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Zjednoczenie Polskich Uchodźców w Niemczech records
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Administrative file 1957-2003

Scope and Contents

Comprised of various documents which reflect the administrative activities of the ZPU. The series is further divided into General Administrative Binder and Związek Organizacji Polskich w Bawarii sections. The majority of documents that appear in this series include: certificates, statistical data, membership declarations, financial records, housing and refugee camps documents, Kongres Wolnej Polski w Europie documents, memos, notifications, notes, information on organization background and history, documents of the Polish American Immigration Relief Committee, press releases, regulations, documents regarding the Polish émigré affairs in Germany, statutes, supplements, meeting minutes, and invitations.
box 1, folder 1

Bescheinigung 1962-1984

box 1, folder 2

Dane Statystyczne 1957-1959

box 1, folder 3

Deklaracje 1965

box 1, folder 4

Financial records 1960-1984

box 1, folder 5

General Administrative File 1984

box 1, folder 6

General Administrative File, A-M 1959-1961

box 1, folder 7

General Administrative File, MA-W 1961-1968


General Administrative Binder 1959-1985

Scope and Contents

Documents in this grouping include meeting minutes, reports, statutes, correspondence, and communiques. Essentially, documents in this section fit into the larger scope of administrative files. However, the documents were kept together to retain their original order.
box 1, folder 8

Porządek dzienny - Protokół 1968-1975

box 1, folder 9

Protokoły Zebrań Zarządu Okręgów 1967-1970

box 1, folder 10

Protokoły Wolnego Zebrania Ogniska 1961-1970

box 1, folder 11

Protokoły Wolnego Zebrania Okręgów 1959

box 1, folder 12

Protokoły Zdawczo-Odbiorcze 1980-1983

box 2, folder 1

IX - XII 1984-1985

box 2, folder 2

Housing and refugee camps circa 1960

box 2, folder 3

Komentarze 1975

box 2, folder 4

Komisja Rewizyjna 1983-1984

box 2, folder 5

Komunikaty 1984-1985

box 2, folder 6

Kongres Wolnej Polski w Europie 1985

box 2, folder 7

Listy składek członkowskich 1962-1983

box 2, folder 8

Memberships 1959-1984

box 2, folder 9

Memorandas 1985

box 2, folder 10

Mitteilung 1960-1982

box 2, folder 11

Notatki i Koncepty 1960-1984

box 2, folder 12

Odpisy i dokumenty kierowane do Prezesa Pietraszewskiego 1984

box 2, folder 13

Okólnik 1959-1967

box 2, folder 14

Organization background 1960-1984

box 2, folder 15

Oświadczenia 1984

box 2, folder 16

Pełnomocnictwo 1984

box 2, folder 17

Pokwitowania 1959-1963

box 2, folder 18

Polish American Immigration & Relief Committee Inc. 1960-1961

box 3, folder 1

Potwierdzenia 1983

box 3, folder 2

Poświadczenia 1978

box 3, folder 3

Presseerklärung 1976-1978

box 3, folder 4

Protokoły 1959-1984

box 3, folder 5

Regulaminy circa 1980

box 3, folder 6

Sanatorium Gauting 1959-1965

box 3, folder 7

Sąd Rejestracyjny 1984

box 3, folder 8

Sprawozdania 1959-1975

box 3, folder 9

Sprawy emigracji Polskiej w Republice Federalnej Niemiec 1959-1960

box 3, folder 10

Satzung circa 1980

box 3, folder 11

Supplement 1981

box 3, folder 12

Uchwały 1965-1985

box 3, folder 13

Upoważnienia 1965 1984

box 3, folder 14

Uwagi 1984

box 3, folder 15

Uzasadnienia 1963

box 3, folder 16

Vereinbarung 1964

box 3, folder 17

Zaproszenia 1962-1984

box 3, folder 18

Zawiadomienia 1965-1984

box 3, folder 19

Zebrania 1959-1978

box 3, folder 20

Zestawienia 1961, 1965


Związek Organizacji Polskich w Bawarii 1988-2003

Scope and Contents

This section is composed of administrative documents of the Union of Polish Organizations in Bavaria. Documents represented in this section include: articles, notifications, bulletins, correspondence, information on healthcare for émigrés, statutes, and reports.
box 4, folder 1

Administrative records 1992-1996

box 4, folder 2

Articles 1993-2001

box 4, folder 3

Bescheinigung 1992

box 4, folder 4

Biuletyny 1996-2003

box 4, folder 5

Bundesministerium Des Innern 1994-1995

box 4, folder 6

Correspondence 1992-1996

box 4, folder 7

Lekarze Obcokrajowcom 2001

box 4, folder 8

Piertraszewski, Eugeniusz 1988

box 4, folder 9

Ptaczek, Józef 2001

box 4, folder 10

Satzung 1995

box 4, folder 11

Sprawozdanie z Obrad Drugiego Zebrania Europejskiej Rady Wspólnot Polonijnych 1994

box 4, folder 12

Sznarbachowski, Włodzimierz 2001

box 4, folder 13

"Zgoda," 1994

box 4, folder 14

Życiorysy circa 1960s


Correspondence 1952-1986

Scope and Contents

Composed of correspondence that pertains to the administrative affairs of the ZPU. Includes letters pertaining to the well-being of Polish émigrés and the manner in which the ZPU handled their various requests or acted on their behalf.
box 4, folder 15

Administrative correspondence, B-O 1959-1961

box 4, folder 16

Administrative correspondence, P-Z 1959-1961

box 5, folder 1

Arłamowski, Jerzy 1978-1983

box 5, folder 2

Baca, Stanisław 1963

box 5, folder 3

Baca, Stanisław i Niewiarkowska W. 1966-1967

box 5, folder 4

Barański, Stanisław 1962

box 5, folder 5

Barański, Stanisław i Basiewicz, Edmund 1963-1964

box 5, folder 6

Barański, Stanisław i Franecki, Józef 1962

box 5, folder 7

Barański, Stanisław i Kinas, Józef 1965-1966

box 5, folder 8

Barenberg, Norbert 1981-1982

box 5, folder 9

Bączek, Władysław 1961

box 5, folder 10

Bąk, Józef 1960-1985

box 5, folder 11

Bednarczyk, Stanisław 1962-1966

box 5, folder 12

Bednarczyk, Stanisław i Maligłowa, Zofia 1966

box 5, folder 13

Bednarczyk, Stanisław i Duda, Jan 1962-1963

box 5, folder 14

Benkö, Zoltan 1980

box 5, folder 15

Białoboki, Witold undated

box 5, folder 16

Beyer, Erwin 1965

box 5, folder 17

Bond, Gerd 1963

box 5, folder 18

Bór-Graźewicz, Stefan 1958-1959

box 5, folder 19

Broniwój-Orliński, Wincenty 1980-1986

box 5, folder 20

Busse, Andrzej 1984

box 5, folder 21

Chodakowski, Adam 1982

box 5, folder 22

Chróścielewski, Janusz F. 1963

box 5, folder 23

Chyczewski, Julian 1964

box 5, folder 24

Ciesielczyk, Marek 1981-1982

box 5, folder 25

Czemplik, Ryszard Reiss 1981-1985

box 5, folder 26

Czykieta, Józef 1959

box 5, folder 27

Czyż, Roman 1981

box 5, folder 28

Dąbkowski, Jarosław i Sawicka, Teresa 1985

box 5, folder 29

Dziakoński, Z. 1962

box 5, folder 30

Elsler, Olga 1961

box 5, folder 31

Ettmueller, M. E. 1960-1961

box 5, folder 32

Fikowski-Schelles, Iwona 1984

box 5, folder 33

Förschner 1965

box 5, folder 34

Franczak, Wiktor 1979-1983

box 5, folder 35

Frendl, Ludwik 1978-1985

box 5, folder 36

Fudalewski, Leszek 1984

box 5, folder 37

Garztecki, Marek 1983

box 5, folder 38

Głowiński, Stefan 1966

box 5, folder 39

Halem, Friedrich V. 1984

box 5, folder 40

Galiński, Jerzy 1983

box 5, folder 41

de Gernand, M. J. 1962

box 5, folder 42

Gołębiewski, Włodzimierz 1960

box 5, folder 43

Grabowska, M. undated

box 5, folder 44

Gruszecki, Wojciech 1984

box 5, folder 45

Grzesiak, Tadeusz 1962-1965

box 5, folder 46

Gutowski, Sczepan 1960-1964

box 5, folder 47

Herec, Adam 1964

box 5, folder 48

Huszovszky, L., Dr. 1960

box 5, folder 49

Jach, Kazimierz 1962-1963

box 5, folder 50

Jakubowski, Kazimierz 1963

box 5, folder 51

Jar-Łańcucki, Janusz 1959-1961

box 5, folder 52

Jenkins, H. 1961

box 5, folder 53

Jędrzejewski, Kazimierz 1962-1964

box 5, folder 54

Jooss, Emil 1959

box 5, folder 55

Jurak, Barbara 1981

box 5, folder 56

Kaczmarczyk, Józef, Dr. 1983

box 5, folder 57

Kadosa, J. J., Dr. 1963

box 5, folder 58

Kajka, Paweł 1964

box 5, folder 59

Kalinin, Józef 1965

box 5, folder 60

Kaminski, Wiktor 1981

box 5, folder 61

Keilhohofer 1965

box 5, folder 62

Kita, Marek 1986

box 5, folder 63

Klink, Dr. 1959

box 5, folder 64

Konieczny, Janusz 1984

box 5, folder 65

Kopera, Lucjan 1981

box 5, folder 66

Kostecki, Juzef 1962

box 5, folder 67

Kowalski, Jacek 1978-1986

box 6, folder 1

Krzyżanowski, Janusz 1985

box 6, folder 2

Ktodnicki, Tadeusz 1981

box 6, folder 3

Kuk, Karol 1964

box 6, folder 4

Kurus, O. 1962, 1965

box 6, folder 5

Kurus, O. i Błasiak circa 1960

box 6, folder 6

Kurus, O. i Jarmusiewicz, A. 1962

box 6, folder 7

Künstler 1964

box 6, folder 8

Lange, Dr. 1960

box 6, folder 9

Lis, Władysław 1964-1965

box 6, folder 10

Litwiniak, Marian 1962-1985

box 6, folder 11

Litwiniak, Marian i Dziakoński, Z. 1962

box 6, folder 12

Litwiniak, Marian i Malkiewicz, Kazimierz 1965

box 6, folder 13

Litwiniak, Marian i Pietraszewski Eugeniusz 1962-1966

box 6, folder 14

Litwiniak, Marian i Wład, Kazimierz 1962-1963

box 6, folder 15

Maj, Jacek 1981

box 6, folder 16

Martysiewicz, Dr. 1965

box 6, folder 17

Matejak, Elżbieta 1985

box 6, folder 18

Maurer, Johannes 1961

box 6, folder 19

Maziarz, Jan 1981

box 6, folder 20

Metzner, Ehrenfried 1962

box 6, folder 21

Mikiciuk, Stanisław 1986

box 6, folder 22

Morawietz, R. 1962

box 6, folder 23

Motz, Wacław 1983

box 6, folder 24

Newes, K. 1959

box 6, folder 25

Niedźwiecki, Jan 1981

box 6, folder 26

Nowotna, Irena 1984

box 6, folder 27

Odrobny, Kazimierz 1960-1981

box 6, folder 28

Ogilbianka, Maria 1984

box 6, folder 29

Ogrodnik, Danuta 1981

box 6, folder 30

Okińczyc, Franciszek 1959-1965

box 6, folder 31

Omasta, Josef 1962, 1965

box 6, folder 32

Ormicki, L. 1978

box 6, folder 33

Otulakowski, Stanisław 1962-1963

box 6, folder 34

Paberzs, Antoni 1986

box 6, folder 35

Pamuła, Jan, Ks. undated

box 6, folder 36

Paterek, W. J. 1984

box 6, folder 37

Pętlicki, Jerzy 1984

box 6, folder 38

Pflüger, Hans 1981

box 6, folder 39

Pietraszewski, Eugeniusz 1952-1986

box 6, folder 40

Pietraszewski, Eugeniusz 1955-1985

box 6, folder 41

Pietraszewski, Eugeniusz i Fusaro, Mieczysława 1962

box 6, folder 42

Piętkiewicz, Klemen, Brigitta 1960

box 6, folder 43

Piotrowski, J. 1959

box 6, folder 44

Pisarek, Edward 1986

box 6, folder 45

Podgórski, Tadeusz 1984 1986

box 6, folder 46

Poganowska, Katarzyna 1962-1965

box 6, folder 47

Polarek, Aleksander 1981

box 6, folder 48

Pożoga, Wincenty 1962-1966

box 6, folder 49

Pyś, Kazimierz 1963 1965

box 6, folder 50

Reichert, Rudolf 1965

box 6, folder 51

Reichert, Rudolf i Tobolik, Jan 1965-1966

box 6, folder 52

Ren, Eugen 1963

box 6, folder 53

Richter, Gregers 1961

box 6, folder 54

Rojemska, L. Koral 1963

box 6, folder 55

Rosenbusch, Adam 1985

box 6, folder 56

Rudnicki, Ryszard i Sawicki, Teresa 1983-1985

box 6, folder 57

Satzger 1964

box 7, folder 1

Sawicki, Józef 1963

box 7, folder 2

Sawicz, Cz. 1984

box 7, folder 3

Schirilla, L. 1961

box 7, folder 4

Sołecki, Piotr 1965

box 7, folder 5

Sośniecki, Jan 1964-1965

box 7, folder 6

Staniul, Wiktor 1962

box 7, folder 7

Szafer, Józef 1983

box 7, folder 8

Szarlak, Bogdan 1980

box 7, folder 9

Szczeplwioscy, B. S. 1984

box 7, folder 10

Szewczyk, Ewa 1965

box 7, folder 11

Szlachta, Bronisława 1962

box 7, folder 12

Szpytko, Tadeusz 1981

box 7, folder 13

Szubert, Janusz 1981

box 7, folder 14

Szymura, Bronisław 1979 1983

box 7, folder 15

Terrillon, Raymond 1961

box 7, folder 16

Tiplt, Alexander undated

box 7, folder 17

Tobolik, Jan 1966

box 7, folder 18

Turowski, Mieczysław 1984

box 7, folder 19

Tyc, Roman 1966

box 7, folder 20

Unidentified 1960-1986

box 7, folder 21

Wawrzyniak, Feliks 1964-1965

box 7, folder 22

Wawrzyniak, Feliks i Klippel, Jan 1962-1964

box 7, folder 23

Wawrzyniak, Feliks i Pożoga, Wincenty 1964

box 7, folder 24

Wiśniewski, Edmund 1984

box 7, folder 25

Wład, Kazimierz 1962-1965

box 7, folder 26

Wład, Kazimierz i Golonka, Adam 1963

box 7, folder 27

Wróbel, Stanisław 1981

box 7, folder 28

Wolniak, Jan 1983

box 7, folder 29

Wulffert, N. 1959

box 7, folder 30

Wussow, Barbara 1959

box 7, folder 31

Wysocki, Roman 1962-1965

box 7, folder 32

Wysocki, Roman i Wład, Kazimierz 1962

box 7, folder 33

Zegadło, Henryk 1981

box 7, folder 34

Zon, Karol 1982-1983


Culture 1960-1986

Scope and Contents

Comprised of materials that pertain to the cultural practices of Polish émigrés in Germany. Materials pertain to cemeteries and memorials, museums, holidays and celebrations, as well as documents that refer to the Polish National Independence Day, celebrated on November 11th, and the May 3rd Constitution Day.
box 7, folder 35

Cmentarze 1960-1986

box 7, folder 36

Muzeum Polskie 1980

box 7, folder 37

Obrzędy i Uroczystości 1961-1966

box 7, folder 38

Poloniki w Skarbcu Wittelsbachów w Monachium circa 1960

box 7, folder 39

"Polnische Damen," 1980

box 7, folder 40

Uroczystości Święta Niepodległości 11-ego listopada 1966-1980

box 7, folder 41

Uroczystości 3-cio majowe i Tysiąclecie Chrześcijaństwa 1962-1982


Kierownictwo Kolonii Letnich 1959-1965

Scope and Contents

Documents in this section refer to education, children, and summer camps that were sponsored by the ZPU. Materials included are: applications, health insurance forms, financial records, programs, and communiques.
box 7, folder 42

Children and Education 1959-1965

box 7, folder 43

Correspondence 1962


Brown Binder 1962

Scope and Contents

The Kierownictwo Kolonii Letnich series includes documents which came from a brown binder. The binder has been deconstructed, and the documents have been retained in their original order as they appeared in the binder. Documents included in this section pertain to the administrative planning stages of the summer camps for children.
box 7, folder 44

Przygotowanie 1962

box 7, folder 45

Ministerstwo 1962

box 7, folder 46

Caritas 1962

box 7, folder 47

Różne Pisma Niemieckie 1962

box 7, folder 48

Zarząd Główny 1962

box 7, folder 49

Różne Organizacje 1962

box 7, folder 50

Sprawy Personalne 1962

box 7, folder 51

Kolonie 1962


Red Binder 1962

Scope and Contents

The Kierownictwo Kolonii Letnich series includes documents which came from a red binder. The binder has been deconstructed, and the documents have been retained in their original order as they appeared in the binder. Documents included in this section pertain to the administrative planning stages of the summer camps for children.
box 8, folder 1

Amberg 1962

box 8, folder 2

Augsburg 1962

box 8, folder 3

Correspondence 1962

box 8, folder 4

Dillingen 1962

box 8, folder 5

Ingolstadt 1962

box 8, folder 6

Landshut 1962

box 8, folder 7

Ludwigsfeld 1962

box 8, folder 8

München-m 1962

box 8, folder 9

Nürnberg 1962

box 8, folder 10

Rosenheim 1962

box 8, folder 11

Herzongenaurach 1962

box 8, folder 12

Neu-Ulm 1962

box 8, folder 13

Ppuł. Majewski 1962

box 8, folder 14

Zirndorf/Nürnberg 1962

box 8, folder 15

Deggendorf 1962

box 8, folder 16

Financial 1962

box 8, folder 17

General Local Health Insurance 1962

box 8, folder 18

Komunikaty 1962

box 8, folder 19

Programy 1962

box 8, folder 20

Recovery Care 1962

box 8, folder 21

Wykaz dzieci zgłoszonych na wyjazd i naukę w Anglii z terenu IV Okręgu ZPU 1962


Polska Partia Socjalistyczna 1964-1986

Scope and Contents

Composed of documents pertaining to the relationship between ZPU and Polska Partia Socjalistyczna. Documents included in this series are: appeals, articles, asylum requests, bulletins, correspondence, pamphlets, press releases, and writings.
box 8, folder 22

Appell 1981

box 8, folder 23

Articles 1964-1984

box 8, folder 24

Asylrecht circa 1980

box 8, folder 25

Bulletines 1980-1983

box 8, folder 26

Correspondence 1979-1986

box 8, folder 27

Informacja 1982

box 8, folder 28

Nazwiska z "Tablicy Katyńskiej," undated

box 8, folder 29

Okólnik 1980-1983

box 8, folder 30

Pamphlets circa 1986

box 8, folder 31

Prace nad Założeniem do Platformy Programowej P.P.S. 1984

box 8, folder 32

Presseerklärung 1981-1983

box 8, folder 33

Solidarność 1982

box 8, folder 34

Stosunki Polsko-Niemieckie 1979

box 8, folder 35

Writings 1979-1984

box 8, folder 36

Zaproszenia 1984

box 8, folder 37

Zawiadomienia 1982

box 8, folder 38

Zjazd P.P.S na Obczyźnie 1981


Polska Rada Nardowa 1978-1986

Scope and Contents

Comprised of documents relating to the relationship between ZPU and Polska Rada Narodowa. Documents included in the series are: appeals, bulletins, correspondence, membership information, communiques, notes, meeting minutes, and writings.
box 9, folder 1

Apele 1981

box 9, folder 2

Biuletyny 1979

box 9, folder 3

Correspondence 1979-1984

box 9, folder 4

Członkowstwo circa 1980

box 9, folder 5

Komunikaty 1979-1980

box 9, folder 6

List Wierzytelny 1986

box 9, folder 7

Notatki circa 1980

box 9, folder 8

Orędzia 1982

box 9, folder 9

Oświadczenia 1978-1980

box 9, folder 10

Posiedzenia 1978-1984

box 9, folder 11

Powstanie Polskiej Rady Narodowej w Republice Niemiec 1978-1979

box 9, folder 12

Skarb Narodowy w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 1979-1980

box 9, folder 13

Statuty i Przepisy circa 1980

box 9, folder 14

Writings 1979

box 9, folder 15

Zaproszenia 1982-1983

box 9, folder 16

Zebrania 1981-1983


Printed Matter 1970-1982

Scope and Contents

Documents in this section represent printed matter that was collected or produced by ZPU. Materials included are: articles, bulletins, clippings, poems, writings, and a couple publications of the bulletin Rodak.
box 9, folder 17

Articles 1978-1981

box 9, folder 18

Biuletyny 1977-1982

box 9, folder 19

Clippings circa 1980

box 9, folder 20

Poems circa 1980

box 9, folder 21

Rodak; circa 1980

box 9, folder 22-23

Writings 1970-1982