Register to the United States. Subversive Activities Control Board records

Finding aid prepared by Dale Reed
Hoover Institution Library and Archives
© 2011
434 Galvez Mall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6003

Title: United States. Subversive Activities Control Board records
Date (inclusive): 1950-1973
Collection Number: 71009
Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives
Language of Material: English
Physical Description: 91 manuscript boxes (37.7 Linear Feet)
Abstract: Hearing transcripts, decisions, and reports, relating to determination of communist-action and communist-front organizations in the United States.
Creator: United States. Subversive Activities Control Board
Physical Location: Hoover Institution Library & Archives


The collection is open for research; materials must be requested in advance via our reservation system. If there are audiovisual or digital media material in the collection, they must be reformatted before providing access.


For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives.

Acquisition Information

Acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives in 1971.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], United States. Subversive Activities Control Board records, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives.

Location of Originals

Duplicate set of records in: National Archives and Records Administration.

Historical Note

The United States Subversive Activities Control Board was created in 1950 in conjunction with enactment of the Internal Security Act of 1950. This act, known as the McCarran Act after its author Senator Pat McCarran, did not outlaw the Communist Party but sought to secure its control through regulation (or perhaps more likely, its dissolution rather than submit to such control). It required registration with the United States government of domestic "communist-action organizations" (defined as organizations substantially under the control of "the world-wide communist movement") and of domestic "communist-front organizations" (defined as organizations substantially under the control of "communist-action organizations"). The Attorney General might petition the Subversive Activities Control Board to order the registration of specific organizations under one or the other of these rubrics. The Board, made up of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, was in turn empowered to hold hearings to determine whether these were indeed "communist-action" or "communist-front" organizations, and if so, to order them to register as such. Registration entailed annual provision of financial records and membership lists.
The Communist Control Act of 1954 added a third task for the Board: that of determining "communist-infiltrated" organizations, principally labor unions. "Communist-infiltrated" unions were not to be required to register, but were deprived of the collective bargaining rights guaranteed to other unions.
The Board opened hearings on the Communist Party, U.S.A., and, after hearing voluminous testimony, issued a report in 1953 ordering it to register as a "communist-action organization." The Communist Party appealed through the courts, challenging the constitutionality of the McCarran Act and alleging the Board's report to have been based in part on perjured testimony. When the case reached it in 1956, the Supreme Court found sufficient merit in the latter contention to remand the case to the Board for review. A modified Board report reaffirmed its earlier finding and again ordered the Communist Party to register. Another round of legal appeals ensued, with the Supreme Court upholding the Board ruling in a 5-4 decision in 1961. The Communist Party continued to refuse to register, however, maintaining that a party official certifying his party under the stigma of subversion would be placing himself in a position tantamount to self-incrimination.
The Board met this argument head on by invoking a hitherto-unused section of the McCarran Act providing for registration of individual members of "communist-action organizations." Beginning in 1962 it held hearings and issued orders to several individuals, mainly well-known Communist Party leaders, to register. Consequent appeals reached the Supreme Court in 1965, and the Court responded by striking down the individual registration portion of the McCarran Act as being in violation of the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination. Looking one chess move ahead, it was apparent to all that there could be no possibility of forcing any of its officers to register the Communist Party, or any other organization, as subversive.
The Board had meanwhile held hearings regarding, and issued registration orders to, a number of other organizations, all associated with the Communist Party, mainly in the "communist-front organizations" category. These had generated similar rounds of legal appeals. In the post-1965 period the Board initiated hearings on only two more organizations and a very few individuals. Its decisions in these cases stated Board findings of communist affiliation, but did not include any registration orders. Clearly the Board was unable to carry out the function originally envisaged for it. Moreover the national political climate had changed since 1950. President Richard M. Nixon issued an executive order abolishing the Board, and it wound up its affairs in 1973. During its 23 years of existence, it held extensive hearings, took voluminous testimony, and issued a number of decisions and orders, but did not succeed in securing the registration of any "communist-action", "communist-front" or "communist-infiltrated" organizations or of any individuals.

Scope and Content of Collection

The Subversive Activities Control Board records in the Hoover Institution Library & Archives are a substantially complete duplicate set of the Board's official records now in the National Archives and Records Administration. They were acquired from the Board in 1971, with subsequent increments during its winding-up phase.
The great bulk of the collection consists of mimeographed verbatim transcripts of hearing proceedings, most of which had been completed by the end of 1957. Both Department of Justice and organization or individual under investigation were represented by attorneys during hearings and had the right to call witnesses and to cross-examine opposing witnesses. The mass of testimony affords a wealth of information regarding the operations of the Communist Party and of associated organizations. Among the many witnesses appearing on one side or the other were Herbert Aptheker, Louis F. Budenz, Paul Crouch, W. E. B. DuBois, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, John Gates, Benjamin Gitlow, Joseph Zack Kornfeder, Harvey Matusow, Frank S. Meyer, Philip E. Mosely, William L. Patterson, Herbert A. Philbrick, Herbert Romerstein, Howard Selsam and Milton Wolff. The testimony and oral argument of counsel also document the intellectual and legal ground on which communist and subversion controversies were conducted.
Also included are the mimeographed decisions of the Board and a certain number of internal supporting documents used by the Board. The latter are mainly carbon copy typescripts.
Proceedings regarding organizations (by far the largest part of the records) are listed first, and proceedings regarding individuals afterwards. Within each of these two record groups, hearing transcripts appear first, followed by supporting documents and finally by Board decisions. Materials within each of these subdivisions are arranged by docket number, each docket number designating a separate case. Printed annual reports of the Board and bound compilations of its decisions appear last.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Communism -- United States
Subversive activities -- United States


Transcripts of Proceedings 1950-1972.

Scope and Contents note

Mimeographed transcripts of hearing testimony and oral argument of counsel, arranged by docket number

Docket 51-101: Communist Party of the United States of America

box 1

1950 December 14-1951 May 8

box 2

1951 May 9-June 6

box 3

1951 June 7-July 9

box 4

1951 July 10-26

box 5

1951 July 30-September 24

box 6

1951 September 25-October 31

box 7

1951 November 1-December 5

box 8

1951 December 6-1952 January 14

box 9

1952 January 15-February 13

box 10

1952 February 25-April 1

box 11

1952 April 2-June 9

box 12

1952 June 10-26

box 13

1952 June 27-1956 December 11

box 14

1958 May 14-1959 January 19


Docket 102-53: Labor Youth League

box 14

1953 May 14-December 9

box 15

1953 December 10-1954 January 26

box 16

1954 February 16-March 3

box 17

1954 March 4-April 5

box 18

1954 April 6-1962 March 1

box 19

Docket 103-53: International Workers Order 1953 June 25-1954 January 4


Docket 104-53: National Council of American-Soviet Friendship

box 19

1953 May 13-1954 May 17

box 20

1954 May 18-June 3

box 21

1954 June 4-July 9

box 22

1954 July 13-26

box 23

1954 July 27-1955 September 8

box 24

Docket 105-53: Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee 1953 May 13-1955 May 31


Docket 106-53: Civil Rights Congress

box 24

1954 November 15-December 7

box 25

1954 December 8-1955 January 3

box 26

1955 January 4-19

box 27

1955 February 8-17

box 28

1955 February 21-May 3

box 29

1955 May 9-23

box 30

1955 May 24-1962 February 14


Docket 107-53: Jefferson School of Social Science

box 30

1953 May 13-December 9

box 31

1953 December 10-1954 January 14

box 32

1954 January 15-May 14

box 33

1954 May 17-1962 May 11


Docket 108-53: Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade

box 34

1953 May 13-1954 May 18

box 35

1954 May 19-June 10

box 36

1954 June 15-September 13

box 37

1954 September 14-27

box 38

1954 September 30-1955 September 9


Docket 109-53: American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born

box 38

1953 May 14-1955 June 22

box 39

1955 June 23-July 7

box 40

1955 July 8-October 7

box 41

1955 October 11-November 29

box 42

1955 December 13-1956 January 11

box 43

1956 January 12-31

box 44

1956 February 1-1959 September 21

box 45

1959 November 12-1965 July 13

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Docket 110-53: Council of African Affairs 1953 May 14


Docket 111-53: United May Day Committee

box 45

1953 July 16-1955 July 21

box 46

1955 July 22-1956 April 20

box 46

Docket 112-53: American Slav Congress 1953 July 17-1955 January 13

box 46

Docket 113-53: Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy 1953 May 14-1955 February 24


Docket 114-55: Washington Pension Union

box 47

1955 March 30-October 11

box 48

1955 October 12-November 8

box 49

1955 November 9-1956 February 28

box 50

1956 February 29-May 21

box 51

1957 January 16-1962 March 12


Docket 115-55: California Labor School

box 51

1955 December 5-1956 January 17

box 52

1956 January 18-27

box 53

1956 January 30-1962 April 16


Docket 116-56 (subsequently reopened as Docket 125-62): International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers

box 53

1955 October 27-1957 February 27

box 54

1957 February 28-April 2

box 55

1957 April 3-May 1

box 56

1957 May 2-June 18

box 57

1957 June 25-1960 April 18

box 58

1960 April 19-October 5

box 59

1960 October 6-November 15


Docket 116-56 (subsequently reopened as Docket 125-62): International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers (contd.)

box 60

1960 November 16-December 6

box 61

1961 January 4-February 15

box 62

1961 February 16-1963 January 23

box 63

1963 January 24-February 15

box 64

1963 February 18-July 2


Docket 117-56: American Peace Crusade

box 64

1955 November 1-1956 April 5

box 65

1956 April 10-1962 January 25

box 65

Docket 118-56: National Negro Labor Council 1955 December 9


Docket 119-56: United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America

box 65

1956 March 28-1957 May 27

box 91, folder 1

1957 May 27

box 66

1957 May 28-September 9

box 66

Docket 120-57: Colorado Committee to Protect Civil Liberties 1957 July 16-1962 March 2

box 66

Docket 121-57: Connecticut Volunteers for Civil Rights 1957 June 18-19

box 67

Docket 123-57: California Emergency Defense Committee 1957 March 1-May 6


Docket 124-57: Committee to End Sedition Laws

box 67

1957 June 18-25

box 68

1957 June 26-July 2


Docket 126-63: Advance, an Organization of Progressive Youth

box 68

1963 September 30-October 7

box 69

1963 October 8-30

box 70

1963 October 31-1965 July 29

box 71

Docket 128-71: Center for Marxist Education 1970 November 17-18

box 71

Docket 129-71: Young Workers Liberation League 1970 December 17-1972 February 8


Supporting Documents 1954-1963.

Scope and Contents note

Typewritten indexes, lists, and summaries
box 71

Transcript transmission cover sheets

box 72

Indexes of witnesses


Docket 116-56: International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers

box 72

Lists of exhibits

box 72

Summaries of testimony

box 73

Summaries of testimony (contd.)

box 73

Analysis of Fred Gardner testimony


Findings 1952-1973.

Scope and Contents note

Mimeographed decisions of the Board, arranged by docket number
box 74

Docket 51-101: Communist Party of the United States of America. Recommended decision, 1952; report of the Board, 1953; memorandum opinion and order of the Board, 1956; modified report of the Board, 1956; recommended decision on second remand proceeding, 1958; modified report of the Board on second remand, 1959 1956; recommended decision on second remand proceeding, 1958; modified report of the Board on second remand, 1959

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Docket 102-53: Labor Youth League. Recommended decision, 1954; report of the Board, 1955; report of the Board on remand, 1962

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Docket 104-53: National Council of American-Soviet Friendship. Recommended decision, 1955; report and order of the Board, 1956

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Docket 106-53: Civil Rights Congress. Recommended decision, 1955; report and order of the Board, 1957; report of the Board on remand, 1962

box 75

Docket 107-53: Jefferson School of Social Science. Recommended decision, 1954; report and order of the Board, 1955; report of the Board on remand, 1962

box 75

Docket 108-53: Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Report and order of the Board, 1955

box 75

Docket 109-53: American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. Recommended decision, 1957; report and order of the Board, 1960; report of the Board on reconsideration, 1962

box 75

Docket 111-53: United May Day Committee. Recommended decision, 1956; report and order of the Board, 1956

box 75

Docket 112-53: American Slav Congress. Report and order of the Board, 1955

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Docket 113-53: Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy. Recommended decision, 1955; report and order of the Board, 1955

box 75

Docket 114-55: Washington Pension Union. Recommended decision, 1956; report and order of the Board, 1959; report of the Board on remand, 1962

box 75

Docket 115-55: California Labor School. Recommended decision, 1957; report and order of the Board, 1957; report of the Board on remand, 1962

box 75

Docket 116-56 (subsequently reopened as Docket 125-62): International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers. Memorandum ruling on questions certified to the Board by Board member-examiner, 1959; recommended decision, 1961; report and order of the Board, 1962; memorandum ruling and order on motions addressed to the petition, 1962; ruling on respondent's motion to strike testimony, 1963; report and order of the Board dismissing petition, 1963

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Docket 117-56: American Peace Crusade. Recommended decision, 1956; modified report of the Board on reconsideration, 1957; report of the Board on remand, 1962

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Docket 119-56: United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. Report of the Board and order dismissing petition, 1959

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Docket 120-57: Colorado Committee to Protect Civil Liberties. Recommended decision, 1957; report and order of the Board, 1959; report of the Board on remand, 1962

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Docket 121-57: Connecticut Volunteers for Civil Rights. Recommended decision, 1957; report and order of the Board, 1959

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Docket 123-57: California Emergency Defense Committee. Recommended decision, 1957; report and order of the Board, 1959

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Docket 126-63: Advance and Burning Issues Youth Organization, Formerly Known as Advance. Recommended decision, 1964; notice of supplemental findings of fact and conclusions of law, 1964; memorandum to accompany order placing case in indefinite abeyance, 1965

box 76

Docket 128-71: Center for Marxist Education. Report and order of the Board, 1973

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Docket 129-71: Young Workers Liberation League. Report and order of the Board, 1973


Transcripts of Defunct Organization Proceedings 1971-1972.

Scope and Contents note

Mimeographed transcripts of proceedings to verify defunct status of organizations.
box 76

Mimeographed transcripts of proceedings to verify defunct status of organizations. Dockets E72-001 through E72-201 and E73-202 through E73-233: 233 defunct organizations on Attorney General's subversive organizations list 1971 November 22-1972 September 29


Transcripts of Individual Case Proceedings 1962-1969.

Scope and Contents note

Mimeographed transcripts of hearing testimony and oral argument of counsel, arranged by docket number
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List of cases

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Docket I-1-62: William Albertson. 1962 July 2-September 24

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Docket I-2-62: Miriam Friedlander. 1962 July 2-October 4

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Docket I-3-62: Arnold Samuel Johnson. 1962 July 2-October 5

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Docket I-4-62: William L. Patterson. 1962 July 2-October 10

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Docket I-5-62: Betty Gannett Tormey. 1962 July 2-October 16

box 78

Docket I-6-62: Louis Weinstock. 1962 July 2-October 23

box 78

Docket I-7-62: Dorothy Healey. 1962 July 2-November 8

box 78

Docket I-8-62: Albert Jason Lima. 1962 July 2-November 19

box 78

Docket I-9-62: Burt Gale Nelson. 1962 July 2-November 26

box 78

Docket I-10-62: Roscoe Quincy Proctor. 1962 July 2-November 19

box 78

Docket I-11-63: Samuel Krass Davis. 1963 January 29

box 80

Docket I-12-63: Claude Mack Lightfoot. 1963 January 23-24

box 80

Dockets I-13-63 and I-14-63: Flora Hall and Samuel Kushner. 1963 February 18

box 80

Docket I-15-63: George Aloysius Meyers. 1963 July 1-August 7

box 80

Docket I-16-63: Thomas Nabried. 1963 June 17-August 7

box 80

Docket I-17-63: Mildred McAdory Edelman. 1963 June 3-July 3

box 80

Docket I-18-63: Irving Potash. 1963 June 4-July 3

box 81

Docket I-19-63: William Wolf Weinstone. 1963 June 5-July 3

box 81

Docket I-20-63: Mortimer Daniel Rubin. 1963 June 10-July 3

box 81

Docket I-21-63: John William Stanford, Jr. 1963 September 23-November 4

box 81

Docket I-22-63: Benjamin Dobbs. 1963 September 24-November 4

box 81

Docket I-23-63: William Cottle Taylor. 1963 September 25-November 4

box 81

Dockets I-24-63 and I-25-63: Frances Gabow and Aaron Libson. 1963 October 2-November 4

box 81

Docket I-26-63: Lionel Joseph Libson. 1963 December 18-1964 February 18

box 82

Docket I-27-63: James Joseph Tormey. 1963 December 18-1964 June 25

box 82

Docket I-28-64: Michael Saunders. 1964 July 27

box 82

Docket I-29-64: Daniel Lieber Queen. 1964 May 25-27

box 82

Dockets I-30-64 and I-31-64: Ralph William Taylor and Betty Mae Smith. 1964 March 17

box 82

Dockets I-32-64 and I-33-64: Marvin Joel Markman and Meyer Jacob Stein. 1964 March 24-April 10

box 83

Dockets I-34-64 and I-35-64: Norman Haaland and Benjamin Gerald Jacobson. 1964 April 7-10

box 83

Dockets I-36-64 and I-37-64: Milford Adolf Sutherland and Donald Andrew Hamerquist. 1964 April 14-18

box 83

Docket I-38-65: Hyman Lumer. 1964 December 14-21

box 83

Docket I-39-65: Elmer Charles Kistler. 1965 January 26-27

box 83

Docket I-40-65: Ralph Nelson. 1965 January 19-21

box 83

Dockets I-41-65, I-42-65, I-43-65 and I-44-65: Otis Archer Hood, Lewis Martin Johnson, Edward S. Teixeira and Anne Burlak Timpson. 1964 December 10-14

box 83

Dockets I-45-69 and I-46-69: Robert Archuleta and Wayne Dallas Holley. 1968 September 3-October 2

box 83

Dockets I-47-69, I-48-69 and I-49-69: Anna Pastor Laconich, Ruth Beer and Scarlett Ann Patrick. 1968 September 3-1969 March 18

box 85

Docket I-50-69: Simon Boorda. 1968 September 3-12

box 85

Docket I-51-69: Sargeant Caulfield. 1968 September 3

box 85

Dockets I-52-69 and I-53-69: Clifford Fried and David Utter Mares. 1969 June 17-18

box 85

Docket I-54-69: Kenneth William Applehans. 1969 July 1


Individual Case Supporting Documents 1962-1964.

Scope and Contents note

Indexes and certificates.
box 85

Supporting documents 1962-1964

box 86

Indexes of witnesses and certificates of transcript authenticity 1962-1964


Individual Case Findings 1962-1969.

Scope and Contents note

Mimeographed decisions of the Board, arranged by docket number.
box 86

Docket I-1-62: William Albertson. Report and order of the Board 1962

box 86

Docket I-2-62: Miriam Friedlander. Report and order of the Board 1962

box 86

Docket I-3-62: Arnold Samuel Johnson. Recommended decision, 1962; report and order of the Board 1962

box 86

Docket I-4-62: William L. Patterson. Recommended decision, 1962; report and order of the Board 1962

box 86

Docket I-5-62: Betty Gannett Tormey. Recommended decision, 1962; report and order of the Board 1962

box 86

Docket I-6-62: Louis Weinstock. Recommended decision, 1962; report and order of the Board 1963

box 86

Docket I-7-62: Dorothy Healey. Report and order of the Board 1962

box 86

Docket I-8-62: Albert Jason Lima. Recommended decision, 1962; report and order of the Board 1963

box 86

Docket I-9-62: Burt Gale Nelson. Recommended decision, 1962; report and order of the Board 1963

box 86

Docket I-10-62: Roscoe Quincy Proctor. Recommended decision, 1962; report and order of the Board 1963

box 86

Docket I-11-63: Samuel Krass Davis. Report and order of the Board 1963

box 86

Docket I-12-63: Claude Mack Lightfoot. Report and order of the Board 1963

box 86

Docket I-13-63: Flora Hall. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 86

Docket I-14-63: Samuel Kushner. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 86

Docket I-15-63: George Aloysius Meyers. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 86

Docket I-16-63: Thomas Nabried. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 87

Docket I-17-63: Mildred McAdory Edelman. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 87

Docket I-18-63: Irving Potash. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 87

Docket I-19-63: William Wolf Weinstone. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 87

Docket I-20-63: Mortimer Daniel Rubin. Report and order of the Board 1963

box 87

Docket I-21-63: John William Stanford, Jr. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 87

Docket I-22-63: Benjamin Dobbs. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 87

Docket I-23-63: William Cottle Taylor. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 87

Docket I-24-63: Frances Gabow. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 87

Docket I-25-63: Aaron Libson. Recommended decision, 1963; report and order of the Board 1963

box 87

Docket I-26-63: Lionel Joseph Libson. Recommended decision, 1964; report and order of the Board 1964

box 87

Docket I-27-63: James Joseph Tormey. Recommended decision, 1964; report and order of the Board 1964

box 87

Docket I-28-64: Michael Saunders. Recommended decision, 1964; report and order of the Board 1964

box 87

Docket I-29-64: Daniel Lieber Queen. Recommended decision, 1964; report and order of the Board 1964

box 87

Docket I-30-64: Ralph William Taylor. Report and order of the Board 1964

box 87

Docket I-31-64: Betty Mae Smith. Report and order of the Board 1964

box 88

Docket I-32-64: Marvin Joel Markman. Recommended decision, 1964; report and order of the Board 1965

box 88

Docket I-33-64: Meyer Jacob Stein. Recommended decision, 1964; report and order of the Board 1965

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Docket I-34-64: Norman Haaland. Report and order of the Board undated

box 88

Docket I-35-64: Benjamin Gerald Jacobson. Report and order of the Board 1964

box 88

Docket I-36-64: Milford Adolf Sutherland. Report and order of the Board 1964

box 88

Docket I-37-64: Donald Andrew Hamerquist. Report and order of the Board 1964

box 88

Docket I-38-65: Hyman Lumer. Recommended decision, 1965; report and order of the Board 1965

box 88

Docket I-39-65: Elmer Charles Kistler. Report and order of the Board 1965

box 88

Docket I-40-65: Ralph Nelson. Recommended decision, 1965; report and order of the Board 1965

box 88

Docket I-41-65: Otis Archer Hood. Recommended decision, 1965; report and order of the Board 1965

box 88

Docket I-42-65: Lewis Martin Johnson. Recommended decision, 1965; report and order of the Board 1965

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Docket I-43-65: Edward S. Teixeira. Recommended decision, 1965; report and order of the Board 1965

box 88

Docket I-44-65: Anne Burlak Timpson. Recommended decision, 1965; report and order of the Board 1965

box 88

Dockets I-45-69 and I-46-69: Robert Archuleta and Wayne Dallas Holley. Report and order 1968

box 88

Dockets I-47-69 and I-48-69: Anna Pastor Laconich and Ruth Beer. Report and order 1969

box 88

Docket I-49-69: Scarlett Ann Patrick. Report and order 1969

box 88

Docket I-50-69: Simon Boorda. Report and order 1968

box 88

Dockets I-52-69 and I-53-69: Clifford Fried and David Utter Mares. Report and order 1969

box 88

Docket I-54-69: Kenneth William Applehans. Report and order 1969


Reports 1951-1973.

Scope and Contents note

Printed annual reports and compiled case decisions of the Board.
box 89

Annual Reports of the Board, 1st through 22nd 1951-1973.

box 89

Bound volume of Annual Reports, 1st through 15th 1951-1965.

box 90

Reports of the Subversive Activities Control Board, Volumes I-IV and Index-Digest 1966

box 90

U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Internal Security. Hearings Regarding the Administration of the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 and the Federal Civilian Employee Loyalty-Security Program. Part I 1971

box 79

Materials not yet described

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Material not yet described