The collection includes histories, articles of incorporation, financial expenditure examples, bookstore sales, fliers, programs,
and events.
The Grass Roots Cultural Center and bookstore in Golden Hill existed to empower, enlighten, and uplift San Diego's progressive
community through the presentation and support of otherwise unavailable cultural expression. The Grass Roots Cultural Center
focused on three main areas: assisting significant cultural workers and organizations representing a broad cross-section of
San Diego's progressive community; offering a multi-cultural selection of educational and inspirational materials at the bookstore,
otherwise not readily available in San Diego; and providing a diverse series of programs which carefully integrated superior
artistic quality with serious social significance.
The copyright interests in these materials have not been transferred to San Diego State University. Copyright resides with
the creators of materials contained in the collection or their heirs. The nature of historical archival and manuscript collections
is such that copyright status may be difficult or even impossible to determine. Requests for permission to publish must be
submitted to the Head of Special Collections, San Diego State University, Library and Information Access. When granted, permission
is given on behalf of Special Collections as the owner of the physical item and is not intended to include or imply permission
of the copyright holder(s), which must also be obtained in order to publish. Materials from our collections are made available
for use in research, teaching, and private study. The user must assume full responsibility for any use of the materials, including
but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials.
This collection is open for research.