The Chicana and Chicano Studies Department Records (1968-2003) document the development and administration of the department and its curriculum. Highlights include materials
relating to the department's incorporation into the College of Professional Studies and the resulting backlash from students.
The majority of the material dates from the 1970s and details early department organization and curricula. The collection
includes correspondence, syllabi, memorandums, course files, faculty meeting minutes, and reports. The collection is filed
Initially developed in 1968 by students and faculty inspired by the Civil Rights and Chicano movements, San Diego State College
(SDSC) officially established the Mexican-American Studies Department, now known as the Chicana and Chicano Studies Department,
in 1969, and offered both a major and a minor. SDSC faculty and students followed El Plan de Santa Barbara as a blueprint for the codification of Chicana/o Studies at the university level, which had been created at the 1969 UC Santa
Barbara Conference of Chicano students, professors, and activists. The purpose of the newly-formed department was to teach
an accurate and complete history of Chicanos and Mexican-Americans and their contributions to the United States. In addition,
the department hoped to recruit more Chicana/o students to the campus, and teach and develop skills that students could use
to help their communities politically and economically.
The copyright interests in some of these materials have been transferred to or belong to San Diego State University. The nature
of historical archival and manuscript collections means that copyright status may be difficult or even impossible to determine.
Copyright resides with the creators of materials contained in the collection or their heirs. Requests for permission to publish
must be submitted to the Head of Special Collections, San Diego State University, Library and Information Access. When granted,
permission is given on behalf of Special Collections as the owner of the physical item and is not intended to include or imply
permission of the copyright holder(s), which must also be obtained in order to publish. Materials from our collections are
made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. The user must assume full responsibility for any use of the
materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials.
This collection is open for research.