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Computer Tech 1985-1987
Sign Language Interpreters 1985-1987
Emergency Preparedness 1985-1988
SCERT 1985-1989
State Rehab 504 Task Force 1985-1989
UCLA - Fernald School 1986
JTPA MIS/Appeal Documents 1986-1987
State establishment Grants 1987
LACACD/Complaint 1987-1988
Interpreters/Services 1987-1988
State Dept of Rehab '86-87 1987-1989
State Dept of Rehab '86-87 1987-1989
State establishment Grants 1987-1989
Transportation 1988 1987-1991
JTPA 4th Yr Documents 1988
Harry Hart V Sam Tyras 1988-1989
LACACD Executive Committee 1988 1988-1990
Clayton Turner 1989
Restroom Ordinance 1989
LACACD Access Housing Transportation 1989
Clerical Training Program 1989
Information and Resources 1970s
Parker C. Anderson
Manuel Aragon
Rosalie Avery
Gil Aviles, Maria Cabildo
John Balentine
George Beaubien
Neelura Bell
Board of Police Commissioners
Grant proposals 1974-1977
CTS 1975
Grant for Rate 1977
Grant for Master Plan 1977
Quarterly Grant report 1977
Derrick Boston
Tom Bradley
Mark Braly
Cogeneration: Energy Tactic
Michael Broderick
Paris Brooks
Vallee Bunting
Roxanne Burgess
Indian Commission 1976-1988, 1990-1993
Indian Commission 1990-1993
Maria Cabildo
Rick Caruso, Keith Comrie
Eve Catran
Nathan L. Chroman
City Admin Officer
City Council
Mary Ellen Cobb
Eula Collins
Community Redevelopment
Keith Comrie
Kathleen Connell
Jerry W. Conner
James A. Cook
John Cotti
Bette Y. Cox
Jerry Cremins, Don Vial
Judy Crim, Don Smith
Fred Croton, Valerie Fields, William Robertson
Sylvia Cunliffe
Raye Cunningham
Julie Depoian
Kathleen Des Rosiers
Linda Distenfield
Louis Dominguez
Veterans 1980-1987
Adrian Dove
John J. Driscoll
Gordon Duffy, Bette Y. Cox
Isabelle Egan
George A. Eslinger
Ralph Ellensohn
Joyce Fadem
John Ferraro
Jeffrey A. Finkle, Gary Netzer, Philip V. King
Joan Milke Flores
Douglas S. Ford
John J. Fox
Mike Gage
Ray Garcia
Raul Garza
Art Gastelum
Jack Golden
Wendy Greuel
Urban MCH Programs Directory
Democratic Caucus Report
Homeless report 1978-1986
VSEDC / NSA Rehabilitation project 1981
Harvard Park Revitalization project 1981
Adept / CETA Subrecipients 1982
EDA/Griffith Co/Flower Market 1982
CETP / Summer Youth Program 1982
Child Care Projects/Proposals 1983-1990