R.J. Bunche notes September 18-November 10, 1945 - ILO Conference, London and Paris, 1945 March 13-December 27.
1937: January-July.
1937: August-December.
1938: January-November and 1939.
Article by Finkelstein entitled, Castles in Spain--UN Arrangements for Postwar Colonial Progress.
Chapter 5 of L.S. Finkelstein entitled, Trusteeship at San Francisco, 1941-1942.
Article by Dr. Conyers Read entitled, African Proposals.
Notes re R.J. Bunche's trip to Africa, 1938: July, December.
Ralph Bunche: The Africanist by Nathan Irvin Huggins, May 5-6, 1986.
Original Bobbs-Merril reprint of R.J. Bunche's article, The Negro in the Political Life of the United States, July 1941.
R.J. Bunche's employment, 1925-1945.
R.J. Bunche's positions Department of State, 1941-1947.
Typed notes from R.J. Bunche's S. African diary, September 1941, December 1942, January 1943.
J. Greene Interview, December 1985 and December 1982.
Bernard Young Jr. article, 1945.
Letter: Urquhart to Heyman, 1989.
Newspaper transcripts, April-May 1945.
L.S. Finkelstein's Bunche and Colonial World: from Trusteeship to Decolonization (Essay) in Department of State Bulletin, December 1945.
R.J. Bunche article: San Francisco conference and Colonial Issues, 1946.
Letter: Adlai Stephenson to R.J. Bunche, 1945.
R.J. Bunche's UN positions, 1946-1954.
Interview [with] Cleantho de Paiva Leite, 1989.
San Francisco Conference on International Organization, 1945.
List of R.J. Bunche's photos, March-December 1947.
Interviews, : William Mashier; Kenneth Dadzie; Mr. Shivashinka and Joan Liu (19??). 1982
Handwritten letter to Joan from Daddy, 1952.
Special Committee on Palestine: members, draft by Secretary General to Secretary.
R.J. Bunche Photo list, 1948: January-November.
Cable: R.J. Bunche to Azcarate, 1948.
Documents translated from English to French, 1948.
Cable/letter: R.J. Bunche - MacDonald, 1948.
R.J. Bunche's typed diary, October 1948.
Cable: R.J. Bunche to Rhodes, October 1948.
Typed notes on R.J. Bunche, October-December 1948.
Cables: R.J. Bunche - Ahman/Reedman, December 1948.
Prospects for Peace in Palestine, December 1948.
Interviews: J.Reedman; Mishler, 1988.
List of R.J. Bunche photos/articles, 1949.
Letters: Moshe Shertok - R.J. Bunche; Abaza - Ascarate; R.J. Bunche - Rosenne. 1949
Notes on Trygve Lie.
Cable: R.J. Bunche to Rhodes, 1949.
R.J. Bunche typed diary, April-October 1949.
Essay: R.J. Bunche as UN Mediator by J.C. Hurewitz.
List R.J. Bunche's University talks, January-December 1950.
List R.J. Bunche photos/press clippings, 1950; 1951; 1953.
Typed notes: R.J. Bunche Conference, 1986.
Essay: National Secretary and Civil Rights: Case of R.J. Bunche by C.P. Henry, 1986.
List photos, typescript clippings, 1954-1958 1954-1958.
Letter: Johnson - R.J. Bunche, November 1955.
Notes: early UN Emergency Force Advisory Committee, 1956.
Confidential memos: R.J. Bunche - Secretary General, October 1957.
Cable: Von Horn - Secretary General, 1959.
Jerusalem Post article on R.J. Bunche, 1959.
Letters: R.J. Bunche - Von Horn; Henry Vigier, 1959.
Press clippings, 1959 and 1960.
R.J. Bunche itinerary, January 1960.
Interview: General Rikhye, 1959-1961.
87th Congressional Record, 1962.
UN Speech by acting Secretary General transcript, 1962.
Interview: Lieutenant General Pruchand.
Notes: funeral for E. Roosevelt; UN Meeting; Vietnam. 1962 1965 1965
Cables: R.J. Bunche - Van Horn/Cos/Bull, 1963.
Letters: Hugh-Jones - R.J. Bunche; Lord Caradon - R.J. Bunche. 1965 1969
Notes, 9 1949-198
Random selection of R.J. Bunche notes, June-December 1949.
Note: R.J. Bunche's religion.
Handwritten notes on R.J. Bunche's advice to youth, speech making methods, list of books on negroes in University of Minnesota, security in marriage.
R.J. Bunche notes: teaching as a preference, interview w/Jane Taylor, 1989.
Excerpts from Blue Notebook.
Childhood, 1927-1970
R.J. Bunche's My Most Unforgettable Character & My Happiest Childhood Memory, 1954.
Letters - R.J. Bunche to: E.M. Riley (), V.J. Betts; H. Salter (); M. Selby (); R.W. Hosie (); R. Taylor (); D. Rieber (); J.Phillips (); V.Kelley (). 1956 1956 1968 1966 1969 1927 1956 1970
R.J. Bunche's anecdotes.
Notes: circus; jobs; childhood music; scholarship; Reed & Whitman Colleges (); UCLA commencement; Bunche Hall, UCLA. Speech: Young Negro, 1966 1926 or 1927.
Family, 1946-1968
Verse on Mrs. Einstein's funeral (). 1967
Notes: written on R.J. Bunche's father (); Letter: A.W. Bunch (). 1962 1969
Diary transcript: 1946-1952, 1955, 1956, 1960, 1962, 1968.
Race, 1945-1969
Notes: Christmas (); children; memory development; R.J. Bunche racial consciousness; notes; R.J. Bunche's diary, 1970 1945 July 7, 1938.
Letters: R.J. Bunche to: W.E. Johnson (); M.W. Butler (); M. Greenwood (); G.M. Adams (); Gallagher & Goldberg (). 1955 1960 1966 1969 1968
Excerpts from R.J. Bunche speeches, 1954; 1956; 1962.
R.J. Bunche's Race in World Perspective, 1963.
Notes: R.J. Bunche's experiences with prejudice/discrimination.
Letters: D. Rusk - Urquhart (); R.J. Bunche - W. Eves () & P. Frederick (); Shifflett (). 1981 1946 1969 1969
Politics - United Nations, 1953-1969
Letters: R.J. Bunche to: V.J. Betts (); Sam Souki (); Mrs. G.E. Hill (); F.E. Walser (); J.M. Wellman (); H.E. Lestmann (); M. Power; E. Gwynn Jones (); C. Fisher (); B.J. Johnson (); P.F. Hartunian (). 1968, 1963, 1965 1949 1953 1955 1963 1963 1964 1967 1964 1970
Letters: R.J. Bunche to: Y. Langton (); Morehouse (); P.A. Knox (); Conroy (); Smith (); W.G. Parker-B.E. Urquhart (). 1968 1966 1968 1957 1969 1967
Notes: UN Atmosphere; Typescript (); press headlines (). 1967, 1969, 1963 1959; 1966; 1967
Minutes: Committee of July 1968.
Letters - R.J. Bunche to: C. Bowles; C.Thompson; V.J. Betts. 1954 1963 1964
Press clippings: Cleveland Plain Dealer, ; New York Times, 1960 1984.
Notes re UNEFCO Conference, 1966.
Philosophy, 1940-1970, bulk
Letters - R.J. Bunche to: D. Stern ; J.C. Frantz ; Buchanan ; G.M. Adams ; Students of Providence College (); C. Yeomans ; L.V. Fulton (); Mrs. F.M. Roberts (); C.M. Pierce ; M. McPherson (). (1952) (1968) (1970) (1969) 1970 (1955) 1965 1965 (1959) 1949
Letters - R.J. Bunche to: H. Gardner (); A.G. Draper III (); M.W. Butler (); Students of Sulpher High School (). 1959 1961 1960 1967
List press clippings, 1959 and 1969.
Notes: Pugwash Conference; personal philosophy; leadership. 1969 1970 1949
Interview: P. Frederick, 1969.
Notes: R.J. Bunche's personal philosophy, 1970, 1967, 1966, 1940, 1941, 1950, 1957.
Letters: R.J. Bunche to: W.E. Pereira (); Professor W.L. Dunn (); R. Ginzburg (); H. Gardner (); S.B. DeForest (); Cooke (). 1970 1970 1953 1959 1957 1956
Article: R.J. Bunche's What do you mean by happiness? & The Road to Peace.
Written letter to Jane from R.J. Bunche, 1962.
Letter: R.J. Bunche & J.W. Coulter (); V.J. Betts (); Mrs. M. Frank (). 1961 1965 1969
Speech: World Peace & Religion, 1963.
Persons admired, 1967-1970
Letters: R.J. Bunche to: W.H. Bingham (); Professor A.S. Dil (); V.J. Betts (); E. Warren (); Students of Providence College (); R. Vahl (); W. Riley and K. Ward (). 1967 1967 1968, 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970
Notes: love of nature, 1969, 1968, 1966.
Letters and notes concerning: Music, favorite verse, favorite sayings, favorite books, favorite musicals and movies, and hobbies, 1966-1970.
Habits, 1950-1968
Letters and notes concerning smoking, anecdotes, humor, miscellaneous, and personal appearances, 1950-1968.
Sports and health, 1922-1971
Notes and letters on smoking; sports; health (); first meeting of R.J. Bunche and Ruth Harris, 1922-27 1928.
R.J. Bunche's Recollections of a Sports Buff.
Notes, documents, cables, letters on R.J. Bunche's health.
New York Times Index of R.J. Bunche's press clippings, 1968-1971.
Papers about R.J. Bunche by L.S. Finkelstein.
Notes on First General Assembly Meeting.
Fourth Committee Trusteeship and journal records of General Assembly, January-February 1946.
R.J. Bunche's Fundamental Freedoms and Non-self Governing Peoples.
International Labor Office memorandum from Canada, 1946.
Papers re U.S. & Non-self governing territories under the U.N.; functions of SPA; International trusteeship & accountability; trusteeship and dependent territories.
R.J. Bunche notes, 1947.
Letters on race; R.J. Bunche notes on work of the trusteeship council.
R.J. Bunche reports to V. Hoo and T. Lie, 1947.
Middle East Developments, 1200s-November 1947.
Excerpts from Keesing's on Palestine, 1946-1947.
List R.J. Bunche's professional employment, 1945-1955.
R.J. Bunche's notes, 1947: January-December.
R.J. Bunche's notes on United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, June-September 1947.
List United Nations Special Committee on Palestine public hearings/private meetings.
Keesing's on Palestine, 1947.
List of speeches/visits by Heads of State, Dignitaries, 1945-1964.
UN General Assembly notes, 1947.
Yearbook of the UN excerpts, 1947.
Analysis by Ad Hoc Committee on Palestinian Question, 1947.
New York Times Index on Palestine, 1947.
Index to Security Council, UN, 1946-1949.
Written notecards and excerpts from To Jerusalem.
Documents on foreign policy of Israel.
List of R.J. Bunche's flight log, May-September 1948.
Draft of Mediator's Mission no.2-5,7.
Extracts from McCabe's cable, letter.
P.C. Jessup statement to General Assembly.
Contacts by Cordier.
Security Council's resolution of Palestinian question.
B.E. Urquhart Notes on notecards (). March 5-May 10, 13-29, 1948
List R.J. Bunche photos, 1948.
R.J. Bunche Calendar notes, January-December 1948.
Keesing's outline of Mediator's 1st Progress Report re refugees, January, April, May 1948.
Notes on Truce Commission, January-December 1948.
R.J. Bunche written notes June 30, on conferences - Shertok Haifa, June 1948.
B.E. Urquhart notes, May 29-June 29, 1948.
Notes on Jerusalem, June 24, 1948.
Record of conversations R.J. Bunche & Cordier, June 7,9-11,15-17,20,29-30, 1948.
Mediator's Mission no.8, June 1, 1948.
Security Council Yearbook, 1947-1948.
Report on the Supervision of the First Truce, January 29, 1949.
Lecture by R.J. Bunche on Palestine, June 16, 1949.
Notes, papers on Count Folke Bernadotte, June 11, 1948.
Letter Cebe-Habersky-Beirut & R.J. Bunche, June 25, 1948.
Progress Report of UN Mediator on Palestine, May 14, 1948.
B.E. Urquhart Notes, June 29-December 2, 1948.
First draft of The Count Bernadotte Mediation on Palestine in 1948 Part 3.
Record of telephone conversations Cordier - R.J. Bunche, July 1-9, 1948.
R.J. Bunche written notes, July-August 1948.
Papers, cables from the Security Council of the UN Hebrew Press Review, June 5, 1948.
Draft of Establishment of United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, June 13, 1967.
UN Bulletin.
Security Council official records.
Cables, letters U.N., Secretary General - R.J. Bunche, June 1967, 1948.
Cables with instructions to observers, UN Mediator - Secretary General.
Oversize telegrams from Public Record Office, 1948.
Transcript of R.J. Bunche's written notes, September 1948.
Transcript of R.J. Bunche's written notes, September 18-30, 1948.
Cables UN Security Council.
Excerpts from Yearbook of UN, 1948.
Papers on the assassination of Bernadotte.
Confidential paper, The assassination of Count Bernadotte, 1971.
Letter: L. Lachenschmidt and R.J. Bunche, June 20, 1968.
Cables: Haifa - UN.
Papers: Mediator on Palestine, UN Security Council, Haifa, Secretary General.
Excerpts from New York Review, May 1992.
Documents about refugee policy and Bernadotte.
R.J. Bunche's written notes, October 1948.
Cables: UN Security Council, October 1948.
Exerpts from Keesing's Contemporary Archives, November 27-December 4, 1948.
Report: UN and Haifa, October 14.
UN Bulletin, November 1948.
Excerpts from Azcarate's Mission in Palestine, 1948-1952.
R.J. Bunche's statement to First Committee by R.J. Bunche, October 15.
CBS interview w/R.J. Bunche, October 17.
Letters: R.J. Bunche to: F. Harris (); R.J. Bunche & NAACP (); The Nation's F.Kirchway & T. Lie (). March 4, 1968 October 22, 1948 November December 1948
Transcript of conversation between A- C- and X and Mr.B., October 21, 1948.
UN Security Council's preliminary report on Palestine, October 25, 1948.
R.J. Bunche's statement to Security Council meeting re the Negev situation, October 28, 1948.
Report: Reasons for Conclusions on Frontiers.
R.J. Bunche's written notes, November-December 1948.
Paris T.V. broadcast, November 6, 1948.
UN press statement, November 8, 1948.
Reports: R.J. Bunche to Secretary General of UN re truce in Lebanon Sector (); Paris press conference (). November 6, 1948 November 9, 1948
Memorandum: Negev Provisional Demarcation Lines, November 13, 1948.
Resolution of Palestinian question by Security Council, UN, November 17, 1948.
Report by Swiss Radio.
Statement by R.J. Bunche to First Committee, November 25, 1948.
Press release on Palestine problem, November 25, 1948.
Cables: Haifa - UN Supplemental memorandum by R.J. Bunche on difficulties in 4 November resolution on the Negev, November 26, 1948.
R.J. Bunche's further report on deaths of UN Observers Queru & Jeannel, November 30, 1948.
R.J. Bunche's supplementary report on Palestine.
Progress reports on 4 November resolution on the Negev.
Cables: R.J. Bunche - Haifa, December 6 and December 10, 1948.
Letters: R.J. Bunche - Israel's Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Transjordan's response to R.J. Bunche, December 9, 1948.
R.J. Bunche's memo re Ben-Gurion, December 7, 1948.
Keesing's Contemp. Archives, January 15-22, 1949.
Provisional Government of Israel's note to R.J. Bunche, December 9, 1948.
Letter: Eben - R.J. Bunche, December 9, 1948.
R.J. Bunche's committee with Government of Lebanon, December 15, 1948.
Cables: UN - Paris, December 1948.
Cables: personnel matters, January-March 1949.
Lists: R.J. Bunche photos, (); press releases (). January-September 1949 February-August 1949
Yearbook of UN, 1948-1949.
Original document B. General F.P. Henderson's How to write an Armistice.
R.J. Bunche's notes: January 7, 1949-February 27, 1949, February 28, 1949-April 18, 1949.
Document Restrictions on movements of UN Observers.
Document: UN R.J. Bunche and Transjordan & Rhodes.
UN cables on Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Rhodes, U.K., and Israel, January 1949.
R.J. Bunche's notes, January-February 1949.
Cables: UN Security Council; R.J. Bunche - Secretary General; R.J. Bunche, Rhodes - Reedman (). February 1949
R.J. Bunche's notes, February 1949.
Cables: Personal & Confidential R.J. Bunche, Rhodes-Secretary General; Excerpts Keesing's Archives February 26-March 5, August 27-September 3, July 9-15, 1949.
R.J. Bunche's notes, February 1949.
R.J. Bunche's speech from Rhodes re armistice agreement.
Eytan's 3 Nights at Shuneh.
A.S. Eban's statement re armistice negotiations at Rhodes (); UN Bulletin article: Milestone to Peace in Palestine (). February 23, 1949 March 15, 1949
Top Secret dispatch: R.J. Bunche-Acheson.
Cable: UN re Israel-Egypt armistice.
List of resolutions by General Assembly, 1947-1974.
R.J. Bunche's notes, January 17-31 and February 28-April 18, 1949.
List of cablegrams, March 1-21, 1949.
Excerpts from Yearbook of UN, 1947-1974, bulk.
Cables (Personal and confidential): R.J. Bunche-Secretary General, R.J. Bunche-Cordier.
R.J. Bunche's notes, March 1949.
UN Bulletin article: Further Progress in Palestine.
Cables: R.J. Bunche - UN re S. Negev (); urgent and confidential R.J. Bunche - Secretary General March 22, 1949 March 30, 1949.
Cables: R.J. Bunche - U.N., R.J. Bunche - Secretary General, strictly confidential R.J. Bunche-Cordier, Beirut re Israeli forces & Syria, April 7, 1949.
R.J. Bunche's notes, April 1949.
R.J. Bunche's statement at Israeli-Transjordan signing, April 3, 1949.
Document: Present Incidents Between Israel & Syria, April 6, 1949.
Letter: R.J. Bunche-S. Papaioannou, April 8, 1949.
Cables: U.N.-Riley, R.J. Bunche - Vigier, R.J. Bunche-Riley.
R.J. Bunche's press release re Palestine, April 18, 1949.
Dinner Meeting in Honor of Dr. R.J. Bunche, May 9, 1949.
R.J. Bunche's notes, April 1949.
Letters: Urquhart - Barbara (); Urquhart - S. Aryeh (). December 5, 1984 November 1984
Cables: R.J. Bunche and: Vigier, Ethridge, Mohn (Tel Aviv).
Letters: R.J. Bunche - A.S. (); Lie - Eban (). Eban May 10, 1949 May 23, 1949
Draft article Armistice Demarcation Lines.
R.J. Bunche's notes, May-December 1949.
Cables: R.J. Bunche and: Mohn, Vigier, Riley.
Letters: R.J. Bunche - A.S.Eban, re information arriving from Middle East, June 22, 1949.
Informal lecture by R.J. Bunche on Palestine, June 16, 1949.
R.J. Bunche's replies to comments at Israeli-Syrian Armistice Conference, June 26, 1949.
R.J. Bunche's notes, June 1949.
Cables: R.J. Bunche to: Vigier, Riley, Mohn, July 1949.
Citation: R.J. Bunche as Spingarn Medalist, July 17, 1949.
Draft article on Armistice Demarcation Lines.
Statement by R.J. Bunche for Security Council, August 4, 1949.
Draft resolution by delegations of Canada & France, August 8, 1949.
Letters: R.J. Bunche to: O. Dajany, T. Lie, Taylor ( re UN Economic Survey Mission for Middle East) September 1949.
Time Warner Transcript () Egypt & Israel. 1949
Cease-fire agreement for Los Angeles' Bloods & Crips, June 17, 1992.
Letter: R.J. Bunche & W.M. Watson, July 23, 1964.
Arab-Israeli Armistice Statements, 1952-1966.
Special Report French Language, September 12, 1969.
Letters: (); Urquhart (); B.L. DeRidder (); Faris El-Khouri, Secretary General & Riley (). March 1968 1967 April 1951 November 1951
A Short Memory by M. Jack, October 17, 1969.
Reports: Secretary General re complaints Armistice between Israel & Syria ; re Security Council's resolution (); Palestine Question (). January 11, 1955 April 4, 1956 May 9, 1956
Original pamphlet: Developing Peace-Keeping Capacity of UN by R.N. Gardner, 1964.
Confidential Report: Possible Basis for strengthening United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Syria-Israel Demilitarized Zone, March 16, 1960.
Strictly confidential memo: R.J. Bunche & Chief of Staff, United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, March 14, 1960.
Lengthy report: The Palestine Question at the UN including Annual Reports of the Secretary General. Outlines of the work of various organs of the UN, 1946-1957.
Chatam House publication, ; Memo from Lake Success March 1952 and June 1953 January 13, 1950.
UN Yearbook, 1950.
R.J. Bunche Notes, March-April 1950.
Private & confidential memo re R.J. Bunche's visit to London, April 3, 1950.
Letter: Secretary General to Security Council President re members list of panel for inquiry & conciliation, March 30, 1950.
Keesing's Contemp. Archives, July 1-8 and 15-22, April 22-29, and November 11-18, 1950.
UN Bulletin article: Use of Conciliators Endorsed by Council.
R.J. Bunche's notes, June-December 1950.
Secretary General's annual report, 1950-1951.
UN Bulletin article: Dr. Bunche awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, October 15, 1950.
Pauline Frederick's interview: NBC-TV, February 1969.
UN Bulletin article: Palestine Issues Again to Fore, November 15, 1950.
UN Bulletin articles: Recommendations for Settling Outstanding Palestine Issues (); Security Council Resolution; R.J. Bunche Notes: Nobel Peace Prize trip including Typescript (carbon). December 1, 1950
R.J. Bunche's Nobel Prize statement of acceptance, Some Reflections of Peace in our Time.
Motion Picture Offers, 1951-1954.
Personal correspondence UN members.
R.J. Bunche notes, June, August, December 1951.
Letter from Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences - R.J. Bunche, March 28, 1951.
R.J. Bunche's speech w/Astaire.
Ebony article re R.J. Bunche & Hollywood, 1951.
Excerpts from Keesing's and UN Bulletin, 1951.
Keesing's June 9-16, 1951.
UN Bulletin, May 15, 1951.
UN Yearbook, 1951.
Secretary General's annual report, 1951-1952.
Time article, July 9, 1951.
Keesing's July 14-21, 1951, September 29-October 6, 1951, December 1-8, 1951.
UN Bulletin, August 1 and 15, September 1, 1951.
Private memorandum for Secretary General, November 29, 1951.
Article re R.J. Bunche's honorary college degrees, 1951.
Article: Saturday Evening Post: Sinister Doings at UN, November 17, 1951.
R.J. Bunche notes, November-December 1951.
New York Times index, 1952.
R.J. Bunche notes, January, March-December 1952.
Trygve Lie's papers of Secretary General: TV interview w/U.N. correspondents, March 18, 1952.
UN Yearbook, 1952.
Secretary General's annual report, ; Keesing's 1952-1953 February 14-21, 1953.
UN Yearbook, 1953.
R.J. Bunche's notes re India trip () & I.P.R. Luncheon (). January 1953 March 10, 1953
Keesing's April 4-11, May 2-September 19-26, October 17-24, December 5-12, 1953.
R.J. Bunche's Toward Peace and Freedom, April 22, 1953.
UN Bulletin Dag Hammarskjold's Together in our concern, our hopes, and our determination, October 1, 1953.
Saturday Evening Post Sinister doings at U.N., November 17, 1951.
Security Council Official records, November 1953.
H.E. Stassen's speech ABC broadcast, December 27, 1951.
Daily Worker re R.J. Bunche imperialist aide, October 2, 1950.
R.J. Bunche letters re loyalty, 1952.
Keesing's February 7-14, 1953.
T. Lie's statement re communist infiltration of UN, October 13, 1952.
Acts. of U.S. Citizens in UN by E. Wallach.
Secretary General note to correspondents re internal security, October 23 and January 2, 1953.
Information circular from Secretary General re advisory panel, January 16, 1953.
R.J. Bunche notes, February-November 1953.
World Today's 8th Assembly of U.N., February 1954.
Secretary General's annual report, July 1, 1954-June 15, 1955.
R.J. Bunche interview, April 13, 1966.
R.J. Bunche notes, January-September 1954.
Loyalty Board and Chronology of Loyalty Saga.
Personal & Confidential letter R.J. Bunche - P.J. Gerety () & International Organization Employs Loyalty Board's interrogatory. January 13, 1954
Memo: R.J. Bunche - Gerig re M. Yergan, March 22, 1945.
R.J. Bunche's comments on Race:America's Social Barrier.
FBI memo re council African Affairs, M. Yergan (). May 19, 1945
R.J. Bunche notes w/Hammarskjold, 1954.
R.J. Bunche statements, articles on democracy, 1936, 1940, 1950.
R.J. Bunche notes re Loyalty Board Hearings, May 1954.
Various articles re R.J. Bunche and Loyalty hearings, 1954.
Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League's Castroviejo Meeting, May 29, 1954.
Various letters of support for R.J. Bunche, 1954.
R.J. Bunche notes, August 1954.
Confidential meeting Archibald Roosevelt's home () re Bunche Project. August 13, 1954
Press conference, August 19, 1954.
Strictly Confidential memo re Ralph Bunche file, September 2, 1954.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-O.S. Strauss II, 1954.
Extensive report re R.J. Bunche & communist leanings.
R.J. Bunche notes, October-December 1954.
Confidential report re Alliance Incorporated, World Today 9th Assembly of U.N., December 8, 1954. February 1955.
Letters: support for R.J. Bunche. 1955-1959
International Review Service pamphlets, 1955-1967, bulk.
Draft of Chapter 9: The Suez Crisis.
Synopsis of Security Council Resolutions re Israel and Arab neighbors, October 25, 1956.
Chronology of Suez-Hungary special sessions, September-November 1956.
General Assembly Resolutions () 7th Session, 1953 February 24-April 23, 1953, 1953-1961.
Yearbook of UN, 1954 and 1955.
Keesing's January 30-February 6, April 3-10, 1954, April 23-30, August 27-September 3, 1955, January 14-21, February 26-March 5, 1956.
R.J. Bunche Notes re South American Trip, February 10-March 3, 1955 & March 12-April 8, 1955.
Strictly personal & confidential note: Secretary General-R.J. Bunche (). July 15, 1955
Confidential memo, December 5, 1955.
Keesing's September 10-17, November 5-19, 1955, April 7-14, 1956.
Secretary General's annual report, June 16, 1955-June 15, 1956.
New York Times index, 1956.
Yearbook of UN, 1956.
R.J. Bunche notes 1956 w/Hammarskjold, April 7-14, 1956.
Cease-Fire Correspondence, April 12, 1956.
Keesing's May 26, 1956-June 2, July 14-21, October 20-27, July 28, 1956-August 11, September 22-29, 1956.
Secretary General's statement re Palestine incidents, September 13, 1956.
Note Verbale, September 14, 1956.
Keesing's October 6-13, November 3-10, December 8-15, 1956.
U.N. Review article: Requirements for a Settlement of the Suez Canal Situation.
Original U.N. Review (vol.3 no.5), November 1956.
Strictly Confidential: Meeting of the Advisory Committee on UN Emergency Force November 20, 1956.
Keesing's January 12-19, January 26, 1957-February 2, 1957 and January 17-24, November 24-December 1, 1956.
Egypt requests UN Assistance, November 18, 1956.
UN memo: Secretary General-R.J. Bunche, November 1956.
R.J. Bunche interview, April 13, 1966.
Resolutions: 997-1003.
W.R. Frye's A UN Peace Force 1957.
Press statements by Secretary General on Middle East and UN Emergency Force, November 1956.
Cables from Secretary General.
Most Secret summary record of Secretary General, his Advisors, & Delegation of Israel, November 28, 1956.
Cables: Secretary General & Burns & Leary & R.J. Bunche & Seggen & Martola.
Press releases re: Secretary General & Burns (); Wheeler & Suez Canal (); Secretary General on Suez Canal clearance (). March 12, 1956 December 7, 1956 December 18, 1956
Press Release: Secretary General before General Assembly, December 21, 1956.
UN Emergency Force: Creation, Evolution, End of Mission (). 1956-1967
Between Arab and Israeli: Chapter 13 Israel Invades Egypt: October 29, 1956.
Eisenhower The White House Years: Chapter 7 Renewed Tension in the Middle East.
View From the UN: Chapter 11 Arab-Israeli War of 1956.
Keesing's February 2-September 1957.
Keesing's January 26, 1957-February 9, 1957.
Cables: R.J. Bunche & Burns & Robles & Secretary General & Stavropoulos & Ballah & Cordier & Reddy.
Israeli Withdrawal from Sinai, January 5, 1957.
Cables: Stavropoulos & Seggen.
Keesing's March 23-30, 1957.
Cables: Secretary General & Burns & Stavropoulos & Cordier & Reddy.
Letters: Secretary General-A.Eban, Jacob-R.J. Bunche.
Secretary General statements & notes to correspondents & press releases.
Second draft letter to Participating States, February 25, 1957.
Keesing's March 23-30, May 18-25, February 9-16, 1957.
Press releases: statements by Secretary General, March 1, 4, 1957.
Statement H.C. Lodge, March 1, 1957.
Cables: Burns, Secretary General, Seggen, Cordier, Reddy, Burns-R.J. Bunche Top Secret, March 8, 1957.
Top Secret Cable: Burns-Secretary General, March 10, 1957.
Memo, May 21, 1957.
Cables from UN Emergency Force.
R.J. Bunche's notes from Ghana's Independence, March 1957.
New York Times index, 1957.
List Near East meetings w/Secretary General.
R.J. Bunche Cabinet II Master List.
Index of A/Documents & Resolutions.
R.J. Bunche Notes, March 10-18, 1957.
Articles re R.J. Bunche & Gaza.
Letter: R.J. Bunche-King Gordon, March 15, 1957.
Cables: R.J. Bunche, Burns, Cordier, Reddy, Seggen, Secretary General, Ely, Stavropoulos, some Top Secret, confidential, restricted, some priority UN Emergency Force.
Notes on Question of Canadian troops, March 14, 1957.
R.J. Bunche notes Gohar; Fawzi.
R.J. Bunche Notes, March 19-29, 1957.
Cables: Secretary General, R.J. Bunche, Burns, Cordier, Reddy, Ely, Professor Bokhari, Khalil, Wheeler, many Top Secret, some priority UN Emergency Force.
R.J. Bunche notes, March 30-April 6, 1967.
Letters: Secretary General-Golda Meir , Fawzi-Secretary General March 19, 1957 & March 29, 1957 March 1957.
Statement by Secretary General re Middle East, March 22, 1957.
Confidential Egypt/Israel background information, March 20, 1957.
Statement by Mr. Pearson, March 23, 1957.
Cables: R.J. Bunche, Burns, Seggen, Secretary General, Cordier, many restricted & top secret, UN Emergency Force.
Keesing's, May 18-25, 1957.
Confidential meeting Advisory Committee on UEF, April 15, 1957.
Transcript of Secretary General's press conference, April 25, 1957.
Statement by Secretary General, April 1, 1957.
Letters: Golda Meir-Secretary General (); top secret Fawzi-Secretary General. () with declaration on Suez Canal; Secretary General - Ben-Gurion (). April 1, 1957 & April 9, 1957 April 3, 1957 & April 24, 1957 April 28, 1957
Press release: Secretary General on Wheeler, April 8, 1957.
Cables: Martola, Burns, Leary, Seggen, Secretary General, Ben-Gurion, R.J. Bunche, Shastri, Cordier, some restricted.
R.J. Bunche notes, May 9-11, 1957.
Confidential meeting of Secretary General w/Ben-Gurion, May 9, 1957.
Cables: R.J. Bunche, Shastri, Power, Burns, Cordier, Secretary General, Samper, some top secret.
Memo to D.T. Clements on planning for an Emergency Force, June 17, 1957 & June 26, 1957.
Letter: Fawzi-Secretary General, June 18, 1957.
Keesing's, September 14-21, 1957.
Aide memoirs, September 5, 1957.
Cooperation between UN Emergency Force & Israel Authorities.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-Secretary General, September 19 & September 25, 1957.
UNEF Grab Bag, September 24, 1957.
R.J. Bunche notes (), Vienna Trip (). July 8-October 20, 1957 October 13-20, 1957
UN Yearbook The problem of Mt. Scopus, 1957-58.
UN memos re study of UN Emergency Force & military aspects of UN Emergency Force December 19, 1957 December 30, 1957.
Confidential meeting Advisory Committee on UN Emergency Force, June 2, 1959.
Original re General Assembly at 562nd & 565th plenary meetings, November 1-February 1956 and November 4-May 1956.
Original U.N.E.F. photos.
United Nations Under-Secretary Bunche comes to Gaza 1957
Two pamphlets: Regulations for the U.N.E.F. & Regulations for the U.N.E.F.
Medal, 1956.
Near East General Documentation, 1958.
Pamphlet: U.N. Observation Group in Lebanon.
New York Times index, 1958.
Keesing's August 30-September 6, October 11-18, October 25-November 1, 1958.
Chapter 11 Landing in Lebanon from White House Years.
Secretary General's annual report, June 16, 1958-June 15, 1959.
UN Yearbook, 1958.
Cables: R.J. Bunche, Burns, Stavropoulos, Michaelsen, Sloan, Rosengren, Stedman, Secretary General, Fletcher, Seggen, many top secret.
UN Emergency Force study group, January 3 & 15, 1958.
Assignments on UN Emergency Force Study, February 3, 1958.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-T.F. Power (); R.J. Bunche-Burns (). February 14, 1958 March 14, 1958 & March 24, 1958
Cables: Secretary General, Burns, Seggen, R.J. Bunche, Cordier, Rikhye, many top secret.
Letters: Burns-Daughton (); R.J. Bunche-Burns (). April 2, 1958 April 4, 8 & 14, 1958
Keesing's May 17-24 and July 19-26, 1958.
Hebrew press summary, May 14, 1958.
Mount Scopus history.
Secretary General annual report, June 16, 1957-June 15, 1958.
Keesing's February 15-22, 1958.
Notes, cables, re R.J. Bunche's Mt. Scopus mission.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-S. Rifa'i.
Report: firing incident May 26 on Mt. Scopus, June 7, 1958.
Article: UN Observation Group in Lebanon.
Cables: Burns, Secretary General, Cordier, W.M. Brown some secret.
Notes on meeting w/Mr. Lodge, June 17, 1958.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-O. Loutfi, Fawzi-Secretary General. Draft: Security Council resolution re Lebanon, June 30, 1958.
Notes on meeting with C. Malik () & with Dr. Askoul () & R.J. Bunche with Wadsworth (). July 9, 1958 July 10, 1958 July 17, 1958
UNR's Security Council & Middle East, August 1958.
Keesing's August 9-23, 1958, October 11-18, 1958, August 30-September 6, 1958, October 25-November 1, 1958, November 15-22, 1958, December 13-20, 1958, February 13-20, 1960.
R.J. Bunche notes on UN Observer Group in Lebanon.
Cables: R.J. Bunche, Burns, Rikhye, Secretary General, Cordier.
Meeting re Security Council resolution & UN Observer Group in Lebanon.
R.J. Bunche notes w/Hammarskjold, December 1958.
Cables: R.J. Bunche, B.Goldwater.
Letters: including 1 Typescript (carbon), R.J. Bunche, Goldwater.
Press conference December 16, 1957, January 21, February 6, 1958, March 3, 1960.
Near East General Documentation & meetings w/Secretary General, 1959.
New York Times Index, 1959.
Memo: re Israeli goods, January 7, 1960.
Secret notes re Fawzi in Cairo, January 21, 1960.
Strictly confidential Secretary General meeting w/Tekoah, February 3, 1960.
Cable: Copenhagen-U.N., R.J. Bunche Burns, Secretary General, secret.
UN Yearbook, 1959.
R.J. Bunche notes re Periclean Club speech, February 13, 1959.
Letters: Secretary General-Ben-Gurion, Secretary General-Tekoah.
Cables: R.J. Bunche, Rikhye, Burns, Seggen, some top secret.
Memo: R.J. Bunche-Secretary General re Palestine police, March 4, 1959.
Message: Secretary General-Fawzi, April 4, 1959.
Press conference Secretary General, April 16, 1959.
R.J. Bunche's notes re UN Emergency Force trip, 1959.
Talks w/Nasser, Fawzi, Golda Meir, Ben-Gurion (at SDE Boker).
Itineraries re UN Emergency Force trip.
R.J. Bunche interviews.
Cable: Cordier to R.J. Bunche re birth of his first grandson, April 21, 1959.
Keesing's September 12-19, 1959, February 13-20, 1960.
Cables: some top secret re Palestine troops and government (); re raids, firing & air activity (). May 1959 July 1959
R.J. Bunche notes, August 1959.
Outline of issues for meeting Secretary General w/Tekoah, September 8, 1959.
Articles from Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, September 1959.
Lists for contents of cables, May-December 1959.
Message Secretary General from Z. Sabry (); Fawzi (); Rocinski (). December 15, 1959 December 16, 1959 December 21, 1959
Draft of Black's statement.
Pamphlet: UN & Congo: some salient facts, February 1963.
Letter: N. Mason-R.J. Bunche, October 27, 1961.
Press release: R.J. Bunche & Congo, August 30, 1960.
First draft of History of the UN in the Congo June 20-July 14, 1960 by I. Berendsen.
Essay: UN Operation in the Congo.
R.J. Bunche notes, January 1960.
R.J. Bunche Memo notes April 17-September 13, 1960 and April 26-December 29, 1960.
R.J. Bunche diary, June/July 1960.
R.J. Bunche calendar, July 25-August 30, 1960.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-Secretary General re rep. in Congo Independence () & confidential (); M. Patrice Lumumba-Secretary General (). June 20, 1960 June 27, 1960 June 30, 1960
A. Morrison's article: R.J. Bunche: His toughest assignment.
Secretary General's message re Congo Independence, June 30, 1960.
Confidential letter: Secretary General-R.J. Bunche, April 7, 1960.
Letters: H. Samper-R.J. Bunche (); R.J. Bunche-R.J. Bunche Jr. July 7, 1960
Cables: Seggen, R.J. Bunche, R.J. Bunche press conference, December 22, 1961.
Document S/4382. A.W. Cordier's Challenge in the Congo.
Meetings in Secretary General's office, July 19-20, 1960.
Written correspondence R.J. Bunche-Secretary General.
R.J. Bunche's Close calls and tight spots.
Letter: confidential Secretary General-R. Rothschild.
Memos: Secretary General-R.J. Bunche & R.J. Bunche-Linner re Rothschild's letter.
Meeting in Secretary General's office, August 6, 1960.
Cables & transcripts Secretary General- R.J. Bunche.
List of contents of cables, August 1960.
Confidential notes re conversation w/Lumumba, August 12, 1960.
Record of 901st meeting, September 14, 1960.
Document S, 194417/Add.7.
New Yorker, August 20, 1960.
Hammarskjold's Chapter 17 The General Assembly: September-December 1960.
Press conference: R.J. Bunche at UN Headquarters, September 1, 1960.
World News Service, September 2, 1960.
Report: alleged assassination plots, November 20, 1975.
T. Kanza's P. Lumumba.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-C.P. Cabell, R.J. Bunche-A.W. Dulles, R.J. Bunche-R.Kennedy, R. McGill-H.M. Jackson, Secretary General-Aronstein & Botson.
Arrest of Lumumba, December 1960.
Congressional Record Appendix, September 20, 1960.
Secretary General-Permanent Mission Belgium.
B.E.U.'s Hammarskjold 1961: The First Months.
Secretary General's annual report, June 16, 1960-June 14, 1961.
UN Yearbook, 1961.
Top Secret Cables: Seggen, Dayal, R.J. Bunche, Abbas, Maceoin, Linner.
Letters: V.M. Stamper-R.J. Bunche, professor Slosser-R.J. Bunche, R.R. Schutz-R.J. Bunche, Secretary General-R.J. Bunche.
Keesing's June 17-24, 1961.
R.J. Bunche's itinerary, June-December 1961.
Top secret cables: Seggen, Linner, Typescript (carbon) Secretary General, R.J. Bunche, MacEoin.
Hammarskjold's Chapter 21 Vindication & Tragedy & Epilogue.
H.H.Humphrey's statement re Congo situation, September 21, 1961.
Cable: Gunnar Jahn from RJG re Secretary General's nomination for Nobel Peace Prize.
B.E. Urquhart's speech re Dag Hammarskjold, 1973.
Confidential note on meeting of African group, October 19, 1961.
R.J. Bunche statement re Hammarskjold's Nobel Peace Prize.
vol.6 U Thant of Secretary General's papers, 1976.
Letter: R.J. Bunche-J.W. Warnock, R.J. Bunche-Urquhart.
Report: Secretary General on Kitona.
Declaration by Mr. Tahombe, December 21, 1961.
R.J. Bunche's statement re Kitona.
Press conference by R.J. Bunche, December 22, 1961.
Letters to and from R.J. Bunche re U.N.'s role in Katanga.
New York Times index, 1962.
United Nations Peacekeeping 1946-1967: Documents and Commentary III Africa by R. Higgins, 1980.
View from the UN: U Thant, 1978.
Secretary General's annual report, June 16, 1963-June 15, 1964.
Yearbook of UN, 1962.
Letters from/to R.J. Bunche.
R.J. Bunche's diary, March, June-December 1962.
Congressional Record, April 3, 1962-April 24, 1962.
Introduction to Secretary General's annual report, June 16, 1962-June 15, 1963.
T.J. Dodd's Congo: The Untold Story.
Various cables re Tshombe, 1962-1963.
Draft memo: R.J. Bunche-Harrison re Air division, October 1962.
R.J. Bunche's notes re Congo.
Letter: R. Gardiner-Gbenye.
Cables: Mathu, Gardiner, R.J. Bunche.
Top secret operation instruction no.1 of 1962.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-Kebbede Guebre, R.J. Bunche-E.A. Gullion, R.J. Bunche-Mrs. E. Edwards, written: R.J. Bunche-Jane & other correspondence from Congo.
Top secret: Operation Tusker, 1962.
Letters, R.J. Bunche to: V. Betts, J.M. Wellman, Secretary General.
Interview w/Lieutenant General Prem Chand, August 19, 1982.
Cable: from Bennett.
UN Yearbook, 1963.
R.J. Bunche diary, January/February 1963.
Secret cables: R.J. Bunche, Secretary General, Seggen, Gardiner, B.E. Urquhart re Kamina & Tahombe.
Top secret minutes Katanga area conference, January 6, 1963.
Confidential report re Jadotville Operation.
R.J. Bunche press conference, January 9, 1963.
A. Stephenson reports, 1963, 1982.
R.J. Bunche diary, February 1963.
Congo correspondence, 1963.
Newspaper articles re Congo.
Comments on 'An Ugly Force in Africa', February 8, 1963.
J. Davenport's An Ugly Force in Africa, February 1963.
Force Commander and Senior ONUC Force Officers visit to UN Headquarters, April 1963.
Secretary General's annual report, June 1963-June 1964.
Newspaper articles, June 1963.
R.J. Bunche's notes on European trip, June-August 1963.
R.J. Bunche notes, August-December 1963.
R.J. Bunche's diary, September-December 1963.
Background on UN Yemen Observation Mission/Yemen including list of archive groups.
Excerpt from public papers of Secretary General: The Yemen Question, April & June 1963-1964.
Introduction to Secretary General's 18th annual report, August 20, 1963.
Keesing's March 16-23, 1963.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-von Horn.
Newspaper articles, February 1963.
YUN, 1963.
Memos and cables re Yemen-R.J. Bunche trip.
R.J. Bunche's notes, March 1963.
R.J. Bunche's notes, March 4-15, 1963.
R.J. Bunche's statement from Cairo, March 6, 1963.
R.J. Bunche's itinerary, March 14-18, 1963.
Yemen-R.J. Bunche trip press coverage, March 1963.
Secret: Terms of disengagement accepted by Faysal & Nasser, April 12, 1963.
Keesing's February 8-15, 1964.
Confidential UN Observer group for Saudi Arabia-Yemen frontier, April 24, 1963.
Secretary General report: re Yemen, April 29, 1963.
Letters: E.S. Hope-R.J. Bunche, Secretary General-J.M. Baroody.
Interview with President Abdullah As-Salal by Soviets, April 30, 1963.
Record of 1039th meeting, June 11, 1963.
Report: Egyptian Air Raids on Saudi Arabia.
Memo: UN Yemen Observation Mission on Royalists.
Cables: Secretary General, Rikhye, R.J. Bunche, Gyani, Nekunam, some top secret.
Memo: R.J. Bunche-A.MacFarquhar re UN Yemen Observation Mission commander.
Letters: personal & confidential to/from R.J. Bunche re Yemen mission.
Notes: meeting w/M.Fawzi, October 8, 15, 1963.
Notes: meeting w/R.Pharoun & Baroody, October 9 and 21, 1963.
Amran convention resolutions.
Notes: meetings w/Fawzi (), & w/Baroody (), & w/Al-Aini (). October 25, 1963 October 30 & October 31, 1963 November 1 & November 4, 1963
R.J. Bunche's notes, November-December 1963.
New York Times index, 1964.
List of confidential papers on Indo-Pakistan conflict, April-August 1971.
Excerpts from a book by S. Bailey: Case 2: Kashmir, 1947-79 & Statement to the Press: New York August 24, 1965.
UN Yearbook, 1964.
Letters & cables re R.J. Bunche & UN peace missions.
Press release: R.J. Bunche visits UN peace missions, April 7, 1964.
R.J. Bunche diary, January-April 1964.
R.J. Bunche's report to Secretary General re United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan, April 1964.
Excerpts from Secretary General's public papers: situation in Kashmir.
YUN, 1965.
Keesing's December 4-November 1965.
Secretary General's report on cease-fire agreement, cease-fire line, & United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan in Kashmir, September 3, 1965.
Security Council's Resolution 211 at 1242nd meeting () & Secretary General's report () and addendum (). September 20, 1965 September 21, 1965 September 23-24, October 4, 1965
Secretary General's report on Security Council's Resolution 210, & Resolution 215, October 1, 1965 November 25, 1965.
Report: The problem of Kashmir.
R.J. Bunche notes, January 1965.
Confidential memo: Secretary General-Nesterenko.
Letters: V.J. Betts-R.J. Bunche.
Keesing's April 9-16, 1966.
Cables: R.J. Bunche, Gauthier, Tassara, re United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan.
R.J. Bunche notes, September 26, 1967.
Excerpts from UN Yearbook, 1968.
List of R.J. Bunche photos, 1964.
Archive group list: UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus.
List of Secretary General's reports to Security Council, 1964.
UN Yearbook, 1964.
Keesing's June 13-20, 1964.
Blue Helmets: Part 6: UN operation in Cyprus.
Excerpts from S.D. Bailey's How Wars End: The UN and the termination of armed conflict, 1946-1964.
Secretary General's report S, 195514 (). January 13, 1964
Cables: R.J. Bunche, Gyani, Secretary General top secret.
R.J. Bunche diary notes, January 1964.
Excerpts from Ruth Bunche's engagement calendar.
Memo: Secretary General to R.J. Bunche re Cyprus brief for Gyani, March 21, 1964.
R.J. Bunche letter to Gyani re Cyprus brief, March 30, 1964.
R.J. Bunche note, March 26, 1964.
Cables: includes list of their contents, April 1964.
Excerpts from Ruth Bunche's engagement calendar.
R.J. Bunche Cyprus trip notes, April 8-12, 1964.
Notes on meeting w/President Archbishop Makarios, April 9, 1964.
R.J. Bunche notes, April 11, 1964.
R.J. Bunche notes, May-June 1964.
Cables: includes list of their contents, May-June 1964.
Excerpts from Ruth Bunche's engagement calendar.
Cables: includes summary of their contents, July 1964.
Essay by R.J. Bunche on the UN in 1964.
Draft note to V.P. Kucuk.
Keesing's September 5-12, 1964.
R.J. Bunche notes, September 1964.
R.J. Bunche notes for Kenya trip, October 1964.
List of R.J. Bunche's press photos, 1966.
Keesing's March 13-20 and October 2-9, 1965.
UN Yearbook, 1966.
Cables: R.J. Bunche/Role-Bennett, March 1966.
R.J. Bunche notes, April 1966.
UN Emergency Force's magazine The Sand Dune re R.J. Bunche UN Emergency Force visit, July 1966.
Press clippings includes summary of their contents, July 1966.
UN Yearbook, 1967.
R.J. Bunche's itinerary, January-February, May-June, September-November 1967.
Notes on meeting in Secretary General's office, September 22, 1967.
R.J. Bunche notes, September 1967.
Confidential notes of meeting Secretary General/Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, September 22, 1967.
Secretary General's report on Cyprus to Security Council, November 16, 1967.
Notes on meeting in Secretary General's office, November 18, 22 and 28, 1967.
R.J. Bunche notes, December 1967.
UN Yearbook, 1968.
Cables R.J. Bunche/Rolz-Bennett/Osorio-Taffal/Martola, some confidential.
Memo to R.J. Bunche/Rolz-Bennett from Martola, February 15, 1968.
Report to Security Council on Cyprus, June 11, 1968.
UN Yearbook, 1969.
Draft of programs for R.J. Bunche's visit to Nicosia () & revised programme for R.J. Bunche's visit to Cyprus (). January 8, 1969 August 11, 1969
Press clippings re R.J. Bunche's visit to Cyprus includes The Blue Beret, August 1969.
Report to Security Council on Cypress, December 2, 1970.
Original press clipping on Cyprus from Daily News, November 17, 1983.
List of R.J. Bunche press photos, 1967-1968.
R.J. Bunche notes re Dominican Republic.
Secretary General statement re Southern Rhodesia, June 21, 1969.
R.J. Bunche notes, March-April 8, 1966.
U.K. Draft resolution, April 8, 1966.
Chronology. 1964-65
Background information on Dominican Republic, Southern Rhodesia, and Vietnam.
Memo: Secretary General/R.J. Bunche, June 13, 1963.
Confidential chronology re Secretary General U Thant's efforts to mediate the Vietnam conflict, May 19, 1972.
() chronology. 1965
UN Yearbook, 1965.
R.J. Bunche Notes, January-October 1965.
Background information on Vietnam.
Notes on meeting w/Adlai Stevenson () & memo to Secretary General from R.J. Bunche (). February 27, 1965 March 1, 1965
R.J. Bunche strictly Confidential note on Vietnam.
B.E. Urquhart's first draft of R.J. Bunche speech on City of Hope, June 30, 1965.
Secretary General's statement re Adlai Stevenson's death, July 14, 1965.
Notes on meeting in Secretary General's conference room, July 19, 1965.
Conversation between R.J. Bunche & Princess Margaret, November 19, 1965.
chronology. February-March 1966
UN Yearbook, 1966.
R.J. Bunche notes, 1965.
Keesing's April 23-30, 1966.
Notes on meeting to discuss Vietnam in Secretary General's conference room, January 10, 17 and 19, February 7 and 28, 1966.
R.J. Bunche notes, January-February 1966.
R.J. Bunche notes, March-June 1966.
Confidential copy no.8: Developments in Vietnam, May 1-June 10, 1966; June 21, 1966.
Memo: R.J. Bunche/C.A. Stavropoulos, May 4, 1966.
Keesing's December 17-24, 1966.
R.J. Bunche notes re Israel Ambassador Michael Comay's visit to R.J. Bunche in New York hospital, August 18, 1966.
Los Angeles Times article If Thant Quits UN expect R.J. Bunche to follow, June 30, 1966.
R.J. Bunche notes, July-December 1966.
Arthur Goldberg comes to the hospital & note for file, August 31, 1966.
Letter: R.J. Bunche/U Thant re decision to resign as Secretary General.
Notes on meeting in Secretary General conference room, August 2, 1966.
R.J. Bunche note on telephone talk with A. Goldberg, September 3, 1966.
Notes on visit of L.B. Johnson to U Thant, October 7, 1966.
Notes on meeting w/A. Goldberg in Secretary General conference room, November 8, 1966.
chronology. 1967
Background information on Vietnam.
Notes on meeting of Secretary General w/A. Goldberg, January 31, 1967.
Letters: L.B. Johnson/Ho Chi Minh.
Notes on meeting in Secretary General conference room, February 17, 1967.
Itinerary, January-February 1967.
Press clippings, February-March 1967.
Letter: R.J. Bunche/U Thant re R.J. Bunche's retirement, January 6 and August 29, 1966.
R.J. Bunche notes, January-March 1967.
Background Vietnam, March 1967.
Secretary General meetings in conference room, March 14-15, 1967.
U Thant's UN lunch, March 6, 1967.
R.J. Bunche notes, March 1967.
Confidential Aide memoirs, March 14-15, 1967.
Confidential report re Secretary General & Goldberg meeting.
Meeting Secretary General & Senate Foreign Relations Committee, March 22, 1967.
Confidential Letter: U Thant/Ho Chi Minh, March 24, 1967.
Meeting in Secretary General conference room, March 29, 1967.
Itinerary, March 1967.
R.J. Bunche notes, April-June 1967.
R.J. Bunche itinerary, April-June 1967.
Various newspaper articles re R.J. Bunche & M.L. King Jr., April 1967.
Note on Visit of Spring Mobilization Representatives, April 17, 1967.
Statement of Spring Mobilization Committee, April 15, 1967.
Various newspaper articles re R.J. Bunche defends UN, May 1967.
R.J. Bunche notes, July-December 1967.
R.J. Bunche itinerary, October-December 1967.
The Charlotte Observer: article re Vietnam & UN, November 5, 1967.
Notes: meeting in Secretary General's office, November 23, 1967.
Newspaper articles re Thant confirms Viet Cong UN Bid, December 1967.
Background on Vietnam, April 4, June 23 and December 6, 1968.
Notes: meetings in Secretary General's office, January 19 and 30, February 1 and 15, 1968.
Top Secret memo re Consul-General & Delegate General of Democratic Vietnam, February 1968.
R.J. Bunche notes, February 1968.
Newspaper articles re Vietnam & R.J. Bunche, February 1968.
Notes on talks w/Secretary General & President Johnson, February 21, 1968.
Phone conversation R.J. Bunche & Ambassador Goldberg, February 24, 1968.
Secretary General statement, February 24, 1968.
R.J. Bunche notes, April-June, September 1968.
Notes: meeting in Secretary General's conference Room/office, April 4, June 14, September 23 and 30, 1968.
Background on Vietnam, June 24 and December 18, 1969.
R.J. Bunche interviews re Vietnam, 1968/69.
Notes: meetings held in Secretary General office, December 10, 1969 and May 4, 1970.
Letters: R.J. Bunche - R. Nixon, November 1969.
R.J. Bunche notes, June 1968, November 1969, February 1970.
Background information: April 8, 1970, January 22, 1971, May 20, 1971, January 25, 1972.
List photos, 1965, 1967.
The June War: Some Mysteries Explored by R.B. Parker, 1967.
The June War: Origins and Mysteries by R.B. Parker, April 24, 1990.
Notes on Mohamed Heikal's Al-Infijar. 1967
Chronology, 1963-1966.
R.J. Bunche notes, November 1966.
Background information, June 24 and December 13, 1967.
Secretary General's Annual Report, June 16, 1966-June 15, 1967.
UN Yearbook, 1967.
R.J. Bunche notes, January 4, 1967.
Keesing's May 27-June 3, 1967.
R.J. Bunche itinerary, January-May 1967.
UN Emergency Force background.
Keesing's June 3-10 and July 22-29, 1967.
Confidential verbatim record informal meeting government representatives providing contingents for UN Emergency Force, May 17, 1967.
Meetings Secretary General w/Ambassador Gideon Rafael & Ambassador Goldberg, May 18, 20, 22, 1967.
Confidential verbatim record UN Emergency Force Advisory Committee meeting, May 18, 1967.
Note re take-over/disposal UN Emergency Force installations, May 22, 1967.
Public statements by Israeli Leaders, May 1967.
Selective chronology of The June War by R.B. Parker.
List of Middle East reports, May 1967.
Background information re Six-Day War, 1967 and 1992.
Press release: withdrawal of UN Emergency Force, June 3, 1967.
Letter to New York Times from R.J. Bunche, June 11, 1967.
Notes on Secretary General's meeting with Eban, June 7, 1967.
Basis for functioning of United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, June 13, 1967.
Letter: H. Brody - R.F. Kennedy, June 15, 1967.
R.J. Bunche's notes re Baroody Dispute, October 4, 1966.
Security Council's Official Records 1358th meeting (), & 1361st meeting (). June 13, 1967 June 14, 1967
Letter: R.J. Bunche-Baroody (). June 14, 1967
U Thant's farewell lunch for Ambassador Fedorenko, January 19, 1968.
Keesing's July 22-29, 1967.
Articles re Secretary General's decision to withdraw UN Emergency Force from Egypt, June 1967.
Press release: Secretary General's statement, June 19, 1967.
Secretary General's statement to General Assembly, June 20, 1967.
Meeting: Secretary General with Dean Rusk, June 20, 1967.
Personal & confidential letter: R.J. Bunche - E.A. Gross, June 20, 1967.
Aide Memoir by D.Hammarskjold, August 5, 1957.
Notes on UN Emergency Force Advisory Committee meetings, November 14, 1956.
Secretary General meeting w/Eban, June 22, 1967.
R.J. Bunche notes, June 1967.
Secretary General meeting w/Dr. M. Fawzi () & Eban () & Ambassador Goldberg () & Ambassador El-Kony (). July 4, 1967 July 4, 1967 July 5, 1967 July 10, 1967
Meetings: Secretary General's conference room () & Secretary General's office (). July 8 and August 30, 1967 July 10 & July 20, 1967
R.J. Bunche notes, July 1967.
Secretary General's Report on UN Emergency Force, July 12, 1967.
Meeting: Secretary General with representatives of Iraq & Jordan, July 20, 1967.
Meetings in Secretary General's office July 21; July 28; August 14; August 16; August 24, 1967.
Meeting Secretary General w/Ambassador Rosenne () & w/Ambassador Rafael (). July 25, 1967 August 10, 1967
R.J. Bunche notes on Expo 67 Trip, August 1967.
Meetings in Secretary General's office () & Secretary General's conference room (). September 1, 26 and 29, 1967 September 26, 1967
Introduction to Secretary General's annual report, September 19, 1967.
R.J. Bunche notes, June, September 1967.
Keesing's November 4-11, 1967.
R.J. Bunche handwritten notes, December 1967.
Chronology, April 4, June 23, December 6, 1968.
Keesing's November 16-23, 1968.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-Rostow (). February 7, 14 and 21, 1968
R.J. Bunche handwritten notes, January 1968.
Pioneer party guest list, June 12, 1968.
R.J. Bunche note for file, July 1968.
Notes on meetings in Secretary General's office, August 13-15 & 18, 19, 21, 26 & 30, 1968.
Notes on meetings in Secretary General's office, September 3 and 9, October 5 and November 9, 1968.
Secretary General's 23rd annual report, September 24, 1968.
R.J. Bunche's handwritten notes, October-November 1968.
Chronology, June 24, 1969, December 18, 1969.
Keesing's January 25-February 1, May 3-10 and November 15-22, 1969.
Memo: R.J. Bunche - Ambassador Jarring, January 17, 1969.
Secretary General's remarks, January 18, 1969.
Security Council Resolution 242 & Ambassador Jarring, November 22, 1967.
OPI Daily Press Briefing, February 12, 1969.
Estimates on requirements for UN observation operation in Sinai peninsula, February 19, 1969.
Confidential letters: G. Jarring-R.J. Bunche; R.J. Bunche-G.I. Smith, April 1969.
Secret: Four power talks - official communique, May 1969.
Meetings in Secretary General's office, June 14, September 29 and November 4, 1969.
Official daily press briefing, July 11, 1969.
Letters: Ruth Roth-R.J. Bunche, R. Roth-U Thant, September 1969.
Secretary General U Thant's public papers, 1968-1971.
Press comminiqué from Tel Aviv, November 4, 1969.
Note on Ambassador Ghorra's visit to R.J. Bunche, November 4, 1969.
Meeting in Secretary General's office, December 12, 19 and 22, 1969.
Transcript: ABC's Issues and Answers, December 28, 1969.
Official daily press briefing, December 29, 1969.
Keesing's April 11-18, 1970.
Appendix no.6: Selected confidential reports on Middle East, 1970.
Meetings in Secretary General's office, January 23, February 6, 25-27 and March 4-5, 1970.
Official daily press briefing, March 10, 1970.
R.J. Bunche statement-Editor's Roundtable, March 12, 1970.
Keesing's June 6-13, 1970.
Meeting in Secretary General's office, May 27, 1970.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-G. Jarring, July 1970.
Official daily press briefing, July 28, 1970.
UN Secretariat briefing by R.J. Bunche, July 29, 1970.
Keesing's, August 8-15, 1970.
Meeting in Secretary General's office: (Secret), August 3, 1970 October 16, 1970.
Keesing's December 5-12, 1970.
Meeting w/Secretary of State Rogers in UN Headquarters, October 16, 1970.
9th Editor's Roundtable press release, October 20, 1970.
R.J. Bunche's statement at Editor's Roundtable, March 12, 1970.
B.E. Urquhart's note to correspondents, November 2, 1970.
Letters: R.J. Bunche - G. Jarring (). December 1970
Secretary General Address Secretary General to News Media, December 1970.
Meeting Secretary General w/Yosef Tekoah, April 5, 1971.
Meeting w/Secretary of State Rogers in Secretary General's office, May 17, 1971.
Confidential note on Big Four Meeting on Middle East, June 24, 1971.
Keesing's May 23-30, 1970.
Background literature on Bahrain.
Confidential Security Council meeting on Bahrain, May 11, 1970.
Reader's Digest article Unforgettable R.J. Bunche.
Letters (personal): R.J. Bunche-V.W. Guicciardi, December 1969.
Cables: R.J. Bunche-Secretary General; R.J. Bunche-Winspeare, January-April 1970.
Letters (personal): R.J. Bunche-Winspeare includes typescript (carbon) March 1970.
Annex A: Method of Operation; confidential Annex B; Annex C; Annex D, December 1969.
Annex E: letter M. Vakil-Secretary General, March 9, 1970.
Annex F: letter Secretary General-Caradon, March 20, 1970.
Annex G: Caradon, March 20, 1970.
Confidential: order of procedure & draft method of operation, December 1969.
Secretary General on Bahrain, March 28, 1970.
Press reaction.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-G. Harrar (); R.J. Bunche-Secretary General (); confidential J.G. Harrar-J.Marshall (); R.J. Bunche-G. Harrar (). September 21, 1966 August 29, January 30 and 6, 1967 June 24, 1966 March 30, 1967
Press release: R.J. Bunche on future plans, February 28, 1967.
R.J. Bunche notes, January 1968.
RFK assassination, June 1968.
Desk calendar, March 14-22 and April 8-10, 1968.
Keesing's May 11-18, 1968.
R.J. Bunche statement re M.L. King's death, April 5, 1968.
R.J. Bunche note, April-May 1968.
Letters: A.J. Muste-E. Roosevelt, R.J. Bunche-E. Roosevelt (). April 1968
Committee of 7's 14th meeting, May 7, 1968.
R.J. Bunche notes, July-August 1968.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-Nixon (); Secretary General-B.A. Clark (); R.J. Bunche-Ambassador E.O. Ogbu (). December 2, 1968 February 6, 1968 January 15, 1970
Keesing's June 17-24, 1967, January 25-February 1 and October 18-25, 1969.
Secretary General's public papers U Thant, 1968-1971.
Secret meeting with General Gowon in Lagos, January 18, 1970.
Confidential letter: Secretary General- General Y. Gowon February 9, 1970.
R.J. Bunche notes, February 6 and April 25, 1969.
Notes on OPI Press Briefings, February 13 and July 11, 1969.
OPI Daily Press Briefing, February 14, 1969.
Secretary General statement on death of D. Eisenhower, March 28, 1969.
Secretary General to U.S. President re Apollo 11, July 24, 1969.
R.J. Bunche notes, August, September 9-10 and October-November 1969.
Notes on UNCA w/Rev. Paisley, September 9, 1969.
Keesing's October 18-25, 1969.
Note for Secretary General, September 19, 1969.
R.J. Bunche diary on visit to 19th Pugwash conference, October 22-25, 1969.
R.J. Bunche's medical summary.
Letter: R.J. Bunche-Nixon (). November 12 and 29, 1969
Transcript of ABC's Issues and Answers, December 28, 1969.
My Aunt Ethel by R.J. Bunche, April 26, 1970.
R.J. Bunche notes, October 1 and December 14, 1970.
Acceptance remarks by R.J. Bunche at Family of Man Awards dinner, October 26, 1970.
Letter: R.J. Bunche-A.C. Liveran (). June 23, 1971
UN conference news bulletin, October 1971.
Press briefing by UK delegation, October 1, 1971.
Provisional record of 2008th General Assembly meeting, December 9, 1971.
Pamphlet: R.J. Bunche-The Man & His Times , R.J. Bunche memorial, May 5-6, 1986 November 1980.
The Crisis: R.J. Bunche-Educator & Peacemaker, January 1972.
Letter: R.J. Bunche tribute from J. Robinson (). February 1, 1972
Unforgettable R.J. Bunche by L.B. Pearson.
UN note: R.J. Bunche's death anniversary, December 11, 1972.
Article: R.J. Bunche and Peace-keeping by B.E. Urquhart, 1973.
Pamphlets: Peace Form One (); R.J. Bunche stamp (). September 15, 1980 January 12, 1982
B.E. Urquhart & Ambassador Kirkpatrick re R.J. Bunche Stamp, January 12, 1982.
W.T. Mashler, August 7, 1984.
UN Review: Atomic Energy conference, September 1956.
R.J. Bunche diary re 19th Pugwash conference, October 22-25, 1969.
Confidential report: R.J. Bunche-Secretary General conversation, November 11, 1954.
First Committee report re peaceful atomic energy uses, November 26, 1954.
Secretary General statement presented by R.J. Bunche at conference of International Atomic Energy Agency (); R.J. Bunche's statement at 3rd session (). October 1, 1957 September 23, 1959
Letters and statements from 5th General conference, September 26, 1961.
R.J. Bunche's My Most Unforgettable Character.
Biographical notes on R.J. Bunche, Under-Secretary General, UN. New York, 1970.
IGS article R.J. Bunche & Howard School of Thought by C.P. Henry, May 1992.
Chronology, 1935-1941.
Letters: Jellife; H.J. Laski; A.W. Holcombe-R.J. Bunche; Coles-R.J. Bunche; R.J. Bunche-L. Hanke, 1941.
Memo: W.C. Haygood-E.R. Embree (). May 21, 1941
R.J. Bunche note, March 2, 1948.
Focus article: Truman & Desegregation of Military by E. Dorn, May 1948.
Letters: A. Ernst-R.J. Bunche (); Senator McGrath-G.G. Hudson; R.J. Bunche-J.E. Marsh; J.A. Price-R.J. Bunche; W. Winchell-R.J. Bunche, April 20, 1949 1949.
R.J. Bunche note, June 17, 1949.
R.J. Bunche's acceptance of 34th Spingarn Medal, July 17, 1949.
R.J. Bunche's Prejudice in World Prospective, May 24, 1954.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-L.F.Coles (); R.J. Bunche-M. Yergan (). March 18, 1941 December 13, 1938
Pamphlet: 2nd National Negro Congress, October 15-17, 1937.
FBI memo re Council of African Affairs, May 19, 1945.
Leaflet: The Commonwealth, March 12, 1945.
Letters: P. Robeson-L. Pasvolsky (); DuBois-R.J. Bunche (); Frazier-R.J. Bunche (); W.E.B. Dubois (). December 29, 1944 May 11, 1927, November 1935 January 29, 1951 February 27, 1957
Press release: McCarthy Committee, July 10, 1953.
R.J. Bunche notes: Paris trip, (); A & T Commencement (). March 19-April 2, 1950 May 28, 1951
Letter: R.J. Bunche-W.T. Thom (). January 6, 1952
Pamphlet: International significance of human relations by R.J. Bunche, February 12, 1951.
R.J. Bunche's Prejudice in World Perspective, April 24, 1954.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-J.T. Caldwell (); R.J. Bunche-J.W. McKenney (); R.J. Bunche-R.N. Lloyd (); R.J. Bunche-W.E. Johnson (). July 1954 May, June 1955 April 1955 November 1955
Keesing's February 2-9, 1957.
Questions & Answers: Jet Magazine, April 30, 1959.
R.J. Bunche press clippings, 1959.
The Term Negro by D. Livingfree.
R.J. Bunche talk at 53rd NAACP Convention, July 6, 1962.
American Baptist Convention 56th Meeting, May 18, 1963.
Meier-Broderick's Negro Protest Thought in 20th Century, June 16, 1964.
Race/Civil Rights listings, 1956-1968; & 1954-1959.
Speeches, 1954-1959.
R.J. Bunche's Prejudice in World Perspective, April 24, 1954.
Parade Magazine: Don't let them see you cry by A. Edwards, C.K. Polite, February 16, 1992.
New York Times: The Deep South, 30 Years Later by P. Delaney, February 23, 1992.
Race/Civil Rights chronology, 1960-61.
Common Sense: How Red is NAACP & Its Leaders? November 1, 1960.
Press clippings, 1960-61.
Speeches, 1960.
R. Wilkins statement on Lumumba murder of demonstration at UN, February 15, 1960 1961.
Keesing's June 24-July 1, 1961; June 3-10, 1961.
Letters: R.J. Bunche-J. Robinson (). November 1961
Race/Civil Rights, 1961-1964.
Intellectual Development & Diplomatic Career of R.J. Bunche by Souad Halila nee El Agrebi, May 1988.
Press clippings, 1961.
R.J. Bunche's talk 53rd NAACP Convention, July 6, 1962.
Malcolm X and Adam Powell by J.Robinson, November 16, 1963.
Letter: R.J. Bunche-A.L. Reed (). November 21, 1963
Race/civil rights listings, 1963.
Keesing's November 30-December 7, 1963.
New York Post, March 12, 1984.
Press clippings, 1963.
Virginia council on human Relations, February 23, 1963.
Long Island Press, June 9, 1963.
R.J. Bunche's remarks at 51st Anniversary of July 4th celebration, Rebild National Park, Denmark, July 4, 1963.
R.J. Bunche's UN Commencement Address, June 10, 1963.
The UN in 1963, October 23, 1963.
Race/civil rights listings, 1964.
Keesing's August 1-8, 1964.
About Men by N. Mills - New York Times Magazine, October 28, 1990.
R.J. Bunche speech Claremont Men's College, May 7, 1964.
R.J. Bunche's University Maine Commencement Address, June 5, 1964.
Chapter 4: Changing Times: The Watson Committee.
Press clippings folder, 1965.
Keesing's October 16-23, 1965.
R.J. Bunche notes, March 24 and June 1965.
Alabama Petitn/March on Montgomery program & R.J. Bunche speech, March 25, 1965.
World War II/Negroes, 1940.
Black leaders/organizations, 1939-1965.
One Man's Outlook Commencement Address Hampton Institute, May 31, 1969.
R.J. Bunche on the Rioting in Los Angeles, August 17, 1965.
Race/civil rights listings, 1966.
R.J. Bunche Commencement Address University Wisconsin, June 5, 1966.
Race Relations situation, 1967.
Letter: R.J. Bunche-Editor of New York Times, April 28, 1967.
Keesing's October 14-21 and January 28-February 4, 1967.
R.J. Bunche's statement Adam Clayton Powell, March 2, 1967.
Letter R.J. Bunche-T.H. McKee (). March 4, 1967
R.J. Bunche note on Powell, March 8, 1967.
Press clippings folders, 1968.
Keesing's April 20-27, 1968.
Press clippings, 1967-1968.
Letter: R.J. Bunche-B. Kruger (). March 14, 1967
R.J. Bunche note on representatives of Spring Mobilization, April 17, 1967.
R.J. Bunche notes & personal statement on MLK, April 1968.
Personal statement on the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1968
Keesing's May 11-18, 1968.
UCLA Noon Lecture Series Two Critical Dilemnas: Vietnam & the Ghetto, February 21, 1968.
The Black Revolution, August 20, 1968.
R.J. Bunche diary notes, 1965-1966.
Transcript P. Frederick's Today Show, February 20, 1969.
R.J. Bunche's remarks Bunche Hall Dedication, May 23, 1969.
R.J. Bunche talk Race & Alienation, July 10, 1969.
Official daily press briefing, July 11, 1969.
Press briefing, July 1, 1970.
R.J. Bunche: Seasons of Influence by J.D. Weaver.
Playboy interview: Andrew Young, 1969-1970.
R.J. Bunche's That Man May Dwell in Peace, 1926.
Pamphlet: R.J. Bunche's The Negro in Chicago Politics May 5, 1928.
R.J. Bunche's Light on the Dark Continent, 1927.
Random Impressions of an African Travelling, March 1938.
Modern Policies of Imperialistic Administration of Subject Peoples, April 5, 1935.
Galley: R.J. Bunche's A Critical Analysis of Tactics & Programs of Minority Groups, 1935.
R.J. Bunche's Education in Black & White, July 5, 1936.
R.J. Bunche's A World View of Race, 1936.
A Politico-Economic Analysis of Problems of Race in U.S., May 24, 1936.
R.J. Bunche's Triumph? Or Fiasco? 1936.
R.J. Bunche's Fascism and Minority Groups, July 2, 1936.
R.J. Bunche's Africa & Current World Conflict, 1940.
Notes 3rd National Negro Congress, April 26-28, 1940.
Memo: interview w/Mrs. FDR, May 15, 1940.
Excerpts from talk on position of Negro in Current International Crisis.
Memo: Negro Worker's struggle for economic justice, September 11, 1940.
Leaflet: Better Understanding Week, February 17-23, 1941.
The Dilemma of the Negro, February 20, 1941.
Anti-Semitism in Negro Press, December 11, 1941.
Article: The Negro in Political Life of the U.S. Journal of Negro Education, July 3, 1941.
Dependent Territories Round Tables at Hot Springs, February 3, 1945.
Department of State Bulletin w/R.J. Bunche's Trusteeship & Non-self governing territories in UN Charter, December 30, 1945.
Human Relations in Modern World, April 1945-May 1946.
Letter: R.J. Bunche-I. Stolper (). August 9, 1946
R.J. Bunche's International Trusteeship & Accountability: the Problem of Colonies.
R.J. Bunche's Trusteeship & Colonies in New Republic, October 28, 1946.
R.J. Bunche address The Horizon Widens, February 9, 1947.
R.J. Bunche's An International Bill of Rights.
CBS interview with R.J. Bunche Prospects for Peace in Palestine, December 27, 1948.
New York Times Palestine Solvent by S.P. Brewer.
Life Magazine U.S. Negro Makes Peace in Holy Land, March 14, 1949.
UN .. in Palestine, May 20, 1949.
National Conference Christians/Jews, June 9, 1949.
Index of race-related speeches, 1950-1959.
Schedule of press clipping, 1950-1959.
Some Reflections on Peace in Our Time, December 11, 1950.
UN in Action, May 8, 1950.
What America Means to Me, June 23, 1949.
American Red Cross address, June 28, 1950.
Virginia State University commencement address, May 29, 1950.
Human Relations & World Peace, June 4, 1950.
Education & Peace Effort, June 11, 1950.
UN Institute - New York University, 1950.
Great Powers & the Near East, August 7, 1950.
Silver Jubilee Convention address, September 10, 1950.
How UN Works for Peace, October 21, 1950.
I Foresee an Era of Peace R.J. Bunche as told to A. George, In UN World (original copy). November 1950.
Some Reflections on Peace in our Time - Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, December 11, 1950.
NAACP dinner, January 24, 1951.
Pamphlet: International significance of Human Relations, February 12, 1951.
Galley: Educating for International Peace & Understanding, April 12, 1951.
Prospects for Peace, April 2 and 8, 1951.
University Michigan Commencement Address, June 15, 1951.
R.J. Bunche's introduction to R.N. Frye, 1951.
Galley: American Democracy's Challenge, February 29, 1952.
Galley: R.J. Bunche message to Veterans Committee, June 7, 1952.
State Bar Association of Connecticut address, October 21, 1952.
Toward Peace & Freedom March 15, 1953.
Pakistan Horizon: UN & World Tensions, June 1953.
Galley: One, Free World Dinner, June 4, 1953.
Vassar College commencement address, June 8, 1953.
NAACP speech excerpts, March 10, 1954.
Road to Peace, June 30, 1954.
NAACP address () & LD & Education fund (). July 4, 1954 May 17, 1956
Johns Hopkins University Contemporary Africa, August 13, 1954.
Presidential address. American Political Science Association, September 9, 1954.
Galley: Sprngfield College, September 26, 1954.
15 Million Americans, October 1, 1954.
St. Francis Peace Award, December 28, 1954.
R.J. Bunche Statements, 1954, 1956.
Publications list, 1928-1944.
Excerpts from statements by R.J. Bunche, 1950-1958.
Atomic Peace - Horizon of Hope/UN Role, June 24, 1955.
Galleys: UN after its 1st decade (); Michigan Press Association banquet (); UN in its 2nd decade (). January 15, 1956 January 27, 1956 April 10 and May 10, 1956
Galley: UN in proper perspective, May 3, 1956.
2nd annual NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund on anniversary of Supreme Court's decision outlawing segregation in public schools, May 17, 1956.
Galleys: UN in Near E.: UN Emergency Force & Suez (); Foreign Policy from UN Perspective (); UN Emergency Force: from Talk to Operation, (). April 20, 1957 April 8, 1958 April 11, 1958
UN Peace Effort in Near East, December 1, 1957.
Race Relations - World-wide view, March 16, 1958.
Youth Wants to Know Assistant, 1958.
R.J. Bunche's introduction of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah at Harlem Citizens Committee of 100, July 27, 1958.
Periclean Club Annual Forum, February 13, 1959.
Periclean Club Annual Forum, February 13, 1959.
Galleys: Some Implications, National & International Problem Race Relations (); UN Association Vienna (); Greater Detroit Chapter (). February 23, 1959 September 29, 1959 October 18, 1959
Long Beach State College commencement address, June 12, 1959.
R.J. Bunche introduction of Honorable Nnamdi Azikiwe at NAACP, July 19, 1959.
R.J. Bunche remarks at Brown University convocation on Man in a Contracting World in an Expanding Universe, October 22, 1959.
Galley: Recent Middle East Developments Involving the UN, March 9, 1960.
Transcript: National Education TV Program no.6-- Africa: Revolution in Haste, March 14, 1960.
Wellesley College Symposium on Africa, March 16-17, 1960.
East-West Relations, 1960.
Galleys:The UN and the Middle East (); UN Grows Steadily Stronger (); Africa & UN (); UN Approach to Underdeveloped Areas (). March 26, 1960 March 21, 1960 April 18, 1960 April 1960
Emergence of American Negro, March 13, 1961.
Emerging Africa & UN, March 23, 1961.
Galley: Challenge of Modern Africa, April 17, 1961.
The Individual & the Quest for Peace, May 22, 1961.
Press clippings, June 1961.
International Cooperation in Search for Peace, July 25, 1961.
Galley: Tribute of Heinz Weischhoff, October 25, 1961.
Galleys: Prospects for Effective International Authority (); UN & Peace in Africa (); Education & Teachers (). February 13, 1962 April 10, 1962 May 4, 1962
UN & Congo (); University Glasgow Honorary Degree Ceremony (). April 3, 1962 June 20, 1962
R.J. Bunche speech to United Auto Workers 18th Constitutional Convention, May 7, 1962.
Galley: Youth Night at 53rd NAACP Convention re Negro's Struggle for Equality, July 6, 1962.
Galleys: UN in Congo: Fallacy & Truth (); Africa Tests the UN (); World Peace & Religion (). February 17, 1963 May 3, 1963 May 18, 1963
Speech to VA Council on Human Relations, (). February 23, 1963
Colgate University Commencement Address, June 10, 1963.
Letters/article re Chapman College Talk, April 1963.
Long Island Press interview transcript, June 9, 1963.
UN in 1963, October 23, 1963.
Speaking of Holiday, 1963, 1964[?].
Annual Printing Week dinner, January 16, 1964.
Letters/articles re civil rights includes letter to M.L. King, 1964.
NAACP World March Toward Human Rights, May 28, 1964.
Galley: Peacemaking & UN, May 8, 1964.
Galley: Visiting scholar lecture San Jose State, November 5, 1964.
UN operation in Congo, March 16, 1964.
Speech Claremont Men's College, May 7, 1964.
University Maine Commencement Address, June 5, 1964.
March on Montgomery from Selma, March 25, 1965.
"Speech, "March on Montgomery from Selma", 25 March 1965, Montogomery, Alabama" 25 March 1965
Some current dangers & hopes, April 21, 1965.
R.J. Bunche interview, April 13, 1966.
One Man's Outlook, May 31, 1965.
R.J. Bunche statement on rioting in Los Angeles, August 17, 1965.
Galley: City of Hope National Convention address, July 12, 1965.
Notes for R.J. Bunche's Manila speech, August 13, 1965.
R.J. Bunche statement at IAEA General conference, Vienna, September 21, 1966.
Paper: Reactions to racial disturbances in our cities, July 31, 1967.
Two Critical American Dilemmas: Vietnam & the Ghetto, February 21, 1968.
Paper: Black Revolution, August 20, 1968.
R.J. Bunche on Bunche Hall Dedication, May 23, 1969.
Transcripts: NBC's Today Show w/R.J. Bunche (); R.J. Bunche remarks at Press Briefing (). February 20, 1969 1970
R.J. Bunche interview w/ The Nigerian Journal, Winter 1969.
Psychology Today includes interview M.Harrington Hall-R.J. Bunche Psychology of Humanity, April 1969.
Race & Alienation, July 10, 1969.
Transcript: ABC's Issues & Answers, December 28, 1969.
Press briefing, July 1, 1970.
9th Editor's Roundtable hears UN & Peacekeeping, October 20, 1970.
J.D. Weaver's R.J. Bunche: Early Years & R.J. Bunche: Seasons of Influence, June 1975.
New Yorker Talk of the Town, January 1, 1972.
R.J. Bunche indexes re childhood, personal philosophy, Nobel prize, loyalty board hearings, UN, Middle East, Africa/colonialism/trusteeship, Congo, Korea, China, Vietnam, atomic energy, peace/war.
R.J. Bunche indexes re nationalism, East-West conflict, developing countries, human relations, morality, education, race, Black Revolution, democracy/democracy & race, youth, and UCLA papers.
Press clippings lists.
New York Times Indexes.
R.J. Bunche & atomic energy, International relations/missions, UN, Africa/decolonization, and general, 1949-1969.
Dr.Bunche Blames Our Schools for Our Prejudices, F.M. Hechinger.
Ralph Bunche - Statesman. The Reporter, December 6, 1949.
Ralph Bunche - American Peacemaker R.B. Gehman in Saturday Evening Post, June 11, 1949.
Bunche Vacations After 8 Years (original). Minneapolis Morning Tribune, July 4, 1949.
Dr. Bunche, Peacemaker, is Year's Father (original). Father's Day News, June 1-19, 1949.
Coveted Award Goes to Dr. Bunche (original). Washington Afro-American, September 26, 1950.
Ralph Bunche: Miracle Man (original). Our World, November 1951.
America's Most. Ebony, January 1950.
Dr. Ralph Bunche, Recipient of 1950 Nobel Peace Prize, Has Story that Out-Horatios Any Alger Tale Ever Written - An Orphan at 12 V. Irwin. St.Louis Post Dispatch, December 24, 1950.
5,000 see Ralph Bunche present BB Award to Mrs. FDR at Westchester UN Rally (original) National Jewish Monthly, December 1952.
Dr.Bunche for Top UN Post (original). Courier, 1952.
Presenting Annual Horatio Alger Awards Here (original). New York Times, April 23, 1952.
Fragment of (original) article: UN Day, 1952.
Fragment of (original) article in New York Herald, 1952.
Settlement of Kashmir Dispute - Bunche hopes for real progress (); Dr. Ralph Bunche works for world peace (); UN will persist in its efforts (); (original) Sind Observer, Karachi. February 3, 1953 February 3, 1953 February 4, 1953
Dr. Bunche works for world peace R. Chapman.
Bunche arrives in city (original) Civil & Milwaukee Gazette, February 3, 1953.
Bunche in city, pays tributes to Zafrullah (original). Dawn, February 3, 1953.
Post Stamp (original). UN Bulletin, February 1953.
Articles (original)
re R.J. Bunche in Auckland Star, June 23, 1954.
re R.J. Bunche & Einstein Medical School in Jewish Floridian, February 19, 1954.
re R.J. Bunche's UN appointment World Magazine, May 1954.
re R.J. Bunche y su raza in Hoy Mag (Spanish), June 5, 1954.
re loyalty hearings (), New York Herald. July 2, 1954
re discrimination in Worcester Telegram, July 8, 1954.
re lectures in Chautauquan Daily, August 14, 1954.
re UN appointment in Christian Science Monitor, August 19, 1954.
[Miscellaneous], 1954.
Various original newspaper clippings, 1955.
Photocopies of newspaper clippings, 1957.
Original newspaper clippings.
Original magazine articles.
Original newspaper clippings, 1959.
Photocopies of newspaper clippings, 1959.
Original newspaper clippings, 1960.
Original magazine articles, 1960.
Photocopies of newspaper clippings, 1960.
Mostly original newspaper clippings, 1961.
New York Times index, 1962.
New York Times index, 1963.
Original Pity This Country--Not the Negro Sepia Magazine July 1963.
Original newspaper clippings, 1963.
New York Times index, 1964.
Original article Uhuru comes to Kenya, March 1964.
New York Times Indexes, 1965-1968.
Original newspaper clippings.
New York Times Indexes, 1969.
New York Times Index, 1971.
Original newspaper and magazine clippings re R.J. Bunche's death, 1971.
Explosion in Palestine R.J. Bunche w/A. Herzog.
10 years of UN in Think magazine (original), October 1955.
R.J. Bunche-Statesman Reporter magazine (original), December 6, 1949.
Time (original) w/R.J. Bunche article, October 2, 1950.
New Yorker (original) R.J. Bunche in Talk of Town, January 1, 1972.
Ebony (original) R.J. Bunche: 1904-1971, February 1972.
Life (original) w/R.J. Bunche cover, August 18, 1958.
Notebook with the following headings: educational background, field research experience, professional employment, International conference, publications, honorary degrees, decorations, awards, schools, miscellaneous honors, 1920s-1970.
Listings of photographs from 1945-1971.
List of Bunche effects (), R.J. Bunche bust (), and framed photographs (some signed, others not). 1990 1958
Mostly copy prints of photographs.
Participants of a conference at Howard University 1932 April
Ralph J. Bunche at the First Session, General Assembly, United Nations, London 1946 January
Some photocopies of photographs.
List of photographs: 1945 (undated), October; 1946: February 21-March 13.
Copy prints of photographs.
Countess Estelle Bernadotte, Count Folke Bernadotte and Ralph J. Bunche at Parkway Village, New York 1948 August
Acting U.N. Mediator, Ralph J. Bunche, in Palestine 1948
List of photographs 1947: March 4, n.d., June 12, July 1, December 4; 1948: January 23-November, some undated.
Copy prints of photographs, 1949.
Copy prints of photographs.
Ralph J. Bunche with Henry Moon, Roy Wilkins, and Will Rogers, Jr. at the 1949 NAACP Convention in Los Angeles, Calif. 1949 July
List of photographs, January-December 1949.
Copy prints of photographs.
Gunnar Jahn, Chairman of the Nobel Committee, and Ralph J. Bunche at the 1950 Nobel Prize presentation ceremony 1950 December 10
List of photographs, May-December 1950.
Oversize photographs: R.J. Bunche in garden (); R.J. Bunche w/N.Krumak?; R.J. Bunche & Ruth with Josephine Baker, Walter White, & Poppy Cannon White; R.J. Bunche w/Dean Rusk; two of R.J. Bunche w/J.Baker; Harpo Marx (); R.J. Bunche w/Doreen Daughton, John Redmond, C. Stavropoulos; R.J. Bunche w/family. October 1959 January 1962
Oversize sketch of R.J. Bunche from Tenampa, Mexico, 1955.
Photocopy oversize photograph R.J. Bunche w/Nehru, Shaha, December 20, 1956.
List of photographs, March-October 29, 1951.
Copy prints of photographs, 1951.
List of photographs, February-December 1953.
Copy prints of photographs, 1953.
List of photographs, December 7, 1954.
Copy prints of photographs, 1954.
List of photographs, February 9-December 2, 1955.
Copy prints of photographs, 1955.
List of photographs, November 16, 1956.
Copy prints of photographs, 1956.
List of photographs, March 11 - September/October 1957.
Copy prints of photographs, 1957.
List of photographs, September 1-13, September, October 1958.
Copy prints of photographs, 1958.
List of photographs, April 23-December 11, 1959.
Copy prints of photographs, 1959.
List of photographs, February-September 2, 1960 (some undated).
Copy prints of photographs.
List of photographs, September 25-December 21, 1961 (some undated).
Copy prints of photographs, 1961.
List of photographs, February 7-October 22, 1962.
Copy prints of photographs, 1962.
List of photographs, January 9-December 17, 1963.
Copy prints of photographs, 1963.
List of photographs, January 11-December 17, 1964.
Copy prints of photographs, 1964.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King visit United Nations Headquarters 1964
Ralph J. Bunche visits Cyprus 1964 April 10
List of photographs, April 14-December, 1965.
Copy prints of photographs.
List of photographs, June 7-October 17, 1960.
Copy prints of photographs, 1966.
List of photographs, March 22-December 10, 1967.
Copy prints of photographs, 1967.
List of photographs, January 5-December 17, 1968.
Copy prints of photographs, 1968.
List of photographs, January 10-November 18, 1969.
Copy prints of photographs, 1969.
List of photographs, July 20-October 22, 1970.
Copy prints of photographs, 1970.
List of photographs, May 14-May 17, 1971.
Copy prints of photographs, 1971.
Mostly copy prints of photographs. Some photocopies of photographs, 1940s-1970, bulk.
Ralph J. Bunche with Eleanor Roosevelt at award dinner at the Waldorf Astoria 1949 May 9
Copy prints of photographs, including R.J. Bunche's UN office, 1950s-1970.
Information for photographs for B.E. Urquhart's book, 1875-1992.
Photocopies of photographs, 1875-1992, bulk.
Copy prints of photographs.
Ralph J. Bunche and family disembarking KLM flight 1963
Negative of family portrait.
Post card of family outing to London Zoo, 1937.
Color slides.
Newspaper clipping photo of Jane Bunche's wedding.
Original photographs of Jane and Joan as children, 1932-1971, bulk.
Copy prints of photographs, 1909-1969.
Ralph J. Bunche at the United Nations ca. 1960
Ralph J. Bunche with Bernie in St. Louis 1939 September
Ralph J. Bunche at Howard University commencement 1932 June 10
R.J. Bunche & family negatives made from prints.
Ralph J. Bunche, portrait at around age 6 ca. 1910
Photos of R.J. Bunche w/Grace, Charles, Alma Johnson, & Ethel Johnson & his mother.
Ralph J. Bunche and Grace Bunche on steps 1914 Spring
Ethel Johnson, Ralph J. Bunche, Alma Dreyfus Johnson, and Grace Bunche (seated) ca. 1920
Photo of Nana at age 50.
Handwritten notes about photos.
Copy prints and original prints of photographs, 1800s-1950s.
Various biographical accounts, early years
Biographical notes on R.J. Bunche.
Handwritten letter to R.J. Bunche from his aunt, June 26, 1955.
Handwritten letter to R.J. Bunche & Ruth from Nelle, January 4, 1968.
Letter: R.J. Bunche - Jane, August 11, 1969.
Ralph's questions about Nana.
Biographical articles on R.J. Bunche.
R.J. Bunche's Anecdotes, 1904-1971.
R.J.B. family background
Record of the Johnson family written in 1953.
Excerpts from letters/memoirs from R.J. Bunche's aunts.
R.J. Bunche's Notes on Family.
Letter: Bruner/Jane Taylor, October 20, 1973.
interview with J. Taylor, August 21, 1989.
Letters: Ruth-Jane (); Miss Mann-Jane (); Rev. A.W. Bunche-R.J. Bunche (). August 10, 1973 September 25, 1975 September 30, 1969
Newspaper clipping, September 18, 1949.
Original letters - Nelle Bunche.
R.J. Bunche's family genealogy, 1810-1964.
Family history
Bunche family history by Jane, 1830s-1890.
Letters: H. Walker-J. Taylor (); handwritten Jane-R.J. Bunche (). April 7, 1972 December 10, 1962
Requiem for Aunt Nelle J. Smith, July 6, 1975.
Tribute to Aunt Nelle.
Excerpts Nelle & Grace letters, 1939-1963.
Copy prints of photos of letters to T.L. Johnson April 28, 1921 & May 14, 1921.
Bunche; Ruth, Ralph Jr., Jane, & children
The Man Who Stops Fights H.E. & K. Pringle. Saturday Evening Post, August 13, 1949.
Pamphlet: service to celebrate life of Ruth H. Bunche, October 11, 1988.
Original press clipping re Karen B. Pierce's wedding New York Times (). September 23, 1956 September 19, 1989
Article re J. Pierce's spurning drugs. New York Times, January 31, 1989.
Biographical information
Unitar News (vol.5 no.1), 1973.
Biographical notes on R.J. Bunche, 1970.
Confidential notes on 14th Meeting of the Committee of Seven, May 7, 1968.
Pamphlet: Ralph Bunche 1904-1971 by B.E. Urquhart, January 1972.
The Crisis: R.J. Bunche: Odyssey of a statesman, January 1972.
Original New York Times article R.J. Bunche Recalled: The Laurels Wear Well, May 7, 1986.
Correspondence from Carter Goodrich to Frances Perkins regarding Bunche. 1944.
Biographical accounts
Chapter 1: R.J. Bunche: UN Peacekeeper by P. Mann, 1975.
Original reprint of R.J. Bunche's My Most Unforgettable Character, 1969.
R.J. Bunche: from Intellectual to Icon B. Keppel CAAS, 1992.
The Reporter: R.J. Bunche-Statesman, 1949.
Collier's: R.J. Bunche: American Peacemaker R.B. Gehman, June 11, 1949.
Letter: R.J. Bunche-Etta Gordon, January 19, 1935.
Original Reader's Digest Unforgettable R.J. Bunche by L.B. Pearson, March 1973.
B.E. Urquhart's tribute, and remembrances Los Angeles Times, May 15, 1975.
R.J. Bunche Personal Life
R.J. Bunche's anecdotes.
The Man Who Stops Fights by H.E. & K.Pringle. Saturday Evening Post, August 13, 1949.
Image-makers script for R.J. Bunche by W. Rydell.
R.J. Bunche's Champion of Colonial Peoples, 1953.
Family letters: Nelle, Ethel, Jane Taylor, etc.
Handwritten Letters: R.J. Bunche to: Ruth-Nelle (); R.J. Bunche-Ethel (); original R.J. Bunche-Joan (). December 28, 1931 September 28 March 24, 1957
Transcribed letters of Ethel & Nelle: June 14, 1949-September 3, 1974, August 2, 1935-March 4, 1949.
Letters - Johnson
Transcribed Johnson letters, June 14, 1949-September 3, 1974.
Nelle, Ethel, Jane
Transcripts of letters, December 3, 1928-September 3, 1974.
Interview with Jane Taylor, August 21, 1989.
R.J. Bunche - Joan correspondence
Handwritten letter to Joan from R.J. Bunche, January 31, 1952.
Bulk Ca. 1957-1967, 1988
Original letter: Ruth-G.L. Zeckendorf (); Christmas card from Countess Bernadotte (). January 29, 1988 late 1950s
Congressional Record, January 15, 1962.
Congressional Record, April 3, 24, 25-May 15, 1962.
re Bang-Jensen, 1966.
re anti-UN propaganda, 1967.
Secretary General statement, November 1, 1966.
Los Angeles Times: B.E. Urquhart's Remembrances of R.J. Bunche, May 15, 1975.
Ruth's will () Typescript (carbon); statement of Attending Physician (); Dividend Shares (); R.J. Bunche's assets (); life insurance (); investment program (). 1972 December 9, 1971 1973 March 20, 1972 1972 1972
Transcript of Tape 2, 1930-1947.
Transcript of Tape 3, 1932-1945.
Transcript of Tape 4, 1914-1971.
Transcript of Tape 5, 1914-1947.
Transcript of Tape 6, 1914-1947.
Transcript of Tape 7, 1948: January-June.
Transcript of Tape 8, 1948.
Transcript of Tape 10, 1948: January-June.
Transcript of Tape 9, 1948: January-June.
Transcript of Tape 11, 1947-1948.
Transcript of Tape 12, 1948: July-August.
Transcript of tape 14, 1948: September.
[R.J. Bunche's Impact on American Perception of Africa - Martin Kilson Panel 3], n.d.
[Comments on R.J. Bunche by interviewers], 1982, 1986, 1988, 1992
Original letter: B.E. Urquhart-T.M. Hesburgh, June 25, 1992.
Ralph Bunche Conference, May-June 1986.
Notes on Trusteeship Council, 1946-1950.
William Mashler interview, September 24, 1986, January 27, 1988, March 16, 1982.
Jane Taylor interview.
Questions for Reedman.
Interview, James Green, May and December 1982.
Memo B.E. Urquhart-B. Nelson, January 22, 1982.
Interview, Kenneth Dadzie, January 20, 1982.
[Interviews], 1981-1983, 1988-1989
Summary of main ideas of R.J. Bunche's dissertation.
Interviews: L. Flemming (); James Green (); Cleanthro de Paiva Leite (); J. Liu (); W. Mashler; J. Reedman (); I. Negorski. April 28, 1983 May and December 1982 September 20, 1989 December 15, 1981 June 20, 1988
Interviews: L. General Preuchand (); General Rikhye; Shivashinka (). August 19, 1982 March 12, 1982
Glenn Horowitz Bookseller appraisal of R.J. Bunche archive, July 18, 1991.
Papers re Schomburg receipt of R.J. Bunche collection 1991.
Letters from Harmer Johnson re Ruth Bunche Estate 1989.
First of two appraisals of Ralph Bunche Family Archives, June 25, 1990.
Letters, some originals, re UCLA as repository of R.J. Bunche papers (); declassifacation of restricted materials especially UN related (); B. Nelson's visit to UCLA (). 1973 1973-77, 1982 1982, 1985
Letters, some original, re B.E. Urquhart & classification of R.J. Bunche papers at UCLA (); Trachtenberg's observations of R.J. Bunche papers (). 1976 1978
UN staff regulation 1.5 re R.J. Bunche's UN files, January 26, 1971.
Letters, some original, re Joan on segregation; R.J. Bunche papers, memorabilia, & personal effects (); R.J. Bunche House as monument (). 1989 June 17, 1976
Detroit History Museum list.
Letters, some original, re publication of R.J. Bunche's S. Voting Behavior manuscript (); other institutions' offers to house R.J. Bunche papers (); Smithsonian Institution donations (); Negro History Association (). 1972 1972 1972 1967, 1972
Ford Foundation Transmittal and Receipt Forms from the International Affairs Program re Ralph Bunche papers, December 20, 1989.
Master Index I: Meetings w/Secretary General.
Master Index 2 - General documentation on: Near East, Vietnam, Congo, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Indo-Pakistan, Cambodia-Thailand.
Master Index 3: Miscellaneous categories/ General documentation.
Indices compiled by Joan Bunche & Susanna Spalding & given to UN archives.
[Boxes in Ford Foundation to be transferred to UN Archives]
Ford Foundation Transmittal and Receipt Forms, duplicate copies, December 20, 1989.
Description of Ralph Bunche papers by Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture at New York Public Library, 1991.
[Listing no.1]
[Listing no.2]
Listing of material belonging to R.J. Bunche which was housed in boxes in the UN archives. 1929-1971.
UN Archives Records Transmittal & Receipt forms, March 2, 1987.
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization Headquarters - Maps, 1967, 1971.
List: Middle East papers, 1967-68.
List: Secretary General papers, 1961-1971.
Archive lists for Secretary General and R.J. Bunche, 1947-1970.
UN memo () re descriptive inventory to U Thant's papers for Secretary General office, August 12, 1980 1961-1971.