Intelligence Office.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.

F850 .W18 v. 25, July - Dec. 1890

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:10 A Few Fancy Sketches by the "Wasp's" Special N.S.G.W. Artist. [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Immigrants -- California.

[Xmas Wasp]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Pictures of Chinatown.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

F850 .W18 v. 35:2-25, Jan. - June 1896

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:8 page 5 Our Pictures

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Caricatures and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California.
Merchants -- previous hit Chinese next hit .
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
United States -- Politics and government.
United States -- Social conditions -- 1865-1918.

:8 [pages 10-11] Some Remedy Needed. [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Uncle Sam shown with low tariff wall -- addresses effect of cheap Asian labor providing goods to U.S.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Cartoons (Commentary)
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

F850 .W18 v. 36:1-25, July - Dec. 1896

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:8 [pages 10-11] Dubious [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Comments on low wages and cheap labor in Asia and Laitn America, and how it effects U. S. labor.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Politics and government.
United States -- Social conditions -- 1865-1918.

[Xmas 1896] Lights and Shades of Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Collage of photographs of San Francisco's Chinatown.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

F850 .W18 v. 37:2-26, Jan. - June 1897

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:14 page 5 Portrait of Confucius

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Comments on coincidental connection between Confucius and Mr. Joseph Campbell.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government.
Political parties -- California.
Political parties -- United States.

:14 page 11 Our Historical Picture Gallery.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Mr. Joseph Campbell depicted as Confucius.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.

:14 page 13 A High previous hit Chinese next hit With Some of His Wives

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

General Lee Chung Goy shown in portrait with his wives.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

:24 page 17 Wee. A previous hit Chinese next hit Idyl.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Poem by Halfred Hostin.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.

F850 .W18 v. 38, July - Dec. 1897

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:10 page 10 A Medical Consultation

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Illustration of a conversation between "a quack of the good old school" and "Dr. Fly Po Fake."

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

:12 On Dupont Street [back cover]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Comments on previous hit Chinese next hit cigar production.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

:26 page 14 In a previous hit Chinese next hit Theatre

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Photographs of previous hit Chinese next hit theatrical performances.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

:26 page 15 The Heathen Chinee and his Peculiar Ways

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Photographs illustrate various activities related to rival Tongs and crime.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Crime -- California.
Tongs (Secret societies) -- California.

F850 .W18 v. 39:3-25, Jan. - June 1898

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:18 page 8 San Francisco Artists in Serial Form

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Subtitle: "The Newspaper and Magazine School of Illustration for the manufacture of risting Gibsons." One of those in line is a previous hit Chinese next hit man.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.

F850 .W18 v. 40, July - Dec. 1898

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:22 page 18 I. The Unseen Balloon. Wang Foo -- Yoa busy? / II. I Show some -- III. Foreign devel magic. Huh, ha, ha!

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.

F850 .W18 v. 41, Jan - June 1899

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:11 page 5 Our Oriental Neighbors. The decapitation of a thief furnishes a pleasant morning's entertainment.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Social life and customs.

:11 page 13 The Chinatown Stogie

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

F850 .W18 v. 42, July - Dec. 1899

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:42 page 13 How the Chinee Gambles in the Streets of Kowloon City

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Social life and customs.

:49 [pages 30-31] San Francisco sits by the Golden Gate Receives the Tribute of the Orient.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Figure of San Francisco receives gifts of children of the Orient.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.)
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.

F850 .W18 v. 43:19-v. 44, May - Dec. 1900

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

v. 44:27 page 9 The Only Way to Make an Open Door in China

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Shows American man breaking down door to China.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Foreign relations -- United States.

v. 44:31 page 9 Imperalism Versus Reform in Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.

v. 44:34 page 4 More a Guy than a Terror [ previous hit Chinese next hit army]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Cartoons (Commentary)
China -- Foreign relations

v. 44:35 page 9 Rally Round the Flag. Bryan is pledged to haul down the flag in the Phillipines , if elected -- Democratic newspaper.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Cartoons (Commentary)
Political parties -- United States.
United States -- Politics and government.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1865-1898.
Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925.

v. 44:52 page 9 Not So Bad as We Look. December 31st, 1900. To-night we blow ourselves, and to-morrow we sign the pledge for a hundred years.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Cartoons (Commentary)

F850 .W18 v. 45:2-25, Jan. - June 1901- Jan. 1902

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:3 page 8 A previous hit Chinese next hit Mandarin Traveling in State

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Description and travel.

:3 page 12 Our Mongolian Neighbors / A Corner in Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

:13 page 11 The previous hit Chinese next hit Puzzle

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .

:19 page 4 [Uncle Sam chasing a previous hit Chinese next hit man dragging a previous hit Chinese next hit slave into the Bay Area]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Cartoons (Commentary)
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.

F850 .W18 v. 46:32-53, Aug. 1901 - Jan. 1902

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

[Xmas 1901] "Look-Out" for previous hit Chinese next hit Opium Den

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Opium trade -- United States.

[Xmas 1901] previous hit Chinese next hit Romeo and Juliet

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Performing arts -- California.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

[Xmas 1901] A Fortune Teller in Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

[Xmas 1901] previous hit Chinese next hit Awaiting Friends at Steamship Wharf / A Native Born Manderin / previous hit Chinese next hit Merchant and Wife

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California.
Merchants -- previous hit Chinese next hit .

[Xmas 1901] Types of Highbinders -- Chinatown, Sln [sic] Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.

[Xmas 1901] Type of previous hit Chinese next hit Vegetable Merchant, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Merchants -- previous hit Chinese next hit .

[Xmas 1901] How a previous hit Chinese next hit Queque Became an American Plait

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.

F850 .W18 v. 48:1-25, July - Dec. 1902

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

[Xmas 1902] View in Chinatown / Another View in Chinatown, San Francisco [spread]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

F850 .W18 v. 49:20-v. 50:26, May - Dec. 1903

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

[Xmas 1903] previous hit Chinese next hit Picking Olives in Southern California / A Northern California Olive Grove in Bearing.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California, Southern
Agricultural laborers -- California -- Pictorial works.
California, Northern

[Xmas 1903] Manager of the previous hit Chinese next hit Telephone Exchange at San Francisco.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

[Xmas 1903] A Street Fair in Chinatown, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
Festivals -- California -- San Francisco.

[Xmas 1903] Snapshots in Chinatown, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

[Xmas 1903] Funeral of an Influential previous hit Chinese next hit in San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Funeral customs and rites -- California.

F850 .W18 v. 52:2-27, July - Dec. 1904

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:3 page 873 A Chinatown Editor

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

:13 page 249 An Oriental Show.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

The previous hit Chinese next hit actors and children who appeared at the Grand Opera House for the Knights Templar.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California.

F850 .W18 v. 55:7-15, Feb. - April 1906

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:7 page 339 Sing Chong Company

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

:7 page 539 The Jeunesse Dore of Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.

:7 page 565 America's Assimilative Task

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Missions -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California.

F850 .W18 v. 56, July - Dec. 1906

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Oct 6, 1906 page 50 Sing Fat Co.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

:23 page 190 Sing Fat Co.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Advertisement, variant.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

:25 [Xmas 1906] One of the Characters of Old San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Image of a laundry man.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Social conditions -- 20th century.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

F850 .W18 v. 57 pt.1, Jan. - March 1907

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:1 page 14 Dr. Wong Him

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

F850 .W18 v. 58 pt.1, July - Sept. 1907

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:5 page 12 Sing Fong Lee Who played before the Longworths at Mrs. Elanor Martin's reception.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
Performing arts -- California -- San Francisco.

F850 .W18 v. 60 pt.2, Oct. - Dec. 1908

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:14 page 16 Dr. Wong Him

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Advertisement, variant.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

:23 page 6 Sing Fat Co.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Advertisement, variant.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

F850 .W18 v. 61, Jan. - June 1909

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:2 page 19 Carnival Illuminations in Chinatown, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Another View of New Year's Eve Scenes in Chinatown.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
previous hit Chinese next hit New Year.

F850 .W18 v. 62, July - Dec. 1909

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:18 page 11 1--The dragon. 2-- previous hit Chinese next hit procession passing Mission Dolores. 3-- previous hit Chinese next hit band 4-- previous hit Chinese next hit banner-bearers.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
Festivals -- California -- San Francisco.

[Xmas 1900] page 17 Children of Chinatown / Chinatown, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

page 18 [Xmas 1909] China Usurps Africa's Prerogative

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Racism -- California -- Pictorial works.

F850 .W18 v. 65 pt. 2, April - July 1911

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

:24 page 17 San Francisco's Quaint Denizens

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

F850 .W18 v. 66, July - Dec. 1911

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

:24 page 28 Sing Fat. Co.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note


Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.

F850 .W18 v. 67, Jan. - June 1912

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government.

:23 page 14 "Chang and Eng" on the Job

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

F850 .W18 v. 68, July - Dec. 1912

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:1 page 26 Dr. Wong Him Herb Co.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

Advertisement, variant of The Wasp volume 57 part 1.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

F850 .W18 v. 70, July - Dec. 1913

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

:18 page 19 At the Orpheum

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Performing arts -- California.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco

:18 page 17 Chung Hwa Comedy Four

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California -- San Francisco.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

:25 page 9 The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

A Scene in New Chinatown, San Francisco.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.

:25 page 13 A Bit of New Chinatown, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Scope and Content Note

The Shrine of a Joss House.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco. -- lctgm
Religious institutions -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.

F850 .W18 v. 71, Jan. - June, 1914

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

No.12 The Situation in China

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Politics and government.
China -- Social life and customs.
Caricature and cartoons.

xffF850.W186 The Wave San Francisco

Creator/Collector: Wave Publishing Company
Physical Description: v. ; 35 cm.

Scope and Content Note

Images reflect the range of sentiment of the time concerning the previous hit Chinese next hit of sentiment.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 5 v. 5, March - Dec. 1890

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 5:no.29: 01 no. 29, page 1: Raids on previous hit Chinese next hit

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
Gambling -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 8 v. 8, Jan. - June 1892

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 8:no.15: 05 no. 15, page 5: The senseless prejudice

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
Opium habit--California--San Francisco.
Opium trade -- United States.

xffF850.W186 v. 9 v. 9, July - Dec. 1892

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 9:no.33: 25 no. 33, page 25: Snap-Shots in China-Town S.F.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
Festivals -- California -- San Francisco.

xffF850.W186 v. 15 v. 15, Jan. - Dec. 1896

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 15:no.29: 08 no. 29, page 8: Child Life in Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Schools, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 15:no.29: 09 no. 29, page 9: Child Life in Chinatown: The Wiles and Ways of Youthful Celestials

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Missions -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
Schools, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 15:no.31: [cover] no. 31 [cover]: Our Newest Citizens: previous hit Chinese next hit native sons registering at the City Hall

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California.
Immigrants -- California -- San Francisco.

xffF850.W186 v. 15:no.31: 07 no. 31, page 7: Commander Booth-Tucker: Commander Booth-Tucker of the Salvation Army led services among the previous hit Chinese next hit recently, dressed as a Chinaman

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Booth-Tucker, Frederick St. George De Lautour, 1853-1929.
California -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 15:no.35: 15 no. 35, page 15: The Sacramento River: 1. previous hit Chinese next hit Village 2. A Fruit Landing 3. View on the River, Mt. Diablo in the distance 4. Bird's-eye view of the River, showing the Levees and Fruit Culture

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 15:no.38: 06 no. 38, page 6: Li Hung Chang: From a photograph presented by the previous hit Chinese next hit statesman to ex-Consul George T. Bromley at Tientsin

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Portraits.

xffF850.W186 v. 15:no.40: 08 no. 40, page 8: Some Chinatown Rookeries: Ancient and dilapidated buildings demolished by the Board of Health

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.

xffF850.W186 v. 15:no.40: 09 no. 40, page 9: The Passing of Chinatown: Picturesque Old Shanties Destroyed in the Interests of Cleanliness

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.

xffF850.W186 v. 15:no.45: [cover] no. 45, [cover]: An election booth in Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16 v. 16, Jan. - Dec. 1897

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.03: [cover] no. 3, [cover]: The Green-room in the previous hit Chinese next hit Theater on Jackson Street: Where the Celestial actors make up and whence they emerge upon the stage

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Performing arts -- California.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.05: 07 no. 5, page 7: Passing of "Little Pete"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.05: 07 "Little Pete" in the bosom of his family

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit American families -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.05: 07 Passing of "Little Pete": The Funeral Rites Held Over a Famous Chinaman

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Funeral customs and rites -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.07: 04 no. 7, page 4: The Situation in Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.07: 04 A banquet hall deserted

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco. -- lctgm

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.07: 04 A corner in the restaurant where the See Yups meet

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco. -- lctgm

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.07: 04 The Situation in Chinatown: How the Celestials Carry On a Civil War in an American City

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
Crime -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.09: 09 no. 9, page 9: The Orient Entertaining the Occident: On the occasion of their annual banquet, the Yinn Yee Kong Sow Society invited the Supervisors of San Francisco and their lady friends to a banquet in the Hong Fer Low restaurant

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.16: 06 no. 16, page 6

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.16: 06 The previous hit Chinese next hit Minister, Wu Ting Fong, his wife, and Wu Chu, his son, in their parlor at the Occidental Hotel

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.16: 06 Wu Ting Fong: Arrival of the New previous hit Chinese next hit Minister En Route to Washington

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.21: 04 no. 21, page 4: The First Born

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.21: 04 Death of Man Lo Yek

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California -- San Francisco.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.21: 04 "Chan Les!" Finale of First Act

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California -- San Francisco.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.21: 04 Wo Me Ah Bac Lam: "Won't you buy olives?"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.21: 04 "Oh, buy me, dear Chan, and take me to my home in beautiful Shan-Tung"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.21: 04 The First Born: A Bit of previous hit Chinese next hit Life Portrayed on the Alcazar Stage

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California -- San Francisco.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.21: 10 no. 21, page 10: previous hit Chinese next hit children who appear in "The First Born"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.29: 04 no. 29, page 4: An Endeavorer from the Celestial Kingdom

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
China -- Politics and government.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.30: 05 no. 30, page 5: Another previous hit Chinese next hit Drama

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.30: 05 Li Ching's Triumph over Chow Yet

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California.
Theater -- California -- Oakland.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.30: 05 Chan Yet defies Li Ching

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California.
Theater -- California -- Oakland.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.30: 05 Lament of Ah Me over Li Ching

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Performing arts -- California -- San Francisco.
Theater -- California -- Oakland.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.30: 05 Ah Me defends Kim Soy

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Performing arts -- California.
Theater -- California -- Oakland.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.30: 05 Highbinders and Kidnapped Maidens on the Boards in Oakland

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Gangs -- California -- San Francisco
Performing arts -- California.
Theater -- California -- Oakland.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.46: 09 no. 46, page 9: The Presbyterian previous hit Chinese next hit Mission Home

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.46: 09 Recess

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Schools, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.46: 09 Where Bible Stories are Taught

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
Interiors -- California -- San Francisco. -- lctgm
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A -- Missions.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.46: 09 In the Dining-room

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
Missions -- California -- San Francisco.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A -- Missions.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.46: 09 The Mission Building

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.46: 09 A Corner of the Reception-room

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Interiors -- California -- San Francisco. -- lctgm
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A -- Missions.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.46: 09 Waiting for More Rice

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A -- Missions.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.46: 09 Study Hour

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A -- Missions.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.46: 09 A Busy Time in the Kitchen

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Missions -- California -- San Francisco.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A -- Missions.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.51: 12 no. 51, page 12: A previous hit Chinese next hit Fishing Village: Life of the Mongolian fishermen, who catch and dry shrimps at San Pedro

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Fishers -- California.
Fishing boats.
Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942--Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.51: 13 no. 51, page 13: Phases of previous hit Chinese next hit Life: Showing the metal workers, bakers and opium smokers of "Little China"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Employment -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.
Opium habit -- California -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 16:no.51: 17 no. 51, page 17: Street Life in Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

xffF850.W186 v. 17 v. 17, Jan - June 1898

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 17:no.05: [cover] no. 5, [cover]: The Golden Jubilee Procession: The Vanguard of the previous hit Chinese next hit Division

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Festivals -- California -- San Francisco.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

xffF850.W186 v. 17:no.06: [cover] no. 6, [cover]: New Year's Visitors in Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit New Year.

xffF850.W186 v. 17:no.09: 11 no. 9, page 11: Another Oriental Complication [cartoon]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.

xffF850.W186 v. 17:no.10: [cover] no. 10, [cover]: Waverly Place: A Chinatown alley which is the favorite resort of Celestial highbinders and gamblers

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
Gambling -- California -- Pictorial works.
Gangs -- California -- San Francisco
Genthe, Arnold, -- 1869-1942 -- Exhibitions.
Streets -- California -- San Francisco.

xffF850.W186 v. 18 v. 18, July - Dec. 1898

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 18:no.23: 07 no. 23, page 7

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 18:no.23: 07 Fish Alley, Chinatown. From "Ten Drawings from Chinatown." Copyright, 1898, by A. M. Robertson

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Commerce.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 18:no.23: 12 no. 23, page 12

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 18:no.23: 12 Marketing. Copyright, 1898, by the Dodge Stationery Co. By Permission. From "A Real previous hit Chinese next hit Calendar"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 18:no.23: 12 Tit Quon and Ah Fat. Copyright, 1898, by the Dodge Stationery Co. By Permission. From "A Real previous hit Chinese next hit Calendar"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 19 v. 19, Jan. - June 1899

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 19:no.08: 11 no. 8, page 11: New Years in Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 19:no.08: 11 New Years in Chinatown: A Photographic Study by Arnold Genthe

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.

xffF850.W186 v. 20 v. 20, July - Dec. 1899

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 20:no.30: 04 no. 30, page 4: Highbinders and Tong Wars

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 20:no.30: 04 Highbinders and Tong Wars

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Crime -- California.
Crime and race -- United States.
Gangs -- California -- San Francisco
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
Triads (Gangs)--United States

xffF850.W186 v. 20:no.30: 04 A previous hit Chinese next hit Slave Girl

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Crime -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 20:no.30: 04 Typical highbinder

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Asian American criminals
Crime -- California.
Crime and race -- United States.
Criminals--California--San Francisco--Portraits.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 20:no.30: 04 Group of highbinders discussing a late proclamation

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
Crime -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 20:no.30: 04 A wall in the alley

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Crime -- California.
Crime and race -- United States.

xffF850.W186 v. 20:no.30: 05 no. 30, page 5: Highbinders and Tong Wars

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 20:no.30: 05 A Chinatown alley

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Crime -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 21 v. 21, Jan. - July 1900

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.10: 08 no. 10: page 8: Dens in Chinatown: Subterranean habitations which endanger the health of San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: [cover] no. 21, [cover]: On the Edge of the Quarantine, San Francisco: How Supplies are Passed Under the Ropes, Down Deserted Dupont Street

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Quarantine -- California -- San Francisco

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: 07 no. 21, page 7: Scenes Outside the Chinatown Quarantine Lines, San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: 07 [1] A Small Offender

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
Quarantine -- California -- San Francisco

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: 07 [2] Express Packages

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Quarantine -- California -- San Francisco

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: 07 [3] The Milkman

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Quarantine -- California -- San Francisco

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: 07 [4] A Conversation Across the Ropes

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
Quarantine -- California -- San Francisco

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: 07 [5] No Admittance

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
Quarantine -- California -- San Francisco

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: 07 [6] A Deserted Street

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Quarantine -- California -- San Francisco

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: 07 [7] The Barb-Wire Barricade

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
Police -- community relations -- California
Quarantine -- California -- San Francisco

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: 07 [8] Work for the Force

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
Quarantine -- California -- San Francisco
Police -- community relations -- California

xffF850.W186 v. 21:no.21: 07 [9] They Refuse to be Photographed

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
Quarantine -- California -- San Francisco

xffF850.W186 v. 22 v. 22, Aug. - Dec. 1900

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.29: 08 no. 29, page 8

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.29: 08 Uncle Sam: "No, John, I don't b'leeve she's fudded, but folks do git all shot up sometimes a meddlin' with empty weepons

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.29: 08 The World:--"Talk is all right in some cases, but unless you open that gate afraid I cannot hold these critters"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Foreign relations
China -- Politics and government.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.29: 08 A Legacy of Discord: Chinaman -- You allee chop-chop me now, but welly soon forrin devil chop-chop forrin devil

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Foreign relations
China -- Politics and government.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.29: 12 no. 29, page 12

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.29: 12 [Woman holding child]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Children -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.29: 12 The Feast of Devils

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.29: 12 Chinatown Life

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.29: 12 Baker Alley

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.29: 12 A Chinatown Festival

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.30: 02-03 no. 30, pages 2-3

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.30: 02-03 previous hit Chinese next hit Drama in San Francisco

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Asian American theater
Theater -- California -- San Francisco
Performing arts -- California -- San Francisco.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.30: 03 The Stage of the previous hit Chinese next hit Theatre and Some of the Actors

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Asian American theater
Theater -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.30: 07 no. 30, page 7: Orange Growing in California

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.30: 07 Picking the Fruit

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Agricultural laborers -- California -- Pictorial works.
Agriculture -- California -- Pictorial works

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.31: 05 no. 31, page 5: Curious Phases in previous hit Chinese next hit Life

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Description and travel.
China -- Social life and customs.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.32: 08 no. 32, page 8

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.32: 08 At the end of his rope

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Foreign relations -- To 1912.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.35: 04 no. 35, page 4

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.35: 04 Ruction[?] likely over the spoils

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Politics and government.
China -- Foreign relations

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.38: 07 no. 38, page 7

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.38: 07 "For Ways That Are Dark" -- A Camera Study by Oscar Maurer

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

xffF850.W186 v. 22:no.40: 11 A previous hit Chinese next hit Juliette

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.

xffF850.W186 v. 23 v. 23, Jan. - Dec. 1901

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 23:no.15: 08-09 no. 15

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 23:no.15: 08 New Arrivals

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Immigrants -- California -- San Francisco.

xffF850.W186 v. 23:no.15: 09 previous hit Chinese next hit Jewelers: The union of this craft has just won the quickest strike on record, and imposed a fine upon the employers who forced it.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.
Labor -- California.
Labor unions -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 23:no.15: 09 A Chinatown Bazaar: Where the wages paid the clerks are said to average better than those paid white clerks.

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Employment -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.

xffF850.W186 v. 23:no.15: 08-09 Is previous hit Chinese next hit Labor Cheap?

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Kearney, Dennis, -- 1847-1907.
Labor -- California -- San Francisco.

xffF850.W186 v. 23:no.19: 05 no. 19

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

xffF850.W186 v. 23:no.19: 05 An Unknown Chinatown

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)

MTP Harper's Weekly Harper's Weekly

Creator/Collector: Harper's Magazine Co., 1857-1976
Physical Description: Wood engravings.

Scope and Content Note

"A journal of civilization."

Scope and Content Note

Includes depictions of the previous hit Chinese next hit in the West that reflect the varying sentiments of the time.

MTP/HW: Vol. 1 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 1 1857

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 1: 704 "Touching Illustration of the effects of American Institutions on the Celestial Mind"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.
Caricature and cartoons.

MTP/HW: Vol. 2 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 2 1857

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 2: 306 "Who May Be Citizens of the United States?"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
United States -- Politics and government.
Race discrimination -- United States

MTP/HW: Vol. 4 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 4 1860

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 4: 203 "The Sloop 'Spray'"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- New York (State) -- New York.

MTP/HW: Vol. 4: 204 "The Sloop 'Spray'" and "The Chinaman Jackalow"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- New York (State) -- New York.

MTP/HW: Vol. 4: 754 "Affairs in China"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Foreign relations -- To 1912.
China -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 6 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 6 1862

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 6: 768 "Another Diplomatic Mess"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 9 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 9 1865

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 9: 359 " previous hit Chinese next hit Reasoning"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Schools, previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 11 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 11 1867

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 11: 772 "Central Pacific Railraod -- previous hit Chinese next hit Laborers at Work"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Central Pacific Railroad Company.
Railroad construction workers -- West (U.S.) -- Pictorial works.

MTP/HW: Vol. 12 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 12 1868

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 12: 604 " previous hit Chinese next hit Candy Man"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Merchants -- previous hit Chinese next hit .

MTP/HW: Vol. 13 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 13 1869

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 13: 348 "Work on the Last Mile of the Pacific Railroad -- Mingling of European with Asiatic Laborers"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Railroad construction workers -- West (U.S.) -- Pictorial works.

MTP/HW: Vol. 13: 384 "Pacific Railroad Complete"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Railroads -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 13: 439 "John Chinaman in San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 13: 512 "Pacific Chivalry: Encouragement to previous hit Chinese next hit Immigration"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Race discrimination -- California.
Railroads -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 13: 560 "The Coming Man -- Uncle Sam Introduces Eastern Barbarism to Western Civilization"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

MTP/HW: Vol. 13: 574 "Uncle Sam's Reply to the Mulligan on the previous hit Chinese next hit Question"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Race discrimination -- United States.
United States -- Social conditions -- 1865-1918.

MTP/HW: Vol. 13: 624 "The Last Addition to the Family"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 13: 715 "Home and Foreign Gossip"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Songs and music.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco.

MTP/HW: Vol. 13: 745 "Uncle Sam's Thanksgiving Dinner"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Race discrimination -- United States
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 14 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 14 1870

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 14: 53 Illus.: " previous hit Chinese next hit Coolies Crossing the Missouri River" and article: "Coolies for Texas"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.

MTP/HW: Vol. 14: 140 Series: "Sectarian Bitterness"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 14: 443 "Humors of the Day"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Immigrants -- California.
Irish Americans--California--San Francisco.
Race discrimination -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 14: 464 "The Martyrdom of St. Crispin"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Labor -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 14: 480 "Throwing Down the Ladder by Which They Rose"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Political parties -- United States.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
Race discrimination -- United States

MTP/HW: Vol. 14: 483 "A Rat Diet Not Imminent"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 15 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 15 1871

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 15: 147 "The Heathen Chinee"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- New York (State) -- New York.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 15: 149 "The previous hit Chinese next hit Question"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Politics and government.
Caricature and cartoons.

MTP/HW: Vol. 15: 260 "Chinamen Celebrating Their New-Year's Day in San Francisco" and "Alter in the previous hit Chinese next hit Joss-House, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit New Year.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religion.
Religious institutions -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area.

MTP/HW: Vol. 15: 266 "The Chinaman's New-Year"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit New Year.

MTP/HW: Vol. 15: 267 "The Chinaman's New-Year" (cont.)

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religion.
previous hit Chinese next hit New Year.

MTP/HW: Vol. 15: 696 & 697 [Thomas Nast drawings & poem]

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Immigrants -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 17 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 17 1873

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 17: 745 "Burning the Prayers -- previous hit Chinese next hit Superstitions"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Funeral customs and rites -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religion.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.

MTP/HW: Vol. 17: 746 "Burning the Prayers -- previous hit Chinese next hit Superstitions"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Funeral customs and rites -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religion.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.

MTP/HW: Vol. 19 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 19 1875

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 19: 49 "Compulsory Education -- The Safegaurd of Free Institutions"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Politics and government.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Education (Elementary) -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 19: 240 " previous hit Chinese next hit Fishermen in San Francisco Bay"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Fishers -- California.
San Francisco Bay Area (Calif.)

MTP/HW: Vol. 19: 242 " previous hit Chinese next hit Fishermen"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Fishers -- California.
San Francisco Bay Area (Calif.)

MTP/HW: Vol. 19: 421 "Sketches in 'China-Town,' San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 19: 422 "Sketches in 'China-Town'"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Crime -- California.
Gambling -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 19: 423 "Sketches in 'China-Town'" (cont.)

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Crime -- California.
Gambling -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 20 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 20 1876

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 20: 408 & 409 " previous hit Chinese next hit Emigration to America -- Sketch on Board Pacific Mail Steamship 'Alaska'"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

United States -- Emigration and immigration.
Voyages and travels.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.

MTP/HW: Vol. 20: 411 " previous hit Chinese next hit Immigration"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 20: 476 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Puzzle"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

MTP/HW: Vol. 20: 545 "Why We Laugh"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Politics and government.
Political parties -- United States.

MTP/HW: Vol. 20: 1016 "The Lionized Asinus Vugaris"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 21 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 21 1877

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 21: 81 " previous hit Chinese next hit Immigrants at the San Francisco Custom-House"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.
Immigrants -- California -- San Francisco.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.

MTP/HW: Vol. 21: 91 "Chinamen at the Custom-House, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Emigration and immigration.
China -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Legal status, laws, etc.

MTP/HW: Vol. 21: 332 " previous hit Chinese next hit Lantern Feast"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.

MTP/HW: Vol. 21: 334 " previous hit Chinese next hit Lantern Feast"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
previous hit Chinese next hit American children -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 21: 444 & 445 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Reception in San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
Restaurants -- California -- San Francisco -- Pictorial works.

MTP/HW: Vol. 21: 446 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Reception"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 21: 952 "Uncle Sam's Troublesome Bedfellows"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 21: 1025 " previous hit Chinese next hit Quarters, Virginia City, Nevada"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Societies, etc.
Nevada City (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

MTP/HW: Vol. 21: 1027 " previous hit Chinese next hit in America"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
Alien labor, previous hit Chinese next hit --California.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 22 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 22 1878

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 22: 792 & 793 "The Vintage in California -- At Work at the Wine-Presses"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Agricultural laborers -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Employment -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 22: 1038 " previous hit Chinese next hit Divination"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 22: 1041 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Fortuneteller"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 23 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 23 1879

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 23: 77 " previous hit Chinese next hit Sketches in San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Funeral customs and rites -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Drama
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religious life.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
Theater -- California -- San Francisco

MTP/HW: Vol. 23: 101 "Every Dog" (No Distinction of Color) "Has His Day"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Race discrimination -- United States
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- Government policy.
United States -- Social conditions -- 1865-1918.
Caricature and cartoons.

MTP/HW: Vol. 23: 181 "The Civilization of Blaine"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Race discrimination -- United States
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 23: 212 "A Matter of Taste"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 23: 216 "Blaine Language" & "Just So"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893.
Caricature and cartoons.

MTP/HW: Vol. 23: 221 "Protecting White Labor"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 23: 256 "Difficult Problems Solving Themselves"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

African Americans -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Race discrimination -- United States

MTP/HW: Vol. 23: 296 "How the Chinaman Might Gain Favor"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 23: 721 "The Nigger Must Go," and "The previous hit Chinese next hit Must Go"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

African Americans -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.
Race discrimination -- United States
United States -- Social conditions -- 1865-1918.

MTP/HW: Vol. 23: 923 "Does Not a Meeting Like This, etc."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

African Americans -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Race discrimination -- United States

MTP/HW: Vol. 24 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 24 1880

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 68 "Political Capital and Compound Interest"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893.
Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Kearney, Dennis, -- 1847-1907 -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Political parties -- United States.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 177 "The Ides of March"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.
Kearney, Dennis, -- 1847-1907 -- Caricatures and cartoons.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 183 "At Frisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 188 "A Holiday in Chinatown, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
Festivals -- California -- San Francisco.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 192 "Blaine's Teas(e)"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 203 "Eastward the Star of Empire Returns"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 221 "Scene in a previous hit Chinese next hit Opium Palace, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Caricatures and cartoons.
Opium habit -- California -- Pictorial works.
Opium habit--California--San Francisco.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 288 "Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
United States -- Politics and government.
Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 300 "The 'Magnetic Blaine'; Or a Very Heavy Load-stone for the Republican Party to Carry"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Political parties -- United States.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 336 "A Paradox"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
United States -- Politics and government.
Political parties -- United States.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 631 "Oh! Law They Are Coming Over in Their Own Tea-pots Now!"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.

MTP/HW: Vol. 24: 728 "Scenes and Incidents of Election Day in New York"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- New York (State)
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 25 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 25 1881

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 25: 79 "Decorating China"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Laundries -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 25: 96 "Celestial"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Immigrants -- California.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.
Caricatures and cartoons -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 25: 100 "A Diplomatic ( previous hit Chinese next hit ) Design Presented to U.S."

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
Opium trade -- United States.
United States -- Foreign relations -- China.

MTP/HW: Vol. 26 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 26 1882

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 26: 5 "Searching previous hit Chinese next hit Immigrants for Opium, at San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
Opium trade -- United States.
San Francisco (Calif.) -- Pictorial works.

MTP/HW: Vol. 26: 56 "A previous hit Chinese next hit Burial in Lone Mountain Cemetary, San Francisco, California"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Funeral customs and rites -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 26: 173 " previous hit Chinese next hit Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit American business enterprises -- California -- San Francisco Bay Area -- Telephone directories.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
Merchants -- California -- San Francisco.

MTP/HW: Vol. 26: 192 "Which Color is to be Tabooed Next?"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

China -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Civil rights.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Caricature and cartoons.

MTP/HW: Vol. 26: 207 "E Pluribus Unum (Except the previous hit Chinese next hit )"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.

MTP/HW: Vol. 26: 256 At Last the Democratic Tiger Has Something to Hang On

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 26: 311 Frozen Out

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
China -- Emigration and immigration -- Pictorial works.

MTP/HW: Vol. 26: 317 Now Both Parties Have Something to Hang On

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Politics and government.
Political parties -- United States.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 26: 527 A Distinction Without a Difference

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Race discrimination -- United States
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Politics and government.

MTP/HW: Vol. 26: 573 More Protection in a Free Country

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
China -- Emigration and immigration.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States -- Legal status, laws, etc.

MTP/HW: Vol. 27 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 27 1883

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 27: 240 "Another Field of American Industry Invaded by the previous hit Chinese next hit "

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.
United States -- Social conditions -- 1865-1918.

MTP/HW: Vol. 29 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 29 1885

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 29: 623 "Here's a Pretty Mess!" (In Wyoming)

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Wyoming
Frontier & pioneer life
West (U.S.)

MTP/HW: Vol. 29: 637 "Massacre of the previous hit Chinese next hit at Rock Springs, Wyoming"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
Race discrimination -- United States.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Wyoming

MTP/HW: Vol. 29: 676 "The previous hit Chinese next hit Commission at Rock Springs"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- Wyoming
West (U.S.)

MTP/HW: Vol. 29: 731 "A Serious Objection"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Discrimination against previous hit Chinese next hit .
Caricature and cartoons.

MTP/HW: Vol. 30 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 30 1886

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 30: 100 "The previous hit Chinese next hit Highbinders in San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Societies, etc.

MTP/HW: Vol. 30: 103 "Initiating a Neophyte"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 30: 319 "The previous hit Chinese next hit Puzzled"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
California -- Politics and government -- Pictorial works.

MTP/HW: Vol. 31 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 31 1887

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 31: 529 "Life Among the Tenements"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

California -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 31: 639 "Advertisement for 'Allcock's Pourous Plasters'"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricature and cartoons.

MTP/HW: Vol. 32 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 32 1888

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 32: 81 "In Chinatown, San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 32: 776-777 "Underground Opium Den In San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
Opium habit--California--San Francisco.

MTP/HW: Vol. 33 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 33 1889

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 33: 336 "The 'Bursted' Boom"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Miners -- California.

MTP/HW: Vol. 34 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 34 1890

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 34: 140-141 "The Sierra Nevada Snow Blockade"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Labor -- California.
Railroads -- California.
Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.)

MTP/HW: Vol. 36 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 36 1892

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 36: 53 "The Wife of Foo Jung"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Societies, etc.

MTP/HW: Vol. 36: 569 "The Gold Gods of Mott Street"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Fiction.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

MTP/HW: Vol. 36: 54 "The Wife of Foo Jung" (cont.)

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Societies, etc.

MTP/HW: Vol. 36: 570 "The Gold Gods of Mott Street" (cont.)

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Fiction.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.

MTP/HW: Vol. 38 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 38 1894

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 38: 769 "Sunday Afternoon in Chinatown, Los Angeles, California - Singing Hymns in the Street"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Chinatown (Los Angeles, Calif.) -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Religion.

MTP/HW: Vol. 38: 1080 "Ching Cartoon"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Caricatures and cartoons -- California.
Merchants -- previous hit Chinese next hit .

MTP/HW: Vol. 37 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 37 1893

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 37: 249 "Len Chuen Yee's Revenge"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Fiction.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 37: 508 "Among The previous hit Chinese next hit On The Pacific Coast"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Societies, etc.

MTP/HW: Vol. 37: 537 "The previous hit Chinese next hit In San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.)
Chinatown (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Social Conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- San Francisco -- Photographs.
previous hit Chinese next hit American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- Social conditions.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Societies, etc.

MTP/HW: Vol. 37: 250 "Len Chuen Yee's Revenge" (cont.)

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Fiction.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.

MTP/HW: Vol. 41 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 41 1897

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 41: 656 "The Reunion of Confederate Veterans at the Tennessee Centennial and International Exposition"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- United States.

MTP/HW: Vol. 41: 752 "The Sixteenth International Convention of the Societies of Christian Endeavor, at San Francisco"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A -- Missions.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Pictorial works.
previous hit Chinese next hit -- Missions -- California -- San Francisco.

MTP/HW: Vol. 41: 969 "Wing Shee Casts Hoo Chee's Horoscope for the New Year" and "Wing Shee Deceives the Police by Conversing with the Slain Chim Fang"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- New York (State)
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Drama

MTP/HW: Vol. 41: 1040 "The New York Theatres--Scenes from Three New Plays"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- New York (State)
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Drama
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- New York (State) -- New York.

MTP/HW: Vol. 41: 1073 "Festival of Mountain and Plain at Denver, Colorado"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Social life and customs.
previous hit Chinese next hit Americans -- Societies, etc.

MTP/HW: Vol. 41: 1235 "Tea Trade Tussle" -- Advertisement for Ceylon and India Tea

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Tea trade -- China -- History

MTP/HW: Vol. 42 Harper's Weekly, Vol. 42 1898

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

MTP/HW: Vol. 42: 148 "A Bit of the previous hit Chinese next hit Division"

Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library

Subjects and Indexing Terms

previous hit Chinese next hit -- California -- Photographs.
Gold mines and mining -- California.

Oroville previous hit Chinese next hit Temple




Catalog No: 382
previous hit Chinese next hit New Year Parade on Montogomery Street


Catalog No: CT-P-46


Catalog No: D-20
portrait of man holding fan and beads


Catalog No: Jun 5 1920
JH Hogan photo of temple


Catalog No: no number
previous hit Chinese next hit New YearParade (w/L.A. Kusel and Son sign)


Catalog No: no number
postcard of China Town, Oroville


Catalog No: no number
Fee chan, Mrs. Walter Reece, Mayor Weisker and Florence Boyle


Catalog No: no number
120mm contact print of Mrs. Reece and Mrs. Boyle


Catalog No: no number
Smith portrait of Three previous hit Chinese next hit children


Catalog No: no number
Smith portrait of seated previous hit Chinese next hit woman


Catalog No: no number
Smith portrait of single child holding a tissue


Catalog No: no number
mounted photo of previous hit Chinese next hit Parade


Catalog No: no number
stereograph of shrine and two giant lanterns

Accordian Box 1: P1-P31

Catalog No: P-1
previous hit Chinese next hit Temple 1937


Catalog No: P-10
previous hit Chinese next hit Temple 1938


Catalog No: P-112CT
Front of Temple Showing All Four Doors


Catalog No: P-113CT
Close-up of Main Temple


Catalog No: P-114CT
Moon Temple Before Restoration


Catalog No: P-115CT
Mr. Josh in Front of Temple


Catalog No: P-12
China Town Fire, Hi Loy Building


Catalog No: P-125PM
potrait of a man


Catalog No: P-15
Mr. William Parker


Catalog No: P-17
empty file


Catalog No: P-18
empty file


Catalog No: P-2
Broderick Street Looking West


Catalog No: P-21CT
Fong Lee Store, 1890


Catalog No: P-26CT
Joss House, God of War Puppets


Catalog No: P-28CT
Three previous hit Chinese next hit Boys


Catalog No: P-29CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Temple pre 1968


Catalog No: P-30CT
Young Oroville Chinaman


Catalog No: P-31CT
Mission School Class, Oroville

Accordian Box 2: P32-P61

Catalog No: P-32CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Temple pre 1968


Catalog No: P-33CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Temple pre 1968


Catalog No: P-34CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Altar


Catalog No: P-35CT
Chinatown Dwelling of Citizen


Catalog No: P-36CT
China Town, Oroville


Catalog No: P-37CT
Oroville China Town


Catalog No: P-38CT
Oroville China Town


Catalog No: P-39CT
Oroville China Town


Catalog No: P-4
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade, Oroville


Catalog No: P-40CT
Young previous hit Chinese next hit Girl


Catalog No: P-41CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade Down Montgomery Street


Catalog No: P-42CT
China Town Parade


Catalog No: P-43CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade


Catalog No: P-44CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade


Catalog No: P-45CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade


Catalog No: P-46CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade


Catalog No: P-47CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade


Catalog No: P-48CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Mission School


Catalog No: P-49CT
Gee Quong Leong


Catalog No: P-5
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade, Oroville


Catalog No: P-50CT
Mrs. Gee Quong Leong


Catalog No: P-51CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Child on Levee, 1917


Catalog No: P-52CT
previous hit Chinese next hit New Year Parade


Catalog No: P-53CT
Mission Student, Sing Fong


Catalog No: P-54CT
Oroville previous hit Chinese next hit Boy


Catalog No: P-55CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Student, Ah Theong


Catalog No: P-56CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Boy


Catalog No: P-57CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Student, Gong Doc


Catalog No: P-58CT
Small previous hit Chinese next hit Boy


Catalog No: P-59CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Mother and Sons


Catalog No: P-6
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade, Oroville


Catalog No: P-60CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Family, Father, Mother, and Son


Catalog No: P-61CT
Mission School after 1907

Accordian Box 3: P61-P91

Catalog No: P-62CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade


Catalog No: P-63CT
Ida Heinrichs, Teacher at Mission School


Catalog No: P-64CT
Lee Kim as a Yong Man


Catalog No: P-65CT
Lee Kim as an Older Man


Catalog No: P-66CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Resident with Pipe


Catalog No: P-67CT
Interior of Main Temple Before 1907 Flood


Catalog No: P-68CT
Gathering After New Years Parade of 1890


Catalog No: P-69CT
Orange and Olive Expo Display, Early 1920's


Catalog No: P-7
previous hit Chinese next hit Temple 1938


Catalog No: P-71CT
Joss House


Catalog No: P-73CT
previous hit Chinese next hit Temple


Catalog No: P-74CT
Bomb Festival


Catalog No: P-75CT
Oroville After the Big Flood


Catalog No: P-77CT
previous hit Chinese next hit New Year Parade


Catalog No: P-78CT
previous hit Chinese next hit New Year Parade


Catalog No: P-79CT
No Description


Catalog No: P-79PM
Kim, Judge Lott's house boy portrait


Catalog No: P-8
previous hit Chinese next hit Temple 1938


Catalog No: P-80CT
No Description


Catalog No: P-82CT
Bidwell's Bar, 1856


Catalog No: P-83CT
Chan Shee Ah Fye


Catalog No: P-84CT
Sales Area Showing Earthquake Damage of 1975


Catalog No: P-85CT
Side View of Council Chamber and Moon Temple


Catalog No: P-86CT
Entrance of Display Hall and Tapestry Hall


Catalog No: P-88CT
Stairway Alongside Council Chamber


Catalog No: P-89CT
Side View of Council Chamber and Moon Temple


Catalog No: P-9
Levee, Looking East, 1938


Catalog No: P-90CT
Rear of Main Building Showing Bamboo


Catalog No: P-91CT
Courtyard Taken from Corner of Apt. Front

Accordian Box 4: P91-P115

Catalog No: P-92CT
Corner of Tapestry Hall Before Apt. Addition


Catalog No: P-93CT
Front of previous hit Chinese next hit Temple, Full View


Catalog No: P-94CT
Stairway Going Up To Moon Temple


Catalog No: P-96CT
Corner of Council Chamber and Moon Temple from Courtyard


Catalog No: P-97CT
Front of Tapestry Hall Taken from Courtyard


Catalog No: P-98CT
Front of Temple Looking Toward Plaque and Park Grounds


Catalog No: P-99CT
Rear Corner of Council Chamber and Moon Temple


Catalog No: SC 19147
Kim, Judge Lott's house boy portrait


Catalog No: SC 19149
mother with baby portrait


Catalog No: SC 20.334
silouetted picture of man w/writing below


Catalog No: SC 20364
previous hit Chinese next hit Parade Montgomery St. Oroville

White Flat Box of prints

Catalog No: SC 21275
Three previous hit Chinese next hit Men portrait


Catalog No: SC 21276
Three previous hit Chinese next hit Men portrait


Catalog No: SC 21276
portrait of Dr. Ah Sang


Catalog No: SC 21279


Catalog No: SC 21280
portrait of man holding something


Catalog No: SC 21316
portrait of seated man w/fan




Catalog No: B-0038
Incense urn, pewter, large.

Physical Description: Burner, Incense Pewter

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: B-0012 a
Table screen, individual shrine, 3 figures in black frame with glass, 26"; Kuan Yu, also called Kuan Kung, Chou Chan, Kuan Ping (son); black frame

Physical Description: Screen, Table

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: B-0037, B-0043
Brass incense burner and base: Base for altar incense burner, brass 1' dinner diameter; Urn, brass, previous hit Chinese next hit characters.

Physical Description: Urn Brass

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: B-0045
Altar screen, small carved, with peacock feather decorations, black board with gold characters

Physical Description: Screen, Altar

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: B-0046
Altar screen, small carved with peacock decoration, green board with gold characters

Physical Description: Screen, Altar

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: B-0044
Altar figure, Confucius or representative of Chan ancestral spirit

Physical Description: Figure, Religious

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: B-0135 a-d
Teapot with lid in wicker basket, padded

Physical Description: Teapot Wicker

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0139
Blue willow plate

Physical Description: Plate

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0067
Teapot; Tibetan?; pewter with wood overlay

Physical Description: Teapot

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0086 a-c
Tea set, black with pewter overlay.

Physical Description: Service, Tea Pewter

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0281 ab
Pillow covers, purple

Physical Description: Cover, Pillow

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0025-B0029
Pewter altar pieces

Physical Description: Altar

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: B-0503
Buddha gilded, wood (large) sitting.

Physical Description: Figure, Religious Wood, Gilding

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: B-0012 cd
Shrine, pictures with stand, one with red background, one with white background.

Physical Description: Shrine, Religious Wood

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: C-0027, C-0028, C-0029
Wood and leather drums

Physical Description: Wood and leather drums

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: B-0480
Basket, bamboo & wicker with two trays, lid & handle.

Physical Description: Basket Bamboo

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: B-0505
Basket, wicker, 3 trays, no lid

Physical Description: Basket

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: B-0504
Basket, wicker, 1 tray

Physical Description: Basket

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: C-0163
Butterfly harp

Physical Description: Harp

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0462, B-0113
Two Mah Jongg sets: Mah Jongg set with drawers and front cover

Physical Description: Mah-Jongg

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: J-B 14
Sheong wood, musical instrument.

Physical Description: Instrument, Musical Wood

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0089
Musical Instrument; flute with metal flared end

Physical Description: Instrument, Musical

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0185 ab
Pillows, lady's green earthenware

Physical Description: Pillow Earthenware

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0387 ab
Large sweatmeat container with lid; peach design; shaped like peach

Physical Description: Box, Food-storage

Additional Note

Location: Sales Office

Catalog No: B-0006
Replica of knife of Kyang Yu, in sheath, brass

Physical Description: Knife Brass

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0066 ab
Coin, large, temple type, with stand.

Physical Description: Coin, Commemorative

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0064 ab
Two cups, ceremonial , brass.

Physical Description: Cup, Ceremonial Brass

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0119, C-0385
Bound feet shoes, women's and infant's

Physical Description: Shoes

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0072
Box; padded; 8" x 12" x 3" with Peking stitch on top

Physical Description: Box

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0136
Plate, blue & white rice pattern, 10" diameter.

Physical Description: Plate

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0516
Ivory calling card case & wooden case

Physical Description: Case, Card Ivory

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0518
Ivory carved case

Physical Description: Purse Ivory

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0039
Candelabra, pewter, 2.5' high.

Physical Description: Candelabrum Pewter

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: B-0040
Candelabra, pewter 2' high.

Physical Description: Candelabrum Pewter

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: B-0104
Door panel; wood; gold & black. 11.5" x 8.75"

Physical Description: Hanging

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0106
Door panel; wood; gold & black. 13" x 8.75"

Physical Description: Hanging

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0164 ab
Box with lid, lacquered cinnabar

Physical Description: Box Lacquered Cinnabar

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0499
Vase, lacquered cinnabar, carved design.

Physical Description: Vase Lacquered Cinnabar

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0083 ab
Cloisonne vase with stand. Red with green & yellow design; 15"

Physical Description: Vase Cloisonne, Wood

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0160
Vase, cloisonne, blue & green design, turquoise background 9".

Physical Description: Vase Cloisonne

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0160
Vase, cloisonne, blue & green design, turquoise background 9": Detail of cloisonne

Physical Description: Vase Cloisonne

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0333, B-0425
Round and square cloisonne boxes: Cigarette Box, cloisonne, green & white; Jar with lid, cloisonne, small, round, and square boxes

Physical Description: Case, Cigarette Cloisonne

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: A-0074
Buddha, gilded wood (large)

Physical Description: Figure, Religious Wood, Gilding

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: A-0072
Sculptured figure, Buddha in Lotus posture

Physical Description: Figure, Religious Wood, Enamel

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: A-0071
Altar tablet, within altar, lacquer, carved, with devotion drape on

Physical Description: Plaque, Religious Wood, Lacquer

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: A-0073
Altar shrine, small, carved with previous hit Chinese next hit characters in center part

Physical Description: Shrine, Religious

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: B-0087 a-c
Gong, large brass in carved teak stand with mallet

Physical Description: Gong, Mallet & Stand Brass

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0430
Sweetmeat box, inlaid wood, Double "T" design.

Physical Description: Box, Food-Storage Wood

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0145 a-c
Bell holder, teak, black, Foo Dog design, matching mallet and bell.

Physical Description: Bell, Altar Brass, Teak

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0171
Soapstone carving, recessed bowl and flowers -large.

Physical Description: Carving Soapstone

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0170
Vase, soapstone, carved, on pedestal.

Physical Description: Vase Soapstone, Wood

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0143
Snuff bottle, painted on the inside,with spoon, no stopper, c. 1814 c. 1814

Physical Description: Snuffbottle Glass

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0147
Sauce dish; c. 1875; sacred fruit design; diamond shaped. c. 1875 c. 1875

Physical Description: Dish, Sauce

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0156
Small shoe; 5"; with eyes, red satin with whiskers, handmade

Physical Description: Shoe

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0241 ab
Sugar bowl with rose decoration with lid.

Physical Description: Bowl Sugar

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0114 a-d
Four scroll markers, porcelain, blue and white with tassels. Two square two round.

Physical Description: Marker, Scroll Porcelain

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: A-0061
Board, prayer, red with gold embossed characters.

Physical Description: Board, Prayer Wood, Paint

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: B-0073
Knife; meat & vegetable

Physical Description: Cleaver

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0130
Knife, miniature beheading, brass.

Physical Description: Knife Brass

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0183
Beheading knife, brass

Physical Description: Knife, Beheading Brass

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0259
Acucpuncture needles; 2 gold; 2 steel; 2 silver; all in clear medicine bottles

Physical Description: Needle, Acupuncture Gold, Steel, Silver

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0292
Hand stitched blue purse w/coin

Physical Description: Purse

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0152 a-d
Spittoons, brass.

Physical Description: Spittoon Brass

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0036
Buk Tai, God of the North. c. 1700 c. 1700

Physical Description: Figure, Religious

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0035
Statue, "Man Who Never Dies", wood carved; figure of man holding staff in one hand and the sacred peach in other. c. 1895 c. 1895

Physical Description: Figure, Religious Wood

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0033 a
Shrines (table screens) & stands.

Physical Description: Screen, Table Wood

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: D-0014 a-c
Ink stone, tray & three brushes.

Physical Description: Inkstone & Brushes

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0424
Box, tin with dominos, hand made.

Physical Description: Dominoes Tin

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0426 a-c
Mah Jong set with carrying case, pieces, counting sticks & 2 books.

Physical Description: Mah-Jong

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0021, C-0251
Printing set and previous hit Chinese next hit Dictionary

Physical Description: Book

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0425
Jug, brown earthenware for brandy.

Physical Description: Jug, Brandy

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0218
Gold scales, 7 weights, 15" high

Physical Description: Scale, Balance

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0217 a-h
Scales, 5 pieces, 2 weights, 1 hook.

Physical Description: Scale, Balance

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0088, C-0088, B-0104
Three opium pipes: Opium pipes, with bowl; Pipe; Bamboo stem - brass bowl

Physical Description: Pipe, Opium

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0133
Water pipe, brass

Physical Description: Pipe, Opium Brass

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0132, B-0103, C--0166
Bowls for opium: Opium pipes; Bowls for opium pipes, metal

Physical Description: Bowl, Pipe Metal

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0418
Lamp, oil, used for opium smoking.

Physical Description: Lamp, Opium

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0056
Large clay bottles, medicine bottles

Physical Description: Bottles, medicine clay

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0491 a-c
Opium picks

Physical Description: Pick

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0116
Tin, opium with lid 4" x 11" x 1.5"

Physical Description: Snuffbox Tin

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: A-0197 ab
Painted glass previous hit Chinese next hit wedding lamps

Physical Description: Lamp, Wedding Glass

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: A-0162
Lamp, hanging, teak & glass

Physical Description: Lamp, Hanging Teak, Glass

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0034
Urn, large, may be Japanese

Physical Description: Urn

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: A-0088
Table, small with marble top (red & white marble) with carved legs, collapsible

Physical Description: Table Wood, Marble

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0385
Gold weighing scale, wooden, brown fiddle shape.

Physical Description: Scale, Balance Wood

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0236
Que, cut from head of previous hit Chinese next hit man.

Physical Description: Que Human Hair

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0017
Tombestone; previous hit Chinese next hit ; from Marysville previous hit Chinese next hit cemetery

Physical Description: Tombstone Stone

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0016
Tombestone; previous hit Chinese next hit ; from Marysville previous hit Chinese next hit cemetery

Physical Description: Tombstone Stone

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0018
Tombstone. previous hit Chinese next hit , marble

Physical Description: Tombstone Marble

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0237 a-d
Printing blocks, wood.

Physical Description: Blocks, Printing Wood

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0495
Bronze candlestick; dragon & elephant design

Physical Description: Candlestick Bronze

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0419
Dark green ceramic bowl with leaf pattern & rose colored flowers on the wides. 9" tall; 13" dia & 10.25": top opening

Physical Description: Bowl Ceramic

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: J-B 28 bc
Carrying case for hat, blue lined with cotton and blue silk. Center area is glass covered and is to hold jewelry. previous hit Chinese next hit

Physical Description: Box, Hat

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: B-0013, J-C 28 bc
Hat and hat stand: Hat (woman) (Mandarin) with streamers. Hat is walrus fur, streamers are blue silk, embroidered with flowers done in Peking stitch On top of hat is a crystal bead, denoting rank. Bead is surrounded by an orange fringe. previous hit Chinese next hit , Circa 1850

Physical Description: Hat

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: C-0018
White purse with flowers

Physical Description: Purse

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: A-0187
Small pgiskin chest; painted design of ladies & children

Physical Description: Chest Pigskin

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: A-0209
Chest, lacquered camphor wood, inlaid with ivory, with scenes. 32" x 161/2" x 12 ½" high. Circa 1800 c. 1800

Physical Description: Chest Lacquered Camphor, Ivory

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0327
Rain cape made from palm leaves

Physical Description: Cape Palm Leaves

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0513
Ivory paper turner

Physical Description: Page turner

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: J-C 17 de
Shoes, pair, child's, green silk with embroidery. previous hit Chinese next hit . Circa 1870. c. 1870

Physical Description: Shoes Silk

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: J-C 18 bc
Shoes, pair, child's, pink silk with embroidery. previous hit Chinese next hit Circa 1870 c. 1870

Physical Description: Shoes Silk

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: J-C 18 d
Pillow (child) blue cotton padded with special opening for ear.

Physical Description: Pillow Cotton

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: J-C 23 c
Money belt. Red silk, embroidered. Banded in black. previous hit Chinese next hit , Circa 1890. c. 1890

Physical Description: Belt, Money Silk

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: J-B 33 de
tea pot

Physical Description: Teapot

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: C-0137
Box; sweet meat; balck & red lacquer of 3 immortals

Physical Description: Box, Food-Storage

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: J-C 18 a
Dress (child) red silk with white blossoms, full length, side opening. previous hit Chinese next hit

Physical Description: Dress Silk

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: J-C 17 ab
Jacket & trouser set (child) cotton. Jacket is red with flowers & trousers are blue with pink flowers. previous hit Chinese next hit Circa 1870. c. 1870

Physical Description: Pantsuit Cotton

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: C-0199
Mandarin coat; dark blue; embroidered peaches & butterflies

Physical Description: Jacket Silk

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0228
Navy robe with design on back

Physical Description: Gown

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0212
Rose colored robel elaborate satin design of peacocks & flowers, black collar, cuff & blue lining

Physical Description: Gown Silk

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: A-0164
Board hanging, brown, previous hit Chinese next hit writing explaining Council Room purpose, 12" x 26.5"

Physical Description: Board, Prayer Wood, Paint

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: B-0523 ab
Brass candlesticks; 18" high; base is a crane with turtle on back

Physical Description: Candlesticks Brass

Additional Note

Location: Sales Office

Catalog No: B-0003 ab
Incense urn and base, pewter - Presented on 13th year Lin Shing Kung, Palace of Associated Dieties. c. 1876 c. 1876

Physical Description: Urn, Incense Pewter

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: B-0001 ab
Candle holder, pewter 24" high

Physical Description: Candlesticks Pewter

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: C-0005, B-0023
Leather drum and mallet: Drum, leather top with light wood body painted with flowers - used to announce worship period at Temple; Mallet, wooden

Physical Description: Drum Leather

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: B-0002 ab
Candle holders, pewter 16"

Physical Description: Candlestick Pewter

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: D-0092
Frame, teak, contains gold & silver Temple money.

Physical Description: Currency, Religious Teak, Paper

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: D-0025
Framed rules of conduct at Temple, previous hit Chinese next hit characters on orange paper

Physical Description: Document, Framed Paper, Glass, Wood

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: B-0005 abc
18 printing blocks, mounted on board with printing slate; for fortune telling - goes with B-4 ab

Physical Description: Blocks, Printing Wood

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: B-0004 b
Fortune stick holder with 64 sticks & fortune papers to correspond with sticks

Physical Description: Fortune Sticks

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: A-0087
Table, teak, marble top, 14" x 18" x 15"

Physical Description: Table Teak, Marble

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: A-0067
Table, teak, marble inlay top. 14" x 18" x 31"

Physical Description: Table Teak, Marble

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: A-0084 a-n
Chairs, ceremonial, teak with landscape marble inlay, carved.

Physical Description: Chair Teal, Marble

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: A-0095 b
Imperial chair, carved teak, gilded extensively

Physical Description: Chair Teal, Gilding

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: A-0196
Stand, red and gold.

Physical Description: Stand

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: A-0185
Black chest; pictures of children at play on doors, set with semi-precious stones

Physical Description: Chest Wood

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: B-0007 ab
Porcelain spittoon (? incense holder) with base, rose medallion/paternity pattern; Catonware; decorated with people in "eto" scene, with roses and birds. 19th C. 19th C.

Physical Description: Spittoon Porcelain

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0125
Chair; hand carved

Physical Description: Chair Wood

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0097
Standard, wood, holding four ornate carved staff. One with prongs, one with blade, one has emblem

Physical Description: Stand & Staves Wood

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: J-C 24 a, J-C 16 g
Long silver gown and wind cap: Gown (woman). Full length, brown silk, heavily embroidered with some Peking stitch. previous hit Chinese next hit . Circa 1860 c. 1870

Physical Description: Cap Silk

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: J-C 27
Gown, Princess, plum and blue. Kussu cut silk, full length, bamboo design (one of the three friends) gold colored buttons. previous hit Chinese next hit Circa 1880 c. 1880

Physical Description: Gown Silk

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: J-C 11 a
Robe blue silk summer gauze with wide banding of black & lavender, embroidery on the band. Side opening, gold colored buttons. Blue willow design woven into the material of robe. Double cuffed on sleeve. previous hit Chinese next hit Circa 1870 c. 1870

Physical Description: Gown Silk

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: New acquisition
Short red gown

Physical Description: Gown

Additional Note

Location: Storage Room

Catalog No: C-0317
Robe, long, silk, light blue, flowers, butterflies.

Physical Description: Gown Silk

Additional Note

Location: Storage Room

Catalog No: J-C 28 a
Gown, Mandarin (man). Full length, blue silk with gold thread embroidery. 5 toe dragons, water and waves, horse huff cuffs, gold colored buttons. previous hit Chinese next hit Circa

Physical Description: Gown Silk

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: B-0074 ab
Lanterns; rickshaw; brass; pair

Physical Description: Lantern Brass

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: A-0018
Shrine figure Wah To "Great Statesman". Approx. 2' tall.

Physical Description: Figure, Religious Wood, Paint, Enamel or rice paper

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: A-0020
Shrine figure - Tien Hou, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of the Sea (Shang Mo figure). Approx 2' tall

Physical Description: Figure, Religious Wood, Paint, Enamel or Rice paper

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: A-0019
Shrine figure - Kuan Yu, (Kuan Kung figure), God of Literature, Courage & War. Approx. 2' tall

Physical Description: Figure, Religious Wood, Paint, Enamel or Rice paper

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: B-0509
Bronze urn, dragon & cranes 37" tall

Physical Description: Urn Bronze

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: C-0133
Tapestry; K'assu

Physical Description: Tapestry Silk

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0024 d-j
Bed cover with Peking stitch

Physical Description: Tapestry

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0070
Chair cover, mandarin with mandarin design. 17th C. 17th C.

Physical Description: Cover, Chair Silk

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: C-0008 ab
Pillar rug with blue dragon

Physical Description: Tapestry

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0292
Teakwood settee with ivory eyes

Physical Description: Settee

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0189
Screen, coromandel, white lacquered background flowers on one side, palace scene on other side. Tung Chik period 1821-1850. Four fold screen. 1821 - 1850

Physical Description: Screen Wood, Lacquer

Additional Note

Location: Sales Office

Catalog No: C-0061
Toaist banner; 29x56" & 5.5x54"; Mirrors, beads, etc.

Physical Description: Tapestry Silk

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: C-0089
Table Cover; tapestry; rose silk

Physical Description: Frontal Silk

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0019
Banner, Ministers of court, black characters, butterflies, bats, lotus, bamboo, coins, frogs, tassels. c. 1899 c. 1899

Physical Description: Tapestry Silk

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: C-0020
Banner; 1909; long silk, red & green medallions with previous hit Chinese next hit characters, birds & mirrors; "You will have the blessing both indoors & outdoors"; celebration of 4th bomb of Ophir. 1909

Physical Description: Tapestry Silk

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0113 a-c
Candiliers. 1870 c. 1870

Physical Description: Chandelier Crystal, Metal

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: C-0030 ab
Door guard (or God). c. 1900 c. 1900

Physical Description: Painting Silk

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: C-0043
Banner, red background, fur in the design deer, peacocks, Buddha lion & flaming pearl, figures 7 black characters. 12' x3'. c. 1909 c. 1909

Physical Description: Tapestry Silk

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: C-0068
Table or altar front cloth; 34x36"; c. 1900; pink & red with red cords, mirrors; silver, fur dog on red background, blue pattern border. c. 1900

Physical Description: Frontal Silk

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: C-0296
Banner, Parade, triangle, orange silk, dragon, green trim. Chan family

Physical Description: Tapestry Silk

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0194
Case, display, redwood. To display sedan chair scene.

Physical Description: Case, Display Redwood

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0190
Case, display, redwood. Displays pony cart scene

Physical Description: Case, Display Redwood

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0192
Case display, redwood. To display shadow puppet heads.

Physical Description: Case, Display Redwood

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0193
Case, display, redwood. To display Ladies tea party

Physical Description: Case, Display Redwood

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0191
Case, display, redwood. To display Magistrate court.

Physical Description: Case, Display Redwood

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: C-0172 ab, C-0315
Child's slippers and robe: Shoes, previous hit Chinese next hit , light blue silk, embroidered. 6" long; Robe, silk, hevy embroidery, purple, 3/4 length.

Physical Description: Gown and Shoes Silk

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: New acquisition
Short robe with peking stitch flowers

Physical Description: Gown

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0177 ab
Shoes, previous hit Chinese next hit with raised platform, 8.5" long, blue with black trim

Physical Description: Shoes

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0174 ab
Shoes, green, round platforms, black trim.

Physical Description: Shoes

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0229 ab
Shoes, child's embroidered.

Physical Description: Shoes

Additional Note

Location: Sales Office

Catalog No: B-0167
Fan, sandalwood with painted peacock.

Physical Description: Fan Sandalwood

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0416
Ivory fan

Physical Description: Fan

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0458 b
Mirrors, 51 in count

Physical Description: Mirrors Brass

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: New acquisition
Mandarin collar

Physical Description: Tapestry

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: D-0019
Ancestral picture of Mandarin on rice paper.

Physical Description: Painting Rice Paper

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: C-0175 ab
Shoes, parade black, high top.

Physical Description: Shoes

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: 72,15,2
Cloisonne shadow box

Physical Description: Box

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0418, C-0237
Child's hat with stand: Childs hat; multicolor; purple, yellow, maroon; Stand, wood, carved, brown, black characters.

Physical Description: Hat and stand

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0351 ab
Boy and girl dolls

Physical Description: Doll

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: A-0201
previous hit Chinese next hit chair, low

Physical Description: Chair

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: A-0099
Altar shrine, elaborate, red and black. 1890 - 1900 1890 - 1900

Physical Description: Shrine

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: A-0095 a-e
Chairs, Imperial quality, ornate carved teak.

Physical Description: Chair Teak

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: A-0096
Chair, bridal with curtains. c. 1900 c. 1900

Physical Description: Sedan Wood

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

From Moon Temple looking out

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Catalog No: C-0045
Flag, Chan, very large 12' x 9' x 6', silk

Physical Description: Flag Silk

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: A-0103
Board, prayer, red with gold characters.

Physical Description: Board, Prayer Wood, Paint

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: New acquisition
Red and gold placard at entrance to Chan Room

Physical Description: Sign

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Catalog No: A-0070
Altar shrine, black background with gold elaborate carving

Physical Description: Shrine, Religious Wood

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: A-0076
Board, prayer, with four green intaglio characters & drape

Physical Description: Board, Prayer Wood, Paint

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: A-0068
Altar, lacquered wood (large table type)

Physical Description: Altar Wood

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: A-0075
Shrine, carved ivory, black & gold (table top size)

Physical Description: Shrine, Religious

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: C-0052
Tapestry, peacock design in gold cable

Physical Description: Tapestry Silk

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: C-0057
Royal Parasol or umbrella; 18" dia, 50" long, 115" circumference; 1904; 8 Immortals c. 1908

Physical Description: Parasol, Parade Silk

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0090
Altar table, tier, teak

Physical Description: Table, Altar Teak

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: A-0092
Altar wall piece, "Ship of Life", teak carving with gold leaf

Physical Description: Altarpiece Wood, Gold leaf

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: A-0080, A-0082
Large wall plaques

Physical Description: Plaques, Wall

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: A-0080, A-0082
Large wall plaques: Two wood Boards, vertical, embossed with previous hit Chinese next hit characters (11 on each board)

Physical Description: Plaques, Wall

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Catalog No: A-0084, A-0085, A-0087, A-0089
Marble and wood chair and table ensemble

Physical Description: Table and chair

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Bamboo outside Moon Temple and Council Room

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Looking towards the Moon Temple balcoy

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Covered walkway leading to the Moon Temple

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Moss and shadows

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Pomelo tree and bench

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Corner of the pagoda

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Memorial plaque on pagoda

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Looking towards the courtyard entrance and street

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

White birches against blue sky

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Catalog No: A-0093
Shrine, parade, gilded, carved. Matches A -91. c. 1904 c. 1904

Physical Description: Shrine, Religious Wood, Gilding

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Reflecting pool in courtyard

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

previous hit Chinese next hit worker's dwelling

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

previous hit Chinese worker's dwelling

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Catalog No: A-0001
Altar table (outer) - Ornate, carved teak, lacquer & gold leaf overlay, c. 1825. Firgures depict a court scene at the bottom. Top 4 figures show the four accomplishments of a scholar: Painting, Literature, Chess, Music c. 1825

Physical Description: Altar Teak, Gold leaf

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Plague and flag

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Door with boards

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors


Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Brick altar between annex and Main Temple

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Catalog No: A-0042, A-0043
Four wall plaques

Physical Description: Plaques

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: A-0038, A-0039, A-0050
Three wall plaques, red, blue, and green: Board, prayer, dark green with gold embossing and drape; Board, prayer, light green with gold embossing and drape; Board, prayer, red with gold characters, carved, with drape

Physical Description: Plaques, Wall

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: A-0063
Board, prayer, blue with gold embossed small characters, ornate filigree & carved flower design & gold hanging racks.

Physical Description: Board, Prayer Wood, Paint

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: A-0003
Altarpiece or Altar shrine - to hold religious figures for worship. Containes three wood statues of gods (A-18, A-19, A-20). Carved wood, gold leaf c. 1850

Physical Description: Shrine, Religous Wood

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: C-0002 b, D-0091 b
Right lion's head and right gauze lantern

Physical Description: Mask and lantern

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: C-0002 a. D-0091 a
Left lion's head and left gauze lantern

Physical Description: Mask and lantern

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: A-0014 ab
Wood shrine with figure of the God of Sun & Prosperity, 12" tall in wooden niche. Entire shrine placed on pine table 40" tall, painted dull red. Shrine painted a dull red with remnants of orange & gold temple money attached to outside. Inside of shrine covered with colored paper. Shrine figure is 12" tall & painted green & gold. May be ceramic

Physical Description: Shrine, Religious Wood, paper,

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Catalog No: New acquisition

Physical Description: Fortunes

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Chan Room: Overview

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Main Temple: Overview

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Display Hall: Overview

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Puppet wall in Display Hall

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Temple complex: General exterior view

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Tapestry Hall: Overview

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Moon Temple seen from outside circular door

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Moon Temple

Council Chamber

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Courtyard with cherry blossoms

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Pogoda from Moon Temple balcony

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Courtyard from Moon Temple balcony

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Reflecting Pool looking towards Moon Temple

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Pogoda with cherry blossoms and pool behind

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Chan Room

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Chan Room

Main Temple

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Main Temple

Cullie Rooom

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Bamboo detail

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Looking towards annex, bamboo, and Moon Temple

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Looking out through Moon Temple door

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Reflecting Pool viewed from landing

Physical Description: View

Additional Note

Location: Outdoors

Catalog No: C-0185
Male puppet leaning over, grey top, gold bottom

Physical Description: Puppet

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0188
Male puppet with white mask, kneeling with weapon

Physical Description: Puppet

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0190
Puppet, female, sitting, dressed in brown gown, fan in hand and left arm is raised

Physical Description: Puppet

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0187
Puppet, standing male figure with vase in hand

Physical Description: Puppet

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0184
Puppet, masked dancer, possibly female. Robe over red pants

Physical Description: Puppet

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0151
Puppet, standing male figure, red robe, green shirt & pants

Physical Description: Figure

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0179
Puppet, female dancer with gold crown, white robe and vest

Physical Description: Figure

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0186
Male puppet dancer, standing, one hand on hip, red and gold

Physical Description: Puppet

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0180
Puppet, male figure with four flags, yellow, green & silver dragon

Physical Description: Figure

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0182
Puppet, male dancer, red outfit with gold dragon coat

Physical Description: Puppet

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0183
Puppet, male standing figure, one hand on hip. Blue gown, black & gold

Physical Description: Puppet

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: C-0189
Puppet, female, sitting, dressed in red robe with gold design, right hand extended, wearing blue hat, with gold tassels on it: Back view

Physical Description: Puppet

Additional Note

Location: Display Hall

Catalog No: B-0458 a
Coins and paper money

Physical Description: Coins

Additional Note

Location: Tapestry Hall

Catalog No: A-0091
Shrine, parade, gilded, carved, with long poles for carrying. Matches A-93 c. 1904

Physical Description: Shrine, Religious Wood, Gilding

Additional Note

Location: Council Chamber

Catalog No: J-C 34 cd
Brass hand warmer c. 1900

Physical Description: Warmer, Hand Brass

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room

Catalog No: J-C 01 ac
Wedding gown and headress c. 1850

Physical Description: Jacket Silk

Additional Note

Location: Cullie Room