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Bills, Vouchers, Invoices, and Purchase Orders 1954, 1962
Bills, Vouchers, Invoices and Purchase Orders 1964,1965
Administration Christmas Card File 1956 - 1964
Administrative Files__Correspondance__No Return Address 1964
Administration: Referrals
Administration: Referrals 1964
Administration: San Diego Office 1960
Administration: San Diego Office 1961
Administration: San Diego Office 1965
Administration: San Diego Office 1962
Administration: San Diego Office
Administration: San Diego Office
Administration: San Diego Office
Administration: Telephone, Telegraph, and Cable Account
Administration: Supplies, Equipment, Service 1965
Administration: Supplies, Equipment, Service 1957-1962
Administration: Stationary Account 1962
Administration: Speech File 1953-1956
Administration: Speech File 1958
Administration: Speech File 1961
Administration: Speech File 1962
Administration: Speech File 1963
Administration: Speech File 1963
Administration: Stationary Account 1965
Administration: Whip notices 1962
Administration: Whip Notices 1961
Administration: Whip Notices
Administration: Whip Notices 1958-1959
Administration: Whip Notice 1954
Agriculture 1959
Agriculture 1961
Agriculture 1962
Agriculture 1962-1963
Agriculture 1964
Agriculture 1965
Appointments 1955-1958 & 1962
Appointments 1963, Jan.-August.
Appointments 1963, May-August
Appointments 1963, March-August
Appointments 1963, Sept.-Dec.
Appointments 1964, Jan.-May.
Appointments - Brooking's Institute 1959-1965
Appointments: Chowder & Marching Club 1959-1965
Constituents Visits 1960
Constituents Visits 1961
Constituents Visits Jan.-July 1963
Constituents Visits 1963
Constituents Visits Jan.-July 1964
Constituents Visits May-Dec. 1964
Constituents Visits Jan.- June 1965
Constituents Visits May-July 1965
Constituents Visits Aug.-Dec. 1965
Constituents Visits, School Children 1962
Constituents Visits, School Children 1963
Constituents Visits, School Children 1964
Appointments: Invitations - Part I 1953
Appointments: Invitations - Part II 1953
Appointments: Invitations Part I Jan.-May 1956
Appointments: Invitations - Part I Jan.-May 1956
Appointments: Invitations June-Dec. 1956
Appointments and Invitations Jan.-May 1957
Appointments and Invitations Jan.-Oct. 1957
Appointments and Invitations Feb.-Nov. 1957
Appointments -- Invitations Jan.-April 1958
Appointments - Invitations May-Aug. 1958
Appointments - Invitations Aug.-Dec. 1958
Appointments and Invitations Jan.-Mar. 1959
Appointments and Invitations Ap.-June 1959
Appointments and Invitations June-Oct, 1959
Appointments and Invitations Sept.-Dec. 1959
Appointments and Invitations Mar.-Ap. 1959
Appointments and Invitations Jan.-Feb. 1960
Appointments and Invitations Jan.-Ap. 1960
Appointments and Invitations May-Aug. 1960
Appointments and Invitations Jan.-Mar. 1961
Appointments and Invitations Jan.-May 1961
Appointments and Invitations June-Sept. 1961
Appointments and Invitations June-Dec. 1961
Appointments and Invitations July-Dec. 1960
Appointments and Invitations Jan.-Feb. 1962
Appointments and Invitations Jan.-Ap. 1962
Appointments and Invitations Dec. 1963 - Ap. 1964
Appointments and Invitations Jan-Ap. 1964
Appointments Los Angeles Mar.-Aug. 1963
Appointments and Invitations Ap. - June 1964
Appointments and Invitations June - Aug. 1964
Appointments and Invitations Sept.-Dec. 1964
Appointments and Invitations Dec. 1964 - Feb. 1965
Appointments and Invitations Feb. - Ap. 1965
Appointments and Invitations Ap. - June 1965
Appointments and Invitations June - Sept. 1965
Appointments and Invitations Aug.- Oct. 1965
Appointments and Invitations Sept.-Dec. 1965
Appointments and Invitations 1958
Appointments - Robert Jackson Dinner 1964
Appointments: Speech Material 1958 & 1960
Appointments: Speeches 1953-1957
Appointments 1959
Appointments - Speeches 1960
Appointments - Speeches 1961
Appointments - Speeches 1962
Appointments - Speeches 1963
Appointments - Speeches 1964
Appointments: Speech, Advertising Federation of America Feb. 9, 1959
Appointments: Speech, American Association of Advertising Agencies. April 25, 1959
Appointments: Speech, World Affairs Institute 23 August 1959
Appointments: Speech, Pittsburg, Pa. 24 March 1961
Appointments: Speech, Advertising Federation of America 7 Feb. 1962
Appointments: Speech, San Diego March 2 & 3, 1962
Appointments: Reception for Milton Shed, Mission Bay Research Foundation Oct.-Nov. 1963
Appropriations Jan.-Aug. 1953
Appropriations Federal 1957-1960
Appropriations 1965
Appropriations Federal 1960-1962
Appropriations Federal 1963
Appropriations Military Construction 1960
Appropriations Military Construction 1965
Associations - American Federation of Govt. Emp. 1956-1963
Associations - Americans for Constitutional Action 1961
Associations - American Legion 1963
Associations - American Legion 1962
Associations Boy Scouts of America 1960
Associations - Council on Foreign Relations 1959-1961
Associations - Committee on the Monroe Doctrine 1962
Associations - Committee of One Million 1960
Association Camp Fire Girls Jan.-Feb. 1960
Associations Christian Crusade Nov. 1961
Associations Fleet Reserve 1957-1959
Associations Fleet Reserve 1962
Associations Fleet Reserve 1961
Associations General 1953-1956
Associations: General 1959
Associations: General 1959-1960
Associations: General 1960-1961
Associations: General 1962
Associations: General 1963
Associations: General 1964
Associations: General 1965
Associations: Goodwill Industries 1958-1959
Associations: John Birch Society 1962-65
Associations: Masons 1960-61
Associations: NAT. FED. of Federal Emp. 1959-1962
Associations: National Assoc. for Full Employment 1962
Associations: Nat. Rivers & Harbors 1956, 1964 & 1965
Associations: Navy League 1959
Associations: Peace Info. Center 1949-1963
Associations: Propeller Club 1958, 1959 & 1961
Associations: Retired Civil Employees 1958-1960
Associations: Sons of the Amer. Rev. 1955-1956
Associations: World War I Vets Jan. - Mar. 1964
Associations: Young Americans for Freedom Jan. - Mar. 1962
Atomic Energy 1955-1965
Aviation 1953-1958
Aviation 1959-1960
Aviation 1963
Aviation 1964-1965
Gas Exercise 5 April 1957 April 1957
Civil Rights !953 & 1957
Civil Rights 1960
Civil Rights 1962
Civil Rights May-Sept. 1963
Civil Rights July-Aug. 1963
Civil Rights July-Sept. 1963
Civil Rights Aug.-Dec. 1963
Civil Rights 1965
Civil Rights 1965
Civil Service (General) 1956
Civil Service 1956-1958
Civil Service 1959
Civil Service 1959
Civil Service 1960
Civil Service 1961
Civil Service 1960-1961
Civil Service 1961
Civil Service 1958-1960 & 1962
Civil Service 1961-1963
Civil Service 1963
Civil Service 1958-1962
Civil Service 1963 & 1957
Civil Service 1964
Civil Service 1964
Civil Service 1963-1964
Civil Service 1964-1965
Civil Service 1964-1965
Civil Service 1965
Civil Service 1965
Civil Service Misc. 1961-1962
Civil Service Census 1960
Civil Service Insurance & Retirement 1959-1960
Civil Service Insurance and Retirement 1961
Civil Service Insurance and Retirement 1964
Committee Appropriations: Civil Service & NTC Communications 1958
Committee Appropriations: Misc. 1959-1960
Committee Appropriations: Foreign & Domestic 1961
Committee Appropriations 1963-1964
Committee Agriculture 1957-1958
Committee Agriculture 1959-1960
Civil Service Security Clearance 1959-1960
Civil Service Security Clearance December 1962
Civil Service: Security Clearance 1957-1958 & 1961
Civil Service: Security Clearance 1962-1963
Civil Service: Personnel Problems & Complaints 1953-54
Civil Service: Personnel Problems & Complaints 1955
Civil Service: Personnel Problems & Complaints 1957, 1963-1964
Civil Service: Personnel Problems & Complaints 1962-1963
Committees: Armed Services 1953-1959
Committee on Armed Services i957-1958
Committee of Armed Services 1959-1960
Committee on Armed Services 1960-1961
Committee on Armed Services 1962
Committee Armed Services 1963
Committees Armed Services 1963 -1964
Committees Armed Services 1964
Committee Armed Services 1963-1965
Committee Armed Services 1965
Committee Armed Services 1965
Committee Armed Services-Dual Compensation 1963
Committee Armed Services - Gessell Report 1963
Committee Armed Services-Family Separation Allowances 1964
Committee Armed Services-Paris Air Show 1965
Committee Armed Services Military Pay Bill 1963
Committee Armed Services - Recomputation of Retired Pay 1963
Committtee - Banking & Currency 1955, 1957, 1963-1964
Committees - Banking and Currency 1957 - 1960
Committee: Banking and Currency 1963
Committee: Committee on Committees Dec. 1962 & Jan. 1963
Committees: District of Columbia Mar. & July 1959
Committees: Education and Labor 1955
Committees: Education and Labor 1957-1958
Committees: Education and Labor 1959-1960
Committees: Education and Labor 1961
Committees: Education and Labor 1963-1965
Committee: Foreign Affairs 1951, 1963, 1965
Committees: Foreign Affairs 1960 & 1961
Committees: General 1956 & 1965
Committees: Government Operations 1959
Committees: Government Operations 1956-1958
Committees: Government Operations 1961
Committees: House Administration 1955 & 1959
Committees: Interior & Insular Affairs March-May, 1955
Committees: Interior and Insular Afffairs 1956-1958
Committees: Interior and Insular Affairs 1959-1960
Committees: Interior and Insular Affairs January 9, 1961
Committees: Interior and Insular Affairs 1962
Committees: Interior and Insular Affairs February 16, 1965
Committees: Interestate and Foreign Comm. 1954-1958
Committees: Interstate & Foreign Commerce 1958-1960
Committees: Interstate & Foreign Commerce 1962
Committees: Interstate & Foreign Commerce 1963
Committees: Interstate & Foreign Commerce 1964
Committees: Interstate & Foreign Commerce 1965
Committee: Judiciary 1953-1958
Committee: Judiciary 1958-1962
Committees: Merchant Marine & Fisheries 1954-1963
Committees: Judiciary 1964-1965
Congressional Records Inserts 1953-58
Congressional Record Inserts 1959-1960
Congressional Record Inserts 1961
Congressional Record Inserts 1962
Congressional Records Inserts 1963
Congressional Records Inserts 1963
Congressional Record 1959, 1962
Congressional Record 1963
Congressional Record 1964
Congressional Record 1964
Congressional Record: Requests 1958-1959
Congressional Record: Requests 1960
Congressional Record: Requests 1961
Committees: Post Office & Civil Service 1955-1956
Commitees: Post Office & Civil Service 1957-1958
Committees: Post Office & Civil Service 1957-1958
Committees: Post Office & Civil Service 1960
Committees: Post Office and Civil Service 1961
Committees: Post Office & Civil Service Jan. 1962
Committees: Post Office & Civil Service 1963
Committees: Post Office & Civil Service 1964
Committees: Post Office & Civil Service 1965
Committees: Rules 1956-1962
Committees: Senate 1957-1964
Committees: Select Comm. on Small Business 1955
Committees: Public Works 1955-1962
Committees: Un-American Activities 1953-1959
Committees: Un-American Activities 1959-1960
Committees: Un-American Activities 1961
Committees: Un-American Activities 1962
Committees: Veterans Affairs 1957-1958
Committees: Veterans Affairs 1959-1960
Committees: Veterans Affairs 1961-1962
Committees: Veterans Affairs 1963
Committees: Veterans Affairs 1964-1965
Committees: Ways & Means 1956-1958
Committees: Ways and Means i959-1960
Committees: Ways and Means 1961
Committees: Ways and Means 1962
Committees: Ways and Means 1963
Committees: Ways and Means 1964-1965
Congressional: Library of Congress 1954-1960
Congressional: Library of Congress 1958-1961
Congressfoeional: Library of Congress 1962
Congressional: Library of Congress 1963
Congressional: Library of Congress 1963-1964
Congressional: Library of Congress 1965
Congressional: Record of Inserts - Requests for 1953-1956
Congressional Record Inserts 1956 & 1958
Congressional Records Inserts 1957
Congressional Record Inserts 1958
Congressional Record Insert 1964-1965
Congressional Staff Directory 1959
Crimes 1957-1963
Disasters 1954-1963
California Western University 1956-1961
Education: California Western University 1962
Education: California Western Universtity 1963
Education: California Western University 1964
Education: California Western University 1965
Education: California Western University Bill no date listed
Education: Federal Aid 1961
Education: Federal Aid 1963
Education: General 1953-1956
Education: General 1958
Education: General 1959
Education: General 1959
Education, General Jan-May 1960
Education, General Jan-May 1960
Education, General June-Dec. 1960
Education, General Jan.-June 1961
Education: General July - Dec. 1961
Education: General 1962
Education: General 1963
Education: General 1963
Education: General 1964
Education: General Jan.-June 1965
Education: General July-Dec. 1965
Education: Murray-Metcalf Bill 1959-1960
Education: Public Law 815 & 874 1953-1954
Education: Public Law 815 & 874 1955-1956
Education: Public Law 815-874 1957
Education: Public Law 815-874 1958
Education: Public Law 815-874 1959
Education: Public Law 815-874 1960
Education: Public Law 815-874 1961
Education: Public Law 815-874 1961
Education Public Law 815-874 1962
Education: Public Law 815-874 1963
Education: Religion Jan. & Dec. 1961
Education: San Diego City & County Schools 1953-1961
Education: San Diego County School District 1960
Education: San Diego State College 1957-1959
Education: San Diego State College 1960-1961
Education: San Diego State College 1962
Education: San Diego State College 1963
Education: San Diego State College 1964
Education: San Diego State College 1965
Education: San Diego State College Aztec College Trust Fund File 1957-1959
Education: Scholarships 1959
Education: Scholarships 1960
Education: Scholarships 1961-1962
Education: Student Loan 1960
Education: Student Loans 1962
Education: Student Loans 1963
Education: University of California 1961-1962
Education: University of San Diego 1960-1961
Education: Univ. of Seven Seas 1963
Federal Government Agencies: Arms Control 1957
Federal Government: Agencies - Arms Control 1963-1965
Federal Government -- Agencies: AEC 1957
Federal Government - Agencies: CIA 1959
Federal Government - Agencies: CIA 1962-1963
Federal Government - Agencies: Civil Aeronautics Admin. 1953-1956
Federal Government - Agencies: CAB 1953-1962
Federal Government - Agencies: CAB 1961-1963
Federal Government - Agencies: CAB 1964-1965
Federal Government - Agencies: FAA 1959-1961
Federal Government - Agencies: FAA 1962-1965
Federal Government - Agencies: FAA re Parachute Jumping 1965
Federal Government - Agencies: FCC 1957-1959
Federal Government - Agencies: FCC 1960-1962
Federal Government - Agencies: FCC 1963-1964
Federal Government - Agencies: FHA 1953-1954
Federal Government - Agencies: FHA 1955-1957
Federal Government - Agencies: FHA 1959-1960
Federal Government - Agencies: FHA 1961-1965
Federal Government - Agencies: FTC 1953-59 & 1961-63
Federal Government - Foreign Claims Settlement Commission 1953-56, 1959
Federal Government - Agencies: GAO 1959-1960
Federal Government - Agencies: Gen. Serv. Admi . 1961-1962
Federal Government - Agencies: Housing & Home Finance 1957
Federal Government - Agencies: International Cooperation Adm. 1957-1960
Federal Government - Agencies: ICC 1959-1963
Federal Government - Agencies: Maritime Commission 1956
Federal Government - Agencies: Office of Rent Stablization 1952 -1953
Federal Government - Agencies: Office of Rent Stablilization 1952-1953
Federal Government - Agencies: Public Housing Admin. 1954-1956