The collection consists primarily of diaries, and letters between the members of Gustavus Pearson's immediate family -- his
wife Hattie and three children, John A., Francis, and Norman. Included in the correspondence are also a few letters from Gustavus
and his brother George T., to their father, Judge John Pearson; a series of letters from Gustavus's daughter, Frances, written
to her husband, James A. Meeks, while on a trip to Europe with her father in 1900; and miscellaneous letters to and from other
family members. The diaries provide a more or less daily account (with a number of gaps) of the life of Gustavus Pearson from
1845 to 1905. Also included are a diary by Mrs. A.C. Brown, Frances Pearson's travel diary, and a small book of notes by Judge
John Pearson.
Gustavus C. Pearson was born at Ravenna, Ohio on July 17, 1827. He and his father, Judge John Pearson, came separately to
California from Illinois in 1849 for the Gold Rush. Gustavus travelled overland through Salt Lake City, and, on Brigham Young's
recommendation, created with his companions the first wagon road from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles via San Bernadino. After
his involvement in the Gold Rush, Gustavus returned to Chicago, where he remained until 1867. On his return to California,
Gustavus located at Vallejo and entered into partnership with A.D. Starr, to operate a milling and grain-shipping business
under the name of Pearson & Starr. The Starr Mills, which they built in Vallejo, was one of the largest mills of its day.
Gustavus eventually returned East, settling in Danville, Illinois in 1879.
Number of containers: 1 carton (also containing 2 shoe boxes)
Linear feet: 1.25
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also be obtained by the reader.
Collection is open for research.