Finding Aid for the Alphonzo Bell papers 0215
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Congressional Campaigns 1954-1975
Alphonzo Bell Political Activities: Legal Rulings regarding Candidates 1954-1959
Alphonzo Bell Political Activities: Speeches Prepared/Delivered by Bell 1955-1956
Bell Campaign- Chotiner, Contents of Confidential File *RB) #1, #2, #3 Clippings 1956-1960
Bell Campaign- Chotiner, Murray 1956-1960
Alphonzo Bell Political Activities: Speeches 1957
Alphonzo Bell Speeches 1958-1959
Blades, Richard- Bell Library 1958-1959
Blades, Richard- Governor's Office 1958-1959
Blades, Richard- L Miscellaneous 1958-1959
100 Day Campaign 1959
100 Day Campaign- Assemblymen and Congressmen Letters (Monthly Series) 1959
100 Day Reorganizational Campaign 1959
Assemblyman- Montivel A. Burke (53rd Assembly District) 1959
Assemblyman- Charles E. Chapel (46th Assembly District) 1959
Assemblyman- John L. E. Collier (54th Assembly District) 1959
Assemblyman- Charles J. Conrad (57th Assembly District) 1959
Assemblyman- Lou Cusanovich (64th Assembly District) 1959
Assemblyman- Ernest R. Geddes (49th Assembly District) 1959
Assemblyman- Seth J. Johnson (54th Assembly District) 1959
Assemblyman- Frank Lanterman (48th Assembly District) 1959
Assemblyman- Harold K. Levering (60th Assembly District) 1959
Bell Campaign- Loomis/Bell Release 1959
Bell Campaign- Outlook Editorial Release 1959
Bell Campaign- Ramser Appointment Release 1959
Bell Petroleum Company 1959
Blades, Richard- B Miscellaneous 1959
Blades, Richard- Battle Line 1959
Blades, Richard- C Miscellaneous 1959
Blades, Richard- Clippings and Photo Stats 1959
Blades, Richard- County Chairmen's Association 1959
Blades, Richard- D Miscellaneous 1959
Blades, Richard- Dorothy Blades 1959
Blades, Richard- E Miscellaneous 1959
Blades, Richard- F Miscellaneous 1959
Blades, Richard- G Miscellaneous 1959
Blades, Richard- H Miscellaneous 1959
Blades, Richard- I Miscellaneous 1959
Inter-Office Memoranda -Blades 1959
Blades, Richard- M Miscellaneous 1959
Business Review Luncheon at the University Club 1959 January 18
Craig Hosmer, M.C. (18th) 1959
Donald L. Jackson, M.C. (16th) 1959
Edgar W. Hiestand, M.C. (21st) 1959
Freedoms Foundation 1959
Glenard P. Lipsomb, M.C. (24th) 1959
Gordon L. McDonough, M.C. (15th) 1959
Joe Holt, M.C. (18th) 1959
Johnathan Club 1959
Miscellaneous: Campaign- Contact lists, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence 1959
Miscellaneous Correspondence- "Mac" and "Mc" Names 1959
News releases- Memos
Public Affairs Seminar 1959
Publicity Clinic 1959
Republican Rally- Featuring Senator Thurston B. Morton 1959 September 28
Assemblyman- William S. Grant (70th Assembly District) 1959-1960
Bell Campaign: Clippings 1959-1960
Bell Campaign: Reference Material 1959-1960
Bell Campaign: U-V Miscellaneous 1959-1960
Blades, Richard- A Miscellaneous 1959-1960
Blades, Richard- J Miscellaneous 1959-1960
Blades, Richard- K Miscellaneous 1959-1960
Blades, Richard- Personal 1959-1960
Finance Committee for Bell 1959-1960
James Marshall, Sacramento -Blades 1959-1960
Legislative Campaign Committee Membership List 1959-1960
List of Receipts 1959-1960
Miller, Ed 1959-1960
Miscellaneous Correspondence, Campaign 1959-1960
Bell Campaign 1960 Miscellaneous Lists 1959-1961
Applications- Washington 1960
Architects 1960
Attorneys 1960
Automobile Dealers and Restaurant Owners 1960
Bel Air 1960
Bell Campaign: A Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Accountants for Bell Committee Release 1960
Bell Campaign: Advertising Proofs- Mat Cuts 1960
Bell Campaign: Alphonzo Bell Resignation Release 1960
Bell Campaign: Alphonzo Bell's Speeches 1960
Bell Campaign: Architects Committee Release 1960
Bell Campaign: Attorneys Committee Release 1960
Bell Campaign: B Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Bart L. Christensen (59th A.D.) 1960
Bell Campaign: Bell Endorsements 1960
Bell Campaign: Beverly Hills Citizens Committee Release 1960
Bell Campaign: Blum's Luncheon Release 1960 April 12
Bell Campaign: Builders Committee Release 1960
Bell Campaign: C Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Campaign Luncheon Release 1960 April 12
Bell Campaign: 1960 Campaign Materials, etc. 1960
Bell Campaign: Capital Punishment Release 1960 March 8
Bell Campaign: Chotiner Press Memorandum 1960 April 4
Bell Campaign: 1960 Christensen/Nixon Campaign Material 1960
Bell Campaign: Coffee House Release 1960
Bell Campaign: Coffee Hour Thank You Letters 1960
Bell Campaign: Congratulatory Letters, Offers of Assistance 1960
Bell Campaign: Contribution Acknowledgements 1960
Bell Campaign: D Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Defense and Espionage Release 1960
Bell Campaign: Dick Blades, Personal 1960
Bell Campaign: Dr. Robert W. Krueger 1960
Bell Campaign: E Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Employment Records- Contracts 1960
Bell Campaign: F Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: 1960 Facts, Figures and People's World 1960
Bell Campaign: Featherbedding Release 1960 March 30
Bell Campaign: Finance 1960
Bell Campaign: Form Letters 1960
Bell Campaign: G Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: General 1960
Bell Campaign: General Election 1960 November
Bell Campaign: General Election kick-off Events 1960
Bell Campaign: H Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: J Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Joseph W. Lockwood 1960
Bell Campaign: K Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: L Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Los Angeles Central Committee (L.A.C.C.) Billboard Labels 1960
Bell Campaign: Legislative Opinions 1960 March 25-26
Bell Campaign: List of Supporters 1960
Bell Campaign: M Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: M. Philip Davis Release 1960
Bell Campaign: MC Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Memorandums 1960
Bell Campaign: Miller, Sarah 1960
Bell Campaign: Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Miscellaneous Announcements, Newsletters, etc. 1960
Bell Campaign: 1960 Miscellaneous Clippings 1960
Bell Campaign: Miscellaneous Correspondence 1960
Bell Campaign: Miscellaneous Form Thank You Letters 1960
Bell Campaign: 1960 Miscellaneous Form
Bell Campaign: Miscellaneous Invitations 1960
Bell Campaign: Mr. Bell's Schedules 1960
Bell Campaign: N Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Narcotics Release 1960 April 6
Bell Campaign: Newsletters 1960
Bell Campaign: Nixon Delegation Release 1960
Bell Campaign: O Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: P Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Pacht, Jerry- Confidential 1960
Bell Campaign: Pacht- Ress Campaign Materials Including A Letter from John F. Kennedy 1960
Bell Campaign: Physicians Committee Release 1960
Bell Campaign: Press Releases 1960
Bell Campaign: Primary R.I.P. File 1960
Bell Campaign: Private Pension Program Release 1960
Bell Campaign: R Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Ramser, Harold C. 1960
Bell Campaign: Ramser Summation Release 1960 June 6
Bell Campaign: Robert H. Finch, Administrative Assistant to Vice President 1960
Bell Campaign: S Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Santa Monica Citizens Committee Release 1960
Bell Campaign: Simons, Si 1960
Bell Campaign: Speaking Requests 1960
Bell Campaign: Supporter Release 1960
Bell Campaign: T Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Spencer Van Dyke 1960
Bell Campaign: W Miscellaneous 1960
Bell Campaign: Wires 1960
Bell Campaign: X, Y, Z Miscellaneous 1960
Bell for Congress Committee: Cash, Los Angeles 1960
Bell for Congress Committee: Memos and Lists regarding Contributions 1960
Bell for Congress Committee: Pacific Telephone 1960
Bell for Congress Committee: Paid Invoices, Berley Hill 1960
Bell for Congress Committee: Paid Invoices, Los Angeles 1960
Bell for Congress: Insurance 1960-1961
Beverly Hills
Blue Book Contributions 1960
Building Industry 1960
Campaign Mailings 1960
Campaign Memorandums 1960
Chotiner- Press Releases, Publicity, etc. 1960
Citizens for Bell- Cash, Los Angeles 1960
Citizens for Bell- Contributors 1960
Citizens for Bell- Paid Invoices, Los Angeles 1960
Declined Speaking Engagements 1960
Dentists Committee 1960
Engagements- Current 1960
House Meeting, Mr. Sinans Undated
Insurance Personnel 1960
Itinerary 1960 April-May
News Releases- Blades 1960
Nomination Papers for Bell 1960 March 14
Pacific Palisades Citizens Committee for Bell 1960
Phi Gamma Delta Election Committee 1960
Physicians Committee 1960
Press Relations Handbook- 76 Union 1960
Realtors in 16th Congressional District 1960
Rosters 1960
Vote Re-elect Congressman Alphonzo Bell 1960
Cobina Wright List 1960-1965
Bell Constituent Funds- Invoices and Correspondence 1961
Political Contributions (R.L.P.) 1961
Campaign- Solicitation, Beverly Hills 1962
Campaign Budget- General Election 1962-1964
Telecommunications Account 1963-1964
Alphonzo Bell Campaign Committee Finance and Acknowledgements 1964
Bell's Schedule 1964 January 6-19
Bell's Schedule 1964 November 4-December 8
Richard Blades- Household Account to Charles Johnson 1964
Bob Bruce's List for 1964 Suggested Solicitation
Campaign Material- Other Than for Mr. Bell 1964
Campaign- Photographs 1964
Campaign- Press Release 1964
Campaign- Republican National Committee 1964
Campaign Schedule 1964
Campaign Stationery File 1964
Campaign- Telegram 1964
Cocktail Party 1964
Cocktail Party- Beverly Wilshire Hotel 1964 November 27
Complaints 1964
Congratulations to Mr. Bell for 1964 Election
Dart Solicitation Letter 1964
Endorsements for Mr. Bell 1964
Firestone Solicitation Letters 1964
Funds Solicitation Letters (Harold Ramser) 1964
Gerald Gottlieb Campaign 1964
Goldwater for President 1964
Governor's Conference- Denver, Colorado 1964 December 4-6
K SM Office 1964
L SM Office 1964
Lincoln Week Schedule for Mr. Bell 1964 February 10-16
Mailing Permits and P.O. Box 24233 1964
Malibu House Rental 22608 Pacific Coast Highway
N SM Office 1964
Newsletter 1964
P SM Office 1964
Personal Appointments for Mr. Bell (Completed) 1964
Political Leaders' Schedule 1964
Poverty Area Study for Mr. Bell 1964
R SM Office 1964
Republican and Democrat Mailing- Authorization of Use of Name 1964
Republican and Democrat Mailing- Donor Lists 1964
Research Requests 1964
Schedule: Congressman Alphonzo Bell 1964 October 24- December 15
Supporting Papers and Schedule 1964 Fall
Telephone Project 1964 October 26-November 1
Victory Statement 1964
Volunteer to Assist in Campaign 1964
W SM Office 1964
Appointments, Mr. Bell's- District Return 1965 November 6
Appointments, Mr. Bell's- District Return 1965 November 12
Appointments, Mr. Bell's- District Return 1965 November 16
Congratulations 1964-1965
Blades, Richard- Instructions to Audra 1965
District Visit 1965 June 3-8
District Visit by Mr. Bell- Bus Trip 1965 August 6
Documentary Film- Bell 1965
Lincoln Week (Automation)- District Visit 1965 February 6-12
Registration Figures 1965
Schedule and Trip 1965 October-November
Statement by Alphonzo Bell- Lee Tham Joo 1965
Stationery Room- House of Representatives 1965
Summer Student Employment Program (Post Office) 1965
Telecommunications Account 1965
Telecommunications Log- Washington Office 1965
Telecommunications Log- Constituents, Suite 380 1965
Waters, Laughlin E. 1965
Campaign- General Information 1965-1966
Christopher, George 1965-1966
Volunteers Campaign 1965-1966
Budget for Campaign- General Election 1966
Bumper Strips and Campaign Literature 1966
Campaign Statement Information- Post Election 1966
Candidates- November Election 1966
Candidates- June Primary 1966
Communications Sent and Received by Bell on Election Day 1966
Congratulatory Messages to Bell regarding Election 1966
Congressmen As Rated by A.D.A. (Americans for Democratic Action) 1966
Democratic Write-In Campaign 1966
Election Certificate 1966
Endorsements of Bell by Various Organizations 1966
Federal Campaign Expenditure Reports 1966
Financial Report- June Primary 1966
Issues Bell Will Be Concerned With During The 1966 Campaign
Opponents of Bell's Campaign 1966
Primary Election Results 1966
Research for Campaign 1966
Results of General Election 1966
Rosters 1966
Sherman, Lawrence 1966
Statements, Press Releases, Etc.- Campaign 1966
Thank You Letters- Donations to Campaign via WA Office 1966
Williams, Spencer 1966
Absent Voters Forms for Ballots- Primary Election 1966 June 7
Ballots (Sample) Primary Election 1966 June 7
Television Information 1966 July
Ballots- Sample 1966 November
Telephone Project Manpower Inc. 1966 November
Newspaper Advertising 1966 November 6-7
Application for Absent Voters Ballot- General Election 1966 November 8
Registration Report General Election 1966 November 8
46th Assembly District Republican Central Committee, Etc. 1966-1967
57th Assembly District Information 1966-1967
Inaugural Committee- Sacramento 1966-1967
Mailing Permits Instructions and Records 1966-1967
Salvatori, Henry 1966-1970
The Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service- The FCC Fairness Doctrine
Congressional Campaign Committee 1967-1968
RBA Research Folder 1968
Republican National Committee: Political Research Division- California 58 Counties 1968
Santa Monica Independent Newspaper Articles 1968-1970
Gallagher 1969
Precinct 1969
Requests for Information 1969-1970
Endorsements 1969-1971
46th Assembly - Central Committee
57th Assembly District 1970
60th Assembly District 1970
64th Assembly District 1970
Bell Birthday Brunch - Speech 1970 September 19
Bell Campaign Committee 1970
Bell Honorary Luncheon 1970
Billboards Primary Election Ads 1970
Jim Bishop Memorandums - Events + Special Letters 1970
Jim Bishop Memorandums - Finance 1970
Campaign Ideas 1970
Campaign Statement 1970
Carriage Trade Parking Service 1970
Congratulatory Letter Following 1970 General Election + Wedding
Democratic Mailer 1970
Democrats 1970
Election Day Workers 1970
Election Night Party Miramar Hotel 1970
Election Results, Sample Ballot, Etc. 1970
Ellis, George - Candidate for 56th A.D. 1970
Endorsements of Bell- General Election 1970 November 3
Expenditures Congressional Campaign 1970
Fagin 1970
Finance Committee 1970
Fundraising Letters: Congressional Campaign 1970
General Election Day 1970 November 3
General Information 1970
Good Luck Telegrams Sent Out by Bell 1970
Hatch Act 1970 April 3
La Follette 1970
La Follette v. Bell 1970
Luncheon 1970 April 24
McLaughlin, Don (1970 General Election Opponent) 1970
Manpower 1970
Maps Undated
Mickiak 1970
Newsletters Undated
News Media 1970
Newspaper Rebuttals to La Follette's Advertisements + Radio Script 1970
Nomination Papers: Congressional Campaign 1970
One Sheets 1970 November 9
Other Candidates 1970
Petitions - Signed Undated
Pre-Election Republican Victory Party 1970 October 17
Primary Candidates' Remarks "Battle Cry" 1970 April
Republican Congressional Nominees 1970
Republican Party Campaign Packet- Quotes, Etc. 1970
Sample Ballot - General Election 1970
Tabloid 1970 May
Telephone Script 1970
Telephone Survey Script, Etc. 1970
Thank You for Support Letters Congressional Campaign 1970
UCLA Young Republicans Club Endorsement 1970
United Republican Finance Committee Campaign Committee Agreement 1970
Volunteers 1970
Analysis of the 1970 General Election 1970-1971
Lists of Workers at the Headquarters on Election Day 1972 December 7
Questionnaires Completed by This Office re. Election 1970-1971
Election Calendars: 1970 California Primary Election, 1972 County of Los Angeles 1970-1972
"P" Political Finance Lists 1971 August 13
1972 Campaign: Voter Registration 1971-1973
1972 Campaign: Fundraising
1972 Campaign: General
1972 Campaign: Issues
1972 Campaign: Mailings
1972 Campaign: Opponents
1972 Campaign: Presidential Election
1972 Campaign: Press
1972 Campaign: Primary Election
1972 Campaign: Sensoring Committee
1972 Campaign: Supporters
1972 Campaign: Volunteers
Campaign: FCC Regulations
Campaign: Other Campaigns
Campaign: Thank You Letters
Computer Mailing 1972
Debates: 28th Congressional District 1972
Endorsements 1972
Final List of Contributors 1972
Fundraising 1972
Fundraising Letters 1972
Home Telephone 1972
Labor Postcard Mailing Undated
Mailings: Key Precincts Undated
Newspaper Ad 1972
Nomination Papers 1972
Party Thank You Letters 1972
Presidential Election 1972
Press: 1972 Campaign
Returns by Community 1972
Volunteer Applications 1972
Presidential Election Campaign: Spanish Speaking Constituents 1972 June 1
28th Congressional District September 8 Party 1972 September 8
Mailings: Democratic 1972 October
Congratulatory Messages 1972 November
Lists of Workers of the Headquarters on Election Day 1972 December 7
Voting Intention and Attitude Study in the 28th Congress District 1972 December 18-22
Position Statements from the Library of Richard H. Blades 1973-1975
Campaigns: Ads 1974
Campaign: Bell Pro-Celebrity Tennis Party 1974
Campaign: Congratulatory Correspondence 1974
Campaign: Election Results 1974
Campaign Endorsements 1974
Campaign: Filing Nomination Papers 1974
Campaign Finance Letters 1974
Campaign Materials 1974
Campaign Materials- Voting Records 1973-1975
Republican National Committee: Campaign Fact Book 1974
Bell Weekly Column: From the Library of Richard H. Blades 1974-1975
Campaign: General 1974-1975
Foreign Policy Backup: Questions and Responses from Bell 1975
Mayoral Campaign 1946-1969
History of Washington 1946-1967
Administrative- City File 1958-1968
Charter Information 1962
Yorty Research 1960's
Los Angeles Political History 1962-1969
City of Los Angeles 1963-1967
Transportation 1963-1967
City of Los Angeles: Research Material, Furnished by Bill King 1964
Mayor Information (Campaign) 1964
Proposed Budget: Alphonzo Bell for Mayor Committee 1964
Mayor Los Angeles 1964-1965
Los Angeles Government 1964-1966
Statements by Bell 1964-1966
John Lindsay Article Clippings 1965
John Lindsay, Mayor of New York: The Campaign 1965
Mayor Race, Los Angeles 1965
Surveys Los Angeles (News Release) 1965
Candidate Campaign Issues: Primary Campaign 1965 April 6
City of Los Angeles Card Source Material 1965-1968
Cultural Heritage Board 1966-1967
Los Angeles Budget 1967
Television Interview Script 1967
S Research 1967-1968
Mayor Election Clippings 1967-1969
Agnew, Spiro T. Biographies and Clippings 1968
Biographical 1968
Campaign Materials 1968
Campaign Procedures- City File 1968
Congressman Bell visit to Oakland 1968 February 13
Contracts 1968
Fundraising Letters 1968
House of Republican Policy Committee Statements 1968
Humphrey- Congressional Quarterly, Correspondence, Magazines, Pamphlets, and Press Releases 1968
Mayor Issues 1968
McGovern, George [1968]
Memos 1968
Overall Organization of Research- [Spenc.] Roberts 1968
Post Office 1968
Reagan- Press Conference, Reports, Speech Excerpts 1968
Voting Record 1968
Advertising 1968-1969
Advertising: Bell for Mayor 1968-1969
Advertising Campaign 1968-1969
Attorneys for Bell 1968-1969
Beginning of Campaign 1968-1969
Congressional Office 1968-1969
Los Angeles Clippings 1968-1969
Miscellaneous 1968-1969
Rancho Los Encenitos Investment Company 1968-1969
Sponsors' Committee [1968-1969?]
Volunteer Mailing List [1968-1969]
A New Day for L.A. [1969]
ABC TV Show Mayor Yorty [1969]
Abernathy, Robert 1969 July 7
Advertising: Financial Recap 1969
Alphonzo Bell Dinner Committee and Contributors Lists 1969
Alphonzo Bell for Mayor: Speakers Manual Campaign 1969
Ames, Bill 1969 July 24
Analysis of Results [1969]
Appointment by Bill King 1969
The April 1st Primary Election 1969
Area V Report 1969
Ballot Issues 1969
Bass, Richard- Interview 1969 August 4
Bell Campaign- Press Releases 1969
Bell Dinner Committee 1969
Bell Dinner Committee Ledger 1969
Bell Speaker's Committee 1969
Bergholz, Dick- Questions and Answers [1969]
Berry, Leroy- Interview [1969 April 16]
Blackshee, Bill 1969
Bodkin, Joe- Interview 1969 April 16
Bradley 1969
Bradley- ABC TV Show [1969]
Bradley and Mills- Black Politics Conference [1969]
Bradley, Ethel- Interview 1969 April 16
Bradley, Howard- Interview 1969 April 15
Bradley, Lorraine- Interview 1968 April 20
Bradley- Press Releases 1969
Bradley- Speech Drafts 1969
Braude, Marvin- Interview [1969]
Brentwood 1969
Brewer, Jess- Interview 1969 August 8
Brokaw, Tom- Interview 1969 July 15
Brookins, H.H.- Interview 1969 April 26
Brown, Edmund- Interview 1969 July 16
Brown, Jane- Interview 1969 April 26
Calderon, Richard- Interview 1969 August 13
Campaign in East Los Angeles (Mexican American) 1969
Campaign in South Central Los Angeles 1969
Camp in Valley 1969
Campaign in Valley 1969
Campaign in West Los Angeles 1969
Carter, Robert Herrick- Interview 1969 April 20
Chairmen: Community, General, and Finance 1969 January-February
Chronological Catch All 1969
Chronology 1969
City Finance and Efficiency 1969
Clayton, Joan- Interview 1969 August 13
Communism Issue 1969
Copies of Letters Written 1969
Corona, Bert- Interview 1969 August 22
Correspondence 1969
Correspondence- Bell 1969
Correspondence- Mayorality Research 1969
The Corruption Issue 1969 March-May
Cron File- Correspondence 1969
Cory, Dorothy- Interview 1969 June 10
Daily Deposit Record Sheet 1969 February-March
Declarations of Intention 1969
Deposit Record Sheets 1969 January-March
Deposit Ticket Listings 1969
Developing the Issues 1969
Dinner Committee Meeting 1969
District Headquarters 1969 February 6
Dotson, Bailey [1969]
Edelman- Interview [1969]
Election Day Activities 1969
Election Day Project 1969
Election Day Statistics: General Municipal Election, Los Angeles Sampling 1969 May 27
Election Day Statistics: Primary Nominating Election, Los Angeles Sampling 1969 April 1
Emergency Call Sheet 1969
Endorsements 1969
Ethics and Campaign Finances 1969
Executive Committee 1969
Expenses Due 1969
Expense Voucher Forms [1969]
Farrell, Bob- Interview 1969 August 27
Field Operations 1969
Final Count by Precinct 1969
Finance 1969
Finance Committee: Lists 1969
Finance - Deposit Records 1969
Finance - Plans [1969]
Finance - Quinn 1969
Finance - Records and Report Sheets 1969
Flyers 1969
Gavin, Steve- Interview 1969 July 23
General Lists 1969
General Municipal Elections- Semi-official Election Returns, Los Angeles 1969 May 27
Haas, Lou- Interview 1969 July 17
Harris, Wilbur- Interview 1969 April 17
Hatch Act 1969
Headquarter Addresses [1969]
Headquarters 1969
Headquarters: 3527 Wilshire 1969
Headquarters Information 1969
Hotchkiss, Preston- Interview 1969 August 21
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 1969 February 10
Incumbent Plan- Map 1969 January
Inter Office Memo 1969
Interview File- Miscellaneous 1969 August 22
ITT Facilities 1969 January 28
Kilroy, John B.- Interview 1969 July 25
King, William 1969
King, William- Correspondence 1969
King, William- Interview 1969 July 25-28
Legislation 1969
Letters 1969
Liggett, David 1969
Lindsay, Gilbert- Interview 1969 August 19
Lists 1969
List of Senior Citizen Clubs 1969
Los Angeles Mountain Park Company 1935 Agreement [1969]
Los Angeles Rumor Control and Information Center 1969
Marcus, Anne- Calendar 1969 April- May
Marcus, Anne- Interview 1969 July 8
1969 May 27
Mayor Campaign Clippings 1969
Mayor Campaign Materials- Interview Files 1969
Mayor Campaign Materials- Research Papers, Master Set 1969
Mayor Campaign Materials- Schedule and Miscellany 1969
Mayoral Elections Study- Mr. Blades 1969
Mayoralty Campaign - Miscellaneous 1969
McGee, Frank- Report 1969 May 25
Memoranda- Campaign Headquarters 1969
Memorandums 1969
Memorandums 1969 January
Memorandums 1969 February
Memorandums 1969 March
Memos and Letters - Mayoral Campaign 1969
Mendenhall, Ferdinand- Interview 1969 July 29
Mills, Bill- Interview [1969]
Minutes of Steering Committee 1969
"News Conference" KNBC Councilman Bradley 1969 May 24
"News Conference" KNBC Councilman Yorty 1969 May 24
The News Media 1969
"N" News Releases and News Letters- Bell for Mayor 1969
News Releases 1969
Norris, William- Interview 1969 July 7
Notes 1969
Original Lists: Luncheons 1969
Orr, Jack- Interview 1969
Our Thank You File: Dinner Correspondence 1969
Outdated Events 1969 January
Pacht, Isaac: Judge- Interview 1969 July 10
Pacific Palisades 1969
Pacific Telephone 1969
Pending 1969
Personal Campaign 1969
Personnel 1969
Personnel Contacts 1969
Personnel Resumes [1969]
Personnel Roster [1969]
The Police Issue 1969
Pollard, Martin- Interview 1969 September 9
Posner, Paul- Interview 1969 July 2
Post Office 1969
Potter, James- Interview 1969 July 9
Pratt, Jack- Interview 1969 July 14
Press Conference KABC Councilman Bradley 1969 May 25
Primary Nomination Election and Official Election Returns 1969 April 1
Primary Nominating Elections- Partial Absentee Count, Los Angeles 1969 April 1
Procedures 1969
Proposal Submitted 1969
Quinn, Joe- Interview 1969 June 17
The Race Issue 1969
Regional Directors- Areas 1969
Reinhardt, Stephen- Interview 1969 July 10
Related Elections, Both Primary and General 1969
Research 1969
Research Task Forces: Background, Lists, Etc. 1969
Richards, Mr.- Interview 1969 August 18
The Role of Labor 1969
The Role of Political Parties 1969
Ross, Bill- Interview 1969 July 9
Rothenberg, Don- Interview 1969 May 29
Schedule [1969]
Schedule Blanks [1969]
Schedule Information 1969
Schreiber, Taft- Interview 1969 October 7
Scott, Charles- Interview 1969 April 18
Shaw, Sharon- File 1969
Shopping Centers 1969
Sites- Appearances 1969
Speaker's Committee List 1969
Special Issues- Bell versus Yorty A. O. (Computer Print-outs) [1969]
Statements of Receipts and Expenditures 1969
Steinberg, Robert- Interview 1969 June 23
Students for Bell 1969
Sun Valley 1969
Sunland- Tujunga 1969
Survey [1969]
Synagogues and Temples 1969
Synder, Arthur- Interview 1969 June 27
Target Area- Oakland 1969
Tarzana 1969
Taylor, Don 1969
Television 1969
Television News Coverage of Los Angeles General Election 1969 May 27
Television Program "Newsmakers" with Bill Ames, Jerry Dunphy and Morrie Green 1969 May 17
Tomlin, Tom 1969
Transition- Immediately Before and After General Election 1969 June 9
VIP Audio News Service 1969
Ward, Baxter- Interview [1969]
Warschaw, Mrs. Carmen- Interview by Margaret Newhouse 1969 August 14
Waters, Laughlin- Interview by Margaret Newhouse 1969 July 22
Waters, Mr.- Interview 1969
Waugh, Jack- Interview 1969 June 25
Waxman, Henry- Interview 1969 August 27
Weiner, Maury- Interview 1969 June 25
Westwood 1969
White, Art- Interview 1969 July 17
Williams, Nick- Interview 1969 September 4
Woodland Hills 1968 September 4
Wyman, Al- Interview (KABC) [1969]
The Yorty- Bradley Debates 1969 April-May
Senatorial Campaign 1972-1976
Bruinsma, Ted 1972-1976
C Campaign Information: Committee Fundraising, Re-Election, Internal Revenue Service 1974
Inventory 1974
Article Clippings 1974-1975
Environmental Mailing Lists 1974-1975
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: First Mailing to Republicans - Master List 1975 May 10
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: Mailing to California Republican League 1974-1975
Sample Television Packet Plus 4 Slides 1975
First Mailing to Master List 1974-1975
Additions to General Mailing List
Alma: Wednesday Committee Follow Up 1975
Campaign Files 1975
Finch, Robert H.- Finch For Senate Committee: Receipts and Expenditure Reports 1975
Friends of Alphonzo Bell- Committee Meetings 1975
Friends of Alphonzo Bell- Editorials 1975
Friends of Alphonzo Bell- Forms 1975
Friends of Alphonzo Bell- General 1975
Friends of Alphonzo Bell- Handout Packets 1975
Friends of Alphonzo Bell- Literature (Article Clippings) 1975
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: Printing Costs 1975
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: Speaker's Bureau on Behalf of Bell 1975
Friends of Congressman Alphonzo Bell: Bell's Responses to Issues 1975
Friends of Congressman Alphonzo Bell: Bell's Responses to Issues: Domestic 1975
Friends of Congressman Alphonzo Bell: Bell's Responses to Issues: Foreign 1975
Friends of Congressman Alphonzo Bell: Bell's Responses to Issues: Republican 1975
Friends of Congressman Alphonzo Bell: Speakers Manual From the Library of Richard H. Blades 1975
Index of Questions and Answers of Alphonzo Bell 1975
Senate Race 1975
Telephone Numbers and Addresses 1975
Friends of Alphonzo Bell Mailing: Letter to Colleagues and Friends 1975 April
Friends of Alphonzo Bell Mailing: Letter to Republican County Central Committee Chairman 1975 April
Friends of Alphonzo Bell - Campaign Possibilities 1975 April 9
Bell Letter to Colleagues and Friends 1975 April 22
Bell Letter to Republican County Central Committee Chairman 1975 April 30
Friends of Alphonzo Bell Committee Member Reports 1975 May
Friends of Alphonzo Bell Mailing: Bell Letter to Press 1975 May
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: Kallay Letter to Friends Committee Regarding May 31 Meeting 1975
Bell Letter to Press 1975 May 27
Friends Letter to Press 1975 May 28
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: Kallay Contacts in San Diego 1975 May 28
California Republican Assembly Mailing Receipt 1975 June
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: Deane Funk Mailing to Press Undated
Tom Kallay Endorsement Letter for Bell 1975 June
Dean Funk Mailing to Press 1975 June 24
Second Mailing to Master List 1975 July 1
Bell Family Party 1975 July 13
Press Conference: San Francisco 1975 July 21
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: Mailing to Flournoy People 1975 August 15
Mailing to Orange County regarding Bell Speaking Engagements 1975 August 25
Press Clippings #18 1975 September
Press Clippings #3 1975 October
Press Clippings #4 1975 October
Press Clippings #29 1975 October
Letter to Colleagues and Friends 1975 October 13
Press Mailing: Tapes, Films, and Cassettes 1975 October 13
Bell Announcement of Candidacy 1975 October 14
General Mailing 1975 October 14
Master Copy: News Release and 3 Background Memos 1975 October 14
News Release: Bell Enters Senate Race 1975 October 14
Press Mailing 1975 October 14
News Release: Bell Attacks Aid to New York City 1975 October 27
Press Clippings #5 1975 November
Press Clippings #6 1975 November
Press Clippings #7 1975 November
Press Clippings #9 1975 November
News Release: Bell States Position on Energy 1975 November 4
News Release: Energy 1975 November 4
Position Speech on Energy 1975 November 4
Sample Energy News Release 1975 November 4
Press Conference 1975 November 4-14
Letter to the Editor re. New York City 1975 November 7
Letter to Brown Card Respondents, Beginning with Initial Mailing 1975 November 10
News Release: Bell Attacks Self-Serving Congress 1975 November 11
News Release: The Decline of Republicanism in America 1975 November 14
News Release: Republican Alliance with Labor 1975 November 14
Radio and Television Release: Ronald Reagan's Entry Into the Presidential Race - Reaction 1975 November 19
News Release: Bell Attacks 94th Congress 1975 November 24
Radio and Television Release: Bell's Comments on the United Nations 1975 November 24
Bell Christmas Parties 1975 December
Press Clippings #9 1975 December
News Release: Congress Reconvenes 1975 December 1
Radio and Television Release: Congress Reconvenes 1975 December 1
Supporters' Party at Bell Home 1975 December 7
News Release: Congress Should Not Have Pay Raise Power 1975 December 10
Press and Television Release: Bell: Congress Should Not Have Pay Raise Power 1975 December 10
Bruinsma Letter to the Press re. Chairmanship 1975 December 17
News Release: Bell Attacks Self-Serving Congress 1975 December 17
Press Memorandum on Congress Adjournment 1975 December 19
News Release: Issues Confronting Next Year's Congress 1975 December 23
Radio Memorandum 1975 December 23
Press Clippings #10 1975 December-1976 January
1976 Campaign Correspondence
Bell for Senate Campaign Steering Committee: Authorizations to Use Name 1975-1976
Bell for Senate Campaign: News Releases 1975-1976
Bell for Senate Campaign Committee (BSCC) Working Folder (General) 1975-1976
Campaign- Fundraising 1975-1976
Celebrity Endorsement Letter 1975-1976
Ehring, Warne 1975-1976
Endorsement Letters for Bell 1975-1976
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: Bell's Opponents 1975 May-1976 April
Friends of Alphonzo Bell Computer Master List 1975-1976
Friends of Alphonzo Bell Mailings: General Addressing and Mailing Center 1975-1976
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: Newspaper Advertisements 1975-1976
Names Added to List Scanner 1975-1976
News Release- The Issue of Crime in America [1976-1976]
News Release- The Issues of Defense and Foreign Policy [1975-1976]
Sample General Mailing 1975-1976
Schoettger, Harold 1975-1976
Speakers Manual- Friends of Congressman Alphonzo Bell 1975-1976
Target Areas- Bell For Senate Headquarters [1975-1976?]
United States Congressman Alphonzo Bell Discussions 1975-1976
Press 1975 May-1976 April
General Information 1975 July-1976 June
Friends of Alphonzo Bell: Volunteers 1975 August-1976 January
Press Packets 1975 November-1976 February
Kits for Steering Committee and San Francisco Group 1975 December-1976 January
Letters to Those Attending Bell Christmas Parties for Endorsement 1975 December-1976 January
Press Background: Bell Senate Campaign 1975 October-1976 January
Media Lists 1975 October-1976 June
Bell for Senate Campaign Committee TV Campaign Schedule 1976
Bell For Senate Campaign Committee- Report of Receipts and Expenditures 1976
Bruinsma, Ted- Copies of Bills Sent 1976
Campaign General A 1976
Campaign General B 1976
Campaign General C 1976
Campaign Correspondence 1976
Campaign Press Lists- Daryl 1976
Comprehensive G.O.P. Issue Speech 1976
Copies of Bills Sent to Mr. Bruinsma 1976
Copies of Request From Area Chairman 1976
Corey Survey - Summary (Original) 1976
Dahlhausen, Mike 1976
Donor List 1976
Drafts 1976
Endorsements 1976
Filing of Nomination Papers (voter re-registration Bell) 1976
Finch, Robert - Candidate 1976
Forrest Stationers- Supplies for Office 1976
Friends of Alphonzo Bell- Issues 1976
Glushow, Bob [1976]
Gorton, George- Donors 1976
Gullixson, John 1976
Hunt, Gary 1976
Index to Precinct Register- County of Orange 1976
News Release: Where We Stand With One Week to Go 1976
News Release: The Issues of 1976
News Release: Statement from Congressman Bell 1976
Non-Press Questionnaires Regarding Bell's History 1976
Olivo, John- Addresses in Sacramento [1976]
Orange County Address List [1976]
Originals 1976
Originals (Campaign '76 Operational Decisions)
Release Forms (Copies)- Roger Ailes 1976
Sample Ballots 1976
Shipments Received 1976
Xerox Copies of Brown Cards 1976
Bell Clippings 1976 January
Bell for Senate: Campaign Newsletter 1976 January
Bell for Senate College Campaign 1976 January
Editorial Board Meeting: San Francisco/Oakland 1976 January
News Release: Angola 1976 January
News Release: Economics 1976 January
Bell Thank You's 1976 January-September
News Release: Bell Policy Statement on Economics 1976 January 5
News Release: Bell: Tunney is Wrong About Angola! 1976 January 12
Weekly Press Releases 1976 January 12
KITS Steering Committee, San Francisco Group 1976 January 14-15
News Release: Bell's Statement on Angola 1976 January 18
News Release: Congress 1976 January 19
Bruinsma Letter to County Central Committee 1976 January 22-23
Campaign Committee Announcement Mailed to Daily Press 1976 January 26
News Release: Bell Announces Campaign Committee 1976 January 26
News Release: Bell's Vote on Angola 1976 January 26
Charlton Heston Letter re. Endorsement to 90 Celebrities 1976 January 27
Radio/Television Press Memo: Regulatory Agency Review Act 1976 January 30
Bell Clippings 1976 February
News Release: Foreign Policy 1976 February
Celebrity Supporters: Business Cards 1976 February-March
Campaign Press Release: Bell Appoints South Bay Campaign Chairman 1976 February 1
Herald-Examiner Meeting 1976 February 6
Press Memorandum: Editorial Board Interview 1976 February 6
Mr. Bruinsma's First Volunteer List 1976 February 9
News Release: Bell Discusses American Foreign Policy 1976 February 9
News Release: Détente A Foreign Policy 1976 February 9
Press Memorandum: On Détente With Russia and Foreign Policy 1976 February 9
Bell Calls 1976 February 10
Bell Letter to Republican Officials and County Central Committee Chairmen 1976 February 12
News Release: Bell Blames Congress for Communist Takeover of Angola 1976 February 12
News Release: Bell Legislation to Prohibit Campaign Financing of Congressional Newsletters 1976 February 12
Brochure 1976 February 16
Alphonzo Bell Supporters List 1976 February 18
News Release: Immediate Action in Bell Campaign 1976 February 18
Campaign News Release: Bell Files as Senate Candidate 1976 February 20
Press: Abandon Angola to Russia? 1976 February 23
Radio and Television Memo: Tapes on Gun Control 1976 February 27
Press Clippings #15 1976 March
Bell for Senate Campaign Committee 1976 March-April
California Republican Assembly (CRA) Mailing # 1: Presidential Subcommittee 1976 March 6
California Republican Assembly (CRA) Mailing # 2: Presidential and Senate Subcommittee 1976 March 12
News Release: Crime 1976 March 12
News Release: Kickoff of Bell Tour of His Mobile Campaign Headquarters 1976 March 17
California Republican Assembly (CRA) Mailing # 3: Senate and Presidential Subcommittees 1976 March 18
Letter to Councilmen 1976 March 18
News Release: Bell Responds to Finch Claim 1976 March 22
Bell for Senate Campaign Committee Television: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento 1976 March 22-28
Finch, Robert 1976 March 23
News Release: Bell Answers to Finch Attack 1976 March 25
News Release: Bell Hits Tunney Proposal 1976 March 26
California Republican Assembly (CRA) Mailing #4 1976 March 30
Radio and Television Press Memo: 200 Mile Limit 1976 March 31
Bell Clipping #17 1976 April
News Release: Bell Campaign Progress 1976 April
Press Clippings #16 1976 April
Survey Questions 1976 April
Bell Clippings #18 1976 April-June
News Release: "Bell Challenges Tunney on Defense Spending" 1976 April 2
News Release: Defense Spending 1976 April 2
News Release: The Issues of Defense Spending 1976 April 2
News Release: Bell Headquarters Opening 1976 April 9
Materials Handed out at Statewide Meeting 1976 April 10
Release Forms for Filming Bell Campaign 1976 April 10
Bell Letter to Press 1976 April 12
Bell for Senate Campaign Offices Grand Opening 1976 April
News Release: Opening of Bell for Senate Headquarters 1976 April 14
News Release: Bell Comments on Carter 1976 April 29
Mailings/Speeches 1976 May
News Release: Bell on Bob Finch 1976 May
Press Questionnaires Regarding Bell's History 1976 May
Bell Mailing - Press 1976 May 3
Bell Letter to Supporters 1976 May 5
Bell Discusses the Subject of Equal Rights for Women 1976 May 11
News Release: Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Speech for the National Organization of Women (NOW) San Francisco 1976 May 11
News Release: Issues that Divide Reagan and Ford 1976 May 11
Press Mailing 1976 May 25
Sample Press Packet 1976 May 25
Finance Mailing: Bruinsma Letter 1976 May 26
Hayakawa, S.I. 1976 May 26
Bell's June 6 Party 1976 May 31
Bell Clippings #19 1976 June
Press Conference: San Diego 1976 June 3
News Release: Pete McCloskey 1976 June 4
Additions to Press List Undated
Bell Letter to Editors Undated
Bell Shopping Center Visits Undated
Campaign Press Release: Bell Appoints South Bay Campaign Chairman Undated
Flyers- Bell Senatorial Campaign Undated
Mailing Labels Undated
Miscellaneous Campaign Buttons Undated
News Release: Alphonzo Bell Biography Undated
News Release: College Campus Speech Undated
Other Campaign Materials 1956-1982
Facts for Marketers 1966
Primary Laws 1966
The Art of Winning Elections 1967
Polls 1967
Primary Option Calendar 1967
The Standard Periodical Dictionary, 2nd Edition 1967
The 1966 Elections: A Summary Report with Supporting Tables 1967 September 1
California News Reporter 1967 September 22- October 27
Capitol Report 1967-1968
County Election Materials- General 1967-1968
Facts Consolidated 1967-1968
Campaign Materials 1968
Campaign Posters Slides 1968
Campaign Research Techniques from Republican Campaigns 1968
Congressional Candidates 1968
Election Issues Information 1968
Gallup Opinion Index- Political, Social and Economic Trends 1968 July
How The President Is Elected 1968
How to Organize Your Campaign Coffee Program [2 copies] 1968
Membership Roster: American Political Items Collectors 1968
Miscellaneous 1968
Miscellaneous Bumper Stickers 1968
Miscellaneous Congressional Candidates 1968
National Governors' Conference- Resolutions Adopted by the Conference 1968
Polls, Etc. 1968
State and National Information- General 1968
State Candidates
Alabama 1968
Alaska 1968
Arizona 1968
Arkansas 1968
California 1968
Colorado 1968
Connecticut 1968
Delaware 1968
Florida 1968
Georgia 1968
Hawaii 1968
Idaho 1968
Illinois 1968
Indiana 1968
Iowa 1968
Kansas 1968
Kentucky 1968
Louisiana 1968
Maine 1968
Maryland 1968
Massachusetts 1968
Michigan 1968
Minnesota 1968
Mississippi 1968
Missouri 1968
Montana 1968
Nebraska 1968
Nevada 1968
New Hampshire 1968
New Jersey 1968
New Mexico 1968
New York 1968
North Carolina 1968
North Dakota 1968
Oregon 1968
Oklahoma 1968
Ohio 1968
Pennsylvania 1968
Rhode Island 1968
South Carolina 1968
South Dakota 1968
Tennessee 1968
Texas 1968
Utah 1968
Vermont 1968
Virginia 1968
Washington 1968
West Virginia 1968
Wisconsin 1968
Wyoming 1968
Vietnam Material 1968
Gallup Opinion Index: Special Report on the Young Voter 1968 June
American Political Items Collectors Conference 1968 August 16-17
State Organizations 1968 September
RF California, State Information 1968-1969
Election Laws- Campaign Expenditures 1969
Trade Information 1969
City of Los Angeles: Official Election Returns- General Municipal Election 1969 May 27
Campaign for a Candidate's Wife 1970
Factual Campaign Information 1970 January
Campaigns 1970
How To Win- Advertising and Public Relations Ideas for Republican Congressional Candidates 1970
Political campaign and Advertising Agencies 1970
Women Power 1970
This is Weiner & Company- Weiner & Company, Advertising Public Relations Political Consultants 1971
Miscellaneous 1972
Mayorality Campaign 1972-1973
Campaign Financing Reform 1973-1977
Vice Chairman List 1974
Presidential Election 1976 1975
Sample Newspaper Packet 1975
Presidential Classroom for Young Americans 1975-1976
Presidential Primary Election Index to Precinct Register: Bardsdale-Fillmore 1976 May-June
Presidential Primary Election Index to Precinct Register: Goodenough- Muju 1976 May-June
Presidential Primary Election Index to Precinct Register: Mupu- Oxnard 1976 May-June
Presidential Primary Election Index to Precinct Register: Oxnard 1976 May-June
Presidential Primary Election Index to Precinct Register: Oxnard-Tico 1976
Presidential Primary Election Index to Precinct Register: Tico- Yerba Buena 1976 May-June
25 Winning Ideas for Political Advertisers
Campaign Pins Undated
Lists of People with Addresses by State Undated
Position Paper: Right to Work Undated
Student Government Election Guide Undated
Vice Presidential- Agnew, Spiro T. 1968
Anderson, Montana- Governor 1968
Democrat, U.S. Senate Nevada- Bible, Alan 1968
Inaugural Address of Edmund G. Brown Jr. Before the California Legislature 1975-1979
Report to the Legislature- Before the California Legislature 1976-1981
California Medical Association Council 1978 August 5
Advisory Council for Economic Development 1978 August 9
Governor Brown's Host Breakfast Speech (Rough Draft) 1978 August 25
Law Enforcement Record 1978 September 8
Governor's Prayer Breakfast 1979 January 16
Edmund G. Brown's Responses to George Skelton's Questions 1979 January 18
Edmund G. Brown at State Democratic Convention 1979 January 20
Ways and Means Committee Hearing on the Constitutional Convention 1979 February 15
Excerpt from an Address by Edmund G. Brown Jr. to the Economic Club of Detroit 1979 March 1
News Availability 1979 April 25
Bill Moyer's Journal- A Conversation with Jerry Brown 1979 May 7
David Susskind Show 1979 May 11
Mike Douglas Show 1979 June 12
NBC Nightly News- The Hollywood Park Story 1979 June 19
Pugwash Conference- University of California, San Diego 1979 June 26
The Not So-Flaky Candidate by Alexander Cockburn and James Ridgeway 1979 October 29
Announcement of Candidacy, Edmund G. Brown Jr. at National Press Club, Washington D.C. 1979 November 8
Excerpt from Friends of the Earth 1982 April 24
Public Investment Policy of Edmund G. Brown Jr. 1980 July 30
Decade of Destiny 1980 September 12
Addresses by Edmund G. Brown Jr. 1980-1982
Growth In An Era of Limits: A New Economic Vision For A Changing World 1981 December 3
State of the State Message- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. 1982 January 7
Growth In An Era of Limits- An Economic Strategy For the 1980s 1982 March 30
Growth In The Information Era by Edmund G. Brown Jr. 1982 April 28
An American Vision by Edmund G. Brown Jr. Undated
Computers and The Schools Undated
Governor Brown and California's High-Technology Industries Undated
Theodore A. Bruinsma- Biography Undated
Buehner, Carl W.- Utah Governor 1968
Church, Frank- Idaho Senatorial 1968
Collins, LeRoy- Florida Senatorial 1968
Cook, Marlow- Kentucky Republican Senatorial 1968
Cranston, Alan 1968
Campaign: Dalessio, John 1974
Dirksen 1968
Dirksen, Everett 1968
Republican U.S. Senate- Dirksen, Everett McKinley 1968
Republican U.S. Senate, Kansas- Dole, Bob 1968
Republican U.S. Senate, Colorado- Dominick, Peter H. 1968
Dunn, James R. 1968
Eggers, Paul- Texas Governor 1968
Evans- Novak Political Report 1967 November 29
Republican U.S. Senate, Nevada- Fike, Ed. 1968
Finch, Robert- Lieutenant Governor 1965-1966
Finch, Robert- Introduction: 46th Assembly District Lincoln Day Dinner 1973 February 8
Ford, Michigan Republican Congressional 1968
Gilligan, John J.- Democrat U.S. Senate, Ohio 1968
Goddard- Governor Arizona 1968
Goldwater, Barry M.- Republican U.S. Senate 1968
Gurney, Edward J.- Florida Republican Senatorial 1968
Hansen- Idaho Senatorial 1968
Harman- Republican Governor, Kansas 1968
Regarding the Senate Campaign of S. I. Hayakawa 1969-1976
Hearnes, Warren E.- Democratic, Governor, Missouri 1968
Helstoski, Henry: An Audio Report 1968
The Humphrey Handbook for the 1968 Presidential Campaign 1966 August 13
Poster: Hubert Humphrey with Lester Maddox 1967 April 14
Humphrey, Hubert 1968
Victory 1968: News from United Democrats for Humphrey
Jacobs, Paul- U.S. Senate, Peace and Freedom Party, California 1968
Javits, Jacob K.- New York, Senatorial 1968
Better Education: Johnson/Humphrey to the U.S.A. 1964
More Jobs, Better Wages: Johnson/ Humphrey for the U.S.A. 1964
To Your Very Good Health: Johnson/ Humphrey for the U.S.A. 1964
Kennedy, John F. Undated
Kennedy, Robert 1968
A Man and His Words- Claude R. Kirk 1968
Leetham, Jud 1964-1965
Mathias, Charles- Republican, U.S. Senate 1968
May- Connecticut Senatorial Republican 1968
McCarthy, Eugene 1968
McCloskey 1972
McNichols, Stephen- Democrat U.S. Senate, Colorado 1968
Metcalf, Jack- Washington Senatorial 1968
Miller, Bill Undated
Munn-Shaw: Christian Responsibility in Public Affairs Undated
Murphy, George 1964
Richard M. Nixon, Vice President 1959
Nixon 1962
Summary of Elmo Roper Interview, Ladies of the Press, WOR-TV, New York 1964 May 27
Nixon 1967-1968
Nixon/Agnew Administration 1967-1968
Nixon/Agnew Campaign Materials 1967-1968
Nixon/Agnew Nationalities 1967-1968
Nixon- Forward with Eisenhower- Nixon, Let's Continue Peace, Prosperity, Progress 1956
This is Nixon: The Man and His Work by James Keogh 1956
Nixon/Agnew Programs/Professions 1967-1968
10 Ways You Can Help Richard Nixon 1968
Nixon/Agnew 1968
Nixon/Agnew Celebrities and Athletes 1968
Nixon/Agnew Clubs 1968
Nixon/Agnew Commitment 1968- The Action Team for Nixon
Nixon/Agnew Controller 1968
Nixon/Agnew Field 1968
Nixon/Agnew Planning 1968
Nixon/Agnew Public Information 1968
Nixon/Agnew Speak to Nixon/Agnew 1968
Nixon/Agnew: This Time, Vote Like Your Whole World Depended On It 1968
Nixon/Agnew: United Citizens for Nixon/Agnew (U.C.N.A.) Staff 1968
Nixon/Agnew: United Citizens for Nixon/Agnew (U.C.N.A.) State Chairmen 1968
Nixon/Agnew: Volunteers for Nixon/ Agnew 1968
Nixon/Agnew: Youth for Nixon/Agnew 1968
Nixon, Richard- Toward Freedom from Fear 1968
President Nixon's Statements 1968
Nixon Notes Vol.1, No.3 1968 April 8
Nixon, Richard- A New Alignment for American Unity 1968 May 16
Nixon, Richard- Toward An Expanded Democracy 1968 June 27
Nixon, Richard- The Crusade Against Crime 1968 July 2
Nixon, Richard- A New Direction for American's Economy 1968 July 6
Nixon, Richard- Vietnam 1968 August 1
Nixon/Agnew: United Citizens for Nixon/Agnew 1968 September 2
Nixon 1969
Nixon- The Nixon Administration's First Two Years, Nixon's The One Records 1969-1972
The Case for President Nixon in November by Alphonzo Bell 1972 August 29
Initial Proposals for the Percy Senate Campaign 1966
Percy, Charles- Organizational Proposals: Percy for Senate, The General Election Campaign 1966
O'Dwyer, New York Senatorial 1968
Ogilvie- Republican Governor, Illinois 1968
Percy for Senator 1966-1967
Percy, Charles- Letters to Percy from... 1966-1968
Percy Proposals
Percy, Charles- Addresses 1967
Percy Interview 1967
Percy, Charles- Interview with Senate Charles Percy 1967
Pratt 1968
Rafferty, Max 1968
Rafferty, Max- A Study In Simplicity by Paul F. Cummins 1968
Rafferty Newsletters 1968
Rampton- Democrat Governor, Utah 1968
Rayburn, Sam 1968
Reagan, Ronald 1966
Report to Californians: The First Eight Months of the Reagan Administration 1967
ABC's Issues and Answers (Guest: Ronald Reagan) 1967 October 15
Reagan 1967-1968
Governor Ronald Reagan- Political Speeches 1968
Reagan 1968
Budget Message of Ronald Reagan- Governor of California 1968 February 5
Economic Report of the Governor 1968 February 14
Reagan- General Information 1968-1969
Budget Message of Ronald Reagan: Governor of California and Department of Finance Letter of Transmittal 1969 February 4
Governor Ronald Reagan 1970
Economic Report of the Governor 1970 Ronald Reagan 1970 March
Ronald Reagan 1975
Ribicott- Democrat Senatorial, Connecticut 1968
Robinson- Democrat Senator, Kansas 1968
Rockefeller, Nelson 1959-1968
Rockefeller Campaign Summary- Washington State 1963
Rockefeller, Nelson A.- Helping Small Business Grow 1963
Rockefeller Nelson A.- Rockefeller and the Right to Work 1963
Rockefeller Campaign Speaker's Kit 1964
Rockefeller- Mail-in Copies 1964
Rockefeller, Nelson A.- As A Republican, I Believe 1964
Rockefeller, Nelson A.-The Rockefeller Record: Years of Dynamic Achievement 1964
Rockefeller Papers: American Foreign Policy Today, Strengthening The United Nations, The Space Program 1964
Rockefeller Response to Letters 1964
Rockefeller Schedule 1964
Youth to Rockefeller- Publicity Handbook, Compiled by W. J. Corbertt 1964
Statements and Record of Nelson A. Rockefeller 1964 January 1
Rockefeller, Nelson A. 1964 April
Rockefeller- Johnson Budget 1964 April 13
Conscience of a Republican- Summary of Positions of Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller 1964 April 15
Frayn, R. Mort- Rockefeller Campaign Committee Final Summary Report 1964 July 2
Rockefeller, Nelson- Governor of New York 1968
The Rockefeller Foundation Quarterly 1968
Rockefeller, Nelson- Statements 1968
A Public Relations Program for Governor Nelson Rockefeller Undated
Rockefeller, Winthrop 1966-1968
Romney, George 1968
Republican Governor and U.S. Senate Missouri- Roos, Lawrence K. and Tom Curtis 1968
Republican U.S. Senate Indiana- Ruckelshaus, Bill 1968
Republican U.S. Senate Ohio- Saxbe, William B. 1968
Republican U.S. Senate Pennsylvania- Schweiker, Mark S. 1968
Shapiro, Michael G. 1972
Shapiro, Samuel H.- Democrat Governor Illinois 1968
Smith, Preston- Texas Governor 1968
Spad, Carl- Materials 1964
Republican Information 1974
Stevenson, Adlai E. 1956-1966
Taft Jr., Robert 1964-1966
Unruh, Jesse M. 1968
Wallace- Kilpatrick, James Jackson: What Makes Wallace Run? 1968
Wallace Undated
Ward, Baxter Undated
Whitcomb, Edgar D.- Republican Governor of Indiana 1968
Williams, J.- Republican Governor of Arizona 1968
Yorty, Sam 1968
1964 Scranton-Goldwater Campaign
The Education Record of Senator Barry Goldwater, Republican, Arizona 1963
California Primary Facts Book- ABC News 1964
Goldwater, Barry 1964
Scranton, William 1964
Senator Goldwater Speaks Out on the Issues 1964
Weston, Dick 1964 April
Goldwater Changed Campaign Style 1964 April 4
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Press Conference, San Francisco, CA 1964 April 4
Summary /Analysis of Goldwater Press Conference- San Francisco, CA 1964 April 4
Summary and Analysis of Hayward High School Speech 1964 April 4
Summary/Analysis of Goldwater Speech- Radio Station WIW, Omaha, Nebraska 1964 May 11
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Speeches 1965 April 4-23
Goldwater Extreme Positions 1964 April 6
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Press Conference- Portland, Oregon 1964 April 10
Interview with Governor Scranton- YWCA From The People 1964 April 19
Governor Scranton - Yale University 1964 April 25
Summary/Analysis of Goldwater Press Conference- Omaha, Nebraska 1964 May 11
Summary/Analysis of Goldwater Interview, Today Show 1964 May 13
Analysis of Impact of Goldwater Votes on California 1964 May 15
Summary/Analysis of Goldwater Speech- Catalina Island, CA 1964 May 16
Summary/Analysis of Goldwater Speech- Santa Rosa, California 1964 May 16
Summary/Analysis of Goldwater Speech- Ventura, CA 1964 may 17
The Dime Store New Deal 1964 May 18
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Interview, KABC-TV, Los Angeles 1964 May 18
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Interview, Station KPOL, Los Angeles 1964 May 19
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Interview, KTTV- Oakland, CA 1964 May 22
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Press Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, CA 1964 May 23
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater, Issues and Answers Interview, KABC-TV 1964 May 24
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Press Conference, KABC-TV, Los Angeles, CA 1964 May 24
Goldwater, Barry- Arizona 1964 May 25
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Interviews, KPIX-TV, Los Angeles, CA 1964 May 26
Summary and Analysis of Key Points, Goldwater Press Conference, Station KHT, Los Angeles 1964 May 26
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater, Paid Political Broadcast, KHT-TV, Los Angeles, CA 1964 May 27
Summary of Laird- Morton Interview, WNBC-TV, New York City 1964 May 27
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater, Paid Political Ad, KABC-TV, Los Angeles 1964 May 28
Summary and Analysis of Paid Political Announcement, KABC-TV, Los Angeles, CA 1964 May 28
Summary and Analysis of Paid Political Announcement, KTTV-TV, Los Angeles, CA 1964 May 28
Summary and Analysis of Paid Political Broadcast, KABC-TV, Los Angeles, CA 1964 May 28
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Paid Political Commercial, KABC, Los Angeles 1964 May 28
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Paid Political Commercial, KNX, Los Angeles 1964 May 28
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Speech, Glendora, CA 1964 May 28
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Speech, Santa Barbara, CA 1964 May 28
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Interview, WPIX-TV, New York 1964 May 29
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Paid Broadcast, KNX, Los Angeles, CA 1964 May 29
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Political Announcement, KNBC-TV, Los Angeles, CA 1964 May 29
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Speech, Beverly Hills, CA 1964 May 29
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Speech, Inglewood, CA 1964 May 29
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Speech, KTLA, Los Angeles, CA 1964 May 29
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Speech, Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica, CA 1964 May 29
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Speech, Knott's Berry Farm, CA 1964 May 30
Summary and Analysis of Goldwater Speech and Press Conference, LAX, Los Angeles, CA 1964 June 1
Scranton-Summary of WNBC-TV Broadcast, New York City 1964 June 4
Summary and Analysis of Scranton Interviews, Face The Nation, WCBS-TV 1964 June 7
Summary and Analysis of Scranton Interviews, WNBC-TV, New York 1964 June 8
Senator Goldwater Remarks- the Sunday Show 1964 June 11
Governor Scranton from Baltimore, 2:30pm 1964 June 12
Scranton- Speech, Hartford, Connecticut 1964 June 13
Issues and Answers- WABC-TV, New York 1964 June 14
Summary of Laird, Goodell, Lipscomb Press Conference on GOP Platform 1964 June 18
Evaluation of Goldwater Blue Bork 1964 June 19
Governor Scranton- Newark, New Jersey 1964 June 23
Governor Scranton- Miami, Florida 1964 June 24
Governor Scranton- Cleveland, Press Conference 1964 June 25
Scranton Speaking at Cleveland, Ohio 1964 June 25
Goldwater Moderations- Shifts in Position 1964 June 26
Taft- Goldwater Companion Recap Undated
Dole, Bob 1974
Senate Campaign Literature 1974
$100 Dollar Dinner, Sports Arena, Los Angeles (President Eisenhower Speaker) 1959
A Acorns 1973-1974
Action (Independent Agency) 1977 August 29
Amtrak (Independent Agency) 1977 March-June
A Office 1973-1976
APersonal 1973-1976
ASanta Monica Office 1963-1965
B's 1959-1960
Bell's Appointments & Speeches 1959-1960
BBell Family 1973
Bell Letter to President Regarding Vice President Selection 1973 October 11
Birthday Cards: Alphonzo Bell Undated
Blades, Richard: Correspondence 1968-1976
Blades, Richard: Letters In Reply To 1975-1976
Blades, Richard: Memo To 1963-1964
Blades, Richard: Preston, Homer M. 1959
Blades, Richard: Republican Associates 1959
Blades, Richard: Republican Central Committee of Los Angeles County 1959
Blades, Richard: Republican National Committee, Washington D.C. 1959
Blades, Richard: Santa Monica Evening Outlook 1959
Blades, Richard: Webster, Jean 1959
B Office 1973-1976
B Personal 1973-1974
B Santa Monica Office 1964
B Thank You Letters: Bell- Bradley 1973
Bucks 1974
C 1974
C California Republican Delegation 1975
C Capitol Hill Club
Case File A-Z 1965-1976
Cases: Blades N-Z Miscellaneous 1958-1960
Cases: Bell A-Z 1963-1966
Cases Pending 1974-1975
Cases: Dillard, Lillie B. 1974-1975
Casework 1976
Civil Aeronautics Board (Independent Agency) 1977 September-November
Civil Service Commission (Independent Agency) 1976 November-1977 December
C Clerk of the House 1973-1974
Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 1969-1970
Civil Service Commission: Casework: Dr. J. Anthony Morris Letters 1976-1977
Commodity Future Training Commission (Independent Agency) Undated
Community Services Administration 1977 November 30
Congratulatory Messages from Mr. Bell 1965
C: Congressional Recesses 1974 January 22
Congressman- H. Allen Smith, M-C. (20th) 1959
Consumer Product Safety Commission (Independent Agency) 1977 July-August
C Correspondence 1959-1960
C Office 1973-1976
C Personal 1972-1976
C Santa Monica Office 1963-1964
Dear Colleague Letters- 93rd Congress 1973-1974
Dear Colleague Letters- 94th Congress 1975-1976
D Department of State Briefings 1973-1975
District Office Memos 1974
D Miscellaneous 1959-1960
D Office 1973-1975
D Personal 1973-1974
E Education and Labor Notices 1973-1974
Education and Labor Committee 1975-1976
E Electrical Equipment 1973-1974
Elections 1967
Eller, Raymond 1959
Elwood J. Robinson 1959 February 17
E: Miscellaneous 1959-1960
Energy Research and Development Administration (Independent Agency) 1977 February-December
Environmental Protection Agency (Independent Agency) 1977 April-November
E Office 1973-1976
E Personal 1973
Federal Communications Commission (Independent Agency) 1977 January-September
Federal Election Commission (F.E.C.) 1975 February 16
Federal Election Commission 1977 December 19
Federal Energy Administration (Independent Agency) 1977 January-March
Federal Home Loan Bank Board (Independent Agency) 1976 February-1978 January
Federal National Mortgage Administration (Independent Agency) 1977 February 28
Federal Trade Commission (Independent Agency) 1977 December
Finch, Robert H. 1959
F: Miscellaneous 1959
F Office 1973-1976
F Personal 1973-1976
Form Letters 1959
F Santa Monica Office 1964
General Accounting Office (Independent Agency) 1977 July-December
General Services Administration (Independent Agency) 1977 February-November
G Office 1973-1976
Government Printing Office (Independent Agency) 1977 July 28
Governorship 1965
G Miscellaneous 1959
G Personal 1973-1975
Great Issues Study Program 1965
G Santa Monica Office 1963-1964
Guedel and Link Letter Productions 1964-1965
Happy Birthday Wishes 1974
H Miscellaneous 1959
H Office 1973-1976
H Personal 1973-1976
H Santa Monica Office 1964
I: Miscellaneous 1959
Inter-Agency 1977
Interior 1977
Intern Applicants 1977 Summer
International Development Agency 1965
Interns 1976
Interstate Commerce Commission (Independent Agency) 1977 April 19
Interviews- Radio and TV 1965
Invitations, Invitations Accepted, Invitations Declined, Invitations Refused/Unable, Regretted 1963-1976
Invitations 1975-1976
I: Office 1974
I Personal 1973
I Santa Monica Office 1963-1964
J 1975 March-November
J Miscellaneous 1958-1959
J Office 1974
J Personal 1973-1974
Justice 1973-1977
Justice- Casework: Prosecution of FBI Agents 1977
K 1975-1976
K Miscellaneous 1959-1960
K Office 1974
K Personal 1973-1976
L 1959-1974
L 1975-1976
Labor 1977
L: Leases for Congressional Offices in District and Information 1972-1974
Letters- 93rd Congress 1973-1974
Letters and Statements- 94th Congress, 1st Session 1975
Letters and Statements- 94th Congress, 2nd Session 1976
Letter Re Noise Pollution 1970-1972
Letter Received 1969
Letters to the Editors 1959
Library of Congress (Independent Agency) 1977 May-December
L Personal 1973-1976
M 1959-1960
M 1975-1976
Max Cohen: Veterans Administration 1976 February-1977 August
Mc- Alphonzo E. Bell 1969
Memo- Interoffice (General) 1974-1976
Memo to Congressman Bell 1974-1976
Memos- Mr. Blades 1964
Memos- Mr. John A. Wells 1964
Memos- Mr. John Weld 1964
Memos- Thomas Stephens 1964
Memos to State and Regional Chairmen 1964 February 21
Memos- William Tirrell 1964
Mexican Mafia 1977 November-December
"M" Minority Account 1973
Miscellaneous Cases 1973-1976
Miscellaneous P 1959
Miscellaneous R 1959
Miscellaneous S 1959
Miscellaneous T 1959
Miscellaneous A-K 1977
Miscellaneous L-Z 1977
Miscellaneous Correspondence 1959-1960
Miscellaneous Correspondence 1976 September 1-November 29
Miscellaneous Letters, Memos, etc. 1967-1968
Miscellaneous Personal Legislative Letters 1975-1976
M Office 1974
M Personal 1973-1976
Mc Personal 1974
Mrs. Bell- Invitations 1969
M Santa Monica Office 1963-1964
N 1959
N 1975-1976
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Independent Agency) 1977 April-May
National Credit Union Administration (Independent Agency) 1977 April 11
National Labor Relations Board 1976-1977
News Bureau Republican H.Q. 1959 May 4
N Office 1974
N Personal 1973-1976
O 1959
O 1975-1976
O Office 1974
O Personal 1973-1975
P 1975-1976
P Office 1974
Press Releases 1967-1971
Q Personal 1973-1974
Questionnaire- Meetings of Executive Committee 1959 January 12
R 1975-1976
Recommendations from Bell 1972
Recommendations from Bell 1976
Recommendations to Mr. Bell 1970
Recruitment Committee 1959 March 20
R California Republican Delegation 1973-1974
R Republican National Committee 1973
Republican Central Committee of California 1973 December 21
R Republican Central Committee of Los Angeles County 1973
Republican Central Committee Resolutions 1959 February 4
R Republican Conference 1973-1975
R Republican Congressional Committee 1973
Republican National Committee: 1625 I Street, Washington D.C. 1956-1959
Republican National Congressional Committee 1974
Republican State Central Committee: 525 Market Street, San Francisco 1959
Republican State Central Committee: 914 Olive Street, Los Angeles 1959-1960
Requests 1976
Requests to Use Congressman Bell's Name 1972
R Office 1973-1974
R Personal 1973-1976
Rules Committee 1959 October 27
Rules- County Central Committee 1959 March 31
S 1975-1976
Science and Astronautics Committee 1973-1974
Securities and Exchange Commission (Independent Agency) 1980 September 2
Service Club Member 1976 December 6
Severance Taxes 1959
Slogans 1959 October 27
Small Business Administration (Independent Agency) 1977 March-October
Smithsonian (Independent Agency) 1977 April 11
S Office 1974
Southern California Citizenship Clearing House 1959
Speakers Bureau 1959
Speakers Bureau 1969
S Personal 1973-1976
State Legislative 1959 January 16
Subscriptions 1958-1959
T 1975-1976
Telegrams 1959
Tennessee Valley Authority (Independent Agency) 1976-1977
T Thank You's 1973
Thank You Letters to Bradley Supporters 1969 July 10
Thank You and Congratulations Letters 1974
T Office 1974
T Personal 1973-1975
Treasurer of Republican Central Committee of Los Angeles County 1959 January 8
United Republican Finance Committee 1959
U 1975-1976
U Office 1974
U Personal 1974-1976
Veterans Administration (Independent Agency) 1977 February-March
V Personal 1973-1976
Correspondence: Washington D.C.'s 1975 December
Correspondence: Washington D.C.'s 1976 January
Correspondence: Washington D.C.'s [3 Folders] 1976 February
Correspondence: Washington D.C.'s [3 Folders] 1976 March
Correspondence: Washington D.C.'s [2 Folders] 1976 April
Correspondence: Washington D.C.'s [2 Folders] 1976 May
Correspondence: Washington D.C.'s [2 Folders] 1976 June
Correspondence: Washington D.C.'s 1976 July
Correspondence: Washington D.C.'s [2 Folders] 1976 August
Water Resource Policy Study 1977 October-November
W 1975-1976
W Office 1974
W Personal 1974-1975
W Santa Monica Office 1963
XYZ Office 1974
XYZ Personal 1973
1967 November - 1969 May
1969 June - 1970 August
1970 August - 1971 August
1971 September - 1972 September
1972 October - 1973 September
1973 October - 1974 January
1974 January - 1974 March
1974 March - April
1974 April - May
1974 May - August
1974 August - December
1974 December - 1975 February
1975 February - April
1975 April - June
1975 June - July
1975 July - September
1975 September - October
1975 October - November
1975 November -December
1975 December - 1976 January
1976 January - March
1976 March - April
1976 April - May
1976 May - June
1976 June - August
1976 September - December
Legislative Files 1952-1976
Bills 1957-1976
A Bill to Amend the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) - S. 794 1957-1973
To Extend Coverage of the National Labor Relations Act to Employees of Non-Profit Hospitals - H.R. 1236 1959-1973
87th Congress - Bell's Bills (Public and Private) 1961-1962
Select List of Bills Favored by Congressman Alphonzo Bell 1961-1968
Bills Introduced by Bell- 90th and 91st Congress 1961-1968
Legislative Material 1962-1968
Private Legislation Introduced by Bell 1963 April 3
88th Congress, 1st Session - Bell's Bills 1963-1964
88th Congress - Bell's Bills (Public) 1963-1964
88th Congress - Bell's Bills (Private) 1963-1964
Cyprus- Background Information 1964-1975
Mine Safety 1964-1975
Private Legislation (Form) 1965 October 10
89th Congress, 1st Session - Bell's Bills 1965
89th Congress - Private Bills 1965-1966
89th Congress, Second Session - Bell's Bills 1966
89th Congress, 2nd Session - Bell's Bills 1966
90th Congress, 1st Session - Bell's Bills (Private) 1967
90th Congress, 1st Session (A) - Bell's Bills 1967
90th Congress, 1st Session (B) - Bell's Bills 1967
90th Congress, 1st Session - Californians in Congress 1967
90th Congress - Bell's Bills 1967-1968
International Biological Program 1967-1969
Endangered Species 1967-1973
Manpower and Job Training 1967-1974
Technology Assessment Act - H.R. 3269 1967-1974
Americans for Constitutional Action 1968
Legislation Introduced/Cosponsored by Bell - Partial Record 1968
90th Congress, 2nd Session - Bell's Bills 1968
Legislation - Bell's Bills 1968-1969
Newsmen's Privilege - H.R. 1985 1968-1973
Franking Privilege 1968-1974
Gun Control 1968-1976
91st Congress, 1st Session - Bell's Bills 1969
Bills 1969
Legislative Organization Act 1970
91st Congress, 1st and 2nd Sessions - Bell's Bills 1969-1970
Miscellaneous Legislative Bills 1969-1976
91st Congress, 2nd Session - Bell's Bills 1970
Census 1970
Genocide Treaty 1970
List of Bills Introduced or Co-Sponsored by the Honorable Alphonzo Bell 1970
Labor Court 1970-1971
Mobile Teachers' Retirement Act 1970-1973
Appropriation 1970-1975
Bell- Sponsored Legislation 1971-1976
92nd Congress, 1st Session - H.R. 34 1971 January 22
92nd Congress, 1st Session, File B - Bell's Bills 1971
92nd Congress - Bills
92nd Congress - Bell's Bills 1971-1972
NASA - H.R. 7109 1971 April 1
Emergency Employment Act of 1971
Waste Disposal 1971
92nd Congress - Bell's Bills 1971-1972
92nd Congress, 1st Session, File A - Bell's Bills 1971-1972
92nd Congress, Legislation - Bell's Bills 1971-1972
Agriculture/Child Labor 1971-1972
Antioch Law - Indians 1971-1972
Cyclamates Compensation - H.R. 13366 1971-1972
To Extend Coverage of the National Labor Relations Act to Employees of Non-Profit Hospitals 1971-1972
Audio-Visual, Goldwater Industry 1971-1973
I.C.C. Moving Van Legislation 1971-1973
Manpower Revenue Sharing 1971-1973
National Science Policy and Priorities Act - S. 32 1971-1973
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) 1971-1974
Fuel Shortage, Allocation, Energy 1971-1974
Committee on Education and Labor 1971-1976
92nd Congress, 2nd Session - Bell's Bills 1972
92nd Congress, 2nd Session - Bell's Bills 1972
92nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. 3094 - Hearings Before the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences 1972 March 14-16
Genetic Engineering 1972 November
Ralph Nader Congress Project: Citizens Look at Congress 1972
Claim Adjudication - H.R. 9307 (ICC) 1972-1973
Immigration (John Lennon) - H.R. 7229 1972-1973
Revenue Sharing 1972-1973
Santa Monica Mountain Park 1972-1973
Television Re-Runs and Prime Time Rule 1972-1973
National Labor Relations Act: Hospitalization 1972-1974
Fire Research and Safety Act - H.R. 13034 1972-1974
Legal Services Corporation Bill 1972-1975
Legislation - General 1972-1976
93rd Congress, 1st Session, 1st Folder - Bell's Bills 1973
93rd Congress, First Session #1 - Bell's Bills 1973
93rd Congress, First Session #2 - Bell's Bills 1973
93rd Congress, First Session #3 - Bell's Bills 1973
93rd Congress, First Session #4 - Bell's Bills 1973
93rd Congress, 1st Session - Bell's Bills 1973
93rd Congress, 1st Session Digest - Bell's Bills 1973
93rd Congress 1st Session - Bills- H.R. 32 - 5543 1973
93rd Congress, 1st Session - Bills- H.R. 5609 - H.J. Res. 708 1973
93rd Congress, 1st Session - Bills - H.R. 9796 - H.J. Res. 866 1973
Burke-Harteke Bill: Trade Reform Act of 1973
Class Action - H.R. 4900 1973
Class Election Act - H.R. 7612 1973
Combine Naval Districts - H.R. 7378 1973
Constitutional Amendment on Checks and Balances- H.J. Res. 708 1973
Consolidating Education Grants: H.R. 5823 1973 March 20
Continuing Resolutions 1973
Crime and Violence in Schools - H.R. 11962 1973 December 14
Daylight Savings Time 1973
Electoral College: H.J. Res 237 1973
Environmental Education Act 1973
Federal Employees' Compensation Act 1973
Highway Trust Fund 1973
H.R. Bills 1973
Labor Legal Services - H.R. 7212 1973
Labor Pre-Paid Legal Services 1973
Legislative Analysis - Review of 1972 Session of the Congress & Index of AEI Publications
Metric System: H.R. 10576 1973 September 26
Minimum Wage 1973
National Health Federation - H.R. 643 1973
Percy Criminal Justice Bills - H.R. 9396, H.R. 9433 1973
Postsecondary Education Standards - H.R. 11927 1973 December 12
Public Employee Bargaining - H.R. 8677 and H.R. 9370 1973
Research, Development and the Energy Crisis 1973 November 20
Social Security - H.R. 1 1973
To Amend the National Labor Relations Act to Extend Coverage to the Employees of Non-Profit Hospitals - S. 2292 1973
Urban Parkland Heritage Act - H.R. 3497 1973
Work Alienation - H.R. 3777 1972 December-1973 March
93rd Congress, 1st Session, 2nd Folder - Bell's Bills 1973-1974
93rd Congress - Co-Sponsored Bills 1973-1974
Bills 1973-1974
Bicycle Bill 1973-1974
Colorado River Salinity Control - H.R. 7774 1973-1974
93rd Congress - Cranston Bills 1973-1974
Foreign Bank Regulation 1973-1974
Grand Canyon Bill - H.R. 5900 1973-1974
Manpower Programs (New York City) 1973-1974
National Summer Youth Sports Program - H.R. 12748 1973-1974
Nutrition for Elderly - H.R. 11105 1973-1974
Trade Schools - EDCO 1973-1974
93rd Congress - Tunney Bills 1973-1974
D.C. Home Rule - H.R. 9927
American Folkslife Center Act 1973-1975
Gasoline Rationing 1973-1975
Impoundment 1973-1975
Mills-Vanik: H.R. 3911 1973-1975
Tule Elk- H.J. Res. 204 1973-1974
Vitamins Bill 1973-1975
93rd Congress - Bell's Bill 1974
93rd Congress Second Session #1 - Bell's Bills 1974
93rd Congress Second Session #2 - Bell's Bills 1974
93rd Congress Second Session - Bell's Bills 1974
93rd Congress Second Session - Bell's Bills
94th Congress 1st Session Summary 1974
Category Book, by the House Republican Research Committee 1974 May 30
Community Action Administration - H.R. 14449 1974
Compulsory Arbitration 1974
Cuban Detente - H.R. 14281
93rd Congress - Detente Hearings 1974
The Economy 1974
Energy Tax and Individual Relief Act of 1972 - H.R. 17488 1974 November 26
Energy Resources on Public Lands - H.R. 14610 1974
Export-Import Bank Prohibitions - H.R. 792
Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act - H.R. 17474 1974
Fish and Wildlife - H.R. 14527 1974
Hawaiian Shipping (Labor) 1974
Hospital Employees (Labor) 1974
House Organization
H.R. Bills 1974
Illegal Aliens 1974
Impeachment - Andrew Johnson 1974
Inflation - Dear Colleague File 1974
Legal Services Corporation Bill - Sharon 1974
Legislative Analysis - Review of 1973 Session of the Congress and Index of AEI Publications 1974 April 2
Mandate Ballot 377 - Results 1974
Minority Reports Labor 1974
Presidential Vetoes 1974
The Presidential Protection Act of 1974
Social Security 1974-1976
Technology Transfer Act Hearings - H.R. 14242 1974
To Limit Campaign Expenditures - H.R. 16090 1974 July 30
To Establish Public Land Policy - H.R. 16800 1974 September 23
Trade Schools: West Coast Trade Schools 1974
Trade School Hearings 1974
Trade Schools: Federal Trade Commission Regulation 1974
Television Re-Runs 1974
Veterans 1974
East-West Trade and Freedom of Emigration Bill 1974-1975
H.R. Bills 1974-1975
Mulholland National Scenic Parkway - H.R. 11163 1974-1975
Yeager Medal of Honor - H.R. 15896 1974-1975
Yosemite 1974 September-1975 April
Emergency School Aid Act 1974-1976
Labor Subcommittee 1974-1976
93rd Congress H. CON. RES.: 368, 428, 1st Session. H.J.RES:32 1975 May 1
Bills - H.R. 6218, 93rd Congress, 1st Session 1975 April 22
Cosponsored Bills - 94th Congress, 1st Session 1975
94th Congress, Bills Sponsored or Co-Sponsored 1975
Amend the Public Health Service Act - H.R. 5546 1975 June 7
Amendment to Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act 1975 February 6
Artuso Bilingual Program 1975
Background Information on Structure Drilling 1975
Bicentennial- Snowshoe Thompson 1975
Bills 1975
California Desert Bill 1975
Child Labor - H.R. 632 1975
Child Services - H.R. 2966 1975 February 6
Committees' Materials 1975
Community Services Act Technical Amendments of 1975: 80-20 1975
Cranston Bills - 94th Congress 1975
Cuba 1975
Decontrol: Oil Prices 1975
Deferrals: Budget Authority 1975
Domestic Energy Supplies H.R. 7014 1975 July 9
Energy Bill: President's 1975 January 30
Energy Dependence Authority 1975
Energy Manpower 1975
Energy Tax and Conversion Act - H.R. 6860 1975
Extra Bills 1975
Federal Group Life Insurance H.R. 1913 1975 January 23
GAO (General Accounting Office) 1975
HEW Budget Deferrals and Rescissions 1975
House Reform 1975
Kaiser Ridge H.R. 3656 1975
Library Bill H.R. 11233 1975
Minority Report Education and Labor Committee 1975
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) 1975
Price-Anderson Act Extension 1975
Reform Food Stamp Act of 1964 H.R. 10735 1975 November 13
Santa Monica Mountains and Seashore Urban National Park, H.R. 3201, 6576 1975 February 19
Services to Children and Families - H.R. 2966 1975 February 6
Sovereign Rights to Panama Canal - H.RES 573 1975 June 26
Strengthen Cigarette Warning Labels... H.R. 10748 1975 November 13
Tariff-Foreign Oil 1975
Tax Exempt Auto Parts - H.R. 1656 1975 January 20
Tax Reform Act of 1975 1975
Television Re-Runs 1975
To Include the Secretary of Labor in the Energy Resources Council - H.J. RES. 633 1975
To Promote Electric Vehicles - H.R. 6031 1975 April 16
To Protect Confidential Sources of the News Media - H.R. 172 1975 January 14
To Regulate Lobbying - H.R. 3277 1975 February 19
Trade School Bill 1975
Tunney Bills - 94th Congress (computer print outs) 1975
United Nations 1975 November
United Nations Resolution 1975 November
Veterans Administration (VA) Cemetery: March Air Force Base 1975 May-June
Vietnam Aid 1975
Whale Bill 1975
World Food 1975
200-Mile Limit 1975 September
94th Congress, 1st Session: Bills 1975-1976
Cosponsored Bills- 94th Congress, 2nd Session 1975-1976
Bills 1975-1976
Consumer Protection Agency - H.R. 7575 1975-1976
Copyright Revision 1975-1976
S.I. Criminal Justice Reform of 1975 1975-1976
Ellendar, Allen J. 1975-1976
The Energy Policy and Conservation Act S.622 (H.R. 7014) 1975-1976
Federal Election Campaign Act- Supreme Court Decision 1975-1976
General Legislative File 1975-1976
Israel- Egypt Agreement 1975-1976
Land Use 1975-1976
Tax Reform Legislation 1975-1976
Voting Rights 1975 May-1976 February
87th-91st Congress - Bell's Bills 1976
Bills- H.R. 14923, 93rd Congress, 1st Session 1976 July 28
Armed Forces Appropriations... H.R. 12438 1976 March 26
Bell Amendment - H.R. 6218 1976
Bob Peters IV: ESEA 1976
CETA-The SER Bill - H.R. 13623 1976
Clean Air Act Amendments 1976
Crime Control Act of 1976 1976
Divestiture 1976
Earthquake Bill- Oil Decontrol and Enhanced Recovery Methods 1976
Earthquake Prediction and Control - H.R. 13722 1976 May 12
Earthquake- Turkey 1976
Education and Labor Committee's Reports 1976
Educational Leadership (Title IX) 1976
Estate and Gift Tax Reform Act of 1976 1976
Estate Tax Reform 1976
F.E.C. (Federal Election Commission) 1976
Food Stamp Program 1976
For Meetings of Government Agencies to be Open to the Public... H.R. 11480 1976 January 22
Research H.R. 50- Full Employment and Balanced Growth Provisions H.R. 2360 1976
Hinshaw Resolution 1976
List of Bills Introduced by Alphonzo Bell 1976
Nuclear Fuel Assurance Act of 1976 - H.R. 8401 1976
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1976 1976
To Reform Food Stamp Act of 1964 - S.3136 1976 April 12
To Reform Tax Laws - H.R. 10612 1976 August 6
Bill Forms- Blanks
Bill Tracking Request Forms
Congressional Record A Look at Union Pension Funds by Alphonzo Bell 1969
Congressional Record - 91st Congress, 1st Session, Volume 115, Number 23 1969 February 4
Congressional Record - Tax Reform Bill 1969 August 1
Congressional Record Inserts 1972-1974
Congressional Record Volume 121, Number 21 1975 February 13
Congressional Record Volume 121, Number 62 1975 April 22
Congressional Record Volume 121, Number 106 1975 July 8
Congressional Record Volume 121, Number 155 1976 October 22
Congressional Record Inserts 1975-1976
Congressional Record 1973-1976
Congressional Record Volume 119, Number 189 1973 December 4
Congressional Record Volume 120, Number 168 1974 December 4
Congressional Record Daily Digest Proceedings and Debates of the 93rd Congress Second Session, Volume 120, Number 181 1975 January 10
Congressional Record Inserts (Bell) 1971-1975
Congressional Record Index 1975-1976
Congressional Record Inserts, 93rd Congress, 1st Session 1972-1974
Congressional Record Inserts, 94th Congress, 1st Session 1975
Congressional Record Inserts, 94th Congress, 2nd Session 1976
Statements and Congressional Record Inserts 1968-1971
Congress Today!: The Magazine of the National Republican Congressional Committee 1976
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, 94th Congress, 1st Session 1975
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, 93th Congress, 2nd Session, Cumulative Issue, Number 2, Part I 1975
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, 93th Congress, 1st Session, Final Issue, Part I 1973
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, 93th Congress, 1st Session, Final Issue, Part II 1973
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, 93th Congress, 2nd Session, Cumulative Issue, Number 2 1974
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, 93th Congress, 2nd Session, Final Issue, Part I 1974
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, 93th Congress, 2nd Session, Final Issue, Part I 1974
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, 94th Congress, 1st Session 1975
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 1st Issue 1976
Digest of Public General Bills and Resolutions, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Supplement No.1 to First Issue 1976
Voting 1952-1976
Republican National Committee
Republican National Committee- Palmdale/Saugus
Republican National Committee- Alhambra
Republican National Committee- Arieta/Pacoima
Republican National Committee- Avalon
Republican National Committee- Commerce
Republican National Committee- Compton
Republican National Committee- Culver City
Republican National Committee- Duarte
Republican National Committee- Encino
Republican National Committee- Encino/Reseda
Republican National Committee- Gardena
Republican National Committee- Glendora
Republican National Committee- Granada Hills
Republican National Committee- Harbor City
Republican National Committee- Hawthorne
Republican National Committee- La Canada
Republican National Committee- La Crescenta
Republican National Committee- La Puente
Republican National Committee- La Puente/Industry
Republican National Committee- Lancaster
Republican National Committee- Agoura
Republican National Committee- Altadena
Republican National Committee- Azusa
Republican National Committee- Beverly Hills
Republican National Committee- Bradbury
Republican National Committee- Burbank
Republican National Committee- Calabasas
Republican National Committee- El Segundo
Republican National Committee- Encino
Republican National Committee- Gardena
Republican National Committee- Glendora
Republican National Committee- Lancaster
Republican National Committee- Long Beach
Republican National Committee- Los Angeles
Republican National Committee- Marina Del Rey
Republican National Committee- Newhall
Republican National Committee- Norwalk
Republican National Committee- Palmdale
Republican National Committee- Panorama City
Republican National Committee- Paramount
Republican National Committee- Pasadena
Republican National Committee- San Fernando
Republican National Committee- Santa Monica
Republican National Committee- Saugus
Republican National Committee- Tarzana
Republican National Committee- Torrance
Republican National Committee- Venice
Republican National Committee- Altadena
Republican National Committee- Artesia
Republican National Committee- Beverly Hills
Republican National Committee- Bradbury
Republican National Committee- Calabasas
Republican National Committee- Canoga Park
Republican National Committee- Canyon Country
Republican National Committee- Carson
Republican National Committee- Chatsworth
Republican National Committee- Claremont
Republican National Committee- Covina
Republican National Committee- Cudahy
Republican National Committee- El Monte
Republican National Committee- Encino
Republican National Committee- Gardena
Republican National Committee- Granada Hills
Republican National Committee- Harbor City
Republican National Committee- Hawaiian Gardens
Republican National Committee- Hawthorne
Republican National Committee- Lake View Terrace
Republican National Committee- La Puente
Republican National Committee- Little Rock
Republican National Committee- Long Beach
Republican National Committee- Los Angeles
Republican National Committee- Lynwood
Republican National Committee- Malibu
Republican National Committee- Mission Hills
Republican National Committee- Monrovia
Republican National Committee- Newhall
Republican National Committee- North Hollywood
Republican National Committee- Northridge
Republican National Committee- Pacoima
Republican National Committee- Palmdale
Republican National Committee- Panorama City
Republican National Committee- Pear Blossom/Valyermo
Republican National Committee- Pomona
Republican National Committee- San Dimas
Republican National Committee- San Fernando
Republican National Committee- San Pedro
Republican National Committee- Santa Monica
Republican National Committee- Saugus
Republican National Committee- Sepulveda
Republican National Committee- South San Gabriel
Republican National Committee- Studio City
Republican National Committee- Sun Valley
Republican National Committee- Sylmar
Republican National Committee- Tarzana
Republican National Committee- Topanga
Republican National Committee- Tujunga
Republican National Committee- Universal City
Republican National Committee- Van Nuys
Republican National Committee- Venice
Republican National Committee- Wilmington
Republican National Committee- Woodland Hills
Republican National Committee- Arcadia
Republican National Committee- El Monte
Republican National Committee- El Monte/Temple City
Republican National Committee- Inglewood
Republican National Committee- Irwindale
Republican National Committee- Lawndale
Republican National Committee- Leona Valley
Republican National Committee- Lomita
Republican National Committee- Los Angeles
Republican National Committee- Lynwood
Republican National Committee- Malibu
Republican National Committee- Newhall
Republican National Committee- Northridge
Republican National Committee- Reseda
Republican National Committee- Reseda/Northridge
Republican National Committee- Reseda/Van Nuys
Republican National Committee- San Gabriel
Republican National Committee- Signal Hill
Republican National Committee- South El Monte
Republican National Committee- Temple City
Republican National Committee- Alhambra
Republican National Committee- Glendale
Republican National Committee- La Crescenta
Republican National Committee- Montrose
Republican National Committee- Sierra Madre
Republican National Committee- South Pasadena
Republican National Committee- North Hollywood/Studio City
Republican National Committee- Reseda
Republican National Committee- San Fernando
Republican National Committee- San Gabriel
Republican National Committee- South San Gabriel
Republican National Committee- Saugus
Republican National Committee- Sepulveda
Republican National Committee- Sherman Oaks
Republican National Committee- South Gate
Republican National Committee- Sunland/Sun Valley
Republican National Committee- Sunland/Tujunga
Republican National Committee- Sun Valley
Republican National Committee- Sylmar
Republican National Committee- Tarzana
Republican National Committee- Tujunga
Republican National Committee- Valencia
Republican National Committee- Van Nuys
Republican National Committee- Westlake Village
Republican National Committee- Wilmington
Republican National Committee- Woodland Hills
Republican National Committee- Wrightwood
RBA Research 1967-1968
RBA Research- Alabama 1968
RBA Research- Alaska 1968
RBA Research- Arizona 1967
RBA Research- Arkansas 1968
RBA Research- Connecticut 1968
RBA Research- Delaware 1968
RBA Research- Florida 1968
RBA Research- Georgia 1968
RBA Research- Hawaii 1968
RBA Research- Idaho 1968
RBA Research- Indiana 1968
RBA Research- Iowa 1968
RBA Research- Kentucky 1968
RBA Research- Kansas 1968
RBA Research- Louisiana 1968
RBA Research- Maine 1968
RBA Research- Maryland 1968
RBA Research- Massachusetts 1968
RBA Research- Michigan 1968
RBA Research- Minnesota 1968
RBA Research- Mississippi 1968
RBA Research- Missouri 1968
RBA Research- Montana 1968
RBA Research- Nebraska 1968
RBA Research- New Hampshire 1968
RBA Research- New Mexico 1968
RBA Research- New Jersey 1968
RBA Research- New York 1968
RBA Research- North Dakota 1968
RBA Research- North Carolina 1968
RBA Research- Oklahoma
RBA Research- Ohio
House Record Vote Analysis 1973-1974
House Record Vote Analysis 1973
House Record Vote Analysis, 93rd Congress, 1st Session 1973
House Record Vote Analysis, 93rd Congress, 2nd Session 1974
Record Vote Analysis 1974
Record Vote Analysis, 93rd Congress, 2nd Session 1974
Report of Registration 1970-1975
Report of Registration, State of California 1970-1972
Report of Registration, State of California 1970-1974
Report of Registration, State of California 1972
Report of Registration, State of California 1972-1973
Report of Registration, State of California 1974
Report of Registration, State of California 1974 September
Report of Registration, State of California 1974 October
Report of Registration, State of California 1975 January
Statement of Vote
State of California- Statement of Vote, General Election, Party Registration, Voting Precincts, Total Vote Cast 1952-1956
State of California- Statement of Vote, General Election, Party Registration, Direct Primary Election 1972-1976
State of California- Statement of Vote 1970-1974
State of California- Statement of Vote. Consolidated Primary Election 1972 June 6
Statement of Vote, Primary Election 1974 June 4
Roll Call Votes 1965-1976
Roll Call Votes: House of Representatives, 89th Congress, 1st Session 1965
Roll Call Votes: House of Representatives, 89th Congress, 2nd Session 1966
Roll Call Votes: House of Representatives, 90th Congress, 1st Session 1967
Roll Call Votes: House of Representatives, 90th Congress, 2nd Session 1968
Roll Call Votes: House of Representatives, 91st Congress, 1st Session 1969
Roll Call Votes 1970
Roll Call Votes: 91st Congress, 2nd Session 1970
Roll Call Votes: 92nd Congress, 1st Session 1971
Roll Call Votes: 92nd Congress- Environment, Water Resources, Conservation and Recreation, Education and Training 1971-1972
Roll Call Votes: 94th Congress, 1st Session 1975
Roll Call Subject Guide 1976
Voting Records 1959-1976
Bell's Voting Record in Congress
Voting Record 1959-1976
Voting Record- 87th Congress, 1st Session 1961
Voting Record of Honorable Alphonzo Bell on Labor 1961 March 24
Bell's Voting Record: 87th Congress, 1st Session - 91st Congress, 1st Session 1961-1969
Bell's Voting Record: 87th Congress 1961-1962
Bell- Voting, Attendance, Positions, Etc. 1961-1976
Voting Record- 87th Congress, 2nd Session 1962
Voting Record- 88th Congress, 1st Session 1963
Bell's Voting Record: 88th Congress 1963-1964
Bell's Voting Record: 88th Congress, 2nd Session 1964
Bell's Voting Record: 89th Congress 1964-1965
Voting Record- 89th Congress, 1st Session 1965
Bell's Voting Record - 89th Congress, 1st Session, Description of Subject Matter 1965
Bell's Voting Record- 91st Congress 1965-1971
Voting Record- 89th Congress, 2nd Session 1966
Bell's Voting Record - 89th Congress, 2nd Session and Description of the Subject Matter 1966
Voter Registration 1967
Voting Record- 90th Congress, 1st Session 1967
Voting Record of Mr. Bell- 90th Congress, 1st Session and Description of the Subject Matter 1967
Bell's Voting Record- 90th Congress 1967-1968
Bell's Voting Records 1968
Bell's Voting Record - 90th Congress, 2nd Session and Description of Subject Matter 1968
Voter Reactions 1969
Bell's Voting Record - 91st Congress, 1st Session and Description of the Subject Matter 1969
Voting Record- Representative Bell and Congressional Quarterly Service 1969
Voting Record- 91st Congress, 1st & 2nd Sessions 1969-1970
Congress Voting Record- Individual Members 1969-1970
Bell's Voting Record - 91st Congress, 2nd Session and Description of Subject Matter 1970
Bell's Voting Record - 92nd Congress, 1st Session and Description of Subject Matter 1971
Bell's Voting Record - 92nd Congress, 1st Session 1971-1972
Bell's Voting Record - 92nd Congress From the Library of Richard H. Blades 1971-1972
Member's Personal Voting Record - 92nd Congress 1971-1972
Bell's Voting Record - 92nd Congress, 2nd Session and Description of Subject Matter 1972
Bell's Voting Record - 93rd Congress Environmental 1973
Bell's Voting Record - 93rd Congress, 1st Session 1973
Bell's Voting Record - 93rd Congress, 1st Session 1973
Bell's Voting Attendance Record for Roll Number 621-727 and Roll Call Subject Guide 1973
Member's Personal Voting Record- 93rd Congress 1973-1974
Bell's Voting Record- 93rd Congress, 2nd Session 1974
Group Ratings of Bell's Voting Record 1974
Voting Record Files 1975-1976
ADA's Voting Record 1975-1976
Bell's Voting Record and Positions 1975-1976
Category Book - 94th Congress 1975-1976
Comprehensive Tax Reform Voting Scale - 94th Congress 1975-1976
Member's Personal Voting Record- 94th Congress 1975-1976
Bell's Voting Attendance Record for Roll Call Number 701-864 and Roll Call Number Subject Guide for 94th Congress, 2nd Session 1976
Voting Record- 94th Congress second session 1976
Voting Results 1964-1965
Voting Results: District of Columbia 1964-1965
Voting Results: New York 1964-1965
Voting Results: North Carolina 1964-1965
Voting Results: North Dakota 1964-1965
Voting Results: Ohio 1964-1965
Voting Results: Oklahoma 1964-1965
Voting Results: Pennsylvania 1964-1965
Voting Results: Puerto Rico 1964-1965
Voting Results: Rhode Island 1964-1965
Voting Results: South Carolina 1964-1965
Voting Results: South Dakota 1964-1965
Voting Results: Tennessee 1964-1965
Voting Results: Texas 1964-1965
Voting Results: Utah 1964-1965
Voting Results: Vermont 1964-1965
Voting Results: Virginia 1964-1965
Voting Results: Virgin Islands 1964-1965
Voting Results: Washington 1964-1965
Voting Results: West Virginia 1964-1965
Voting Results: Wisconsin 1964-1965
Voting Results: Wyoming 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: District of Columbia 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Oregon 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Pennsylvania 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Rhode Island 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: South Carolina 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Tennessee 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Texas 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Utah 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Vermont 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Virginia 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Washington 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Wisconsin 1964-1965
Voting Results, Senator Biographies, and State Law on Delegates: Wyoming 1964-1965
Georgia District Alternates
Louisiana District Alternates
Maine Alternates At Large
Maryland District Alternates
Massachusetts District Alternates
Michigan District Alternates
Minnesota District Alternates
Mississippi District Alternates
Missouri District Alternates
Nebraska Alternates at Large
Nevada Alternate Addresses
New Hampshire- Alternate At Large Addresses
New Mexico Alternate Addresses
New Jersey Alternate Delegate Addresses
North Carolina Alternate At Large Addresses
North Dakota Alternate At Large Addresses
Ohio District Alternate Addresses
Oklahoma Alternate Addresses
Oregon District Alternate Addresses
Pennsylvania District Alternates
Rhode Island Alternate At Large
South Dakota District Alternate
South Carolina Alternate At Large
Tennessee Alternate At Large
Texas District Alternate
Utah District Alternate
Vermont Alternate At Large
Virginia Alternate At Large
White House Messages 1972
White House Messages 1973
White House Press Secretary Messages: 93rd Congress, 2nd Session 1974
The White House- Statements by President Ford 1974
Economic Report of the President 1975 February
White House Messages: 94th Congress, 1st Session 1975
White House Messages: 94th Congress, 2nd Session 1976
Speeches and Presentations 1933-1976
Speeches - Others 1933-1968
Working Papers Speech 1957-1963
Speech File 1958-1959
Speech File 1960
Speaking Engagements 1960
Speeches Files 1961-1962
Requests for Speaking Engagements by Bell 1960
Lincoln Week - Legacy Speech 1963
Speech Files 1963
The Lincoln Legacy by Congressman Alphonzo Bell 1963 February 10-15
Speech File 1964
Lincoln Week Speech 1964 February 11
The City: Where Government Begins and Groups Before Whom Given- SM Office Copy 1964
Scranton - Speech at Massachusetts State Convention in Springfield 1964 June 28
Speech File - Humanity and Crisis in Our Century Address Draft 5 1965
Optimism, Anxiety & Progress: The Knowledge Explosion 1965
What Happened in Congress in 1965
The American Congress - Splendor and Confusion Town Hall 1965 June 8
California Teachers Association 1965 October 15
Bay Area Chapter of NAACP 1965 October 21
Bel Air Federated Republican Women's Club 1965 October 25
The Republican Party: The Will to Win 1965 October 25