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Mihajlov (Mihajlo) papers
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Biographical file 1935-2008

Scope and Contents note

Includes identification cards, curriculum vitae, a bibliography, academic appointments, contact lists, photographs, and political trial documents.

Arrangement note

Arranged by physical form

General 1935-2008

box 1, folder 1

Identification documents, birth certificate copy, 1935; Yugoslavian citizenship copy, 1978; newspaper reporter permits, 1972-1973

box 1, folder 2

Biography circa 1980

box 1, folder 3

Family history 1962-1992

box 1, folder 4

"Background Report," circa 1980

box 1, folder 5-6

Curriculum vitae circa 1982-1992

box 1, folder 7

Biographical clippings from the 1976 World Book Year Book; Current Biography Yearbook, 1979; International Who's Who, 1994-2005; International Authors and Writers Who's Who, 1989

box 1, folder 8

Awards 1998-1999

box 1, folder 9-11

Bibliography 1965-1998

box 1, folder 12-13

Contacts, including address book, mailing and telephone lists; business cards 1965-1998

Scope and Contents note

See also Card file
box 2, folder 1-2

Contacts circa 1980 (Contd.)

box 2, folder 3-6

Academic appointments 1983-1990

box 2, folder 7

Publishing contracts 1972-2008

box 2, folder 8-12

Photographs, depicting Mihajlo Mihajlov at various stages of his life and career 1952-2002

Scope and Contents note

Includes photos with Kurt Vonnegut, Vasilii Aksenov, Vladimir Bukovskii, Vladimir Voinovich, and others
box 3, folder 1-6

Political trials documents 1966-1975

Scope and Contents note

Includes applications and rejections for employment, health insurance, and international passport, as well as clippings and articles

Correspondence 1965-2010

Arrangement note

Arranged in two groups, general and alphabetical, the latter by name or organization

General 1966-2008

box 3, folder 7-8

Drafts 1969-1976

box 3, folder 9-13

Unidentified 1967-2006

box 3, folder 14

Invitations 1966-2008

box 4, folder 1

Publishers, A-Z 1970-2000

box 4, folder 2

Universities 1964-2006


Alphabetical 1965-2010

box 4, folder 3-6

A-Z 1972-2006

box 4, folder 7

American Croatians for Human and National Rights 1987

box 4, folder 8

Amnesty International 1975-1980

box 4, folder 9

Arsen'ev, A. 2007

box 4, folder 10

Barbone, Donato 1971-1972

box 4, folder 11-12

Barovic, Jovan 1973-1975

box 4, folder 13

Barovic family 2001-2010

box 4, folder 14

Beljajev, S. 1995-1997

box 4, folder 15

Belotserkovsky, Vadim 1975-1978

box 4, folder 16

Bjelousov, A. 2004

box 5, folder 1-2

Bogunovic (Stambolic), Milici 1973-2000

box 5, folder 3

Bonner, Elena 1983

box 5, folder 4

"Borba," 1974

box 5, folder 5

Chafee, Richard 1972

box 5, folder 6

Chamraeff, V. 1974

box 5, folder 7

Charles, Prince of Wales 1982-1988

box 5, folder 8

Congratulatory letters on Mihajlov's release from prison 1978

box 5, folder 9

Cvetcovic, Dragomir 1974

box 5, folder 10

Delo 1965-1966

box 5, folder 11

DioGuardi, Shirley Cloyes 2001

box 5, folder 12

Dole, Bob 1991

box 5, folder 13

Dolinsek, Valerija 1974-1975

box 5, folder 14

Fond, Kraljevski Dvor 2005-2007

box 5, folder 15

Fosty, Vera 1975

box 5, folder 16

Freedom House 1972-1987

box 5, folder 17

Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte 1977

box 5, folder 18

Glowatzky, Ivo 1974-1975

box 5, folder 19

Goldstein, Slavko 1974

box 5, folder 20

Graƌanski Savez Srbije 1992

box 5, folder 21

Grkovic-Janovic, S. 2010

box 5, folder 22

Heritage Foundation 1979

box 5, folder 23

Hoover Institution 1972-1992

box 5, folder 24

Ivusic, Sean and Maureen 2000-2001

box 5, folder 25

Japan UNI Agency, Inc. 1970-1973

box 5, folder 26

Jonasson, Lise-Lotte 1970

box 5, folder 27

Jovanovic, T. 2000-2009

box 5, folder 28

Karadjordjevic, Aleksandar 2005

box 5, folder 29

Kovacevic, Veljko 1975

box 5, folder 30

Kuznetsov, Pavel 1992

box 5, folder 31

Lembourn, Hans Jorgen 1975, 1978

box 5, folder 32

Mackenzie, A. 2000

box 5, folder 33-34

Maksimov, Vladimir E. 1980-1983

box 6, folder 1-3

Mihajlov (Ivusic), Marija (sister) 1974-2010

box 6, folder 4-16

Mihajlov, Vera (mother) 1974-1981

box 7, folder 1-6

Mihajlov, Vera (mother) 1974-1981 (Contd.)

box 7, folder 7

Nedenlans Publishing, Sweden 1973

box 7, folder 8

New Leader 1970-2007

box 7, folder 9

New York Times 1970-1971

box 7, folder 10

Palavestra, P. 2005

box 7, folder 11

Pavloff, Vladko 1975

box 7, folder 12

Pavlovskii, A. 1990

box 7, folder 13

P.E.N. club français 1978

box 7, folder 14

Pejovic, D. 1974

box 7, folder 15

Petrovic, Nenand 2001-2008

box 7, folder 16

Petrovic, Zdenka 1975

box 7, folder 17

Pirozhkova, Vera 1970

box 7, folder 18

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 1987-1997

box 7, folder 19

Radmonovic, Liliana 1975

box 7, folder 20

Rakauskaite, Violeta 2002

box 7, folder 21

Ratinic, Marijan 1969

box 7, folder 22

Ribi, Federica 1974-1975

box 7, folder 23

Rogers, Robert J. 1965

box 7, folder 24

Ruffin, Richard 1998

box 7, folder 25

Schwab, Andrea R. 2004-2007

box 7, folder 26

Siniavski, Andrei 1973

box 7, folder 27

Smith, Charles B. 1973

box 7, folder 28

Solov'eva, Marina 1996-1998

box 7, folder 29

Svirskii, Grigorii 1984

box 7, folder 30

Vidovic, Mirko 1970, 1978

box 7, folder 31

Zaslavskii, S. K. 1974


Subject file 1967-2007

Scope and Contents note

Contains correspondence, printed matter, manuscripts, and clippings.

Arrangement note

Arranged alphabetically by subject
box 8, folder 1

Arsen'ev, Aleksei 1992-2002

box 8, folder 2

Carter, Jimmy 1977-1978

box 8, folder 3-4

Charles, Prince of Wales 1982-2000

box 8, folder 5-13

Conferences, seminars, and symposiums on human rights in Yugoslavia 1976-2007

box 9, folder 1-3

Dissident movement in Yugoslavia 1975-2007

box 9, folder 4

Genis, Aleksandar 1998

box 9, folder 5-6

Human rights 1976-2000

box 9, folder 7

Kosovo 1989-1999

box 9, folder 8

Mihajlov (Ivusic), Marija 1968-1988

box 9, folder 9-10

Mihajlov, Vera circa 1985-1993

box 10, folder 1-15

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 1978-2001

box 11, folder 1

Russian immigration in Yugoslavia 1989-2002

box 11, folder 2

Rockefeller Foundation 1979-1980

box 11, folder 3

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 1962-1970

box 11, folder 4

Tito, Josip Broz 1967-1979


Speeches and writings 1961-2009

Scope and Contents note

Consists of manuscripts, articles, and books.

Arrangement note

Arranged by physical form andchronologically therein

Manuscripts 1966-2005

box 11, folder 5-14

Doctoral dissertation materials 1971-1974

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes, drafts, collected articles and clippings
box 12, folder 1-11

Articles 1966-2000

box 13, folder 1-9

Articles 1966-2000 (Contd.)

box 13, folder 10

"Demokratiia i sotsializm," 1974

box 13, folder 11

"Čacovnik," 1979

box 14, folder 1

"Yugoslav Paradox," circa 1980

box 14, folder 2

"The Return of the Grand Inquisitor," circa 1980

box 14, folder 3-10

"Tiraniia i svoboda," 1986

box 15, folder 1-4

"Nenauchnye mysli," 1975, 2005


Periodical articles 1961-2009


In Serbian 1961-2009

box 15, folder 5

Circa 1970-1990

box 15, folder 6-9


box 16, folder 1-23


box 17, folder 1-10


box 18, folder 1-12


box 19, folder 1-11


box 20, folder 1-11


box 21, folder 1-11


box 22, folder 1-7



In Russian 1965-2004

box 22, folder 8-15


box 23, folder 1-12


box 24, folder 1-12



In English 1966-2006

box 25, folder 1-15


box 26, folder 1-13


box 27, folder 1-13


box 28, folder 1-2


box 28, folder 3

In Czech 1966

box 28, folder 4

In Finnish 1987

box 28, folder 5

In French 1965-1998

box 28, folder 6-11

In German 1976-1993

box 28, folder 12

In Italian 1971-1972

box 28, folder 13

In Polish 1985

box 28, folder 14

In Spanish 1980


Books 1965-2008

box 28, folder 15

Moscow Summer 1965

box 28, folder 16

A Historic Proposal 1966

box 28, folder 17

Russian Themes 1968

box 29, folder 1

Russische Themen 1969

box 29, folder 2

Underground Notes 1970

Scope and Contents note

Inscribed to Andrea Schwab
box 29, folder 3

Nenauchnye Mysli 1979

box 29, folder 4

Human Rights in Yugoslavia 1986

box 29, folder 5

Nietzsche in Russia 1986

box 29, folder 6

Planetarna Svest 2001

box 29, folder 7

Kontinent 3 2004

box 29, folder 8

Nenauchne Misli 2004

box 29, folder 9

Ponovljene Misli 2008


Writings about Mihajlov 1965-2007

Scope and Contents note

Contains reviews and comments on Mihajlov's writings and political activities.

Arrangement note

Arranged by language and chronologically therein

In Serbian 1965-2009

box 30, folder 1-18


box 31, folder 1-13


box 32, folder 1-7


box 32, folder 8-17

In Russian 1966-2000

box 33, folder 1-16

In Russian 1966-2000

box 33, folder 17

In German 1976-1999


Writings by others 1921-2010

Scope and Contents note

Consists of collected literary works and clippings.

Arrangement note

Arranged by language and chronologically therein

In Serbian 1921-2010

box 34, folder 1


box 34, folder 2-21


box 35, folder 1-16


box 36, folder 1-12


box 37, folder 1-9


box 38, folder 1-4



In Russian 1931-2005

box 38, folder 5-11


box 38, folder 12-16


box 39, folder 1-12


box 40, folder 1-12


box 41, folder 1-16


box 42, folder 1-21

In English 1947-2004

box 42, folder 22

In German 1978


Card file 1970-1985

Scope and Contents note

Includes index cards with contact information and notes for research and writings.

Arrangement note

Arranged in two groups, notes and contacts
box 43

Notes for Mihajlov's research projects and writings 1975-1980

box 44

Notes for Mihajlov's research projects and writings 1975-1980

box 45

Index cards with contact information circa 1980

box 46

Index cards with contact information circa 1980


Oversize material 1997-2004

Scope and Contents note

Contains scrapbooks and printed matter

Arrangement note

Arranged by format or title
box 47

Skriveni delovi istorije, Republika 1998

box 47

Moderna, srpski nacionalni identitet u XX veku April-May 2001

box 47

Scrapbook by Marina Solov'eva 1977

box 47

Scrapbook by Andrea Schwab 2004


Audiovisual materials 1967-2010

Scope and Contents note

VHS videocassettes, compact sound cassettes, CDs, and 3.5 inch floppy disks.

Arrangement note

Arranged by format
box 48

Compact sound cassettes

box 49

Compact sound cassettes

box 50

Compact sound cassettes

box 51

Compact sound cassettes

box 52

Compact sound cassettes

box 55

VHS videocassettes

box 56

VHS videocassettes

box 57

VHS videocassettes

box 58

VHS videocassettes

box 59

VHS videocassettes

box 60

VHS videocassettes

box 61

VHS videocassettes

box 62

VHS videocassettes

box 63

VHS videocassettes

box 64

VHS videocassettes

box 65

Unidentified audiovisual materials

box MC55

Sound Recording 1978

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

Digital materials


Digital materials are not available until processed. If interested in accessing these materials, please contact us for more information.
box 53

Material not yet described

Physical Description: CDs and 3.5 inch floppy disks
box 54

Material not yet described

Physical Description: CDs and 3.5 inch floppy disks
box MC37

Material not yet described

Physical Description: 6 CDs
box MC72

Material not yet described

Physical Description: 17 3.5 inch floppy disks