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Tetlow, Robert collection
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Personal Papers I. 1941-1985


Biographical Information A. 1941

Box 1, Folder 1

Personal Portraits


Travel and Research slides B. 1959-1985

Box 1, Folder 2-3

California Landscapes 1972-1985

Box 1, Folder 4-5

California / Wyoming scenes 1974-1985

Box 1, Folder 6

U.S. travel scenes and natural settings -- slide descriptions 1959-1974

Box 1, Folder 7-10

U.S. travel scenes and natural settings 1959-1974


Student Work 1947

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 1

Residential Landscape Watercolors


Professional Papers II. 1928-1985


Reference Files A. 1949-1985

Box 2, Folder 1

Bay Area Design and Landscapes: Colleges, Housing, Landscapes 1969-1975

Box 2, Folder 2

Bay Area Design: Gardens 1968-1984

Box 3, Folder 3-4

Designs by other Landscape Architects and Architects 1949-1978

Box 3, Folder 5-6

Plants and Planting 1976-1985


Writings B. 1953-1984

Box 3, Folder 7

Garden Ideas from California 1955

Box 3, Folder 8

Report of the Master Plan Committee of the City of Davis 1953

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 2

Man's Impact on Bay Area Landscape 1956

Box 3, Folder 9-10

The Role of Water in the Landscape 1971

Box 3, Folder 11

Subject Classification Model n.d.

Box 3, Folder 12

Sunset Patio Book 1959

Box 4, Folder 13

User's Resource Recreation Planning Method 1959

Box 4, Folder 14-15, flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 5

Visual Unit Concept 1984


Faculty Papers III. 1952-1987


Tenure Portfolio A. 1952-2003

Box 4, Folder 1

Tenure Portfolio: Residential Projects, Tetlow's Paintings 1962-2003

Box 4, Folder 2

Tenure Portfolio: Strybing Arboreteum 1973

Box 4, Folder 3

Tenure Portfolio: Creative and Professional Activities 1952-1956

Box 4, Folder 4

Tenure Portfolio: Textbook Outline n.d.

Box 4, Folder 5

Tenure Portfolio: Visual Vulnerability Project 1975-1981

Box 4, Folder 6

Tenure Portfolio: Subject Classification Model 1955

Box 4, Folder 7

Tenure Portfolio: American Society of Landscape Accrediting 1971-1973

Box 4, Folder 8

Tenure Portfolio: Grant Applications and Curriculum 1967-1974

Box 4, Folder 9

Tenure Portfolio: Public Service Letters 1967-1975

Box 4, Folder 10

Tenure Portfolio: Strybing Arboreteum 1962


Course Materials B. 1977-1985

Box 5, Folder 11

LA 102 Course Lectures - Spring 1985 1985

Box 5, Folder 12-13

LA 134 Course Lectures 1981, 1986, 1987

Box 5, Folder 14

LA 134 Course Lectures - Graphic Examples 1979

Box 6, Folder 15-16

Graphics Techniques Classified by Media 1977, 1978, 1980


Students' Work C. 1976-1985

Box 6, Folder 17

Examples of Student Work 1976-1985


Project Records IV. 1949-1965

Scope and Contents

The project records include many drawings executed by Tetlow for private residences in the Bay Area and in Oregon. The work that Tetlow did for the Strybing Arboretum is well documented in this series by extensive drawings and written documentation. Tetlow also did design work for the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Oregon, Eugene.
flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 6

Allard Davis CA 1953

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 7

Barovetto Davis CA 1953

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 8

Brooks, Reid Davis CA 1954

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 7

Brown Berkeley CA 1950

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 8

Bureau of Parks and Recreation: Irrigation Plans for Municipal Pool and Washington Park Eugene OR 1949

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 8

C.A.L.A. Exhibit 1955

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 9

Carter, Harold Berkeley CA 1955

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 9

Clement, L.J. Davis CA 1954

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 9

Damanske, A.B. Davis CA 1952


Emory, C.A. Berkeley CA n.d.


Gerbode, Gertrude Piedmont CA 1955

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 10

George, Alex Davis CA 1952-1954

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 10

Gibson, D.A. [Davis] CA 1953

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 10

Goelzer El Cerrito CA 1955

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 11

Lowe, H.E. [Berkeley] CA 1956

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 11

McLucas, J.D. Hood River OR n.d.

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 11

Nestor, B.L. Berkeley CA 1957

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 12

Raski, Dewey Davis CA 1954

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 12

Ramsey, Warren Berkeley CA 1958

Box 6, Folder 1-6, flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 13

San Francisco, City and County of, Department of Public Works: Strybing Arboretum San Francisco CA 1949-1965

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 14

Stoddard, K.B. Berkeley CA [1954]

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 14

Struck, James Parkdale OR 1956

Box 6, Folder 7, flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 14

Tetlow, Robert Berkeley CA n.d.

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 15

Thode, E.N. [Berkeley] CA 1958

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Folder 15

Thomas, W.R. El Cerrito CA 1958

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 7

University of California (UC): Blake Gardens Kensington CA n.d.

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 15

University of California (UC): A Subdivision Berkeley CA 1958

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 16

University of Oregon Eugene OR 1949

Box 6, Folder 8, flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 16

U.S. Corps of Engineers, San Francisco: Shelters for Tilden Park Berkeley CA 1964

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 7

Watson, David F. Piedmont CA 1958

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 16

Warne, Herbert Davis CA 1954

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 17

Wells, Rutherford Winters CA 1956

flat-file-drawer W 4.19, Flat-File 17

Wilson, E.E. College Park 1954