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Rancho Los Amigos Hospital records
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Collection Overview
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The Rancho Los Amigos Hospital began in the late 1880's as the Los Angeles County Poor Farm. For over a century, the Rancho's mission has evolved, first as a hospital for indigents and then as a center for rehabilitation for chronic diseases. The papers in this collection chronical this development. Included are administrative and financial records, internal and external publications generated by Rancho staff, retrospective and historical accounts, oral history tapes, blueprints, plans, and similar material. The collection includes large numbers of photographs, both of staff members and therapeutic techniques. Likewise, there are many films and audio-recordings on issues involving.physical therapy and rehabilitation.
33 Linear Feet 53 boxes
Copyright has not been assigned to the the California Social Welfare Archives. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the appropriate agency or person.
Open for use by appointment only.