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Guide to the Placer Co., Calif., War History Committee Records, 1918-1920
BANC MSS C-A 155  
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Ctn. 1, folder 1

California War History Committee—Instructions to County Oct. 19, 1918

folder 2

California War History Committee—Information Circular 1918-1919

folder 2

California War History Committee— Information Circular 1918-1919

folder 3

Federal Board for Vocational Education— Reports of Disabled Men Feb. 1, 1919

folder 4

Bureau of War, Photograph Order Form (blank) n.d.

folder 5

Charles Moore letter to John F. Engle appointing him chair of the Placer County War History Committee Dec. 18, 1918

folder 6

Further instructions for date collection Nov. 6, 1918

folder 7

Instructions for date collection for biographies of servicemen Mar. 25, 1919

folder 8

Letter from John F. Engle to soldiers and sailors May 20, 1920

folder 9

Exemption Board for Placer County—History by H. E. Butler May 24, 1919

folder 10

Personal Narrative of the Food Work in Placer County, Ca. by Gussie A. Stewart n.d.

folder 11

Farm Bureau organized for war work—letter of Edward O. Amundsen Mar. 14, 1919

folder 12

Commercial Economy Committee for Placer Co.—correspondence 1918-1919

folder 13

County Council of Defense—documents, letter of A. S. Fleming Mar. 13, 1919

folder 14

Sample letter and questionnaire sent to Red Cross and Women's organizations Mar. 3, 1919

folder 15

Survey returns from Red Cross and Women's organizations Spring 1919

folder 16

Personal data sheets, Placer Co. servicemen n.d.

folder 17

List of names and towns of Placer County volunteers n.d.

folder 18

Placer Union High School—record of war history n.d.

folder 19

Roseville Union High School—record of war history n.d.

folder 20

Data for Servicemen from Sheridan, California Mar. 9, 1919

folder 21

Undelivered letters soliciting photographs and biographies of soldiers and sailors May 25, 1920

folder 22

Undelivered letters soliciting photographs of soldiers & sailors May 27, 1920



Ctn. 1, folder 23-48

Alexson, Hjalmar J. 1918-1920


Avery, Ira


Banks, Michael F.

Joseph A.

John B.

Thomas R.


Clark, Francis J.

Dyer, Alfred George


Barkhaus, Benjamin John


Baroli, John C.


Bedell, Albert R.


Bellows, William H.


Bilderback, Huston Lee


Bock, Ferdinand C.

Robert A.


Bohmer, Emil


Bradley, Linton R.


Briggs, Guy E.


Brye, Chester



Butler, Allyn


Carl, Clarence A.


Caton, Michael


Christiansen, Albert B.

Christian P.


[Clark, Francis J. —see Banks]


[Clayton, Harvey F. —see Fisher]


Click, Albert



Cole, T. S.


Cook, W. P.


Corcoran, Philip K.

Eugene A.


Crowder, Thomas A.


Culver, Edgar S.


Depender, Fred R.


Dewey, Horace P.


Douglas, Keith Frederick

Mark Lyle


[Dyer, Alfred George —see Banks]


Eagle, R. W.


Elcock, Robert J.


Elliott, Irvin D.


Emerson, Thomas J.


Fisher, James Henry

Clayton, Harvey F.


Flagler, Clarence H.


Fowler, James Edwin

Laurence Wood


Fowler, Charles H.,

Henry Clay


Gildersleeve, Calvin Shepard


Gill, Harry


Girts, Harry Leon


Gonzalez, Fidel A.


Gufoni, Eugenio


Haney, [ ]


Harris, Justin O.


Hart, Bert Milburn


Hawkins, Homer Edmond


Heryford, Edward


Hines, Justin Omar


Hoffner, Philip


Hotchkiss, John F.


Hunter, John J.


Huntley, Calvin Hall

William Crutcher


Jennings, Charles


Joerger, George L.

Vernon E.


Kass, Leo M.


Labrie, Victor




Lackey, Harold Elwood

Myron Elmo


Larsen, Edward Andrew


Lentz, Leo George,

William Jacob


Leury, [ ]


Linnel, Arthur E.


Livingston, John Hall


Logan, Emery Delos

Francis Benjamin


Long, Ralph M,

Albert H.


Long, Wilbur H.,

Floyd O.


Lumberis, Nicola


McAulay, John Rodrick


McCloud, Albert E.


folder 88-128

McDonald, Andrew


McFadden, John H.


MacLellen, Ray


Maas, Allan Leslie


Manfredi, Eugene


Melarkey, Edward Warren


Merrithew, Lewis G.


Merz, Arthur



Mirizzi, Joe


Misenheimer, Charles F.


Mizzy, Daniel David


Moss, Edward F.

Lloyd G.


Mueller, Albert Venlow


Mulligan, James Ira


Mury, John A.


Nelson, Wendell E.


Nielsen, Christen


Ormsby, Warren Randolph


Parris, Nick


Pendleton, Charles Grover


Perry, George Norman

Alfred Milton




Prisser, Tony J.


Randolph, Paul P.

Victor Strong


Rasmussen, Andrew Kjar


Rector, Frank Lester


Rodoni, George J.


Salmon, Elbert Oscar


Sawtell, Ernest Carl


Schultz, William A.


Shannon, John Lawrence


Soto- Freitas, Clarence


Stephenson, [ ]


Stevens, E. L.


Suehead, Walter I.


Taylor, Earl Garman


Termine, Joseph


Thurston, Gordon Berlin


True, California


Vicencio, Enrique


Waddell, James C.


Walters, George A.

Albert B.

Harry O.

Edwin R.

folder 129-137

Watkins, Arthur Z.


Webster, George M.


Werner, Fred


Whipple, Homer L.


Wickham, Wilder F.


Wilcox, Lee J.


Williamson, [ ]


Wolf, Karl D.


[unidentified portraits]