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Finding Aid to the Free Speech Movement records, 1936-1969
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Container Listing


Series 1: Correspondence, 1964-1965.

Physical Description: Boxes 1-2


Files of the organization are arranged hierarchally by committee, and then chronologically. Elsewhere, files are arranged alphabetically by the correspondent's last name, and then chronologically.


Divided into four sub-series: Outgoing, Incoming, To and From Individual Participants, and To and From Others. Incoming correspondence is further divided into two sub-subseries: Free Speech Movement, and Mario Savio. The first, Free Speech Movement, is further divided into General Correspondence, which contains letters addressed to the organization or to one of the committees and a chronological file of miscellaneous letters, and To and From Individuals and Organizations.
Contains primarily copies of correspondence, including letters, cards, memos, and telegrams. Also includes form letters and drafts of form letters sent by FSM.

Outgoing, 1964-1965

box 1, folder 1

FSM Executive Committee 1964

folder 2

FSM Steering Committee 1964 undated

folder 3

FSM Press Central 1964


Free Speech Movement

folder 4

Miscellaneous letters to editors 1964 undated

folder 5

Miscellaneous letters to supporters 1964-65 undated


Savio, Mario

folder 6

to Faculty Association for FSM 1964

folder 7

to Clark Kerr for FSM 1964

folder 8

to Charles Powell

folder 9

Slatkin, Samuel P. Nov. 23, 1964


to Dean Kidner for FSM

folder 10

Internal letters and memos undated

folder 11

Form letters 1964 undated

folder 12

Form letter drafts 1964 undated


Incoming Correspondence, 1964-1965


Free Speech Movement (FSM)


General Correspondence

box 1, folder 13

To Executive Committee Oct.-Dec. 1964

folder 14

To Steering Committee 1964 undated


To Free Speech Movement

folder 15

From Legislators 1964-65

folder 16

Miscellaneous Oct. 1964

folder 17

Miscellaneous Nov. 1964

folder 18-21

Miscellaneous Dec. 1964-1965 March, undated

folder 22-24

To Free Speech Defense Fund 1964-65 undated

folder 25

To Speaker's Bureau 1964 undated

folder 26

Telegrams 1964-65


To and from Individuals and Organizations

folder 27

American Association of University Professors 1964

folder 28

Baldwin, James, 1924- undated

folder 29

Committee on Academic Freedom 1964

folder 30

CORE 1964

folder 31

Neilands, J. B. 1964-65

folder 32

Regents 1965

folder 33

Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970 1964


Mario Savio Correspondence

box 1, folder 34

Anastasi, Ron undated

folder 35

Bantam Books, Inc. 1965

folder 36

Burr, Clarence 1964-65

folder 37

Christians, George W. undated

folder 38

Committee on Student Conduct 1964

folder 39

Goldberg, Arthur Lee 1964

folder 40

Heinrich, Louis Joseph 1964-65 undated

folder 41

Heyman, Ira Michael, 1930- 1964

folder 42

Lipset, Seymour Martin 1965

folder 43

Neilands, J. B. (to and from) 1964

folder 44

Orr, Hugh Robert 1964-65

folder 45

Strong, Edward W. (Edward William), 1901- 1964

folder 46

Towle, Katherine Amelia, 1898- 1964

folder 47

Wolfson, Robert J. (Robert Joseph), 1925- undated

folder 48

United States Colleges and Universities 1964-65

folder 49-51

Miscellaneous correspondence Nov. 1964-Jan. 1965

box 2, folder 1-3

Miscellaneous correspondence Feb.-March 1965, undated

folder 4-6

Anonymous 1964-65

folder 7

Telegrams 1964-65


To and From Individual Participants, 1964-1965

box 2, folder 8

Anastasi, Ron 1964


Artman, Charles (Brown)

Mandel, William

[Schmorleitz, Richard?]

folder 9

Artman, Charles (Brown) 1964

folder 10

Gardner, Elizabeth Cassell 1964

folder 11

Garson, Barbara to Rabbit 1964 undated

folder 12

Goines, David Lance 1964

folder 13

Goldberg, Arthur Lee (Art) 1964 undated

folder 14

Goldberg, Barbara 1964

folder 15

Goldberg, Jackie (Jacqueline) 1964-65

folder 16

Greenberg, Robert 1965

folder 17

Hatch, Donald Gerald 1964

folder 18

Heins, Sulamith Hannah 1964

folder 19

Iiyama, Patti (Patricia) 1964

folder 20

Kittredge, Gretchen 1964-65

folder 21

Levine, Eric 1964-65

folder 22

Miller, Dustin Mark (Dusty) undated

folder 23

Murra, Laura 1964

folder 24

Noble, Marilyn 1965

folder 25

Piper, David C. 1964-65 undated

folder 26

Richheimer, Robert H. 1964-65

folder 27

Roos, Philip David 1964

folder 28

Rossman, Michael 1964

folder 29

Schmorleitz, Richard 1964-65

folder 30

Schultz, Marston 1964-65

folder 31

Smith, Linda Frances 1964

folder 32

Stapleton, Sydney 1964

folder 33

Starobin, Robert 1964-65 undated

folder 34

Turner, Brian James 1964 undated

folder 35

Weinberg, Jack 1965 undated

folder 36

Weissman, Stephen (Steve) [1965]


To and From Others, 1964-1965.

box 2, folder 37

Brown, Edmund G.(Edmund Gerald), 1905- 1964-65 undated

folder 38

Carter, Edward William, 1911- 1964

folder 39

Christensen, Ronald A. 1964

folder 40

Crittenden, Rupert, Judge 1965

folder 41

Dempster, Everett Ross, 1903- 1965

folder 42-43

Free Student Union 1965

folder 44

Heyman, Ira Michael, 1930- 1964

folder 45

Hurley, Charles S. 1964


Kerr, Clark, 1911-

folder 46

Incoming 1964

folder 47

Outgoing 1964

folder 48

KPFA Radio Station, Berkeley, Calif. 1964

folder 49

Levy, Leonard 1965

folder 50

Sheinbaum, Stanley K. 1964

folder 51

Simon, Norton 1965

folder 52

Smith, Henry Nash 1964

folder 53-54

Strong, Edward W. (Edward William), 1901- 1964-65

folder 55

Towle, Katherine Amelia, 1898- 1964

folder 56

Williams, Robley Cook, 1908- 1964

folder 57

Zvegintzov, Nicholas 1964-65

folder 58

To the Regents 1964-65 undated

folder 59

From Legislators 1964-65

folder 60

Letters to the editor, miscellaneous 1964-65 undated

folder 61

Miscellaneous 1964


Series 2: United Front, September 14 - October 2, 1964.

Physical Description: Box 3, folders 1-3


Contains a small amount of material generated by the forerunner to the Free Speech Movement, including statements, leaflets, and a few documents related to the Pact of Friday, October 2nd, 1964.
box 3, folder 1

Statements Sept.-Oct. 1964

folder 2

Leaflets Sept.-Oct. 1964

folder 3

Pact of October 2nd 1964


Series 3: Free Speech Movement (FSM), October 2, 1964 - April 28, 1965.

Physical Description: Box 3, folders 4-45; Box 4; Carton 1; Carton 2, folders 1-26; Oversize box 1, folders 1-2; Oversize box 2, folder 1


Divided into four sub-series: Executive Committee, Steering Committee, Work Committees, and Participant Files. Work Committees is further divided into four sub-subseries: Public Relations and Press Committee, Free Speech Defense Fund, Free Speech Movement Publications, and Central Office.
Contains the FSM organization records, including meeting minutes, resolutions, platforms, statements, leaflets and flyers, newsletters, press releases, progress reports, logs, and petitions. Central Office files contain primarily petitions, logs, orders, and various lists. Participant Files may contain writings, logs, notes, and other material referring to or about participants.

Executive Committee, 1964

box 3, folder 4

Organization [1964] undated

folder 5

Partial meeting minutes Oct. 9, [1964]

folder 6

Meeting minutes Nov. 23, 1964

folder 7

Resolutions 1964 undated

folder 8

Proposal to FSM Executive Committee regarding an FSM National Defense Committee undated

folder 9

Secret Meetings with Kerr, by YPSL, YDs & YRs Nov. 1964

folder 10

Miscellaneous undated


Steering Committee, 1964-1965

box 3, folder 11

Organization 1964

folder 12

Meeting minutes March 9, 1965

folder 13

Platforms [Nov. 9-13 1964]

folder 14

"The Principles Behind the FSM Platform," Michael Rossman for the Steering Committee [Nov. 20 1964]

folder 15

Leaflets 1965 undated

folder 16

Notes undated


Work Committees, 1964-1965


Public Relations and Press Committee

box 3, folder 17

Organization 1964

folder 18

Press releases 1964-65

folder 19

Bulletins 1964 undated

folder 20

Progress reports and Position statements 1964-65



folder 21

October 1964

folder 22

November 1964

folder 23

December 1964

folder 24

January-March 1965

folder 25

Leaflet drafts 1964-65

folder 26

Flyers 1964

folder 27

Participant statements [1964]

folder 28

Leaflets of newspaper articles 1964 undated

folder 29

FSM, Free Speech Movement Newsletter (nos. [1]-V) 1964

folder 30

Newsletter orders 1964-65

folder 31

Is Freedom Academic, FSM/KPFA record Leaflets relating to and miscellaneous Jan. 1965

folder 32-33

Joy to U.C. -- Free Speech Carols


Record and cover Nov. 1964

folder 34

Songsheets [1964]

folder 35

Bumper sticker 1964

folder 36

Button designs 1964-65

folder 37

Christmas card design 1964

folder 38

Instruction sheets 1964

folder 39

Speaker's Bureau 1964

folder 40

Flyers for FSM speakers 1964-65

oversize-box 1, folder 1

Bill Epton Flyer; speaker Susanne Goldberg Jan. 1965

box 3, folder 41

First Anniversary Commemorative Event 1965

folder 42

Press Central log 1964

folder 43-45

Press notes and speeches -- Richard Schmorleitz 1964 undated

box 4, folder 1

Press release transportation lists 1964

folder 2

Press coverage charts 1964-65

folder 3

Press relations and news dissemination lists 1964

folder 4

Press notes -- [Richard Schmorleitz?] undated


Free Speech Defense Fund

box 4, folder 5

Instructions for defendants undated

folder 6

Press releases 1965

folder 7

Leaflets 1964-65

folder 8

Flyers 1965 undated

folder 9

Flyers for benefits [1964]-65

oversize-box 1, folder 2

Benefit posters 1964-65

box 4, folder 10

Free Speech Defense Fund Christmas card 1964

folder 11

The Defender, Free Speech Trial Newsletter April-May 1965

folder 12

Council of Twenty undated

folder 13

List of cited students undated

folder 14

Lists of arrested students undated

folder 15

Legal notes undated

folder 16

Miscellaneous 1964-65 undated


Free Speech Movement Publications

box 4, folder 17

Rossman, Michael, and Lynne Hollander, editors, Administrative Pressures and Student Political Activity at the University of California: A Preliminary Report" (a.k.a. Rossman Report) 1964


Rossman Report, unpublished material

folder 18

"Peter Franck interview" Oct. 17, 1964

folder 19

"Civil Rights Activity -- Campus and Bay Area, 1957-1964" 1964

folder 20

"DuBois Club" 1964

folder 21

"Farm Labor" by Henry Anderson 1964

folder 22

"FBI Access" 1964

folder 23

"Graduate Students and Free Speech Movement" by Robert Starobin 1964

folder 24

"Graduates Since Disfranchisement"

by Stephen H. Wangh and John Taylor

folder 25

"The Katz Case" 1964

folder 26

"Peace Movement Report"

by Stephen Soloff

folder 27

"The Press and the Free Speech Demonstrations"

by Lewis B. Andrews, Andrew B. Ross, and John S. Tenney

folder 28

"Questionnaire Report" 1964

folder 29

"Repression of Political Groups" 1964

folder 30

"SCAL (Student Committee on Agricultural Labor" 1964

folder 31

"FSM Report on SLATE, 1959-1961" 1964

folder 32

"Gene Savin Interview re ASUC and SLATE" Oct. 21, 1964

folder 33

"Interview with Ken Cloke re SLATE, 1959-1961" 1964

carton 1, folder 1

"SLATE 1961-1963" 1964

folder 2

"Stiles Hall" by Damon Tempey undated

folder 3

"Student Attempts to Gain Control of ASUC Funds" by Joe Hacker 1964

folder 4

"The University's Campus Radio Station Policies" 1964

folder 5

"Young Democrats and the University Regulations" 1964

folder 6

"Young Republicans" 1964

folder 7

"Yuba City Project" 1964

folder 8

"A Brief History of the Free Speech Controversy" 1965

folder 9

Garson, Marvin. The Regents, pamphlet 1965

folder 10-11

Drafts and research material 1965

folder 12

Songbook 1964

folder 13

Untitled draft ca. 1965


Central Office

carton 1, folder 14

Organization 1964

folder 15

Command Central 1964


Subject Files

folder 16

Ad Hoc Student Research Committee for Freedom of Speech 1964

folder 17

Byrne recommendations -- notes undated

folder 18

Faculty Information Committee undated

folder 19

National student support undated

folder 20

Questionnaires undated

folder 21

Regent's meeting notes Nov. 20, [1964]

folder 22

December Strike 1964-65

folder 23

Tables 1964

oversize-box 2, folder 1

Table sign undated

carton 1, folder 24

Miscellaneous undated



folder 25

Information cards -- participants undated

folder 26

Lists of participants undated



folder 27

Meeting Oct. 12, 1964

folder 28-29

Central 1964-65

folder 30

Command Central Dec. 1964

folder 31-33

Phone 1964-65 undated

folder 34

Visitors Jan. 1965



folder 35

Forms 1964 undated

folder 36-37

Manning tables Sept., Nov. 1964

folder 38-39

Free Speech Petition 1964

folder 40

Relating to Affirmation of violations Nov. 1964

folder 41

Relating to Academic Senate Dec. 1964

folder 42

Faculty Dec. 3-14, 1964

folder 43

Staff undated

folder 44

California colleges undated

folder 45

Out-of-state colleges undated

folder 46

Out-of-state SDS Chapters Oct.-Dec. 1964

folder 47

Non-student undated



folder 48

Buttons 1964-65

folder 49

Record 1964-65

folder 50

Songbook 1964-65

folder 51

Miscellaneous 1964-65

folder 52

Benefit guest book Aug. 6, 1965


Participant Files, 1964-1966

carton 2, folder 1

Anastasi, Ron 1964

folder 2

Aptheker, Bettina 1965 undated

folder 3

Artman, Charlie (Brown) 1964-65 undated

folder 4

Druding, Susan [1965]

folder 5

Felsenstein, Lee 1964-65

folder 6

Garson, Marvin undated

folder 7

Goines, David Lance Oct. 1964

folder 8

Goldberg, Barbara undated

folder 9

Goldberg, Suzanne undated

folder 10

Hutchin, Mona Danielle undated

folder 11

Levine, Eric 1964

folder 12

Noble, Marilyn 1965

folder 13

Pimsleur, Joel L. Dec. 7, 1964

folder 14-15

Richheimer, Robert H. (Skip) Jan. 1965, undated

folder 16

Rossman, Michael undated

folder 17

Roysher, Martin K. undated

folder 18

Sanderson, Ken 1964


Savio, Mario

folder 19

Miscellaneous 1964 undated

folder 20

Notebook 1964

folder 21


folder 22-23

Schultz, Marston 1965-66 undated


Turner, Brian James

folder 24

Notes Nov. 11-Dec., 1964

folder 25

Speech Oct. 26, [1964]

folder 26

Weissman, Stephen undated


Series 4: Free Student Union (FSU), 1965.

Physical Description: Carton 2, folders 27-44


Organization records, including agenda, meeting minutes, bulletins, leaflets, press releases, newsletters, logs, and subject files.
carton 2, folder 27

Organization 1965

folder 28

Meeting agenda May 10, 1965

folder 29

Assembly meeting minutes May 12, 1965

folder 30-31

Bulletins 1965

folder 32

Leaflets 1965 undated

folder 33

Press releases 1965

folder 34

The Trial, newsletter July 19, 1965

folder 35

Questionnaire for members of FSU undated

folder 36

Petitions undated

folder 37

Phone log May 1965

folder 38

Felsenstein, Lee, et al, "Some Ideas for Changes and for an Organizing Base for the Free University 1965

folder 39

Miscellaneous 1965

folder 40

Notes undated


Subject files

folder 41

Due Process March-May 1965

folder 42

Educational Reform 1965

folder 43

Meyer Report May 20, 1965

folder 44

Spider and Obscenity Issue 1965


Series 5: Graduate Coordinating Committee (GCC), 1964-1965.

Physical Description: Carton 2, folders 45-63


Organization records of the organization formed specifically to represent graduate students in the FSM. Contains meeting notes, constitutions, platforms, resolutions, leaflets, picket instructions, press releases, and statements.
carton 2, folder 45

Organization [1964-65]

folder 46

Meeting notes 1964 undated

folder 47

Constitutions and platforms 1965 undated

folder 48

Strike Committee of the GCC/FSM Dec. 1964

folder 49

University Reform Movement 1964-65

folder 50

ASUC elections 1964-64

folder 51

Resolutions 1964

folder 52

Proposals 1964-1965

folder 53

Press releases

folder 54-55

Leaflets and drafts 1964-65 undated

folder 56

Questionnaires for delegates 1964

folder 57

Miscellaneous 1964-65


Participating Graduate organizations

folder 58

English Graduate Association 1964

folder 59

Graduate History Club 1964-65

folder 60

Graduate Library Students 1964

folder 61

Graduate Association of Political Science 1964 undated

folder 62

Graduate Sociology Club 1964-65 undated

folder 63

Graduate students, miscellaneous departments 1964-65


Series 6: Student Organizations, 1963-1966.

Physical Description: Carton 2, folders 64-87; Carton 3, folders 1-46; Oversize box 1, folder 3


Divided into two sub-series: U.C. Berkeley, and Other Colleges and Universities.
Contains miscellaneous material regarding campus student organizations and may include rules and regulations, meeting minutes, leaflets, pamphlets, flyers, copies of correspondence, statements, newsletters, resolutions, petitions, and other material.

U.C. Berkeley, 1963-1966

carton 2, folder 64

Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination undated

folder 65

Associated Graduate Council undated

folder 66

Associated Students of Social Welfare 1964


Associated Students University of California (ASUC)

folder 67

Constitution 1963

folder 68

Rules and regulations 1964


Senate minutes 1964-65

folder 69

September-October 1964

folder 70

November-December 1964

folder 71-74

January-May 1965

folder 75

Senate Committee to Make Recommendations On Campus Political Activity 1964

folder 76

Student Conduct Committee 1964-65

folder 77

Student Judicial Committee 1965

folder 78

Miscellaneous correspondence (copies) 1964-65

folder 79-81

Powell, Charles R. 1964-65


Correspondence (copies) and statements

folder 82

Letters to the editor 1964

folder 83

Resolutions 1964

folder 84

Petitions for recall of Charles R. Powell 1964

folder 85

Annual report 1964

folder 86

Constitutional convention 1966

folder 87

Miscellaneous 1964-65

carton 3, folder 1

B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation 1964 undated

folder 2

Boalt Hall Student Association 1964 undated

folder 3

Campus CORE 1964-65 undated

folder 4

Catholic Students for Social Action (COSA) 1965 undated

folder 5

Conservatives 1964-65

folder 6

Graduate Student Association undated

folder 7

Independent Socialist Club [1964]-65 undated

folder 8

Independent Student Association undated

folder 9

Interfraternity Council 1964

folder 10

Particle-Berkeley 1964-65 undated

folder 11

Progressive Labor Club 1964-[65] undated



folder 12-13

Slate 1964-65 undated

folder 14

Slate Newsletter undated

folder 15

Slate Supplement 1964-65

folder 16

Nakamura flyers undated

oversize-box 1, folder 3

Election posters [1965]

carton 3, folder 17

Students for Cal undated

folder 18

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 1964-66 undated

folder 19

Students for a Sane University [1965]

folder 20

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) 1964 undated

folder 21

Student Undergraduate Association Dec. 1964, undated

folder 22

Union of Graduate Students (UGS) 1964 undated

folder 23

University Society of Individualists undated

folder 24

University Society of Libertarians undated

folder 25

University Students for Law and Order (USLO) 1964 undated

folder 26

University Young Democrats 1964-65

folder 27

University Young Men's Christian Association--Stiles Hall 1964-65

folder 28

W.E.B. DuBois Club 1965 undated

folder 29

Women for Peace 1964 undated

folder 30

Young People's Socialist League (YPSL) 1965 undated

folder 31

Miscellaneous 1964-65 undated


Other Colleges and Universities, 1964-1965

carton 3, folder 32

Stanford University 1964-65 undated

folder 33

UCLA Free Speech Movement 1964-65

folder 34

California colleges and universities 1964-65 undated

folder 35

Out of state colleges and universities 1964-65 undated

folder 36

Foreign colleges and universities 1964-65

folder 37

High school Free Speech Movement Dec. 1964

folder 38-46

United States National Students Association (USNSA) 1964-65 undated


Series 7: Faculty Involvement, 1964-1966.

Physical Description: Carton 3, folders 47-111


Divided into two sub-series: Academic Senate, and Individual Faculty and Departments.Individual Faculty and Departments is further divided into University of California, Berkeley, and Other Colleges, Universities, and National Organizations. Contains meeting minutes, motions and resolutions, press releases, memos, statements, and other material.

Academic Senate, 1964-1966


Berkeley Division

carton 3, folder 47

Notice of meeting Oct. 1964

folder 48

Meeting minutes (official printed) 1964-65

folder 49

Meeting minutes Dec. 8, 1964


Debate and related material

folder 50

Motions and resolutions 1965 undated

folder 51

Press releases 1964

folder 52

From the Chancellor 1964-65

folder 53

Memos to members of the Academic Senate Dec. 1964

folder 54

Statements by faculty 1964-65

folder 55

Miscellaneous 1964-66




Ad Hoc Committee on Student Conduct

folder 56

Questions and answers 1964

folder 57

Report (aka Heyman Report) Nov. 12, 1964

folder 58

Memos Oct. 12, 1964

folder 59

Miscellaneous 1964-1965


Committee on Academic Freedom

folder 60

Memos and motions 1964-1965 undated

folder 61

Report April 1965


Emergency Executive Committee

folder 62

Organization, statement, and report 1964

folder 63

"How are Things at Berkeley" 1965

folder 64-65

Miscellaneous 1965

folder 66

Committee on Committees 1964

folder 67

Committee on Elections 1964-65

folder 68

Committee on Senate Policy 1965

folder 69

Special Committee of Seven 1965

folder 70

Select Committee on Education May-June, 1965

folder 71

Santa Barbara Division 1964-65

folder 72

Riverside Division 1965


Individual Faculty and Departments, 1964-1966


University of California, Berkeley



carton 3, folder 73

Grendon, Alexander, 1899- 1965

folder 74

Levine, Lawrence W. 1964

folder 75

Malia, Martin E. (Martin Edward) March 1965

folder 76

May, Henry F. (Henry Farnham), 1915- 1964-65

folder 77

Muscatine, Charles 1964-65

folder 78

Searle, John R. 1965

folder 79

Selznick, Philip, 1919- 1964

folder 80

Stapp, Henry P. undated

folder 81

Letters to colleagues 1964-65

folder 82

Faculty statements 1964-65

folder 83

Lists of Berkeley faculty undated



folder 84

Anthropology 1964

folder 85

College of Letters and Science 1964-65

folder 86

Engineering 1964-66

folder 87

Environmental Design undated

folder 88

Geology and Geophysics Dec. 1964

folder 89

History 1964-65

folder 90

Political Science 1964

folder 91

Sociology Dec. 1964

folder 92

Zoology 1964



folder 93

Academic Publicity Fund 964 undated

folder 94

Council of Department Chairmen 1964

folder 95

Emergency Meeting of Faculty Members Dec. 3, 1964

folder 96

Faculty Committee on Student Political Activity March 1965

folder 97

Faculty Forum 1965

folder 98

Faculty Information Committee Dec. [1964]

folder 99

Faculty Peace Committee undated

folder 100

Independent Faculty-Student Legal Fund 1964-65 undated

folder 101

Report of Faculty Group Nov. 1964

folder 102

"Campus Autonomy and the Regents: A Reply to the Meyer Report" and "Critique Of the Meyer Committee Regulations" April 1965

folder 103

"A Message on the Proposed Solution to the Free Speech Controversy" [ca. 1965]

folder 104

Flyers 1964 undated


Other Colleges, Universities, and National Organizations

carton 3, folder 105

American Association of University Professors (AAUP) 1964

folder 106

American Federation of Teachers 1965 undated

folder 107

California Federation of Teachers Dec. 1964

folder 108

Stanford University 1964

folder 109

University Teachers' Union undated

folder 110-111

Miscellaneous faculty


California 1964


United States undated


Series 8: University of California Administration, 1936-1966.

Physical Description: Carton 4, folders 1-42


Divided into three sub-series: Board of Regents, Office of the President, and Berkeley Administration. Contains copies of policy statements, resolutions, surveys, press releases, and related material.

Board of Regents, 1963-1965

carton 4, folder 1

Board of Regents 1963-64

folder 2

Committee on Educational Policy 1965


Special Committee to Review University Policies (Meyer Report)

folder 3

Reports 1964-1965

folder 4

Miscellaneous 1964-1965

folder 5

Office of University Relations 1964-65


Press releases

folder 6

Carter, Edward William, 1911-, Chairman of the Board 1964-65

folder 7

Brown, Edmund G. (Edmund Gerald), 1905- 1964

folder 8

Unruh, Jesse Marvin, 1922- 1964-65

folder 9

Treasurer's annual report 1963-64


Office of the President, 1936-1965


Kerr, Clark, 1911-

carton 4, folder 10

Copies of correspondence 1964-65

folder 11

Memos to the Board of Regents 1964-65

folder 12-13

Statements and speeches 1964-65

folder 14

Press releases 1964-65

folder 15

Miscellaneous 1964

folder 16

Regulations on the use of facilities 1936-65

folder 17

University of California student opinion survey April 1965


Berkeley Administration, 1964-1966


Strong, Edward W.(Edward William), 1901-, Chancellor

carton 4, folder 18


folder 19

Speeches 1964



folder 20

To the Academic Senate 1964

folder 21

To the Campus 1964


Meyerson, Martin, Chancellor

folder 22

Statements 1965

folder 23

Press releases 1965

folder 24-26



To Clark Kerr 1965


To Faculty and Students 1965


To Academic Senate 1965

folder 27

Miscellaneous 1965

folder 28

Heyns, Roger W. (Roger William), 1918-, Chancellor 1965

folder 29

Cheit, Earl Frank, Executive Vice Chancellor 1966

folder 30

Smelser, Neil J., Special Assistant to the Chancellor On Political Activity 1965

folder 31

Office of the Dean of Students 1964


Towle, Katherine Amelia, 1898, Dean of Students

folder 32

Memos to Student Organizations 1964-65

folder 33

Statement Dec. 1964

folder 34

Williams, Arleigh Taber, 1912-, Dean of Men 1965

folder 35

Office of Public Information 1964-65


Press releases


Committee on Campus Political Activity (CCPA)


Robley Williams, Chairman

folder 36

Correspondence Oct./Nov. 1964


Meeting minutes

folder 37

October 1964

folder 38

November 1964

folder 39

Reports 1964

folder 40

Miscellaneous 1964

folder 41

Student Affairs Committee 1964-65

folder 42

Information for Student Organizations 1964-65


Series 9: Non-University Individuals and Organizations, 1964-1965.

Physical Description: Carton 4, folders 43-64


Contains miscellaneous material regarding involvement of outside organizations and individuals in the Free Speech Movement.
carton 4, folder 43-45

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 1964-65 undated

folder 46

Alameda County California 1965

folder 47-48

California Alumni Association 1964-65

folder 49

California Democratic Council 1965 undated

folder 50

Center for Higher Education, Berkeley, Calif. 1965

folder 51

City of Berkeley Dec. 1964

folder 52

Herbert, Walter -- Wesley Foundation, University of California, Berkeley 1964 undated

folder 53

Independent Socialist Press (The FSM Papers) undated

folder 54

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) undated

folder 55

Inter-Faith Council 1964

folder 56

League for Democracy in Education undated

folder 57

Mandel, William M. undated

folder 58

Parent's Defense Committee for Berkeley Students 1965 undated

folder 59

Peace Corps (U.S.) 1965

folder 60

Progressive Labor Movement 1964

folder 61

UC Library Employees Association Dec. 1964

folder 62

Business 1964-65

folder 63

Labor Organizations 1964-65

folder 64

Religious groups -- miscellaneous 1964-65


Series 10: Writings, Speeches, and Publications, 1939-1969.

Physical Description: Carton 4, folders 65-90; Carton 5; Oversize Box 1, folders 4-5; Oversize box 2, folders 2-3


Divided into six sub-series: Legal Documents, Radio and Television, Published Writing, Unpublished Writing, Miscellaneous Publications, and Clippings. Legal Documents were those generated in the defense of the 800 students arrested at the FSM sit-in in Sproul Hall, December 2-3, 1964. Published Writing is further divided into Pamphlets and Articles, and Unpublished Writing is further divided into Papers and Other. Contains copies of published materials as well as materials in typescript or draft form.

Legal Documents, 1965-1966


No. C-7468--C-7547

carton 4, folder 65

A Suggestion for Dismissal Jan. 1965

folder 66

Signatories to the Suggestion for Dismissal and miscellaneous related material Jan. 1965

folder 67

Three Documents: Demurrer, Motion for Pretrial Hearings..., Defendants proposed Agenda and Preliminary Statement... Jan. 1965

folder 68

Motion for Pretrial Hearings and for Consolidation for Purposes of Pretrial Hearings. Jan. 26, 1965

folder 69

Petition for Writ of Mandate [Sept?] 1965

folder 70

Criminal No. 235, Appellants' opening brief 1966


Radio and Television, 1964-1965

carton 4, folder 71

KFRC Oct. 16, 1964

folder 72

KPIX 1964

folder 73

Los Angeles radio and television 1964-65 undated

folder 74

National radio and television broadcast transcripts [1964]-65

folder 75

Media 1964-65


Published Writing, 1963-1969



carton 4, folder 76

Aptheker, Bettina


"Higher Education and the Student Rebellion in the United States 1960- 1969: A Bibliography," American Institute for Marxist Studies 1969

folder 77

Cleaveland, Bradford


Something Like This is Needed, Berkeley Free Press ca. 1963

folder 78

Draper, Hal


The Mind of Clark Kerr, Independent Socialist Club 1965

folder 79

Davidson, Carl


The Multiversity: Crucible of the New Working Class undated

folder 80

Herbert, Walter


O Freedom, Wesley Foundation March 1965

folder 81

Levine, Eric


The Berkeley Free Speech Controversy, Students for a Democratic Society [1965]

folder 82

Weissman, Steve


Freedom and the University, Students for a Democratic Society undated

folder 83

Weissman, Stephen (Steve), and Doug Tuthill April 1965


Freedom and the University, Students for a Democratic Society



carton 4, folder 84

Abrams, Richard M.


"The Student Rebellion at Berkeley -- An Introduction," The Massachusetts Review 1965

oversize-box 1, folder 4

"Behind the Campus Revolt," Look Feb. 23, 1965

carton 4, folder 85

Dickinson, William B., Jr.


"Campus Unrest," Editorial Research Reports May 19, 1965

folder 86

Feuer, Lewis S.


"Pornopolitics and the University," The New Leader April 12, 1965

folder 87

Greenberg, D.S.


"Berkeley: New Crisis Breaks Out on California Campus," Science Dec. 9, 1965

folder 88

Heisler, Dr. Friedy B.


"A Psychiatrist Looks Back at Berkeley," The Progressive May 1965

folder 89

Ingerman, Sidney


"Employed Graduate Students Organize at Berkeley," Industrial Relations Oct. 1965

folder 90

Weinberg, Jack


"The Wildcat Strike & the Knowledge Factory," reprint from Berkeley Campus CORE-lator by Student Union Jan. 1965


Unpublished Writing, 1964-1967



carton 5, folder 1

Beals, Carleton


"Students Aren't People" ca. 1965

folder 2

Blumenfeld, Neal, M.D.


"Human Dignity and the Multiversity" (draft) undated

folder 3

Bored, I.M. Mortal


"Clark's Courageous Caper, or Another Crisis Met and Mastered???" ca. 1964

folder 4-11

Heirich, Max


"Demonstrations at Berkeley"

pages 162-VII 21

folder 12

Huston, Tom Charles


"The First Amendment Rights of University Students" 1965

folder 13

Kirchner, Daniel


"Student Political History--U.C. 1957-1964" (draft) undated

folder 14

LeClercq, Frederic S., LL.B.


"University in Crisis: The Berkeley Case" undated

folder 15

Paulsen, James A.


"College Student Behavior: Enigma or Dilemma" [ca. 1965]

folder 16

Petersen, William


"Faculty Rebellion at Berkeley" undated

folder 17

Regelson, Leon


"Community of Hope" [ca. March 1965]

folder 18

[Richheimer, Robert H.]


"Education, Revolutions, and Citadels" [ca. 1965]

folder 19

Tarlton, Charles D.


"Politics in a Community of Scholars: Scholars: Berkeley, 1964-65" Oct. 8, 1965



carton 5, folder 20

"The Berkeley Free Speech Controversy," A fact-finding committee of graduate political scientists, report Dec. 13, 1964

folder 21

Braiman, Alex, M.D.


"Riotous Behavior in the College: A Psychological View," speech 1965

folder 22

Cain, Leonard D., Jr.


Speeches and papers 1962-65

folder 23

Jones, Marshall B.


"The Role of the Teacher in Social Change," speechvvvMay 6, 1965

folder 24

Poland, Jefferson


"Alienated War Baby Readings," reading list Nov. 1967


Miscellaneous Publications, 1964-1969

carton 5, folder 25

The Academic Intelligencer

(Reprint of v. I, nos. 2 and 3, Feb.-March 1949)
March 1964

folder 26

Aspects: the Poor Man's Periodical May 1964

folder 27

Barrington Bull undated

oversize-box 2, folder 2-3

Berkeley Daily Gazette Dec. 4, 1964


Berkeley Daily Gazette, Friday, December 4, 1964 1964


Berkeley Daily Gazette, Saturday, December 5, 1964 1964


"State Probe of UC Sit-In Demanded." [Front Page] Berkeley Daily Gazette, Saturday, December 5, 1964 1964


"Legislators ask full Probe of UC Demonstrations" [Inside Page]. 1964


Berkeley Daily Gazetter, Tuesday, December 8, 1964 1964


"2nd EXTRA! Gov. Calls for 'Evolution' and not 'Revolution' at UC." [Front Page]. Berkeley Daily Gazette, Tuesday, December 8, 1964 1964


"Comments on Campus Crisis." [Inside Page].


Berkeley Daily Gazette, Wednesday, December 9, 1964 1964


"UC Rides out Strike." [Front Page]. San Francisco Chronicle, Saturday, December 5, 1964. 1964


"Critical Day at UC." [Front Page]. San Francisco Chronicle, Tuesday, December 8, 1964 1964

carton 5, folder 28

Bulletin of International Socialism Jan. 11, 1965

folder 29

The California Pelican Dec. 1964

folder 30

Christian Century Feb. 3, 1965

folder 31

The Citizen (pre-publication newsletter) 1965

folder 32

Despite Everything (special letter) Jan. 1965

oversize-box 1, folder 5

Free Student, nos. 1, 3 1965

carton 5, folder 33

Freedom Forum March 22, 1965

folder 34

Frontier 1965

folder 35

The Berkeley Gate, Vol. 2, nos. 9-12, 14 Nov./Dec. 1964

folder 36

Graduate Student Journal Spring 1965

folder 37

Humanist March-April 1965

folder 38

Humanity: An Arena of Critique and Commitment 1965

folder 39

I.F. Stone's Weekly Dec. 14, 1964

folder 40

Isis Jan. 23, 1965

folder 41

issue: those who make the waves Spring 1965

folder 42

The Liberal Democrat 1964-65

folder 43

The Marxist-Humanist ca. 1964

folder 44

The Nation Dec. 21, 1964

folder 45

The New Leader Jan. 4, 1965

folder 46

The New Republic 1964-65

folder 47

The New York Review of Books April 8, 1965

folder 48

The New York Times Magazine Feb. 14, 1965

folder 49

Newsletters -- miscellaneous [1964]-65

folder 50

Pax Vobiscum March-May 1969

folder 51

Peace News Jan. 15, 1965

folder 52

The Powelton Village People Jan.-Feb. 1965

folder 53

Ramparts 1965

folder 54

The Realist April 1965

folder 55

The Reporter Jan. 28, 1965

folder 56

The San Diego State Free Press Dec. 15, 1964

folder 57

San Francisco Magazine May-June 1965

folder 58

Students in Revolt, the Battle of Berkeley Campus [ca. 1965]

folder 59

Tocsin 1964-65

folder 60

University Bulletin Jan. 4, 1965

folder 61

Washington Report Dec. 21, 1964


Clippings, 1939-1968

carton 5, folder 62

Daily Californian 1965 undated

folder 63

Daily News Dec. 1964

folder 64-66

Los Angeles Times 1964-65

folder 67

Life 1965 undated

folder 68

Manchester Guardian 1964

folder 69

Miami News 1965

folder 70

The Minority of One Jan. 1965

folder 71

The New York Post 1964-65

folder 72

The New York Times 1964-65 undated

folder 73

The New York Times Magazine 1965

folder 74

The New York Times Review of Books Feb./March 1965

folder 75

Progress-Bulletin (Pomona, Calif.) 1965

folder 76

San Francisco Examiner 1964-65

folder 77

The Wall Street Journal 1964

folder 78

Washington Post 1965

folder 79

Sacramento papers Oct. 28, [1964]

folder 80

Relating to college campuses 1965

folder 81

Relating to college students 1965 undated

folder 82

Relating to University of California 1964-65

folder 83

Miscellaneous clippings 1964-65 undated

folder 84

Press releases -- miscellaneous 1964-65

folder 85

Miscellaneous 1939-68 undated