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Published Writings 1928-1958

Scope and Contents note

Galleys, page proofs, printed copies, and typed excerpts of writings by Herbert Hoover published during his lifetime
box 1, folder 1

Republican Party Presidential nomination acceptance speech, Palo Alto, California 1928 August 11

Scope and Contents note

Printed text
box 1, folder 2

The State Papers and Other Public Writings of Herbert Hoover 1934

Scope and Contents note

Typed excerpts
box 1, folder 3

Addresses upon the American Road, 1933-1938 1938

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts
box 1, folder 4

"President Roosevelt's Foreign Policy," Liberty 1939 April 15

Scope and Contents note

Printed copy
box 1, folder 5

"Shall We Send Our Youth to War?" American Magazine 1939 August

Scope and Contents note

Printed copy
box 1, folder 6

Speech to young Republicans re invasion of Finland, San Francisco, California 1939 November 30

Scope and Contents note

Typed copy
box 1, folder 7

Speech to young Republicans re invasion of Finland, San Francisco, California 1939 November 30

Scope and Contents note

Typed copy of address as published in San Francisco Chronicle
box 1, folder 8

Further Addresses upon the American Road, 1938-1940 1940

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts
box 1, folder 9

Addresses upon the American Road, 1940-1941 1941

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts
box 1, folder 10

The Problems of Lasting Peace (co-author with Hugh Gibson) 1942

Scope and Contents note

Page proofs with handwritten corrections
box 1, folder 11

"History's Greatest Murder Trial" (re prospective war crime trials; co-author with Hugh Gibson), This Week 1943 August 29

Scope and Contents note

Printed copy
box 1, folder 12

"A New Way to Make Peace" (co-author with Hugh Gibson), This Week 1943 November 7

Scope and Contents note

Printed copy
box 1, folder 13

"Some Additions to the Dumbarton Oaks Proposals," 1945 March 25

Scope and Contents note

Printed text
box 1, folder 14

Addresses upon the American Road, 1945-1948 1949

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts
box 1, folder 15

Addresses upon the American Road, 1948-1950 1951

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts

The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover 1951-1952

box 1, folder 16

Typed excerpts

box 2, folder 1

Galleys of serialized Collier's excerpts

box 2, folder 2

Printed copies of serialized Collier's excerpts

box 3, folder 1

Addresses upon the American Road, 1950-1955, 1955

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts
box 3, folder 2-3

"An Appraisal of the Changes in the Charter of the United Nations," in U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, Review of the UN Charter 1955

Scope and Contents note

Drafts, galleys, and working materials
box 3, folder 4


Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpt

Unpublished Writings 1944-1964

Scope and Contents note

Drafts and page proofs of writings by Herbert Hoover unpublished during his lifetime

War Book 1938-1950


1944 version

box 3, folder 5-6

Drafts [MO1]

box 3, folder 7

Drafts [MO2]


1945 version

box 3, folder 8

Drafts [MO2]

box 4, folder 1-4

Drafts [MO3]


1946 version

box 4, folder 5

Drafts [MO4]

box 5, folder 1-4

Drafts [MO4] (contd.)

box 5, folder 5

Drafts re postwar famine [MO8]


1947 version

box 6, folder 1-3

Drafts [MO5]


Page proofs

box 6, folder 4

Preface [MO6]

box 6, folder 5

1938 [MO6]

box 6, folder 6

1939 [MO6]

box 6, folder 7

1940 [MO6]

box 6, folder 8

1941 [MO7]

box 7, folder 1

1942 [MO7]

box 7, folder 2

1943 [MO7]

box 7, folder 3

1944 [MO7]

box 7, folder 4


box 7, folder 5

1946 [MO7]

box 7, folder 6-7

1948 version, drafts [MO9]

box 8, folder 1

1948 version, drafts [MO9] (cont.)


1949 version, drafts

box 8, folder 2

1938 [MO13]

box 8, folder 3-4

1938-1939 [MO14]

box 9, folder 1

1939 [MO12]

box 9, folder 2

1940 [MO15]

box 9, folder 3

Japan, 1940 [MO15]

box 9, folder 4

Japan, 1938-1941 [MO16]

box 10, folder 1-2

Japan, 1938-1941 [MO16] (cont.)

box 10, folder 3-4

1941 [MO10]

box 10, folder 5

1942 [MO17]

box 10, folder 6

Russia, 1942 [MO17]

box 11, folder 1-2

1943 [MO11]

box 11, folder 3

Russia, 1944 [MO17]

box 11, folder 4

China, 1945 [MO18]

box 11, folder 5

Poland, 1945 [MO18]

box 12, folder 1-3

1945 [MO18]


1950 version, page proofs

box 12, folder 4


box 13, folder 1


box 13, folder 2


box 13, folder 3


box 13, folder 4


box 13, folder 5



"Lost Statesmanship," 1951-1961

box 14, folder 1

1951 version, draft of Chapter 42, "Two Gigantic Mistakes" [MO20]


1953 version, "Period X: The Consequences of War"

box 14, folder 2-3

Drafts [MO21]

box 14, folder 4

Page proofs [MO21]

box 15, folder 1-2

1954 April version

Scope and Contents note

Page proofs with corrections [MO24]
box 15, folder 3-4

1954 October version

Scope and Contents note

Page proofs with corrections [MO25]

1957 version


Page proofs with corrections

box 16, folder 1

Chapters 1-12 [MO39]

box 16, folder 2

Chapters 13-33 [MO40]


Corrected page proofs

box 16, folder 3

Chapters 1-12 [MO39]

box 17, folder 1

Chapters 13-33 [MO40]


Duplicate corrected page proofs

box 17, folder 2

Chapters 1-12 [MO41]

box 17, folder 3

Chapters 13-27 [MO41]


1958 October version

Scope and Contents note

box 17, folder 5

Part I. "The Foreign Activities of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Their Backgrounds" [MO42]

box 17, folder 6

Part II. "Roosevelt Prior to October 1937" [MO42]

box 18, folder 1

Part III. "My Survey and Appraisal of the Forces in Europe Making for Peace and War in the Year 1938" [MO42]

box 18, folder 2

Part IV. "The American Scene" [MO42]

box 18, folder 3

Part V. "The Final Steps to the Second World War" [MO42]

box 18, folder 4

Part VI. "From the Outbreak of War on September 1, 1939 to the French Surrender of June 21, 1940" [MO42]

box 18, folder 5

Part VII. "From the Presidential Election on November 5, 1940 to Hitler's Attack on Stalin on June 22, 1941" [MO43]

box 18, folder 6

Part VIII. Untitled [MO43]

box 18, folder 7

Part IX. Untitled [MO46]


1958 December version

Scope and Contents note

box 19, folder 1

Part I. "Mr. Roosevelt's Foreign Activities, June 1932 to October 1937" [MO44]

box 19, folder 2

Part II. "My Survey and Appraisal of the Forces in Europe Making for Peace and War in the Year 1938" [MO44]

box 19, folder 3

Part III. "The American Scene" [MO44]

box 19, folder 4

Part IV. "The Final Steps to the Second World War" [MO43]

box 19, folder 5

Part V. "From the Outbreak of War on September 1, 1939 to the French Surrender on June 21, 1940" [MO44]

box 19, folder 6

Part VI. "From the Defeat of France to the Presidential Election, July 1940 to November 1940" [MO44]

box 20, folder 1

Part VII. "From the Presidential Election on November 5, 1940 to Hitler's Attack on Stalin on June 22, 1941" [MO43]

box 20, folder 2

Unnumbered and untitled section on Japan [MO45]

box 20, folder 3

Fragments [MO44]

box 20, folder 4

Fragments on Japan [MO47]


1959 version

Scope and Contents note

This version titled "Lost Statesmanship: The Ordeal of the American People."


box 20, folder 5-7

Part I. "Mr. Roosevelt's Foreign Activities, November 1932-November 1937" [MO49], [MO52], [MO53]

box 21, folder 1-3

Part II. "My Survey and Appraisal of the Forces in Europe Making for Peace and War in the Year 1938" [MO49], [MO52], [MO53]

box 21, folder 4-6

Part III. "Some Communist Afflictions of the United States" [MO49], [MO52], [MO54]

box 21, folder 7

Part IV. "From Roosevelt's Abandonment of Isolation in 1937 to the Polish Guarantees, March 31, 1939" [MO49], [MO53]

box 22, folder 1

Part IV. "From Roosevelt's Abandonment of Isolation in 1937 to the Polish Guarantees, March 31, 1939" [MO49], [MO53] (cont.)

box 22, folder 2

Part V. "From the Polish Guarantees of March 31, 1939 to the Outbreak of War on September 1, 1939" [MO53]

box 22, folder 3-5

Part VI. "From the Attacks of the Hitler-Stalin Alliance on Free Nations, September 1, 1939, to the Surrender of France, June 22, 1940" [MO49], [MO50], [MO54]

box 22, folder 6-7

Part VII. "From the Surrender of France on June 22, 1940 to the American Presidential Election, November 1940" [MO50], [MO54]

box 23, folder 1-2

Part VII. "From the Surrender of France on June 22, 1940 to the American Presidential Election, November 1940" [MO50], [MO54] (cont.)

box 23, folder 3-4

Part IX. "Hitler's Attack on Stalin" [MO50], [MO54]

box 23, folder 5-6

Part X. "The Last Chance for Peace" [MO50], [MO54]

box 23, folder 7-8

Part XI. "American Activities on the Atlantic Front" [MO50], [MO54]

box 23, folder 9-10

Part XII. "From the Total Economic Sanctions on Japan of July 25, 1941 to Pearl Harbor" [MO50], [MO54]

box 24, folder 1-3

Fragments [MO48]


Page proofs

box 24, folder 4

Parts I-III [MO51]

box 24, folder 5

Parts IV-VI [MO51]

box 25, folder 1

Parts VII-IX [MO51]

box 25, folder 2

Parts X-XII [MO51]


1961 January version



box 25, folder 3-4

Part I. Untitled [MO56], [MO58]

box 25, folder 5-6

Part II. "The Journey: Forces in Motion in 1938" [MO56], [MO58]

box 25, folder 7

Part III. "Some Communist Afflictions of the United States" [MO58]

box 25, folder 8-10

Part IV. "American Statesmanship Gets Lost in the Foreign Thicket of Power Politics, 1937-1939" [MO56], [MO57], [MO58]

box 26, folder 1-3

Part V. "The 150 Days from the Polish Guarantees, March 1939, to the Hitler-Stalin Alliance, August 1939" [MO56], [MO57], [MO58]

box 26, folder 4-6

Part VI. "The Ten Months from the Hitler-Stalin Declaration of War to the Surrender of France, September 1, 1939 to June 22, 1940" [MO56], [MO57], [MO58]

box 26, folder 7-9

Part VII. "The Eleven Months from the Surrender of France, June 22, 1940, to the Presidential Election, November 5, 1940" [MO56], [MO57], [MO58]

box 26, folder 10

Part VIII. "The Ninety Days after Roosevelt's Election to a Third Term on November 5, 1940" [MO55], [MO57]

box 27, folder 1

Part VIII. "The Ninety Days after Roosevelt's Election to a Third Term on November 5, 1940" [MO55], [MO57] (cont.)


Page proofs

box 27, folder 2

Parts I-II [MO56]

box 27, folder 3

Parts IV-VII [MO56]

box 27, folder 4-5

Unknown versions

Scope and Contents note

Miscellaneous, duplicate, and reject drafts and fragments.
box 28

Unknown versions (cont.)

box 29, folder 1-2

Unknown versions (cont.)

box 88, folder 1

"The Years as Crusader," page proofs [MO19] 1951


"The Four Horsemen in World War II," 1951

box 88, folder 2

Page proofs [MO19]

box 88, folder 3

Partial page proofs for review by George Sokolsky [MO19]


"The Crusade Years," 1953

box 88, folder 4-5

Drafts [MO22]

box 89, folder 1

Drafts [MO22] (cont.)

box 89, folder 2-3

Page proofs [MO23]

box 89, folder 4

"Some Notes on Family Life," 1955 August

Scope and Contents note

Drafts [MO26]

"The Crusade against Famine in World War II"

box 90, folder 1

1955 August version

Scope and Contents note

Drafts [MO27]

1955 November version

box 92, folder 3-4

Drafts [MO29]

box 93, folder 1-2

Drafts [MO29] (cont.)

box 93, folder 3

Page proofs [MO30]

box 93, folder 4

Page proofs [MO31]

box 90, folder 2

"Crusading for Benevolent Institutions," 1955 November

Scope and Contents note

Drafts [MO32]

"The Crusade against Collectivism in American Life," 1955 November

box 90, folder 3-4

Page proofs [MO33]

box 91, folder 1-2

Page proofs with corrections [MO28]

box 91, folder 3

Page proofs with corrections [MO34]

box 92, folder 1

Page proofs with corrections [MO34] (cont.)

box 92, folder 2

Page proofs with corrections

box 94, folder 1-2

"Crusade against Waste in the Federal Government, 1921 to 1955," drafts [MO35] 1955 November


"The Crusade for American Children," 1955 December

box 94, folder 3

Drafts [MO38]

box 94, folder 4

Page proofs [MO38]


"My Crusade against Collectivism," 1955 December

box 94, folder 5

Drafts [MO36]

box 94, folder 6

Page proofs [MO36]

box 94, folder 7

Page proofs [MO37]

box 17, folder 4

"Forty-four Years Fight against Famine and Destitution," 1958

Scope and Contents note


"The Ordeal of the American People"


Volume II, 1961 February version

Scope and Contents note

box 29, folder 3

Section A. "We Go from Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, to Tehran, November 28, 1943" [MO59]

box 29, folder 4

Section K-1. "The Period from Tehran to Yalta" [MO59]

box 30, folder 1

Section K-1 [sic]. "The Yalta Conference, February 4 to February 11, 1945" [MO59]

box 30, folder 2

Section K-2. "The Period from Yalta to Potsdam, February-August 1945" [MO59]


1961 May version, unnumbered section: "An Appraisal of the March of Communism Seven Months after the War's End

box 30, folder 3


box 30, folder 4

Chapter 60. "France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland"

box 30, folder 5

Chapter 61. "The Baltic Countries"

box 30, folder 6

Chapter 62. "Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia"

box 31, folder 1

Chapter 63. "Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania, Yugoslavia, Rumania and Greece"

box 31, folder 2

Chapter 64. "The Moslem and Christian Nations in the Middle East"

box 31, folder 3

Chapter 65. "India, Thailand and the Philippines"

box 31, folder 4

Chapter 66. "An Appraisal of the Progress of Communism in China, Korea, Japan and Russia"

box 31, folder 5

Chapter 67. "The Epic of the Greatest Famine in Human History"


4th edition 1961 July

Scope and Contents note

box 31, folder 6-7

Section I. "The Infiltration of Communism in the United States" [MO63], [MO64]

box 31, folder 8

Section II. "1938: Signs and Portents of War" [MO62], [MO63], [MO64]

box 32, folder 1-3

Section II. "1938: Signs and Portents of War" [MO62], [MO63], [MO64] (cont.)

box 32, folder 4-6

Section III. "1939: The Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind" [MO60], [MO63], [MO64]

box 33, folder 1-5

Section IV. "The War Begins: Impacts on the United States" [MO61], [MO63], [MO64]

box 33, folder 6-7

Section V. "The Beginning of the Greatest Disaster to Mankind since Genghis Khan" [MO63], [MO64]

box 34, folder 1-4

Section VI. "The Road to War" [MO66], [MO63], [MO64]

box 34, folder 5-6

Section VII. "Divergent Purposes of the Allied Leaders" [MO63]

box 34, folder 7

Section VIII. "The March of Conferences" [MO70], [MO63], [MO64]

box 35, folder 1-3

Section VIII. "The March of Conferences" [MO70], [MO63], [MO64] (cont.)

box 35, folder 4-5

Section IX. "The March of Conferences (Continued)" [MO63], [MO64]

box 35, folder 6-7

Section X. "The March of Conferences (Continued)" [MO63], [MO64]


5th edition 1961 September

Scope and Contents note

box 35, folder 8

Section I. "The Infiltration of Communism in the United States" [MO69], [MO101]

box 36, folder 1-3

Section I. "The Infiltration of Communism in the United States" [MO69], [MO101]

box 36, folder 4-5

Section II. "1938: Signs and Portents of a Second World War" [MO65], [MO101]

box 37, folder 1-2

Section II. "1938: Signs and Portents of a Second World War" [MO65], [MO101] (cont.)

box 37, folder 3

Section III. "1939: The Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind" [MO101]

box 37, folder 4

Section IV. "President Roosevelt's Policies under the Impact of the European War" [MO101]

box 37, folder 5-7

Section V. "President Roosevelt's Opportunity to Make Lasting Peace in the World" [MO68], [MO101]

box 38, folder 1-3

Section VI. "The Road to War" [MO67], [MO101]

box 38, folder 4-5

Section VII. "The March of Conferences" [MO71], [MO101]

box 39, folder 1-2

Section VII. "The March of Conferences" [MO71], [MO101]

box 39, folder 3-5

Section VIII. "The March of Conferences (Continued)" [re Tehran Conference] [MO72], [MO73], [MO102]

box 40, folder 1-4

Section VIII. "The March of Conferences (Continued)" [re Tehran Conference] [MO72], [MO73], [MO102] (cont.)

box 40, folder 5-6

Section IX. "The March of Conferences (Continued)" [MO72], [MO102]

box 41, folder 1-6

Section X. "The March of Conferences (Continued)" [re Yalta Conference] [MO74], [MO102]

box 42, folder 1-4

Section XI. "The First Days of the Truman Administration" [MO75], [MO102]

box 42, folder 5-6

Section XII. "The Potsdam Conference and After" [MO76], [MO102]

box 43, folder 1-2

Section XII. "The Potsdam Conference and After" [MO76], [MO102] (cont.)

box 43, folder 3

Section XIII. "An Era of Confusion in American Policies toward Russia" [MO102]

box 43, folder 4

Section XIV. "An Appraisal of the March of Communism Seven Months after the War's End" [MO102]

box 43, folder 5

Section XV. "Tragic Case Histories" [MO102]

box 43, folder 6-8

"A Case History of Poland"

box 44, folder 1

"A Case History of Poland" (cont.)

box 44, folder 2-7

"A Case History of China"

box 45, folder 1-4

"The Ordeal of the American People: Communist Infiltration into the Federal Government," 1961 October

Scope and Contents note


"Freedom Betrayed"


6th edition 1962 April

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 1-3

Section I. "The Communist Conspiracy in the United States" [MO104], [MO103], [MO107]

box 46, folder 4-6

Section II. "1938: Signs and Portents of a Second World War" [MO104], [MO103], [MO107]

box 46, folder 7

Section III. "1939: A Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind" [MO104], [MO103], [MO107]

box 47, folder 1-2

Section III. "1939: A Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind" [MO104], [MO103], [MO107] (contd.)

box 47, folder 3-5

Section IV. "President Roosevelt's Policies under the Impact of the European War" [MO104], [MO103], [MO107]

box 47, folder 6-8

Section V. "The Opportunity to Make Lasting Peace in the World Came to Franklin Roosevelt" [MO105], [MO103], [MO107]

box 48, folder 1-3

Section VI. "The Road to War" [MO105], [MO103], [MO107]

box 48, folder 4-5

Section VII. "The March of Conferences" [MO105], [MO103], [MO107], [MO106]

box 49, folder 1-2

Section VII. "The March of Conferences" [MO105], [MO103], [MO107], [MO106] (contd.)

box 49, folder 3-6

Section VIII. "The March of Conferences" [re Tehran Conference] [MO106], [MO103], [MO108]

box 50, folder 1-3

Section IX. "The March of Conferences" [MO106], [MO103], [MO108]

box 50, folder 4-6

Section X. "The March of Conferences" [re Yalta Conference] [MO106], [MO103], [MO108]

box 50, folder 7-8

Section XI. "The First Days of the Truman Administration" [MO106]

box 50, folder 9

Section XII. "The Preservation of Lasting Peace" [MO106]

box 50, folder 10

Section XIII. "The Potsdam Conference and After" [MO106]

box 50, folder 11

Section XIV. Untitled [MO106]

box 51, folder 1-2

Section XV. "A Case History of Poland" [MO106]

box 51, folder 3-5

Section XVI. "The Decline and Fall of Free China"

box 51, folder 6

"Vengeance Comes to Germany"


7th edition 1962 May

box 51, folder 7

Section I. "The Communist Conspiracy in the United States" [MO111], [MO109], [MO112]

box 52, folder 1-3

Section I. "The Communist Conspiracy in the United States" [MO111], [MO109], [MO112] (contd.)

box 52, folder 4-7

Section II. "1938: Signs and Portents of a Second World War" [MO111], [MO109], [MO112]

box 53, folder 1-4

Section III. "1939: A Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind" [MO111], [MO109], [MO112]

box 53, folder 5-8

Section IV. "The Impact of War on the American People" [MO111], [MO109], [MO112]

box 53, folder 9-12

Section V. "The Opportunity to Make Lasting Peace in the World Came to Franklin Roosevelt" [MO111], [MO109], [MO112]

box 53, folder 13

Section VI. "Brainwashing the American People" [MO111], [MO109], [MO112]

box 54, folder 1-3

Section VI. "Brainwashing the American People" [MO111], [MO109], [MO112] (contd.)

box 54, folder 4-7

Section VII. "Marching on the Road to War" [MO111], [MO109], [MO112]

box 54, folder 8-11

Section VIII. "The March of Conferences" [MO111], [MO110], [MO112]

box 54, folder 12-15

Section IX. "The March of Conferences" [MO111], [MO110], [MO112]

box 54, folder 16

Section X. "The Tehran-Cairo Conferences" [MO111], [MO110], [MO112]

box 55, folder 1-3

Section X. "The Tehran-Cairo Conferences" [MO111], [MO110], [MO112] (contd.)

box 55, folder 4-7

Section XI. "The March of Conferences" [MO111], [MO110], [MO112]

box 55, folder 8-11

Section XII. "The March of Conferences" [re Yalta Conference] [MO111], [MO110], [MO112]

box 56, folder 1-4

Section XIII. "The First Days of the Truman Administration" [MO111], [MO110], [MO112]

box 56, folder 5-8

Section XIV. "The Preservation of Lasting Peace" [MO111], [MO110], [MO112]

box 56, folder 9-12

Section XV. "The Potsdam Conference and After" [MO111], [MO110], [MO112]

box 56, folder 13-16

Section XVI. "The Era of Inconsistent American Relations with the Communists" [MO111], [MO110], [MO112]

box 56, folder 17

Section XVII. "Vengeance Comes to Germany"

box 56, folder 18

Section XVIII. "The Case History of Poland"

box 57, folder 1-2

Section XVIII. "The Case History of Poland" (contd.)

box 57, folder 3-4

Section XIX. "The Decline and Fall of Free China"

box 58, folder 1

Section XIX. "The Decline and Fall of Free China" (contd.)


8th edition 1962 July

Scope and Contents note

box 58, folder 2-3

Section I. "The Communist Conspiracy in the United States" [MO113], [MO114]

box 58, folder 4-6

Section II. "I Make an Appraisal of the Advance of Communism and Fascism in 1938" [MO113], [MO114], [MO115]

box 59, folder 1-3

Section III. "1939: A Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind" [MO113], [MO114], [MO115]

box 59, folder 4-6

Section IV. "The Impact of War on the American People" [MO113], [MO114], [MO115]


9th edition 1962 September

Scope and Contents note

box 59, folder 7-8

Section I. "The Greatest Intellectual Plague Which Has Come to Mankind" [MO117], [MO116]

box 59, folder 9

Section II. "I Make an Appraisal of the Advance of Communism and Fascism in 1938" [MO117]

box 59, folder 10

Section III. "1939: A Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind" [MO117]

box 60, folder 1

Section IV. "The Impact of War on the American People" [MO117]

box 60, folder 2

Section V. "The Opportunity to Make Lasting Peace in the World Came to Franklin Roosevelt" [MO117]

box 60, folder 3

Section VI. "Brainwashing the American People" [MO117]

box 60, folder 4

Section VII. "The Road to War" [MO117]


10th edition 1962 December

Scope and Contents note

box 60, folder 5-8

Introduction. "The Backgrounds of this Memoir" [MO118], [MO119], [MO120]

box 60, folder 9-13

Section I. "The Greatest Intellectual Plague Which Has Come to Mankind" [MO116], [MO118], [MO119], [MO120]

box 61, folder 1-4

Section II. "I Make an Appraisal of the Forces Moving among Nations in 1938" [MO118], [MO119], [MO120]

box 61, folder 5-8

Section III. "1939: A Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind" [MO118], [MO119], [MO120]

box 61, folder 9

Section IV. "A Revolution in American Foreign Policies" [MO118], [MO119], [MO120]

box 62, folder 1-3

Section IV. "A Revolution in American Foreign Policies" [MO118], [MO119], [MO120] (contd.)

box 62, folder 4-7

Section V. "Hitler Turns His Might against Communist Russia" [MO118], [MO119], [MO120]

box 62, folder 8-11

Section VI. "Brainwashing the American People" [MO118], [MO119], [MO120]

box 62, folder 12-14

Section VII. "The Road to War" [MO118], [MO119], [MO120]

box 63, folder 1

Section VII. "The Road to War" [MO118], [MO119], [MO120] (contd.)

box 63, folder 2

Section VIII. "The March of Conferences"

box 63, folder 3

Section IX. "The March of Conferences"

box 63, folder 4

Section X. "The Tehran-Cairo Conferences"

box 63, folder 5

Section XI. "The March of Conferences"

box 63, folder 6

Section XII. "The Yalta Conference, February 4 to 11, 1945"

box 63, folder 7

Section XIII. "The Decline and Fall of the Atlantic Charter"

box 63, folder 8

Section XIV. "The First Days of the Truman Administration"

box 63, folder 9

Section XV. "The Potsdam Conference and After"


Z edition 1963 March

Scope and Contents note

box 64, folder 1-3


box 64, folder 4-7

Section I. "Free Men's Greatest Moral and Intellectual Plague"

box 64, folder 8-11

Section II. "I Make an Appraisal of the Forces Moving among Nations in 1938"

box 64, folder 12

Section III. "A Revolution in American Foreign Policies"

box 65, folder 1-3

Section III. "A Revolution in American Foreign Policies" (contd.)

box 65, folder 4-7

Section IV. "1939: In Europe, a Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind"

box 65, folder 8-11

Section V. "The Communist-Nazi Conquest of Europe"

box 65, folder 12-15

Section VI. "More American Action: Stronger than Words but Less than War"

box 65, folder 16-18

Section VII. "Brainwashing the American People"

box 66, folder 1-3

Section VIII. "The Continued Revolution in American Foreign Policies"

box 66, folder 4-7

Section IX. "Hitler Turns His Might against Communist Russia"

box 66, folder 8-10

Section X. "The Road to War"

box 67, folder 1-2

Section XI. "The March of Conferences"

box 67, folder 3-4

Section XII. "The March of Conferences, 1943"

box 67, folder 5-6

Section XIII. "The March of Conferences: The Tehran-Cairo Conferences, November-December 1943"

box 67, folder 7-8

Section XIV. "The March of Conferences"

box 68, folder 1

Section XV. "The March of Conferences: The Yalta Conference, February 4-11, 1945"

box 68, folder 2-3

Section XVI. "The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Atlantic Charter"

box 68, folder 4-5

Section XVII. "The First Days of the Truman Administration"

box 68, folder 6-7

Section XVIII. "The Potsdam Conference and After"

box 68, folder 8-9

Volume III. "A Step-by-Step History of Poland"

box 69, folder 1-4

Volume III. "A Step-by-Step History of Poland" (contd.)

box 69, folder 5

Volume III. "The Case History of Korea"

box 70, folder 1-3

Volume III. "The Case History of Korea" (contd.)

box 70, folder 4-6

"The Decline and Fall of Free China: A Case History"

box 71, folder 1-2

"The Decline and Fall of Free China: A Case History" (contd.)


Z+H edition, 1963 July version

Scope and Contents note

box 71, folder 3-5


box 71, folder 6-8

Section I. "A Great Intellectual and Moral Plague Comes to Free Men"

box 71, folder 9-11

Section II. "I Make an Appraisal of the Forces Moving among Nations in 1938"

box 72, folder 1-3

Section III. "A Revolution in American Foreign Policies"

box 72, folder 4-6

Section IV. "1939: In Europe, a Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind"

box 72, folder 7-9

Section V. "The Communist-Nazi Conquest of Europe"

box 72, folder 10-12

Section VI. "More American Action: Stronger than Words but Less than War"

box 72, folder 13-15

Section VII. "Brainwashing the American People"

box 72, folder 16-18

Section VIII. "The Revolution in American Foreign Policies Continued"

box 72, folder 19-21

Section IX. "The Opportunity to Make Lasting Peace Came to Franklin Roosevelt"

box 73, folder 1-3

Section X. "The Road to War"

box 73, folder 4

Section XI. "The March of Conferences"

box 73, folder 5

Section XII. "The March of Conferences"

box 73, folder 6

Section XIII. "The March of Conferences: The Tehran-Cairo Conferences, November-December 1943"

box 73, folder 7

Section XIV. "The March of Conferences"

box 73, folder 8

Section XV. "The March of Conferences: The Yalta Conference, February 4-11, 1945"

box 73, folder 9

Section XVI. "The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Atlantic Charter"

box 73, folder 10

Section XVII. "The First Days of the Truman Administration"

box 74, folder 1

Section XVIII. "The March of Conferences: The Potsdam Conference and After"


Z+H edition, 1963 September version

Scope and Contents note

box 74, folder 2-4


box 74, folder 5-8

Section I. "A Great Intellectual and Moral Plague Comes to Free Men"

box 75, folder 9-12

Section II. "I Make an Appraisal of the Forces Moving among Nations in 1938"

box 75, folder 1-4

Section III. "A Revolution in American Foreign Policies"

box 75, folder 5-8

Section IV. "1939: In Europe, a Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind"

box 75, folder 9-12

Section V. "The Communist-Nazi Conquest of Europe"

box 75, folder 13-16

Section VI. "More American Action: Stronger than Words, but Less than War"

box 75, folder 17-20

Section VII. "Brainwashing the American People"

box 75, folder 21-24

Section VIII. "The Revolution in American Foreign Policies Continued"

box 76, folder 1-4

Section IX. "The Opportunity to Make Lasting Peace Comes to Franklin Roosevelt"

box 76, folder 5-8

Section X. "The Road to War"


Bound set

box 76, folder 9

Sections I-V

box 77, folder 1

Sections VI-X

box 77, folder 2

Sections XI-XIV

box 77, folder 3

Sections XV-XVIII


Z+H edition, 1964 March version

Scope and Contents note

box 77, folder 4

Section XI. "The March of Conferences"

box 77, folder 5

Section XII. "The March of Conferences"

box 78, folder 1

Section XIII. "The March of Conferences: The Tehran-Cairo Conferences, November-December 1943"

box 78, folder 2

Section XIV. "The March of Conferences"

box 78, folder 3

Section XV. "The March of Conferences: The Yalta Conference, February 4-11, 1945"

box 78, folder 4

Section XVI. "The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Atlantic Charter"

box 78, folder 5

Section XVII. "The First Days of the Truman Administration"

box 78, folder 6

Section XVIII. "The March of Conferences: The Potsdam Conference and After"


Z+H edition, 1964 December version

Scope and Contents note

box 79, folder 1-10

Section I. "The Infiltration of Communism in the United States"

box 80, folder 1

Section I. "The Infiltration of Communism in the United States" (contd.)

box 80, folder 2-10

Section II. "1938: Signs and Portents of a Second World War"

box 81, folder 1-2

Section II. "1938: Signs and Portents of a Second World War" (contd.)

box 81, folder 3-13

Section III. "A Revolution in American Foreign Policies"

box 81, folder 14-21

Section IV. "1939: In Europe, a Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind"

box 82, folder 1-3

Section IV. "1939: In Europe, a Year of Monstrous Evils for Mankind" (contd.)

box 82, folder 4-8

Section V. "The Communist-Nazi Conquest of Europe"

box 82, folder 9-13

Section VI. "More American Action: Stronger than Words, but Less than War"

box 82, folder 14-18

Section VII. "Brainwashing the American People"

box 82, folder 19-23

Section VIII. "The Revolution in American Foreign Policies Continued"

box 83, folder 1-5

Section IX. "The Opportunity to Make Lasting Peace Comes to Franklin Roosevelt"

box 83, folder 6-9

Section X. "The Road to War"

box 83, folder 10-12

Section XI. "The March of Conferences"

box 84, folder 1-2

Section XI. "The March of Conferences" (contd.)

box 84, folder 3-7

Section XII. "The March of Conferences"

box 84, folder 8-12

Section XIII. "The March of Conferences: The Tehran-Cairo Conferences, November-December 1943"

box 85, folder 1-5

Section XIV. "The March of Conferences"

box 85, folder 6-10

Section XV. "The March of Conferences: The Yalta Conference, February 4 to February 11, 1945"

box 85, folder 11-15

Section XVI. "The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Atlantic Charter"

box 85, folder 16-20

Section XVII. "The First Days of the Truman Administration"

box 86, folder 1-5

Section XVIII. "The March of Conferences: The Potsdam Conference and After"

box 86, folder 6-7

Various and unknown versions

Scope and Contents note

Miscellaneous, duplicate and discarded drafts; fragments; corrections; notes.
box 87, folder 1-3

Various and unknown versions (contd.)


Correspondence 1953-1978

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence relating to composition and publication of unpublished writings
box 95, folder 1

General 1953-1965

box 95, folder 2

Akmentins, Osvalds 1963

box 95, folder 3

Berlin, Richard E. 1963

box 95, folder 4

Clark, Mark W. 1962

box 95, folder 5

Cole, Albert 1963

box 95, folder 6

Dennen, Leon 1963

box 95, folder 7

Dozer, Donald M. 1961

box 95, folder 8

Edison, Charles 1963

box 95, folder 9

Epstein, Julius 1964

box 95, folder 10

Galpin, Perrin C. 1963

box 95, folder 11

Grimm, Peter 1963

box 95, folder 12

Henle, Ray 1963

box 95, folder 13

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace 1962-1978

Scope and Contents note

Includes Rita R. Campbell, W. Glenn Campbell, Milorad Drachkovitch, Witold S. Sworakowski, and Eugene Wu
box 95, folder 14

Kaltenborn, H. V. 1963

box 95, folder 15

McCloy, John J. 1963

box 95, folder 16

MacNeil, Neil 1961-1965

box 95, folder 17

McSherry, J. E. 1965

box 95, folder 18

Mullendore, William C. 1963

box 95, folder 19

Nichols, William L. 1963

box 95, folder 20

St. John, Fordyce B. 1963

box 95, folder 21

Schullinger, Rudolph N. 1962

box 95, folder 22

Shoemaker, P. M. 1963

box 95, folder 23

Sokolsky, George E. 1953-1962

box 95, folder 24

Strauss, Lewis L 1963

box 95, folder 25

Thompson, Glenn 1962

box 95, folder 26

Wallace, DeWitt 1963

box 95, folder 27

Wedemeyer, Albert C. 1963

box 95, folder 28

White, William L. 1962-1964


New Deal Subject File 1932-1960

Scope and Contents note

Notes, printed matter, and typed excerpts from printed sources, used as research material for unpublished writings on the New Deal. Includes material collected for Hoover by Lawrence Sullivan.
box 95, folder 29-30

Agriculture 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Contains notes, U.S. Department of Agriculture press releases, speeches by Henry A. Wallace, pamphlets, clippings, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 96, folder 1-2

American Mercury, serial issues 1934-1935

box 96, folder 3

Bureaucracy 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, and typed excerpts from speeches by Franklin D. Roosevelt and other public sources.
box 96, folder 4

Business-Regulation by government 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, statistical data, and typed excerpts from speeches by New Deal officials and printed sources.
box 96, folder 5

Censorship clippings 1933-1934



Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, and Congressional Record excerpts relating mainly to New Deal legislation.
box 96, folder 6

1933 March

box 97, folder 1

1933 April

box 97, folder 2

1934 September

box 97, folder 3

Civilian Conservation Corps 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, governmental press releases and report, and typed excerpts from public sources.
box 97, folder 4

Communism-Analogies with New Deal 1934-1936

Scope and Contents note

Notes, synopses of books, typed excerpts from printed sources, letter by Ralph H. Lutz, and printed articles.
box 97, folder 5

Conflicts of New Deal policies 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, and typed excerpts from public sources.
box 97, folder 6

Currency and credit

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, pamphlets, and typed excerpts from public sources, 1933-1940. Includes An Appraisal of the Monetary Policies of Our Federal Government; Documents and Statements Pertaining to the Banking Emergency; Gold and Armageddon; The Origins of the Banking Panic of March 4, 1933; Recent Literature on the Gold Problem.
box 97, folder 7

Economic statistics 1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, and statistical data.
box 97, folder 8

Economy 1933-1936

Scope and Contents note

Notes, U.S. Department of Commerce press release, and pamphlets. Includes The Deserted Village; Principles of American Enterprise; What Is Industry?; What Must We Do to Save Our Economic System?; Who Shares America's Wealth?
box 97, folder 9

Elections--1934, clippings 1934

box 98, folder 1

Evaluations of New Deal 1934-1936

Scope and Contents note

Newspaper article by Winston Churchill and pamphlets. Includes The Genesis of the "New Deal" with Some Revelations; The New Deal: An Impartial History of the Roosevelt Administration; On the Road to Moscow; Promise and Performance: The Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt Reveals Itself.
box 98, folder 2

Fascism-Analogies with New Deal 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, printed articles, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 98, folder 3

Foreign trade circa 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Clippings and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 98, folder 4

Hearst, William Randolph, clippings 1935-1936

box 98, folder 5

Home loans 1935-1936

Scope and Contents note

Notes, Federal Home Loan Bank Board press releases, clippings, and typed excerpts from printed sources, 1933-1934.
box 98, folder 6

Ideology (general) 1935-1936

Scope and Contents note

Notes, pamphlets, printed articles, clippings, and circulated documents, 1932-1936, relating to competing political and economic systems. Includes Are Revolutions Necessary?; Downfall of Russia; Preserving the American Way of Giving; A Rising or a Setting Sun?; Roosevelt Warming the Serpent; A Statistical Survey of Public Opinion Regarding Current Economic and Social Problems; What, If Not Capitalism?
box 98, folder 7

Illinois Conference on Social Welfare 1935

Scope and Contents note

Contains pamphlet titled, Shaping the Social Conscience of Illinois.
box 98, folder 8

Jews and New Deal, clippings 1938

box 98, folder 9

Joint Conference for Business Recovery, printed report 1934

box 98, folder 10

Legislative process 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 98, folder 11

National Recovery Administration 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, printed articles, National Recovery Administration and other governmental press releases, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 98, folder 12

Prohibition repeal 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 98, folder 13

Propaganda 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 99, folder 1

Public works 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, Federal Emergency Administration press releases, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 99, folder 2

Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1933-1934

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, Reconstruction Finance Corporation press releases, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 99, folder 3

Revolution-Analogies with New Deal, clippings 1937-1954

box 99, folder 4

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1936-1960

Scope and Contents note

Typed excerpts from speeches by Roosevelt, and clipping.
box 99, folder 5

Socialism-Analogies with New Deal 1932-1936

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, printed articles, and pamphlet, Roads Back to Governmental Slavery.
box 99, folder 6

Tennessee Valley Authority 1933-1959

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, printed article, and Tennessee Valley Authority press releases.
box 99, folder 7

Thatcher, Myron William 1940

Scope and Contents note

Pamphlet regarding associate of Henry A. Wallace, Why? A Story of Shocking Facts and of Abortive Efforts to Suppress Them.

Communist Subversion Subject File 1935-1965

Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings, notes, memoranda, printed matter, and card files, used as research material for unpublished writings on communist subversion in the United States. Includes material collected for Hoover by Madeline Kelly
box 99, folder 8

Bentley, Elizabeth, news dispatches 1953

box 99, folder 9

Bridges, Harry 1939-1952

Scope and Contents note

Memorandum, clippings, and trial examiner report.
box 99, folder 10

Browder, Earl, clippings 1939-1957

box 99, folder 11

Bunche, Ralph 1954

Scope and Contents note

Clipping and report by Archibald Roosevelt.

Communism-United States (general)

box 99, folder 12

Clippings 1940-1965

box 100, folder 1-2

Clippings (contd.) 1940-1965

box 100, folder 3-4

Serial issues (assorted anti-communist journals) 1935-1962

box 101, folder 1-3

Pamphlets 1938-1961

Scope and Contents note

Includes A Business Man Looks at Communism; The Chickens of the Interventionist Liberals Have Come Home to Roost; Constitution of the Communist Party; Diplomacy and the Communist Challenge; Minutes of a Communist Cell on Art; Odyssey of a Fellow Traveler; Petition to the United States Congress to Investigate Treasonable Activities?; Socialist Reconstruction of Society; USA and USSR: The Economic Race; Understanding the Communists; What Is Socialism?
box 101, folder 4-5

Miscellany 1940-1961

Scope and Contents note

Notes, memoranda, typed excerpts from printed sources, circulated documents, printed articles, and legislative bills.

Congress of Industrial Organizations

box 102, folder 1

General 1937-1961

Scope and Contents note

Notes, memoranda, typed excerpts from printed sources, circulated documents, pamphlets, and other printed matter. Includes Communism and American Labor; The Hell of Herrin Rages Again.
box 102, folder 2-5

Clippings 1944-1957

Scope and Contents note

Mainly regarding the Congress of Industrial Organizations Political Action Committee and especially its activities in the 1944 elections.
box 103, folder 1

Espionage 1948-1961

Scope and Contents note

Notes, typed excerpts from printed sources, clippings, and congressional reports. Includes Exposé of Soviet Espionage, May 1960; Report on Soviet Espionage Activities in Connection with the Atom Bomb; Soviet Espionage through Poland.
box 103, folder 2

Fair Play for Cuba Committee 1963

Scope ant Contents note

Congressional report, "Castro's Network in the United States."
box 103, folder 3

Foundations 1948-1954

Scope and Contents note

Notes, memoranda, clippings, and other printed matter.

Freedom House

box 103, folder 4-5

Freedom House issuances 1941-1946

Scope and Contents note

Flyers, leaflets, pamphlets, circulated documents, press releases, speeches, and radio broadcast transcripts. Includes The Faith of an American; The Negro's War; The Truth is Good News; What Does the War Mean to You?; World-wide Civil War.
box 104, folder 1

Freedom House issuances (contd.)

box 104, folder 2

Material about Freedom House 1940-1947

Scope and Contents note

Notes, memoranda, clippings, congressional record excerpts, and congressional reports and exhibits. Includes Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States; Special Report on Subversive Activities Aimed at Destroying Our Representative Form of Government.
box 104, folder 3

Hiss, Alger 1949-1962

Scope and Contents note

Clippings and printed articles.
box 104, folder 4

Institute of Pacific Relations 1946-1960

Scope and Contents note

Notes, memoranda, clippings, printed articles, and congressional report.
box 104, folder 5

Lattimore, Owen 1946-1955

Scope and Contents note

Memorandum, clippings, printed articles, and circulated documents.
box 104, folder 6

McCarthy, Joseph R. 1951-1957

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed articles, radio broadcast transcripts, and congressional censure report. Includes printed copy of McCarthyism: The Fight for America, signed by McCarthy and inscribed to Hoover.
box 105, folder 1

Oppenheimer, J. Robert 1954-1956

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, Atomic Energy Commission Personnel Security Board report, and associated documentation.


box 105, folder 2-4

Drafts of writings with lists of subversive organizations, and associated notes and memoranda 1961-1963

box 105, folder 5

Printed matter 1951-1961

Scope and Contents note

Attorney General's list of subversive organizations, Congressional Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications, and associated clippings and other printed matter.
box 106, folder 1

Printed matter (contd.)

box 106, folder 2

Pace, John T.--Testimony re Communist influence in 1932 Bonus March 1938-1963

Scope and Contents note

Printed transcript, memoranda, clippings, and other printed sources.
box 106, folder 3

Roosevelt, Franklin D.- Knowledge of Communist activities 1938-1956

Scope and Contents note

Memorandum, clippings, printed articles, typed excerpts from printed sources, and pamphlet The President Knows!
box 106, folder 4

United Nations 1953-1955

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, serial issue, and pamphlet The United Nations and Communism.
box 106, folder 5

United States, Army-Communist infiltration 1950-1954

Scope and Contents note

Clippings and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 106, folder 6

United States, Congress, House, Committee on Un-American Activities 1938-1961

Scope and Contents note

Excerpts from committee reports and Congressional Record speeches, clippings, other printed matter, and circulated documents. Includes Committee Rules of Procedure.
box 106, folder 7

United States, Congress, Senate, Committee on Education and Labor 1950

Scope and Contents note

Contains circulated report "The LaFollette Committee Unmasked."
box 106, folder 8

United States, Congress, Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Internal Security 1954-1957

Scope and Contents note

Contains committee press releases.
box 106, folder 9

United States, Department of State-Communist infiltration 1947-1964

Scope and Contents note

Memoranda, clippings, printed articles, Congressional Record speeches, congressional report, and pamphlets.
box 107, folder 1

United States, Department of State-Communist infiltration (contd.)

box 107, folder 2

United States, Federal Bureau of Investigation 1946-1963

Scope and Contents note

Bureau reports and press releases, speeches and printed articles by J. Edgar Hoover, and clippings.

United States government (general) - Communist infiltration

box 107, folder 3

Drafts of writings with memoranda, notes, and typed excerpts from printed sources 1950-1959

box 107, folder 4

Printed matter 1947-1963

box 107, folder 5

Individuals 1949-1950 and undated

Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings with memoranda.
box 107, folder 6

Waldrop, Frank C. 1950

Scope and Contents note

Congressional Record reprints of articles by Waldrop.
box 107, folder 7

White, Harry Dexter 1953-1955

Scope and Contents note

Notes, memoranda, clippings, printed articles, press releases, and Federal Bureau of Investigation report.

Card files

box 108

Subversive individuals

box 109

Subversive organizations

box 110

Subversive organizations


World War II Subject File 1918-1963

Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings, notes, memoranda, letters, printed matter, and typed excerpts from printed sources, used as research material for unpublished writings on World War II. Includes material collected for Hoover by Arthur Kemp
box 111, folder 1-2

Atom bomb 1945-1947

Scope and Contents note

Memorandum, clippings, printed articles, official report of Manhattan Project ( Atomic Energy for Military Purposes), and United States Strategic Bombing Survey reports ( Japan's Struggle to End the War; The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Summary Report: Pacific War.)
box 111, folder 3

Balkans 1944-1945

Scope and Contents note

Clippings and press releases.
box 111, folder 4-5

Baltic States 1940-1946

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed articles, serial issues, press releases, typed excerpts from printed sources, and pamphlets. Includes Lithuania in a Twin Teutonic Clutch; Lithuania under the Sickle and Hammer; Lithuania's Fight for Freedom.
box 111, folder 6

Bulgaria 1944-1945

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, printed excerpts, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 111, folder 7-8

Byrnes, James F. 1943-1947

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed speeches by Byrnes, and typed excerpts from Byrnes' memoirs and other printed sources.
box 112, folder 1

China 1938-1962

Scope and Contents note

Draft writings, memoranda, clippings, printed articles, typed excerpts from printed sources, pamphlet ( Red Cloud over China), and letter by Patrick J. Hurley.


Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings, notes, memoranda, letters and typed transcripts of letters, speech transcripts, clippings, printed articles, pamphlets, and typed excerpts from printed sources
box 112, folder 2


box 112, folder 3


box 112, folder 4





"Diary" (actually chronology of world events and of activities by Hoover, prepared subsequently to their occurrence)

box 112, folder 5

Concise version

box 112, folder 6

Full version, including documentary inserts

box 112, folder 7

Hoover visit to Europe February-March

box 112, folder 8






box 112, folder 9

Concise version


Full version

box 113, folder 1


box 113, folder 2


box 113, folder 3


box 113, folder 4







Concise version

box 113, folder 5


box 113, folder 6



Full version

box 114, folder 1


box 114, folder 2


box 114, folder 3


box 114, folder 4


box 114, folder 5


box 115, folder 1

John C. O'Laughlin letters to Hoover

Scope and Contents note

Typed transcripts
box 115, folder 2







Concise version

box 115, folder 3


box 115, folder 4



Full version

box 115, folder 5


box 116, folder 1


box 116, folder 2


box 116, folder 3


box 116, folder 4


box 116, folder 4


box 117, folder 1


box 117, folder 2

December 1-7

box 117, folder 3

December 8-31

box 117, folder 4

John C. O'Laughlin letters to Hoover

Scope and Contents note

Typed transcripts
box 117, folder 5

Miscellaneous drafts of writings, notes, and memoranda

box 117, folder 6

Miscellaneous clippings

box 118, folder 1

Miscellaneous clippings (contd.)



box 118, folder 2


box 118, folder 3


box 118, folder 4


box 118, folder 5


Scope and Contents note

Includes pamphlet Native Nazi Purge Plot


box 119, folder 1


box 119, folder 2


box 119, folder 3


box 119, folder 4


box 120, folder 1




box 120, folder 2


box 120, folder 3


box 120, folder 4




box 120, folder 5


box 121, folder 1


box 121, folder 2



Churchill, Winston

box 121, folder 3

Speech transcripts 1940-1941

box 121, folder 4

Printed excerpts from memoirs 1948-1953



Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings, notes, memoranda, press releases and texts of conference statements, clippings, printed articles, pamphlets, printed excerpts, and typed excerpts from printed sources
box 122, folder 1

Atlantic Charter Conference 1941 August

Scope and Contents note

Includes booklet The Atlantic Charter and Africa from an American Viewpoint
box 122, folder 2

Casablanca Conference 1943 January

box 122, folder 3

First Quebec Conference 1943 August

box 122, folder 4

Moscow Conference 1943 October

Scope and Contents note

Includes printed report by Cordell Hull
box 122, folder 5

First Cairo Conference 1943 November

box 122, folder 6

Tehran Conference 1943 November-December

box 122, folder 7

Second Cairo Conference 1943 December

box 122, folder 8

Second Quebec Conference 1944 September

box 122, folder 9

Malta Conference 1945 January-February


Yalta Conference 1945 February

box 123, folder 1-2

Drafts of writings, notes, memoranda, and typed excerpts from printed sources

box 123, folder 3

Printed matter

box 123, folder 4

Potsdam Conference 1945 July-August

Scope and Contents note

Includes pamphlet Potsdam or Peace
box 123, folder 5

Czechoslovakia 1938-1949

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, printed excerpts, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 123, folder 6

Farley, James A. 1948

Scope and Contents note

Typed excerpts from memoirs.
box 124, folder 1

Finland 1939-1962

Scope and Contents note

Memoranda, notes, letters, clippings, printed excerpts, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 124, folder 2-3

France 1940-1945

Scope and Contents note

Letter and report by René de Chambrun, and clippings.
box 124, folder 4

Garner, John Nance 1948

Scope and Contents note

Printed and typed excerpts from memoirs.


box 124, folder 5

General 1934-1963

Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings, notes, memoranda, letters, reports, clippings, pamphlets, printed excerpts, and typed excerpts from printed sources. Includes The German White Paper; Hitlerism: Why and Whither.
box 124, folder 6

Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945, 1956

box 125, folder 1-2

Great Britain 1938-1962

Scope and Contents note

Memoranda, notes, clippings, printed excerpts, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 125, folder 3

Hopkins, Harry 1948

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts from biography by Robert E. Sherwood.
box 125, folder 4

Hull, Cordell 1948

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts from memoirs.
box 125, folder 5

Ickes, Harold L. 1948

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts from memoirs.
box 125, folder 6

Italy 1945-1949

Scope and Contents note

Memoranda, printed article, and printed excerpts.


box 125, folder 7

Draft writings and typed excerpts from printed sources

box 126, folder 1

Letters and memoranda 1934-1963

box 126, folder 2

Clippings, printed articles, and printed excerpts 1941-1962

Scope and Contents note

Includes U.S. Department of State Bulletin re Pearl Harbor attack
box 126, folder 3

Typed excerpts from memoirs of Prince Fumimaro Konoye with associated notes and clippings 1945

box 126, folder 4

Kennedy, Joseph P., clippings 1940-1962

box 126, folder 5

MacArthur, Douglas 1943-1953

Scope and Contents note

Photocopies of MacArthur-Hoover correspondence, typed transcript of MacArthur letter to Bonner Fellers, and typed transcript of news story.
box 126, folder 6

Marshall, George C. 1945-1963

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed articles, and printed report by Marshall, The Winning of the War in Europe and the Pacific.
box 126, folder 7

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., and Morgenthau Plan 1944-1948

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts from Morgenthau diaries, clippings, printed articles, memoranda, and notes.

Neutrality--United States

box 126, folder 8

General 1941-1962

Scope and Contents note

Letter by Hoover, memoranda, notes, clippings, Congressional Record speeches, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 126, folder 9

Anti-intervention issuances circa 1939-1941

Scope and Contents note

Circulated documents and leaflets. Includes pamphlet Anti-War Crusade.
box 126, folder 10

Pro-intervention issuances 1939-1941

Scope and Contents note

Circulated documents and leaflets. Includes Fight for Freedom pamphlet It's Fun to Be Free.
box 126, folder 11

John Venuti (crew member, U.S.S. Orizaba) log of U.S. Navy operations in the Atlantic with ship newsletter issues 1941

box 127, folder 1

O'Laughlin, John C. 1939-1941

Scope and Contents note

Photocopies and typed transcripts of O'Laughlin-Hoover correspondence.


Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings, notes, memoranda, clippings, printed excerpts, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 127, folder 2


box 127, folder 3


box 127, folder 4


box 127, folder 5


box 127, folder 6


box 127, folder 7-8

Polish Government-in-Exile pamphlets 1943-1946

Scope and Contents note

Includes Poland Accuses; Polish-Soviet Relations, 1918-1943; Polish Facts and Figures series
box 128, folder 1

Polish-American organization issuances 1942-1946

Scope and Contents note

Resolutions, petitions, pamphlets, and transcripts of letters. Includes An Appeal to Franklin Delano Roosevelt...on Behalf of Poland; The Case for Poland; Great Britain's Obligations towards Poland.
box 128, folder 2

Katyn Forest Massacre 1945-1949

Scope and Contents note

Clippings and pamphlet Death at Katyn.
box 128, folder 3

Postwar planning, memorandum and clipping 1943

box 128, folder 4

Romania, clippings 1944-1945


Roosevelt, Franklin D.

box 128, folder 5

General 1942-1949

Scope and Contents note

Memoranda, clippings, and printed articles. Includes printed compendium of speeches by Roosevelt from 1933 to 1942, Development of United States Foreign Policy.

Speech transcripts on foreign policy

Scope and Contents note

Printed texts and printed and typed excerpts
box 128, folder 6


box 128, folder 7-8


box 129, folder 1-2


box 129, folder 3


box 129, folder 4



Soviet Union

Scope and Contents note

Memoranda, notes, clippings, printed articles, and printed and typed excerpts
box 130, folder 1


box 130, folder 2


box 130, folder 3


box 130, folder 4


box 130, folder 5


box 130, folder 6


box 130, folder 7


box 130, folder 8

Spain 1945-1946

Scope and Contents note

Memorandum, clippings, and press releases of the Spanish Embassy in the United States.
box 130, folder 9

Stettinius, Edward R., Jr. 1943-1946

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, speech transcripts, and printed excerpt.
box 130, folder 10

Stilwell, Joseph 1948-1956

Scope and Contents note

Printed article and printed excerpts.
box 130, folder 11

Stimson, Henry L. 1948

Scope and Contents note

Printed excerpts from memoirs.
box 131, folder 1-2

Truman, Harry S. 1944-1945

Scope and Contents note

Clippings and speech transcripts.
box 131, folder 3

Yugoslavia circa 1943-1945

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, and pamphlets. Includes The Political Situation in Yugoslavia Today; Shall Slovenia Be Sovietized?
box 131, folder 4

Miscellany notes undated


General Subject File 1918-1965

Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings, notes, memoranda, letters, printed matter, and typed excerpts from printed sources, mainly relating to the post-World War II period and in part used as research material for unpublished writings. Includes material collected for Hoover by Arthur Kemp
box 132, folder 1

Africa, clippings 1952-1961

box 132, folder 2

Aged 1959

Scope and Contents note

Congressional Report, The Aged and the Aging in the United States.
box 132, folder 3

Americanism 1933-1959

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, printed articles, serial issues, essays, speeches, typed excerpts from printed sources, and circulated documents.
box 132, folder 4

Asia 1951-1964

Scope and Contents note

Notes, clippings, and report by Claude A. Buss.
box 132, folder 5

Austria 1945-1946

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed article, and report by Frank E. Mason.
box 132, folder 6

Balkans, clippings 1946-1953

box 132, folder 7

Belgian American Educational Foundation, Report and Directory of Fellows for the Years 1952-1957

box 132, folder 8

Bulgaria, notes and clippings 1945-1948

box 132, folder 9

Bullitt, William C. 1935-1948

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed articles, and printed dispatches from Moscow.
box 132, folder 10

Byrnes, James F. 1946-1950

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed article, and printed speeches.
box 133, folder 1

Byrnes, James F. (contd.)



box 133, folder 2

Drafts of writings, with memoranda, notes, and circulated material 1945-1964

box 133, folder 3-4

Clippings, printed articles, and printed excerpts from the Congressional Record and other sources 1945-1962

box 133, folder 5

Pamphlets and congressional reports 1949-1963

Scope and Contents note

Includes Bishop Walsh of Maryknoll; China: Key to the Orient and to Asia; China Lob-Lolly; The Committee of One Million; Communist China: A Nation Enslaved; Testimony of a Defector from Communist China
box 134, folder 1

Pamphlets and congressional reports (contd.) 1949-1963



Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings, notes, memoranda, speeches, typed excerpts from printed sources, press releases, clippings, and printed articles
box 134, folder 2

1945 October-December

box 134, folder 3


box 134, folder 4


box 134, folder 5


box 134, folder 6


box 134, folder 7-8


box 135, folder 1


box 135, folder 2

Churchill, Winston, printed article re Boer War experiences 1963



box 135, folder 3

General 1954-1961

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed articles, typed excerpts from printed sources, speeches, and Congressional Reports.
box 135, folder 4-5

Problems of Communism, serial issues 1958-1964



Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed articles, and communiqués
box 136, folder 1

Three-Power Conference, Moscow 1945 December

box 136, folder 2-4

Council of Foreign Ministers, Paris, 1946 April-July 1945 December

box 137, folder 1-4

Peace Conference, Paris 1946 July-October

box 138, folder 1-2

Council of Foreign Ministers, New York City 1946 November-December

box 138, folder 3

Council of Foreign Ministers, London 1947 January-February

box 138, folder 4

Council of Foreign Ministers, Moscow 1947 March-April

box 139, folder 1-2

Council of Foreign Ministers, Moscow (contd.) 1947 March-April

box 139, folder 3

Balkans Trade Conference, Geneva 1947 April

box 139, folder 4

European Conference on the Marshall Plan, Paris 1947 September

box 139, folder 5

Council of Foreign Ministers, London 1947 December

box 139, folder 6

Three-Power Conference, London 1948 February

box 139, folder 7

International Trade Organization Conference, Havana 1948 February-March

box 139, folder 8

Four-Power Conference, London 1948 March

box 139, folder 9

Council of Foreign Ministers, Paris 1949 May-June

box 140, folder 1

Cuba 1960-1961

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, radio broadcast transcript, and Congressional Report, Communist Threat to the United States through the Caribbean.
box 140, folder 2

Czechoslovakia, clippings and printed article 1946-1949

box 140, folder 3

Democracy, clippings 1938-1954

box 140, folder 4

Economic growth, booklet by W. W. Rostow, The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto, 1960

box 140, folder 5

Economic reconversion, clippings 1944-1946

box 140, folder 6

Education and technology 1958-1959

Scope and Contents note

Conference programs, printed articles, and pamphlets. Includes The Pursuit of Excellence: Education and the Future of America.

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

box 140, folder 7

General 1952-1959

Scope and Contents note

Typed excerpts from printed sources, press releases, and Eisenhower administration printed reports.
box 140, folder 8-9

Clippings, printed articles, and printed speeches 1952-1961

box 141, folder 1-6

Clippings, printed articles, and printed speeches (contd.) 1952-1961

box 142, folder 1

Europe, clippings and report by Ernest T. Weir 1946-1954

box 142, folder 2

Finland 1946-1947

Scope and Contents note

Memorandum, press release, clippings, and printed article.
box 142, folder 3

Food supply and food relief 1947-1961

Scope and Contents note

Memoranda, statistics, reports, printed articles, and clippings.
box 142, folder 4

Foreign aid 1947-1961

Scope and Contents note

Reports, speeches, clippings, and pamphlets. Includes Foreign Aid and You; United States Aid and Indian Economic Development; Voluntary Foreign Aid.
box 142, folder 5

Forrestal, James 1944-1949

Scope and Contents note

Speeches, clippings, printed article, and radio broadcast transcript.
box 142, folder 6-7

France, clippings and printed articles 1945-1949



box 143, folder 1

General 1947-1961

Scope and Contents note

Memoranda, letters, reports, bulletins, press releases, circulated documents, printed articles, and clippings. Includes reports by Christopher Emmet and Louis Lochner; The Efforts Made by the Federal Republic to Re-establish the Unity of Germany by Means of All-German Elections; U.S. Department of State bulletin Berlin, 1961.
box 143, folder 2-4

Letters from Germans to Hoover with printed enclosures 1949-1950

Scope and Contents note

Letters of gratitude for Hoover's efforts to prevent industrial dismantling of Germany
box 143, folder 5

Clippings 1946-1952


Goebbels, Joseph, diaries

Scope and Contents note

Material relating to acquisition of Goebbels diaries by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace.
box 144, folder 1

Memoranda 1948

Scope and Contents note

Memorandum by Hoover with attachments; memoranda by Perrin C. Galpin, Harold H. Fisher, and Frank E. Mason
box 144, folder 2

Notes 1947-1950

box 144, folder 3-4

Correspondence 1948

Scope and Contents note

Includes letters by Hoover and by Norman Armour, Harold I. Baynton, David L. Bazelon, Lucius D. Clay, Harold H. Fisher, Perrin C. Galpin, Hugh Gibson, William F. Heimlich, Richard C. Hunt, Louis Lochner, Kenneth C. Royall, and Lewis L. Strauss
box 144, folder 5

Clippings and printed articles 1948

box 145, folder 1-2

Great Britain 1938-1952

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed articles, and pamphlets. Includes Britain's Economic Crisis; Communist Attach on Great Britain.
box 145, folder 3-4

Greece 1946-1947

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed articles, and pamphlet Devastation in Greece.
box 145, folder 5

Guatemala, clippings and report 1953

box 145, folder 6

Human Events, serial issues 1962-1964

box 146, folder 1-2

Hungary 1946-1951

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed articles, and press release.
box 146, folder 3

Ideas and ideology 1953-1958

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, serial issue, and pamphlets. Includes The Gentleman of Culture; The Influence of History; Quest for Freedom; Why Liberty?
box 146, folder 4-5

Intelligence Digest, serial issues 1951-1953



box 146, folder 6

General 1945-1960

Scope and Contents note

Notes, reports by Eugene Dooman and Teigi Tomatsu, and pamphlets. Includes Japan Now; Literature on Contemporary Japan.
box 147, folder 1-2

Clippings and printed articles 1945-1949

box 147, folder 3

Food supply and food relief, letter by Douglas MacArthur and reports 1945-1948



box 147, folder 4

General 1945-1950

Scope and Contents note

Letters by Hoover and others, memoranda, reports, and clippings. Includes "Report on the Industrial Disarmament of Japan" by the Engineers Joint Council, studies by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers staff, and memorandum by Japanese officials.
box 147, folder 5

"Report on Industrial Reparations Survey of Japan to the United States of America" by Overseas Consultants, Inc. 1948

box 148, folder 1-2

Jenner, William E., press releases from the office of Senator Jenner 1954-1957

box 148, folder 3

Kahn, Albert E.

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, memoranda, and notes, 1946, re allegations by Kahn in his book The Great Conspiracy of political manipulation of food relief in Russia by the American Relief Administration. Includes letters by Hoover and John Richardson, and memoranda from both sides re potential legal action.
box 148, folder 4

Kennedy, John F.--Assassination, clippings 1963-1964


Korea and Korean War

box 148, folder 5

General 1947-1962

Scope and Contents note

Letters, memoranda, notes, press releases, and reports. Includes U.S. War Department report on Korean coal situation, 1947, and report of American-Korean Foundation mission to Korea, 1953.
box 149, folder 1-2

Clippings, printed articles, and Congressional Record excerpts 1946-1953

box 149, folder 3

Labor--United States 1946-1960

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed article, and brochure.
box 149, folder 4

Latin America, clippings 1946-1954

box 149, folder 5

Legislation-United States

Scope and Contents note

Congressional statutes, bills, and resolutions, with associated memoranda and printed articles, 1919-1921, relating to post-World War I economic reconversion and social and welfare measures.
box 149, folder 6

Lithuania 1946-1947

Scope and Contents note

Bulletins, notes, and printed excerpts.
box 149, folder 7

MacArthur, Douglas 1951-1955

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, pamphlet, and congressional reports. Includes War, Religion, World Peace by MacArthur, and Congressional reports re dismissal of MacArthur.
box 150, folder 1-2

Marshall, George C. 1945-1959

Scope and Contents note

Memorandum, clippings, and printed articles.

Marshall Plan

box 150, folder 3

Drafts of writings, memoranda, and notes 1947-1949

box 150, folder 4-5

Congressional testimony, briefs, and reports 1947-1948

Scope and Contents note

Includes statements by Lewis H. Brown, John J. McCloy, and Ernest T. Weir
box 150, folder 6

Clippings, printed articles, and Congressional Record excerpts 1947-1951

box 150, folder 7

Mills College serial issue 1960

box 151, folder 1

National Academy of Sciences

Scope and Contents note

Notes, memoranda, reports, and excerpts from minutes, 1924-1955, relating to Hoover's service as a trustee of the Academy's National Research Fund. Includes resolutions of appreciation.

Nuclear weapons and nuclear energy

box 151, folder 2

General 1945-1960

Scope and Contents note

Speeches, pamphlets, and Congressional Reports. Includes speech by Vannevar Bush, and printed copy of Modern Man Is Obsolete by Norman Cousins, inscribed to Hoover.

United Nations Atomic Energy Commission issuances

box 151, folder 3

General reports and memoranda 1946-1947

box 151, folder 4

Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Member, 1946

Scope and Contents note

Report series prepared by the office of Bernard M. Baruch.
box 151, folder 5

United States Department of State reports 1946

Scope and Contents note

Includes A Report on the International Control of Atomic Energy; United States Atomic Energy Proposals.

Clippings and printed articles

box 151, folder 6


box 152, folder 1-2

1945 (contd.)

box 152, folder 3-5


box 153, folder 1



Nuremberg War Crime Trials--Ernst von Weizsäcker defense exhibits 1947-1948

box 153, folder 2

Document Book 2: "Weizsäcker's Motives to Stay in Office"

box 153, folder 3

Document Book 4: "Struggle at the Side of the Evangelical Church and International Charitable Organizations"

box 153, folder 4

Document Book 5: "Assistance to the Persecuted Church"

box 153, folder 5

Document Book 6: "Help to the Persecuted"



box 154, folder 1

General 1946-1947

Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings, speech, and pamphlets. Includes Poland: The Children Cannot Wait; Who's Who of the Regime in Poland.

Clippings and printed articles

box 154, folder 2-3


box 154, folder 4


box 154, folder 5


box 154, folder 6

Presidents--United States (comparative), clippings and charts 1954-1960

box 154, folder 7

Romania, notes and clippings 1946-1947


Roosevelt, Franklin D.

box 155, folder 1

General 1932-1947

Scope and Contents note

Brochure, notes, memorandum, and typed excerpts from printed sources. Includes memorandum and transcript of Congressional hearing re papers of Roosevelt and Roosevelt Presidential Library.
box 155, folder 2-3

Clippings, printed articles, and pamphlet, The Roosevelt Death: A Super Mystery 1932-1960

box 155, folder 4

Social Security System memoranda and congressional testimony 1949

box 155, folder 5

Sorge, Richard, spy ring 1949-1951

Scope and Contents note

Letter by Hoover, memoranda, investigative certifications, and Congressional Record speeches.

Soviet Union

box 155, folder 6

Drafts of writings, letters, memoranda, and typed excerpts from printed sources 1931-1959

box 155, folder 7

Quotations from Soviet leaders with accompanying notes and memoranda 1918-1964

box 155, folder 8

Diplomatic recognition by United States 1921-1960

Scope and Contents note

Drafts of writings, notes, memoranda, clippings, printed excerpts, and typed excerpts from printed sources.
box 156, folder 1

Speeches and radio broadcast transcripts 1934-1960

Scope and Contents note

Includes speeches by Rexford Tugwell and Henry A. Wallace.
box 156, folder 2

Congressional Reports 1957-1963

box 156, folder 3

Pamphlets 1938-1960

Scope and Contents note

Includes Economic Comparisons, USA/USSR; An Investment Banker Visits Russia; Litvinoff; The Nature of the Enemy; The Public Finance of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Steel in the Soviet Union; The Unrelenting War
box 156, folder 4

Serial issues 1940-1961


Clippings and printed articles

box 156, folder 5-6


box 157, folder 1

1946 (contd.)

box 157, folder 2-3


box 157, folder 4


box 157, folder 5


box 157, folder 6

Stanford University 1941-1961

Scope and Contents note

Programs, brochure, and serial issue.
box 157, folder 7

Stevenson, Adlai E., clippings and printed speeches 1953-1960



box 157, folder 8

Memoranda and notes 1949-1950


Clippings and Congressional Record excerpts

box 157, folder 9


box 158, folder 1-3


box 158, folder 4


box 158, folder 5

Truman, Harry S. 1950-1958

Scope and Contents note

Printed speeches, press releases, clippings, and Congressional Record excerpts.
box 158, folder 6

United Nations, clippings 1951-1961


United States


Armed Forces

box 158, folder 7

Reorganization 1945-1948

Scope and Contents note

Press release and Congressional Report, Unification of the War and Navy Departments and Postwar Organization for National Security.
box 158, folder 8

B-36 bomber hearings 1949

Scope and Contents note

Testimony of senior military officers before House Armed Services Committee.
box 159, folder 1-2

B-36 bomber hearings (contd.) 1949



box 159, folder 3

Letters, speeches, press releases, and statements 1950-1960

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter by Robert A. Taft, speech by Arthur Kemp, and "Inflation" by Gottfried Haberler
box 159, folder 4-5

Printed matter 1949-1962


Foreign policy

box 159, folder 6

Drafts of writings on the Cold War

box 160, folder 1

Letters from members of the public in support of Hoover's foreign policy radio broadcast of 1950 December 20 1950-1951

box 160, folder 2

Statements and radio broadcasts by others 1958-1961

box 160, folder 3

Printed matter 1953-1965

Scope and Contents note

Includes Survival by Bonner Fellers


box 160, folder 4

General 1954-1962

Scope and Contents note

Clippings, printed articles, pamphlets, and press releases. Includes As Seen from the Right by Don Lohbeck.
box 160, folder 5

Polling data 1944-1946

box 160, folder 6

United States Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government 1953-1961

Scope and Contents note

Letters, clippings, Congressional Record excerpts, and resolutions of appreciation for Hoover's chairmanship.
box 160, folder 7

United States Supreme Court 1958-1959

Scope and Contents note

Letter, clippings, printed articles, and pamphlets.


box 161, folder 1

General 1945-1958

Scope and Contents note

Memoranda, report, serial issue, and pamphlets.

Clippings and printed articles

box 161, folder 2-4


box 161, folder 5


box 161, folder 6

Miscellany 1951-1962

Scope and Contents note

Telephone call list, list of World War I relief aides, "Think of a Man" Saturday Review reprint, and printed miscellany.
box 161, folder 7

Biographical miscellany 1939-1963

Scope and Contents note

Clippings and other printed references to Hoover. Includes pamphlet by William Starr Myers, The True Republican Record, 1929-1933.

Financial Records 1954-1958

Scope and Contents note

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel room service and long distance telephone service bills


box 162, folder 1


box 162, folder 2


box 162, folder 3


box 162, folder 4


box 162, folder 5


box 163, folder 1


box 163, folder 2


box 163, folder 3


box 163, folder 4


box 163, folder 5


box 164, folder 1


box 164, folder 2




box 164, folder 3


box 164, folder 4


box 164, folder 5


box 164, folder 6


box 164, folder 7


box 165, folder 1


box 165, folder 2


box 165, folder 3


box 165, folder 4


box 165, folder 5


box 165, folder 6


box 166, folder 1




box 166, folder 2


box 166, folder 3


box 166, folder 4


box 167, folder 1


box 167, folder 2


box 167, folder 3


box 168, folder 1




box 168, folder 2


box 168, folder 3


box 168, folder 4


box 169, folder 1


box 169, folder 2


box 169, folder 3


box 169, folder 4


box 169, folder 5


box 170, folder 1


box 170, folder 2


box 170, folder 3




box 170, folder 4


box 171, folder 1


box 171, folder 2


box 171, folder 3


box 172

Oversize File 1961-1963

Scope and Contents note

Serial issues, mainly of Life and Look, with special articles, mainly relating to communism and the Russian Revolution
box 173

Sound recording of radio news broadcast re Russian trawler 1960

box 173

Microfilm of a segment from "Freedom Betrayed," Z edition, Section I 1963

box 174

Incremental Materials - not yet described


Declassified U.S. government records

box 175, folder 1-5

2015 May release of records 1939-1953