Guide to the Public Affairs Office Collection

Guide prepared by April Gage
NASA Ames History Archives
NASA Ames Research Center
Mail Stop 207-1
Moffett Field, California 94035
Phone: (650) 604-1032
©2009 NASA Ames Research Center. All rights reserved.

Guide to the Public Affairs Office Collection, 1940-2018

NASA Ames History Archives

NASA Ames Research Center

Contact Information:

  • NASA Ames History Archives
  • NASA Ames Research Center
  • Mail Stop 207-1
  • Moffett Field, CA 94035
  • Phone: (650) 604-1032
  • Email:
  • URL:
Collection processed by:
April Gage
Date Completed:
February 2009
©2009 NASA Ames Research Center. All rights reserved.

Descriptive Summary

Title: Public Affairs Office Collection
Date (inclusive): 1940-2020
Collection Number: AFS1380
Creator: Ames Research Center
Extent: Number of containers: 58

Volume: 23.5 cubic feet 15,892 digital items
Repository: Ames Research Center, Ames History Archives
Moffett Field, California 94035
Abstract: The Public Affairs Office Collection in the NASA Ames History Archives comprises news and communications materials, including press releases, circulars, audio-visual media, subject files, and photographs, that were produced and accumulated by Public Affairs Office staff. These records were used to disseminate information about the Center's activities to the public as mandated by the 1958 National Aeronautics and Space Act.
Language: English

Administrative Information


Collection is open for research.


Accruals of media, Ames Centerwide announcements, and digital news releases were transferred by Keith Venter, Rick Chen, and Astrid Albaugh, and added to the collection (Acquisitions 006-2010, 005-2018, 007-2018, respectively). An accrual of digital news releases was added to the collection in May 2020 (007-2020).

Publication Rights

Copyright does not apply to United States government records. For non-government material, researcher must contact the original creator.

Preferred Citation

NASA Ames History Archives, NASA Ames Research Center. Moffett Field, California. AFS1380, Public Affairs Office Collection, [Container number]: [Folder number]. [Identification of item]. [Date, if available].

Abbreviated Citation

NASA ARC. AFS1380, [Container number]: [Folder number]. [Identification of item]. [Date, if available].

Related Materials

Removed or Separated Material

Twelve books have been removed and placed in the NASA Ames History Archives Reference Collection (AFS1070.8A).

  • Anderson, Frank W., Jr. Orders of magnitude: A history of NACA and NASA, 1915-1976. Washington, D.C.: NASA SP-4403, 1976.
  • Benedict, Howard. Malone, Myrtle D. Ed. NASA: The journey continues. Houston: Pioneer Publications, 1989.
  • Carle, Glenn C., Deborah E. Schwartz, and Judith L. Huntington, eds. Exobiology in solar system exploration. Washington, D.C.: NASA SP 512, 1988.
  • Cooper, Henry S. F., Jr. Before lift-off: The making of a space shuttle crew. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987.
  • Marshall Space Flight Center. Science in orbit: The shuttle & Spacelab experience: 1981-1986. Washington, D.C.: NASA NP-119, 1988.
  • Muenger, Elizabeth A. Searching the horizon: A history of Ames Research Center, 1940-1976. Washington, D.C.: NASA SP-4204, 1985.
  • NASA Ames Research Center. The vision of Ames Research Center. Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center, 1988.
  • RMS Associates. Information resources management: A bibliography with indexes, 1984-1989. Washington, D.C.: NASA SP-7079, 1990.
  • Rosholt, Robert L. An administrative history of NASA, 1958-1963. Washington, D.C.: NASA SP-4101, 1966.
  • Truly, Richard M. Space shuttle: The journey continues. Washington, D.C.: NASA NP-117.
  • U.S. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended, and related legislation. 95th Cong., 2nd sess., 1978.
  • Zuber, Maria, Odette James, Glenn MacPherson, and Jeff Plescia. Planetary geosciences--1988. Washington, D.C.: NASA SP-498, 1989.

Related Material

NASA Ames Research Center History Archives Collections

  • AFS1070.8A: Archives Reference Collection
  • AFS1380-69A: Ames Astrogram Collection

NASA Ames Research Center Public Affairs Office

National Archives and Records Administration

  • Records of the Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, Record Group 255.4.1. Records Relating to Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, Record Group 255. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD. (Contains news releases, news clipping files, photographs, Don C. Wiley reports, and Daniel S. Wentz II "Major Information Activities" reports, dating from the 1930s to the 1950s.) 

NASA Headquarters

  • NASA Headquarters Historical Reference Collection. NASA Headquarters History Office, Washington, DC. (Contains digitized copies of all press releases issued by NASA Ames Research Center from 1959 through 1991.) 

Acquisition Information

Materials were transferred to the History Archives by the NASA Ames Technical Library in June of 2004, Ola Cook of the Public Affairs Office in July and August of 2004, and Astrid Terlep of the Public Affairs Office in December of 2004 (Acquisitions 006-2004, 009-2004, 019-2004, respectively).

Administrative History

The public affairs function at NASA Ames has operated under a variety of names. The Public Affairs Office (PAO, Code DI, Code DX), or Public Information Office (Code DXI), Media Relations Office (Code DXI), Media Services Office (Code DXI), External Affairs Office (Code DI), or Communication Branch (Code DXC), has always been part of the Office of the Director (Code D, Code ODA) of the NASA Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, CA.
Operating from 1958 through the present (2009) on behalf of the NASA Ames Research Center, the main task of the Public Affairs Office has been to provide the public with information about the activities of the Center. This task is mandated in the 1958 National Aeronautics and Space Act, which states that NASA, "in order to carry out the purpose of this Act, shall . . . provide for the widest practicable and appropriate dissemination of information concerning its activities and the results thereof" (42 US Code 2473). In its own words, the Public Affairs Office "manages the public information creation and dissemination process to communicate and promote the vision, missions, capabilities and accomplishments of NASA and Ames" (NASA Ames Research Center Public Affairs Office. accessed February 12, 2008). The Public Affairs Office at NASA Ames has always coordinated its activities closely with the Public Affairs Office at NASA Headquarters, especially in terms of style guides and administrative procedures.
A major contribution of the Public Affairs Office has been its production and distribution of written and visual materials describing the people, facilities and research activities at Ames, such as reports and news releases with corresponding photographs, and the Center's internal newsletter, the Ames Astrogram. For nearly 50 years, the office has chronicled the Center's support of NASA missions and its significant contributions to such fields as aeronautics, planetary science, life science, astrobiology, computational fluid dynamics, robotics, and nanotechnology.
The origin of a public relations function at Ames predates its inclusion in NASA, beginning under a precursor organization known as the Ames Aeronautical Laboratory (AAL), which was established in 1939 as part of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). According to Ames historian Edwin P. Hartman, early information dissemination efforts in AAL were limited to providing accurate research information, mainly in the form of Technical Notes, Technical Reports, and Technical Memoranda, to a select field of interested parties such as researchers, universities, and aircraft companies. Apparently, NACA questioned the ethicality of pursuing public relations efforts, and avoided this type of activity until a few years after World War II. Then, facing greater public scrutiny and more competition for funding, it became concerned with its public image and hired Aeronautical Information Officers for each of its laboratories. In March 1949, Don Wiley was appointed to be the first Aeronautical Information Officer for AAL, with Daniel S. Wentz II stepping in to replace him in 1953. Among their responsibilities, these men were charged with responding to inquiries about AAL from other organizations and the surrounding community. With the NACA's reincarnation as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 1958, Wentz became the first Public Information Officer for NASA Ames. Through 2003, Wentz was succeeded by nine individuals in charge of the Center's core public affairs efforts: Bradford A. Evans (1962), Stanley Miller (1970), Lauren D. King (1981), Richard Reeves (1986), John F. Murphy (1988), Del Harding (1990), Michael Marlaire (1995), David R. Morse (1999), and Ann Sullivan (2003). In 1967, the title of Public Information Officer was discarded in favor of Public Affairs Officer, and in 1985 the title became, simply, "Chief" of the branch.

Sources Consulted:

Hartman, Edwin. Adventures in Research: A History of Ames Research Center, 1940-1965. Washington, D.C.: NASA SP-4302, 1970.
Muenger, Elizabeth A. Searching the Horizon: A History of Ames Research Center, 1940-1976. Washington, D.C.: NASA SP-4204, 1985.
NASA Ames History Archives, NASA Ames Research Center. Moffett Field, California. AFS1070.8A, Archives Reference Collection. Telephone Directories. 1963-2003.
NASA Ames Research Center Public Affairs Office.  (accessed February 12, 2008).

Indexing Terms

The following terms may be used to index this collection.

Corporate Name

Ames Aeronautical Laboratory (U.S.).
Ames Research Center.
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Ames Research Center. Public Affairs Office.


Ames Research Center--History.
Ames Research Center--Public Relations.
Government information agencies--United States.

Geographic Names

Moffett Field (Calif.)

Scope and Content

The Public Affairs Office Collection (23.5 cubic feet; 15,892 digital items) contain five main types of documentation accumulated by the office: records generated for the purpose of disseminating information about the activities and people of the NASA Ames Research Center to the press and general public; communications to center staff; reference material about programs and projects accumulated by the office; records accumulated by the office for the purpose of tracking the media penetration of its communications efforts; and records used to document and keep track of the office's internal business. The bulk of the records in this collection document the first three areas, information prepared by the Center and broadcast.
The collection encompasses bound volumes, files, and digital material containing information in various formats on a wide range of subjects pertaining to the Center's research activities, projects, and facilities during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Included in these are news releases with and without corresponding photographs; bulletins; information sheets; brochures; audio-visual media; official NASA Ames photographs and transparencies (including a few proof sheets); and slide presentations. There are clippings files of local and national press coverage of NASA and Ames accumulated by the office, as well as albums containing collections of photographs, and press materials for specific space shuttle missions from 1981-1994. Also present are internal records, including "Centerwide" announcement circulars to the Ames workforce from 1997-2018; snapshots of staff and displays at trade show events from 1995-1998; administrative reference materials, mainly from the 1990s, such as handbooks and manuals; a catalog of videos produced by the office dated 1991; photograph captions dated from 1959-1992; Astrogram Committee records from 1991-1993; and staff notices from 1994-1995. The bulk of the records are in the form of press releases and their corresponding photographs.
Across subjects, coverage is inconsistent, with greater information available for some topics, such as Space Shuttle missions, and less coverage for others, such as rocket systems. Because of efforts to retain original order of the records, there is redundancy in the records across the series.

System of Arrangement

The records are arranged in four series, all of which have been further arranged into subseries. The contents of Series I, News Materials, 1949-2020, are arranged by format, with bound materials in a separate subseries from files and digital materials, and then chronologically, by type and creator (NASA, Ames, or Moffett Field). Materials in Series II, Subject Files, are organized alphabetically. The contents of Series III, Photographic Materials, are grouped by format and further organized by subject. In subseries 1, Photographs, Subject Files, the original order of the files below the subject level frequently appeared to be disrupted and could not be determined, so an alphabetical arrangement was imposed. In subseries 2A, Transparencies/Subject Files are arranged in their original, alphabetical order. Materials in subseries 2B, Transparencies/Slides, were removed from their original binders and placed in protective housing in the order in which they appeared in the binders, from left-to-right, and top-to-bottom. Every effort was made to retain the original arrangement of the contents of Series II and III, even though there is duplication in subjects covered and records contained therein. Series IV, Administration and General Reference series, is arranged into three groups related to the internal business of the office, the first being materials the office used to conduct business and the remainder being records used to conduct research. These latter constitute a portion of the office's library of reference publications.


I News Materials 1949-2018

Physical Description: 52 folders, 36 volumes, 15,892 digital items.

Scope and Content Note

This series includes a complete run of press releases issued by Ames (NACA and NASA) from 1949 to 2020, which are presented in 31 bound volumes (1949 to 1993), as well as paper files (1990-2010), and digital files (2006-April 9, 2020). There are five volumes of press kits issued by NASA Ames, which describe the Biosatellite A, B and D, Pioneer 10, 11, and Pioneer Venus missions. Press kits contain a collection of simplified technical information about a spacecraft and a mission, and are usually issued in conjunction with a launch. Subseries B includes files with newspaper and magazine clippings concerning projects, programs, and activities of NASA and NASA Ames, and the transfer of Moffett Field from the US Navy to NASA.
Subseries 3 contains three sets of digital material. The first is a collection of press releases from January 4, 2006 to April 9, 2020. The second is a set of Ames Centerwide announcements spanning twenty-one years (nearly 15,000 messages). Centerwide announcements are internal to Ames. Contents range from messages from the center director through event and meeting reminders to general announcements. (All are described with the following fields: Mail Key, Date, To, Subject, and Message Body.) The third set of material is video footage and audio recordings, primarily consisting of television news footage of Ames-managed programs and projects such as Pioneer missions and airborne science efforts. Item-level information for all three sets is detailed in separate collection guides.

II Subject Files

Physical Description: 312 folders

Scope and Content Note

This series contains fact sheets, brochures, press releases, historical summaries, and other materials the Public Affairs Office maintained in vertical files. A wide range of topics mainly pertaining to NASA and Ames are represented here, including space exploration technologies and efforts, such as Apollo, Pioneer, Galileo, and space telescopes; the search for intelligent life with the SETI program; research facilities, such as the various wind tunnels and supercomputing arrays at Ames; sister facilities, such as Moffett Field and Crow's Landing; life sciences research; and earth study technologies and efforts, such as remote sensing activities and aircraft used in the airborne science projects. Also present is a collection of albums thoroughly documenting the crews and objectives of Space Shuttle missions STS-1 through STS-62, flown from 1981 to 1994.

III Photographic Materials

Physical Description: 273 folders, 6 boxes of slides

Scope and Content Note

This series contains photographic materials the Public Affairs Office maintained in vertical files, the bulk of which appear to have been used in news releases on various topics, mainly related to research projects and facilities at Ames. The bulk of the material consists of 8" x 10" glossy photographs with corresponding news releases. Subjects include images captured from spacecraft, such as the Pioneer satellites and Viking landers; space life sciences efforts, such as human factors research, and plant and animal studies; earth science research, such as tracking wildfires and studying the ozone layer; aircraft research and development, such as the Oblique Wing, Quiet, Short-Haul Research Aircraft, Rotorcraft Systems Research Aircraft, and XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft; computational research, such as numerical aerodynamic simulation; and research facilities, such as ballistic ranges, air traffic management facilities, wind tunnels, and supercomputing arrays.

IV Administration and General Reference

Physical Description: 39 folders

Scope and Content Note

This series contains a scattering of records generated by the Public Affairs Office to document its business, such as Astrogram Committee binders, as well as publications the office used in the course of conducting its business, such as NASA management guidelines and resource catalogs, and miscellaneous reference publications, such as NASA strategic plans and initiatives and NACA personnel publications.


I. News Materials, 1949-2018.

Physical Description: 52 folders, 36 volumes.

1. Bound Volumes, NASA Ames Research Center, 1949-1993.

Physical Description: 36 Volumes.

A. Press Releases, 1949-1993.

Physical Description: 31 Volumes.

Volume 1: 1949-1952


Volume 2: 1953-1961


Volume 3: 1962


Volume 4: 1963


Volume 5: 1964


Volume 6: 1965


Volume 7: 1966-1967


Volume 8: 1968-1970


Volume 9: 1971


Volume 10: 1972


Volume 11: 1973


Volume 12: 1974


Volume 13: 1975


Volume 14: 1976


Volume 15: 1977


Volume 16: 1978


Volume 17: 1979


Volume 18: 1980


Volume 19: 1981


Volume 20: 1982


Volume 21: 1983


Volume 22: 1984


Volume 23: 1985


Volume 24: 1986


Volume 25: 1987


Volume 26: 1988


Volume 27: 1989


Volume 28: 1990


Volume 29: 1991


Volume 30: 1992


Volume 31: 1993


B. Press Kits 1966-1983.

Physical Description: 5 Volumes.

Biosatellite A-B-D Press Kits, 1966-1969


Pioneer F (10) -- The Jupiter Encounter, 1972-1983


Pioneer G (11) -- The Jupiter Encounter, 1973-1977


Pioneer Venus Press Kits and Press Releases, 1978-1981


Pioneer 11 -- The Saturn Encounter, 1979


2. Files, 1990-2010.

Physical Description: 52 Folders.

A. Press Releases, 1990-2003.

Physical Description: 35 Folders.

i. NASA Ames Research Center

Box 1, Folder 1

1990 (1 of 3)

Box 1, Folder 2

1990 (2 of 3)

Box 1, Folder 3

1990 (3 of 3)

Box 1, Folder 4

1991 (1 of 2)

Box 1, Folder 5

1991 (2 of 2)

Box 1, Folder 6


Box 1, Folder 7

1993 (1 of 2)

Box 1, Folder 8

1993 (2 of 2)

Box 1, Folder 9

1994 (1 of 4)

Box 2, Folder 1

1994 (2 of 4)

Box 2, Folder 2

1994 (3 of 4)

Box 2, Folder 3

1994 (4 of 4)

Box 2, Folder 4

1995 (1 of 4)

Box 2, Folder 5

1995 (2 of 4)

Box 2, Folder 6

1995 (3 of 4)

Box 2, Folder 7

1995 (4 of 4)

Box 2, Folder 8

1996 (1 of 3)

Box 2, Folder 9

1996 (2 of 3)

Box 3, Folder 1

1996 (3 of 3)

Box 3, Folder 2

1997 (1 of 3)

Box 3, Folder 3

1997 (2 of 3)

Box 3, Folder 4

1997 (3 of 3)

Box 3, Folder 5

1998 (1 of 2)

Box 3, Folder 6

1998 (2 of 2)

Box 4, Folder 1


Box 4, Folder 2

2000 (1 of 2)

Box 4, Folder 3

2000 (2 of 2)

Box 4, Folder 4

2001 (1 of 2)

Box 4, Folder 5

2001 (2 of 2)

Box 4, Folder 6

2002 (1 of 2)

Box 4, Folder 7

2002 (2 of 2)

Box 5, Folder 1

2003 (1 of 2)

Box 5, Folder 2

2003 (2 of 2)

Box 5, Folder 3

2004 (1 of 2)

Box 5, Folder 4

2004 (2 of 2)

Box 5, Folder 5


Box 5, Folder 6

2006 (1 of 2)

Box 5, Folder 7

2006 (2 of 2)

Box 5A, Folder 1

2007 (1 of 2)

Box 5A, Folder 2

2007 (2 of 2)

Box 5A, Folder 3

2008 (1 of 2)

Box 5A, Folder 4

2008 (2 of 2)

Box 5A, Folder 5

2009 (1 of 2)

Box 5A, Folder 6

2009 (2 of 2)

Box 5B, Folder 1




Box 5B, Folder 2

Headquarters and Other Centers, 1992-1995 (1 of 2)

Box 5B, Folder 3

Headquarters and Other Centers, 1992-1995 (2 of 2)


B. Clippings and Articles, by Fiscal Year, 1992-1997.

Physical Description: 17 Folders.

i. NASA Ames Research Center

Box 5B, Folder 4

1992 (1 of 4)

Box 5B, Folder 5

1992 (2 of 4)

Box 5B, Folder 6

1992 (3 of 4)

Box 6, Folder 1

1992 (4 of 4)

Box 6, Folder 2

1993 (1 of 5)

Box 6, Folder 3

1993 (2 of 5)

Box 6, Folder 4

1993 (3 of 5)

Box 6, Folder 5

1993 (4 of 5)

Box 6, Folder 6

1993 (5 of 5)

Box 6, Folder 7

1994 (1 of 2)

Box 7, Folder 1

1994 (2 of 2)


ii. Moffett Field

Box 7, Folder 2

1990-1993 (1 of 3)

Box 7, Folder 3

1990-1993 (2 of 3)

Box 7, Folder 4

1990-1993 (3 of 3)


iii. NASA

Box 7, Folder 5

Pamphlet 1, Local and National Newspapers, 1997

Box 7, Folder 6

Pamphlet 2, Mars Pathfinder, 1997

Box 7, Folder 7

Pamphlet 3, Pioneer 10, 1997


1.3. Digital Materials, 1968-2020.

Physical Description: 1 Folder; 15,892 digital items
Box 7, Folder 8

Ames Internal "Centerwide" Announcements, January 17, 1997 - March 19, 2018 (14,922 items in digital form. Item-level metadata is available in a separate collection guide.)

Box 7, Folder 8

Press Releases, January 4, 2006 to April 9, 2020 with index (918 items in digital form. An item level index by date and release title is available in a separate collection guide.)

Box 7, Folder 8

Audiovisual News Materials, 1968 - 1997 (52 items in digital form. Item-level metadata is available in a separate collection guide.)


II. Subject Files, 1940-1995.


1. A to Z, 1940-1995.

Box 8, Folder 1

Advanced Launch System

Box 8, Folder 2

Advanced Tactile Fighter

Box 8, Folder 3

Aero-Assist Flight Experiment (AFE)/Aerobraking

Box 8, Folder 4

Aeronautical Consortium Act, The

Box 8, Folder 5

Aeronautics Industry

Box 8, Folder 6

Air and Space Center

Box 8, Folder 7

Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment

Box 8, Folder 8

Ames 50th Anniversary (1 of 4)

Box 8, Folder 9

Ames 50th Anniversary (2 of 4)

Box 8, Folder 10

Ames 50th Anniversary (3 of 4)

Box 8, Folder 11

Ames 50th Anniversary (4 of 4)

Box 8, Folder 12

Ames Aerospace Encounter (AAE)

Box 8, Folder 13

Ames Bulletins, Newsletters, Memos, 1969-1990

Box 8, Folder 14

Ames Contribution to Space Shuttle

Box 8, Folder 15

Ames History (1 of 2)

Box 8, Folder 16

Ames History (2 of 2)

Box 8, Folder 17

Ames Mission Statement

Box 8, Folder 18

Ames Research Center (ARC)

Box 8, Folder 19

Ames Tech Commercialization Center

Box 9, Folder 1


Box 9, Folder 2

Apollo (1 of 3)

Box 9, Folder 3

Apollo (2 of 3)

Box 9, Folder 4

Apollo (3 of 3)

Box 9, Folder 5

Apollo 25th Anniversary

Box 9, Folder 6


Box 9, Folder 7


Box 9, Folder 8


Box 10, Folder 1


Box 10, Folder 2

Augustine Committee

Box 10, Folder 3


Box 10, Folder 4

Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS)

Box 10, Folder 5

AVROCAR MARK II, "Flying Saucer"

Box 10, Folder 6


Box 10, Folder 7

Base Closure

Box 10, Folder 8

Budget, 1987-1991

Box 10, Folder 9

Budget (Space Station), 1991

Box 10, Folder 10

Budget, 1992

Box 10, Folder 11

Budget, 1993

Box 10, Folder 12

Budget, FY 1994

Box 10, Folder 13


Box 10, Folder 14

C-141 (Kuiper Airborne Observatory)

Box 10, Folder 15


Box 10, Folder 16

Cellular Telephone

Box 10, Folder 17

Challenger Accident Report

Box 10, Folder 18

Challenger Funds

Box 10, Folder 19

Challenger Learning Center

Box 11, Folder 1

City of San Jose

Box 11, Folder 2

Clinton Technology Policy

Box 11, Folder 3

Cockpit Design/Future

Box 11, Folder 4

Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES)

Box 11, Folder 5

Comet, Shoemaker-Levy

Box 11, Folder 6

Commercial Experiment Transporter (COMET)

Box 11, Folder 7

Commercialization of Space

Box 11, Folder 8

Commercial Launch

Box 11, Folder 9

Commercial Programs

Box 11, Folder 10

Congressional Testimony

Box 11, Folder 11


Box 11, Folder 12

Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)

Box 11, Folder 13

COSPAS/SARSAT Search and Rescue System

Box 11, Folder 14

Crows Landing

Box 11, Folder 15

Cyberspace Program

Box 11, Folder 16

Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission Report, 1991

Box 11, Folder 17

Development of a 3-Dimensional Auditory Display

Box 11, Folder 18


Box 11, Folder 19

Earth Observing System (EOS)

Box 11, Folder 20

Earth Rotation

Box 11, Folder 21

Earthwinds Project

Box 11, Folder 22


Box 12, Folder 1

Economic Benefits

Box 12, Folder 2


Box 12, Folder 3

Edwards Air Force Base

Box 12, Folder 4


Box 12, Folder 5

ER-2 Aircraft

Box 12, Folder 6

Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer

Box 12, Folder 7


Box 12, Folder 8


Box 12, Folder 9

Flat Panel Display

Box 12, Folder 10

Flight Simulation

Box 12, Folder 11

Galileo Probe (1 of 3)

Box 12, Folder 12

Galileo Probe (2 of 3)

Box 12, Folder 13

Galileo Probe (3 of 3)

Box 12, Folder 14

Gamma Ray Observatory

Box 12, Folder 15

General Accounting Office Report

Box 12, Folder 16

Geostationary Satellite System (GOES)

Box 12, Folder 17

Global Warming (1 of 2)

Box 12, Folder 18

Global Warming (2 of 2)

Box 13, Folder 1


Box 13, Folder 2


Box 13, Folder 3

Halley's Comet

Box 13, Folder 4

Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE)

Box 13, Folder 5


Box 13, Folder 6

Hazardous Waste

Box 13, Folder 7


Box 13, Folder 8

Helium 3

Box 13, Folder 9

High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC)

Box 13, Folder 10

High Resolution Microwave Survey (HRMS)

Box 13, Folder 11

High Speed Research

Box 13, Folder 12

Hispanic Advisory Group

Box 13, Folder 13

Hitchhiker Project, The

Box 13, Folder 14


Box 13, Folder 15

Hubble Space Telescope (1 of 5)

Box 13, Folder 16

Hubble Space Telescope (2 of 5)

Box 13, Folder 17

Hubble Space Telescope (3 of 5)

Box 14, Folder 1

Hubble Space Telescope (4 of 5)

Box 14, Folder 2

Hubble Space Telescope (5 of 5)

Box 14, Folder 3

Human Exploration of Solar System, 21st Century

Box 14, Folder 4

Human Research Facility (HRF)

Box 14, Folder 5

Hydrogen Leaks

Box 14, Folder 6

Inspector General (IG) Reports

Box 14, Folder 7


Box 14, Folder 8


Box 14, Folder 9

Integrated Test Facility

Box 14, Folder 10

International Space University (ISU)

Box 14, Folder 11

International Space Year

Box 14, Folder 12


Box 14, Folder 13

Interstellar Dust

Box 14, Folder 14

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Box 14, Folder 15

Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network Inc.

Box 14, Folder 16

Jupiter/Comet Shoemaker-Levy

Box 14, Folder 17

Kennedy Space Center

Box 14, Folder 18


Box 14, Folder 19

Launch Gun

Box 14, Folder 20

Lear Jet

Box 14, Folder 21

Legislative Affairs

Box 14, Folder 22

Liquid Hydrogen Structural Test Facility (LHSTF)

Box 14, Folder 23


Box 14, Folder 24

Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) (1 of 2)

Box 15, Folder 1

Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) (2 of 2)

Box 15, Folder 2


Box 15, Folder 3

Management Review

Box 15, Folder 4

Manned Space Missions

Box 15, Folder 5

Mariner Mark II

Box 15, Folder 6


Box 15, Folder 7

Mars Environmental Survey

Box 15, Folder 8

Mars Observer

Box 15, Folder 9

Mars Rover Sample Return Development Project

Box 15, Folder 10


Box 15, Folder 11


Box 15, Folder 12


Box 15, Folder 13

Minority Business Enterprise Program (MBEP)

Box 15, Folder 14

Mishaps and Casualties

Box 15, Folder 15

Mission to Planet Earth (MPE)

Box 15, Folder 16

Moffett Closure (1 of 2)

Box 15, Folder 17

Moffett Closure (2 of 2)

Box 16, Folder 1

Moffett Field (1 of 3)

Box 16, Folder 2

Moffett Field (2 of 3)

Box 16, Folder 3

Moffett Field (3 of 3)

Box 16, Folder 4


Box 16, Folder 5


Box 16, Folder 6


Box 16, Folder 7

NASA 25th Anniversary

Box 16, Folder 8

NASA 30th Anniversary

Box 16, Folder 9

NASA Advisory Council

Box 16, Folder 10


Box 16, Folder 11

NASA Communications Augmentation Network (NASCOM)

Box 16, Folder 12

NASA Contracts for Advisory/Assistance Services

Box 16, Folder 13

NASA Information Systems

Box 16, Folder 14

NASA Insignia

Box 16, Folder 15

NASA Launches

Box 16, Folder 16

NASA Long Range Goals

Box 16, Folder 17

NASA Magazine

Box 16, Folder 18

NASA Strategic Plan

Box 16, Folder 19

NASA Technical Contributions to Aeronautics

Box 16, Folder 20

National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958

Box 17, Folder 1

National Aerospace Plane (1 of 2)

Box 17, Folder 2

National Aerospace Plane (2 of 2)

Box 17, Folder 3

National Space Council

Box 17, Folder 4

National Space Grand College and Fellowship Program

Box 17, Folder 5

National Space Policy

Box 17, Folder 6

National Technology Initiative

Box 17, Folder 7


Box 17, Folder 8

New Galaxies

Box 17, Folder 9

News Center One

Box 17, Folder 10

News Travel Network

Box 17, Folder 11


Box 17, Folder 12

North Bayshore Travel Advisory

Box 17, Folder 13

North Valley Private Industry Council (NOVA PIC)

Box 17, Folder 14

Nuclear Power

Box 17, Folder 15

Nuclear Power Systems in Space, Use of

Box 17, Folder 16

Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) (1 of 2)

Box 17, Folder 17

Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) (2 of 2)

Box 17, Folder 18

Office of Advanced Concepts and Technology

Box 17, Folder 19

Office of Aeronautics, Exploration and Technology (OEAT)

Box 18, Folder 1

Office of Exploration

Box 18, Folder 2

Office of Science and Technology Policy

Box 18, Folder 3

Office Space Flight Development

Box 18, Folder 4

Onizuka Air Force Base

Box 18, Folder 5

Opinion Survey

Box 18, Folder 6

Orbital Sciences Corporation

Box 18, Folder 7

Origin of Life

Box 18, Folder 8

Ozone Depletion (1 of 2)

Box 18, Folder 9

Ozone Depletion (2 of 2)

Box 18, Folder 10

Participation in a Public Ceremony/Event

Box 18, Folder 11


Box 18, Folder 12

Pathfinder Project Plan, Extravehicular Activity (EVA)/Suit, 1988

Box 18, Folder 13

Payload Flight Assignments, Mixed Fleet

Box 18, Folder 14


Box 18, Folder 15


Box 19, Folder 1

Phillips Report, The

Box 19, Folder 2


Box 19, Folder 3

Pioneer Anniversary Event

Box 19, Folder 4

Planet, 10th

Box 19, Folder 5


Box 19, Folder 6

Polar Orbiting Platform

Box 19, Folder 7

President's Council Advisers on Science/Technology

Box 19, Folder 8

Privacy Act

Box 19, Folder 9

Procurement Integrity

Box 19, Folder 10

Project Laser

Box 19, Folder 11

Quiet Short-Haul Research Aircraft (QSRA)

Box 19, Folder 12


Box 19, Folder 13

Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs)

Box 19, Folder 14

Raven's Nest

Box 19, Folder 15

Reinventing the Government

Box 19, Folder 16

Remote Sensing

Box 19, Folder 17

Requirements for High Altitude Aircraft for Stratospheric Research

Box 19, Folder 18

Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS)

Box 19, Folder 19


Box 19, Folder 20

Robotics-DANTE II

Box 19, Folder 21


Box 19, Folder 22

Rocket System

Box 19, Folder 23

Rockwell International Corporation

Box 19, Folder 24

Roentgen Satellite (ROSAT)

Box 19, Folder 25

Roles and Missions

Box 19, Folder 26

Rover and Nerva

Box 19, Folder 27


Box 19, Folder 28

Russian Rover

Box 19, Folder 29

Salad Machine

Box 19, Folder 30


Box 19, Folder 31


Box 19, Folder 32

Scientists, Engineers

Box 20, Folder 1

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), (1 of 3)

Box 20, Folder 2

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), (2 of 3)

Box 20, Folder 3

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), (3 of 3)

Box 20, Folder 4

Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX)

Box 20, Folder 5

Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Box 20, Folder 6

Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) Satellite

Box 20, Folder 7

Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF)

Box 20, Folder 8

Virtual Reality, 1986-1989

Box 20, Folder 9

Virtual Reality, 1990-1993

Box 20, Folder 10

Wind Tunnel, 12 Foot, 1995

Box 20, Folder 11

Wind Tunnel Fact Sheet, 1993


2. Mission Albums, 1981-1994.

Box 21, Folder 1

STS-1, Columbia, April 1981

Box 21, Folder 2

STS-2, Columbia, November 1981

Box 21, Folder 3

STS-3, Columbia, March 1982

Box 21, Folder 4

STS-4, Columbia, June 1982 (1 of 2)

Box 21, Folder 5

STS-4, Columbia, June 1982 (2 of 2)

Box 21, Folder 6

STS-5, Columbia, November 1982

Box 21, Folder 7

STS-6, Challenger, April 1983

Box 21, Folder 8

STS-7, Challenger, June 1983 (1 of 2)

Box 22, Folder 1

STS-7, Challenger, June 1983 (2 of 2)

Box 22, Folder 2

STS-8, Challenger, August 1983

Box 22, Folder 3

STS-9, Columbia, Spacelab 1, November 1983 (1 of 4)

Box 22, Folder 4

STS-9, Columbia, Spacelab 1, November 1983 (2 of 4)

Box 22, Folder 5

STS-9, Columbia, Spacelab 1, November 1983 (3 of 4)

Box 22, Folder 6

STS-9, Columbia, Spacelab 1, November 1983 (4 of 4)

Box 22, Folder 7

Space Shuttle Payload Flight Assignments, 1982-1985

Box 22, Folder 8

STS-41-B, Challenger, February 1984

Box 22, Folder 9

STS-41-C, Challenger, March 1984

Box 23, Folder 1

STS-41-D, Discovery, August 1984

Box 23, Folder 2

STS-41-C, 41-D, 41-G, 1984 (Payloads, Press Kits)

Box 23, Folder 3

STS-41-G, Challenger, October 1984

Box 23, Folder 4

STS-51-A, Discovery, November 1984

Box 23, Folder 5

STS-61-B, 61-C, 1985 (Payloads, Press Kits)

Box 23, Folder 6

STS-51-B, 51-E, 51-F, 51-G, 1985 (Payloads, Press Kits)

Box 23, Folder 7

STS-51-C, 51-D, 51-B, 51-G, SL-3 and Other Missions, 1985-1986 (1 of 3)

Box 23, Folder 8

STS-51-C, 51-D, 51-B, 51-G, SL-3 and Other Missions, 1985-1986 (2 of 3)

Box 23, Folder 9

STS-51-C, 51-D, 51-B, 51-G, SL-3 and Other Missions, 1985-1986 (3 of 3)

Box 24, Folder 1

STS-26, Discovery, September 1988 (1 of 3)

Box 24, Folder 2

STS-26, Discovery, September 1988 (2 of 3)

Box 24, Folder 3

STS-26, Discovery, September 1988 (3 of 3)

Box 24, Folder 4

STS-27, Atlantis, December 1988; STS-28, Columbia, August 1989

Box 24, Folder 5

STS-29, Discovery, March 1989

Box 24, Folder 6

STS-30, Atlantis, May 1989

Box 24, Folder 7

STS-34, Atlantis, October 1989

Box 24, Folder 8

STS-32, Columbia, January 1989; STS-33, Discovery, November 1989

Box 24, Folder 9

STS-32, Columbia, January 1990

Box 24, Folder 10

STS-36, Atlantis, February 1990

Box 25, Folder 1

STS-31, Discovery, April 1990

Box 25, Folder 2

STS-41, Discovery, October 1990

Box 25, Folder 3

STS-38, Atlantis, November 1990

Box 25, Folder 4

STS-35, Columbia, December 1990

Box 25, Folder 5

STS-37, Atlantis, April 1991

Box 25, Folder 6

STS-39, Discovery, April 1991

Box 25, Folder 7

STS-40, Columbia, June 1991

Box 25, Folder 8

STS-43, Atlantis, August 1991

Box 25, Folder 9

STS-48, Discovery, September 1991

Box 25, Folder 10

STS-44, Atlantis, November 1991

Box 26, Folder 1

STS-42, Discovery, January 1992

Box 26, Folder 2

STS-45, Atlantis, April 1992 (1 of 2)

Box 26, Folder 3

STS-45, Atlantis, April 1992 (2 of 2)

Box 26, Folder 4

STS-49, Endeavour, May 1992

Box 26, Folder 5

STS-50, Columbia, June 1992

Box 26, Folder 6

STS-46, Atlantis, July 1992

Box 26, Folder 7

STS-47, Endeavour, August 1992

Box 26, Folder 8

STS-52, Columbia, October 1992

Box 27, Folder 1

PSE 02: STS-52, Columbia, October 1992

Box 27, Folder 2

STS-53, Discovery, December 1992 (1 of 2)

Box 27, Folder 3

STS-53, Discovery, December 1992 (2 of 2)

Box 27, Folder 4

Miscellaneous Launches, 1992

Box 27, Folder 5

STS-54, Endeavour, January 1993

Box 27, Folder 6

STS-56, Discovery, April 1993

Box 27, Folder 7

STS-55, D-2 Spacelab Mission; Columbia, April 1993

Box 27, Folder 8

STS-57, SPACEHAB-1: EURECA Retrieval, Endeavour, June 1993

Box 27, Folder 9

STS-51, Discovery, September 1993

Box 27, Folder 10

STS-58, Discovery, October 1993

Box 27, Folder 11

STS-61, Endeavour, December 1993

Box 27, Folder 12

STS-60, Discovery, February 1994

Box 28, Folder 1

STS-62, Columbia, March 1994

Box 28, Folder 2

STS-59, Endeavour, April 1994

Box 28, Folder 3

STS-64, Discovery, September 1994

Box 28, Folder 4

STS-66, Atlantis, November 1994

Box 28, Folder 5

STS-54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 1993-1994


III. Photographic Materials


1. Photographs, Subject Files, 1981-1994.


A. Outer Space

Box 29, Folder 1

Solar System

Box 29, Folder 2


Box 29, Folder 3


Box 29, Folder 4


Box 29, Folder 5


Box 29, Folder 6

Globular Clusters

Box 29, Folder 7


Box 29, Folder 8

Mars (1 of 4)

Box 29, Folder 9

Mars (2 of 4)

Box 29, Folder 10

Mars (3 of 4)

Box 29, Folder 11

Mars (4 of 4)

Box 29, Folder 12


Box 29, Folder 13

Jupiter Comet Impact

Box 29, Folder 14


Box 29, Folder 15


Box 29, Folder 16

Uranus's Moons


B. Space Flight, Interplanetary Voyages, and Space Stations and Structures

Box 30, Folder 1

Project Luster, 1964-1966

Box 30, Folder 2

Pioneer, 1965-1997

Box 30, Folder 3

Pioneer 10, 1971-1983

Box 30, Folder 4

Pioneer Plaque, 1974

Box 30, Folder 5

Pioneer Venus, Artist Conception, 1988

Box 30, Folder 6

Dr. Ponnamperuma's Simulated Jupiter Atmosphere, 1973

Box 30, Folder 7

Skylab, 1973

Box 30, Folder 8

Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (Project SETI), 1983

Box 30, Folder 9

Restraint Suit Test

Box 30, Folder 10

Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), 1975

Box 30, Folder 11

Viking, 1976 (1 of 2)

Box 30, Folder 12

Viking, 1976 (2 of 2)

Box 30, Folder 13

Voyager I, 1977

Box 30, Folder 14

Voyager II, 1977

Box 31, Folder 1

Space Shuttle Models

Box 31, Folder 2

Space Shuttle Controls

Box 31, Folder 3

Space Shuttle Landings

Box 31, Folder 4

Space Shuttle Tests

Box 31, Folder 4a

Space Transportation System, STS-1 (Columbia) 1981

Box 31, Folder 5

STS-3 (Columbia), 1982

Box 31, Folder 6

STS-4 (Columbia), 1982

Box 31, Folder 7

STS-5 (Columbia), 1982

Box 31, Folder 8

STS-6 (Challenger), 1983

Box 31, Folder 9

STS-7 (Challenger), 1983

Box 31, Folder 10

Spacelab, 1975-1982

Box 31, Folder 11

Science Operations Remote Center, 1977

Box 31, Folder 12

Mars Habitability, 1975-1987 (1 of 2)

Box 31, Folder 13

Mars Habitability, 1975-1987 (2 of 2)

Box 32, Folder 1

Space Station, 1975-1990 (1 of 2)

Box 32, Folder 2

Space Station, 1975-1990 (2 of 2)

Box 32, Folder 3

Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF), 1981-1989

Box 32, Folder 4

Infrared Astronomical Telescope (IRAS), 1983

Box 32, Folder 5

STS-9 (Columbia, ESA Spacelab-1), 1983

Box 32, Folder 6

Space Lab Launch, 1984-1990

Box 32, Folder 7

STS-41D (Discovery), 1984

Box 32, Folder 8

Magellan Venus Orbiter, 1989-1990

Box 32, Folder 9

Hubble Space Telescope, 1990-1996

Box 32, Folder 10

STS-48 (Discovery), 1991

Box 32, Folder 11

STS-49, (Endeavour), 1992

Box 32, Folder 12

Air Force Delta II, 1993


C. Space Life Sciences

Box 33, Folder 1

Humans: Bedrest

Box 33, Folder 2


Box 33, Folder 3

Exercise Device

Box 33, Folder 4

Human Performance Research Laboratory

Box 33, Folder 4a

Lower Body Negative Pressure Device (LBNP)

Box 33, Folder 5

Motion Sickness

Box 33, Folder 6


Box 33, Folder 7

Animals: Animal Enclosure Module (AEM)

Box 33, Folder 8

Research Animal Holidng Facility (RAHF)

Box 33, Folder 9


Box 33, Folder 10

Plants: Space Plants, Beans

Box 33, Folder 11

Growth Chamber of the Plant Growth Unit

Box 33, Folder 12


Box 33, Folder 13

Salad Machine

Box 33, Folder 14

Space Garden


D. Earth Science

Box 34, Folder 1


Box 34, Folder 2

Aerial Images from ER-2

Box 34, Folder 3

Aerial Photograph Transparencies

Box 34, Folder 4

Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition, 1989 (1 of 4)

Box 34, Folder 5

Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition, 1989 (2 of 4)

Box 34, Folder 6

Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition, 1989 (3 of 4)

Box 34, Folder 7

Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition, 1989 (4 of 4)

Box 34, Folder 8

Alaska Pipeline 1974

Box 34, Folder 9

Antarctica, 1986 (1 of 2)

Box 34, Folder 10

Antarctica, 1986 (2 of 2)

Box 34, Folder 11

Antarctic Internet

Box 34, Folder 12

Arizona Land Use Experiment 1972

Box 35, Folder 1

Carbon Balance, Ocean Floor

Box 35, Folder 2

Earth from Space

Box 35, Folder 3

Evolution of Life; Artist Conception

Box 35, Folder 4

Fires 1985

Box 35, Folder 5

Forest Trace Gas Studies (Matson)

Box 35, Folder 6

Infrared Telescope, C-141 1972

Box 35, Folder 7

Mosaic of the Bay Area 1977

Box 35, Folder 8

Mt. McKinley Alaska Mapping 1977

Box 35, Folder 9

Ozone, DC-8 & ER-2 Flight Paths 1991-1992

Box 35, Folder 10

Ozone Hole 1979-1992

Box 35, Folder 11

Sacramento River 1976

Box 35, Folder 12

Yellowstone 1988


E. Aircraft

Box 36, Folder 1

Assorted Aircraft

Box 36, Folder 2

AV-8B, Harrier

Box 36, Folder 3

C-8 "Buffalo"

Box 36, Folder 4


Box 36, Folder 5


Box 36, Folder 6

E-7 Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing Capability (STOVL)

Box 36, Folder 7

ER-2 Earth Resources

Box 36, Folder 8

ER-2 Historic Flight 1996

Box 36, Folder 9

ER-2 in Flight

Box 36, Folder 10

ER-2 Takeoff

Box 36, Folder 11

Galileo I

Box 36, Folder 12

Galileo II

Box 37, Folder 1


Box 37, Folder 2


Box 37, Folder 3

Joined Wing

Box 37, Folder 4


Box 37, Folder 5

Lear Jet

Box 37, Folder 6

Lighter than Aircraft, Heavy-Lifter Airship

Box 37, Folder 7


Box 37, Folder 8

NASA Aircraft Grouping

Box 37, Folder 9

Oblique Wing Aircraft

Box 37, Folder 10

Oblique Wing Aircraft Models, R. T. Jones (1 of 2)

Box 37, Folder 11

Oblique Wing Aircraft Models, R. T. Jones (2 of 2)

Box 37, Folder 12

OV-10A Bronco, Rotating Cylinder Flap

Box 37, Folder 13


Box 37, Folder 14

Quiet, Short-Haul Research Aircraft (QSRA) (1 of 2)

Box 37, Folder 15

Quiet, Short-Haul Research Aircraft (QSRA) (2 of 2)

Box 37, Folder 16

Remotely Piloted Vehicle Aircraft

Box 38, Folder 1

Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), Boeing 747

Box 38, Folder 2

T-38, Talon

Box 38, Folder 3

U-2 (1 of 2)

Box 38, Folder 4

U-2 (2 of 2)

Box 38, Folder 5

Upper Surface Blown (USB) Model

Box 38, Folder 6


Box 38, Folder 7


Box 38, Folder 8


Box 38, Folder 9

XV-5B Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL)

Box 38, Folder 10

YO-3A (NASA-718)


F. Rotorcraft

Box 38, Folder 11

AH-1G, Vertical Short Takeoff and Landing (VSTOL) Cobra

Box 38, Folder 12

Controllable Twist Motor

Box 38, Folder 13

Crow's Landing

Box 38, Folder 14

Rotor Assembly

Box 38, Folder 15

Rotorcraft Systems Research Aircraft (RSRA) (1 of 3)

Box 38, Folder 16

Rotorcraft Systems Research Aircraft (RSRA) (2 of 3)

Box 38, Folder 17

Rotorcraft Systems Research Aircraft (RSRA) (3 of 3)

Box 39, Folder 1

SH-3 Sea King

Box 39, Folder 2

UH-1B Iroquois

Box 39, Folder 3


Box 39, Folder 4

UH-60 Black Hawk

Box 39, Folder 5

X-14B, Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL)

Box 39, Folder 6

XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft

Box 39, Folder 7



G. Wind Tunnels: Complex and Testing

Box 39, Folder 8

1-Foot Hypervelocity

Box 39, Folder 9

8 x 7-Foot Supersonic

Box 39, Folder 10

9 x 7-Foot Supersonic

Box 39, Folder 11

12-Foot Pressure

Box 39, Folder 12

14-Foot Transonic

Box 39, Folder 13

40 x 80-Foot Subsonic, National Full-Scale Aerodynamic Complex (NFAC)

Box 39, Folder 14

Mars Wind Tunnel

Box 39, Folder 15

80 x 120-Foot Subsonic National Full-Scale Aerodynamic Complex (NFAC) (1 of 3)

Box 39, Folder 16

80 x 120-Foot Subsonic National Full-Scale Aerodynamic Complex (NFAC) (2 of 3)

Box 39, Folder 17

80 x 120-Foot Subsonic National Full-Scale Aerodynamic Complex (NFAC) (3 of 3)

Box 39, Folder 18

80 x 120-Foot Wind Tunnel Construction

Box 39, Folder 19

ABC XH-59A, Vertical Short Takeoff and Landing (VSTOL)

Box 39, Folder 20

Aerodynamic Boat-Tail Device

Box 39, Folder 21

Aircraft in 40 x 80

Box 40, Folder 1

Assorted Models and Aircraft

Box 40, Folder 2

Douglas XSBD-2

Box 40, Folder 3

E-7 Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing Capability (STOVL)

Box 40, Folder 4


Box 40, Folder 5

High Speed Civil Transport

Box 40, Folder 6


Box 40, Folder 7

Lift/Cruise Fan Vertical Short Takeoff and Landing (VSTOL)

Box 40, Folder 8

Lifting Bodies (Dryden)

Box 40, Folder 9

Long Range Conventional Standoff Weapon (LRCSW)

Box 40, Folder 10

Mercury Capsule

Box 40, Folder 11

National Aero-Space Plane (NASP)

Box 40, Folder 12

Ravens in 80 x 120

Box 40, Folder 13

Space Shuttle in 40 x 80

Box 40, Folder 14

Space Shuttle Models

Box 40, Folder 15

X-29 (Forward Swept Wing)


H. Simulation Facilities

Box 40, Folder 16


Box 40, Folder 17

Man-Vehicle Systems Research Facility (MVSRF) (1 of 2)

Box 40, Folder 18

Man-Vehicle Systems Research Facility (MVSRF) (2 of 2)

Box 40, Folder 19

Advanced Cockpit Simulator

Box 40, Folder 20

Vertical Motion Simulator (VMS)


I. Computing/Simulations

Box 41, Folder 1

Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Facility (NAS)

Box 41, Folder 2

CRAY I/O Subsystem, X-MP, Y-MP, Y-MP C90

Box 41, Folder 3


Box 41, Folder 4


Box 41, Folder 5


Box 41, Folder 6

Ogive Cylinder

Box 41, Folder 7

Double Delta Wing

Box 41, Folder 8


Box 41, Folder 9

Flying Wing

Box 41, Folder 10

Jet Engine

Box 41, Folder 11

Joined Wing

Box 41, Folder 12

Particle Traces

Box 41, Folder 13

Space Shuttle

Box 41, Folder 14

Wing Body


J. Virtual Reality/Automation

Box 42, Folder 1

Air Traffic Management

Box 42, Folder 2

Automation Science Research Facility

Box 42, Folder 3

Remote Sensing

Box 42, Folder 4

Russian Rover

Box 42, Folder 5

Underwater Rover

Box 42, Folder 6

Virtual Reality

Box 42, Folder 7

Virtual Environment

Box 42, Folder 8

Virtual Wind Tunnel


K. Miscellaneous Topics

Box 42, Folder 9

Ames Aerospace Encounter

Box 42, Folder 10

Ames Research Center, Historical

Box 42, Folder 11

Anniversary of NASA

Box 42, Folder 12

Artificial Intelligence

Box 42, Folder 13

Astronaut Candidate Training

Box 42, Folder 14

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Box 42, Folder 15

Glenn Research Center

Box 42, Folder 16


Box 42, Folder 17

Life Science

Box 42, Folder 18

Luminescent Paint

Box 42, Folder 19

Mechanical Response Tissue Analyzer (MRTA)

Box 42, Folder 20

NST Labs

Box 43, Folder 1

Presentation Binder, NASA Ames Reuse Planning for Moffett Field

Box 43, Folder 2


Box 43, Folder 3

Space Colony

Box 43, Folder 4

Unsteady Lift Model

Box 43, Folder 5

Vertical Gun Range


2. Transparencies


A. Subject Files

Box 44, Folder 1


Box 44, Folder 2


Box 44, Folder 3

Miscellaneous (1 of 3)

Box 44, Folder 4

Miscellaneous (2 of 3)

Box 44, Folder 5

Miscellaneous (3 of 3)

Box 44, Folder 6

Shuttle on Launch Pad, 55

Box 44, Folder 7

Shuttle with 747, 56

Box 44, Folder 8

Simulators, 57

Box 44, Folder 9

Skylab, 58 (1 of 2)

Box 44, Folder 10

Skylab, 58 (2 of 2)

Box 44, Folder 11

Solar System, 59

Box 44, Folder 12

Space Settlement, Space Station, 60 (1 of 2)

Box 44, Folder 13

Space Settlement, Space Station, 60 (2 of 2)

Box 44, Folder 14

Space Shuttle, Artist Concepts, 61 (1 of 2)

Box 45, Folder 1

Space Shuttle, Artist Concepts, 61 (2 of 2)

Box 45, Folder 2

Space Shuttle, Miscellaneous, 62 (1 of 2)

Box 45, Folder 3

Space Shuttle, Miscellaneous, 62 (2 of 2)

Box 45, Folder 4

Space Suits, 63

Box 45, Folder 5

Space Walks, 64

Box 45, Folder 6

Sun, 65

Box 45, Folder 7

Supercomputers, 66

Box 45, Folder 8

Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope, 67

Box 45, Folder 9

Uranus, 68

Box 45, Folder 10

Venus, 69

Box 45, Folder 11

Venus, Artist Concept, 70

Box 45, Folder 12

Virtual Reality, 71

Box 45, Folder 13

Voyager, 72

Box 45, Folder 14

Weather Clouds, 73

Box 45, Folder 15

Wind Tunnels, 74


B. Slides

Box 46, Folder 1

Slide Binder 1 Covers and Documentation

Box 46, Folder 2

Slide Binder 2 Covers and Documentation

Box 46, Folder 3

Slide Binder 3 Covers and Documentation

Box 46, Folder 4

Overhead Presentations, Documentation

Box 46, Folder 5

Hubble Space Telescope Presentation Documentation

Box SB1, Folder 1-A

Slide Binder 1: Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Moon, and Saturn

Box SB1, Folder 1-B

Slide Binder 1: Saturn, Saturn's Moons, Uranus, Venus, Ozone, Probes and Satellites

Box SB1, Folder 1-C

Slide Binder 2: Receiving Dishes, Space Station, and Shuttle

Box SB1, Folder 1-D

Slide Binder 2: Shuttle, Virtual Reality, Aircraft, Astronomical Views, Comets and Asteroids, Earth, Earth (J. Hogan), Earth Rise, and Extravehicular Activity (EVA)

Box SB1, Folder 1-E

Slide Binders 2 and 3, and Slides from Photograph Subject Files: Extravehicular Activity (EVA), High Altitude, Launches, Man on Moon, NASA Worm, Miscellaneous, NASP

Box SB1, Folder 1-F

Slide Binder 3 and Slides from Photograph Subject Files: Hubble Space Telescope Sets, A86-0256-11, Pegasus, Overhead Presentations, Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS), ER-2 Earth Resources, Heavy Lifter Airship, Quiet Short-Haul Research Aircraft, and T-38 Talon


3. Albums and Snapshots, Trade Shows

Box 47, Folder 1

Oshkosh Convention 1995

Box 47, Folder 2

Oshkosh Convention, 1996 (1 of 2)

Box 47, Folder 3

Oshkosh Convention, 1996 (2 of 2)

Box 47, Folder 4

Oshkosh Convention, 1997 (1 of 2)

Box 47, Folder 5

Oshkosh Convention, 1997 (2 of 2)

Box 47, Folder 6

Airventure, NASA Display at, 1998 (1 of 2)

Box 47, Folder 7

Airventure, NASA Display at, 1998 (2 of 2)

Box 48, Folder 1

Staff Snapshots: Reno Air Show, 1995 (1 of 2)

Box 48, Folder 2

Staff Snapshots: Reno Air Show, 1995 (2 of 2)


IV. Administration and General Reference


1. Office and Project Resources

Box 48, Folder 3

NASA Video Catalog, 1991

Box 48, Folder 4

NASA Handbook, 1994 (1 of 4)

Box 48, Folder 5

NASA Handbook, 1994 (2 of 4)

Box 48, Folder 6

NASA Handbook, 1994 (3 of 4)

Box 48, Folder 7

NASA Handbook, 1994 (4 of 4)

Box 48, Folder 8

NASA Education Workshop at Ames 1996

Box 48, Folder 9

Ames Research Center Training Programs, Fiscal Year 1992

Box 49, Folder 1

Management Manual, Ames Research Center, 1993 (1 of 2)

Box 49, Folder 2

Management Manual, Ames Research Center, 1993 (2 of 2)

Box 49, Folder 3

Ames Capabilities Brochure Paste Up 1989

Box 49, Folder 4

Astrogram Committee Recording Secretary Book, 1991-1993 (1 of 2)

Box 49, Folder 5

Astrogram Committee Recording Secretary Book, 1991-1993 (2 of 2)

Box 49, Folder 6

Astrogram Advisory Committee, 1991-1993 (1 of 2)

Box 49, Folder 7

Astrogram Advisory Committee, 1991-1993 (2 of 2)

Box 49, Folder 8

General Resource Binder (1 of 2)

Box 50, Folder 1

General Resource Binder (2 of 2)

Box 50, Folder 2

Photo Captions 1959-1992

Box 50, Folder 3

Reno Event Program 1999

Box 50, Folder 4

Shuttle Mission Synopsis 1994

Box 50, Folder 5

Staff Notices, 1994-1995 (1 of 2)

Box 50, Folder 6

Staff Notices, 1994-1995 (2 of 2)

Box 51, Folder 1

NACA Personnel Publications, 1952

Box 51, Folder 2

Space Log, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1962

Box 51, Folder 3

Air Pollution Article Reprint from The Rule, 1969

Box 51, Folder 4

Vanning, Walter, Articles, 1989-2003


2. Miscellaneous Reference Publications and Reports

Box 51, Folder 5

NASA Magazine, 1993

Box 51, Folder 6

Information Sciences Division Aerospace Systems Directorate Research Status and Highlights, 1990

Box 51, Folder 7

Cultural Climate and Resources Plan, Ames Research Center, 1993

Box 51, Folder 8

Future of NASA Space Program, 1990

Box 51, Folder 9

Space Exploration Initiative, 1991

Box 51, Folder 10

Advancing Automation and Robotics Technology for the Space Station Freedom and for the U.S. Economy, 1991

Box 51, Folder 11

NASA Aeronautics Research and Technology Program Highlights


3. NASA Activities

Box 52, Folder 1


Box 52, Folder 2


Box 52, Folder 3


Box 52, Folder 4


Box 52, Folder 5


Box 52, Folder 6


Box 52, Folder 7
