Allied Occupation of Japan
Personal [Cohen], 1947-1952.
Scope and Content Note
Clippings and trouble 1949.
Biographical information 1945, 1949.
Civil affairs 1950.
Correspondence T - Z 1947-1948.
Contraband / Black market - Occupation central 1947-1949.
Restrictions on Occupation personnel / Comm entrants 1947-1949.
Taxes 1949-1950.
Special economic problems 1950.
Scope and Content Note
Bill to protect government from unjust claims 1947.
Accomplishments of ESS 1947-1949.
Scope and Content Note
Hoarded goods / arms disposal 1947 and undated
Possession of Occupation property 1947.
[Fair ladies at a game of poem cards, parts 4 & 5] undated
Abuse of Japanese by Occupational controls 1947, 1949.
Baldwin Report 1947.
Articles (in Japanese) undated
Scope and Content Note
Articles by Passin and Kublin 1959, 1971, 1975.
Articles by Dower, Robert Mcvoy, Peake, Schonberger 1946, 1975, undated
Articles by Mayo, Takemae undated
Biographical information [not Cohen] undated
Scope and Content Note
Interview with Cohen by Minoru Omori 1974 December 9.
Cohen interview by Eiji Takemae 1973.
Interview with Valerie Burati by Eiji Takemae 1976.
Labor policies [ESS] 1949.
Government workers' wages 1950.
Government workers' wages 1948.
Gumi 1947.
Cohen speeches 1946-1947.
Speeches by Killen and Costantino 1946, 1948.
Labor education undated
Strikes 1946.
Guides / SWNCC / Pobey / FEC / Labor 1946.
Police and labor 1946-1949.
Labor organizations - memberships 1948-1950.
Clips - labor 1951-1954.
[Various articles on Japanese history] undated
Laws 1946-1949.
Correspondence other than labor 1946-1950.
City of Norfolk - MacArthur memorial 1977-1980.
Unions, Ideologies, Revolutions in the Enterprise during the Occupation by Koji Taira undated
Exchange rate 1947.
Economic statistics 1947.
Letters to, from prime ministers 1947, 1948.
Budget 1949-1950.
Overseas supplies stores 1950.
Invisible exports 1950.
Putting economy on yen basis 1950.
Special economic problems 1947.
Economic aid request mission and related 1947-1949.
Coal mine control bill 1947.
Economic stability 1948-1949.
Correspondence with labor people 1946-1949.
Sarasas 1950.
ECAFE Bangkok 1949.
Allied Council for Japan 1947.
Post-Occupation activites - bus[iness] 1950, undated
Reports for visitors 1947, 1949.
MacArthur undated
[Cohen interviewing Mr. Buckley re MacArthur] undated
Japanese Ministry of Education Primer of Democracy 1949.
Digest Service 1948.
Digest Service 1949.
Nationalism in Postwar Japan by Masao Maruyama undated
Japan's Economy - Present and Future by Shigeto Tsuru 1950.
Contemporary Japan 1947 April-June.
Case for Social Democratic Leftists 1947.
Japan Times 1968 August 10.
Japan Review 1947, 1948.
Scandals 1948.
Digest Service 1947.
Digest Service 1948.
U.S. Labor Policy for Japan - Mr. T. Cohen's memoir 1972, 1973.
MacArthur and his men - materials 1949, 1950.
Genesis of radical reform - materials undated
SCAP Organization 1947-1948.
Labor division reports 1948-1950.
Labor issues 1950.
FEC labor policy 1949.
Toshiba Company Newsletter 1946.
Sengo Kaikaku undated
Kyodo Kenkyu 1978.
Initial Post-surrender Labor Policy for Japan by Eiji Takemae 1980.
Allied Occupation as Japanese Public Welfare by Toshio Tatara 1980.
International Conference on the Occupation of Japan. Amherst, Massachusetts 1980 August 20-23.
New Japanese Government Materials on the American Occupation of Japan, 1945-1952 by Ray A. Moore 1977.
Formulation of the Initial Occupation Policy for Japan, 1942-1945 by Andrew Laird Wallace, 1958.
[Japanese newspaper reports] undated
Radiopress Special Edition 1949.
China Economist 1949 April.
Publications Analysis - Women's Position in Postwar Japan 1948 July.
[Miscellaneous pages of unidentified publication] 1948-1949?.
China Weekly Review 1949 April 9.
[Address by the Japanese Prime Minister at the Tokyo Correspondents Club] 1949 May 11.
Willoughby papers - Yomiuri case 1946-1947.
Willoughby papers - general 1946-1947.
Program to achieve economic stabilization 1949.
Yomiuri 1946.
Labor division - organization and special reports 1948.
Labor - non-government 1948.
CAD - labor advisory committee meeting 1947.
[General strike] 1948.
Civil affairs guides - problems facing military governments 1945.
Special economic problems 1950.
Material for budget committee 1952.
Far Eastern Commission - Strengthening of democratic tendencies 1947.
Trouble 1948-1949.
Deverall 1948.
Illegal activities - R.S. Sassoon undated
Recommendations and findings of the Advisory Mission International Trade 1949.
For nationals taxation 1940-1950.
Budget 1951-1952.
Labor division report 1947 March.
Civil service reform 1948.
Deconcentration 1947-1949.
General strike 1947.