Papers, 2005-008 Accession ARCH-2005-008
Published manuscript files
From Electron Transfer Reactions to the Effects of Backbonding, Taube
Properties of Ion Clusters: Interactions of [Ru(Nh3)5…with Vassiliki. G. Poulopoulou
Kinetic Effects in Outer Sphere: V. Poulopoulou and H. Taube
Osmium Complexes of 1,4,7-triaza-cyclononane (tcn)… Ware, Taube, Olmstead
Speciation of V(II) Salts in Pyridine and Acetonitrile as Solvents. Ghosh, Taube, Hasegawa, Kuroda
Speciation of V(II) Salts – References, Ghosh
Anomalies in the Kinetics of Substitution… Poulopoulou, Takahashi, Hasegawa
Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structure of Hydroxyruthenocene. Kirchner, Kwan, and Taube
Comparisons of the Rates of Substitution in… V. Poulopolou, Z.-W.Li, H. Taube
Determination of the Structure of…. Hasegawa, Li, Parkin, Hope, McMullan, Koetzle, and Taube
[Os(NH3)4n2,n1-(CH2=CH-CO2H)2]2+-Preparation, Characterization, Nunes, Taube
Synthesis, Characterization and Electro-chemistry of New Tetra and… Nunes and Taube
Dihydrogen as a Co-ligand in Substitution and Cis/trans-isomerization Reactions, Li and Taube
Reactions of the Ion Pair [Os(NH3)6]3+… Poulopoulou and Henry Taube
Extension of the Preparation of New Osmium Species to the cis-Tetraamine Moiety. Li, Harman, Lay, and Taube
Dihydrogen Complexes of Tetraamineosmium(II) with Carbene as Co-Ligand… Li and Taube
Monodydrido Complexes of Os(IV) Amines of Coordination Number Seven. COMM. Li, Yeh, and Taube.
Equilibrium and Kinetic Behavior…. Andrade, Dec. 1965
Oxidation of Water Coordinated to Cobalt III. Thusius, Dec 1965
Tracer Experiments of Oxidation… Ox. Acid by Ce(IV) Andrade, Nov. 65
Problems of Reactivity in Classical Chemical Systems. March 1979
Reactivity, Inc
Properties of (4-aminopyridine) pentaamminerruthenium(II) and (III). Jim Sutton
How Redox Reactions Take Place. H. Taube for CHEMISTRY (ACS Applied Publications.0
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Conf. on: "Bridging Groups in Electron Transfer. Reactions." U. of Kansas, 6/64++
S to O and O to S Linkage Isomerization in Sulfoxide complexes of Pentaamine Ruthenium. A. Yeh, N. Scott, H. Taube
Andrade, Carlos
New Coordination Chemistry of Saturated Ligands. H. Taube
The Electron Transfer Reactions of Some Derivatives of Pentaammine-pyridine Ruthenium(II) and Ruthenium(II)
Pentaammine Complexes of Osmium with pi Acceptor ligands – Judy Sen
Experimental Approaches to Electronic Coupling in Metal Ion Redox Systems. H. Taube—Tunneling Conference in Philadelphia. Nov. 1977
Intramolecular Electron Transfer (II): bis(4-pyridyl)methane as Bridging Group. Konrad Rieder, Henry Taube
Andrade, et al. Exchange of Oxygen…
Binuclear Ion………Harrison, Weissberger, Taube. 1967
Appelman, E.H.
(Ru(NH3)5N22+ in AQUEOUS SOLTN. Harrison, Taube 1967
Isotope Effects on Aquation
Kinetic and Tracer Studies w/Jordan May 1966
Oxygen Tracer Studies on…Cobalt (III) Carbamate Complexes. With A.M. Sargeson. January, 1966
Meyer Paper 2-68
Ozone ms. Foschermer
Murmann (1954)
Posey (1953)
Wilson – Ga+++, Cr+++ (1952)
ROSEO Exchange (1952)
Hunt and Taube (Peroxide, etc.) (1952)
Chem. Rev., 1952
A Determination of the Solvation Number of the Magnesium Ion…(With J. H. Swinehart) 1962
Relative Acidity Study
Oxygen Isotopic Effects on Rectn. Of Aquo-Diebler, Dodel May 1966
Isotopic Fractionation…..Green, Shug March 1965
Acid Hydrolysis of Ethyl Glycinate Complex of Pentaammineruthenium(III) A. Yeh
Electron Transfer Catalysis of Substitution. Dan Geselowitz
On the Reactivity of Imidazoliumrutheniumammine Complexes: Nitrogen to C-Bound, etc… Michael Tweedle
Manifestation of Sulfur to Sulfur Through-Bond Interactions in Complex Ion Spectra
Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry
Monodentate Form of Malonatochromium(III) Hutchital June 1965
Schweier, et al
Product Competition Ratios in June Substitution Reactions Dolbear 1966
Electron Transfer Reactions – Aug. Chelating Bridging Broups – Butler '65
Preparation and Properties..Pent. Cobalt(III) Jorden-Sargeson Nov. 65
Some Photochemical Reactions of O3 in the Gas Phase (With D. Katakis) 1961
Malonate as a Bridging Group for Electron Transfer (With G Svatos) 1961
Activation Effects and Rates of Electron Transfer (With RTM Fraser) 1960
Remote Attack and Ester Hydrolisis on Electron Transfer (With RTM Fraser)
Reaction of Glyoxyl…..Cobalt III Price Aug. 1966
Esperman (?)
Hunt, JB
Arius, et all – Luikage (?)
Olson, et al. Hydration….
Andrade, Jordan. Exchg. Of O…
Tracer Studies on the Oxidation of Pb(II) by H2O2. (With U. Agarwala & M. Anbar) 1962
Some Observations of Electron Transfer in Solution (Presented at Brookhaven Nat. Lab., June 1962)
Redox Reactions of Complex Ammines of Ru(II)-Ru(III). With John F Endicott. Submitted: November 1962
Oxygen-17 NMR Shifts Caused by Cr++ in Aqueous Solutions (With Jackson and Lemons). 1962
The Reaction s of Iodopentamminecobalt(III) with Various One-Electron Redox Reagents (With Haim) 1962
The Exchange of Methanol between Solvated Cations and Solvent. I. (With T Rogers and J Swinehart 1962)
Kinetics of the Reduction of Halopentaaminecobalt(III) Complexes…H. Diebler and H. Taube. Dec 1964
Studies on Phosphato and Methylphosphato Complexes…Willfred Schmidt and Henry Taube. December 1963
Hydrogen Tracer Studies on the Reactions of Uranium Hydride…John B. Hunt & Henry Taube. December 1962
Breck-WP. UV.
Arieeor – Bimolecular
Sulfone & Ester Ligands……Hurst and Taube 1967
The Reaction of O(1D) with CO2 at Low Temperatures. 1967 Weissberger, Breckenridge, Taube
Maspero et al, Aquarhodium(II) Ion
Scheidegger, et al
Andrade & Taube C2O42-
Olson, Kanazawa, Taube
Stritar-Electron Transfer Reactions Ru(III)
Electron Transfer WWF Frenor 1969
Catalysis in Substitution on Ru(II) by Iodide – David Richardson
Crystal Structures of cis-Tetraaminebis(isonicotinamide)ruthenium(II) and (III) Perchlorate. David Richardson, Darrel Walker, James Sutton, K. Hodgson
On the Observation of Bands in the Near Infrared by CR Wilson and H Taube
Jones – Matrix Isolation
Disulfur Binuclear Rutheniumammines by Christa Brulet, Stephen Isied, and H Taube
Rates of Intramolecular Electron Transfer by Stephan S Isied and Henry Taube
Carbon-Bound Imidazolium Ylides as Ligands in Ru(II) and Ru(III) Complexes by RJ Sundberg, RE Shepherd, and H Taube
Studies on Substitution Reaction of Aquopentaamineruthenium(II) Rex E Shepherd and H Taube
Oxidation of Coordinated Ammonia to Coordinated Dinitrogen. John Buhr
Dinitrogen Complexes of Osmium(III) Haloammines. John Buhr, 2nd Paper
Holwerda, Deutsch, Taube, Kinetic Study
Evidences for a Biner clear Nitrous Oxide
Mixed Oxidation States in Osmium Ammine Dinitrogen Complexes, Roy H Magnuson and Henry Taube
Creutz – M Nitrogens
Reduction of Oxygen by Hexaammineruthenium(II) and by Tris-Ethylenediamineruthenium (II), JR Pladziewicz, JA Broomhead, and H Taube
Reduction of p-Formyl and m-formyl-benzoatopentaamminecobalt(III) by Metal Cations
Binuclear Complexes of Ruthenium Ammines – Carol Creutz and Henry Taube
Raichart – RU(II)
Characterization and Reactions of Osmium (IV) Ammines, John Buhr and Jay Winkler – First paper
Stereoselectivty in Electron Transfer Reactions – Daniel Geselowitz
The Reduction of Oxygen by Ruthenium(II) Ammines, David Stanbury, Otto Haas
Manifestations of Sulfur to Sulfur through Space Interactions in Complex Ion Spectra, cy stein
Pentaammineruthenium Dimethyl Cogenide Complexes –Cy Stein
Rutehniumammines Disulfides – Cy Stein
Ligand to Metal Charge Transfer Absorption of Coordinated Disulfide, CA Stein
The Trimethylsulfonium Ion as a Ligand: Synthesis and Characterization of [(NH3)5RuS(CH3)3](PF6)3, CA Stein and Henry Taube
Lash paper
Tracer Experiments on Alkaline Hydrolysis of Oxalate Ammonia (With C. Andrade; October 1963)
Mixed-Valence Molecules: Electronic Delocalization and Stabilization… David E Richardson
A Redetermination of the Hexaammine-cobalt(III)/(II) Electron Self-Exchange Rate. A. Hammershoi, D. Geselowitz
Determinations of the Comproportionation Constant for a Weakly Coupled… Jim Sutton, Patrick Sutton
Acid Catalysed Aquation of Hexaammineruthenium(II)
Conversion of Osmacyclopentatriene to Osmahexatriene via 1,2 Hydrogen Shift. Pu, Hasegawa, Parkin, Taube
Communication: Osmiacyclopentatriene Complexes: Structural Characterization. Pu, Hasegawa, Parkin, Taube
Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity of. Kirchner, Taube, Scott, and Willett
A Versatile Recognition Probe… Li and Taube
Aspects of N2 binding by Osmiumammines. Henry Taube
The Reduction of [Os(NH3)5… Hasegawa, Kwan, Taube
Synthesis and Reduction of Osmium (VI) Nitrido Complexes and the X-Ray Crystal… Ware and Taube
Syntheses of Pentaammine Osmium(III) and Osmum (II) Complexes: Pentaammine (trifluoromethansulfonato-0)Osmium(III) Lay, Magnuson, Taube
Molecular Hysterisis
Modulation of Physical and Chemical Properties of N-H2, Complexes of Osmiumammines by Facile Substitution. Li and Taube
Extension of the Preparation of New Osmium Species to… Li, Harman, Taube
"Pentaamineosmium(II)-n2-2,6-lutidine: an intermediate for C-H activation." Rossella Cordone and Henry Taube
Electronic Effects of bis-Acetylacetone in Ru(II) and Ru(III) Complexes--Hasegawa, Lau, Taube, and Schaefer
Allyl (?—handwriting confusing)
Preparation and Characterization of Bispentaamineosmium(II) Pyrene Complex—Hasegawa, Sekine, Schaefer, Taube
Arene-to-Alkyne Linkage Isomerizations of Diphenylacetylene on Pentaaminsosmium—Harman, Wishart, and Taube
Isostructural n2 –Dihydrogen Complexes [Os(NH3)5(H2)+n…
Reactions of Hexachloroosmate(IV) with Hydrazine Monohydrate: Syntheses and Properties of Pentaammine(dinitrogen)-osmium(II) Chloride…Peter A. Lay and Henry Taube
Substituent Effects on n2-Coordinated Arene Complexes of Pentaamineoosmium(II.) Harman, Sekine, and Taube
Substitution Induced N-N Coupling for Nitride Coordinated to Osmium (IV)—Ware, Taube, Bino, Cohen
"Synthesis of [Os(NH3)5(n2-TMB)]2+:: A Valuable Precursor for Pentaammineosmium(II) Chemistry." W. Dean Harman, Henry Taube.
The Selective Hydrogenation of Benzene to Cyclohexene on Pentaamineosmium(II), Harman and Taube
n-Heterocyclic Complexes of Pentaamine-osmium(II) and the Metal-Induced Cyclo-addition of Pyrrole and Maelic Anhydride—Cordone, Harman, Taube
Pyrazine-Bridged Complexes. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies on Binuclear Pyrazine….Lay, Magnuson, Taube Paper #10
Carbon-Hydrogen Bond activation in novel n2-bound cationic…Cordone, Harman, and Taube
Redox Promoted Linkage Isomerizations of Aldehydes and Ketones on Pentaammine-osmium, WD Harman, M Sekine, and H Taube
Wm Valley In Progress
Research Correspondence: M – Miscellaneous
Binuclear Ruthenium Complexes Bridged by the Dicyanamide Anion… J.E. Sutton, H. Crentzien, and HT
Oxidation Chemistry of Decamethylruthenocene. Terry Smith
Publication – CA Stein & Block
Wishart – Work in Progress
Linkage Isomerization in Pentaamine-ruthenium Complexes of Amides Fairlie, Ilan, and Taube
Mixed Valence Molecules – Wishart and Lyon NOTES FOR A SEMINAR
Ester Hydrolysis…….Hutchital July 1965
Isotopic Discrimination of Some Solutes Viste – July 1966
Manganic Ion Equil.
Investigation PFV(II)-V(III) Couple, Bennett & Taube 1967
Kinetics of Some Outer Sphere Electron Transfer Reactions. J.F. Endicott & Henry Taube. December, 1963
The Reactions of Metal Oxides with Cr+2aq. With B.A. Zabin. January, 1964
The Role of Dissolved Lithium in the Reaction between Triethylsilane and Ethylamine. A. Viste & H. Taube, 12/63
Electron Transfer through Organic Structural Units (With E. Gould; October 1963)
Formation of Co(NH3)5X++ Complexes….(With Albert Haim.) Submitted: June 6, 1963
Bond Fission in the Base Hydrolysis…With m. Green. Submitted: March 1963
Isotopic Fractionation in the OH-/H2O Exchange Reaction. Michael Green and Henry Taube. March, 1963
The Reactions of Iodopentammine-cobalt(III) with Various "Two-electron" Oxidizing Agents. Haim&Taube March 1963.
The Mechanism of Base Hydrolysis of Substituted Pentammino Cobaltic Complexes
Cahill – Peroxide Paper (1951)
Halperin and Taube (IV) (1951)
Plane and Taube (Final) (1951)
Co(III) – Mag. Susc. (1951)
Hunt – Me+++aq (1951)
Oxidation of Aquopentaammine & of Hexaammine Cobalt (III) Ions – Thusius & Taube 1967
OXDTN+ of p-HYDROXYMETHYL…..Robson & Taube 1967
Mech. Of Reaction of Carbonatopent. Cobalt (III)…Jordan, Sargeson Oct. 65
RDCTNS. PENTAA…SUBS. PYRID. Nordmeyer and Taube 1967
Creutz, Carol, et al.
Alan B Hoffman
Saffir & Taube – The Oxidation of Captive Oxalate
Halogen + MN(II) (1950)
Cl Exch
Chemical Shifts in NMR Absorbtion
Consultant/Lecturer Payment Certification
Molecular Hysterisis Revisited Sano and Taube
Nitrile Complexes of Pentaammineosmium (II) and (III). Sekine, Harman, and Taube
The Stereoselective Electron Transfer Reactions of Ethylenediaminetetraacetatocobalt(III)ate…. Geselowitz, Hammershoi, and Taube
The Redox-Catalyzed Condensation of Hexaammineosmium (II) with Acetone, Harman and Taube
Decaammine (mu-dinotrogen-N,N') diosmium(III): Synthesis, Characterization, Reactivity, and Spectral Properties. Lay, Magnuson, HT, Ferguson, Krausz
n-Localization in Aromatic Ligands: Formation of Mixed-Metal….Harman and Taube
"The Reactivity of Pentaamineosmium(II) with Benzene" Harman/Taube
Interaction of Dioxygen Species and Metal Ions—Equilibrium Aspects. PROGRESS IN INORG. CHEMISTRY
The Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactions of the Metal-Metal Bonded Metallocene Dimer. M. Droege, T. Smith, D. Harman, JACS
The Enthalpy of Substitution of NO+(aq) on Aquopentaamineruthenium(II). JF Wishart, H. Taube, S. Isied, K. Breslauer
Coordination Chemistry and Redox Properties of Polypyridyl Complexes of Vanadim (II) Dobson and Taube
Higher Oxidation State Chemistry of Osmocene. Droege, Harman, Taube.
Electron Transfer Reactions, Meyer/Taube, 1983
Solvent Effects on the Reactivity of V(II). Dobson and Taube.
"Intramolecular Electron Transfer through Isomeric Forms of Dicyanobenzene" Schaafer and Taube
Facile Nucleophilic Substitution on Coordinated….COMMUNICATION. Kirchner and Taube
Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of the (n2-Acetone) Pentaammineosmium(II) Complex. Harman, Fairlie, Taube.
The Preparation and Characterization of the Disulfur Bridged Os(IV) Bis-Osmocene Complex, [(Cp2OsS)2][PF6]2, Taube and Droege
Redox Coupled Linkage Isomerizations with n2- Coordinated Anilines, Harman and Taube
Alykne Addition-Reactions on Pentaammineosmium(II): The Formation of… Harman, Dobson, and Taube
cis-Bis(2,2'-bipyridine-N,N' Complexes of Ruthenium(III)/(II) and Osmium (III)/(II)
The Stereoselective Electron Transfer Reactions of [Co(etdca)]-, [Co(pdta)]-, and [Co(cdta)]- with [Co(en)]2+. Geselowitz, Hammershoi, Taube.
"Enthalpic Factors in the Stability of Binuclear Pentaamineruthenium(II) Complexes of Dinitrogen and Pyrazine. Wishart, Taube, Breslaur, Isied
Synthesis of N-Heterocyclic Complexes of Os, Ru, Co, and Rh Pentaammines. Lay, Magnuson, Taube
Crystal Structure and Pyrolysis of [(OS)NH3)5]2
The Regio-and Stereospecific Selective Hydrogenation of Dihapto-Coordinated Arenes. Harman, Schaefer, and Taube
Effects on the Frequency and Intensity of the Stretching Vibration of the Nitrile Group on Ligation to Metal Ions. Johnson and Taube
Former Associates
Abe, Motoko
Adegite, Ale – Visiting Scholar
Alexander, Prof. M. Dale – 1975
Anbar, Michael
Anderson, Charles F
Andrade, Carlos
Ardon, Michael
Argarwala, U.C.
Armor, John Nelson
Armstrong, Richard A
Barrett, Martha Barcalow
Baar, Roger – Undergraduate
Beck, Mihaly – May 1984, Hungary
Bennett, Larry Everett
Bennett, Larry Everett, "Metalloprotein Redox Reactions"
Beyerle-Pinur, Rut
Bino, Avi – Visiting Scholar
Bossard, Gerald E., Postdoc February 1982
Bowen,. A. Randall
Breckenridge, William H.
Blesa, Miguel A.
Broomhead, John A., 1967-83
Brown, Gilbert post-doc, 1974-97
Brulet, Christa (Schenk), 1971-75
Buhr, John, 1978-97
Butler, Ronald Dean, 1961-68
Burness, James H., 1974
Cahill, Alan E., (includes photographs) 1962-78
Clark, Michael J., 1970-97
Cordone, Rossella, 1980-88
Creutz, Carol, 1968-99
Czapski, Gidon (Visiting Scholar), 1982-85
Deutsch, Edward A., 1963-95
Diamond, Steve, 1975-94
Diaz, Hector, 1968-81
Diebler, Hartmut, 1962-74
Dobson, John C., 1986-89
Dong, Teng-Yuan, postdoc research affiliate, 1985-91
Donham, Donald Lewis, 1968-71
Dosza, Laszlo, postdoc, 1978-97
Dosza, Laszlo, Spectra graphs
Droege, Michael, 1984-86
Dunne, Thomas G., 1971
Edwards, John, visiting scholar, 1975-82
Endicott, John Frederick, 1962-99
Escobar, Marta, 1982-85
Espenson, James H., 1962-95
Fairlie, David P, postdoc, 1983-2001
Fischer, Helmut
Fontal, Bernardo
Ford, Peter C.
French, James E.
Frye, James
Flamberg, Pearl
Flamberg, Pearl
Flood, Michael
Franco, Douglas
Frye, James
Gaswick, Dennis
Gaunder, Robert
Geselowitz, Daniel
Gilberg, Mark
Ghosh, Phalguni
Gould, Edwin Shelton
Green, Michael
Gutterman, Diane
Haas, Otto
Hagen, Karl S.
Haim, Albert
Haim, Albert
Hammershoi, Anders
Harman, Dean 1 of 4
Harman, Dean 2 of 4
Harman, Dean 3 of 4
Harman, Dean 4 of 4
Harrigan, Raymond
Harrison, David E.
Heckman, Karen Sue
Henry, Patrick M. Sabbatical Jan. 1978
Herman, Zelek Seymour
Holwerda, Robert
Hoffman, Bruce A.
Hou, Doug
Hu, Dongqi
Hung, Yam
Hunt, John Baker
Hunt, John P.
Huchital, Daniel H.
Hurst, James K.
Ilan, Yigal
Isied, Stephan 1 of 2
Isied, Stephan 2 of 2
Iverson, Daniel
Johnson, Arden
Jones, Patrick Ray
Jordan, Robert Beatty
Katakis, Demetrius
Kirchner, Karl
Kobuek, Edward – Sabbatical – US Naval Academy, 1970-72
Krentzien, Heinz, 1972-82
Kuhn, Christa, 1971-97
Kuempel, John R, Postdoc, 1967-72
Kugel, Roger W., 1974-84
Kung, Jenny Wei-Jen, postdoc, 1975-83
Kwan, Keh-Shin Alexander, postdoc, 1980-91
Lau, Tai-Chu, Postdoc, 1982-2002
Lay, Peter, Postdoc 1982, 1980-1999 [4 folders]
Lewis, Nita A, 1977-2002
Li, Zaiwei, 1988-1997
Li, Zaiwei Research Folder
Lee, Kuan-Hua (Tom), 1979-91
Linck, Robert G., 1962-81
Loeliger, David A., 1961-1988
Ludi, Andreass, 1975-2001
Lyon, John M., Postdoctoral, 1982-1991
Maeda, Hiroyuki, 1993-94
Malin, John, 1971-1991
Magnuson, Roy H., 1973-81
Mandelin, Dorothy (Bearcraft), 1966-84
Maspero, Federico (Postdoc), 1965-68
Matwiyoff, Nicholas, 1963-67
McQueen, J Scott, 1995-99
Meyer, James W., 1969-71
Meyer, Thomas J, 1966-2000
Milburn, Ronald McRae, 1963-88
Mohammed, Dr. Mahboob Visiting Scholar Sept. 1984
Nagao, Noriharu
Nelson, Russell Everett Jr.
Niac, Gavril
Niac, G. et al. Chromate and Thiosulfate
Nicouletopoulos, Petros
Nord, Gwyneth
Nordmeyer, Francis R
Norris, A. R.
Nunes, Fabio
Ogard, Al
Olson, Maynard V.
Otonari, Yoshiko
Pendergast, Warren
Persson, Ingmar
Pinsky, Barry post-doc 1978
Barry Pinsky
Barry Pinsky
Pladziewicz, John R
Po, Henry. Sabattical, Cal State University, Spr. 1976,
Price, Harry James
Pu, Lin (1)
Pu, Lin (2)
Pu, Lin (3)
Pu, Lin (4)
Quarles, Richard W. Jr
Raichart, Dennis W
Rieder, Konrad
Rich, Donald
Richardson, David
Roberts, E. Kirk
Robson, Richard
Rudd, DeForest P.
Sano, Mitsuru (1) 1997-2002
Sano, Mitsuru (2) 1994-97
Sano, Mitsuru (3) 1986-94
Sano, Mitsuru (4) 1988-92
Sargeson, Alan McLeod (1)
Sargeson, Alan McLeod (2) includes photograph
Schaeffer, Lauge. September, 1982
Scheidegger, Hans A.
Schmidt, Wilfred G
Schwabacher, William B
Schweier, Gunther
Scott, Napapon S., Post Doc 9/1/79-9/1/80
Sekine, Mikiya
Sheperd, Rex A Jr.
Shugarman, Arnold
Sen, Judith
Sibbett, Scott
Sleiman, Hanadi
Smith, Terence P., Post Doc Apr 1982
Spiro, Cliff. Undergraduate
Stanbury, David M. (1)
Stanbury, David M. (2)
Stein paper, National Academy of Sciences
Stein, Cy A.
Storm, Carlyle B.
Stritar, Jeffrey Allen.
Sullivan, James C. Visiting Scholar
Sundberg, Richard J
Sutton, James
Sutton, Patrick
Swinehart, James H
Tanna, Charlotte H
Tjok, Pweh-Boon
Thusius, Darwin Dean
Tom, Glenn
Toma, Enrique
Tweedle, Michael F., Post Doc Sept. 1977
Valentine, Donald
Viste, Arlen E
v. Kameke, Allard
Walker, Darrel D.
Wang, Renyi
Ware, David
Weissberger, Edward
White, James Dee
White, James Dee
Willis, Michael
Wilson, Charles R
Winkler, Jay
Wishart, James
Wong, Ching-Ping, Post Doc
Yamamoto, Haruhiko
Yamamoto, Yasuo, Post-doc
Yeh, Andrew, Postdoctoral
Zabin, Burton Allen
Zanella, Andrew
Zawacky, Susan
Susan Zawacky – Seminar Folder
Ziolkowski, Jozef
Zwickel, Allen
Taube reprints
Comparisons of the Rates of Substitution in [Ru(NH3)5H2O]3+. V Poulopoulou and Z-W Li
Structure of the First Stable Ethene-Ethyne Metal…Pu, Hasegawa, Parkin and Taube
Reudction of [OS(NH3)5(n2-CH3CH=NH2)…Haegawa, Kwan, Taube
Use of a Dihydrogen Osmium Complex as a Versatile H NMR Recognition Probe. Li and Taube
Substitution Inducted N-N Coupling. Ware and Taube
Facile Nucleophilic Substitution on Coordinated…Kirchner and Taube
Electronic Effects of Bis(acetylacetone) in Ruthenium(II) and Ruthenium(III) Complexes, Taube and others
Aspects of n2 binding by Osmiumammines
The Study of the Reactivity of Transition Metal Complexes, Taube
Molecular Hysteresis, Sano and Taube
Solvent Effects on the Reactivity of Vanadium(II) John C Dobson and Mitsuru Sano
Allyn Complexes of Pentaammineosmium. W Dean Harman and Tai Hasegawa
Preparation and Characterization of a Bispentaammineosmium (II) Pyrnene… Hasegawa, Sekine, and Schaefer
Reactions of Hexachloroosmate(IV)with Hydrazine Hydrate: Syntheses and Properties of Pentaammine(dinitrogen)… Lay and Taube
Effects on the Frequency and Intensity of the Streching Vibration… Johnson and Taube
Isostructural n2-Dihydrogen Complexes (Os(NH3)5(H2))n+… WD Harman
Crystal Structure and Pyrolysis of [(OS(NH3)5)2… Harman, Gebhard, Taube
The Regio-and Stereospecific Selective Hydrogenation of … W Dean Harman, William P Schaefer
Synthesis of Pentaammineosmium(III) and osmium (II) Complexes… Lay, Magnuson, and Taube
n Heterocyclic Complexes of Pentaammineosmium(II) and the Metal Induced… Cordone, Harman, and Taube
Arene to Alkyne Linkage Isomerizations of Diphenylacetylene on Pentaammineosmium. Harman, Wishart, and Taube
Alkyne Addition Reactions of Pentaammine-osmium(II). The Formation of… Harman, Dobson, Taube
Chemistry 251, Problem Set #5 – 1976
Carbon-Hydrogen Bond Activation in Novel… Cordone, Harman, Taube
Nitrile Complexes of Pantaammineosmium(II) and (III) Sekine, Harman, and Taube
N Localization in Aromatic Ligands… Formation of Mixed Metal.. Harman and Taube
Selective Hydrogenation of Benzene to Cyclohexene on Pentaammineosmium (II), 1988
Electron Transfer through Macromolecular Systems, 1988
Substituent Effects on n2-Coordinate Arene Complexes of Pentaammineosmium(II). Harman, Sekine, and Taube
Redox-Coupled Linkage Isomerizations with n2 Coordinated Anilines, Harman and Taube
Redox Catalyzed Condensation of Hexaammineosmium(II) with Acetone, Harman and Taube
Synthesis of N Heterocyclic Complexes of Osmium, Ruthenium, Cobalt, and Rhodium… Lay, Magnuson, Taube
Pyrazine-Bridged Complexes. Synthesis of and Spectroscopic Studies on Binuclear Pyrazine Complexes of Osmium, Ruthenium, and Rhodium Ammines, 1988
Unfoldered materials [possibly class files]
Unsorted correspondence (congratulatory letters on Nobel Prize) 1983-84
Unsorted correspondence (congratulatory letters on Nobel Prize 1983
Unsorted correspondence (congratulatory letters on Nobel Prize 1983
Unsorted correspondence (congratulatory letters on Nobel Prize) 1983-84
Unsorted correspondence (congratulatory letters on Nobel Prize) 1983-84
Unsorted correspondence (congratulatory letters on Nobel Prize) 1983-84
Unsorted correspondence (congratulatory letters on Nobel Prize) 1983-84
Unsorted correspondence (congratulatory letters on Nobel Prize) 1983-84
Class files
Chemistry 181, 1963
Chemistry 251, 1969
Chemistry 153 mid-term exam, Feb. 1972
Chemistry 153: 1982 Wishart's Notes
Chemistry 153: 1985 Course and Class Notes
Lecture for Ed Solomon by H.T., undated
Chemistry 137 final exam, spring quarter 1974
Chemistry 137, 1974-76
Chemistry 150, lecture notes, undated
Electron Transfer Course Material (notes)
Chemistry 151, 1980-81
Chemistry 153, 1973-82
Chemistry 180, 1963
Chemistry 151, notes
Chemistry 151 and 153 Holm material, 1978-79
Chemistry 151 or 153, lecture notes
Chem 153 – Solvent Effects Chemistry, lecture notes
Class notes unlabelled
Chemistry 153 notes
Chemistry 253, 1978-82
Chemistry 302, 1947-59
Chemistry 301, 1946-59
Chemistry 302 Notes
Chemistry 153, 1983-84
Lecture files
Notes, miscellaneous [Milne Complex – Dyno (?)]
Baker Lectures
Chemical Reactivity
Conference [notes]
Back Bonding Etc [notes, reprints, unsigned letter 1977]
Canterbury (Internatl. Symposium on the Mechanisms of Reactions in Solution) - illustrations from a talk ?, 1970
Oxygen Reduction text, St Louis, 1961
Oxygen Exchange for Carboxylate Complexes, notes
O3 Chemistry – notes, reprint 1957, letter from Dmitri (Brookhaven Lab) 1961
Oxidation-Reduction by Electron Transfer Through Molecules – outline and notes
Ohio State lecture – outline and notes, 1962
O17 nmr work, notes
MIT-Harvard lecture, notes
Miami lecture, outline, April 1967
Iowa 1, 3405 [indirect electron transfer notes]
Ion solvation, notes
Inorganic Reactions, Wilmington talk, outline
HO Radical, notes
Wilmington (lecture notes?)
Influence of Metal Ions on Reactivity, notes
Harrison Howe Lecture, November 1960
Hercules Inc. – research notes 1973 and undated
Gordon conference, notes, 1968
Gordon Research Conf, New Hampton, 1967
Productivity in Research, typescript
Reactions of Oxy Ions, notes and typescript chapter
Lectures – Piridynyl Radicals
Miscellaneous correspondence (some re winning Nobel Prize 1983; one outgoing letter re airline trouble, 1974)
Rare(?) emitters in molten salts - notes
Recording and Historical Records
Reed College Lectures, June 1962
USC Lecture April 1967
Baker Lectures (Cornell)
North Jersey Section Talk – March 10, 1984
Creativity in Science
Ghent, Belgium 1968. Electron Transfer in Solution
1 vs 2e Changes
Induced electron transfer - notes
Experiments with C1
Electron Transfer Lecture (ACS Meeting, Los Angeles, April 1974)
Electron Transfer General
Electron Transfer UWO
YL Ions
Invitations – Declined, 1984-89
Visitors and Seminar Speakers, Taube, 1971-1974
Visitors and Seminar Speakers, Taube, 1979-1980
Travel and Lectures, Taube, 1977-78
Travel and Lectures, Taube, 1976
Travel and Lectures, Taube, 1975
Research files
Ghosh, Sutapa. Notebook: molecular replacement, 1992
V-py affinity (graphs, charts, notes)
V-py affinity 2 (graphs, charts, notes)
Recent Data
Unlabeled (graphs, charts, notes)
Two proposals: one by Phalguni Ghosh and one unsigned
Taube reprints
Unlabeled (graphs, charts, notes)
Unlabeled (overhead projection slides)
UV-VIS (charts)
Colleague reprint files with correspondence
Bray, Wm. D.
Endicott, John
Fronaeus, S.
Ann Lee
Reprints [also possibly: Colleague reprint files with correspondence]
Reprints of Taube articles
Travel records
Travel records from binder 1987-1989
Travel records from binder 1990
Travel records from binder 1991-1992
Travel records from binder 1991-1992
Travel records from binder 1995
Research files: correspondence, papers, etc.
Instrument data from binder
ACS 95.4 Endiyne
Dr. Tsuzuki
Prof. Yamagishi
Optical Separation
Unknown Chinese
Amino Acid + M
Taube Lab
Os2PYRN paper
Ru(Acac)2L2, L=PPH3, CO
N=C Papers
Lin (2)
Lin #3
Lin #3
Paper 3 (JCS)
Loose papers and notebooks
Taube Group hazardous materials guide and safety manual
Lab facilities
Crossed out
No label
No label
X-Ray Neutron Structure
Scrapbook, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1979 honorary degree to Taube)
Certificate, Southern Illinois University
Scroll (Japanese or Chinese, in wooden box)
Printing die: portrait of Taube
Henry Taube, Friedman Lecture, Brooklyn College 3/19/86
The Robert A. Welch Foundation AVW 12-19-83
Taube's name stamp
Addenda, 2005-081 Accession ARCH-2005-081
Isomeric Forms of the Complexes of Tetraammineruthenium (III) and (II) with Glycylamide and Derivatives manuscript, typescript, correspondence, 1982
Isonitrile as a Ligand on Ruthenium (II) Amines - manuscript, typescript, correspondence, 1981-82
The Affinity of Tetraammineruthenium (II) and (III) for Some Amino Acid Esters - manuscript, typescript, correspondence, 1981
Shugarman, et. al. [Oxidation of Glyoxylatopentaaminecobalt (III) by Chromium (VI)] - manuscript, typescript, correspondence, 1971
Aquo Chemistry of Monoarene Complexes of Os(II) and Ru(III) – typescript, correspondence, 1980
Intramolecular Electron Transfer Reactions in Bridged Binuclear Ru(III) – Co(III) Molecules – typescript, published copy, correspondence, 1980-81
N-Macrocyclic Complexes of Ruthenium(II) and Ruthenium(III) - manuscript, typescript, correspondence, 1981
Affinity of Aquopentaammine ruthenium(II) and (III) for Esters of Amino Acids - manuscript, typescript, correspondence, 1989
Superoxide Reactions with Isonicotinamidepentammine-ruthenium(II) and (III) – typescripts, correspondence, 1980
Metal to Metal Interactions in Weakly Coupled Mixed Valence Complexes Based on Ruthenium Ammines – typescripts, correspondence, 1981
Binuclear Mixed Valence Rutheniumammine Complexes with t-Butylmalonodinitrile as Bridging Ligand – grafts, correspondence, 1976
Reactions of Pentaammineruthenium Complexes, etc. – typescripts, correspondence, 1983
Autoxidation of Binuclear Ruthenium(II) Ammines – typescripts, correspondence, 1983
Coordination chemistry of Polypyridyl Complexes of Vanadium in Non-protic Solvents [notes on transparencies] – Los Angeles ACS 1988
Haverford #2 – Electron Transfer – Gen. [transparencies]
Gelelowitz work (film slides)
[unlabeled slides]
NIH lecture – Electron Transfer in Chem. Reactions [transparencies]
Search for a Fuel Cell, etc. [transparencies]
ACS Awards in inorganic chemistry [photocopies of transparencies]
Hawaii [did not go] April 1979
Poster: Great Science under One Country, Two Systems – public lectures by Nobel Laureates, Hong Kong 1997
Travels, Taube (correspondence), 1983
Correspondence re lectures, 1984
Visitors to Stanford, correspondence, 1981-82
Lectures, correspondence, 1979-80
Intramolecular transfer [film slides]
I- + Peroxides, correspondence re article, 1941
El. Transfer #2 Catalyt. [transparencies]
Electron Transfer – Undergrad. Invited lecture [transparencies]
Discovery, etc. – University of Virginia, Auburn University [transparencies]
Quadri-Science, correspondence, 1964-66
Mixed Valence Molecules research correspondence 1976
National Academy of Sciences election, correspondence, 1959
NMR Seminar, lecture notes, 1957-58
Talks – cooperative research [film slides]
Armor et. al., Reduction of N20 – correspondence, illustrations, 1971
Slides [text for transparencies] – Brooklyn Poly 1967
Miscellaneous lecture slides [text for transparencies]
Illustrations and slides [text for]
Industrial Affiliates – Theory e.t. [transparencies]
C10-4 [transparencies]
Droege [transparencies]
Industrial Affiliates [transparencies] 1984
Slides [text for]
Electronic Coupling Mechanisms in Mixed Valence Molecules, NYAS [text for transparencies]
Slides [text for transparencies] March/April 1982
Slides – ACS meeting New York [text for transparencies] August 1981
Slides – Wayne State, Detroit [text for transparencies] May 1981
Slides – Nuclear Medicine, Detroit [text for transparencies] June 24, 1980
Slides [text for transparencies] miscellaneous
Sabbatical – England [text for transparencies] 1979
Atomic Energy Commission, research proposal and correspondence, 1962-68
Research reports, 1953-68
Naval Research reports (Oxygen Atom Transfer processes) 1949-57
W. C. Bray's syllabus [photocopied] for chemistry 120 (U.C.) 1941
Pauling Institute Symposium opening remarks 1994
Hercules Research Center, correspondence, 1968-75
U.S. / Brazil program in chemistry, 1972-75
O3 + H2O2 + Br – article correspondence, 1942
NIH - Ruthenium compounds for anti-tumor screening, 1974
Pure Chemistry Award, ACS, correspondence and papers, 1960-81
Awards – Garvan Award, ACS, 1969
Senior U.S. Scientist Humboldt Award, 1976
California Scientist of the Year Award, 1972-75
Wheland Medal Award Committee, 1983
Awards – Nichols Award, ACS, 1956
American Chemical Society, Distinguished Foreign Scientist, 1975
Manuscript, unlabeled article
Chemical Physics, Journal of – correspondence 1959-65
CIO2 Exchange #13 [correspondence, notes], 1949
"Direct and Sensitized Photochemically Induced Reaction of Chlorine and Oxalic Acid" – correspondence re publication [#9] of article, 1946-47
Phthalocyanine #26 [correspondence], 1950
Cr+++ aq, Co+++ aq exchanges #24 [typescript] 1950
O3 + C1- #15 [correspondence] 1949
New Chemistry of Hexacyano Ion Pairs [transparencies]
Dodel, Peter, correspondence with and about, 1963-65
Substitution, notes for lecture
Notes [properties of systems?]
ACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry, correspondence 1967-79
Awards – Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry, correspondence 1962-70
Awards – Yost – ACS
ACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry: congratulatory correspondence on Taube's wining of award, 1966-67
Group Theory Applications – article and notes
Solid State – notes for lecture
Nitrosyls & N2O4 – notes for lecture
Biradicals – notes
Intramolecular Electron Transfer: Baker Laurente lecture, typescript and notes
India and London, correspondence and photographs, 1969-71
Hungarian Chemical Society Symposium on Coordination Chemistry and 8th ICCC, Vienna – correspondence and abstract 1964
Tihany (Hungary) Symposium [on Coordination Chemistry] – correspondence and papers 1964
Nitrogen-Bound and Carbon-Bound Xanthine Complexes of Ruthenium Ammines – correspondence re publication, 1974-75
Acetate Complexes of Dirhodium and Diruthenium: Aquation and Redox – correspondence re publication, 1974-75
Ruthenium Promoted Oxidation of Amines – correspondence re publication, 1975
the Mixed Valence State Based on μ-cyanogen Bis – correspondence re publication, 1976
N to O Isomerization of the Penta-ammineruthenium (III) glycine ion – correspondence re publication, 1975
Zwickel, et. al. – correspondence re publication of their paper 1970
Chemical Research, Accounts of – correspondence 1968-70
Australia [conferences] – correspondence 1969
The Infrared Spectrum and Structure of Matrix-Isolated Sulfur Tetroxide – correspondence re publication with some figures and charts 1975
Barrett, Martha, et. al. – correspondence re publication of article and illustrations, 1970
Armor et. al. – correspondence re publication of article and illustrations, 1970
Schmidt et. al. . – correspondence re publication of article, 1970
Bowen et. al. . – correspondence re publication of article and illustrations, 1971
Pentaammineruthenium-Guanine Complexes – correspondence re publication of article, 1974
Scott, Taube: Trifuoromethyl… – correspondence re publication of article, 1970
White, Taube: Reduction of Cobalt(III)… – correspondence re publication of article, 1970
Gauder [Reduction of complexes…] – correspondence re publication of article, 1970
Armor [Equilibria and Rates…] – correspondence re publication of article, 1970
Synthesis and Properties of Osmium(II) and Osmium(III) Ammine Complexes of Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocyclics – correspondence re publication of article with illustrations, 1974-75
Adventures in the Land of Os – correspondence re publication of article, 1975-77
Binding of a Tetraammine Ruthenium Complex to Imidazole and Purine Derivatives under equilibrium conditions – correspondence re publication of article, 1977
μ-Pyrazine Polynuclear Mixed Valence Species Based on trans Ruthenium Tetraammines – correspondence re publication of article and illustrations, 1977-78
Chemistry of trans-Aquonitrosyl-tetraamminetechnetium I and related studies – correspondence re publication of article, 1976
The Exchange between Solvated Cations and Solvent. II. – figures for article, 1964
Some Reactions of Ground-State (3P) and Electronically Excited (1D) Sulfur Atoms – correspondence re publication of article and illustrations, 1969-70
White, et. al., Characterization of Pentaaquomonoamminecobalt(III) – correspondence re publication of article, 1969-70
Olson and Taube, The Chromium(II) Reduction of Maleato-pentaamminecobalt(III) – correspondence re publication of article and illustrations, 1970
Diaz and Taube, Self-Exchange of Chromium(II)… – correspondence re publication of article, 1970
Observations on Atom Transfer Reaction – paper presented at Wayne State University, June 1981
Nucleophilic Attack on Cyanoformate induced by Coordination to Ruthenium Ammines – correspondence re publication of article, 1974
New Mo(II) and Mo(III) Species – correspondence re publication of article, 1974
Sundberg, Nitrogen-Bound and Carbon-Bound… – correspondence re publication of article, 1973
New Complexes of Dirhodium(II) – correspondence re publication of article, 1974
Crystal Structure of a Compound Featuring Caffeine Bound at C8 to Ruthenium(III) – correspondence re publication of article and computer printout of results, 1974
Rutheniumammine Complexes of Hydrogen Sulfide and Related Sulfur Ligands – typescript, figures, and correspondence re publication of article, 1975
The Reduction of Pyrazine Oxide, Free and Coordinated to Ru(II) – correspondence re publication of article with some notes and figures, 1975
Effects of Sulfur Dioxide, Bisulfite and Sulfite Ions as Auxiliary Ligands on the Reactivity of Ammineruthenium(II)-L Bonds – correspondence re publication of article, 1974
Mixed Valence Complexes of Ruthenium Ammines with 4, 4' bipyridine as Bridging Ligand – correspondence re publication of article, 1974
The Mild Selective Conversion of Nitriles to Amides – correspondence re publication of article, 1974
Intramolecular Electron Transfer Mediated of 4-4'-bipyridine and related bridging groups – correspondence re publication of article with notes, 1975
Synthesis of (Trifluoromethanesulfonato)pentaammineosmium(III) Osmium(III) Pentaamine Complexes – correspondence re publication of article, 1982-83
Mixed Valence Pyrazine-Bridged Binuclear Complexes – text and correspondence re publication of article, 1982-83
Rates of Substitution in cis- and trans- Ruthenium(II)aquotetraammines – correspondence re publication of article, 1975-76
Electronic Interactions in Mixed-Valence Molecules as Mediated by Organic Bridging Groups – correspondence re publication of article with notes, 1981
The Interaction of HCN with (Ru(NH3)5H2O)2+ – correspondence re publication of article, 1975
Studies on Oxidation-Reduction Reactions of Ruthenium Ammines – correspondence re publication of article, 1964
On the Reactivity of Imidazoliumrutheniuamammine Complexes – text, figures, and correspondence re publication of article, 1980-82
The Reactions of Matrix-Isolated SO2 with O(3P) and with O(1D) – text and correspondence re publication of article, 1975-76
Absorption & MCD Spectral Studies of the Decaammine-mu-(Dinitrogen-N,N1) Diosmium – text and correspondence re publication of article, 1984-85
Reactivity of Haloruthenocene(IV) Complexes – correspondence re publication of article, 1982-83
Evaluation of Stationary Electrode Pulse & Cyclic Voltammetry for Determination of… – text, figures, and correspondence re publication of article, 1980
Interactions of the Ruthenium(III)-(II) couple with Malononitrile and Related Ligands – text and correspondence re publication of article, 1979-82
Reexamination of the Co(NH3)6 Self-Exchange Rate – correspondence re publication of article and figures, 1981-82
Preparation and Properties of Mixed-Valence μ-Dinitrogen-bis(pentaammine) Complexes of Osmium & Ruthenium – correspondence re publication of article with text and figures, 1981-82
Observation of a Reversible Adsorbed Redox Couple Using, etc. – correspondence re publication of article, 1983
Aquo chemistry of Monoarene complexes of Os(II) and Ru(II) – text and correspondence re publication of article, 1979-80
Linkage Isomerization in Amide Complexes of Ruthenium Pentaammines – text, figures, and correspondence re publication of article, 1983-84
Svatos, George, correspondence and notes, 1960
Storm, Carl B., correspondence and note, 1967
Matwiyoff, Nick, correspondence and notes, 1963
Snellman (?), Jim, correspondence 1963
Linck, Robert G., correspondence, 1963-65
Barcelona – inorganic colors [transparencies]
Office of Naval Research – research proposals and reports, 1955-64
Triethyl Phospite as a Ligand on Ruthenium(II) – correspondence with co-author Douglas W. Franco and illustrations 1977
NSF grant proposals 1958-65
Grant proposals 1962-72
AEC grant proposal and reports, 1968-70
NIH grant proposals 1963-65
NSF correspondence, 1979-80
NIH grant proposal 1968
NSF grant proposal 1978
Low Dielectric Solutions, notes
RC1++ Equil., notes
Reactions, notes
Free radicals – abnormal valences: notes and letter from William C. Bray to Charles D. Coryell, 1941
Reprints by Taube (5)
Wang, Sabina – Christmas card with photographs, 2001
Miscellaneous slides (film): four unidentified men, 1 book jacket, 1 set of test tubs with formulas above
Idea Channel [not viewed for content]
Henry Taube from Gunther Schweir [not viewed for content]
Gmelin englisch NTSC-version [not viewed for content]
"XXI Bienal de Quimica" conferencia a cargo del Premio Nobel de Quimica 1983. 25 de Septembre de 1986 [not viewed for content]
Large Glass slide of 2 men sitting on a couch; labeled "U. of C. Clinics Photo Dept."
"Taube" [not reviewed for content]
unlabeled [not reviewed for content]
20th Anniversary ACS AWARD for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry Dr. Henry Taube 1967. Sign on side of base reads: ACS – St. Louis, Missouri – 1984. Plaque includes replica of the St. Louis Gateway Arch
Map case
Oversize photo collages
Addenda, 2007-104 Accession ARCH-2007-104
Henry Taube letters to John P. Hunt [former student] 1950s-1970s
Addenda, 2007-148 Accession ARCH-2007-148
Autograph Requests 2003
Bray, William
Congressional Record
Datta, Shouman
Dinitrogen Chemistry - General
Faculty Annual report 9/00-8/01
Flory, Paul
Former Associates
Frank, Pat
Freshman-Sophomore 2002
Freshman Sophomore Class
Freshman-Sophomore Seminar-2001
Gas Phase Basicities and Acidities
Hasegawa, Tai
Herzberg, Agnes
Hush, Noel
Institute of Molecular Sciences
Interoffice Memorandums
Japan Proposal - 8/98
Japan Trip File
Meier, Roland
Nufert, Thomas
Past Postdoctoral Possibilities
Pauling, Linus
Periana, Roy
Postdoctoral Inquiries
Referee Reports
Refereeing Proposals
Ross, John
Awards John Ross
Tables - Numerical Data
Taube Memorial Responses
Telephone Bills
Tsuchida-HT's Proposed Trip to Japan
Waymouth, Bob
Research Agreement (Pin Yang, Andrew Yeh, Henry Taube, Zai Wei Li)
Inner-Sphere Cluster Formation … Working File
Inner-Sphere Cluster Formation … Miscellaneous
Ghosh, Frank Manuscript
Inner-Sphere Cluster Formation … Original Paper and Referee Reports
Nanjing Paper 2002
Inner-Sphere Cluster Formation By … Poulopoulou, Taube, Nunes
Interactions of Hexacyano Ions … V. Poulopoulou, H. Taube
Tmtacn, Tacn and Triammine Complexes of … Wang, Eberspacher, Hasegawa, Day, Ware
Tmtacn, Tacn and Triammine Complexes of … R. Wang, T. Eberspacher, T. Hasegawa, V. Day, D. Ware
Sano Paper
Probe Paper
The Structure of [Ru)NH3)5H2O]Fe … Hasegawa, Poulopoulou, Taube
(Work File) Interactions of Hexacyano Ions - V.G. Poulopoulou and H. Taube
"Cooperative Litigation, Back - …" Frank, Ghosh, Hodgson, Taube
Yang Paper
Synthesis and Characterization of … McQueen, Nagao, Eberspacher, Li, Taube
Park, Sunghan
Poulopoulou, Vassiliki
Vania Research File
Tai Hasegawa
Miscellaneous Grant Correspondence
Budget - Grants Correspondence with Ed
Sponsored Projects/Grant Corres. - General
NIH 4/1/96-3/31/99 - Bio Significant Molecules … not funded
NIH No-Cost Extension
Biochemically Significant Molecules As Ligands - NIH - 4/1/93-3/31/96
NIH Biochemically Significant Moleculesas Ligands - 4/1/92 - 3/31/93
NIH Biochemically Significant Molecules as Ligands 4/1/91 - 3/31/92
Biochemically Significant Molecules as Ligands - NIH 4/1/88-3/31/91
Biochemically Significant Molecules as Ligands - NIH 1984/1988
Biochemically Significant Molecules as Ligands - NIH GM13638 5 yr. proposal 1979-1984
Biochemically Significant Molecules as Ligands - NIH GM13638 5 yr. proposal 1974-1979
Biochemically Significant Molecules as Ligands - NIH GM13638 5 yr. proposal 1969-1974
NSF Final Report 8/31/01
NSF Supplemental Report - 2001
NSF 3/1/98-2/28/2001 Oxidation-Reduction Mechanisms
NSF-CHE9505279 - 2/1/94-1/31/98
NSF-CHE-9505379 Supplemental Proposal 9/1/96-2/28/97
NSF-CHE9120158 - 1/1/92-12/31/94
Oxidation-Reduction Mechanisms NSF Period 12/1/88-11/30/91
Oxidation Reduction Mechanisms NSF 12/1/85-11/30/88
Oxidatiohn Reduction Mechanisms NSF 11/1/82-5/31/84 CHE 8211275
NSF Supplemental Grant AP. 7-12/90 Oxidation Reduction Mechanisms
NSF - "A Block Travel Grant Request For Travel to the XXV Inter. Conf. '88"
Oxidation Reduction Mechanisms NSF Proposal 1976-1979
National Science Foundation "Oxidation Reduction Mechanisms" CHE76-09812 11/1/76 to 10/31/77
NIH "Biochemically Significant Moleculaes as Ligands" GM13638-13
ACS "Reactivity of Binuclear Complexes of the Ruthenoscene"
Back-bonding Transparencies
Back-bonding Argonne Transparencies
Backbonding in Chemistry of Ru(III) and Os(II) Ventura
Tech Talk B. Bond
ATA Conference Edmonton Transparencies
Backbonding, China 2002
Canberra, February 1996 Transparencies
Catalytica 2e Changes
Catalytica - Japan
Catalytiuca, July '96
Catalytica Induction Effects
Chem 153 First Part Substitution 1984 (Transparencies)
China Lecture (delivered by Zawei Li)
Dihydrogen Complexes of Osmium Ammines - Transparencies
Dihydrogen Complexes - Osaka 2000
Dihydrogen Complexes
Electron Transfer-Advanced Course
ET, Brookhaven - 2e changes Transparencies
Electron Transfers in Chem Reactions BNL Transparencies
Electron Transfer - Freiburg Transparencies
Electron Transfer Japan 2000
Electron Transfer, General - Japan Transparencies (also misc.)
Electron Transfer - Hawaii
Halpern, Jack - Symposium 1996 Transparencies
ET, 1e/2e Changes Transparencies
Friedman Lecture
Intramolecular, e.t. - Miscellaneous (Transparencies)
German Meeting - Traditional Coordination Chemistry
Halpern Symposium - 10/96 Transparencies
Hong Kong Perspectives Transparencies
Honolulu, 1995, Vania Fe(CN)6 + RuA5(H2O) Transparencies
Ion Clusters - Pullman Transparencies
Ion Clusters, Ventura 1997 Transparencies
Transparencies - Japan Trip 9/00
Metal Ions in Biological General (Transparencies)
Mixed Valence - Miscellaneous (Transparencies)
Mixed valence Molecules '91
Molecular Hysterisis Transparencies
Mixed Valence (Current) Transparencies - Slides Misc.
New Chemistry of hex … Ion Pairs … Australian Lecture Transparencies
New Os chemistry - Ware and Droege (Transparencies)
NMR, 50 Years at Stanford Transparencies
Nobel (slides)
Nobel (early) (transparencies)
Nobel Transparencies (later)
Nobel - Miscellaneous Transparencies
0 Atom Transfer (Slides)
Organometal Catalysis - Barcelona (Transparencies)
Os-Chem Lund Transparencies
Os Chemistry (Harman)
Os (II) - Miscellaneous (Transparencies)
Reactions of O2 (Transparencies)
Reactivity Inorganic Conf. Osaka, 2000
Oxidation Reduction Reactions (unlabeled folder)
Short of Long Range Electron Transfer ACS April '92 Transparencies
Tahoe, June '86 - Introductory Material (Transparencies)
Taube Symposium Transparencies
Henry Taube - Wayne Wilmarth Seminar January 1983
Toronto - New Transparencies
Ventura 1999 Transparencies
Recommendations A
Recommendations B
Recommendations C
Recommendations D
Recommendations E
Recommendations F
Recommendations G
Recommendations H-I
Recommendations J
Recommendations K
Recommendations L
Recommendations M
Recommendations Mc
Recommendations N
Recommendations O
Recommendations P-Q
Recommendatioons R
Recommendations S
Recommendations T
Recommendations W
Recommendations U-V
Recommendations XYZ
Henry Taube - Allied Chemical Award 1979
Henry Taube - Australian Academy of Science Awards
Brazilian Chem. Soc. Award - HT
Awards - C&E News Top 75 Contributors
Henry Taube - Brazailian Academy of Sciences Awards
Honorary Fellowship, the Royal Society of Canada , 1997
Chemical Society of Japan
Henry Taube - Engineering Academy of Japan Awards
Henry Taube - Gibbs Award 1971
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Henry Taube - Lajos Kossuth University of Debrecen
Henry Taube - Misc. honors and awards
Monsanto Award - 1980 - Taube, H.
Henry Taube - Nichols Award - 1971
Henry Taube - National Medal of Science Award - 1977
Royal Society
Henry Taube - Museum of Science and Ind. Nobel Awards dinner - Chicago, ILL, Apr.'84
Henry Taube - Nobel Prize 1983
Ordre Souverain Militaire de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem - Knight Grand Cross of Malta
Pauling Award April 1982
Polytechninc Commencement May 1984 Honorary Doctor of Science Degree
Priestly Medal
Henry Taube - T. W. Richards Medal
Royal Society of Chemistry
Henry Taube - Welch FDN Prize 1983
Henry Taube -personal items sent to 3D International in re Welch Prize
Henry Taube - Welch congratulations letters
Henry Taube - Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor of Chemistry
Camberra Lecture, 2/96 - background
China trip - H. Taube 1984 corres. Re possible
China - Correspondence
Baker, J. T. lecture
Act talk 1989
Basic research, etc. Gonzaga version (lecture)
Basic research, etc. Japan version (lecture)
Caracas paper
Centennial lecture article
China lecture
Creativity - lecture
Edmonton science conference 11/16/00-11/19/00
Electron transfer - general principles lecture
Flory lecture
Lecture - Guelph: "Basic research in modern society"
Japan Abstracts - Organometallic Chem.of Pentaammineosmium(II) and Pentammineosmium (III)/Electron Trans. In Chem. Reactions/Mixed Valence molecules
Lecture: Electron Transfer in Redox Reactions: Historical Perspective. (Dartmouth, Boston College) fall 1986
Lecture: New Chem. Of Osmium Ammines - an Interface Between Traditional Coordination Chem. and Organometallic Chem. (Dartmouth, Boston College) fall 1986
Travel and lectures: Bunsentagung - Hamburg, spring 1972
Travel and lectures: Australian trip, May-June 1973
Travel and lectures: Santiago, Chile January 1972 XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Quimica
Travel and lectures: Manchester, England April 1972 Meeting of the Chemical Society
Travel and lectures through 1973
Travel and lectures 1974 Miscellaneous
Nitrogen Fixation Symposium Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 1969
Nuclear Medicine (Detroit) 1980
Japan trip 1987
Japan trip 1990
Japan lecture - Electron Transfer through Macromolecular Systems
Japan trip 1985
Oscillating chemical reaction
Travel and lectures: Poland, summer 1973
Ottawa - Herzberg lecture
Oxidation-reduction Book draft
Primary Research (lecture)
Royal Society of Chemistry - article
Royal Society
Santiago lecture
Science and Society lecture
[no label]
Travel and lectures: Dublin, Ireland August 1972 Int'l Conference on Coordination Chem.
Travel and lectures: Nitrogen Fixation Symposium Pullman Washington June 1974
Anson, Fred - Awards
Awards - Boxer, Steve
Awards - Bartlett, N.
Awards - Basolo, Fred
Bercaw, John E. - Awards
Awards - Bigeleisen, Jake
Awards - Bonner, W.
Awards - Bohle, Scott
Awards - John Brauman
Awards - Brewer, Leo
Awards - Gerard L. Closs
Awards file - James Collman
Cotton, A1 - awards file
Awards - Davison, Alan
Derouane, Eric - Awards
Deutsch, Edward - Awards
Awards - Dye, James L.
Espenson, James - Awards
Awards - Fayer, Michael
Ford, Peter - Awards
Friedman NAS [in pen, label missing]
Halpern, Jack - Awards
Murray, Royce - Awards
Pecora, Robert - Awards
Gray, Harry B. - Awards
Awards - Harman, W. Dean
Awards - Hawthorne, Fred
Awards - Keith Hodgson
Awards - Holm, Richard
Huestus, Wray - Awards
Awards - Hurst, James
Hush, Noel
Hush, Noel - Awards
Awards - Ibers, J.
Awards - William Johnson
Awards - E. King
Awards - Kubas, Gregory
Awards - Lagow, Richard
Lewis, Nathan - Awards file
Little, William - Awards
Awards - Margerum, Dale
Awards - J. T. Meyer
Awards - McConnell
Morris, Robert - reprints
Awards - Michael Pirring
Awards - Pitzer, Kenneth
Raymond, Kenneth - awards
Rowland, Sherwood - awards
Awards - Luigi Sacconi
Sargeson, A. - awards
Solomon, Edward I. - awards
Sullivan, James - awards
Awards - Turro, Nicholas
Norman Sutin - awards (two folders)
Weaver, Michael J. - awards
American Philosophical Society
Australia - Academy of Science - Journals - National University
Henry Taube - ACS convention Las Vegas 1982
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
American Chemical Society
B Correspondence
Basic research
Bloch, Felix
Bonner, William
Brookhaven National Laboratories
Canadian scientists (origin or association)
Catalytica highlights
Chemistry classes and courses
CMR - Center for Materials Research
Complexes - Equil. and Rates
Copenhagen Univ. - Correspondence
D Correspondence
C Correspondence
E Correspondence
Emeriti status
Emerson (Gladys Anderson) Fund
Equipment - Laboratory inventory
Executive committee - Chemistry
F Correspondence
Foundation for Basic Research in Chemistry
Friedman, Harold
Full cell mtg. - notes 1985
G Correspondence
German exams
Graduate admissions
Guggenheim Foundation
H Correspondence
Haim, Albert - Polemics
Hercules consulting
Honor code
House Science and Techn. Committee, 1984
Human rights
Humanities - article Campus Report, 1990 Jun
Hydrogen research folder
I Correspondence
Indian proposal - Argawala Sharma
Industrial accidents
Industrial affiliates - General
Industrial affiliates - Hercules
Industrial affiliates - ICI America
Inorganic West Coast lectureship
The International Council for Scientific Development
Inventory - laboratory
J Correspondence
Japanese collaboration
Japan proposal - Shin Etsu
Japan - Correspondence
Japan proposal #1
Japanese proposal #2
Journals - misc.
Journals - accounts of Chemical Research - J. T. Bunnett, Editor
Journals - Inorganic chemistry editorial board
Journals - Acta cientifica venezolana
Journals - International Journal of Chemical Kinetics
Journals - Verlag - Inorg. Reactions Zukerman, Oklahoma
K Correspondence
Keene, F. Richard
L Correspondence
Laboratory safety
Lab remodeling - Stauffer II
LaFollette, Douglas - campaign materials
Lawrence Berkeley MMRD Chem. Review
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory - Personnel security questionnaire
Lund - correspondence
Correspondence "Mc"
M Correspondence
Marcus commemorative paper
Memorandums, Interoffice - Stanford
Mitsubichi, U.S.
Mixed valence
Molecular gymnastics
N Correspondence
National Academy of Sciences
no label [National Science Foundation?]
Nuclear arms limitation
Nuclear disarmament
O Correspondence
Oakridge National Laboratory
Osmium chemistry
P Correspondence
Patent application - Harman and Taube
Pauling Institute
Periodic tables
Dr. Pecora
Phi Beta Kappa
Polyhedron Prize - inorganic
Bartlett, Neil
Basolo, Fred
Bush, Daryle
Collman, James
Cotton, F. Albert
Gray, Harry
Halpern, Jack
Hawthorne, M. Frederick
Marks, Tobin
Stone, F. G. A.
Wilkinson, Geoffrey
Postdoctoral inquiries
Referring - manuscripts
R Correspondence
Refereening - proposals
Refereeing - theses
Research letters - former students
Rubenstein, Edward
S Correspondence
Henry Taube - sabbatical leave plans 1968
Sacramento State Capitol 1984
San Jose State
Saskatchewan, University
Henry Taube - University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association, May 1984
Seminar committee
Seminars - Inorganic
Schaefer, William
Leo Sides Travel Agency
Sigma Xi, Society of the
Sloan Foundation, The: Nominations, reports, rosters
Soinks, J. T. W.
Stanford Research Institute
Stanford Retirement Program
Stauffer renovation
Stone, F. G. A.
Stoughton, R. W.
Student advisees
Student forms
Student papers
SSRL Synchronotron Radiation Proposal
Swedish Science Research Council - October 1984
Tsuchida, Eishun
Thomas Research Corporation
Trip file 1996
U Correspondence
Undergraduate major curriculum in chemistry
United Airlines
UC/Berkeley - department review
California, University of
University of Michigan - evaluation of chemistry department
U.S. Government Office of Science and Technology
University of Michigan - evaluation of chemistry department
University of Southern California - evaluation of graduate program in chemistry
V Correspondence
W Correspondence
Vanadium chemistry - research
Woodside Priory Foundation
Wilmarth, Wayne
XYZ Correspondence
Publication list
Reprints 1995-2003
Reprints 1988-1989
Reprints 1985-1987
Reprints 1983-1984
Reprints 1982
Reprints 1981
Reprints 1980
Reprints 1979
Reprints 1978
Reprints 1977
Reprints 1976
Reprints 1975
Reprints 1974
Reprints 1973
Reprints 1972
Reprints 1971
Reprints 1970
Reprints 1969
Reprints 1968
Reprints 1967
Reprints 1966
Reprints 1965
Reprints 1964
Reprints 1963
Reprints 1962
Reprints 1961
Reprints 1960
Reprints 1959
Reprints 1958
Reprints 1957
Reprints 1956
Reprints 1955
Reprints 1954
Reprints 1953
Reprints 1952
Reprints 1951
Reprints prior to 1950
Addenda, 2008-375 Accession ARCH-2008-375
Cards and Awards
Dr. Gerhard Herzberg and the University of Saskatchewan 2.1 1994
Three Generations of Saskatchewan Chemists Part 2: Dr. William A.G. Graham 2.2 1995
Three Generations of Saskatchewan Chemists Part 3: Dr. Alaa Abd El Aziz 2.3 1995
Unlabeled reel
Addenda, 2018-170 Accession ARCH-2018-170
Institute of Chemistry Biology Nanjing University 2002
Committee for the Meetings of Nobel Laureates in Lindau 2001
Dept. of Chemistry - Purdue University 1998
Department of Plymer Chemistry - Waseda Univesity 1998
Linus Pauling Exhibition Committee 1998
Department of Chemistry - University of Oklahoma 1997
Meeting - Committee for the Meetings of Nobel Laureates in Lindau 1997-1998
Gordon Research Conference 1996
Department of Biology and Chemistry - City Polytechnic of Hong Kong 1997
Chemistry Department - Brookhaven National Laboratories Associated Universities, Inc. 1997
China Visit - Metachem Tech Inc. & Shanxi University 1997
Addenda, 2018-207 Accession ARCH-2018-207
Chemistry 151 1982