Inventory of the Demokraticheskaia Rossiia records
Finding aid prepared by Lyalya Kharitonova
Hoover Institution Library and Archives
© 2010
434 Galvez Mall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6003
Title: Demokraticheskaia Rossiia records
Date (inclusive): 1989-1993
Collection Number: 93008
Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives
Language of Material:
Physical Description:
11 manuscript boxes
(4.4 Linear Feet)
Abstract: The records relate to politics in Russia and to the 1991 presidential campaign of Boris Yeltsin. They include minutes of meetings,
resolutions, statements, appeals, stenographic records, press reviews, and video recordings.
Demokraticheskai͡a Rossii͡a (Political party)
Physical Location: Hoover Institution Library & Archives.
The collection is open for research; materials must be requested in advance via our reservation system. If there are audiovisual
or digital media material in the collection, they must be reformatted before providing access.
For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives.
Acquisition Information
Acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives in 1993.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], Demokraticheskaia Rossiia records, 1989-1993, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution
Library & Archives.
Historical Note
The Demokraticheskaia Rossiia (DR) movement was founded in October 1990, toward the end of the Soviet era, when opposition
to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), the only party at the time, emerged. It united the anti-communist opposition
parties in the USSR: the Sotsial-demokraticheskaia partiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Respublikanskaia partiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii,
Partiia konstitutsionnykh demokratov, Svobodno-demokraticheskaia partiia Rossii, Rossiiskoe khristianskoe demokraticheskoe
dvizhenie, Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaia partiia, Partiia narodnoi svobody, Partiia svobodnogo truda, and other organizations.
In January 1991 Demokraticheskaia partiia Rossii also joined the movement.
The participants supported the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) president Boris Yeltsin in his struggle
against the CPSU leadership and the CPSU General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev.
In June 1991 the Russian Republic held its first presidential election. Boris Yeltsin was elected president of the RSFSR with
57% of the vote, becoming the first popularly elected president.
Yeltsin offered to cooperate with the Baltic republics, which were seeking freedom from the USSR. This contributed to Gorbachev's
decision to start negotiations with 15 Soviet republics on enhancing their self government. A draft treaty was scheduled for
signing at the end of August 1991. However, on August 19, 1991, eight conservative party and governmental leaders attempted
to take control of the country from Gorbachev while he was on vacation. Yeltsin headed the dramatic opposition to the coup
and secured Gorbachev's return to Moscow.
After the coup Boris Yeltsin consolidated his own power and led the movement to dissolve the Soviet parliament and outlaw
the Communist Party. In the fall of 1991 Yeltsin and other leaders of Soviet republics declared independence for their respective
republics. Yeltsin became the head of the post-Soviet Russian Federation.
The DR was one of the most consistent pro-Yeltsin organizations in 1992-1993, although the meetings in support of Yeltsin
attracted fewer and fewer participants. This was due to the failure of his ambitious economic reforms known as "shock therapy,"
which caused inflation and currency devaluation without increasing industrial and agricultural production.
At that time two groups struggled within the DR movement, one favoring a coalition of parties and organizations, and the other,
a single organization. As a result, at the end of 1994 many organizations resigned their membership.
Given the absence of a comprehensive program, other than opposition to the CPSU and support of Yeltsin, after the collapse
of the Soviet Union and the subsequent dissolution of the CPSU, the split in the DR became unavoidable.
As a result, Demokraticheskii Vybor, a hybrid of social movements and governmental organizations, was created. The remaining
segments of the Democraticheskaia Rossiia movement either disappeared from the public scene or became part of the democratic
opposition party Yabloko.
Scope and Content of Collection
The records relate to politics in Russia and to the 1991 presidential campaign of Boris Yeltsin. Documents present minutes
of meetings, resolutions, statements, appeals, stenographic records, press reviews, and video recordings.
The collection contains data on the formation of the movement, its internal affairs, social functions, organizing activities,
and political activities from 1989, when organizations opposing the Communist party united, through 1993, when the movement
Included in the collection are pre-union materials from regional and Moscow-based political groups such as appeals, statements,
and leaflets calling for a coalition. Other materials document important political events in Russia, such as the Uchreditel'nyi
S"ezd (1990), the first presidential election (Boris N. Yeltsin campaign, 1990-1991), and the "avgustovskii putch" (August
coup) by the Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Chrezvychainomu Polozheniiu (GKChP) (19-21 August 1991).
Other events reflected in the documents are the first democratic mayoral election in Moscow in 1991, the military suppression
of the resistance in Lithuania and Latvia in 1991, and forums, congresses, conferences, and referendums conducted between
1989 and 1993 that document the development of democracy in Russia.
The collection is arranged as originally received from Demokraticheskaia Rossiia.
Related Materials
Marietta Omarovna Chudakova papers, Hoover Institution Archives
Komitety obshchestvennogo samoupravleniia records, Hoover Institution Archives
Michael McFaul collection, Hoover Institution Archives
Respublikanskaia partiia Rossiskoi Federatsii Sankt-Peterburgskaia organizatsiia records, Hoover Institution Archives
Susan Weissman radio broadcast interviews, Hoover Institution Archives
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Russia (Federation) -- Politics and government -- 1991-
Soviet Union -- Politics and government -- 1985-1991
Elections -- Russia (Federation)
Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich, 1931-2007
Chronological file
General Physical Description note: 1-11
box 1, folder 1
Pervyi s"ezd narodnykh deputatov, Tel'man Kh. Gdlian, undelivered speech
Scope and Contents note
Includes Gdlian's interview to
Sovetskaia molodezh', 20 June 1989
box 1, folder 2-3
Orgkomitet Dvizheniia, meetings, statements, appeals
box 1, folder 4-11
Moskovskoe ob"edinenie izbiratelei
box 1, folder 12-16
Uchreditel'nyi s"ezd, appeals, lists, and minutes
1990 October 20-21
box 2, folder 1-2
Uchreditel'nyi s"ezd, appeals, lists, and minutes
1990 October 20-21
box 2, folder 3
Kommissiia po vozrozhdeniiu kul'tury v Rossii
box 2, folder 4
Svobodnaia Demokraticheskaia partiia Rossii
Scope and Contents note
box 2, folder 5
Scope and Contents note
Includes appeals and leaflets supporting the democratic movement
box 2, folder 6
Supporting political clubs and unions
box 2, folder 7
Ustav Dvizheniia "Democraticheskaia Rossiia"
1990 October 21
Scope and Contents note
Edited by II s"ezd in 1991
box 2, folder 8-11
Appeals, statements, and speeches
box 2, folder 12-13
Vserossiiskii referendum
1991 March 17
box 2, folder 14
Plenum Soveta predstavitelei, minutes
1991 April 13
box 2, folder 15
Vserossiiskaia Konferentsiia Demokraticheskikh Sil, minutes
1991 April 14
box 2, folder 16
"Mir, progress, prava cheloveka," I-yi Mezhdunarodnyi kongress pamiati A.D. Sakharova, Moscow
1991 May 21-25
Scope and Contents note
Invitations and program
box 2, folder 17
Plenum Soveta predstavitelei
1991 July 20-21
box 2, folder 18
DR Press, independent informative service, press releases
1991 July-December
box 2, folder 19-21
Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Chrezvychainomu Polozheniiu, (GKChP), "Avgustovskii Putch"
1991 August 19-21
Scope and Contents note
Includes decrees, statements, appeals, and press releases
box 3, folder 1-4
Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Chrezvychainomu Polozheniiu, (GKChP), "Avgustovskii Putch"
1991 August 19-21
box 3, folder 5-6
Plenum Soveta predstavitelei, stenographic records
1991 September 14
box 3, folder 7
"Osnovy politicheskogo pliuralizma," National Republican Institute of International Affairs, conference, Moscow
1991 September 20-22
box 3, folder 8
Svobodnyi Ural (weekly democratic newspaper) No. 13, Cheliabinsk
1991 October
box 3, folder 9
Konvertiruemyi listok (informational bulletin) Nos. 44-46
1991 October
box 3, folder 10-15
II s"ezd
1991 November 9-10
Scope and Contents note
Includes documents of regional organizations, minutes, resolutions, appeals and notes
box 4, folder 1-11
II s"ezd
1991 November 9-10
box 4, folder 12-14
Kongress Demoraticheskikh Sil Respublik i Natsional'no-territorial'nykh Obrazovanii na Territorii RF
1991 December 14-15
Scope and Contents note
Includes stenographic report, notes, lists, and clippings
box 4, folder 15
S"ezd storonnikov reform, minutes
1991 December 22
box 5, folder 1-2
Materials related to military suppression of the resistance in Lithuania and Latvia
1991 January
Scope and Contents note
Includes appeals, leaflets, resolutions
box 5, folder 3-4
First democratic mayoral election in Moscow
box 5, folder 5-12
First Presidential election of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR)
Scope and Contents note
Includes pre-election material
box 6, folder 1-6
First Presidential election of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR)
box 6, folder 7-11
Plenumy Soveta Predstavitelei, proposals, minutes, lists and notes
box 6, folder 12-15
Koordinatsionnyi Sovet agenda, minutes, and statements
box 6, folder 16
Krov' dushi, by IUrii Kniazev, poems, Riazan'
box 6, folder 17
Zakon o svobode informatsii, draft
circa 1991
box 6, folder 18
Pochti ofitsial'noe zaiavlenie komandy Gaidara, interview with Petr Aven, minister of foreign economic relations for the Russian Federation
circa 1991
box 7, folder 1-3
Regional organizations' appeals, statements, minutes, and lists
box 7, folder 4
Dvizhenie "Demokratisheskaia Rossiia," informational bulletin
1991 June-September and 1993 January-June
box 7, folder 5-6
DR-Socio (sociological service)
box 7, folder 7
Zerkalo, journal of Obshchestvennyi komitet rossiiskikh reform, Moscow
1992 February-July
box 7, folder 8
Ob izbiratel'nom protsesse (Izbiratel'nyi Kodeks), zakon Rossiiskoi Federatsii, draft
1992 March 17
box 7, folder 9-10
Sobranie grazhdan Rossiiskoi Federatsii
1992 April 5
box 7, folder 11
O vnesenii izmenenii i dopolnenii v zakon RSFSR "O privatizatsii gosudarstvennykh i munitsipal'nykh predpriatii v RSFSR" zakon Rossiiskoi Federatsii
1992 June 5
box 7, folder 12
Gosudarstvennaia programma privatizatsii gosudarstvennykh i munitsipal'nykh predpriiatii v Rossiskoi Federatsii na 1992 god
1992 June 11
box 7, folder 13
Panorama (informational bulletin) Moscow, no. 3(33)
1992 June
box 7, folder 14
Polozhenie o kommertsializatsii gosudarstvennykh predpriyatii s odnovremennym preobrazovaniem v aktsionernye obshchestva otkytogo
1992 July 1
box 7, folder 15
Forum Storonnikov Reform
1992 July 4
box 7, folder 16
Plenum soveta predstavitelei
1992 July 6-7
box 7, folder 17-20
DR Press, independent informational service, press releases
1992 July-August
box 8, folder 1-3
DR Press, independent informational service, press releases
1992 July-August
box 8, folder 4-9
Plenumy Soveta predstavitelei
1992 September 26 and November 28
box 8, folder 10-11
Forum Storonnikov reform
1992 November 29
box 8, folder 12-13
Koordinatsionnyi sovet agenda, minutes, and statements
box 9, folder 1-4
Koordinatsionnyi sovet agenda, minutes, and statements
box 9, folder 5-7
III S"ezd, minutes
1992 December 19-20
box 9, folder 8
Reitingi podderzhki deputatami VI S"ezda pravitel'stva reform (special information bulletin)
box 9, folder 9-14
Akademiia Deputatskogo Korpusa Rossii (Moscow press review)
box 10, folder 1-4
Akademiia Deputatskogo Korpusa Rossii (Moscow press review)
box 10, folder 5-8
Koordinatsionnyi sovet agenda, minutes, and statements
1993 January-June
box 10, folder 9-12
Rabochee soveshchanie predstavitelei demokraticheskikh organizatsii Rossii po podgotovke referenduma 11 aprelia
1993 February 6
Scope and Contents note
Includes stenographic record
box 10, folder 13-14
Plenum Soveta predstavitelei, Nizhnii Novgorod
1993 February 27-28
Scope and Contents note
Includes stenographic record
box 11, folder 1
Plenum Soveta predstavitelei, Nizhnii Novgorod
1993 February 27-28
box 11, folder 3-5
Plenum Soveta predstavitelei, Moscow
1993 May 29-30
box 11, folder 6
Rossiiskaia assotsiatsiia privatiziruemykh i chastnykh predpriiatii
box 11
Floppy disks
General Physical Description note: 11
Scope and Contents note
8 3.5" discs unreadable in both PC and Mac computers, attempted 18 May 2010
Video recordings
General Physical Description note: 11
Scope and Contents note
9 VHS cassettes
box 11
First Presidential election of the RSFSR, Boris N. Yeltsin, speeches and meetings
Scope and Contents note
3 VHS cassettes
box 11
II S"ezd, parts I and II
1991 December 9-10
Scope and Contents note
2 VHS cassettes
box 11
Forum storonnikov reform
1992 July 4
box 11
III S"ezd
1992 December 19-20
box 11
1993 April 25
Scope and Contents note
2 VHS cassettes