Art historian, lecturer, and cultural advisor to Tiffany and Company. In his wide
travels, Pélissier both collected and created photographic images on diverse subjects, including buildings, monuments, gardens,
city views, decorative
arts, as well as family and friends. The images in this collection represent various formats and processes, including stereographs,
lantern slides,
glass negatives, and rare Lumière autochromes. Materials used to present, preserve, and repair stereo views are included,
as well as some original
stereo view boxes. The small representation of Pélissier's writing includes photocopies of several articles and partial essays,
mostly concerning
decorative arts.
Georges Pélissier (1865-1931) was employed by Tiffany and Co., in Paris and New York, as a cultural advisor and purchasing
clerk. An art historian and
lecturer, Pélissier published many writings on decorative objects, art theory, and artists (see the following bibliography).
During extensive travels,
he collected a substantial number of photographs ranging in subject from decorative arts and architecture, to portraits. Georges
Pélissier dedicated the
majority of his life's work to the promotion and study of the decorative arts.