Written during the last two years of Lei's life, the manuscript titled The Black Book of Forming a New Party (Lei Zhen Huiyi
Lu Zhi Xin Dang Yundong Hei Pi Shu), describes Lei's vision for Taiwan's democratization process, constitutional reform, and
future prospects, arranged by chapters. In Chinese.
The Black Book of Forming a New Party (Lei Zhen Huiyi Lu Zhi Xin Dang Yundong Hei Pi Shu), manuscript
Scope and Contents note
Describes Lei's vision for Taiwan's democratization process and prospects
box 1, folder 1
Chapters One and Two
box 1, folder 2-3
Chapter Three
box 1, folder 4-6
Chapter Four
box 1, folder 7
Chapter Five Part One
box 2, folder 1-2
Chapter Five Part One (continued)
box 2, folder 3-4
Chapter Five Part Two
Scope and Contents note
Letters written in prison addressed to Lei Zhen's wife, Xiang Yun, five children, Meilin, Meili, Meimin, Meimei, Tianhong,
and Tianxi. In Chinese.