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Lazarev (Vladimir IAkovlevich) papers
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Correspondence 1964-2001

Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence with Russian writers. Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
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General 1982-2001

Scope and Contents

Includes bibliography.
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Abramov, Fedor (Абрамов Федор) 1981-1982

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Adamovich, Ales (Адамович Алесь) 1987

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Billington, James H. 1992

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Bukovsky, Vladimir Konstantinovich (Буковский Владимир Константинович ) 1996

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Bulgakov, Valentin Fedorovich (Булгаков Валентин Федорович) 1964

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Iwanowska, Wilgelmina 1992-1994

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Kagarlitskaia, N. M. (Кагарлицкая Н. М.) 1986-1987

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Kuleshov, Fedor Ivanovich (Кулешов Федор Иванович) 1984

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Likhachev, Dmitrii Sergeevich (Лихачев Дмитрий Сергеевич) 1985-1992

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Panteleev, L. (Пантелеев Л.) 1986

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Rasputin, Valentin Grigor'evich (Распутин Валентин Григорьевич) 1986-1988

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Senghor, Léopold Sédar 1994-1995

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Sikorski, Helen (Сикорская Елена ) 1999

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Sukhov, Fedor (Сухов Федор) 1985

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Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich (Солженицын Александр Исаевич) 1990-1995

Scope and Contents

Includes a photograph.
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Svetov, Feliks (Светов Феликс) 1989

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Sviridov, Georgii Vasil'evich (Свиридов Георгий Васильевич) 1982-1984

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Tvardovskaia, Mariia Illarionovna (Твардовская Мария Илларионовна) 1985-1987

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Wyrouboff, N. (Вырубова Н.) 1994

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Zalygin, Sergei (Залыгин Сергей) 1989

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Photographs 1977-2004

Scope and Contents

Includes photographs depicting Lazarev at poetry reading events.

Writings 1981-2012

Scope and Contents

Includes journal articles and reprints, novels, diary and memoirs, arranged chronologically.

General 1982-2012

Scope and Contents

Includes short stories, poems, articles and essays.
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День поэзии 1981 1981

Scope and Contents

Poetry collection compiled by Lazarev

"Эпоха в зеркале Тихона Шумилкина" 1981-2007

Scope and Contents

Includes drafts, notes, and research material.
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Photocards 1982-1988

Scope and Contents

Sets of Russian writers postcards with Lazarev's lead articles and captions
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Жуковский Василий Андреевич 1982

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Бунин Иван Андреевич 1984

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Ясная поляна 1988

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"Письмо в никуда" 1982

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"Матушка Лидия" 1992-1993

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"Круг понятий" 1999

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"Девчонка с соседней звезды" 2002

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Жизнь литературы 2002

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На перетоке времен 2006

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"Времена жизни" 2006-2009

Scope and Contents

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Прощание славянки или "Чувство пути" 2007

Scope and Contents

Terra Nova interview with Lazarev
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"Судьба одной русской семьи" 2008

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Свет мой утреннийб Анна 2010

Scope and Contents
