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box 2136, folder 2

National Manpower Forum 1975

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Ernest Green to The National Manpower Forum on October 21, 1975 in Warrenton, Virginia.
box 2136, folder 3

Public Personnel Admin. 1975

Scope and Contents

Statement of Mayor Tom Bradley at 1975 International Conference on Public Personnel Administration, Anaheim, California.
box 2136, folder 4

Honoring Emperor of Japan 1975

Scope and Contents

Remarks Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Los Angeles Civic Luncheon Honoring their Majesties The Emperor and Empress of Japan.
box 2136, folder 14

9-28-75 B'nai David 1975

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley on September 28, 1976.
box 2136, folder 15

Testimony/ Senate Committee 1975

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley Before State Senate Committee on Local Government.
box 2136, folder 16

Remarks of Louis Harris 1975

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Louis Harris at The National Democratic issues Convention, Louisville, Kentucky.
box 2136, folder 17

Planning & Conservation 1975

Scope and Contents

Welcome remarks Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Annual Conference. of The Planning and Conservation League, LA.
box 2136, folder 18

Speech to Nahro Conference 1975

Scope and Contents

box 2136, folder 31

US Olympic Committee 1975

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at US Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
box 2136, folder 34

S Cal Leadership Conference. 1975

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Biloxi, Mississippi (Economic, Social and Political Posture for Black Americans).
box 2136, folder 35

3-6-77 Chamad Housing 1975

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley on March 6, 1977.
box 2156, folder 10

Public Corp/Mental Health 1975

Scope and Contents

box 2216

Correspondence 1975, 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Los Angeles City and various U.S. states and countries (21 folders).
box 1912, folder 3

Souvenirs 1975-1976

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, responses re souvenirs from Mayor Bradley.
box 780, folder 6

Big Willie Robinson 1975-1977

Scope and Contents

Memo, petition, Use of Reeves Field for Building of Brotherhood Raceway Park and Willie Andrew Robinson III a.k.a. "Big Willie" report, booklets.
box 2096, folder 4

Dosvidaniya-A Book 1976

Scope and Contents

Book: "Dosvidaniya: A Story of Love in Revolution."
box 2136, folder 5

Transportation Needs in LA 1976

Scope and Contents

box 2136, folder 6

National Farmer's Union 1976

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Thomas Bradley Before The National Farmer's Union, New Orleans, Louisiana.
box 2136, folder 7

Remarks to Law Students 1976

Scope and Contents

Remarks of Mayor Tom Bradley to Law Students Attending Annual ABA Convention of Law Students, Western Section.
box 2136, folder 8

Regional Rehab. Conference. 1976

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Regional Rehabilitation Conference, Hyatt International Hotel.
box 2136, folder 9

Senate Committee Hearing 1976

Scope and Contents

Speeches Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley Before The Senate Committee Hearings on The Budget.
box 2136, folder 10

Notes/U. of Judaism Dinner 1976

Scope and Contents

Notes for University of Judaism Dinner.
box 2136, folder 11

Pipe Trades Bldg Dedication. 1976

Scope and Contents

Schedule for The Pipe Trades Building Dedication.
box 2136, folder 12

7-28-76 Richard Alatorre 1976

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley re Richard Alatorre.
box 2136, folder 13

Joint Economic Committee 1976

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley Before The Joint Economic Committee of The US Congress.
box 2136, folder 33

Watts Community Housing Corp. 1976

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Watts Community Housing Corporation Groundbreaking.
box 2189

Recommendations 1976-1979, 1982-1983, 1993

Scope and Contents

Letters of recommendation from Mayor Bradley re various individuals and organizations; attached thank you letters from those recommended (10 folders).
box 1548, folder 9

Furniture, Keys, etc. 1976-1980

Scope and Contents

Memos re requests for Removal and Addition of Names on Doors in The Mayor's Office, for Keys, for Painting and Cleaning of Rooms, for Relocation and Purchasing of Furniture.
box 2211, folder 4-5

China 1976-1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor Bradley's office and various agencies in China.
box 2078

Invitations 1977

Scope and Contents

Invitations to events addressed to Tom Bradley (13 folders).
box 2136, folder 25

AFL-CIO National Convention 1977

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at AFL-CIO National Convention at Bonaventure Hotel.
box 2136, folder 26

HUD Legislative Conference 1977

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Thomas Bradley at HUD Legislative Conference.
box 2136, folder 27

Proposed Videotape Script 1977

Scope and Contents

Proposed Videotape Script Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley.
box 2136, folder 28

Community Service Admin. 1977

Scope and Contents

Script re National Collegiate Athletic Association and Community Service Administrators.
box 2136, folder 29

SCAG General Assembly 1977

Scope and Contents

Welcome remarks Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The SCAG General Assembly.
box 2136, folder 30

LA Spring Fashion Market 1977

Scope and Contents

Welcome remarks Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Los Angeles Spring Fashion Market.
box 2136, folder 32

Business and Government 1977

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Japan-American Conference of Mayors and Chamber of Commerce.
box 2137

Speeches 1977

Scope and Contents

Various speeches and addresses delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley (38 folders).
box 2172, folder 5

FBI Selection Committee 1977

Scope and Contents

Reimbursement Voucher re The Committee on Selection of The Director of The Federal Bureau of Investigation.
box 2193

Bradley photos, Inauguration Ceremony 1977 and undated

Scope and Contents

Multiple copies of Bradley's official photographs and portraits, programs for the Inauguration Ceremony of 1977 (14 folders).
box 2140, folder 10-14

Mayor-Comment 1977, 1979, 1981, 1989

Scope and Contents

Comments by Mayor Bradley in response to correspondence.
box 2140, folder 1-2

Mayor-Personal Data Forms 1977, 1990

Scope and Contents

Personal data forms, lists re awards received by Tom Bradley, such as the Honorary Doctorate of Laws Degree, plaques, certificates of appreciation
box 1561

Thank You Letters 1977-1979

Scope and Contents

Thank you letters from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (4 folders).
box 2210, folder 3-4

Alaska 1977-1979

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, copy of news clippings, postcards.
box 2076, folder 12-13

Cert. of Appreciation 1978 1978

Scope and Contents

Certificates from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations.
box 2077

Cert. of Appreciation 1978 1978

Scope and Contents

Certificates of Appreciation (13 folders).
box 2136, folder 19

Amer. Soc. Public Admin. 1978

Scope and Contents

Speeches Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at American Society for Public Administration, Phoenix, Arizona.
box 2136, folder 20

UCB, Charter Day 1978

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley on Charter Day at University of California, Berkeley.
box 2136, folder 21

Dedication/Energy House 1978

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Dedication of The Optimum Energy House.
box 2136, folder 22

New Zealand speeches 1978

Scope and Contents

Speeches Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley in New Zealand.
box 2136, folder 23

Testimony/House of Rep. 1978

Scope and Contents

Testimony Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley Before The Committee on Ways and Means of US House of Representatives.
box 2136, folder 24

Republican National Committee. 1978

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Reverend Jesse L. Jackson Before The Republican National Committee, Washington, D.C.
box 2147, folder 9

ACIR/Travel Vouchers 1978

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Travel Claim Forms of The Advisory Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR), Travel Vouchers of The ACIR.
box 2150, folder 12

Travel Expense 1978

Scope and Contents

Notes, correspondence, memo, expense claims.
box 2171, folder 7

Getty House 1978

Scope and Contents

Memo re Getty House; Police Commission Permit and Forms Issued by The Office of The City Clerk; History of The Getty House.
box 2182, folder 12

Ordinance 1978

Scope and Contents

Ordinance of The City of Los Angeles re Grants, Housing and Community Development Committee.
box 2210, folder 10

King Tut Exhibit 1978

Scope and Contents

Letters from public primary schools requesting to view King Tut exhibit.
box 2211, folder 3

Chile 1978

Scope and Contents

Letter addressed to Mayor Bradley re visit from Chile.
box 2177, folder 9

Rosters 1978-1981

Scope and Contents

Rosters for various Organizations.
box 2182, folder 2

NAACP 1978-1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, reports re National Association for The Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
box 2138

Speeches 1979

Scope and Contents

Various speeches and addresses delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley (50 folders).
box 2147, folder 8

Advisory Committee/Intergovt Re LA 1979

Scope and Contents

News Release Issued by The Advisory Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR) re State-Local Pensions, Federal Budget Restraint Highlight ACIR meeting agenda.
box 2172, folder 1

General Revenue Sharing 1979

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re General Revenue Sharing Task Force; List of House Committee Assignments.
box 2194, folder 2

Los Angeles, Hollywood 1979

Scope and Contents

Los Angeles tourism magazine.
box 2210, folder 13

Bulgaria 1979

Scope and Contents

box 2150, folder 8-11

Commission Appointments 1979-1980

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence re The Appointment of Commissioners, resumes, supporting materials.
box 1548, folder 1

Memos 1979-1981

Scope and Contents

Memos re Guest Parking, Keys, Parking Reassignments, Removal and Addition of Names on Doors and The Directory.
box 2201, folder 6

Union Station 1979-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, agenda re Los Angeles Union Station.
box 2175, folder 8

Immigration 1979-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between the Mayor's Office and various organizations re immigration issues.
box 2146, folder 7

Mothers of Plaza De Mayo 1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence requesting Tom Bradley to Sign Petition in Support the Mothers of Plaza De Mayo, who have disappeared.
box 2156, folder 6

Conservation Foundation 1980

Scope and Contents

box 2169, folder 8

Earthquakes 1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes re Earthquakes.
box 2171, folder 6

Goodyear Property 1980

Scope and Contents

Project Plan for Providing Employment for City of Los Angeles, Preliminary Plan of The Goodyear Plant.
box 2173, folder 3

Flood Control Bond 1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo re Flood Control Bond issues.
box 2176, folder 8

Item Pricing Protection 1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, information, report, regulations re Item Pricing Protection.
box 2182, folder 3

City Economic Development 1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re City Economic Development Office.
box 2204, folder 4

Watts Briefing 1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, copy of news clippings re The Redevelopment Projects in Watts Area.
box 2205, folder 8

Windfall Profits Tax 1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, report re National Citizens' Coalition for The Windfall Profits Tax.
box 2211, folder 9

Finland 1980

Scope and Contents

box 2156, folder 5

Conservation 1980, 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report re conservation issues.
box 3188, folder 5

State (2) 1980-1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re State Related issues, Transportation Financing bill, Child Care Center, Telecommunication System, Federal Budget Cuts, Grant Awards, Timber Industry, Incarceration of minorities, Peripheral Canal Status, Health Care Costs
box 2184, folder 1

National Urban Fellows Inc 1980-1981, 1988, 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports re National Urban Fellows, Inc., National Forum for Black Public Administrators, National Advisory Commission on Higher Education for Public Affairs, National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (10 folders).
box 2173, folder 10

Full Employment Action 1980-1982

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, report re Full Employment Action Council.
box 2182, folder 7

Municipal Arts 1980-1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, copy of news clippings re Municipal Arts.
box 2141, folder 1-3

Mayor-Membership 1980-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence from organizations for which Bradley is an honorary or acting member of advisory or governing boards.
box 2186, folder 10

Propositions 1980-1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re various Propositions, news clippings and related materials included.
box 2205, folder 1-3

White House 1980-1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, brochures re various Federal Administrative Programs.
box 2172, folder 11-12

Fire and Police Pension 1980-1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, memo, reports re the Fire and Police Pension System and the investigation of the fund.
box 2203, folder 6

Valley 1980-1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, news clippings re The San Fernando Valley, Simi Valley, Studio City.
box 2190, folder 1

Rent Control 1980-1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, ordinance re rent control
box 2205, folder 11

Youth 1980-1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, memo, fliers re various Youth Programs.
box 2201, folder 5

United Nations 1980-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence about various issues and projects related to United Nations.
box 2204, folder 6-7

Watts 1980-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Fax Sheet re various issues in Watts Area.
box 2205, folder 6

White House Fellow 1980-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re various issues of White House Fellows.
box 2197, folder 12

Staff 1980-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re staff from Mayor's Office and various Departments of City Hall.
box 2205, folder 4-5

Los Angeles Zoo 1980-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure, notes re Los Angeles Zoo.
box 2139

Speeches 1981

Scope and Contents

Various speeches and addresses delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley (40 folders).
box 2147, folder 7

Affirmative Action 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor's Office and various Agencies re Affirmative Action issues.
box 2147, folder 19

CETA Program 1981

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, handwritten notes re Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) Program.
box 2148, folder 1

Press Attack re Raiders 1981

Scope and Contents

Memo re press attack related to The Raiders Move to LA and Bradley's Discussion in Oakland; News articles and clippings re Raiders.
box 2154, folder 4

Credit Union 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Newsletter from The Los Angeles City Employees Federal Credit Union.
box 2154, folder 11

Convention Travel 1981

Scope and Contents

Report forms from city representatives.
box 2156, folder 9

Continental Airlines 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report re Continental Airlines.
box 2171, folder 5


Scope and Contents

Handwritten letter re Greater Los Angeles Community Action Agency (GLACAA); Lawsuit re GLACAA, Decision of Appellate Court, Request for Rehearing.
box 2172, folder 2

Gay/Lesbian 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re gay and lesbian people; Letter to Bradley and copy of Letter to President Reagan re Gang Torturing, list of Gang members.
box 2176, folder 3

Japan American Conference. 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure, reports re Japan American Conference of Mayors and Chamber of Commerce Presidents.
box 2182, folder 5

Museum/Science & Industry 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes re Museum of Science and Industry.
box 2196, folder 3

Solar Energy 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, mailgram, notes re Solar Energy
box 2196, folder 8

Revenue Sharing 1981

Scope and Contents

box 2202, folder 4-5

Triangular Partnership 1981

Scope and Contents

Flyers, brochures, reports, newsletters re Triangular Partnership.
box 2210, folder 5

Arizona 1981

Scope and Contents

Letter from Bruce Babbitt.
box 2326, folder 8

Cal Dept of Corrections 1981

Scope and Contents

box 2326, folder 12

Clean Air Act 1981

Scope and Contents

box 2326, folder 13

Trip Books 3, Irvine 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, data for Bradley's campaign stop in Irvine.
box 2327, folder 1

Cal Coastal Commission 1981

Scope and Contents

Publication "California Coastal Commission: At The Crossroads."
box 2327, folder 2

Trip Book 2 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, data for Bradley's campaign stops in various locations and with various organizations.
box 2327, folder 3

Anti-Crime Program 1981

Scope and Contents

box 2327, folder 4

Intergovernmental Relation 1981

Scope and Contents

Annual report.
box 2327, folder 5

Cal Energy Commission 1981

Scope and Contents

Biennial report of the California Energy Commission.
box 2327, folder 6

Local and State Taxes 1981

Scope and Contents

Report re fiscal restraints and the burden of local and state taxes by the Rand Corporation.
box 2327, folder 7-9

Trip Books 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, data for Bradley's campaign stops in various locations and with various organizations.
box 2327, folder 15-16

Correspondence 1981

Scope and Contents

Briefing statements on campaign issues.
box 2328, folder 1-6

Trip Books 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence and data for Bradley's Campaign stops in various locations and with various organizations.
box 2191, folder 4-9

Recommendations 1981, 1984

Scope and Contents

Letters of recommendation from Mayor Bradley re various individuals and organizations; attached thank you letters from those recommended.
box 2148, folder 2

LA memorial Coliseum Commission 1981, 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission, Legal Case: Los Angeles memorial Coliseum Commission vs. National Football League.
box 2148, folder 5

City Treasurer 1981, 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The Office of The Treasurer and various Agencies.
box 2169, folder 2

El Pueblo Historic Park 1981, 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, agenda re El Pueblo State Historic Park.
box 2211, folder 2

Canada 1981, 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Bradley's visit to Canada, newsletters, handwritten notes, memo, brochures re Canada affairs.
box 3188, folder 4

State (1) 1981-1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re passport agency, John Sullivan and Ventura, Governor's Mansion, rehabilitation programs, olive trees, water diversion, swimming pool for school, Medfly, recommendations, monthly activity report, public utilities.
box 2168

Entertainment; Energy; Employment 1981-1982, 1985, 1988, 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, brochures re the entertainment industry; correspondence, reports re the California Energy Commission; restricted materials re personal employee information (9 folders).
box 2150, folder 1

Affirmative Action 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, News articles re Chicanos, Affirmative Action, and Hispanics in City Employment.
box 2153, folder 10-12

Criminal Justice 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Meeting Schedule, correspondence, notes, copy of news clippings, brochures re Criminal Justice.
box 2182, folder 8

Municipal Auditorium 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Municipal Auditorium.
box 2183, folder 1-3

Olympics; News Media 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, news clippings re The Olympic Games in Los Angeles
box 2204, folder 12

White House 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The White House and The Office of Mayor Bradley, Includes signature of President Ronald Reagan; 1982 US Budget.
box 2186, folder 3

Department of Pension 1981-1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, Forms re Department of Pension.
box 2200, folder 7

Traffic 1981-1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, news clippings re traffic problems.
box 2179, folder 1

Jewish 1981-1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure, cards, booklet re Jewish Community in Los Angeles.
box 2197, folder 4

Street Scene Committee 1981-1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo re Los Angeles Street Scene Committee.
box 2175, folder 2

Industry 1981-1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, press release re various Business Opportunities in Los Angeles.
box 2202, folder 7

US Savings Bonds 1981-1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure.
box 2173, folder 11

Funding 1981-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, notes, report re funding for various organizations.
box 2203, folder 4

Veterans 1981-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re veterans affairs.
box 2141, folder 16

Law Day 1982 1982

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Law Day, April 30, 1982.
box 2141, folder 17

Acceptance/ Nomination. Governor 1982

Scope and Contents

Speech re Acceptance for The Nomination for Governor of California Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley.
box 2141, folder 18

Nassau/Queen Beatrix 1982

Scope and Contents

Remarks Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley on The Occasion of Receiving Commander of The Order of Nassau from Her Majesty Queen Beatrix.
box 2141, folder 19

Testimony/ Subcommittees 1982

Scope and Contents

Testimony Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley before The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and The Subcommittee on Mines and Mining of The Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, US House of Representatives June 14, 1982.
box 2145, folder 2

Mayor's Business Council 1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Name and Address List re Tom Bradley's Business Council, draft report.
box 2146, folder 8

Speech by A. Fritschler 1982

Scope and Contents

Speech by A. Lee Fritschler, The President of American Society for Public Administration (ASPA); letter from Fritschler to Bradley.
box 2147, folder 3

Campaign Fund Raising 1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, News articles re James Minor.
box 2149, folder 11

Which Road to Take-Speech 1982

Scope and Contents

speech entitled "Which Road to Take" delivered by Bradley on October 30, 1982 at The Election of 1982.
box 2154, folder 1-3

LA County 1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The City of Los Angeles and The Department of Health Services, County of Los Angeles Office of Assessor, and The Board of Supervisors of County of Los Angeles.
box 2156, folder 8

Consumer Affairs-LA County 1982

Scope and Contents

Report re Los Angeles County Consumer Affairs.
box 2170, folder 6-7

Gun Control 1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, regulations and journal articles.
box 2198, folder 3

Squaw Valley 1982

Scope and Contents

Information packet re Squaw Valley.
box 2325, folder 7

FSLIC 1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re role of Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp (FSLIC) in the takeover of Fidelity Savings and Loan Association by Citicorp
box 2325, folder 9

Transition memos 1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re procedures for dealing with a transition administration in the Governor's Office
box 2325, folder 11

State of California 1982

Scope and Contents

Report on "The Governor's Personal Staff"; "Annual Report of California Assembly Policy Initiatives"; copies of clippings re Campaign Issues
box 2325, folder 12

Bradley's Campaign 1982

Scope and Contents

Text of positions on various issues taken for debate with George Deukmejian
box 2325, folder 13

Bradley Debate 1982

Scope and Contents

Notes, text for debate with George Deukmejian
box 2325, folder 14

Campaign Debate 1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re debate with George Deukmejian
box 2326, folder 1

Campaign Debate 1982

Scope and Contents

Text for Bradley positions on various issues re Deukmejian.
box 2326, folder 2

Legislative Session 81-82 1982

Scope and Contents

Recap of the 1981-82 legislative session prepared by Assembly Majority Consultants.
box 2326, folder 3

Correspondence, 1982 1982

Scope and Contents

Notes, correspondence re various campaign issues.
box 2326, folder 4

Bradley Campaign/Governor 1982

Scope and Contents

Notes, correspondence, copies of clippings re various campaign issues.
box 2326, folder 5

Positions on Veterans 1982

Scope and Contents

Campaign briefing pages on veterans' issues.
box 2326, folder 7

Bradley Campaign/Governor 1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report re Bradley for Governor County Organization Plan.
box 2326, folder 9

Bradley Campaign/Governor 1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re various campaign issues.
box 2326, folder 10

Cal Mental Health Programs 1982

Scope and Contents

"A Model for California Mental Health Programs" prepared by Legislative Work Group and Mental Health Association of California.
box 2326, folder 11

Research Findings/Gov't 1982

Scope and Contents

box 2147, folder 20

LA memorial Coliseum Commission 1982, 1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission, Agreement between The Coliseum Commission and The Oakland Raiders.
box 2185, folder 4

National Endowment for Arts 1982, 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re National Endowment for The Arts and Inner City Cultural Center.
box 2142

Speeches 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Various speeches delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley (43 folders).
box 2175, folder 12

International Visitors 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re International Visitors.
box 2185, folder 5

National Conference of Black Mayors 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, resolution, notes re National Conference of Black Mayors.
box 2192

Recommendations 1982-1983, 1985

Scope and Contents

Letters of recommendation from Mayor Bradley re various individuals and organizations; attached thank you letters from those recommended (8 folders).
box 2150, folder 4

Los Angeles Marathon 1982-1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports from Chief Legislative Officer re Proposed Los Angeles Marathon, Foreign Missions Protective Services Program Update.
box 2140, folder 5-7

Bradley's Awards 1982-1988

Scope and Contents

Various Awards Received by Tom Bradley, Related Materials re These Awards, Original copy of Awards Included
box 2173, folder 13

Hollywood 1982-1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, fliers, notes, report re Development Program in Hollywood.
box 2190, folder 2

Religion 1982-1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure.
box 2175, folder 11

International Trade 1982-1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, name cards, report re International Trade.
box 2178, folder 3-5

Labor 1982-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, brochures.
box 2146, folder 11

Church 1982-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The Mayor's Office and Churches.
box 2190, folder 3-9

Recreation and Parks 1982-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, copy of news clippings, brochure, report re Recreation and Parks
box 662, folder 3

"Goode for Mayor" Materials 1983

Scope and Contents

Folder containing correspondence, articles, sample speeches regarding Wilson Goode.
box 1206, folder 5-7

Proclamations 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence and copies of proclamations for various organizations and occasions.
box 2143, folder 1

Commence/ N Carolina U 1983

Scope and Contents

Commencement speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at North Carolina Central University.
box 2143, folder 2

Mortgage Lenders Conference 1983

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Thomas Bradley at The Mortgage Lenders Conference.
box 2143, folder 6

LA Welcome Platform Committee. 1983

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley Before Los Angeles Welcome Platform Committee, Democratic Party.
box 2143, folder 14

Newsclip Script re LAX 1983

Scope and Contents

Mayor Bradley Newsclip Script December 8, 1983.
box 2143, folder 15

Japan-American Conference. 1983

Scope and Contents

Speeches Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Japan-American Conference of Mayors and Chamber of Commerce.
box 2143, folder 16

Building Industry Assn. 1983

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Building Industry Association.
box 2143, folder 17

Private Industry Council 1983

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Private Industry Council.
box 2152, folder 5-7

Congratulations 1983

Scope and Contents

Letters of congratulations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations.
box 2154, folder 8

Council of International Visitors 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The Mayor's Office and The Council of International Visitors.
box 2169, folder 3

Day Care Facility 1983

Scope and Contents

Letter re Day Care Facility in The Civic Center from Harry Pregerson addressed to Mayor Bradley, news clipping.
box 2173, folder 4

Foreign Visitors 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Foreign Visitors, Name Cards and list of Japanese Visitors.
box 2173, folder 12

General correspondence, 1983 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Thacker Organization, Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program.
box 2175, folder 4

Infrastructure Task Force 1983

Scope and Contents

Directory of the Infrastructure Task Force, report, Constructor Magazine May 1983.
box 2175, folder 6

Hunger 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re hunger issues in California.
box 2179, folder 14

Metropolitan Water Dist. 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, report re The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
box 2182, folder 11

Open House 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo re Constituent Concerns Expressed at Mayor's Open House.
box 2183, folder 4-8

News Media 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, re news media
box 2197, folder 3

Student Letter 1983

Scope and Contents

Letters and drawings from First and Second Grade Students at Oakwood School thanking Bradley for visiting.
box 2198, folder 10

Southwest U. School of Law 1983

Scope and Contents

Newsletter, brochure re Tom Bradley Scholarship Endowment Program; correspondence re Southwestern University School of Law.
box 2200, folder 5

Trade 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure re Trade in Steel Products.
box 2203, folder 1-3

Urban League 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures re Urban League.
box 2210, folder 8

Austria 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor Bradley and Richard S. Williams, Ambassador of Austria, re Federalism Symposium in Germany.
box 2210, folder 11

Bermuda 1983

Scope and Contents

Letters written by Mayor Bradley re visit to Bermuda.
box 2210, folder 12

Brazil 1983

Scope and Contents

Report, correspondence re Brazil, a booklet.
box 2217, folder 1-5

Correspondence 1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Los Angeles City and U.S. states and countries.
box 2150, folder 5

Community Relations 1983, 1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, handwritten letter by Bradley re Community Relations, correspondence requesting Letters of Commendation from Bradley, newsletter.
box 2148, folder 8

City-County Consolidation 1983, 1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, agenda re City-County Consolidation Commission, Commission's Final report on License Permits for Charitable Organizations; Annual report of The Council on Foreign Relations; report on Airport Consolidation.
box 2156, folder 2-3

Controller 1983, 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, news release, forms, budgets.
box 2154, folder 7

Council/Foreign Relations 1983-1985

Scope and Contents

Newsletter, Briefings from The Council of Foreign Relations, Annual report 1983-1984.
box 2166

Proclamations, Correspondence 1983-1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations, letters of sympathy and support from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations including the Board of Rabbis of Southern California (11 folders).
box 2149, folder 13

Child Care 1983-1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, news clippings, brochure, News Letter re Child Care in Los Angeles.
box 2172, folder 9

Film Industry 1983-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor's Office and various film related agencies.
box 2141, folder 14

Polar Flight Anniversary 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Thomas Bradley at Polar Flight Anniversary Ceremony, Copenhagen.
box 2143, folder 4

1987 Super Bowl, Pasadena 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at 1987 Super Bowl, Pasadena.
box 2143, folder 7

Democratic Institutions 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Center for The Study of Democratic Institutions.
box 2143, folder 8

Impossible Dreams 1984

Scope and Contents

box 2143, folder 9

Gerontological Society 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The 30th Anniversary - Western Gerontological Society.
box 2143, folder 13

California Coastal Commission 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at California Coastal Commission.
box 2143, folder 19

Testimony/Government Operations 1984

Scope and Contents

Testimony Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley Before The Inter- Governmental Relations and Human Resources Subcommittee of The Committee on Government Operations.
box 2143, folder 21

Farm City Week 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Farm City Week Merced, California Chamber of Commerce.
box 2143, folder 22

Get Out The Vote 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Thomas Bradley at San Diego re Getting Out The Vote.
box 2143, folder 23

Catholic Labor Institute 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Catholic Labor Institute's Labor Day Breakfast.
box 2143, folder 24

Alameda County Labor Day 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Alameda County Labor Day Breakfast.
box 2143, folder 26

National Urban League 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at National Urban League on August 4, 1984.
box 2143, folder 27

Senior speech 8-3-84 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech re Senior Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley on August 3, 1984.
box 2143, folder 28

Israeli memorial-Olympic 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Israeli Olympic Team Slain at 1972 Summer Games.
box 2143, folder 30

Royal Swedish Exhibition 1984

Scope and Contents

Opening remarks Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Royal Swedish Exhibition.
box 2143, folder 31

Nominating Walter Mondale 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Democratic National Convention re Nominating Walter Mondale for President.
box 2143, folder 32

Building & Construction 1984

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Thomas Bradley at The 51st Convention California State Building and Construction Trades Council.
box 2143, folder 33

Response/ President Reagan 1984

Scope and Contents

Response of Mayor Tom Bradley to The Weekly Radio Broadcast of President Ronald Reagan.
box 2143, folder 34

"The American Dream" 1984

Scope and Contents

box 2143, folder 35

County Bar Assn's Dinner 1984

Scope and Contents

Remarks by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Los Angeles County Bar Association's Installation Dinner.
box 2145, folder 8

Boy's Day in Government 1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Boy's Day in Government.
box 2147, folder 15

Calvert, Texas 1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, handwritten notes re Bradley's visit to Calvert and The Calvert Tribune Newspaper.
box 2148, folder 4

Los Angeles Coliseum 1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Handwritten Letters re Los Angeles Coliseum, Transmittal Letter, Letter of Intent Signed by The Raiders, Tudor-Salib and USC.
box 2169, folder 1

Data Services 1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo re Data Services.
box 2179, folder 8

Jutta Offenberg 1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Jutta Offenberg.
box 2194, folder 1

Olympic Flags 1984

Scope and Contents

Flags for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games.
box 2204, folder 9

Weingart Rehab Center 1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Weingart Rehabilitation Center.
box 2215

Correspondence 1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Los Angeles City and various U.S. states and countries (15 folders).
box 2181, folder 2-6

NAPA 1984, 1987-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, reports re National Academy for Public Administration (NAPA)
box 2149, folder 1

City Clerk 1984, 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, notes Generated by City Clerk's Office re various issues.
box 2149, folder 8

City Admin. Officer 1984, 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Notice between City Administrative Officer and Related Agencies; Court Decision re United Firefighters v. City of Los Angeles.
box 2140, folder 15-17

Mayor-Membership 1984, 1989, 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Organizations for which Bradley is Asked to Serve as An Honorary Or Acting Member of Advisory Or Governing Boards
box 2186, folder 7

Produce Market 1984, 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, report re Produce Market.
box 2143, folder 11

London Cargo Luncheon 1984?

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The London Cargo Luncheon.
box 2149, folder 10

City Admin. Officer 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report between The City Administrative Officer and Related Agencies.
box 2169, folder 4

Democratic Party 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, information re California Democratic Party, report.
box 2171, folder 8-10

General Services 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, Forms re General Services, Telephone Call Records from July 1984 to November 1985.
box 2186, folder 6

Private Industry Council 1984-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, report re Private Industry Council.
box 2196, folder 11-12

Support 1984-1991

Scope and Contents

Letters of support from various individuals and organizations; thank you letters from Tom Bradley attached.
box 2197, folder 1

Support 1984-1991

Scope and Contents

Letters of support from various individuals and organizations; thank you letters from Tom Bradley attached.
box 2150, folder 7

Commissioners 1984-1992

Scope and Contents

Copy of news clippings, handwritten notes, correspondence, Name and Address List re Commissioners of applications for various City Committee positions.
box 2171, folder 11-14

General Services 1984-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes re General Services.
box 2141, folder 6

SRO Housing Conference 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Housing Conference.
box 2141, folder 7

Offshore Oil 1985

Scope and Contents

Congressional Testimony on Offshore Oil delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley.
box 2141, folder 8

Interfaith Crime Strategy 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley.
box 2141, folder 9

Diesel Fuel Initiative 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley.
box 2141, folder 10

Education & Labor Committee 1985

Scope and Contents

Testimony Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Education Subcommittee Hearing, US House of Representatives.
box 2141, folder 11

City Budget/ Federal Cuts 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley re City Budget Affected by The Proposed Federal Cuts.
box 2141, folder 12

Education Reform 1-24-85 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley.
box 2141, folder 13

Laborers International 1985

Scope and Contents

Outline for speech to Be Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at The Laborers International.
box 2141, folder 15

Enviro. Legis. Symposium 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Environmental Legislative Symposium.
box 2143, folder 3

Budgeting & Infrastructure 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley re The Joint Survey on Capital Budgeting and Infrastructure Before The Subcommittee on Economic Development Committee on Public Works and Transportation, US House of Representatives.
box 2143, folder 5

Pierce College Commencement 1985

Scope and Contents

Speeches Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Pierce College Commencement.
box 2143, folder 10

Mayor's Business Council 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley at Mayor's Business Council on January 31, 1984.
box 2143, folder 12

25th Ann. Port--Tokyo 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Thomas Bradley at 25th Anniversary of Port of Los Angeles Tokyo Office.
box 2143, folder 18

Intro.-Senator Kennedy 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley Introducing Senator Kennedy.
box 2143, folder 20

Speech-Olympic Torch 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley re Olympic Torch on November 19, 1984.
box 2143, folder 25

Toxic Waste Site-Capri 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley re Toxic Waste Site-Capri on August 22, 1984.
box 2143, folder 29

Message/ Peace & Goodwill 1985

Scope and Contents

Joint Message Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley and Mayor Ugljesa Uzelac of Sarajevo, Yugoslavia re Peace and Goodwill.
box 2150, folder 2

Housing Authority Mgmt 1985

Scope and Contents

Draft report from the Chief Legislative Analyst.
box 2153, folder 1

Condolence 1985

Scope and Contents

Condolences from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations.
box 2156, folder 11

Transportation Study 1985

Scope and Contents

Report, information packet, brochure.
box 2165, folder 8

News Release Sept 1985 1985

Scope and Contents

Copies of September 1985 News Release from Mayor's Office.
box 2186, folder 4

Pollution 1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, copy of news clipping re Pollution.
box 2205, folder 12

5-1-85 Testimony/ Transp. 1985

Scope and Contents

Testimony of Mayor Bradley before the Transportation Subcommittee House Appropriations Committee on Federal Funding for Metro-Rail and other mass transit projects.
box 2205, folder 13

Farm to Table Conference 1985

Scope and Contents

Agenda, press release re Agriculture Farm to Table Conference.
box 2205, folder 14

Offshore Oil Drilling 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley re Offshore Oil Drilling.
box 2205, folder 15

Remarks on Small Business 1985

Scope and Contents

Remarks by Mayor Bradley to House Committee on Small Business.
box 2206, folder 1

Los Angeles 2000 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley re Los Angeles 2000.
box 2206, folder 2

Hispanic Americans 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re Hispanic Americans.
box 2206, folder 3

President's Tax Plan 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re The President's Tax Plan.
box 2206, folder 4

UNO/SCOC Crime Rally 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re UNO/SCOC Crime Rally.
box 2206, folder 5

Laborers Union 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley re Local 300-Laborers Union Retirement Luncheon.
box 2206, folder 6

Inaugural speech 1985

Scope and Contents

Inaugural speech Made by Mayor Bradley Including speech Made at Los Angeles Harbor and San Fernando Valley.
box 2206, folder 7

Capitol Breakfast Club 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at Capitol Breakfast Club on June 25, 1985.
box 2206, folder 8

LA: City of The Future 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley.
box 2206, folder 9

American Public Power Assn 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at The American Public Power Association 1985 Annual Conference at Bonaventure Hotel.
box 2206, folder 10

9-2-85 Labor Day speech 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley, Labor Day 1985.
box 2206, folder 11

Commonwealth Club speech 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at Common Wealth Club on August 29, 1985.
box 2206, folder 12

Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at The Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation.
box 2206, folder 13

Kappa Alpha Psi-Washington 1985

Scope and Contents

box 2206, folder 14

Hebrew Congregation 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at the 58th General Assembly Union of American Hebrew Congregations.
box 2206, folder 15

Howard University Convocation 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Howard University Convocation.
box 2206, folder 16

Testimony/Senate Commerce 1985

Scope and Contents

Testimony Made by Mayor Bradley Before The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.
box 2206, folder 17

Comment on Louis Farrakhan 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re speech of Louis Farrakhan on September 14, 1985.
box 2206, folder 18

Louis Farrakhan Statement 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re speech by Louis Farrakhan.
box 2206, folder 19

World Trade Conference 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at the World Trade Conference Long Beach.
box 2206, folder 20

Senate Finance Committee 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re Medicare and Social Security Programs for the State and City Employees.
box 2206, folder 21

South American Trade Trip 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley During The South American Trade Trip.
box 2206, folder 22

National League of Cities 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at National League of Cities Congress of Cities.
box 2206, folder 23

Northern California. Supervisor 1985

Scope and Contents

box 2206, folder 24

Cleh-Lockyear Lunch 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at Cleh-Lockyear Lunch.
box 2206, folder 25

National League of Cities 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at National League of Cities Congress of Cities.
box 2206, folder 26

National AFL-CIO Convention 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at National American Federation of Labor (AFL) and The Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) Convention.
box 2206, folder 27

Testimony 1985

Scope and Contents

Testimony Made by Mayor Bradley Before The Subcommittee on Employment Opportunities of The House Committee on Education and Labor.
box 2206, folder 29

12-4-85 Pacific Rim 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at Gateway to The Pacific Rim.
box 2206, folder 30

Jordanian World Affairs 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at The Jordanian World Affairs Council.
box 2206, folder 39

10-18-85 Silicon Valley 1985

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Silicon Valley
box 3911, folder 11

1985 Annual Events 1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence and brochure re annual events of 1985.
box 3911, folder 29

Olympic Arts Festival 1985

Scope and Contents

Memo re The Olympic Arts Festival.
box 761, folder 9

NW Orient/ Republic Airlines 1985-1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, merger of Northwest Orient and Republic Airlines brochure.
box 2165, folder 3-7

Correspondence 1985-1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence from September 1985-January 1987.
box 2145, folder 3-4

Building and Safety 1985-1987, 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The Mayor's Office and The Department of Building and Safety.
box 2197, folder 5

Street Tree 1985-1991

Scope and Contents

box 2167

Correspondence 1985-1993

Scope and Contents

Lists of California's Congressional Delegation 1985; correspondence re certificates and letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations; correspondence re Environmental Affairs Department (13 folders).
box 863

Thank You Correspondence 1986

Scope and Contents

Thank you correspondence from constituents, elected officials and community leaders, and replies from Bradley (5 folders).
box 864

Thank You Correspondence 1986

Scope and Contents

Thank you correspondence from constituents and replies from Bradley (4 folders).
box 2145, folder 7

Mrs. Bradley 1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Ethel Bradley's Inaugural Gowns.
box 2150, folder 6

Columbus Quincentenary 1986

Scope and Contents

List of Delegation from The Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission to Meet with Bradley.
box 2165, folder 9-10

Correspondence, Certificates of Appreciation 1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence and Certificates of Appreciation.
box 2174, folder 1

Handicap 1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, notes, brochure re people with disabilities.
box 2179, folder 12

Metro Rail 1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures re Metro Rail.
box 2187

Recommendations 1986

Scope and Contents

Letters of recommendation from Mayor Bradley re various individuals and organizations; attached thank you letters from those recommended (7 folders).
box 2204, folder 8

WLCAC 1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Purchase and Sale Agreement re Watts Labor Community Action Committee (WLCAC).
box 2206, folder 28

1-19-86 Second Generation 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley re Second Generation, Holocaust, Martyr's Memorial.
box 2206, folder 31

Genocide Convent News Conference 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at The Genocide Convention News Conference.
box 2206, folder 32

Announcement speech 1986

Scope and Contents

Announcement speech Made by Mayor Bradley on February 24, 1986.
box 2206, folder 33

2-8-86 PCL Legis. Sym. 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at PCL Legislative Symposium re Environmental Movement.
box 2206, folder 34

Contra County Business 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Contra Costa County Business Expo on February 7, 1986.
box 2206, folder 35

Contra County Business 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Contra Costa County Business Expo on February 6, 1986.
box 2206, folder 36

Shuttle memorial 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Shuttle memorial on January 31, 1986.
box 2206, folder 37

Minority/Women Business Enterprise 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re minority and Women Business Enterprise.
box 2206, folder 38

Offshore Oil & Gas Develop 1986

Scope and Contents

Testimony by Mayor Bradley re Offshore Oil and Gas Development.
box 2206, folder 40

State of The LA Economy 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re the state of the Los Angeles economy.
box 2207, folder 1

1-29-86 Sacramento 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Sacramento re Protecting Air, Water and Land of California.
box 2207, folder 2

1-12-86 Martin Luther King 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at the Church of Advent re Martin Luther King.
box 2207, folder 3

California. Pharmacists 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at California Pharmacists Association.
box 2207, folder 4

1-8-86 Pharmacists 1986

Scope and Contents

box 2207, folder 5

Supreme Court March 24, 86 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at the Supreme Court.
box 2207, folder 6

Talure County Bar Assn 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Talure County Bar Association on March 15, 1986.
box 2207, folder 7

Remarks for LA Raza speech 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at the annual conference for the National Council of La Raza on July 10, 1986.
box 2208, folder 13

Gospel Music Assn. 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Gospel Music Association on April 7, 1986.
box 2208, folder 14

Statement - Rose Bird 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re Rose Bird on March 24, 1986.
box 2208, folder 15

10-27-86 Sewage 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Tom Bradley re Sewage.
box 2208, folder 16

Water Quality Control 1986

Scope and Contents

Testimony by Mayor Tom Bradley Before Regional Water Quality Control Board Hearing.
box 2208, folder 17

Election speech 10-10-86 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Tom Bradley on October 10, 1986 re Upcoming Election.
box 2208, folder 18

Democratic State Committee 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Tom Bradley at Democratic State Committee on September 27, 1986.
box 2208, folder 19

9-20-86 Boston NAACP 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Tom Bradley at Boston National Association for The Advancement of The Colored People (NAACP).
box 2208, folder 20

Shorthand reporters Assn. 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Tom Bradley at Los Angeles County Shorthand reporters Association.
box 2208, folder 21

Mexico's Independence 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Tom Bradley re Mexico's Independence on September 15, 1986.
box 2208, folder 22

Drug Abuse 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Tom Bradley re Drug Abuse.
box 2208, folder 23

California. Broadcasters Assn. 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Tom Bradley at California Broadcasters Association Monterey.
box 2208, folder 24

Testimony UC Board/Regents 1986

Scope and Contents

Testimony Made by Mayor Tom Bradley Before The University of California Board of Regents.
box 2208, folder 25

Sister Cities International Conference 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Tom Bradley at Sister Cities International Conference.
box 2208, folder 26

Primary Election Remarks 1986

Scope and Contents

Primary Election remarks Made by Mayor Tom Bradley on June 3, 1986.
box 2208, folder 27

Army Corps of Engineers 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Tom Bradley at Army Corps of Engineers on May 23, 1986.
box 2208, folder 28

USC School of Pharmacy 1986

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Tom Bradley at USC School of Pharmacy Graduation Ceremony.
box 2211, folder 1

Sister City Ceremony 1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Sister City, Vancouver, report, articles from Newsweek re African affairs, two metal pins included.
box 862, folder 3-5

Thank You Correspondence 1986-1987

Scope and Contents

Thank you correspondence from constituents and replies from Bradley.
box 2182, folder 1

Nasty Letters 1986-1987

Scope and Contents

Hate mail addressed to Tom Bradley from various individuals.
box 2177, folder 4-5

Los Angeles 2000 Committee 1986-1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure, report re Los Angeles 2000 Committee.
box 2179, folder 9

Correspondence 1986-1989

box 2174, folder 4

Homeless 1986-1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re homeless people and issues.
box 2170, folder 9

Correspondence Mar 1991 1986-1991

Scope and Contents

box 773, folder 4-5

Requests/ Invitations 1987

Scope and Contents

Invitations from various organizations.
box 774, folder 3-5

Requests to Bradley 1987

Scope and Contents

Constituents' letters of requests for autographs, assistance, support and photos.
box 2147, folder 5

Afro-American Museum 1987

Scope and Contents

Letter Addressed to Bradley re The Donation of Bradley's Portrait to The California Afro-American Museum.
box 2147, folder 18

Center for Study Demo Institute. 1987

Scope and Contents

Report re reorganization of The Robert Maynard Hutchins Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions and The Institute for National Strategy.
box 2149, folder 12

Bank of Finance 1987

Scope and Contents

Resume of Clarence B. Jones.
box 2150, folder 3

LA Chamber of Commerce 1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Name and Address List of The Board of Directors of LA Chamber of Commerce.
box 2153, folder 6

Czand Associates 1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence and reports from Czand Associates.
box 2153, folder 9

Criminal Justice Planning 1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, Project report between The Office of Criminal Justice Planning and Other Agencies.
box 2175, folder 3

Dept Information Services 1987

Scope and Contents

Letter from the Department of Information Services thanking Bradley for serving as the city's 1987 United Way Campaign Chairman.
box 2176, folder 4-5

Japan American Conference. 1987

Scope and Contents

Brochure, reports re Japan American Conference of Mayors and Chamber of Commerce Presidents.
box 2179, folder 15

King/ Drew Medical Center 1987

Scope and Contents

Report, correspondence re King/Drew Medical Center.
box 2185, folder 8

Pershing Square Restoration 1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re The Restoration of The Pershing Square.
box 2197, folder 6

Statue of Liberty 1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Statue of Liberty on West Coast.
box 2198, folder 9

South Park 1987

Scope and Contents

box 2207, folder 9

12-7-87 Vica Luncheon 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Vica Luncheon.
box 2208, folder 5

Baldwin Hills-Crenshaw 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Baldwin Hills - Crenshaw Regional Shopping Center on November 24, 1987.
box 2208, folder 6

UCLA Executive MBA Program 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re UCLA Executive MBA Program on August 1, 1987.
box 2208, folder 7

VA National Cemetery 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at V.A. National Cemetery.
box 2208, folder 8

War on Drugs 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re War on Drugs.
box 2208, folder 9

Low Income Housing 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re the future of low income housing in Los Angeles.
box 2208, folder 10

750th Anniversary/ Berlin 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at the Celebration of 750 Anniversary of Berlin.
box 2208, folder 11

King and Queen of Spain 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley on September 28, 1987 welcoming King and Queen of Spain to visit Los Angeles.
box 2208, folder 12

Beth Hatefutsoth 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Beth Hatefutsoth.
box 2208, folder 29

Transportation Management 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Tom Bradley re Transportation Management.
box 2208, folder 30

9-15-87 El Grito 1987

Scope and Contents

Speech Made by Mayor Bradley at El Grito.
box 2198, folder 4

Sewage 1987-1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Sewage Virus Testing and Sewage Treatment.
box 2185, folder 9-10

Personnel Department 1987-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, memo re Personnel Department.
box 2324, folder 6-11

Correspondence 1987-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations, certificates for various individuals and events; requests denied
box 795, folder 1

Misc Requests / Information 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence from various organizations.
box 1539, folder 4

Proclamations - August 1988 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations.
box 2147, folder 12

FPPC 1988

Scope and Contents

Letter from The Executive Director of California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) re Complaint Against Tom Bradley.
box 2148, folder 10

Substance Screening Policy 1988

Scope and Contents

Documents Generated by The Department of Personnel re Pre- Employment Substance Screening Policy.
box 2149, folder 7

City Admin. Officer 1988

Scope and Contents

Report re Supervisory Professional Unit Factfinding, EAA Salary Survey Information.
box 2150, folder 13

Olympic Arts Festival 1988

Scope and Contents

Letter from Robert F. Maguire III Addressed to Mayor Bradley re Appointment as The Chairman of The Olympic Arts Festival, 1990 Committee.
box 2153, folder 8

Cultural Heritage 1988

Scope and Contents

Proposal to build 52 residential condominium units and maintain integrity of The Sanchez Ranch.
box 2153, folder 13

Crenshaw Economic Develop. 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza.
box 2169, folder 5

Office of Disabled 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, community report, attachment.
box 2170, folder 10

Visitors/Convention Bureau 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re The Greater Los Angeles Visitors and Convention Bureau
box 2171, folder 1

Grants 1988

Scope and Contents

box 2171, folder 2

Graffiti 1988

Scope and Contents

box 2172, folder 3

Gateway Project 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, copy of news clipping, report, designs re West Coast Gateway Project.
box 2173, folder 2

Flower Market 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Flower Market.
box 2173, folder 7

Freeways 1988

Scope and Contents

News Release re Public Hearing Scheduled for Affirmative Action Protest Against Caltrans.
box 2176, folder 6

Japan American Conference 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Japan American Conference of Mayors and Chamber of Commerce Presidents, brochures Introducing Japanese Art and Dance.
box 2176, folder 7

Presidential Primary 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, news clipping re Bradley's Decision Not to Endorse Any Candidate in The Presidential Primary.
box 2177, folder 3

Los Angeles Foundation 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Los Angeles Foundation.
box 2179, folder 7

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure, information re Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.
box 2182, folder 6

Museum of Contemporary Art 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, notes re The Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles.
box 2196, folder 10

Stanley Rosen 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, handwritten letters re Stanley Rosen.
box 2203, folder 8

Voter Registration 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Voter Registration.
box 2205, folder 7

White memorial 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re The Food Program Co-Sponsored by The White Memorial Medical Center Foundation.
box 2207, folder 8

State of The City Address 1988

Scope and Contents

State of The City Address by Mayor Bradley on April 18, 1988.
box 2207, folder 39

Transformation of World 1988

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re transformation of this wonderful world.
box 2207, folder 40

Cultural Diversity speech 1988

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re Cultural Diversity on October 19, 1988.
box 2208, folder 1

Catholic Labor Institute 1988

Scope and Contents

Handwritten speech made by Mayor Bradley at Catholic Labor Institute.
box 2208, folder 2

Texas College Reunion 1988

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Texas College Reunion on June 24, 1988.
box 2208, folder 3

Conference/Comparative Ethnicity 1988

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at the Conference on Comparative Ethnicity.
box 2208, folder 4

Democratic Convention 1988

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Los Angeles County Democratic Convention Breakfast.
box 2210, folder 6

Armenian 1988

Scope and Contents

Letters addressed to Bee Lavery re the Armenian Apostolic Church of America.
box 2210, folder 9

Bangladesh 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Operation California Flood Relief Effort for Bangladesh.
box 2325, folder 6

Bradley Campaigns/Governor 1988

Scope and Contents

"Tom Bradley's Campaigns for Governor: The Dilemma of Race and Political Strategies" by Thomas F. Pettigrew and Denise A. Alston
box 2375, folder 2

Bradley Reunion 1988

Scope and Contents

Photographs, pamphlets, and an autograph book from the 1988 reunion of the Tom Bradley for Mayor campaign.
box 2140, folder 4

Certificate of Merit 1988-1989

Scope and Contents

Certificates of Merit Presented to Bradley for His Outstanding Contributions
box 2147, folder 10

Cafeteria invoices 1988-1989

Scope and Contents

Memo re Cafeteria invoices, Payment Vouchers of City of Los Angeles.
box 2169, folder 6

Drug Abuse 1988-1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, newsletters re Drug Abuse.
box 2185, folder 1-2

National Conference of Black Mayors 1988-1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports re National Conference of Black Mayors.
box 2324, folder 1-5

Hollywood Walk of Fame 1988-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re stars placed on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
box 718, folder 1-3

Commendations and Proclamations December 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, certificates of congratulations and resolution.
box 2126, folder 13

Los Angeles Tours 1989

Scope and Contents

Information packet re Los Angeles Tours, Including The Introduction to Los Angeles, a brief History of Los Angeles
box 2140, folder 3

Landmark Award 1989

Scope and Contents

Landmark Award presented to Los Angeles City for its classic beauty and modern architecture and received by Tom Bradley
box 2141, folder 4

Skadden Fellowship Program 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, newsletters, copy of news clippings re the Skadden Fellowship Foundation, report.
box 2141, folder 5

Mayoral Declaration 1989 1989

Scope and Contents

Declaration of Intention to Become a Candidate forms.
box 2144, folder 4

American Institute for PS 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor's Office and American Institute for Public Services; report.
box 2145, folder 9

Boy Scouts of America 1989

Scope and Contents

Forms re Boy Scouts of America, brochure.
box 2145, folder 14

Baldwin Hills 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Name and Address List of The Alexander Haagen Company.
box 2146, folder 3

Arab 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures re American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.
box 2147, folder 13

Humanitarian Award Luncheon 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Fax Cover Sheet re The 1989 Los Angeles Humanitarian Award Luncheon Honoring Jim Miscoll.
box 2148, folder 7

City Employees Retirement 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, information packet re Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System.
box 2149, folder 5

City Attorney 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The Mayor's Office, City Attorney and Deputy Attorney with Original Signatures, Related Materials.
box 2154, folder 12

Convention Center 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure re Convention Center Expansion.
box 2169, folder 7

Economic Development 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report re Economic Development.
box 2179, folder 5

Korean War memorial 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes re Korean War Memorial.
box 2198, folder 16

Telecommunication 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Court report re Buenavision Telecommunication of Boyle Heights, Inc.
box 2200, folder 6

Traffic Department 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes re Traffic Department.
box 2202, folder 6

US Conference. of Mayors 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report re The United States Conference of Mayors.
box 2203, folder 9

Volunteers 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Volunteers.
box 2204, folder 10

Welcome Letter 1989

Scope and Contents

Welcome Letter for the Wyatt Company Communication Conference.
box 2205, folder 10

YMCA 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, handwritten letter re a $10,000 check for the 28th Street YMCA.
box 2207, folder 10

Statement by Tom Bradley 1989

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley on May 10, 1989 in response to the inquiry by the City Attorney.
box 2207, folder 11

Statement Ethics Committee 1989

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley at Ethics Committee on April 11, 1989.
box 2207, folder 12

Maritime Trades Luncheon 1989

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley at Maritime Trades Luncheon.
box 2207, folder 14

US Senate Government Affairs Com 1989

Scope and Contents

Testimony made by Mayor Bradley before the US Senate Governmental Affairs Committee.
box 2207, folder 15

Catholic Labor Institute 1989

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley at Catholic Labor Institute on September 4, 1989.
box 2207, folder 16

Labor Dinner speech 1989

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley at Labor Dinner speech on July 31, 1989.
box 2207, folder 35

Sister City Summit Meeting 1989

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Sister City Summit Meeting on July 15, 1989.
box 2207, folder 36

Inauguration speech 89 1989

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at 1989 Inauguration Ceremony on June 30, 1989.
box 2207, folder 37

Japan-American Conference/Mayors 1989

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at the Japan-American Conference of Mayors.
box 2207, folder 38

World Affairs Council 1989

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at the World Affairs Council on February 16, 1989.
box 2209, folder 6

US Conference of Mayors 1989

Scope and Contents

Newsletter, brochure, correspondence.
box 2210, folder 1

National League of Cities 1989

Scope and Contents

box 2172, folder 10

Fire Department 1989-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure re The Department of Fire of Los Angeles, 1988-1989 Annual report of The Fire Department.
box 2185, folder 6

Parking 1989-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Parking, notes from Parking Authority.
box 2191, folder 1

Recreation and Parks 1989-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports re Recreation and Parks Department.
box 2209, folder 1-5

National League of Cities 1989-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, publications, brochures, report, directory.
box 2144, folder 2

Airport 1989-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor's Office and Departments of Transportation and Related Departments.
box 2155

Council Correspondence 1989-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, meeting schedule between The Mayor's Office and Councilmen of City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Convention Bureau; correspondence re contributions from Bradley (9 folders).
box 2180

Miscellaneous Correspondence 1989-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor Bradley and various individuals and organizations; informational brochures; video tape (6 folders).
box 2199

The 2000 Partnership; Thank Yous 1989-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure, report re The 2000 Partnership; thank you letters and telegram receipts from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (9 folders).
box 2210, folder 2

Africa 1989-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, copy of news clippings re African Affairs.
box 2093

Correspondence, Certificates March 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, certificates, commendations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (13 folders).
box 2094

Correspondence, Certificates March and April 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, certificates, proclamations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (12 folders).
box 2095, folder 1

Certificates, Proclamations - April 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, commendations, proclamations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (11 folders).
box 2096, folder 7-10

Proclamations -June 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations.
box 2097

Proclamations, Certificates - June 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations, certificates, commendations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (12 folders).
box 2098

Correspondence, Proclamations - May and June 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations, letters of sympathy from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (11 folders).
box 2099

Commendations, Certificates -May 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, letters of sympathy from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (11 folders).
box 2116

Proclamations, Correspondence Oct - Nov 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (12 folders).
box 2117

Certificates, Commendations Oct 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (11 folders).
box 2118

Proclamations, Correspondence Oct - Nov 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (12 folders).
box 2130, folder 23-30

Proclamations and Commendations Sept. 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Letters of proclamation, resolutions, request letters and related materials included.
box 2131

Commendations, correspondence July - Sept 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (15 folders).
box 2132

Correspondence, Proclamations July -Sept 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (16 folders).
box 2133

Correspondence, Certificates July - Aug 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (13 folders).
box 2134, folder 1-2

Cert-July 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Certificates of appreciation from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations.
box 2144, folder 1

Airport 1990

Scope and Contents

Financial reports.
box 2144, folder 5-7

American Leadership Forum 1990

Scope and Contents

Member binder. Correspondence re American Leadership Forum; brochures, copy of news clippings.
box 2145, folder 6

Brotherhood Crusade 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Brotherhood Crusade.
box 2145, folder 12

Black Business Day 1990

Scope and Contents

box 2147, folder 6

South Africa 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor's Office and various Agencies re South Africa issues.
box 2149, folder 4

City Attorney 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor's Office, City Attorney and Deputy Attorney, related information; memo re City Department AIDS-Related Politics.
box 2154, folder 10

Corporate Fund for Housing 1990

Scope and Contents

Letter from Corporate Fund for Housing re Board of Directors and Job Description for The Position of The President of Corporate Fund for Housing.
box 2170, folder 2-5

Education 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures and video tape
box 2173, folder 5

Foundation for People, Inc 1990

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, Tax Return Forms re The Foundation for People, Inc.
box 2173, folder 8

Friendship Day Camp 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports re Friendship Day Camp; reports from The Superior Court of The State of California, County of Los Angeles.
box 2178, folder 2

Langston Bar Association 1990

Scope and Contents

Program for the Langston Bar Association April 7, 1990 meeting.
box 2179, folder 13

Minority Business 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures re minority owned businesses.
box 2182, folder 13-14

Oil Drilling 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, information re Oil Drilling.
box 2188

Recommendations 1990

Scope and Contents

Letters of recommendation from Mayor Bradley re various individuals and organizations; attached thank you letters from those recommended (7 folders).
box 2200, folder 1-2

Thank You 1990

Scope and Contents

Thank you letters from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations.
box 2207, folder 13

Mayor's Ethics Commission 1990

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley at Mayor's Ethics Commission on January 17, 1990.
box 2207, folder 34

Nelson Mandela 1990

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley Welcoming Nelson Mandela to visit Los Angeles.
box 3914

Certificates January 1990 1990

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re commendations and proclamations (4 folders).
box 2100

Certificates, Correspondence 1990, 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations, May 1990; March 1991 (10 folders).
box 2119

Commendations, Certificates Nov 1990 - Feb 1991 1990-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (13 folders).
box 2120

Correspondence, Proclamations Dec 1990 - Feb 1991 1990-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (14 folders).
box 2121

Commendations, Correspondence Dec 1990 - Feb 1991 1990-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (13 folders).
box 2122, folder 1-13

Correspondence; California Democratic Council 1990-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations.
box 2154, folder 9

Council of Foreign Relations 1990-1991

Scope and Contents

Letter from the Council of Foreign Relations, 2 Cassette Tapes, brochures.
box 2175, folder 5

Insurance 1990-1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, complaint form, premium finance agreement re insurance.
box 2145, folder 5

Budget 1990-1992

Scope and Contents

Budget Presented to Council Members of City of Los Angeles by Tom Bradley, correspondence.
box 2154, folder 5-6

LA County 1990-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The City of Los Angeles and The Department of Health Services, County of Los Angeles Office of Assessor, and The Board of Supervisors of County of Los Angeles.
box 2177, folder 1

Los Angeles Festival 1990-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, memo, Fax Sheet re Los Angeles Festival.
box 2197, folder 8

Street Lighting 1990-1993

Scope and Contents

box 2101

Certificates, Correspondence -March - April 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (12 folders).
box 2102

Proclamations, Correspondence -April - May 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations, certificates, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (11 folders).
box 2103

Commendations, Correspondence April - June 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re commendations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (15 folders).
box 2104

Commendations, Certificates May - June 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, commendations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (12 folders).
box 2105

Certificates, Proclamations, Correspondence June 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (14 folders).
box 2106

Certificates, Proclamations, Correspondence May-June 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (11 folders).
box 2107

Certificates, Proclamations, Correspondence Aug - Sept 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (13 folders).
box 2108

Correspondence, Commendations Sept 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (14 folders).
box 2109

Certificates, Commendations Aug - Sept 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, commendations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (15 folders).
box 2110

Correspondence, Certificates July-Aug, Nov 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (12 folders).
box 2111

Proclamations, Correspondence Oct - Nov 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (12 folders).
box 2112

Correspondence, Certificates, Commendations Oct - Nov 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, commendations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (12 folders).
box 2113

Correspondence, Certificates Oct - Nov 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (15 folders).
box 2115

Correspondence, Keys/Plaques Dec 1991 - Jan 1992 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, keys to the city, plaques, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (10 folders).
box 2145, folder 11

Crossing The Line 1991

Scope and Contents

Report re African American and Jewish relations.
box 2146, folder 5

Army 1991

Scope and Contents

Briefing for Tom Bradley re the US Army and education.
box 2147, folder 11

Cal Coastal Commission 1991

Scope and Contents

Letter from Jerry M. Patterson, a Retired US Congressman, Thanking Bradley for His Support to Appoint Linda Moulton-Patterson to The California Coastal Commission.
box 2147, folder 17

1990 Census 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Releasing of 1990 Census Data.
box 2156, folder 4

Contract Administration 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor's Office and The Bureau of Contract Administration.
box 2169, folder 9

Education 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures re education, directory of The Mayor's Education Advisory Committee.
box 2169, folder 10-11

United Way of America 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, newsletter, report re United Way of America program aimed at ending illiteracy, 1991 Directory of United Way-Supported Literacy Efforts.
box 2172, folder 4

Fashion Industry 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, copy of news clippings re Fashion Industry.
box 2173, folder 1

First Street North 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, report re First Street North in Los Angeles.
box 2175, folder 7

Indian 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Native American Indian Commission and The American Indian Liaison Position.
box 2176, folder 2

Israeli 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Israeli Rescue; Name List of Black Mayors of America.
box 2178, folder 6-8

Jefferson Awards 1991

Scope and Contents

Brochures, information package re The Jefferson Awards.
box 2179, folder 2

LA's Best 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure re LA's Best.
box 2179, folder 6

Korean-Blacks Issues 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Korean and Black community issues.
box 2179, folder 10

Los Angeles Marathon, 1991 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Fax Sheets re Los Angeles Marathon 1991.
box 2186, folder 2

Political 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Campaign for The Los Angeles Community College Board of Trustees and The Inglewood Governing Board of Trustees.
box 2196, folder 9

RP International 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Research Retinitis International.
box 2198, folder 11

Souvenir 1991

Scope and Contents

box 2198, folder 18

Tax 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report.
box 2200, folder 9

Trilateral Commission 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, booklet re The Trilateral Commission.
box 2201, folder 7

United Negro College Fund 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re United Negro College Fund, Inc.
box 2203, folder 5

Van Pooling 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re van pooling.
box 2204, folder 5

Water Conservation 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Water Conservation.
box 2207, folder 29

City Planning Commission 1991

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley at City Planning Committee.
box 2207, folder 30

Christopher Commission 1991

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley before the Christopher Commission on July 9, 1991.
box 2207, folder 31

5-22-91 World Cup 1994 1991

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re World Cup 1994.
box 2207, folder 32

Rodney King Incident 1991

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re Rodney King Incident on March 7, 1991.
box 2207, folder 33

Water Conservation 1991

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re Water Conservation on February 28, 1991.
box 2210, folder 7

Australia 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor Bradley and officials of Australia re visits between Los Angeles and Australia.
box 2214

Correspondence 1991

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Los Angeles City and various countries (17 folders).
box 2143, folder 36

Airport 1991-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor's Office and The Departments of Airport and Transportation; Presentation to Bradley; brochures from Noise Abatement Bureau.
box 2174, folder 10-11

Human Relations Commission 1991-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, news articles re Human Relations Commission.
box 2175, folder 1

Human Relations Commission 1991-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, news articles re Human Relations Commission.
box 2177, folder 10

Los Angeles Public Library 1991-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, fliers re Los Angeles Public Library.
box 2186, folder 9

Project Restore 1991-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure, directory re Project Restore.
box 2186, folder 11-12

Public Works 1991-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, copy of news clippings.
box 2201, folder 1-2

Transportation 1991-1992

Scope and Contents

Report, correspondence, memo, annual report from The Department of Transportation.
box 2152, folder 1-4

Community Redevelopment. Agency 1991-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo re various projects of the Community Redevelopment Agency of City of Los Angeles; map, brochures, project reports including Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza.
box 2177, folder 7-8

LA County Tran. Commission 1991-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Fax Sheets re Los Angeles County Transportation Commission.
box 2178, folder 1

League of Cal Cities 1991-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Forms, brochure, agenda of Board of Directors Meeting, Bulletin re League of California Cities.
box 2322

Correspondence 1991-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing various types of certificates recognizing events and accomplishments (8 folders).
box 2114

Proclamations, Certificates Dec 1991 - Jan 1992 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates, proclamations, letters of sympathy and thanks from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations (15 folders).
box 2145, folder 10

Martin L. King Celebration 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re The Celebration of Martin L. King.
box 2145, folder 15

A.J. Delahoussaye/ Baha 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between A.J. Delahoussaye III and Baha 'U'llah; Poems written by Delahoussaye.
box 2146, folder 4

Federal Environ. Mandates 1992

Scope and Contents

Report re unfunded government environmental mandates.
box 2146, folder 6

Dept. Animal Regulation 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The Mayor's Office and The Department of Animal Regulation and The Society of Animal Rights.
box 2146, folder 9

American Savings Bank 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Newsletter Issued by American Saving Bank.
box 2147, folder 1-2

AIDS 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor's Office and Individuals Or Organizations re various issues of AIDS.
box 2147, folder 4

Living for The Aging 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The Mayor's Office and various Agencies of Aging.
box 2147, folder 14

Caltrans-Santa Monica Freeway 1992

Scope and Contents

Letter from The Department of Transportation re The Directional Sign on The Westbound Santa Monica Freeway.
box 2148, folder 3

LA memorial Coliseum Commission 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission; Copies of news clippings re Entertainment Industry.
box 2148, folder 6

Public Works 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Public Works Projects in Los Angeles.
box 2148, folder 9

City Clerk 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence Generated and Received by City Clerk's Office.
box 2149, folder 2

Webster report 1992

Scope and Contents

Memo, Reports re Webster report and Emergency Operations Organization.
box 2149, folder 6

City Admin. Officer 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between City Administrative Officer and Other Agencies.
box 2150, folder 14-16

Community Development Dept 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Community Development Department, Status report on Audits, Contractors for fiscal years 1990-91 and 1991-92.
box 2151

Community Development Dept, Community Redevelopment Agency 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Community Development Department and Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles; videotape (6 folders).
box 2153, folder 2

Nation Builder Award 1992

Scope and Contents

Letter from Gwen Moore Addressed to Bradley re the Nation Builder Award.
box 2153, folder 3-5

Congratulations 1992

Scope and Contents

Letters of congratulations from Mayor Bradley to various individuals and organizations.
box 2156, folder 7

Consular Corp 1992

Scope and Contents

Letters Addressed to Bradley from Consuls of various Countries.
box 2170, folder 8

Greetings 1992

Scope and Contents

Greetings re English as a Second Language (ESL)
box 2171, folder 3

Gorbachev Visit 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Gorbachev's visit to The United States and The Gorbachev Foundation; speeches Given by Gorbachev at The New York Council on Foreign Relations and at Universities and Organizations.
box 2171, folder 4

Global Television Network 1992

Scope and Contents

Report re world licensing rights.
box 2172, folder 6-7

Federal 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports re Federal Projects, such as HUD, etc.
box 2172, folder 8

Korean American Community 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Korean American Community.
box 2173, folder 6

NAFTA 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report re The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
box 2173, folder 14

Hollenbeck Police Business 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Meeting schedules, minutes re Hollenbeck Police Business Council.
box 2174, folder 2-3

Housing Authority (1 of 2) 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Housing Authority and Los Angeles Family Housing Project.
box 2174, folder 5

Health 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, copy of news clippings re Health and Human Services.
box 2174, folder 9

HUD 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
box 2176, folder 1

Invitation 1992

Scope and Contents

Invitations to various events.
box 2177, folder 2

Los Angeles Festival 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, copy of news articles re Los Angeles Festival, speech by Peter Sellars at Governor's Conference on The Arts II.
box 2177, folder 6

LA Unified School District 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Los Angeles Unified School District.
box 2177, folder 11

Literacy 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Literacy.
box 2179, folder 4

Korn/Ferry International 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Korn/Ferry International.
box 2179, folder 11

Los Angeles Marathon, 1992 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Fax Sheets re Los Angeles Marathon 1992.
box 2181, folder 1

Misc. 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, newsletter, report.
box 2182, folder 4

Music Center of LA County 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re The Music Center of Los Angeles County.
box 2182, folder 10

Motion Pictures 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes.
box 2185, folder 3

Drug Control Policy 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Office of National Drug Control Policy.
box 2185, folder 11

Photo Request 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes requesting photos from Mayor Bradley.
box 2185, folder 12

City Planning 1992

Scope and Contents

Reports, correspondence, memo, notes re City Planning.
box 2185, folder 13

Police Department 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Los Angeles Police Department, report by The Special Advisory to The Board of Police Commissioners on The Civil Disorder in Los Angeles.
box 2185, folder 14

Police Foundation 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, magazine re Police Foundation.
box 2186, folder 1

LA Police Department 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Information Sheet, Information packet re Los Angeles Police Department.
box 2186, folder 5

Portraits. Inc. 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, information re Portraits. Inc.; color prints.
box 2196, folder 1

Social Service 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Information Sheets.
box 2196, folder 13

RTD 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes re Rapid Transit District.
box 2197, folder 7

Status Of Women 1992

Scope and Contents

Report re Sexual Harassment Survey, report.
box 2197, folder 9

Street Maintenance 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report.
box 2197, folder 10-11

State 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor Bradley's Office and The State of California; includes letters from Governor Peter Wilson.
box 2198, folder 1

Special Olympics California 1992

Scope and Contents

Letter from Kathinka Tunney, Chairman of Special Olympics California, thanking Bradley for attending Family Sports Day 1992.
box 2198, folder 2

Sports 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochure re Sports and Amateur Athletic Foundation.
box 2198, folder 5

Shell 1992

Scope and Contents

Resume, correspondence re Position with Shell Oil Company's Los Angeles Revitalization Effort.
box 2198, folder 6

Shuttle Trak 1992

Scope and Contents

box 2198, folder 7

Sister City 1992

Scope and Contents

box 2198, folder 8

Small Business 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report.
box 2198, folder 12

Senior Citizen 1992

Scope and Contents

Letter from Congress of California Seniors Los Angeles re Save Our Cities and Save Our Children programs.
box 2198, folder 13

Bureau of Sanitation 1992

Scope and Contents

Report, correspondence.
box 2198, folder 17

HUD 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re HUD Project.
box 2200, folder 3-4

Tomas Rivera 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, information packet, brochure re Tomas Rivera.
box 2201, folder 3

UCLA 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re UCLA Alumni Association and various activities.
box 2201, folder 4

Union Rescue Mission 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Union Rescue Mission.
box 2202, folder 2-3

US Conference. of Mayors 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report re The United States Conference of Mayors.
box 2203, folder 10

DWP 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports from The Department of Water and Power (DWP).
box 2204, folder 1-3

DWP 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports from The Department of Water and Power (DWP).
box 2204, folder 11

The Wherehouse 1992

Scope and Contents

Thank You Letter to Bradley for attending the Wherehouse Manager's Conference.
box 2205, folder 9

World Trade Center 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, handwritten letter re World Trade Center.
box 2207, folder 23

Announcement Address 1992

Scope and Contents

Announcement Address by Mayor Bradley on September 24, 1992.
box 2207, folder 24

Testimony/ Finance Committee 1992

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley before the Senate Finance Committee on Economic Enterprise Zone Legislation.
box 2207, folder 25

Rodney King Jury Verdict 1992

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley re Rodney King beating case.
box 2207, folder 26

Manzanar Day speech 1992

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley at Manzanar.
box 2207, folder 27

California Building Officials 1992

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley re California Building Officials on February 28, 1992.
box 2207, folder 28

Anti-Defamation League 1992

Scope and Contents

Speech made by Mayor Bradley at Anti-Defamation League on February 13, 1992.
box 2208, folder 31

League of Cities 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, brochures re League of Cities, Directory.
box 2208, folder 32

LA Unified School District 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Los Angeles School District, report.
box 2217, folder 6-13

Commendations 1992

Scope and Contents

Commendation Made by Mayor Bradley, including supporting materials.
box 2218

Commendations 1992

Scope and Contents

Commendation made by Mayor Bradley re various issues (11 folders).
box 2220

Certificates 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing certificates recognizing milestones and accomplishments (7 folders).
box 2221

Certificates 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing certificates recognizing milestones and accomplishments (10 folders).
box 2222

Certificates 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing certificates recognizing milestones and accomplishments (10 folders).
box 2223

Certificates 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing certificates recognizing milestones and accomplishments (10 folders).
box 2224

Certificates 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing certificates recognizing milestones and accomplishments (11 folders).
box 2225

Certificates 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing certificates recognizing milestones and accomplishments (10 folders).
box 2226

Commendations 1992

Scope and Contents

Commendations made by Mayor Bradley re various issues (10 folders).
box 2227

Commendations 1992

Scope and Contents

Commendations made by Mayor Bradley re various issues (9 folders).
box 2228

Congratulations 1992 1992

Scope and Contents

Congratulations from Mayor Bradley, related materials (10 folders).
box 2229

Congratulations 1992

Scope and Contents

Congratulations from Mayor Bradley re various issues, related materials (10 folders).
box 2310

Proclamations September - December 1992 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations from Mayor Bradley for various events and individuals (10 folders).
box 2311

Proclamations June - September 1992 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations from Mayor Bradley for various individuals and organizations (11 folders).
box 2312

Proclamations April - June 1992 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations from Mayor Bradley for various individuals and organizations (10 folders).
box 2325, folder 1-5

1991 Denial 1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re constituent requests for acknowledgments which were denied.
box 2313

Proclamations March - June 1992, May 1993 1992, 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations from Mayor Bradley for various individuals and organizations (11 folders).
box 2153, folder 7

Cultural Affairs 1992-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, News Release re Cultural Affairs; Color photo of Bradley Speaking at Meeting.
box 2186, folder 8

Public Works 1992-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, memo, notes re Public Works.
box 2201, folder 8-9

United Way 1992-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, brochure re United Way.
box 2202, folder 1

United Way 1992-1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, brochure re United Way.
box 2203, folder 7

DWP 1992-1993

Scope and Contents

Report prepared by The Department of Water and Power (DWP) re Women and Minority Business; correspondence, notes re DWP.
box 2144, folder 3

American Athletic Found. 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re American Athletic Foundation; Brochure.
box 2146, folder 1-2

Auction 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re books to be auctioned as fundraising efforts.
box 2149, folder 3

City Attorney 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Bradley, City Attorney and Deputy City Attorney.
box 2173, folder 15

Alexander Haagen Company 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between The Mayor's Office and Alexander Haagen; description of The Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Project, color photos of the plaza.
box 2173, folder 16

Habitat for Community 1993

Scope and Contents

News Release, brochures for Habitat for Community.
box 2174, folder 6-7

Harbor 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report re Harbor Department of Los Angeles.
box 2174, folder 8

Housing Pres & Production 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Mayor's Office and The Housing Preservation and Production Department.
box 2176, folder 9

Japan American Conference 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, brochure re Japan American Conference of Mayors and Chamber of Commerce Presidents.
box 2182, folder 9

Transportation 1993

Scope and Contents

box 2182, folder 15

Olympic Festival 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, brochures, notes, memo, report re Olympic Festival.
box 2185, folder 7

Pat Russell 1993

Scope and Contents

Letter from Pat Russell, Councilwoman of The Sixth District, to Mayor Bradley re the position of new MTA.
box 2191, folder 2-3

Rebuild Los Angeles 1993

Scope and Contents

Reports, correspondence, fax sheet.
box 2197, folder 2

Super Bowl 1993 1993

Scope and Contents

Brochures for the Rose Bowl.
box 2198, folder 14-15

SCAG 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report, memo re Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG).
box 2207, folder 18

The Legacy of R. Kennedy 1993

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at USC re Los Angeles and the legacy of Robert E. Kennedy.
box 2207, folder 19

Metropolitan Governance 1993

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re Metropolitan Governance in a Global Age.
box 2207, folder 20

Rodney King Trial 1993

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley re Rodney King civil rights trial-verdict.
box 2207, folder 21

Rodney King Trial 1993

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Rodney King civil rights trial.
box 2207, folder 22

The Moral Responsibility 1993

Scope and Contents

Speech by Mayor Bradley at Loyola Marymount University re moral responsibility.
box 2219

Commendations 1993

Scope and Contents

Commendation made by Mayor Bradley re various issues (11 folders).
box 2314

Proclamations February - May 1993 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations from Mayor Bradley for various individuals and organizations (10 folders).
box 2315

Proclamations, Certificates January - February 1993 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re proclamations and certificates from Mayor Bradley for various individuals and organizations (10 folders).
box 2316

Certificates January - April 1993 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates from Mayor Bradley for various individuals and organizations (10 folders).
box 2317

Certificates April - June 1993 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates from Mayor Bradley for various individuals and organizations (9 folders).
box 2318

Correspondence 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing various types of certificates recognizing events and accomplishments (10 folders).
box 2319

Correspondence 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing various types of certificates recognizing events and accomplishments (10 folders).
box 2320

Correspondence 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing various types of certificates recognizing events and accomplishments (9 folders).
box 2321

Correspondence 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re issuing various types of certificates recognizing events and accomplishments (10 folders).
box 2323

Correspondence 1993

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates of condolence for various individuals, regrets, and cancelled events (14 folders).
box 2162, folder 3-4

Bradley for Mayor c. 1969

Scope and Contents

Posters and pamphlets, fliers, and handwritten sheet music song re Bradley mayoral campaign.
box 2126, folder 24

Campaign speech notes c. 1971

Scope and Contents

Handwritten notes re Campaign from Councilman Bradley
box 2130, folder 20

No Dates -Speeches undated

Scope and Contents

Speeches Without Dates Delivered by Mayor Tom Bradley before UCLA Women's Faculty and Other Occasions, brochures and Other Related Materials Included
box 2145, folder 1

American Leadership Forum undated

Scope and Contents

Member binder.
box 2145, folder 13

LA Bicentennial undated

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Los Angeles Bicentennial.
box 2146, folder 10

American Leadership Forum undated

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re American Leadership Forum, agendas.
box 2147, folder 16

Capital Punishment undated

Scope and Contents

Speech by Bradley re His Opposition to Capital Punishment.
box 2159, folder 10

Communications undated

Scope and Contents

A proposal to Mayor Bradley re outdoor advertising posters to provide communications vehicle, by Foster and Kleiser.
box 2173, folder 9

Garment Industry undated

Scope and Contents

Handwritten Letter re Garment Industry.
box 2179, folder 3

Misc undated

Scope and Contents

Handwritten notes labeled miscellaneous.
box 2194, folder 3

Los Angeles Tours undated

Scope and Contents

Information packet re Los Angeles tours.
box 2194, folder 4

Mayor Bradley Name Plates undated

Scope and Contents

2 name plates for Mayor Bradley with stand.
box 2194, folder 5

Bradley photo undated

Scope and Contents

Framed photo of Bradley being presented with a painted portrait of himself.
box 2195

Bradley photo undated

Scope and Contents

3 framed photographs of Tom Bradley.
box 2196, folder 2

Rent Stabilization undated

Scope and Contents

Handbook and Ordinance re Rent Stabilization
box 2200, folder 8

Transportation undated

Scope and Contents

Brochures re public transportation.
box 2325, folder 8

Reagan/Brown Governorship undated

Scope and Contents

"Executive Roles A Sociological Study of the Administrations of Governors Ronald Reagan and Jerry Brown"
box 2325, folder 10

Affirmative Action undated

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re personnel management and labor issues which could become part of the Gubernatorial Campaign
box 2326, folder 6

Gov't Operation Review undated

Scope and Contents

Copies of "Government Operations Review" prepared by Assembly Office of Research on various issues.
box 2327, folder 10-14

State Issues Books 1-5 undated

Scope and Contents

Campaign briefing pages on various state issues.
box 2375, folder 1

Street Scene Festival undated

Scope and Contents

Bound album of photographs from the Street Scene Festival.
box 3015, folder 3

Bradley photo undated

Scope and Contents

One oversized black and white photo of Tom Bradley shaking hands on Election Day.
box 3015, folder 4

Bradley photo undated

Scope and Contents

Framed oversized Black/White photo of Mayor Bradley With handwritten message.
box 1891

Wanda Moore, Administration: Certificates, Proclamations 1973-1983

Scope and Contents

Thank you letters, proclamations, certificates to various individuals and organizations from Mayor Bradley (10 folders).
box 1892

Wanda Moore, Administration: Commendations, Proclamations 1982-1989

Scope and Contents

Commendations, tributes, proclamations to various individuals and organizations from Mayor Bradley (11 folders).
box 765, folder 1

Wanda Moore, Anton Calleia: City Councils 1973-1974

Scope and Contents

Memos, notices of reorganization, reports, correspondence regarding California City Councils.
box 765, folder 3

Wanda Moore, Anton Calleia: LA Convention Bureau/Center 1973-1975

Scope and Contents

Memos, correspondence regarding Los Angeles Convention Bureau and Los Angeles Convention Center.
box 775, folder 3-5

Wanda Moore, Philip Depoian, Connie Chappell, Ray Kasten: Eagle Awards 1974-1975

Scope and Contents

Eagle Awards of Appreciation certificates.
box 776, folder 1-4

Wanda Moore, Philip Depoian, Connie Chappell, Ray Kasten: Eagle Awards 1976

Scope and Contents

Eagle Awards of Appreciation certificates.
box 783

Wanda Moore, Bee Canterbury Lavery, Nancy Fok, Eula Collins: Certificates 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates of commendation, congratulations, friendship, retirement, May - April (6 folders).
box 777, folder 6-7

Wanda Moore, Dodo Meyer: Phyllis Bradley 1974-1976

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re Phyllis Bradley's drug arrest.
box 667, folder 1-5

Wanda Moore, Dodo Meyer, Christine Ung, Ray Kasten: Commendations Jan - June 1977 1977

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates of commendation.
box 834, folder 4

Wanda Moore, Christine Ung, Grace Davis, Connie Chappell, Dodo Meyer, Brenda Richmond, Helen Magee: Proclamations January-February 1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, certificates of proclamation.
box 729, folder 1-2

Wanda Moore, Ray Remy: Cafeteria Association 1977-1978

Scope and Contents

Reports, correspondence re All City Employees Benefits Service Association.
box 730, folder 3

Wanda Moore, Ray Remy, Fran Savitch: Budget 1977-1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, press releases re budget policy, fund status.
box 704

Wanda Moore, Edna Meraz, Brenda Richmond: Certificates 1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, commendations (5 folders).
box 705

Wanda Moore, Edna Meraz, Brenda Richmond: Certificates 1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, commendations and proclamations (5 folders).
box 706

Wanda Moore, Edna Meraz, Brenda Richmond: Certificates 1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, proclamations, greetings (5 folders).
box 810, folder 4

Wanda Moore, Eula Collins: Proclamations - September 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, certificates.
box 811

Wanda Moore, Eula Collins: Certificates 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, certificates of commendation, proclamations, September (6 folders).
box 782, folder 4-7

Wanda Moore, Eula Collins, Nancy Fok: Certificates 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates of resolution, proclamation, commendation.
box 784

Wanda Moore, Eula Collins, Nancy Fok: Certificates 1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re certificates of proclamation, April (5 folders).
box 718, folder 4

Wanda Moore, Eula Collins, Nancy Fok, Bee Lavery: Keys and Plaques 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, certificates re Keys to the City and plaques.
box 673, folder 9

Wanda Moore, Janet Wong, Carmela Quiñones: Memorandum of Understanding 1984

Scope and Contents

Memo of understanding re Clerical Unit; memo re secretary pay raise.
box 885, folder 1

Wanda Moore, Linda Tibi: Plaques 1979 1979

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, memos re plaques awarded to various individuals.
box 883, folder 2

Wanda Moore, Linda Tibi: Certificates of Appreciation Jan-June 1980 1980

Scope and Contents

Certificates of Appreciation awarded to various individuals.
box 883, folder 4

Wanda Moore, Linda Tibi: Certificate of Commendation 1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memos re Certificate of Commendations awarded to various individuals.
box 885, folder 2

Wanda Moore, Linda Tibi: Special Projects Jan-June 1980 1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memos, notes, certificates.
box 812

Wanda Moore, Nancy Fok: Certificates 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, certificates of commendation, proclamations, August (6 folders).
box 813

Wanda Moore, Nancy Fok, Eula Collins: Certificates 1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, certificates of commendation, proclamations, July (6 folders).
box 712

Wanda Moore, Ray Kasten: Certificates 1973-1974

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, proclamations (7 folders).
box 777, folder 1-5

Wanda Moore, Ray Kasten, Connie Chappell: Commendations 1975

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re commendations, booklet "Henry Oyhe Trophy Race 1950-1972," booklet "Los Angeles Music and Art School." Includes commendation for Manuel Aragon, Jr., and correspondence and information re Sugar Ray Robinson's Youth Foundation.
box 776, folder 5-7

Wanda Moore, Ray Kasten, Connie Chappell, Dodo Meyer, Bee Canterbury Lavery, Linda Tibi, Connie Alford: Keys to The City and Plaques 1973-1975

Scope and Contents

Correspondence re keys to the city, plaques.

Rose Matsui Ochi

box 106, folder 9

LA Consumer Info Complaint

Scope and Contents

Memo, reports re grants, correspondence, statistics, reports re the Los Angeles Consumer Information and Complaint Referral Network.
box 89, folder 4

MOCJP P-107-74 1973-1975

Scope and Contents

Notes, memo, correspondence, resolutions, statistics, reports, grants, contract regarding Mayor's Office for Criminal Justice Planning Contract No. P-107-74.
box 118, folder 1

Plan Staff Reports 1973-1977

Scope and Contents

Memo, roster, report re the Juvenile Offender Flow in Los Angeles, fact sheet, correspondence, report re Prospectus for a Comprehensive Criminal Justice Plan; plan drafts; A National Strategy to Reduce Crime re Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning (MOCJP) staff reports.
box 89, folder 2-3

MOCJP A-2057-0-74 1974-1976

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, reports, notes, statistics, resolutions regarding Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning Contracts No. A-2057-0-74.
box 95, folder 3

Collaborative Government 1974-1976

Scope and Contents

Reports re proposed grant projects, memo, correspondence, report re Collaborative Government, press release, news clippings.
box 90, folder 1

MOCJP 1975 Part Grant 1974-1977

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, statistics, memo, reports, notes regarding Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning (MOCJP) 1975 Part Grant A-2057-0-75.
box 89, folder 1

MOCJP A1674-72 1974-1978

Scope and Contents

Notes, correspondence, reports, resolutions, statistics, regarding Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning (MOCJP).
box 90, folder 4

CYA Grant 1974-1978

Scope and Contents

Stats, notes, memo, correspondence, news clippings, reports regarding grants between City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board.
box 115, folder 1-2

MOCJP #8031 10/75-9/76 1975-1978

Scope and Contents

Memo, notes, news clipping, correspondence, statistics, reports re grants; Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning (MOCJP) #8031 10/1/75-9/30/76.
box 93, folder 1

Mayor's Transmittals 1976-1977 1976-1977

Scope and Contents

Memos, correspondence, resume, report re Court System; Criminal Justice Planning Office re Mayor's Transmittals 1976-1977.
box 90, folder 2-3

MOCJP 1976-1977 Grants 1976-1978

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, statistics, memo, reports, speech draft, news clippings, agendas, notes regarding Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning (MOCJP) 1976-1977 Grants.
box 102, folder 16

Research Studies Graffiti 1976-1989

Scope and Contents

News clippings, journal clippings re graffiti research studies.
box 114, folder 1-2

P-8031-78 1977-1979

Scope and Contents

Memo, statistics, correspondence, notes, agenda, minutes, reports re grants; Criminal Justice Planning Office (CJPO) P-8031-78.
box 118, folder 2-3

Plan Materials 1977-1978 1977-1979

Scope and Contents

Reports re Juvenile Delinquency; Domestic Violence, memo, news clipping, report re 1979 Criminal Justice Plan, statistics, minutes, agenda, correspondence, notes, newsletter, reports re Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP).
box 119, folder 2

OCJP 1978 1978

Scope and Contents

Memo, federal documents, statistics, notes, reports re grants; burglaries; domestic violence; juvenile justice, re Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP).
box 92, folder 6

Mayor's Transmittals 1978-1979 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, memo, biographies, news clippings regarding drug abuse prevention--in fulfillment of requests for Mayor's transmittals 1978-1979.
box 114, folder 3

JJDP 1979 Contract 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Memo, notes, contract, correspondence, statistics, reports re Los Angeles Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board (LARCJPB) Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Contract for Fiscal Year 1979.
box 119, folder 1

OCJP Plan Materials 78-79 1978-1979

Scope and Contents

Minutes, memo, statistics, correspondence, news clipping, notes, reports re Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) Plan Materials October 1978-June 1979.
box 113, folder 3-4

CJPO P-8031-79 1978-1980

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, statistics, notes, reports re grants; Criminal Justice Planning Office (CJPO) P-8031-79.
box 119, folder 3

Plan Materials July 1979- 1979-1980

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, notes, stats,, reports re Grants; Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP)
box 113, folder 1-2

CJPO P-8031-80 1979-1981

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, notes, resolution, statistics, reports re Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) P-8031-80.
box 133, folder 2-4

Domestic Violence Prosecution 1979-1982

Scope and Contents

Funding, notes, correspondence, statistics, memo, grant award, contractual agreement, report regarding Crisis Intervention Training Program for the City Attorney Domestic Violence Prosecution Program.
box 92, folder 5

Mayor's Transmittals 1980 1980

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, transcript, memo, news clippings, motion, notes, report regarding juvenile delinquency--in fulfillment of requests for Mayor's transmittals, 1980.
box 121, folder 7-8

JJDP 1979-PH/SFV 1980-1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, statistics, funding, grant applications, notes, remittance, funding, contractual agreement, memo re Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program 1979 Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth) San Fernando Valley.
box 122, folder 3-4

JDDP 1979 - PH/WLA 1980-1981

Scope and Contents

Memo, committee reports, reports re grants; Project Heavy stats, Grant Application, correspondence re Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) 1979 - Project Heavy/ West Los Angeles.
box 124, folder 5-6

JJDP 1979 - PH/CC 1980-1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, funding, remittance, statistics, notes, grant award, agreement, agreement amendment re Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) - Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth)/ Central City (CC).
box 94, folder 2

1980 JJDP P and A 1980-1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, reports, notes, statistics regarding Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Proposals and Awards (P and A), 1980.
box 123, folder 4

Audit File Alexander Grant 1980-1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, roster, report re Audit Requirements, committee reports, report re grants, notes, memo, funding, agreement, stats, statement re Audit File/ Alexander Grant and Company.
box 92, folder 4

Mayor's Transmittals 1981 1981

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, speech drafts, notes, memo, news clippings, roster, agenda, reports regarding gang violence--in fulfillment of requests for Mayor's 1981 transmittals.
box 112, folder 3

Cuban Haitian Grant 1981

Scope and Contents

Memo, statistics, federal documents, correspondence, rosters, notes, reports re Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) Cuban Haitian Grant, news clippings.
box 122, folder 5-6

JJDP 1980 - PH/WLA 1981

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, resolutions, committee reports, reports re grants; Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth), stats, Grant Application, re Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention 1980 - Project Heavy (PH)/ West Los Angeles.
box 94, folder 5-6

CYGS First Year Contract 1981-1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, statistics, memo, reports, news clippings regarding Community Youth Gang Services' First Year Contract.
box 121, folder 9-10

JJDP 1980 - PH/SFV 1981-1982

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, news clipping, committee reports, reports re grants, Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth), notes, statistics re Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 1980 - Project Heavy/ San Fernando Valley.
box 121, folder 11-12

JJDP 1981 - PH/SFV 1981-1982

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, invoice, memo, notes, staffing, reports re grants; Project Heavy, funding, stats, resolution re Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention 1981 - Project Heavy/ San Fernando Valley (SFV).
box 124, folder 3-4

JJDP 1980 - PH/CC 1981-1982

Scope and Contents

Funding, correspondence, insurance, remittance, grant application, grant award, subgrant agreement re Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention 1980 - Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth) Central City (CC).
box 94, folder 3

1981 JJDP P and A 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, memo, notes, statistics regarding 1981 Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Proposals and Awards (P and A).
box 95, folder 1

CYGS First Year Contract 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, project Statement, contracts, statistics re Community Youth Gang Services (CYGS) First Year Contract, minutes of the Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles.
box 95, folder 2

FY 1982 Phase-Out Grant 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, grant status reports, statistics, documents re Financial Year 1982 Phase-Out Administration Grant.
box 109, folder 1

CYGS 2nd Year Contract 1981-1983

Scope and Contents

Statistics, memo, notes, contractual amendment, contractual agreement, reports re Community Youth Gang Services (CYGS) 2nd Year Contract.
box 93, folder 2

CCA Invoice 1981-1984

Scope and Contents

Handbooks, correspondence, invoices, memo, statistics re Los Angeles Central City Association, report re "Monthly Phone Bill Crime Prevention Program."
box 108, folder 5

CYGS 2nd Year Contract 1981-1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, minutes, newsletters, press release, notes, statistics, news clippings, agenda, reports re Gangs; Community Youth Gang Services (CYGS) 2nd Year Contract.
box 130, folder 12

Press Clippings 1981-1988

Scope and Contents

Clippings, press release, newsletter regarding Los Angeles gangs.
box 112, folder 4

Crime Prevention Program 1982

Scope and Contents

Memo, resolution, statistics, federal documents, notes, reports re Crime Prevention Enhancement Program.
box 133, folder 1

Domestic Violence 1982

Scope and Contents

Reports regarding City of Los Angeles Office of the City Attorney Domestic Violence Prosecution Program.
box 92, folder 3

Mayor's Transmittals 1982-1983 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Reports, statistics, correspondence, memo, agenda, news clippings, roster regarding crime prevention--in fulfillment of requests for Mayor's transmittals from 1982-1983.
box 106, folder 11

Crime Resistance/ WCCIA/ Wilshire Area 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Report re crime prevention programs, memo, correspondence, statistics, contractual agreements re Crime Resistance/ Wilshire Center Community Involvement Association (WCCIA) Inc.
box 107, folder 1

Crime Resistance/VN C of C 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

News clipping, contractual agreement, memo, correspondence, statistics re Crime Resistance/ Van Nuys (VN) Chamber of Commerce (C of C)/ Van Nuys Area.
box 107, folder 3

Crime Resistance/ WCCIA/ Rampart 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports re grants; Rampart Neighborhood Watch, contractual agreement re Wilshire Center Community Involvement Association (WCCIA) Inc/ Crime Resistance/ Rampart Area.
box 107, folder 5

Crime Resistance/OJB/77th Area 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Brochure, memo, statistics, correspondence, news clippings, notes, contractual agreement, reports re Oscar Joel Bryant (OJB) Foundation.
box 108, folder 1

Crime Resistance/PH-West/WLA 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, statistics, notes, contractual agreement re Project Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth and Families (HEAVY/PH) West/Crime Resistance/West Los Angeles (WLA) Area.
box 122, folder 7

JJDP 1981 - PH/WLA 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, invoice, committee reports, grant applications, reports re grants; Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth)/ West Los Angeles (WLA) Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) 1981.
box 123, folder 2-3

JJDP 1982 - PH/WLA 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, funding, remittance, agreements, notes, grant application, grant award, subgrant agreement re Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 1982 - Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth)/ West Los Angeles (WLA).
box 124, folder 1-2

JJDP 1981 - PH/CC 1982-1983

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, funding, remittance, grant award, grant application, subgrant agreement re Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention 1981 - Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth)/ Central City (CC).
box 94, folder 4

1982 JJDP 1982-1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, reports, statistics regarding Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) 1982.
box 108, folder 3

Crime Resistance/WH C of C/ 1982-1984

Scope and Contents

Newsletter, memo, notes, correspondence, statistics, contractual agreement re Woodland Hills (WH) Chamber of Commerce (C of C)/ Crime Resistance/ West Valley Area.
box 112, folder 5

Community Crime Resistance 1982-1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, statistics, news clippings, notes, reports re Grants; Community Crime Resistance (CCR) Program Phase II.
box 123, folder 7-8

JJDP 1982 - PH/CC 1982-1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, funding, insurance, remittance, grant awards, agreements, subgrant agreements re Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) 1982 - Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth)/ Central City (CC).
box 122, folder 1-2

JJDP 1982 - PH/SFV 1982-1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, committee reports, reports re grants; Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth), stats, clipping re Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention 1982 - Project Heavy/ San Fernando Valley.
box 130, folder 11

Probation Department Gang Program 1982-1986

Scope and Contents

Reports regarding Los Angeles County Probation Department's Specialized Gang Supervision Program (SGSP).
box 132, folder 3-4

South-Central Round Table 1982-1986

Scope and Contents

Agenda, correspondence, press releases, reports, memo, notes, speech draft, roster, minutes, news clipping regarding South Central LA Violence Prevention Round Table Profile and Plan to Eliminate Gang Violence.
box 112, folder 1-2

Community Crime Resistance 1982-1987

Scope and Contents

Statistics, memo, reports re grants, correspondence, State Assembly Bill No. 2976 1982, resolution, reports re Community Crime Resistance Program (CCR), notes re Community Crime Resistance Program.
box 103, folder 17

Citizens War On Graffiti/Gangs 1982-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, news clippings re Citizen's War on Graffiti and Gangs.
box 106, folder 12

Wilshire CCR Phase II 1983

Scope and Contents

Notes, statistics, contractual agreement re Wilshire Center Community Involvement Inc (WCCIA) Community Crime Resistance Program (CCR) Phase II.
box 93, folder 6

1983 JJDP 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, statistics, report re audit; JJDP, newsletter, grant awards re Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) 1983.
box 107, folder 2

Van Nuys CCR Phase II 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

News clipping, notes, correspondence, contractual agreements, report re Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) Van Nuys Community Crime Resistance (CCR) Program Phase II.
box 107, folder 4

Rampart CCR Phase II 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Newsletters, Contractual Agreement re Wilshire Center Community Involvement Association (WCCIA) Inc Rampart Community Crime Resistance (CCR) Phase II.
box 108, folder 2

West LA CCR Phase II 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, statistics, notes, contractual agreement re Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed at Vitalizing Youth and Families) West Los Angeles Community Crime Resistance (CCR) Phase II.
box 108, folder 4

West Valley CCR Phase II 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, statistics, contractual agreement re Woodland Hills (WH) Chamber of Commerce (C of C) West Valley Community Crime Resistance (CCR) Phase II.
box 109, folder 2

CYGS 3rd Year Contract 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Memo, statistics, press release, correspondence, notes, minutes, roster, newsletters, news clippings, reports re Community Youth Gang Services (CYGS) 3rd Year Contract.
box 109, folder 4

CYGS 3rd Year Contract 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Memo, statistics, contractual agreement, report re Community Youth Gang Service Project (CYGS) 3rd Year Contract.
box 111, folder 4

Office of Youth Development 1983-1984

Scope and Contents

Minutes, reports re Grants, rosters, memo, agendas, reports re Office of Youth Development J-2701-7b-80.
box 107, folder 6

77th St CCR Phase II 1983-1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, contractual agreement re Oscar Joel Bryant (OJB) Foundation 77th Street Community Crime Resistance (CCR) Phase II.
box 93, folder 3

CCA Downtown Watch 1984

Scope and Contents

Reports re grants, press release, memo, correspondence, notes, statistics, agreement re Los Angeles Central City Association Downtown Watch.
box 93, folder 4

PH/WLA Downtown Watch 1984

Scope and Contents

Report re grants, correspondence, memo, statistics and reports re Project Heavy West Los Angeles Teen Safety.
box 93, folder 5

Child Protection Program (CPP) 1984

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, notes, reports re Child Abuse and Child Protection Program (CPP)
box 109, folder 3

First City Councilman report 1984

Scope and Contents

Report re Fall 1984 Update First City Councilman District Steve D. Valdivia Executive Director Community Youth Gang Services Project September 28 1984
box 111, folder 5

C-CAP Special Gang Enforcement 1984

Scope and Contents

Memo, notes, report re Career Criminal Apprehension (C-CAP) Special Gang Enforcement Teams (SGET).
box 91, folder 1-2

Community Crime Prevention 1984, 1985-1987

Scope and Contents

Press release, proclamation, news clipping, reports, statistics, notes, correspondence regarding Community Crime Prevention Phase III.
box 110, folder 1-3

CYGS 4th Year Contract 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, notes, memo, news clippings, agenda, minutes, newsletter, statistics, legislative proposal draft re Compulsory School Attendance, reports re Community Youth Gang Services (CYGS) 4th Year Contract.
box 115, folder 5

DARE/ETI Contract Phase I 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Memo, statistics, invoices, contractual agreement, reports re Evaluation Training Institute (ETI) and Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Contract Phase I.
box 116, folder 1

City LAUSD Dare Contract 1984-1985

Scope and Contents

Statistics, correspondence, contractual agreement, resolution, report re City/ Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Contract.
box 94, folder 1

1984 JJDP P and A 1984-1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, statistics, notes, memo regarding Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Proposals and Awards (P and A).
box 95, folder 5

CYGS 5th Year Contract 1984-1986

Scope and Contents

Notes, memo, invoices, statistics, report re Community Youth Gang Services Project (CYGS) re 5th Year Contract.
box 104, folder 16

Project Heavy SFV Graffiti 1984-1987

Scope and Contents

News clippings, correspondence, memo, brochure re Project Human Efforts Aimed At Vitalizing Youth and Families (HEAVY) San Fernando Valley (SFV) Graffiti Project.
box 100, folder 9

Press clippings Graffiti/Gangs 1984-1989

Scope and Contents

News clippings re graffiti and gangs.
box 99, folder 10

Interagency Gang Task Force 1984-1990

Scope and Contents

News clippings, correspondence, brochure, statistics, notes, agenda, minutes, reports regarding Interagency Gang Task Force.
box 116, folder 2

School Drug Abuse Program 1984-1990

Scope and Contents

Notes, memo, news clipping, correspondence, statistics, invoice, reports re grants; School Drug Abuse Program Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE).
box 92, folder 2

1985 Mayor's Transmittals 1985

Scope and Contents

Reports, memo, correspondence with the Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center, news clippings, transcript of testimony regarding domestic violence--in fulfillment of requests for Mayor's transmittals, 1985.
box 103, folder 6

Hazardous Materials 1985

Scope and Contents

box 106, folder 7

National Paint and Coatings 1985

Scope and Contents

Fact Sheet, report re Graffiti Public Policy Responses, folder re National Paints and Coatings.
box 684, folder 6

Community Youth Gang Services 1985

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, reports, news clipping regarding Community Youth Gang Services.
box 110, folder 4

CYGS 5th Year Contract 1985-1986

Scope and Contents

Statistics, memo, notes, newsletter, correspondence, fact sheet, minutes, employment agreement, motion, reports re Community Youth Gang Services (CYGS) 5th Year Contract.
box 111, folder 1

CYGS 5th Year Contract 1985-1986

Scope and Contents

Reports re CYGS Field Operation, news clippings.
box 111, folder 3

Project Heavy West Security 1985-1986

Scope and Contents

Notes, report re a Young Persons Guide to Crime Prevention, contractual agreement re Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed At Vitalizing Youth and Families) West Personal Security Program 7/1/85-6/30/86.
box 116, folder 3

DARE/ETI Contract Phase II 1985-1986

Scope and Contents

Invoice, memo, contractual agreement, report re Evaluation and Training Institute (ETI) and Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE).
box 117, folder 1

DARE/ LAUSD Phase II 1985-1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, statistics, contractual agreement, resolution, report re grants; Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)/ Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Phase II.
box 102, folder 17

Textured Coatings of America 1985-1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, roster, brochure, memo, photographs, statistics report re Textured Coatings of America Graffiti Removal.
box 115, folder 3

1985 JJDP P and A 1985-1987

Scope and Contents

Memo, resolution, correspondence, roster, notes, agenda, reports re grants; Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 1985 (JJDP) Planning and Administration (P and A).
box 131, folder 2-3

NAACP Gang Seminar Info 1985-1987

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, agenda, bibliography, reports, roster, notes, speech draft, minutes, newsletter, statistics, brochure regarding National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Gang Seminar and Info.
box 101, folder 10

Legislation/ Council Action 1985-1989

Scope and Contents

Agendas, reports re 1% Sales Tax on Spray Paint Cans; Mayor's Committee for Graffiti Removal and Prevention, State Senate Bill 710 March 4 1985; Assembly Bill 1675, motions, correspondence, news clippings, press release, results of data search re Graffiti Legislation and City Council Action.
box 117, folder 2

DARE Phase II 1985-1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo, statistics, reports re grants; Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Phase II.
box 132, folder 2

Gangs 1985-1991

Scope and Contents

Roster, reports, agenda, minutes, correspondence, newsletter, State Assembly Bills regarding Los Angeles gangs and graffiti.
box 103, folder 19

Mayor's Committee Graffiti Removal 1985-1992

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, roster, memo, brochures, report re Mayor's Committee for Graffiti Removal and Prevention.
box 92, folder 1

1986 Mayor's Transmittals 1986

Scope and Contents

Resolution, correspondence, memo, report regarding domestic violence, speech draft, newsletter, itinerary, news clipping--in fulfillment of requests for Mayor's transmittals, 1986.
box 100, folder 6

Committee for Graffiti Removal 1986

Scope and Contents

Report and roster re Mayor's Committee for Graffiti Removal and Prevention original concept proposal.
box 103, folder 8

Memos Miscellaneous 1986

Scope and Contents

Memo re Graffiti Committee.
box 105, folder 7

Culver City Graffiti Program 1986

Scope and Contents

Contractual agreement for services between Culver City and the graffiti removal company.
box 105, folder 21

Committee Evaluations 1986

Scope and Contents

Memo re Committee Evaluations Graffiti.
box 105, folder 22

Parental Responsibility 1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, legal documents re Parental Responsibility and Graffiti.
box 105, folder 26

Subcommittee on Public Relations 1986

Scope and Contents

Minutes, correspondence re Subcommittee on Public Relations Graffiti.
box 105, folder 27

Subcommittee on Law Enforcement 1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, minutes re Subcommittee on Law Enforcement Graffiti.
box 106, folder 2

Public Relations 1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, report re public relations program graffiti.
box 111, folder 6

C-CAP Long Range Planning 1986

Scope and Contents

Motion, resolution, statistics, memo, notes re Career Criminals Apprehension Program (C-CAP) Long Range Planning and Crime Analysis.
box 129, folder 1

Chronological Files 1986 1986

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence, statistics, grant applications, newsletters, press release, reports, invoices regarding criminal justice and crime prevention planning in 1986-- filed chronologically.
box 130, folder 7

Gang Violence Suppression 1986

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, statistics, report regarding California Gang Violence Suppression Program's Request for Proposals (RFP), 1986.
box 97

CYGS 6th Year Contract 1986-1987

Scope and Contents

Notes, correspondence, memo, report, statistics, rosters, agenda regarding Community Youth Gang Services' 6th Year Contract (3 folders).
box 103, folder 7

Constituent Calls Graffiti 1986-1987

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence re constituent calls.
box 106, folder 1

Public Service Announcements 1986-1987

Scope and Contents

Memo, correspondence re public service announcements graffiti.
box 106, folder 4

Press Releases Graffiti Events 1986-1987

Scope and Contents

Memo, rosters, correspondence, press releases re graffiti events.
box 111, folder 2

Project HEAVY West Security 1986-1987

Scope and Contents

Notes, contractual agreement, report re Project Heavy (Human Efforts Aimed At Vitalizing Youth and Families) West Inc. Personal Security Program 7/1/86-6/30/87.
box 117, folder 3

DARE/LAUSD Phase III 1986-1987

Scope and Contents

Memo, statistics, contractual agreement re Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)/ Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Phase III.
box 103, folder 3

Removal of Graffiti Products 1986-1988

Scope and Contents

Business Cards, brochures, notes, statistics, correspondence, news clippings, photographs, press release re Removal of Graffiti Products/Vendors.
box 104, folder 2

Make It Shine LA! 1986-1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, news clippings re Graffiti Task Force "Make It Shine Los Angeles" Paintout Project and graffiti removal.
box 105, folder 19

Correspondence General 1986-1988

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memo.
box 115, folder 4

1986 JJDP P and A 1986-1988

Scope and Contents

Memo, resolution, notes, financial statistics, correspondence, reports re grants; Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Planning and Administration (P and A) 1986.
box 103, folder 10

Committee Letterhead 1986-1989

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, applications, letterhead, news clipping, Graffiti Removal letterhead.
box 105, folder 14

CYGS-Anti Graffiti 1986-1989

Scope and Contents

News clippings, memo, correspondence, legal documents, brochures, stats, reports re Community Youth Gang Services (CYGS) Anti-Graffiti.
box 106, folder 3

Committee Graffiti Removal Notices 1986-1989

Scope and Contents

Agendas, minutes, rosters, correspondence, memo, news clippings re Committee for Graffiti Removal and Prevention.
box 100, folder 10

Press Clippings on Graffiti 1986-1990