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Women's Resource Center records (University of California, Irvine)
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Women's Resource Center Series 1. 1969-1994

Physical Description: 4 Linear Feet
General Physical Description note: no content

Scope and Contents note

Materials in this series concern the operation of the center itself, as opposed to those of the organizations that shared its facilities and cooperated in some programs.

Arrangement note

Alphabetical and chronological
Arranged in 4 subseries:
Administrative records, 1975-1982
Activities, 1972-1994
Individual programs, 1991-1994
Reference materials, 1969-1994

Administrative records 1975-1982

Scope and Contents note

This subseries includes bylaws, minutes and agendas, semi-annual reports, brochures and handbooks, a referral book, and photographs. The materials detail the WRC's administrative activities and are arranged alphabetically by type of record or activity.
box 1, folder 1

Brochures and handbooks 1977-1991

box 1, folder 2

Bylaws 1978

box 1, folder 3

Correspondence 1978-1992

box 1, folder 4

Financial records 1990-1992

box 1, folder 5

Minutes and agendas 1980-1992

box 1, folder 6

Needs assessment survey undated

box 1, folder 7

Open houses at WRC 1975-1994

box 1, folder 8

Photographs of staff, building, functions undated

Processing Information note

Photo numbers P010989 to P011053 and P011065 to P011069 removed to Archives photo collection.
box 1, folder 9

Planning objectives and goals 1978-1990

box 1, folder 10

Referral guide of support services offered by UCI and surrounding communities for faculty, staff, and students 1986

box 1, folder 11

Reports, annual and semi-annual 1976-1978

box 1, folder 12

Space Committee 1979-1981

box 1, folder 13

Staff 1977-1994

box 1, folder 14

Steering Committee 1978-1980

box 1, folder 15

Temporary office in Humanities Annex 1986

box 1, folder 16

WRC Task Force 1981-1982


Activities 1972-1994

Scope and Contents note

This subseries includes letter, memos, reports, brochures, fliers, and news clippings documenting the activities of the WRC, including women's leadership conferences, childcare, rape prevention, and sexual harassment concerns.

Arrangement note

This subseries is arranged topically.
box 1, folder 17

Access and Aspiration Model Project 1978-1980

box 1, folder 18

Assertiveness training 1979-1993

box 1, folder 19

A.S.U.C.I. programs 1978-1993

box 1, folder 20

Auto maintenance for women 1979-1992

box 1, folder 21

Birth control 1978-1992

box 1, folder 22

Campus lighting 1984-1985

box 1, folder 23

Careers 1976-1992

box 2, folder 1

Child care 1974-1991

box 2, folder 2-4

Child Care Project

box 2, folder 2-3

Correspondence, evaluations, and resource materials 1979-1988

box 2, folder 4

Child Care Task Force 1983-1986

box 2, folder 5

Cultural understanding, relationships 1974-1994

box 2, folder 6

E-mail publicity for programs 1994

box 2, folder 7

Feminism/female/sexuality 1974-1994

box 2, folder 8

Financial and legal advice 1977 1991

box 2, folder 9

Gays and lesbians 1979-1991

box 2, folder 10

Health 1973-1992

box 2, folder 11

Minority Programs Committee 1978-1979


Rape Prevention Education Program

box 2, folder 12

Articles and newspaper clippings 1972-1986

box 2, folder 13, box 3, folder 1-3

Correspondence, brochures, flyers, progress reports, and resource materials 1975-1994

box 3, folder 3

Final reports 1979-1981

box 3, folder 4

Grant application to the Office of Criminal Justice Planning 1980

box 3, folder 5

Program funding (post-grant) 1983-1985

box 3, folder 6

Religion/spirituality 1991-1993


Returning Women

box 3, folder 7

Ad Hoc Committee for Mature Women Returning Student Project 1975-1977

box 3, folder 8

Goals, newspaper clippings, correspondence, brochures and flyers 1978-1980

box 3, folder 9

Self defense 1978-1994


Sexual harassment

box 3, folder 10

Articles, brochures, and flyers 1981-1992

box 3, folder 11

Correspondence 1980-1986

box 3, folder 12

Definitions and guidelines 1976-1986 undated

box 3, folder 13

Policies and reports 1980-1986

box 4, folder 1

Television programs, "UCI Forum: Women's Month" and "The New Woman" 1974

Processing Information note

7 3/4 inch videotapes, numbered VTQ205-VTQ211 removed to AS-020.
box 4, folder 2

Wayzgoose 1979

box 4, folder 3

Women's Health Conference, UCI 1978

box 4, folder 4-9

Women's Leadership Retreat 1974-1985


Photographs 1979

Processing Information note

Photo numbers P011005 to P011053 removed to Archives photo collection.
box 4, folder 10

Women's Peer Counseling Program 1981-1994

box 4, folder 11

Women's Studies Planning Committee Report 1975


Women's Studies Program

box 4, folder 12

By-laws, minutes and objectives 1978-1981

box 4, folder 13

Correspondence, brochures and flyers 1974-1991

box 4, folder 14

Multicultural Women's Writing Conference 1986

Processing Information note

6 Betamax videotapes, previously numbered V0212-V0217, removed to AS-020.
box 4, folder 15

Work and family life questionnaire, survey and interview data 1986


Individual programs 1991-1994

Scope and Contents note

This subseries comprises planning worksheets, letters, fliers, evaluations by staff and attendees, and program handouts documenting formal programs presented or sponsored by the WRC. Program topics cover a broad range of women's concerns.

Arrangement note

This subseries is arranged chronologically.


box 4, folder 16

January 13, Body politics 1991

box 4, folder 17

February 7, Lesbians and health 1991

box 4, folder 18

February 9, Campus romances 1991

box 4, folder 19

February 15, Beyond the veil: part II 1991

box 4, folder 20

April 16, Making our own history: feminism and black women 1991

box 4, folder 21

May 16, Women in film, part I 1991

box 4, folder 22

1991-1992, Women and food support group 1991-1992



box 4, folder 23

October 13, Women's art productions: express yourself 1992

box 4, folder 24

October 14, Getting a grip on your wallet: managing finances on a student budget 1992

box 4, folder 25

October 15, Multi-cultural feminism: just color me woman 1992

box 4, folder 26

October 20, Student parents: wearing many hats when you've only got one head 1992

box 4, folder 27

October 21, Chivalry vs. chauvinism: men and women interacting today 1992

box 4, folder 28

October 28, Election issues '92: from a woman's point of view 1992

box 4, folder 29

November 10, Making sense of making love 1992

box 4, folder 30

November 11, When love goes sour 1992

box 4, folder 31

November 12, Confronting sexual harassment on campus: NASPA 1992

box 5, folder 1

November 13, Re-defining leadership 1992

box 5, folder 2

November 14, Strong and female: the dilemma of the woman athlete 1992



box 5, folder 3

January-February, Advanced self-defense 1993

box 5, folder 4

Winter, Sistah friends: African American women's support group 1993

box 5, folder 5

Winter-Spring, parents' forums 1993

box 5, folder 6

January 19, Color blind or color bound: interracial relationships 1993

box 5, folder 7

January 27, Discovering your assertive self 1993

box 5, folder 8

January 28, Women in male-dominated careers 1993

box 5, folder 9

February 10, P.M.S. - Dr. Jekyll, Ms. Hyde 1993

box 5, folder 10

February 23, Deflowering the lotus blossom myth 1993

box 5, folder 11

February 24, Interracial dating 1993

box 5, folder 12

February 24, Students, sex and culture 1993

box 5, folder 13

February 26, Not just an "other" multi-racial identity 1993

box 5, folder 14

March 4, Male-female stuff 1993

box 5, folder 15

March 8, International women's day rally 1993

box 5, folder 16

March 9, Taking charge of your health 1993

box 5, folder 17

March 16, Relaxation through yoga 1993

box 5, folder 18

March 24, Ties that bind, lines that divide: re-defining feminism 1993

box 5, folder 19

April 6, ASUCI health and safety day: self-defense workshop 1993

box 5, folder 20

April 19, Women empowering women: a political coalition 1993

box 5, folder 21

April 20, When a friend is gay 1993

box 5, folder 22

April 21, Being Asian and being a woman: a forum addressing the double minority status 1993

box 5, folder 23

April 21, Sensuality, satisfaction and safer sex 1993

box 5, folder 24

April 22, Women and AIDS 1993

box 5, folder 25

April 29, Endangered! your right to choose 1993

box 5, folder 26

April 29, Tips on interviewing 1993

box 5, folder 27

May 6, Condom comebacks: negotiating safer sex with your partner 1993

box 5, folder 28

May 7, Relaxation 1993

box 5, folder 29

May 12, Sexual politics 1993

box 5, folder 30

May 13, Are you or a friend being stalked? 1993

box 5, folder 31

Fall, Greeks against sexual assault 1993

box 5, folder 32

October 13, Girlz in the hood auto care 1993

box 5, folder 33

October 16, Bike care 1993

box 5, folder 34

October 19, Women: AIDS 1993

box 5, folder 35

October 25, Safeguarding your home 1993

box 5, folder 36

October 27, Women student leaders at UCI 1993

box 5, folder 37

November 2, Are women really from Venus and men really from Mars? 1993

box 5, folder 38

November 8, Make it - take it workshop: T-shirts 1993

box 5, folder 39

November 11, Closet-free classrooms 1993

box 5, folder 40

November 18, Let's talk turkey - veggie 1993

box 5, folder 41

November 23, Male allies in the workplace: for women only 1993



box 5, folder 42

January 26, Vegetarian workshop 1994

box 5, folder 43

February 1, Chivalry vs. chauvinism: dating in the 90's 1994

box 5, folder 44

February 3, Girlz in the hood: part II 1994

box 5, folder 45

February 8, Graduate school and you 1994

box 5, folder 46

February 9, Our mother (?) who art in heaven (?) 1994

box 5, folder 47

February 10, Campus couples 1994

box 5, folder 48

February 14, Daughters of American immigrants 1994

box 5, folder 49

February 14, Have a heart: valentine card making 1994

box 6, folder 1

February 17, The Goddess is alive and well 1994

box 6, folder 2

February 22, Eating disorders 1994

box 6, folder 3

February 24, Growing up equal 1994

box 6, folder 4

March 1, Services and opportunities available at the WRC 1994

box 6, folder 5

March 2, Let's talk about sex 1994

box 6, folder 6

March 9, Earthquake preparedness 1994

box 6, folder 7

March 13, How to choose a major 1994

box 6, folder 8

April 13, The importance of me 1994

box 6, folder 9

April 13, Graduate school and you 1994

box 6, folder 10

April 20, Scoop on how to get into grad schools 1994

box 6, folder 11

April 20, Vegetarianism: making it work 1994

box 6, folder 12

April 22, Don't talk about it, but it does exist: sexual harassment at UCI 1994

box 6, folder 13

April 26, What's next? 1994

box 6, folder 14

April 27, The eating mystique 1994

box 6, folder 15

May 9, Loss and letting go 1994

box 6, folder 16

May 11, Tie-dye it! 1994

box 6, folder 17

May 17, Alcohol and other drug related birth defects 1994

box 6, folder 18

May 18, Girlz in the hood: part III 1994


Reference materials 1969-1994

Scope and Contents note

This subseries includes reports, articles, and subject files that served as background materials for WRC projects and programs.

Arrangement note

The materials are arranged topically.
box 6, folder 19

Academic Senate women members 1972-1981

box 6, folder 20

Affirmative Action Program deficiencies letter from U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare 1978

box 6, folder 21

Alternative media 1982-1983

box 6, folder 22

Articles and newspaper clippings 1979-1984

box 6, folder 23

Assembly Bill 105 Study -- Preliminary Report 1979

box 6, folder 24

Berkeley decision: Department of Labor vs. Regents of University of California 1980

box 6, folder 25

Career bibliography, conferences, and workshops 1976-1983

box 6, folder 26

Cartoons about relationships undated

box 6, folder 27

Differences in Graduate Careers: Women and Men in the School of Social Sciences, Rice, Kerr, and de la Rocha 1979

box 6, folder 28

Early organizing efforts of UCI women 1970-1972

box 6, folder 29

Earnings gap 1980-1986

box 6, folder 30

Eating disorders 1980-1991

box 6, folder 31

Ecofeminism 1987


Equal Rights Amendment 1969-1984

box 7, folder 1


box 7, folder 2


box 7, folder 3

Orange County 1980-1982

box 7, folder 4

Female friendships 1975

box 7, folder 5

Feminism 1967-1994

box 7, folder 6

Feminism backlash 1988-1994

box 7, folder 7

Feminist Health Center Annex, UCI Student Health Center 1980

box 7, folder 8

Feminist women's health centers 1982-1992

box 7, folder 9

Feminization of Poverty Conference Proceedings and Addendum 1984

box 7, folder 10

Film project possibilities 1978

box 7, folder 11

Financial planning for working women 1984-1993


Gays and lesbians

box 7, folder 12

Housing 1987-1990

box 7, folder 13

Status 1983-1984

box 7, folder 14

Gays and lesbians in the military 1992-1993


Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals

box 7, folder 15

Issues 1988-1994

box 7, folder 16

Parents 1977-1992

box 7, folder 17

Publications 1992-1994

box 8, folder 1

Resources and definitions 1991-1994

box 8, folder 2

Students on college campuses 1990-1992

box 8, folder 3

Gender differences 1989

box 8, folder 4

Goddesses 1991

box 8, folder 5

Greek system 1990

box 8, folder 6

Handicapped 1979-1993

box 8, folder 7

Health, general issues for women 1973-1993

box 8, folder 8

High School and Community Colleges Outreach Services Directories 1977-1978

box 8, folder 9

Holocaust 1993

box 8, folder 10

Homosexuality and the ROTC undated

box 8, folder 11

Homeless 1984-1988

box 8, folder 12

Homophobia 1982-1991

box 8, folder 13

Hurston, Zora Neale 1979

box 8, folder 14

Infertility 1986-1987

box 8, folder 15

Insemination 1988

box 8, folder 16

Jealousy 1977

box 8, folder 17

Jewish women 1991

box 8, folder 18

Jobs of the future 1993

box 8, folder 19

Latina women 1977-1992

box 8, folder 20

Law and women 1977-1993

box 8, folder 21

Leadership undated

box 9, folder 1

Legal aid 1979-1980

box 9, folder 2

Lesbian concerns 1975-1993

box 9, folder 3

Library resources 1982-1994

box 9, folder 4

Managers with impact 1977

box 9, folder 5

Medical Center Affirmative Action Office 1984


Mujeres Latinas

box 9, folder 6

Board meeting minutes 1978

box 9, folder 7

Constitution 1978-1979

box 9, folder 8

General meeting minutes 1978-1979

box 9, folder 9

National Women's Centers Training Project 1979

box 9, folder 10

Panhellenic Council 1979

box 9, folder 11

Pediatric Care Survey Report 1980

box 9, folder 12

Project on the Status and Education of Women, On Campus with Women, newsletters 1981-1990

box 9, folder 13

Report of the statewide CSUC Academic Senate ad hoc Committee on the Role of Women in the CSUC circa 1972

box 9, folder 14

Report on Employee Affirmative Action in the University's Cooperative Extension Program to UC President David S. Saxon from Archie Kleingartner, Vice President - Academic and Staff, Personnel Relations, UCI 1980

box 9, folder 15

Report on student affairs to the UCI Academic Senate 1979

box 9, folder 16

Report on the status of women's programs at UCI, Dean of Students Office 1978

box 9, folder 17

Sexual Assault on Campus Conference, Orlando, Florida 1991

box 10, folder 1-2

Student Affairs Profession Seminar Series 1985

box 10, folder 3

Student papers on women's issues 1974-1981

box 10, folder 4

Task force on the status of women at UCI 1970

box 10, folder 5

Title IX (sex discrimination law) 1974-1977

box 10, folder 6

Women and economics 1974-1990

box 10, folder 7

Women and the job market 1976-1994

box 10, folder 8

Women's rights, international perspective 1991

box 10, folder 9

Women's studies everywhere 1979-1984

box 10, folder 10

Women's Week at other campuses 1978-1983

box 10, folder 11

Women: when I grow up...a game 1969-1973


Women's Program Board Series 2. 1974-1982

Physical Description: 0.2 Linear Feet
General Physical Description note: no content

Scope and Contents note

This series contains minutes and agendas, correspondence, guidelines, goals and programs, and funding proposals. The minutes and agendas are not complete but do contain the original invitation from Student Affairs-Women's Programs to send a representative to the first meeting of the Women's Program Board (WPB) on October 29, 1975, and the minutes of the first two meetings. The minutes are complete from October 1977 through 1982. Some documents outlining goals indicate periodic self-evaluation of the organization and its purposes.

Arrangement note

This series is arranged alphabetically by type of material.
box 11, folder 1

Correspondence 1976-1981

box 11, folder 2-3

Funding proposals and evaluations 1978-1982

box 11, folder 4

Guidelines, goals, and programs 1974-1982

box 11, folder 5

Minutes and agendas 1975-1982


Representatives to Chancellor's committees files Series 3. 1970-1990

Physical Description: 1.1 Linear Feet
General Physical Description note: no content

Scope and Contents note

This series includes files accumulated by representatives of the WRC and WPB who served on several campus-wide committees formed by the UCI Chancellor.

Arrangement note

Alphabetical and chronological
Arranged in 3 subseries:
Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women, 1970-1990
Chancellor's Affirmative Action Council, 1983-1988
Chancellor's Think Tank on Diversity, 1988-1989

Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women 1970-1990

Scope and Contents note

This subseries includes operational procedures and guidelines, agendas, notices, minutes, correspondence, annual reports, and newspaper clippings. The correspondence files include numerous salary surveys, job position inventories, and analyses of recruitment patterns, as well as affirmative action plans and programs for staff and faculty. These materials provide the earliest information in this collection on women's concerns at UCI and are arranged topically (see also the material in box 6, folder 28).
box 11, folder 6-8

Annual reports 1972-1980

box 11, folder 9, box 12, folder 1-8

Correspondence 1970-1990

box 12, folder 9

Membership 1972-1988

box 12, folder 10-11, box 13, folder 1-2

Minutes 1970-1988

box 13, folder 3

Newspaper clippings 1978-1984

box 13, folder 4

Notes undated

box 13, folder 5

Operational procedures and guidelines 1971-1983

box 13, folder 6

UC Committee on the Status of Women: Planning 1988


UCLA Conference on the Status of UC Women 1987

box 13, folder 7

Planning 1986-1987

box 13, folder 8

UCI delegates information 1987

box 13, folder 9

Women's Studies Task Force undated


Chancellor's Affirmative Action Council 1983-1988

Scope and Contents note

This subseries contains minutes and supporting correspondence documenting the Council's activities. This committee was responsible for receiving information from the campus community regarding affirmative action and translating it into specific and meaningful recommendations, as well as reviewing administrative proposals for promoting affirmative action.

Arrangement note

The material is arranged chronologically.
box 13, folder 10

Minutes and correspondence 1983-1988


Chancellor's Think Tank on Diversity 1988-1989

Scope and Contents note

This subseries contains a final report, minutes, and supporting correspondence. The committee was charged with advising the Chancellor on an agenda for implementation of diversity in all areas at UCI. The committee was to recommend a structure, membership, charge and priorities for the creation of a Chancellor's advisory board on diversity.

Arrangement note

The minutes and correspondence are arranged chronologically following the final report.
box 13, folder 11

Final report 1989 July

box 14, folder 1-2

Minutes and agendas, correspondence, recommendations, and resource materials 1988-1989


California Women in Higher Education Series 4. 1975-1982

Physical Description: 1.5 Linear Feet
General Physical Description note: no content

Scope and Contents note

This statewide organization was formed in 1972 to advocate, protect, and promote the status of women in California higher education at all levels, including faculty, administrators, staff, and students. The UCI Chapter of CWHE was established in 1974 and was housed at the WRC. This series contains by-laws, agendas, minutes, correspondence, lists of goals and resolutions, steering committee files, newspaper clippings, brochures, reports, resolutions, and miscellaneous newsletters.

Arrangement note

This series is arranged topically.

UCI Chapter administrative files

box 14, folder 3

Bylaws 1974-1982

box 14, folder 4-7

Corresondence 1974-1982

box 14, folder 8

Elections 1974-1982

box 15, folder 1

Goals 1976-1979

box 15, folder 2

Membership 1974-1982

box 15, folder 3

Minutes and agendas 1974-1982

box 15, folder 4

Resolutions 1980


Steering Committee

box 15, folder 5, box 16, folder 1-3

Correspondence 1974-1980

box 16, folder 4

Membership 1976-1980

box 16, folder 5-6

Minutes 1974-1981

box 16, folder 7

Resource materials 1974-1975


UCI Chapter activities

box 16, folder 8

Activities and accomplishments 1975-1980


Affirmative action

box 16, folder 9

Complaints 1974

box 16, folder 10

General 1974-1980 undated

box 16, folder 11

Salary inequities mailing 1975

box 16, folder 12

Survey 1974

box 16, folder 13

Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women correspondence 1975-1979

box 17, folder 1

Miscellaneous undated

box 17, folder 2

Newsletters 1976-1980

box 17, folder 3

Newspaper clippings and articles 1973-1982

box 17, folder 4

Political contacts 1978-1979

box 17, folder 5

Publicity 1976-1979

box 17, folder 6

"Sex Bias in Counseling Theory," by Rita M. Whiteley and John M. Whiteley circa 1975

box 17, folder 7

Task force on racism 1981


CWHE statewide materials

box 17, folder 8

Board of Directors 1979-1981

box 17, folder 9

Bylaws 1981

box 17, folder 10

Membership directory 1979

box 17, folder 11

Minutes, agendas, correspondence, and resource materials 1976-1982

box 17, folder 12

Newsletters 1973-1982

box 17, folder 13

Resolutions 1974-1981


Unprocessed addition 2007 Accession 2007-004A 1980-2004 1994-2003

Physical Description: 17 Linear Feet(17 records cartons)


This addition to the collection has not been processed and may contain restricted materials. Please contact the Department of Special Collections and Archives in advance to request access.

Series Scope and Content Summary

This accretion comprises administrative records, program files, workshop and training materials, subject files, photographs, scrapbooks, and ephemera from the Center for Women and Men.
box accn2007-004A 001

Box 1 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains administrative files, including educational program files, reports, rape prevention programs GASA minutes, circa 1981-2000.
box accn2007-004A 002

Box 2 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains subject files, including re: rape, pornography, child abuse, circa 1991-2004, and administrative files, including statistics.
box accn2007-004A 003

Box 3 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains subject files, including re: rape prevention, media images, psychological issues, circa 1994-2001, and administrative files, including presentations.
box accn2007-004A 004

Box 4 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains subject files, including pornography, sexual harassment, self defense, circa 1984-1992, and administrative files, including project files and campus assault program, circa 2000-2004.
box accn2007-004A 005

Box 5 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains administrative files, including projects, workshops, staff meetings, circa 1999-2003.
box accn2007-004A 006

Box 6 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains administrative files, including staff meetings, projects, committees, and workshops, circa 1998-2000
box accn2007-004A 007

Box 7 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains administrative files, including reports and workshops, circa 1996-2003, and subject files, including re: other UC women's programs.
box accn2007-004A 008

Box 8 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains subject files, including sexual assault, battering, marital rape, acquaintance rape, circa 1985-1995, and administrative files, including workshops, circa 2000-2003.
box accn2007-004A 009

Box 9 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains ephemera (buttons and stickers), and a scrapbook, 1999-2000.
box accn2007-004A 010

Box 10 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains ephemera and publications, including brochures, pamphlets, fliers, Daphne Newsletter (1988-1994, with gaps), and photographs, 1997-2000.
box accn2007-004A 011

Box 11 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains photographs, photograph albums and scrapbooks, 1979, 1992-1963, 1995-1996.
box accn2007-004A 012

Box 12 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains photograph albums and scrapbooks 1980-1981, 1990-1991, 1997-1998, 1998-1999.
box accn2007-004A 013

Box 13 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains photograph albums and scrapbooks 1993-1994, 1994-1995, 1996-1997.
box accn2007-004A 014

Box 14 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains administrative files, including reports, budgets, video directories, workshops, circa 2000-2003.
box accn2007-004A 015

Box 15 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains administrative files, including assessment, speakers and programs, UC Federation, circa 2000-2004 1, and subject files, including re: California Coalition Against Sexual Assault.
box accn2007-004A 016

Box 16 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains training materials from external sources.
box accn2007-004A 017

Box 17 circa 1980-2004

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains a fabric art piece, 3 VHS videos produced by the Center, training materials for rape center, and 16 mm film "Raw Images".

Unprocessed addition 2007 Accession 2007-010A circa 1980-2001

Physical Description: 4 Linear Feet(4 records cartons)


This addition to the collection has not been processed and may contain restricted materials. Please contact the Department of Special Collections and Archives in advance to request access.

Series Scope and Content Summary

This accretion comprises program files, fliers, brochures, fact sheets, surveys, email publicity, statistics, and articles from the Center for Women and Men.
box accn2007-010A 001

Box 1 circa 1980-2001

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains program files, statistics, handouts, notes, event files, fliers, publicity, workshops, meetings, and other administrative files.
box accn2007-010A 002

Box 2 circa 1980-2001

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains program files, statistics, handouts, notes, event files, fliers, publicity, workshops, meetings, and other administrative files.
box accn2007-010A 003

Box 3 circa 1980-2001

Series Scope and Contents Summary

This box contains program files, statistics, handouts, notes, event files, fliers, publicity, workshops, meetings, and other administrative files.
box accn2007-010A 004

Box 4 circa 1980-2001

Scope and Contents Note

This box contains program files, statistics, handouts, notes, event files, fliers, publicity, workshops, meetings, and other administrative files.