This collection comprises the publications of the University of California, Irvine, Administrative and Business Services unit
and many of its subunits, including Accounting and Fiscal Services, Administrative Computing Services, Facilities Management,
Materiel and Risk Management, Parking and Transportation Services, and Police. Included are announcements, brochures, catalogs,
directories, ephemera, fliers, manuals, newsletters, and reports.
Administration and Business Services (ABS) was founded in 1963 as the Business and Finance office. The original subunits included
Community Planning, Planning and Design, Personnel, Accounting, Purchasing, Buildings and Grounds, Construction, Health and
Safety, and Auxiliary and Service Enterprises. As of 2007 ABS included Financial Management, Internal Audit Services, Campus
Architect and Design and Construction Services, Campus and Environmental Planning, Accounting and Fiscal Services, Administrative
Computing Services, Distribution and Document Management, Environmental Health and Safety, Facilities Management, Human Resources,
Material and Risk Management, Parking and Transportation Services, and Police. ABS is headed by the Vice Chancellor for Administrative
and Business Services.
2 Linear Feet
(2 boxes)
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contact the University Archivist.
The collection is open for research.