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Russia. Departament politsii. Zagranichnaia agentura (Paris) Okhrana records
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index XXVa, folder 2w

New Haven Conference of the Unions of Russian Workers in the United States and Canada 1916


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index XXVa, folder 2x

Oberuchev in New York to raise funds to aid Russian prisoners of war 1916


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index XXVa, folder 2y

New York meeting of the Society to Aid Political Exiles in Siberia 1917


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index XXVa, folder 2z

Correspondence between Russian revolutionaries abroad (France, Belgium, England) with Russian immigrants in the United States 1895


Available on microfilm reel 400
index XXVa, folder 3

Cross-reference sheet

box 215

b. Russian domestic and foreign sources to aid the revolutionaries

Scope and Contents note

Folder 1 contains a general collection of documents on the activities of the revolutionaries at home and abroad to secure funds for their cause. In Folders 2 and 3, the dispatches (titled individually in the inventory to each folder) refer to the results of the constant campaigns for funds. Money was collected from all and any sources available -- wealthy individuals, legacies, collections and meetings, lectures, sale of literature, membership dues, etc. Money was needed to maintain the revolutionary leaders and fighting terrorist unit for the purpose of arms and explosives, publications, and operational expenses of all sorts.


Available on microfilm reel 400
index XXVb, folder 1

Dispatches pertaining to Russian domestic and foreign sources to aid the revolutionaries 1895-1917


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index XXVb, folder 2a

Account of a committee to help political prisoners in Russia 1893


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index XXVb, folder 2b

A Czech offering information on revolutionaries counterfeiting money 1906


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index XXVb, folder 2c

Revolutionaries attempting to get a share of a large estate left by Nikolai Schmidt 1907


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index XXVb, folder 2

Appeal of the International Committes to Aid Unemployed Workers in Russia 1908


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index XXVb, folder 2e

Fiscal support of the Paris Group for Collaboration with the Socialist Revolutionaries 1908


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index XXVb, folder 2

Intercepted letter giving the financial statement of a revolutionary organization 1909


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index XXVb, folder 2g

Appeal of the Central Committee to a number of lecturers in order to raise funds; Burtsev's financial difficulties 1909


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index XXVb, folder 2h

Concerts and plays of the London anarchist club to aid the revolutionaries 1910


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index XXVb, folder 2i

Rich merchant Michael Treitner giving large sums to Socialist Revolutionaries 1910


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index XXVb, folder 2j

Vera Figner's Paris Committee to Aid Political Prisoners in Russia 1910


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index XXVb, folder 2k

Rumors that the Japanese government offered Russian revolutionaries large sums of money in 1905 for sabotage work in Russia 1910


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index XXVb, folder 2l

Organization of a Treasury to Aid Political Convicts and Prisoners in Liege 1910


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index XXVb, folder 2m

Financial report of the Paris Group for Collaboration wit the Socialist Revolutionary Party 1910


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index XXVb, folder 2n

Rich merchant Semigradova in Kiev contributing large sums to revolutionaries 1911


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index XXVb, folder 2o

Financial reports of the Oblast' Committee of Socialist Revolutionary organizations abroad and of the Brussels Socialist Revolutionary group 1910-1911


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index XXVb, folder 2p

Son of rich merchant Fedotov giving financial help to the revolutionaries 1911


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index XXVb, folder 2q

Financial statement of the Sazonov Library of the Paris Socialist Revolutionary Group 1912


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index XXVb, folder 2r

Lausanne meeting of the Committee to Aid Convicts; funds to be sent to Vera Figner 1912


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index XXVb, folder 2s

Offer of 150,000 francs made to Savinkov for terrorist acts 1912


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index XXVb, folder 2t

Lecture by Aleksinskii to raise funds for the Vpered group 1912


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index XXVb, folder 2u

Committee of the Zurich émigré Treasury 1912


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index XXVb, folder 2v

Report on an alleged offer of funds made to Savinkov for terrorist purposes 1912


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index XXVb, folder 3a

Funds received by Boris Savinkov for terrorist purposes 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3b

Financial report of the Paris Socialist Revolutionary Group 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3c

Arrival of Moscow millionaire Shakhov in Paris to help revolutionaries 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3

Rich woman Sharzhinskaia and the interest of the revolutionaries in her money 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3e

Financial aid from Moscow tea merchants, the Vysotskii family 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3

Indications that Nathanson received 30,000 rubles for terrorist purposes 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3g

Antwerp Union of Russian Sailors headed by Anichkin 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3h

Coupons to raise money for the Latvian Social Democratic Party 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3i

Fund-raising activities of the Latvian Social Democratic Party 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3j

Berlin students raising money to help political prisoners in Russia 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3k

Memo requesting identification of individual who donated 30,000 rubles to the Fighting Unit 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3l

Irregularities in the funds of the revolutionary treasury 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3m

Barthold to get a sum of money for terrorist purposes 1913


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index XXVb, folder 3n

Zurich and Basel societies to aid political prisoners in Russia 1914


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index XXVb, folder 3o

Basel meeting of the "Locan Union to Aid Exiles," 1914


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index XXVb, folder 3p

Fundraising lecture in Zurich 1914


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index XXVb, folder 3q

Appeal for funds of the "Union of Russian Seaman" in London 1915


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index XXVb, folder 3r

Vera Figner's Geneva "Group to Aid Political Exiles and Prisoners," 1915


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index XXVb, folder 3s

Donations by Moscow millionaires, the Morozovs 1915


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index XXVb, folder 3t

Bern Conference of émigré Treasuries in Switzerland 1916


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index XXVb, folder 3u

Appeal of the Central Secretariat of émigré Treasuries in Switzerland 1916


Available on microfilm reel 400
index XXVb, folder 4

Cross-reference sheet

index XXVb, folder 5

Reference: See intelligence summary no. 133, April 14, 1905, on the organization of a mutual insurance fund for members of Socialist Revolutionary and Social Democratic groups, in XIIIc(2), folder 6

box 215

c. Expropriation, counterfeiting, and banditries

Scope and Contents note

"Expropriations," after the uprisings of 1905, became the policy, strategy, and tactics of the revolutionaries in general, particularly of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party. As a proletarian party, the latter was always in greater need of funds than the Socialist Revolutionaries, who had in their ranks a larger proportion of well-to-do members than Lenin's group. In essence, "expropriations" were nothing more than banditries serving as a source of funding the revolution and at the same time hurting the regime, creating chaos, and, with propaganda, serving as another slogan against capitalist oppression.
Folder 1 contains a number of dispatches exchanged between Headquarters and the Paris Office and pertaining to acts of expropriation and banditry committed by the Russian revolutionaries from 1893 to 1915. The documents in Folder 2 refer to specific banditries on a large scale, such as the Tiflis robbery (April 1907), Tashkent (1906) and Odessa (1907). There is also a brief (in German) prepared by the Munich police on Kamo-Mirskii's efforts to exchange Russian bank notes stolen at Tiflis (see XXVIIc), reports on the counterfeiting of bank notes (Leventhal), etc. A set of clippings from London newspapers on the attempted robbery at Houndsditch completes the file.


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index XXVc, folder 1

Miscellaneous documents pertaining to expropriations by the revolutionaries 1893-1915


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index XXVc, folder 2a

Popov affair and description of a swindle with Russian stocks 1893


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index XXVc, folder 2b

Aleksandr Belentsov, participant of a Moscow bank holdup, in Zurich 1906


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index XXVc, folder 2c

Brothers Kereselidze and Nestor Magalov, who stole 315,000 rubles from a state treasury in Tiflis 1906


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index XXVc, folder 2

Extradition of participants in the Tiflis holdup from Switzerland 1907


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index XXVc, folder 2e

Circular announcing rewards for the apprehension of individuals involved in stealing 544,000 rubles from Tashkent and Aulieatinsk finance offices 1907


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index XXVc, folder 2

Revolutionary plans to commit a large-scale robbery in a Caucasian city 1907


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index XXVc, folder 2g

Bank robberies in Odessa 1907


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index XXVc, folder 2h

Attack on a train en route from Tiflis to Batumi 1907


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index XXVc, folder 2i

Kamo's role in the Tiflis holdup; his plans for other expropriations 1907


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index XXVc, folder 2j

Brief on the Tiflis robbery prepared in German by the Munich police 1908


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index XXVc, folder 2k

Disposition of the money stolen in the Verkhnedneprovsk holdup 1907


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index XXVc, folder 2l

Litvinov's and Krassin's talks on counterfeiting bank notes following the Tiflis holdup 1907


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index XXVc, folder 2m

Disposition of the money from the Tiflis holdup 1907


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index XXVc, folder 2n

Agent Tsetlin and her suit against the revolutionaries for stealing her money 1909


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index XXVc, folder 2o

Robert Leventhal engaged in counterfeiting Russian currency in Paris 1912


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index XXVc, folder 2p

Dispatch of revolutionaries for an expropriation job 1913


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index XXVc, folder 2q

Reports on the suspected participants of the Tiflis holdup


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index XXVc, folder 2r

Eight clippings referring to the attempted Houndsditch robbery


Available on microfilm reel 400
index XXVc, folder 3

Cross-reference sheet

index XXVc, folder 4

Reference: For a letter from Munich on the Tiflis robbery, see Vd, folder 1

index XXVc, folder 5

Reference: See outgoing telegram no. 145, 1910, regarding the proposed plan of the revolutionaries to destroy money from the Tiflis holdup, in XIIIb(2), folder 8

box 216

d. Extortion and blackmail

Scope and Contents note

Contains various documents referring to acts of blackmail and extortion, perpetrated by the revolutionaries, or in their name. There is also a list of Russians arrested in Lausanne (April 1908) in connection with extortion letters sent to S. Shiro. Folder 2 has documents pertaining to various cases of blackmail and extortion, such as Persitz, Prince Trubetskoi, Ganeshin, Troitskii, Kokovashin, and Fontaine, and also samples of threatening letters (1902-1912).


Available on microfilm reel 401
index XXVd, folder 1

Dispatches pertaining to extortion and blackmail 1906-1914


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index XXVd, folder 2a

Report on Agent Persitz, engaged in extortion from diplomats 1902


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index XXVd, folder 2b

Revolutionary posing as Prince Trubetskoi 1904


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index XXVd, folder 2c

The Ganeshin case (attempts of the revolutionaries to swindle him) 1906


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index XXVd, folder 2

Attempts of revolutionaries to swindle Aleksandra Chuksina in Moscow 1907


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index XXVd, folder 2e

Attempts of swindler Kokovashin to extort 350,000 rubles from the Russian government 1907


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index XXVd, folder 2

Blackmail in connection with former agent Paul Fontaine 1911


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index XXVd, folder 2g

Sample extortion letters sent by revolutionaries 1912


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index XXVd, folder 2h

Documents pertaining to former agent Louis Feuger 1914


Available on microfilm reel 401

Scope and Contents note

Includes his letter to the MVD minister requesting re-employment.
index XXVd, folder 3

Cross-reference sheet

index XXVd, folder 4

Reference: See notes on double agent Julieta, in XIa


XXVI. Communications of the revolutionaries


a. Code systems

Scope and Contents note

The use of codes was not well developed by the revolutionaries. Intercepted mail often illustrates the use of code words and expressions, but full use of codes in digits was obviously rare. As some examples in the folders illustrate, they were of a simple, easily deciphered variety.


Available on microfilm reel 401
box 216, index XVIa, folder 1a

Codes used in correspondence by the revolutionaries 1895-1912


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box 216, index XXVIa, folder 1b

Decoded letters 1903-1904


Available on microfilm reel 401
box 216, index XXVIa, folder 2

Cross-reference sheet

box 216, index XXVIa, folder 3

Reference: See intelligence summary no. 57, 1903, for a list of the codes of different revolutionary organizations not yet broken by the Okhrana, in XIIIc(2), folder 2

box 216, index XXVIa, folder 4

Reference: For the code system used by early Polish revolutionaries, see the papers on Rapoport and Savitski, in XIX


b. Secret writing


Available on microfilm reel 401
box 216, index XXVIb, folder 1

Intercepted letters of the revolutionaries, written with invisible chemicals, which were later developed 1904-1909


Available on microfilm reel 401
box 216, index XXVIb, folder 2

Cross-reference sheet


c. Couriers


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box 216, index XXVIc, folder 1

Couriers of the revolutionaries 1903, 1913


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d. General


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box 216, index XXVId, folder 1

Dispatch informing that the address of a Paris restaurant is being used by the revolutionaries for mail 1911


Available on microfilm reel 402

XXVII. Methods of black propaganda, threats, poison pen letters


a. Burtsev's exploitation of the case of Francisco Leone

Scope and Contents note

The year 1913 was a turning point in the history of the Paris Okhrana Office. Burtsev succeeded in completely exposing the Russian secret police network in that city, thereby forcing the Paris Okhrana to change its organizational structure and operational methods. One of the cases used by Burtsev in his anti-Okhrana campaign was that involving Francesco Leone, who was fired by the Paris Okhrana and went over to Burtsev, giving him the information he acquired as an agent. The documents in this file clearly reflect the great concern of Krasilnikov for the security of his organization against the Burtsev-Leone conspiracy.


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIIa, folder 1

Dispatches discussing the repercussions of Leone's turning to Burtsev 1913-1914


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIIa, folder 2

Notes on the dismissal of postmaster Christiani of Fezzano, Italy, for aiding the Okhrana with mail interceptions 1914


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIIa, folder 3

Agents' reports on Leone's turning to Burtsev 1912-1913


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIIa, folder 4

Newspaper clippings on the Russian police in Paris and Italy based on Leone's revelations 1913


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIIa, folder 5

Cross-reference sheet


b. Burtsev's campaign against Garting

Scope and Contents note

In early 1909 the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Burtsev succeeded in exposing the Chief of the Paris Okhrana Office, Baron Arkadii Mikhailovich Garting, as one Heckelman-Landesen who, in 1890, was convicted by a French court to five years imprisonment for illegal possession of explosives. The documents in this file cover the period from November 26, 1908, to February 10, 1910, and consist primarily of frantic dispatches from Garting to the home office in St. Petersburg about Burtsev's persecution.


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIIb, folder 1

Dispatches concerning Burtsev's campaign against Garting of the Paris Okhrana 1908-1910


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIIb, folder 2

Cross-reference sheet

box 216, index XXVIIb, folder 3

Reference: See outgoing telegram, 1909, on the effect of Burtsev's exposure of Garting's position, in XIIIb(2), folder 7

box 216, index XXVIIb, folder 4

Reference: See outgoing telegram, 1909, with Garting's pleas for help against Burtsev's campaign against him, in XIIIb(2), folder 7

box 216, index XXVIIb, folder 5

Reference: See outgoing telegram, 1909, asking Headquarters to direct the Paris Embassy to advise the French press that Garting and Landesen are not the same person, in XIIIb(2), folder 7


c. Exploitation of Kamo's case against Russian and German security organs

Scope and Contents note

The earliest document in this file on Semen Ter-Petrosian ("Kamo," "Dmitrii Mirskii") is an outgoing dispatch dated October 12, 1907, referring to "Kamo" as a young but highly active and daring revolutionary terrorist greatly valued by all Bolsheviks, including Lenin and "Nikitich." The report points out that "Kamo" was a key figure in the purchase of arms for revolutionaries in collaboration with Litvinov. Another report gives brief biographical sketch of that individual along with his career as a holdup artist of major proportions and a description of his great friendship with Lenin. When "Kamo" was arrested in Berlin in an apartment stocked with bombs and explosives, which he shared with a secret Okhrana agent, the Social Democratic circles succeeded in initiating a campaign accusing the Okhrana agent of planting the explosives in the apartment as an act of provocation, thereby causing considerable embarrassment to the Okhrana. "Kamo" successfully feigned insanity and was committed to a German asylum. The documents in this file also indicate that "Kamo" organized and participated in two holdups in Georgia, in Tiflis and on the Georgian Military Road. (See Index Numbers XXVb and XXVc for further information concerning the Georgian holdups. )


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIIc, folder 1

Headquarters circular, dispatches, and other materials on Simon Ter-Petrosian (Kamo, Dmitrii Mirskii) 1907-1908


Available on microfilm reel 402

Scope and Contents note

Includes documents on his activities as a terrorist, his arrest in Berlin, and his commitment to a mental institution in Germany.

d. Threats upon the lives of security personnel, communist intimidation

Scope and Contents note

The Russian revolutionaries abroad utilized intimidation and threats to extort funds and to control the activities or to do away with certain government leaders and police officials. (See XXIVi, XXVc, and XXVd for additional information.) The documents in this file pertain to the murder of agent "Iost"- Chizhikov, the alleged suicide of agent Lisovskii, Burtsev's action against Garting and the Paris Okhrana, the terrorist Emma, accounts of the attempted assassination of Okhrana Colonel von Kotten by Rips, and the assassination of Colonel Karpov.


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIId, folder 1

Dispatches concerning the murder of Agent Chizhikov ("Yost," "Est") 1908-1909


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIId, folder 2

Reports on the alleged suicide of Agent Lisovskii 1913


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box 216, index XXVIId, folder 3

Burtsev's action against Garting and against the Paris Okhrana in general 1909-1912


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box 216, index XXVIId, folder 4

Terrorist Emma and her access to a Riga prison 1909


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box 216, index XXVIId, folder 5

Accounts of the attempt on the life of staff agent von Kotten by Rips 1909-1913


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIId, folder 6

Notes and telegrams referring to the assassination of Colonel Karpov 1909


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box 216, index XXVIId, folder 7

Dispatches, notes, and reports on various matters 1905-1916


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 216, index XXVIId, folder 8

Cross-reference sheet


XXVIII. Miscellaneous


This portion of the collection was not microfilmed.

Scope and Contents note

An assembly of various items preserved as found in the shipment by Ambassador Maklakov. They remain with the collection as part of the original archive. Items include unused stationery, papers, pencils, and erasers, and other items found in the desk drawers of Okhrana Chief Krasil'nikov; stamps for office use and sealing wax, folders of maps and European city plans; telephone book, dictionaries, and a collection of calling cards.
index XXVIII, box 217

Office stamps for classifying, dating, serializing of documents, etc.

index XXVIII, box 217


index XXVIII, box 217

Pencils, pens, and sealing wax

index XXVIII, box 217

Small change box

index XXVIII, box 218

Personal telephone directory (some entries), alphabetized portfolio (empty)

index XXVIII, box 218

Three printers' cuts of unidentified photographs

index XXVIII, box 218, 238

Unused stationary of the Russian Embassy in Paris and the M.V.D. (Okhrana) office; official envelopes, one with the seal A.N.; unused scrap paper pad; loose paper

index XXVIII, box 218

Assortment of medical prescriptions for Chief Krasil'nikov

index XXVIII, box 218

Wooden tray for pencils

index XXVIII, box 219

Empty portfolio for Russian bank notes

index XXVIII, box 219

Four empty folders for filing incoming and outgoing dispatches

index XXVIII, box 220

Erasers, tape, thread, items from writing desk drawer

index XXVIII, box 220

Collection of calling cards

index XXVIII, box 220

Three desk blotters and a ruler

index XXVIII, box 221-225, drawer O07

Miscellaneous papers, pamphlets and publications

Scope and Contents note

Includes letters of credit from the Crédit Lyonnais, post card albums, travel guidebooks to various countries and cities, and foreign language grammar books.
index XXVIII, box 225, drawer O07

Assorted maps and city plans of Europe

index XXVIII, box 225

Miscellaneous pamphlets

index XXVIII, box 226

Panoramic photographs of Switzerland, Russian Red Cross in Stockholm pamphlet, and Monitore Italo-Russo, no. 6, 1917

index XXVIII, box 227

Index cards

box 237

"Source Materials from the Okhrana Archives Pertaining to Political Intervention of the Central Powers in the Russian Revolutionary Movement," by Arsene G. Yourieff circa 1916

box 238

French manuscript on Socialist Revolution 1908

box 238

Annotated piece of wood undated

box 245

Shipping crate undated


XXIX. Inventories


Available on microfilm reel 402
box 228, index XXIX, folder 1

Packing list for the contents of 17 boxes prepared for shipping on August 31, 1920

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