The album is primarily the record of a German soldier serving on the Eastern front during World War II. There are 131 black
and white photos with some captions handwritten in pencil (in Sütterlinschrift) identifying various locales and activities
of the unit. Captions indicate that the photos were taken in Berlin, Hungary, Poland and the Soviet Union. Interestingly,
the photographs are pasted into an archival register (presumably looted from an occupied area), книгa записeй aктов гражданского
состояния ([Book of the] Office for Registration of Civil Acts, a governmental department which still exists in present day
Russia where it is often known by the acronym ZAGS This register contains the death certificates (dated 1928-1929) of approximately
100 Soviet citizens ranging in age from several months to 101 years old. The forms are filled out in handwritten Russian.
Most information (names, dates, age at death) is legible although some is obscured by the placement/pasting of the photo.
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