An Outline of Trade Union History in Great Britain, The United States and Canada: With Special Emphasis on the Causes Leading to the Present Division in the Canadian Labour Movement, by Margaret Mackintosh, October, 1938
A Memorandum on Provisions in Union Agreements Relating to Military Service of Employees. Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, Division of Industrial Relations, No. 6, August 1940
The Barber Trade in Seattle, by Arthur Jenkins. December 1940
San Francisco Employers Council. Dec. 30, 1942. Survey of Salaries of San Francisco Office Employees
Proceedings of the First Southern California Management Conference: Manning and Managing our Arsenal. Held at California Institute of Technology, May 2, 1942
Poland of Today. March, 1943. Vol. 3, No. 3. Polish Research and Information Service
The Use of Part-Time Workers in the War Effort, by Helen Baker and Rita B. Friedman. Industrial Relations Section, Department of Economics and Social Institutions, Princeton University, June 1943.
What is the N.A.M.? National Association of Manufacturers, 1944.
Collective Bargaining for Professional Employees. American Chemical Society, January 15, 1944.
Labor Unrest and Dissatisfaction: Report of the Study Made by the Special Research Committee. International Brotherhood of Papermakers, June 15, 1944.
The Forward March of American Labor: A Brief History of the American Labor Movement Written for Union Members. LID Pamphlet Series, League for Industrial Democracy
The Painter Union, by Errett Crouther. Paper for Economics 164, February 21, 1945.
NAM News Section 3: Golden Anniversary Year - 1945, Officers, Directors, Committees. National Association of Manufacturers, April 7, 1945.
A Packinghouse Worker Writes An Open Letter to the Farmers. United Packinghouse Workers of America (Congress of Industrial Organizations).
Labor Relations That Work. National Founders Association.
First and Foremost in Industrial Relations. National Founders Association. Introduces the NFA.
First and Foremost in Industrial Relations. National Founders Association. Addresses employer problems.
A Guide to the National Labor Relations Act: Procedures and Practices. U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Labor Standards, Bulletin No. 81, 1946.
Labor Relations in Motion Picture Production, by Evelyn Wright. Business Administration 251, June 3, 1946.
The Citizen's Stake in the Labor Union Problem, by H.W. Prentis, Jr. Address before the General Federation of Women's Clubs, Chicago, Illinois, June 19, 1946
NAM News. Section Three. National Association of Manufacturers, November 9, 1946.
Challenge to Industry, an Address by Walter B. Weisenburger, Executive Vice President of the National Association of Manufacturers, before the Congress of American Industry, December 4, 1946.
Pacific Coast Board of Intergovernmental Relations: Principles of Organization
The Public be Served - NAM: What It Is, What It Has Done, What It Believes, How It Operates. National Association of Manufacturers.
Now... Let's Build America: Industry's Recommendations to the 80th Congress. National Association of Manufacturers. Legislative Recommendations, 1947.
The Wagner Labor Relations Act: A Manual for Department Heads and Foremen, by Russell L. Greenman. National Foremen's Institute, Inc. Includes chart "How the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 Will Affect Your Labor Relations - An Operating Guide for All Employers."
The New Polish-German Border: Safeguard of Peace, by Stefan Arski. Polish Embassy, 1947
Trade Unions in Poland. Polish Research and Information Service, 1947.
NAM News, Vol. XV, No. 1. National Association of Manufacturers, January 4, 1947
NAM News, Vol. XV, No. 2. National Association of Manufacturers, January 11, 1947
NAM News, Section Two. National Association of Manufacturers, January 18, 1947.
Memo. February 18, 1947. Outline of Facts Relating to Current Anti-Labor Legislation. Intended for use in speeches, articles, classes, etc, regarding Labor Management Relations Act. California Congress of Industrial Organizations Council, Research Department, February 18, 1947.
A Warning Against Communists in Unions, by David Dubinsky. Reprinted from The New York Times Magazine, May 11, 1947, by the International Ladies' Garment Worker Union
Industrial Relations Memos. August 22, 1947: No. 93. Wage Differentials Between Factory and Office Employees
Brief History of the American Labor Movement. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor, October, 1947
CSNA and You, by California State Nurses' Association, San Francisco, California, October 1947
Education in Poland. Polish Research and Information Service, November 1947.
A Report to Members on NPA's Annual Joint Meeting of Agriculture, Business, Labor, and the Professions. National Planning Association, December 1947.
Poland Plans. Polish Research and Information Service, December 1947
Labor Governments at Work: Australian, Scandinavian, British, by Harry W. Laidler. LID Pamphlet Series, League for Industrial Democracy
How to Beat the Communists, by Walter P. Reuther
For the Good of the Nation: A Federal Fiscal Program. National Association of Manufacturers.
Working for Labor: The Story of the National Labor Service Founded to Promote Good Will Among American Workers of all Races and Religions. National Labor Service.
NPA's Principles and Objectives: A Statement by the Board of Trustees. National Planning Association.
The Economic Status of Registered Professional Nurses 1946-47. United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin No. 931
Documents and Reports on Poland: The Provisional Constitution of February 20, 1947, and the Declaration of Rights. Polish Research and Information Service, 1948.
Poland Today, by Alexander Werth. Polish Research and Information Service, 1948.
Social Legislation in Poland. Polish Research and Information Service, March 1948
Labor has Always Led: An Account of the Accomplishments of Organized Labor in the United States
Education in Poland (Report 2): Higher Education. Polish Research and Information Service, April 1948.
The Causes of Industrial Peace Under Collective Bargaining. Technical Advisory Committee Meeting, New York City, April 30, 1948. Summarized minutes, members represented. National Planning Association.
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, Press Bureau, Washington, D.C., May 18, 1948. (1)
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, Press Bureau, Washington, D.C., May 18, 1948. (2)
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, Press Bureau, Washington, D.C., May 18, 1948. (3)
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, Press Bureau, Washington D.C., May 19, [1948]. (1)
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, Press Headquarters, Washington D.C., May 19, 1948. (2)
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, May 20, [1948]. (1)
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, Washington D.C., May 20, 1948. (2)
Memorandum to: Members of the Technical Advisory Committee, "The Causes of Industrial Peace Under Collective Bargaining" Project, by Charles Tyroler 2nd. National Planning Association, May 26, 1948. Memorandum summarizing project findings.
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, Washington D.C., May 26, [1948]
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, Washington D.C., June 4, 1948
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, Washington D.C., June 7, 1948
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, Washington D.C., June 9, 1948
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, Washington, D.C., June 15, 1948
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, Washington D.C., June 25, 1948
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, Washington, D.C. September 9, 1948. (1)
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, Washington D.C., September 9, 1948. (2)
Alert Against Communism in California. Confidential to Subscribers, No. 43, September 20, 1948. Jacoby and Gibbons and Associates, Anti-Subversive Public Relations Specialists
Initial Reactions to the First NPA Case Study on the Causes of Industrial Peace. National Planning Association, September 27, 1948.
Relative Hourly Wage Rate Levels of Women Office Workers
Articles of Agreement between Shell Oil Company Incorporated and Oil Workers International Union C.I.O. Nov. 3, 1948
Relative Weekly Salary Levels of Women Office Workers
Industrial Relations Memos. Industrial Relations Aspects of Stabilizing Employment, Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc., No. 104, November 19, 1948.
Labor Through the Years, by Thomas R. Roberts
Official Roster of the United Mine Workers' of America
The Role of Vocational Counseling and Placement in Relation to Tenure, Mobility, and Other Factors. Prepared for the Labor Market Research Committee, Social Science Research Council, by C. L. Shartle with the assistance of Sanford Cohen
A Report on the Paraffine Companies, Inc, by Edwin G. Crystal. Business Administration 154, Clark Kerr, January 10, 1949
The First Collective Contract Between The Oil Workers International Union and Standard Oil Company of California, Richmond Refinery, by Charles S. Awenius. Business Administration 154, Mr. Clark Kerr in charge, January 10, 1949.
The Oil Workers International Union Strike of 1948, by James L. Anderson. Business Administration 154, Dr. C. Kerr, in charge. University of California, Berkeley, January 10, 1949.
Some Aspects of Relations Between the American Newspaper Guild (CIO) and the Associated Press, by Lawrence A. Wallace. Submitted for Business Administration 297, January 14, 1949.
Statement of Almon E. Roth, San Francisco's Employers Council President, on Proposed "National Labor Relations Act of 1949" (Official Text), February 4, 1949. San Francisco Employers Council, Department of Research and Analysis.
Economic Justice. Bulletin of the National Religion and Labor Foundation. Vol. XVII, No. 8. April, 1949. The American Miner is a Man of Great Faith.
Letter to Mr. Joseph E. Moody, Southern Coal Producers' Association, from John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers of America, April 30, 1949
Gilroy, California: A Study of Union Organization in a Rural Community, by Dean M. Hendrickson. University of California, June, 1949
The California Oil Strike of 1948, by Brady Sandeman. Business Administration 297, June 3, 1949.
"The Rising Cost Spiral and the Need to Combat It," by William F. Lucey. An Address Before the Mechanical Conference of the American Newspaper Publishers Association, Chicago, Illinois, June 6, 1949
Press Release: United Mine Workers of America, News Bureau, West Virginia, June 8, 1949
Reds in Trade Unions, by William H. Chartener. Editorial Research Reports, Vol. II, No. 3, July 22, 1949
Labor Agreement. International Brotherhood of Paper Makers, International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers. Crown Zellerbach Corporation, Carthage, N.Y., Division, Effective July 1, 1949
Labor Union Monopolies and the Anti-Trust Laws. National Coal Association, August 1949
Poland's Trade Unions: A Report on What They Are Thinking and Doing. Polish Research and Information Service, October 1949.
Measuring Monopoly: A New Approach. A Statement of National Chamber Policy on Concentration of Economic Power. The testimony of Herman W. Steinkraus, President of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States as presented to the House Judiciary Subcommittee studying anti-monopoly legislation, November 21, 1949.
The Management of Money. Issue No. 52. Oct. 1950.
Golden Anniversary, Commemorative Edition of Organized Labor, the A. F. of L. Building Trades Weekly Newspaper, Published Continually 1900-1950.
Detour Ahead: Business... Big and Small... Built America, by Benjamin F. Fairless, President, United States Steel Corporation. A speech before the Baltimore Association of Commerce and a statement in Washington before the Subcommittee on the Study of Monopoly Power of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Three Years of Free Music: A Record of the Public Service Financed by the Recording and Transcription Fund of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada. American Federation of Musicians, 1950.
What NEMA Will Do in 1950. National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
Uniform Labor Agreement of 1950. International Brotherhood of Paper Makers, International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers. Pacific Coast Association of Pulp and Paper Manufacturers.
Civilian Users Force Analysis Sheet: Ages of Liability for Service and Order of Selection for Military Service. Selective Service System, Form No. 170
UMWA Banner is Emblem of Life, Dignity and Justice, Says Owens. United Mine Workers of America
The Economic Power of Labor Organizations. Report of the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, January 10, 1950
The Auxiliary Board of Directors: An Adventure in Multiple Management. Industrial Tape Corporation, February 10, 1950.
Administration of Assignments of United States Air Force Officers, by Warren R. Hesly. University of California, May 1, 1950.
Economic Security. An Address Before the Joint Meeting of General Duty and Private Duty Nurses At the ANA Biennial Convention, San Francisco, May 11, 1950, by Reverend Joseph D. Munier, Ph.D. American Nurses' Association
Industrial Relations Memos. Pension Planning in the Light of Current Trends. July 21, 1950, No. 116.
Military Leave Policies of 500 Corporations: Results of a Special Survey by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. BNA Special Report, October 1950
Manpower for Defense, by Lewis D. Barton, Industry Relations Representative. U.S. Employment Service, Bureau of Employment Security. U.S. Department of Labor. Before the Annual Meeting of the Associated Tobacco Manufacturers, Greenbrier Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, October 13, 1950
A-C Views: West Allis Works. Vol. 3, No. 13, October 16, 1950
The American Population Profile. An Address by Louis I. Dublin, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company New York Herald Tribune Forum, October 23, 1950.
Military Leave Policies of Thirty-Five Selected Companies, October, 1950, Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc. Industrial Relations Memos, No. 120, October 24, 1950
Manpower For Defense, address of Secretary of Labor Maurice J. Tobin before the Massachusetts State Industrial Union Council, Springfield, Massachusetts, December 1, 1950
Schedule of Employment Standards for Private Duty Nurses, by California State Nurses' Association. Pamphlet No. 8-3, December 1950
You and Unions, Life Adjustment Booklet, by Dale Yoder
Labour Statistics, by J. B. Metlzer
The Truth Crushes Commie Lies: American unions work with the United States Department of Labor in giving workers from other lands the truth about free labor. United States Department of Labor
Brief History of the American Labor Movement. Bulletin 1000, United States Department of Labor
Auto Rank and File Hail "Mr. Organized Labor"
A Message to All Loyal American Citizens. National Warehouse Conference
Faut-il un Controle Des Prix?, by Emile Bouvier, S.J. University of Montreal. Series A, Bulletin 4.
Survey of Military Leave Policies, Commerce and Industry Association of New York, Inc., Personnel Management Bureau
National Manpower Mobilization Policy, Issued by the U.S. Department of Labor
There's a Guild Card in Your Future..., American Newspaper Guild
As Simple As ANG, American Newspaper Guild
Outline History of the Guild 1933-1951: Most of the Best Newspaper Men and Women are Guild Members, by American Newspaper Guild Education Department
Statement of American Nurses' Association on S. 1397, by Mrs. Elizabeth K. Porter, R.N., President, Before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee, June 1, 1951. American Nurses' Association
America's Manpower Crisis: The Report of the Institute on Manpower Utilization and Government Personnel, edited by Robert A. Walker. Public Administration Service. Stanford University, August 22, 23, and 24, 1951
A Report to National Planning Association Members from Christian Sonne, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. National Planning Association, October 9, 1951.
Colorado Tale... Publication No. 406, National Child Labor Committee
National Manpower Council: A Statement. The National Manpower Council, November 5, 1951.
What to Do About Communism in Unions, No. 2 in the Series. Statement Before a Senate Subcommittee by L.R. Boulware, G.H. Pfeif, and W.J. Barron. Employee and Plant Community Relations, General Electric
Paper Makers in Canada: A Record of Fifty Years' Achievement, by W.E. Greening. A History of the Paper Maker's Union in Canada. International Brotherhood of Paper Makers, 1952
Attitudes of Detroit People Toward Detroit: Summary of A Detailed Report, by Arthur Kornhauser. Detroit, Wayne University, Press, 1952
What to Do About Communism in Unions, by L.R. Boulware. Employee and Plant Community Relations, Services Division, General Electric
White-Collar Office Workers (Their Working Conditions, Benefits, and Status). Survey no. 10 of BNA's Personnel Policies Forum. Apr. 1952.
The Number One Problem of the Printing and Lithographing Industry, by Arthur A. Wetzel. Printing Industry of America, April-June 1952.
Some Aspects of Workers' Participation: A Survey Prepared for the ICFTU, by Christer Asplund. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Brussels
Lest We Forget! A Statement of the Morale Problem Existing in Connection With Employees Called Into Service and Veterans Now Returning to Civilian Life: Recommended Personnel Practices Through Which Industry Can Play An Important Part in Solving the Problem. Prepared by the Personnel Managers' Committee, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, May 26, 1952
Notice: National Memorial Period. United Mine Workers of America. August 16, 1952
The Labor-Monopoly Issue, by F. Ray Marshall. Business Administration 256, University of California, Berkeley, Fall Semester, 1952
European Labour Movement and Housing, Prepared on behalf of the Standing Housing Committee of the European Regional Organisation of ICFTU by H. Umrath
Will Mediation Solve the Labor-Monopoly Problem Satisfactorily?, by Willford I. King
Americans Won't Stand for Monopolies!, National Association of Manufacturers
The CIO, Communism, and Free Enterprise, by John Yezbak
Public Policy and Communist Domination of Certain Unions. Report of the Subcommittee on Labor and Labor-Management Relations
Continuing Activities of the Employee Relations Division. National Association of Manufacturers.
Responsibilities and Functions of the NAM Employee Relations Division. National Association of Manufacturers.
Subversive Influence in the Educational Process. Report of the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws, January 2, 1953
Why Our Anti-Trust Laws Should Apply to Labor as Well as to Management, by Theodore R. Iserman. Address before the Economic Club of Detroit, February 2, 1953
Labor Agreement. International Brotherhood of Paper Makers, International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers. Crown Zellerbach Corporation, Carthage, N.Y., Division. Effective July 1, 1953
The End of a Slum, by David Dubinsky. Reprinted from Justice, December 1, 1953
American Labor Today: Prospect and Retrospect. The Nation, Special Issue, December 10, 1953
Facts About How Communists Operate in Labor Unions, by David J. Saposs
Official Reports on the Expulsion of Communist Dominated Organizations from the CIO
American Labor and the American Spirit: Unions, Labor-Management Relations and Productivity, by Witt Bowden. Bulletin No. 1145, United States Department of Labor
"You're a Liar, Senator!" Matles tells McCarthy..., United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE)
Report of the Ethics Committee. National Academy of Arbitrators Ethics Committee, Harry H. Platt, Director.
Information Relative to Future Growth and Development in the Metropolitan Oakland Area
Facts and Comments on Occupational Health, by Paul Scharrenberg, Director, California Department of Industrial Relations and Member of Advisory Committee, United States Public Health Service, Division on Occupational Health
Report of Committee on Research and Education. National Academy of Arbitrators, January 15, 1954.
Union Monopoly: Its Cause and Cure, by V. Orval Watts. Studies of the Foundation for Social Research, Vol. III, No. 1, Spring 1954
A Manpower Program for Full Mobilization, developed by National Labor-Management Manpower Policy Committee, April 1954
Needed: A Civilian Reserve. Recommendations of the NPA Special Committee on Manpower Policy and a Report by Helen Hill Miller. National Planning Association, Planning Pamphlets No. 86, June 1954
Standard Industrial Survey Summary Report: Survey, by Oakland Chamber of Commerce. Outlined by the Industrial Plant Location Committee, California State Chamber of Commerce, June, 1954, Oakland, Alameda County, California
Labor Agreement. International Brotherhood of Paper Makers, International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers. Crown Zellerbach Corporation, Carthage, N.Y., Division, Effective July 1, 1954
Recent Advances in Government Statistics: An Address by Mrs. Aryness Joy Wickens, September 11, 1954
Anti-Communist Provisions in Union Constitutions, by William Paschell and Rose Theodore. From the Monthly Labor Review, October 1954
The Power of Unions. Information Bulletin No. 44, United States Chamber of Commerce, November 23, 1954
The Economic Case for One Union in the Packing Industry, by Lyle Cooper. United Packinghouse Workers of America, December 27, 1954.
The Institutional Bond Fund.
The Fully Administered Fund.
Amalgamated Cooperative Housing: A Report on the Realization of a Dream. Biennial Report 1954-1955
The Amalgamated Banks: A Report on the Realization of a Dream. Biennial Report, 1954-1955
The Story of Labor in American History: A Unit for Senior High School American History
Important Events in American Labor History: A Chronology, 1778-1955. U.S. Department of Labor
Labor Monopoly ...and Its Implications to a Free Society, by Dr. Leo Wolman. National Association of Manufacturers
An Analysis of Antitrust Laws and Union Activity, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
Who Killed the Brooklyn Eagle?, Newspaper Guild of New York, Local 3, American Newspaper Guild, CIO
Problems of a Free Press: Industrial Relations in the Newspaper Industry, by Donald J. Wood. B.A. Paper, 1955.
Northern California Motor Car Dealers Association. Officers and Directors and District Vice Presidents elected March 18, 1955
Are You Going to Get an Increase in Pay Soon?....
Union Attitudes and Membership Participation. Business News Notes: A Publication of the School of Business Administration, University of Minnesota, No. 24
Should Labor be Subject to the Antitrust Laws?, by Malcolm G. Putnam. Term Report for Business Administration 256, June 1, 1955
Should Unions Have Monopoly Power?, by W.L. White. The Reader's Digest, August, 1955
Concerning Instruction in Operations Research and Management Science, by Edward W. Barankin
Industrial Relations Newsletter, Vol. 8, No. 2, Winter 1956, ed. Howard Saisslin and Harry Selgison, University of Denver, Department of Personnel and Industrial Relations.
Press Memorandum from W.G. Storie, President, San Francisco Employers Council, re: Offer made to the striking Optical Technicians and Workers Union No. 18791 by the Optical Employers Association
Why Take Chances With Your Eyes? Protect Your Sight With Skilled UNION Craftsmanship, Optical Technicians and Workers Union Local 18791 - AFL-CIO.
Labor's Economic Review, Published by AFL-CIO, Vol. 1, No. 2, February 1956. The "Labor Monopoly" Myth
Industry's View on Organized Labor and the Antitrust Laws. National Association of Manufacturers
Military Leave Policies: Survey No. 36 of BNA's Personnel Policies Forum. Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., May, 1956
Romanzo Adams Social Research Laboratory. Univ. of Hawaii. Report no. 24. Jan. 1957. Mounting the Occupational Ladder in Hawaii
30 Years of Amalgamated Cooperative Housing, 1927-1957
Brief History of the American Labor Movement, Bulletin 1000, 1957 Revision. United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
A Problem for Every Citizen: Monopoly Power as Exercised by Labor Unions
James Roosevelt, The Nature of Trade Union Power. Labor in Mid-America Series, No. 2, Published by Teamsters Joint Council No. 13
Company Paternalism, 1957, by Joseph A. Beirne, President, Communications Workers of America. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations.
Labor Relations Review. Jan. 17, 1957. No. 3. Office Workers Unionization.
Union Monopoly Power: Challenge to Freedom, by Cola G. Parker. National Association of Manufacturers
Trade Unions and Democracy: A Comparative Study of U.S., French, Italian and West German Unions. A Labor Committee Report, Planning Pamphlet No. 100, National Planning Association
Getting the Job Done... 20 Years with UPWA. United Packinghouse Workers of America (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations).
Trade Union Influence in the Barbering Business In California, by Bernard C. Dahlin. Business Administration 299, University of California, December 1, 1957.
The Jewish Labor Movement in America: Two Views, by Israel Knox and Irving Howe. Jewish Labor Committee, Workmen's Circle
Labor Materials for School Use, by Ruth Greenberg. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
Impact of Union Monopoly Pressure on Wage-Price Relationships and Inflation: Opinions of Educators, Economists and Others. NAM Industrial Relations Division
Spotlight on Union Activities: Their Impact on Individuals, the Economy and the Public. Excerpts of Proceedings at 62nd Congress of American Industry, Industrial Relations Division, National Association of Manufacturers
Labor and Antitrust, by Arthur J. Goldberg
The Economic Analysis of Labor Union Power, by Edward H. Chamberlin. American Enterprise Association
Personal Freedom and Labor Policy, by Sylvester Petro. Institute of Economic Affairs, New York University
Union Monopoly vs. the Public Interest, by Ernest R. Breech, Chairman of the Board, Ford Motor Company
Membership Directory 1958-59, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Activities and Achievements: A Summary of the Work Done by E.P.A. During Four Years of Operational Activities, European Productivity Agency. Paris, European Productivity Agency, Organization for European Economic Co-Operation, 1958
The Political Responsibility of Businessmen: Its Neglect, The Consequences Thereof, and What Can Be Done About It, by Raymond Moley. New and Revised 1958.
United Employers Inc. Aug. 22, 1958. To Participants in Office Workers Salary Survey
The Status of Recognitional Picketing in California, by E. Robert Wallach. Business Administration 256, May 28, 1958.
Managing the Managers - The Distribution of Power in American Industrial Society, by Clark Kerr. June 1958
The Alliance of Certain Racketeer and Communist Dominated Unions in the Field of Transportation as a Threat to National Security. Report by the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws, December 17, 1958.
Theory of the Labor Movement -- A Reappraisal. Comment from an International Perspective, by Philip M. Kaiser, December 28, 1950
Summary of Industrial Growth in Alameda County: Year Ending December 31, 1958, by Alameda County New Industries Committee, Oakland Chamber of Commerce
Senator Barry Goldwater Speaks Out Against Unrestrained Union Monopoly Power
The Conference Board Services and Facilities: What They Are, How to Use Them. National Industrial Conference Board, Inc.
The National Right to Work Committee: the Principle, the Program, the People. National Right to Work Committee, 1959
Unionism Among Professions, by Leif Gjestland. For Business Administration 256, University of California, January 14, 1959.
Strike Paper vs. Strike Insurance in San Jose: New Weapons in Labor Disputes in 1959, by Nicholas D. Molnar. Economics 252B, University of California, June, 1959
Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers. A Labor Union in Action
Important Events in Labor History ...A Chronology, 1778-1959. U.S. Department of Labor
How NAM Serves you and the Nation! Activities, Programs, Services, National Association of Manufacturers.
Serving with the NAM: Employee Health and Benefits Committee. National Association of Manufacturers.
Serving with the NAM Industrial Relations Committee. National Association of Manufacturers.
Operations Research: Decision Aid for Management, by George W. Morgenthaler. Developed by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and Industrial Relations Center, The University of Chicago
Metropolitan Oakland Area Scrapbook: The Photo Story Shows ... Why Industry Chooses MOA for Branch Plant Location, Why MOA Offers Greater Opportunity for Profitable Growth. Alameda County New Industries Committee, Oakland Chamber of Commerce
Summary Report and Conclusion of Industrial Union Department Seminar: Collective Bargaining Problems of Progression and Technical Wars in Industry. Harvard University, Industrial Union Department, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, January 14-17, 1960
Unionism Reappraised: From Classical Unionism to Union Establishment, by Goetz Briefs. Published and Distributed by the American Enterprise Association
The International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers: A Study in Radical Unionism, by Michael Peevey. Economics 252B, Ross, Ulman, May 23, 1960
Camouflage: The Myth of "Labor Monopoly." Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO
Check-Off: Labor Bosses and Working Men
Membership Directory 1961-62, National Academy of Arbitrators.
The Mine-Mill Conspiracy Case, by Sidney Lens. Mine-Mill Defense Committee, Denver, Colorado
Operations Research, by Warren L. Simmons. Industrial Relations Center, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, Bulletin No. 33
33rd NAM Institute on Industrial Relations. Diplomat Hotel, Hollywood, Florida, April 3-7, 1961. National Association of Manufacturers.
The UPWA Story. The United Packinghouse, Food, and Allied Workers, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, May 1961.
Toward More Revealing Labor Force Statistics, by Robert J. Myers. Address presented at the Economic Institute on "Employment and Unemployment, The Problem of the 60's," United States Chamber of Commerce, May 17, 1961
Establishing a Program for Resolving Labor Disputes at Missile and Space Sites, Missile Sites and Space Sites Labor Commission
Labor, Antitrust and the Sherman Act, by Robert B. Brodie, September 1, 1961
Strikes in the Plastics Industry, by Jack N. Thornhill. Department of Research, School of Business Administration, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, October 1961.
Men and Monopolies: A Brief for Debaters
Origin of Antitrust Immunity for Labor Unions. Chamber of Commerce of the United States
The American Labor Movement, by Jack Barbash. Reprint Series No. 36, Industrial Relations Research Center, University of Wisconsin
Important Events in Labor History ...A Chronology, 1778-1961. U.S. Department of Labor
Membership Directory 1962-63, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Report of Committee on Law and Legislation. National Academy of Arbitrators, January 1962.
It's Your Society. American Chemical Society, 1962.
The Changing American Population, edited by Hoke S. Simpson. A Report of the Arden House Conference, Jointly sponsored by the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, and the Institute of Life Insurance, 1962
Military Leave Practices, Personnel Policies Forum, The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. Survey No. 65, March 1962
34th NAM Institute on Industrial Relations. Edgewater Gulf Hotel, Edgewater Park, Mississippi, March 18-23, 1962. National Association of Manufacturers.
Economic Implications of Union Power. Research Department, National Association of Manufacturers, June 1962
Facts About The National Right to Work Committee. Section 4 - Special No. 12. Group Research, Inc, December 13, 1962
The Pioneering of Workers' Banks, by Jacob S. Potofsky. Federationist: Official Monthly Magazine of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
Trade Unionism and the Communists: American and International Experiences, by John E. Hutchinson. Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley, 1963
Membership Directory 1963-64, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Federal Responsibility for a Free and Competitive Press, Presented before the Antitrust Subcommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary Investigation of Monopoly Practices in the Newspaper Industry, Washington, D.C., 1963
Where Labor Unions Get Their Power, by J. Mack Swigert. From U.S. News and World Report, January 21, 1963
Executive Order on the Conduct of Labor Relations Between the City of New York and Members of the Police Force of the Police Department. Executive Memorandum, To: Michael J. Murphy, Commissioner, Police Department, City of New York, From: Hon. Robert F. Wagner, Mayor of the City of New York, March 29, 1963.
New Developments in Governmental Industrial Relations Statistics: The Role of the State Statistical Agencies. Presentation by Maurice I. Gershenson before the 21st Interstate Conference on Labor Statistics, San Francisco, California, June 25-28, 1963
Facts About... A National Issue of Importance to All Americans: Applying the Antitrust Laws to Unions, Compiled by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States
Q and A About Registration for Engineers in Industry
The Hands that Build America. New York Times, November 17, 1963, Section 11, Advertisement
Important Events in American Labor History, 1779-1964. U.S. Department of Labor
A Report on the Bureau of Labor Standards 30th Anniversary
Brother to Brother, Worker to Worker. The John F. Kennedy Memorial Housing Project: A Great International Development of Free Labor
Our Union Heritage, by William L. Abbott
Unions Lead the Way, by George Burdon
Important Events in Labor History ...A Chronology, 1778-1963. U.S. Department of Labor
Brief History of the American Labor Movement, Bulletin 1000, 1964 Edition. United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Membership Directory 1964-65, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Overseas Development Institute, Ltd.
Notes on "The Poverty Problem," by Harry C. Bredemeier. Urban Studies Center, Rutgers, The State University, New Jersey, January 1964
An Analysis of the History of the Federal Antitrust Laws and their Application to Labor, by Sherman Nobleman. Graduate School Business Administration, January 10, 1964
Professional Associations and the Organization of Professional Workers, by Kent H. Anderson. Business Administration 150G, University of California, January 13, 1964.
Implications of the New York Newspaper Strike for Collective Bargaining, by Murray L. MacKenzie. Business Administration 150 G, Dr. A.M. Ross, January 15, 1964
The Elimination of Poverty: A Primary Goal of Public Policy, by Wilbur J. Cohen. Address before the Conference on Poverty-in-Plenty, Washington, D.C., January 23, 1964.
Productivity and Technological Developments in the United States, by Leon Greenberg. Before the 13th Annual Meeting of the National Council on Aging, Chicago, Illinois, February 11, 1964
Double Overtime Pay: Statement by Theodore O. Yntema, Vice President, Ford Motor Company, representing Automobile Manufacturers Association before the Joint Committee of General Subcommittee on Labor and Select Subcommittee on Labor of the Committee on Education and Labor on H.R. 9802, "The Overtime Penalty Act of 1964," February 28, 1964
Union Powers and Union Functions: Toward a Better Balance. A Statement on National Policy by the research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development, March 1964
Alameda County, Metropolitan Oakland Area: Facilities, Opportunities, Research, and People Spell Profit, by International Guide to Industrial Planning and Expansion County Research, Inc.
Industrial Relations Section. Princeton University. May 21, 1964. Memorandum. Income of Men in 48 Professional Occupations: 1949-1959.
Volunteering Against Poverty, by Walter F. Carey. Address before Joint Luncheon Meeting of the Western Traffic Region, Defense Traffic Management Service, and San Diego Chamber of Commerce, July 28, 1964.
Articles of Agreement between Richfield Oil Corporation and Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International Union. Aug. 1, 1964
Productivity and Technological Change in the Petroleum Refining Industry. Statement presented to the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, by Leon Greenberg. August 11, 1964
The New Poverty. Series for Economic Education, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, September 1964
Point of View, The Workmen's Circle/The Jewish Labor Committee. "Continuing a Vital Tradition," by Shelley Appleton
The Struggle to Unite: A Brief History of the American Labor Movement, by Irving Brotslaw. School for Workers, University Extension Division, University of Wisconsin
To Build a New World: A Brief History of American Labor, by Thomas R. Brooks. National trade Union Council for Human Rights, Jewish Labor Committee
Membership Directory 1965-66, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Impact of Web Offset: A Union's Analysis of Employment, Growth, Trends. Lithographers and Photoengravers International Union, LPIU.
Public Policy, Private Enterprise and the Reduction of Poverty, by Norton E. Long. NAM Industrial Relations Sourcebook Series, National Association of Manufacturers, 1965
The Politics of Poverty: an L.I.D. pamphlet by Michael Harrington: League for Industrial Democracy, by permission of Dissent Publishing Association, 1965
Readings In: Poverty in the United States, edited by Robert Schasre and Jo Wallach. Training Series for Social Agencies, Vol. 4. Delinquency Prevention Training Project, Youth Studies Center, University of Southern California, February 1965
Poverty: The "Aggregate Demand" Solution and Other Non-Welfare Approaches, by Hyman P. Minsky. MR-41, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of California, Los Angeles, April 1965
A History of the UMWA, by George Korson and United Mine Workers of America (Ind.)
The Anti-Poverty Program in Historical Perspective, by Robert J. Lampman. MR-43, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of California, Los Angeles, May 1965
Collective Bargaining For Professional and Technical Employees. University of Illinois, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, Division of University Extension, May 20-21, 1965.
Pride or Poverty, by Gordon J. Harrington. Senior Thesis, Mr. Ulman (advisor), May 21, 1965.
Impact of Pension Funds on National Economy: Remarks, by George W. Mitchell, Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Annual Conference of the Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 9, 1965
Labor's Goal: To End Poverty in Our Time. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, November 1965
Collective Bargaining and the Professional Employee. Centre for Industrial Relations, University of Toronto, December 15-17, 1965.
The Jewish Labor Movement: A Living Legacy, by Gus Tyler
Sky Full of Storm: A Brief History of California Labor, by David F. Selvin. Center for Labor Research and Education, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley
Problems of Unity in the International Trade Union Movement, by Svetozar Vukmanovic, Beograd, 1966
Labor in Learning: Public School Treatment of the World of Work, by Will Scoggins. Center for Labor Research and Education, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Los Angeles
Membership Directory 1966-67, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Teachers and Nurses: The Issue of Group Power for Professional Employees, by Benjamin Solomon. The A.G. Bush Library of Management, Organization, and Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations Center, University of Chicago, 1966. Occasional Paper Number 28.
OECD A Centre of Economic Co-operation and Development. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The OECD Observer, No. 24
Oakland Adult Minority Project
The Structural Change Hypothesis for Employment Among Youth, the Aged, and Minorities: A Critical Analysis, by Richard F. Muth. Research Paper P-275, Institute for Defense Analyses, Economic and Political Studies Division, February 1966.
The Economic Opportunity Program: Expectations and Realities, by Werner Z. Hirsch and E. L. Loran. MR-55, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of California, Los Angeles, February 1966
Report of the Fact-Finding Panel: In the Matter of California Nurses' Association and the Bay Area Hospitals Negotiating Committee. San Francisco, California, November 14, 1966
"Pension Funds at the Crossroads": An Address, by J.D. Lockton, Treasurer, General Electric Company. American Management Association Seminar on Institutional Investors, New York City, November 16, 1966
Membership Directory 1967-68, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Migration and Changes in the Quality of the Labor Force, by Thomas W. Gavett. West Virginia University, Business and Economic Studies. Vol. 10, No. 2, January 1967. Bureau of Business Research, College of Commerce, West Virginia University, Morgantown
Brief Union Summary of the 1967 Copper Strike, United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO
Coalition Bargaining: What It Is - And How Unions Are Using It In The Copper Strike, [Copper Strike Information Bureau]
Situation Facing Companies in Present Copper Strike: An Industry Perspective on the Issues and Reasons Why Solution is Not in Sight, [Copper Strike Information Bureau]
New Careers: A Basic Strategy Against Poverty, by Frank Riessman.
Our Urban Poor: Promises to Keep and Miles to Go, by St. Clair Drake.
Second Report to the President: Labor Dispute, AVCO Corporation, Lycoming Division Plant, and International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, and Locals 376 and 1010, by Board of Inquiry
A Report of a Conference on Day Care and the Working Mother, edited by Jeanette Stats. Sponsored by Board of Trustees, Health and Welfare Fund, Baltimore Regional Joint Board, and Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, AFL-CIO. Held June 17, 1967, Baltimore, Maryland
Interrelations Between Industrial and Occupational Changes in Manpower United States, 1950-1960. University of Pennsylvania.
Memo from COPE, Union Members Strong for LBJ, by Alexander E. Barkan, No. 16-67, August 7, 1967
Is Brute Force Labor's New Policy? Current Declarations and Actions Suggest Broad Reassessment Needed. Copper Strike Information Bureau, Nonferrous Metal Producers, December 12, 1967
Out of the Jungle: The Packinghouse Workers Fight for Justice and Equality, by Stephen H. Diamond and Leslie F. Orear
Membership Directory 1968-69, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Guide on Recommended Personnel Policies for Nurses. California Nurses' Association, February 1968
Statistical Evaluation Report No. 7. Current Occupation and Past Training of Adult Workers. March 1968
Is OEO Here to Stay?, by Sar A. Levitan. Washington Notes, Poverty and Human Resources Abstracts, Vol. III, No. 2, March-April 1968
Low-Wage Industries and the Working Poor. Trend, Poverty and Human Resources Abstracts, Vol. III, No. 2, March-April 1968.
Report, A Survey of Voters in National Labor Relations Board Elections: Attitudes of Voters in Collective Bargaining Representation Elections and in Political Elections, Los Angeles and Orange Counties, California, 1966-67
Collective Bargaining and Academic Governance: The Case of the California State Colleges, by Harold H. Haak. Public Affairs Research Institute, San Diego State College, May 1968.
The Young Worker Challenges the Union Establishment, Excerpts from a lecture delivered by UE General Secretary-Treasurer James J. Matles to a class for shop stewards and local union officers at Latrobe, Pennsylvania, November, 1968
Collective Bargaining at a City University? Issues and Procedures. Office of the Chancellor, City University of New York, November 20, 1968.
Human Resources Development for Oakland: Problems and Policies, by Donald Mayall. Prepared for City of Oakland, California. OCPD 185. Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California, Project ID-5638
Membership Directory 1969-70, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Employee Relations Memo: Renewed Efforts to Organize Professional and Technical Employers. Federated Employees of the Bay Area, April 1969.
Patterns of Collective Bargaining: The Newspaper Industry, by Pat Randolph and Morely Walker. Business Law 259, June 1969.
Migration Flows and Their Determinants, and the Effects of Return Migration, by John Vanderkamp. Discussion Paper 22, Department of Economics, University of British Columbia. July 1969
Temporal Components of Occupational Change in the United States, 1950-1960.
Membership Survey: Collective Bargaining Goals, IBEW Local Union 1245
Roosevelt University Labor Education Division, A Survey of Trade Union Members' Attitudes to Some Current Major Social Questions, by Albert R. Verri
The American Labor Movement in the Seventies. Roosevelt University, Labor Education Division, 1970
A Brief History of the American Labor Movement, 1970 Edition. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin 1000
Membership Directory 1970-71, National Academy of Arbitrators.
National Manpower Policy Task Force. Informational brochure.
Participative Decision Making: An Analysis and Review, by G. Dale Meyer. Monograph Series Number 15. Center for Labor and Management, College of Business Administration, The University of Iowa.
New Dimensions in Organization. Industrial Relations Monograph No. 30, Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc.
The Effect of Advance Notice in a Plant Shutdown: A Study of the Closing of the Kelvinator Plant in London, Ontario, by Bernard Portis and Michel G. Suys. School of Business Administration, University of Western Ontario, 1970
Stony Brook Working Papers, Department of Economics, Estelle James. Economic Research Bureau, State University of New York, May 1970. Working Paper Number 20.
Labor Looks at the Postal Negotiations, by James C. Gildea. Delivered before the Second Annual Collective Bargaining Forum. Institute of Collective Bargaining and Group Relations, May 19, 1970.
Case Studies in Labor Ideology: An Analysis of Labor, Political and Trade Union Activity as Influenced by Ideology -- Philosophic, Structural and Procedural Adaptations Since World War I, by David J. Saposs. August 1971, Industrial Relations Center, University of Hawaii
Can the Worker Be Tricked Into Betraying His Own Interest? A summary of an address by UE General Counsel Frank J. Donner. Reprinted from the UE NEWS, October 19, 1970. United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America
OECD Tasks, Tools, Trends. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The OECD Observer, No. 49
Important Events in American Labor History, 1778-1971. U.S. Department of Labor
The New Industrial Feudalism: Secular Trends in Voluntary Labor Mobility, by John F. Burton, Jr., and John E. Parker. Occasional Papers Series No. 33, University of Chicago, Industrial Relations Center Occasional Papers No. 33
Good Government is Our Business. National Civil Service League.
In Our Hands: New Law Gives Key Role to Postal Unions and Members. Council of American Postal Employees
An Impartial Review of Collective Bargaining by University Faculties. Michigan State University, Faculty Affairs Committee, March 9, 1971.
Rediscovering American Labor, by Penn Kemble. Reprinted from Commentary, April, 1971
Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector: Unit Determination for Policemen, by Helene R. Shimaoka and Joyce M. Najita. Industrial Relations Center, University of Hawaii, July-August 1971.
First Comprehensive Survey of Employment by Occupation Soon to Get Underway. News, U. S. Department of Labor, Office of Information, August 20, 1971.
Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector: Unit Determination For Nurses, by Joyce M. Najita. IRC Reports, Industrial Relations Center, University of Hawaii, September 1971
The Myth of the Appalachian Brain Drain: A Case Study of West Virginia, by Richard D. Raymond
Citizen Participation as Administrative Ideology: Conflict in the Legitimation of Authority, by Willis J. Goudy and Robert O. Richards. Iowa State University, Industrial Relations Center, Working Paper 72-04
Fighting Noise ... A Manual for Worker Action: Is This The Price of Health and Safety?, Prepared by Public Citizens Health Research Group and Urban Planning Aid
Youth in the Labor Market: Employment Patterns and Career Aspirations in Watts and East Los Angeles, by Paul Bullock. Manpower Research Center, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Los Angeles, January 1972.
New Developments in Labor Statistics: Refinement of current statistics, introduction of new programs, and the decennial revision of the Consumer Price Index are underway at BLS, by Geoffrey H. Moore and Maxine Stewart. From March 1972 Monthly Labor Review
OECD History, Aims, Structure. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Union of American Physicians: Keynote Speech by Sanford A. Marcus. April 18, 1972
Manpower Shortages: The Case For Physicians, by M. F. Bognanno and J. R. Jeffers. Working Paper 72-05, Industrial Relations Center, University of Minnesota, November 1972
Activities of the European Labor Movement in the Housing Field: A Survey prepared by Heins Umrath, Amsterdam, December, 1972 (Draft)
The Labor Movement in the United States: A Resource Unit. Curriculum Services Series No. 10, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public Instruction, 1973
Anchor in the Storm: An Appraisal of American Labor in the Turbulent 1970s, by Edward J. Carlough
Membership Directory 1973-74, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Towards a Common Purpose at Work. Industrial Participation Association, London.
Employee Directors and Supervisory Boards. Industrial Participation Association, 1973.
The Union Card and the Ballot Box: Fourth National Conference of A. Philip Randolph Institute Affiliates. A. Philip Randolph Institute.
Due Process and Tenure. National Society of Professors, National Faculty Association of Community Colleges, National Education Association.
A Systems Approach to Determining the Criteria for Successful Change in the Context of a Particular Action Research Programme, by T. Lupton and A. Warmington. Manchester Business School and Centre for Business Research, Working Paper Series 6
Upward Mobility of Low-Income Workers, by Edward Steinberg. A Research Report of the U.S. Department of Labor, from The Institute of Public Administration, July, 1973
Union Status and Benefits of Retirees. U.S. Department of Labor, Labor Management Services Administration
Report of the National Planning Conference on Labor and the Schools, September 25-27, 1973, Washington, D.C.
IR Concepts: Unions for Professionals? Yes, No, and Maybe. Organization Resources Counselors, Inc, November 1973. Vol. 4, No. 1.
Wage Subsidies and Occupational Choice, by Michael J. Boskin, Department of Economics, Stanford University, revised November 1973
Reports of the University Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee to Study the Implications of Collective Bargaining for Faculty Governance. Pennsylvania State University, University Faculty Senate, December 1973.
Union Member Attitude Questionnaire, Center for Labor Research and Education, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California
Membership Directory 1974-75, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Salient Dimensions of Organizational Structures, by J.C. Bourgeois and J.P. Siegel. University of Toronto, Faculty of Management Studies, Working Paper Series, Working Paper 74-03
Constitution and By-Laws of Union of American Physicians and Dentists
Anatomy of a Collective Bargaining Election in Pennsylvania's State-Owned Colleges, by Gregory G. Lozier and Kenneth P. Mortimer. Center for the Study of Higher Education, Pennsylvania State University, February 1974.
Collective Bargaining for College Faculties: A Colloquium Sponsored by the Departments of Economics and Government and Law, Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania. Lafayette College, Departments of Economics, and Government and Law, March 29, 1974.
The Survey of Students' Employment Motives. Nippon Recruit Center Co., Ltd., Research Division, Tokyo, Japan, April 1974
Either/Or? Both/And? Collective Bargaining and Academic Senates Eric Solomon. United Professors of California, San Francisco State University
Guidelines and Papers from the National Symposium on Police Labor Relations, June 9-12, 1974. International Association of Chiefs of Police, Police Foundation, Labor-Management Relations Service
Faculty Attitudes and Choice of a Collective Bargaining Agency in Hawaii, by Joel Seidman, Al Edge, Lane Kelley. Industrial Relations Center, College of Business Administration, University of Hawaii, August 1974.
Union Member Attitude Survey, Local 14, Western Graphic Arts Union, by Norman Amundson and Jane Grant. Center for Labor Research and Education, November, 1974
Unionization of Hawaii Faculty: A Study in Frustration, by Edwin C. Pendleton and Joyce A. Najita. Industrial Relations Center, University of Hawaii, December 1974.
Membership Directory 1975-76, National Academy of Arbitrators.
The Changing Stance of the Professional Employee, by L.W.C.S. Barnes. Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University at Kingston, 1975. Research Series 29.
Unions and the Professional. Unions for Professional Employers, Council of American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations.
The Scope of Faculty Bargaining in Four-Year Institutions of Higher Education, by Burt Butcher. Government Research Bureau, Department of Political Science, University of Wyoming, June 1975. Papers in Administration No. 3.
The Person Papers: Health Hazards at Work.
Occupational Health Hazards to Women. A Synoptic View.
The American Labor Movement, History, Structure and Institutions: An informal outline for labor studies 10, by David F. Selvin. 1974, revised 1976
Labor's Long, Hard Road
The Trade Union Movement and the American Experience. Viewpoint: An IUD Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 1, First Quarter 1976
Brief History of the American Labor Movement. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin 1000, Revised 1976
Important Events in American Labor History, 1778-1975. U.S. Department of Labor
The Glory and Despair of Challenge and Change: A History of the Molders Union, by James E. Cebula. International Molders and Allied Workers Union, 1976
Membership Directory 1976-77, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Police Unions, by Ilene Bergsmann. Management Information Service Report, Vol. 8, No. 3, March 1976. International City Management Association
Working in Hospitals: Then and Now. National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, District 1199, September 1976.
Labor Firsts in America. U.S. Department of Labor, 1977
Organizing Paraprofessionals: A Manual Prepared by the Committee on Paraprofessionals. American Federation of Teachers, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations.
Membership Directory 1977-78, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Exodus from New York City, Part. 1: An Investigation and Analysis of the Relocation of Corporate Headquarters Out of New York City, by Robert N. Barratt
The Citizen Poor of the 1960's: An Examination into a Social Experiment, by Milton Viorst. A Charles F. Kettering Foundation Project, 1977
Impact of Noise on People. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environmental Quality, May 1977
Occupational Mobility, Road Maps of Industry No. 1814, The Conference Board, September 1977
Influence of the External Labor Market on the Air Force Manpower and Personnel System: A Review of Selected Research, by John N. Taylor. Air Force Human Resources Laboratory, Occupation and Manpower Research Division, December 1977
Physiological and Psychological Aspects of Night and Shift Work, by Jadwiga Wojtszak-Jaroszowa. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio, December 1977
Urban Migration of Persons Employed in Two-Digit Industries: A Regional Analysis Using the 10-Percent Continuous Work History Sample, by Morris M. Kleiner. Working Paper No. 114, School of Business, University of Kansas-Lawrence
Important Events in American Labor History, 1778-1978. U.S. Department of Labor
Membership Directory 1978-79, National Academy of Arbitrators.
The Military Retirement System: Options for Change. Budget Issue Paper for Fiscal Year 1979. U.S. Congress, Congressional Budget Office, January 1978.
Noise Control: A Worker's Manual, edited by Dan MacLeod. UAW Social Security Department
Rules of Procedure, by U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. Revised May, 1978.
Military Retirement Accounting Changes: The Administration's Proposals, Staff Working Paper. U.S. Congress, Congressional Budget Office, June 1978.
The National Labor Relations Act and the Role of the National Labor Relations Board, by John H. Fanning. Address before 27th Annual Conference, Association of Labor Mediation Agencies. National Labor Relations Board, July 24, 1978
The Impact of Unionism on American Business: Evidence for an Assessment, by David Lewin. Research Working Paper No. 157 A, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University
Report of the Meeting of Latin American and Caribbean Workers' Banks, Washington, D.C., October, 1978
Employee Relations Initiatives in Canadian Mining: Proceedings of the Fourth CRS Policy Discussion Seminar. Centre for Resource Studies, Proceedings No. 5, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, November 22-24, 1978
The Enlargement of the European Community: Implications for Employment and Free Movement of Workers, by George Wedell. Working Papers Series No. 38, Manchester Business School and Centre for Business Research
Membership Directory 1979-80, National Academy of Arbitrators.
The Davis-Bacon Act. The Building and Construction Trades Department, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations.
The Davis-Bacon Act: What It Is, What it Does, by Robert A. Georgine. Building and Construction Trades Department, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations.
The Building and Construction Trades Department's Response to the GAO Report on the Davis-Bacon Act.
Fiscal Measures for Poverty Alleviation in the United States, by David Hsieh. International Labour Office, Geneva, 1979
Collective Bargaining Versus Self-Regulation for Employed Professionals, by David M. Beatty, and Morley Gunderson. Faculty of Management Studies, University of Toronto, February 1979. Working Paper Series No. 79-02.
Complementarities, Coupling, and Organizational Adaptability, by Harvey F. Kolodny. University of Toronto, Faculty of Management Studies, Working Paper Series, WP 79-10
Learning from Differences: Organizational Adaptation at the Interface of Complementary Orientations (A Matrix Organization Example), by Harvey F. Kolodny. University of Toronto, Faculty Management Studies, Working Paper Series, WP 79-07
Organizational Form and New Product Innovation Success: The Particular Case of Matrix Design, by Harvey F. Kolodny. University of Toronto, Faculty of Management Studies, Working Paper Series, WP 79-11
The GAO on Davis-Bacon: A Fatally Flawed Study. The Center to Protect Workers' Rights, September 1979. An Economic Critique.
The GAO on Davis-Bacon: A Fatally Flawed Study. The Center to Protect Workers' Rights, September 1979.
Membership Directory 1980-81, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Employment and Wage Changes in North Carolina: Economics Information Report No. 60, by Robert M. Fearn, Paul S. Stone, and Steven G. Allen. Department of Economics and Business, North Carolina State University at Raleigh, January 1980
Backgrounder. No. 116. Apr. 21, 1980. OSHA and Environmental Health
Musicians Union, by Kenneth Cera and Jay Benatar. Paper for Business Administration 191b, May 29, 1980.
Report on Union Local 29, Office and Professional Employees Int'l Union
Proceedings: 47th Annual Convention. The Newspaper Guild (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, CLC), June 23-27, 1980, Toronto, Ontario.
Lesson Guide: A Short History of American Labor
How Schools are Teaching About Labor: A Collection of Guidelines and Lesson Plans, AFL-CIO Department of Education
Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in the United States: A Segmentation Perspective, by Marshal I. Pomer. University of Florida Social Sciences Monograph No. 66
100 Years of American Labor, 1881-1981
Membership Directory 1981-82, National Academy of Arbitrators.
A Short History of American Labor. Adapted from AFL-CIO American Federationist, Vol. 88, No. 3, March 1981
The Impact of Technology in The Newspaper Guild, by George C. Randol. Central California Newspaper Guild, Harvard Trade Union Program, April 23, 1981
The Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO, CLC, Constitution: Including Collective Bargaining Program and Bargaining Recommendations. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Adopted by the 48th Annual Convention, June 29-July 3, 1981.
Proceedings: 48th Annual Convention. The Newspaper Guild (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, CLC), June 29-July 3, 1981, Memphis, Tennessee.
Military Service in the United States: The Sixtieth American Assembly, September 17-20, 1981, The American Assembly, Columbia University
Membership Directory 1982-83, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Upgrading Part-Time Work: Why Unions Should Support Voluntary Job Sharing, by Barbara Moorman. New Ways to Work Publications, San Francisco, 1982.
Teaching About American Labor History, Social Education: Official Journal of the National Council for the Social Studies, February 1982, Vol. 46, No. 2
Why Unions?, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, July 1982
Membership Directory 1983-84, National Academy of Arbitrators.
Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Change in Modeling-Based Organization Development, by Jerry I. Porras and Jitendra V. Singh. University of Toronto, Faculty of Management Studies, Working Paper Series, WP 83-02
Labor in the Schools: How to Do It!, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
Illinois' Forgotten Labor History, by William J. Adelman. Reprint Series No. 319, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne
Membership Directory 1984-85, National Academy of Arbitrators.
National Right to Work Newsletter, Vol. 30, No. 9. National Right to Work Committee, September 30, 1984.
Prescription for the Survival of the United States Trade Union Movement -- or Self-Interest for the Remainder of the 20th Century, by Jan P. Muczyk and Brian P. Heshizer
The History and Economics of Labor Unions, by Morgan O. Reynolds. Series on Public Issues No. 16, Center for Education and Research in Free Enterprise, Texas A and M University
The Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO, CLC, Constitution: Including Collective Bargaining Program and Bargaining Recommendations. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Adopted by the 52nd Annual Convention, June 24-28, 1985.
The Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO, CLC, Constitution: Including Collective Bargaining Program and Bargaining Recommendations. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Adopted by the 52nd Annual Convention, June 24-28, 1985.
Proceedings: 52nd Annual Convention. The Newspaper Guild (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, CLC), June 24-28, 1985. Pittsburgh, PA.
Untitled informational bulletin re: Fremont, California manufacturing plant. New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. Community Relations Department.
In the Face of All Odds: Dorothea Lange's Psychological Studies of the Depression's Disenfranchised, by Merrill Schleier. Presented at Southwest Labor Studies Conference, March 14, 1986
International Population Policy: Issues and Choices for the United States. The Seventy-First American Assembly, April 17-20, 1986, Arden House, Harriman, New York. The American Assembly, Columbia University
The Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO, CLC. Constitution: Including Collective Bargaining Program and Bargaining Recommendations. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Adopted by the 53rd Annual Convention, June 23-27, 1986.
Proceedings: 53rd Annual Convention. The Newspaper Guild (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, CLC), June 23-27, 1986. Philadelphia, PA.
The Naked Truth About Unions
Teaching Labor Studies in the Schools: Lesson Plans. Department of Human Resources, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 1987
Press Release: Restructuring American Business: Three Major Companies Explore the Effects at Work in America Conference, Work in America Institute, Inc. June 19, 1987
Teaching Labor Studies in the Schools: Planning Units, Volume II. Department of Human Resources, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 1988
Density Dependence in the Evolution of Populations of Newspaper Organizations, by Glen R. Carroll and Michael T. Hannan. February 1988
The Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO, CLC, Constitution: Including Collective Bargaining Program and Bargaining Recommendations. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Adopted by the 55th Annual Convention, June 27-July 1, 1988.
Proceedings: 55th Annual Convention. The Newspaper Guild (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, CLC), June 27-July 1, 1988. Vancouver, B.C.
Proceedings: 56th Annual Convention. The Newspaper Guild (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, CLC), June 19-23, 1989. Albany, NY.
Military Base Closures: Federal Programs to Assist Civilian Employees and their Communities, Public Employee Department, AFL-CIO
Handbook on Computer and Health: For Non-Governmental, Charitable, Social Development, and Community Service Organisation, published jointly by Evangelisches Missionswerk (Germany) and Asia Monitor Resource Center (Hong Kong), 1993
Pacific Coast Longshoremen's Strike of 1934. Statement of Thomas G. Plant, President of the Waterfront Employers Union of San Francisco to the National Longshoremen's Board, July 11, 1934
Pacific Coast Longshoremen's Strike of 1934. Arbitration Before National Longshoremen's Board, Oral Argument of Herman Phleger, Esq., in behalf of Waterfront Employers, September 25, 1934
Stoppages of Work, Violations of Award and Other Disturbances During the First Term of the Arbitrators' Award by the National Longshoremen's Board Under Date of October 12, 1934. October 12, 1934 to October 14, 1936, Ports of Puget Sound, Columbia River, Northern California, Southern California
The Outlook for Peace in the Pacific Coast Maritime Industry, by Almon E. Roth at the National Maritime Day Luncheon, May 21, 1937
Summary of Stoppages of Work, Violations of Agreements and Other Disturbances and General Causes, February 3, 1937 to December 31, 1938, Ports of Puget Sound, Columbia River, Northern California, Southern California
Decasualization of Longshore Work in San Francisco: Methods and Results of the Control of Dispatching and Hours Worked, 1935-37, by Marvel Keller. Works Progress Administration, National Research Project, Report No. L-2, April 1939
Stoppages of Work, Violations of Agreement and Other Disturbances by Longshoremen, October 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939, In Ports of Puget Sound, Columbia River, Northern California, Southern California. Total Violations: 98
Summary of Stoppages of Work, Violations of Agreements and Other Disturbances and General Causes, February 5, 1937 to June 30, 1939 (San Francisco to September 30, 1939), Ports of Puget Sound, Columbia River, Northern California, Southern California
Longshoremen: Pacific and Atlantic, International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, 1940
Pacific Coast Marine Safety Code
In the Matter of a Controversy Between the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union and the Waterfront Employers Association of the Pacific Coast, by Margaret Rupe. Business Administration 154 (Clark Kerr)
Collective Bargaining Agreements in the ILWU: Sample Clauses, War Labor Board Policy, Wage Rates and Job Classifications. A Handbook for Union Representatives, International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, August 1943
Waterfront Employers Association of the Pacific Coast, Memorandum to the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, September 25, 1944
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, Memorandum to All Longshore Locals on the Pacific Coast, from Elinor Kahn, ILWU Research Department, Re: Report on Arbitrations and Comments on Dispute Forms to Coast Labor Relations Committee, November 16, 1945
U.S. Department of Labor, Report and Recommendations of the Pacific Coast Longshore Fact Finding Board, Appointed by Order of April 5, 1946
U.S. Department of Labor, Report and Recommendations of the Pacific Coast Longshore Fact Finding Board, Appointed by Order of April 5, 1946 [alternate version]
Statement of Waterfront Employers Association of the Pacific Coast, Before Fact-Finding Panel, Department of Labor, April 29, 1946
Pacific Coast Board of Intergovernmental Relations: Summary of Background and History, November, 1947
Report and Recommendations of the Pacific Coast Longshore Safety Commission, Including Opinions of the Union Member and the Industry Member, by Cole Jackman, Joseph H. Travers, and Nathan P. Feinsinger, November 19, 1947
Waterfront Employers Association of California, Public Relations Department, Press Release, April 1, 1948
Federal Departments and Agencies Affecting the Character of Labor Relations in the Longshore Industry, by Reed L. Smith. Submitted for Business Administration 199(B), Mr. Malm, University of California, Berkeley, May 31, 1948.
Comments on New Pacific Coast Longshore Contract, Waterfront Employers Association, November 30, 1948
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union Executive Board Meeting, November 30, December 1, 1948, Statement of Policy: The CIO
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union Executive Board Meeting, November 30, December 1, 1948, Statement of Policy: The 1948 Elections
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union Executive Board Meeting, November 30, December 1, 1948, Statement of Policy: One Maritime Union
Pacific Coast Longshore Straight Time, Overtime and Penalty Hour Wage Rates for Working General and Penalty Cargoes, December 6, 1948
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, Memorandum to All Pacific Coast Longshore and Shipclerks Locals, Re: Questions and Answers on the 1000 Hour Clause in the New Agreements, December 16, 1948
The Waterfront Employers Association of the Pacific Coast and Local Port Associations: Explanation of Functions with Chart. Educational Pamphlet Series No. 2
Pacific Coast Longshore Agreement, 1948-1951, With Working and Dispatching Rules for the Ports of Puget Sound and Seattle Dock Agreement
Almanac and Book of Facts, Warehouse Union Local 6 - ILWU-CIO
"Have the Spots Changed?: West Coast Waterfront has a 'New Look' and CIO's Tim Flynn has Reds on the Run," Fortnight, April 1, 1949.
Pacific American Shipowners Association, Waterfront Employers Association of the Pacific Coast, Memorandum for Immediate Release, regarding consolidation agreement, May 18, 1949.
Report of the International Hiring Hall Committee, with Memorandum to Members of Local 10, June 8, 1949, International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
Conflict on the Waterfront, by Clark Kerr and Lloyd Fisher. Reprinted from Atlantic Monthly, September 1949
"At Last! Proof: The FBI Plot to Split the ILWU." International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union [Broadsheet]
Resolutions Presented to the Ninth Biennial Convention of the ILWU, April 2-6, 1951, Honolulu, T.H.
"Don't Let it Happen Here! Mobsters are Headed for San Francisco!" ILWU Advertisement in the San Francisco Chronicle, October 20, 1951
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union Local 10, Defense Bulletin (Bridges-Robertson-Schmidt Case). 2 Issues: October 22, 1952 and November 1952
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, Memorandum to All ILWU Locals, Re: Supreme Court of the U.S. decision upholding $750,000 judgment obtained by Juneau Spruce Corporation against the union, January 7, 1952
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, Memorandum to All Unions, Re: Supreme Court of the U.S. decision upholding $750,000 judgment obtained by Juneau Spruce Corporation against the union, January 16, 1952
Final Report to the Industrial Commissioner, State of New York from Board of Inquiry on Longshore Industry Work Stoppage, October-November 1951, Port of New York. January 22, 1952
The Velde Committee: Danger to Labor. ILWU Research Department
The High Cost of Lundeberg: A Message to Seamen
Bridges-Robertson-Schmidt Defense Committee. Press releases relating to court trials and conviction of ILWU officials Harry Bridges, J.R. Robertson, and Henry Schmidt on charges of "perjury" and "conspiracy to commit perjury." 18 "scattered" issues, 1950-1953.
A Message to Teamsters from Bay Area Longshoremen
2nd Message to Teamsters from Bay Area Longshoremen
An Open Letter from the Longshoremen to All Members of the Seafaring Unions...
Dock Labor Disputes in Great Britain: A Study in the Persistence of Industrial Unrest, by Jan Trepp McKelvey. Bulletin No. 23, March 1953, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University
Report of the Officers to the Tenth Biennial Convention of the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, San Francisco, California, April 6, 1953, Part I: Twentieth Anniversary of ILWU
Report of the Officers to the Tenth Biennial Convention of the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, San Francisco, California, April 6, 1953, Part II: Work of the Departments
The Longshore Wage Review, 1953, Special Research Report, May 1, 1953, Pacific Maritime Association
Report to the President on The Labor Dispute Involving Longshoremen and Associated Occupations in the Maritime Industry on the Atlantic Coast. Submitted by the Board of Inquiry, December 4, 1953
The Longshore Wage Review, 1954. Pacific Maritime Association, Research Report , May 15, 1954.
The London Dock Strike, October 1954. Pacific Maritime Association, Special Research Report, November 22, 1954
The ILWU Story: Two Decades of Militant Unionism. International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
The Longshore Review, 1955. Pacific Maritime Association, Research Report, June 8, 1955.
Industrial Relations in the Pacific Coast Longshore Industry, by Betty V.H. Schneider and Abraham Siegel. Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley, 1956
Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor: Regulations
The Longshore Review, 1956. Pacific Maritime Association, Research Report, September 1, 1956.
Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (Third Party Liability), Report by Special Subcommittee of Committee on Education and Labor, December 1956
Cargo Ship Loading: An Analysis of General Cargo Loading in Selected U.S. Ports, by the Maritime Cargo Transportation Conference. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 1957
The 1956 East Coast Dock Strike - Its Background and Implications, by Stuart M. Ripley. Business Administration 256, Dr. Ross, May 1957
Memorandum for Settlement of ILWU Contract Renewals, July 3, 1958
Compensation for Injuries Under Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Where Third Person is Liable. Report to Accompany H.R. 12728, 85th Congress, Second Session
Memorandum of Understanding Between Pacific Maritime Association (on behalf of its Members) and International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union (on behalf of itself and all Longshore and Marine Clerks Locals in California, Oregon and Washington) , August 10, 1959-June 15, 1962
Mechanization in the Pacific Coast Longshore Industry, by Ernst Valfer. Economics 252, June 1959
Productivity and Mechanization in the Pacific Coast Longshore Industry, by Robert E. Wilson. Business Administration 256, Professor Arthur M. Ross, Fall 1959
The Outlook for Labor. International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, April, 1960
Pacific Maritime Association. By-Laws as Amended of Pacific Maritime Association, Incorporated June 3, 1949, April 1960.
Memorandum of Agreement Between the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union and Pacific Maritime Association on Mechanization and Modernization, October 18, 1960
Joint Press Release, International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union and Pacific Maritime Association, San Francisco, October 18, 1960
Information and Union Comment on the 1960 Mechanization and Modernization Fund Agreement Between the Longshoremen of the Pacific Coast and the Steamship and Stevedoring Employers. International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, November 1960
Working Rules in West Coast Longshoring, by Max D. Kossoris. From the Monthly Labor Review, January 1961
The ILWU-PMA Mechanization and Modernization Agreement, by Lincoln Fairley. Reprinted from Labor Law Journal, July 1961
The Mechanization and Modernization Agreement: Its Effect on Work Rules and Job Security, by David L. Berntzen. Business Administration 256, Professor A.M. Ross, January 9, 1962
The ILWU-PMA Mechanization and Modernization Agreement, A Report to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Business Administration, by John N. Burke. June 1962
Men and Machines: A Story About Longshoring on the West Coast Waterfront, Photo Story by Otto Hagle, Text by Louis Goldblatt
ILWU-PMA Supplemental Agreement on Mechanization and Modernization, November 15, 1961 - July 1, 1966 (Includes 1963 Amendments)
The ILWU Story: Three Decades of Militant Unionism, Second Edition, Revised to March, 1963
PMA – What it is and What it Does. Pacific Maritime Association.
Description of ILWU-PMA Supplemental Agreement on Mechanization and Modernization, January 7, 1964
Is Compulsory Arbitration Needed in the Maritime Industry?, by J. Bonner Ritchie. Business Administration 255, Dr. Arthur M. Ross, January 13, 1964
Luncheon Address by Harry Bridges, "Experience with the M and M Agreement," Maritime Cargo Symposium, September 17, 1964
Supplement to Men and Machines: A Summary of New Provisions in the Mechanization and Modernization Agreement Between the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union and the Pacific Maritime Association, July 1, 1966
Third Amendment to ILWU-PMA Supplemental Agreement on Mechanization and Modernization, August 17, 1966
Pacific Coast Longshore Agreement, July 1, 1966 - July 1, 1971, International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union and Pacific Maritime Association
Report on: ILWU Membership Attitude Survey, prepared for: 17th Biennial Convention, International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, by: ILWU Research Department, April 3, 1967
ILWU Survey of Membership Attitudes. The Dispatcher
Impact of Longshore Strikes on the National Economy. Paper Prepared for the U.S. Secretary of Labor
Decasualization and Modernization of Dock Work in London, by Vernon H. Jensen. ILR Paperback No. 9, April 1971, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University
Trouble on the Waterfront: Is the Mob Moving in on the ILWU?, by Bob Levering
Informal Workers' Control: The West Coast Longshoremen, by Stanley L. Weir. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The San Francisco Waterfront. Labor/Management Relations: On the Ships and Docks, Part One: "The Good Old Days," by Herb Mills. Institute for the Study of Social Change, University of California, Berkeley
The San Francisco Waterfront. Labor/Management Relations: On the Ships and Docks, Part Two: Modern Longshore Operations, by Herb Mills. Institute for the Study of Social Change, University of California, Berkeley
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, by David Dilts. Business Administration 191-B, Professors Chown and Strauss, August 1, 1980
ILWU-Warehouse Local 6: Preparation for 1982 Master Contract Negotiations, by Albert Berken, March 12, 1982
From Hell Hole to High Tech: Historical Highlights. Pacific Coast Marine Firemen, Oilers, Watertenders and Wipers Association, Seafarers' International Union, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Centennial 1883-1983
Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, Annual Report on Administration of the Act During Fiscal Year 1986. Submitted to Congress 1987, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration
'California's Grapes of Wrath,' by Frank J. Taylor. Issued by Associated Farmers of Fresno County, Inc.
Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 42: Adrift on the Land, by Paul S. Taylor
Selected Bibliography: Recent References on Negro Workers. Princeton University, Industrial Relations Section. Industrial Relations Libraries, Exchange Bibliographies No. 137. January 28, 1947
Flight of Migrant Labor is "Unbelievable," by General Erskine. U.S. Department of Labor
Some Current Problems of the Migrant Agricultural Laborer in the Great Valley, by Robert M. Graham. Economics S250, Paul S. Taylor, Instructor, July 1948
Human Relations and Human Rights: A Brief Summary of Discussions of the Fifth Annual Institute of Race Relations, by Charles S. Johnson. Department of Race Relations, American Missionary Association. Board of Home Missions, Congregational Christian Churches, Department Offices at Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee
The American Federation of Labor Fights Discrimination. American Federation of Labor
Post-War Employment Prospects for Negroes: Selected References. Department of Labor, January 27, 1949. Industrial Relations Libraries, Exchange Bibliographies No. 471. Department of Labor Library List No. 50
Labor Agreement. International Brotherhood of Paper Makers, International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers. Crown Zellerbach Corporation, Carthage, N.Y., Division, Effective July 1, 1950
Suggested Recommendations of the U.S. Department of Labor to the President's Commission on Migratory Labor
The Recommendations of the President's Commission on Migratory Labor, by Maurice J. Tobin, Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor, and William L. Connolly, Director, Bureau of Labor Standards, April 1952
No Work Today! The Plight of America's Migrants: Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 190, by Varden Fuller. Published by the Public Affairs Committee
Migratory Workers: The Mobile Tenth of American Agriculture, by Lowry Nelson. An Agricultural Committee Report. Planning Pamphlets No. 82. Prepared for the National Planning Association, Agriculture Committee on National Policy
Employment of Negroes. Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations. February 11, 1953. Industrial Relations Libraries, Exchange Bibliographies No. 815.
The Negro in the St. Louis Economy, by Irwin Sobel, Werner Z. Hirsch, and Harry C. Harris. Project of the Department of Industrial Relations. Urban League of St. Louis, Inc, Member of the Social Planning Council, Affiliate of the National Urban League, 1954.
Report to the President on Domestic Migratory Labor, President's Committee on Migratory Labor
The Migratory Farm Worker, by Louis Levine, Assistant Director, Bureau of Employment Security, U.S. Department of Labor. Address before the Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C., December 3, 1956
Notes on the Economic Situation of Negroes in the United States. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Revised May 1958.
The Puerto Rican Farm Labor Program, by Clarence Senior. Statement Made Before the Public Hearings of the National Advisory Committee on Farm Labor, Washington D.C., February 5, 1959
Notes on the Economic Situation of Negroes in the United States. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Revised August 1959.
Apprentices, Skilled Craftsmen, and the Negro: An Analysis. New York State Commission Against Discrimination.
Report to the President on Domestic Migratory Farm Labor, President's Commission on Migratory Labor
Toward a National Policy For Migrant Labor, A Report, by Ed Marciniak. Published by the Catholic Council on Working Life
The Community Meets the Migrant Worker: Current Programs and Trends. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Standards, Bulletin 221, 1960.
Incomes of Migratory Agricultural Workers, by William H. Metzler and Frederic C. Sargent. Bulletin 950, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in Cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, March 1960
The Economic Situation of Negroes in the United States. U.S. Department of Labor, October 1960. Bulletin S-3.
The Economic Situation of Negroes in the United States, by Arthur J. Goldberg. U.S. Department of Labor.
Mr. Businessman -- Are you cutting yourself off from one-third of your labor supply? State of California, Department of Employment
The Economic Situation of Negroes in the United States. U.S. Department of Labor. Revised 1962. Bulletin S-3.
The Economic Status of Negroes in the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area (A Report Based on the 1960 Census Population). California State Employment Service, Research and Statistics Section, May 1963
Negro Californians: Population, Employment, Income, Education. State of California, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Fair Employment Practices, June 1963
The Negro as an American, by Lyndon B. Johnson, Robert C. Weaver, Joseph P. Lyford, and John Cogley. Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, September 1963.
Careers for Negroes on Newspapers: What's Happening, What the Jobs Are, How Jobs Can be Found. American Newspaper Guild, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, CLC, 1964
The Economics of Equality, by Tom Kahn. League for Industrial Democracy Pamphlet, Socialist Party of the United States, 1964.
At Work in Industry Today: 50 Case Reports on Negroes At Work in the General Electric Company. How They Earned Their Jobs in Industry...Their Progress on the Job, Their Hopes and Plans for Future Progress... General Electric Company.
Below the Poverty Level: America's Farm Workers. National Advisory Committee on Farm Labor
Equal Opportunity: A Long-Standing, Continuing Commitment in General Electric. Community and Government Relations Bulletin for Circulation Among General Electric Managers, Number 64-3. General Electric Company, April 17, 1964.
Report by Study Committee on Public Personnel Practices as They Affect Minority Groups, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Public Personnel Association, June 30, 1964
Progress and Prospects for the Negro Worker, by Herman P. Miller. Institute of Government and Public Affairs. University of California, Los Angeles, November 1964.
A Preliminary Statistical Report: Racial and Ethnic Employment Pattern Survey of the City and County of San Francisco Government. Human Rights Commission of San Francisco, California
The Migrant and The Economic Opportunity Act: An Explanation of the Assistance Available Under the Economic Opportunity Act to Assist the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker and His Family. Office of Economic Opportunity, Executive Office of the President
Personnel Policies Forum: The Negro and Title VII. Survey No. 77. Bureau of National Affairs, July 1965.
Employment Service Idea Exchange, California Department of Employment, Albert B. Tieburg, Director. Division of Public Employment Offices and Benefit Payments, July 1965
Supplement to Negro Californians, 1960: Population, Employment, Income, Education. State of California, Department of Industrial Relations, Fair Employment Practice Commission, December 1965.
The Negro in the West... Some Facts Relating to Social and Economic Conditions: 1. The Negro Worker. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Report of the Joint Legislative Committee on Migrant Labor. State of New York. Legislative Document (1966), No. 38
Studies in Employment and Unemployment: Civil Rights, Employment, and the Social Status of American Negroes, by Harold L. Sheppard and Herbert E. Striner. The W.K. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. Based on a report for the United States Commission on Civil Rights, Contract Number CCR-66-5, June 1966
Research Bulletin: Changes in Nonwhite Employment 1960-1966, by Joel T. Campbell and Leon H. Belcher. Educational Testing Service, Princeton New Jersey, November 1966.
The Negro in the West... Some Facts Relating to Social and Economic Conditions: 3. The Negro Family. United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Employed and Unemployed Negroes in Berkeley. A Summary of Selected Findings of the Berkeley Unemployment Study, by Margaret S. Gordon, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley.
Joint Legislative Committee on Migrant Labor: State of New York 1967 Report. Legislative Document (1967), No. 4
Report to Management No. 16: Experience of Los Angeles Employers with Minority Group Employees, by William H. Reynolds. University of Southern California, Graduate School of Business Administration, March, 1967
Occupational Status Orientations of Negro Youth: Annotated Abstracts of the Research Literature, by William P. Kuvlesky and Michael F. Lever. Texas A and M University, Department of Agricultural Economics and Sociology, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, June 1967. Departmental Technical Report No. 67-2.
Real Black Power, by Arthur M. Ross. Address before the University of Michigan Sesquicentennial Conference, August 25, 1967
The Historical Role of the Negro in the Labor Movement. Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, September 1967. University Industrial Relations Libraries, Exchange Bibliography No. 1523.
Domestic Migratory Farmworkers: Personal and Economic Characteristics, by Avra Rapton. Agricultural Economic Report No. 121. Economic Research Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture
50 Progress Reports in Negroes' Job Advancement at General Electric. General Electric, December 1967
Discrimination, Poverty, and the Negro: Arizona in the National Context, by John E. Crow. Arizona Government Study 5, The Institute of Government Research, The University of Arizona, 1968.
Why Should Negroes Work?, by Jan E. Dizard. University of California, Berkeley. In Louis A. Fermen (ed.), Negroes and Jobs, University of Michigan Press, 1968.
The Education and Training of Racial Minorities. Proceedings of a Conference, May 11-12, 1967, University of Wisconsin, Center for Studies in Vocational and Technical Education, 1968
The Detroit Riot ... A Profile of 500 Prisoners. United States Department of Labor, March 1968.
The Negro Revolution. Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, March 1968. Committee of University Industrial Relations Librarians. Exchange Bibliography No. 1542.
The Negro Revolution and Riots. Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, March 1968. Committee of University Industrial Relations Librarians. Exchange Bibliography No. 1540.
Separatism or Integration, Which Way for America?, by Robert S. Browne and Bayard Rustin. Introduction by John A. Morsell. Philip Randolph Educational Fund. Taken from speeches delivered before the Plenary Session of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council, June 30-July 3, 1968.
Recent Trends in Social and Economic Conditions of Negroes in the United States. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. July, 1968.
Labor in Print. Employment of the Negro. Newark Public Library, Lending and Reference Department, September-October 1968. No. 106.
Minority Employment Skills Survey: Port of Oakland, by Juan F. Lopez and James M. Newman. Civil Service Department, City of Oakland and Institute for Local Self Government, September 1968
We The Black People of the United States. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1969.
Black Craftsmen Through History, by Robin Meyers. The Institute of the Joint Apprenticeship Program, Workers Defense League, Published under a grant from the Ford Foundation
A Selected List of Recent Books: The Negro in America. Detroit Public Library, 1969.
An Annotated Bibliography of Black History, by Paul Heller. Human Rights Commission.
Full Speed Ahead, by Roy Wilkins, Executive Director, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, to the Annual Youth Awards Dinner at the 60th NAACP Convention, Jackson, Mississippi, July 3, 1969.
Education and the Economic Advancement of Minority Groups in the United States, remarks by Andrew F. Brimmer, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System before the Annual Convention of Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity, Miami Beach, Florida, August 28, 1969
Three Essays by Bayard Rustin: Myths of the Black Revolt, The Role of the Negro Middle Class, The Ballot Box and the Union Card. A. Philip Randolph Institute, September 1969.
Black Studies. Myths and Realities, by Kilson Martin, C. Vann Woodward, Kenneth B. Clark, Thomas Sowell, Roy Wilkins, Andrew F. Brimmer, and Norman Hill. Philip Randolph Educational Fund, September 1969. 6th in a series.
Black Rage, White Fear: The Full Employment Answer, by Bayard Rustin. An Address to the 1970 Convention of the Bricklayers, Masons, and Plasterers International Union
Differences in the Occupational Standing of Black Workers Among Industries and Cities, by Jerolyn R. Lyle. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Report, June 1970.
On the Season: Aspects of the Migrant Labor System, by Dorothy Nelkin. ILR Paperback No. 8, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University