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Libertarian Party materials 1950-1985

Scope and Contents note

Legal documents, correspondence, statements, advertisements, announcements, promotions, flyers, speeches, reports, and writings, arranged into groups by subject


box 1, folder 1

Bylaws of the Libertarian party, adopted in convention, New York City 1983 September 1-4


Platform of the party

box 1, folder 2


box 1, folder 2


box 1, folder 2


box 1, folder 2


box 1, folder 2


box 1, folder 3

Statement of principals undated


Libertarian party on the issues

box 1, folder 4


box 1, folder 4

Controlled substances

box 1, folder 4

Election laws

box 1, folder 4

Gay rights

box 1, folder 4

Government and business

box 1, folder 4

Health care

box 1, folder 4


box 1, folder 4

Women's rights

box 1, folder 5

Correspondence 1952-1983

box 1, folder 6

Advertisements, announcements, promotions 1977-1984

box 1, folder 7

Flyers, bumper stickers 1971-1984

box 1, folder 8

List of Free Enterprise Organizations (confidential), typescript

Scope and Contents note

Includes report on INFRA's activities, 1964-1965

Election materials

box 1, folder 9

General 1979


Presidential candidates

box 1, folder 10

John Hospers 1972

box 1, folder 11

Roger MacBride 1976

box 1, folder 12

Ed Clark 1980

box 1, folder 13

David Bergland 1984


United States Senate

box 1, folder 14

Stormy Mon undated

box 1, folder 14

Lynn Kinsky 1976

box 1, folder 14

William White 1984


United States Congress

box 1, folder 15

Jeff Mandel 1982

box 1, folder 15

Dana Rohrabacher 1989 (?)


Governor/Lieutenant governor, Libertarian party

box 1, folder 16

Gary Greenberg, New York 1978

box 1, folder 16

John Vernon, California 1982 (?)

box 1, folder 16

Dan Dougherty, California 1982



box 1, folder 17

Fran Youngstein, New York City 1973

box 1, folder 17

Ray Cunningham, San Francisco 1979

box 1, folder 18

Miscellany undated


Libertarian Party Conventions

box 1, folder 19

London convention of the Libertarian International, the second world libertarian convention 1984



box 1, folder 20


box 1, folder 20



Libertarian party of California

box 1, folder 21


box 1, folder 21


box 1, folder 21


box 1, folder 21



Future of Freedom conference series

box 1, folder 22

General 1980s

box 1, folder 22


box 1, folder 22


box 1, folder 22


box 1, folder 22


box 1, folder 22


box 1, folder 22

Survey of opinion


State Libertarian party materials


California 1971-1983

box 2, folder 1

General 1972-1981

Scope and Contents note

Includes platform of the Libertarian party of California, 1974-1976
box 2, folder 2

San Francisco Bay area 1973

box 2, folder 3

Orange County 1971-1983

box 2, folder 4

Georgia 1983-1984

box 2, folder 4

New Jersey 1979

box 2, folder 4

Texas 1986


Collected materials

box 2, folder 5

Association of Libertarian Feminists 1974-1981

box 2, folder 6

Campus Studies Institute, San Diego, California 1971-1972

box 2, folder 7-8

Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York 1950-1970

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, pamphlets, notes, and reports
box 2, folder 9-10

Institute for Human Studies, Menlo Park, California 1961-1973

Scope and Contents note

Includes annual reports, correspondence, meeting notices, and other material
box 3, folder 1

New Right Coalition (individuals for rational society) 1971-1974

box 3, folder 2

Society for Individual Freedom undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence dated 1953
box 3, folder 3

Society for Individual Liberty 1970-1974

box 3, folder 4

Society for Libertarian Life 1977-1982

box 3, folder 5-6

Young Americans for Freedom 1969-1974

box 4, folder 1

Young Americans for Freedom 1969-1974


Collected writings

box 4, folder 2

Bastiat, Frèdèric, The State 1955

box 4, folder 2

Bergland, David, Libertarian candidate for President of the United States, Libertarianism in One Lesson 1984

box 4, folder 2

Bergland, David, The Politics of Freedom, America's Libertarian heritage undated

box 4, folder 2

Bird, Mary Carol, Capsule Course In Community Press Relations, written for Young Americans for Freedom, Washington, D.C

box 4, folder 2

Bonjarski, Stefan, The Gods and Their Defenders, Pacific Libertarian 1973

box 4, folder 2

Botsford, David, Industry and State: Myth and Reality undated

box 4, folder 2

Breggin, R. Peter, The Psychiatric Holocaust undated

box 4, folder 2

Callaway, Howard, Up Against the Yaf Wall 1969 July

box 4, folder 2

Casterline, C. James, The Agora 1971

box 4, folder 2

Childs, R. A., Jr., An Open letter to AYN Rand: Objectivism and the State 1969

box 4, folder 2

Clifton, Merritt, Freedom undated

box 4, folder 2

Cobb, Joe, The Income Tax Must Go! 1982

box 4, folder 2

Collier, Peter, The Next American Revolution: The Libertarian party Wants to Set You Free 1979

box 4, folder 2

Cooper, Richard, review on Joe David's book The Fire Within Alexandria undated

box 4, folder 2

Curley, Charles, Critical Essay undated

box 4, folder 2

Curley, Charles, The Future of the Libertarian Movement, presented to the Society for Libertarian Life 1982 September 26

box 4, folder 2

Delain, Gail, Secret Project Ho-Hum undated

box 4, folder 2

Dematteis, Philip, What is Libertarianism? 1976

box 4, folder 2

Ebeling, Richard, In Defense of Free Migration, Libertarian Reprints, an occasional publication of the Libertarian Alliance, London, England 1979

box 4, folder 2

Ely-Chaitlin, Eric, The last Crusade 1985

box 4, folder 2

Grey, John, The System of Ruins 1983

box 4, folder 2

Hartwell, R. M., History and Ideology 1974

box 4, folder 2

Hoar, William, Watching Libertarians In Convention 1975 September

box 4, folder 2

Hospers, John, second annual Fourth of July Address, Paternalism in America undated

box 4, folder 2

Hummel, Jeffrey Rogers, The Case for Legalizing Heroin undated

box 4, folder 2

Jenkins, John, Free Thinkers 1980

box 4, folder 3

Konkin, Samuel Edward, An Agorist Primer 1986

box 4, folder 3

Kuklinsky, T., Political Definitions undated

box 4, folder 3

Kuklinsky, T., Economics undated

box 4, folder 3

LeFevre, Robert, The Strategy of Apathy undated

box 4, folder 3

MacBride, Roger, The Libertarian Challenge: A New Direction for America 1975

box 4, folder 3

MacCallum, Spencer, Drafting a Constitution for Orbis: The Business of Providing Community Services in Space undated

box 4, folder 3

Meinshausen, Donald, Rohrabacher as Renegade Radical Reagan Republican undated

box 4, folder 3

Micklethwai, Brian, Freedom Order and Architecture 1983

box 4, folder 3

Mints, Frank, Debacle in Vietnam 1969

box 4, folder 3

Mises, Ludwig, von, Middle-of-the Road Policy Leads to Socialism, an address circa 1965

box 4, folder 3

Moore, Thomas, The New Libertarians Make Waves 1985

box 4, folder 3

Moreell, Ben, an address, It is not Enough to be an Engineer 1964

box 4, folder 3

Nolan, David, Classifying and Analyzing Politico-Economic System 1971

box 4, folder 3

Pugsley, John, Viewpoint of the Month 1978-1984

box 4, folder 3

Raimondo, Justin, Tear Down the walls! 1979

box 4, folder 3

Rand, Ayn, The Shanghai Gesture 1972

box 4, folder 3

Richman, Shel, The Great Auto-Import Rip-off 1981

box 4, folder 3

Rothbard, Murray, From the desk of Murray N. Rothbard undated

box 4, folder 3

Saunders, Richard, The M Strategy undated

box 4, folder 3

Smith, George, transcript of a speech, The Corruption of Freedom in Classical Liberalism 1977 February 20

box 4, folder 3

Shenfield, Arthur, An Heir to Adam Smith 1974

box 4, folder 3

Tame, Chris, Ernest Hemingway and the Failure of Nihilism 1980/1981

box 4, folder 3

Wheler, Richard, The Fascist Threat to America undated

box 4, folder 3

Wright, Nelson, Uncle Sam's Phony Express 1974

box 4, folder 3

Yench, John, articles from Christian Laissez Faire 1973-1974


Libertarian publications 1961-1988

Scope and Contents note

Books and periodicals, pamphlets, newsletters, bulletins, journals, and magazines and newspapers, arranged by physical form

Books and periodicals

box 4, folder 4

Alternative Bookshop, specialists in libertarian books in all subjects, London, England undated

box 4, folder 4

Book News, published by Academic Associates Incorporated, Los Angeles, California 1969, 1972-1973

box 4, folder 4

Campus Organizing Manual, published by Young Libertarian Alliance, Washington, D.C. undated

box 4, folder 4

Eden Press, privacy catalog, protection business plans opportunities options, Fountain Valley, California undated

box 4, folder 4

Free Market Yellow Pages, directory of truly free-market businesses and organizations, sponsored by Rampart Institute and Agora Association of Businesses 1983-1985

Scope and Contents note

(Lawrence Samuels project)
box 4, folder 5

Humanist Century, published by the Humanistic Science Inc. 1983, 1985

box 4, folder 5

Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy, New York 1983/1984

box 4, folder 5

Liberty Book Store, Libertarianism: A Recommended Reading List undated

box 4, folder 5

Index on Liberty: An International Directory of Institutions and Publications of Interest to Promoters of Reason and Liberty, a supplement to Free World Chronicle, Bergen, Norway 1984


Books for Libertarian

box 4, folder 5

Catalog, winter, Washington, DC 1973-1974

box 4, folder 5

Bulletins, Washington, DC 1972-1974


Laissez Faire Books, the world's largest selection of book on Liberty, New York


Laissez Faire Books (catalog), New York

box 4, folder 6


box 5, folder 1


box 5, folder 2

Anarchist Catalog 1980, 1983

box 5, folder 2

Catalog and Review 1973-1981

box 5, folder 2

Libertarian catalog, New York 1974 May

box 5, folder 2

Review 1973-1975

box 5, folder 3

L.M.P – Libertarian microfiche publishing, literature list 1983

box 5, folder 4

Libertarian Connection, published by Natalee Hall and Skye D'Aureous 1969-1972

box 6, folder 1

Libertarian Review, Washington, DC 1974-1976

box 6, folder 1

Liberty, Mountain View, California spring 1977

box 6, folder 1

Publications of the Institute of Economic Affairs, London, England. Distributed in North America by Transatlantic Arts, Inc., Levittown, New York 1977

box 6, folder 1

Rampart Institute (non-profit, tax-deductible, educational organization), Student and General Educational Catalog, Carmel, California 1984

box 6, folder 1

Society for Individual Liberty Speakers Bureau, booklet, Silver Spring, Maryland 1971

box 6, folder 2

University Bookman, quarterly review, New York 1968-1969



box 6, folder 3

A is A, writings on freedom and individualism, Brighton, Michigan 1972-1973

box 6, folder 3

Abolitionist, publication of the Radical Libertarian Alliance 1971

box 6, folder 3

Activist Letter, Students for Libertarian Society, Warminster, Pennsylvania 1983

box 6, folder 3

American Anarchist Tradition, Westfield, New Jersey undated

box 6, folder 3

American Defense, Libertarian Defense Caucus, Colton, California 1982-1984

box 6, folder 3

Anchorage Libertarian Newsletter, published by the Libertarian Party of Anchorage, Alaska 1986

box 6, folder 3

California Libertarian News, Libertarian Party of California 1987

box 6, folder 3

Caltech Liberty, Caltech Libertarian Alliance 1979

box 6, folder 3

Campus Report, published by the Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1962-1966

box 6, folder 4

Center for Libertarian Studies Newsletter, New York 1977

box 6, folder 4

Channel Counties Libertarian, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, Southern California) 1983

box 6, folder 4

Chronicle, Libertarian International, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1981-1982

box 6, folder 4

Common Sense, Libertarian Party of Florida, Miami, Florida 1980-1985

box 6, folder 4

Dialogue on Liberty, Young Americans for Freedom 1977-1979

box 6, folder 4

East Bay Libertarian Lifeline, Oakland, California 1981

box 6, folder 4

East Bay LP News, Berkeley, California 1976

box 6, folder 4

Free Marin, San Rafael, California 1986

box 6, folder 4

Free New Mexico, Libertarian Party of New Mexico, Sapello, New Mexico 1987

box 6, folder 4

Free Texas Reports, Libertarian party of Taxes, Houston 1983

box 6, folder 4

Free World, Digest of the Libertarian International, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1982

box 6, folder 4

Freedom Network News, published by Libertarian

box 6, folder 4

Frontlines, Santa Barbara, California 1980, 1982

box 6, folder 4

Georgia Libertarian, Libertarian party of Georgia 1984

box 6, folder 4

Hawaii Libertarian, Honolulu 1978

box 6, folder 4

Headlines, Fountainhead Club Libertarians for Gay Rights, Los Angeles, California 1984

box 6, folder 5

Individualist, published by the Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, Inc. 1957-1964

box 6, folder 6

Individual Liberty, Society for Individual Liberty, Warminster, Pennsylvania 1977, 1984-1987

box 7, folder 1-2

Innovator, applications, experiments, and advanced developments of liberty, Los Angeles, California 1967-1969

box 7, folder 3

LibSIG (international libertarian special interest group in Mensa), San Francisco, California 1980-1981

box 7, folder 3

LFL Reports, Libertarian for Life, Wheaton, Maryland 1981, 1986

box 7, folder 3

Libertarian, California Libertarian Party, Burlingame, California 1972

box 7, folder 3

Libertarian, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. 1962

box 7, folder 3

Libertarian, Wenonah, New Jersey 1967

box 7, folder 3

Libertarian Alternative, Travis County Libertarian Party, Taxes 1973

box 7, folder 3

Libertarian Alternative Newsletter, San Diego, California 1980-1982

box 7, folder 3

Libertarian American, Center for Libertarian Studies, San Antonio, Taxes 1967-1970

box 7, folder 3

Libertarian Digest, Berkeley, California 1985

box 7, folder 3

Libertarian Chronicle, San Diego Libertarians, California 1982

box 7, folder 4

Libertarian Church Newsletter, First Libertarian Church Newsletter, Los Angeles, California 1977-1986

box 7, folder 5-6

Libertarian Forum, New York 1975-1983

box 8, folder 1

Libertarian Review, Libertarian Review Inc., Washington, D.C. 1974-1975

box 8, folder 1

Libertarian Transition Caucus Newsletter, Los Angeles, California undated

box 8, folder 1

Libertarian Party on Campaign Issues, Libertarian Party, Washington, D.C. 1982

box 8, folder 1

Libertarian Super Club of Los Angeles 1972-1973

box 8, folder 1

Libertarian Vision, Libertarian Party of Florida, Orlando 1986

box 8, folder 1

Libertarie, Libertarian Party of Quebec 1977

box 8, folder 1

Libertas Review, Society for Libertarian Life Associated Students, Inc. California State University Fullerton 1980-1984

box 8, folder 1

Limit! Libertarian Republican Alliance, New York 1975-1978

box 8, folder 1

Market for Liberty, Libertarian party of Oregon 1976, 1978

box 8, folder 1

Michigan Libertarian, Libertarian Party of Michigan 1986

box 8, folder 1

Movement for Independent Pacific Channel Islands, Avalon, California 1983

box 8, folder 1

New Capitalist Digest, Pasadena, California 1971

box 8, folder 1

New Libertarian Strategy of the Movement of the Libertarian Left, New Libertarian Enterprises, Long Beach, California 1980

box 8, folder 2

New Libertarian Weekly (First Newsweekly of the New Libertarian Society) 1976-1978

box 8, folder 2

New Libertarian Weekly Supplement, New Libertarian Enterprises, Long Beach, California 1984

box 8, folder 2

Newsletter, Progress party of New South Wales, registered by Australia Post Publication, Sylvania, Australia 1985-1986

box 8, folder 2

Newsletter of the Libertarian Supper Club of Orange County, California 1981

box 8, folder 2

Now and After, Libertarian Socialist Newsletter 1977

box 8, folder 2

Orange County Libertarian, Huntington Beach, California 1978

box 8, folder 2

Oregon Libertarian, McMinnville, Oregon 1985

box 8, folder 2

Palmetto Libertarian Forum, forum for members of the South Carolina Libertarian Party, Columbia, South Carolina 1985

box 8, folder 3

Peterborough Libertarian Association, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada 1980-1981

box 8, folder 3

Porcupine, serving Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, Missoula, Montana 1980-1981

box 8, folder 3

Prometheus, Libertarian Futurist Society, Rochester, New York 1984-1985

box 8, folder 3

Pursuit of Liberty, Center for Libertarian Studies, New York 1977-1981

box 8, folder 3

Rampart College Newsletter, Santa Ana, California 1972

box 8, folder 3

Sandhills Libertarian Gazette, Libertarians in the South Carolina Midlands, West Columbia, South Carolina 1985-1987

box 8, folder 4

San Diego Libertarian, San Diego Libertarian Party, San Diego, California 1985-1986

box 8, folder 5

Society for Individual Liberty News, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1970-1973

box 8, folder 6

Southern Libertarian Messenger, Florence, South Carolina 1986

box 8, folder 6

Tactics of the Movement of the Libertarian Left, Long Beach, California 1983-1984

box 8, folder 6

Tanstaafl! Published by the Rational Libertarian Church, Fort Collins, Colorado 1973

box 8, folder 6

Taxes Libertarian, LPT Activists, San Antonio, Texas 1985, 1987

box 8, folder 6

Thorn, Ann Arbor Anarchist Coalition, a part of the Michigan region of the Radical Libertarian Alliance undated

box 8, folder 6

Torch, Grove City College Conservative Club, Grove City, Pennsylvania 1969

box 8, folder 6

Torch, Galatians Fellowship of California 1980

box 8, folder 6

United Libertarian Fellowship, Yorba Linda, California 1978-1979

box 8, folder 6

Virginia Libertarian, Richmond, Virginia 1985

box 8, folder 6

Washington Libertarian, Libertarian Party of Washington State, Tacoma, Washington 1983

box 8, folder 6

Westside Libertarian, Libertarian party of California, Los Angeles 1987



box 9, folder 1

Against the Wall, Westfield, New Jersey, volume one, number 10 undated

box 9, folder 1

Bay Area Libertarian, San Francisco Bay Area Libertarian Party, San Francisco, California 1977

box 9, folder 1

Bulletin – Newsletter of the Ontario Libertarian Party, Toronto, Ontario 1985-1986

box 9, folder 1

California Activist, Libertarian Party of California, San Jose, California 1983-1984

box 9, folder 1

Dissent, TDT-Libertarian Enterprises, Cupertino, California 1978-1986

box 9, folder 1

Free Life, journal of the Libertarian Alliance, London, England 1981-1983

box 9, folder 2

Free Marin, journal of ideas for the liberation/free market community, Kentfield, California 1987

box 9, folder 2

Illinois Libertarian, Chicago, Illinois 1981

box 9, folder 2

Indian Libertarian, incorporating the Free Economic Review and The Indian Rationalist, an independent journal of Economic and Public Affairs, Bombay 1961

box 9, folder 2

Invictus, journal of individualist thought, Hollywood, California 1970, 1973

box 9, folder 2

Libertarian Alliance, (Independent non-party group), Libertarian Alliance Ltd., London, England undated

box 9, folder 2

Libertarian Bulletin, Libertarian Party of Australia, Campbelltown, South Australia 1982-1985

box 9, folder 2

Libertarian Iconoclast, Alliance of Libertarian Activists, Berkeley, California 1968-1969

box 9, folder 2

Libertarian News, occasional review of British, European and World Libertarian news, issued by the Libertarian Alliance, London, England 1984

box 9, folder 2

Libertarian Vanguard, Libertarian party Radical Caucus, Palo Alto, California 1982

box 9, folder 2

LP News, National Office of the Libertarian Party. Aurora, Colorado 1974

box 9, folder 3

Preform-Inform, Libertarian Press Association, information exchange among Libertarian Nomads 1969

box 9, folder 3

Principle, Libertarian party of Canada, Ontario, Canada 1977, 1980

box 9, folder 3

Southern Libertarian Messenger, Florence, South Carolina 1985-1986

box 9, folder 3

Update: ?n the Libertarian Movement, Libertarian Review Foundation, Washington, D.C. 1982

box 9, folder 3

Volition, libertarian review, Redlands, California 1969



box 9, folder 4

Against the Wall, Self-Liberation and Voluntary Alternatives, Westfield, New Jersey 1980

box 9, folder 4

Cambridge Liberator, Cambridge, England, issue one undated

box 9, folder 4

Efficacy, Gulf Coast Voice of Civil and Economic Liberty, Houston, Taxes 1979

box 9, folder 4

Elf, journal for left-tight libertarian expression 1980

box 9, folder 5

Freedom's Child, literary journal, published by Anglican Enterprises, Grover City, California 1982

box 9, folder 5

Free World Chronicle, Libertarian International World Headquarters, volume III, number 5 1986

box 9, folder 5

Integrity, member of the Libertarian Press Association 1971

box 9, folder 5

Liberator: An Academic Voice for Individualism, 1961-1962, New Orleans, Louisiana

box 10, folder 1-2

Libertarian Connection, member of the Libertarian Press Association 1970-1973

box 10, folder 3

Libertarian Outlook, Garrison Foundation, San Francisco, California 1985

box 10, folder 3

Libertarian Review, Libertarian Review, Inc., San Francisco, California 1980

box 10, folder 3

Liberty, Liberty Publishing, Port Townsend, Washington 1991

box 10, folder 3

Life and Liberty, New Jersey Libertarian Alliance, North Plainfield, New Jersey 1970-1971

box 10, folder 4

New Libertarian, New Libertarian Company of Free Traders, Costa Mesa, California 1982-1985

box 10, folder 5

New Libertarian Notes, New York Libertarian Association, New York 1973-1977

box 11, folder 1

New Libertarian Notes, New York Libertarian Association, New York 1973-1977

box 11, folder 2

Notes From the Underground, samizdat publication of the Underground Seminar on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness 1980

box 11, folder 2

Outlook, Libertarian Monthly, Abolitionist Association 1972-1973

box 11, folder 2

Scream! Individualist Anti-War Rag/Special Issue, Baltimore, Maryland 1984



box 11, folder 3

Arizona Liberty, the voice of the Arizona Libertarian party 1977-1978

box 11, folder 3

Banner, Libertarian Journal 1972-1973

box 11, folder 3

Caliber, California Libertarian News 1981

box 11, folder 3

California Arena, Stanford University 1970

box 11, folder 3

California Political Times, Libertarian Party of California undated

box 11, folder 3

California Libertarian 1980

box 11, folder 4

California Libertarian news 1974

box 11, folder 4

Captain America's, underground Ghetto Press 1971

box 11, folder 4

Carolina Renaissance, North Carolina Young Americans for Freedom 1970

box 11, folder 4

Cassandra, Western Pennsylvania Young Americans for Freedom 1971

box 11, folder 4

Challenger, published in the interest of law and order 1967

box 11, folder 4

Christian Laissez Faire, Institute for Human Studies, Menlo Park, California undated

box 11, folder 4

Colorado Liberty, Colorado Libertarian Party 1983-1986

box 11, folder 4

Convention News, the Tenth Anniversary Convention of the Libertarian Party, Denver 1981

box 11, folder 4

Counterpoint, Massachusetts Young Americans for Freedom 1970-1971

box 11, folder 5

Creative Californian, Young Americans for Freedom 1970-1977

box 11, folder 5

Dimension 1971-1972

box 11, folder 5

Essence, Power to individual 1972

box 11, folder 6

Free Texas, Libertarian Party of Taxes 1980-1983

box 12, folder 1

Free Trojan, Southern California 1970-1971, 1984

box 12, folder 1

Free Vermont, Vermont Libertarian News 1986

box 12, folder 1

Freedom Reborn, 1985 National Convention of the Libertarian party, Phoenix, Arizona 1985

box 12, folder 1

For Real 1971-1973

box 12, folder 1

Future of Freedom, Conference, Long Beach City College 1983

box 12, folder 1

Harvard Libertarian 1983

box 12, folder 1

Hollywood Free Paper 1971

box 12, folder 1

Liberator, publication independent of the Daily Iowan 1970

box 12, folder 2

Libertarian Party News, Libertarian National Committee, Houston, Texas 1982-1986

box 12, folder 2

Liberty, (Clark for President!) 1980

box 12, folder 2

Liberty, voice of students for a libertarian society 1982

box 12, folder 2

Libra Freepress 2003

box 12, folder 2

Majority Opinion, University of Houston, Young Americans for Freedom undated

box 12, folder 2

Majority Speaks, independent publication 1973

box 12, folder 2

Movement 1973

box 12, folder 3

New Horizon, power to the individual 1971

box 12, folder 3

News: Clark President 1980

box 12, folder 3

Outlook, commentary on the important issues of today, published by the Libertarian Party, Washington, D.C. 1977 (?)

box 12, folder 3

Placer Gold, Libertarian Party 1985

box 12, folder 3

Protos, universal Banner edition 1970-1971

box 12, folder 4

Right-On, very unofficial University of Taxes journal of conservative opinion 1972-1973

box 12, folder 4

Sixth Annual national Libertarian Party Convention, San Francisco, California 1977

box 12, folder 4

Smith's Journal, complete 1980 platform of the Libertarian Party circa 1980

box 12, folder 4

Stanford Independent 1972

box 12, folder 4

Stanford Libertarian 1981

box 12, folder 4

Starboard, Detroit, Michigan 1970

box 12, folder 4

Sunburst, journal of anarchist thought, published by the North American Libertarian Alliance 1971

box 12, folder 4

Time for Liberty, Fresno, California 1984

box 12, folder 5

Virginia Liberty 1985-1986

box 12, folder 5

Write-On! Very independent Boardman student publication 1971-1972

box 12, folder 5

Young Libertarian 1987

box 12, folder 6

Newspaper clippings 1969-1978

box 12, folder 7


box 13, folder 1-4



Publications (non Libertarian) 1962-1987

Scope and Contents note

Books and periodicals, newsletters and bulletins, journals, magazines and newspapers, arranged by physical form. Most of the publications are for those interested in individual liberty and the philosophy behind politics


box 13, folder 5

American Review, Conservative Party of California, Los Angeles 1963

box 13, folder 5

Area Bulletin, Association for Rational Environmental Alternatives 1976

box 13, folder 5

Bulletin, monthly report of the Economic Education and Research Forum 1976

box 13, folder 5

Claustrophobia, life-extension news, Portland, Oregon 1984

box 13, folder 5

Free Campus News Service, Washington, D.C. 1970-1973

box 13, folder 6

Free World Chronicle, Libertarian International, Richmond, Virginia 1985

box 13, folder 6

Freedom Guide, Sacramento, California 1987

box 13, folder 6

Freedom's Child Literary Journal, Freedom's Child, Grover City, California 1982

box 13, folder 6

Human Studies Review: A Research and Study Guide, Menlo Park, California undated

box 13, folder 6

Individualist, Journal of the Personal Rights Association 1973, 1975

box 13, folder 6

Inform, Center for Independent Education by the Cato Institute, Menlo Park, California 1978-1981

box 13, folder 6

Liberator, Advocates for self-Government, Inc., Fresno, California 1986

box 13, folder 6

Rational Individualist, Society for Rational Individualism, Silver Spring, Maryland 1969

box 14, folder 1

SRA Federation Bulletin, Social-Revolutionary Anarchist Federation, Mountain View, California, number 51-54 undated

box 14, folder 1

Standard, Standard Publishing Company of Lawrence, Kansas 1962-1963

box 14, folder 1

Stanford Independent 1972-1973

box 14, folder 1

Unbound! Individualists for a Rational Society, Boston, Massachusetts 1971-1974

box 14, folder 1

Workers Party, for individual liberty and free enterprise, South Australian Bulletin 1977-1978



box 14, folder 2

Abolitionist: The American Association for the Abolition of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization, American Association for the Abolition of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization, Syracuse, New York 1971

box 14, folder 2

All Power to the People, Open Campus Publication of California, UCLA 1969

box 14, folder 2

Anaheim Young Republicans Newsletter 1971

box 14, folder 2

Atlantis News, Atlantis Publishing Company, New York 1970

box 14, folder 2

Australian Economic Newsletter, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 1987

box 14, folder 2

Conservative Journal, New York State Young Americans for Freedom 1971

box 14, folder 2

Decentralize! Non-Violent Radical Decentralist Strategy, Washington, D.C. 1987

box 14, folder 2

Enterprise: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Business, Lundy-Fetterman School of Business, Campbell University, North Carolina 1986

box 14, folder 2

Familist, voice of the Familist Movement, Familist Movement, El Paso, Texas 1986

box 14, folder 2

Free Market, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Burlingame, California 1986-1988

box 14, folder 2

Free Market Reporter, Freedom Fellowship. San Francisco, California 1977

box 14, folder 2

Free Press Network, Free Press Association, Apple Valley, California 1982-1985

box 14, folder 2

International, Richmond, Virginia 1986

box 14, folder 3

Intellectual Activist, New York 1980, 1989

box 14, folder 3

Liberator, Advocates for Self-Government, Inc. 1986

box 14, folder 3

Little Guy, Citizens Strike (a non-profit organization dedicated to resistance against big government and taxation), La Mirada, California 1979

box 14, folder 3

Live and Let Live, Church of Eternal Life and Liberty, Inc., Southfield, Michigan 1978

box 14, folder 3

Movement for an Independent Pacific Channel Islands, Avalon, California 1983

box 14, folder 3

New Rampart, Rampart Institute, Fullerton, California 1984-1985

box 14, folder 3

Newsociety 1981

box 14, folder 3

Peaceletter, Peace Resource Center of Santa Barbara 1983

box 14, folder 3

Privacy News Letter, Financial Engr. Consultants, Inc., San Jose, Costa Rica

box 14, folder 3

Quillon, Michigan Young Americans for Freedom 1963

box 14, folder 3

Strider Commentary, Mendocino County, California 1985-1986

box 14, folder 3

Superfluous Newsletter (and Memoirs), Los Angeles, California 1985



box 14, folder 4

American Atheist, Freethought Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland 1964

box 14, folder 4

Counterattack [publication for the self employed and small businesses], London, England 1976-1977

box 14, folder 4

Equitarian, conference proceedings, Equitarian Associates, Amana, Iowa 1971

box 14, folder 5

Freedom Today, Freedom Fellowship Church, Phoenix, Arizona 1976-1977

box 14, folder 5

Individualist, Society for Individual Liberty, Center for Independent Education, Wichita, Kansas 1971

box 14, folder 5

IRI Insights, Investment Rarities, Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota 1980

box 14, folder 5

Long Life Magazine, Long Life Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois 1980

box 14, folder 5

Mission Viewpoint, Church of Scientology Mission of Long Beach, California 1978

box 15, folder 1

New Guard, Young Americans for Freedom, Washington, D.C. 1969

box 15, folder 1

Nomos, published by Nomos Press Inc., Chicago, Illinois 1985-1986

box 15, folder 1

PM, students of the Cypress College evening magazine production class 1977

box 15, folder 1

RAP: magazine for rapport with tomorrow's people today, Pine Tree Publications, Rampart College, Santa Ana, California 1970

box 15, folder 1

SOL III, glossary of military obfuscations, International Fixed Calender, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1971

box 15, folder 2

SOL III, glossary of military obfuscations, International Fixed Calender, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1971

box 15, folder 2

Under 30, Digest of the best in conservative collegiate writing, Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1962-1963

box 15, folder 2

Verdict, Auric International Corporation, New York 1964



box 15, folder 3

Arena, Stanford's only unregulated, unauthorized, unregistered newspaper 1970

box 15, folder 3

Aware, the square newspaper, Los Angeles, California undated

box 15, folder 3

Banner, Orlando, Florida 1974

box 15, folder 3

Deregulator 1986

box 15, folder 3

Disneyland War Zone: Orange County True Press, Voice of the New Right 1970

box 15, folder 3

Dollars and Sense 1978

box 15, folder 3

Eden Independent News Service 1976

box 15, folder 3

Flash Point 1980

box 15, folder 3

Free Patriot, Best of foreign and domestic advises undated

box 15, folder 3

Righteou's Conspiracy, Free World Publication 1971

box 15, folder 3

Student Voice undated

box 15, folder 3

Territorial Herald, Ministry of the Interior of the Royal Territorial Government of Ely-Chatelaine, Laguna Miguel, California 1981-1987


Books 1978-1991

Scope and Contents note

Books by Lawrence Samuels and Robert Le Fevre, 1978-1991, arranged by author

Robert LeFevre

box 15

Does Government Protection Protect?Society for Libertarian Life, edition 1978 (?)

box 15

Fundamentals of Liberty, Rampart Institute 1988

box 15

Nature of Man And His Government, Caxton Printers, Caldwell, Idaho 1991

box 15

Lawrence Samuels, Freeland: The Search for Free/New Countries, Freeland Publishers, Fullerton, California 1983

box 15

Richard Epstein, Medical Malpractice: The Case for Contract, Center for Libertarian Studies 1979


Incremental Materials 2024

Scope and Contents

Includes FIJA Activist newspaper, 4 issues; Libertarian Familist newsletter, 15 items; Libertarian Party of California newspaper, 40-50 items (a few from the National Libertarian Party; Liberty Magazine, 40 items; Books,8-10, including Killing History; Libertarians for Life, 3 items; Thomas Szasz material, 6 items; Miscellaneous, flyers; Freedom Network News (ISIL), 11 issues; Ideas on Liberty (FEE), 11 issues; Rampart Institute (LeFevre), 5 items; Libertarian Review, 2 magazines
box 16, folder 1-6

Printed materials 1942-2024

box 17, folder 1-6

Printed materials 1942-2024

box 18, folder 1-6

Printed materials 1942-2024

box 19, folder 1-6

Printed materials 1942-2024

box 20, folder 1-2

Printed materials 1942-2024