Collection comprises original and photocopied letters and records related to the
French art dealer Ambroise Vollard and the artists he represented.
Ambroise Vollard, the pioneer French art dealer, patron and publisher, can be said to be the first of the 'modern' art dealers.
Malcolm Gee calls
Vollard the "most notable contemporary art dealer of his generation in France." Born 1867 in Réunion, he moved to Paris to
study law in 1890 and soon
began buying and selling prints and drawings. After working at L'Union Artistique for Alphonse Dumas, Vollard set up his own
business and in 1894 opened
a gallery near the Opéra on the Rue Laffitte, then the center of the Paris art business.
6 Linear Feet
(11 boxes)
Contact Library Reproductions and
Open for use by qualified researchers with the following exceptions. The Jaz drive in Box 11 containing Gerrard White's inventory
and transcriptions is
sealed. However, a paper hard copy of the documents is available for read-only access in Box 12 and Box 13; it may not be
photocopied or digitally
copied in whole or in part.