Guide to the Papers of Robert B. Leighton, 1938-1988
Guide to the Papers of Robert B. Leighton, 1938-1988
Collection number: Consult repository
ArchivesCalifornia Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California
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- Processed by:
- Laurence M. Dupray, Nurit Lifshitz, and Anne Simms
- Date Completed:
- July 2000
- Encoded by:
- Kevin C. Knox. Derived from XML/EAD encoded file by the Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics as part of a collaborative project (1999) supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Scope and Content of Collection
Series I: Correspondence
- A -
Academic Press 1962-1963; 1969
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1962-1973; 1975; 1979
Advanced Research Projects Agency 1964-1965
Aerospace Corporation 1964; 1966; 1968-1969; 1974
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 1969-1970
Alleaume, M. 1973-1974
American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1963; 1968; 1985
American Association of Physics Teachers 1961-1963; 1965; 1971
American Astronomical Society 1961-1974
American Education Publication 1962; 1964
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1967
American Institute of Physics 1964-1983
American Journal of Physics 1967-1968; 1972 See also: Boley, F.I.
Andersen, S. 1965
Anderson, C.D. 1953-1970
Anderson, E.E. 1963; 1970; 1981
Anderson, K. 1963-1964
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 1961-1963; 1969-1970 See also: Goldberg, Leo
Annual Reviews 1966-1967
Argyle, E. 1967; 1971
Athenaeum House Committee 1969
Astronomical Society of the Pacific 1964; 1966-1967; 1970-1972
Astronomical Journal 1963; 1968; 1972
Astrophysical Journal 1961; 1964-1965; 1968; 1970
Astrophysical Letters 1968-1969; 1974
Athay, R.G. 1963-1964; 1972
- B -
Baars, J.W.M. 1980; 1983
Babcock, H.W. 1965; 1967, 1970
Bacher, R.F. 1961
Bahng, J. 1962
Baum, W.A. 1967-1968
Baxter, T. 1972-1973
Beckers, J.M. 1963; 1970
Bell, B. 1964; 1966
Bendix Corporation 1961
Benfield, D.A. 1964
Benjamin, W.A. Inc. (Book publisher) 1961-1970
Benton, R. 1969-1970
Bernett, W.A. 1971
Black, J.B. 1978, 1980
Black, N.A. 1965
Blankenship, L.V. 1965-1966
Blum, E.J. 1974; 1977; 1981
Bohm, K.H. 1964
Boley, F.I. 1964-1968
Bowen, I.S. 1961, 1962, 1963
Boyce, P. 1975-1976; 1978 See: National Science Foundation
Brandt, J.C. 1963; 1966-1967; 1969-1970
British Broadcasting Corporation 1969; 1976-1977
Brown, Harold 1969-1970; 1976
Brunk, W.E. 1975-1976 See: NASA: Office of Space Sciences
Burbidge, G. 1971; 1975; 1979
- C -
Caltech Committee on Sponsored Research 1960
Cameron, A.G.W. 1963, 1965 See: NASA
CBS News 1963
Celestron Associates 1963
Chandrasekhar, S. See: Astrophysical Journal
Clark, E.H. 1963, 1966-1967
Cimino, M. 1960-1961; 1964
Coleman Chamber Music Association 1973-1974
Colomb, F.R. 1983
Commission on College Physics 1963-1964; 1966; 1968
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) 1961, 1975; 1978
Corcoran, W.H. 1963; 1974-1975
Coronet Instructional Films 1961-1962; 1969
Czuia, K. 1972
- D -
Danielson, R.E. 1969
Davies, R.C. 1969
Devreese, J. 1966
Dexter, J. 1966
Dicke, R.H. 1963-1966; 1968-1970; 1974-1975
Dixon, W.T., Jr. 1962
Dollfus, A. 1962; 1965-1967; 1969
Douglas Aircraft Company 1961; 1963-1964; 1966
DuBridge, L.A. 1964; 1968
Duncan, R.L. 1969
Durney, B. 1969-1971; 1975
- E -
Edmonds, F.N. 1962
Educational Services Inc. 1963-1965
Educational Testing Service 1966
Edwards, W.F. 1961; 1965
Electronic Space Systems Corporation 1976-1981
Encyclopedia Americana 1969
Encyclopedia Britannica Films 1959; 1961; 1963-1964
England, S. 1964; 1966
Eschenauer, H.A. 1980
Evans, J.W. 1961; 1964
- F -
Ferdinande, H. 1972-1973
Finkelnburg, W. 1965-1966
Firor, J.W. 1964
Focas, J.H. 1967
Focke, A.B. 1963
Ford, K. 1966-1967 See also: Ulrich, B.T.
Ford Foundation 1962-1965
Frazier, E.N. 1964
- G -
Gaizauskas, V. 1965
Gilmore, R.B. 1963-1965
Ginn and Company 1961-1963
Goble, A.T. 1969
Goldberg, L. 1961; 1964-1966; 1971-1972; 1976 See also: American Astronomical Association
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Goldenberg, M. 1965-1967
Gratton, L. 1966
Guyon Power and Process Piping 1974
- H -
Hall, J.S. 1962; 1965-1966; 1969-1970
Hatherell, G. 1975-1978
Heeschen, D.S. 1978 See: National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Hogan, P.C., Jr. 1973
Holden-Day, Inc. 1963; 1978
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Publishers 1963; 1965; 1968-1969
Houghton Mifflin Co. 1972; 1974-1975
Howard, J.N. 1964
Howard, R. 1965, 1967, 1980
- I -
International Academy of Astronautics 1975; 1981
Iwao, S. 1976-1978
- J -
Jaegers, A. 1966; 1970
Jager, C. 1963
Jaskowsky, W. 1961
Jefferies, J.T. 1965-1966; 1968; 1970-1971; 1978-1979
John Wiley & Sons, Publishers 1962; 1963; 1968; 1973
Johnson, H.R. 1965-1966
- K -
Kaifu, N. 1974; 1976 See: National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Kaplon, M.F. 1965; 1969
Kane, B. 1970
Kerr, F.J. 1976; 1978
Kieckhefer, R.J. 1973-1974
Kiepenheuer, K.O. 1961; 1964-1967
Knox, R.S. 1969
Kobayashi, T. 1968; 1970
Koblik, K.M. 1970
Koch, D. 1967; 1969
Kraft, R.P. 1978
Kraushaar, W.L. 1963; 1965; 1978
Kuiper, G.P. 1963; 1966; 1969-1970; 1975
- L -
Lenchek, A.M. 1969
Lind, D.A. 1962; 1965; 1967
Lorrain, P. 1963-1964
Loughhead, R.E. 1961
Lüst, R. 1963
- M -
MacDonald, G.J. 1962; 1964
Madey, R. 1965; 1975
Málek, Z. 1971
Marcus, A. 1966
Maxwell, A. 1967
Mayal, N.V. 1962; 1965; 1967; 1969
Mayberry, T.F. 1969-1970
Mayer, O.G. 1969, 1975-1979
McCord, T.B. 1969
McGraw-Hill Book Company 1961-1986
McNally, D. 1969
Meinel, A.B. 1969
Meiners, H.F. 1965; 1969
Menzel, D.H. 1962; 1966
Merritt, M.L. 1961; 1966
Michard, R. 1963-1964; 1966
Micholovitz, K. 1970
Millman, P.M. 1970-1971
Mohler, O.C. 1971
Monaghan, J.J. 1964-1965
Müller, E.A. 1961
Murray, B.C. 1970
- N -
National Academy of Sciences (NAS):
Geophysics Research Board 1975-1978
National Research Council 1966-1970; 1977; 1978
Space Science Board 1963-1977
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):
Headquarters 1965; 1975
Institute for Space Studies 1965
Office of Space Sciences 1963-1965; 1975-1976
Office of Space Sciences: Grants and Contracts 1962-1982
Physics and Astronomy (Roman, N.) 1963-1978
Theoretical Division 1963; 1966; 1970
National Geographic Magazine 1964-1965; 1967; 1969-1970
National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) 1974-1980
National Science Foundation (NSF) 1961-1984
Nearing, J. 1962-1963
Neugebauer, G. 1979, 1984
Newell, H.E. 1963-1966 See: NASA: Office of Space Sciences
New York Academy of Sciences 1966-1967; 1974
Nichols, G. 1965
Noyes, R.W. 1962-1965; 1967; 1974
- O -
Office of Naval Research (ONR) 1968; 1969
Optical Society of America 1963-1964; 1970
O'Leary, B.T. 1967
Oliver, B.M. 1975
Orth, L.M. 1966
Osterbrock, D.E. 1962; 1965; 1967
- P -
Page, T. 1962; 1965
Park, D. 1971
Parratt, L.G. 1962-1965 See also: Ulrich, B.T.
Pearlman, H. 1968
Peterson, V.Z. 1963-1964; 1985
Phillips, T.G. 1974-1975
Photographic Society of America 1969
Physics 48 Investigators 1964, 1966-1969
Physics Today 1970-1974
Pickering, W.H. 1968, 1969
Pierce, K. 1961-1963; 1965; 1967; 1969
Pneuman, G.W. 1971
Prescott, J.R. 1962
Prism Productions 1966
- Q -
- R -
Radhakrishnan, V. 1975-1978; 1984
Rea, D.G. 1965; 1967; 1974
Ring, J. 1963; 1965-1967
Roberts, W.O. 1964-1965
Robertson, W.D. 1969
Rosch, J. 1961; 1969; 1975
Rosen, M.W. 1975-1978 See: National Academy of Sciences: Space Science Board
Roth, J.A. 1961; 1967-1968
Rouse, C.A, 1963; 1973
Rucorn, S.K. 1965-1967
Russell, J.A. 1961; 1969
Russell, W.T. 1965
Rust, D.M. 1969; 1971
- S -
Sagan, C. 1963; 1965; 1969-1970; 1972; 1975
Saleem, M. 1963
Salisbury, F.B. 1968-1969
Sands, M. 1964-1965
Schadee, A. 1965
Schatten, K.H. 1969; 1972-1973; 1979
Schaum Publishing Company 1962; 1964
Schmidt, M. 1975-1977
Schuster, R.P. 1966-1968
Schoolman, S.A. 1973
Science 1964; 1966-1967; 1969
Scientific American 1964; 1966; 1968-1970
Scott, D.C. 1968-1969
Sefi, R.R. 1979
Sharp, R.P. 1968
Shell Development Company 1966-1967
Shenton, D.B. 1975
Simmons, R.O. 1978
Simon, G.W. 1963-1964; 1966
Simpson, J.A. 1965; 1967
Singer, F.S. 1966
Sky and Telescope 1962; 1972; 1974; 1976
Smith, B.A. 1965; 1967; 1970
Smith, S. 1964
Smithsonian Institution 1969-1970
Smoluchowski, R. 1969-1970
Space Science Reviews 1967
Space Technology Laboratories, Inc. 1962
Sproull, R.L. See: Advanced Research Projects Agency
Stam, T.L. 1967, 1977
Stevens, L. 1974
Stewart, J.W. 1965; 1969
Strand, K.A. 1964
Strassenburg, A.A. 1963-1964
Stull, J.L. 1962
Sturrock, P.A. 1965; 1967; 1971
Suemoto, Z. 1962; 1964
Švestka, Z. 1966; 1969
S--Miscellaneous I
S--Miscellaneous II
- T -
Taylor, A.H., Jr. 1981-1982; 1985
Teske, R.G. 1969; 1973
Tollestrup, E. 1976; 1978
Townes, C.H. 1967; 1970-1971; 1978; 1980
- U -
Ulrich, B.T. 1964; 1969 See also: Parratt, L.G.
UMSCHAU in Wissenschaft und Technik 1966-1967; 1969
- V -
Veio, F.N. 1964; 1972; 1975
Vogt, R.E. 1978-1982, 1984
- W -
Waddell, J. 1964-1965
Waldo, R. 1974-1975
Wallerstein, G. 1974-1975
Ward, F.W., Jr. 1964-1965
Weaver, A.B. 1961
Weiss, N.O. 1962; 1964
Wells, R.A. 1967-1968
White, R.E. 1968; 1974
Whitney, C.A. 1961-1962
Wilcox, J.M. 1965-1966; 1972
Wildt, R. 1968
Wilkerson, G.W. 1967; 1969
Wilson, E.R. 1975-1976
Wilson, P.R. 1962; 1964
Winckler, J.R. 1963; 1966-1968
W--Miscellaneous I
W--Miscellaneous II
- Y -
York, C.M. 1964
Yoshimura, H. 1975
Young, A.T. 1963
- Z -
Zapffe, C.A. 1964
Zirin, H. 1963-1964; 1971
Zisch, W.E. 1965; 1974
Zweig, F. 1965-1966
Z - Miscellaneous
Series II: Caltech
Part A. Research Proposals
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Grant NsG-426 {study of cosmic rays, infrared astronomy, planetary magnetic fields, theoretical astrophysics, planetary spectroscopy, instrument development}
Semi-annual status report
Apr. 1 - Oct. 1, 1963; Oct. 1, 1963 - Apr. 1, 1964
Apr. 1 - Oct. 1, 1964
Oct. 1, 1964 - March 31, 1965
Apr. 1 - Sept. 30, 1965
Oct. 1, 1965 - Mar. 31, 1966
Request for additional funds Oct. 27, 1965
NASA Grant NGL 05-002-007
Semi-annual status report Oct. 1, 1969 - March 31, 1970
Summaries of research
Final technical report [1976]
NASA Grant NGR 05-002-142
Final technical report Sept. 1975
NASA Grant NSG-7136 on "Millimeter-wave interferometry."
Proposal Feb. 1, 1975
Status report July, 1975
Status and final technical reports Jan. 1976
NASA Grant NAS5-23696 on "Antenna design and millimeter-wave interferometry."
Proposal Feb.1, 1976
Preliminary report Nov. 1976
Final report May 1977
NASA Grant NGR 05-002-181
Final technical report on "Mariner 6 and 7 picture analysis." n.d.
NASA/Ames Grant NAG 2-125 on "An experimental study of surface precision limits for machined panel submillimeter dishes."
Final technical report 1982
NSF on "Millimeter-wave array"
Draft July 1974
Technical rßsumß of Caltech proposal to build four millimeter-wave telescopes Oct. 1974
NSF (National Science Foundation) Project AST 76-13334
"For the construction and initial operation of a millimeter-wave interferometric array."
Proposal July 1 - Dec. 1, 1977
"For the construction of a millimeter-wave interferometer and a sub-millimeter radiometric telescope."
July 1 - Dec. 1, 1977
Dec. 1, 1977 - Dec. 1, 1978
Dec. 1, 1978 - Dec. 1, 1979
May 1980 - May 1981
Final technical report Oct. 1981
NSF and Ford Foundation "For the fundamental revision and improvement of introductory physics."
Final report 1965
Proposal for private funding of Caltech radio-astronomy program Nov. 1974
President's Fund
Final report "Development of precision reflector segments for a large submillimeter space telescope." July 12, 1983
Part B. Teaching
Ph 234 abc. Relativistic quantum mechanics and field theory. Instructor: Gell-Mann, M.
Course notes
Fall 1958
Spring 1959
Winter 1959
Ph 1 abc. Kinematics, particle mechanics and electric forces.
Laboratory 1961-1962
General instructions, topics and experiments
Recitation 1961-1962
Homework, problem sets, midterm examination and quizzes
Problem sets on ( Note: Some of these problem sets were used in the Feynman "Lectures on physics. Exercises.")
Electromagnetic radiation
Kinematic dynamics
Kinetic theory and statistical mechanics
Rotational dynamics
Transport phenomena
Units and dimensions
Wave mechanics
Part C. Miscellaneous
Daybook 1969-1975
Draft of report [unidentified] [1970's?] [re: Physics division accomplishments]
Series III: Technical Files
Mount Wilson observatory
June 1953 - Dec. 1957
1955-1958 (misc. research notes)
1961 (on 65-foot tower)
of Robert W. Noyes 1961-1962
Logbook on
Solar plate 1960-1961
62" mirror 1964-1968
Proposal for a new mirror system for the 60-foot solar tower 1961
Newspaper clipping 1962
Photographs of 62" infrared telescope 1965
Notes on
Diffusion of solar magnetic fields and solar cycle 1963-1965
Solar cycle 1967-1968
Solar cycle model 1968-1971
Millimeter-wave interferometry [Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO)]
General/importance 1974
Scientific rationale Oct. 1974
10-meter dish, prototype correspondence 1973-1974
Album of prints, OVRO first dish ca. 1973-1975
Slides of OVRO ca 1974-1983
Negatives of OVRO, first dish, in shop ca. 1975-1976
Photographs n.d.
"Proposed scientific operations plan multi-dish millimeter array, Owens valley radio observatory." Aug. 18, 1975
"Proposed millimeter-interferometer mounting pad arrangement." Jan. 22, 1979
10-meter dish maintenance/inspection and modifications 1981
Notebooks on 10-meter dish n.d.
Mechanical design notes
Panel layout and dimensions (misc.) 1974-1988
Feed-leg/dish surface/ back-up structure design for dish #1 1975
Detail for surface for dish #2 ca 1980
Dish adjustment data, dishes 1-3 OVRO 1980-1981
19SPOTS program data 1981-1984
Correspondence 1975-1980
Submillimeter-wave astronomy {Caltech Submillimeter Astronomy (CSO)}
10.4-M submillimeter-wave telescope dome
Principal components Jan. 1981
Overview of proposal by Rule, B.H. n.d.
Correspondence 1981
Photographs and slides of model 1981
Mechanical design notes and dish rework details 1988
1938-1942 (content: misc. notes)
1945 (on "Investigations concerning the modes of vibration of crystal lattices")
1971 (120" mirror)
Series IV: Professional Organizations
Joint US-USSR Editorial Board "The foundations of space biology and medicine."
Formation and members
Memorandum 1967
Correspondence 1967
National Academy of Sciences
Space Science Board (SSB) [member, Oct. 1973 - Oct. 1976]
Organization and activities
Minutes of
46th meeting July 24-25, 1973
47th meeting Oct. 10-11, 1973
48th meeting Feb. 7-8, 1974
49th meeting May 9-10, 1974
50th meeting Oct. 10-12, 1974
Draft of report on "Scientific uses of the space shuttle." Nov. 16, 1973
Report on "Study of opportunities and choices in space science" Nov. 11, 1974
Space Science Board committee on space astronomy 1973-1974
Report on the Sept. 18-19, 1973 meeting
Recommendations Apr. 8 1974
Geophysics Research Board (GRB)
Proposal for the support of the GRB and its affiliates Sept. 17, 1976
Draft of report on "The upper atmosphere and magnetosphere." Sept. 30, 1976
Memorandum 1976-1977
National Science Foundation [consultant]
Appointment 1975
Series V: Manuscripts and Talks
Part A. Manuscripts
"Exercises in introductory physics." (1969) Part I
"Transport of magnetic fields on the Sun." Leighton, R.B. draft [1964] [unpublished?]
"Lectures on Physics. Volume I: Freshman lectures." Feynman, R.P.
Lectures on how to solve problems.
Review A (first term) Dec. 1, 1961 [unpublished]
Review B Dec. 5, 1961 [unpublished]
Review C Dec. 8, 1961 [unpublished]
Lecture 20A n.d. [unpublished]
Miscellaneous notes n.d.
"The motion of planets around the sun." March 13, 1964 [unpublished]
"Correlations between large-scale photospheric and chromospheric motions, CaII(K) emission, and magnetic fields." Simon, G.W. and Leighton, R.B. [unpublished]
Part B. Talks
Abstract for Alumni seminar May 10, 1969
"Report on Mariner-Mars experiment." Leighton, R.B. International Astronomical Union conference Prague
Series VI: Films
"Film of Mars in 1956." Leighton, R.B. Mount Wilson 60-inch reflector
"Close-up of mass." Film transcript
Oversize box, from top to bottom:
Planet Movies
"Jupiter, 14 Sept. 1952." (2 short sequences, 30 and 20 sec., respectively)
"Saturn, Jupiter, 14 Dec.1953." (23 sec.)
"Jupiter, 5 Feb. 1955; Alice and Alan Leighton, May 1955" (1¼ min.)
"Jupiter and ?." n.d. (3 segments, 1min.)
"Mars, 1954." (2 or more short segments, 1 min.)
"Jupiter." n.d. (2 segments of Jupiter with red spot visible, 1 min. each segment)
"Mars and very brief Saturn, Aug. 1956." (4½ min.)
"Mars, Aug. 1956." (4 min.)
"Jupiter and Mars, Aug. 1956." (2 segments, 2¼ min.)
"Mars." n.d. (6½ min.)
"Mars, Saturn, Moon Crater?, Jupiter." n.d. (2 min. 20 sec.)
"Mars." n.d. (2 or more segments, 5½ min.)
Solar Movies and Mariner Mission
"Film on solar oscillations." (3 min 20 sec.)
"Radio hot spots on the quiet sun." (6 min. 20 sec.)
"Mariner 7 far-encounter photographs." (2¾ min.)
"Mariner 7 far-encounter photos." (3 min.)
Mars Movies
"Men encounter Mars." n.d. (28 min.)
"Close-up of Mars." n.d.
"The martian investigators." (28 min.)