Descriptive Summary
Access Restrictions
Publication Rights
Preferred Citation
Acquisition Information
Scope and Content of Collection
Indexing Terms
Related Material
Descriptive Summary
Title: University of California, Santa Barbara, Office of University Relations Collection
Dates: 1981-1996
Collection number: UArch 92
University of California, Santa Barbara. Office of University Relations
Collection Size:
0.2 linear feet
(1 half-size document box)
University of California, Santa Barbara. Library. Dept. of Special Collections
Abstract: The Office of University Relations collection contains planning guides, files on governmental relations, and a proposal for
a Humanities research and symposium center.
Physical location: Del Sur, University Archives, 25A.
Access Restrictions
Publication Rights
Copyright has not been assigned to the Department of Special Collections, UCSB. All requests for permission to publish or
quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Head of Special Collections. Permission for publication is given
on behalf of the Department of Special Collections as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply
permission of the copyright holder, which also must be obtained.
Preferred Citation
University of California, Santa Barbara, Office of University Relations collection. UArch 92. Department of Special Collections,
Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Acquisition Information
Scope and Content of Collection
"University Relations focuses on the relationship of UCSB with its publics – the campus community, alumni, support groups,
the community at large, and government. It cultivates commitment to the institution's goals, fosters acceptance and endorsement
of the institution and its programs, participates in making the case for the institution and transmits that case to UCSB's
publics and brings them together to achieve the institution's goals."
From "Mission of University Relations," Planning Guide 1982-1983, folder 4.
The Office of University Relations coordinated with Alumni Affairs, Development, Public Affairs, the Affiliates, the Office
of Public Information, Public Events, Governmental Relations, and the UCSB Foundation to achieve its goals. The office's scope
and responsibilities are now handled by the Division of Institutional Advancement, which oversees the following departments
(as of 2010): the Vice Chancellor's Office, Alumni Affairs / Alumni Association, Development Office, Economic Forecast Project,
Governmental Relations, Public Affairs, Public Events, the Campaign for UC Santa Barbara, and the UC Santa Barbara Foundation.
The collection contains planning guides, files on governmental relations, and a proposal for a Humanities research and symposium
Indexing Terms
The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the library's online public access catalog.
University of California, Santa Barbara. Office of University Relations
Related Material
Files on University Relations in Office of Public Information subject files, UArch 12.
Collections for departments affiliated with Institutional Advancement:
- Office of Public Information subject files, UArch 12
- Office of Public Information biographical files, UArch 11
- Office of Public Information Isla Vista / Student Unrest files, UArch 36
- Affiliates collection, UArch 50
- Office of Development collection, UArch 51
- Vice Chancellors collection, UArch 67
- Alumni Association collection, UArch 69
- Office of Public Events collection, UArch 84