Series 1: Writings, 1959-1994, n.d.
Scope and Content Note
ARTICLES, 1959-1992, n.d.
Is There?, 1959
The Case for Independent Living, 1977
Foreword to Independent Living, 1977
Independent Living: Concept and Programs, 1978
A Personal Perspective on the 80's, 1979
Into the Mainstream: The Civil Rights of People with Disabilities, 1979
The Courage to Take Risks, 1981
Disabled Peoples' International: A Symbol of Determination, 1982
A Founder's Perspective on Independent Living, chapter in the book Mind and Body: Psychosocial Interventions with Physically Disabled Persons
Independent Living Movement Promotes Self-determination for Disabled Individuals, 1985
Old Attitudes, New Attitudes, and Disability Policy, 1991
Let's Take the "T" Out of the TBI [traumatic brain injury], 1992
Love, Sex, and Artichokes, 1992
Untitled writings and notes, 1979-1980, n.d.
SPEECHES, 1976-1993, n.d.
Regional Rehabilitation Research Institute, Jul. 1976
Workshop [on] Hiring [the] Handicapped, Mar. 1977
Casa Colina, Mar. 1977
California Behavior Analysis Conference, Mar. 1977
Section 504 Demonstration, Apr. 1977
Dan Cloud Leadership Award acceptance, Jul. 1978
San Jose Goodwill Banquet, Nov. 1978
The Emergence of the Disabled Civil Rights Movement, May 1980
From Charity to Integration: A New Future for Persons with Disabilities, Jun. 1980
Independent Living of Disabled Persons, Oct. 1981
Disabled Peoples' International, Singapore, Dec. 1981
BANC MSS 99/34 cz Speech: Singapore, 1982
BANC MSS 99/34 cz Speech: When Others Speak for You, You Lose, 1983
Gazette International Networking Institute, Polio and Independent Living Conference keynote speech [draft], May 1985
Toward a Unified Agenda: A National Conference on Disability and Aging, Sept. 1985
BANC MSS 99/34 cz Speech: Ed Roberts: Toward a Unified Agenda, 1985
Western Social Science Association conference address [Reno draft], Apr. 1986
California State University, Sonoma [notes], Oct. 1987
BANC MSS 99/34 cz Speech: Empowerment, 1992
Soviet Union television appearance, Aug. 1993
BANC MSS 99/34 cz Speech: Soviet Union, 1993
BANC MSS 99/34 cz Speech: Civil Rights: Draft One, n.d.
Rehabilitation, n.d.
TESTIMONIES, 1978-1994
United States Congress House Subcommittee, hearing on Center for Independent Living, Jan. 1978
BANC MSS 99/34 cz Testimony of Ed Roberts before the Committee on Veteran's Affairs, 1980
United States Congress House Committee on Ways and Means, hearing on the impact of federal human services cutbacks on the disabled, Jan.- Mar. 1982
BANC MSS 99/34 cz Testimony on the Impact of Federal Human Services Cutbacks on the Disabled, 1982
BANC MSS 99/34 cz Additional Testimony from the Dept. of Rehabilitation, 1982
BANC MSS 99/34 cz Testimony on Social Security Benefits, 1982
California Dept. of Rehabilitation, hearing on Public Law 94-142, Sept. 1982
United States Commission on Civil Rights, hearing on protection of handicapped newborns, Jun. 1986
Commission on California State Government Organization and Economy, Jan. 1987
United States Congress House Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Constitutional Rights, hearing on H.R. 1158, The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1987, May 1987
United States Congress House Subcommittee on Human Resources And Intergovernmental Relations, hearing on rehabilitation facilities for people with head injuries, Feb. 1992
Connie Arnold and U.S. v. United Artists Theater Circuit, 1993-1994
SERIES 2: 1962-1995, n.d.
Scope and Content Note
Appointment Congratulatory Correspondence, 1975-1976
General Correspondence, 1982-1983
Interviews, Feb. 1981
Reports, 1962-1982
Booklets, 1978-1981
Consumer Unity: New Platforms for Progress in the 1980's, 1981
International Year of Disabled Persons Poster, 1981
International Organization
Background, 1990, n.d.
Charter and Constitution, 1983-1991
A Voice of Our Own [newsletter], 1982-1986
World Council, 1983-1987, n.d.
World Council, 1983-1987, n.d.
United Nations, 1983-1987
African region, 1983-1984
Asia/Pacific region, 1983-1985
Australia, 1983
European region, 1983-1994
Latin American region, 1987, n.d.
North American and Caribbean region, 1982-1987
Seminars, 1983-1984
World Congresses, 1980-1981, 1984-1985, 1988-1989
International Conferences, 1992-1993
U.S. Branch
General correspondence, 1979-1986
American Coalition of Citizens With Disabilities, Inc. (ACCD), 1984-1985
Application for membership, 1984-1986
Charter and charter members, 1985
Bylaws, 1986
Board of Directors, 1986-1988
Incorporation, 1986-1988
Steering Committee, 1986-1987
Correspondence, 1983-1995
Board of Directors, 1990
Funding, 1983-1991
Publicity: Marketing Resources Network, 1988
Cable News Network (CNN), 1993
Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Transit Disability Awareness Training Program, 1987
Blue Ribbon Panel on National Telecommunications Policy, 1991
Brain injury, 1992-1994
Deaf Self-Help model, 1990
Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC), re: consultative status, 1983-1987
Housing, 1991
Injury prevention, 1986-1989, n.d.
International Diplomacy Council, 1994
National Council on the Handicapped Personal Assistance Services Task Force, 1987
Olympics, 1984
Personal Assistance Services Symposia, 1991, 1992
Pomona Revisited: The Consumer in the Rehabilitation Engineering Process workshop, 1987
Report on Tour of USSR and Czechoslovakia by Deborah Kaplan, n.d.
San Francisco Injury Center, 1991-1994
Survey Abstract re: attendant service programs, n.d.
Telecommunications Devices (TTD), 1987
Volunteers, 1987-1988
General Information, 1983-1994, n.d.
Cowell Hospital, n.d.
Wright Institute, 1981, 1985
Center for Independent Living, 1982-1995
Public Advocates, 1983-1989
Gazette International Networking Institute, 1984, 1991
Task Force on the Rights and Empowerment of Americans with Disabilities, 1984-1989
World Interdependence Fund, Inc. (WIF), 1984-1994
IMPACT, International Initiative Against Avoidable Disablement, 1985-1987
University of California, Berkeley, 1985-1995
Through the Looking Glass, 1986-1993
Human Rights Resource Center, 1987
National Citizen's Alliance on Disability Issues, Inc., 1987-1988
Partners in Policymaking, 1987-1995
San Francisco State University Supported Employment Training Specialist Program, 1987-1989
United Cerebral Palsy Association (Supported Employment Demonstration Project), 1987, 1994
Bay Area Aging and Disability Project, 1988
Accessible Housing Development, Inc., 1988-1989
California Consortium on Technology-Related Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities, 1988-1989
San Francisco State University Rehabilitation Engineering Technology Training Project, 1988-1993
Greenlining Coalition, 1989-1993
By All Means, 1990
Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation, 1990-1994
Harriet B. Burg Fellowship Committee, 1991-1992
National Council on Disability (NCD), 1992-1995
Pacific Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center, 1992-1995
Alta Bates Medical Center Community Members, 1993-1995
Art Ship, 1993-1194
Assistance Dog United Campaign, 1993
New Hampshire Self-Determination Project, 1993-1995
Center for Children with Chronic Illness and Disability, National Advisory Board meeting, 1994
Disability Rights Advocates, 1994
General, 1982-1992, n.d.
Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled Seminar (Tokyo, Japan), 1981
Center for Independent Living, Berkeley, Computer Training Program graduation, 1982
Rehabilitation Gazette, "Second International Post-Polio Conference and Symposium on living Independently with Severe Disability" (St. Louis, MO), 1982-1983
Colorado State University, "Handicapped Awareness Days" (Fort Collins, CO), 1983-1984
Eskaton workshop, "Second Annual Celebration of the Wholeness of the Family of God" (Carmichael, CA), 1983
Council of World Organizations Interested in the Handicapped annual meetings (Geneva, Switzerland; New York, NY), 1984-1985
Project Interdependence, "Santa Barbara District-wide Interdependence Training" (Lake Cachuma, CA), 1984
University of California, San Francisco, Continuing Education, Mind and Medicine symposium, "Body and Mind: Emotional Problems in Physical Disabilities" (San Francisco, CA), 1984-1985
Center for Independent Living, Berkeley, "Japan-USA Conference of Persons with Disabilities" (Tokyo, Japan), 1985
Edu-Quest workshops (San Francisco, CA), 1985
National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems annual conference (San Francisco, CA), 1985
Saint Joseph's Hospital Staff conference (Anaheim, CA), 1985
Pan American University, "Fourth Pan American Conference on Rehabilitation and Special Education" (Acapulco, Mexico), 1986
Rehabilitation International, US conference, "Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation: A Global Challenge" (Washington, D.C.), 1986
Coalition of Texans with Disabilities convention, "A Decade of Disability Advocacy" (Houston, TX), 1987
Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers conference, "Communications et Handicaps" (Paris, France), 1987-1989
Alpha One Center for Independent Living annual meeting (Portland, ME), 1988
California Conference on Injury Control (Los Angeles, CA), 1988
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF), 1988-1993
Metropolitan Center for Independent Living (MCIL) annual dinner program (St. Paul, MN), 1988
Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights luncheon (Minneapolis, MN), 1988
Stanford University: Psychology 201 lectures (Stanford, CA), 1988-1990
Sutter Health Continuing Medical Education Program, "Medical Leadership Colloquium on Employment and Disability" (Sonoma, CA), 1988
Villages, Inc. conference, "Sense of Belonging" (Topeka, KS), 1988
Albert Lea Technical College training symposium, "Creative Options for People with the Most Severe Disabilities" (Minneapolis, MN), 1989
Association of Child Advocates Conference: Voices For Children in the States (Ft. Lauderdale, FL), 1989
Association of Independent Living Centers in New York conference, "Independent Living 89: Celebrating 10 Years in New York State" (Albany, NY), 1989
Kalamazoo Valley Community College, "Handicapped Technologies in Education Conference" (Kalamazoo, MI), 1989
State of New York, Commission on Quality of Care for the Mentally Disabled annual conference (Albany, NY), 1989-1990
Access Living forum, "Political Opportunities and Strategies for the 1990's" (Chicago, IL), 1990
American Public Health Association conferences (New York, NY, San Francisco, CA), 1990, 1993
Center for Independent Living of Central Pennsylvania workshop, "Consumer Control: Becoming Your Own Best Advocate" (Harrisburg, PA), 1990
Colorado Interagency conference, "Building Blocks for Tomorrow" (Colorado Springs, CO), 1990
Contra Costa Health and Recreation Association Design Workshop (Walnut Creek, CA), 1990
DataAble self-defense demonstration, "Claim Your Power" (Bethesda, MD), 1990-1991
Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Rehabilitation Services conference, "Touch the Future" (Atlanta, GA), 1990-1991
New Mexico Rehabilitation Association conference, "Americans with Disabilities Act: A Decade of Promise" (Mescalero, NM), 1990
Partners in Leadership conference (Denver, CO), 1990-1994
Society for Adolescent Medicine meeting, "Adolescence and the Family" (Denver, CO), 1990-1991
Sonoma Development Hospital, "The Psychiatric Technician and the Disability Rights Movement" (Sonoma, CA), 1990
Syracuse University, The Center for Human Policy, Policy Institute, "Meaning of Supports in the Lives of People with Disabilities" (Syracuse, NY), 1990
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, "53rd Anniversary Dinner" (Hayward, CA), 1990
Ability Center of Greater Toledo (Toledo, OH), 1991-1992
American Psychological Association convention, "The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: Implications for Psychologists" (San Francisco, CA), 1991
Bay Area Rehabilitation Medical Group post-polio conference, "Perspectives for the 1990's" (Oakland, CA), 1991
Center for Children with Chronic Illness and Disability national advisory board meeting (Daytona Beach, FL), 1991-1992
Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association conference, "Personal Attendant Services" (Long Branch, NJ), 1991
Kalamazoo Center for Independent Living, "Ability Conference" (Kalamazoo, MI), 1991
Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, "Learn with the Best: A Guest Lecture Series in Brain Injury" (Philadelphia, PA), 1991
National Head Injury Foundation, annual national symposium (Los Angeles, CA), 1991
Northern California Foundation for Independent Living Centers regional meeting (Berkeley, CA), 1991
Port of Oakland, Employment Resources Development Program seminar, "The Americans with Disabilities Act" (Oakland, CA), 1991
Public Citizen conference, "Taking Back America" (Washington, D.C.), 1991
Society for Disability Studies annual conference (Oakland, CA), 1991
Southwest Center for Independence regional conference, "Enabling the Disabled in the 90's" (Durango, CO), 1991
United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities commissioner's forum (Arlington, VA), 1991
Academy for Educational Development meeting, "American Studies for University Educators" (Oakland, CA), 1992
Alameda County Developmetal Disabilities Planning and Advisory Council meeting (Berkeley, CA), 1992
American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers conference, (Los Vegas, NV), 1992
Association for Community Living in Colorado family support conference, "Empowerment and Possibilities" (Denver, CO), 1992
Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services "Dreams, Diversity, and Empowerment: Independent Living in the Heartland" (Kansas City, MO), 1992
Minnesota Center for Research and Developmental Disabilities retreat (Plymouth, MA), 1992
Mountain State Centers for Independent Living, "Second Annual ADA Celebration" (Charleston, WV), 1992
National Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, issue forum and mid-winter meeting (Lake Tahoe, NV), 1992
New Horizons Unlimited, "Compton Community Conference on Hiring the Disabled Under the Americans with Disabilities Act" (Compton, CA), 1992
Rotary Club of San Carlos speaking engagement (San Carlos, CA), 1992
Virginia Commonwealth University, Rehabilitation Research and Training Center symposium, "Building Partnerships that Lead to Supported Employment" (Richmond, VA), 1992
Area Boards on Developmental Disabilities, Community Living Forum (San Francisco, CA), 1993
Association for Community Advocacy, Michigan Consortium for Personal Assistance Services town hall meetings (Lansing, MI), 1993-1994
Ben-Gurion University tribute dinner (San Francisco, CA), 1993
Center for Children with Chronic Illness and Disability conference, "Reclaiming the Health of Children: Toward a New Model of Service Delivery" (Racine, WI), 1993
Connecticut Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities statewide meeting on personal assistant services (Hartford, CT), 1993
Iowa Program for Assistive Technology conference, "Let's Put Iowans with Disabilities in the Driver's Seat" (Des Moines, IA), 1993
Iowa Protection and Advocacy Services, Inc. advocacy campaign meetings (Des Moines, IA), 1993
New York State Head Injury Association conference, "New Challenges, New Realities" (Albany, NY), 1993-1994
San Francisco State University courses (San Francisco, CA), 1993, [1995
Southwest Institute for Inclusive Schools and Communities, annual institute (Ft. Worth, TX), 1993
United States, Office of the President, disability community meeting (Washington, D.C.), 1993
Western Consortium for Public Health, "International Healthy Cities and Communities Conference" (San Francisco, CA), 1993-1994
Western States Meat Association convention (Reno, NV), 1993
World Interdependence Fund of New Mexico (Galisteo, NM), 1993
AbleNet symposium, "Addressing the Needs of the International Disabled Community" (Brookline, MA), 1994
Advanced Speech Applications and Technologies conference (San Jose, CA), 1994
American Association of People with Disabilities, Inc. conference (Chicago, IL), 1994
Association for Persons in Supported Environments conference, "Partnership for Customer Satisfaction" (San Francisco, CA), 1994
Center for Independent Living, Berkeley "Civil Rights March for Universal Health Care" (San Francisco, CA), 1994
Courage Center conference, 'Know Your Rights" (Golden Valley, MN), 1994
Disability Independence Day March, 1994
Empire State College, "Disabled but Enabled" (Rochester, NY), 1994
Minnesota Governor's Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities, "Minnesota Summer Leadership Institute" (Bloomington, MN), 1994
National Institute of Art and Disabilities gala benefit, "NIAD Celebrates the Stars" (San Francisco, CA), 1994
National Multiple Sclerosis Society national conference, "Count on Us Speaking Out" (San Francisco, CA), 1994
National Youth Leadership Council conferences, "National Service Learning" (Albuquerque, NM and Philadelphia, PA), 1994-1995
North Shore Association for Retarded Citizens meeting (Danvers, MA), 1994
Older Women's League, White House Conference on Aging, "We Care: Conversations with Long Term Care Workers" (Oakland, CA), 1995
SERIES 3: 1975-1998, n.d.
Scope and Content Note
GENERAL, 1983-1998, n.d.
Act for Better Child Care (Federal), 1988
Attendant Services Agency proposal, 1993
Buck Charitable Trust, 1990
Coalition for America's Children, 1992
Developmental Disability Councils, 1983, 1987-1988
Disability awareness and advocacy groups, 1983-1998, n.d.
Disability bibliography, 1990
Disability Friends of Tom Bradley for Political Change, 1986
Disabled Reproductive and Adoptive Rights, 1983-1987
Governor's Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities: Comedy Network collected humor, 1987-1989
Gray Panthers, 1984-1986
Hate Crimes, 1986-1987
Multiple Sclerosis, 1987-1988
Muscular Dystrophy Telethon, Jerry Lewis, 1992-1994
National Association for Journalists with Disabilities, 1991-1992
National Association for Minority Citizens with Disabilities, 1989
National Association of People with Disabilities, 1994
National Council on the Handicapped, 1984-1987
National Institute of Handicapped Research, 1985
Next Generation, 1987-1988
Pew Charitable Trusts, 1986
Polio, 1983-1991
Polio Action Committee Taskforce (PACT), 1985-1986
Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia (PILCOP), 1986-1989
Reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 1986, 1991-1992
Respirators, 1984-1993
Rural Development Leadership Network, 1985-1987
Social Security Act, 1988
TASH, The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 1984-1993
Youth News, 1987
General, 1981-1995
All Russian Society of the Disabled, 1992-1994
Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, 1986-1987
Centro de vida independente do Rio de Janeiro, 1992
House With No Steps Foundation, 1993-1994
Rehabilitation International, 1983-1988
San Francisco/Prague Exchange exhibit on Independent Living, 1991-1992
Working Quads: Self Employment and persons with severe disabilities [Japan], 1994
General, 1992
Coalition to End Ableism, 1993-1994
Geary Boulevard Community Assistance Center, 1986
Guide Dogs, 1987
Independent Living proposals, Iowa, 1993
In-Home Support Services, 1993-1994
Live at Home Foundation, 1991
National Research and Training Center on Public Policy in Independent Living (RTC-PPIL), 1991-1994
National Council on Independent Living, 1986-1989
People First, 1987-1989
Quality of Life Project, 1988-1992
Research and Training Center on Independent Living, National Conference, 1987
Associated Enterprises, Inc., 1986-1987
Bibow Enterprises, Inc., 1988
Biocontrol Systems, 1993-1994
California State University, San Francisco, Meeting by AudioVision, 1991, Jan.
Cellular One, 1992
Coalition on Technology and Disability, 1988
Corporation on Disability and Telecommunications, 1993
IBM International Business Machines Corporation, 1984-1987
Keep Able Limited, Disabled Living Foundation, 1985-1987
Physically-Challenged Resource Center (Chrysler Motors Corporation), 1988
Rancho Rehabilitation Engineering Center, 1988
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, Association for the Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology, 1988
Rehabilitation Engineering Technology Training Project, 1988
Technology Promotion Materials, 1989
Air Carrier Access Act, 1987-1988
Americans Disabled for Accessible Public Transit (ADAPT), 1987
California Clean Air, Jobs and Transit Initiative (CALTEA), 1994
Oakland Paratransit for the Elderly and the Disabled, 1987
Travel Information for People with Disabilities, 1987
Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines Advisory Review Committee, 1994
Blue Roses Corporation, n.d.
Donald v. College Square and Donald v. Sacramento Valley Bank, 1989
JC Decaux, USA, 1993
Kalamazoo Center for Independent Living: Kalamazoo Airport Accessibility, 1989
Lawrence Hall of Science, 1988
EMPLOYMENT POLICY, 1986-1995, n.d.
E. Dee [Sacramento Interdependence Project on Employment and Disability], 1989
Espresso Cart Project for the Physically Challenged, 1993-1994
Evan Kemp Associates, Inc., 1993-1994
National Meeting on Supported Employment, 1992
President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (PCEPD), 1990-1995
Women's Economic Agenda Project (WEAP), 1986
HEALTH CARE POLICY, 1982-1994, n.d.
Assisted Suicide/Right-to-die, 1987-1988, 1992
California Health and Security Act, 1994
Developmental disabilities, 1989, 1992, n.d.
Inservice Video Productions, 1988, n.d.
Insurance reform, 1984-1987
Medicaid and Medi-cal, 1989-1991
Real Health Care for All, 1994
United States Dept. of Health and Human Services, 1982-1984
Challenge Foundation, 1985-1994
East West Institute of Healing Arts, 1986-1988
Light Impact Project, 1991-1994
Neil Squire Foundation, 1988-1989
Peer counseling, ca. 1980's
Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Drugs and Disability Advisory Board, 1993-1994
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, 1975
Sports for people with disabilities, 1987-1988
University of Minnesota, Self-Determination Conference, 1988-1989
Centers for Disease Control, 1989
Council on Alcohol Policy: California Affiliate of the National Association for Public Health Policy, 1991-1992
Information disclosure on dangerous products, 1986
Motorcycle helmet bills, 1988-1990
National Coalition to Reduce Crash Injuries, 1984-1987
Prevention Coalition, 1987
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Immunization Program, 1984-1987
Wellness Guide: Your Guide to Living Well in California, 1991-1992
INDIVIDUALS, 1983-1995, n.d.
Block, Laurie, 1991-1994
Brand, Bob, n.d.
Bronston, William M.D., 1987
Compton, Thomas, 1988
Cremens, Thea, n.d.
Dee, Maggie, 1992
Finson, Bruce, 1993-1994
Golfus, Bill, 1983-1995
Gwin, Lucy, 1992-1994
Harrington, Charlene, 1991
Heumann, Judith E., 1947-, 1990
Jacuzzi, Kenneth, 1987
Lambert, Charles Steven, 1992-1993
Lesy, Michael, 1945-, 1988
Longwood, Debra, 1984
McKnight, John L., 1931-, 1986, n.d.
McNulty, Joseph, 1987-1988
Meucci, Sandra, 1987
Moise, Lotte, 1986-1988
Owen, Mary Jane, 1984-1989
Perske, Robert, 1987-1990
Piastro, Dianne, 1994
Thorn, Lee, 1988-1994
von Koenig, Frances, 1985
SERIES 4: 1953-1998, n.d.
Scope and Content Note
Incoming correspondence, 1984
Biography, curriculum vitae, speech and award lists, 1992-1995, n.d.
Personal case history, 1974-1975
Wheelchair design, 1991, n.d.
Event detail calendars: speeches, conferences, meetings, coalitions, 1992-1995
Calendars, 1982-1989
MacArthur Fellowship Congratulatory Correspondence, 1984
MacArthur Fellowship, 1984-1994
N. Neal Pike Prize, 1990
The Giraffe Project Award, 1990-1991
Lanterman Award (posthumous), 1995
"60 Minutes", 1988
MOUTH, 1992
"People in Motion", 1995
Events, 1995
Services, 1995
Condolence letters, 1995
Shared Memories: WID Staff Members and Friends, 1995
Ed Stories, 1995
Highlights from speeches by Ed Roberts [tribute by Jon Oda], 1995
Remarks by Evan Kemp, 1995
Tributes by President Clinton, Judy Heumann, Justin Dart, 1995
Tributes by WID, 1995
Tributes by Others, 1995
Memorials: Congressional Record, California State Legislature, County of Alameda, 1995
Articles on Ed Roberts, 1995
Media interviews regarding Ed Roberts, 1995
Ed Roberts Fellowship in Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1995-1998
Smithsonian Institution donation, 1995
The Ed Roberts Library, Vermont Center for Independent Living, 1996
Death certificate, 1995
Miscellany, n.d.
Press Clippings, 1953-1997
Press Clippings, 1956-1995