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Guide to the Imperial Valley Records, Water Resources Collection
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Detailed Description of the Collection


Series 1 Water Companies in Imperial Valley, 1900-1973


Subseries 1.1 Imperial Irrigation District, 1914-1933

box 1, folder 1

Hydrograph of Salton Sea, 1914-1933

box 1, folder 2

Motor Map of Imperial Valley, 1930

box 1, folder 3

Epic of the Imperial Valley" an address by United States Senator Hiram W. Johnson of California, 1925

box 1, folder 4

Imperial Irrigation District " California vs. Arizona" by M. J. Dowd,

box 1, folder 5

Imperial Irrigation District Table Showing Average Irrigated land. .. .", 1916

box 1, folder 6

Imperial Irrigation District--Correspondence, 1920

box 1, folder 7

Imperial Irrigation District RE: Future Levee Policy, 1920

box 1, folder 8

Imperial Irrigation District Pamphlets on water use, 1910-1929

box 1, folder 9

Imperial Irrigation District Warrant Retirement Plan, 1934

box 1, folder 10

Imperial Irrigation District Water Problems, Irrigation, 1915

box 1, folder 11

Imperial Irrigation District Comparative Data of Water for year 1919, 1919

box 1, folder 12

Imperial Irrigation District letters and publications

box 1, folder 13

Imperial Irrigation District "Information Letter", [Pamphlet] 1926

box 1, folder 14

Imperial Irrigation District "Information", [Pamphlet] 1926

box 1, folder 15

Imperial Irrigation District Report of Operations No. 29", 1920 and "Report of Operations No. 20 and No. 10", 1919, 1910-1920

box 1, folder 16

Imperial Irrigation District Comparative Financial Data for 1933-1934 and 1935, 1933-1935

box 1, folder 17

Imperial Irrigation District Advertisement on El Centro, Calif., 1916

box 1, folder 19

Imperial Irrigation District Report no 1 and no. 4, 1917 and 1921, 1917-1921

box 1, folder 25

Rockwood, C.R. (Chief Engineer, Imperial Water District)


Subseries 1.2 All-American Canal, 1914-1933

box 1, folder 20

All-American Canal Contract and "Aqueduct Route from Colorado River by Way of Imperial Valley" by Ralph Bennett

box 1, folder 21

All-American Canal Financing

box 1, folder 22

All-American Canal Financing

box 1, folder 23

"Boulder Dam-All-American Canal" [Pamphlet]

box 1, folder 24

Map of All-American Canal


Subseries 1.3 Imperial Water Co., 1914-1933

box 1, folder 21

Imperial Water Co. "40 Acres for $50 in Imperial Water Co. No. 8"

box 1, folder 22

Imperial Water Co. no. 1, correspondence, minute meetings, 1906-1919


Series 2 Charles N. Perry, 1900-1949

box 1, folder 18

Correspondence from Charles N. Perry and Mr. Webber, 1919

box 2, folder 1

Field notes of San Bernardino, 1903

box 2, folder 2

Reports on the Imperial Valley by Charles N. Perry, 1900-1920

box 2, folder 2

Reports on the Imperial Valley by Charles N. Perry, 1900-1920

box 2, folder 3

Reports on the Imperial Valley by Charles N. Perry, 1900-1920

box 2, folder 4

Charles N. Perry's notes and cash books (2) on the Imperial Valley, 1900-1920

box 2, folder 5

Charles N. Perry's Report on Imperial Valley

box 2, folder 6

Maps of the Imperial Valley from Charles N. Perry

box 2, folder 7

Charles N. Perry papers - Imperial Valley ca. 1909-1926


Series 3 Reports and articles about Imperial Valley and Lower California, Mexico's water use and rights

box 2, folder 8

El Centro, Calif. Water Projects, 1900-1929

box 2, folder 9

Article and map, Imperial Valley, 1900-1929

box 2, folder 10

Printed Newspaper items on Imperial Valley, 1900-1929

box 2, folder 11

Printed Newspaper items on Imperial Valley, 1900-1929

box 2, folder 11

El Centro Progress, Imperial Valley, California--San Diego and Arizona Railway Edition, 1919

box 2, folder 12

Colorado River Land Co. vs. La Sociedad de Irrigation y Terrenos de La Baja California

box 3, folder 1

Newspaper Article about Imperial Valley

box 3, folder 2

Committee on Irrigation of and Lands, House of Representatives, 1919

box 3, folder 3

Congressional Record "the Boulder Canyon Bill and the Filibuster Against the Colorado River Development, 1927

box 3, folder 4

Water and Power Resources Committee, 1947

box 3, folder 5

"Resolution Endorsing the Gravity Flow of Waters from the Colorado River into Southern California",

box 3, folder 6

"Arizona vs. California" by Russell Denison Niles, 1932

box 3, folder 7

Broadsides on Imperial Valley

box 3, folder 8

"Will it be a case of First Come, First Served?" by Harold M. Finley, 1936

box 3, folder 9

"Facts vs. The Political Slander of the Electrical Industry" by Harley P. Wilson

box 3, folder 10

Contract papers and Specifications for Concrete in Cerro Priesto Canal in Lower California, Mexico

box 3, folder 11

Concrete Check on Cerro Priesto Canal

box 3, folder 12

Reports on Imperial Valley Water problems

box 3, folder 13

Mexico -Baja California-Rodriguez Dam

box 3, folder 14

"The Alleged Threat of Arbitration the Equities of the Case", 1940

box 3, folder 15

Compania de Terrenos y Aguas de la Baja California, (S.A.) Water Department, General Specifications for Water Measuring Devices required for Irrigation Pumping Plants

box 3, folder 16

Resolution of Protest. . . [typescript]

box 3, folder 17

"Politics of Reclamation" by Norris Hundley, 1973