Series 1 Correspondence 1949-1997
Scope and Content Note
Abramowitz, Nurith 1966-1969
Allen, Esther 1960-1964
Ames, Bruce 1957-1993
Anderson, Bruce 1963-1965
Appling, Dean 1979-1995
Arnon, Stephen 1961-1968
A Miscellaneous 1957-1993
Baggett, Matthew 1965
Bailey, Laura K. 1967-1968
Baindur, Swati 1986-1989
Barany, George 1973-1974
Barker, H.A. 1953-1970
Blicharski, Janine 1966-1979
Brennan, Tim 1979
Broderick, James 1971-1982
Brody, Ed and Charlotte 1976-1986
Bruckner, R. 1985
Bryngelson, Lori 1987
Buchanan, Bob B. 1961-1978
Bull, Herb 1974
B Miscellaneous 1949-1993
California Corp. 1957-1959
Carlson, Gerry 1994-1996
Ceglowski, Piotr 1987-1994
Champion, , Alex 1970-1971
Chase, Ted 1963-1975
Chen, Ching-San 1970-1991
Cheung, Edwin 1994-1996
Chorey, Joanne 1982
Clark, Benedict 1974-1976
Cole, R. David 1964-1978
Cully, John 1963-1964
Curthoys, Norman 1970-1981
C Miscellaneous 1951-1994
D'Ari, Dick 1986-1993
D'Ari, Linda 1989-1992
Davidson, Barry 1977-1995
Delk, Ann 1971-1995
DiBona, Helene 1964-1995
DiRaimondo, Barry 1979
Doi, Roy 1980
Duoros, John 1972-1974
D Miscellaneous 1956-1994
Eisenberg, David 1968-1973
E Miscellaneous 1956-1993
Fancher, Harriett 1966-1967
Feigenblum, Ellen 1968-1975
Fox, Lawrence 1985
French, Jon 1977-1981
F Miscellaneous 1951-1992
Glaser Affair Letter to Chronicle 1973-1980
Glass, Robert 1986-1994
Gong, Bonnie 1978
Goodwin, Ralph 1965
Graves, Mary 1980-1995
Green, David 1951-1977
Gross, Marvin 1980-1982
Grossowicz, Nathan 1974
Grunberg-Manago, Maria 1971-1980
G Miscellaneous 1954-1993
Hager, Paul 1993-1994
Hamilton, Franklin 1967-1989
Heppel, Leon 1957-1974
Himes, Dick 1961-1989
Holden, Joe 1951-1997
Hong, Jen-Shiang 1968-1972
Hong, Yong Ki 1983
Hou, Ya-Ming 1980
Horecker, Bernie 1953-1979
Horvat, Agnes 1967-1968
Hurd, Noel 1974-1976
Hurwitz, Jerry 1956-1967
H Miscellaneous 1949-1994
I Miscellaneous 1968-1983
Jaenicke, Lothar 1964
Jensen, L.H. 1970-1993
Kapor, Gabrielle 1977-1983
Knecht, Erwin 1980-1981
Kornberg, Arthur 1964-1995
K Miscellaneous 1963-1996
Langridge, Roert 1973
Leder, Irwin 1964-1966
Lee, James 1987
Lee, Karl 1985-1988
Liao, Hans 1976-1981
Lichman, Ann 1967-1974
Lindwall, Glen 1982
Lin, Chia Po 1983
Lippard, Steve 1971-1973
Lode, Eglis T. 1970-1975
Lovenberg, Walt 1963-1987
L Miscellaneous 1964-1989
MacKenzie, Robert E. 1968-1991
Malkin, Dick 1963-1977
Marks, P.A. and Joan 1968-1995
Mason, R. 1964-1973
McGuire, John J. 1974-1989
McLaughlin, Jane 1977-1989
Mildvan, A.S. 1967-1968
Mims, Gloria 1975-1976
Munly, Bruce 1963-1977
Murai, John 1986-1987
Murray, Cheryl 1977-1982
M Miscellaneous 1965-1995
Mc Miscellaneous 1968-1981
Nagle, David 1975-1987
Nandi, Jayashree 1982
Neumuller, Magnus 1982
Nishman, Ben 1964-1966
Noah, Bob 1978
Nour, Johara 1985-1996
N Miscellaneous 1964-1994
O'Donoghue, Gerard 1983-1986
Ostroff, Gary 1982
O Miscellaneous 1968-1986
Packer, Elliot 1964-1986
Palmer, Graham 1966-1975
Park, Morgan 1986-1987
Parker, Riley D., Jr. 1986
Paukert, James L. 1969-1980
Penhoet, Ed 1977-1982
Phillips, W.D. 1967
P Miscellaneous 1964-1986
Raeburn, Sam 1963-1971
Raftery, Mike 1964-1965
Reingold, Arthur 1977-1987
Romeo, J. 1974
R Miscellaneous 1963-1993
Samuel, Charles 1970-1973
Samiro, Seppo 1972
Sastri, Rama 1963-1965
Schwartz, John 1971-1975
Scott, John Martin 1965-1996
Schiotz, Bodil and Henrick 1962-1996
Searle, Barbara 1958-1961
Shannon, Karen 1993-1996
Sharrock, Bill 1973-1988
Shor, Ruth 1992-1993
Shores, Ed and Joan 1963-1974
Skjeldal, Lars 1988-1989
Sohel, Indira 1981-1990
Snell, Esmond 1986
Springer, Mathias 1993-1995
Staben, Charles 1967-1995
Stallcup, Michael 1970-1983
Sternlicht, Himan 1974-1976
Straus, Linda D'Ari 1970-1985
Suarez-Mata, Zadila 1975-1980
Sweeney, William 1972-1995
S Miscellaneous 1963-1993
Taylor, Lori B. 1988
Toohey, John 1994
Tonomura, Ben 1963-1981
Tucker, Jeff 1986-1988
T Miscellaneous 1963-1994
Uyeda, Kosaku 1962-1993
Vellanoweth, Robert 1994
V Miscellaneous 1963-1977
Wahls, Wayne 1992-1994
Wallach, Robin 1983
Wawszkiewicz, Ed 1973-1987
Whitehead, Terence 1981-1993
Whittaker, Vivian 1959-1971
Williams, Gene and Alice 1973-1976
W Miscellaneous 1963-1990
X-Y-Z Miscellaneous 1965-1989
Ziegler, Erica 1973-1992
Series 2 General Research Files 1947-1997
Scope and Content Note
Research Files 1963-1996, n.d.
Research Files 1963-1996
Research Files 1963-1991, n.d.
Grants 1968-1997
Grants 1968-1997
Reprints 1947-1995
Series 3 University of California, Berkeley 1957-1999
Scope and Content Note
Departmental Files 1957-1999
Departmental Files 1957-1999
Committees 1957-1999
Series 4 Professional Affiliations 1948-1995
Scope and Content Note
Associations 1965-1995, n.d.
Conferences 1975-1991, n.d.
Miscellaneous Professional 1948-1994
Miscellaneous Professional 1948-1994
Series 5 Personal Papers 1945-1996
Scope and Content Note
Personal Papers 1953-1996
Personal Papers 1953-1996
Thesis Research Notebooks 1945-1949
Travel Files 1953-1996
Travel Files 1953-1996
Series 6 Photographs 1947-1987
Scope and Content Note
Photographs 1955-1987, undated
Negatives undated
Photographs 1947-1987, undated