American Association of University Professors (AAUP) and CSU Academic Senate materials of Robert Comegys,
Fresno State history professor. AAUP defends academic freedom and tenure, advocates collegial governance,
and develops policies ensuring due process. These materials include: organizational papers including AAUP
position papers, newsletters, correspondence, bulletins, news clippings, reports, California Teachers
Association, and conference papers. Subjects include student protest, finance, personnel files, and
administrative files. Includes mention of Frederic W. Ness and Marvin Jackson (Marvin X).
Robert G, Comegys was Professor of History at Fresno State College. He was associated with AAUP from
1958-1973. From 1963 to 1970 Comegys was at various times President of the California branch of the AAUP
and a representative of Fresno State to the Statewide Academic Senate of the CSU.
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